HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-12-16, Page 4,- -4 .. .1 . ,P, 1 ., 7r.", t'ri,. .- ­J��y , " 1. � �.. , Af.,41�!�g ",, . , . *11. 1� .id ,�. � I I I 1� � 'm - % . � - , ,1,. I , " .: r'. r... . '! ! - e . � . . " "�,�,'i"�i','I,�,���!�,�d�,�k .. 1� I " " , ;;V. '' I . "'.�-,�-:�� rif , ,�:�<� ...... , ­ I 'W� t . I � ;`� , .1. , N� " ". I/,"..."",":. T.�A,­ � I I I : I ? I �!0.3��.;�,!,,.�,I'�;; . .11 '. '' ly. - ro 1"'�', , � " MI 1' ':,A 1. , I I , I.A. , I � I. I ­ I ...1.-:- . 11 A1105 - � Zli I 1, � ` � I 4!,(,T M45', "KIMI , ii i - 9N "OF MMNT,,;,n� 1� . 4NI I I * """ 1+1 , "" "' � W. 11 'r I "I w ,.�Mll ��' I— XT! �A' ��,.kl ili, - I 1; Q ", "­ ,; � .... ­ `7 '7777axq 717' 7 ill",, IRTRIFI 'I ', ? 1�1'11R' Fj� 15115-1! -i . i -Fwl� ­ I ",, i R "TV 1`17 .- 1'� �, .* IV 75 �$,§1`11 15 lvllf�, , , I , i � ,� 1, �� M , 1� ". � , I ,�,­,., 11 - 4 � ?)Tf� . 'Y'.101 0 ­T."ll.", .01 xr R", ­. 'I, 1 � �,. �0 � I 1, I �� . I ­ �1� I - .- .,. - I . ".... I . , � il : . . - y , ­;-,� . P I , .. , - .", � 1� �,r - . K f. !" ,� , qP �-: . , . - � . : 1! , - 11 1 . ; I , .. I , , . 1 :, I I ­� -�p,,�,!�7§-i,.�4��l��yi.,i�,?",.�,.:,�, � 1, " "� , . I., ­- , � � . - fr ,:`)�-,,', , � , - I I .� I . ­ I . I . .. , i . , 11 'A,- I �, , " �, , " I I f1k., , - .. V, .i I ., -- I . - - I . � , , , �e,.�." I , . 1. I :` : % 1. I , . . . I � :, I � , -7— -- — 71T.,4WF-- I'll . I - . I LOCAL"URINYS I . ". , . 1%4"10% ]�"Alp � vftlque . '. . 1� , ! , "C , . I 'i .... 1� - �Xstousw 406 'winds :i �, I W, � -141gh ,.I,.. - 0 With zero weattw" 1:. ;:,� "? " Rq1th bigriusil *;4�A, Editor. •I and 'plenty of slww, it &esn't look . , � " I . - ­ � I X", .reen ChTiAuLw- I...",.. -PUbHshe&:'at $Wbrth, Ontario, ev-1i ('bike ,a g, i ­,il �ag to the epidemic of mms- = .1. . ery Thursday afternoon by ?AeLeAn le: and Ids, there will be no public I . i 4� ... BrQa. , closilig og.. the kindergaxetn at Christ- ii-,�. . 101 ,,�, in Mam 'Mrs. qSub,scription rate, $1.5o a year I . 41 * Wir. Ri., to. ,Harding, B.A., Lp :. advance;'foreign, •$2.00 a year. Single Harding and daughter, Lowrairey finil ., I 't cepioa, 4 oonts .each. I ,Miss Riargaret Pinkbeiner, of Kit- , chener, spent Sunday at the -home Qf ix �1 � - I . i Ady.ertising rates on application. and, Mrs. C.' Finklielner. N1 .". A ., Mq-, I 1. Xembiers of the Canadian Weekly * Mr. Joseph Ca,-�hert, of Detroit, 1 . spent, O,e week-• end here with his S Rewii�paper Association and the Huron I I mo,ther, im,rs, M. Caribert. Mrs. Car- h - ! - - "unty Press Association bert returned with him to Detroit, I C 11.1 I ----------1 where she will spend the ,Winter. ti • 0 Miss Margaret McKellar and in iil�, , ,aEAPORTH, Friday, Deceniber 16th. Mises iMu-riel Beatbie, of Western Un -i- ) I F N , "; rersfty and fflr. Charles I?Iokson, of , ". -- N ---- � w : IL ', the London Technical School, spent 1, ­­ . 111­�;. . -rected--to a the week end at their hoinlies here. c ,; I We Stand Cot . 0 Buffalo steaks from, the Alberta s " - , � � ' 1. . LimitedExtent buffalo reserve were on sale in the I I �0 � . focal butcher shops this Week and I . '- Two or three ,weeks ago The Ex- were in good demand. r ... posithr published an editorial un&w * Mi. Lou Jackson, of Exeter, ; ,with his; mother, I ., I the heading, %bls She Falling From spent the week end w Mrs. L. C. Jackson, also Miss ,Mlar.\ I n ', , Her Pedestal," in -which once refer- Jecksta, ot Wilverton. . I I I , I ence was ,made to, Xis* Agnvs Mac- e Miss May Broadtfoat left on i '. .1 I1, M.P., for Soutilleast. -Grey. Her Friday for Port Nelson, where she , phal ril),L1, vocabulag-v- her will %MPend several v�eeks. I I *h, not to say . .1 0 rs, L. T. DeLacey who spent ,' (restlessniess and her ajubiti6m; and several months here, returned to Ta- I then we forgot all about it. . . ronbo on Friday last. 1.'But mot for long. On Tuesday of * The many friends of Mr. W. R. : this week we re,ceived a letter from Smillie, Who has been in the Scott i BEss 'Mae-phail, daitKid Royal Cecil Ho- Memorial Hospital for several montlis . . will be pleased to learn that he has tel, Toronto, ;D6-cen1`bei- 12th, and., sa�,ii nbi relcover6d to low -o- lithe I ho p �e " " . . I written on the official stationery of 'I on Thursday for hi-, home. ght. q ' d,, .r the House of Co,ininions, Canada. I of 0, ,al , youngest dan �g 'W. D. Hopper, is i � r ,� ,the. I 1. ton one sheet of this stationery Was . a7 I Mrs ' very seriously ill with pneumonia. . . attached a copy of this s"allile edi- , I I -@N.