HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-12-16, Page 6P"" "' , , "�
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[On the Out-
Of county
Doss, 'Mr. ' moved that Coun-
juSitim accouiata- be -paid -by the coun-
ty treasurer
from other 401M tie5. for sel-Aces ren-
correcting ifiillfista6p, that nia we we, W d
,y �iwe 0;��W' V�Peo
been imekdo in, �grantinlg penisions to adlust dulrip d1161 - i,' b�*' 411 1
,." . I , . , . �
11 . .
I , . , '�` ` ,;
cillor ,George H. Elliott, take the
lWore W -y have gone,
b0opeAhe crk inal audit
ni 0. &
deredl by the stonographers, the
. ir
. 1 _.g ,
t3irough wroug Inforuto4on given or h4ve Ibeth ed Very 0 AdwAmo;y 11 I
1. I I ,
. qrid
or 0. K. by -oonn nattees,
reimuneration -paid. We give two be,
concealments made. '
. This atetion, we md the ommV nawftiemeab has r6 -
I. .. I ... .".,W,.,`��
..... '', I(ICIaMumed from page 1)
11 11
Oheirk. Me report was adopted.
Thi's was donV and a beautifully
worded address and the County Coun-
4. 'We further recommend that the
selectors of jurons 1[be allowed four
low . I
;50u"ty of A-Mopulation 4Z,000;
,tbii*, will do much fio vle4r' away *e4vol very, eomNilm ry exprw-
niary of the .bad imprep O& .
, ,$i - form, .sions -a ;tporoval op -t.,he w01*
I . abne
I . -
ON, :1 I
," �:V I %*hies�u-Archibald: T4&t this
. tim, report, of *0 ChAdrea'& Aid Was
,dra gift of a bandsome goldnheade,d
td1g,y§ rqjq_1y f0r.selecting Jurors at'S4
acreage, 76%6-691; assestsment, $51,-
ea and reports circulated, whigh, in and the Central !Dewf6ieut h" &;;.' . �
11 Council recommend dispensing with
read and adoptee&
a of pher
cane were ,presented to the Warden
by Idessrs. McKibbon and Geig,eir,
per day. Adopted by commim" in,
full--iA. J.
I pounty rate, aVz mil -lh,;. dig-
benbure debt, $977.280 - One oten-
the QR1:V&qA ipf.thp, cqmmittee I
ft _ I ate in *eil Pleased, with c"Verat4on ren�
many cases too, brue.' is also be- deirei4 and'the promptuiess in assisit- I
. 01oupty �Qorn Borer Inspector and
,�, � ..,' ft i
Co�Lt=L ,at: up with Mr.
presenting the council. The Warden.
Goldthorpe, Chaiirman.
Legislative Committee. .
og,rapher for thetwo. judges; 7 siben-
majority of
liev,ed ,that in the cases' 1W Whe'wo*. of ,the Impeator and I
� I
A�Ii.,,- .. Iltr4ll g- -a reispoTiLvilhilAtIles, to
, 00errin bi
.1 , .
Bov n 1 . .e ir� -
Knis in th cha
made a verY appropriate repty,
We beg to 'reports as follows: Your
ogi -aphers in other offi,ces of tl�-
has b6on comn 'I 1,
vh,epe a -Litite4,
wrong tli7oae entrusted with the carrying our, I
. ", " � . ftie lqx*l weed inspectors.4Cgrried.
N., �11 .
The report was adopted except the
IMr. Elliott -then. called upon the
com1mittee miest and considered the
Court House ,paid, by -the officials; I
It has been done by, or is traceable Of the Aot at the Central Depart -
�, . I towmVibell-40ail ff: That this coun-
clause. re titiellographer in engineer's
members of ,the Council who all made
reportt from, Elgin Counby Couacii,
.stenographer for Road 'Dept., Coun-
to ungrateful children or other flix- mezft�
, 11. . ca ask that th,31 Inspectors of Old
ofte was struck wit. �
lbilitifi conlphin�enitairy ,remarks, e*-
re proposed albolition of, county c.oun-
,Clerk and Old Age Pensioilas,
ancially interiest�ad so-called f riends. -VIlien the Act'eanie into force in
-11, .
. . . . Alge Pensions or Mothers' Allowance
Reporte, Ile administration of Ju%-
s sin
pre' g 'their appreciation a the
cils in 01"40. We h0orbily agree
We are adding to this report a de- IM there were, -as in the ease of the �
. I �
. coinsidt Ow members) of the Old Age
�11,;,.. �
tice A,ccounts was read in committee
so rviiOes and personality of the War-
witli tihen� that the Iv;gHous county
County of B:_Population�. 44,01,00';
tailled statement of ithe paymeint.4 Oild Age Pensions, many attempts, �
., , . �Fel=Aon Board of each municipality
� I .
., . I before any pension [be granted Or re-
vhth. Air. MeXtbbon in, the c�hair.
The reiport was adopted in com-
. I
delm . I
The Warden again thanked the
councils ,01 -Ontario we doing agood
work and it would be very ilaudihs-
=Teaget aiseessment, $44,-
330,130 -one' '
. stenographer for Clerk,
made during the year and also those not alvoyab Y the w1dows themselves,
made sin6e. the Act came into force, but gen�radly by so�called friends of
. �-..
I- I ..... iadjusited-�Carrie<L
"7., , ... . iStattr-iGoldthorpe: That this coull-
d, .
"ttee and council.
The following mation were su'4mit_
councillors for their kind , words and
evidences of their guod will.
able to agree to or recommend, its
abollition. I
Treasurer, Road ,Sppt., and �Engllheer
` d b county; ,County Clerk hoe I
= , y
those pre -A, to (this, .year. may be 'the applicant?s, to reduce theAct to
found on pjpe� 35 of the last Decem- a mercenary dealls, ,pro
� . po$iition, in-
, I , !L� � . . tty, coulwA recommend to the val"Ous
I... augh boards that the
ted -.
