HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-11-04, Page 20 ,, -77�- , , , }1111'b
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.t_.�� Her Body Had to Turn With It.
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MU RHEUMATISM ' ' �;;."�'��,.e .".
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10 1`i�' , An, ounce oif help is worth q tort of , Z., �
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61., a Aft, It WZS tO this WOMIan M�auy 1'1T`i*: ��;;Z:
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*rkuds -pitied her. But one gave her ..'.,.; -.:-!.-,4 ., ....
§ ;:,�;:;:
,,`� a word of advice. After that Ward
.... . I. .
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11111".1,11I'. 1. , 44 advice
she was no longer an object ... ..
�Fg 4 :._.,:1...11'1
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� 4" ,,:. . . of fRity. :;;. lj..�i::,. ;,*'�*.; 1.
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?jg ,,�,. " ,., ....'.. -:::,�:;. ,
, - Ebe wrbes--�Al suffered with mus- � I,% �i�!i�i.i;:� ,.
yr I '..2...-�:,
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, "' ' ' icalar rheu=pti!5,Tn in the neck—it ,�� * . . ....
— :� 1;::1::;;:,.
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, , q
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vnw, torture. I spent quite a large
24,1�11 , . *13bA Of Money in trying certain
._... ,*. I.....
v�'. I treatments and medicine:, but could
-. ... .. ..
....", I
- , iga zo relief. I could not turn my
. ,..,. ..
. .:...
-! ..., ".:
" �, ",
, _.., . . .
�,T 1ead round when I wanted to --I bad I ..'* .. ,:..
. L.,
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� to turn my body as well, My friends i,.;; ",",,", 11
ji,i� I
. 1, 7
h , . .. ..... . . . . . ::::I%. .
60;� 1 - one advised me to " . . .,:.-1
, �, -try Kruselhen Salts, which I did. - . . . . . .
.., all pitied me. Then
111� .
11'.,'. � - And in six months I was a different
.' I
V. wonvan. Now if I feel the least twi�ige
' , '
,-,,,f " cd rhqunatism, I take a dose of ted joinAs become loose. Afterwards,
" , wonderful Kru-schen Salts, and it tlw "'little daily dose" of Kruseben so
. . ,% .1 " I vank&es. I sball never fail to recom- stiriulates the liver and ,kidneys that
1. , �wend Kiv-schen after what I }rave regular and complete elimination is
, lf� suffered." ---Ars. S. . ,enoured., Your inside is kept clean.
�1. i I Xrmichen is a powerful solvent of this (`Mischievous uric -acid never gets,the
'fie , . torturing crystals of uric acid. It chance to accuiroulate, again.
P1. awiftly dulls their sharp edges, then Kruseben iSalbs is obtainable at all
flushes them out of the system. Yonx � Drug Stores ;at 45c. and 75c. per bot-
" pains. ease; swellings subside, knot- I tle. I
- 'L
— __ __ - -_ ---- --. —.---.
� I
N'11,, I ,SUNDAYAFrERNOON kings of Tarslusib. and of the isles
I � . ,c -bring presents; the kings of
i, I shall 7
11 . i
,� ilton, Goderich, Ont. Sheba and,Seba shall, offer gifts. Yea,
I (By Isabel Ham .) �
1� . . all kings shall fall down before him;
11.1 I
O' Perfect Love, all human thought all nations ,shall ,serve him." Haw
i , :. �, . transcending, . these kingdoms- shall ,be (brought in -
Lowly we kneel in prayer. before Thy to submission we are not told. The
throne, I nighty POWIeT& of the earth may be
�._.. , 'Xbat theirs may be the love which smitten down arid crushed by irres-
?�, knows -no ending, . I istilble force. Admig+Aiiness way
III Whwn Thou f4orelvermore dost join breathe upon them, and cause them
I . in one: _. I .to lose all their pride, and to give
T". . I
, 1. uall that is dediant and hos,itil
-P.; or
.� I . errant them the joy which bTightens a great spiritual Qpei;a�,ion may take
earthly sorrow, place withm the heart of the mighty
I. �'. . . IlGrant them the peace which caJmsand.-Abe noble,. and they.mray, be,
1: , , I all earthly strife, brought in lyumble homage to the
Amd to We''s -day the glorious un- -Son of Nlan, uncrowning themselves
s _ known morrow before his majesty, and ofrering him
'� . 11%at dawns upon eternal love and the tribute,of their worship and love,
, .�
The-earth longs for some such duler.
Ia . * I I D. F. Gurney. Jesus 'GliKst trusts himself to the
have of his ehurch. 4t is for the
k. I
L , � 1. PRAYER church -be say what -part it will take
� . . I
'I"" rO: Thau, stro,_W.,Fw.ffier of'all na- in bringing about the glad and heav-
" _ __ , pt, _
7'. , ,draw alt Thy great family to-, enly time when ;the Gospel shall be
� Mons
I , -a increasing sense of prenehed fearlessly in all landj&,
gether with a
� I our•rommon blood and destiny, that 'however great the (obstruction, how -
peace may came on earth at last, ard
� ny, saver'bider and resolute the hostility.
1. .
� �11 'Thy' sun may shed its light, rejow- We have a •glorious King to praclaim.
