HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-12-16, Page 5:.7 DECEIVIBER 16, 1939 rt 0 �J. RE ENT THEATRE, aforth THURSDAY, 'RIDAY SATUR r—HDECEMiB 'R I.G 16r, 17 PHILLIPS HOLMES DOROTHY J DON CHA LpS UGGLES in `' 70,000 WITNESSES I' 4 MONDAY, TVESIiAY, WEDNESEDIA51`EIOEfMBER Th, 20, 21 WALTER HUSTON and LORETTA YOUNG ' in The Ruling Voice " You'll Thrill When You Hear the Ruling Voice COMEDY NEWS REEL — 'CARTOON THU,RS'DAY, F'R'IDAY, SA'TU'RDAY—DiE,OE,MBER 22,, 23, 24 JOHN BOLAS and JOAN BENNETT in "THE CARELESS LADY" -COMEDY — CARTOON Matinees 'Saturdays !and IHlolidays, 3 'p.ImL lllwo Slhows each nigdhlt, 7:30 and 9.15. TUCKERSMITH IMT. James Brewster, of Ottawa, is -visiting' his .sister, 'Mrs. J. Taylor. ;Mrs. P. Maoklam and baby, of To - Tonto, are 'visiting with. Mr. and Mrs. C. 'McKay. !School Section No. 3, Twcll:ersmlliitkl, -will hold their annual Christmas con- cert of ednesclity evening next, when -a 4155xle'd programme of dia- logue's, songs recitations and drills will be given. ' The,,Decemljber meeting of the Tulek- aersanli.tlli Ladies' 'Gl]]]ib was held at the holme of Mrs. Joseph Orich on Tuesday, when twenty members and two ivlisitors were present. The roll call] was answered by giving presents for the poor people up north: Mrs, G. 'MacGregor was appointed assist- ant secretary-tr•ea,sure'r. The pro- gram opened with a chord sby the Club. Readings were given by Mrs. F. Pepper, iMrs. Oke and Mrs. V. Terrylbeliry. The January meeting will be held on January llth at the home of, Mrs. Oke. The . roll call is to .be ,answered with written) sugges- tions for discussions at the meetings or improvements for the Club, amlIpmaceempusaeomina • MANLEY • ',Our 'school teacher• i'-Viis•'s Hen Delaney, is 'busy •getting the .pupils ready for a Christmas concert': Jack Frost is making hips rounds besting 'the \veak _sots. • The, late snow :'harms have made tho road:; heavy hi• wheeling or sleighing. Henry F. f,.cm m'an has 'been busy .drawing gr•avcl to r^inforce the fonln' ,:'a -t nn of hi. 'W:arn, which was destroy- ed by fire o;' late' ami 'be ready to go to work when the fine woath'er starts. WINTHROP Special.-Chriten n: er•cetinr cars, 10ec in box w tie env,, l +pea tv, m.nich, 23c box : Christ - trans' De<•nrntiun:, S,;,1:. Tau:. etc. Very low Price. .1. A. Wee Jewe] Icr. Sexforth. Miss .Evc.'iyn Campbell is Improv- ingafter up;ler going an operation in Scott Mrlrlortl I-In:rrital last week. _Mr. and ]1.' . P a x r•• of Bennr.11er, erpent Sunday with Mr. and :Mrs. Robert Can 9ro:le1.1, Fr•. - 1•p(,,eare haw;,^r,- real snappy -winter. weather. The hock''y boys are getting in ,shape for their wirot rr sport. •They had their first practise in Seaforth Tuesday night. DUBLIN DEATHS Murray.—In Scott Memorial 'Hospital, Sea - forth, on December 14th, William Joseph, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Mur- ray. Mason. --In aankaitpon, Sask., 'on December 12, Arthur Mason,foamaeoly of 'hel Mill Road, near Bruce ell. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and MM. 3, G. Houston wish to thank the neighbors who gave such timely ne.eist- ance on Monday evening and Who, no doubt, pr•evct ted a more serious fire. 1:302x1 IN MEMORIAM In loving risen omy Of James A. Thomson, who departed this rife December 17, 1930; The depths of am -row we cannot tell At the foss of one we loved so well; And .while he sleeps in peareeful sleep, His memory we srhall ialw'ays keep, Hiss smiling Race for us so dear, . The gentle leotsiteps no More we hear ; His walling hand and face so :sweet, In Heaven some day we hope to meet. -.Slaters, 'Wife and Som BOLTON.