HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-11-04, Page 53 r en Eo d- in 11- ry ht Jn n'e a ry 7d ad 'uI 6 he - rill V03 , .d - ng iham- be as ti rne �'l rdkl r+4ir%"et NOVEL E4 4, 1.932, lit Os SCRAPS OE PAPER Most wealth is rep,esented by paper. Bonds, deeds, etc., are prepared on this ' material, one of the most liable to de- struction. I, You should carefully .guard these pre- cious "scraps of paper." This Bank offers you, at small cost, Safety Deposit Boxes in vaults which were built for its own protection. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 800 BRANCHES. IN CANADA AND ABROAD Regent Theatre Norther -<i seam _SOUND SOUND , "°" SYSTEM • SEAFORTH Thursday, ,Friday, Saturday NOVEMBER 3, 4, 5 BUCK JONES in "BORDER LAW" 'A Real Western Picture, Full of Action and Comedy. Musical Act, Comedy and Mickey Mouse Cartoon. Monday, .Tuesday, Wednesday NOVEMBER 7, 8, 9 RONALD COLMAN in "AMATEUR DADDY" A story that will satisfy both young and old. •Cornedy, News Reel an:1 Car- toon. Matinees Saturday • and Holi- days, 3 p.m. Two Shows each night, 7.30 and 9.15. UNITED CHURCH Y.P.S. (Continued from last week.) The Rev. Craw, of Kincardine, brought' greetings from Bruce Y. P. .and gave an inspirational talk stress- ing the relationship of our Society to its church. No matte' how small the group it has its responsibilities and can snake the world better. Didn't Jesus, 'charged by God with salvation, •begin His work with a little group .of disciples? We should look beyond •o'ur own front lawns .and back doors into human hearts and see what God intends us to do. Rev. Craw also gave two readings in the competent style of an artist of elocution. Sup- per was then served during which ti'roe the 'Blyth Orchestra supplied music. .Mr. Herb. Sparling, president -,e£ Perth County Y. P., spoke a few words, stressing the importance of the duty of memibers of the'-YreP. S. 'Then Dr. Willson; re'pnesentiaiive of the M. and M., was vrelcomed and in his • usual entertaining .sityle pointed out the dire need of the western people. The evening 'prosr'am began with a beautiful organ recital by the organ- ist of Ontario Street Church at 7.30. 'The Auburn Y. P. S. took charge of ..the devotional period after which Miss IMary'Milne, Blyth, gave the re - :port of the buain'es,s and resolution ..committee, and 'Miss Walbers•'the re- port of the nominating committee. installation of new officers followed , :1t which Rev. Sinclair, of Hensall, officiated. A ltvost interesting debate foll'brw'ed, "Resolved that we hal, more to fear from the civilization of ,UrTited States than we have tram that of Russia,'° with young people from North Street, (loclerich, uphold- ing the affirmative and members of the Centralia Y. P. S. as negative, Althouigh it was very dose, Cen- tralia Y. P. S. won atld were pres- ' ented w'it'h the shield as the trophy 03 honours :feeing given to the nit mems in the final debate. Mr. R. Hen- , derson, Godlerich, sang • a Vleasing solo and the Exeter Male Quartette galve two [well -rendered,. numbers. The special speaker for the even- ing; was Dr. W; Wilson, of Toronto. 'Ile is'•dieeiply interested in Y. P. work and urged the extreme importance of attendance at the summer and win- ter schools. Young people should put themselves .into the work of the church. The ,best citizens of any community are connected with church work. Dependability and faithful- ness are the strongest characters in building up 'the church, Rev. Mill - :son's Message to the young people was impressive and inspiring. This brought to a close a very well spent da'y for all young people present. The officers for the conning year are as follows: Honorary president, Rev. F, G. Farrell, Clinton; 'president, :Harry 'Sturdy, Auburn; ' vice-presi- dent, Frank Wildfong, •,Exeter; secre- tary -[treasure, Gladys Fawcett, Blyth; assistant secretary -treasurer, Lionise Mills, Blyth; convenor .Mis- sions, Miarjory Jennison, Grand Bend; Convenor 'Oitizenshilp, Florence Scott, Bielgrave; Convleno•r Literary, " Hazel Smith, Oentralia; Convenor Recrea- tion, Ralph Henderson, Goderich; Re- ligious Education, - Rev. G. W. Butt, Gorrie; C. G. 