HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-10-21, Page 4� `'fir? a, is ' a 1,1 4 Q/ J1 lJ
liip,,t i #7IPQ s 'l:,eading `Vfteekly' .
tr ;t' 1M Otablished 1860
f`� 11
Isla n kjiCt�hail McLean, Editor.
�r a N�
t pix X51 Rabl;Ished at $eaforth, Ontario, ev-
da afternoon b McL an
Sr at;W;, `�"4 , Y Y Q
y,4` 1ttcp N, :
, �r •�', a
� Subscription rate, $1.50 a• year in
rye � r,
: °, ',, ,: , &* advance; foreign, $2.00 a year. Single
4 eopierr, 4 cents each.
!]n �,K
jj t 'Advertising rat.1 Ies,' on application.
Y, ,f, Members of the Canadian Weekly
t '1: Newspaper Association and the Huron
CoViatry Press Association. .
"' '' eeSDr1FORTH a
"',:,. Friday, October ` 1st.
('... t.
., TT1.) : The Dominion Parliament
fir. Parliament is in extra session at
t,• %LL
«�' Ottawa. T,he long anticipated agree -
1. rlvenbs arrived' at d'u'ring the Imperial
N r•. Conference this sumimer, have 'bin
niadre public and now they are under
.,,, , discussion and under eriticisn>"
The Toronto Globe has assured the
world. at large that the agreements
reached j at the Conference,
- if filet
a perfect, are am
s perfect as an can
I make them and that it is the dtnty
tr; ;` of every nientber of parliament to
swallow them whole and cheer the
1. h . uchievemen•t, Amythi4g short of that
s .. the Globe assures its, readers, is ver;
. akin to disloyalty. '
R ,,, _ Be that as it -,may,. up to the pres-
ent time there has beenconsiderably
more censure passed on the tariit
'.' measures passed at the Conference
i%ln than there- has been praise bestowe,]
upon them.
III The criticism, of course, as far a:
:1, the House is concerned, has come
;l from the apposition members. That
would ,,e expected. But A would na-
turally be i pected too, that if the
I .,„ ,
crew a reenaents were to be all thing;
to all filen in Canada, and to usher
�I. in a new dawn. of prosperity and a
r ";' tr•ew binding together of the British
'�?Envpire, as Premier Bennett predict.
R�; .. ed in presenting- them, that the metm-
".. hers of the Government and
ih, n, pasty,
�i.would have ample material at hand
to u,tterly,destroy the criticism of the
, r opposition.
, But it has not•wor'k4d out that way,
`ln • Up to :the present.two. ministers' and
11, ane men -Aber of the Government side
only have replied to criticism 'that
has ,been general, Pointed and sev-
�i. . ere, and these replies were short in.
,+.deed. Wby?. •
Is it because the 'Conference. agree-
. ments, as now made public, do not
U: , . . in -her to inach cheering on
(: I the part -,;of the Governirnent and its
i'{, suppertersr, or is it 'because the Gov-
ernment and its supporters are d'wmb-
' founded at the ingratitude of the op.
. position 'mremfaers' and the, country
I' for not accepting, without murmur,
fi • what the ,Governmenrt considers is in
their best interests?
•,s a matter ,of fact, the Confer-
': . sire agreements as now divulged,
were pretty well anticipated. Thb,.
i, broke no new 'ground, henice •'Che lack
of . excitement and one migh, even
.• ..
1. • say, interest.A+ • We, in South Huron, knew all. a-
bout 'the bene -fits that were to over-
Whelm the farmers through these
Conference agreements, The farmers
'• were to have the grreat British criar-
V, ket at their mercy—'also at wori.i
. prices. •
° The confirming of this ,promise was
no news to the farme'n No help to
i4 him either.
Ever since the Conference closer,
we have heard much about the farm
er and nothing about the manufac-
turer and the tariffs.
. But the people at large could an
. ticirpate what this silence meant, ant1
their anticipation has 'been realized
in frill measure.
I The 'big fellows did not need any
11 I I loud and ad1vaT4,e assurances, like
that banded out to the farmers, that
all would be well with their world.
They knew that 'Mr. Ben'Tiett would
look after his own, and he did. The
agreement provides that tariffs an;
d( to be lowered on, the things entering
Canada which the people do not need
or greatly use, and they are to be
raised on, those things entering Can-
ada which the people do use and do
In fact, the Conference agreements
I mtight Ib'e sumhnled up in these three
+: ovoids—The Consu,rrer Pays,
it .
This is the Season
, • This is' the season of the fowl sup-
.. per. It seems to 'be one of the old
I institutions ,that never die out. Anti
why should, it? •
'd (When religious instiewtions find
r, t;heimselves hard pressed for money
., ! to carry on the good work and cast
',, 'about for ways and means to raise
1'1,, the ready cash, there is always one
-.-,ii. scare wary out of the dliflitulty—the
fowl sbpper.
"' And where else for twenty-five or
,t� Afit3�r • Ice'ndis+ can ome get unlimi'te'd'
chicken, duck and goose; c unlinYite l
n;'" P%; uanl'imihedl' cake and unliYfuiterd
.1 t,.
(1f tea,?
