HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-11-04, Page 1° 1 l " 4 r,1,f,tl. r it di,,i q r .fl R� it , iiJ "I :-,a 1 n:r; , „ , 'I , Seventy-second Year . • Whole Numbea• 33$6 • C P I 0.ver ••$1.,000.00 Prize' ,List O f 'f ere d b The Ex ositor ! • �. A *o , , .,.. �n Big Subs+c ptlon•yCampaigi . ' Chesterfield Suite or Bedroom Suite, Electric Refrige, ator or Electric Range, ]Electric Radio, Washin Machine or Vacu4m 'Cleaner Altimig. Suggeste IK� Grand Prizes. • ' . AT LEAST 10 OTHER PRIZES ALSO GIVEN AWA' . 'The Huron Expositor announces with Pleasure the, inauguration of great prize distribution tobe known as « a Giood-WKI C4nm; db Cop�etitian '1 which tate c$oice of a Iarge numiberr• of suggested prizes, irwki ding a Che terfield Suite or Bed+noom Suite, EIectric Refrigerator or Electric Aaiig F.lectHe R,s'&o, Washing 'Machine or Vacuum Cleaner will be awawied, , those who enter the contest and secure new and pamd'an-advance or renew subscripti'onss to The Hivran Expositor. Every padd subscriber 'secured 1 ..a candidta.tte ,or paid by a subscriber tivill coul"t votes .for; a contestant an will help in winning -one of the valuable prizeet. Every Active Worker Wins a Prize. Nott one candidate who enrdl1s, in this "GoodJWliIl Club" competittio and works continuously until the end bort •will receive some prize, thus guar anteei'ng a rein uiierrdtion for wort`dione thro'ugrhout the campaign. Purpose of Campaign- ' (purpose of the competition is to increase the circulation of Th , I3'trron Exppsritor and thus make it the (best possible mlediurm for advertiser and readers within rtlr'e commuTdty which lit ,seines. Itt costs, absolute] nothing for candidates to 1�arttieiparbe in ttrist big camlpa'ign„ Get An Early Start. line of outstanding features and perhaps- one of the most import ant in a short competition of thlis lkindl, is that those who, enroll erarly in th )big drive usually' have itlho 1beFtt ch of w'inwing .the (big prizes. Rigl tow is the time, to ImWm .Your sibar�t Enroll your .r ame t±o-day,. send to th mrnpaiign of ibe or "orate in and .get receipt lboolm and supplies an(!- full ii rmaition as to 'how (best to get started-. Every worker who makes a nest effort.in this friendly oamnptaign will win emnle?t>hing. Contest Office Opens Monday, November 7th. The camtpaign od£�iee wadi be located at The Huron Expositor Office, an e otpen Mtomdra�*, from 10 aim, ,to 5 p.m. Mere you -will receive fu atyon on the IV., Club" competition. If unable to call a `e, write oriiand the information will be forwarded._-_ . _You Are - -.-- r:... Invited to Ente- i cotmtpetit on is -open: rho all repu'tm(btle' Persons- whose residence, i i, , circulation zone of The Huron Expositor, and you are privilege, : lsctritpt'ions anywli ,exe. This --means that no matter tvh ere you live :lignlble, to 'compe'te. for one of the worth tvi+hile prizes; therefore C l enroll at ogee- Televlh,on'e . tthe, campaign manager for relceip .. ,.t 'you can gest started right away. Details of the "Good -Will Club'•"Competition, Turn to Page a SCHOOL. DAYS .IN rt EGIVIONDVILLE t (By Bob Dunsmore, St. Thomas, Ont. of the Can- There a hill top in the village /' a;dliatn Bank of Corrttmertce, returnea there's a ,garden on the hill Monday af'tea^ a holidray of two weeks Where the battered school house stow spent at Sittcoe. IMa. McKellar who • of yore in good old E'gmtondville; moss rareg, liev1n' left, for Homtilton on From the (bridge and Daily's Tavern Tuesday. - up the gentle slope we tore. .Miss ,Ftoy Edwards, who spent a Light-�heart'ed girls and school'bo•yys ii the happy day's of yore. r week at Kitchener, returned Itorr�e on c Sunday accompanied by Misses Rub- •How the names flock bark' to mem le Fisher and Waidlelitne 'Sreullk, who ory, those dear schoolmates of th re,nramed tkw the dray. past, 34x. and :Mks. Thornton NIitatar3, They are tugging at my heart stxing a>f Toronto, arrirvied .at their cottage - for the roots struck deep and fast Saturday e'vtemintg, • bav}mit attended B,o{'o Jackson... ,Ruby 'Adams; 'H,erma, Vie Western Varsity footlbatl game at Brett and dozens more, ,r London that afternoon. They •re- And a certain dark -eyed ,beauty twhott ' i,urned if omie Sunday. 