'I. T„ 'Mrs. Mabel Poc'ketrt, Clinton; C. S.• E. T., 11\ir. Balkwell, Goderich. DUBLIN Miss Veronica McConnell, of Galt., spent the week end with her father, "Mr. Frank [McConnell. Mrs. L. Beale, Lionel and Kingsley, of Palmerston, spent Sunday with Mrs. E. Beale. Mrs. Carl Stapleton and children,. of Marden, spent a fey days with Mrs: .M. [Meagher. Mr. and [Mrs. Bill Halls and chil- dren, of Stratford, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Butters. r111152•10MMINIIIMINEMMK BAYFIELD Mr, S. Gaylord, of Lake Geneva, III., accompanied fey his two daugh- ters, Nirs. C. Porter and Mrs. J. Wes'toott, and her small daughter, Jane, of Chioago, left on Tuesday after visiting' his daughter, Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner for a week. M'iss .Maud McGregor spent last week wiltlh friends in; Clinton. COMMERCIAL HOTEL on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 9th Mr. J. B. Knight Will display LADIES' AND GENTS' SAMPLE `HAIR GOODS Telephone Hotel for an Appointment. Advice on .Scalp, Hair Tinting,, 'etc., etc. The W.T.Pember Stores Limited 129 YONGS ST., TORONTO ONTARIO PAYING POULTRY Scott's Barred Rocks again feature in the forefront at the completion of the Egg Laying Contests at Ottawa. Our pen of 10 pullets in the .O'ntari'o ,Contest, came third out of 70 pens, losing second place by a mere three points. -their record was 2299.7 points for 2,130 eggs. This record was 42 points higher than the United States entry which won the Canadian, Contest, Ottawa. At I-I'at•row„ "Conte'st; we had high heavy breed hen with, record of 293.4 Ip'oints for 2491 egg's. Note the exoepbional egg size in o•ur strain of Barred' Rocks. Last year we had second high hen in the Canadian 'Contest with 280 eggs. Records up to 292 eggs were made on our plant this year und'e'r R. 0. P, Vigour, good health and high production are pre-eminent it (Scott's Barred Rooks. Our 11atdhi'ng 'cati'pacity is limited; we are already taking orders for 'baby chicks for 193.3 and we ad'vis'e getting early 'chicks, ,they have never failed to bring dividends. IScotit's are not thatisfled just to well yoli chicks; we are at your 'service at all times, We sold 1,0100 pullets this year for 'local custom'ers, and found a market for 3,217 pounds dressed chickens which brought our custbaners $&11.72. Surely it pays to deal fwi'th Scott's Poultry Rane.h. FRESH LAYING MASH ON HAND AT $2.O0 PER HUNi1RED J. M. SCOTT PHONE 251 - 32. SEAFORTH, ONT. <4, .. BIRTHS Coleman- Ip T4sker'alpit'n, 0n (etalier. 28W1, to Mr. std Mra. R.u,:ic0 0o1Meane a eon • I.,{.'1 -MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear grandfather, Mr. William meneaga!l, wlw passed 'away November 3, 1927. Our BPS canowt speak bow we l'ove8 him, Our hearts tarot tell what to say; God only knows how eye' miss 6Tjm, And how 3eneelome the arse to,dayl. • - —Nellie, Will and Harry, 3386x1 ,IMPORTANT NOTICES rj OR SALE OR BEN°r.—ONE HUNDRED acre farm, Let 24, Bronson Line, Stan- ley. Good land and buildings. Immediate poise:aion- Easy terms. . Apply to LEWIS ALDWORTH, Exeter, Ont. 3382x8 ,Det. 20, Nov 8, 17 `)WOOD FOR, SALE.—A QUANTITY OF hard dry maple body wood, 12 inches long; 33.75 per cord delivered VICTOR rFALCONIER, )Brucdfield, or Phone 629-12. Clinton, and we will pay the charges. 