, - —(C-ndlense.d frotm- The People's
. 1. mg ., , holy brotherhood of pee - Bible),
I .
�.� _ . 4 ,
V". � pler- Amen. . ,. .
1:1 � Sele�ated. Ephesians 2:13-19.
�, �
"... . (Christians are in duty bound . to
, S. S. LESSON FOR NOVEMBER 6 spread' the ,g'os'pel of Jesus Christ,
1, ,. � and there is no other of erctual means
. Lesson Topic7�_The Christian and of w'o'rld' peace. St. Paul states this
World Peace.-
" in these words: "For he its our peace
.1 .
". ". . Lesson Passage: --Psalm 9•L:9-17 ; who hath made both one, md hath
- F , I Ephesians 2:13-19. broken down the 'middle wall of par-
,,, Golden Text—Matthew 5:9. tition between us."
David in this rpsalm, while praying ID. Barnes in comme-nting am this
S5or ,Solomon, is setting' forth the way of peace ,gays: The peace here
I of Christ'sking%dom. The icing referred
I � 9 ory , to is that by -which a union
, . . . eften represented God, to the 'Re- in w-6rship and in feeling has been
, brew . I bw ,rd-nd- The king was the, sued- produced ,between the Jews and the
I ium, through which the 1�%Ibrew poet. Gentiles. Formerly they were alien
mi -
. - d worshipper saw as much as pas- ated and, sepamted. They'_ had' dif-
, .
' sible, - �- the divine nature and gov- ferent objects of worship: UTerent
A �, . ernment, and'henice, the ,confi,dence reli '
?I, I gious rites; different views and
that it was impossible forr hi` to feelinIgs. The 'Jews rega.Tded the
I- be wicked to pervert judgm�rt,' oGentiles
1- '. r with hatred, and the Gen-
. , : I to do wrong. The king referred to tiles the Jews with scorn. Now, says
, " .
_ in the psalm is ,one who has peculiar the Apostle, they are at peace. They
` " '
,, . regard for the 'poor and the children, worship the same God. T
_ They have
I., . of the needy, and by virtue of that the sanie- Saviour. They depend on
; wgard -he sets himself in continual the'same alianemvnt. They. have th,t
1!. hostility to the oppTes,stor sad to same hope. ReK,-onciliation has not
� . those wh-b live by unrighteoiisness. only taken place with God, but with
�, Surely this prophecy wasi frulfilled in e-at',';r- other. The best way to pro-
'' i , the Son, of God. The gentl'en'ess of duce peace between alienated minds
1, Christ is ,beautifully represented -by is to b,Hng them to the Same Sav-
... ithe wtdrds-in verse 6, "Hie shall come iour. That will do more . to silence
, . Aiown like, rain upon the mown grass, contentions, and to ,heal alienation=
I �I as showers that water the eartb-" than any or all other nrleans, Brir,
II T1w mom active appeer. of his men —,ufi,.d the srarne ass; fill then,
" crass;
, vninistry are shown in such words as: with love to the same Saviour, e,nd,
i; , s`bi his day shall the righteous flour- give them the same, hope of heaven,
g I isk and abundance Of peace so long and you ,Put 'a period ta alienation'
11, . as the Imoon endureth. He shall strife. 1� have and) stri The love of Christ, is so
t.' doandnion. also from sea to s -L--, and albtwrbing and the dievendence, in Im,
1� from the rifhIer untx), the ends of the blood so entire, that th,-v will lay
'. e � arths are pregnant ase these alienations
-" These words .
; . I and cease
tI .. -even with military meaning, for they their contentions. ,The work of the
.�, signify that, stand in the way who aiwnevernt 6 -thus -designed not only
: ' rs
V, =W, or what may, all shall go davwn, to Produce peace writih God, but peace
, .
% .
More the progress of the kingdom between alienated and co -
,�. . ir�ndrui.
" Of Christ. mindis, and to diffuse abroad . orad the feel-
)In verse 9 we see all the great ing of universal brotherboacl.
, �
" . Powers of the earth, as• typified by Rise i9p, 0 men of God!
x, kings and rulers, 'shall offer their
.11 % Heave done with lesser thing-,;
I crowns to the Son of G9d_11Tbe ,Give heart and'soul and mind and
IMMAIlk 11 !J �;V1,
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I I � I Rere's a real -bargain' L
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was, ! ,tp,v
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on W_ ev,wArIg, the 2 �t a
dO' r_c_ Cr_ccc I Your 61d larnp or
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Irock�y �Iatbl XAvi4",tlk sue 1A been
' �� ,
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( 1_� I (any kind) is worth $1.50
Rue Up men of God!
I ,,,
I- I on the purchase of a new
Magnesia Des, fo�
I I �_Colernan ... for a litnited
Thqso' ik�;,We
4 1, I
___ -time.
ment OW ;hwm ask sonve Who were,
.. .,
there how, good it was. There was a
, I
11 : In _�, - See these up-to-date lamps
4up;�roled,.A.Adl ,on ,thoir return froin
wobtimg,trip one returned with the•
a yachting
i . I I--,' \and lanterns that give from
. 1� 200 to 300 candlepowiV of
I . I
. 11 pure white brilliance. 74he fi-
, I
, ..
". .1 rielst fight fqy it penny A nights
� , supper,and con..
