The Huron Expositor, 1932-12-09, Page 2'�` ti Cil, ,��Y�, P,,r -'g- '..
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x Tlaxr�on an t4vx cid t e°i xi {l � Pi,
'I aha 'clip' 'olf Xaa., lC, G. IcQti, i d Ax's$ p e ( i4 'a' It are, of th
in and fiJailielr, of Missisysippa. off9en'in drover. id typical of a”
l# I .1.01.1t 161,16 -, , '' �o#%r rosf truck franc A. Rank offendling 1''A l
- I 1. I � I . I .1x,st
�s►ted layanla?t aiul' �imoceeded M}sgissiprpd,' the ar-dlefraudex of the lthiid of those diavn'g motor vee idle
'� 0
/0world, $7 0„000 principal ';bat is the mineral estti'm;ate of�hose ., + ”
i e /+�
to 'Wbi*urn t)o ¢hese 'Mhos: Hughes s } � c4vzlh�ad wor
. 00 with a s'erva,ce of sang end' religious . I � IndlQuestion amounit of whose. Ibp�ndsy sold at 'par who have iuves'ti'gah�d' thous�aridi of �i
d eansolation. The first twelve nri'lc's bo European invest rs a century ago m4s'ba',ps, 'It is 'reflected, took in "INCE ����.��. Q1l
. .
'1! of the mads axe she, siaumces of trap, rus Agair►st Doering Stomach and for which bee faith and creldit ctafjstres. which slhaw that law 'vi-
itsi troubles if .'the w+euther be rainy. But ,With Artificial Digestants of qhs state were edged, have 'been olations are faetonw n'n &5 pe'r cent.' t >r
7' ,11MI�� fxvorallale circumstances attended the in default since 1841! of the fatal 'highway m'i'shaps and Y n
. idlid. adventure, and the road was Most people who suffer, either ossa- ,In ,that year her Legislature re- in approximately 70 per sent. of M 1 FIRM�T CHILI/
covemd in eofm kal.: The girls sang sionAlly or chronically from gas, sourness solved than '%he , insinuation that 'the those which result in personal in- -
for lMzmti es the songs that al- and indigestion, have now discontinued Sri of Mississippi would repudiate lilt r --
RX SYRUP and i *es diets, patent foods and the • y
vyays 'bring pease to distressed use of harmful drugs, stomach conies, her Ibond�s an'd �vialate her plighted &.me'fof these viblatWus, are the Then Mrs. King Diseovere&
Spirit, "Whist a, Friend We Have in a>ediciy#s and artificial digestants, and faitK'is a ca'luanmy on the justrice, product of carelessness or w,ilfu Bess. ,
A Treat � Jesus,” and I%bd tWill Take Care of instead take a teaspoonful of Bisurated honor and dignity of the state"; An altogether too large proportion ALL -BRAN
forflte echo% a ilN:- You." A Ptsall'm' was read and ' a Magnesia in a little water after meals whereu+ -the state promptly ceased f them
with the result that their stomach no Po'n pr irllg y ° ,however, is the product of
short address given' upon `T11e longer' troubles them, they are able to Paying interesit upon them and, after plain ignorance of the law. -
�n Excelle�rf Food Fatherly Care of, G+odt" ' Memories of eat as they please and, they enjoy much her ,Supreme Court had held the The condition is 'a challenge to we quote from her voluntary" ?
gar GROWING CHILD(�EN� Tr �f inspiring days in the, Hlotuse of G-od betterliealth. Those who yse Bisurated ,bonds. to be valid and bindink every intelligent motorist every- letter:
Magnesia never dread the approach of
were freshened, and the heirp of the meal tune because they know this obligations of the ,state, repudiated where, "I have suffered from terrible
. Cq, To -da presence of Goll again brought to wonderful anti -acid and food corrective, them byepapular raferendwm in 1852 Of all laws relating to pensoaual constipation, since .the birth of my:
ed' had 'd th --A. a tl stated by her ' T ha
(By Isabel Hamilton, Goderieh, Ont.)
LS1tu'Ll with Thee, O' and , God,
T would dJesim to be;
'By day, by night, at home, abroad,
I would be stein ,witlh Thee.
'Vlri+tht Thee amid the crowd
That throngs the busy mart, .
To iueart Thy icloim, whzeme tinte 6
Speak softly to my heorrt. Amen.
