HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-12-16, Page 8�1 i ar• a , F; ,a'4. f tib f,:nri '�,•�✓,- � vl Ar1��.- V4WP ' ,�l'e�"r��r%4 ��f�aG�Zi9r' �"sir ,+r >✓'r�'� ynZ:rxrr , +3i � C1IR STMA S�I •Qr. a esr ,F'r' ' ' AbUnda�nce GIFTS. •,��, r� l* �ti �SROti (i W es�c, Seat —the best Orange we A STORE FULL OF `}^,M1H'xly $ljrd at moderate prices, 25c, SUGGESTIONS 4pc, 60c per dozen Such ars:: Beauti f d Sets in lt,r httr .. A GQ IiIIS cud WALNUTS 40C Yardley's, Gardenia and Jes- �t'sfi�; liegr pt?usz�i` .... ..... • .'rmine Toilet Articles; Bath "7 ��{, if,;,Fjij.'+Y111�'Eip ClHjE1R1RdESp &Salts and' Powders; Brush, 40 gronzncl 0 Go,,.,fd C,b ati(Mirror Sets; Foun- Bain Pen and Pencil Sats; Sta= tionery; Playing Cards; To-- �1 '��!!t1N@tTEID P4INEAI'1PIyE tees pound 60c lba.c.^cos, Cigars, Cflgarettes, fly Pipe's, Lighters-, Rolls Razors,, r SiIiNi9-_Seedless, 13'c•; Seeded, 15c; Leather Bill Folds, Men's: Sets- € r r 1Ltexira,s, 13c; Largest and Finest CANDY—Christmas Packages JPhly+Valencia,, 18e; Bleached Sultanas, t r} I 'in Smiles 'n' Chuckles, Neil - Ise. son's and Betty Ann. J+SLUMS—Youngs, 3 for 25c; Sher- r DOUBLE DOLL VOTES ON p "fF's Luscious, 3 for 26c; De Luxe, ALL CANDY. S 4•or 25c, �l r BAKING WOLXS'SBS- n • t r s� Keating,,,s Pharmacy �IAKING6YR !atoll unaxl rM& UP i The Resist! Drug Store rE, 'Pound. .............. .•.1 OC PRONE 28 SEAF'ORTH 1M(LXEIL) NUTS�Ail new, Walnuts,, Cut Floweis, Wreaths and ctrl Almonds, Filberts aims Brazils., in Floral Pieces supplied for all laqual quantities (no'pe:anuts) i�G occasions. '• per .pound ................. i !SHELLED ?&A -NUTS 25c �, .. 2 pounds. .............. . . . NEWS OF..THE TO OORN-1's Sc PeT can .................... �+ LE"BY'.S SOAP-I,aage cakes, Pinlc, Busy At Collegiate. — Caollegi !Yellow. and Mottled; very popular Wednesday heaved a sigh u relief W,adnesd'ay wrhen the ctrt•z^elit to at 10 cents.C'examinatioexaminations concludect The resu ISlpecial, per eakre • ... , ..:. have not as yet been announced. ib 4GREA'T STAR F.LOUP--Made front Western +wheat, the most popularFirst Skating. 'The Palace Ri Iftour w^e"ve had. -,vas opened ,to tha puib,'lic for the fi r.. _ Per cwt. 61 tithe this season an Wednesday evf ing: A large number were presf pE!BD MOLLASES il3,est Quality; to enjoy the excetlemt ioe. Ulby the'bar e'1) . n a, 'Per gallon ................. 2Oc Papers of October 7th Wanted This alTice would appreciate copies F. D. Hutchison tdie issue of The Huron Expositor r.... October 7th. The ,publishers won i PHONE 166 be lel-eased to, p'u'rchase copies fr any subwribet• having one. Rebeceas in, Mitchell. — A lai t ....•. number of local Rebeccas drove (� Mitchell on Thursday oviening• 1 Xma� and were the guests of the Mitel Lodge. The evening was pleasan �1 t. spent in cards and dancing. Business Men Meet.—A meeting t' the Seaforth Business Mens Assoc tion 'wars held in the council e.haml The paeside For Your Car on Tuesday evening. F. S. Sav!auge, was in the'ehair, Heaters, hoter water, type, E. L,' Box acted as secretary. 