,,„ 1 They're modern to the tribruter I
his friend from the mast aril
I. .
� , .
” ,�) = This Special Trade-in Offer
� � I I � and Now Low Prices make it
-��"',1"; "
Waens Against Doping Stomach
With ,Artificial Digestants
I ,
" "
), 7 '' It IL possible for you to have a high
teeth meed to he uucomfortobke.
Va'steeth, 4 new, . greatly impwved
I 1.� . 1. I
. ,,� , I or
"%'�,t 4ki,*0 dirty #41WItIS C -618012n LAMP Lantern 'it lowest cost ... for
place for the putting on of the con-.
� "
showed wo nd shad made
P ,
an oar. Thlig& looklecl black for
� , , I
I "k, I .
�P,`-�,��,jk.l -
P.f�'A:.I� i "", �Jm
�w�,��-.! �blww-,C�YOUA LOCAL DEALER
P`I*1, �,
* I
R4" �' 11" .
<All ", .1 I I
Most people who suffer, either occa-
,�,.`,Iu "'... ,
I I 1�1 ,,,
y�v'�'.,w ,,, UP � COLZAAM '' 4D STOV9 COMPANY, Ltd.
, a pvt
,�,d!,�,,5 ,
�,A.�,'MW , N Lft
W", TI
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fin, , . a, ONTARto ax=* I
'1�4�,Vlf ,, ',.!',', " , I .. 11 0111
'Wj,,'� 11_- Mi
and consisted of solos by MT. Paul"
1:., , I * e� I V . .1 I I I .1, � —— I
IV, �, ` " I
; I .
I ", . I �. I
, T �, � I _ , .1 I I .
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-.-i � 1.1111.1
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rel , . Oeop um ,
was, ! ,tp,v
. �� wit.4 ;,ere,
on W_ ev,wArIg, the 2 �t a
- ;- . . .. i . - . I I I , -, - � � , - r ,
I �; - 1. I
I . I I
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Irock�y �Iatbl XAvi4",tlk sue 1A been
' �� ,
� I I , I . I I I
I .. . "i,_T
Ne�V'CoMfo.rt for - I
Rue Up men of God!
, . I ,
favi a sea -M4 in the ,base-
Magnesia Des, fo�
ca;r,ried 40m, eftbgr dead or *n
I Two Partsian,s L-ve,
Thqso' ik�;,We
� alIs kingdom tArries long,
II in the day of b(Lotherhood,
ment OW ;hwm ask sonve Who were,
.. .,
there how, good it was. There was a
9 0
4up;�roled,.A.Adl ,on ,thoir return froin
wobtimg,trip one returned with the•
a yachting
'gr . .
.. -And .end, the of wrong.
record aittendauce and al,l thoroughly
ot1wr aead in'ji
& arms. Re claimed
, I
Aaithorsb�p Uncertain.
� , supper,and con..
his friend from the mast aril
onger. does,
No f' oes, AW, wearer of false
. 1.
ce�t whi0i fSillowed, in the shed, which
-had been 46corted and - made a fine
Waens Against Doping Stomach
With ,Artificial Digestants
froodured, his skull. Mledical evidence
bhe ' been by
teeth meed to he uucomfortobke.
Va'steeth, 4 new, . greatly impwved
A Dream Dr .,
-Or Was it all a eam.
place for the putting on of the con-.
P. -
showed wo nd shad made
P ,
an oar. Thlig& looklecl black for
powder, sprinkled Z upper or loWer
* R. A. Lapsley, D,D.
cert. A splendid, progwann was given
Most people who suffer, either occa-
Marin and, he was sentenced ,to
-plates, holds them firm and, coinf-ort-
and consisted of solos by MT. Paul"
sionally.oir chrow y from gas, sourness
and indigestion, rle now discontinued
death. That evening a `passenger
able. No gummy, ,gooey, pasty t4eteC
. I saw in rn�y dream that I was in
Mr. Remie, Of !Then -sail, Mr. Rdl,*y and
disagreeable diets, patent foods and.the
canw in on, a boat with a photo J,
--or feeling. Deodorizes. Get Fasteeth
the celes4al cit y-thobg.b. when and
'Miss Hitist, of Goderich, a male quar-
use of harmful drugs. stomach tonics,
a fti
ha t n i the har - .
d ake n bor The shn
to -'ay any goad drug store.
bow I got tibere I could not tedl. I
was one of a great multitude which
tette of Goderich; musical selections
on cornet, trumpet, saxophone and-
medicines and artificial digestants. and
instead take a teaspoonful of Biourated
I ter clicked just - iTi the, nick. of time,
and a picture �oif Clar,lbee's falling
. I
•body. ` ' -
no man could number, from all coon-
piano by MT. and! Mrs. Asand
Mr, PlersoN* Clin�bon.j A
Magnesia in a little water after meals
with the result that their stomach no
was taken. . .
tries and peoples and times and. ag-
of very,
longer troubles them, they are able to'
, A young aosistrant blacksmith was
his'pocketkniffe, proving that he had
'es. And somehow I found that the
pretty and interesting Gipsy sfene
eat as they please and they enjoy much
found dead, and the evidence showed
been through that region reteently.
