HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-12-16, Page 7�
I,.� . � 1i I', �
I I __1 -
DECEMBER 16� 1932,
I .
0 . 1.
Phone No. 91 1 I
Barrister, isolia.tor, . I
Notary Public, Etc.
. Beattie Block - - Seeforth, Ont.
Succeeding R. S. Hays I
. Barristers, Solicitors, lConveyancers
'and Notaries Public. Solicitors for the
iZ=D ' ' BaOk. Office in roar of the
Bank, Seatforith. Money to
loan. I I
. —
I .
tBarristers, Wicjtor,s,- ,Con,.ya,
. ,
F.ttc, Office
in the Edge B,ulldiP91 opooslite The
Expositor, ,-- 11
, office, .
� t
H01for griOuate o&,Onftr10 V,t,,�,.
QrY Clollege. All dilseases of domestic
ansin"MIS treated,. Calls, ,promptly at-
tended to and charges moderate. Veit -2
leriniary Dentistry 4.,epeciallity. Office
and residence on Godeof*h Street, one
dbor east of 'Dir. MacklaVis offilee, Sm -
forth. . I
I.- . .
. . .
A. It. CAMPBELL, V.S. , .
-Graduate Of Ontario Veterinary
College, University 4 Tbr;orito. All
diseases of domestic an4mals treated
, ll►y,tlle most, Imloderil, Principles.
Charges reasonable. [Day or night
Ctatlls,ProwlPtl� attended to. office On
Main Street,'Hlenrall, opposite Town
Hall. Phone 119. .1
. I . .
. .. I . -
I .
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat .
Graduate ifx'Miedicifie, University of
Toronto. . . .
ffA" assistant Now York Opthal-
iniei and Aural Institute, York,
Eye and Golder4 Square Throat Hos-
Pitals, London, Fig.ing. At *Commereial
RMA, [Seaforth, thiTd Monday in
each month (from' 11 a -M. to 3 p.m. -
58 Wlatterl;� Street, South, Stiatford.
Rl�, W. C. SPROAT .
I Gradivate of Faculty. I of Medicine, i
UlAver--fty of Wksitern Ontario, Len-
dom Menilber of College, a Physic-
ians and Surgeons Of Ontario. .-Office
in Aberhart'i Drug, -Store, Main, St.; !
Seaforth. Phone, go. I'l
. . I
Graoluate ,Dublin UTdversifty, Ire -
Maned. •Iiate Enterer Assiskant Masteir I
Rotunda Hospital for Women and
ch Idem, Dublin, Offlice at residence ,
lately loccupiedby Mrs, Parsons. .
. ODUrs: 9 to 10 a.m, 6 to 7 p.m.; I
Sunda", I to 2 tp.m . I
. - I
Offlice, and residence Godlerith Street,
east of the .United Church, Sea- .1
forth. Phone 46. Coroner for the 1
County of Hurvn, .
. 9
I .
. I
DR. C. MACWAY . .(
C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trin- .
ft7 Unti,viersity, aiid gold medalist of (
WilitY. Medical College; mleniber of I
the 'College of Physicians and., Silr-
geons of Ontario. (
� t
. I
Graduate of University of Toronto
=of Medicine, member of Col -
13 Physicians and Surgeons of '%
Ontario;. pass graduate courses in, 3
Clhicago Clinical School of Chicago;
Royal Ophthalmilie Hospital, London, I
England; Undversity :Hospital,
Lon- €
don, EnglandL -Office-4Back of Do-
mAnion Bank,,Seafoxth. Phone No. 5. I
Ifthtc-alLs answered from residence, 0
Victoria 'Street, 'Seafdrth. I T
I e
' t
. t
lGraduate Faculty of 'Medicine, Urd- U
verlsoity of Western Ontario. MembeT
Col[lege of Physicians and Sturgeons..r
of Ontalf-io. 'Post graduate work at i
NWw York City Hospital and Victoria ,,
HearAtal, 1,ondan'. Phone, Rensiall, j
56. Office, King Street, Hlensall. n
. .
. DR. 1. A. MUNN t
Graduate of Northwestern Univers- t
'IV Chicago, III. Licentiate Royal a
ailoge of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. s
Office Over Sills' 0ardwaite, Main St., a
Seaforth. Phone 151. . It
t - I]
Graduate Royal CrAlege of Dental '
, Mice over W. R. o,
Ofteballs, 7P O
Smith's, Grocery, Main Street, Sea- f
forth. .Phone: Office, 186 W; resi- 14
dme6, 185 J. 6,
. . of
Honor Graduate Carley Jones' Na- 19
tiontal School for Auctilo�nleerrinig, Chi- bl
cagot. Special course talroen. in Pure i19
Bred ,Uvel S&ek, Reaa Estate, j&r-
chandise amid Farm Siales. Rates in al
kettping with prevaili,ag markets. Sat- ,9:
isfaction assured. MrIfte or wire, tl
Oscar Klopp, Zurictli, Ont. Phone: p
13-93, . . P,
* 7
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eM Ae Bailey I profit in the Ulo�asury, Not Many, , �407 00 'O
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Armiger must - cease.
,And now -to-night they were p1w
Ing cards with Adelaide because Dre
It was on the ,day after •hie advvn-
had said they must runt no furth,i
turoe With Joan at the lighthouse that
of incurring her dilspleasur
Giles found a note from her. when
- likes me for a partner. and vy
shopped for his UWI at the post of-
Milgiall all well d9 all we can to plea-,
l .
fice -
He was stayinig fate ;at the shop
to Joan 'Played, of course, an uninsph
go over certain, accounts, and had
ed game. Shq flelt sorry for Nang
dived' at 'one of the restautrants,
Che "towns. 'He waited until he was
in I who sat opposite, and when after p;
hour of mart),-d0ni, Mrs. Carter cam
back At his desk to openJoan's, note.
up to the talble, Joan. offlared her harx
"I'll sit and watch. I� will be
[-. was ,very -short, and when he had
read it he sat'Vhere,, starring; - .
