HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-10-07, Page 4.11,1111, ��'1.1'1.1.111:" . . . . . I . "" __ I
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11 - , . " i? I I I . F )SI" t ISeven ye Is ago he reUxed fmin . .
.1 . �- I 1. I ,.,�� I DXP� .1 , - I , I
, ;. ... . , . im ` N. I - I � I ,
11,_ ... 111.1 .1 s Leading Weekly" - buslnass� I .1 tale paper in the - R.1 , -
� I .. I - ' cra,pabde - of Us son, hl�. Lorne 0 FM I
-9 4 " .- stablisheld 1860
;,; 1. , Id'
11 - . � . � . Eedy, under whose eddbombip the St �
�. 11, '. :1 � .. I Editor. - I - -
.,��! ,,, � � - , 1�, . cPhail McLean, Xawys Joumal,Argus'has enntdoued - - - . I .
.1 , "'�% �.,,' .. — . : I . . - I
. ��:... ,, � I I
��;!!,��!_",. I ,� .
1'..., 1.� " 4 ed at Seaforth, � I I. L
" . I I _I - to grow and prosper. .
I Tlq!�Ms�k Ontario, ev . . .
- I _
Oji Sunday l'ist wi�
� , ,4, sday afternoon "th ffien
; , �. %; q.; by MeLean at n,yasa,ll AEonday. Aniong others the West. For fiotir years she wa.3 wid0w, her husband having died do at Grand, hen -Is teat[4.11
. ", � I " . Ui � 68, 4110 were H. Tabot, J. Peave, Jas. Re4 wi the staft of the large Indian In- yu,ury -ned the 'it -
. �
. .& ,,I�Laries leaa mi - I I�end and, *einity and rane Bea,wi. I 'OUT Onion kings SIX10 CIAllin?, in thL-
"' lkl,00l at Regina. After a wri. ing, I � . .
.., . " . I Wirm J. ,Sbinso,11, H. Weson and. A. -dus0mial , ght trade and pabibem madd Church entertwinnignts will soon oyp*ona gwwn in this section to get .
i�li' ., n IN EXPLANATION -win I . -' rest she ac,�!epted the an . I
, L , P:qbseription rate, $1.50' a year i . E, - brief interval of d was a thorougb ailwhanic.' He , be the order, of the 'day and we be- them in their stoaxlhou-ses and duriag
" �,� ,
"; ; I " An interesting and well attendle,d appohitment of matron, of the Crow- later lived ij ,y,earsi in Glasgow be- lieve a concert is being a-Truaged for the conihig monhha and before spring
1. A�dvince -eign, $2.00 a year. Single .
'., 1, . I . ; foi London, tOotbber 3, 1932. meeting " the lnt�Test of &6 Liberal stand Indian Boartding tSehool now fore, Conlinj to -Can&&. He built a , by die United 10hurehon or About the tume to gilIt them ready for carload
�, -, ,94riels, 4 cents each. . . . in .
. �, I . . . can&d.7t,e,. W 1-1 Golding, was hQd &amsack, ,Sask;, boith these institu- 4"11 conden.smg engine of, one-half 17,tih of this ,nioitth. .
,�:!. . . - Ecilkal; of The Expo.,mox. ' shipments.
Ili . �-: ' To the in the bown hO Saturday ev,-ning- tians being under the contivl of the hOr8epoW,.er,,�V�ljieh could not lie stop- - ,On, Wednesday evening last some -
," , .-Myertising rates on application. .
. , . . Quite a large niumber ftoin our vil
.1 "I' �., . Dear Sir: In youir issiue'of Sep- AddTtIsses of interest 'were mw�& by I Pi esbyteirian 0hurelt It can be truly ,ped by hand power. He could il%alke sixteeo of the frionds of Mrs-. A. R_ lage and vicinity ,motorad'to �hoth.
,'.'11��" 1. I. Menibers of the Canadian Weekly tember 301th, you mention t he fact the candidate, Fron. Nedisou Parlia- �,ajd Of Aliss -Gilmour ,that sihe gave any pattern for any maellidnerry noe4- Campbell, of our village, very pleas- Seaforth and 4uilch the. evening ot.