18ainft who stood next to me had been
heaven more than 1,860
and P. cormiI6 skit and Fired."
altogether the �ccasioh was one,, ,of
better health. Those who use Jusurated
Magnesia never dread the approach of
, lie beenpolsoned by carbolic acid,
. 'A striking example of crime flet
tion wars the ease of "hold
I"Wilip ,are you?." I .said to him,
great success and pleasure; and a
meal time because they know this
wonderful anti -acid, and food corrective,
His mastor was known to be jealous
of him, but no carbolic acid, could be
a railroad
uow* in 4 lonely ,part of the Rocky
(We, both used the language of the
,source 'of %ad-sfar-tion to all who
which can be obtained from any good
found in his ,possession, A .
@&MItains. Three brothers, named
heavenly Canaan'so that I understood
'him and he me), I
worked so hard. Ur. George Elliott,
of ,Clinton,, was called on to, draw
drug store, wilLinstantly neutralize the
stomach acidity, sweeten the stomach,
racturist carne, forward with a pie,-
d'Autrerhont, set d�nmmite bombs top
.be detonated 'by the train:
-111,11 he said, "was a Roman Chris-
'tickets which had been sold for U
prevenk food fermentation and make
digestion easy. Try this plan yourself,
tore of the old -virnithy plainIV. show-
iy'g 'a paiM bottle on t1e. shelf, and
eels of a
The �Xlijllosioln f&116wied' the driver
tian; I lived in the days of the apes-
handsome quilt and other prizes� Mrs.
but be certain to get Bisurated Magnesia
a se= d overed it in an old well.
,and firernan, brakemaW and postal
tle Paul. I ,was one of those who
died in Noro's persecati,us. I was
Kennedy, of Clinton, got the quipli;
other prizes went to A. XcCartn&y,
especially prepared fpr stomach use.
In the west of E�ngland a man was
sortor were either ,shot down 'or kill-
ed in the •wwok. The fled
covered with pitch, and fastened to a
Clinton; Mas, Lewis, Wingham,;. 'Miss
accused of rnur��Yi7ng an acquaint-
ante in a wood, -A vulcamite matth
leaving a burlap foot covering behincl
- ____._.________._ �__. _.- . �
stake and set on, fire to light up
Kathleen MieXaughton, London; Mrs.
John Beatty, Varna. I
cereals,, too. offer many changes.
box was thought to belong to him,
them. Salt and pitch were found aA_
gardens." .
Chil'd'ren like t1hedr crisp freshness,
but a careful iphoto, of scratches. on
6 -ring to it, and the men were trde-
"How awful," I exclaimed.
.1 0 .
anti '(being light and easily diges't'ed
the case revealed ,another name. en-
ed -to a calbin where hair 'and s-kitt
"No," he said, "I was glad to do,
I . I
they do not eve, a "too -full"' feeling.
tizely, and eleaTed the accused .
were -found, on a ,bowel. After in-
'Ponlething for Jesus. He dried on the
Silver Clue ,
On cold morningv when a ,warm
* 1n the West End of Londlon
finite search a few hairs were foun&
cross for rae."
baTakfast is, desired, pour, hot milk
,is a ,man, with an international repu-
on an. old pair ,of overalls near tho-,
,The man on the other side, then
'When Simpr-lon 'Was lealviing bi.4
and butter over those cereals, Some
Cation in podice'.circles for the amaz-
scene Of the crime, A revolver was,
Spoke: "I have only been in heaven
club one night he discovered some-
fruits am ivery appetizing , when slic-
ing work he has done in the field of
also discovered nearby, and a descrip-
. ,
a few hundred years. I came from
body• bad, taken his new umbrella-
,ed and' served' with ready -to -eat 'ter-
-.cra�,copy as an aid, to judicial
tion of ,the purchaser pointed, to one
an island in the South Seas, .E-,rrGm-
,by mistake, of course -and had left
seers. 'Bananas with earn flakes and
idontification.' He is Aly Robert
of the d'Autremont b,roithers. Ther
anga. John Williams, a n wisibnary,
an,old one in its place. Next day he
creamy make a particularly attractive
Churchill, &otland Yard's" firearms
1had doanVed, but their description.+
came and told me,about Jesus,*and I
-et Simpson in, the street with it.
dish. With a breakfast planned a-
emiert. . ,•,were
sent- far and wide, with. the re -
too learned -to, lave 'Him. My iZIlow-
"I say, old, chap" said, Simpson,
long these lines a child should have
Elviery fired bua-lelt leaves its mark
sult that onecaptured in the-
countxmen killed the, miss-ionary and
they eaulght and bound me. I
pleasantly, "would your 'mind hand-
sufticient nourishment for a busy
,inside the.barvel of the,firearm, and
ThilipIpine Islands, where bq hadf
joined the, U. IS. Army
beaten until I fainted and they
over my umbrella?"
A'ltls not yours," reipaied Jinip,son,
morning at school.
the marks •of the barrel .are v0so, an-
pressed on the fired bulJet. They a -le
under nal'as-
sumed' name' the either two were -thought
I was d'e'ad, but I revived.
indignantly. "I 'bought it only last
The followi
visible to the ,a,keld , eye, (but thety
found 19�ing quietly on a farm. They
The next day I was knocked in the
week. I .
quately supply P a child's needs:
can (heel read, by the' lens -of the oom�
,all ,three .confessed, and were givem
head, cooked and eaten." .