0 routine business was discussed. installed .......... '$15 -. Business is Sold.. — Mr. Malcc Manifold Heaters, ' in- Beatony who for -a number of ye stalled ........... $3.50 bas rbeen conducting,a butcher i i mess in Seaforth, has this week s Weed Chains a necessity out to IMr: Clha>is'bie, . of Mooi•eft,, y Mr. 'Christie gets immediate poss for winter driving, $4, sem- and up. Makes First Appearance. — sntrowgslrow ui:'lade. its first appeara Batteries —Don't g e t on `the streets, a Seaforth on Tu caught with. a dead bat- 'day ofthis week. The heavy sr over the week end completely fil teary .......... $7 to $15 the sidewalks and made the pl n e'cess,aa-y. Anti -freeze, Alcohol, $1.35 - anon' G1 serol X1.85 Hold Successful )Euchre—The Be r 1 gallon; y r' er Hockey Club held a very succi !ler gallon. fW stag euchre -in the town hall Thursday evening of fast week, w sante 14 tables were in p'Ay. Pri Windshield Heaters make were won :by A. D. Swthu0and, J winter ,driving .safe, 50C, Beattie, Leonard Bolton, Dr. H. $4.00 and $5.00. Ross ana W. G. Willis. - FOR THE BOY OR GIRL s. s. with Hold Christmas vice.—Tete Sunday School of - F ePres4ryteri in C'huTch will hold a . 'Tricycles, $7, $12.50 & $13.25 tial Christmas service on nex: S day afternoon Sshalars will br Bicycles ... $27.50 to $40.00 gifts for needy children and a r gram of Cihrisbma�s hymns and r ` F1aShlights, as low as 45C ta>tions will .be given. It .is expe Complete. that many parents and friends will prescrnt. 1 FOR THE HOME Hold Annual Meeting.—The an meriting of the W. W. S. of F Philco 9 tube, 'a real ' buy at Pre'slbyterian Church, was ,held $79.50 Tu,esdhy afternom with the presid Mrs. Jane's :lien, in the chair. ter the opening s:ass•ion Mrs. K Westinghouse 10 tube Con- McLean, chairman of the Norni $ �� ing Committee, took the chair sole ............ 127.09 sulhm'tted the names for elect DALY'S GARAGE Mrs. Gibson installed the several fivers to their atIirces and often singing• of a hymn and repeating Phone 102 - Seaforth Lord's Prayer•, the nieeting brought to a close, >I Boys Put On Arts Club Progr last. St. Ja Shop at Carter's Amts Club hel'deTits gregular mee -f in the :parish hall with Mr. Fu For Your Christmas of the progt^am Inca, in ewas put on by 'r boys of the club and consisted o ' Supplies amusing comedy skit. and choru Mdsrs Angela Eckert and Mr. Fr A Choice Stock of Candy Reyno dz read the new edition of A'rt9 Club Journal. Following the and Nuts, Oranges and croaitional period, the sleeting Bananas, Fresh Veget- to a close. _ abler and Choice- Christ- Husband Exonerated From Bl cr4, was Fowl, Turkeys, Geese -�ior neer Dr. F. J. BuTrows p and Ducks. ed at bhp inquest held in the hall on Tuesday in connection A the d'eart'h on November 28th of '1 gyp" We WIsh You, All A Thomas Fieldls, a life-long and, pr iment•resident of Win 4iwr ,'who Merry Christmas. pm n;. in the Scott •Memaxial lio,s, Thal h cora �, !t ti �rlVl Nsr f x1�,r1 R���arYts,�i�;..' as a result of in.ruries she rete Carter's . Cash Store passenger, the sand drivet in n by her she as band~ skiddred into a tree on -the dlon Road n'e'ar Hensall. Mrs, Fi We Deliver Phone 42 suffered a fractured skull and a In Sheffer's Selling Out Sale continues for 1(� days only. Then doors will be ,clod. }t,',17" dr.