1: ` � ,
- .
11� .11.;.� Mwsfpaper Association and the Huron '.hat 15,0,00 words iz. "press repor.t,4 inent and Mr. Gx*y. Lewis Thomson her life to this Work, as it was "all- ed talen for. $t011e flour mills. Tbe autly soarprised her on the � ,
", N . � I ing beallfil, after 16 years of unceas- Oce"310111 -the election to Mu in celebrations
. , v Were sent out'of Seaforth by the Can, was c�hadrnlan- ,n,ejw,eT voller procerss, adcordling W of her birthday, bAilIging all AbUhd -held in those, two plams during t
k�., - ,,.� 1. . County Press Association. iM,qs�A. fti%tyre, a Strathroy, ii)g Wbor in -the C4,owstand school, he ,
. I I . � . . adian Nat�oual - Teleigraphs oil Wed- J'allin ,Scobde the son, origiilate4, in ant lunch with them and f4pending night. I
1% ,.� I — - .. , ith Mrs. -J. tlialt necessitated her resignatli(m. A Belgiun-A. In' the first famitV v%rere .the evening most pleasantly in, Dr. Gomge Blatchfowd, Of Glh*1 on,. ,,, *
"'. . I ,� — -_ - 11je:,.4day night and- Thursday morning w(ho, spent the summer - -.v
,, : _�',' I . l"t, of which 1,400 went -to the Lo�n Pearson, left for home - We&ekbdaY- epilfirined invalid, she had resided for Walliar4 Scoibiq, Betsy Scobio. (An- ewhre and In this conneection Miss iMichilgan, accompanied by his mar, I
. - Y.. October 7, 1962. don Advertiser. WU1 you kizilly per- .
�E. Patehell, teller in -the Bank cd the last six years aIt Wolseley, Where, jael�son) sod Jane Scolbie (Grarit). the ,Gibson and her lbroothdr, Murray, were ried daughter, Mrs. 0gdem, are lvdis-
11 11� , SEAPORTH, Frida
.. ", l!"." '.'� - is on - as stated on Fxiday last she -passedi latter hall, ing resided In lUppen wherL wnn o h r t p z
� , . , 1 � . —.-----,.--- - .mit me to ipodnt out that this ly 0onimerce, Was at his home in Ches q i ers � If t e fi S H 0. Mrs- itiog rdatives and friends in RensaH
, , . 2- frac�on of .the number of words !Vy over the week end, peocedully away. On Saturday, the Mn Peter Grant kept a .fruit And 116ampbell wais presented widi a hand -
t �� . I I and Exeter and ivicinity.
'. I '1�1.. B devoit-ed )4y The AdAerbiseji to the Sea- iMr. Gilmour and, Miss 0hristle, of 25(th ins,L., berremaims, were laid a- vegetable gaa,den, In the secon(I fuln't- i some table cadth And serviettes.
,,�:,: - 1, , The pe-Llection. Aing? I I -ts at G. Little's av-, w*y,l in,the lbeaultlifila Wodseley came- aly ch -y 'Ma e aml 1 Jack,Ddngwall and wife, of Toron-
1. ` I. " I favth me,L Wie ,were so fortun- Sarnia, were gues . I -ee broLhetrsi, John ,ew I ildren of [Maa cki On Wednesday evening -of last week to, are this, week visiting,t,heir rela-
.. .... ,teTy . Thi I Anda Charles Soolbde, were. MAry Scolbi. I oii his way from Exeter, where e tives, Mir. and Mrs. George, Fohick.
- I . ate as to gat aa Advance c*py of er Sunday. .
" If South Hui -on represented, tl-le , rd anc I - h - * I
1 '4.' I . inuch of ,211r. King's speech in Sea- Mr. and ,Mrs. Waah,am Musta I ano Alexander, attended the funeTal, (j�McAllister), formerly Of Parr Line !; had an Afternoon meeting in the in !Mir. and Ws. Robert � Baker Suld
,111 voice of agricultural Canada. and no , .