!3r° '
"Dire f'o,wll supper is the one event -
iir ani# bW9 life where the realiza-
11 I Volt'ttkily exceeds the anticipation.
1, +r� t` terO 110, [tan east and drink until
i 111". . tiro %i b We arctuagy, wAashes when
, dr" ft hrta t(rhet t, oup of tea and then
11��y d „
8 y� nr
tl+e Rl%;.%'L � r' L Rpt!•.i'a�*.`a^fl, i.z�i.,,:R.-i.tt+;{!. , ,i_,y r' i, ar,'M. !H i! aE?e,
171 11111,�,,a y :r.i1F .r.. ,. 1 4h.."•i ! f 1 R.1 ',t r .,. r - .,1, .., ... 'I , r ,
�' ' " U Ct? Tl kt` '" ?S T • , � _ 0 •21a 1932, 1
he AAs 'becau'gaf a 'can go no fur-
. �.
th'er; '' .,
Anil some of suis elcfiera are no
mean, trenlvhm ien either. One is ofrteu
given cause to (marvel at the elastic-
ity of the ,human body and to,fear
that the next day wi91 never dawn
for his neighbor.
And then there is the social side.
Where else but at a fowl supper will
you see so many people from so many
walks of life, so nearly moulded into
orae happy family; so willing to be
pleasedl, so ready to be amused.
And the cast. Well, the fowl sup-
per costs some .members of a con-
gregation fifty cents and the other
memmbers of that same congregation,
-who axtually provide the ingredients
of that sutpper and then pay to eat
it—the cost to them is ten dollars
and upwards.
But if in order to save time, labor
cunt waste, one was asked to con-
tribute ten or twenty dollars in an
envelope, the 'hand would the wither-
ed with paralysis long 'before it
reached the pocket., or even started
for it. .
Queer, isn't it; that the one and
only thing that can take the sting
out of cti'urcli 'giving, is the fowl
supOer? Good old fowl supper.
- 9. .
Costs of Government
(Brantford Expositor)
The National Committee on public
finances, appointed by the Canadian
Clh&rnber of Commerce, which has
been investigating the cost of gov-
ernments in Canada, publishes th
astod,nding• ,statement that the total
c�perndituires -by- federal, provincial
and municipal governments have
reached the huge total of 3920,000,-
6-00. This is more than.,twice th
'Value of Canada's field 'crops, whit
agr�_g•r,,rratedl �425j QW,0,OkJi. Express -
Ing it in another way, the govern -
merits of Canada expended $333,0001-
000 more thn the total value of Can-
ada's export trade, - '
It is not mulch wonder' that the
various interests of the country re
presented in the Canadian Channb,or
of Commerce, alarmed at the tre
mendous burden of taxation„ resting
on all business activities, have -decid-
ed to study the question exhaustively
in order to find a remedy if possible.
-It is not necessary to go much far-
ther than 'these figtiires in order to
discover why the recovery of pros-
perity thfoughout. the Dominion is so
long delayed. Just as long as gov-
ernnnents continue to recklessly spend
money derived from excessive taxa -
Lion on industry, commerce and fire•
ante, there can be no substantial im-
provement in the general e.coranric
condition of the country.
A CQllectibil Tip
Small outstanding account's are of-
ten a great source of worry to merch-
ants. It somt�tbrnes seems invrossible
to get then- in, Retailers who are in
such a poaitdon 'will find the following
aditor•ial from the 'Kitchener, Ont.
.Reeomd" of interest:
Little Accounts Hurt.
Akin to the stinging of mosquitoes
are the little acwuntis carried on the
books of local merchants. Each in
itself sloes not amount to much ex-
cept as a cause of annoyance, but a
large Aprrrlber of them may be serious.
Thr!se little iterrts of fifty cents to
a dlollar--contsidered so trivial by
those who owe theme, that they are
neglected—are a real problem to
marry firrrM%. The goods : that his,
molrey was used to purchase were
bought by the merchant in a large
quantity, with a correspondingly large
WI that head to ]be met and paid
when die. The merchant has had to
find this money. sometimes with con-
si,leratrle diti'iculty. If, however, his
ctustgn.,ers would pay threil• sniall bills,
the collective amuount would see him
It" the rets•idemts of this community
w••ould make it a point to .clear up
all their mdnor de'.ts, they would be
rendering a favor to our retailers out
Of all proportion in importance to
the small sum; involved.
This may offer a sujgesbilon to the
edict ns of other daily and wockly
newspapers in Canada if merchants•
draw their attention to it.
� ',.
A a rip to the Old C000trp
-Continued from page 1)
Friday afterrno6n we wemtt just gen-
erally toui•in,g on foott--it's, far better
as you see mare. Aii,s tai'r threaten,
to put Cooke's out of husdness, as a
OW do. In the evening he took us,
for a Im,ely walk cup by Holyrood
Palace and the- old prison,, overlook-
ing the Firth of Forth bridge. Then
we took a tram (a double docker
hu,stiness) uptown for .coffee in a big
hotel, "The Caledcmiian." My, -rut I
felt luxurious! Would you believe
that, talo we came horn 'at 11.80, .the
tidy ww% 'still quite red with sunset
colors? Already I levo Edinburgh so
mu,dh that I dlon t 'kmlow how I'll ever
ldr'ar•P it. There's, such an atmosphere
of historical romance about the place.