— I I .. . i �r the : . torial, marked as reproduced b: , . Annual Thankoffering of the Go - A, Mail'.an-d,_EMlpire, and on the margin, ,forth Mission Band, — The anivittl .. . . ,beneath ,and followed by..a second ThankoffeTing of the Society VAS 1. page, were the ppragraphs, of Miss. held in the school room a& Fir it Pr,-- t I byterian Church on Wednesfday", of . . Maophail's letter, which we quote:' ., this week with thirty-six band in�enl . , . � I. bers and others present, A',aAtxi ; I '"I returned $1300 each sess,on. e ! 1. the first Parliament.",-.. Wigg presided. The program which was most interesting and 'atiractivo, 1. . T,h,e'f,xpo,sitor stands corrected. and uwptene.hd with th-e band hynill after � . . hi,cNl-rs. J., A. Stewart led in i . �iastens , to, apologize. pi,ay,er. The scripture let -011 we"; , . I ­ . . . more ,��t�%(l by Wright, "Helpful, . . "I spend in lineetings much c ,Thou ,on 1-reing 9;v' - than 1. .. than I &or niake—two and three �', and the less ' bffnes a-, mutll-" �, I en -1,.v J,van Dale, The Tbankorfering I .. 1-rny,er was offered by Leona ,Box. .. There beincr'no. financial statement Lois "andJean N'. -right. Sang tt duet en - attached, we take that sitate . . oi,ent . as ";tIO'd ­1,ove," accunipanied -1),' their I 'Jt.h+.,�, 11-rs. W, A. ' -ighRut.� I it, stand,.�, too. I n-. "'i . .t. ., 6 . .�!;,-Nuirn gave a recitation, ­Tlie Lit- 11"Being a I . v . cry human person, after t!2. Plvwn were and- I" and seiit;?nn I I nravcrs vvtlre ,,i,vell by S,tcnvart Nvig�­ ; -., of pounding by ,Mr. Whit- :ilex. I -aix hours �.X,l ex. 13,alkor, Don-Ald S,' ­)','l R'll.."i .1 . more and his gmng- art ('o -operative , . . . and Aileen And.,r."On sang a Clil-ist- 11 ornnam- meeting, a,ce-,wirv,e W. C. , �- C I - 'mas +z-ong a-econ-hparlied by .�lr,. T. R 71 'i G ad. -�ir. Curtiss. the Rval'd, etc- -On recitation I . . 9 f - .,\11(1111� and a reclt� by . Obar � ertc., and then when he told Ple .0111 avisb. -1)-avid Griu%le. lia,"Olt �'. I ' -&,�r� - -Ar .)Tac' T, "mart, Wi-g sall', ­1."r),%v . i e�, I ai -d faun i. ( loadt; of ;, . . t m. ' VI've and St . I i I binder twine, F said more 'than e-11- .� . . , ing Time;" and -,vero followed by Lhi 3 . .1, I - I junior cc 't�!!Cllf' ( 11 ough pivsen-fabim of, -1 e$ ail , . I Miss L, sj1vE,1- s, -,Lal to .1can Dale from Mi%, , , That, we take it, , is M. i ss Mac- I . C Brodie; Donald Scott fn,wM hi rphuil's exeu,,�e or apology for her n.'.13-ther and aunt, anti 0;.r -al lac " . waren words and rich vocabulary Tavis.11 from liarohl Fr6q- .hits .1� , ' ,- ­ , -Lean told a s.to.ry, "Gall's Faiii ,used on t,h& occasion of the co -opera- I. Me, . . ' . . .1 ,,tive annual meeting, and we willing- ily" in herv,snal interesting,• mannerly -pass along her apolqgY. ­ The Ban,,l sang a sans;, "N11-si0liar '. . . Bello," after which they deliosite �. ­H,o-%vcv(,r, we pot -�lr. Whitinort, off 'Llivil- mite bklxe,� in a white gift ba,, . .. � N,ig:1l.." ,%va . . I I -et al"d the hvillil. "ll'oly Nis , i. the 1�(�.11'd. hilh ill" US fIVE' to I'CK)r- ' I It, I �,orsg li,y Afan'an ,S0lat0-, 'tL1tll,,3Qvn I 'gauze the C�ol.-,)­nv from 11 joint .. 19 �' , , I aild Elva .Elliof 4- stock I L) d I.-ourel erative COM- 1,'Inrence . Calvert .. - v y .Iqu'-oi; The 'vbs�%ion Band sh'ow'ed their al rry I : . . pa." - - story b I . 1. . ryneciatdo.n of Miss NlleLean's ,- That par4,grallh is just fi-ee adver- a standing vote. iA..Irs. Brodie spot,... it of the by the boys an 1 e work done 1 I?, ti -sing anti aside from the issue. , .. 1. . . I is U I U. .1 1F. 0. or C. C.'F. busille".9s en- g':Tls during the past year and qhov .: ". . ed sampler of raffia mats, b2L-.