Drew doesn't want- me .
to come any
nicer for all of you." I ,
So .Mrs. Carter ,played, and, Joni
orej,,to the shop. So I muk not.
looked on, and then as the others, he
tutAF`shalI -always be your friend,
came increasingly absorbed, she wan
even if I may not see you I . Will you
dered Along the corridor and, into i
believe that? Yalu have been so -kind
small music -room which was used,b�
and wise. And it isn't easy for me•
,the ,orchestra for morning
to su3i "GoodQbye."
and which was combletely deserted a -
-, 'That was all: She had done what
,she had to do. 'She couldn't know 'Of
this hour of the night. It was, light,
ed by. A low Wrip, or two, and th,6r(
tou%.-se, that the words stalUbed 'him
like a 'knife. I
was -a piano; in one corner. Joan sat
down and -ran her fingers ower the
Re wrote `later in his journal. "He
keys, then, P107ed softly, this air ane
that, a bitoqjazz, a noctiti-ne,
undoubtedly, brought pressure to
bear, challenged her love, pertlapa,
a son•
ata. -She was not consicioug of what
her constancy. He -would be like
she played, she was thinking, inking, - think.
that. - 11f I were free I would win her
from ,him But I am not free-. And
ing . . . her hePA thrown lit -
tle black, showing the pure curve 01
I love her. ,. . . . .
"She must not," he wrotA on After
her white throat. Her arms were
bare, and the slender lines of her
a while, "misery Hallam. I muist
rose taffeta frock ended in a petalled
skirt ,Which folded aboult her like
save,her from shipwreck . . - a"'
any cost I must save her.
'r I
leaves of a flower.
. . .,,
I Hw..droppedhis pen and leaned, his
Thinking . - - ttdnklhig ' .
6f herself in a straight brown dt'�lss.
head on leis -hand, thinking it out. In
a few minutes he would olose the
with stoutt brown shoes, showing a'
shop aladgo'ifiackto ithIe island where
'flock of 'tiny children how to Play:
. -
Anvelite would be , wadtifig- And
Scripps and Jbft ,and Margarida,•
� Oranges and lemons, said the bells of
would --be glad ,when they heard his
step, becaushe of Ainelie.
. St. Glement; . .
you owe me
I five farthings, said the
Thathad been ithe•story
.story a the past
Aght island
. bells of St. Martin; I
Walen will you pay I
me? said the bells
Years, -the his pri
Laie shap4 the prison. ,yard. Will
He had
of -Old Bailey; I., ..
I lot 'thought ,of it that until he
When I -grow rich, ,said ,the bells of
!ad met Joan Dudley. He,had been
Sihoreditch. .
BCtxlte,IA to follow the daily round of
�eilf-sacrifice not calling it sacrifice
' Her fingers, were following the tun,
�Pecaluze it was for Scripps.
which sung itself in her head,:
I . .
But now? I
(Be stood up. He ,had no, time for
Here comes a candle to'lfght you to
elf -pity. 'He had time for 60
:hIngs, only ----to see old Scripps
bedi, . I
And here comes'a chopper to,oiop off
brC ,
, uiji4 and to keep Joan from be-'
fur head.
:ening the wife of Hallam.
%Eatving locked' the shop behind him
'How gay they ,had, ,been, the chil-
it& started for his (boat. Then chang-
dreh,! Arid how they had loved her.
ng his mind suddenly, he walked
And after�stchool, they 'had all gone
,apidly, up the board' walk towards
he hotel. He would not try to speak
dow, the road together; and hail
stopped in an orchard, and had pick -
o her. ,"Re would gaze from afar off,
ed red apples. . ., .
tear her voide., Catch perhaps, the
She was overwhelmed suddenly by
oriho of her laughter..
a deep sense of depression. Things
. .
He went to the little pavill f
' r, from
vbich tin. ,the dark lie could look to-
had gone wrong with ,her of late. She
was ,not sure just what bad happen-
thid'hotol porch .
pouch,faintly light-''
d, and ;with
6d.. 'But there had belen, since she
, .
MWine, a gradual Loss, of enchant-
.eople in and
Yut (from] @ :'115allro,=4 where to-
mj�ejtt�d Her aunt among -her Gran-
Light there wals.dancing.
I friend's
rods. had, seemed ' more
But Joan was not dancing. She
vas -playing bridge with Adelaide.
worldly-m5nded, land somewhat vain
and seilfish. Drew, ,too, was less -
ler adventure of the, day before had
splendid. He was no, longer t he
'rought down ,on her bead not only
st,ainless ,knight. oved him,; but
Sfie I
)rev.'s wrath, but 'Mrs. ;Deqa,field's.
shin was always afraid 'now of being
"Rose Says you .went -to. the 1�ghit
hurt., his anger, his affairs ivnth
Rose., by 'his insincere
Ouse with that book man, what's
attitude to -
ward's Adelaide. I
.is name?11 . .
"Giles Armiger." .
, rose restlessly and went out
"What under the ehining,ourt mada
on the porch. at was very dark, and,
'ou go with him? You don't know
the air was heavy with the threat of
aril,, do you711 .
an impending storryl, Now and -then
" I've met hien in the shop., and he's
bhe black watdii and the black skies
were iflutinined by a broad blaze of
"'How do You know? You have no
lightning. '
ri�rldly experieme. I won't have you
goan descended the steps, and took
oing such things, Joan. Women of
the path up towards the 15avillon,
ou?' class aren't supposed to, be,--
, Giles ,saw her Coming - a -swift
Landes -tine." � l
ligiliting of ,the sky showed her,
Joan had flamed - at 'that. -It
standing out like a painted -girl' a-
rasn't clandestine. And nothing I
gainst the golden backgroIt]ind, her
ould -do, Aunt Adelaide,, -could miii�h
'Petalled skirts of pink 'taffeta, her
he things I see about me here, a-
floating scarf. her dark little .head,
long your friends and Drew's and
s. . . .
rawyls." I
He ,had not hoped for this. fie
4460n't-you like Trry.filefidis?" Me.
s,L,00d up, but as he was in the sonoilbre
ride demanded.
clothes he had worn at tholsihop; she
of thern."
did not -know he was there until he
"If you don't like theme, you know
,hat you can do. You can go where
"Joan- .. . . ?I I
ou find peop4e, you like better.'