1 "kiss'd a -hint the door." Wx. E. IL J!ollim, wnho has taker a fire insurance and (bond agency hag D'ye mind wee Martha, IModeland o'pene'd an of ice in. the p'o'st oli•tce with her fluffy, golden hair? building. Bob ;Porter and 'Maria tH}ills, th Mr, and. Mrs., Jothn, Jowitt rettn-n- Cresswell (girls were th•erp. 11 ed F'rid'ay ,having lblelen on a motor The Forsythe's and the Ghartei•'e ( I drip to War Road,, Duluth, and other the Ireland's and the iS!proat's, `° places since the end of September. And 'Teacher Hicks a-eratmdng usefu Mise Grace Jower6t attended, a IW- ,knowledge down our throats. )' lowe''en dance at -there 0. A. C., Guelph p. last week. How we're scattered, all the lave IMr. and Mrs. F. G. Noelin re- ones of those schooldays'lang gen W tamed to S'enfortth Mlontdlay ,after be- 'by, I '.ing at their cottage for a couple olt Though I'm Old and and and wrink n,ceks• :led, like an infant I could cry; The Badminton dance in the town For my heart turns soft and yearn hall Thursday of last week was poor- ing for the schoolhouse on the hill .'. ly atttended. Kippen Variety Orches- And the happy, happy school'day tra supplied the mlusm Prize for spent in dear old Egnnondrviile. ' waltz was won Iby George Munro . I . and Miss 'Helen., Kunro; fox trot, G. Miarstha'll and 'Mass Grace Jm,stt. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Diehl, 'Stan Miss Wary J. Taylor, who is some- ley Township, einttertaindd ,the mean - d what 'improved. in health, was taken bels of the A. Y: P. A. of St. James a 0 Ca tton hospitafl (Saturday. Miss m Church, Middleton, St. Jblhmr'e� Churcl•, E. Marquis, R.N., who has :been car- aVsrna, and' Trinity Church, Bayfield 'ing for herr, areeoappanied herr to C9in- to a delightful H�'14owe'en party a .' •roan their home Friday evening, of Iasi Mir '. and Mrs. E. A- Fleartherston; week. 'Most ,of the guests wer, Doris 'Featherston and Mr. and Mrs. maslke,d'. no costumes were varier V, C. Parker 'spent Sunday with Mr.and .gay and •ntlacle a ,brilliant spec i and Mrs. Pater at Atwood. 41. t tale. ,S'tewAi t 'M'iddiletton, Leslie an planned ,far. just a fax The city was just oozing with anti- ',... I 11 0 . All"Iniversary •ervices • .- FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SEAFORTH Sunday, November 13th, 1932 t Special minister ---Rear. Stewart Parker, DA'd Tofonf o Special Music by ' the choir at both services. ' t Old-TiMe Fowl Supper Noonday, • November 14th In/the school room bf the church . Followed by' an excellent program tiJr r"'�, 4r At Ifl t 'Si, 1 s'.;t , ,��@,. t� d: �i,« s 5�6;•zcu,.a,r a! 1 sr� a,.d...rra,tm�,, Ja brated city Of tall spam and grey tended From Bayfield b 4 y'�'ygr, . Ceremony. p. � _ through 'Che's'ter anal Sltratf�ord-on- .• TEAMS TO BE PRESENT Avon. Almlbleside g' vs a rousing s'e�nd-off in the •poturmg -min, just to ' 1,- .- the e'asec ran into wet weather olx '11 visit to the lakes. Frorrn''Amlbleside our, journey took mi diredt Calver- `Fgm'omicllv5'11e Church was, the held on 'Friday night this week, at the Regent Theatre when winners of .to peal, whei+e we lived' the..niost totpsy- �-� � tie various e'ups top for annuttl con= ,turvy existence for half,: an hour, Tatanks to .the a kind getting years• She will hold her 97th anniversary petition in the Bur'on Softball Lea ae g will receive the I ,, Sunday next. ,�tt•r,3, The event has been male t•ssi'bl.. the Mersey RdVer when w4. meatrt to In 1935 • Elgmarndtvidle was the "T'urkeJrsmlithl' part of a "three- l,toug'h the co operation u`, the mar.