HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-10-07, Page 6n ,::
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elli t. )4x s, JervAs; water color Painting on '.. of Agirdbnn�nt bas Asti atterrso'ed n Skin LtIYQ �$$
n��f� „;, „ • • isitlk fill` etitin, Mrs. Jervis, M How,,. a'Ppot of ° g pmesemtative
r TROUBLED AL LIFE a$ Ilam omm, �� to m� a�a.�mw
�rk)�hrai C�1�1M a�ns ,xis, ihandlpaintbed c'h'ina, �M'is�s LviQug- �'
1R�t `'IELTa•AIe�.LAI
1� l' s'to¢x, 14Th, iMetcalf; steneliliaug on in Guieat f8riltplin and has also outlotled
is ins for the fiber (marketing of Vegetable, Pi%fa Better
I 1,}+ "I found that BABIF'S OWN TAB- falbrl , 'I3i• Fuss, Mass Livitngsl4an; in the B'riti'sh Is4ee, than Creairea
.% l LETS relieve colic pains almost at frudlt and flowers in oil, Miss Living- WITH CONSTIPATION Ontario honey '- ^' ,
�2” once,,, writes Mrs. Mildred Noddin, stem, 4I. �`wgs pencil sfveitoh from na- assuring a br+i'gihber an'd' more profit-' �+lise E. T. tan prpved it. -She aaq*;
, ���'• one Snowdlern; Touloas'e geese (old) S. N.B. Many other Mothers twin e, local,. Miss Liviaugsalwan, _— able future for the indws�ry Mr. 'aCartei'e Little Liver Pills will do maa Aore .
(1orY�uued freer page Long Check, Paterson is a't pmeuserut connected with to keep the complexion clear than
JRI( a iy. , Alton, F, rWleekes; (young) S. Alton, report equally happy benefits from gtv- I
,)4-1 ,i : SHEEP F. Weekes; an other variety IMANUF•ACTURES gg 1)Ive Ontario 1Maawketin'g Board. In his the face creams have used.••
y Y Y 'geed ing their children these Tablets. But Dello ' ALL -BRAN t he will have offices in PURELY VEGETABLE a gentle.
2 shears or over, (old) R. Blair, R. Sno,wdi r (young) BABY'S OWN TABLETS are reco g 'Skein ,twilsted. yarn, R. ,Snowden, H. Brought Real Relief new capaaci y g .
!I,exster-IRaant, R Blains Q. Snowden; Bronze 6uz- mended by Mothers for teething London. Through the recently torn►` effective tonic to both liver and beaver y,
)' iR R. ,Pepper &San, A. Wlanrner; shear- keys (old) A. Warner, H. Trueminer; troubles, upset stomach, indigestion, NeeJb; (skein woolim yam, Ms Rader, ed G-dtario II30MY Ewpart .Assoeia- Dr. Carter's Little liver Pillsarewrt4
�; fy', . Barg 'rain, R. 'Pepper & Son; ram (yausng) ,`HI• Truemner, A. Werther; colic, simple fevers, constipation. R 'Smowcieru; (best jar of soap, 'Mrs tion he wi4l rsFresent all Provinldia7 out equal for correcting Conatipsitilaea
I ," Jamillb,'R. Pepper & S aR'd d� palir •pigeons, 'Mrs. HeywK)od, A. Wear- There is no need for YOUR child to mar, 'Miss Brownebb; best 2 11aTs' If you are subject to, heartaches, rh°ney prolducers in developir export Acidity,Bili5c. &; 5c. redacheean every -
raised lambs in 1932, 2.shear&s tie¢ • suffer. BABY'S OWN TABLETS can nazi soa'F, 'F• 'Miridleton:, R.,Snowden; loss oih, appetite and energy, sleep- (business. At present Ciaruad'ian 'hon- digestron. 2tic. & 76c. red p every,. ,,,
I`-. '„” yr over, 'A Warner, R. Pepper Jwdsge-A, G. Nusener, corn husk door mat IM.:Ra6ew; home lessuess and other effects that gu preference of 10 where. Ask for Carter's by %TAMS
Guelph. be given with absolute safety -see aha- , @ fly Producers enjoy a past
�.`. ,. Sian; sihearlirng ewe, A. Wartier, R. DAIRY PRODUCE lyst's certificate in each 25c package. made• - amtdele of furniture, Mies often result from constipation, red cesvt in the British muarlaet. It is
a Son; r e +Son• ewe lamlb, R, Pepper Buownetit, Mrs. Woods. Mrs. Turner's voluntary letter. per
this ,mlaY be increased to seven
Salt Mrwtter, R S. i2edd, J. Pollock; D.. Weiner' 2 "For the past six months I have
& 'S'o'n_ buatter in 1 M. ,blocks, Mrs, N. Carter, r IrAD1IES" WORK s}idulings a out. when the Inniperial round up sway raWxTans 'of the
s_ 1 :?t. • Lin,colms-•Ram, 2 s'hean+s or over, R. Re -id; 6 tb. crack ',butter, Mrs. N, BABY S OWN TABLETS been eating Kellogk's ALL -BRAN, Economic 0onlference prowvisions are
Snowden and 2nd; shearlimg ram, G. Irivvrng Room -Table ee¢ntreptece, and cannot praise it too highly. ratified. "This, in addilti'on to the eon- Republicans, 'has, for one pa the
Canter•,, 'R. Reid; farncy print butter, +� ears of age. All my lit to be 'reason. an extremely difficult assign.