-She saw nothing strange in his
JoELn felt as if she had been ,truck
calling her that. The only strange -
1 the face. "Do You, want mle to
"es§ waa in his pfesence. "How did
o?" she faltered,
is happen,"* she asked ,breathlessly,
'The room was very still. Mrs.
"that you are -.here?"
telafl-eld walked to the dressing talble
TIC' tOI,d 'her the truth. "I wanted
lid sat -down with her 'back to her
to be. near you, oven if you (lid not
iece. Her ravaged old face was re-
know, I had your note. It seemed
ected in the rrjrrGr. When she turn-
incredible that it was the -end."
I finally, a tear was' trickling
,She said, unexpectedly: "I in
irough. the rouge and Powder.
;:lad v(,,, carne." ! .
"No," ,she said, "I don't want you
. . I
"You are?" eagerly.
> go. But t won't have you acitirig
"Yes . . . 1--" she stopped,
pstage.." ,.then
s -poke, with a note of pathetic
,Her hands were shaking as she .
appeal, "I . ' I . need - , . -
,Ached for a powder puff and dabbed
help." �
futiredy agadnist her thin old nose.
They sat -down in the dark pavil- I
We won't talk albout it any more,
ion. White flashes of light sho,vved' I
)an. But reirrie,rillber, there must be
them opposite each other on t-wo rus- I
D more, making friends with People
tic seats, intent, earnest. Two young, 'I
A of your 'Class'." I .
souls trying to reach conplusi,ori= that, I
"Atmit AdeWdo," ,desperately, "`he
-,'ate had already settled for therii. ;
not Out of My 01W". - .". Joan
She told hien rapidly and frankly (
as yeRriling to argue. She wanted,
of the things which confronted her.
) justify herself, ,to tell the truth
Loss of self-respect. 1.1 am conced- i
; she saw it, But the sight pt those
Jng thingi I knew I -shouldn't. That I
iatkinighand% stopped her. She wa
I wouldn't conceck if I were n,)t d,!-
ware, all at once, that Adelaide h
pendent on Aunt Adelaide." I
of the glarillour with which Joa ,s
She 1,esitated. "Drew doesn't see I
tusions had slIr1*ounded her, e
it.. al.- I do. H� thinks I am 'coolish I
kt there now, a Pitiful old create e,
- - ,perhaps faimi." I
eleding, tenderness rather, a
,; .
're not." ., I
N101 you're
"'Hi.% life h,a,q been so different. Ho I
'Sh-q, went over and put h, rhands
�- �`i' t T split hairs, and that it j
I leer aunt's % ,
e, `° Let's
shoulders, I' 11 s not
- �'S'�,
,,�,��i W O' while.. That I should (
bss about it, darling," she said" a
,l, the he ,
take the j2 ,old the gods provid.i,1 ..ind .1
id her Cheek again.4t the curledlet
it go a-, ti -at, But I can't. I have I
Pitnivis of the waved white head.
a .41i"I ed ... feeling somfetimes . . . . I
Reflecteld thus in the mirror they
To -might ight I got. to thinking about n-ly t
ailed at each other, and Adelaide
ell' ,Ten, th,! little ones I taiiT.41. in, (
intent with (her -conquest, forgot the
school, and how gay we were I . .
cident for the moment, But Joan
and ho'w I belonfgeld to myself. .
d not forget. There had 1"n in
x surrender a-arn6th,ling
11ctr voice ,rlqed away. Y
,Giles held, himself
which sav-
Ired Of weakness. RtAh with Ade-
quiet. She, was ,1
revealing mor.) than .she knew .
isle and wiLh Drew she had been
. ,
her disillusionment with her lovor, 3
aten. She had given Giles Arm-
her lonelineqq of .mud . . . a
V-1• lbedaune they asked it.
heart re-stless, breau,se it had, no real lt
Drew Mid ,been uLtel,ly unreason-
abiding place. . . .
Ile. 11n, the, end sh-e had cried in his
And's-hebad came to him for help!
'I'll, and he had wwbhed her with
His Pulses thl-obbM. with thie t,hnugl, , t.
6 genttlelies% which so often sur-
Yet h,- set 'hims'elf steadily to advise,
ised her. Butt hv, had stuck to hie
her. Oh, Poor little ship, hegded.fot.,
lint thvk her friendsihip with Giles
disaster, t
. Tol .
.1 $;� �-7,`&'_ ' I �, 4111I.... .,
. . haul gravel with tewags under su,i�h . I _. .1 111 I . ,g "?,
. .
I , . I '.. ,
I , . I i
.. 11 11 � , I,,
. . -1. - clondablons. : . I I I � , �,,,'�
m I . I " `Aad , __ "AA
The work of the year was so Ar- 4 1 111F"I. Mil. I 1, .
He said: L.1 "IV .I .. F40 � s"" ,
. by 'The following' lovi' ., . _.,i: . 'Irl. �
-ad that as much work .qs iseon- ,-, 1 � I.: 1,
. t go away for a rang . i -I W A ,
bit? Let th"n XWYOU? Let them cmically practicable ,was giv,en to., . 5dial 'lob 'hill ]+:. AWRP,;%,L, :%
'In'" 10 le OWIA7 h*b ".
