The Huron Expositor, 1932-12-23, Page 21. },jj t, , ",," .. r •
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angel, a multitude of the heavenly
host praising God and saying: ,
(By Isabel H'amilrton, Goderich, Orxt.),
'9CAo,ry to God' in thet highest, anc
on-eartih peace, good will toward men
Jia, to the world! the Lord is come,
"Andit came to pass, as the an
earth King,
Lett earth .re
gels were Bonne away from. them inhl
Lett every (heart ,paxTare Him room,
lreavea4, the shepherds said one tc
' fAnd heaven and nature sing.
another., Lett us ntow go even unci
mietapnesls of ihU cote tion; "ye droll
Find, Ibaibe in swaddling
Bethlehem, and -see this thing w'hdcl
Joy to the earth- the 'Saviour reigns:
-is come to paws, which the Lord„habl
,Let men their songs, ermploy;
made known unto Re.
• While field and floods, rocks, hillsand
'"And they carne with haste, an(
found Mary and Joseph, and the blab,
Repeat the sounding joy.lymanger.g
in a manger.
• Isaac • Watts.
And when they had seen it, ;the;
'byhusband and wife, was a criminal
,made -known abroadthe 'saying whit]
was told 'thein- concerning this child
Lord, user ' God, help of those that
"'Andall they •that , heard it *ion
flee to Thee, hope of those who cry
dared at ,those things which were
to Thee, cleanse us frown our sins and
told them by the ,shepherds" (Luk
Tro 1, e)viery 'dh'oulglltt displeasing t01,2:8-920).
Thy gaodnYels's that with pure heart
The ;birth of an heir to the throe'
and clean soul, with perfect love and
ds usually ateoomnpanded by circum
talon ,hope, we may confidently and
stances befitting ,so great an erveni
fearlessly venture to pray to Thee.
No p'tace is deemed worthy of it bu
St. Basil.
royal palace; and there, at the ap
,proms of the .expected thous, higi
nobles and the great officers of stat
assemble, wide the whole country
Lesson Topic -God's Gift to Man
big with hope,, waits to welcome +
(Christmas Lessors).
,successor to its long line of king:
Lesson Passage -Luke 2:8-20.
OanmlomLS .announce the ieiment; sea
Golden Text -John 3:16.
ward, landward. gums flash and roe
"And 'theme were in the same coum-
from flatinag batteries and rocky .bat
toy shepherds atbdding in the field,
ttlements; (bonfire's blaze on hill tops
,, Judepimg wa oh over their flock by
steeples ring out the -hews in mterr,
night, And lo, the angel of the Lord
peals; the nation ,Molds ,holiday,- giv
sawe upon tihen;, and, the glory of the'
ing' itself urp, to baanquetting and en
Load shone round about them, and,
jtoy'menits, while public prayers an,
were sore afraid.
tbanksgi'virng's rise to Hem by whor
�``And the angel said umbo them:
kings reilgm and princes decree juts
Fetar not; boom, behold, I brink. you
,tike: With such pomp ani] ,paradte 'd
good tiddn ,s of great joy, which shall
the heir& of earthily thrones enter o:
be ibo 011people.the
stage of life! So came ,not H
""For unto you is (born' thus day in
who is the king of kings and Lord o
the city of David a Saviaurr, whiten
Lords. On the eve of His )birth th
as Christ' tibio Lord
world went on its usual round. Non
f`And this shall be a sign. unto you;
'were n4dved for His coming; nor wa
ye shall find the babe wrapped in
theme any ,preparation for the evelnt
swwlbddlixng clothes. lying in a mar-
The very tokens by which the shep
'herds' were. taught to recognize Kiri
' "And suddenly there was with the were not the mtajesty,but the extrem•
�y circulation watt•
Nothing ggreater
`' ...
value 1/pan your Bele-
Phone — it costs SO --
little acrd is worirb so
. "Dad- 111 be at.
the store now. , "
Dad had lett ,for Northampton an hoar
or so before with quite a list of the
farnily's requiremenis-
When Peg, suddenly recalling the knit-
. ting party at the Brown's that evening,
realized she was short six balls of wool
Quickly she reached for the telephone_
11, "He'll be at the store now and if he
isn't, Mr. Coyle will have it ready for
IV I .Pian incident typical. of the value of your
�latelephone in the daily routine or 1n lig
. of lithe emergendi s. It smooths Wets
path of trifling cost. You NEED y9ur
telephone. .
e -4 .
,Ii ( � • , ' , r
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e 'T '',URON R 'OWOR:..