-,, pur Itirely and not ours. We haven't any e.q, etc. Two of the iii-emberq shov -k, at the Fall Fair ar '. j:omiments to malm ed their work I .. received first and second 'prizes: TI , "Now. we must read editorials-- offering Which amounted, to $26-5 , I , . - - .. possibly the worst lies of the whole was dedicated in, prayer by Nlrs. I 11� business." A. Reid. .,The meeting closed Wi, I the Lord'sPrayer. . ­ %:­ . - I . Miss Macphail doesn't have to read .." ow -�` . our editorials. The - Expositor only Bowling Scores. — Stores at t'i .1lI � ". .. Wd. one lie, and we have apologized bowling alley during the past web . as . I . . . . I for that.. Anyway it was misinfor_ are S. follows: Habkirk 4—W. Howes 0. vitiation, not deliberate inisrepresenta- Handicap 156 156 156 41 . I . tion. Why blame us, for the sins of J. Hugh -es, -39 185 268 150 61 . all the other editors --and there were W. Hawkins 51 105 153 177, r): , . . I . . -11 - I Roy Dixon 17 219 221 2",r6 7 many` S. Habldrk 23 210, 176 220 61 I - of ,miss I That is the end and all Jack Currie 26 176 186 196 5 , . ,Xmphail's letter. — — — — 1. . ` The Expo�,itor ddd say in its edi- i, �.0 torial "bilat as the daily sessions, Handicap 143 14,3 143 4' L` whUe Parliament is sitting, are much S. Nicholls 18 198 200 116 5 .1 -1. - I . more conspicuous Day her absence I (}ale 43 140 165 1.7 4 ., R. Pinkney 10 269 258 277 8 ��, . ­ than her presence it would lead one W. Green , 46 146 205 137 4 .. . . I , 11 ". I to the belief that she doesilt cob6ider W. Rowes -26 161 147 216 5 ,. . — — — — , I . herself sufficiently paid to be a regu- 1056 1118 11166 32 J�, ' ' T. Beattie 3—G. Lilley I ", lar -atit e,dant." * I , , , . . . Another ."tenlent was, "She has Handicap 13-1 IV .137 4 1 hitched heT wagon to a new ,star. The J. lRothaoi .6 149 217 2212 5 1 �, E. Rennie ' ,24 rl 77 226 214 6 11 I... Star 9,f being the limperial Potentate Rankin 3:i I99 132 5 V . in the East ' of ,the new sect that has L. Dale 29 - 144 977 225 4 , ..., 1 11PPOinted itself to lead Canada Out T. Beattie 43 $6 156 179 4 .�.: of the slough -hof despond," I — — — — 1. � I . 993 1930 11.39 3.0 ". . I As no 'reference to, or any &jec- Handicap 86 S6 86 2 .., was , . I.,. . inert w6tever, , made 'to thesA� , 2 18 5 . statemonts and some others, 'take G* M ul, r 4 ;, . Nve 0. Dick 25 204 212 1 70 G 1 , it that our echtorial was largely built G. Lilley 23 210 163 182 5 ­ I ...- on solid ground. We stated the A. Reit] 21 2,15 158 383 '5 q I , ., A . Powell 13 ,160 132 217 .5 :;. . facts, as it were. � I — — — — k:,. There is, however, just one other ..• j5 g,¢g 1056 30 1 , 1�11.1 V.. confession to make. Perhaps, we do Hahkirk 0—Barber 4: " .. . , owe~ Miss "vLacphail a second apology. Handicap 140 140, 140 4 I , " We spelled IV. Hawkins 48 )28 ,167 107 4 . , and tliat is for the way Y'L" , -tie , � ". J. Cui " he reifer- ' .;,��N her nanve when we made t I -� i, ' , I R. Dixon 8 237 207 185 E I .� 'R ence to her. The Mail and. Empire, S. aillkirk 22 17.3 170 199 E , * i,., -, . , H, -240 � in republisbing the article, was good J. Hughes 36 186 163 5 .. . r K enough to intake the necessary cot- — — — --,4 -h-94 , )Miss . 1036 1193 '10631 32 , ,­ rectio - -o perhaps Mi M al . , , V 1� - �, dbesWt know anything about It. Handicap 515 66 516 1 P"', - C. A. Ba,riber 18 145 277 211( '& 1, 6� That, bpweveT, Should make no dif- H. sWail, - 18 J90 184,310 , ( I 7, VfeTerwe. J. I -Dotham, 1 209 323 '168 ( A, 1. �. ' ( I in ,this case, as in the other, tb,, Dr. Bechely 2 1�8 269 211 r„:, . . . . . . . . I I Will. Barber 16 207 172 122 t I I I�. error Was eTrtirely uTLinten'tional. — — — — I .111 I. There '-was no malice aforethought 1045 1280 10717 3u .. albout it, and the explanation is sim- Team totals now are: Barber 'i pleStewart 16, ,Xv--Lean 0, Wright ., � . . I . 1, 14, Hiowes 5, 4e . . McPhail is our own middle names Lilley 14, Haibkirk I ; tie I1. The diucks on Monday nk We have becomie so accustomed to we,re wan by James A- Sttevmrt g . I Writing and seeing it in print in that Roy r)ixam � form that we didn't know that taking 1' � �A �, 11, ft ix” Parboment would change the great reform Parliamentarian, 11 I I 11 r � . ,forni, in whieh it came out of the Ark cause we have alwuys held a pre . . " . ' Miss— -macipf . "I'. . -40M W$M it Out of the H*hlend.? firm I belief that ��:,� 1 . ,i I.. I • ': W44 ho" nWev, of course, saWred. Wo,u]&t belomg to our -Clan at I ,�. 