." �.,-Lh, and our reporters .were able to family left for Florida last week. an�g four naphews, Wbert Gilmour, -d latterly of Hensall And George- terests of W, R, Golding, Liberal family W eal-ndulf, ,Sask., have mov- 4. IV
�� �� ' 4. ' � ,., i � ' . an
I , .1. doubt tD a very largs. extent it a �i,rive home after the nioeiting �i, time 151r. .11. Ross is having anew house of Tu-dwd- Rolbert, Gil�mbur, of Telk.% ,town, oint.; Charles, the eldest 'the town line.
. ,, I : ; Jas. cmdidate, Rt.'Aon.. WL L. Mackenzie ed on to their farm on
,44 i � f the by-election rield ii! .o write adequate scoaunts,f* wa, I&C.; 'Alexairidev, Qhmbur, Of and John So6�ie. They lived first in% King, who -was ,to address a larrge
I . the result o 3T the built on Ilie site of the one burned, -
1, . wnshil� of Staxo1ey.
11 " �,, . this riding on Monday, October 3rd .norzi:ng edidon. I ,think I Aim cor- down a few weeks a&a, D, Harrison, KeystDne,'and 'Lawre�ce dilmbur, Of Toronto, near Which city the falther tryz-.s meeting that eveninIg at Sea- Mm.,Donald Clidshol-ni and sister, �
I ". -,-,:.t in saying that The Advertiser cKY Gaderrich, has the contract, and is Regina, ac -Led as*�Wlbe�lrerg.11 ill machinery at Hog's Hol- f th, t k In - e te, make a call on M '
;� 1. , could nolt be cou.;idiered in any other .,, .I .. , put in ,mi 6,r oo n rs. MidLeod, both of Calgary, who
.- 11�1 .. I Al, -oted more spam to Mr, King'o, rq.�shing the Work. Wieston Bros. did ' � (Too late for -last Week.) , lo1w on Yonge Sti�eet, North. Next- MTs. Mary Agar, of our village, the camie herre nIestly -two Tnont�-s ago to
. .-% I
� light than that of a severe condemna- h'xeber and ,Seaforth speecthes than the ,cement Wo,rk for the foundation. Mrs. (IZ,-v.)'Ha.ni1lt,on, of God-eriCh, they moved to Guelph, then to Osh- mottibei-in-law of �he late Rev. Dr.
I .
. . attend the funeral of their late sis-
" I tio,n of Xt. Bemiett's high protection did any -other daily ,paper. , A cottage is being ,built for Wni. -spent the :,veek end At the -Manse. Her awa, following his trade, of planning Ool4n Fletcher for -some 40 years ter, Miss, Alice Bell, late of the Lehr-
. I .1 I - y brucefield friend's were pleased and seitting, Up ,mIachinery. 'J,Ghn pastor of thoThames. Road, and Kirk -
I I tariff polivy. .1 Will you allom me to congrAtulate Rdbi-nLnon ,by Weston. Bros. on a lo,t man . don Road illear Heireall, returned lost
; � . Solith,141.11%)n is not, a.�3 many city you on the elean. and-vigorolls cam- neoct to, W. Cotbon's ootbage. ,; to sea h&r loolking so well. , � . Scobie was past pAx years of age, ,ton congregations and also some week ft thedr homes, having spent , .
. I �
1%i , gn for 'Mr. Goldkn�g wage4 by the The sejn1i-a=u;il moetLng of the ,(Xr. Hugh GilnIOUT, Miss Mary Gil- when the family "ved to Oshawa. years ago honored as Moderator of the, b,m,, nearly� All with their bro-
R� p&pers ,have zitatr,d, a, traditional. Lib - P'a" to, be, held- in molir and MTs. Janet Rose Last week, His father worked -in a foundry there Ithe General .Assembly of the then
k . era] riding, Twice in the ,past tweriti, duron Expositor? , It was worthy of Deanery for Muron is I . . -ther, WhIliann., on theho-mestead farm.
I ` the high traditions of you-� paper, Bayfield on ThuTsday, October 6th. recelived word of the passing of their -where he also made -the machinery 2resbyterian diurch. Mrs. Agur who The man:K friends of MT. A. L. Case,
I --ears it has ret'Urned a Conservative and no tionL Mr. James Gilmoul,. of Van- .