8388x4 CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mme. William Venus wish to thank the many friends of Seafcrbh and Hensall' /or the kindness srherven their son, Albert, the pant ten weeks while in the Hospital with broken legs: The presents and flowers were highly appreciated. They also wish, to thank the Hospital staff and the Lions Club far thein kindness and also Vie young men who helped to, give him first aid and take him to the hospital. Mrs. Venus also wishes to thank Mr. James McGregor for the use of his oar taking her to the hospital the day o4 the accident. TOWN OF SEAFORTH COURT OF REVISION The first .meeting Of the Court' of Re- vision for hearing anneals against the Assess- ment Roll 'Peat 1932 of the Town of ,,Sea - forth, will be held in the Council Chamber, Seaforth, on 1VLandary, November 14bh, 1932. at 730 b'elbck pane JOHN A. WILSON, 'Pown Clerk. Seaforth, Nyoveenber .1: 1932. 3386-2 AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND INIIPLEMENTS at Lot 15, Bayfield Line, 4 miles northeast of Bayfield. on Thursday November 'lOtth, at 12.30 sharp, as fo'lloows: Houses—lVllare .10 years, in foal ; 2 general purpose Mares in foal ; gelding, 3 years old; filly ,2 year. old. Dawe—rHols�tein 5 year.:, due Februa.'ry 20th ; Holattein, 4 years., clue February 19th : 2 ITolete'ins, 3 year,, due November 30th ; Holstein, 3 years,. due Feb - rue ry 3rd; H'ols'tein, 3 years, due February 20th ; Durham 4 years, due January 24th : Durham, 6 yeaa-o, due December lith; Ayr- shire, 3 year,, due in January; grade cow, 3 year. frer'henecl 6 weeks ; Jersey cow, 3 years, fre-hewed 1 month : grade cow, levee yenrs, due .February 23rd: Hereford cow, 7 year;, freshened a weeks; grade cow. ten year,, freshened 6 weeks. Young Cattle -- Three steer:, 2 years old ; 2 steers 1 year old,: 2 heifer; rising 2 year ; 3 heifers almost 1 year old; 3 spring calves. These are all choice yov.ng cattle in, good condition. Hogs —2 sows bred 15th October; 9 pigs about 50 pound;. Imp'lemenits Me0obrr(ck-IDer!ritng 10-20 tract—, in good running order; 3 -furrow Little Genus tractor plow; 2 -furrow walking plow, Cockshutt riding plow, 3 -section spring tooth 'hanrews, set diamond troth harrows, 16 -plate .t•adcm disc harrow, 6 -section har- row draw bar, Massey -Harris 10-fnat power binder, Massey -Harris fertilizer grain drill, 13 •run, neerly new.; Massey -Harris manure ePreader, McCormick mowers 6 foot cut ; . Mc- Cormick hey rake, 10 feet wide; McCormick wagon good as new ; Massey - Harris hay loader: iMeitney-Harris earn cultivator, bean puliinne at tamhment: •MeOorm•ick roller, 1,r01: elege!, gravel box, sdoek neck, hay reek, 14 feet lone; hay rack 16 feat lone with rellr•rg trop for hay loader. wheethorrnnv, sheep 'l(neing outfit, fenndnn mild, crrttin.es hex, se', sdric; 2 000 tbs. capacity, grain, grinder 10- inr'r plc+e; circular saw, fraane. with 30 - inch saw; root pubeer. 2 sets double harness, ruentity of hay. Number of cedar posts and end pasts : forks,,shovels, horse collars and ether an'r et•c tonumennua to mention, Abovee•mentoned la,rti,clea all in first class rendition tend all must he sold as owner tae sold hie' farm. Terms.—All sums of. $20.00 eel 'man- e -ah : eyer thee rectum 9 months' credit will be given, without interest. en , fulmiening joint notes, ,which shall be sub- ject to nopreval before rerr'ava•1 of the art- iclen from the preaniees. A disrnunt D 6 pe- cont, strc'iteht for cash on credit amount ...eke. BROWN STEWART, Proprietor: G- H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 3386-1 FARM FOR SALE To cleee the eetetes of the late Roberti Holmes end the date Tame Holmes, we have been inclrurted to offer for sale the form being Int Numb -r. Th:‘'ly-throve (33), Cen- resi-on Twelve (12). in the Tnwnwhrie of Me- Ktilop end centa•inincr one hundred (100) acres. and"' upon which ,there la said to be crerted a two-stwrey brick house, a large tanked barn with gees a+abltne .nod ,reel fittinrv, a windmill, a driving -shed and other mit Arr'rlainm's. Upon thrix frim there are nine (9) scree of bush and thirty (30) etre" of fall sloughing, a good [arcN'rrrl and betel bairn and house are equipped with Pelr-a Bette. The 'hand is said )co be particularly choice, in well fence and drained. For further pa.rtiiulars apply to the un- dersigned. HAYS & ;MEM, Solicitor; floe Executor, Seatfotkh. Ont. A. D. Sutherland, Agent, Seaforth, Onf'rie. 5306-tf MORTGAGE SAL1 iN THE VILLAGE OF BRUCEFiELD, Under and by virtue of the rowers of sale contained On en Indenture of Mortgage which will be en-oduced on ,the day of sale, there will be offered for eele by Public Auction, bye` George H. Elliott, Auctioneer, • on the premises on Friday, the Twentyeffth day of November, 1932, at two o'cloek in the after- noon; the following 'lands and premises, name- ly :-- ALL AND SINGULAR 0'ee certain par- cels or tra'ctes of [land and premises situate, lying and being, FIRST IPARCiELe--I.n the Township tef Tucketemith, in the County of Huron and Province at 'Ontario and being cbmrpesed of the North half of Park Lot Number Two (2) in McDonald's subdivision of Lot Num- ber Thfrfy-one (31) in the First Gonces';ion, Lnncton Road Survey, of the said Township ort' Tueleec)•ardidlh 'containing lis• admeasure- ment Five (5) acres of land he the same more or 1s. SECOND PA.R:CEL--In the Villlage of Brucefield, in, the ^ County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being composed of Lot Number !lour (4) in M.cDonald'e Sur- vey of the said Village of Brucefleld, which said parcels is more particularly describers in a certain Dees) regita'tered in the ,Rdgistry Office for the County of Hunan on October 31, 1916, in Book XXII for the Township of Tudcerami'th as Number 8483. 'rhere are amid to be erected on the Second Parcel 'of land in the Village of Brucefield a two storey brick store and five -roomed dwelling ahcve and ine.merliately behind said store tend a one eterey ki'tehen, garage and woodshed adaachFtl, to 'the said trick build- ing, hot air dtea.tin,g amd electric lighting And cistern, also le large frame barn with electric lights. There le an excellent well on the lands. • TERMS OF, SALE- •Ten per 'cent in rash on the day of the !tido and the hal entre with- ccut interent in Thirty ring thereafter. The turch•aner will be required to sign an agree- ment to complete the nate. Further- c end:itilans of sane will be made known on to clay of the sale amyl miary he had in the meantime from the u.n'deraignerlr DAPICll th0a 3rc3 day of, November, 1932. .JOHN J. HUOPARD, Seaolferth, Oniocr'in, V crnrldr'a Solicitor. Gdo. H. Htl•febte Anoijiorueer, Clinton, Ont, • 3886-2 't7 urs}` Ia4hi , 4.. eat i I1iadA1)1. )i,lr it .!I ilYill a~ - i 1 5 Merchandise been sold at such low Not in years has High -Grade Cu save it On Women's Cloth Coats - ew crepe cloths, luxeDelightful new $15.®0, $19.5 $23.50 A big variety of special values to choose from. ,N r ious furs, guaranteed linings, warmly interlined. shades Nin Black, Brown, Wine, Green, Navy. THESE ARE OUTSTANDING VALUES save On Men's New Overcoats save $13.95, $15.00, $22.50 Good weight, new style coats of Herringbone, Melton and fancy over - coatings, in Greys, Browns and Navys; well lined; beautifully tailored, in all the newest overcoat cloths. YOU WILL BE WELL ADVISED TO SEE THESE On Women's Fall Hose Women's pure silk durable, Two Read Specials 1 �J. Silk and. Wool Hose, finest and wool thread, soft and All colors and sizes. , Reg- ular $1.00. SPECIAL 69c Girls' extra quality ribbed Cash- mere; full lengths, pure wool; splic- ed feet; excellent wearing. Sand only. Sizes 5 to 8, 39c Sizes 81/2 to 1), 50c save on Men's Underwear Lowest Pricey in Years Fine Rib Combinations Fleece Combinations Cream Combinations Penman's Combinations $1.19 $1.39 $1.50 $1.75 Stanfield's, two-piece $1,25 Tiger Heavy Fleece 75c Penman's two-piece, No. 71.... 