- go ,over and, see the haritour, We took the twain too Ch'ester,ijnstead of township charge" (Gaderich, .Stannic,,, , agement of the theatre, who has .gem- ercusly given pa, -,;s to the teams in ,the leas and such an earl'' one that no time was heft for snrclr a'mere de- Tuekersmith). In that year the Rev. Alexander McKenzie was settled ,, . . ,,, .,..--a-•�,�. . � ,wl;l - - f RY [> l�lr, 5 3 j�,x n r Jr r •t Wb d r f e r v y Y.. , v'�e: c �/ jr{ r,,", � , I.19 r' `' " ' O 3 & I{f3'. ,I 6!'r,,,`�'�h�t�"�rc'J',::% erly,t4tr t;.rt r, x viiia, Nip, (9..itIa4��'f 13iii., d F;, i Oat. r�i#$'yr'1'Y''hr '011 ',���";?4y}{; 1ary�,{�i tilt liirrlF^MrIr,s(t:,. , rww , {� � �iS'3 ..t 2° tmr 14R " Al f�' a;t �, r f : �t+?{sty it mi'�hllrt r lrh 1+%� ill11. i ayi rthF? �i�r+{r4�{,� .. ... _... .. . ' -1 .. �,1 , J>l '4 ,+�' e 1a, r.+ t51 ( wµr" .. ... ... ... r �. ab'h" r fi� l i 4 V'z.- N3!r lr°,iE �C��,, fi r+ f 'SEAFOR,TH, F',�DAt�'• �?BRR 4" 1 • s f: �,',r '� �M,S L r{,ril, F� ip {19 .. _ . •' ` a Id,�r � � A ?13 at.' Sl�yr�rnEft,�, --, . �. .M,.,1.,r­`-s .`�-. (,. , r(Ir,,l Pi{ .il; ori hJ laJt;.;, �t, pP��;i;,;Vf; x )Hai ,jklfl l 1 , ^...;1 ,wr7d,., �,rx t. ,.�{irl!nl}U,11f, laE.nr.[_,?r�F 9i`SrS)pY, rte p n F>, [. 4,,t 1 li SOFTBAU" C i S, Tv 1� :a ORIIED N YEAR�� �r P 1M . At! •n Ir ix n e� tS1p A ''rip W th^V 11 k f l 2 P ✓YI".'.i 'i�''}r k t , .I x _.,r�, J t �' "SIMeI7^r (1 t $,l r �.,,' , ,,� S .��"'. ,uti ftT,'!'b"! r: „iM: r ft,n . B PRENTED T �J1d C r 104 EG1 ' I D 'Ih�LE F r d V 5►,� (.J�y �� �� �� �r RESENT FRI r ..NIGHT CHURCH PROSPE , ',1 T� 'Ow a F '0 ,, J . II; 1 �' ' °" 0>flfolyd, 'Jai�lly 7, 1932. _._._1,11 "�iY Decor Dara: ( o • ....,�," mil, n+ TVlayo.r John F. Daly. Will At Mast we have �ea�slx ` file cele u C'h'ar At One Time Ex- ° ''"',." P„ ��r,.: • • ° e • • Large Crowd A r s ,�� ' it � ; ... Preside At Interesting, orf brated city Of tall spam and grey tended From Bayfield Ibui�ldintgs„ but the. tale o_f t'his place . . Ceremony. imtust wait until 'I Ihlave taken you To Mitchell. . _ through 'Che's'ter anal Sltratf�ord-on- .• TEAMS TO BE PRESENT Avon. Almlbleside g' vs a rousing s'e�nd-off in the •poturmg -min, just to -"� CHURC'I1I BUILT IN 1850 lowe'en' Frolic, as has' usually been in, us feel at 'home for our next the e'asec ran into wet weather olx An interesting ceremony will be visit to the lakes. Frorrn''Amlbleside our, journey took mi diredt Calver- `Fgm'omicllv5'11e Church was, the held on 'Friday night this week, at the Regent Theatre when winners of .to peal, whei+e we lived' the..niost totpsy- , rrnotiFier of Presbyterianism in 'Tuck - ers,mith and is on in. tie various e'ups top for annuttl con= ,turvy existence for half,: an hour, Tatanks to .the a kind getting years• She will hold her 97th anniversary petition in the Bur'on Softball Lea ae g will receive the fellow bus passenger, we went under passenger, ,, Sunday next. ,�tt•r,3, The event has been male t•ssi'bl.. the Mersey RdVer when w4. meatrt to In 1935 • Elgmarndtvidle was the "T'urkeJrsmlithl' part of a "three- l,toug'h the co operation u`, the mar.- go ,over and, see the haritour, We took the twain too Ch'ester,ijnstead of township charge" (Gaderich, .Stannic,,, , agement of the theatre, who has .gem- ercusly given pa, -,;s to the teams in ,the leas and such an earl'' one that no time was heft for snrclr a'mere de- Tuekersmith). In that year the Rev. Alexander McKenzie was settled th•e League. Mayor J. F• Daly will preside.'The to}1 as 'lumkr'h. .Isn't it fainating to think you can cross on the floor of in the change, the first Presbyterian minister in t'h,, part of Ontario, At - c lestone Gulp, won by Grand Bend, will be resented' bt Andrew Ste p a river which certainly mivat the rag - that time the hev. Williams 