HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-10-21, Page 5T�v 1a tilt he 0 as he e a ry od, by lo. sts an, S. on - he n- ol- e. U Y," he ,a1 IL ar- • heir a nt. a of con - and eat C. urn - hiss son S, tak- ush- est- en in was ord, ears Col - firs: ✓ at - he and, was as a tland eat pirit, to nd a n -- ago. the his a is of r eas- He one ta, Mrs. rts. J. and Pa. is held wise n in - f his en in meat r'ee'ls the nu- d re - with e has ad - those y V ee if >v. OCTOBER • tkpiF.tlt, ,1 ' -i 1, 11932. Regent Theatre . NorrhQr '. es; l Electric - „sou Nip sweat SEAFORTH Thursday, Friday, Saturday OCTOBER 20, 21, 22 JQE E. BROWN in ' "The Tenderfoot" A Bronco Buster who went Busied on Broadway. Monday, Tuesday; Wednesday OCTOBER 24, 25, 26 - GEORGE ARLISS in "The Man Who Played God" ALSD COMEDY, CARTOON, - ANI) NEWS REELS Combing, Oct. 31, "SUNSHINE SUSIE" Matinees Saturday and Holi- days, 3 pan Two -Shows each - eight, 7.30 and 9.15. W. M. S. MEET (Continued from page 1) fin'g, "Crown H'i'm Lord of All" and -during the business a financial., coln- -mlittee eohsis'tilig of Mrs. D. Lidlaw and Miss Milne, Blyth, and -Mrs. Kil- -,patrick, of Ashfield, and a Resolution ' and Courtesy Committee, consisting •sof Mrs. Travener, Asihfieid•; 'Miss 'Clarke, Smith's Hill, and tMe's. , Nor- ris, Dungannon, were appointed - The The devotional exercises were conducted 'by Goci•erieh, Victoria Street Auxil- iary. The Scripture lesson was read ,lby -Mrs. 'Cre'ig and Mrs; Wilson led in :prayer. The roll call of Auxiliaries, Circles ..land Bands showed that the work of the W.M.S. is being carried on in a -very courageous itemiser and that all • aro strivili'g to meet their allocations. The musical • number beethe Auburn Auxiliary was enjoyed, The nria.iiirrs were • welcomed by •.Mrs, W'm. Laidlaw and Mrs. Oliver; ,Mrs. Kilpatrick, of Ashfi-eld,''respond- •ed. The afternoon session opened ,with a 'de'votional half h'ou'r led by North Street eixiiiary, Goderich. An ,outline of the new literature Was, given by Mess. Lawrence, Presbyterial • Literature eecretaxy. Mrs. W. P. Lane,. president, gave a most inter- •.esting. report of the meeting of the Dominion Board. She .said that one ..of the most wonderful things about it -was the privilege of me-eting the W. 1M. S. missionaries, who are home tan ;furlough. Mrs. Murray, of Auburn, sang the -beautiful solo, 'Take Your Burdens to the Lard." The exercise ;presented by the Blyth Mission Band -was enjoyed' by all. Miss Grace ,Patterson, India, was ' the guest speaker for the day. Mrs. B. E. McKenzie EgnT•ondviile, treas- urer, urged that all sacrifice that the -work of the W. -M. S. might be car - Tied on. The reports of the commit- -tees were received and accepted. Rev. •Mr. Oliver elesed the meeting with •p1a.yer. • . WINTHROP Anniversary services will be held in Duff's Church, .McKillop, on Sun- elay, October 23rd-. Rev. A. W. Drag- eier, B.A., .B.D., will be the speaker at 'both• services.. ELIMVILLE 'Mr. and Mrs. Melville 'Culbert, Mr. Benson. and Mi's's Myrtle Finnigan, of ']Dungannon, were -guests at the par- ssonage on Sunday. .Miss Kathryn :Peters returned home with them af- -,,ter making a short visit at Dungan- non, a farmer charge 'of Rev. Peters iMr. and Mrs.. Janes Willis and babe, -of Stephen, were visitors with -(Mrs. J. Johns and family last Sun- :day. ' Miss Willa Bowers, -of Landon, vis- iiited f"or a few 'days this week with the Misses lMvrch. -A number of ladies of the W.M.S. -are practising the play, entitled, --"Strictly Business," for the evening's ,ientertaimrnemt following the fowl supper. This will be doubly interest- ing akl our pastor, Rev. Peters-, is the ..