"'Sorry if I made -a raistoike," said
'Baked apple in -honey with crown
para!tive microtsicape. Thhe bullets. to
Jife sentences.
"How terrible:') I said. .
Simpson. Then in a more serious
Rice 'Imispies,
be coWpared are putt under ,the two
. —
"No," be answered, "I. was glad to
tone he added: -Would you care to
Whole Wheat Toast , . Butter,
lernses and their magnified images
die ase Christian. You, see the mis-
do rme a slight favorOl
. . ... I Mik.
,asre seen simultaneously, side by side,
, I
sionaries had told, me that Jesus was
"What is it?" I
I i
so that nminurt,,6 differences or simiA_
scourged, and crowned with thorns
,"Give me that silver band from
Wheat flakes with
arrities, can be detected.
for me." . I .
round 'thee handle; it's got my name.
Sliced Bananas '
IWhen Sir -Oliver Lee Stakek, the
Then they both turned to me and
on it.'
Poached Egg on Graham Toast
Sirdar, ,was- murdered in Cairo, north-
. . . .
said, "What did You suffer for Him?
Or did
.0. . .
erg was, done until flour automatic
�:.:P!: . ii'.i:.Ii� :
-1: "b :::: I
1".. ....
you sell what You had for
the money which I .
sept John Williams,
- - _
pistols w-eiV found on fugitives from
.!, I ",;�:j;�::,
,,.:i . -,:�:i:.,-,-.-:i:i:i;..,
and men like him to tell the heathen
about Jesus?" And I was speech-
Ready For School
:RightlY hwun a baftle is half won.
jussticre. Ek cowparing the nine emp-
t y cartridge rases found' the scene
0 the crime it was roved one
. ..
. . . . . . ;: :! .
— " .. .?.'
"i%. -
`:i;. :..--,`!!.�. ,
less. And ;�iile they both were look-
This .
Z . . .... I I
. -
Mg at me with sorrowful eye I
I -S,
M especially true of a child's
lifes and a wise mother will make
� From
of the pistols had been used, the
, ,
:;:ft�;: :XI:::�;:
': ... , ,.-.���...I�i� ."..
_ I I `�!..��i�i�
, aNvoke and it was a' dre,arn!
. But I lay ,.9n my soft bed awake
hours;fox of., the money I
e"ry effo,# plossible to equip her
,child ,properly and start his day
Bladder Weakness
'The "handkerchief case" was a fine
example of the technique of the late
. ll'i�iii
.-.i::� i,:-:,i:i:i:
:1; " ..
ii:::::.::i:�:::,:�:;�:.:.:.:.:,:..:.;�:.:,. •-X,:,;..:..
�i��: I'll.,
, . P.1P:-..,..:;:;,;�ii:
'&:� '..,:,::
... .
... . -i:j: T.: :X,+::�
have wasted' in toibacoo,'soft -drinks-,
right. ,
M6nsieur Edmond Bayle, An elder-
. i:ii�� �;��.i�:�:!::i�:��:��;�;!
purely sensational movies of my e-.-
Whtch the children. as they start
out in the morning, faces and hands
Nothing wears you out more qudck-
ly than ,a of wakeful,
ly Parisian, bank oollektor, Monsieur
Despres, was found •deady bound and
1. ... .
clothing and costly ca'
t r, and many
lu-uries; and how 1- net know
se-rubbe,AhaiT glie'lli, clothes spick and,
period restless
nights. The cause is often frequent
� gagged, near Parho. The ha.ndke�-
... ;;
What that word of J,esu ) me.
I s ans: "If
sipan, booksL,Aablots, and pencils tuck-
ed under th eir arms, a,pparentdy fully
night calls from bladder disturba w -e
chief with which he was gagged was
Tound to coi -respond, exactly in weave,
�� .i., .1
�ii�i��ij��i��X. ....
ijii1i::; .;.�j:j: " 11.::�.,
: ::.:.-: ". ;
I -
any irran will come after I
Me, let him
deny himself and take up his
equipped to attack the new problems
and the best remedy is a Karafin
prescriptio n tablet, taken just before
hemstitching and flawg, with fiv�
., -P,
. . :::::; ,.
.X;:., --;.,j: .::. .;
. 1`v:: I . .. -
.�;!;: � '. - ".
,�;!;x .,
.......I.I... . .: ,
.. . .p .."...,
_ I
"PP ,
and follow Me.,, cross
that await them in school. But just
g,oing to I bed. This soothes the uyin-
other handkerchiefs found in the
.." I! ... !...��,:-".,,:,;
1'.11.-I.."..."..": ... _
,. .'..........'.-
. ,.
And I was wondering if there are
how many of them are in reality pro -
ary tract, stops the pricking, scald-
possession of a man whom he had
. . . . . .
two heavensI-cIne for the martyrs
P,erIY equipped? ,Close observation
chows sonve allert, and eager to begin
i,g sensation and induces peaceful
called iuppoN in his rounds.