'Proud - in Col. y ep, Clinton, ,paesident orf the League, and ing all around, and on tope of you? As soon as tI Imidedl in Chester, I foot, later 'Professor Knox lege, reported' that there were many acceP'i,d on behalf of (Grand Bend by .a representative of that club. The knew I was go�in to regret having dayls °thexe, Highland Preali�texianty . here, and that practically all the Prestbyterians DUnf,Alt 'C'up, awarded' 'to the most Valuable player in, ,the league be planned ,far. just a fax The city was just oozing with anti- were anxious for .a minister. "Tuck - » he' 'Yprese'nts large will ' presented by the donor, W. J. Dun- ean., quit„. As a 'matter of fac�y it is the only remaining city with an walls 'ersm'ilth, said , s and prosperous field of missionay lab- Frank ,Sills will ,present the Sills' ;Culp to. Thomas Beattie,. who .in'tact, winch +:makes it the, pride and or. Tate settlers are a praying !peo. ie” But the congregation was v?ili accept it on behallf Of the win- Joy of 'com tless archeologt,,its. I have yet to figure out Noir .t19'e famous, p more or less nebulous, hovering from, ners, the.--raforth 'Clint. It is grinning Cheshire cat got .1s reputa- 'hom'e to home, ,frown barn to Yniil, to expected that each of theschool tion. By far the most Interesting s house, teams in, the i g league, inc1ucHin Sea- forth, Brussels,, (Clinton, Grand Bend, feature of the city' is the li izalbethan In 1844 Tuckersmith was in Hamt- ilton I'mebyrter'y, from Pres- Iiayfield and 'Goderic'h, will be pres- I "Rows„" as they are called ofue lay-' er of stares on, top of this other, so and that �bytery received pemntissio-n to call a eat. The 'Presentation has been arrang- . .,that if you don't ,like,.yaux, nor writer' minister. They called Rev. William On January 1815.. 'Mr.. ed to :take place at nine o'clock:' downs!tai'rs you can move: up. It's,'Graham': heaps of fun to walk aroluW the city: 15, Graham was ordained and inducted ofSe aforth. . The ten lucky r tickets -all (which is four feet wide) to into the pastoral charge which seems Cold Days Are w•a*yh them 'bar,,' 'in. the fainmis Dee T11 er salmon, ar to run vr,gd�>tvn to have extended from Bayfield to Mitchell. Ele was the minister for , Y and the Wishing Steps until) yiou'ro p quite' 30 ,years. (Some have thought that Here, Use out of lbrea,t7a. 'It Egmond'ville. congregation dates front Mr. Graham's indu io'n. It Adams, Searfort'h; walnut dinner would !be unforgivable to leave' , goes _ _.,_ . " •a (, e en witatout tcllrn au about i . b. y is ba k n ears earlier). In 1845'Mrs. to a 5 M a Y ) __ . _ Storm Windows • rnn7±ntfioent �carhearal-. What a love- McKean; of Gatehouse Scotland, ,great grandmatlier of the ly sensation to wander. in, just at great great $10 in igoldi Miss 'Kathleen Stelvart, twirilight, with everything.', so quiet C'h'es•ney's of to -day, presented the a earl peailceful and 'then fid :tear beau congregation with a ibeautiful Com- and tifua organ music flooding the cath- munion service and 'baptismal bowl. , "D&H" Anthracite odral from some unseen source, as the organ ,is hidden by an Pia (bowl is still used at the baptism s'ervi�ces, while the C•ov,ntmunion ser - During the emening the booths did11 exquisite- 1"i carved screen. I fast sat down vice ,is highly treasured for its' his - and listened. As the cathedral dates toric" value. For Comf ort. back -to tbe,nintlh cemttury, much of it• Un 1'848 Tuckersmdtth charge was 1, has been restored, but the old clois, transferred to London Presbytery and : ters, opening roti a lovely gardon with in 1849 the western part orf the charge NC'i�UFF &SONS beautiful fowers and a sunken pool, deci-de•d to organize and stand alone _ are still there, along with,e Refec- to Brucefieid. They called the Rev. . 1:1 tory,' librar'y'an,d chap+ter ' se: The 'J -&m Soso -moo was their minister .