HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-11-04, Page 7a V I" J",,� �1, -,'01.�,� , Wi� "�i;�.��?,,'�j��'!7,1,���',���k''�;11"1 4. , ,,,�,,; ,, , 461��'. ,�";Z",��' ','�,'��!5�� ��`� -e�t,,, ,1�.i�iI," . , , , � . I I . , Q ;�, nii ;I , . r. . � . 1.1:1�.Ilzl "I, I , I V,7 . I � I, : I � � . ; . i , , 1 ,, f . , ', Z , , � 1� , � .,,r..,, ", ,", . ,f� , I � � � I , I I � , I . f i I li 1� , ,N�m I I , I tt a , 11 r 1,� " � � , ijj 1 , n." � - , , .. , %�. � ,i:ij_ ,,'� " " j. n . .,, , ,� 41i*"i , ,, " 14 .."•! . I . . " . r �� �, );��til�j( 1, -p ,-I -n "I" , , .i�� ;�!il—iND", bf-l"�,ille,,,�Y4�,,�,�'T,�?',�l',� ,�i J I . . . . . . . . I ,o. , , � I � I . I . f, 1, :1: -I'-, 1 ;,,-,11,� ''. ,;,1%, , ';�i% ".., '. , , , t A'.��Jt_,O, ; , . , , , "V , . , �,�, ,, I " I , . . 11111"� J! �. , . I I 1". � ­­`.�% "',"', , e, I ... I , , ":i:,' ! �,, �,­i�� ;1 i V " 11 m � , -.. "'i, � �i]�, , -.,, , � . 2 .1", %; ?,�.,, "" I , I ,. . . .... :1 "" " N . I ., j- � ,,:V�,�,," _ ,, , ,,,, ,��, .' 4,,�'k;,� ".1 I I . . ! , I.,.: I t., r 1 , " , , . . . . , . C , ".: � ,. 4 �! i, i."J 1, ,��' ;,�,- I , . , t . I I , �", , ;, ' r "!�:�"' ";�', �i ,!.";, � I . .'' , , , .-, . ,. , . , N I NOVEMER 49 1932. , I'll in. 1,91-11m.1111 ;;;;"; ;1 -1 1-1 1-11 .1- , 1-11 I , I . I I 11 . , I - U � " . � "'.,`� I ,. if.'� � � ,, I 11 ) --- -, , I I,RGAL I ­ . ., ". . . . I I I ­ 1. I I . 4 . ..... . .. , I . � t'� , , I - I . , , I . ..... i- . i ., L . . ,i, . . .. .11 I I I . .. �. I Fhque No. 91 ­ .- Bar I . . L'. I . � . I , I JOHN 1 HUGGARD I I . I I I Barrister, Solicitor, . . I , I , , I Mm . , ' , ' ,m,, -, . I . � � :1.: Notary Public. Etc. I ': %. � �� 1. , , I � � . I GREY T11) _�'. Beattie Block - - Seaforth, Out. I .11 . 1 I I A . . .- I ,,-, BY EI)GAR WALL, ACE BAYS Sc MEIR ' .., I .- Succeeding R. S. Hays I . -- Barrister, — . . . . . Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer ,,,I cannot expect you to believe," It hav&ened that such a letter, ad- a private road, where the car bubip- emd Notary PablLig. Solicitor for the , he said, "that he knew nothing of. dressed to, a man whose belp Vunks ed and jolted in the ruts •of a form Dominion Bank, Office in rear of the the inf amous plot; Yet I am corvine- required, and of. whose lurid youth he track. . . . Dominion Bank, Seatorth. Money to ed --7-11 ' had the fullest "ils, had been sent It burned again, this time through 1021L I . . ,,No more convinced than, 1 am," by the desperate correspondent to his ,a broken gate„ and came to a stop . ,said Brian heartily; "in fact, I have lawyer, and-lKe. A-�gustus"Fanks was ,before the door *:f a dilapidated old I . . , absolute proof thwt 111orace, knew most anxious to recover that letter farm. . . � . I nothing whatever about the matter." Wore it reached the depository of :She fumbled at the door, her hands BEST Sc BEST � The old man nodded. He opened the Director of Public! Prosecutions, trembling, when a man slipped, from . nveyan- his pocketbook axed out a cheque But the man he sought was absent the doorway and 'apened the door. Barristers, & Solicitors, Co d altei,ed and his heavy am and Notaries Public, Etc. Office for two thousand pounds. . and Fanks had hardly ascertained Though he had in the Edge Building, opposite The ,"You were good enough to lend the fact When the door was burst op- moustache had been shaven off, she . this to my son " he said. "I cannot en and the police swarmed into the reicognized ' him. I .. Expositor Office. -1. ' . . 1"Lord Plinlow!" elm gaiped. tell you ,how (much 1, appreciate your room. . goodnes- it has placed you in an eii- If the truth The told, the primary . , - . VETERINARY tirely iie-� light. I ,%Tn an old man, object of that raid 'was the same thar, Brian, a prejudiced and narrow old' animated Mr. Fanks- they were CHAPTER XXI .1 - . man, I, fear, and nVt over -generous. greatly desired to lay their hands on . ' i JOHN GRIEVE, 'V -S. I have set Myself up as a critic- Tinker Smith. Though Augustus, THE EIND neglecting to rectify faultd, in my Fanks ,protested,. produced his card, .. I Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin• own life which have been worthy of and swore by all �the gods, that he i (Brian passed the wire over to Ern- i my College. All diseases of domestic. criticismi,, but --41-I—" . was a n innocent visitor attracted by est as they walked along Knights- � animals treated. !Calls ,promptly at- 'He blew his nose with -some ener- cadiosity, they marched him off to bridge. the nearest ,police station. � 44 41 am. coming, -Gladys ' " read the tended to,and charges moderate. Vet- .-Y. . . nearest - . P 'Dentistry a specialty. Office It was some time before they sat But they did not find- Tinker Simith. dio&,oT. "'Why is this?" 