A ,blood stained jimmy and cap
and the mrissrionariies and those who
have and sacrificed for
their,. lessens: Others are listless and
slumber ,by sensible means of
producing a normal, healthy bladder
were found on ,the floor of a burgled
2 cups pastry flour . .,
Christ in all ' the ages -nand another
uninterrest,& A few questions May
reveal the reason for this diffierence.
condition. Karafin 'Prescription Tab-
shop in a Paris suburb. The burglar
bad evidently hurt his hand, and
(or 1314 cups of bread flour) ,
totally..; different place for me. -From
the Pre,4byterian Surver
y, U,SA.
(First, are the children starting the
let, -a non -secret, rernedy-has full
f, rmula on celery peeks e. Doctors
Bayle found a few hairs inside the
3 teaspoons Magic Baking Pow
/teaspoon salt
. . .
,day comlplebdly refreisfied' after a
and druggists can tell you it is good.
cap. Later a man with similar hair
41ab6poons shortening
' d night's resat of ten -or eleven
hours;I, with plenty of fresh air 'while
Get a trial ,package from, your drug-
gis� to -day and khow what you are
and a wound .on his hand was ari4sf-'
and the clue' of the hairs s'en't him
I egg Y2 cu water
V Your Ears Ring
sleeping? The nooessity'of lots Of
isileep will be realized, if vie reme"r,
tasking, Money back if the first pack-
age doesn't help. One day's use
to the Assizes.
Berlin sleuths can often tell the
. I
I Sift dry ingrediefits; ad
ber that the,body bruilds while we
&11ould prove its value to the persolu
lorecupation of a man from his clothes,
ing and mix in thorn
With Head -Noises
rest. It is easy to tel when.children-
'have bed enough for early "to
tmubl,d with bladdei weakness and
His coat is beuten, and the dust ex-
amined undLer a microscope, Flour
steel fork 1 add beat
ficient water to ma
consequent sleeplessness.
I 11,
-bed makes it easy se.
indicates a baker, wood a carpenter
Roll orpatoutwithhan son our
Next, did the children have time
& . . .
and So an. 'Reading footprints by
board. Cut out with large floured ,
People who are growing bard of
and appetrite for a good substantial
. .
the miscroscope is another -method
biscuit cutter, or half fill greased ;
hearing and ,who experience a stuffy
-breakfast that will lag 'them through
Where to Look For Grubs.
used to identify murderers,
muffin rings which have been `
feeling of pressure a-pinst their ear
the lmorning and give them clear,
A special circular just issued by
' The s'ho'e of a suspect and, the plials_-
placed on greased baking pan. Bake ;
accomparyiedby buzzing,
ruiriblin,g sounds in the he -ad likep wa-
alert ':mind's? ,Sureh -a .,breakfast
would include, first "of' all, fruit or
the Entomological Branch
In connection with white grub 'con-
ter cast ,of a footprint were taken to
D,' ,Schatz , ,German leg,al chemist.
. 1.
. in hot oven at 475° F. about 12 .
minutes. Split and butter while hot,
ter falling or steam, escaping, should
rake Prompt arid' effective measures
fruit juice .to awaken the appertitp
furnish w.nd
trol in Eastern ,Ontario for 1933 in-
eludes the following statetnent:
He, peefed at the shoe, and then re-
and fill with hot creamed', chicken, !
to stop this trouble.
and! ,Vitandns ,A minerals.
Neoct it would include cerreal and milk
"In planning •for 1938 it should b:e
marked; cannot t,611 you from
what part of the country you obtain-
Makes 6 shortcakes.
Se-lulre froffn Your druggist I �oz.�
for fuel with whichto beat and now--
borne in mind that the greatest nu
ed, this shoe but 11 can tell. you that
I .
(Double ,Strength). Take
thig home and add 1/4 hot
ish ectilve young minds, and, Ladies,
of grubs acre to be expected in.
fields which were in tim
tho wearer through 131%
, 1, .
pint water
and a little
and protI with which' Ito build.
light llown,
passed pine, acacia and srpruce. grov
Try Miss Alice M
Whole wheat toast or a little all -'bran
Pasture on muck or gravel
,and copses, and then trod on a refuse
One tablespoonful four times a day
addredto the cereal will supply rough-
in the ,spring 1932. Smaller norm-
berS bUt
heap near some houses where pigeons
light, flaky
quickly relielvie, distressing ca-
,21ge so essential to ,keep ,body pro-
Of grubs of Serious COMC-
are kept.P I
LaTrhkI head noises, open clogged nos-
tnls, breathing
oesses regulated., and clean and stir-
qua nee can Lbe expected to be, 'pros-
in land
A murderr was committed at a Ger-
1. .
make eaay, stop an-
nOYing mucous discharge. All ca-
ullate sluggish eysterns. Lastly,, any
,cMld% meal is not complete without
ent which was in small grains
or weedy crops on lighter land
man country house, and a ti-&rnp who
had been seen leaving the house
larrh sufferers should 'give Parmdnt a
,a glass of milk or cocoa, for milk is
in June and Ju-ly of 1932. The 8111110,11-
shortly before, was arrested, on sus -
trial. .
rich in protein and the minerals nec-
essary for the '-proper formation. of
tereth and bones.
If yearns is a ,child vAth little desire
est number of grUbs is to be expect-
ed in -land clean Of crap or well car-
ed for hoed crop, during the flight
period of the beetle s; while heavy
picrion. The footprints led to a brok-
en window, and went across a yard
by ,paths made of reddish-yellow
- and. A microscopic examin-atdon of
.1 '
. Shortcake,
. I
........ �
- _
to eat in, the morning, try tempting
'his appetite rather than coaxing it.