•Pen'haale, m, Snowden; ram 1'amlb, G, R. Reid Mrs. Carter; cottage. cheese calored, new design, lMhss iivingsrton, Am fifty 9 tire change .in marketing rpp Y men As a distinguished leader of 11
,' (tinhalq, T jSnowden; ewe Ihav;ing h H'- Nom- Italbil'e runner, pew design, life have been troubled with consti- effected thrawgdr 'Mr. Patersarnls alp -
R,' nowclemy J. Sterling; half ham, f f
I raised. lambs in 1932, 2 shears or home cured, smoked, R. Snowden, H. intro• 4S'mAh, J. Sterling; Ribs'taon 'Pip- Mills. 'Me'tcalf, J. 'Downie); wc,uslhicin, patron. Kelloggs ALIrBRAN has -not ,pairntnuetut, whish includes the prones. allied veterans' actuvmor he was
over, G. P�rnhale T. Snowden; shear- only helped me, but has cured me. s,�, ,bllend1inlg and bottlirng of ,aur credited with doing more than any
lin ewe Cr" Penhale ewe lamb G. Dersjar,ine; 3 Tbs. home cured bacon. pinr,, J. Sterling, E. F'osber; W -Ounce ct•mtpietie, eiml�roidery, Mrs. Fowler, one man to get bigger and better bon-
g snicked, 1I. Desjardurue, R. 'Smaw:den; Pippins, J. ISlberli'ng, J. Turner; Wag- R. Fuss; cushion,, cam lets any other "I thought I couldn't like the h,one'y in England, and sold as a dds-
Pemhale sand 2nd. hcutv2 rendered lard, T. 'Snowden, W. ners, F. Middleton, J. Stealing; Gold- kind, .MTs, 'Metcalf, E. Faster•; lamp taste of bran, but��Kellogg's ALL- of ctive IOntstrio produrct under our uses. !Dhuing thP, Harding admimi-
Oxfords•-Ram, 2 shears or over, D. Spmrk�s; pair dressed dhiekens, A elrt Ru'ss+et% Miss Brotw'nett, J. Ste r- shade, home made, Miss ,Livingston. BRAN is delicious. Mrs. C• J. al..ea well known Big 0' Brand .senator, 'he recused a United bonus
Bell & (Sons and 2nd; she'arling ram, Wisner, J. (Sterling; heaviest dozer ling; Blenheim Pippins, Mrs. Smith, Dialling Room --Monogram on 'table Turner (address upon request). andlabel it is anticipated, will large- .senatorship to cram campaigning
his barns
D. Bell & Sons and 2n'd; ram -lamb, hem's eggs, white shell, 0. Battler, F. ,Mdddleston; Snows, F. MiddletJon, H. cloth and 'two aervue36tes, (Miss Lar- Tests show ALL -BRAN contains fi In 1928 c helped lett among r ,
D. Bell & (Sons and 2rr'd; ewe. having ly increase dollar and, cent return's to
he 'helped elect Hoover
E. M;Arrnarr; heaviest dlozen hem's eggs, Desjaaddme; Ontarios (Mrs. Smith, inggton A. Fuss; tea c'lofbh cut work tikwthins which overcome consti- Orntwio ,producers and greatly in- the veltae'ran&,
raised hmrr'dbs im 1932, D. Bell & Sons' brown shell R. Reid H. Desjardine• Miss Browmett• Wolfe River F. Mid- E. •Merner, IMTs. Woods; tea cloth, potion: Bulk" to exercise the in- crit of the whole in- Se that rstist9 that
r, Chicago,
. , crease ,the tprosep Y berg of Chart year, C said,
and 2nd'; s'hearling ewe, D. Bell- & betsit display of bee products, J. Pal.- dleltonb F. Keegan; best (basket of erribroidemed, anv other s+ty+le ' em- testiness Vitamin B to help tpne the dust y,�„ sta'ted, 'the Minister. September
,Sans •an'd ?nd;' ewe lamb, D. Bell & lack, P. 01,eave; quart strained honey, fruit, Mrs. Metcalf, J. Sterlin-g. brolderyy, (Mrs. 'Chiff, J. Downie; tea intestinal tract, ALL -BRAN also sup- Killing the Flies. none too Sermons art s of tlo
Sons and, 2and. ,.,
. cloth, crachet'ed corners and edging, plies iron for the blood. Most efforts to keep clear of stable none 'boo ex -service
ilenp stsation of
2 s'h'ears or o'v P. Cleave, J. Pollock; quart rape TABLETS Mrs',. Woods (Nil`s• Howrie• tri cloth The "bulk" in ALL -BRAN, is much dies have been res+taileted 'to syrayirrg 'disabled ex service Iznlplu still stand
9h'r. Hyde. Ram, syrup, O, Battler, M. Rader; home- �*E +
er, D. Hyde, R. D. Hunter & Son; made fudge, O. Battler, W. Decker. embroi,ered .siege •eyelet and satin; like that of lettuce. Inside the body, the flies an the cows. The suggestion wruwarra,nbed and unexplained, Serse-
shearling ra'm,, R D. H'unte'r & San, D,OIlVLi7STI'C ler,SCIJI. Peek early Cob'bl'ers, 'R. ,Snowden, stitch design, Miss Livingston, Mars. it forms a soft mass, which gently i; now made that bhe' flies be fought tary Hoover, on the other hand, ,has
W, fir. Ross; ram lanxb, Rr D. Hunter, Loaf ho,m�e-"made white (bread, 'Mrs. H. Desijarddlne; early patatoe-4, any 1•liowrzie• centrepir.ce -over 18 inches clears the intestines of wastes. in the : table as welll. The idea is to 'a comlPrlete and sympathetic under-
ID. Hyde; ewe :having raised lambs in other varielty, M. Radler; 'Mrs+. Rader; 'standing of blue veterans`
\�iaads, Mrs, Addison;. leaf home .made for ddnd'¢ng table, *bite, emrlbnoidery J. Certainly this is more natural spriy the flies with 'a killing spray us fcviv mom. „
1932, 2 shears or over, R. Hyde and Graham lbread, Mrs Carter 'Mrs. Green Mautrrt,aim, 'M• Rader, H. Dec- rher, H 'Fuss; luncheon set, cl$otbh than taking' pills and drugs --so ,while 'they are settled i'n the walls P?It is 4s,