J. Ia. Burns.
Lord, let us nat serve Thee wit
idle spirit of bondage as slaves, bu,
with the cheerfulness and gladness o
+chU, dre'n, delighting themselves i
,Thee, ,and rejoicing• in Thy wor
Amen. -Selects
Lesson Topic -The Christian's Use o
Wiss Ethel Chapman
makes this novel
Luicok" C.�AK V
"'`'" with Magic
7W Powder
I "My advice to. all housewives; hoth
skilled and inexperienced, is: Use
Magic Baking„Powder: Then there
its no uncertainty about, your bak-'
Ting•,” says Miss Ethel Chapman,
. Editor of the Home Section in the
' .Ontario Farmer. '
. This unqualified statement is par-.
ticularly impressive because thrifty,
Canadian home makers have learned
that Miss Chapman's advice is in-
variably practical.' .
'Other well-known food experts and
cookery teachers in the. Dominion share
Miss Chapman's high opinion of Magic.
In fact, the majority,,.of them -and
housewives, too -use Magic exclusively.
No wonder Magic outspils all other bak-
ing powders combined. >4
Miss Chapman's recipe for'
1 cup fine granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
% cup egg yolks •
% cup lukewarm water
i,¢ teaspoon Magic Soda
1% cups pastry flour (or 3 tablespoons
less of bread Hour)
2 teaspoons Magic Baking Powder
% teaspoon salt
Sift sugar. Measure out 2 tablespoons,,
pour on vanilla extract and act aside.
Add water and soda to egg yolks; beat
with egg beater until foamy. Add•
sugar a little at a time, beating in well.
Add flavored sugar and beat. Sift to-
gether flour, baking powder and sail.
Fold carefully into mixture; pour in
angreasbd angel cake pan. Bake in
moderate oven at 350°F. for 40 to 45
minutes. Invert pan and let stand until
cake A cold, when, with the aid of a
spatula, it will slip from pan. Remove .
all crumbs and moist crust from sur-
face and cut in three layers. Spread
Lemon Cream Filling between layers.
toe 'top and Vides with Marshmallow
Seven Minute Frosting. (Recipes for
filling and frosting are in the Magic
Cook Book -sec free offer below.)
which can be obtained from any good
drug store, will instantly neutralize the
ALUM." This
statement on
t every tin Is your
i ' .,
'i * guarantee that
Powder Is free
from arum or any
harmful ingre-
no faith in it at all. Much to my,
I have not had to take
! �
madelaCanaft dlent:
� Fes -•-Send for the Magic Coale
clearly is a matber of putting real
1106L -t6 use when irou bake at imine.
y -
A ditimss Stadai d 9t -Anda Ltd.,
` .
' 11tei !l. & mast �i1oem'..5tredt;
t. a
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t )rpf'et
,�� A �' VM"'4..Y,''.l
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�a xNv _ . $ e. k� +i't et#k >u Y„A d e � i.:. .,,, .,.,, a ... . :”
„ „ �,,, vu�y
the 'heart of the wealoean it 'mai'.-
en of 'Christ. Then the benediction
which can be obtained from any good
drug store, will instantly neutralize the
upoait • e g^ro n. , p y
governor, that "the verolet of the
conduct prone are more sulbleot to
change than' those relating to traffic.
first child -- 9 yeaxs ago.! ve,
tried everything and nothing hatldi
quire some relaxation, some, breath- that any forg'G•r• or coiner would be
was pronounce& and the jottruey
?iauiawartl commeruoed.
stomach acidity, sweeten the stomach,
and, make,
prevent food fermentation this
sav+ereign ipeople of the state has
gilario'uslytl s'ustaine'd' the sacred truth `
Keeping up with those changes
any lasting results. Very, relue-,
tants I tried your `ALL -BRAN' with
Lesson Passage-Nehe►niah 8:10-17;
r One which, in dile; days
At Ca,ho
digestion easy. Try this plan yourself,
but be certain to get Bisurated Magnesia
that the +toiling mullions shou'l'd 'never.
be to
which are en'actited into Paw is no
may, task. KaQwing the regulations
no faith in it at all. Much to my,
I have not had to take
Mark 6:30-32.
of freighting me�xhandisa etttara'lu Y
homes into the 'Blueber.'y Mountain
p �laUy prepared for stomach use.