- . , - � 11'.w"._"J1,V,A1,,,4P1WM6- j
l'ondon - I ......... 4. $.*, , 'T&,.,,
folll&wl? ", . coil. taxiPayers, and was divided4i . 19 I'll I . I , J119tiMaT, 1, 7 F . .
"But H -they ishQuIdn"'t'X011ow?" � them. monig I k, _0 IF
"S 'IV
4AW10ults it so t4at, practAW, ly all applicanta gpr I P011", N&
,, ibreak I � I , IN 'i
your heiait-?11 for work were -given a shialie. Ad- 'Haivistgni ............... . ;2917M . I I . M'.- ft"N '_ . �-,, 1 I I
`"'If Drew. ' its "'..W-Aff ;
. (tildill'16--yes 11 Her quick vauta,VO was taken of this by a great 01" I J�r4a_471 , 3imil", ;
, ow X
-breath told her ema. t' inlww, and teams camle a4 -far as six = '.. - -I". - - .- - - �! i " grit'FA
IV. . — STZ.00 , A i _ �3 N :. ,-
He f ". :11 kjm 41I)PAW OF :.�* I M
,�. nv,�� I ,
miles The money distirilbutled in this 11 ar. ' Ill ................ ,5g1r,,$ . . . . ,�, M11 I -
Permitted himisle W touch he, -8 . Rl�-i ,,� ��W�ffl
hand. 10'You to bilin'then so much. way 'has -been ithe arieans of Settling . I , . � 0 4, 1; ". = .1 ... ... 1. --1111.11.11", .1 I "t� -
440hp yes. 11 toe
hplve talked a great many accounts in the county. 1 $21,745.65. . . .. ; .... � 11 Irl., 1-11
. I � " , - �:,. ,�i;�! . ," 1.
lo . . ,_� Z _
'Er i
about -him even to you.'' � 1" Not Only thOBL' owed (by men working 7"Uls Paid ' r Con0inustion . and er% Vt. AL, 4;:. � ,,, ."iNlj, m
'I 0
44 I . fu"AT aina,W)" �O,Q$f ... 1, �
.,,V4; I
A ... Jl,,t,1_. - �, I
Please don't. say than, on the road, -but the money paid fly 11'"rh 'school ledulcamon for me Year .vultniber of -4 clog , ..
gt4liu . *nofts dowto I 4,�'fn
, 1. k 1".. 11"�,�W
I "I a so alone . . .. if z liad 'them was ,used over and over a -0- ' ' 1 .98; avewpge vqniber. I ' " , !" I .
.. .1 A . "i .. .. .. L
iUther . . . or .. 'Daddy." He to pay others. Huron Continuation iSchools. $io,695,96 flag .07 and help, 1,00; tQ, I , " _ ',- - , R �
thought she was crying, , , The .asphalt road fnix surf con- Adjacent .. W .q* ,
Ail .nee county 90holoals, .. 941.66, taxe on Ho ' ,. .,., p �,[��g,
. .111,91vly,
yl . Ruron High f uWand A4 , , g"
I I, 11. '_ f�,1_
... " F , ,'�.
. -1 � I �,'a,
know, my .dear.. . . .P, He structed south of Dunlop is the first Schools ...... 47,956-89 add value 4 Ision go'd f , "'�,;W'
wanted to crush her in his arms. To. of this type Of 'road in this part of' Adjacent county H. &.... 2,7,45.t,r) . �W�� ,"O ":
� 1-�, iN ...
", ji I
. -.4 !,7 _
$Q,44;JQAJR1-T7-. ' ,� !�, "
1 ,
. I . IlAnd, 1st, ;Deb= I R% - ..'�,
. ar, ne
, I --------.:- _ ?, ImIT!, " " .� "" L . ,
.says: "Herv- is your haiven., your the country, and, is xery, interesting. to%a expenditures,- �1%�Jr ," 1:ie
, ,19;AC' - I i,,".:�'. "ili, 11
But h :This'roadl carries a heavy traffic, and - . " $6-3,(W-06 ' Pedtuct- Catpital. -,And- . :4i , I
barbour, against nity heart." he PeM4 'A� I:,
kept hi•
mself, steady. . % SU411110e two inches in depth was which aanpanits to Omer a. mall and inij. I . e)�tpit';,,-, - ' 1.�
prof ' �1'0j!:6JX
(She stood up presently• ggl bliilt by the mad mix method. usir,, ;tWo-ifift1lis On our equalized, Venlen* $79Q.44,, fpwio�).06 ,so �.,:,
, - - I ., fit
, $3,=:'
must . ounty during 1992 and OWW -sou, fit';
, -roes� rj,i
I. � �1
I �, 41
'be going, They will be looki m,uhalt. The --results indicate that v'al'uation of $44,271,115.00. - c 378-84 " 1,1��,
me.,, . . ng for a , .; 900iViSiOM.� produce , , *,..I '. ,(�.
. - I this rtY)Pe ,of . , newc1- ,
I . low cost surfa�ae can be 'Tbe Sitatuitlis balvie, been changed: ing and- fuel on h"And, 1st D tt-eelml %.r,,-, , ", �, - �' , ' ,
'She gave him her hand, and .he -lised ecoWillm-callY on, our rotads. The rewntly giving auAcrity. (per chap. IM, as per , , � 14. �' I
lifted it -to his lips. Er cost Val about $800 per mile in ad- '71,, fQq. InIvenite"ry" $UQ -06; .;Z �., . ,::.
t was 'H'9' a dition, .to the , 1901) 'to chargle: each town cosived fj,om . . ,, 1, . :,�'. il 1.