'be asked. erinary 'down, to a calm discussion of the Poe-, What they did And was a letter That is what I want to know," end residence on Goderich Street, one signed ",P.," which ran: til am lay- isaidd Brian. "'The dear, girl only door east of Dr. Mackay's office, Sea- ition.1 forth. , ,,"! am ,perfectly assured," said ing low with is. Pallard swears I went home this afternoon." . Brian, "that it was' Pinlow who fired, have had something' to do with the "Ram!" said Ernest; then be stop- } - I . - the shot at fine, and fired the shot shooting at Knightsibridge. He s,ball ped dead. � - 1. ' I �' Fay irq many ways . whkh killed Caggley. My hands are Fa i I . If I do not see "That reads like an answer to a L *.S. -.4)u -,again, take charge of my flat, wire; have you wired to her?" A. R. CAMPBEL , tie4 for the present because any ac- you of Ontario Veterinary cusation against hini'must bring nip .,16c. burn, all my letters. I advise this A - tense, drawn look came to the whole of the other business--4that as much in, your interest as in mine. Brian's face. i I College, University, of Toronto. All would involve Horace."' Au revoir." - 9% said no word. . diseases of domestic animals treated He did not say that it might drag The police had saved 'Mr. Fanks Hadling a taxi he drove straight by the most modern .' principles. the nalme of,Gladys into the case, and, the trouble, for the flat was already back to the house. He had ll�-en on Charges reasonable. Day or night Incidentally, that of Mr. Callander. in their hands. his way to the club, bsivi . ng, as it calls promptly attended to. Office,on _� He saw, by the ,gratitude in the old But the l6tter was interesting, i� happened, -postponed his visit TO Main Street, Hensall, opposite Town. man's eyes, that his, reticence was ap- fer no other reason than -because i t Wickliaim. Hall. Phone 116. . � � .. I . I ;Proved. . I had been posted in London oil that He found another telolg�ranr which - I Aq believe that QLggley was sent day, and an "A,S."'hiessage--which hal recently' arrived. - 1k , . here with a tock-an&bull story about means "All station's"' ---was flashed I'lis Gladys with yori?--Callarider. I . . . MEDICAL the W�rr&Vstet +rac'es in order .to from one end- of Londioft to -the other; In five niinutes, ,his car was at the : I . throw the jg,niilt on him for my mur- to the effect that the waruted man door, and the two men, were speeding I I ,ler. Pinlow intended shooting him, was in London . . .. towards Severroaks. . - Gladys Callander, returning home Is that you, -Pearl? I DR. E. J. R. FORSTER to ensure his silence." , I . "Has the ownership of the revolver the next evening with the happy as- "If Pinlow is in this said Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat been established?" as -ked Mr. Callan- surance that her lover was, saved the Brians between 'his teeth., Then be I . Graduate in Medicine, University of I humiliation of an appearance at Old recognized the absurdity of the un- der. . � I Toronto. !Brian sbodk his head. Bailey, was startled by a contents uttered' threat. The man was already Late assistant New York Opthal- It is 'next to impossiblel. The pis- 1-411- . . a fugitive from justice --a murderer mei aria Aural Institute, Moorefield's ;tol it,. of Belgian make,-obrviouslY . It was -hopeless. Eye and Golden Square Throat Hos- purchased. abroad." , I KNIGHT(SBRIDGE 1MURDE I R He flung himself from'Ithe car bv- . 'pitals, London, Eng. At Commercial The two strayed to lunch, which, ' I A CLUE fore it had stopped at the door of . Hotel, Seaforth, .third Monday in. was half -,way through when the serv- I the home. . each month, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. ant brought in a card. She sought the ,paper to find, for One glance at Mr. Callander's face - Stratford. ' - . 58 Waterloo Street, South, Stratford. . it. I the first time, Pinlow's name man- told him all he feared to know. . ­­... Brian read I 11 -Chief Inspeitor Valance, GAjD,, tionled with the affair. "She has not returned," said the 'I 'There it was, in the boldest type, old man; "here is the telegram." I. Scotland Yard." .. . Dr. W. C. SfROAT , ' On the back was scribbled, "I have the• story of the killing of Greenpol, He banded the wire which had call- ' ' soinegood news for, YOU." "I the 'arrest of Fanks in, that conrlec- ed the girl away. It had, been des - Graduate of Faculty 6f'Medicine, ,,,Show him. in," 'said Man; i,giijod tion, and as much,of the letter found -patched from a West End office. University of Western Ontario, Lon- news is for all hearing." -• . in his posisession as' an. ingenious re- A rough description of the car was don. Member of College .of Physic- The Inspector was a pleasant-fac- Porter could extract, from the police. given by'a ,man in the village, who dans and Surgeons of Ontario. Office ed, grey-haired man of fifty. He She breathed a deep sii�gh of relief. was ­also able to supply .the informa- in Aberhart's Drug Store, Maim St, greeted the party with a', -little bow. At last the truth was out. She borught ti ' on as to the direction the car took. Seaforth.. Phone 90. lb -Sit down, Inspector," said Brian, -all the -parpers, s1he could buy at the This was a slender clue to work on, ' . I I with a smile. "Well, What are the station. 