The proceedings closed, by, singing
Regard '09 communlicat"Ons from
Ograp� and I assistant Stan-
091uliher; ShOriff, 'StellograPber;
,bor report. By this statement it wil, I stead of supplying%riatfelt need. to,
be i
!� , school n1a-X1_
I .1 I
to 'be. to the Princi-
,Claigie-Sinibli: That this council
the Nationad Anthem� i"Auld Lalig
the C.P.R, and CI,N-R-,' re PabUO-
Judge, I -part tinle,q,nd 1 steady for
ticed that during the time of widows in want. I I
n I . 'It ",
Xct, there has been
" .�,. mum. salaxy paid
go on, reciord as strqngly disapproving
Syne" andthree cheers, for t�he Wax-
guards On railways', we concur in
-the paid out -in is g,raltifying -to reaiize4 dmb
1`,� ,:�� ipalis be'not more th an. $2,000. per an-
�'-,j,,, nu
_ Initu, owing to the continu,e,d depres.-
of the aebion, of the Provincial Gov-
ernment in Ordering the diDgontinu-
LOuds IHI. Rader E)P)q. .
the actlion of- couatty council in see-
court. . , I
. We feet tfiait the stenographer in
.. I �
Auron the following: that feature has almost vintirely dis-
Total ,paid ....... i .... $3,3,82,511.29 appe#red. ,and the enforcement of ths,
,,, .
., a -v6ew of relie,�,ing the -tax-
t. ' ision Avith
anoe of a training sichool. in small
Dear Sir:
, X� this closing session
sion refusing acquiesence in same.
Rogari ding'request of Board
the Engineer's Office could a4so (10
ilai�u by the Dominion, .. 2,2-6,202.417 Act afbresent finc6 -generous words i
?�,�, � ' payers and lXiving the teac,hing Pro-
hospitials that have previously, in ev-
of the 19&1> Huron County C,)unoil,
Trade of Prince Edward County,
the stenographic work in -the Treas-
Paid by -Ontario ........ 93,78!5.35 of approval instead of censure.
,� I - ' flesisdon take this share of the exist-
�" * ling SCWTIiity Of MIDney--igenit, to Ed-
exy way, livied up -to all government
regulatbons regarding the Same.
we -take the oppoirbuildity of express-
ing our
unemployment, we heartily concur ka
ure:i-'s Office for same salary as now
beling paid, and recomImend this sug-
Paid by County of Huron 62,423.46 There are two ways in which I
Or as nearly as pasAble, the per- would like to suggest that improve_
* ,
�-.: .. '' . ucaition Coinimittee. -
We feed that this will act as a real
appreciation ta, you as War-
request anid instmet our C�air-
man and ,SecretaV? tO Present a mO-
gesition be adopted. We recommend
tbat the incoming
oentages have been: ,Canada, 60; On- ments could be madke- The first is �.
(Scoitt-Stewart: That the road be-
- 11;weera Ooineesisiio4, 8 and 9, East)
hiardship to rural communities and
Wfe are p'asising through a difficult
tion to this counedl and hope -for its.
council take this
rnatber up and,that all'stenographeks
tario, 24; -Huron, 16-J. Walton Me- Ithat the A-Iat u
The Vadle, to contin e as
K,,bbo.n, Chainnan.
- � Wlawan6sh, running westerly from
greatly increase thq cost of conduct-
ing thiese licisPItalsq, if not foVdimg
period of depression, a time which
requires leadleirs posseoging, ability,
ipasis-age. � I
Regarding from
for county stiouildbe appointed by boy-
. a support to ,the widow for somet,
IThe following schedule gives the Years after,itille youngest e,hild be,-
� iBe
t. ' ' ' .' _lgrsive. be added to. the county
itheir disconItInuance which we are
courage and itaot, whic4h. qualities you
nitied Counties of Stormont, Dun-
1piw-,Struck out. - Peter W. Scott�
Chairman. I
payments for Old Ago Pensions for -comes 16 years of age, eb*,�ecially 1�
, . Ughway system .as Fast Wa,wanosh
�11 Do roads on county system _ii,x-
so rry to say appears to us will be
the ultimate result if this legislatio1
have displayed to a mairked 'degree.
dias, and 4engarry, re indigent pa,t-
Condensed copy of Order-in-Coun,
the S'Y2 years the Act has been in when ,great need ie in gioli,
force: I . , depeo for
ithe reason with the
' , ' '
i., cerpt thear share of boundary roads on
rein-adna in effect. A pop ofthis
We wviish to qongratulate yo upon
the uinfailding couiritesy with w hich
tients in hospitads, we heartily con.
our in wn -e as being in, the interests
c1l: .
1929--30 pa=_-gi Of tho � I
ebilditein, out of the b ary age,
� the south, west and north side
: s Of
resolution to be sent to other ,county
you have treated your associates, �the
of taxpayers igenieral'17--kPoter 'W.
1. For serlvdices'at court each day
when actually eii-.Iployed, $8,00
h tab PaA 1ka �- a � 1 1
M -t To by id b P id by of ess than 16 't, the need of
Years �
pom 0.t..
? the towniship--Zent to Good Roads
�, - Commission.
councils throughout the Province and
copies sent to. th-g. X. L. A.'s.-Car-
Promptness, and firiminess with whik-h
you ll,�IvLe carried oult the duties
Scott, Chairman. '
Advisori Committee Report.
diem'and ,if -employed. after 8 o'clock
County the moither, owing to . advanIcimg
Nk>v. $6771.75 $2885�88 $1131.52 $1154.3' . I
5 Mears and -lessening earning power
. Jiaa,cike��,eitzer: That the coum-
ried. ,
of your office.
The followingarethe recOmMenda-
p.m., an addWonal day's pay or �8
2. lCopies of evidence requirp,.d for
Dec. 681&4& 3408.21 2044�93 1803-29 and the sudden lost, of'.th-o allowance
Jan. 7441.98 3720.09 2232.69
. ty pay Goderich Township for the
Elliotit-Gam1ble: That a v,&te of ap-
The fact that you wer�e chosen by
Morns passed 6n by the Advisory Ag-
the Judges., 10 -cenits folio of � one
1498.40 becomies a very serious mo&er to
, !
Feb. 7588.06 3794.08 V-76.12
gravel ibaken from thteir pit On the
, Denniriller Road, wNch has been Ow-
preciartion 'be given to I -Mr. John Me-
Kenzie for the
the Wardens of thAk Province of On-
ridultural',fCouncil at a meeting held
daly for one transcription of short-
1517.61 her. !