DECRX3RR 23, 1932. -0;,.. • `
`' ...
mietapnesls of ihU cote tion; "ye droll
Find, Ibaibe in swaddling
n �(�j i(; �+ ff
SAVED iii1 Ll} E
a w an to get rW of a worthless 'banes'. You,mill notice that all fine
'Ciliate. ffn,C�olonial days kissing full
• ,,
.the wrapped)
1odies, lying in a manger.” In fid,
bhe Lord of 'heaven was to be recce
I Y •
.in pub-
lie s regardeldr as an abombiation
tarnd kissing upon the Sabbath,
-'leu&,& photographs and portraits
for instance Gainslborough's, Blue Boy
and 'Stuart's 'W'ashingtoTn, Aow one
Wzted 'by fi'm humiliation, as its lreias
Airs. Younger � uplams Why
'byhusband and wife, was a criminal
foot advanced in this way. It gives
,Sufferet�' o.
v •
are by their hunilbby. t
offense. 'The classic example is that
'a 'loolc'tof life and motion -.4
Twelve dears -
ll�at the. bearvems declared Has gtl_'ory,
in beautiful harmlonly
She'So Gladly Recommends
oil Captain Kemble who; returning
long kissed
'Sitting is an art in itself. Lynn
Folybanne does it
the sky was all
h'omle after a voyage, his
divinely, resting al-
charies J. Payne, m••
wfadh its. roibjecN; there we -re. light,
k Pills
D;r.Williams Pm P
wife on the front steps of their house
was relaxed) and, beautiful
y , Yet you
>""'"`':`;::..::::. ai:
.kkf ''
_„ `.,:
wall -kaon, citizen of'
Vancouver, B• q., re-
. 'P
music and angell f6rms. With this
]n Boston and was promptly lodged
P P Y g
know -that she can- be on her feet a-
;:r'3'> `;: i Ei
cently said: "Stomata •
i el
object a4.- things indeed were an per-
feet keeirirvg atihe tine
Run Women.
in stacks,
1Wat'c�=ern the hours the
gain in. a flash withoaut visible effort.
. --:.: , ; :....
i�.; .:, :
': Y ::
trouble and const>pa-
tion had been cubing'
A ' pt
seltene night-
shining stars• --(Che pea2dy dews glis-'
cried of
night, gas "Twelve o'clock and a cloudy
closely and you will see that
she is sli�plped all thee, way back in
I' ......9&!.:%i`,. ... "i::
me down for 12 years.
ra be at
t'endng on the gaass--enowy flocks
�' ,
Dr. Williams
night. All's well." Newslpapers in
tale Seat until the 9�ac'k of heft I1ips
% 1?,_;; ;,.: ; : :::
%�._.:,; > <
so nervous
night r could,', get
to sleep for hours,
safely p�actumiqug-and the shepheads
Pink Pal'l's oved
178.3, con,s<isted �of (but a couple of
is tauehing'tI>e chair beak.
�y circulation watt•
themse,l!vaes, ,to vv(hoan Glre amnuaUraia-
,sheets ;printed on paper such as would
'butcher. '
People wtho sit alnkwaa�diy usually
€i}:•`::i'" 1 ,
voor -and r had Be-
vere rheumatic pains.,
tical was made Innen whether g0-
Ten Times
tolreaf such rear
to for used for wrapping 3
make awkward work, also of .seating
, g
in my knee. The re-
ing (before their- charge, or carrying
benefit. nae,-
irrieat. The mews itself was merely
themsdldes, doubling up 'like a lack.
1tef:I got from sargon and Pills was amaz-
the lambs in their arlrns,, or standing
Their Price
amaerna, that I
a Ihodgepodge of clippings from other
knife and egm'ing down, with an un,
ing• r now eat itnythl�g i want. r sleep,
soundly and' the pains and numbness have
bxavetl'y ,between their flocks and the
feel it my dut Y io
u ,
papers. There was no spot news'
.seemly thump. The easiest, as well
gone. But the greatest blessing of all is
roaring 1voaw were the choicesrt emb-
recommend them
in the nmdern.sense. The New York
as the most graleeful way to sit'down
y relief from constipation. r want all
lems and ,types ' of Him, who, dying
. to 'every run=
Gazette and The Weekly (Mercury of
is to "CurtS�y” yarn•sellf into your
4e friends to know what this truly won-
gerful medicine has done for me."