�'1.,'§i'K, t �► TOO en vertebrae iolf thus neck. Death came shortly after ibhe calash occurred. Dudley Hollmes, Godorich, crown at- tora'ey, examined' the witnesses, From the evid'e'nce submitted it vias found' t'h'at. the death„of 4ks. Fields was t purely accidental; that the roads vverc 1n a very sdi; eery condition and that the "tr was dTiuven in a sane manner. c Charge is Withdrawn.—The charge wh1ch 'had been laid by :the town. �_] agz.inst Ma, Leis'met, ort Egmond- vv ville, of peddling in Seeforth witlhou' the necessary licensee, has ,been with- d4•aWTL The case; which was first calledh_foir Deoef4ber 2nd, was ad- the jourbl until last Saturday, '!) t in 'with the meantivnie the charge was with- chair- - *awit. It is understood that the Press town'was unable to secure sufficient feta evidence, Mass _ . Mrs. For Sale.—White 'baby outter, in good ovn- retar dition. apply at The Nlvpos w- Office. and s392x1 Kain Notice.—A.LI books must be returner! to the .Ste' Pubdibe Library on or befcwe Saturday, De- •.aS54Sr cemi,er '24th. Grota Thompson, LibraHwL g•1'P 3392;2 ul Skating every Monday, Wednesday and Fri- day even ling, from FAdlay, D.ccemtibei• 19th, ti d'nam 7.30 to 10 •p.m. Prices reduced this rr /ear to 15 centra for adults, 10 cents tow chil. dr^en. 339%-1 �-' Wanted.—Experienced and reliable man wants "rk on form; good plowman. Apply to Box 223, Seaforth, or The Expositor Of- fice. 3384-tf Notice.—Upholstering done on short notice, also can handle celluloid curtains. Auto tops recovered. Shop located over Wright's Gar- age. D. .Fell, Seaforth. 3349-tf Lions See Crippled Children's Work. --Dr. F. J. Burrows 'presided at the etc semi-,mo-nWy nbeeting oX the .S+:a- on forth Lions. Club on -Monday even- rm. ing. The feature of the meeting was on canoe ignited by an overheated . pipe hen and gave off dense clouds of smoke, zees which were seen co-n•.dng from the ahn roof of the 'building. The firemen, un - IT. der ,Chief Allen Reid, got the fire under control 'with the use of the chemical system on the truck. Mr. • Ser- Glew was[ asleetp in the room -at the sect time and did not know about the fire . srpe_ tintii it was almost over. Where Will Y o u u•n- inn , Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. pro-—Egmond'ville United Church '-Morn- Buy Your Xmas ec.- ing, "'Pau'), the Writes"• evening, cted Christi mar Stories, "What 'Made the be Chiimies Ring?"—IRev. C. A. Malcolm, • Minister• Candies Nartjlusvd'e United •Ghwrch•—.;M'oxn- nual inig, "The Ceaseless 'Warfare of the irst Prince of Peace'"• Ov'ening, "Our At - on titude Toward tth'e New," No. $.-_ These Are OUR Prices: ent, Rev. W. P. 'Lane, Minister. Af- F'irrst Presrbyteria'n Ghu'roh—Morn- • XMIAiS MIXTURE �AG e4t" ing, "Crowned the True"; evening, ,pimp 0 sat- "Good News, Not Adlvice."-Rev, T. • SA'TQN ,'M(iXTURE and B. Kaine. Minister. 25G ion. St. Thomas' Church—Morning Ser- .pound ... ...:....... of- vice: Fourth Sunday in Advent, The • FRENCH CREAM 35c the hymns, lessons and anthemts, will all 2 pounds ......... J the centre in, the. theme of Christ's joy; • C,Ai M MMlFrLS and GAOCO- was evening, "The Last Judgment."