., ,,�nWl factor in the Liberal Prepara s, aa,e flxkng made for a brother, i. Iforr Stanley towaish4p sawniffl, called is in hew jolst year
, ; . . . _ I very much ap- G.N.R. Agent, will Tegret-, to.. lown '
_. men,joer, and also a Prhressive, Pal`Ws ',Mc'cass�- large attendanoe of clergymen and couver, who left his holme in Stamley locally, ,the,4%colbie Will. In 1,849 the preciated the kim�dly call And the Hon. I
. 11 . . � that he was taban suddmly ill on
I . jd;&egabes. Th-raugh b:,ta kindness of over -50 years ago, and also of the fami-lY moved from 'Oshawa to Stan- Mr.'King was just as much apprecia- -ladt ,on bis way home from
. .
.� �, A,nd ,with one single exceptiian, Yours very truly, - resbytertiane, thL -porning ser- passing of thei� sis-ter, � Sunday
, � .1 I . . the F i Miss Jean; ley witib. four loads of niddll niachinery ,tive of the pleasuref of meeting one Ails, Craig. where he, together with.
I I the election of 19-26i when Mr. M. W. 1ROSSi1E, vice of the W. A. will ,be held in Gilmour, of Wcaesley, Saak., in her � with U team af farm horses to each Ise bright and snilaxt for that ex- ,'his wif% 'bad been spending the'day
� � � � Thomas 111c'Millan was elecT,ed on Mr. Edit -or., The Advertiser Knox Ch -m -ch at 10 a.m. and dinner 7 1st. year. 3fiss Gilmour was matron � lead. 'The faimily Tode in -a Uglit wag- Iremedy old .Age and in, possession in, vlsiiiting rdatWw. 'Modicaa attention
.: �, Robb's I* -,v tariff,.budgett. (by a niajor- serivIed in the basament. The Ch Gler of an 1ndilan school in GrOwstand,! on wilthone blackborse, part French a wonderfully manner of ii-ind and I
� .
1. � was given Mr. Case at Exeter,by Dr.
� . I -ity of 1,153, -the majoriby on either' 0. . lueets in Trinity 0hprch at 10 a,m. Sask., for a long teriii of years until pony, in shafts. John remarked to, mamory, and who on Monday lasft was Weekes and labeT he was reolovedi
. *1 I I . . and -a joint service in this chur,ch. at ilier ',health fafled. She was a great t46w,riter of ,this article, his. nephow, Able to go to the ,polls and ciait, h ,
� I sP-)e has never ex6eeded 350- Pr to his home here, where it is befiev:
�1 - . , ' 2 p.nL All Anglican churches., . of sufferer but (bore her iifflictions; wifth Dr. Arthur 11-KcAllister,., of George- ,�6te. 'We. believe that it liad been ed he will The confinled to his room for
.1 South Huron, therefore, way be CelebratLm in Zurich fRu,Dn county are in this DeSneTY. ClhAsdan resignation. Silo is sur- town Ont., when visiting his unc e her cu-stom right up through the lo,ng .
. I . I . . . ) . 4i a ;m,,njt,h or sb, but we trust]�O.wid ' 1.
.1, .. considered fair tTgh,tdn,g grou-n-d and a I �6ivid -by eight brofthers and,two sis- jin Deltroit in, Dece,mber, jp�l, Th a yeaft of her life, rbo, ea.st her vote. .soon reecii,ler'his umal good hlealW. A.. '1�
.� I , , (Continued from page 1) teM Mliss Mar CAIMOUT, of Sltan- horse was a good feeder. She kicked ,both for political and municipal elec- IML-ts Jes,stie, Bell, of Toronto, L% *
.. ,_ f ai� con,stituency in wHch to toht pub- � y
)� . I lie opinion on any -policy Of gDVeTh- The stores of Zui�loh had been ZURICH ,ley, and Mrs. Jahat Rims, of Bruce- �me an tInly right knee. We sold her tions, And we queigtion if there is any spending a few days at' her honto
1 1 I ment. t!lcanei Of brooms for torchas and ��. field, -Who have the sincere sympathy when she wa,s 3-5 years ,old, and she other village approaching the size of. here. . I .1.1. PM . N 0.0
I . )ieadted by the �,ui-iah Band the torch Of !their inany friendLs� .