—In ')ovine remembrance +.'t' Mary Rebecca Balton, who died December 18, 1915. Fourteen years have passed since that acid day Dear Becky, we loved was called away; God took her'home, it was His- will, But in our hermits she 'liveth still). --,Sadly missed by Father, Mother and Sis- tete. 3392-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others h'avint e.Iaims • rtgai.net the estate of IRA W. JOHNS, • late of the Towntlrip of Tuckcrs.nvith in the County ef Huron,Palmer, who died on the Sixth clay of November, A. D. 1032, are required to forward, their claims duly proven to the un- der 4gnerl mi or befnre the Second clay cf January, A. D., 1033. AND NOTICE TS FURTHER GIVEN that after -the said tlate the Executrix will pro- ceed to 5ie+tritute the cvtate having regard only to the claims of which she then shall hey:: spore, DATED at Exeter. Ont., this 9th day of D(, -ember, A. D. 1032. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter and Hensall, • Solicitors .for Executrix. John McGr4th, Clandeiboye, spent the week end' with his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. John McGrath. The 'pn'pils of St. Patrick's ° high school held, a progressive euchre in 'the parish hall on Tuesday evening. A dainty 'lunch was served by the boys and 'girls. Prizes were won by 'Mrs. A. Darling and William Curtin; lucky door prize, Jeanette Riley. lDealth of Williams 'McDermott..On Monday evening William McDermott died at his home in the village' fol- lowing a long illness, in his 64th year. Deceased was an employee of the Dublin Creamery and was a gen- eral favorite with all ,who knew him. He is survived by his loving wife, two 'brothers and two sisters, Michael of Duluth' Tim, of Hamilton;' Mrs. M. Moore, of Stratford, and Mrs. M. Kennedy, of, St.:Marys. The funeral was held at St.: Patrick's Church on Wednesday morning, where High Mass was s'un'g by Rev. Fr. Odrowski. 'The pallbearers were Thomas But-' Iters, Frank Evans, Joseph Ryan, .John M1oDermlott, Gerald Jordan and 'Matthew Murray. Burial was made Lin St. Patrick's cemetery. 33,2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all mrdilorti and othere having el aims against the e,tatr4 of AGNI S, HERRON, late of the Tewn.hip of Hibbert, in the County pf Perth, Spin+ter, deceased,' are required to 'forward their closet, duly proven to the undersigned on ele beforethe Twenty-sixth day of De- cember,' K. D. 1532. ANI) NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after the said. date the Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the estate having regard only Ito the etaans of which they then shall have notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont„ this 5th day of Derrember, A. D. 1932. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter' and Hensel), Executors' Solicitors. 3391-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE that all- persons having any olaimns against the' estate of Ellen Lillie Ross Hamilton, late of the City of Sault Ste. .Marie, in the District • of Algoma. Widow, who died on or about the Fourth day Of May, A. D. 1932, at the Town of Seaforth, In the Province of Ontario, are requited to send their alarms verified by offs';davit to James McEwen, 604 Queen Street East, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, one of the Executors of the said ,Estate, on or before the 30th day of December A. D. 1932. after which date 'the Executors will proceed to administer the said estate, taking into ac- count only those claims received and proper- ty proved. DATED this 22nd day of November, A. D. 1932. BiRTHS Kahle -In Scott Memorial Hospital. on De- cember 9th, to Rev! a.nd Mrs. I. 13. Kaine, a daughter. Tierney, --in Scott Memorial Hospital, on November 30th, to Mr. +anrl Mrs. George Tinney. Hensatll, a dau'gh'ter. Eeaaom.