— LA'TIDS MIXED Canon Appleyard, Rector. pound .. . ......... . 2.5 i FANCY BOXES me• Y. 1'. L. Meets.—The regular meet- from ......... ting in'g of the Y. P. L. of Northside • CANES Fug United C'9iu1bh was held on Tuesday from ..... ,.....2 for 5C tulle eve -nig last with 'Mr. Sam Scott in f acharglal The meeting opened vvittll The Ol YYl lel. n a' sing -song led by Miss Maxy Reid, y p ser after which iMr. Scott led' In prayer. J„ anik The minutes of the previous meeting Opposite Bank of Commerce the weite read by tb•e secretary, "Nis, PHONE 26 -reDorene Hudson, and adopted, and ni were- followed e try the .cold call: wev- Cam eral koung• boys favored with a solo, "The piano Nowell," accompanied he Christmas ane. th'e !pianro 'by Miss Helen Lane. The pre ed Scripture reading was baleen by Mr. n Jack fitewe'ns •and a splendid address with on "Through Ideas of God" was -g-ive•n VIrx by Rev. W. P. Lane, A hymn was Specials ddia- sung and bhe TMzpah 'benediction re- i- e-. ilei] 'aerated in unison. The meeting cies- CHRISTMAS oRANGEIS-25c, 30c' ere ed with an interesting game. and 39c per dozen. zved 4' NEW •MIXFDD NUTS' 15c a Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary Install Iver pound ..... hus- New Officers.—The Barbara Kirkman FRESH ROASTED PEA- 1Uc Lon- Auxiliary held the December m:epting NUTS—IPerr pound U elds Tuesday evening in. the gNchoot 'room AS150RTED MIXED CANDY •ok- of First Preslby;terian C'hu'C•ch with a large attendance. The Rabc'on Gr'ou'p 2 pounds ................. 25c had charge with Mitis Belle Watson FANCY MIXED CHOCOLATES � SG per ,pound ................ EATTMOR GRAN'BE,RRIESI per quart gilL AiJC FANCY CLUB HOUSE OLIVES-- Large LIVES..,large 261oumce (bottle, 35C otuffed' . , . CrOl-,rI UN HALLOW -1 DATES 2$r,2 �oaimds CITOITGF. MINCE MEAT 25c CiAJI. FORNIA CRO'WE APQtii- IOOTTSr—!Per ,Vmtid ......... 18C I M. Oardno GROMR AND BAKER , I ' Y � sk,+ h. r b.. C -r �l ns Cod ��i�a Galleaking a. cwwrd is easier hon colieictinlg' frolml a crowd. Our Golden i Loaf and Red Eaglg Flour,. ` at $2.0,0 per wt., collects the crowd—we do the rest. . E. KERSLAKE FLOUR AND FEED U • officers flea• the eotrliinii; year Miss S. I, McLean taking the The new oftels includ'e:9-- lent, Mrs. Jahn J. Sclater; see- . IMiss Alva, Grapnels'; treasurer, Hazel Reid; press secretary, James 'Willis; Glad Tidings Sec- y, Mrs. Robert Smith; Welcome Welfa1^e Secretary, Mrs. I. B. N; flower secretary, Mrs. W. M. wart; ,pianist, ,] Irs. J. E. Keating- tont planisb, Mss M. Storey; leaders, !Mrs. T. Roy Ander- IN A GOOSE OR XMAS , F.'owl over 600 in any' three con- secudive games 'between now and Fri -day, Delcen !her '23rd. Play- off on Friday night of next week, f'or a big Goose; John Pullman BETTER BOWLING AND BARBEKIN G' Christmas Candy Bargains at r ; : Crich s S,peicial Hard Mixed 25C 3 pounds for .. Special Mixed C'ho'co- 20 C ' lates, ground ..... LU ' 5 -pound Box @��GA , Chocolates .. $ 50 Salad Borvnl with @ ,Qf 5 C�toc:olates �D LL Cup and Saucer with Uho�colates ..50c and 75c Hunvs Better GOC 10hocolates, lb. .. J Neddsbn's, 'Chocolrates 50C 1hox........ "« •. : ' C4'PT(VS'tnlydS 1 t0 No'velti es. , r 0 G 5!O C Cbristmas Cake, 50.c 'pouiud ............ . Mixed Nuts 25c 2 -pounds- for ...... DON'T MISS Roxboro School Entertainment on WEDNESDAY, DEC. 21st Songs 4nd Plays by young and old—Christmas Tree. Aam'is�sioncl 15c and 10c. EVERYBODY WELCOME 'pilesidang•. The m6eting was opened by singing a hymn„ The `Scripk`,ure 1e,ss,on was read by Miss Jennie Steele and IM,i�ss M. Storey read the Glad T•ndings Prayer. 'Mrrs, T. Roy Ander- rson dleilig-hted the audience with a vid.na solo entitledS "Medritation." The rbusines's paxt was, conducted' by the #res+ident, Miser Belie Camrplbell. The reports read were ven`y enlcoua:nging Mk•s. !Mae Doiira'nce ga,-%v a gplrndid topic on "Responsibijity," and was followed, by a .pleasing vocal 'solo -by Mh•:r. J. ' A8e'x- Kerr, enititled, "The 1G�iifjl ams-ngmnied by ,Morn Resitting. A Very im'barevUnlg, Part of the chime' w•a's - the inis+ba ',tion aP `l lson, Mrs. Relg'IO,aLd•' KmtixslaAca, !Mrs•. Mae D.ozz an't'e, Mass INI, Pearl Pat- terson; racial coznmIittees Mrs. W. R. Flalzlt,,, g1211tsr. J. A. Kerr, iMirs. M. Mc- Kl841•ar; Ways astir iMeans' {'iammu"ttlea, MTs. J. A. M1wnzU, 'Mrs'. G. D. Fergu- son iMrs. Ii. R. iScaobt, Miss Norma Jet'Erery, d14p4ss Mary IWalluen•; Tele- phone Convenor. '1Mlrs. R•. IT. Sproat; Supply C'orm'mlitbae, Mrs. Jelin Mac- Tavislll, Mats. J. Patterson, 4h -s. M. MclLeodr. The oti'z'+cels were installa,i do 2^egu0.4s. mitirslsrilonvany forma which was sexy impressive. The meeting c9osad iby repealing the, Lard's Prayer in unison. Sudden .Death of Mr. Arthur Mason. —colic iGh'amte'rg' famlily, Mill Roa�,, Tuc*ersanlitQt, received a wire- on Tuesday announcing the esud'den death of Mbr. At'thnz'i• Mason. at his home in , Saslratoon, which sad e'v'ent accuae•erl the previous day. Although Mr. Mastan ;had not been in good nealth forsome time, a Iebhez• had been re- ceilvee'd flahim last nd •week end a no �m,en�tients was made of any serious illness, so that his nifus't have tame umexp'elcted4y, but no partiouiars have yet ,been received. 1Mr, Mason Noir a son of the (late Charles Mason and was born on the Mill road near Bt•wcelfiel'd, He, 'hard resided in the West for a rwmilber of years, but fre- quently spent long holidays in this dfistaict, where he was very widely kruown'. 'HGs wife, who was formerly ,Miss Jana Charters, and one son, Charles 'Ma;yrny survive, liani. — 4 Invitations Being Issued For Alumni, Christmas Dance.—Invita- tn'ons are being issued this week to m'entbers',and associate lznea_n(bers for the annual is. IC. I. Alumni reunion dq,nce, which this year is being held on Monday evening, December 26th. Memlb�ers and any others wishing in.: (vii-tata'ons mvay ,recuse tdtelm capon ar- pli'cation -to the secretary. The com- mittee asrk.that admifi,ss'ian ticike'ts be purchased prior to the dance in artier to avoid unnecessary c'o•nfusiou that night. Thee ''kers are also avail- aible fn•am the secretary, A. Y. We - Lean.. It is generally ex'pe'cted that this dance will be the most success- ful of any yet sponsored by the Alunnni.