2nd; shearlin,b ewe, R. Hy'd'e and 2nd; Jardine; late +potat.oes, any other ver- and ,serv,iettresy r1M:ss Luving+ston, rMxs" often harrrlful. ALL -BRAN is not aw; ce;'irug, If'this spraying is done It is the bonus, of course, with the
.11 Woods; loaf B'ost'on brown bread, klickb�ok fromr the ' Washington eR-
ewe lamlb, R. Hyde, W. Russ; wether Mrs •.tW'aads, 1VIrs. Metcalf; leaf nut iety, J. Turner, H. Truenine'r; man- Haawrie; buffet set, 3 piece, lace trim- habit-forming. Two tablespoonfuls in the early morning it will be more
larrl'o, 'R,,.H'y'de, R. D. Hunter & Son4 bread made' from baking.Mte powder with golds, long red, P. Cleave, . aMiss. red, new deal"gnu h:andwonk, `Mas. daily will cGxrect most'ty'Pes of con- effective as the flies are then slug- pulsion of the (bonus 'army, which is
Dorset -Ram, two Aear�s or over, Brownnetlt; mangolds, y'el'lolw :glrbe, R. internis H. wing , buffet rk -:, lace stipation. If yuu have intestinal gi.,h ir• their movements. Late af- 'making all the trouble for the admin -
fruit, Mrs. Carter; Mrs. Elliott; gra- , trouble not relieved this way, see ustmtion in this 'granter, with 36
P. Dearing; shearli'ng ram, P. Dear- Snowden,rH, Trrartmer; intOnugdiate trk=i ed, cut work design, Mrs. 'Mun- ternoon is also a 'good time. Close
ham muffins, Mrs. N. 'Carter, Mrs. El- our doctor. Americom• Legion state conventions
ting azid 2rnd; ram la'm'b, P. Dearing Nott; .layer' cake, liglut, +.ins. N. Car maamgdlds, Moss' Brownest, E. Rfil'lert; ro, J. Dwvvrti'eI tea cpsy tirade up, lir.- y the stable an, r. O with a fine order
,and 2+nd; ewe having raised lambs in ter, Mrs. 'Munro; light,
tarts,,2 varieties, field clamors, E. Will'errt, 'Mrs. Fowler.; , Miss Livingston, J. 'Merner.; Get the reed -and -green package at trier fill the air. Ore rpart of faxen- already out of 'narixL The questiotb
1932, P. Dearing and 2nd; shearling' \Iirs, Elliot`, -R.' Reid salad ve'ge� table carrots. Ming, R Blair, F� :Bar- 'bridge sett, IlMra. Fowler, . J. Turner; your grocer's. Made by Kellogg in alin in 19 parts of milk o'r slweeten- naw seems to be whether CRL Mae- l
ewe, .P. 'Dearing and 2m �; ewe lamb, ter; talblle caTratc, short IF. Barker Aden, Ontario. ed water makes a goad and cheap Nider 'havfing . talk,ed them into itr
�a'oles, MTs. Metcalf, 'Mfrs. Carter• , bridge- sat, crass .'titch, (Mrs. itowrie; can now talk .them out of it,.
P. rDea,riintg and '2nd; wether lam'b., P. Scotch short bread, E. 'Webster, F. 'Mm ad• taHc beets, long, Mrs'• bridge set, applique, J. Downie, H. ,,,pray. The same mrixture may be
Dearing and 2nd'' M11:ridlet'on; layer cake, dark, W.i Carter, H: P'eauhale: table turnip beets, Fuss; buffet set, Mrs. PoWler, J. lett arcund,in plates for the flies to
FIGS F. Barker, F. Middleton; largest Downie. drink. Keeping all manure cleared -- --
Ste Stephenson, E. Foster• fruit cake H. 11
Bemkslhire--- A,gla :boyar, T. Snow- p ' squash for fend, Mrs. Hleyw+ood, H.' Bedllro ,Hemstitched slheet wit . FARM NOTES away- from the stable and yard's will .
D,eujardiroe; (buns, E. Merner, Mrs.
den; 'brood sow ,hiving littered ,in Elliott; tea biscuits from baking Truernnaer; large English Potato on- monagramr,- Miss Livingston, Mrs. To Investigate Barley Value as remcvo; breeding rpllaoes for the flies Y r>"�-
19391, T. 'Snowden; ,saw littered in ow.der; E. 1ie'rner, Mrs. Addison; ions, W Decker' H. Tiuetnm'e'r' large Howrve; pillow cases, hemstitched u and reduce ,the nuisance. Where it
with rnonoararn,, Miss Livirngs on, Poultry Feed. y R
J981, T. Snowden and '2nd bc, :r lit- ,:wren herntr.•ts, Mrs. Carter, H white onions, F.. Barber; large red b t H. is not convenient to move the manure r� a:
° tend in 19;11, T. Srro.vden and 2nd. Taug'h; cookies Mrs. Elliott, Mrs'. om'r°Ars' F. 'Barker, Mrs. Coater; largess ply e,roid�ery, E. A report fear NVinnupeg 'states to the fields, it should bo kep in a yy� / s+ l t
Yorkshire-ukg'.d 'boar, S. Alton; yellow onionrs, F. Banker. Mirs. Hey- M;ea•ner, 'Mrs. Howrie; ' pii'llow cases, 'that thre National Research Council screened- sited. ;'aa'; ..,as.
C'a'rver; plain muffins, J: Turner, E.
• brood (sow l'i'ttered in 19'32,• S. Alton, ', "_ H. wood; red tomatoes,, A. Whilmer, Mrs. lac , 'trinaned, handmade, E. Merrrer, j>,:.:.� - Y
_ o�..e_ ; sccries, 'Intra. Addison,fttler, eras made a grant of one thousand r';` %� ,
E. Webster; boar littered in 1331, S. + rCarter; yellow tomatoes, O. Ba v
Tour Inter, loaf Mrs. VL oo'ds, Mrs. E. Foster; ctzntains, lace fiximmed, (dollars to Professor M. C. Herne Weekly C'rop'Report. <t a ,; y x ,:
Alton and 2nd Sow littered in 1931, J..Srberliang; lar2;east tdmjatwess,', H'• home imle, M,rs3, Fowler, 'Miss Liv- o: the (Manitoba Agricultural College N ' z,,; % ! ;�xMi3�%
1 , •aic'.t; app -la ie Mn.Elliott, H.