Saturday morning, Mame and
Eleanor weint to Newington to visit
some friends, while the other Marge
and I wenn explarling. I disew r•ed
the '1i~laml Clock on Princes Street;
the t,nfl•oral 'part, adf lovely but it has a
measly ohimo. Alistair and "Woolly',
(I expeot it was meant for Willy ,
bu't that's 'how fit sw,imd�a) met us at
G$batcl free morning ,coffe,e, a noble
insiti'tution to which all Edinburgh
playa hlai ige, Buch a medley of
� I I I ' . I
.. I
I No' ,I- a
t .,
d .r. - i ,� �, .i.+ ,A.:�w,.v:}
�'r"�l�Mr�V"r I.. 1. I I . rte,- rte:, • r
- 1. IV),
pearple�bwsinese them and wens,-, so- r urcued, The deoe,ed, whose ' ,P,eaci+ River District, and' Mr. W. C. tsmrdth„ . and spent a very enjoyaible radio frown 'CdGC, Free• Presa, Lon-
cial clirribenns, school girls out for a, 'mlaidie,4, name was Christen, McKay, Lan�dsborough, of Port Ciredi�t., The !Barre. Following the business part don, on Monday evening, acquittiattg
qq regal 1—tall talking and g ssi*v9 was hibje ,daughter of Hugh and pall!l5ear�ets were her nephews: Mr.` .of the anpeting•, a social hour was herself ivlery clreditraiNy. Jter se+lec-
over (their coffee cups and nibbling Chri�slt`re'na, IMdkiay and was born in , John .rl'1ctE•wen, 'Mr. William Falconer, spent. tions were: "'The Voice in the Oki
at lititle chocolate biscuits. �S•hoppmg Sutlherlandts!hire, Scotland', and' when 'Mr. L. Flartes•t, Mr. A. Seeley, Mr. R. The TIrerrmen held a very success- Village Choir" and "°'Wren! Irish Eyes
occupied the rest of the morning un- three Years of age the family eIm'i- Lawson and `Mr. A, McQueen., ful ;old time dance in the Town Hall, acre ISrmdlinlg:'
til it was title for lunch. The latter ,gr-adred to -Canada and with -many 'Thou art gone to thy: rest, dlear sister',, on Tuesday evening. The ball was ►Phe' Young ~People's League of the
proved too the qudte an experience. other ;£a(md'llies from the some part It is well with thee, We know; filled to calpacity and m ume was sup- United 16hurch held'their first leaglte
A.tftem eating ,not sparingly of soup! s�elttWd in the tow'nshi'p of Zorra, Ox- We ,am glad' thy weary spirirt plied by the`IMeNichol Orchestra from' meeting following ,tine sui n Iver vace.-
and salea we, ,ordered {cakes, land fonsi' '(bounty. Nearly eighty years Is free, from com6idct now. Kirkton. ,tiion6 with a successful enbertainmeinit,
mezutdoned slhorttnread. To our utter age the faraily moved to �'c •n dth IMisty Jean B�on'thron, of London, the basement ,being' well, filled, Thee .
amazement,, calces .began' to appear, and 'settled ort the foumbh" 'cession, I • � I spent the week end at 'her home here. Succetss of ,the.,programs was due te-
as fast as we de'miolished each plate- whdoh'At that time was• a1 st an un '
ful, to, the mnutrriber of 26. We' were oral en forest. Here C sty,
, as she ZURICH The Ladies' Aid of the United Dr. L Stmdllie and 0aude, Blowes, the
nearly in hysterics as we felt oknlig- Was 1vUndly called 'by her friends, grew, u ,Church ,held" a 'swccessfwl sale of presider vvlhha tpmelgiided over the
ed to eat them. all. Then along came up to ivonuanhood and was a 'gene'ral Mr. Milton Oes,eh has moved his home made coakiflg in the basement meeting, The otperrdi>}g selection wasr
the waitress who began to check up favlar' with all the ineighbom, whom lbariber !business into ,the Del# 'block, on Saturday afternoon lash. A goodly a well rendered 'solo by ,Mr, T. J.