Oro save us, gave His life for the
down woiva, I am quite same' ,that
July 8, 17711, fpttibllshed"this item on
chair. 'Thatt is, standing before it
sheep. To them there suddenly ap-
at one time the Pills saved any -life,"
page three:
with, one leg (barely touching the
# •r,
peared a ,multitude of the heavenly
writes (Mrs. 'G. Younger, Medicine
'Philadelphia, June 3,-Yestevday
front of it and, the other foot slightly
• ha
bast, tuning might into day and.. shed-
Hat', Alberta. "'Dr, Williams' +Pink
the Congress unanimously Resolved
,advanced, let yourself sink throughr
dining on the, soft'hills, aroimd a bright
'Pills helped mei 'keep the health that
to declare .the United Colonies Free
the 'knees, Coming down to' the seat
� FO'
Unit gentle radiance. As guard of
I now Lean o,y and mp& ante feel that
,and Ilndependlent 'States.
lightly with your head and 'back erect
Turkey Dressing.
a b-
honor. ,they (had swept .in their Clown-
life is worth living. If the 'Pills
, ,Page one contained •a lengthy re-
as. if you were making a cur
This is an especially
iA flight
� g past marry a sun and
be brought fotr less than 5
could tinct,) $
port of the proceedings of the 'Hpusa
(If you ,have been sitting on a very
he. cq.sind
drrassing. Reserve half of the cooked
star, escorting the Son of God to our
a (box, I wouldL,not be without them."
of Lords, dated ,March 5th.
low chadr or on the 'floor, don't get
giblets -in, of listing the whole
nettherc , world. And now -are the y
The offecltiveness of Dm, Williams'
It was in many respects a cruel
up like a canal, hind,' end first. Get
of them in the gravy. Reserve a lit- ,I
left (Hiro, to tread the 'wive -press a-
Pink Pills' is due to thedtq rebtail ing
_age. A mere painless death was re-
,both your feet on the same, side of
tle of ,the ,liquid also,.
lone, and returned on upward wings'
character. They create an abundant
garded as far too merciful for major
your hip's and then draw your legs
Put 2 s'lice's of salt pork, 1 large
to their native heavens, and their supply of red (blood cells and these
crimes, and burning. at the stake,
under you. (Push off witth Your o' �
calor. 1 bodied potato' and ? stalk., of
I co,
,service before the throne of God-
reach and' rerstalel exhausted nerves
hanging in chains ower 'a s'lowfire,
pos'ibe (hand and your 'back foot, and•
celery through the mince, -t0,
these celestials ,bent their lovingeyes
and run-.dolwn tissues. A new v2 o,
cutting off ears and other members,
you will 1�e hois'ted up, alio in' one
so s
with the giblets. Adld 10' soda
with' he
-on the stable; and in anticipation of
results, and,, difo 'takes on a different
and branding with red 'hot irons as
.piece, without a single scramble or
eigcke-rs, rolled and crushed, one-
Jestuis' triumphs, of men saved, death
outlook. Give Dr. 'Wi.11lan& Punk
�ntirel y .proper and wholly Christian.
rgroart. Use this 'Sahni footwork too
I ,
eighth" teaspoon 1 teaspoon
cornqu'ered, graves spoiledL and Satan
Pills ,a fair ttrial. At your druggist's,
People were jailed for debts of less
,when -you 'pick anything ix'p from a
salt, 1 teaspoon sage, and enough
age, a
crushed, the sang. "Glory to God
y g, y
We a packrage.
than a shilling, and the tything man
standing ,position. Never flop over
the giibltt 'broth to moisten the max-
lin the hmgihest, and on earth peace,
made his rounds on Sundays to see
from the wedtst• instea S with one foot
Cure. Aird. 1 egg, well and
� wvh
good will toward men."-Fvani The
that everybody was at church.
a short step ahead of 'the' obhi-r let
n•oru seasonings if necessary.
Angelis' Siong by Thomas Guthrie,
M Grandfathers Da
3' 3'
Gambling, 'particularly at cards,
yourself' drown from the lkne&-, and
Ito Roast Duck.
,}• liq
was a camjmlon ,pastime among old
alukles, 'head crud' back erect, sinking.