� windows are quite unique with their till the end of his life: , EGMONDVILLE suibstantial Norman arches.. Imagine my- �de'light 'to discover }n one Turner In that; same year. 1849: Mr. Van Egtnland gave a building site in Eg- cf the transept, a (bronze tablet conn, rrland"11- and the old church was Miss' Alice Thompson was a week mremuarating Walfe's struggle 'at Flue -"built most.),,, ,by volunteer 1'albor and donated materials.. The church was end guest with Miss 'Dorothea Broad- igina bete, ' along wi't'h the orolors of l c bite 22nd 'Cheslhire regiment, which opened on July 21, 18450, the first foot, Brwcefie' his body was wra•plled, as it was car- ,-ervice [being the Sacrament of the The 'Sunda,,, etviening service was r;ed from, the ;batbl'etfield at the Pla'fns Lord's Supper, when RD peonle were withdrawn here on account of 'anni-of Alb'raham. at the table. The taiblet used in that ver ,ary services in, Brurcefteldr ,rust two other things I must tel] ('o-rrr", mjon service was loaned by Miss Violet Tyndall was a Landon you albout this •anicientt city -one is Nl:rs, Fleurm-hertz and it is 'still prized ' visitors over the week end. about BoRand'7sy ,the, most famous by 'Mass Margaret F'leurchentz be- ca;ke shop in ,the whole world'; "because cause o£ its place in that historic I th .Closed _ Business places in Seaforth will r close on Friday, November 11th, Remembrance Day, if a resolu- tion carried unanimously by the execut yp of the Seaforth Busi- ness Men's Association is observ- ed by the members. Mayor J. F, Daly also asks that Remem- brance Day be -observed as a holiday. The local branch of the Canadian Legion will hold a memorial servie-9 in Victoria Park at 11 a.m. and in the af- ternoon veterans of Huron Coun- ty will meet here. • • • • • •. NSE DECREASESCRI ' IN HURON COUNTY Magistr'ate's Report, Suit To Ottawa, Shows Frew Major Crimes. The annual report of Magistrate C., A. Reid, of .bhe• judicial district .of (-Duron, for &he 11 months enndl}i gg Septeaniber a0th lash was on Friday lastforwarded to 'Ottawa. The re- port shows a •slight decrease in ser- ious eri'rnej is this county. ' 'The total number of cases hand - 816d by his worship for the period was 3694 as ,compared pa ed witch 399for the same period last year. Crinninal of- fenses .s'how a darolg frotmi 62 to 54, and of those nine . were dismissed. Only two offenders were sent to ,peni- tentmry, one far, 10 and one for three years.. (Thea- non -indictable, offenses num- bered 286, one less than last year. (Total fines levied were $3,663, and of this amount $1,485 was not paid. The julvenlile cases totalled forty- six, compared with 42 last. year. Four jvtvenile offenders were committed to institutions doting the: year. ' There i:s a marked increase in; the mi'iber of 'cases sent up for trial. Last year 13 were comrmitted for trial and this, year the nuiibb•er is) 27. The most favorable aspect of the report, as viewed by the authorities, is the comparative absence of major criminal offenses,. There is also a marked' decrease in numliier of crim- inal prosecutions arising out of ser- ious motor accidents. MANLEY c rr$h'�",,gI Waal FrolxG at P l ee E��xl�� , , t ;l'S b 9 on'Monday Ibe ate E �, - , �e+�".,.11 rrzy tt weather. h'" .. r° r �' .:.' I OVER $1,,000 liZA)Eli FOR WELFARE WOR I {ii l11 'Se+atfeeth Lions 'CIlirib' an'n'ual" Iial� "t�+I; ' lowe'en' Frolic, as has' usually been ,,,-* the e'asec ran into wet weather olx ,!'' Mlondauy night; but 'destpite the rain, ''. , aver 1,0010, people crowded the Pal- . ` ` a,,e Skating Rink t>;hrolughout the ev- ' ' ening. Something avert,..$1,p0A, via ,,,.,, w r� realized for ' cripJple•d ch ldren's and .. ' general welfare work in'Seaforrh and !