om things; ' Our bill was 6:6 each she frequently assisted with the r having leased :tore: srtdute formerly oe- su1W was realized and tea was serv- S'herritt, followed with a very inAw-
(albout $1.50,)—isn't that a queer way cooking at their -barn raisings, long- �'cwpied by the late, W. H: Brown. ed. estzirg, thoughtful anrd inspiring! ad -
to do business? ging bees and other gatherings, On IM'r'• E. , Hanst is remodelling the i'17ue program for the Young Peo- dlress Iby Rein, tMr.. Elliott, of the
front of 'bis (baker A white brick 'pies League of the United Church for United ,Church, Exeter. One, of the
ti'V,e have •evolved an excellent sy,s•- ,Sundays she walked across the fields y' next !Monday evening, October 2.4th, pleasing features of ,the evening were
t ,m for ex lorirg. 'Mare wields a to No,. 2 schoal'hotuse with the other (carat 'is being erected and other in,- ,•
e R d will be in charge of Mrs. A. Ix rlshie several delightful sialos by !Mr. Barry
".iotting pad" (new wo,rd), the other mlemlbievis of the family, where the provenien'ts will ,be made. � T. Haist
Marge 'has the camera, I ,read in- Rev.., Iohn Ross, of 'Brucefield, the and fanAly have moved into the d'wel- and aVIies' Ellis. Hoffman, Cold rrnedallsb, of .Dashwood,
I 'book" lily a §1S. Passmore left this week for w'hi'ch were much enjoyed. this was
clutstriously from the Warde-Locke IMan with ,the book held divine wor- g Partinmenits adjoining the Ibak- phi, where hey has secured a good followed with humorous readings -by
guide, while Eleanor admires and 'ship revery two weeks. He also came 'cry and he 'has rented his house to position. George FtAlldk and an enjoyable sola•
takes in. the location. We had su'clt from Zrat••t•a near Emibro, and, was a IDT• 'H. H: Cowen, who is moving in- We are leased to state at date of t Sam Rsmm�e °I`he cote
feaalem,s preacher of the everlasting 1 to it this week, p' �' rt><paniats
fur •poen!; d'o('vn the • Palace
---4the "Re as This
g writing, , that Mrs. William Caldwell, .for the evening were Miss Hoffman
flax as Ilolyraad Palace --{blue "R.oyal $os'Pal, This part of HighTuckland'
S was IMr. 1Clmamles Fritz es wines the 'Who 'has been seriousily ill, is in,- of Dashwood, and 'Dr. Ivan Smillie.
n or loin 1 8 1� - t
s nese f selling 'shoes ;'th '
settle ar el b
w•t avv
' ,•' d 1 Hi bland' Scotch g �
Kings f• drat! n c lle,d b y Y
1'irle as clic h s o � a d a g'
and Clue name `%eKa Bing good celery and other, , proving slowly. The Thamkdr Perri -g of the W. M. S.
it. Nev�yr �va.s I in such a fascinat- y' ,pm•e,dam•inat- y garden
ing dlistriot. The feature of it is ed and nearly all of them, could speak velgretalbles. He has just harvested Mr. and (Mrs, (Mark Drysdale, MTs'. of Carmel !Presbyterian, 0,,hurch will
the `^cloves"---narlrow, steep passag- Gaelic language quite fluently, and, � cabbage crop. One head of irm- W A. (Mac,Laren and Harry Howard be 'held on Friday afternoon, October
d returned home Saturday evening 21Fth, wlhen rMGss Stringer, a mission -
es, like alleys off th•e main street, vrere splendid .Gad feaaring men and 'mem 'size hipped the scales at 2J from a coup 1'e or so tiveeks' Wsit
which, in itself, is scarcely more than w'orrien. The deceased, while a young ,pounds and another at 22 pound's. P spent cry sp furlough from anion will be
Charlets'believes in dein with relatives at otor- l.,Sask. They the Speaker for the occasion;
twenty feet wide. Now in is th:j ulama,-, went to ,side in Seaforth g things in a bad a delightful m,o'tor• trip. The A. Y. P. A. off St. Paul's An-
aborle of squalor and poverty; histar- and an the 19t1r day of D'eoeatrlberI big way., 'Mrs. G, R. Collyer was in. London glican Ohurch ,met on Monday even-
irally it was walked! by Princes and 18-71, idle was married to Peter TMC( Mr. John Hildebrandt,• of Seafor'th, on• Saturday spending the day with ling with a good attendance. Fol-
.1- n1,*s. ,You can im1agine, the hyter•e.st Ewnen, Rry her 'pastor, the Rev, John rdsited old friends -here for a few hem ,mother, •who has 'been veiy � ill. lowing the devotional exercises, Geo,
of th•e place when I •tell you that we Ross, The young cotuple resided first Says this week•
neglected tea that day and nubed in,Harpurhey'andt'in, 1873.they moved rte'• and Mrs. J, iSwarz and dau�gh- Rev. t Young, pastor of Car- ,Pearce, sang a solo, followed.,Larwith e
straight honn•e 'two ,duress for the the- Gaderich, where she ,has ever since ter, of Detrout, spent a few days last Yterian ie and. 1, le d to- piano sola by 'Miss G, Ls very The.
b resided. Mr. 'MeEmren bei- engaged w'ee'k cit the 'home oil rote letter's' getter th his wife and little laugh- topic for the eiviemfing was very well
atre. An excellent company played, gter, Rurbh, have been spending a token.;by' Mrs, Hugh tMcEwan, giv
"`Death Takes a 'Holiday. " in the salt business, and dined twenty -mother, Imo• Amelia Fuss'.