,burdened rvyith,taxes su oi�t
the idle few. " i7p
clearly is a matber of putting real
any medicine ;since starting to use•
Golden Text -1 Corinthians 10:31.
district was a very popular shopping
IMississi'ppi further riveted and
energy into the task, of acquiring
knowledge. 1 this.'coy} an
ago." -Mrs.
— -~-' • ' -�
,Dr. ,Samuel J,ohnstbon' is credited
�� saying a, ar>tan � entitled to a
point, and which is still frequently
th-re is of water.
s'tudem)ds ,tackle their most diflzcuit
cemented her 'reapud'iatian of these
'4,etbts by consttti!tui4ionlal amIen'dmesnt
altered point of grew regarding the
o regarding
Doris Eyre King (address furnishe
upon request)
portion of his own life. Recently a
wFeti, a .;stream
Here the party broke thle return
iob, s far, fo each m(list solve a
s'pe+cially, arranged crime complete in
in 18'75,, and she has thu's for eighty.
traffic code would foe' helpful in the
opinion of many aulthorities. They
Laboratory tests show ALL -BRANT
public man, 'w,hoee life was a sitrenu-
jo,tL,rney for a bean snapper., A party
every ,detail. The director sets the
Years,' in the shelter `of the Eleventh
believe tae many motorists look upon
contains two things. which over-•
ous'one!, rebired',and on doing so said:
Twenty ago I bought a set of
of h'ame's�teaders were already on the
,Stag�ee land Woirks out. the >probilem
Aiir,!endmenda to the Federal Coitstitu-
knowledge of the ,traffic regulations
come constipation: to ex-
the intestines; vitamin B to,
Oarlyle't� Jwo2tics and ruonv I"ll issue
g round 'preparing their evening meal
ori their way,to their Location,
backward- the*examinee fmust pre.
p hips dossier, plans, !photo'gra'phs,
tion, which preveritts an
from suilvg a state, preset ved her
as of primary value only in avoiding
,vliolartions 'wmn h will 'be nis6ted.
hal tone the intestinal tract.
trirrue ,ta mead tibea)s" Tn to day's les-
W!bh western hos italit their
ana>l�i'�es!--evea�thin+g on his own. I><
sh'ameles's leadership as the ori ina-
p g
S�u'ch .a viewpoint, is ind:efe'n,suble, The
The bulk m ALL -BRAN is m>~eln
'stn we are ,bold' haw acoordirg to
ore Was trrhased and the 'beans and
is his first real ease 'and all, the
for of the +practise o:f repudiating;
traffic code is first 'protective and'only
like that of leafy vegetables. In-,
Holy Wnilbe leisui a ti)nie should •
other good 'things to eat were soon
formddalble equipment of the Insti-
governmental debts, in which she
incidentally 'purtwtive. To regard it
side the body, it forms a soft mass,. .
ready. When supper Was over, good-
tute is .his for the soilutiom�,
was almost irnrriediately followed by
otherwise . i illogical and mnslc+hie
wl)ich gently clears the intestinesi
The .people wtho rebwrrned
bye ,was said .to •the comm adely home-
JThe +Crime 'Museum, is a Hast valu-
Florida and subsequently 'by a num-
of wastes,. .
Baibylonish captivity set to Work to
the captivity
Jest to an. W'heti
steadera and .the trip completed to
able training round far the students
ng g
ter of other states. When Missdssippi
,Good ,driving, first, la -A,, and al-
`Certainly this -is more riatural'
rebuild of
it was finished this, began to take
Spirit River. -In all- a ,pleasant trip
was en'joy'ed, and required religious
as it shows crime "in cold storage"
in all its phases and varieties.
sold hese bonds in Lan'doA, Dandel
WWbster said:
ways begins with knowing the rules
,an the 'm,atorist who does' not know
than taking pills and drugs=often{{
harmful. Two tablespoonfuls daily)
•drought of the Law of 'Moses which
I in their and in the excite-
comfort brought to a worthy couple
'Te the layman there is a certain
"Any failure to fulfill its obliga-
them has no claim to the distinction
are usually sufficient. If not re-
who, through many days, 'had long-
,ambutvt of interest in the various
tions would be an open violation of
of -being a good driver.
lieved this way, see your doctor.