95c Penman's Natural Combs..... $2 50 EWART BROS., Seaforth Township of McKillop MEETING OF ,•COUNCIL The regular meeting of the Township Cour. cis will be held et the home of Mr. Dan Regele, Lot 7, ''Concession 14, McKiMI•op, on Monday. November 7th, at 1 p.m. Interest- ed parties should gknern themselves accord- ingly. JOHN MeNAY, Clerk. 8386-1 MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Llnder and by virtue of the pewter cen- tained in a certain mortgage- which will be produced at the sale, the underaigred have ' been instructed to sell by public auction at 'ME DOMINION HOTEL, ZURICH on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd, 1932 at 2 p.m. the If'olive/tng farm property: ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or teach; of land and prem (eves situate, lying and be- ing in the Township of Hay, .in the County of Huron, bring composed ..of the North half of Lot No. 26 and alae whole ,of L'ot Nor 27 in the Seventh Conctmusien' of the said Town- ship containing in a)( one hundred and fifty IN eerie; more orr dem. .. On this property is a fine two storey Krick house with Mate roof. 'There are four large Ship Anywhere sample Package, Ten lbs, good leaf tobacco, mild, or strong, with free real Briar pipe, $2.50. Twenty lbs. for $3.50; 50 lbs. for $8.00. Quesnel, two lbs. for $2.00. Agents wanted. Ad- dress, G. Dubois, 13 Henderson, Ot- tawa, Ont. THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 NOTICE TO CREDITORS rooms amd one smma.11 ors' uphtair:a a,nri double Parlour, dining room, kitchen and pantry dewnetais-a. There al• two barns -one with atone walls and orient floor for stabling, rand the other with shone foundation and shed. There is aim a pig pen and hen house. Both heal and soft water at house and a second well in rhe lane. At the rear is some akrft nvonl hush. The Perm is said 1, be well ds•a•imed a.nd fcnped. Only six utiles from Hens Al I, four miles from Zurich end ohe mile south of Hillegreen on the Fart Line. it is centrad .to the twit mar- I kers and albs to 1,1,11 school and church. ' TERMS OF SAL1 Ten per cent. on dry o'tl sank and belanco i .within 30 days thereafter. • Suhjert to a re- served bits. Further condi time end terms will be made known on the (ley of Rade. GT..A•DMAN & STANBURY, Exeter and Hensall, Solicitor.; tor Martdhgee, Oscar I iiopp, Acnotiomeer. , 22884 I THE ESTATE OF ROBERT Deceased. . GARROW, All persons having el'aims 'against the Es - tete of Robert Darrow, late of Ole Township of MrT{tllnp in the County of Huron. Farmer, rleeeaeed, who died on or nbout. the Ninth (ley of S'ptmmher, 1022, ore hereby notified to send in, to thh Administratnrc. cin their Sr,lieitbre. on or before the Fifth day of November, 1932, full pnrtirulars of their els ims. downed in fely after the said Able, the sant Nam i'nistrat Ira will dis4r'ilncte the aARntR of the said deceased, having regard cn'ly tsc (lainne of which they then 'hall hove notice. end they will not 1)e 1inhie to any person, of whose claim they Rho 11 not then hnee notice, for the assets so (1i.otrih)terl, or any part thereof. DA'rED e,t Torrnrtn this 17th day of October, 1932. MARGARFT (T ARROW ^nd' CHARLES GARROW, Ad•eninistraltnra with Will ennexed, By lkasken,, Rnberthon, Aitcltiann. Ficlnrp & Onlvin, ,36 Ten -men Street, Toennto 2, their StvlicMors herein. 