couple of weeilr ,holida'ys at West- as her talk "The King's Highway,"
This letter writing is fast proving eig+htt years ago. Mrs. McEwen was iMm• John 'McBride and . wife and iboro and, Ottawa, are•_expected tame whi'c'h was 'much enjoyed: At the
a problem. I can't begin to tell the last surviving rruenvber o£ a fam- Mr. (Samuel (McBride and'wife wife have
�, you g the latter part of this week and '141x. conclusion of the address, a social
everything—that that -will havie to R ort ily of ''nine avid was oile of the oldest rvtur ned from a m,otar trrip to Sass coming y spent, followed by lunch -
g kvttdhewan: While out west they vis- Young of the seviSunda will hour was �
for some of our little 'private , ses- memrilbeis of Knox Presbyterian conduct his awn sem-vices. The YauAahsi' Wielfare 'Uludr of Car- •
cions. 'Sunday was thoroughly. de- Church- She was'sttricken on Mon- Iited relatives' 7'tm Amerced, 'Saskatoon (Mrs. Sarah Coleman, of the town- mel ,Presb
day, October 3rd, and after six days and other places. They report hav,, yterian Church held their
lightful. T m sure I shall t forget• it ship of 'Hay, has 'been visiting her meeting on 'Monday evening .with a
e for a long time, In the -veining ova• paced peacefully awe ing• Thad a most interesting trip, Present
Of illness, y y. sistex,..M3ss A. Consi'tt�#or the past good attendance of me(m'bers
went to St. George"is Church to hear Suawlivina liner ea'`e1 three, sons and Mr. G. Reid, of London, organizer
weak. Following the opening exercises, 1Lev..�
for the Conservatives in Ontario was Municipal .matters will soon be en- MT. 'Rhodes, of Exeter, delivered a
e Dr. James Black preach, and Dr. three daughters, viz., Peter J., Hugh , •
J. A., William G, the Misses Belle • a visitar in town, on Tuesday.
h Hollamrs, who has always 'beext totally gaging the' attention of our ratepay- srple'ndi:d address an the meaning of
blind, play the o'rp. an. In the after- land Margaret, all of 'Goderich, and ers and speculation is always t•ife as "Preslbyteriamdsml." Garmdes and con -
noon•, a friend of ours took us to �• (Dr.) Freidieric T. Egener, of to who will be the. council for the tests were indulged in.- r
Ro-Ain Ca's,tle, celebrated by Scott in London, Ont.' The funeral, services I1II'iI+;N coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Huisseir and
"Rombelle," ' The Scotch people are were hi ld at alit family residence on ,Mx. Russell Love has taken a posi- family, of Wyandotte, Mich., spent
made of iron and steel, for we walk- Friday afternolon and were conducted tion as clerk with Mr. T. C. Joynt in the -veerk end with Mx. and Mrs. C.
ed eight tmdles through Hazvbhornden, by hep pastor, the Rev. D. J. Lane, the gents' furnishing and shoe de- Hn`sser. ,Miss 'Mary Huisser return-
un,tal everyone of my 3G5 muscles ,;mindsl of Knox Church, assisted by tit one Cent Sale at Hen4l1hiu's Drug partm•ent • and, we believe, has had ed home with. them.
ached furiously, to H.ass,wad•e;•'where the Rte�vK Mir. 'McDernuaid, a former Store, Hemsa 1, lrhur day, Friday sod satur-• good e'x'perience in the ,past in (mer- Another 'I3ttaom' !bo sed to his
Bary, October 27th, 28th and 29th. y pa..
tive had, tea at the sweetest little cot- mfinist'e, of tthatr church, both of a cantile ibusiness and will no doubt, ivwar•d coir Ozbotber $Hilt, in the ,person, •'
-ago. T'6e.,garcien was a picture, just, whom alluded bo her many fine goal- Anniversary Services.- -The 65•th give good satisfaction, of William, J. Ford, of Loorcms,
ablaze Wirth ,color and srumroundeii by ities of head and. heart, and Christian anniversary semd-ces held in St. An- ,Servi'ce's in our local churches on Washington. The deceased was tak-
a thick stone wall. In the distance c�acter. She ;Gas buried in Malt- crew's United Church. on 'Sabbath last Sund'a'y last were pretty well attend- en suiddenly, fill at +his b"e and rush -
were the misty green Pentlands. The landbank cemetery, Goderich, -her were of a high order and in every, ed and were marked by good dis- ed -to Wayo'•s Hiolspliitai, Seattle. Aft l I
tea we colnsuuned was positively three sons and three grandsons'being way a. gratifying success. The wee- courses and good' music Iby the choirs. reaciv,imrg It'he most rsldlful treatm
ettupenciaus; of course there was this palibearers� ther for the occasion was most fav- The service in the United Church was he seem.ect to ibe ion the way to rest
saving. grace, cruor hostess was just ,?orable, which had a tendency to 'bring taken by Rev. Mr. ,Gales, of Monk- ery'until Saturday night 'he was s
as hungry as ourselves., On our way ont large, contgregati•ons both m,orn_ ton, who delivered a very able sex- ad with a coughing .spell from- w
back we paused to inspect the little $]EIUCRFI]EI.'D in and evening. As announced, 'Rev. nlian. The evening service was with- he n�'ver rallied. ,His ftatveral,11
cottage where Sir uialter Scott wrote El,*ood Lawson, B.D., of Mount For drawn do account of anniversary ser- ,tQak place .in Iaoomlis, was th
"The Lay of the Last Mlinstrel"—rlo est, was the ,guest 'speaker and none vi es in .the sister congregation of est ever see¢i in blrart di!sttric
wordier the Scotch recite with Thg.-:Gotdb'e'r meeting sof the Bruce-
Ipr►de, were "d'isappodlited in his ,discourses. Chiselihurst and quite a .large •number Vais't, col•'trege, and the floral
field e' eh rch Association was held of the United Churcr
"breathes there a man "with soul so His ,s'entnorns went home to the hearts h attendeil` ser- which (allowed ,him to :his .1 ; 'eels
at th,e`ehum+ch on October lith, 'Miss
dead, who never to himself hath said, of the oongrelgation and their im- vices at 'C'hiselhurst, 'both at the af- ing place, showed ,the luigh � in
this,d•s my o-rn, my native land." INITs. oe betimug_ hostess. The the dent,
prerssrions fowl• good will be long re- hrnoon and ovlendng diets' of wor- whi'eh he wats'Iheld (by all ,e was
Mrs. H Ail:et>Nread was in the chair.