m'e'at, of, their return they had for-
ed for the peace' of the presence
Nvea n!s complete with a- teat deal
' p g
'Public, faith to be followed by the
' -
ALL also supplies iron for
gabbgn. all the people gather-
• 'b •
of "local color," used in fam'otls kill-
p'ena'lty of dfi�4h'o'nor and disgrace, a
no -
'tire; (but reOrganizee and plans the
the blood. At grocers. In the,
ed themselves together as one man
1 into the street that was before the
records of various poddce reapers. Al-
b�i,aug+h absolutely irn ,e
trigs'. Then there is'a great paster
penalty, i.t may be pres'umved, which
no stabe of the -American Union
red -and -green package. Made by
watergate; and' they s'pake unto Ezra
th'e,00ntiauW ,an+d, relenrtless retsearch-
of those delicate in'stimments that
are used in forgery and for all types
would likely to, incur."
dello in London, Ontario. y
gg ll
f the scribe to (bring the (book of the
of coining, adiso 'a edllection, ofofalse
Well may the people of England,
Yorkshire Spice Cake.
' spoon minced paisley, 2 cups hob
law of Moses, which the Lorca had ����� �����
commanded to I+srae+l." They took
There its, cheq'u'es and bank notes'.
There is section Just door
Where most of these' bonds have been In our family, this cake is knowxi
held fon .three generations by the de;• F`Dad' "'P
time to ,hear, for we read that all thu•
le were atberstiva from the morn-
Frock Slide or ��
a of such a
as may be seen in 'an hotel, and
y Y
scendan'ts of •their original pur-
as 1 +Caikej j, t A less rich
Than the usual fruit cake and is ns-
mfilk, 1 tabdesipoo'n flourt, '2 table- ,
P P .
ing until the void -day while the lave
for the'lrenefut of the visitor, who is
chasers until the interest ,ru'ns' into
the ten's. of millions; laugh when
wally a favorite cake with men. The
,butter, salt.
+Saute the +pork 'in a - large sauce -
was being read and explained so that`
Fasteeth, a new, greatly im*o!ved
usually taken about b Professor
Y y
Bischoff hinsself a demonstration is.
the read of 'Mississi' i con r
Y pp congressmen
recipe has been ..used in the family
for than the
pari until brown. Add the,onions and
they could understand the reading.
powder to be !sprinkled on upper or
given of how the ]ick and bolt may
shouting that Great Britain, must
more 'sixty years and
cake is the true the
cook, until soft; add .the 'turnips and
At itis close the prophet Neh2mi'ah
lower plates, holds false teeth firm
low se
be successfully manipulated -vlth a
pay '}ler debts, incurred in a cotmmo'n
spice cake of
'north of,. England, where. it is made
carrobs with enough water to' coven, 0
and Ezra tkie scribe dphet ed the as-
'colrplat table. Can slide, slip,
air of insets and one of
P p
cause an'd •largely while her soldiers
rip in huge quantities each year, fox
and cook .for lu minutes. Add the •
semlb'dy fort, ,ilial we designate as a
holiday but h fuss to theme holy
rock or pop -out. I�To gu'mmyy, gooey,
arty taste '-o feelin t4Lakes braart ,
p g'
th'e aivost i'ntgenfous instrume,ts ever•
were fighting our battles, without a
day's 'delay or the abatement of a
the Christlmlas season. Wl}en we
potatoes and celery leaves and!
cook until all the vege-
day. The were to bear witness to
sweet and leas'an't. Get Fasteeth to,
in'ven'ted for- the thief.
'There are more gruesome exhibits,
make these cakes, we usually make
four times the quantity given here.
P Y,
'tables are tender. Add the milk and
the order• of iknan s natural life', the
order of society • and the, purpose of
day at. any goad drug store. •
like the skull of an ,old lady murder-
lblowls (b
' �.
" '
The amounts 'o£ uantingredy have
heat to the boiling point. Thicken
'with flotir rubbed together with the
God, that rues' should' not live for
thentsellv!es, but for one another: "Go
ed with axe Y her servant;
and' a severed taltunilb, .perfectly pre•
Catarrhal Deafi�ess
given will
„ yield one cake of medium
size, weighing about 3�t pounds. The
butter. Add', the salt to taste usrt•:,...,
before serving. Bread crusts or stale J
Your Way, cast the fat, and, drink the
The University
servied in spirits, the cuts on the ill-
'cost of .the cake is less than fifteen
:breach, brushed cuter with bacon fat
sweet, clad send roans unto t}yem
for 'wham nothing is prepared." They
Of Crihiinology
-side of which' indicate the, cliaracten'-
isti'c wounds of one who seeks to de-
Can Be Relieved
cents a"�pbunrcl--lana the cake' is de-
]ici-ous. Iit will keep well if it is
or .dri'p'ping, curt in strips and brawn -
in the very appetizing:.
were to re'maenibem and provide for
One of the mtost astonishing col-
fend from the knife d tan
stored in a covered crock or tin box
ed oven, are
their own wara!ts ,and pleasure and at
leges ever attach'e'd to any university+
1tore interesting are the cases that
with a cart apple,
when served with chowder --
which is a "iir�e'al in itself.