•author. • ST. CO.LUMBAN EI is Joan are delegatee from here. to the iCahol'tWoraienVILeagg Con" ventiori'bein ^ held j2 Laxton on Tues, day, Wednesday end" Thursday of this week. Now Symphonic Tone in Radio A new radio term 'wihidh in itself combines the significance of a nurn- ber of distinct engineering advances was recently announced by (Mr. E. S. Rogers, president of Rogers-iVIajee- tic'Corpolation, Limited, the man who made possible batteryless radio re? ,coption. • - "'In 9Synnplhoni-e tone''," said Mr. Rogersi, ,'-we (believe we have thc4 nearest approach to tverita'ble repro- duction. that science has as yet pro- -dewed,: 'Symphonic Tone' ie the name given to the clear, mellow result of the finely balanced relating of sev- eral new radio inventions. It is ex- emplified in the newest Rogers'radio. models. While it owes much of its perfection to th•e use of twin speak- ers, it is also the' product of such for- ward steeps as spray shielding and the new Rogers tubes them -selves. In referring to twin 'speakers, Mr. Rogers explain -oil that the two speak- ers used were adjusted so that one speaker reached further down the musical 'scale than was possible be- fore, in- order to catch, all the low notesi, while the other speaker corre- spondingly was adjusted for the highest notes., heretofore incapable of being faithfully reproduced. The. new 'speakers are so balanced as .to 'pro- duce an almost flat audio -frequency response curve. Wrestling In Seaforth Friday n.itgleVe-. wrestling card at the Palace 'Rink, .at 8.30- pm. should prove to be an evening. of en,tertain- mlent not to 'be forgotten for same time. In the main bout, 'Larry La Belle, the flashy Toronto boy, will be- called upon to °give ev'erythi'ng he has, in speed, flash and aggressiveness,' to iuntch the timely attacks of Gus Kolor. Kolor will certainly give' no c carter and will ask for none. He has the reputation of 'being one of the :best acrobats -of -the mat ' game and should give the Toronto-- boy a very busy time. The semi-finai will (being togethe'1 two men -who have made a name for the-msr'vs in .many cities in Canada and the United State's. Since both come from across the border, there will, no -doubt, be a certain rivalry which should put lolls of fun • and. pep into this bout. 'Feiga-n is a Veteran of many 'battles and his experience :humid go a long sway in taming' the spirit of Bab Williams, a graduate of Toronto University, and a football player of note. William has a bleat variety of holds and is one of those wrestlers who 'just keeps going all the time. ' The opener will be a hair -raiser 'with 'Young °onkel matched against Scotty McIntyre. • IN MEMORIAM • Note.—Items under this head will be charg- ed 50 cents per single verve, and 25 cents for each additiopal verse. , In Toying memory of little, Iva Knight, who died October 20th, 1922: ,God saw the road WAR getting rough, The hills were hard to climb; He stopped acid whispered softly, Come,.tt,t.tle flower, thou art Mine. 3384x1 In loving memory of Mr. John Love Smith, who demented this We October 14, 1931. One year hes passed, dear father, Since you were called away; Haw yvel'l db I remember That sad and weary day. You suffered tough., you murmured not, We watched you day by day ; We cried and preyed that your dear life Would not be ,taken away. —Sadly missed by his wife and family. hp Foley-1Dovi ney. — A very pretty -autumn wedding was solemnized in 'Columban 'Church on Tuesday, - October l' th, at 9 a.m. by Rev. Fr. Arnold, of 'London, when. Miss Get- trude Downey, daughter of iMrs. Jgin Downey, of 'St. Col'ulmlban, and or- - ganist -of St. Calunvban church, 'be- came the bride oft Mr. -Henry Foley, • of Kinkora. The'' happy bride was beautifully gowned in- white silk net -over pale blue taffeta wearing a hat to nvateh of net, with touch -es of "'blue and carried a shower bouquet of 'roses.' Miss Foley, sister of the groom, made a pretty bridesmaid, ,dressed in- rose sills crepe and also ,carrying roses. Mr. Joseph Downey, brother of the bride, supported the -groom and Mr, 'Morris -Dalton, cousin .sof the groom, was usher. The nuptial mass was rendered 'byiMrs. F. Dev- • erect e , of Seaforth. Mrs. 'Leo For- tune" rendering the Alva 'Marie. Fol- lowing the ceremony a sumptuous 'weddin'g breakfast was- served at the home of the (bridle's mother, and after ;Mr. and Mrs. Foley left on a short hones rklon and on their return 'will reside on the groom's -farm at Xinkora. Two weeks ago at the 'Nome o"t ,her friend, Vise Evelyn Mel- ady, at which a' large number of friend's gathered and 'showered the bride with many gifts, thes showing the high' esteem in which this popu- ear bride was held. 