This morning, won,
and I went meimlbered. The Thu -sic b the Choir P• the oldest son of the lane ahn Ford,
The tr>leeiimng opened with a hymn, Y " A brother of Rev, W. A. Young, of Tuckersimatth and s orty years
o the Castle, wonderful, wonderful was never 'better. The morning art- g, ,
in ittceif. ,but absolutely indetscrri,bable while the devotional exercises were them, "Thine - is the Kingdom," was the regular m'in'ister of Carmel ago he •gnaduuted from eaforth Col-
in Mrs. Jamirsoru: Mrs. H.
in that it now boasts the Scottish Na- presernited with enithursi.asm and ddg- 'Church, wh>o is preparing for the lergitate Instk ube, &tat 'ng a firrs,
Tbu-, 1 -tread •the' .Scripture, Dav- minis' class oerti'flcate
taonai War t4,em,or}al. I ,toad look ni.,y, The solo paras wee taken by. ministry, and will soon be ordained,. , Gxadle A. • After at-
m , ldY's P5a1in of Thantksgivi-ng. Mrs. conducted the services in a ve tendingGoderkh ,Model School he
in at it, spe]?�oun:d, for three -quay- Mrs. J. 'B. McLean and Mrs, Earle
(n, of an hour. It has been created AddiSori nook .the topic, Thanks iv- rY taught ,
ing," while the roll call was respond- Sproat. The Northern Light Quart- Pleasimlg truanner,, while a student for .ht school an the Huron Road,
out of the old Gar -racks, to which has " ette, Mm. A. Crawford, 1st 'bass; W. the ministry took the services vert' near ISeaf , for two
ed to by the mgmlbet Zti.hy :«e are'. years. It was'
• �rnen added a shrine whose walls de- ,thankful," The afternoon, was spent Leonard, 2nd (bass; H. Lvn•klater, 1-st acceptably at ,St, Pawl's Anglican 'then "'Gro West, y &ing• man," so as a
plot in bronze of ,the most intricate in patching tenor, J. 'Cliatman, 2nd tenor, sang 'Church. young .man 'lne went to North Dako-
pa ng quits, after which a rvremy
retail. the 'full significance of the "C;alling Far Thee" and "Nearer' My -Mrs. Rdbmt ' Paterson, Sm., on ta, where- he 'rtatught at Wheatland
S1ai.nty lamb. was'served by the hast- a Wednesday, f 5anve fifteen
war; there i5 renresernted every type ess ,Miss tMarl4s il4Ers. Jas. tMc- hod to Thee,' (both numbers be -in- y, October 1.2bh, quietly cel- yam. His great
of main, woman, beast arid bird; every Queen, Mas. •A. McQueen and Mrs. rendered in fine haramgny. At'• the ebrated her 82nd birthday, going to afo lacy and ernterprising spirit,
dwevlk,e of wax, even to the canary and John B. (Mustard'. The 'November evening service the quartette open- the home here of her daughter, ,Mrs. Prompted (him to go farther west to
the ,field mouse. Further u on the ed with. "Shall You 'S•hall 1." The Fred Bentgough, where her son, Jas. Loomis, Washdngton,.wherre the and ,&
g P mveetrnlg wilt be hand' at th•e church. A., and dad '
walls are .five glorious window" and Mrs. Wa•Lter McBeath will be hostess. seoond ',numlber, "Jesus is Tenderly ghter, (Mrs. Andrew Pau- partner carried ,on, a large m'emcan•-
in the cenrtre of the floor, a small but The regular monthly meeting of 'Calling";' the choir, ,anthem, "In gall, with a few othdr relatives, met the (business up to a few years ago.