' da'e sante time to sJprare,a dzought for
others less happily situated. Having'
is the unique Institute die -Police 'Sqi-
entd,fi-que at Lausanne, Switzerland.
contain s'onve of the' most spectacular
Persons, suffering frotmt catarrihal
deafness or head noises due to catarrh
•3/4 cup (butter
11/2 cups; brown sugar , .
- , - Sailo'r's .Duff.
done as directed they returned for
It it independent 'of police control
p p
work of the Tnstiitute: a few a+hatred
fragimients mounted on a ,piece
will 'be glad to know that .this lis-
2 eggs,
/1 cup 'shortening
further instruction, in, the law, and
and actually'es some of the
gleam and besidle them a indcro'plto-
tre's'sing affiiction can usually be sue-
,Either 3 /s sums bread "flour or 4
i/h cup ,brown sugar
again they set 'bo work to do as they
most unlbiased expert evidence obtain-
tagraph showing them to be a "proof"
ces.sfwlly ,t'reated at ho'm'e by an in-
cu cake or pastry flour, ' .
P p ' rY
I egg ,
w,e -e biddieny ,with the result that
their `heaths, werre lifted up in "very
,The director of th'e' Uns'ti'tute is
of a fake bank -pole. Hours `of pat-
ieaUt inns.
ternal m+edlicine that in . man in-
stances has effei0ted' relief after - other
1/1 nu'tm'eg, grated
4 level ,teaspoons baking powder
t/z cu'p molasses
V2 cu fiaur
eat f ladnemsa°' It Was in the mndst
gx g
Profesear Mark B-ischolf,, whose mis-.
and meticu'lou's vhemtical and
mdciosco'p'ic work were ob
treatments have failed'.
%. teaspoon "s'al't„
;Pinch of salt
of the activities of life that these
leati'ingly gentle rriran¢iea hides afar-
twin this invaluable evid�ence.
Gec'u+re tfx+om your druggis+t.; one
3 cups currants
p' `
1 t'eas'poon baking powder
pebple were called aside, to a time
tacious scientific mind$. Indeed he
Forearnted b 'other studies, the
ounce of Parmint Double Strep h
1 cwp raisins
i/z teaspoon of soda dissolved in 1t.
of .leisure' to be spent in the. enjoy-
lacks far too gentle fon his formid-
,pupils learn to apply the tremendous
Take this home and add, % pint hob
�/� cup speed chopped -peel
,tablespoon boiling 'Water. '
rruerut of worship according to the de-
God to 'Moses,
able reputation,' 'w,hich extends as
far as Siam and. BdLivia.
resoureees of lighting and photo-
Wates and a little sugar. A table.
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 our mdlk scant znea'sure
p ' ( )•
Beat all together well, -then add Ya
cress of
Mark 6:30-32.
", It is in the decorous building of
graph,. They learn the use of the
ultnavi�!1 rays lamp, wkiieh
spoonful (aur tunes a day should soap
distressing catarrhal head noises, tom-
'Mix and bake as directed,, tempera-
cup (bailing waiter. Mix and goer
into a well buttered mould. Cover
Jesus His twelve disciples out
'the University of Lausanne that
,the ¢herndoaE treated,
Y cheque instant,
prove hearing,, make breath rig ear-
lose 30'0 to 325 deg. E ., time 1 to
and steam f'ox one and one' -half toy
to 'preach'. The went forth b two
y y
Professor Bischoff uta his students
ly 'yield's the -proof of its falai
ier and dry up anu+cous d'ischarke. All
2 hours. !Sore far several weeks be-
two hours. Serve 'lit with vanilla.
and two, being equipped for their
through a curriculum of crime and
trop. ;A bloodstain or an'y other
catarrh sufferers need Pa`rmirst.
fore using-
or, cream sauce. ,If chopped.
work by 'beirng ,given power over, un'-
,eventually gives the would gradusit-es
stain on a textile ruo matater haw well
Winter Chowder..
gingen, powdered ginger, flourecL
clean stpiriits. In 'Ghia part of our
of Tl er n'ew'est of exact :ri'enees.
washed and' rerovashed is ata a
raisins, currants, dates or atiher fruit
lessors we see them on, their return,
an account of their efforts.