'B. Alton' and 2nd. P , N,edh, O. Battler; Gherkins; O. Bat- inrvsban; towels, Embroidered, E.'Mer- in his investigation to' determine the ,From Peel, Middlesex and other a '�� �" �
P.orrke; le'man pie, Mrs. «eels, E.IS
Red Pings-�Aga1 'boar•, S. AltonrT, y('r'I-5:rez•; •plain baked rbeans, Mrs. Ilex, E. W6bsterr•; cl-nuolbers for table, nm•, Mrs. 'Addison; towels, crochet value of jsarley as a food for pioul- counties carie replants of a 'heavy in- �R
,� � �yM x'
'S'nowderni lbroad 'siw having littered 112,tcalf, E. Foster; pound cake, Mrs, E. Foster, T. Snowden;'swgiar'"rbe'e.ts 'tri'mmed, IHI• Neeb, ,Mlis's Livingston; try. The study is part of the effort fetation of apple maggot. ,Only four , � �.
oar _ P. Cleave, ;Miss Browlieattt; winter r r "
in 1932, Alton, T. Snowden; dressing reale set embroidered, E, that is (being. made to learn whether, out of fifty-seven orchards inspected 'Jf :,s'..
r Carton, Dlrs. Howrie; mast Suitable 17eorner E. Feaster; fancy loci lam plat- in Peel were found to ,be free from � %,
tittered in 1931, S. Al -ton and ,nd; and appetizing cold lunch for one radish, A. Warmer, O. BatHler; salsify, ro cr not, imported- corn can, be die AE.'. r,
sow littered in 1341, S. Alcan enc. .nd; 11•rs. Tremblay, J. Tnrrrner; cabbage, ,shade, home made, Mrs. Wards; three ed by Canadian grown barley, as „•„a lir The 'majority of farrruers have de -
c. �o,n, H. Desjardine, H. Rorke, Mrs. >
x best sow, any (breed. T, Snowden: H r R. Blair, Mrs. Carter; cauliflower,
Addison; pickles, 1M�rs. iv. Carter, li eutzlbaoi,ered tea towels, E. Merner, live' stock feed, Professor Herner laved fall wheat weeding f°r fear of t
thest ,pair bacon I:ogs, any breed, J. T) a, 3 jell and $ marmalade, E. W rllgrt; white ceriery, ,Vy,• Adidis,,. ho s to get results indicating that Hsessian Fly' injury. After harvest - , � �a
Stierlin W. S rks. y t. Mrs. Woods; '1'1'rs, ,Cartier, mnrskmrel- ,Ghildmemis Wear - Child"s dress+ Iia ley can be used satisfactorily in cultivation is becoming more goner- � � tr � . r x� 1 9
Sterling, Pa H. Desja'rdine:, F. Middleton; ca cups r
Judges -+G., C. Petty, H. Snell, and meat sauces, H. Desjardine, V[rs, ans' H'• ��"n'er, J. Sperling; waiber- m die from 'old garment, J. Werrner, ar. poultry mations, in what form it aL PaxWre conditions in Wesrter'n :: :� \
POULTRY C_ wren; canned fruit-,,,'M'rs. Carter, A. melons, J. Eittue, E. W411emt ciixons, yjs•s,wler; child's play dressy -home should be fed', and what combinations and ;Southe/rru Ontario are excellent (� ;
P1yI rloubh Barred flocks 1 G. Lit- G. Litt'l'e 0. Bwtt.ler; plate peach made,, 'Mrs. Jervis, H_ Fuss; 'baby's should t•e made. and live stock in general are keep- f; , ���
(p 1\"artier; canme,d .egetalbles, Vers. Car- t is
tle, W. Stephenson, (h) N Keys & tom• A. Warnerr; canned weats, '_Vers. tomiatoe,s, Mrs. 1Mc_Leodl, R. ,Snowdaen; jacket and bonnet, croaheft, iMiisss Liv- ing up well in flesh. Harvesting tip= �� , �,;
Son ern, 2nd, (c) O. Littler, N. (hey, Carter, H. Desjardine; Mills' Special, largest head of sunflower, R Blair, iangk�tan, H_ tieerb; baby's, jacket, and 500 Retailers Patronize Farmers erati°ms are pretty well advanced' 'in; I, °.
& 'Son, (cr) G. Little. J. Arznstron:g: Mrs. N. Carter, :Vers. Tremblay, E. W Sparks; collection of gander,, bonnet,, 'knit, J. Merner, H. Rorke; Market at Toronto. all districts; corn and buc>kwrheat be- r # e �
Plymouth Racks, White, (pj L. herb% Mrs. (MletcAf, Mas. Carter; :baby's 'ba�tec-,s, knit, 'Mrs. Fowler, H. That grYrwers axe endeavoring to ing the larst crops to 'be taken off. .. " ��r'"'�.I
U'Bri•en and 2nd; (h) L. O'Brien, H. GRAIN AND SEED'S• Grie'/e, MTs, Woods; Rorke; baby�s bootees, crochet, E. lower marketing costs' and, at the The carte crop in 'the eastern, counties *,ter? F r,
Truerrnrne,r•, (c) L, O%(Brien, T. Snow- MT'hite winter wheat, H. Truemner, a we Marr°vv, G. Little, F. Bar- rl2emner, 'H, Rorke; handmade smoked same tine, ensure a reasonable re- is reported as vfery gaud and there
den. (cr) L. 0' r;en and 2nd; Ply- ke'r; greens Hubbard s,quaSh, Mrs. dress for child, J. Merner, H. Fuss; turn for their products" is exearrpli- should be no shor tage of feed this Miss Campbell's Recipe ,
M. Brown; red winter wheat, M. Rad- HeA. Warner yellow Hub- by the o r4tnon of a farmers' winter.
znouiiz Rocks, any other variety (cr er, H. Fuss; spring vwheat, M. Rader, handmade "Gertrude” embroidered i ed pe for Cup Cakes
barrel squash, F. Barker, Mas. Car- bab s petticoat, H. R.or e• - 'baby s market in Toronto. More than two t
and :p) L- O'Brien and 2nd; Buff H. TTwemmer; large white peas, J. g ' cup butter 2 cum �°� OQs
p ( P Turner, H. Desjardine; small whit ter; egg •plant, 'Mas. Garter; pumip- rarr� rs Mess Livingston. hundred jobbers and, rowers' are par -Ontario' Farm Products' Week. 1 capeugar (or ii; cups'
Or hingtons h, cr and ) J. Foch- Fe gs Jo g
erns, (r) O• Battler; Silver Grey pis , Desjardine, e; Rader bare ].ins, table 'casae, li. Dunn, Mrs. Fowler. ladies Wear - Apron, practical ticipattirng in this marketing system Arrangelim,its are being comrplet- 2 eggs bread flog).