'They `bold. ,her little more 'but Brian lost no lime. He notiflee. - -this, is my uricle, and than the fi�rst. One contained a lit- Scotland Yard by tel one, and with glad tidings? . ii p DR. A. NEWTON-BRADY ' this is my cousin," he, introduced. tle interview with Brian, which, in a road.�rnap ,be started forth 1 , ur- ',The best news for you, Mr. Pal- the Tniain, consisted, of a record of suit. Graduate Dublin University, Ire- -lard," be said. "The ,Crown does not his, willingness to talk on the subject. It was an impossible task he set land. Late Extern, Assistant Master ;ntend proceeding with the, 4 ease. She reached home to find that neither himself. He kept on the track of Rotunda Hospital for Women and Therre was a little flaw in the evidence Horace nor her father had arrived. the car- until it, left the m * ain, road. cbiflilreri, Dublin. Office at resideftee ' flice ex- She went straight to her room to After that it seemed to have passed at the inquest; the Horne 0 change her dress, and came down to unnoticed. I . lately occupied by Mrs. Parsons. - pert has proved -beyond doubt that. . Hours: 9 to 10 a.m.,'6 to 7 P.m-, ,be bullet which killed Caggley was- receive -a telegram from the hand of He spent the whole of the night . ftnday3, I to 2 p.m. I 2866-26 fired from! a pistol of a larger calibre I-ier maid. . . fruitlessly, and returned to'Mr. Cal- . . I than yours." I "Must see you, am, sending car.- ls n-dieT at daybreak, tired and, dispir- "I am glad"I said the ,I . im- Brian." ited. . . I I 9111' sometbir4g ,of frantic No news awaited him, except that . pulsively, holding out her henAsi, her There was . DR. F. J. BURROWS., with unshed urgency about the wire that alarmed Scotland Yard- had sent two of their . I eyes shining ' n 1,Office and residence Goderich Street, , "On 'that fact," the Inspector pro- heir. What codId have happened? best men, and every police station i east of the United Church, Sea- seeded, "there can 'be no question of She wished her father was there. Ev- En -gland had been notified). . forth. Phone 46. Coroner for the a prosecritioni. N�owi, - MT. Pallard. " Horace would -have served. She He snatched a few hours' sleep, ;, County of Huron. just as soon. as your release is grant- scribbled a reply, but then it occur- and awoke refreshed. Over a hasty , . ed, I want you to help — to find the red to her ,that be would not receive 'breakfast -he discussed the situation . " I . man: that did it." the hillessage. He was to halve gone with Mr.- Callander and Ernest. . "I aim, afraid -----1"` began, Brian, to Wickham that day to escape the "Ithink no harm will come to her. DR. C. MACKAY . ' is -bent interviewer. She laid the -he said, "Pin -low is -holding her to I when intem.-ption came from an un- Pers telegram ,down, then on second ransom. He wants money arid he C. Mackay, honor graduati of Trin- expected' 9riarter" . thought she decided' to send it. He ,tall have it." . I I lty4University, and gold medalist of I It was from Callander. 14i,Mlir. -Pallard believes, that the m,lir-- had wired that be was sending the 'I-TD3,,took but his chmue book and Trinity Medical College; member of erer was Lord Pinlow," be said; "he. car ­be would not -be - coming' him- wrote an order on Ibis banker. the College of 'Physicians and Sur- d "I must have this Tnioney in hard can also supply you with information self. Again she wondered, what had I geous of Ontario. a horse at kept him. cash," he said. "Ernest, will you go reg She despatched a maid to the vil- to town for me?" regarding the killing of GoOdwood---2' . I I '"Mr. Callander," began Brian, blit lage to send the wire. (The girl had "With pleasure." DR. H. HUGH ROSS the old -man silenced him( with a lit- not returned when a large car caime "Go to town and cash this." , tle d'ignif'ied' wave of his hand. gliding wrp the walk. The chauffeur He handed the cheque, which was Gr bate of Uni,versity of Toronto ,"Wy son, Horace Caland'erl" be .touched his. "hat to the ,girl, for 920,00,0. Faculty "Are you from ',Mr. iPallard,?" she ,Seeing the doctor's look off amaze lege . y of Medicine, member of C01- wenit ons, "was an unwitting assist - lege ,of Physicians and Surgeons of ant to 'Lord Pinlow in that crime. In, asked. . ment, Brian went on: Ontario; pass graduate courses in order to ,keep our -name out of ,the "`Yes, miss;" replied the .man. "I am, prepared to pay anything - Chicago 'Clinical School of Chicago -, ,ratter' Mr. Pallard has chivalrous- ."Has anything happened?'" I tell you that I will give every cent Royal 'Ophthalmic Hospital, London, ly declined to Prosecute." "'I don't ,know, 'miss, only he toll I own in the world if needs be." England- University Hospital, Lon- . 