Change his breakfast from day t,)
day Or Clay 10awn can be considered
as likely to be comparatively filbe of
white g -rubs, irrespective of crop or
traimp's shoes showed no trace. of
the sand, and he was released.
- ,Mr. Jay Fordye Wood, the Chicago
A.': .1 .. . .
::::::. '�:
Intended for last week.
Miss Ella Routly, Ki
day by using dliffereut fruits, a
culture in the spring of 1992.
,expert in handwriting, tells us: "A
; ...*...:�. \ ,
of rkton, vis-
iety of cemals, and, eggs prepared in
typewriter [betrays the ,murderer
always use,
it,&d in vill
Mr. and , agle, last week.
AlrS- Jahn Bannerman,
several, ways. It is particularly easy
Boys' Cattle Club Contest.
every ly.unch of the keys. it is pas-
.�. and recommend
Cecil and ,Miss Vera Bannerman, of
to secure .variety in breakfasts just
now with the goodly. nunilber o fresh
provincial cormpeitiii-n open to
Boys" Cattle �Olub team(s was held, in
sible trmn looking at the typt, alone
to identify not •only the make the
...... " . Magic Baking:
Powder," says
St- Marys, were Sunday is
.v visitors with
H -r. and M-. Lloyd Johns.
fruits on the I= ria. Re'adf
Ready -to eat
York CourdtY on October 19th. Tl',c
machine, but the operator. No two '
.... :,,:..;,. "..,
... .
.. . . . ��
,4,.P,:j���7 Miss Alice Moir, -
Mr. and ;Mrs, David, Blackwell re-
, Pteam representing Days' Short-
horn Club in Peel 06"un'ty Won the
ty'pi'sts have exactly the same tou-ch,
"; Dietitian of one:
turned from their honeymoon. on...
"Ontario Farmer "Trophy" emblem-
and they make the same mstapkr-,;
overr -and over .again." He
of Montreal's' finest apartment -
hotel "Magic
aired -lotored to Peti*olia,
where ,a reCePtion was held fot then.,
art the h0nlo of the gTo,GMIS parents,
..'� -
. \ . , I
atic Of the Provincial championship
for cattle clubs in 1932. With it
goes the honor of representing On-
how two child ,kidnappers and! mur-
derers were brought to justice by a
restaurants. corn-- ,
. bines efliciency and economy to
the highest degree Besides,
in Monday n.ight. .
� 'Lazio
in the Iker-provincial
-their writing and the
..careful sturdy of 19
- it al --
Mr. and MTS. E. Kimman and. -
-hildren, Mr- !M- MIcTW,1,rt and sis-
/ JII& - I ,
_t, 's ,
ruffian at the Royal Winter coFnIair.
T-lenty-dour clube, were entered,
ranslorm letter they had,prepared,
Ahorbher remarkable case of what
be by
P, ways gives dependable results."'
. In whole -hearted agfeement-
er, Miss Arra, MeT.tggart, of C,hi�s_
�hhurst, ;vksfited on Sunday with Mr.
��� � I
��\ -
with each team having two mem-
hers. The dompe-tition
can done a trained scientist
with a miocroecope occured in Qhli-
with Miss Moir, the majority of
Canadian dietitians
in,,d "Mrs. R. W,igliams,
I -
consisted Of
Fornia. Several sticks of,dI,,
and cookery
NiEss Leona HeYwood,
and giving oral reasons on
with cap and fuse attached, were
teachers use exclusively. And ,
of Kinear.
line, was home fora few days at-
11 I
. ��
fourr classes Of cattle as, well as the
answering of,ten based
handed intact to Dr, Albert Schnee-
3 out of 4 Canadian housewives;
. .
'. -
'endiing the wedding of ,+_r
Wrs. David 'her sister
V I 11
questions On
the feeding and managerment'of eat-
der, who carefully removed the bUT-
lap and paper in whi'c'h the dyiiarmite
use Magic because it gives con-
sistently better baking results.
. .
— I
tjo. The members of the winning
- I
team were: James Pinkftefy, of Cooks-
sticks weretenclosed. The twine tbat�
No wonder Magic outsell9lall
1) -1
Come over to the
ville, and Gordon Robinson, off ,Bol-
tied the Paper was rermwv'ed, soaked
in distilled water, ,and sha'ke-n, The
other' baking powders cornbinedF'
ton, and their coach, J. .C. Shearer,
A'g'ricultural iRePres`euta't've for Peel,
findinigis were: the twine came from
Favour your farn'ly with Chid -k -
en Shortcake -made with Magic
Intended for last week. �
The tearnis ranked in 'the following
a farm upn, which ,was a (stream, of
fast-runming wator, pine trees, varie-
as AM Moir directs. Note its deli-,
'Mr. and Wr I s. Hugh Mc ren and
arnily, of Port Elgin, were week
order: Peel, 'South Simcoe, Perth,
Huron; Renfirt1w, Dufferin, &rth
ties of shrubs, black and white rab-
,bits, a -bay 'horse, a] light, creami.-tool-
tate flavour, its feather lightnessf'
- P 1.