` 1,, Huron lCoumty". r ,pt . It was necessary to forglgo the chil- dren 's ! parade (because of the rainy but Prizes in this class were award- • tr ed as foRonvs: `;� "' . Girls' character easy ame, Mary ,, Regiea•; botys, 'comic 'costume, Jos. O'Re}lly- ' H L g-irls' comic costume, Doto- tail' Telmer; .' boys? character cosrtu"W', , ' Arthur Jones; girls" nail driving con- test, (Mary Hodgson; bays' pde eating 'apple ,:� _ cottest, (David Grieve; girds' t N eaiCing contest, Janelt IBak�er; (boys" 'contes't, - ,.2' barrel boxing Angus ' Me- w' Lean and J. +Gatm!eron. �1. The jucWng took place in the rink. 'r on a xaised pnatfotm' and waw one Of the interes'tinig events ;of' the• pro=.._ .... 2Ye _ ' . ~ grana. Lion R. El Jackson lodked•'af- • ter the school children's programa The high point in the evening was I 1. . the draw for a Ford VS s•e,dan, to- - ge'ther with nine other prizes. Cbn- � ' trary to the results of .previous years i the Major awards camto resid.-:ntg - ofSe aforth. . The ten lucky r tickets were puilect;j from' a -specially ... buiIt.'- - ___ __ _ � •churn by,tem young girls -under the + , direction of) -M - or Daly. •Hciders of ;tthe prize winning ticketswere; � , V8 Food Tudor 'Sedan, Mrs. Chas.. Adams, Searfort'h; walnut dinner - _ ' wagon, H. '',It . Berry,' Brucefledd : Tip- QU ll sly' Top suit of clothes, Ronald Pullman, I ,1 Seaforth; electric rangeltte!, J. J. Ho'g- garth, Goderich : )last u len packet" kodak, Frank Archibald, :Seaforth ; $10 in igoldi Miss 'Kathleen Stelvart, Seaforth- $10 in good, John Evans, a Seaforbh; $5 in gold, 'Vlrs:" J. F'.' Da:lir, ,! Seaforth; $5 ina gal•d,'Vfitctor Falconer, �' R. -R. 1.; Brutcefleld: $,! in -gold, A2rs. •.t'r Joseph 'Carlin„ R. R. 4, Seaifortrh.u During the emening the booths did11 a thriving business, t'he crowd beinn-,m so thick at-ti'nt•es that it' 'was with - difficulty- that one was able get to i , near. Lion Presider* Mayor Daly, 1, assisted by Lions 1- W. Beattie and , F. ;S. iSa'vage, hatnd'led the fowl booth and succeeded in disposing of'more „,1 than 30,0 chicken's, ducks and geese., The novelty (booth was in 'charge of Lianas 'C. A. Barber, W. J. Duncan . 1:1 sevviee A2 years ago. . n e same ,^ they make all the wedding or birth- and James A. Stewart, while Lions Clayton Ealiott were -ear the eor regation gave £ 6, 18s, The McKillop crusth•er and the judges and a- day cakes for the (Royal Family, and Fexth county crusher have been o;; J. A. 'Maar and G. D. Ferguson ran. 14 warded ladies :prize to Mary 'Wid- the have 'done it for d4 for 'missions. • the refreshments. 1, y good many; • In 18543 the Tuckersmith'char be- crating in W. Manley's pit of late, .i comate, dressed' as a lady of the past years; the other is albout the Roman: 1 The 'sale of •tics e'ts far the ' Jai =r century. Gents' prize went to Fred h came known as the Egmottdvilie but the wet weatJher hes hindered the e' ylpocaust, which is simply a high- trucks from o r dmawing was in chance of Lion J. E. H,emn•d clowru. A charge and in 1861 dna reads of a operating on accauui, o'. gypsy to1c for- flown antique word fotr a Turkish K'ea'tlaug- In the neighborhood of nine '° Comhnumfon service which )este l too much c]amage to the newels, but fiu�uev. The evetrni'tug was enjoyed by bath'. It was located fathoms below thousand tickets were sola'. , from-. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and was at- as soon as fine weather permits, aper - all. Miss, Annie MacLeod, on Ibelhalf the street Ieve1 and' resembled a tended by 180 comtmunicanits.. In 1562 rtir,tk will prnceeci. ,Lion J. ,_X. IAf�clPiblan -was general t of the s'oci'ety, thanked Mr. and Mrs,. giattlt stone strainer, as dozens of a,• chairman of the entire frolic. the E!gmond-vtlle me:yh' ershi•n as 286, -,r', Fred Ecaart atten'ded,the fan- f Dy,eha fax ficin kind hospitality: `h'ale's Iha,d :been 'drilled through for 'Me evening Concluded with a F IMiss'ionaay. Service. -A