'ars. William Dorsey and Mrs. P. �.n >liblle• ,Se wti s. c`Ufru, s.,rtk . atete NOTICE TO CREDITORS r iN TEE ESTATE OF ROBERT GARROW, Deceased. • All persons having claims against the Es- tate of Robert Garrote, late of the Tnwlnahip «f M'vKlllop in the County of Huron. Farmer, Aeres.serl. sv3o died en or about the Ninth rtny of Sentrmtb""• 1052 ere hereby noti'fiesl •e send in to the Administertees. cin th•i- a.,ririllete, or wr le -fore tSn' Fifth day n'f we -ember. 1932, full particulars of their claims. Tmmedintwly after t''te..aid (lite, the said ertretel•r,•'+ers wet distrilente the as.eta of the said d"re"•eol, }teeing recrard only to ri'i',ne c -f w' 'c'h then then than have notice. eel thee vri,il not he Behan 'to env Heron, of vihrke cleim • they shall , not then have retire. for the asset: so distributed. or any part ,thereof. TIATED -at Torontp this 17th day of October. 1922. MA 9WARTT (',ARROW end (1HART.FS (lAR'R•OW, A•".ministreltbrs with Will annexed. Ry Hasten; Robertson. Aitehi•on, Pickan &e Calvin. 36 Toronto, 'Street, Toronto 2, their Solicitors s herein, 3384-3 TOWN OF S AEORTH CIjERK1S Nosie•? -nP FIRST POSTiNR OF VOTERS' LiST Voters' Lista, 1932, Municipality of Seaforth, • County of Huron. ;NOTICE in 'hereby given that T here complied with Section 7 - of the Voters' Lista Act and that I have meted up at my office nt Seaford,, on the 15th day of October, 1932. the list of all. persona entitled to vote in the mid municipality at municipal elec- tions, aaid that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate prodeedieigs to bole any errors or emissions coprerted according to law, the lest dray for sweet being the 7th day of November, 1992. DATED October 20th, 1932. JOHN A. WILSON. Clerk erf Seaforth. 3384-1 Sanitary Rubber Goods Every description. Shipped In plain wrapper. Low prices. Sample and • price list free. • SANITEX RUBBER COMPANY DEPT, B. I.ONDON, ONTARIO fsuR.„:ti; imTlk 'bt ifs ,W'i't. I y , BJT$S,,' ' 'MIcCarii;aey-,0 Scop, (Wiesner/44 fecieetsl, 04 Q 4teere tete,' to 912. nor l Kra. Getteffe &i4- leaptnay, Preceded. a dsugll�te ' G'seen.--^In ,glete&oistie - on ONtob¢Y -19th, ; t14 4n anti Mrs-. Vlaesley'Gleam'; .a Son. Reid. -1p v59c' atford General aces**. on Tiles -dee, October 16t01, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Ret. S. Reid, a daughtep (Barbaaru. Ann). DEATHS • Adams.—I'n Sem, on Tuesday, October 118th, JemeS Henderson, beloved wife of William Adams: OiConewor.--In I rilbbert,' on T.ueeday, Octobe•' 118th, Welted O'Connor, tin his 97ah yeas, IMPORTANT NOTICES • IOR SALE. —.Ferreira BARRELS OF Grand picked Spy apples: Price, 75 cents a bag, at I,ldt .12, Concession .14. McKillop. Phone 243 r 11. J. R. LEEMING. 3884-2 port • SALE ,OR -RENT.—ONE HUNDRED r 'acre ,farm, Lat 24, Bronson Line, Stan- ley. Good land and buildings. Immediate possessdom, Easy .terms. Apply to LEWIS ALDWQRTH, Exeter, Ont. , 3382x8 Oct. 20, Nov 8, 17 WOOD FOR SALE. ---A QUANTITY OF hard dry maple body wood, 12 inches long ;' $8.75 per cord delivered. VICTOR :FALCONER, ' E'ractifield, or Phone 629-12, Clinton, and we will pay the charges. , 3398x4 FOR SALE.—FIFTY PURE BRED . BAR - red Rock pallets, good laying strain; hatched latter pant of April and first of May. It. KENNEDY, 1R. R. 4. Seaforth, Ont. Phone i'2=131. • .8384x1 FARM Fog. seem CI EAP, -200 acre farm -for sale, slaughter price only $22.00 per acre. Soil principally clay loam; no waste; very few stones or foul weeds. About 129 acres now under cultivation, more ready ; balance pasture; -about 60 acres timbered. Good bank barn,' 1'4 Storey house in fine con- dition; ordhard; gaud water. I.Ioicated twelve miles from Town of Goderich, -County of Huron, Ontario. - Close to school, large vil- lage and shandy markets. Terms --$900.00 down cash, balance very easy terms if de- sired. Taxes paid in fall for 1932. No back slixlls. INC exchange aoceprled. (Immediate possession. If interested, write J. W. ARM- STRONG, Read Estate, Box 89, Goderich, Ont. 3384-1 AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE OF PURE ;BRED AND GRADE STOCK OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY.—;Mr. G. IL Elliott, auctioneer, o,s been instructed by the undersigned -to tell by public 'auction on' Lot 14; Concession :', Ta,R.S., Tuckeennith, ,a mile and a quarter cast of Nippon and half a mile' south, on hi:et,day, October 24th„ 1932, at 1 o'clock p.m.., the following de{s'cri'bed properly:-- Rerses—One matched team of brood Perch - peon mires, 'both .of which have spring colts, one being. a .home colt and the other a filly. Doth bei'n'g fine colts; 1 Pct-cheron gelding 4 yearn of age and -broken to work ; 1 three- rear-c,'d ,Pencheron' fully and 1 one -year-old Pere:teron filly. Cattle — One Registered 9horihcrn stock bull "Hector" (205392) 2 rears pf age and a sure (stock Vetter of first chase stock; 1 'Registered Shorthorn cow 'F.vantreline" (224574) 5 years of 'ageand a ine spec ,nen of the breed; 1 pure bred, Short - Torn 'cow, "Pansy", 5 years of age, not registered; 1 pure bred Shorthorn cow, "Viol - lel' 'four years of -age, not -registered; .one roan Fhortharn grade 'cow, 5 years of age; I grade young white cow; 1 'large- grey :rade Shorthorn cow ;.1 red grade cow. All of there seven cows have calves and - hate all been hand milked. ansi the calves have ill been pail fed. Alec 'one red pure bred ,eifer two years of age, not roistered, with :alf at foot, All- of those cows have been i ored again this year. One pairof three- rear -old steers; 1 pair of year-old steers, and I pair of year-old -heifers and seven calves. Segs—One pure bred Registered Yorkshire ' voar. Weldwoed (975 A 36). This boar was he lire of the litter that I took the prize with dn• the last Provinssa'l Bacon Contest, and also the sere of the litter. I have en- tered in the .yreeemt a^ontcf.•t., Alio four elective Yorkshire sows, each of which have and two litters and have all been hn-ed again :o Weide-toed. 'Sheep ---One shearling 1 year ,Id Oxierd ram; also ,pine young Oxford ower two and three years of -age: All of .Kase ewes had lambs this year.Terms.-- ell sun; of $$10,00 and under, and the .tree year old steers to .be cash ; six months' omelet will be given on all other sums on furnishing approved security. A discount at; he rate of 6 per cent. per annum or three per cent, straight will be allowed for cash, on 'all Credit amounts. W. M. DOIG, L.L.;B., or,-..., -. ,,t,-.... et se c cl i.-.+ 4,‘,..H,..,,,..,., 3282-2 MORTGAGE SALE OF CHOICE FARM IN THE TOWN -SHIP OF HULLETT Under and by v'i'rtue elf the power of sale contained in an Indenture of Mortgage wheels will be produced on the day of sale. llhelre will be offered for sole by public auc- tion, by George H. Elliott, Auctioneer, at the Commercial Hotel, (Sca.forth, Ontario, on WEDNESDAY, the 2nd day of Nevem- her, 1932, et 2 o'clock in thel afternoon. the fduawing lands and premises nevnely: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of lands and premises situate, lying and being' in the Townwlhip of lit/nett in the County of Huron .and being composed of Lot Number Ten (10) in the Sixth Conces- sion of t -he said Township of Hullett con- taining by adm,easu'rment One Hundred (100) acres of, laced more or less. The said lands are well fenced and drain- ed and very fertile. It is believed• that the greater part of said lands are now in grass, TERMS OF SALE.—Ten percent. in cash on the day of sale and the balance without interest in Thirty days thereafter. The purchaser will be required to sign an agree- ment ib complete the sale. Further conditions of sale will be made known on the day of the sale and may 'e had in the meantime from the undersigned, Dated this 12th clay of October, 1992. JOHN J. BUGGARD, Seaforth, Ontario, Vender's ewoliefrtor. George H. Elliott, Auctioneer, Clinton, Ont. 3383-3 MORTGAGE SALE OF HOUSE AND'SEVEN ACRES OF LAND IN , SEAFORTH Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained .in a certain mortgage which will be 1-roduced at the time of s -Me, there will be offerell for sale by Thomas Brown, Ayr: - fit -neer, at public auction on Thursday, No- vember o-vecaber 3rd, 1932, at 2 o'clock in the after- noon. on the 'premises, North Main -Street, the following property: All „end Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Seefortlh, in the County of Huron and