- paTing inmidtW, $11,, 1 , I , , "'.
white ..rose against them, fragrant. cost of the ... gravel. or village -or ischolaL diistd�_-t with the 546. -29. 'Tbtasi -$M977.51.:QW.''
have have said I must go out Of 3,00ur In our road construction program, arriobtrit paid outitide High or Con- ,T�im . ex " . J . _,,.4�,
Pen;0bare of Hour 11 �,
. ,o 44d 7 '� ...... ..
life. Mt ifever,you call me, I shall two ffilles of road using the now tirr,wtiom schools for pupils attending Farm• Aceount-lis .as fo)10", , . �;. ; ,
come." .. I, - )erass section with shallow ditches rmid adjacent stchoOls And deducting .10alplitall accaunt and perma:aent , I 1.
� . im-I -
-.. I. I .. I
.1 As they turned to leave the pavil- was, built- This'itype-of road, with "hie saw'19 fm�nl their levies.. To .ex Provelmlents, $''790.44; stock and "in)- "." _, �' ,
. ,
Ian, they found the storm u-i>on, them. tile drains 'ProlyerlY installed, I be=, plain: If Pupils attle'London High plem,fifs, M292.00; saaartes-4k,spec-
The thunder crashed, the lightning . lievle�, will be a marked improvement. 'Q'-"1T,0`0(1s from 101 WtOnf the =01211t t,OF,, kee,per. Matron, asst. matron and
was Incessant, the wind shrieked as t,b',T%'B Wrt"ble crusher built for us charged for their education in Lon- chlapladill, $2,570,50, physi'cian's.
's , i��`,
it tore in from the sea. There was yelax 'by ThOnlas Sandy is a dis. ''an is charged Huron county and the ary •and, ..sal- ,. I 1.
VPlPhances, $541.38; repair's ' ' I'�'... I
' ..... �� ,
tlie flap a canvas as sails came down
tinct step toward ,ed,4aing gravel lelrY of the ,Clinton ffligh School' to ,budldling and equi, ' ". ,
Onil the yachts which were , scudding crushing cosits, and 'Provides a crush. -Board and so, On. with the other con- �r� .. Pitnent, $64&481_1 1 .,
onts and clothing, $2,625. 8'. . .... 1. ,
In, and thein, Shutting- Off their ing Plant ,that supplies a long felt. tin uation and, high school ,districts of fu 7 . I..
of eWSPe, came •-the rain—poun, way need. Hitherfio ithe - he, county. . I el.,an-d-light, $1,874-67-1 books, post-
ing an stebt,, - work of mioving t ag4Y And etat! I •.!
d ig the old type crusher mad,, . M- erY, $6; sundry eit. " "A"". ': l 1
D71 Ahe roof, streaniiing from the eaves it Ref bo above figures., ,the penises fo,T farms $44-9.19.. 'Total, I oT.
blowing banners of wet in u unprofitable to operate it in a pit �urrn.,; 91,841.'56 and, $2,745.55, or $11,796.gq. , .
Pon unless ;about two . .�'
blieni.- Gilets stripped' Off his coat , o thouts-an-ok yards $4,587.21,.can !be charged, -up to late .By Te Ing t of .�� �
, I
iiin-it. ity"Inur " -etrie produlced,, TTiAs .-portable plat( several Continuation and high schools at�,Ci_ YO,Z, will the Man- - ,
and wrapped Joa ,t.,, th ad he report
. I
he said, when she ,protested, ,, I can be moved -quickly and at little in Huron and d0ductied from 'their be,�, ' notice that ihis h" I
De I you'll . i a very, �,,uccessful 'rear on thtp . ,"
- . ,
Soaked through if you dbr,ot.,, cost from, Pit to pit, and so reduce levies. But the committee recom -tarnl. By Charging tre jnl,qtta�s, W"he � 1�11. " I
They could see t&e guests on the the necessity of making long hauls, . mends that owing to. the fact that' ruvelvo � r -.1d Age, F4enSifll.'S, tj-.4,��'11i) * .. ,�.
porch,, scurrying to the shelter of the IF'our -i�(�ns were lotilled: during the county is not arranged into high, rile"'. . "
' theFour
on the eounty i6aods,, all of and eantinuationschool distrk , t is n0vL' -I- If-sla9tainling,�,
.00111s; -inside. Porters and, bellb,�ys. ts tha , :li 11 the ,work has' bean (' , " 1
,wine rushing out and. tilyped, up & them "being Pedestrians,,' and all were the matter ,stand as at present and alH 0-yervT1iing is-resiv fur t,1. ' I .
, oripletea . :;J
`found were
that the incoming county coupcil ' . %V111'. ...
killed -as' I•Ile.
:hairs and carried] in the tables! The k after dark- It W d"l ter.—J. TV11 Goven-lock In:,p ctor. , .
..,in washing across the -Porch made the juries that all the. deaths were with this matter with a view'to divid- .. .., os I - ... ..,
L little river which . aceid6iltal. Pedestrians q3n the 'roads ing the county into districts, or. mak-' Report of Kee.nee. . ... ..
ran, down the ikvuld be discreet, in forgetting their ing,isuch other a,rMligemeint as may ... I-
Fteps and shone in the light of the' legal I b 09 iO Sublilit ,the fol1r.ving re. . I
ft lanter.n which hung above the rights, and - in PoTt of crops grown and -work Joy,e . ...1. I
en oars plenty giAnti all motor �eem lbeist to avoid this practice of oil the Tvit-histrial Farm dip-ing, trie, ... I .,
ranee. Through the.wihdows People Of -road. 'Motort9should ,hildven or Pupils being sent out of 4
1101111ing about in the: use every caution in 4rityling at night, �he ,00-vinitM, pq(�-nlnjr lbv their own to,,
'Ould be seen r YOP" 1!1�'2: 'Manirolds, 709 bush.�ls 1,
rowded exchange, but no on, affle, At the end of 1920, 1 roported'to litowesdhools; tj�at t 'a _
to the k,du De_ raltorz!-- 135 bals,ioeta; cablt,%ge, t,61.0 . V;4 .,
outside. � . the council in part, as follows,. ,,In partIrrient be memlw�alized to allow +ear;., live hogs sold, $.3.,j46 I -� i'o'ta- ` , ,.