'The Inspector nodded. nie I was to hurry .back." "'But how will it be conveyed to dm England. Office --Back of Do- "Mr. Pallard does not give us cred- .. She ran into the house and snatch- him?" way," said Brian um -ion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5. it. for 1,newing anything about that ed up a coat. She'*&s hardly "ated "He'll fin -d a Night calls answered from residence, -latter," he said, 'land it will be in the car before the ,driver started zrimly. "I expect the next move Victoria Street, Seaforth. ' . it with a.jerk. Then sihe reirrenilber- from., bib,." I . n to him that a warrant hiis al- le"T " s ed that she had left no note to explain His expectations were justified. At readY been issued for Lord Pinlow" . arrant in that connection,." her hurrV,edl deparbutre. Mhee tru,sitleri noon that 'day there arrived from I . ,This, was news indeed. that the servant would tell her father. London a little district messenger DR. S. R. COLLYER ' 111T,ov, on earth did you know?,, They tore through the village and with a letter. It had been sent from p I . asked Brian in surprise. turned abruptly to, the right. � " the Northumberland Avenue, depot." Graduate Fa�ulty of Medicine, Uni- The Inspector smiled crypticalIN'. Now the' 'toad, to London ­ran in `the -r shall want 910,iOW in 'notes for . rite direction, -and Gladys,, th�ink- the release Of my prize. If 'you a- . opiposdi Tersity of' Western Ontario. Member College of Physicians and Surgeons of "These things leak out. We knew ing the man Imight,have made a mis- gree, and will pledge, nil -- your word Ontario. - Post graduate work r -t New -omelhing was wrong, and we knew take, leant out of the window, you will' not atteim , Pt Tb trap nie, - "You have taken the wrong road," coirre �to the end' of the Petworth 'York City Hospital and Victoria HOS that you suspected the truth -so, as . pital,-London. Phone: Heirsall, 56. we couldn't lalace the culprit, we put she said. Road leading to, Chichester. You will Office, King Street, Rensall. men on to shadow you, knowing that "The other"road's, up," said the 5!,ee a car waitin1gi-. Tell your man to . sooner or later, you would put us on man aflyruiptly, follow that. If you make any at- . the right traick. We. -struck the trail There was a hint of brusqueness in tempt to betray mel, ,I siball have no I � - sack hegita,tion in killing (her. Go to DR., J. A. MUNN after we had traced You to the house his tone which annoyed her. Sh� . of Dr. Jellig." back on the padded seat wondering the marest post office, I will call you . Graduate ,of Northwestern Univers- Bryan snniled ruefully- �how Brian came to employ such a by tellephorke at one o'clock," ity, Chicago, Ill. Licentiate Royal "And all the time I thought I was, boor, Then she remembered that "As I thought," said Brian. He College of Dental Surgeons,. Toronto. the only -person who knew," he said Brian had only one ear, and that this handled the letter to Mr. Callander. Office over Sills, Hardware, Main St., rDhe Inspector took his leave soon was not it. Neithel- was the chauf- "What. will you do?" asked the old I feud the man who had driven her be- man. Seaforth. Thone,151. , after. /, "Go the post office and wait- - ,,We will ftv to do the thing quiet- fore in London, ' ly," he said, "`but if Lord .Pinlow is. It 'was growing ,dusk. She. could fbelpolice must not know of this; DR. F. J. BBCHZLY arrpisted..by to -morrow we. shall be not read the signposts. only the we can afford to take no risks." Obliged to glivei publicity to the fact." glow of the getting 'sun was ,behind He was waiting at one o'clock, anid Graduate Royal College of Dental 'That -night the little club -in Gum- 'her. They were going ,due east, A prompt - to the minute the Call CAME . Surgeons, Toronto. Office over WPR. mers, Town, of which ,Mr. Augustus c6l,d fear gripped, her heart. She through Smith's Grocery, 'gain Street, 9�1_ , Famig was ,so exicellent a patron, was knocked on the window'in. front, but "Is that you, Pallard?" forth. Phone: 'Office, 186W; regi- raised by ,the polices. it was an um- there was no response. 'She put her He recognized the hateful voice. donee, 18,5J. I fo,rt.un - "ye - ip , ate ,circumstance that Mr. head out of the window, and scream- S . I I Fanks was present ffe had come lo ed at the man to stop. "Do you agree to my terms?" find Tinker Smith, who did odd jobs He sat stolidly, taking no notice. "Absolutely." ., . AUCTIONDERS for -him. (Mi. Fanks, being ,,, man The car was proceeding at a great "You promise?" . of boundless indlebtedrese, And being, pace. She nortioed that they passed "Yes.10 0 more -over, in �ffiebalbjt of sailing close few cars, and that the road was not "RemL-mber, on434 your chauffieuit I .to the law, had often need of an ex- of the even. surface which she was, ac- and yourself." , . "I have -given ) ny word,, a OSCARK.LOPP I pert w1ho was willing, and able to se- cuslOymed. to. They bad been journey- you i Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Na- cure &600enits of a character com- ing an hour. The Trilan ,had evident- what hour?" P1, tionAl School for Auctioneering, Chi- promising Mr. Augustus Fanks., Iy made several detours 0 'avoid "At five t'hi's afternoon. iSpecjal -dmiurge taken In Pare For there bad been times, in Gia towns, and now they were going 'due !"I wi.ql be there." rre� Live ,Stock, Real INtate, Wey. exciting career when Mr. Fhniks had south, along a stretch of main road, He (heard the eliidk of the telephon . like black- Herr hopes rose, only to sink again, ss it was hung up. , chaviJise and FAT.M"SA169- Rates in written lette'r's, qO much to th e At three o'cloick that afternoon h, . keeping with prevailillior markets. Sat- mailing Iielbtpirs,� that only one expert ,as the ear turned ,abruptly hiis mr, carrying with Mir bfietion, assured. Write or wire, in the world icould detect the differ- right, driving down a narrow road. left in Ernest ba) Ogear Mopp# Zuriell, 4Dnt. Rhone e , en,ae. And that expert was Mr. For a anile it ran thusi, then turned part of the money He reaidhe .. 980-52 Fanks. again to the right -this time along brought from town. ". . . . . . -e , ,�', , 111T,�51,1 ' : ,;;' ', ',". L .. ....... 11 ' � I 1"',� ' 0 - 11. - . ; I "� I I I . I I il, � I 1-111i 11� :1� ,A'J'f�4 , �, , . "4 ,,­,tii�i�, ,,,� ;"11,111,11" , I J� 1, 1�1. i�111,1�11�1;i "•, ." "1�11� 01�,111 i ..,,-�,,��",,��,�.�,,�i���,L,O"', � ,,�,4�,,�,,,,,�,,,,,,,,�",��,.',-.,,',��,����,,��",Lr""",�,,',,�i!"",,yA�.'.�.,,',,�Al,��"I�i�,i,�,� I 11 0 1 IJ 1��Sli ""'6, i,�t "&,� %i.,�!",,�a','z_"', , , I 1�1 I " '�'111 111� JA.' !ill� � ;,��,,,�, " , , ;',4"%%o,.k ,.,;j "11'411�81`11`i� 1,11.tll ,����,�"f,�,�i,,.��,,,,i�,""�,, , i , I ....... .... i��,,"T ,�� , ., , "L. .A'1� kl`ii 11.�� 9 4 lqgr' W,411RD9 -4. AXTRe, 'Y iRWIM? 416* , . ,. " � s , I 'o� Z�i,.,,bbo 'ar'lm, , I . I 4*, Bnav$, wz * ;", - 7XQ4,�W'A.§�io,'!, �,j�� , i�,�:., "'W'F",�40+1"p,R, 1; , , , , ...41 � % , .11 '. , � 4 iii", -",,i F t '. , �.,Jir:,6 I 1XV-44'so , "" Ill", M " T,; ­M­� " b 'd off, , �,n ax* he moved , T4e'** inter- , ptiang, �)rlo _� 0,,�,,J,. % et ' ' _` .�, , 474 — � i, - - ' no�mur-Og­b'i 1��, 4 ;4 ran 4 a respectable. , . , . 0, -�;, ini"A , �',� �, � P.1,.- .1.1, I T . . . " , , ,41 .F.144� V1 tall they *came to the steep , - . , X � I It at, 411'. � ction-1, � , ,,,' I... , . ; g road that ihins, 'ax .oar the 1)�".W" . , T . I PWQW said.,4900ug, ; .;; �,, I'd ',,'� ; �` , p this they climbedi. They were . so far noir that &'lit � I a Mi Q& 1 `� - iia , - I - , . " � . - . �. , I Pw on the long White, areal: that runs 11, . I not eo,urit. lie, wo]444i. 1 I W.,;; �, I I I -, � '., :ross,thoDowns. Therewas-nobody , wilw tho exarqple of y� A I '," Sight. The road stmtcb�iill to the ' _ .1w;lf"r.i., , , mu i � " him, could hi � - ' m! , '4, tk,Ayg p"'D . I 1Y , nizon., only in one plate being lost .. I � ' , 1. I , . been disa I � . . 11. , Ad'.. 1: . 1-I view wthere it maths a sharp bend known that Tinker i ­ -11 --M--_ ­a nthward, At the bend was a little ,, not at all, axid, for 11 I `Prod � 14 lr,4-11 Pose. I volver at hand to emphasiza hig lasses � 4%. will be them," said Brian y man of faith. 1. I . . . himself. . . . "'This car, r§ gopig cursedly slow,'.' The foremost ,car increased its graknit>1ed Pinlow. . Peed and Brian's - followed suit. (Smith ,put 11and out of the win- :�thin fifty yards of the copse, the , ,hir. dew; The road had"been recently re- . r &A piped. . . paired and, a streWh of. jagged flint - Brian looked, out. He ,saw another covered road was the chauffelles, ex - T drawn up by the side of the road. cuse. . . . o thought hie detected the figure of S4 We can't take the risk of a puns- - , man ,in the shade of the little wood. ture," said ;Smith. They were round - His car stopped and, he got out. ing Horley. MN and Pirdow shifted 1 . "Walk toward the Wood," . com- uncomfortably. "Were going' back anded a voice. Hle o'beyelik He did the way we came," he said. rt look round when he heard, foot- • Smith laughed. "You needn't wor- eps behind him. ry," be said, "we shan't be within "Halt!", seven milea of where' we left 'am— r He stopped 'and 'turned. Pinlow -- ani there's no road acro",. ji -�e..'- .. � as behind him. . Pinlow, scrubby of The car's sipeed increased. The en- t ard, white and drawn of face, con- gins bumismed, musically, and the f onted' him, a revolver in his hand. whirling wheels ate up the ribbon of , "Put up your hands," he said. He road before them.. . L epped forward , a -rid- smoothed the As the speed increased' Pinlow's ' rokietia of the. other. spirits rose. He spoke quickly, al- i,'You've got no pistol?" . most exedited-li, of the life that lay Iq have no pistol on me," said befiDre them. A ,ran; "now where'Ais Miss Callan- I I "We must separate," he said, "yon I T?" go south, and I'll work my way—", "You shall -see -.her in. good time," - Then be relmembered that he gain - .,. id Pin -low; "halve you brought the id ed no advantage by betraying hiA Dn'ey?