Do YOU want to feel
isitors with Mrs., 'Mary Mr
always at
your best? To meet day
SiM,601, Halton, Lincoln, Mid "",
ored cow, and Rhode Island Red
Free'Cook Book—When
'Mr. and Mrs. E, A. Featherston
with fresh vitality? You can.
York, Lanark, Oarletan, North Sinn
eh'. note was, traced c. ck .4 The, dynai
bake at home, the new Magic Cook
.nd Doris and Mrs. (Larrson and farm-
For when You're healthy, you're
to the dealer who ;old it, and from
Book willgive You dozens of recipes
ly Tnotare`�f to SGUrnis on Sunday,
Irs. Larson remaining to visit her
' happy. .
A delicio I
W �`
h tv Fate Hangs
these to, a farm that tallied with ,the
de-scription. Two iltalqWL"s had beer.
for delicious baked foods. Write -
to Standard Brands Fraser'
ister, -Mrs. H. King,
us cereal provides the
there, but .had, disappeared,
Sunday, Olctober 2 -3rd, was a very
that is so important in
I Upon a Hair
A ,single 'hair w-Mv the only clue in
. Ave- and Liberty St.,Toronto,0nt
OPPY occasri,6n, for the m ' hIer,s of '
't. iai�", Ichurch, ,Middleetmor' When
OvercOmingCommon constipation.
Tests show Xellogg.% ALT_
(By Harold. T. Wilkins, condensetl
another murder case, but it served to
biing the murderer to, justice. Even
� -
I .1
Ir.."', ��,,,� .z,-
,::,�," . ..'....., -
hey celebrated, their sixties '
�eth sand-
B%4X also supplies vitamin 13
Nash's, ,London, in Magamie
sex and we tan be determined by
, :: t
. , ,11,ZP�,;;>,""* P .9,,,�
�4�.-'.v= _
... - , 111>,
eTsary of ilding
the bud of their
Mireh and' also Harvest Thanksgiv-
,tg- The church
to further aid regular babils'.
In addition, ALL -,BRAN is twice,
"Men and womep are walkiiig the
hair, and, the investigator can say
whether thl hair came from tho facer,
I .
0. .
I . , ... I
i I
was filled for both
corning and evenring services, a few
as rich in iron as an equal weight ' ,�,treets
of beef liver.
to -day who 'almost certainly
would have been dead had not the
arm, erg or chest, and the race
and probable color of the -eyes belong-
. I
eing present who were in, fte,ir youth
t the opening sixty years ago. The
hurell *as
. ;
The "bulk" in Am -BRAN is eyes
much lik �:cope
e that in leafy
-of the camera and' the micro-
-proved their innocence of coni-
"49 to the owner.
In the case of an armed robbery
W, .
. Q , ..
.M.A.W.'. IfS.M...... ` ,
, .,I,
: �thg��"Ii�gwi�
1� ,
beautifully. &co ratedi
ith fruit, flowers. and foliage, in
v g,- plicifV
tables. What a relief to e " ,
in some revolting crime."
the edminal was sh-aiving, and a few
hairs clung to, the handle of a razor.
- ..-'7 T
: .'. 7. i
. t . " . - `°'I
�_*..Jo .
. ��" 0__
le, morning Hioly, Comrnuni,, was
an appetizing- cereal instead of scientist
A distinguished continental police
was telling me of his re-
An innocent man was accu�ed by six
bserved. Rely, L. ,W. Diehl, ,of
taking patent medicines.
markable experiments in a French
witnersges.as the criminal. Later the
was the preacher and
aid it gafv(e him. ,great Vloa,ure to
Serve els a cereal or use in laboratory.
I .
man was ,*ifled ,�vhi
rea ile balding
up a streetcar. '-A comparison of Itis
. Na'
I t.
1. �A=W,Thisstate�
resent at this anniversary and he
P'Oke very lteeldngily of .the, .man � .
4011& 114- had, made 1hirmg
. cooking. Direc-
tions on the red-_ Branson
an$-groen. pack- stockinged
When tlae wealt Miss olive
was found de ,ad, in lier
feet, at the bottioni of a
hair with those, on the razor con.
viheed the pralide that they had tho
.. ; ment on every tlim
. Is Your guaratitea
.1 thatmaglellaWng
the five
e(OWS he had been) rector -and of =ny
'h,6 had'
age. .Sold by cistern,
I grocers. Made by I the
at her residence in Provoic(�
police were confronted with two
wrong man. .
A Airraor -wg§ &mvvinedr the
is free
11101- allullo,
I .fl, at afty,
b, W
,parsed on. In the e"11hig
�n. Arch ,D69ft" JI'Dries4steman., Of.
`YdoTick PrOu'll0d, taking
Kellogg in Lan- theofries-suicide,
&1l, Qntalrio., .9*Al)h
or Murdet. A Tyhoto.�
athe soles of her feet 96wed
Roft Woun�tain foft'hill d �' 'sus-
pect W" 4rresON& IN1110PIC wall
Linde [a Caned a , dlent. , I
h1s; text
"ft ft IM,W
�� 1� 11 14 1 dvory
thread ift6tt, and proved that foamed
.to wnnft I : � crime
2:41-42, - %, addftag
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