. '1� 1 , ,
510'0 (bushels
The -Oise of the wind ,and rain was the summer, Tito ,doubt- it will be as 00-untileS to charge Up the eMtM costs'itoeesell's, 5'a b;7,1"'as-,
black cuoi:mptst, 50 boxes; strawber
- ,
I-ea-feninig. The branch of a ;great - diffici.ilt as ,before to secure men for incurred -by such. pu�;ils to thd indi- ries, 124 boxes-, buckwheat, -$okl blislb- . �.
17,2e Crashed on the roar. -�W,, -,.
- ,lust road -work '. - - A large number �vti,dual` pupils, their parier,ft or gua:r
I ... ... .. 4� S' .,
'6t if improvements will have to be car-' .iasis. . . y,pounds.. 'I,
, els; 011110111%, 700, ; ,garden car-
, � out of this," Giles said o rotA, 60 bushels-; oats, ,,3oo b^I,enc-1j: - I I.. N
"yGu'll vied out .1s,ome time In the future, but With reference to the resolutions. - 11
e drenched, 'but weld better said,
hence." . unlesis- ,labor conditions are decidedly submitted to us from ,other c maxed grain, 160D bushels,. hay,, 37 . I . .
Guntil, tons, :-turnips, Cycio bushels; table . .
"Aren't we safer here?" . I better than, they .have' been in the we beg to report as follows,: . 1.
1"No." The,•"pavilion was in an ex. past. IV vvt6uld appear to be the bes+ 1. The resolution from the Coufi� lb��;�. 192 bushels; laipplets, 3{) barm,ls.l � ,.:�
, _John jacob, Keeper.
I . 1.11
proposed ty of Middlesex.Counity Council mak- Report or Medical, Officer. I'll
-ment; a works to stand until mien are looking Ing Paronts or -guardians. not respon.; .
used situation, At any, Into PlDli�CY to allow any, such
see might fall, 'Giles felt he 'rust .1
. must for jobs - - - A period in which Qible for tuition of pup, 11 beg to subilrdt the annua� repOrt .. .. ,
,et Joan back to the hotel. lie must, low prices prevail is the right tome ' ils,afltlor six - of the Ph ysician.; of Cou Hom�e for .. "
me ki�,ars . in attendance at secondary the pas . niby . 1.
et -her back not only ,because she to do this work .so as to get it done ,scho,ols, we recommend thiis be adopt- ,t year. . . . . 1
tight fl�e hurt in this frail summer- most cheaply and provide eyqplo ed, I . I At present there are 91 inmates'
Ouse, but ,because .she inust not be y -
Oland here in the dark with him. H Illien't for men who are out of work 2. Re the relsoludontsv subirlitted —61 rnhle-. and 40 feniale. During ... . 11".
new how' Teople"talked. And le in .large riu-nibers, at such times." by ,the- Counties ,of Wentworth,. Hall- the year there were .14 weaths, then ' .- 11 I .. .
f These Principles have $been generally ton-, D.uffe,Tin and Sinicoe, (a) giving the year ,there w,h-e 14 deaths, the . I'l.
�Tew heard, there might. !Ill-- trouble, i average age lbeling 78 years,. We r,e- 11
`Clome," he sa 16110wed bY this county, and I look county councills the right to sof a . ...
' * id, "let's,.run for -it, !back on thefts old reiport with consid- maxi ceived One plattient from I,Oyldon.11,08-
an which they will Pay '.
-ou'll ruin your dress. But' its the rable pHdle ana'r�atlsifactiton_ Cha ,raintmerymramrice- carts to '.
est we can do:' " ei Plitr�l 'fil exohange for one ininatei. .
I . high schools ana Thils, has been, the custona for I
He took her hand and they started were the days that motorists clamloy. that for 1933-34 the maximum salar- years to . exohninget. I three - •'
awn the path. Joan had on, high. ed for wholesale road improvements, ie,-; for teacheq-s be $lso6 for princi- I . . ,
. .:
celed slippers, and at the foot of The Province was building pavement,; pals, and $1000 for assistants, we 'There is an atmiloisjphere .of Content- , ;
Tie Path she stumbled.. ales caught at $60,,00-0 per mile - ( Other "'counties recamanc-lid. this . is as.a step in, tbe:right - melt among the'-inimater that shows . I 1. , .
ex up in 'his arms and sped, on with Were raising high road taxes and direction to. reduce the cost of see- more prominently after a visit with
er.. . I making large issues'of debentures fur ond'ary educati6m - . eelati'Ons or friends; on their r�stturjl, . . .1 i
. I
I � ��
-hotel steps, do not worry to go,agai (I . . I . .... tri
As he reached- the roads. (b) That the Course kr�own, a,.g L,ow- they are glad to get ,back home an .
o,or ,opened and Drew Hallami c the, So long as it -is huni�n'to spend. �r School work .1d from hi I . '. I " I
e cried, "Joan where ex .r � and made a Public school red hate I I
Lit. "Joan" h came t avlagantly when mohey is plenti- P613DOIS , rk -be remove two accide�rts�'of fractured IL We ha4
re " Tul', municipalities and govern to a fall on the floor. ,One woinan,
Th,Z%7 I I , . rhelits course hi'ald schoolis where -a teacher 0 .
te'saw them. will be urged todo lik4wisle, and un- is holdin a first class f 86 -did -not survive the - shock; the
. W certificate is
. Giles with bare til this Characteristic of human nu- emploved we cannot concur in this as other is walking agaln. .
ead and his coat off shotwink his ture can be, change :the
Manager arid his wife have I
)aked shirt. And J d, we can expect it will disorganize our present sv.9- !the happk. faculty of haki � ar�l
er, but that keeiyffig hbL�mlomy among the, inmates. ,
Joan in -his arms, to have waves of pro.,perity and hard tie! n,, . .....
ie ,coat wriapped about her protect- t. .. . �
kg, her head 'Imes Indefinitely. When the United we re-c-oTnin-Lend Instead that more at- 13)
and, shoulders, and be- Staies was suddenay thrust' into the bebtion be paid in ourr 1. pphlic school Ile food is excellent and am-ple, and
Bath it, the rosiness ofher taffeta- - ever,vithing tobean and, tidy.—,i. W.