'I, �, . �, "N I - ­ . , OT JVt limit et it evobgh to cleAm. price, 'and� now We are almost s W. 001, `i, I .1 ­ -, �',,& V., , .- &* ,--ftVJy,* the 'of it. , , 41 �­ �­.;��-,�. "'. .." 4 t"f6ifgh� with. t, , ` I '. . 4,-,� I!. , , , I I . I , 0. 11 - . . �� , , i - W11 S",� — � � '� - - E-v 5 - " . , I � I �', 11.* . I I - , I z, ,"�,,%, ,,-v " N " I I . ... . .1 � I I .. . . , ..... I , , " , , , i , " ", .iw I 'A �.­', " ,� to ... . . I 1r.. " "i" I" 0, ` , 3�,�,' , � , I , KA, 'A, 1" "D I k, V .,;,� t4 I .1k, 111 ­­ Q.-M.1111!ffir i , ;-a i., *8 .,,�, - . P " 11f,"I'MIN'sn"l, ,,�,,,,,"�i�..&f,��.,l"'',i, lil�;�4i���4l��.�.,,,*,�;,,,,i,,V, �,,.., 14 'A'�-�-K,ot,"�,�&,�,."k..�,.,�,6.,&i,-���.*"�'t,�,"�?.,�"1, ,�.�,& �" .1�� . ........, , w I4l li I . A .11 . I � . .1 I � . DECUMIER lot, 1032. 1 1 0 1=1 R , VRO . ,�N EXPOSWOR '9 IL ........ M. . N I I "..'.. .. . . . , 41II&M.WS . .. � N11 , 0'11 LOOKI tO OVER. THE DIS' TX'r%1,,CTNt; . .. I I ­ •� 0 . I I I , I I e ,��n6- preceding. . - MR. ROSS DIGNAN in-laAv and d . Municipal noAtera walk the war , augl1l;er, Mr, and Mrs.- ndM wNle the choir added much to Friday , I . I C. 0ook.'wheve with ripe old age, llwlen= - the U�Jted Church approach ,of nolininlaftion and election ,KIPPEN � I ..... - . he is being oared for by Mrs. Nellie in by the days are erligaging the'attention of — DetweilleT (n,oe Wiss, Net -lie Caltftetl) were conducted' very aOAywh. gave ,our ratepayers and a . Im3raber Of == bi�e G =Wlill CoxultaA is dr%,v- ... 11.1,1111, Rovt X Sinclair, . 11.i.1; a traji6ed nurse, and in her girlhoo4 pnebor, .. '.,�jj ... ::� LLL . ;p .:.* I.. , to a n :.: :, � ., -sea, (both nVorning And ,names are mentioned as aspirants for , cline, w,ua anyone intending to favor I .. a resident of our village. Mr. Hemip- good discatu . with their subscription, kindly do ae thiSs !Wi­:..., '-1 as counefflors. ek; aiso send couvo to me or to The 9x- I ..i: .111 ... �, ­. -NA.i.. 11: 11. ll is confined- to his bad and room evening, the latter being paTticulap, the reeveship and- adiso, ,�;.:.:'4k;.�,�­.L.,;'.. ;"".X ii - ly good and he . , . "�, .... . .. . I helpful. At the mornmg ' Ckmsidealable grain is being brou&b �:*:- � "I N�­ . .,;.1C , - Ator Office .1 later than December loth. ." ­ 4'. but for a sbu,rt .time eon sit up in .':� - . - " I :.: 10AIRI., . ,�j'$""�";'.!�.I.$, .,:��L I ,L- , "',* ,. �.�: . , x..'�.,,'. I service -J. W, E. Butt. � : k�111,1-0�:,. an easy chair. He was a strong ,., ,Dr. .SJmQiq,.Aodk a special dntio maAet, notwithdanding thq6 llow . .. 1�,:,,:. ,:., , , " . , 'The annual Christmas concert of C..1:-:;-::, ,V�.,!;>.,:. , ,i;:�i�i�! vigorous man until well advanced i� 'Part. in oni of the anthems and -Mx. pdoes ruli-Ag• schools and Sabbath ,rcili will be " , 1.1.1:X. years, coming here from Wroxecter, and iMrs. Pfile and. Mrs. M. I)rys&le -Our day ;. Andrew's United Chu Is::::::: :§ g gehoole are busily en d * , �ld on Thursday evbning next. A - "11. and is visdted by his ton, Thomas, took special parts in the Ovenill I ,gage in pre - q inments ,nta . � I 11. -1.1.1 � from there quiet frequently, so, that anthem, while Mr. Goodwin contrib paring for OhristW", enterba - ... i d Dr. Smillie a,nd Miss i toor traevohants are making fine r, (,tX� vageant, "The Star and . with his visits .and that of his son, uted a siolo an ." ., will be lyrese,nited by the �: . ::. Ativin6 of our Ivillage, aud his daugh- Florence Welsh at the e di'splay's of Christinas goods and ,,are lenibers of the Sunday school a:xW .; ... -------11 hoping for a ;good Christmas and bung People ter, [Mrs. Cook, heips itio, pass- the vice rendered. a duet. All 7.1%'61311,1r,i I Year's trade, the want of ready ! I . . dm,e away nicely, for hinlL numbers were Well rendered and New - The pupili of S. S. N.o. 14, Stan- : ..�......". ..." (The IS ., I '. I I I money beii the only, factor that ,y will hold their ChrisVmas con- 1! .. . I aibbath school membprs of much enjoyed. y interfere with good re- -iday aft,ern.aan next. A . St. Paul,'s Anglican Church .are pre- , IThe ,Sacrament of the Loral Sup =9 . -�i on Fi . .., I .n a Unite�, I nntalyts. law plend,d concert is being. prepared. paring to pres(ent a Christmas play, per will be observed i, the ....'