h , . Was still. alive at 45 years,21 The de- gensgil, where there- are so many old -Xr. William, Dabue�' bad the - nds-'
4 .And, when thli ridling on Mon0ay light proceiselon marched iil�o the, The Late Joseph Gelinas, Sr.---iAn Wiss boris Dubot, who has been ceased lived wiltill his, hunlily in StIdn- poo-pae, who exercise their franchi'". fortuire recently, ,while �idin,,r an the , 1. 4
I., � g ' - other Of the Well o spending t6e past th ii ley for About 17 years runiialing a We might in this connneetigon -be priv- rear end of a motorcycle, r1riven -by, �
.. �illaga., then Around thip� bloc'� and . . ree months w. h .
.. . * 3ast returned Mr. W. H. Gcold;rl � , of. ' . this sectdon. passpd`AwRy la -,t Friday friends in Oomlaer, returned to her 'water power sawmill. Later a steam ileged to mention edhe name of Mrs. William
. I Seaforth,-.the Ll�beral ,�andlda,l,-, by a Nvound Up at Dr. McKiuron's resi- . fle person of Joseph Gelinas, Sr., . - - . Slinale, to be thrown off in
, . �,, - ,home this week. : I flouIr mill wa Ross, wh6i through very critical the dito
11 nee on �Iain Street. from the'la�rge in t ' s built'Oli- Scobi0s creek. X I h when the, maclhine, strVick - �
I . .1 who passed amay At bis home in ., es .
i . majority,of 20-13, it shows pretcy con- ,:-, anilah of which the 1speeches were Wir anid INInk Jam* MooKfiL visit- ,Charles 'Scolbi,e had,taIken up land two illness for the past year, Had not
".. some loose grawel. Mr. Dabus suf- 6 .
� I iclusiveLy that thr, fartrieTs are not in rr a de. - - . D.-ysdale ofter a short illness in bibi ed friends in Goderich ,this ,week. oars before he leftOshawa. He had been zble to come down stairs in the -
I 84t.1) 'year. )Deceased had cowlucte � y fered a slight �mncussdoii of the braist. I
.. favor of more tariffs d higY-er tar- The pmgrarnrroo was u-nJ,Lr. the, �' ,We axe glad jbo hear that our ne- put in a eircul-ar saw oidtfit run by PeItty Aipantmeiit fn which sthe lives, Is,
11 . ILr. Gromme, is inaking first steam. The two outfits were'not run ,Vat Iwho ,on election day, with the fe1w days and Although Able to be I
� I . . �Lnl , general store at Drysdale for many biker, 1. and was confined to h' roorm, Aw a
iff-s, w1lich has b,een the policy of the �hairmv,w�.iilp of Mr. John Woodcock, med the fa
1".. f D,a,-,hwacpd, who directed P1,0cee(j- years and also ow n -n 0 rl class broad and there is a great de- at t1ke same time. When water was assistance of a couple ,of good friends argund again, is not feeling up to
�.. . Bennett Go,vernment during'��,e past �' with the salivity, -tri- which he l,ived. A mail of e-terlin,- ,,=a for i,L
- . . I I 1 ngn t and elo- character and highly esteern�d. he 6 I lbigh the,steain plant lavy idle. After Was able to get in and aut of an, auto the ,mark. Mr. ,SmIale escaped with
.. . . , ..., two years. ,:n:tr �e f n,r which. those of- his nation- Gornimunion, serviaes will be observ- leaving Stanley the, family of John and record ,her vote at our town hall
U. . I 'It is said that. no govewnment�can ality are so famious on the public. will be greatly -missed in the com- ed onl§unday at the moorildt ng service. ' !bruises on his, leg.