- Special decorating is being •done, a fine program has been ar- rang40 ed and .bhe best ofmusic will be, supplied by Fred Elliott 'and his orchestra, of Hamilton. Receives Suspended Sentence and Fine—'George Gray,, of Mitchell, ap- peared, IFAvXor"e IMlag$stu^atel 'Reid in: ,police rco,ilrt 'here on 'F'rid:ary m,orninb. I'as•tr, charged with csri'mdn4vl" netgli- g'en•oe and failing to remain at the scene sof an aIc[nidefzt. Hca was given suspended sentence. .on the first, charge, and fined $25 and costs on the second. 'The charges arose out of an acscid'ent .at Ergm'ond'ville bridge on, Dec. 2nd:, when Gray's car being driven ' south, eras -bed into a buggy driven 'by fl!I'r. 'Peter De'ich,e'rt and contaa-nar.)g his wife and' daughter. The occupants of the ;Ibuglgy were thrown out, 'trot fortunately escaped 'serious, injury. 'Git^ay claimed he was blinded ,by a street light.' Huron -County Traffic Officer Norman, Lever .i:nlvlestigaite,d and gave evidence. John H^ Beast acted for Gray, and Dudley Halme•s, of Gad'exich,. acted for the •crown. +Christmas Postal Information.— Ghristalvas service at the post office, will—be, such as will give the public every op'pori•tundty to snail early and thus avoid delay not delivery. lz,T.sxt week, that is, on Daeemlber 19th, 20•bh, 21st and 22nd, the :parcel wicket and the stamp wicket will be open from 7 P.m.' to 8.30 grsrri4 Seaforth merch- ants are I'apenung their shops every night next wick and the post office is tahu•s giving late shippers every chance to mail their parcels and let- ters. Letters for local delilviery, if 'handed in at the wickets .now, tier! in Ibund9es; will be he'll' until the 23rd rberfome disti•ilbrutinrg. This relieves the •last minute rwsrh and 'work for the :staff. The .pttlbiic will ,pleas', rem�em:• ;ter that 'on the holid'a'y there will be no delivery whatever, the past office vri'lI'be closed the,same as on Sunday. No rural mail will be d'edivered on the 26th. (Mail for the Un'i6ed States sihowl'd Ibe posted, at acute. to avoid delay in ,owsttomti -pplearan�ce at United States ports of ,entry. The public will •Find in the lobby the necessary regulations covering some. The po'st- m,aste,'r• and 'staiF will be only too pleased to render every assistance to all inlgluitties regard6mrg Christmas mail. Miss S. I. Wood Heads Auxiliary. =The M)cGillvary Auxiliary of North. .Side U,nitad 'Church held 'their Die• cemtlber meeting an (Monday eventing at the hvme of Mrs. T. 'H. !Reid with 'Mn -s. Ro's's ISavranllge, president, occupy. ing the chair for the (business part .if the meshing.. The insetting tion 'the farm of a iC'hri'stntas tree. iVFjany 'ble'autifwl and 'useful gifts were re- ce'iro•re'd and are being sent to the mis- sion set Gmp5u,mvi,lle. iM6ss S. I. Wood, cla+ptahn �o'f Cinrcle No. 1, then teak charge of the praQ•ram, whit h was opened by rsir}g•irig several. Cdtrittirnas carols. Miss Hielor, Dane and u'VIiss Bessie Cluff sang a durst, "Sun Of My Saud." Miss Wood then read an interesting story, "The First Chri;t'inas Tree,"'by Henry Van Dyke. A so•ci-al 'half hour was Spent when cand,Y was served try, several of the m,elrrlhers. 