. 1. :, anday, De- i The sleighlog Is preftity -good in our ' ., -g [Sr ., , ehe1nii) ,use of Church on the comin :1,;L.: entitled "'Bettil the Ho . (,tillage tan,d, Nicinity, although pre-, - ' The W. -Ni. S. of St. Andirew's X ,:..".. .:.., I'�:�� � o . -e cember 18th., at the morning service Inited Chur-oh held their December � Bread," which will 6 gWen'"In the 7 service on the leetting at the homie of Miss. Sarah I. . .:: . town hall •on Wednesiday'eivening of and -the pre)?aratm I voAlling winds made. -bare places. ;iniclair, on Wednesday aildernloon, ...,.;.. next week, -and will, no dioubt. be I I "' -:M..; A very good crowd . . . . )e,oemvbe.r 7th. , . :1 largely attended. . . I ms present, Md,ss A. Sinclair, R.N., I . The pupils of No. 10, Hay, are . . ' 11 Who spent some tinie, in Gy-ps-timivii1le . holding.their annual "Christmas con- vith )Masts .0, Mustard, R.N., address -1 cert in the scifibol room on Thursday , I 0 ,. I n . �--�—����� evendugof next week. A progra,mme , , d the mleetir I I . I vreisting message gibout her work. I of dialoguiets� dliitls,,songs, -etc., is be- I See Our �1���er'' lme�Diivnan, who lives west of Hen- i,01g preparea,, . �,eelms to -have . � I . 'The cold wimthea, s recently clelebmted.his ninetieth to Ittle .more snow wauld'muke real 'Jr4k 0•. :ertitled down in) earnest. lstl',day. He has been a re of, good sleighing in this distri�ct and at . bite reader --- -- The I . Id,ron Expositor since its incep- Ithis time of the year sleighing is Display -for Christmas ' . - . I * tion in 1900L A akelt.dh of Mt. Dignan .always we4comed, and, -makes busi- ZURICH .� appe=ed in last week's issue. nese better, and everything go With . . . I ,Miss Freida. KaIbfleasich who has . I I a swang. ' . The Largest Assortment, Greatest Variety and I nie off the teachers in Zurich - 733, 0 ,teachers ,and scholars are - I , been 0 Hensall i hy,01.1111y'rg fbrward W the GhTistnials Lowest Prices We Have Offered in Years. : pfWlild, school for many Orange Lodgek. 'Nu . I C met on,Deloem1berr 1st. and the 0M'-`c`er'-' ' tholiday in the near future and are . . tI . . . .. retsigned and the resignation has, been ' for the coming ,year were installed lyrepawing Christmas qntertnaimnwnent-s. . Women's Bedroom Slippers, Red act�epted by the trustee on For ., ' ': . I , Blue, Black. .49c ' the past few years ,Miss K&I'lifleisch " their -respective chairs' W -M'- i Our churches are also making pro- . ' ' . I . Glen Slavin; DJM., Bro.. Russel 1 vision for entertainments for their i . , has aoted, as principal of the school Bro I Bm Wffn. C i ' Siabbath -schools and will have good 'Women's Patent Boudoir Slippers, Cuban heels, "98C and has had charge uf the entrance Brintne'll; 10hapain' raig; . Recording Secretary, BTo,. Gearge & ' I . programs. - I classes. She has the unique distinc.- Fee- Financial Sk-retary, Bro. G. C, IM11-61. J, Miller, -of Windsor, is here .. - tion of having all the ,pupils pass. 7 Treasurer, Bra. John Craig; I Visiting, her parent%,� Mr. and Mrs.Women Kozy t Slippers, ribbon trim ..... 75e - who tried, the Entrance during the Petty; � I . I � e taught these classes and " M- 10'r IC ` Bra. Wilbur ,Chappel; 1st , ,Richard Blatch.ford and many rela- . ., yeare, 5h . is Petty; 2no ' fives in the village and :vicinity. . Women's Felt Juliets, fur trim, Black, Bro ; . many of the scholars were su,c(-essful Lecturel, U3170. Jame - . . - -e Hay Soldieisl Ale.mor• ,Lecturew, iDro. Albert 'Geddes,; 11A ! M,rs, A.. J. Hulmniell, of 'MillWlle, . - ........... W"�1.25, in winning th .. ro,fteeman, Bro. Louis Clark; 2nd Penn., was here this week- visiting. . Grey ............ I ..... W sohoiarsbips- `kiss Lylyan, Rose, "Com ! . of this lvilla,ge, who has taught in G.,...Bl-o. L. 'Luker; 3 -rd C., Bro. D. her sastersi, Mrs. R. D. Bell, I.Ax% T. - � � . . . U. S. S. No. 1, Hay and Staillev. fur Cqvaippel; 4th G., Bro. D, Pass; 5th J. Berry$ IMiss ,Ford and Mrs. John . Infants' -Bedroom 'Slippers, Red Alligator . - -49C ; , ta -well. and Gordon Bolton. and other rela- ,some years 1has been engaged in `C� Bro. D., BI Ck . 