PLANTS AND FLOWERS work apron, 'Miss Livingston, H. and, during the 'past year, it has been ed feu• the annual "Ontario Farm '/2 teaspoon vanilla.,3 teag�n: Magic
Dorkings (c, h, cr and p) J. Kochems .fly, 0. Battler, H. Truemner; white Bouquet, large, Mrs. Metcalf, Mrs., Rorke dress house work, Miss Liv- , —tract Baking Powder
and 2nd; (c, burr Land pr's (c aril h) cat.ey, . Sterling, H. Fuss;•red clover patronized by Rifer five hundred re- Prodkicts'W>eek in October, which is .., teaspoon salt lcup milk
L. O'Brien and 2nd,, (cr) O. Battler, seed, J. Sterling, M. Brown; sweet Woods; bougaret small, Mrs. Woods, irrgsboaa, J.!ii'erner; ladies' underwear, tali �erchatnbs. The mau�ket is open held far the specific pnirpase of im-
H. .Rorke; collection of Sylvia, F. ,',three pieces .Miss Livring:ston, 'Mrs. six days a week. Activities com- pressing upon thew ,urbacn resident the Cream buttes thoroughly; add sugar .
I- O'Brien, (Ip) L. .O'Brien, 0. Bat- clover Ise'ed, A. Warner, T, Snowden; Barlpr, H, .Bark collection of I}ah- gw�rie; ladies underwear, ail H. men a at five o'clock crunch morning weed for a hi' her r5orusv on lime at a time, beating well. Add yollm
ilea ; W'hite L ghorns (c an,d h 1 Miss timothy seed, ff. Des j'ardine, M. Rad- { •, c k, S g g mpt i ' of eggs and vanilla; beat well. sift flour
Browrrett and 2n:i. (cr) Miss Brown- er; yellow•. darn, Mrs, dine,waod, d0.- is Airs. Heywood; F. Barker; col- Fuss; smock, J. Merner, H. Fuss; col- an dare Practically over thfee hours capita off Ontario's farm ,products. with Making powder and salt; and add,
Br 'Mrs, Heywood, d, (p I G. Little, L. er; ell Dent corn J. Sterling, F. lection of Fuschias, F. Barker, Mi s. lar and cuff ,set, 1J. Fuss, J. Merner; later. The daily fee, to . growers is The (province, Iwidl The divided into four alternately with milk, to first rni=turr_
yIcLeod: ,collection of Pansies, F. handkerchiefs, assorted, new styles, tv enty five cents, while jobbers pay -sections for purposes Fold in slily beaten egg white. - Bake in
lett,O'Brien;' army- other ,variety Leghorns Middleton; sweet corn, J. Turner, E. Parket•, Mrs. Tremblay; collection of H. Rorke, Mrs. Woods; handmade bed fifty cents. and a specie Departmental organization
greased cup cake tins. or in paper bak,ne
. (cr) L. O'Brien, :Vers, Heywood, (p) Willert; any other• variety corn, H. cuMinmoderate oven at37s'F.about
',Mrs. Heywood and 2n -d; .R'h,adA Island Dresjardirre, Mrs. Garter; field' beans, Tti berows BegoYtras; F. Barker, Mrs. jacket, silk or woollen material, Mss. entative will have ckrarge in ,eater. 25 minutes serve warm from the oven.
. Reds (c ,h, cr and p) J. Kochems and O. Battler, M. Radler; buckwheat, M. W'00`d'; oalTection of fibrous roofed Johnston, Mus. 'Addis sweater Barry, Act Amended. There will be srpecial wtiun,aw-dress- sprinkled withpowdetedsusar-Oreoo4
Begandas, Mss. McLeod; col.le•etion of dart, wool,. hand knit, H. IVeeb, "Mrs. Announcement is made -by Aon. ing commllrestutions four merchants and and frost the tops Pan will find many
2nd; Ancorias (c, cr and p).L, O'Brien Rader, H. Desjardine.., ferns and foliage Begonias, Mrs. Me- Howrie; a Minister of in sonne of 't9ue larger place' aradies delicious frosting recipes in the Magic
and 2nd, (h) L. O'Brien, .H. Pernhale; FRUIT g° Anon, fancy, E. '1le7ner, Thornes L Kennedy, s, p Cook Book.
Cann • es (c, h, er and ) L. O'Brien Three Ibunohes Leo`d; Gearanaum,, Mrs. M.cL.eod, E" Mrs• Fowler; ladies' fancy handmade Agriculture, that with a view to aid- rwirth adlequabe 'prrizes given to rpar-
P PH. grapes, 1 variety; FO`Siter; AO'----, iM� 'Woods 'Mrs hard bag, J.. Merner, Mss Living Lng bhe pocketbook of the Ontario ticipating farmers for teams,, displays ► u
and 2nd; Jersey .Black Giant's (T e- Mrs. apetcalf, ;Ver,. VI'',aodf; celiac*;on Metcalf; Petunia.,, F. Beaker, Mrs. aton; ladies' dress, made from old- famrz'uer, the r,egulatrons applying un- of podbetas, etc. Co-operation of si
Tr*rievrmer., J. Kocheiris (h) H. True- of grapes, Vers. Metcalf; peaches,
inner and 2nd, (cr and p) J. Kochenz; Mfrs. Smith, H. Truemner; plum's, J. ,Hleywo i; ,house plants, Mc- garn-rent, J. Merner, H. Fuss;,home der the Dairy Products Act have beetz Chlann)berrs' of Commerce, Beards ' of �� Cakes
Guineas (c) H. Penhale, J. Kochems, Sterling, Miss Brorw'nett; prunes, Ml . Lend; Colens, F. Barber, A. Warner; dyeizig, whole garment, Miss Living- so amended as to place no curb on Trade, Retail Merchants' Associations r
(hj H. Penhale,'T. Snowden (cr and Sparks, VLiss Brownest; yellow crabs, Gloxania, Mrs. .M,eLeuid; four varie- stain, H. Desjardine. the prices which creameries may pay and other bodies is aesured'. Froin
Ir) T, Snowden; Black Spanish (c, .h, J. Turner, A. Warner; red crabs, B. of Anmrals not othervrise listed, (Men's Wear -Sport shirt for man in future for producers' cream. The the 'view +point of 'everyon'e concern- are delicious when
er and pl J. Kochems and 2nd; Black Rathwell, J. Ste'riing; Bardette pears, F. Barker, Mrs. 1letcalf; display of or 'boy with collar attached, H. Fuss; farmer is bound to :benefit from any ed, especially the farmer, this week
',Dino s e J. Kacherrrs, 0. Battler, Mrs. 5rrnith, ,FW CR�os, B. Rathw•ell, M2s- Heywood; py=jamas, homterrrade, J. Merner, :M s. increase•ti' prices resulting from stiff should -have very• (beneficial results.