•-In Scott Memorial Hospital, on De- cember lith, to Mr. and Mrs. Ja•;v Beacom, Seafortt, a daughter. Murray --le Srott Memori'a'l Mnspita', on De. .ember10th, to Mr. and Mrs. .:oieph A. Murray, a son. Oliver,- In Scott Memorial 1i 15r•:'al, on be- cemmber 12t1h, to Mx. and Mrs. Leslie Oliver, B:ueeelc„ a daughter. Ha3]antyne.—In iSeobt Memorial Hospital on ,December .150, to Mr. and MM. G. A. Bad- 8an tyne, a ddatigh Der (Lyha Jean). Wright —In Tucbcer3nvi'th, on Deecmbet 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wright, a son (Atilan MacKay) . Buchanan --,In Hensal.l on 'Decem'ber 10th to Mr. and Mrs. R. Buchanan, a daughter, • Audrey Eileen (still)] born). . Ecicart.—In Oakville, on 'Nova nber• 10th, to Mr. and Mats. Joseph Eckart, a Won, Conrad .Tobeph. A'rehibald--In Landon on Dee. 2n1, to Mr. mind Mfrs. A. W. Archibald, a daughters. Christmas Demonstration at THE SALVATION ARMY HALL SEA FORTH , FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16th, 1932 at 8 p.m. chairmam: M1AJ'OR L. URSAKI _Admission - - IS Cents JAMES McEWEN, ROSS H. HAMILTON. Executors of said Estate. 8389-3 i - STORE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9.30 - DURING PrefeWPS el ..eta .t. r J. cet .[ *1 d .. •' 1 to d d ti; Z� f ,.,.d d+_ w Every Man Likes Christmas :Neckwear 1 11 14 tff NOMINATION NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH The annual meeting of the electors of the Township of Tuekeirsmith, for the, nomination of candidates for {Ole office of Reeve and Councillors 'for the year 1933, will, be held at Walker's Hail, Br uefielcl, on Friday, De- cember 23rd. at 1 rp.en. If, a 'pol I be necessary such pall shall be' opened on Monday. Jan- uary .2.nd, 1933, at the following places and by the Ifollgwing 'officers: ,No. 1, W. C. Govenlmek's ,house, W. C. Govenloek, D.R.O., J. C. Reinke, P.C.: No. 2, School No. 8, James Hay, D.R.O., J. A. McLaren, P. C: No, 3, "tth'oo1 House No. 4. Sari 'Whitmore, m. R..O.. Fred Pepper, P.C.: No. 4, School House No. 3, Thomas Chapman, D, R, 0., J. •W. McIntosh, P.C.: No. 5. School House No. 1, R. D. Bell, D.R.O., Melvyl T:+anuair, P.C. No. 6, School House No. 9, William Sine air, Alexander Sinclair, P.C. Poll open from 9 a.m. to 5 Pm - D. F. MaGREGOR, Clerk. psi; NOMINATION MEETING McKILLOP TOWNSHIP The annual meeting or the electors. of the Mvnhlo'ilparity of the Towrfehip of McKil'1'cm, will be held at Winthrop Hall on Friday, December 23. 1932, for, the purpose of nom- inating n. Reeve and four Councillors for the year 1933. Nlorn4matfiens will be received 'between the hours of .1 and 2 o^cock in the afeetoneen. Shlauld more Dement be nominated than are required .to fill the several] offices, an elec- tion will be held on Monday, the seeend day 08 January. 1933. Palle to be Open ,from 9 a,rtn. till 5 pm. at the IM,lowing p'leoeq Poll No. 1—James Oarline's House, Lot 1,9, Com. 5' Thos. Moylan, P.R.O., William Mlstoncv, P.C. Poll No. 2 -.1 reps H'ngg's House, Trot 2'1, Can, 4: James 3, Hogg, D.R.O.; Mrs. Geo, Earbon, P.C. Pill No. 3-.Traoph $rnl4th'a Hrnwse, Lot 10. ("ctn. 12: .John R. Learning, 71,R.O.; Henry Ben'new,5es, P.C. - Poll No. 4- •4rhord Tinhae No. 7, Lot 26, Oon. 12: William S»merdtlle, D.R.O.; Willis Dundas, F.C. • JOHN MMNAY, ReturnSng Officer. • 8591-2 IN FANCY BOXES Beautiful new colors and shades, in stripes, checks and plain colors. All full sized, and stylishly shaped. 50c, 75c, $1.00 MUFFLERS New styles in wonderfully attrac- tive colorings and designs; new two- tone effects, bright or plain. All at- tractively„ boxed. An ideal gift. 95c to $2.95 INA FANCY BOX Our Women's Hosiery Department will simplify your gift problem. SILK HOSE—Full fashioned... 