1, ,nz1e.jDru&m1ond. - A quiet :tiv,s. Mrs. Humnielk. although liv- I * ' Bunny Felt Slippers, Blue, Red ....... g5c : I _NTcK, -seed I I Infants . : Miss Kalbtleisch's'place, be, duties to - � immediate .. qg of, tile wod,d(ing viritrie _by the i,g at -Ofu-ite a distance from h-ero, is ' . . cominence at the beginnii . ,relaitdveo was solerrinized) at St• most inindful. in visiting her vist&rs - 'New Year. 'nigilicall Church. Uengall,'olu' from time to time, and her Visits are ' Infants' Red Felt, Cavalier Slippers ........... 755 11 r. Sovereign D.ucharnie and fano- Paul's A . : . December 10th, at 4.30 p.m. n -bo -re than welcome to them. .. ily have moved to Clinton. � SnbuTdgy, -,�111.Gyn "�Tla-rg,jret Netterfield, eldest Norildnation 'bills have been posted, Misses' Blue Felt Strap Slippers, 11 to 2 -.... - - •65c : M -r. ;Charles W�ibevg� And faTmly , -g .qr of Mr. and Mm T. E. Drum- -or our municipal election. ­ I . � I . . have nl;*%ic,c�l oil to tile farm vacated, d,,,1,i-, rbtc f : I I . Tno,nd, of Henisell, becan-ee, the bride on Wednesday evening, Deca,�llbeT r Strap :Sl ......... 49c ' by Mr. Ducharnie. 'Nvhich he, has 1,gas-. of Orme, youngest $1011 Of Mr. and 7t1li, Mr. William Hyde, of the Lon- , Misses' Reil Alligator :Slippers . � d -from .11r. W. Miller. 'A � The Christmas pro --ram in .the I(— M"'s. William McKenzie, ar Kin- �doir Road, a short'distance just south - Misses' Plaid Felt 'Slippers ........... 65C and 75C . ca,rdine. Rev... M. B. Parker officiat of our will -age, attended a fidd-leis' ,- lit-irch Nvill be gBeell . in I . 0 .1 l.utheran (' I -o ,was given ' ces, of the 5 oil Saturday ovenln�� Decciniber 24h, ing. �llhe bride.. . wh contest under the auspices,. 0. imarriage by her father, was lovely Canadian ,Order of F -w -resters, held ­ . and irt .tile E1,Rl`14�,11(,.al Church on � Men's Plaid Felt Slippers .... I ........... : 1) I in her. wedding dress of French green .a� Go,derich, at -which contest there I ji -41.00 — Niontlay �evle,ntin.­, ecenilber '26th. crepe and -,vas - attended by he" si�- ' was quite a large nuinber of the best 4h: , � �Tlie -kat,in,,,, sea -son on the, local ter , Misis Unfise Drummond, 'who ;players in town and -vicinity, and' in' W Men's Grey, Felt Bedroom. Slippers .......... $1,00 ti -ilk was apened on Tu,.psday evening , '. -I ... . . Nv-us attilred in -blue TQ111161110 crepe. the class of over sixty yZars of age, I . \vit-h a good hurt of ice. The local Both wore hats, �hae,s and gloves to TIN11% Hyde -wan the first prize. He L hockey players have joined the Cy- s. I Men's"Brown Kid Stippers, leather soles, already pros- il'inuch, the brid.- carryinIg a buquet was accompanied by Miss Eleanor, . .... $1.25 " .. - chane U.1 -ague and are ali I . tifor the league:ga-mes.", of Fren,01h marigolds and fern -tied Be -11 on- the piano. ,211r. Hyde has Men's Brown Romeo Slippers .............. $1.75 ; With green a,nd, Vilive-r Tilibon al"ll been a wonderful -prize winner, at . I I --- ­�w ----. ,the bridesilisidr, yellow Millis tiany ed many contests and is receiving mt . . HILLSGREEN with blue and silver rill:AbOn-' The congratulations. r I A Complete Stock of Dress Shoes, Hockey Shoes, : .groom was attended by W. Al. Dnim- on ,Sunday last, Dacember. 11th, , - . ' r of the bride. Follow- Rev. W. A. Young gave ve'ry Inspir- - - Rubbers and Goloshes at Special Prices. . f the ,,,,,.ho minds, brothe . The pupils o71' section iii . , 7 No. 3, Hay, are busy preparing a ing the wedding, supper was ��OTN�e(t ing sermons while the musical (parts' I (-'�hristcmas)' coh.-ert to i)e. held on alt t.11 -e Inoffie of the b,ride?s, parents. of the seautice Were well sustained by Thu.n.silav"evvii-ing o? -next ,weck-.- . -�ilr$ 'd,vt- . olm -.0 - 0 . .oTft-onA--4n the.. d1indn- ro the choir. The evening service had . I 0 . (�u- - i . - .. . - - .--..-..-. . , ,rhe W. M, S. held their. December and living room Were carried out in •been awnod�ced' as -foe Imir-parti(�u I ir.cetin,g in the church on Wednesday rellow acid white ,staleomers and larly, but owing to considerable ill- : . afternoon of thiA -%Y,Qek. lymmis" centred w'Ith -a largo while Tles,s in the choir and congregation, it - . . . . . 0 . . I Lm, -c had a "narrow b -fl. ., The brid,- ,vas the reciple'rit of ' decided to postpone the service . I .. 