A. great deal of the three years'
training is extremely grim and, needs
pare -not under this lam if ch'erin i�
p P Y
'Lunch Call Costs
(One-qu+atter cu p salt pork, curt in
. may , be added. When fruit is used,,
They had been very active and the
a m+nst !persistent inclination to sur-
'treated. Also admltarabed sell ' e3.
care easily 'shown up.
Film Firm X12 000
small pieces and !browned', or s/¢ ,cup
drippings, 1 crop potatoes, diced, 1
add one-half teaspoon of cinnamon
and a liable grated, nrliltrmleg.
Master saw their•need of a rest. He
wive it and no simrall scientific ability.
cup carrots, diced, 1 cup turnips enc-
Note: If bread i%vr is used, cell
kne, tTr� tv!adu'e ..of leisure and\also
Women are n'ot encouraged to pas,
laboratory i witherh a
iY egnii'p,pedt with a mercury
„M'a'king "King of th'e .Jungle" ist
ed, 1 medium sized onion siliced, a
2 taiblespo;on's of rrulk before addling:,
the beJsb use to put it to. He said to
'therm "Come
y "' ye yourselves apaart, in-'
the ordleal, unless they have a clear
•call on theirown t
gernini.,. a very high
vapor lalmip that gives a clear, cold
giving no end' of trouble. Director
Hwmlberston ,had, everything set for
few fresh or dried ceder leaves 1
. , y
the 'boiling -
ng water. •
to a 'd'ese'rt +place, , and 'rest awhile."
standard of 'previous education, ard'
alll,rauavd ullumir>fatian. �Ttr perrmi't;�
a circus s'cen'e on a Pott near El Monne,
--,..-_-- —_ .--_. _
_ .__ _ .-____-
T,he i 1 111-1
the photographing of objects which
-__ .
,C lif A A t�
ari+ostt active servants of Christ a' u az, coo' in.
cannot be always it
ys pop the of The students are 4round to secrecy,
must not be exposed to 'the heat of
normal illumdnataion, as, for instance'
a . y ez^avv ,we thousand
extras rovers under the `big rep," in -
business', but have bodies that re- far they learn methods and processes
the incriminating stub of candle.heid
strtuted to 'd'ash Pell sell toward a
quire some relaxation, some, breath- that any forg'G•r• or coiner would be
cathe bare fingers y 'a stupid crrm-
certain exit when the tent was, set '
ing=time' we shall pat ire cable to delighted to obtain The curric.ilum
semi's God dray and night, till we come is cornprebensive and 'elnlbra,ces penal
n .Ib
incl and carelessly thrown away. U.n
afire. Just as the big canvas
getting under ,vvay, someone an -
I 'to ' Iherarven, where they never rest law and 'praetisce; legal medicine, dis-
'der d t in t . , illumination the wax
would ! mmlt .,or, (bhrx, while the mer-
'ready ,direction, ,c
paniced', "Lunch is'
from 'paatsing Him (Rev, 4:3). Notice r•,ection and anatomy, taxolegy and,
cu¢•y vapor' laan!p 'illuminates it
ready," and the 'panic halted' am the
that Christ caallis them to come them- e�peri-mental physics; theory :a,nd
out radiating heat. '
,spot. Net result --tent burned down,
selves' apart• fon if theybad any Practice of modern hoto;
p, graph, and
body with them; they would have many other sutbjects, such as micra-
13fiicrocamera, equipment of the sat=
iscene' hot shot, 3,00'0 extras. to be
hired over again when another 'tent
something to say, or something to do; photagrapiny, technical gesearch of.
kinds, In have
,est -model is available to teach tha
�d,�� how to 'detect forged (bills
is found, and be'twee'n $12,040 and • .
if they must rest, they must be a- air etc. addition obey
and obtain h,
photographic evidence of
$25,000 'sunk.
lone. He inivdtes them not into the to go through the complicated 1?usi-
town or city, but into a desert place, mess, of forgery, false' coins, bank
eilmdlar activities.