Uwr. 9185.63 4592.91 2755,69 1837.13 The improvement I
dMg noe the yeurs'1928-29 and this
a5145 and COWien-
tious service at the council and on
tari-0, 88 a Representative to the Ag-
ricultural Advisory Board reflects
in the Agricultural Office,'Clinton, on
FAday, Noivembor 25, 1932:
hand' notes not exceeding six alto-
seeond to ,bp
Apr. . 7723.715, 3861.88 2317.12 1544.76 _
made would, Ibe, that the Act -he mcke I
counuil gocut and� loak this situation
County Ro ad !ConiniLi-asli,Dn.---�Cai-.t-ied
crodit upon vourself and u,-o,n -our
1. an view of the interest di--'.--.
gnet'her., - .
n A A A_i4 I
.May 1043D.66 , 5;21.9.83 3-131.90 9087-93 a, little moire elastic in the caseis Of
., over when we adjouTu this afterrioon. with applause. . . oila. covies for thp par- iuo�e 9083.117 4541.59 2724.95 1916-63 deisertiorn� reducing the ,age from 5 . . I
. county, and we desire to compliment ed in the recent Bacon Hug Field tie�, 6c. per folio for each copy. - July 9844.12 4422.16 2658-80 1768-86 'to 2 or 3. years to, conotibuite a claim. I
. ,--4Ser.t to Good Roads commission. On moiti-on of Messrs. Francis and you upon'this honor which has come Day and Auction Sale which was held 4. Single copies 71/2c per -10110, Aim. 10330.73 5135.37 309-9.22 2066.14 A woman two or,
lGelger,McNabb: That a cOPY Of Wallace, -the ,Council �Ldjourned to to you. at Walton on, No em1ber 10th.the Ad- for cach copy. . tbree, Ydars 'Iesiort-
v . ' Sopt 114&1.29 5725.,66 34315.39 2290.25 ed is asi much'a, serious case of die- 1i
.. the Old Age Pension repom be print- meet on Friday. . We trust that your constituents will viso,"Y 'Council recominilends that ,one 5. Copies ordered by Judge, '71/Le GdL 902.08 4946.04 ' 2967.62 19�8.42 serrtion as
ed and sent to each Reeve of each Friday. see fit to send you -back to the coun. Or two,eimilar meetings 'he 0�ud`uct-, per "fodio. 11 I . a five, Year caae'wauld be, .
imuzl�,dpalDtr I __ --- -_ - and Often the need is much grpatp 0
I A, and aifter ndilidnation ,The Clerk announced a 'cammu-ni- Cil fOT the Corning year tha,t we may ed in -the, county next year, prefewab- 6. ,For reading evidence fb Judge $104968.8,5 $52,104.43 4$31490.66 $209�,713 lb�f,Ori� she beICOM ,r
. . V. &Y is Over it is to remain with the catior4 re highways, which Ili had beneifit by your advice, . . 17 either�iinimedftately before or after from'notes, PZO per hour on cer- 1930--31 , .1 .es, adjusrt�pd' to her . . . I
: 1. , ICII,erk - far reference.-Ctav . ied. handed s* -the High�,vay Department 'We be,& you to ac,pept this, cane tificate of Judge. Local cour.ts in Nov.. n0205.74 5602.87 3SO1.72 condition that a five year term woulcl - .
. ; � 10;iraff-Taylor. That this counity to consider. . n -Mt would app 1 2241.15 beget beca,dee the mother has not, I . .
� I I a tokenof the affectionate esteem I' 2. ear that the stan- distriots as well as in counties. Dec. 111162.75 5'081.38 SUM 2232.5,5 had time to'beexiimie inured to .the- -
council of'Huran petition to ha-ve the Un.der tbe head of Inquiries, Mr. which You are held by .war fellow dard of - Onbario's bason hogs have . Old -Age Pensions Committee. JIMA. 10668.85 6334.43 3200.66 2133.7 " hardialhips that desertdon imposem . 1 ,'7 %,
Government' to have tmrri,,,�-hip en- Gcild�horpwe'inqul-aed re the aeaounts� Tneiinbers off the 1982 Huron county to be 'raised in order to meet the ex- , 'The Old Age Pensions Committee Feb. U4142.91 $721:46 3432.87 2288,58 � I
, u . � - I., am of the opinion that these '
. gineer's fees Ted 6ed 1by bylaw. We, The Clerk - iVad a, letter from -Alt Council, and we wish fo-r you a con- aoting requirements of, the RI-itish beg to report,as follows: ' Mor. 11052.48 5526.24, 3815.74 U10'.53 changes in the Act oou,W be brought . I I.."
with the municipality, feel that local Htiggins. stating that the matter had tinuance of the p'leasent associations market, and. as this necessitates con- ,Dui - ing the year the committee held Aipr_ 11454.09 15727.05 , 3436.23 2290.82
., - ongiThe-ers reicefimq- far tOo much money been investigated and all matters *hich you have made -with us, sidarable improvement work, - the eight lneetings and, dealt.,With 149 May ! about -i�hout much increase in cost ,I'
� for services rendlered.-Carried. �.� �152644 5763.12 3457.87 2305.25 as those receiNiing, ,the largest pay- I ��
par�allianig to -th.? accounts hav,a been, Signed on behalf of tb,e C�ouncil couric-il recommends -that the Agricul- ,applications. This does not include June ' 11674.5p 5837.30 3502.38 2334.92 inen',13, i6xiier, tal,a preoeint ineithodo. i
.. . � Carcuff-Wilght: That thii county fou,nd correct. . and Officials. tural Ropresentadive compile a -boar -the meetinig of the, 1931 committee July 11329.53 566C77 3398.86 2265.99 P
I council -do mot give consent vo the Mr. Wright, as -ked the Wardeh's I ciould -be h-,iateritall'y reduced and, -still - . %,
I I cenz,trs of the county. It is felt that in January. wh,L-n applickttions were Aug. (1210-1.08 643.154 3632.12 2421.42 -be withir ,��
� . 1C.N.R. for doing alway with cattle� "opinion re �saiii to the Ortario REPORTS OF COMM11TEES .Such information would be valuable .t. the favored list of living, 11 i
TeClElived, making in all, nine ftlee.t- geplL 12336.46 6168.2a 3700.04 ' n467.129 -all provided for by ovien, a less month- I .1 1.