* I route. I - "You, shall see that in good time," ,"I'll try South Africa;" said iSirdth. peated Brian. 1"inlow scowled and "I'll wander down to Marseilles and ,ised his pistol, then thought bet- get a lKessagerie boat—". � r of. it. , He ,goit no farther. There was a He turned, his head and called sudden clarnping, of brakes and the i imething. . car jarred to a standstill. I I They, heard -a crackling and a '1'9What's wrorqg?" asked Pin)opw'. . affling'of twigts, and a man ap- He was'out of the ear in a ',second. ( ared. He was leading Gladys, hold- He did not need to ask. Across the g her by the arm. The girl was, ,roa,d at regular .intervals was strung : de', but she ambled bravely when a line of.big stones,, evidently taken t' id saw her lover. from a heap left by the stone break- , ,"There is the lady," said Pinlow; ers. . low I will have the money." "'Help get these out of the way," • Brian thrust his hand into the .. said Smith. . I )ehet inside his waistcoat and drew The three men went toi work with � Lt a flat package of notes. frantic -haste to clear a path for the The other -snatched them and car. Pinlow had tassel aside the I ,unted them roughly. I ,ist stone when a voice greeted bin,. ,"Put ,her in the car," said Pinlow, "Pinlow, ,don't movie; Pye got you , ldriessing Tinker 'Smith. covered, my mian." , `"I'll save you the trouble," said . 'Phe'fugitivie looked up. rian coolly. He walked to willere, "Pallard!" be cried hoarsely, "How to stood. did you get here?"' i Qui)6k as thought Smith .tried to Brian, weapon in hand, jerked his - g her back but he was too late, head sideways, and Pinlow'g eyes fol- . riarr'­s arm was round her waist, a lowed, the direction. ind like steel descended Upon. the Tethered to. a Aree and lathered. sent him" spin- with sweat, Was a big grey 3-iorg,�, I ; . ng. wno returned his gaze with the mild ' . "Five kept my -part of the bargain, -curiosity which was his character- _Iceeip to yours," he said. . istic.� 111. I F�Dr a rrionveriti Pin,low stood ir-. "Grey Tiirothy!" gasped Pinhnv. , xsolurtie, In a quarter of an hour the group "I'll keep to mine," he hisd;"'Iet l was joined by Colter and his he,ai ie girl go, Pall end you lad.' Tm he three en were disarmed P hell!" 11 . and the car continued on its way to A man came tumbling through the Chichester. Here the prisoners were raften that carpeted the ense. , It habded; over to the local constabul- as the driver of one of the cars.. ary. The search made of Lord Pin - "Quick!" he gasped, "the mounted low was neither thorough nor effec- Dlice are coming, over the hill. ' tive, for when the London police ar- Pirilow turned on his rival with a rived to take chaxge of their men, ,ream of rage. . th,pv found only two. . "You d1ok!" he raised his pistol. The third Paystretched on the floor 1"Dio,&t, s1hoot, for 'Heaven's sake of the cell, beyond the stricture of Dn't shoots rdlolrd,"' said the 'man earthly judge—ltwo little pellets in a rasping hies' arm. "If they' hear the secret pocket of his coat andthe pun - not they'll be on us before we 'can gent scenift of cS-aniide ex`pdained ev- et away; they're only walking and erythinig. . I i-ey're ha_If ,If a mile away." iln a pocket book they discovered Pinlow hesitated. a mfther of rough notes on horse.-,. His mouth .was twisted with fury One in pairticular was interesting: . nd haitiei. "Grey Timothy—does not stay." he raised the pistol, but now (Brian heard the evidence at the in_ ,Again mitb was at his side, and they half quest, sit which he was a witness,and ragged, half led him back to ,the heard this little extract read out. Dad. As he left the'l,court with Colter, 71 Brian 'heard the engines of the first he said: 11 ar start and the whirr of its wheels, .""A fitting end for such a life." hen the second engine throttled. He The trainer's brorws were clouded. card the, quick -steps of somebody "A fitting end for any man .,k,,,ho eturning. . n-afign-s a good horse," ,he said with "Run," he whispered to the girl, acerbity. "'Can't stay, indeed!" nd, "holding 'her aiimi, he raced back I I . THE END ito the wood!. I Crack! - — A 'bullet struck the tree and sent he stplinters flying. Auto Stealing Pinlow, his hate overcoming his . i,s,crr,tion, olvierpow,ering his love of I Shows Decrease iberty and, his fear of diiath, was . ,ot on their track. Although the last few montilis have .Crack! -,e'en an increase in i,eparts of motor Thev heard other voices now, an- . car theft in various cities, law en- fry Voices, the firing ceased and the forcernierift agencie-, generally assert notsteps, receded. the, stealing of aultoonobiles is becoll— "Stay here," said Brian. ing annually less profitahle and more He f6llawed swiftly in the track haza,rdiou-s. The organized "automo• of his pursuer. 