plerndid casket, in which is sealed Heavenly Love Abiding," -the duet in honor of fbhe occasion and 'to con- Lam, having large ranches in' the
the W. ,M..S. -las held i� the school
forever ;Scotland's roll of honour. taken by (Mrs. Sproat and Miss P. gratulato iMrs. Paterson upon attain- Okenalgon Valley, he dervobedl his
room of the Church Wednesday. Oct, in snrc�Fr a time to the cattle
F -m -n the ceiling and suerpemnded over 12th., with the president' (Mrs. Brem- Penfol'd and J. B. (McLean, the tenor g good old age; and still in 1radwles. Ile i's'
'hie ca:sbet is the lovely fivur e of St. neer in the. chair. After singing a (solo. After the 'sear an Mr. 0. Craw- excellent health with every faculty 'survived .by one son, Ferris, of
Michael, in troll. l shall have 'to fo,Pd rendered the sale, "If Here Ere -bright ,and unimpaired. Mrs. Pater- Loomis, his wife having predeceas-
bring hymn, lMdrs. Btrenurmcx led in `prayer. ,. ton has, we m,ay sa,
you pictures; it ibegg+arrs des- You Walk" (by Handel) accompan- ,Y, lived! all her ed him sotttme thirty yreaiVs ago. He
The 7 from
m 72.u� a lesson was led by IMr. 'Leolu i;d, which was much l being born within a
crivtinn. life'in Hensel � also ]eaves to mourn his loss one
i:aken from Psralm 72. The roll call enjoyed by pie one brother, Dakota,
You know how I used to lave `"A en ry present. The mile of it, and has had a most active , Ed -Hard, of North„ Da1oe
was re'stgivi ted to with a verse . ceoft life and besides (being a splendid and and six sisters, Mrs. 1R. D. 'Bell, (Mrs,
Child's Gamrdem of Verses?" The „ quartette sang the response, "Now
Tnankstgivinrg. ,The temperance
other dray when,,. I was in -St. Gile's reading, "In, w=hat 'the Proverbs, say the, Day is Over." The people of capatble bousekeelper, did a great deal T• J. .,B rzm'y, ,MTs• G. Bolton, Mr's. J.
exec erclrral. II saw the bronze plaque ,,'bout If or still true?" was given Knppen will wel'com,e the quartette in assisting friends and neuglnbors in Bolton, glees Eblen, of Hlerisoall, amid �
erected to •-the, memory of Robert at any future time. The efforts of sickness and having a wonderful- Mrs. A. J. HtrlmmieI, of IMillville, Pa.
by Mrs. ` A,dtid ion Mrs. Stevens and
Lours Steven**Ob. This' was the in -B. the deader and organist are much ulty for nitrsi•ng she opened her home In the passu of Mr: Ford, Loomris
s�cri on it ,bore: "Glad did I =lea's. to P. We Centre
were ap�roirobed a number of ,hags lost ,a worth
Til Lite, d,e,elgart,e6 to the Centtre Section meet- appreciated ]by the congregation. years ago for what was Y cii4i7.en whose wise
and gladly itis, crud I lay me down The monthly meeting of the Kip- ,known as a prilvlate ' hospital and ,counsel was often sought as he held
ing to ilie held in Cavan: United
with a will." I was just ttrrllledpen
rhvrch, Winthrop, In the absence
W]M,S. was held on Wednesday,
where Dr. A. 'Moir, before he insti- 'high office's ,of trust. The keen in- v v
throueh and bhr�u+gh. Imagine what
of Mors. -Frank 'Aileenhead leader of
October 5th, at the tom's of Sirs. H.
tuned his 'Huron S tterestt he took isi the wlelfare of his
Springs �Sanitorium
else I save in the sarm•e cathedral=
the very oboe! which Ienm Geflri�
Group No. 9, Mrs. BrrSrmer prase
McMurtrie. ,Mrs Alexander Presid-
at the southern outskirts of our vil- co'm cowitry was seem in
unrundbY ,and
la'g. the highway, his `fin
over the sttudni period. The devo-,
-• -The meeting was opened by
on treated his drharibafble alas and his most
threw at the reverent dean of Edin-
tional leaflet "The Woman of Tact"
prayer followed by singing of the
patients. But with advancing years ennobling character. He gave freely
rvurgh wthm ,he attempted on read
was read Mrs. J..'NLcQueen. Mrs.
hymn, "'Our Laved Dominion Ble.
Mrs.. Paterson realizing that ' she of his itimie and sru'bstanbe for the I
fraurr the EngliS'h Prayer Book. Of
Br<„miner •dmrtroduoed our new stuay
Mrs. Hendersot' read a press article,
needed to ad of others land so built a montu-
give herself, rulers res'', lis- g°
coarse, .I don't sla'ppose it's the real
thing, ,but it's lobs of fun to belieive
, »
roold, H1is Dominion of Can a.
"The Attitude of the Oriental To- ,
continued using her spacious home as meet to his metn!ory of love and re-
a 'Private h•a
A 'hospital' His
it is. You'know, they say that th�yr
lli s. J, ,B, Itl4wsirard, Mrs. evens,
wards the Occidental. Roll was an-
rby I$
and it is the wish s ct. nary frdendls join with
wisth of her The Ex fir,
cot so tired replacing Rizzio's hloo*1
Miss Bow�y and Mrs Addison gave
tie ,” The Task, (the
s�*rered me,nbers, and the oris-
iness disc Sion followed with inter-
man Y relatives and p os' a Paper which 'he has i ,
fMends ,that she mtay be spared to read for over forty ytears, in extend -
stain iin 'Holyrood Palace with, red
ink, that a brags tablet had to be
trv, ie ,Plop)
Gauntry, the 'People." After singing
e'stirmg plans for next meeting which
will be held' in the The
�7Oy m,a,ny more anniversaries. ing their heartfelt Isympathy to., those
'MTs- lMallde' 'Hleddem who his
t reoted ami the spot much for
a hvmmr, the meeting was (brought to
school room.
sang over the mourn passing.,. ,
rrcm,^rairiorr of globe trotters!
a close with sentence prayers.
.lir. A. T. Johns and his daughter
hymn, the Lord, Ye Heav-
ere, r dorg Him," was sung and .leis.