te,ery inner the steams to escape, 'hemce the sturdy 't in 1866 the metr3ership was oral of the .)'ate ,Miss Lena Ilor5hc.1, of largely attended dance in Cardno's it estin and v y r greatly reduced for that year saw the Kitchener, last Monday. Her death g nypressive missionary Roman forefathers- Hall, ', service was 'held Ott Sq Andrew's By sh'ee'r mad rushing we were able congregation divided again geograph- took place last Saturday suddenly of s U*tied Church. ,held Wlednes An 'even- to reach Stratford -an -Avon on Wed- really and tvyo new congregations, heart failure; in her 71st year. She �.r�l :rug, October 26th. The minister, Weida in tante for the 'matinee Seaforth and 14cKill�p, wo .set im was w'e'll ktovrn hero as site spent Y per- ,Il: Rev. R. K. Gale, presided. Rev. W..formanc'e of "Julius, Caesar." Our ecclesiastically by the mother con- hez �chgal da;vs in this district. She WINTHROP ,,, F. Craik, of Viktoria Street Church vi'sit•'here g•regation. always was of a 'genial disposition • ^,ii proclaims tfie trulth of the r 'gid Gadenich, convenor of -the M. and M. statement that anticipation is :better In 14?4 Egmond'ville hail li, mern- ,e»d was a•favorite with all whunr she lx.rs. Then they 'began to talk of became acquainted. I11te family mov- Departmtient of Huron Preebyttery, Chap realization, for of all the spots 1�uilddng a new church. In 1879 when ed -to Kitchener about 43 years ago, Mr, and 12rs, Elton Harist and son, introduced the two speakers, Rev. W. we halve yet encountered, this 'is the of Toronto, spent Sunday with the , ..0 the new church was opened, the mem. where she has resided ever since. Her formor's mother. . .''' H. (Day, of file Remote Indian Re- most "touristy." Everything seems 'bershi was only 129 and three sorrow: friends have the sympathy p years p y serve,, Good Fish, Alberta, and Rev. to have been designed for effect, ev Mr. and Mrs. Baxfer, of Be'ntmi'Jer, 1'', later the 'Manse was built. Ten years of the whole cottrintun}ty in this their' ,, Hugh Taylor, formerly of West en the new Shakespeare Memotial tater the membership was 215, and ho'u,r of sad affliction. ,,and Mr. and Mrs, John Hildebrecht., Chimaa. 'Z'h'e addresses were listened Theatre. The authorities, going^ on three years later 1$95 it was 245. Tfiresfiing operations are almost of IS'eafoath, spent Sunday wi,ah, 12x. to with Irrlulah interest. They were the idea that was much as -the, the- ( ) ,complete and -Mrs. Rdbert Ca'nr. bell ' - `� quite t:C(.terse Ibdtlt lam, pxtes'entatGan etre represents the tribute of the The remtlainder of the history -,is p etc with good result,, but the p ST p familiar to all. -too familiar ane] new law prices are not gdvinrg anuch en 'Mr. Anil Campbell, of Toronto, and information. 'Mr. Day gave many 'roodern age', it should be ..truly char- coura . e S `f ' intea,esting remarks regarding In- acteristic of that same age. ,The re- to be called histol}. The sheds and it g rent to the farming com,mun- espenrt u1n ay ate the home of his ',, the alcove wer- 'built a few •years y nor those dependent on them, mother.' 11 diary - life and the impression the suit is something tbat strangely re- wro Church Union carre and Eg- Nf'essrs, John Murray, Fred and C. Quite a nater from here took in !. tvhite mtanrs •m,etphods mlake upon him'. seimlbiles a ;boot and shoe factory, with m,onldville !became a part of the Unit- Fvkart and '.Mrs. Fergus Horan spent the Hall'owe'en Frolic in Seaforth on ' ,'fit The dlifiicultfes, hhurn,ormus and other queer lamp, posits that look like over- ed'Church. and to -flay the old 34other Tuesday with friends in London. W(o'nd'ay night. J tvi!sle of 'speaking through an i'ntter- grown mtushrooms- from.the (rand of Church M the township carries on, I 111. preter and the strange requests for Oz. Really I ;mlus•tn't Ibe