I � . guards within the county, as we Agricultural Advisory Committee to Repor' , as tille basis �ocf, a.n improvement cam- iniga al-bogethen. and the receiving DaL '11794.75 W7.38 3538.42, 2358.95 ly allowan,,e_---IGeorge W. . Hoimlan,, Wt
I . Vs L�dll feelthat th6y are of much value Mr. Kennedy, Niinister of Agricul- . t of House of Refuge. paign and it -Is suggested that such of 145 apPlica-tions duTing the year - __ - -1 �
: I . . - -_ Chairmain, . .
. � when cattle are beiing driven alon, . g Lure. I 'The Commidtitee held four �nlk-etdng , information might best be secur,od, to date. . $13775.5.48 W877,74 $41326.64 $27551.06' 1 . . I �
I . the road-iCarried. ' , . 1he Warden said this might be re- �hrough the Rural School Secretar- . 'The, total number Of awlicationA I 1931--32 Good Roads Commission. .- 1.
. ,C)ouncil then adjourned to meet on. ftrr,:d to in reports of . Committees. during the year, in '.Karch, June, Sep- 11EIS. I . . We. your �County Road Cionimittee, i�
. -
� . 11 C,O,nl,rrLi'nt - Le'roher and November. At each meet� " lleceived for perisions since the Act Nov. ;12400.93 9300.70 ,1860.14 1?40.09 beg to report as follows: . - .
1. Thuxaday. The ,County Propert� ge ; ,3. The Advisory Council recom- came into force, in I
Thursday. ." Xuly, 1929, has ocic. ;s 12498,33 9373.75 1874.75 1249.83 'The program of works set forth
'. . .,g th-e-accoui-ts for Ole - -e
- . .
. I . re;oTt was read and adopted.' . quarter wel. m1ands -that a day be set a,�ide next b-clen, as follows: Jan. 12343.33 9257.50 1851.50 1234.33 in June has, been nearly complete�d, I I I
.. . ll ries re .panlig 'he lHouse of Refugel report was ai�dited and orde." issued for the ,s:pring to (be known as Huron Countv '1192,9, 6 months ........... 447 Feb. 11764.73 8823*.55, 1764.71 1176,47 although working 6binditions during
1. . Pa.vintent of the- sarne.. .
� I 731brary aild-otber grantsi, the Clerk read and'adoptedl. ' . Sheep Dipping Day'and that this b� 1930, '12 -Months ........ 248 X. a r. 11514.73 8636.05 1727.2f 1151.47 a large pait of the Yew were not I I
. � There are: at present 91 in'riates given Publicity in. the ,county Pa I "
said these were beiii- paid, that or- , The Good Illloads� report -was -read. in the Housa. [During the year'biherie ,pers 119al, 12 months ........ 180 Apr. IN76.1.3a 7098.25 1539.65' 1026-43 favordble�' Jt is- expected that there � . j ,
ders hq.d bem issued to pay higii clause by clause with Mr. U�,ipea, in were 14 x1leaths. . .., and through the medium of circular 11932, to date ............. . 145 - may 12132.73. 9099.5,j 1819.91 1213.17 'mill bB a surr2u%to the credit of the
Ilet-ters to all owners of community 1, - �
schoal grants and, the others would the chair. The report was adopted. Dmwinig our Misit I . - June 115V6.2'd $62D.65 1725.03 1150-62 counity of' ;wbout.$l,0i00,00 at the e
go out when compl,ete(L. The Warden then give a report . s to the House, dapping tanks in tht!..,county. . an all .................. 1227.21 of"the year. ,nKI _1
.. h
Aug. 12272.13 9204.10 1840.82 1227.21 provided for men and tean-is during P;
8- 4. ffn vi,ew of the'lleavy losses sus- In*the 492 rilioniths the Act has been Considerable work wa,, ,
taining to the Ad,vi way the inimateg were cared, for and taillied by the cattle industry through in force, the -committee has held 50 Sept. 11462.13 S596.60 1719.82 , 1146'21 I.,
The Clerk- 'completed his report re of matters per the co,minlittee, were well pleased the ' .. "1020 July 11534.60 8650-95 1730.19
.. 1 'Matherg' Allowance matters, t14 first ory A-grictulturtl ConnImittee and. said are proud 6f this insdiliti-on.-Joh the Year, and with -the lower Prices 11
I.., part.of which had been accepted the Lhe January ,meeting of council would X,N,b�, Chairman. � .1 'it the waqfDl.e flies and, the damage cau3- meetings �with an average of Over 20 OaL 1100.92.50 7569.65 1513.93 1000*22 prevaifin1g, Muclh Inlore, was accom �
� I � ed by bots in horses, th. � e A . I ,_
I - -previous day. be the propeir tin-ve. to....make.appoint- County Property Committee. - Plished for the expenditare than was I �
I - dvisory applications per meeting. - - �
. . The'Trelasurer then gave an ac- ment of delegate to' TbrQnto. CouriAl recommendis thal" pnbh�nft, 'The numilbietr of new applicatiom $139786.97 104840. 130 $20968.06 t13978.61 formerly p0sSibl,e. . , I - L
.. We visited the gaoa and' found 11 !be given to the methods"of control Pei ineeting has very much decreas- Twit% for three years:- I E ,, .
. count of the fina-llces of the county. amounts of the TiS-071CIrs and everything in good con. and preveiition and suig . Economicts have been effected in
: I . Mr. McLeod, Agricultural Rep,res- different; pay sheets of epillmittees. p .1
dition. � .1gest, that an Rd and this ,would indi,eate the work Thtal ' ,Dominion Provincial Cou0ty nearlyeverry department of the work, '
: I entative, then addi,e.kqed the council lGeigeir-Ballantyne: That a copy ' endeavour be made to establish. an, of the 6oTrI.T'ittee having been de- siooi;sm $52484.44 $31490.65
; . regriling the work of. his offim , of the report ,of the Special Coni'llIlt- �,Wo v-1sited the Regisrty Office and ,are, inthe county . in which ibe far- crearoed accordingly,,.but ,such is 'not - M755.47 68877.74 41326.64 $20993-76 'Particularly in gTavel Pits, where the �
. I , recommend a new filing ,tabinet be 27551 -OD costs of oPerating crushers have been I ,
. .