Province of Otea,rlo, and being eopcposec ef..Patrk Lot number. Sev- en and the i,Scouliiier'1y Three acres of Lot Number Eight, all in Edwin Sparlinu's Sur- vey ref the said Town- of Seaforth, contain- ing in old seven wrret of land more or less. On .She promisee there) is se'id to be erect- ed a comfortable lone anti one-half storey frame house, a stable and a gas statism. This property is in a good location, end is sae 1,-eal price for anyone wishing to raise olnieirnns or engage 3n market gardening. The property wall he sold subject to a re- served bid. TERM'S OF SALE.'Pen per cent. of the ptv'dhese money on the dayt.of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. For .fur'hrdr particulars; and conditions of lade apply to JOHN H. BEST, • -Seaforth, Ont. Solicitor for Vendor. Thomas Brown, Auetrioneer. 38824 r., No Coat Event in Style or Value will corn - pare with this Showing. Just at th&•beginning of the season, when savings are most . appreciated, we announce this amazing assortment of New Coats, at prices -that will mean big savings to you. Here are a few sample Coat values: • - Made in heavy crepey materials, fully interlined and lined with slatinette trimmed with huge set of Cooney fur, collar and cuffs. All wool, heavy crepe cloths, flake pattern,- Tweeds and Diagonal Cloths, fully interlined : and lined with creyshene. Large,collar and cuffs of French Seal, or Brown French Beaver. Warm crepey weave cloth, fully in- terlined and lined with Celesilk. Two seasons •guarantee. The fur is a very large set of genuine southern fox in shades of natura °black, brown, sitka and grey. A huge set of fine quality Muskrat. Outstanding value. Coat is made of fine quality crepe cloth. Fully inter- lined and lined with celesilk. Guar- anteed for two season's wear. Fur Trimmings are used Lavishly in Novel' Ways that are both - Effective and Fashionable All Sizes from 14 to 46. , Every New High -Grade Fabric Every Smart Fall Color Every New. Coat Detail Of Course We Carry a Full. Line of Children's Coats EWA T,r COLORS Blacks Browns Greens Wines Navy Sand CLOTHS Crepes Flakes Tweeds Diagonals Broadcloths MORTGAGE SALE OF CHOICE FARM MHIINNERTT E TOWNSHIP OUnder and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in an Indenture of Mortgage which will be produced. ah The day of sale. there will be offered for sale by public auc- •tion, by George IL Elliott, Audtioneer, on the premises on SATURDAY, the 5th clay of NOVEMBER, 1932, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the following lands and premises, namely: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of lands end premises situate, lying and' bettor in the 'Ibvemehip of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, end Province of On- tario, being comp,esed of Lot Number Twen- ty-nine 429) in the NIin41h 19th) Concession of ,the said Township of Hibbert. containing by acl.measurement One Hundred (100) acres of land be the same more or less. There are said to be erected on said lands a one anti one-h'alf storey brick dwelling with asphalt shingle roof. 8 rooms and kitchen, stone foundation, hot air heating and in excellent abate of repair, a large frame bank barn, stone foundation. consent flooring, wa. ter piped 'into barn, Size '4'0 x 60 and 12 -toot 1, -ante, well roofed erne in excellent state of repair, it large frame drive shed in very good repair. The lends are well fenced. wail drained, very fertile and there is no waste land. The farm is convenient to church and school being about '2% miles from church and lit, miles from school. TERMS OF SALE.