The second tough break came when
wheme the acoommodiations were very thefts, 'etc. The studiy of the habits
Mn,crophotographs _ have helped to'
sollvte most eampl'icated cases eyf mual-
Clarence Cmalbbe, s'winvmin , rhamz-
-playing the "Lion 'M+an" in the
poor, and whith w+as filled by nature of crianitals is, a separate and exact
science and so are the various meth_
only, and not by art, for quietness and r
'der. The •servi'ce's of the Institute.
picture, got tangled up with one of
rest: ods of examination, reporting and
wear -e invoked by the Swi,sts olice in
the circus teats. The lion u a. tree
tIiie calls them only to rest awhile; presenting of cases.
they moist not extpect bo rest long, !The studenbs'wark on the material
a recent shooting, where no
was ,obtained otherwise. The scien-
and crouching on a li'mlb, last its
foo+ti,ng and fell. 'It seemed to think
only to• get breath; and' then to go to collected in the famous Crimf; .Mus-
tife methods df the In'stitutet-led to
the 'discovery' rthat' the •err PtY salt=
Craablbe was responsible and prompt -
sank its teeth into one his legs,
twork again. There is no •remaining• eum of the and on, actual
raw material if an o•
treat for the people of God tell they opportunity Pre'
ridge case found' near the victim had•
he beintg closest to the spat. The
11 'heaven. The'reason given isetnts it's'elf. After three years'
an indentation which shrowed that it
had fallen ,been thrown from'
bite sent him to the hospital for
for this withd'raw'i of themslves g'm 'g' work they face the final six
r Y
height. The shot was traced to
eunergency treatrrient.
is the !bus'tl'e and huzxy about them weeks test for the coveted univers-
the only balcony in the street
-_' •r
"fom there were nvany comiirig and go- itY di'p'lOMe.
inrg, and they had no leisure so much The milonoiscope is the deadliest
the shooting occurred, and, the acetus-
�' faced, with a formidable dosder
The fourteenth iCana+dian. Egig-
as to eat." Let but proper time be weapon they•+have learned to handle.
It its
scientific and photographic � evide;nce,
Ilaytng 'Contest "got away to a good
said that the alt
prisoner set, and kepi, for everything,,, and a Y P
mskan:t],y confessed.
start at Ottawa in Novgmlber. Most
greaft ,deal of work 7nhy be, dome with: may as well throw up his hands when
Research into the Possibilities
of the Thirds were rdcedved in ,exct]-
a great ectal of ease; but if people be he sees ,this and the micracamera of
cherid'stry yields, resutlta that
lent condittion arid, a, eared to be
oo'ntinually coming ands going, and no the Institute in, action.
At •firal
'Iboth usetful land spectacular. The ex_
outstanding in quality.
'rule or method be observed a little the e'nd of the test the
i,sten'ce of Ibloo�dstains can 'be estab-
n , ,
work will not be done without a de d
They withdrew, accord-
lished tbey grid doubt, as shown above,
but it ks fufther necessary,
in y, bole.
irigly, by ship to the desert of Beth- HEADACHE. AFTER
,S+aidia. They wemt ' away privately,
and :per-
f ectly pasisilble, to d'i.ffemezrtvate be
tween human
Ignorance Of Traffic Laws
-that they mtighrt Ine by themselves.
and animal blond. Thi,
Problem Demands Remedy
The mmit public persorus cannot but HEADACHE
wisih to be private som.etii tea, As
is obtained by mieans of various
eh,emdc'al reaction's.
it is
An individual concerned, with traf-
fit administration in a large re
ch*fly a mlattem of de-
-city -
are cbsttinguishalble for
auc'Gi'an. U to a few •
year, ago,
cently was driving alongl a wide, t
their different natural gifts, and
when many of the 7n�sexit s'cienthrific
,comparatively deserted boulevard.
entts, so are they different in their Now She's Free From Them
tm)ethods +were 'unknown, numerous
The driver in frontt of him suddenly
use of their leisure.