. . .
,ock dulled -by the floodel of wit Position of princitpla.1 creditor nation course to the teaching of such sub Shaw, ,, . .
, .&.�;D.,, ,,F,h . .
fbich had swept over her, vete_ by reason of huge sales of war nia- iects to boys and girls of the senior . . � . ymcian. ..-
and stain- terial-s, ,her leaders were not suind- clast,,ets that rill encourage b t
i ;by the marks of her fail. ,vk en -u age heirn o I
I ' . entlY experienced to handle. the job. take more inoterest in agricultural sob- LONDON AND WINGRAM
Ca-AAPTER XI A -number of the most influential iects and tihu5 engender a favorable I . . south. . 1
rate articles, which set forth that impression of farm life' and induce * .
JOAN FAcEs FACTS the United States was so powerful, thorn to stay on the farm: Win ham P.M. I
, am ................. 1.55 ,
anO- ,her banking system so soundly W Re raisimg, the age of children Belgrave .................. 2,11. ,
Drew and Joan, facing each' other organized, that no further pei-iod of entering srhoal frora 5 � to 6. yen r,s Blyth ..................... 2.23 .
iter Giles had left theni, struck hard timles--would be pernItittled. Then except in, cases where kindergarten Londesboro ................ 2.30 1 ." '
narks: I I as a nations -she proceeded in the op- scillools are used,' recommiended by C,b%ton . i
................... . 3.08 :
"'Where (lid you pick hien up, posite ddrectioln to that followed by Education Carnmittee ('not coincurred Brucefield ................. 3.27 . �
tan?„ Great Britain, and, i-roposed high du- in in con-urnittee of the whole coun- Ki-ppen .................... 3. .
"I didn't pick him up, be picked' 'ties cil. imports, making im ' risible ' I . Z
e2p . PO -11 , e CiD. Hiensall ................... 3.41
the 'settlement of international ae- W) That in the matter Of the Exeter .................... 3.56 1
"Donet jake about it.,, . Counts. We can expect it will ile Wanry iniprovemileriti-, -a&ked filar bV
"I'm not Joking, Drew. And please solinle, time -before the commerce of rruhhe .,tchools, amdother school lhctard.a, North. 11,
)n't keep tine here—here ankle is the world can bdoo-me readju,s;bed. he riot praceedecl With du,ring the time aim. 1� 4,
arting me frightfully. I sprain',e'd The present economic s.N%tem, affect- of cl-�Ipq-e-ssion ais fair as ,possilble, we Exeter .................. � . I f
01 10.42 )
. 0 as it its, has been a great failure, x-c-r4nimend this be Mopted. H-ensiall ..................... 10.65 1.j
, "Arep't you going tO give me any and -the cause of much hardship dur- 4e) Th,it County Councils be, given Xi1ppen ...... �, ......... I .... 11.01 I I
:planation?" ing the past few years. vCon.gidering -ontrol of all high school expendi- Brucefield .-.-........ 11.09 I
"Of what?" , the millions of unemployed men tures, that any extra -expenditure Clinton ............. :.*.'. 11-54 1
"Of how You happened to be- with throughout Ae world, and the 'Con- made by the Board above that de- Londesiboro ........ .. ....... 12,10
riniger?" - Sequent waste, arid the many im- t> -rained b,� ,+Ihe-rouifty council, be I Myth ..................... -a. 1
"I walked to the pavilion as I have ProveTnents that might be u-ndertak- rmid by the High School Board, re- Belgrave . ...................
. 12.30
thousand ti,Mes, and Mr. Armiger en' to intake ,the universe a better riT,,ren(I no action the takein re thio Winghani .................. 12.50 �
as there. -He didn't know I was place -of abode, one Can not but con- resolution. I .
troling. A,nd I didn't know I ahould clude that any ofher posc5;6.hlc, ,�,jrsten,L (f) That If a boly or girl is pro- C. N. R. . I
id ,him. It rained and owe had- to could mak-, no worrqe Ine6r, Of affairs. l7e.rly eniployed after the 15th -year '*
n for it. 11 turned my ,ankle and —Roy Patterson, County Engineer. that 11f) or she he not compelled to East. . � �
I carried me.. That's all -there is to Education Committee. stte,nd school, we recoinnicmd this alm. -P.M I. .;
Ant! slr� making a mountain '�'Ie beg to report &% follows, re the .,,,e e-Aoi 'te, �. I Goderich ............ 6.45 2.3o 1
Vol?, A) p d ...
a molehill. Imes of 'Continuation and High (g) That Pach county council ,p: Olinton .... .. i ...... 7.08 slot)
He sbood looking 4own, at her. She Schools for the year. --int a e(vn4rittop to attend the 0 Seaforth ........... 7.2.2 .4.18
as a forlorn little figure with her The first; arnfoluirlit ,nien-tioned in earn E. A. at r,asti-r, that this branch b', Dublin ............. 7.M 341 .