r5 C ) Blair; Flemish Beau- Zinnias,' TMrs. lMeitalf, 'Mrs. Woo&; Carter; pullc,&vr siveater, hand knit, competition 'between • the creameries: made ;•wilii Magic {h and cr) J. Kacherris, H. Tnrenner, ty, J _Sterling; plat of any other'vai- Verbenas, F. Ba:'ker, 9i • He'yTrr-d• Mrs, Fti,w•ler, Mrs. Howrie• mitts The farmer has ,had little incentive Warning to Farmers. '"•
(p) H- Truennrter,pJ. Kochems; An-Iiety pears, R. thwelL J. Sterling; r Baking 'Owder,"'
a ' dalusians (er and e 0. Battler; Sil- ccllection of apples, four fall and six Gladtalus, Mrs. Heywood, Mrs. Met- heavy, Mas, Howrie, H. Desjardine; in the past tq produce special grade A warning is issued •to farmers of
ver H,asmbwt•gs (c, h, cr and p) L. of winter, .Mrs. Smith, J. Sterling ; calf. socks, heavy, O. Battler•, Dr. Grieve; cream and to maintain his (buildings Onitario'by JaJmes B. Faidbair•n, Dep -
r FINE ARTS socks, fine, Mrs. Howrie, ]'Liss Fow- and e'gtmpmlent to the strict letter of uty Minister of Agriculture, as ;the
O'Brien and 2n:d; Black Hamaurgs (c, winter apples, 4 varieties. J. ,Sterling,
�t. n, cr and p) 0. Battler; Bantams, Mrs. Smith; 'best comniercial box of l� o ler; handkerchiefs, hand hemmed and the luau, ,but the change in' regula- result of reportrs reaching him that says Miss Helen Camp6a% 1
an other variet c fie' °7ig`�' od. Met- initialled, ]las. Metcalf, Vers. Howrie. tions offers extra inducement to which a Ahs are canwassin certain ;
i y' y (c and h), L �tiYthern Spies, Mrs. Smith, J. iter- caMf, .Miss Living ton; mill life, llaneom�-Sprxirraen showingit is felt he aliened g' DireCtOrC)
OBrien, Mrs. h:tywood, (cr and p) ling; fall apples, 4 varieties, .T. S`er- igirral, oil, antras Iivingstrn , Dr. - promptly respond. sectdams of a province, with seed f
L O'Brien and 2nd; any other var- ling, Meet, Synth, Talrrran Sweets, patch hemmed, :vers. Addison, Dr. The mraximum acidity for special oaks for le that are quite capalble, The C%tatela ne Institute
Grieve lamdscca original, wader r
iety fowl (c, h, and' cr) L- O'Brien, Vers. Smith rJ. Sterling; 1dlcjnrtosh Grieve; specimen, fi,et crochet Il grade cream is not more than .3 per acre ,bo taheir clavas, e, produce- ►
C. Deihl,olor, �E. )tern! r, % ; Liring`:on; ��h rji x Metcylf ; tatting, Mrs. cent. at the time of being graded at ing 100 b shell to {rife acre, and for
(pi C_ Deihl, L. O'Brien;O`Brien; Reds, Mrs. Smith, F.+Middleton; Bald- fruit, rrr'ginal. water color, �• Met Fov,ler, H Nee,); fancy knitting in the creamef°y where •tit is to be made which -they harrge between $1.60 and 'rf-`100D baking goes hand iaa
;VIuskova Ducks (old) ,Dr. Grieve, H. win^, 'yIrs, Sloan, J. Stzrli•ng; Mann ca}f, Mme; Livingston; flava, ong- con, airs. Howrie, ,Dr. Grieve; into butter atnd the fat content shall $1.80 per bull lel. Mr, Fairibairn ad- t7 hand with good materraLs,"
3 IPetrhale; ('y-'oung) D,r. Grieve, B. apples, J. Ste riivg, Mrs. Smith; i.nal, •water cellar•, 'wires Lavin b•
Dr_m'n; Perkin ducks (old) R.,Snowden, Northern ' drawn thr--'ari work, .Mns. Fowler, .Mi.ss not be less than 28 per cent, wised than farmers 'before buying Miss Campbell will tell you. ,
Spies, Mrs. Srrrith, F..1id- bins. "Vfietczlf; n and ink dra LA g, Y f slzoi>vd get in ranch with their Drs- n r
. T. Snoawden, (Young) R. Snowden, T. (1:vton; King of Thompkims, :Vers. vt� Liv' � meg' vTra�t=`,n; r,her(rstitchin 3 art That's wh Mn is Bakiri
Living. ton, Ii. Fares dravrtrsg, Mrs. Howrie, "fl;• P.,orke; cut work, H Western (Cattle Purchases. . strict. Aagricultural resentative or y g g
Snowden; Rouen clinks (young) T. 'Smith, Miss Browntett; Greenings, cra or lead BeF
y'°n point, I 'd e' aH+ tiFx� , H: Fuss; tarry work in Arrangementtg have been conclud- the nreaaress+t Experimental Farm. ,He • a. Powder is used and recommended r
_ _ - .-_. _-_ _, - -. _. ____ _� ___�_ _ �- Petite Point, riot h-sis than 18 inches, ed by H*n. Thomas L 'Kennedy, Wm- also stated that in a number of conn- by The Chatelaine Institute-
• M?f s. W.�,dr:, ]'Ian Livingston; Petite isvter• of Agriculture, and the C� nad- tie's" the :Department is doing special Magic meets all the Institute's
1. lPoint picture, wool, +'✓ins. Roas, Mrs. ian Bankers' A$sraociation whereby On- wlork own oats grown from seed that rigid requirements of fine quality
• Howrie; tiross svtitch, Minas. .Metcalf, tario farmers will be able to borrow -is Tree from' smut. In these partieu-
' Q�% 31ias Irwin-grstvn; Irir,h croehe!t; Ms•s. money act 6 per cent. with which to lar 'd@stricts these is ,plenty of seed -repeated tests have proved it y ;'
Keep that drain �/(��/(/�• • . Ml Et a.if, 11i_�s Living,9Wn; aanvoer purchase feeder cattle in the West tc In eet tih'e farmers' requirements. absolutely pure, uniform and ce-
A inhu-r. mg $ape inen r!f straight rbias and (bring them ,into this province; Use of inferior seed there would up-' pendable.