'He got to the edg,p bile theft ring," these authorities say if the cops,e just, -as Pinlow reached is virtually a thing of the pa -,t due ti's car. The horsemen were near -,T 'bo tore. growing olv'taclvs placed in row—a long .string of them riling in the way of disl)"ing' of stol,en inotor ;inzle 'files—and as the car Jcrke4 for- cars. vard Brian realized in a flash that The registration of now car-; no-, ;hey were bis own Oorsvq. Wic-1-11M11 only for license tag Tyurposv"-, falai gas only four mile-, away, and ,'()I- for re,cordling ownership respon,sibil- er -ed his strin2,' exerci invariably 011 ., ity; the co,.oppra,tionis of manufac- ,hese Downs in the afternoon. ture,rs in placing- identifying marks Colter it wast, riding leisurely at in concvaletl place,s on the ca,-, and :he he -ad of the little procession, 14(, finally the drastic peralities for car law Brian as he ran into the. roan theft, all. cont:1,1*bute to nla'ke- the a.nd spurred his hack forward. dis,po�lal of sitolen aultiamobiles ex - "Miss Callander is in the wood, t-mmeily hazardiouis'for t'h'e rnan Ni;iho jolter; swe to her," said Brian quick- dices not o,wn the vehicle. ly. then, "Tune. un, James," he said ., . Ons large group that had head- to the chauffeur, "we will go after quarter- in the 'eastern'J.nited that rascal." State,- has recently been broken 131l1 I'Ver sorr . , sir," said the man, y y and its memll-ye" sentenced to prison. They've out the tiiv,q About and tak- This group had "scouts" out steal - en out two %parking plugs whilst yo,i ing high-pi-ired cans -which Were were in. the wood; the other driver qAke.n to a garage wherre morbo-ir nu,m- heild ire up with a pistol while he bers, and other id[entifying, eharacter- did -it." isitics were altered, even to repaint - ,Colter was off hi,s horse. ing the hodies. Froom this point the -Who iijt?" he asked. cars were sent to various cities for "Pirlilow." - diFiposal: Some of them eivlen being PBrian pointed to the, car dimp- olltipped allm,md. pealing in a' cloud of dust. In recent year%, law enforcern;e-int Colter watched, it thoughtfully. authorities .say, the stolen 6r usu- ",He'll have to make the circuit of ally i.9 -of the lower-priced type and quit* frequently it vs stolen with Horley Hill before he can get off .no intention of attempting to sell it ' ' v' u could this road," he said; "if you but ralth,eo- to drive it in other crim- a short cut you'd get up with anal activities and slyandon, it, * or p hfir.", I The horses had halted (by the side ' rniefrel lo operate it unitil its sup - y ply ,of ga.,iolinie has been exhausted, of the road( enc with with a little stable There are "trends", in automobil-, lad atop.. ' ' "You'd have to covip.1, four miles in theft, the police twaffic and investi gatilon qquad.s; isay, just .as there ark ,seven 'minutes," said Colter; "but think, I 'know a l-4r§!e that could do I in midtor car.. designs. .Not sio long ago the miotonlieter that adorned thi it.", I Pirilow ,and his co,mPahions were radiiatcn- cap was one of the cble� Objects ,of the*. -Style chang'et makirlig theiiii, final plans as, th4 car 'i ,,peltty (took the radiatior'teirn1peralture metei sped ,swiftly to safety. I � . - I . � I . I '' , 'I, ,to.' , , I , 'r, - - �,.�,,,<,�,4,�i,,,,�,,i,4",��",,,�,�,�,,il"",,.",��,�,�i,,,,,,,� ���,,�.,,�"!"I"�l.q".�,'.t�A',',��,;,A��.��i�������,�,,�i'�e,��,��.��A),,,�,.",S"�";L,u�i,',�,Lq,�,,'?.���LN'��,;�,,�',,,.;$ ", 4', �1� , � - "i � I � I I , , � - r : 9 -h , -h , .6 I - ,e & .1 1 510 )e >f i I le 11 it 3 I'D V . 4 b I I a P IN n ir T b E t a, 0 f p s I u ,� ". ` ,I R,Hjnw,j� ""I .. . ,, I , -� - ,,� hl,4 V;� I 1plt��Z 1. 1).'�� 'l - -,i " A!"'N "hl,, ,, ,, " A ., �,-�.,,, " � 11 , . % On - I " gn, , , � , IN`,` �vIMN N il �,g j, 1, L ,V." ,�%p , ij�,, , "."', � i , , gll,15 11 , . . .", §,�,- , " ff , "A.....", ..."L , ", . _���� -, I ; �,—,��'��.,�qf"".;,I,".�'�AZ�,�,��.,,,�'i ,, , "�',!­'� , .4,110 11 1" i.,(."7:,.)� , . _#W fM I .1 ,0Q, . VM iut",f '' � -, ,01 % I , the *�,, �; " ,,��. � ,�,!� %O� 4, I . i lid V ,� � ,.�,_ - � '' '41, , 0, 0') .,�.,* , - . r", ... . '41 - � lisitrument board g4d, Ob " t r , !1 ,,!,j - - 11 "-,4:,'R'��',:�'."'��!;��",:"",�,i , P.W, �. , O.W.T k . - ", " � f'L .- Ir"- ,A-' � � !" il"'.1 � la�," , i., _,, Jelm molde )b qnwp- (t�: ' ' - . , , "i'-', I �'!", ,;,;.�, �,x , 1. 7• '-o , � � ... �!i, - - - ' ' " � , ", .1; "I, �', i ,ss to the pot*.v ll , ." � ". I Wore recently, - 'r p demonAtaible VA", ' r ' I I . " -, ........ .. 1�� ....... I 1�� I , Fi,�I' , 1� ..11,� � , heels. X, � I _. 14 i on low-p%ibed'ealti have bo-b1m. � 'III- ,., ''�- . X4, r� the loot of ornall-itime tN,L*vef,, - ' I 11 - , , I'll "I I i.. .. w cases ithey wft* O*en for the; , " . , ,� . 1111 , . .. �4 res alorw, vidifile in others, the on- -, - .. no;,;�,, , * 4,�_ � �P'l wheel assemlbily is t4lwn. To ,-�-i..tl .. 13, ��, � , .. , i ,, , tercomie this, locilm have been de * ., t'�.$, � :,��,,., I . I .... ... ..... I sed that make it im1posolUg to re- ".. � .'