.. ( sly Nk-ith Te-fer- tee, re 'CriTninal Ju,stice Accounts,, be mers.willl undertake to treat all hors- ithe ,case. .as the number Of reCOn',qid-' 1�9786.97 104840.0 t2O968.06 13978. cult nearly 50,, Pei, cent., chiefly by I
.! e
I � Purchased im place. Of the old, one but 61
� , . elice to the work outside.in connec- 24ent to the Hurion. members of the to b,e let to �es and cattle for the ex-teilmlination of lerabows and appeals ba-ve kept the - -, � .
: ition with -,tock and fruit improve- Legislature and to the Government of . incornjn� council, - th,vae pests. . I , - thz, installation of draglines. Two .11 I
I , iyork albout the same. I � ' I
I __ ,. �llent . 011-tario.-Carried. I We recommend that a new fienlef, . $38215511,29 4224202.47 ,03-785.35 $62423.46 dragliniev, vvere purchased and -one ��
* ' I
The -ce next - MotheA' Allowance Report , us"ed truck, (While one crasher plant . .
Ile built around Registry Offi 5- 10wing to thii fact that a great Of the tP',bal number given above,
- *�,�ckn thalikod Mr, McLeod Arahibald-A.ealviers: That the. Leg- year . I -deal ,of weed see.45 are annually be- the central ,�.Offlce at Toronto has I .
. I . . .. I J beg to report that -the number On was. rebuilt into'a.' poritailide plant.
for his address. . . i6i,��latare 'be request.ted. to amend the ,ing asown w,�th cereal grains aud, granted '965, and the total nuniber the 11others' Allowance pay sheet has FOUx gravel -pits were bought during ..
I .,
. The unifinished report of the Ad- Weed Control Act to have the weeds We re0milmond a new flag be -small G*&&�i "'the Advisory A 'ricul- rio-w�on the ,Pay, roll is 620, the dif- increasted aboot 10, per cent. during the year. (Of various sizes) for a to-
. ' 9
. . visory Commifittee was taken up. ' an the road allowances on all 'roads Purchased for Uourt House as the old' tilral 6)undl -wisbes to reconimend ference, or 245,, ,have ce . I
� The Committee had struck out on -the saime tedrds as' the adjacent one is in ,very bad conditioni W- that the Agrioultu I Riepresentatav,,! come claims. .-ised to be- the past �iear, 4rom. 58 to 64. tal cost of $1,223,00. 1 z
ae of the re- land as this council cons Haacke, ChaiMJan. ra The numib�r of mothers and foster Re carniniunications from the Do-
.. i4ers ' the � g- ' conduct a seed drill survhey next 'Of the 620 beneftelaries now orr-our mGithers .who have, received the atilo%-; POrtment Of Highways that certain I I
.. ... .. Tiort, ,having been adopted on Wed- presenit system to he inefficient and eport of Children's Shelter I spring I in -,which the saimples collect- pay list:* nine ,have come in roi rt of e pr I, , .
nesday, e . Your commlitte� beg to report *that ' frOni ance since -the Act paine into force ' ds, formerly -Pa tb. O,vin_ I
I -
. --the whol report. was then expenrAye.-Caried. . we have held three meetings. At ed will, as far as posis-ible, be taken dther counties, and, for ,whom we are 1twelve years ago,, or .in 1920, -is 168. Clal ifijbwaY System, had become ' . ��
. adopted- in, council. . Sm -A -Matheson: That the -h,'r- these ,direct from the seed &ill.' This sur- ze�sponisible after being residents of ' 'During the past 12 inonths the county roads on Auguist 12, 1932, we .
. , .meetings we have inspected the Vey can (be made with the co -opera- Huron .one year, the gamie 're, �
! , The Legislative Colritmittee re- man of each pay comnlittee pivscnt budl-dings and contents, al 9"lla- payments bave (been as follows: recommend that the ICOMmiiwion: be, . �
I . ported and ilz report was adopted by to this council a report of the am- so Passed tion of the Public school �pupils arfe tion obtains regar,ding tho
linion Seed -the numbeirs conling in and those *go-' . ..
necessary free of charge, by the Doll -P to date . �Docomb&T
, the accounts wbich have been sub- the samples collected will be graded, out. of Our county, and u se going November ...........'..$ 877.50 notified of all -such com,municatjons,
. kho council as One of those stbrilit- -,unts of the pay sheets of cornTrit- mittied to us. k
.1ted, We found it ............ 872.50 . imimed$ately, 'so, that the obligations .
. . Sc Lees during the year. -Carried. to pain the buildling this summer as, Branch in Toronto. January ............. 922.50� Of the county can bia given attention. .... I I 11
� �'Smiith: That we recommend Wright -Cardiff: That the Canada the w6odwo,rk ing out have -been. about'equal. FhebTuary ............. 92.5.00 In 'conclusion; we wish to say .
I . that 11 I ,�
to the Provdilicial and Dum'lnioin Gov- and 'Dorminion Sugar Company, also was suffering on 1ack 16. The Adviispry �Cciun4l reconi.- There are in the HousiN of UF . Marc 9i7.50 -the relations of -die Road Comanittp-e �
. Tdends continuing the ...... ... . . I A.
th ... ,n of the happiest and .
I h e -St. Lawrence Sugar Coma-Vany, of 'We found e cus'- Mary at Present 90 inmates and of ' this April .... .. 905.00 have bee
, ernmients that until the remiunoration of paint. Ref .e h ...... .
of labor in urban and rurall. d ricts Matron , was perform- grant -0
: ist. -Montreal, be asked to start a sugar inig her ,,J $2,00 for junior extension riumber, 40 harvie been granted full � IMay * '"'' * * to ex-
. ' duftil6s n first class mariner. work hd a grant ........ ....... 907.50 Press our appreciation of Wh; serviceit
� is in harmony, that un'6mPloyment Fa,,,tory ir. HuTon Courity-.��Cairrjed. i . ,of $20 toward-, Pensions of $240 each, the county re- June '.*. ..... .,. 962.50 and co-operartliorq that ouil Couln*
:1. . . The Home. wab always, tlean and *each School Fair, conducted in, 'the taini* $216 of this, or' �$I� per jigy
r . -WrFrancis: That Bylaw .5, of 'children well looked, , I
relie 'be conisidered an ,entirely local IS�, after. At lyres- col - ........ �
inty. Deer is giving us, and of the in- 4.