Dredd the duck with flour, sal",k
sir 'nd
(What was my grandlfather like?
and young, rich and poor alike. No
to within reach of the lost article.
and pepper and place in a roasting'`,'
Haw did he' live? Was he better or
games were' played without a stake,
•Coyne kn'ac'k utp the same way-
on a rack. Lay
worse off than I Simi? And is the
however small. Lotteries prevailed
Stairs are another feminine Water-
pan, slicesa',bly ,. e
few of salt pork over �he
earth a pleasanter and 'better place
everywhere; the anti -(card playing
loo. Yogi can't take theme gracefully
breast, even though duck is a little
Fwar, far a -, my is Bethlehem,,
to live in now than in his time?
and .gambling crusade did' not get un-
if you bend
y your 'back and haul your-
fat; the salt whll add -to tAr
And years ane long and dim '
Since Maryheld the holy child
How are we to know whether or not
we have ro. esseld unless w+a know
P' gr
dem wa yuntil 1821. Yet in many
rural 'districts the ownershi of a sat
self wpn by the ,handrail; nor can you
came down tither like bile 'provexb'ial
And angels sae to.�Hi)m:
g'e g ,
what manner of folk our ancestors
of Shakespeare was ground for the
'bird if you lean ofvle'r nervously to
iHave the) oven, very hot (510 Beg.
F.) for the first 2'0' minutes and then
a• p
But ,till to hearts where love and
really were?
sus ticiom of secret immorality;, t
I y;., he-
watrc'h your step. Instead, stand with
reduce to' moderate (375 d'eg.. F.}
t'My gran4ffather was 'born in 1783
artrical performances were illegal in
your heard and torso erect, hips well
Allow about. 18, mdrintest to bhe pound
Make room for Clu•istt in them.
-When the Revolution was just over.
Boston as late as 1787; and when
forward, and you will rise and des-
for cooking. Unless, a colv'ere'd, self -
(• Ia
He o6mes again, the, Child from God',
In this year the first systematic
opera was introduced into the United
Staters in 18 5, `'opera"
tend as if Ion an elevator,
Another, ,add,
ibastiinig roaster is' listed; (baste with
'To find his Bethlehem. •
.stage, route 'between Boston and New
the word war.
and very index of
water every fifteen minutes_
- paF
I i
York went into operation. The trip
considered too daring and in Boston
grace is hands. It spoils lovely
About thirty ininru•tes 'before the end
Be'y'ond the sea .is Galilee,
'took from eight to, tau days. Jour-
the 'phrase ,on music, witli
'hands, and only calls attention to,.
of the Cooking period, remove the
)And ways which. Jesus trod;
neys were usually taken on horse-
illustrations," was substituted. T hb
ones, if you twiddle anai fuss
'pork so that the stkin underneatlx'
t -am
And hidden 'there are those high hills,
iback. A (private chaise was tanta-
Prejudice against music
with them. And it betrays, lack' of
Where he communed with God;
m,aurtrrt to a Rolls-Royce to -day, Mem-
yce y,
lingered lora in New England church-
g g g
�e more
po'i' quickly than any other
Yet on the plaints of co'mnuon Iiia
bars of the same families living but
es. ,Opposition to the violin prapez
soc'iad fault. An actres's is taught
To Roast Goose.
Through all the world of men.
ten mile's apart sometimes did' not
was 'based. on its 'evil ,association with
that the hand should follow the line
First, singe the goose, remove pin-
,The voice that once said, "Follow
see each other oftener .than once a
dance music. When violin cellos were
of the arm )both in action and re-
feathers, wash, and scrub in hot
X,e$ 1
year. (Mostly people walked. Fred-
at last allowed we find' deacons blow-
pose. For instance', when your hand's
soapsuds; then draw. Wash in cold
Speaks to row, hearts again.
erick IManson of 'Framingham, aged
ing ,tin horns in meeting to drown
are lying' -in your lap, let them cross
water and wipte. Stuff, bruss, sprinkle
87, having an errand to perform in
them out. There was no heat in the
each other hotly, but don't bunch
with salt and pepper and lay six t'bliw
0 life that seems so long ago',
. Cambridge, 17 Imt1'es distant, walked
inleeting house save for a few tin
t'heinv into 'a tight fist.
strips of fat salt pork -over the breast.:
And yet is ever new,
there, transacted' his (business, turned)
fog' -stoves 'filled with 'charcoal.
Iln fact, real grace is never set or
Place on, rack -in dripping pan; putt in
The fellowship of love with thee,
around a,nd' walked (back again with-
Who, :got (more out of life, my
fixed. It is nor accident that wte, so
hot oven, and bake 2 hours'.. Baste
Through all the years is true,
out having sat down.
grandfather or I? I come back to
oftEtn ,speak ,of 'it as lanlgiud ,sane.
every 1'5 minutes with fat -in pan:
0 ,Master, over death and' time,
iIn 1'78-3 the hour glass was still in
the Puritans with respect for their
Count off as Garbo moves a!bont the
Remove ,park lash half-hour of cook-
Reveal ThyiseIf, Iwe pray,•
general use; coal was unknown as
maany sterling qualities-, but with no
screen and notice how long it takes
ing. Place Ion platter, cut string,
And as before amongst tJhine,own,
fuel;' candles were lit wi'tli flint and
env of their manner of life• I am
� Y
'her rho remove.or 1 ut on a wra to
P' ' p,
and remove string and skewers.
dwell with .urs to -day!.
steel-, . people made their own' 'ink
glad that I was 'born) in 1875 andnot
comethrough a door and close it be-
Garnish as desired.