'The falbowin'g offilcers were appr'inbed for 'Hit's coming year: Hon- orary 'pmesadeni;t, Mrrs. ;W P. Lane; paste presidlem't, Mrs. Ras,,' Savawge ; pres'iden't, 'Mns,s S. I, Wood; lst'vice- presddemt, Mrs. F. J. Bechely; 2nd vice-}pre.sidlemll, Miss 'Iii, F�enn'ell; 'tia,atsurer, 11Miss Ethel Belittle; seh•i•e- �tary, 'Miss Anne IM1cNay; treasurer of flower fund, 'Mas. P.'MoOarbt; presss•e'ol^e'bary, IiVirs: M. .B. Goudi'e; liters- . bone snecretary. Mrs's W. Rands; mis- sionary monthly secretary, Mrs. E. Oh:amlirerliain; srtramger:s' secretary, rMirs', I. Ilii. Weednnlark; pianist, Miss H. Lan'g;'Cluriistian'S"tewardls'hip,'fM'rs. Ross 'Salvlau.ge. W. M. S. Elect Officers.—TI-re an- nvral nneetimrg of 'ti}te W. MW S" 1Qot^t'h- Ride UtMt'ed' �Ghurch, was }tell Thurs- day of •la'srf; week. ,'Mhvq,. W. P. Larne, presinlraivb, presided', Em'coura&g re- ,potwis were received) from all depart- ments. P6yei•, m,•one prayer, and definite, rergu.tar rgrov.p prayer was s'tt+ess'rad. The nominating ciortnmit'tee'a regron-t was read by !Vin s. Cr. Harm and , � "ry,'N 7n .1 5 1p'} � '..l<'i�'n 5,. !r•k Y 1... ';4 �N .h4 1. r'�it� 4. n,rY, Yb,..„ )c'.i•ri'.>(,. 1...t,il {1.� k. , .h .'�'%`,i v ...:12�11w,�,, m¢xe.��.ck �.%"3z�''Yv,•°a�xilY .,w,a,,, `4J;:,«C:.i�p�, �.�,..,!Y:..4,:,�Y; l �. • t r +'.+: I DEC�MH.Ri �r • RT1V,z:AS' cCARPS.,. M� acTAsh s .. _9EALS Thi New ALow Pricey . Go Far to make, this the Most Lively,' Most P 1 e a s a n t, '1Vlost , Profitable Christmas Shopping Season you have had since pre .. �:.,:,.;j•. - _ war days..., • Hosiery 1 • Lingerie Many Gloves Gift Hand Bags Things Umbrellas _ FOR . Here " Scarfs MOTHER Suitable sweaters SI'S'TER For Illandke'rchiefs WIFE Baby Coolie Coats OR Kimonos DAUGHTER Bath Robes YOU COULD Corselettes - CHOOSE FROM Knitted Suits NO MORE Cushions SENSIBLE THINGS To Give • Everybody , "an Exceptional Shopping Service 'Every nook This Store =- and corner of this Stogie , Inas suitable is teernil* Gift Things -with the Most Chris in - Items of Interest. PAGE 4_ tmas - Attractively Time 'Things � that you Displayed With � m would like to Prices Marked eve or get. Plain Figures. C'HRISTMA.S � CI'iItIS"TIVIASi• WRAPPINGS MaCTavrSh s CORD & RIBBOl`+6 aeceptecl Insrtallatdon of officers fol-'°sih3,p sr^'cratary, Mrs. J. C. Loan„•; sup - lowed with 'pzayer and one verse of ply secretary, iVlrs. R. Frost; assist - "0 I�Sl�aste•r, Lert'Me Walk With Thee." amts, IMrs. G. Horn. Mrs. W. Gud- A short but interesting 'program was more; srtrangexs''secrebaries, Mrs. J. givetz by !14rs. T. Webs'Ger and her C'onsn'bt, Miss J. Alexander! Assocs- growp. The third! chapter of the. ate Hel'percs, Mrs. F. D. Hutchison; • study Iboak, "The Making elf the asstisrtants, 'Mss. Porteous,, (Miss S: western Prairies," was talker by Mi, 's Govenloc:k; Mussianary !Monthly sec - Robb and rMrs. F.' IKKerslalke: Mrs. T. re'taries, 'Miss, •J. ' Fet a"•ttson, '1VIrS.' 'W. We'bstex And iMR^s. F. a Hutchison Wlelbs'bes; Li'texary secretary, Mrs. J. led in the devotional exercases. This A. Reid; Temperance secretary, Mrs. 