A woman "'I li'ite
cases w+erei -solved by deductions from
made a right turn. The unusual thing
writes: would
inspired guesses,
about it was that in leaking the turn
everyone who suffers' from headaches
Vital even though less
g spectacular,
the motorist violated three regula-
to t Krwschen Salts. Before talc-
. ing Krurc'hen I was hardly ever free
are m'ebh'odts of c+bas�sfdica-
tions --'all of them. of basic import-
anSe. •
Pastoral Visitation from a iheadachs. ' But since I have
of dlata, .and ,of hoto
the hes p' graphs, with
P of Professor Bischoff
Tris the fitst p'lalce;, the off'en'der
+bees taking it regularly 'I have hard-
By Rev, George S. Ca'ssm'ore B.A. ly had a the'adaehe tor which J am
keeps th
not only loeeias the Qnstitute's infox-
mtatiorct 'alrailable 'at a niorypent's
failed to give' a sdgnal. 'Secondl'y, he
.svtvn+g far over toward the centre
At W'hitlburnh seavenrtay milenorth very thankful, for headaches can.
Spirit 'Section, make feel ill. I have -been
no -
'tire; (but reOrganizee and plans the
of the street as if to make a left
and west of River one quite
live 'Myr. and Mrs. Hughes, with their talking that small dose ,of Kru,seh'en
records of various poddce reapers. Al-
b�i,aug+h absolutely irn ,e
turn instead of one to the right.
Thirdly, he drd'v+e di're+ctly through a
idlalugglut'en Wrsr. Kramer. '!Mr. and every morning in a g;l'a9s of warm
endent, he
Wks together with ,polip',ce, chiefs in
safety zone which, under that city's
MTs. Hughes originally made their warte+r, 'before my breakfast, and I
th'e,00ntiauW ,an+d, relenrtless retsearch-
traffic regulations', is closed territory
!ho'm'e at NeJbvmlarket whence the re- feel so well." -(,Mars. A. E. D.
y )
moved to iCamlb'erry, Man:. A year or Rieadaches can generally ire traced
es into , rridthod!s of crime detection.
even though unoccupied.
The amazed traffic authority fol- '
so argo they caimie tea visit •Mrs. Kra»i to a disordered' stomach and to the
jawed the Imtotoxitst, stopped hi:m and
er at whose home Mfrs. Hughes was un, urpiected retention in the system
attaaoked by ra severe illness which of 'stagnating waste'marterial which
The 'Last People
questioned (him. The interrogation re-
ve'aled'that the offender was a a.Tiver
ince. No the 'blood. Remove these
has kept her bedfast ever so p
eburch s'erviices of anv kind are eon- Paiff'O s -pr'eve'nt ttlr'em'N formdn'g a-
Who Should Talk
of seven years' experience. Despite
this, he confessed ignorance of any
ducted at' Whitibtrrn. Because of fiairr-and you°l•1 never hame to worry
(BY a writer in The Now York
requirement of the traffic re'guls-
lacic of financial support,an more- And that ,is
our aloe- Y j'u5•t ho�v
lion's that right 'ttrrn�',ibe matle'fi•om
ent was wa'�fpdirawn last sur amer from Krus�dhen Salts bring swift ari+d lash-
the Blueberry Moualtain •disrtnri>ctt. ing relief from, head'aiches. Kr•umoh.
It has been ironi'call'y entertaining
the right tradfitc lane or . thaJt safety.
zones should nett ,be entered even
Mr, 'and iMrs. Haghes have always � tSalts ai:d'Ivilature to cleanse your
to read 'bhait three of Our fl?M spar l-
though un,decu+pied. 'He did know' the
•bepn deepip gnashed to their church. body OP01 ettely 'offq�a:ll-clogging waste
tMIen to 't�mtpet to the prees their
law required a signal, but could not
In her id•h*sd, Mn. Hmighres felt" view mratbber. rt on little 'd9dly
coltdem"na,tion of any revision' of the
see' its necessity in rna.kimtg a right ..
leh>eflay f 1nx9k of xeQigi la earnrllol t, dos,d" of Kruseb n, to-n%rrow. Then
tt`fto Toll• a ns+ri+ghitt day in 'Clctdbei?,' the l will vety sown have dome vAth
debts and of the req'u'estts of our
fo'nIn!er allies, for delay in the mean-
time twer0„ if
, tulrrr,, even such a. fl•atgr'a'ntly wrong
one as he h'� d•. made.
: kl, eiunis .of Sip6adt ItAcneie, .isle's
Cotlretetly re'pto+rt~ecl; ,Sen-
The aprOling thing albs the .in -
r d
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