'I & : - Mr. NV41liam I �' 'IV" 4 -- , ' . estay,e the other day when, he was 11�1, - -n . , ... . . many li,L,autiful and useful gifts. The for some Sunday evening in the near 000F � 'ov��g c6.u.n.le w i . ... 11 'V V -Led, by a horse in the chest He -v ill make tbair h(linc in future. I .- 0 . I e .kicked, I . � - Lb- SEAFOR7A 71- a . is able to be around again. Kincardine, out of town guests in -1 At St., Paul's, Anglican Church the I `6 , . . 01 . - cluded Mrs. T. J. McLean and daugh- Relctor. Rev. M. B. Parker, delivered ,, . .. _ _ .. I - - ter, Elinor. of Winzhank and MT. T. good sermons (both ,f oth morning and eve- I : ;I- CROMARTY O. Dru.mmond,,, of Toronto.' I - Death of An Esteemed Resident of 1 (I Special ' --Ohri,txaas rrrepting cards, 14c; in Hensall For a Number ofYears--I . e 'bux� with envelopt':i to match, 2ipc box; Chrlst,- The relatives and manly friends Of am ),MVey, 'fts Decorati-om, Sonle, Tag,. etc, Vlow 1, price. J. A. w,wtzott. Jeweller, Seka,forth. the late Alexander Thompson. late ' ARN . I ANX-mm - I imr. Inlomas, Ma�affy, an esteemed, ,of of Toronto, an the city d, ,for a . resident9ident .,oP Hibbert, passed away at numbw eT of yes a resident & 'our h . his (home -here on Tuesday, Decem- village, will regret to learn of his .. " beer 6th, after a lingering illness. ,k death which •recently occurred fol- , ,e ,k family 01 f`ruT sorts and onk- daugh- lowing, a socesviful operation in the .General H&pital at'Toronto, but MI- Hiibbert; Fred, of Sceptar, . un - ter survive, Herb and Wilbur,Sask.; . ' of fortunately followed by a stroke� The - . I -8- Dr. A. IMahaffy, of Nilgerial Africa, doteased was a native of Aberdeen, .00 - and Kr%. R- S. Ho-ggartih, of Cram- in the Scortland', coming to Canada, I ) 1874. isettlin- first in Hu"ron - 9 10 arty. The fuileral on Friday was year . -sall and Av 0 AW 1. I 9 largely attended by friends and rela- 'county and movimig from Hen AF my 16 tipes interment being made in Mit- resided in Toronto together with his -fiKf-.JE ig chell Preisibyberian cemetery. The family fcyr the past t,�reTuty-five yews. . . � -e John Balfour. Al- Mr. Them son was in his 87th year 0 - l - and -until some ,C.:,Tee months prev- I I Jeff pallbearers were lliltoil� James "ff / 34 ina Gray, William Hai W Laing., James Scott and Thos. Scott, iouis. to his deR�h, -had, 'been ivondeT- . 0 !9 fully artiv*- and. ,eery bright of mind - I I . I . Mr. and Nil-.-;. Stewart Robertson, ,C staunch . . 1--� 14 st , . Q cf Attwood. called on friends'reoeht- and inb?lle t. ,He had been a Pres4byterian before the Undon and '. .. . )4 ly- . Scott S�.,d for the D&Kt ,ten years was a faith- I . �7 lRussel Scott, Gurdon �4 Robert Hamilton spent hast week in ful memlber under the pastorate Of' Gucl,Vh, attending the Winter Fair. Rev. Dr. Laidlaw, Erskine United . ROGERS Symphonic Tone - funeral 1. 10 Mr. Bert Ker-41ake is recovering 'Church, who condkicted the Radio opens up new resources of; , slerrvice at his late resildellm, 135 pleasure -brings you for the first , froml his recent illness. in politics the de- the, full tide of tonal beauty. ... . .; . l ' 11' Mr. Hugh Norris has nioved. into GeOfyrev. Street- time t . )7 David Clia.ppel's house. ceased was a staunch and well read Formerl� radio receivers repro- 1- I . .:. .. -� 1. TAberal and a valued mi2tmilber of the- I .. . . ...; . ' 17 . IMaqoni,c Lodge and was a man most duc6d onl� a part of the musical � , hi4r.hly ITs I scale. Now, in Rogers Symphonic � 52 .pected, for his Tmany excel- HENSALL - 36 lent qual,ities of a quiet retiring dis- Tone Radio, all the colo,r, depth , .. I[:.;. �1 Having entered as a candidate in the "Goodpoeibion, but fbiHg1ht in conivdrryation and.meaniiig of music, kept out in . . L. .. , - Will Club" Subscription Campaign of The and taking a deeo interest in all that former years, is released. 34 Huron Expositor. I will zrfmtly appreciate ' .1 . I ��:: , .:, Was bn,t and -worth while, made him I ... . the renewal and new sub-:.. . .,s. mMn%r to me of scriptiona and the savina of coupons. Please ran inte,rersting' friend, nei-glibur or Three riAodern developments I I.. )6 call or sk4l to nil at the HensaLl Post Of- campanion, Coupled with fine worth * make Symphonic Tone possible: " ?'111 , ;�;: ' ... - 11, Z c') fice. Maude Hedden. Surviving Twin -Speakers, synchronized for . ,.I. .k as a h"band and parent. - . ,t=a.A - 10c, it, - " !