'w•'as fo�idrowad by a vocal duet by Mrs, Reeberrt Arehifbabd; assistant„ Mrs. B. Lane and '.Mrs. Tyerm�an, ac'eo'mlpan- W'i11i•aains;•.press s'e'crertary,'Mms. W. J. led .by IMas. Barber. Officers for 1933 IMcJInbo'sfi; assistant, ;Mrs. C. Glew;' axe: Honorary �pre�5i6enibsy elVirs. Jas, pnandst, iMrtR C. Bartter; finance eom- JDraattri+e and Mrs.. Mos. Henderson; mibtec. 'Mrs. IMcGav@n, IMrs. Tyerman,. presdrdlem't„ Mm 'W: P. Lane; vice- IMrs. 'Hnlicdtison; Mission Band' Lead - presidents,, 'Mss,. James H,tinchley, 'ems, Mhs: Gl'asre• 'MTi'ss 'H. Lane; Baby- abvMrs. Mrs.Moffatt; recording secretary, Band Leaders, .Mrs. R. SalvNauge, !Miss Mrs. J. 'F'inlays'orcr; treasurer, Miss A. A. Lawrence; auditors, 'Miss A. Law- 'Fergulsoml; coaraspbmlcllimlg secretary, ren'cey Mlrs. Islay. Mrs.. W. Black; C+hris,tian Steward- ADDITIONAL LOCAL ON - Items of Interest. • Only 8 More Days Then . Christmas And Christmas just does matte an appeal That• cannot be denied. So to make your shopping easier and also more economical, we have enlarged our line' of Christmas Gifts this year by adding ' new and inexpensive gift goods in, addition to the regular line of Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry at (greatly reduced prices. � ' From Hundreds of Gifts that just radiate Christmas Cheer, we 1' offer the following list for !your consideration: • ` AS SUGGESTIONS, WE OFFER: FOR. HER: FOR HIM: t ` Iliamvong• 1Rintgm $20.00 up Wiiis'•t Watch ......$10.00 u,p Pin ......... _.$1s)0 up ' Gift Ring, solid gold. .$1.00 up T1 ,Pin f ' BeautifulN'e�cklets ...$1.00 up P kat Watch ....... $5.00 up Wrish Watch .. . - .. $10.00 up 'Cuff, • Links; ......... .50c' up Leather Writing Set. .$4.00 up Waclania Razor .....$1.00 up Balt Pins ... .... . $1.00 up Signet Ring ......... $4.50 up r Bedroom iCJlcrek .. .$2.50 up Fmibleily 'Rnnrg ......$6.00 up ` Cbntparctls ........... $1.00 up ,Pen and Penton Set ..$2.75 up j Pen and Pencil Sets.. $2.75 up 'Laabhere Travelling Set, $.5.00 up ' Pearl Hone Serbs ..j..$7.50 up Ball Folds .... a ..... $1.00' up � Manicure SeU ... , ..$2.50 up Pearl Tonle, 'S93aving Sets I' wilih Brush .... ^ ..... $3.00 . I And for the Home and the Old Folks, we have the Newest in Fancy I China, Clocks, Silverware and Dinnerware at pleasing prices, I OUR GIFT TO YOU With every $25.00 'Di,am�pz>'d Ring, a Wedding Ring Free. (With every Wedding Ring, a beautiful piece of Silverware Free. i I j • Fred S. Savauge "THE GIFT St;OP" OPEN EVENINGS PHONE 194 Tune in onStation tb )Bio, 100 Ii., 2.50 Meters, for our Broadcast i on Wednesday'rU PAGE 4_ 12 to 1.2.80 and 7.15 to 7.45. , { ctd4Y iaufvin.�65M� � .tl tt,�ke5!a� .:?b r�'>M1'I�:.�ian d d� ri�,�t.�r,l.`%a bei in. P,!12i., 1 �i I !rb�.;l"'.� rt',1�Y� :sa`,# • r, i':..5+' k � Fancy -Linen SLTG•GESTING , Silkalo Bedspreads WHAT Comforters TO BUY Wool Blankets .AND Couch Rube. READY . Ties Hearth' Rug TO SUPPLY Scarfs Bath Towels Socks Pillow Slips IT AT THE' ,Shirts . Coats Gloves ' Dresses LOWEST Underwear •'^ Hats PRICE - Handkerchiefs Stamped Goods .Pyjamas and . Suitable for...Scores of Other • 4411i]71319. a.i