.t Nth- 'Pla-,)tcred about -her face. 'Oise is the levy for thele; year and the k-n,ow,n a.q the Caurriv Crvi.m-cil Section. Mitchell ............ 7.42 3.43
[Id' the taffeta frock limp and (,(ond a I inount given I, a return of rrh T.,col-nl.nle� ' ' ..
dark .r.i .no action on. this. =B. B. , .
th da -p. Ne had an I the aniounitls paid by each s,choo-1 dqs.,. 'T West "I
impulse t6- , , Fv,ln(-;g. Chairri-in, .
reds her of deep .tenderness. Yet tliCt, town or village of the rate- , Report of Tnqpe'ctor. Dublin ............. . 11.19 9.32 1�1
;t jealousy was eflarmfe. He had not lev'ie'd for th. else Schools th-P previnu; Senfol th ........... It -34 9.45 I !
T' - Int pminr of the !Huron Couro- (,,I,i nto�_n 11.50 9.159 1 i
it this wAy' about, the -men in the .x1e,it", Per S. S. 8, Chap. 71, S. 0 1931. y "(vorP-)v0,Vtfull.y pre-wnt,s,the Goderich' '.'.'.'.'..' '..''.* .* 12.10 10.25 ;
fell: He had known, ifistinctively, llvnsall ........ $2,10-7.09 ,-)Ilr,,Nv -ne as his report foi- thf-,,vear I
at they would never be his rivals. Per S. S. 9 .. - . l 67.N-42,274.fil, -! ,.,Iq Novorr,')er 34, 1922: � I
It this was different-4hey defence Brulsi.421ho ....... $2,,324.67 . C. P. R. TIME TABLE
TgNfrl rumllr of inniateis admitted
her fri,endiollip with this slender Per S. S. f; .. I . 184..�,'.5- 42,50P.22 tiric, ( 1,r,njng- of the HCnilse. 719; East
Y, picturesque in ,his White and with Zurl-ch .......... !t 187.9111 ..""'.1 ''. ,( 11ni4fl1^d on 1st Decern4sr, a.m.
4 ruffled hair. Hallam always raw 'Per R- S. 8 .... i90.00-- $567.1)(1 f1l, �i: 11l1l,,i,`l,vr adimifted for the Godlerich ................... 5.60 .1
rn, as he had i Wroietler .__,�l,l,r,(;.(v 11�
n the dazzling i-f ,ill ' Ant+vg ypla,% 14; nurnher Nfpn.-,�,'t .................... 5.5� 1� i�
19h,triess of tho ligh.thouee, tP"r— Pen- S. S. ,� ,* ... 6,i.4:)---$1,2'24,•; i, c -,,,-t 't.-tr,'tf ffrr ab ,ntcv, ('.- nu,nl-. &,-Gaw ................... 6.04 1}�
. :!
as he 'hl-Ld steered his boat that Blyth .......... � ' �),738.4T I 1-1 , 11.11, in IFF -m ,le d -u r: ng the year, 0; Auburn ... , ; 6.11 . I
y............ ...
v` algaiM%t the blue.; 'Lir tS. S. s ... I I FAJR16-41-897.217 -7-rhe oil' +,.-tlig. ftrinr. tbo� y -err. 14; ffl�th ..................... .
.1 6.25
1 sill not sneaking a mountain of a Fuirdkvi,r,t .......'..',,041r,:0- . n1m. 1 ,9dh9r,,r,rT1Pd during th1 year, waltor .................... . 6.4a I
,lehill,11 h(,. ,began, Then ats he .saw Per S. S. 8 .... 85.00--$2.122-07 i: �. ,,A)er 41.;4chal,geol dklHIw; tq-,o McNaugbt ................ 6:59 1
r sway and reach . for the hack of q in 1 ml,q, Toronto .................. 8'.
(,.n,. "'; rilm( f'.1- -of ;rr-mte T : , 10.2,5 1
_�_,__ '" . I �'lr ,(,,r,' or, 19.1'! 111: litun,")er of , . .. r
(.119il', he 4manded quickly: "Are i 11) 50--'. ),� . I :1 �
u in pain?" , 'Th'e rt,11oriving, suns wer" levin,il ly p. i I . -i r fe.mial els. 40. I West. .
. , 5 ; n uni )C`1 a.rd.
i"I'l . .
"I told rou, I hurt Tay ankle " ()'rftario ('Ontfnllatiori. 8.01001.9 or ad- A tttp(l di;rin,g the year fro-im sev- Toronto .................... 7.40 1
21 1;oice was Making. Jaclent , ITInity schools' ,gra
.n.1 i n ii r 6 �; I _04 i es ,mq foillmvis: Town- M,cNa . light ...... I .......... 11.4$ ,;,'�,;
Cari you walk on it?" Ltrakitolw ............... $1,658.20 ..hip�--Col,�oirr.'p 2, Grey 1, Go-devich W,lt,n . 1%,�
"I'll you Rilple3 . ................ I 85. 4 8 T',vl -h tophon 2� town,st and 'Rlyth ............ ; ....... 12.01 1 1;?"
� . i P T . St
S'h�q took a .step and stopped, it rAlifrord .... � ... 111, . ..................... 12.12 .
It's .1 . -q - T - n4on 1. Go4terich 2$ Auburn * I I
th*rdreadftil." Thn following ra��11 ..... I ..... . ............. ' 12.2 i; ,"'I"
were 111V;4P I 17)v Bmz�;s-01A 1, Tiontsiall 2, Wing4haill 1. 1 .
the High St(.1itools of , I 11'Gaw .................... 12,84. �
the county for Nu-n'.1her of da",,' 'boards h Men -set .................... 19A � I'll I l, .., I
(0onitinued next week.) the year., The firat amount being 900, ntuirribler of'datys' boa Goderich .......... � ....... 19.4# . I
I .
. . . I . 11 . :.
, ��
I I 4'i I
�_, 1.
. i 111.
. .
I I "
I I,
Is I
I � ,
� t