—Tim per cent, in cash nn the okay Of sale and the balance without interest in Thirty days thereafter. The par- nheeer will he required to sign an agree- ment to en -rotten, the sale. Further c,ondition5 of ease will he made known on the clay of the sale 'and nosy he had in ,the meantime from the undersigned. Dated this 15th day Of October, 1932. • JOHN J. RUGGA'RD, Se cvfat•tth. Ontario. Vanlor'e Solieritor. George IL Elliott, Auctioneer, Clinton, Ont. MORTGAGE SALE- ot FA Rel PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the powers con- tained in a certain mortgage which will be produei'd at the sale, the undersigned have been instructed the sell by public auction at the offices of GLADMAN & STANBURY, EXETER, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1932 at 2 p.m. the following valnatele farm property, namely: ALL AND SINGULAR that cer-tnin. parcel or tract oft lana) and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of 1lshorne, in the County of Huron and Province of On- tario, being composed of ,Lot Number Ten 110) on the South side of Thames Road in the said Township, excepting thereout that portion 'of said •bat heretofore sold to the Methodist Church. This property is centrally located to mar- kets, &dhools and churches. There is a well built brick house and bank learn on the premise; -with fair fencing and draining. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent, of the purchase money on the "lay of melte and the h• -lance within 30 :lays thereafter. Snhlert to a reserved bid. Further terms and conditions will' be made known on the day of mole. GLADMAN & STANBURY. Exeter sub lien.'all, Saliritr,rs for Mert:taairee. 5382-a FARMS FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE ]'ART LOT 24 and 29, Concession 3. McKillop, coo••-' asinine 192 aeras and knn•ten es the T. E. Frays' farm. Moat he sold to close the estate. If not sold will be rented. Fur particulars .e•e`o• to .5. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor Si.'. forth- 8888 -ti G Ship Anywhere San pPle ackage, lbs. good leaf tobacco, mild or strong, with free real Briar pipe, $2.50. Twenty lbs. for $3.50. 50 lbs. for $8.00, Quesne'1, two lbs. for $2.00. Agents wanted. Ad- dress, G. Dubois, 18 Henderson, Ot- tawa, Ont. MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the powers con- tained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the sale the undersigned have been instecucted to Belt by public auction' at the ALBION HOTEL, HAYFIELD on MONDAY, OCTOTISIK 24, 1932 ett 11 a.m. the foliowine"vs,luable farm property. namely: ALL AND SINGULAR those certain par- cels or tracts of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron and Province of On- tario, being composed cif Lot; Numbers Three ( I I and Four (4) in .Beyfielol Road C•onces- sinn North, in, the said Township of Stanley. save end. except eight i3) acres thereof here. Mfore sold for boxes off the northwest corner of said lot nemher Three (3)• On this property is a good hard wood bush. - TERMS OF BATE: Tem per cent, of the perch -me money on the :lay of safe, and the balance within 80 days thereafter. Subject to a reserved bid. Further terms and eon'Aitians will be made known on the Any M sole- GLADMAN aleGLADMAN & 9TANTITTRY, Exeter and :Kempen, Sdrir.itorra for Dfort:Meea. 113824 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GiVEN that all wed. idors and other, having' claims against the estate of FREDERICK F. BENGOUCH, late of the Vi•ilccgrs( of Hensa'l, ie the County of Huren-. Engineer, whn"died on the Thirtieth day of May, A. D. 1982. are required to for- ward their claims duly proven to the under- owned Cao sr before the Twenty-fourth day of October, A. D. 1932. ANT) NOTICE TS FUR i tteeR GIVEN that after the said date the Executrix •will pro - reed to distribute tie estate having regard only to the claims of wh ieh elle then shall have notice. b DATED at Exeter. Ont, this .8rd day of October, A. D. 1932. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter and Hensssll, Sulk ton, for Executrix. 8882-3 FARM FOR SALE North one-hmthf of Lot No. 4, sed Val* South one-half of Lot No. 5,. Conceseinie 8. ITS borne Te,wmdhip, contain.ialg, about $i's acres, the property of the late John Battens On 'the property is a good framcl house and hank bes'n, a never -failing . well with w{ndtmill and conn v tinny to stabling: gceci• hard wend hush, about 8 acres, and fine roomer orchard. Farm is well fenced ancf cina'ined, and convenient to school, ehurdl ' and marked, Immediate iriaseesion . plosrat'hing and full possiei n Attni) I. 1-o211 Apply at, GARNET W. MINERS, It, is, Exeter, THOMAS MORLEY, It 'lt, 8, � reeenfrvrs, err GADMAN & .STAN' Hemeoll'GL ADM Exeter, Solicitortd for 'Jabal. ten Estate. gee fir ar.