8384-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS! MORTGAGE SALE NOTICE IS. HEREBY GiVEN that all creditors and other„ having claims against the estate of THOMAS MARRIO'rr, late of the Township of Dia milliard, in the County of Perth, Faa•mer,• who died en the Tenth day of September, A. D. 1932, are required to forwardtheir claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the Fourtecmth day of November, A. D. 1932. • AND NOTICE iS FURTHER GiVEN that after the said date the Administrator will pnoeeed bo distribute the estate, having tweed only 1, the claims of which Are then shalt hate notice DATED a, Exeter, Ont., this 26th day of October, A. D, 1932. CL.ADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter and Hena'all, Admirptrtirator's Solicitors. 3385-3 When you have a HORSE OR COW you want removed, 'phone promptly to William Stone Sons, Limited 'Phone 22 - Ingersoll 'Phone 215W - Stratford FARM FOR SALE North ere -half of Lot Ni. 4, and part South one-half of Loi: No, 8. Concession 8, 1Islw,rne Township, containing about 55 acres, the property of the late john Batten. On the property is a good frame house and bank hare, a never -failing well with w•i nrhnill and ronneetiens txr stabling; gond herd woad bush, abient 8 acres, and fine young rrehnrd. Farm is well fenced and drainers, and convenient to Reboot, church end market. fronted tate posaeaca,ion for plonc'hiteg and full pesaeeeirin April 1, 1983. Apply to GARNET W. MiNERS, R. R: 3, Exeter, THOMAS MORLEY, R. R. 3. [mean, Tice tern, rn• GLADMAN & STANBURY, TTrneell and fleeter, Solicitors for John net - ten Estate, sass -4 s�'1.r:11:til,! OF CHOICE FARM iN THE TOWNS/UP OF HIBBERT • Under and by virtue of the powers' of Rale contained in an Indenture of Mortgage which will be produced on. the day of sale, there will he offered -for Rale by public ane- tinn, by George IL Elliott, Auctioneer, on the promisee on SATURDAY, the lith day of NOVEMBER, 1932, at 2 o'clock.. to the ' afternoon, the foldowsng lands, and premises. namely: AL1. AND SINGLI.LAR that certain parcel 'sr bract of lands and premises situate, lying end belle in the Township of IIihbent, in the County of Perth, and Province of On- tario, being composed of lot Number Twen- ty-nine 1291 in the Ninth (9th) Concession of the Raid Town -ship of Hibbert, containing by admeasurement One Hundred (100) acres of land be the same more or less. There are said to be erected on Raid lands a one ami rine-half storey brick dwelling with asphalt shingle roof, 8 rooms and kitchen, s't'me emelt I ednn, hot air heating mad in excellent state 'ref repair, a large frame bank barn, stone foundation, cement flooring, wa. ter ptpeel into barn, size 40 x 60 and 12 -foot lenntn, well roofed and in excellent state of reptile, a large frame drive shed in very good repa(r. The lands are well fenced, well drained, very fertile and 'there is no w-aate innd. The farm ie convenient to church and snhonl being about 234 miles from church and 114 miles from school. TERMS OF SAJ.E.---Tem per cent in cash on the day of sale and the balance without intereet in Thirty- days" thereafter. The put chaser will be rennired to awn an agree- ment to romplete the sale. Further crm•di,tions of ea1'e will .he anade, known on (he day of the safe( and may he had in the meantime 'from the undentigned- . Dated thin 13th day of October, 1932. JOHN J. HUGGAJtD, SeaIPortlh, Ontario, Vtmdnr'S S'ni•icitar. George H. Elliott, Auctioneer, Clinton, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE -4 FARM FOR SA.LR.—Eon. SALE PARTtt3? 29,su 'baffling 2 norm and dknown Mtca the T. Hays' farm. Must be arald to close the oo It hot sold' will be rented. rot pttlaieulars apply to .1. M. GOVENLOCIt`., I/twitter, Sena forth. �G rl