- 55 gpedal.�Chrb R -rept i tur ea r& him are five dhughtters: Mrs. George exact reproduction of every note I 4-1 I - :: Vh ernvelniars to match. 25r box: Chris� h : ... 76 i-nx w' �,New-type nim M,coratkmm, Seals. Tabs, etc. Very IAW Femu-son of Ottawa; Mrs. W. Hiatch. I in the musical scale; , )() MIV. J. S. Brown, of .';*.,: price- J. A. wo;toott, aeiveller. Somfo . rth. of Detroit; -1 .:::. : - . - At a meeting of the Public Library Amillerstburg, and ,the Mds�ses FJmdlY Rogers Tubes that increase �power ......- 30 Poard held recently, Mrs. Robert and Gertru.d% at home, Mrs. Thotap- , and sensitivity and protect tone . .. Cameron -,vdk- aippointed Libraiiam. son having predidbeased him a couple clarity; Spray Shielding that it L- .... 1 20 Mrs, Cameron will make a very ef- or ,so years ago. banishes rattling and -tinhinesi, .. ficient, librarian, having asqdst�d for While those on, rural routes .. - 02 , the i improves selectivity, range and ;. . . 10 a number of months during the ill- should at all tiTrges have their letters tone and lengthens tube life. . . 29 n4ess and death of the late Miss Gret- �talmlped thit they are sending out . .1 gg 42 to McNaughton. I by the couriers, it is most important Only in Rogers can you get these $ 83 The League of the United Church during the winter motilrblis and' at the three developments which produce I - 0 in+t on Monday evening in charge of Christmas and New Year's rush tat .11 . Symphonic Tone.,Only in Rogers ,)r. Smillie, Who 'ably took the topic, all letters I I I ) r be stamped, no coppers or canyouobtaina new thrilling radio f, 65 on "The Lady af the Lake." Mrs. silver put in rural boxes, as with 1. !' 83 Anna McDonald., ,gave a hurninrous !cold' hands it is next to impossible to reception never available before. . . . 84 reading, while Claude Blowes. con- hamdle change. and it ny"ght also be 91 tributed several solos, with Miss tabe'n out of the rural ,boxes by pas- 78 Florence Welsh as accornipanist. I sel-by. , I I , ,f..: '01 The old time dit-neebeld in the town ' 'There will be no malls sent out I -- I - hall on Wednesday night, under the from the Post office 071 .Cbri-qt1mas , . MODEL 850. The new Symphonic Tone Tu es, 402 sus,i)4,ces of the local firemen was wick Day accurding to advice from the 0 -Twin-speakers,New-type Rogers,Tubes, Spray - 19 patronized. Excellent 'music wa4 Sup- Post Office Deipartintent, and it will 13 " �r I . I 11�bes, Full Range Tone ControlvAdvanced l3,'I plied for the dancing. be well fol- 9,1.1 to remember this to ­ ­ I .�-, Automatic Volume Control, Beautiful console with - it , Mr. -Donald McKinnon met 1with a -Save 'any disappointments Or mi`iun- I - " .. . 11 figured front panel and artistic grille. Terms as low ,-h t naqy accident while returrino, ,6o his dersv�<4ngs, and a course, on all 038 - . I'll, - I � . - 88 S8 a month. Price, complete with nd llow; on ,%turdhy eivem-nig. 'He was sitatobory ll�rAidjays, mails are not sent I - ­ Rogers fully guaranteed tubda . . . . . $11 9.50 '. pasisjTg, a load of Christmas trees on ourb. ffl� a 11=41rer I I g - -i 'rusts and one of the butts was out ,Mr. Thm-nas 14eTn-P(hq ' 11 too fa,i and in, p&.,A . ing % prominent resident ,struck the of years ago a prosmi e t r , i nt of >e, - indow, ran,, Windshield of his enr. ,our . , village and buying grain on the - , ,t,v x .4 �Ei mtarke� for the -firm, of Cook Bros., PHONE 80 SEAFORTH . At Mxetar the truck vivas, stopped, by i Wo Co BARBER ail i Ar. M K41vnoo ,and after n-a-flic Of- the Relliaw ,merribeir of whith firm nlI ay �OeT Lever had made satisfactory ad- Cs s b orrieliuwas squn-iqi4aw, and I vre imonvents, -Mr. Mcklimon. was able after leaving hems, resided in De- • Roger Radios Are On Display, at John Pullman's Store. , "" s now at the home of his son - ,o return hbrm. brait, i, 1. I . . I a . 1. . . I I , 1� 4'. ��v �ig, `� � 1 "' ,."... 1, I . . t. , 11 .�.& I , "gt"�&�,,,iw,,,,,&,,L�AC•el..�.�,,�',,,ii ,tsk', - 'A I r . I - � 0,. "'A