'r end 7,-cr,rn,,reA darning, Mrs. .Metcalf, either for local sale or for purposes set all the De,partmient''s work. The majority of dietitians and,
. .,, r r Li'', irrsron; r�arnirtg rrn vx,rn %f export ,marketing, bt is also an- /,/ . - / I 'teacher5;of cookery throughout
y ' / l%1 /% , ,, ser, DT. Grieve, H- Rorke; best as- n+aunlced that W. J. Neely has been Canada ran their recipes for
t � / " rrrntrr nit. our rlbtxtn mrrvIties s�uitafble appointed by the 17erparNtment r'to, "' p
, /� , //ej1 1 %, ,; this- easy way, for gift, P, Reid, H. Pairke; assts<rrt• tr, WinliLpeag and supervise such puri- Men Of Wife Horizons Magic. They use it exclusively' `
/;/ ' . 1 .
„f % j%: °/�/ ///� �/ ��;;< % rrar!rrct rfi w'rjrk done },y larJy after threes arnc] orders as Ontario farm- J. S. 3. Haldane because they know it gives con-
.�,y�r� �, !�f ' 'iii '%�r. / / :, rv_ae*aiei•zg aye of 70, O., Wattler. os may place in the West. Printed' sistently better. results.
'i"„ '�ffl✓;ref%r/% H,rnc Tamrfartnr. P,erlsprearl, rrns time being sent to e�erF branch J. B.. Haldane, greet British bio-
...:.,.., gid3outof4Canadiarthouse-
/. i/' i%/,/f � r f colrrrtd, s;mlrn-uirtrer•;:, M;ni- Fllivtt, H. bank in Ontrno and any farmerr 'm'ay chem sat, nwoiv visiting bhe Unitedl.
. Gi llett s Lye dissolves � Tou lett ; }',rs�rread, tufted in dandle sector a cattle e
, 'x ; a wives say Magic is their favorite -
by going to a bank man- States, is the only living tureen test y
r 7!ck O. P,ax.tk-r 1>9d -area.), applique, ager, making satisfactory arrange- tube. He ate an ounce of ammonium It outsells all other baking
f rj/� , ,/'/f/,�/f,�l,, �:•; . !r�isv>f 'l,iviraKsrtc,n; quilt, m,eribs for purchase, filing eller the tip- chl•orad'e a :day, survived i1:, learned a powders combined, )
�� clogging grease and cotUm, eluihimgg and de-KiKn.Pd corwAri , plicif lon and forwarding it to Mr. lot abolrt tetannus and saved children's Remember -substitutes are
I e,md, X Yadeer, W. Decker; gtfilt, Nerely in Winniperg. Should a farmer lives. He remiained for long Periods
�" ' g personally (buy in a tiny roam with aim charged with never a good. Do a5 the experts
T,atr•iaed, cloth, Dr. C;riNvH 1M. Rader• 'dIe's,ire to o Wiest and g
' never harms enamel.. ' ' 1 do. Use M� is Baking Powder_
f,• rr •� /� cornf<,rtr:r, itarnwrrw�rle, fancy, W. the smock, be will find Mr. Nee]Y's' cartoon rdiexi'dle - studying fatigue. g g •
,,,/ % Dct ker, llrn, (; rtr-r; rr,rre(Prte home services at his disposal. Tracing effects of acid, :on the body, t
�r11 I /r i% i rrrarle, lrrrrrfe (1t,vJrt, :sM.rr,r Carter, B. Honey Export Market. he Abe daily three ounces of 'bicarbon- Free Cook Book—When you bake
r / r�// ' < ' ' at 1 me, the new Magic Cook Book
r ,. ,' �ON T run up a plumber's bill every . Foster; <;ror•h$t AYKltdir fry colored Hem Thomlas L. Kennedry Minister 'ate of :sada, following it with a tires-.
I, 'r�i%/� vrr,ol, Velure Llivin sf ire Th . Grieve " er of b7dmgchlode acid diluted with Vill Jive you dozens of recipes for deli-
�; . / �� / time your drain pipes clog. Fla K tr �, ci'ous baked foods. Write to Standazd
them hc;arth rug, hookexl, rag%, Miss Liv- 'watery 1 to 110'6.
ar 1yourself (`rtthrseasy,worl�leasway. ed, wool, lJ,rsi: Ilowrie r g, mat Hell' ....it into all sox Brands Limited, Fraser Avenue and
„ r angWym, M. 'Igader; hearth rug, hook- He does the sarnae *it)h his, brain.
' %I I� J sprinkleett' Pure Flake Lye rag He'll punt rt ofl intellect- Liberty Street, Toronto, Ontario.
i,`' s, braided, H, RRorkrs ;Dirk. Woods; -boot tu'al ',acids or alkalis ,and l'e't therm ;,: � :.....