so critical, Her membership to -.day is 313. au'd mle icinte ete,. Mtr. Taylor (based his 'because the interior has a ,beauty all , - a';ddre'ss on The verse of Scri tun (Continued on her pre. sent minister is the Rev. Chas. ;. "The Fellowship of 'CAtrist"s suffer page 4) Malcolm. I in ® 1+ > 'Other mlinisiters who have been as. � aug, He showed in 'a very impres- Crucified with E�mondvilie church in- •, sive and realistle way the great truth that service for 'Christ cannot be en -elude: Alexanci'er NT,cKenzie, mrs- ':y. dnured entirely without 'sufi'exing in Fioi aA rv; 1831; William Graham, in- 1; some forms if not at 'home or abroad Annivers'al dnatr 1845; Johro Rain ,Scott, ]n.datrt- as evidenced' b ed 187 ; Jnseph l4.rl( oy. M_A., induct -on. - l y many on the tmfi'ssio•n ,�Y flelds, of China. Matt suffered and eel 18.79; George Needham!, B.A., in - even rgave their Alves to take the gos- OF THE ducted 1894; Neil Shaw, inducted' • 1. ped to those he'at'hen ]ands. Suit- . 1,193; James Arlgo, indbcted 1.912; g y Egmondvllle Church Samated McLean, B.A., indur•ted' 1918; • 7 able music wsCs given, b the choir. Rev. Mr, 'Craik and Mr. Ernest IRJhen William; McDonald, B,A., inducted ?ing the hymn, "I'll Go Wlhe're You 1922. a Want Me to Go, Dean Lord."' Rev. Sunday, Nov. 6th r „fI . a e Mr. Pou.lber, of Varna. offered the i , c closing prayer and 'benedicti'on. 1.1 a.m.--,Refv. George• Wattis; B. D. CROMARTX • `, Those who wan ,prizes at Bayfield 7,3'0 p.nn.- Rev. GhlarIeR Gumming. " '6°, Fair are now being paid. e re- jk Organislt and Clhoir Leaden -'Mrs. 1. cevpts this ,,gran we're' cons crab),,, Robert McKem¢ie+' less than usual, 'b'utt Mrtunatel,y this Rev. Al.IR. G'ilhwon', B.A., of Mit- Thursdi. ay, Friday and Saturday �(' society' has 'a su:'cplun, and 'has never olioll, wlil'l occupy tfie, ipulpit here. next `d yet famled to meet all obligations. To p Snmday morning, canduNting +he W. ti? help keep up their surplus they are Fowl Supper M. S. Thankoffering sin -vim. •, y° having a play put on at the Town VTC, and NTis. Duncan MrKella.r vis- November 4 and 5 "r," Hall on Tuesday evening, Novemlber �j p it'edl wi,tih friends in RtuSslels recent- ' 4 ,I 15th, and have secured) the Gould Tuesday, Nov. 8th ly. r y - 6: ,_ Dramatic 'Oompan,y, of Mitchell, to F do 8 P.M. MT, ami Il2trs. Ruls�cell Scott,spent a� Kea�irl �arrna(� ,.y give the play, "Lena Rivens�" This ,S-ardav whirl frienlds art 'St^ Paui s. has ifJ V ,41 is a very papular and intercestting S'ome'GHIC'KF.NIS are GEMSE enough tV_rs, nn?vrid Bruce is 'seriously ill � play amid has betein produced seven to DUOK f at pre -sent hart lieu mrarty friends hope '(I „ ti•mtes by this company with great After Supper -A Play She will soon he. on the way to re- The Re'xall Drug•Store ,,' Isucceiss. line,p thisl dAte in mind, and "MARI2YIN' ANN" cavery. , �, Seaforth if you ):Ake a good play, be sure and - Ontari+� given by the Y. P. of Egmoudville. The plowing Tdatche4s are ,over flan carne and thus help the Agricultural another ,yea ani t7te Hi'1})rent plow - t Society, ADULTS '50c. C1Hi IJUREN 25c, men captured their share, of prizes. ",,, I - ck t "I ' z''IT-1 ry - :F(:i, , .i', r R , „ �, , ;� : �' y� P „ + r �, 5�y i..V } k r' NYS N"n+,. ,;&,,;,',1,f, . .. w... r. q �., :,, ,r.. .. ;... , , i. I a ., , ,. n ,+ ,. . .., ., ., r ._r „ L. 5v, �,. ,.. .. .. �,; ..:•...,., ,:,\,:,{ \e r, ., ,y. .,, {y{,.t4 .�r i,.; ...,: ill t� .,i., .iii\.: .... ,d,lx :ll rr,, ..l,i 1, t. .1., .ire, CJ. ; i hx, S.,_. �y ,;., ; . .,..: ,:+.1 ,t•J: x, ,,. •11 ..., ;,. ,..,y ,.. , ', .,. .�„� ,,. -, , to ,.. :., ,.m. , nJ.�:.v ±,..�,x,,ur�.��.,5ur.,��.�1�y...1�,.>�a•tai}xel,>zlat•likxlF.,«u,,.,,tG,»�'rah.,..,4�,�,,.,T.,,:�;;i iFlrL,�6,,n.....ro.Kav,;P.,vn`ue!•n,. t_t,,..: "61,: !.w..,nL.i.nt.,i,r,v,,....t�.,,7,�.�., .,, ,,.a a. ,.,,"__t.., .. ,j RsC.