. miatter. 1 1930, appointing Tbo�nas Gundry, Sr., Recommienddid to 1933 coun- Month for the keepi of ea,eh pension- August, .. - . - . ............. 1,015.00 teres -t he -Lakes in making the.fun,U I
. ent thterei are 15 children tin ,the 'cil. - er., , . ............. 960.00 Engi I .
. I That it, is vel7 unfair to direc�tly special officer for Huron, County, un- Rome, ranging in age from one year S-eptpinber ............ 1,062.50r at 'Our disposal cover the grea,tewt .
. or indirectly increase the farmer's Aer the Liquor Control Act of On-, 7- ItI is the wish ,of the Advisory arr, I
. beavy tax bills to , . I to 16 years: One girl 16 years; .q CounciiI that the county council con- h October .............. 967.50 Possible ground in e. ying oat the, .
support the unem- tario, be repealed,_-Carrried, gifils at 13 years; 1 girt, 2 years; I sider the advisability of having a , means a total olreque of $9,600.00. Of I - imIPTOvements for the benefit of the ,q
ployed luTed to cities by the higher Haacke-Goldthorpe: That any Per- , this the county pays 10 per cent. but Total .............. $11,29.5.00 I -whole -cOuntlAJolin A. M-LKeiizii;
. boy, 9 years-- qne 8 years; 3 at P) sugar beet.-dacitory ei ablished- in the b k
wagers offemd''thelm. Q01" in Huron Gounty wishin . t 6�6eives ac- froni . . eo
ears; two,at 3 -years; county s the county's 50 per 'Chairmall, I
I s with dogs, be, allowed to do so one, I year. ,680-00 received cent ,Province of Ontario pay'" Second Report. 1,
. ,royeL 19 to run years; I .at 5'v ' the pensioners This represent
That each municipality'look after . anj that a letter tot tbis*�d- $8,640-00, leaving $7
Eilgh-t-tihildiren are go- feet .be prepared and forwarded. to from dhe ,Province and Dominion. Ing W
- by getting a proper permit- --Car- ing to school. We lost one ward by thie-St. Lowr,e,n e ar a like amoqnt. Re motion of [Mesism I
U13 -own unempl6yed at its own ex ., the
pense. , . I. ried. . a , C Sag Co" of Mont- Included in the total num1ber re- ' S, Scott and - 11 �.
death, a young boy a I I years.- real. The several paryments have been tewart, that -the road 'West of Bet-
TbUt copies of this resolution be Under head of inquiries, Mr. S ceiving Pensions, or the 620 stated, made as follows. ta;Mng the month of grave be added to the County Road
forwarded to the Provincial and Dom- brought up the met t c4?A William Swditzer, 'Chairman,. . 8. Wfiereas, ai the Present Itinl-11 seiverral of these are confined in . I
. ter of he requir- Finance Committee. it takes about one hoig out -6f every Houses Of Providence and Old Peo- October as an example-: Systerill, this road *as inclu,led in . I .
. dnion Governments -Adopted, �-d Tiotice's am' formalities in ,admit 'We recarnimend ,that the accounts fouri ,or one bushel of wheat I mother received $10 per mionth BY -law No. 20, 1930, of the Go -
Mr- T. R- Pattersron,l County En- tin-.�, in-digent patient-, 'to lfn-�pitals. out of Ple's Homes and a number in On- 1 mother unty
. of Mary Jane Jardine.., Toronto, bill every four to make up the difference taTio, Slosipitalsi. . I received $15 per month of Huron to'be added to the system, . I
I igineer, presented his report of the Scv.eral of the councillors sP0I`,(!, re 'of $157-50,; Clinton Hospital,, $527.40; in exchange between ED Heil and For --, e .. 9 mother. ree'd each-�$20 per nionth and notice bus just been received 1 I
'work of lbe year. The report will the matteT'and stressed the jinpo,�i_, Queen Alexandria Sanatorium, 9 Oin 'years the, Province has 15 �noithers ieic'd. each $25 per month from the Department of 1-righways . I
CAnadfian currency, we respectfully been retaining to the Co,unty Homes .
,. be found in the mix,uteis. ar.'Ce Of PrOpeT -notifidaticir, -is the $1,333.50, formier payment of Alipx- request that this county council.seT .. 1-6 mothers, rin'd. each $30 per month Ulat the only county �roads ,lippr,,ved
-o . `_ 10 86
The, Wardien flianked Mt. Patter'- c '�!'Y has 'been ,paving the,,e a, - in Ontar those drimates of .pro -
son for his addiieus. I � . andrHa Sanatorium� $1,96,9-11)U- -,Goid- ious,ly consdder this situation and vi 'I, mothers ree'd. each per niontli to date are the road to Auburn sta,
' F nicial 'Hospitals coriisli6rod well en- 4 mothers reeld. each $40,per mionth lion, and the road between Conces Al�
-dren% at Hospital, 4 mothers ree'd each $45 per mo rry. .
�oun'v,, vvery ,precaution �I,nald -be el'iell Marine HOrPital, $841.16; Sea- that a 1710tion"be Prepared and for- ougb or suffioiently bured to b 1, -
. MT. Edwards, Inspector of Cbil- takd%n to retider county authorities forth IScOtt Memori warded to'Moi4or the nth 860 is ni T nbe 1�
. Shelter. add,rel,tsed the council full inform. tion. , 6 a] - , n 8 a d , Tur .
�-` 7 . . a $1,001.95. Hon. Rdbt. Weir, -)-owed to ,mingle with thosie.of our 3 mothers ,Tee'! each �50 per month ' R� motion 'of Messrs. Haaeke and �
on the work Of that in�titution' d'ar- Mr. Goldthorpe brought lip I Willig"ham Geniez*l Hospi- Fedeml Minister of Agrii�dture, re- -couffiby homes. Of .these We ba:ve re- - SwIeltzer that the 0011"ItY Pay for
Ile ta,i, 0�6-10; 'Toronto Consumptives questing that
ing the past year. matter of the .Corn Borer Fnisrector's Tulberctilosig, $549.00, already plaid; establish the ,be use his influence to ceived back 16 in. all at different 64 inoithers received $1,936 per month grOvieltaken. fftm the Benimiller road I
:A depudzution from the Town of accounts previously presented. English pound on a times, 'and of these, five have, been I
' ' St. John's Industrial School, Toronto, pan a 'the Commis'siOn Of a &rmL-r year oF . .