4 I. r. /,� down your drains and toilet bawls each '
' : i �fi "r .,.. sair,�/"f lather mvirug device, 4VfrA, Fowler, H. work. It's one of the 'hest brai'iirs in �." ' r
l,'',./r' r , �i week. Use it full strength, for Gillett's "�".
a r,a fr" ; ///� / ���'jj�i Dcmjardirw; be'sst hrrrne 'painted art- Engi'and, bunt it (has a +p'oetical and im- ..
t, .,,,t• ,,.;:. ,,/ Pure Flake Lye will not in arty way isle for kitchen u"fuf Min Living- agin(ative effloraslcence which •eludes r
t °;. ....,... harm the finish of enamelled sinks or is un- fir, r,,
F iston, Mm. Ross.. test tubes. Here, Dr. Oial'dane
wl,IJ„. ,yr r r Ye'REE BOOKLET: 'roe lair- bathtubs. SCHOOL CHILDREN �, ique am the manner of this great Brit-
, tF' �^ / ;;s 'Blemt ea* y written of "Bayfield i,sh sle'iends'tst—a Huxley tradition,
�. ,y„ rett'e Lye aooklet tell. marry ways tn. Grease and dirt dissOlVe like magic. ,all Fair" by a public tschaal scholar, . ( perhaps. He carries lits sacienoe in ,.w. ma{ . .."
6{rr < •'<; ;;»;;.... make all your cleaning easier. Gives • gi , , dal
a grw a' k
}a l+';'',, ;j• ,.i:% �:. campieteinstructionsforsoapraining. Germs are killed. Odors banished. Your not to erceeci 100 words V. Wilds. a one ,pocket and his. belles I'erttrea in ;:� ,��
f e 11 A�++A '06r" -
/i <: for tree a n disinfectin and another. 11•(_16 ig facile' and gifted in
),r q. * h �•, �• May Murray beKrt d;rawimg, perstpee- g i +
yrfrr,', " �, '' ottrd wee on rile farm. write to stand- drains run free and clear. And :..there's Live, E. Rathwell' 'M. Middleton• bens t , � Englicsh prose.
4,t1: ' and 8rurds Limited, Pram Ave 8c r ' _ • He ig 60 ar
Mb tet, Toronto, oa4ario. no plumbers bill aifterwardst .clravrinrg still life, rW, Cluff, J. Steph- ` 7'yt'' sl of cgs, a bache'lotc, r'
s. Rabinwelbird pause narrued K Stec- t garden! ,,Aird' studying lsirdw .,behlind •'Conealnt.i. tib"
,. d
This ata
w { the old ash�at siral'Is of Mrs beautiful
µ� r f f a ovary tin Is guar 9ohr-
r your grocer it Grillett's pate linr collection of w'oodis J. (Murray, (I'•. C er4 • it a our elver a,rtoo that Ma/rm
smell H5 esisalbe If re
sJ� ,T, Tell gt E. ling -
dressed iloll, L. West- gets (him, to talk it Will 'lyes about peal- nntctnaPowdorisr�
d f, r
Make, Lye you want. This powerful lake C, •Mrxldleton• mounted eo'llec- L els; in 'w'hi'ch h,e is de il�yr aa'b5orbe�d, o room alum er ki,yr
"'IV! .. .., r , e+�pp kh—, ui tafr =.
htM,l;. Xfdver dIM61Wb rya tri het cleatlBerJ and disinfeCtaiit Saves house tnon sducatianal {ri'ctures, M. Mid'dls- 11atiford MaeNidor. ' t .. "
r r 1,1s sill'!e xfie aetlon of thou ler EA T S' 1�►1' R 1" � � IhTrafnaf'ord Mlaa•Ivl'rder, rest ret as• y , J?:. C
• tanr• 'drawing floro6cTs. ',birds °r flruits f 8fi
! ,r' 0121.fiatrtiW this Witt&. Cif scrubbba ilii R" r r
ZR ! �'
F g• rY ► .. United s t+as• milgisiitev to C da to • thaQs k Cep i, , , I - t
a "d, � y CtT. 'Battier, W. GIufI',
Y iJ'ti< j, rAd r44 -L - , .
�ad�l , a S
ft y{, l{I( A, I y ,1' J'. ;. 1 rb ., I.A� l.- �.. t 1,it, I: .,V Q ..
(;�.;1, 1 r ,,.rAt , w" , i'. ` , , : ,', �I a r ,\ i i '� A.':1 f , , f 3
,. ( , ,: 1 i
i , x!v. ,F , f - i
.,,, :, ,r .. ,. , ;, , ; ,,,...; M1 ... r. k „F' a �. y� _j ,k'1 ... i' r , v5 ,.4 ,. 1 } f(f
M )
,n pV , ;..
4 •
a :r.! .. ;�. •x... .v. a .. y., 41t.,• i 5„ l 7.�-„.t.i, y ..i.,
�... ,. ,.: .,, . .r. U Y Y ,., A is k I.. . , :,
,.,t i ,.f : 1 If. , ... ,".. 4 :, ..,. : .. .�.., ,.. h.. , , ,r, J. x. . ,. 4 {�a .. ,: ,[; ... ;, V.. A ...; �A�� f. ) i t x t.t M
� l � r r . n .,, . � ., .. . , .. r ... r. , r `f , 9 (, e i rtA 1. ry ( '1 f,A �'
J .V N I IN. ,.- 'f '!. "i � N M t W } k
x t. i . , ,1y+_JJ Na” yy e ... , , � � �. .. , � . ,. .. ,' .v-,. i I r {. gg XS ,..x r . 1 r , n ., r l v k .. ,.
.ia...9.1in,,,.,JA...:lrlaef�"A..h.. r, .. )'J.:�I ...i ........... v. r .. .. :. .. .... .. rnA,.r..a ...... .,, , ., :.. ,. ,r .-..:,I! Y,e.. ....... , , ., ,_ ... ,n.t. .... ..., 7 1.,. _. ,... ... .......,..,,.._.... {)..:,..., .h ,:2 �. 0_.. �..v, u, d,.....n....xnt.\.•:,,t_.,..t..t"d..,w..."1..,.P..,.a'..�.(',.,�.......,,fi: an i�i..,,,:i... tT1.r.,C'Y,G4,. ,.,A.u.�,.-.,.i.,N..I,)ln Ai.......,...1...t4..�Q4,...rc„,1..",,.... elitlP�r �.r.L.R.11lixFt ...1,R7n(t,.. v.. ....,, 'd'„t ...,... �.., "t, I: s: .,.. ..,