. - ,,� " - - . ___ ., 1z, , � , � 11 ,, , , �1, 1, . iove the Wheel without a Imy. . ''", ,6 ... �". -, , 1. , � I . I ­_. W ", " �` r, i•.. , ' � � , ,old Mine Yields _,, , - . ­ .. �,1.1 � Fabulous Profits - - " , "I. ,, , I I . .�'. ,� ...... : �!�, ,'' !Most of the inineral. wealth of Aust ­_�:_`, It," . 1� . L" . alia comes from a oinall district, I.. .�..,��ik' . ., ., ., , e Croldien, Mile, near Koolgardie, and ,.� P,'�l e way in which it was discovered''. � -j��i . �1 A , , - one of the romances of'rilining. , Thirty -mine years ago a Londion. ... I.I., L ompany sent an expert, W. A. Mer- I . , .,. �.� , r, to examine a piece of land in ustralia. It proved to be valueless, . � it when he was the point of _,',� �, "i . on I . . , awing he heard ol an,other plo� : � _,:.,W� . , .1, I �� I me miles away. This 'he found,to I � ',� , " , . 11, 11 " exti-aordinarily rich. It consisted I , . � I., eighteen acres, and the price was ,�., . 25,OK The T,orrdon.company� r L e- . . 1� , , used to provide the money, so Key- �. 0 I 1,11�,�,, .r formed, a small company, which I � ade the purchase. 11 4 �� 'The claim consisted of _��,a great r , " I lass of rock, and since its purchase . 1; ­ has earned the name of the Trea- ;t� �� , .1 .., ire House. Soon after a shaft had I �, ' ... .....­ , been sunk -it was reaHzed, that it . � airtained untold gold. In twenty- .. .. ,.�. .. . ars, $4600,000, worth of gold has een taken from the claim 'which the .... � :��", cimpany refused to buy for $25,000, . nd more than $100b,00 'has been ... .• �1. id in dividends to sha.reholders. I I 11. TM -imine has transformed what , as a desert into one of the 'busiest centres in A�ustralia. There was once . . _.. , o water there,- now -water is brought -orn Perth by a- pipe line 370 miles length. .. �." , I , . I �1 I .4 11. 0..0. . I I ' . 1 Eneirnies aren't silch a bad lot, They dprif"t ask you to look at their ir , � , I I . _r ridge work. -Robert. Quillen. I . �4-0 � I . , No noise makes iltself; there is al- 1. .- r-1 ,ays a selfish person behind it. -Mr. I : E. Bloom -field, . I ; ' ' . 'i that . � . Some of us have begun to fee - - I he shriek of the young is at 1,�,ast ... I s monotunous as the groan of the 1! � Id. -G. K. Chesterton. . � , Airmen have found a lost .oasis in . . ... �1. e Libyan 'Desert. 'Think what ' ,%' � 1, -rice it would bring if it could be � .. I., � hipped'here--iNew York Sun. � — , The grain rul-,h on the railways will r... , ast until the elevators are fill( -d. Let . 11 .... s have more. elevators. -Port. Arthur, 11.1, I ews-JChronicle. ` .. 1 ..4 I 11 LONDON AND WINGHAM . I . -f South. 11�1 . .."Y' P.m' I Wingliam ................. 1.55 . '), ,�.f 3elgrave .................. 2.11 14 . , , ��, 31yth ..•................... 2.23 ;:1 1ondesboro ................ , ................... Minto -n 2.30 3.OS I I , I 3rucefield ................. 13.271: 1". (i9pen ..................... 3.35 , ,4 4 Tensall ................... 3.41 X Exeter ..................... E " 3.515 , i2 -2 .1i 11 North. North. ft.1n. � ,5 ?� , a.m. I i!� I Exeter ...................... 10.42 � �j, , � �Iemsall ................... .. 10.55 . "l?", . ................ i .... 'Gppen 11-01 � I � il 3rucefield ................. 11.09 1 4�,� �,iz L;,fl., -1 i nrto,n , .................... 31.54 "f . �1. liondesboro ................. I 12.10 'k ;u ,Ilyth ....................... 12.1,') 111 of �p [3,elg-rave .................. 12,30 , 1. � Wd ' Winghani ...... ............ 12.50 I 91, ; I . I , ;A I 11 � C. N. R. ,.�, , I 1 I. � , . East. . ,I . "I , a.m. P.M. �. . ?1� 7,odeTich ............ 6.45 2.30 Minton ............ 7.081 3.00 I 1i i Seaforth ........... .. 7.22 I 3.18 11 Dublin ............. 7.343 3.31 . , .1 I Mitchell ........... r.42 3.43 . - 1,�Z I West. , 121 it Dru!lilirk ............. 11.19 9.32 it S-eaforth ' .'. - - -. - - - 11.34 9.45 13 . . Clinton ............ 11.50 9.59 Goderich ....... . ... 12.10 10.25 � ,1,; C. P. R. TIME TABLE I I ;' -.1 East. 11�1 . .."Y' a.m. q Goderich - - - - - - - - 6:59 1H' .......... Menset ..................... . 5.55 ­ lf� �, McGaw ................... * '' * * * ... * ... *. 6.04 I , , .Iri Auburn ... : . '" * .... *::'.... 6.11 1 I : Blyth ..... ­­­ , 6.25 1! .1 Walton .................... 6.40 McNaught ................. 6.59. ­� 10.25 ,,i 1. � West.4e ft.1n. I , X . , ill, ,%.'�t, ' . Toronto .................... 7.40 •,t .,i McNaught ................. McNaught 11.49 ' 11 �­� i -, a. , . ��_ii Walton .................... 12.01 . , .,�'i; Blyth ..................... 12.12 1 . . - "�41 1,� ..:�, Auburn ................... 12,23 1�, ,�,,� 01, I ,:,ftl McGaw .................... 12.84 I " , �,*"V� �,�'.,,;�. mens'et ...... I 12.41 ........... ....... 12.46 I � . . " � 11 : . 1� � , 44,9 . . , �� ", ,,, I 6 I I ,,%i �,� � ',,i�;,1?41' w , A ", 11� I I I ,� " �o ,._." ­��., � "'"' ""_%;,.;4.,, , ,N',.,8 I I 11. I . ; i�?i",,.K,". 1�,K` ��PA.RR N,