. -rz— `� --- —
cath -e4 �permil mg, we crhall, trip
Off to Scotts country to-rr,orrow, and
Doris, of Fionbhill, were the guests
.Cooper read the devotional leaflet;
Miss Chesney -led in Mrs.
1-fowrve V6erd+rucsd;ay for leave-taking.
of Mr. and /Mrs. John Danddson last
Monteith introduced the new text
it's time tto haunt the n:antbry once
yM'r. W, IC Land'siroroug•h, of 'Port
book, "His Domrinion of Canada," by
more, ,co good -night and to bed.—
(-redit, who attended the funeral of
Rev. Dr. Oluvei. The study' leaflets
sis'er, Annie last week, spent the
from the new study book, were
ud'ek end at the ,home of Mr. and
read by Mrs. Fairbairn, .Mrs. Bell
airs. ,Tames (McQueen. J
Miss Margaret Ross, of Exeter,
and Mrs. Jones. The hymn, `"Lord
of the Lands" was sung and the
,,wa.6 the giafest of her aunt, Mrs. Alex.
meeting closed by , repeating the
Th- 0&fi)er m•a•e•ting of the Tuck-
Ross, last week.
Lords Prayer in unison. A delight-
errsmtilth I ediesr Club was bend at the
• Another of the old• residents of
ful lunch and. tea was' then served.
h6me of ,M• s,.' .F. Pepper. Twenty-
Tutckersn- th paused away last week
set✓ren m,etmbetrs and five visitors we're
in the person, o,£ Miss, Annie Lands-
present. The roll call was answered
borough, own Thursday, October lath,
by to be thankful for."
in her 83rd year. She was the third
The prograi i wag -;give•- by,the mem-
daughter of the late :lir. and Mrs.
un.w*ii,l,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 111111111111111111111111111111111111
bers of the club who aregrand-
Robert Landziborough, formerly of
mothers. There were Meadin,gs? by
Tuekersmith. The funeral services
Sabsori,ptiions received •at Henaata Punt office
Mors. F.. Ba11, Mh s. 1, Crich, Mrs2 F'..
were 'held at tare home of Mr, James
for limited time oniy for London .Advertieer
and'' Free Ptak, alt 83.95 a G. J.
Cook and 141rs.. G. Crich- A song wag
,McQueen,, of 'Brurcefield, on Saturday,
Suaaieriamd, PQM.
liven ,hy all the !xi-and'miother••, and
October l6bbi, with Rev. W. A. Brem-
the program closed with comrm. pity
Her officiating. Interment was made
Big One Cent Safe at fiem,phn 1's Drmc
singintg and- an amusing contest. The
in Turner's -cemetery. !Miss Lands-
store. 'oberHen%2 h, 28 h a i'',294ch and satur-
aN, October 27th, 28th and 2&hdr.
afterrnoon was sperm prerparimp• the
'baroulgh !rad been enjoying good
Christmasboxes, which are to be sent
heulth until a month ago when she
!Miss Jean ISmtallacordbe, of Guelpn,
North. The November mleelting and
hadthe misfortune to fall on the
is spending a few weeks with her
election of . offrc irs for 1933, will be
floor and !break her ;trip and, did not
aunt, ,Miss Mattie Ellis.
held at the home of Mrs. R. Fear.
rally from the shock. She bole her
IMr. IHtarol•di Munn and friend, of
The roll call is to be an.swdrred by
ouffetrina,i with. Christian resignation
Perth, was a visitor in town this
suggestions fon,' making Christmas
and was, abbe to say: "Although I
weep. Harold's, many friends; were
pass through the valley of the sha-
pleased to see him, again and to see
Obituary'. — The moble band of
Slow, I will fear no evil for Thou art
him looking so well.
pionreerrs who seittled" in this towns'hi'p
with me." She was a ,member of
Wes'srs. Allvdn- Workman and Jack'
many years ago have nearly alt gone
Wesley -Willis Church, Clinton:, and a
Carmichael returned' on Tuesday ev-
to threir rewairdl, and on Sunday ev-
consisltent Obrietian Whose life ,was
ening from the West, wbe're they
Ming, Oct:dber tfth, another 'of the
in every way in keepirug with her
'have been spending the 'past two
early resnidents in the -person of Mrs.,
profession, 6he its •sarrvived bytalo
m,onit'hs, helping- with, the harvest.
Christemta XcEpven at t,,he advanced
sisters and two brothers, M•rir, James
They made the triip (by motor.
we of ,eighty-sttevlen, years, at her
'M(cQueieni, Brueedeldl; iMrs. G.i E:
(The Arnold Circle of Carmel Pres -
home ,in Godlei6oh, pta,ssed' to that
',Clark, Gra-bon, ,South Dakota; Mr. J.
byterian Clhurch meet at the h me of
bourn from which nro traveller has
F. Land'ls6orourgh, of Brownsville,
Mr. and Mrs. Gtenn Bell, of Tudmksrr. •
M .
1•. I 1
. '
„y: : �. J.. , a :, .,v, n ,r ,.-.';:, r d' � s: r r. '•". 1��Ys': r, "�i �. ,�_ rY� . a,., t t `�,�, , a . �. y
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