. Russel] -Bovine.
from powder and carried it in • a
in 1783, I.hind
(her --yet every foot of film is
Stuffing the. Goose.
leather, (bottle. There was no nit-
costly. That's why home movies are
IIt its ecomonlical to. sltufF a goose'
tional coinage, and ,accounts were
jerky, )often ' ridiculously so. • We
with a stuffing well seasoned with
kept in ,pounds, shillings and pence,
Somebody Ought To
move too ,fast.. your truly graceful
,onion, the whole (being bound with
French crowns, "'Spanish milled
Tell Them
person neiv!er hurries, at least she
,egg and seasoned as you choose, but 'a
Christmas in Drumheller.
lars," "half-joes" and pistareens, tout
never gives ,you the impression of
the meat may be finely seasoned if
the currency was so mutilated Chat it
Did you ever think how graceful
(haste, al'bh,ough she: la'coamlplishes just
no stuffing -is used, ,.in which case•
u i
Ailaem LVI Rats.
y ,greatly in different
noir oil• varied
the :pretty girl on the divan was'-
as mulch. _
several onilons sone' stalks of cefexy,
lo,datitites but had to the scrutinized,
and change y'our..mind when you slaw
Nolw all of these tricks are really
and especially • am ,apple aro put into
old' ankni'rng camp road looked
with as much_ care as any doubtful'
her strait to get up? Or stand, ir.
connected. Hit or miss as they seem,
,the space ,emptied in dressing the
the same as usual that night, but all
meachandise: As'txolagy had a wide
awe of a dignified lady -until you
everyone of them is Part of the same
the world was different; at least it
vogue and ,sea captains and owners I
saw her lean over to prat on her rub-
general ,principle -the law of 'body
The ,spur apple is one of tihe most
� Kir
was to four or five lads hurried
especially of slavers customarily em-
Pce Y
hers . Or palpitate in the presence
alignment. easy way to test
riecessa ry seasonin'gG of goose fat.
along the road and, stationed them-
in front
ployed an astrologer to cast a horo-
of ,the football 'hero -until he careen-
'y'ourlaelf for correct alilgr4ment ass
Others are needed, but the acid in;
selves of a little white' cot-
scope in order• to determine' the (best
ed into you and you wished ho were
you move aabeut is to put a 'book on
'the, apple counteracts or deadens the
ttatge among the halls. had
day and hour for sailing.,'
b:ack in bhe t t open st ccs where
your ,head orad one ori the bark 'of
,peculiar flalv7ar of rife fah. A dress-
Comre to call out the 'nvis'sionaries to
There were no hospitals,• clinics,
Le belonged'.
each outstretched hand, and) .try to
ink which has 'onion, apple, eelery,
Christmas practice. Lustbily from as
pharmacies, trained nurses, no an-
t . (Well` clulmisinetss is curable, like
sit and rise, 'go up and down stairs,
and some savoi
ry seasonings—none ia
many throats there floated out- upon
aesthetics and no vaccination against
any ether fault, and' lots of graceful-
stoop to the floor and (get u• all
pronounced quantities,, absorbs, some
the air, one of their Christmas sons
smallpox, which ravaged' the land.
bass isn't a gift p3ut the result of
without ,dislodging our books. You
gi' g
of. bhe fah and Vinay a rather
Joy, jay, tlherre is the .Star,'. Then
Newborn infants were brought the
training. ISa 'here are a few simple
,htave tiro do it in the, •
, graceful way—
riot s,e
Meavy food, but lit seasaijs the goose
improvised to the same -naelod first Sunday after tbirth, elvten if it
(posture, tricks-. Not stilted -poses and
the right wa r spill your books.
yr -•0 P 'Y
as well.
the song. Wlhen are you coming
out? When are you coming out?"