. Goderia, 1comi of Mayor Lee, He was informed tihaf the mi4ake 'tY -with ,the Canadian doll r . in Placed on the Old Age Pensions list. Or av� alve,rage of about $30.25 each fered $125JW in full Settle
I I ' $278.50; Women's College Hospital, Canada. ILast clause ,struck out. -I. , Those applying for Pensions hav on onent of all t
Dr. Martin and, Mr. Amons, were raferred to jw�% a clerical erro'r in Toronto, $17.50; St. John*'s Hospital, J. Wright, Chairman, �e per m th, and this r,bpresenits a claimis against the land ji,nd we re- "I
leard, re training of nurse& copyilyg the original accounts, which Londioni, $131.25. the statelinents .set forth in their ap- fair 'average per month during the conilmlend that a simi&r offer be . .
. A movement its on foot ,and a pro- were kerpt in a -book for 0e p-urr,)-,e* $140,b,o.; Waberl,�;, 'Ustowel 'Hospital, ,Report Of Committee re Ztenography plications, first iniesti,gaterd, as fully, year' " . . . I
� ;;; .1
� ,County Health As- We beg to repo as follows: ' as 'possible bY the members of the 'The' toltal of $J1,2915-00 as shown Kienz*, ,Chairman.
q"ition berirk brought tforward to It was ,noted, also that the Carn Fociatio?z. ma& willunt Prejudke-John- A. Me,-
FreeptUrt Sanatorium, $1540. According tq yourr inMlructions, wo Old Age Pensions Commi#oo, and in the first part of this, report for - Report of County Engineer.
I take' the gradulation of nurses from Borpr Inspec.tor b6d- not presented a Ford,wich ,to Listowel, $15.75, be pai4 have made enquiry into the matAer upon these jnrvest�tgat I
; Ismall (hospddals like Godevilch and report of. this year's work. ionts % (based the whole year, or the amount paid
� Ole other courity hospitals. when O. K. by the reeves of the ,of the cost -of sten * 'The work on the cmn;(�r roads of
� ography in conne - the act -ion taken regarding each egm by the
. The Finance Committee preizenti,!] ,weveral mfunicipalities, and 't be "ti-lon WM the' admli county, represemtsi One-fourth 1932 has lbe'en -nearly completed and
I - ;' I of Pot ilisibration of jus- The names of those granted . by of a ,mill lev;ied on Qurr equalized, val. I 'r 'the 'GrOvommlifflillt subsidy f has 1. .0
nsiderea in bil er Ba" ($108.00) not to be tice in this, county., , arbL
- Mx. Lee said that ,the ,organization ;ts report which wX4; 66 I+at t
� . of nurses had set up a propaganda a(,uncil with the Warden in the chair. paid until more . the local authority, with the amounim, uati!on of $44,21H,176.001, or. a silligh.t been crefted, a small aurplus shouldi
satisfae,tory proof of We were ohown the Order-in-COun- Of Pemsiim l9ranitedl., lare then, for- increase e
, to do a -way with the training of nuirs. ThE roport wasadapted. " his babitation has -been proven,.'-�-A, dit. dated August 11, 19245, appoint- wardled to the , nt al - Inligsion *M7 r last year which was rellnaiI16 � . .
. . ,es in the smaller ho.-opitals. - . The Wardell. then presented a brief J. Goldthorpe, Chailftan. Ce r Com $1,0540.06. The *iOrk carried out included: . .
; IMr. Parsons continued the discus- s-urnmary of the knIportant resolution% Criminal Audit Repor ing EL ,Webb ,(now Mrs. J. Reynolds) at Toronto, and by them an ins-nector This cannot be regarded as any- 11. 26
. I cOu'rt stenogtapher for this coufty. i's sent OvIer the sume ,ground, 1;o re, thing burt a fair or mio m1i,les; of road reidonstr,ucto(l, - ,
.. 'Dr. Maitin spolke of the techn,icsLI �ultural Committee which mt-t in, �1 6 Pointed to Wa were also shown the tariff of investigate the cases sent in, and up- considering the lbimes� derate in6rease . complete wit], culverts.'
Million in Opposition to the proposoition. and wdrk done by the Advisory Agr- twe, the committ e, api t
ion. He. s -aid that rollito, from ti le to time ill an ad- cou,n i2- Four 0onciret Ibeidges built.
.. end of the propoeit lOok into the Minlinal a,dudit Ot, fees for .court Work Of this kind. A on this inspector's report the lfinal � It will be noticed, by looking at the 3. 10drisiderable conqrerto work on I
. Tn ts, find: .
, . � the main use of aniy hospital was to visio,ry capacity to Hon. Kennedy, 7% af. condensed statlement Of same being amount of pension is fixed and the second schiedule.of digures that there dams and culverts. " .
, the Crown Attorney has re- attached to this report. We were rePort of the local committee ,may is albi.g difference in, the monthly 4. Four miles- of road, illixed bit
. take care of the siek and that; any, Mindster of Agriculture. and of wbdcb ceived'fii,r the first 9 ffiblirths of tbis� ailac, informed by M,rs. Reynolds th _ .
!,. -
� , setion 4hat. tended to facilitate this commdttee Waiden Rader is the re- year, $4,113.10. at The ,confirmed Or ,changed, or disal� lyayinieniiu
, .. . she had' appil)inted iMigs Oli%le Schoe. lowed' in cases.' . a, but Ithe' Payrinentis, are urninious e,urfracee,, including 2 Toiles
..". Process was worithy of silipport. presentative for Westd,rn Ontario. We find the iSheriff has miadei on a very searching investiga- ,Of retread in towns and villages,,
receiv,ed in nals w her depulty and paid her per- rMany chaniges have in thi's ion
. )Dr. Martin. entedled very fully I nto Th,e followilig,motio-h was then pre- the fl mt 9 mioD.ths of this year in sonally for her lervicsisi- also. that taken place and Iniian7 cases have awairded as per the necessity in each plied and covered I
.. tthe relasons why such bospital.% ais� siented and unanimously adopted-. fees, $97122, besides, sala,rA P way 1', ' in each case and the amount 15- 109,000 -gallons of 'bitumen ap- . -
I, ' - Coderich should be allowed to grad- Fluaicke40ard-iff: That thiiis county Miss Schoenal's. nAme sh�uld not up- ,been Te -considered by itfie -central case, . I .