89c SILK AND'WOOL=Full fashioned; all colors. Special , $1.00 SILK HOSE — Kayser's; service weight or chiffon; new shades. $1.00 `SILK HOSE—Heavy service.weight, 10 strand -- $1.25 CREPE HOSE—Kayser's, newest feature; dull finish ' $1.50 Women's Silk Undies IN FANCY BOXES Silk Sets, Vest 'and Bloomers. White, Peach, Pink, with color- ed Applique... . $1,,00 to $1.50. Silk Pantie and Brassiere Sets,. lace trimmed. ' Colors, Pink and Peach $1 to $2.00 Silk Crepe Slips, good quality ; beautifully trimmed in Pink or White $2 to $'3.00 Silk Crepe Nightgowns, full siz- es; lovely lace trimmings. Pink only $3.00 New Bed 'Ja,ckets, fancy trim- med; 'Pink or Tea Rose.. $2.00 omen's' Gioves IN A CHRISTMAS BOX Women's lined Cape Gloves; Black, Grey, Tan, Special, $1.25 'Women's Smart 'Chamoisette Gloves, Kayser Brand; Chocol- late, Sand, Black and White. $1.0'0 Women's Kid Gloves White, Black and White, Eggshell and Chocolate , $1.00 Long White Kid., Gloves, 16 but- tons; best quality $3.95 •1 CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR EVERYONE. USEFUL ACCEPTABLE SEN SIBLE AT LOWER PRICES THAN FOR YE.ARS tte ILAIL YCSFir V•i +i -C. lien's Fine Dress Shirts PRICES WERE. ,NEVER LOWER Men's fine white Broad- cloth Shirts, with .sep- arate or attached col- lars. 95c, $1.95, $2.25 Fancy Shirts with col- lar attached, in the.. new blue shades and fancy colors. �num SPECIALLY BOXED FOR - CHRISTMAS GIVING 95c to $1.95 Fancy Shirts with two separate collars; a°T 1 new Christmas patterns) $1.50, $1.95, $2,25 HANDKERCHIEFS Men's Initial Hand- kerchiefs (While or color- ed,. pu.11e Irish Linen, full sues, in fancy boxes. 35c;.3 for $1 Men's ' Pure Irish Linen Hand- kerchiefs The highest grade linen; the, finest quality at 50c o^ IN FANCY BOXES WOMEN'S FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS Never before such val- ues,s u c' h attractive kerchiefs; everyone a beauty 5c to 75c New Popular Large Georgette Kerchiefs All new colors, lace trimmed 29c Women's Fancy Kerchiefs • Lace trimmed, fancy colored corners in fan- cy boxes ..15c 'to $1.00 Colored Initial Hand- kerchiefs 'In good' quality linen, full size; fancy boxes. 3 -for $1.00 Men's White Hand kerchf s Boxed; 4ull size, Irish Lawn; 3 in a box. 50c e' en's Bathrobes Good weight, clever patterns, fancy silk cord; full length. New low price $3.75 Extra special weight in beauti- ful new patterns, silk crods and piping $5 to $8.50 MEN'S JUMBO SWEATERS Heavy Jumbo knit winter Swea- ters, Black, Navy or Maroon, contrasting colored cross 'bars on collar and cuff. Sizes 6 to 44 $2.95 Men's and Boys' Xmas Hose Special showing of New Christmas Hosiery for Men—Fancy Checks and• conventional designs, in cheerfulr; Yuletide shades. 35c to 75c BOYS' GOLF HOSE Fine checks and plain • Hose — an ideal gift for a boy. He will be sure to like them.' 50c MEN'S BRACES Fine Silk Braces in fancy boxes; beautifully boxed 50c and 75c Men's Braces and Garter Sets, in Christmas boxesPlain and fancy shades $1,00 to $1.50 Set Garters and Armbands, fancy box- ed, in all colors..50c, 75c and $1.00 Belts, with initialed, buckles, fancy boxes $1.00 WOMEN'S SILK PYJAMAS All beautifully lace trimmed. Colors, Pink and Tea Rose $3,85 Fancy Colored Blankets Surprise Mother With a Fancy Blanket KENWOOD'S ALL -WOOL Plain colors $7.00 Reversible colors $8.75 BRANTFORD BRAND' Reversible, Satin trimmed ; all colors $5.95 Fancy Bedspreads, Rose, Blue, • Green, Gold — Real Italian Spreads $2.95 MEN'S PYJAMAS Fancy Broadcloth. $1.50 to $2.95 Flannelette $1.29 to 52.50 Stewart Bros, Seaforth, Ontario I .,,'i ..,r .n'r +,t ,� a10 y"1 ,Y ;-H TY ,,I; , .. r 1 �i"-,4 ! ..a° iT.' ' ,inr T -,v lull ,T,s S i ,>.r di 3 f 'F olO d .na �T.,ti .n4Q er ,r,f IT.h` r .r•0 l rps FINE TABLE LINEN AT NEW REDUCED PRICES LINEN CRASH SETS Table Cloth and six Naps. Fancy color borders; 54 x 54....$2.25 Set FANCY LINEN DAMASK Fancy color border Table Cloth and six Naps; 58 x 70 $4.75 Seth PURE IRISH LINEN DAMASK°''j Warranted to give satisfactory wear. Cloth 2x21' ;6Naps$6,50Set soma "' -X 10, it ,14