were within 12 (hours, to the unheat-
ted meeting 'house where, after the
la -da -la gestures --any kind' of clams-
IStand in front of a full lengtil
mirror and (try all yo,1r stunts, first
Garnish For Goose or Durk,
Yes, the world )rooked very differ-
minister, had cracked the ice in the
iness is )better than That -(blit just
Comte tips on the (best way to use
the ,old ,wa and then the new. You
,French cooks always add' a touchy
cart for h these tp
' g yes had lived
for years. in our fair Canada,
font, they were duly baptized, Few
your hands'and feert•.and backbone.
wont need any further proof ed
which is 'Once
of orange to, the ga'rnias'h for goose •
tlW thought of the retial meaning of
famdlties reached maturity entire and
frequently less than half
Ti or instance, when you, erose your
graceful! convinced
of this, practice away until the ideas
,or duck. JGut slices of bright -skinned
-the Christmastide ,had neioer been
child'ho'od. These, the toughest, were
g + •
knees -dont. lQroscs upper legs in •
steal, well (lbotve the knee so that
and, principles involved have become
oranges one-fourth inti thick. Place
-an each slice a smrall round btf
,brought hone -to ttiheni. For weeks
apt to live to a great age. Teeth were'
your to, le dma cosi) down in
P g Y
,second nature to you. Then as Jane
Imlint jelly. Arrange wroth
now, however, they 'had been cin
to 'Sabbath s,ebo,ol in one of the five
systematically neglected. Gun• aw-
der applied with !butcher's skewer
he same general direction- as the
Cowl once advised a noW,ice in this
,same connection, "Forget all about it
around .the roast.
I "b
little scfh0ol houses situated in one
was recommended as a dentifrice.
Fuppurting ,one. This ,gives you a
good ,slanted line from 'chair to floor
as quickly as
y you can."' That is,
� -.—,
of the camps, instead of spendi'n g'
that hour,wandering among the hills
Food wast gulped acid helped down.
instead of ,exhibiting a wild, Criss-
,banish all self-comciou•sness and re-
ly ov1 t7re ' yo
goad nein habits u have
Dolling U the
as sheep without a ,shephbrd, There
they had
.heavy srcvigs of rum and cider.
The families ate their meals in the
'cr osi;. of shoes and stockings. It also
keeps your candler knee from gushing
learnled. The new wa Ys will be so
learned of the wonder,fnl
lave of Jesus, and had learned to be-
kitchen in front of the huge, fireplace
your calf forward to double Clue ap-
much easier, so much more natural
that you'el find you have forgotten
Christmas Talil'en
comae familiar with Ms Book, an un-
that sent half the srriroke into the
ream and half bite heat up the chid-
parent width re town leg.
And be sure to let the flanging
thaw to ,be clumsy at all.
Nothing is prettier or -more apprro-
priate for the Christmas dinner table
,heard of thing to them when 'the
Sunday School had opened' two years,
nay' iMy grandfather and his Hiro-
foot dangle easily downward. An up-
eentre,pie'ce than, a mdndaYture Christ-
I 's
thers ori sisters were told' that they
thrust toe denotes nervousness and
mas tree glittering ,with its array Of
Now Uhte were
Y preparing for their
should be grateful far brown bread
tension, and it's ugly into the bargain
Cooking Turkey..
tinsel and light. One may even. carry
'Christmas entertainmvetnt. It was the
and milk for breakfast and supper.
,The family ,had nocoffee on the
for it bulges your thick ankle bone.
into view and ,shows the person op
For 'Christmas
out the scheme• of gifts heaped be-
heath it Iby having favors for the,
one that they couuld tail; their
v ery awn, No wonder the'W6i4d was
breakfast tattle. Tea was kept for
'special Forks
3posite you the sale of your shoe .in-
;To Roast Turkeys/ or C(hickem
guests tied u,p in tiny packages. if
differremrt to tihem as the wa.iCed far
sickness or Occasions.
had but.
s:tead of •your curved instep, which is
Wash ,the tyke• y or chicken. thorrou h
g -
'desired, a ribbon could' extend' from
the 'missionari'es to come with `them
two prologs wide apaT't, and
the prettiestpart of any foot.
1Y insritdea' and,.out, but do not soak
the favor to each cover. Attractive"
to the school house for practice! Life
were inconvenient as carriers of food.
Peas absolutely refused to stay on
Elbows, too, can spoil the ,picture.
Did you elvle•r -see, Katharine Cornell
the wird in (water. Dr Y both, inside
Christmas, trete favors may be, made,
bad suddenly taken on a worthwhile-
Uetss, '
them as they would on the broad,
pour tea? It's a (perfect ,poem of el-
and oust with a trowel. ' Do not 'put
the (h,assing in the
of colored, gum da•ops by first dipping
them in the unbeaten white, of an egg,
,For weeks these 'boys, with the
sticky,back of Chic • kmuife. As a, re-
suit the knife was popular as a food
bowst--ellbows -so limber and flail that
they don't ,seem to be there at all.