%.� ins& 6. 76,000 cubic yards of gravel ap- " "
.. :, 'Mate nurses and stated that most of co-uneil recommend the return We 'find County 'Constable Thomwi pear in coulitY accounts under Ad- autbority and elianges on re, The number of children in each (PIded . oll w.h,iidh 65,01DO
, it We's eru�,hed.
��,., -ay Wwni- Months, $1,086.66. PaYI, unless as the P,eputy .Court tee. I comind - case is not the onl basis"�Of 'grants, I. Carriled on 'general mainten- .
the aboses werre fmiare irragimaTy than Warden Rader as Reeve Of H of Gundry has received in the nine ministration of Jusitice, as receiving presentations of the county
, � real. I .ship for the 'year 193-3, as we c6 -r- That the WardleN, Crown Attorney Steniolgriiiphor., . Yut the age of the Y11110ther, the earn- ance work on roads and bridges, a,-,
� I �. The ,doctor impressed upon the sidier -the Warden I The committiee bus ' 'hanged its.
I - rl e
".., olf t1he- prevdouz ,%he iff and Tressurerr receiIved i�, W r6t ing capacity, the home or property, neineasga.
I effimcil the main.thought that such a year to 'be a beiriefit to the count)7 �%- R�lelyn6ldkli 1211180 inIformed us mind as expressed in the last parh- or the lack of such, and in fact ev- , y. ..
t 1931, $164,2,0, for the setecting of that she is Matron of Huron County graph of its last Dece er re or 8- Purchaged, four rgravel pits,
m(h p t, ervitlnng that can be considered in During ,the yela,
�._ eourise as proposed, would only in- c .... liti, ,owing to bils expeiience an� juToTs, Jail. From, the information receired but would like to reaffirm and r one emshing plant
,. .,I ereiase the cost of upkeep and cost of th .� a copy of,this resolution be sent We ab;o find, other tbing.,� in lij�e to Ig the n6ed in each case.
" i em- esitimatin
" O!ate, ,we feel the rarbe a Pay .for Pll"fte OUT Opp&ition to the was rebuilt into a Portable P,)a'nit, 2
. tsetvIlfee without adding to its effici. to the Cork Of Hay Towniship, Proportion. and we recommend: the na,etfi ' The Molthers' Allowairice Scheme has drogline, scra,pers, 00Im ete, were
1. se services ,should, (be materially ods ,resorted to in trying to s4biuTe long since passed the experimental )Jurcha%ed; also, a
" eniz-y. Warderh Rade,r bri,elly tha7vk,-d the 1. That thi's County Council poti- 10"Ted during this tji,m,o
., :?, IP11
, i=,Tpro,,,;_ POinsidn's for those noi deserving gr stiage, and ,has come to be-ftarded 'While vur truicl�s ,have tra,,,olle(f
�":, Vndar Ithe 'head of enquiliries, Mr. rmiricil 11or tihi,s� elvWlewce of their tion theigovernmelipt to bave f used truck,
,�.. � ,u w .
1�,�, . 6es and sion and ,further, -Aat the z in need of pensions.
"". [Scoft Ibroulght up ,the matter as to crynifidlemce amid 1A10preWation of his salariois of the Grown Attorney, tion ,should come from, the _ aq the modt needed and the,best mg- albout 101%OT01() .miles
. - ulated sYstem of charitable assiLgit, �opair.% than new oiliee., Our graVeV
, .*W Mr. 0"dry wag called on in- �servicos. . swile ' ISO 11118NY emes, 'have ,been report and require More
. ;1 Sheriff and all other fies, in conne(,. source, as the-appo.1,intmont. ,
�,; .11 . ig costs
9d, rigfitl-,V or wrongly, of undifterv- anc,6_ at Present carried -out, the hel h lin , , I
� (sbeiad of Mr. Lover to inve%tigate After pasisirig a number of bylaws tinn with the criminal justice sub- We r0conirmend that this count ., Were loWer than? y
I p lau
.W.e.f Mie fthsle OT a dioath in Blyth-priday on imlotiivn of P. W, Scott, seconded' stantially rediuced y ed iponisdons granted *at at the, la.qt given the mother in the upbl-in.ging ipTolvgous w.ar, being somewhat .
6) "Orna"ag. , . to correspond with munedl invite oiiher teo,unties, to join. Meeting Of the col�mitteo a rasolu- af a famifly of needy chil 1811.4
1�. � "by B� M. Vr=164, -the counciiiii-oif 1932 the Presient coitdh,tions. ,dreyr, the th ' . �
_ , . . in making a request to the Ontario ti -on wasi' Unallilln'011817 ad'apted ask. future linien -and Women of our coun- tr ain' 8-4x cellft Pei .yard mile. Cion -
act work was dione -at 7 to 9-cent,g
"; 1 196 9:11"Mot was lor,thcoonillig. concluded iits business and: adif,urnied 2. We also recommend that r g 0 ea n -Y M and ever urging th-0, eenttid au. try, appeal'a to &14 as an ind�speiisaIble Pei* yard mile. A sinvall #Ortion 0:E
�, � � i�, 1 1066d km& io6mmisgion re- to mlect M' _,Oun- Legiglature to iv I<y I auto Om to in, ,
,�� - 11 , Jaintlairy, 1993, on the ty CATnotRVIle ThOnllaq- Gund" Ve r.-,. the counties, in this province, regurd- thoritie'q, to're4nr,er,qtig8te all those yisteim of aes I
'. I b was - lAft UP ,alid mad by the day a�iid date provided W thd ,Stat- I "
ieved d his duties in this county. Lng these appidintr4e,Ato, s istance that will bear our gravel
I.. �� . �, ,, . ith a vieW such Trutt in the dh" to como. Was hauled by to '
, � 11, " _ now reeelivinig PrOgione ,vA
� ,.", . . ", � .. I * , I I . � I . I I (Clontinued on page aims, gen-
W"', - .... I I 7) �
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