,tunk,ery, until you
are ready so roast ,it,
, as it becomes
then ro']ling t,hean in the tiny can-
dies known "(Hund'red's' Thou
other ,boys and girl's of the: junior
Swnd'ay school, ,had been prepsr•ing a
s, hovel.
Try to ,keep your• elbows at a loose
soggy with standing.
Anter the turkey is stuffed, ti,e the
as and -
-meds."` Or, a Santa 'Claws, with ar
dXlurtistt�mltaas cantata entitled, "Tile
'Practically none of Circ children
curve, instead of char enin • t
,sharpening hent
wings and legs close, to the body and
we,.pack, eovld•Ibe used, as a:
Heart of the Bells, and 'now the ev-
wore shoes except in winter and many
had to away from, in
to n VOint. When you put your el-
bow'., on 'the taible-o'h, we all do it
colstex with a ,paste mad,el as :follows:
entful night for its presentation ha<i
cokoe. Never in all the valley Of
stay school cold
weather for lack of the,iTn. My grand •
s,om�etim,es-4e, sureto keep ,them well
Use albput ,one cup of ,butter, (the
amount wall depend on the size
red, can,d4es in spine cone
h0,lders and tiny C'hristlmlas tree's in
Drumheller were seep a ,happier
<, I
father firstt went to a "dame School,
together grad diose to the ed
g edge of the
the Carte 'y)• 'Have the butter soft,
red Pots inlay 'be eased as individual.
group of children ' than those gather-
an old) took care
table, arms parallel and u Aright. Thin
not melted. Work into it as Hauch
place cards. 'h only M of ,
ed in the little scthool (house. Even
both boys and iris. Cater .he was
girls. ,%
Keeps your face at a dignified level
flour as You rami, and still have ii
ho'l1Y ,tied' with marrow rad' rvbfbon,
ed, ribbon,
the (big Christmas tree in the corner
sent one of the public or district
With•your vis -avis., head up and shout-
spread easily, : S,p'read' this ov-
with small white place cards at -
with its :bright array of tinsel, lit.
schools, for two months every win•-
clams dro
dropped. It's the sprawled el-
er the turkey, a little thicker an the
tntbtd may ibe used, . ..1
tared and winked at all as if toe
ter. In these- distlrict schools '(�0
bows, buiuched back and o.Athrttst
legs and breast, la the turkey' on
At each place one mar;' hit have tin
g` y
would have ,a srhame ,in the gaiety
which girl's were not efigible), there
chin that imlaake table
its Ibacn ,on rack, in
in roasting
cornucopias .filled with holly and
that posses,se'd every, heart,
Illonv 'P,p'Y were .the ,thirty little
Were maps', globes) Ibla:ckboards,
slates or nils. The Bible was the.
'This outthrust chin is unattractive
into a hat aver deg. N')
foT atbovt 15 rninu,tes, them
in tlhe inids•t of ,the ' holly hide a fav-
or. 'The candy Id4s(hes may be reel
Primary children, and how they de-
chief textbook. Spelling was, just be-
Yw 'eve, so beware of it. Its a
reduce the ,
Meat to moderate, (3,50' deg. F.) 'and ,and decorated with a ct ri of boll
siprig Y
lWghbed their patents with lhreir
coming unified undter the influence of
commruoth feminine fault to let your
cook until the bergs are tender.
and filled with old4ashioned hard,'
fan of "Away in a
gEanigiew," aid
Noah Web- Spelling Book.
chin creep fcmw,ard as you become in-
When, you reduce the (heat lit in y`
]4PanY , ., I
ger, :ward (how happy were the
Ah Harvard, the students arose in
the anwith at six far Chapel and re-
tent, an ,something in. froirt of you,
until your head fails back to a most
enautgh hat water .to Covera the ,bot-
-----.-__ --.- ----•
older dhtil,d ehr en th eY nipliizledf
that _ they ,had adflrally arcompli§Ihed
tired with the curfew at nine. A fire
umflatterinnt g1 angle, foreshortemiTng
torn of the Ian adding
pan, g ,mere if mec-
essary, as it cooks. often. The
that which they 'had asset ,out to do.
:was to be built in, the library once
Your face and laying deep fo`ld:s aerosis
flour and 'butter rhe) to rtiake.
No le' (happy 'ways ,Santa, the real
hast of the
a week only. No pan•d'les or lamps
were allowe,cL The students were
the back ai' your neck. ,Hold up ypur
head. 'Watch ,.Ina 01aire or Alith
p a
gravy. IRaast ,,ine-pound
' •
e!vrendn+ ., wllio gave out
such mystterious loo n ,sur rise
p fir'-
obliged to go to the, �kit'chen door for
their bawls
Chatterton rWh'en they face anyone
the No
tturkey. 2% to 13 hours,-- roast a 12 -
p'aurve bu'ttety about 3r/i to 4'homa
oils tta eagerc onrtstretChed (hands. The
of milk anAl'pieedg of
Ibreadb and repair to their for
on stage. matter holy tense
the scene, their bead's in balance'
T`h'e 'butter ani flour pastdals'omay
old school house, too, I'm sure iT it
cantle `haiv,e spoken would ' have
their solitary' suppers. They wore
and, tihey do tbheir looking with their
be used to advantage when' Booking
chicken. The 'be
CTs ,that ..nevem before Iliad it been so
of i Both Harvard
eyes, not their china.
dhi,c+kem meat will
rnroist and finely flavored-.
haPPY, for it had wdthin its w2dls
and Yale students were lister! not al-
Anotther common fault -and per-
mten and wiamem, of different nation-
alaitiets tamed 'creeds,
p'habetitally but in accor'd'ance with
the social rank of their famtiiies.
haps the worst ,single th(n'g you can
do to spoil your appeaijanoet--is to
' Giblet Gravy.
yet all one, in their
failbh, in Canadian Youth, and iia the
Wbtmlen often, married at from 14
let ,your knees spread apart. Its
Cool( the , bleits of the turkey nn-
� y
great ,h ape a the Chiistbmastide•
to 16 years,of age" One of tmv great
is said to have been
asttonitslhing 'how many women who-
til .-tenuder, then cut utp into, small poet-
Froin Depot.
h t. or ii'karJ
Happier by far than all of these
glamudaunts a
will slave tirelessly Ito take two in- •es, reserving the ]i.gvor. Clean one
were, I Ibelaten ey d e workers, wiho saw
widow • at 13. The ai era family
� � i
ches off their hi rneasvra will broad -t'
Pound af' mnr,s'hroomas 'and• cwt in tihin
take De luxe Taxi 25c .
once mrome the open door of p PP'o'r-
was over nine persons. ,Some womnen
'had 20
en ttherm+se}ves, all ,the way from their
slices, In the tsmmcepan melt* four
Single $1.50 to $3.00'
Unmtm and tris -fusion laylthe Christ in
children or more. Most
wives died yogang, and "soltitary in-
waistline to their ,heels by this u 1
habit, It's
talblgslpro0mis of the fast left ,after
Double 53,00 to 65.00
w(harn alone is brtrmanity s great hope.
slenderizing, when stand g the turkey. To ,this, add 5
dteed was the old (Puritan who did
ing, tot t t
keep your feet and, legs well
tattles olifulls lelvterl of flour and
( )
not have at least two wives lying
beside him in the
together, though not, of course, ac- Stir well, men add 4 cupfuls of
Many divorces are caused by tun
chrurch,ykard." Hug- ,W,al.l,y pres4sed rtragehher. The feet Iirluid including the giJblet water.
'bands and wtives were )algal) one s}rouUd Simmer emtl•
y be (parallel, but one foot g y ulntil
Spedins Avenue and Collis¢ Street
people w'ho are in love with them-
�� may smooth, then
person, and' the husband was that be a trifle advanced in ordle'r to em- adcl the gi(bielts and'' anushrooms.
dues+ g+ettintg married. -- Kingston
Person." Since (divorce was ,practic- pilasize ,tlhe tapering efleot and, break Season with salt and pepper. I: de-
a ltrlreArrf,vd" tft
ally unkruowln, there eves no way for up the )dire of Ulna two tihiok arnkle s'ire'1, t4us 1llarfs,hrooms fray be
1:,Y,t _'vitt. fay tr.,,l ., ,. ..r,,15,,lof$ .a,4 „15y J r.b,,,..,.,Y' 4 k .,
4 d4lliwi •... FYI mI y, 'Yn�'. �•. I{ µv iVl„or
t „ : ,
�1.&,ii'lr.�.b.JxJlirout}i..l'.III.YA,G,,.ti.M 1.,..1 ..v 1...:. �.: tin r.4 .1. :: ,4
:.. :111:,1. ... �.":. .:... 1111 ,.. ,,.: '. . :.-. ,. :u.l'
J,. » n