.. 11 7T I Souble, next moved rbo, Seaforth, where and al'terwardis to enjoy a car ride to .Services in -the Unfited Church on,
�., . ' . munity and by his fa�mi,lyi ,..e I's Preparatory -service will be beld on he was helping his father to put.up her former ,home, Brucefield. Sunday last'werc in charge of the
1. carry a by-election in, the face ,A hard -'StfOrn-h a ---
, . The Snea-kers -,vere Dr. J, W, Shaw, bu�vived by his, aged widow aud .Friday evenring at 8 ic�clock. andlearning to run a four,stone grist Mr. Scott Welsh, son of Mr. and
�1 tillies. That ma� be s,o �o ,i certain , grownup, famfly of ,iong and daugh- � .p,_,�tor, Rev. A.'Sindair. Communion .
I. I - extent. -Buit -hard thiles do not by an of Cl;n'on, Prezident of the FeOleral ters. The funeral was held on Mon- I IF - imill. The deceased was .about ,13 MTs. Thonias Welsib, of our village, Was adimWjsIb&red at the morning '
. I Y , � -Y' A,�,,,i,tio, of'. Sout1h Huron; Mir. J. cRaN . — years in Seaforth. Charles, t�e who -has ,been in very poor health for serviceand excellent. nausic �
. . means aacount entirelyfor the srweep- G. Starj'.-ury, Pie,sident of the Provin- ,,, inbemment taking place in t1e - KIPPEN I father, And his two sons, William. -a -6d 'the past cou-ple of mon-ths, is now plied by 'the -choir. at both 71�alsl= . I .
. . . Drysdal& ceapeti-y. I
� . �ng defeat of the CenscrvauiN,e can(li- cial Xqs,oeii�biorn; Mr. V. i,7. Sander- , , . John, d;esigned and built this' mill. much improly-ed and, ohlb to resume Next Sulifty, Gctobt�r 9, Thark§gliv-
ill., I � I . Fon, M:P.,'of Sou±h Perth; 11ori. Nel- The comeffy, �iTbe Jonah," will be ., i
i . 'date On Monday. � . , in the town boll'here on -Mon- rrbe sixty-fifth anniverrs,,y of St. William and John had- a filalf interest 'his situation as ,salesman in Mr. T. i7ijg services will be held anu a spec- .
� .� zon Parliament.; Provincial orgariizer; 91 " en . � in the mill.. William,was an engine C. Jo�nt'4 s4h,oe and clothing deparitm- ial thankoffering. The speaker for
.1 I I Rather was Vne result due to th,� Aj r. M. F. He. rii, .M.P.. Provincial day evening by the young people b� AndTelw's United Church will,be head builder. The =chinery was ,made ment. ; , . the dfiy will be Reiv. 'Mr. Craig of
". . . I Prou .
.� studied belielf of the fv,rmeo:s tha% Nib�_ral leader; 'Mayor J. F. Daly Of sipecial request. I on OcW.)er 16th. . 71he m in the local foundry in Seaforth. The The electitIm -now being i?,ver, our .
.- . .- Mount Forest, iNill be Live ,'"46'. Goderich, and -spe-cial milsic is being
' Rev. and Mrs. A. Dabars, of Des .
high expendiitures and high tariffs Sfaflorth; Dr. R. R. Ross, of Seaf',;�,h ' 1rame work Was made and all lumber* villagers and, those in Our district are prepaired by the choir. I
.. � H' lloi*, spent the Week end at the, herne vices are at It aar. .,,nd �
. . I were the cause ,of ,tliese hard time--. the newly -elected mem-NT' Nly. W. . Of the flo,riner's parents�, MT. and ;P i. -0171e. chod.r. who are pre- sawed from trees in Stanley At the settling ,down to the ordinary duties Friepds and relatilvies Of Mrs. Jaz. 4 - I
. .
11 . A belief which inci-aasing taxation Golding, land on,e other. ,-Mrs. E. J. Datar& Rev. Datar, occu- Paring 6Pecial minic for the occa6- Stanley Mill. All three men worked of life. Dilak will learn with 'r46gret that she
;1 'This one ather was the -,Peech of . together. This flour mill was runlor - __ was .taken seriouAy ill and is tin,der
... and un-prece,dently low, prices bn all the even-ing that' carried the Iyanc, I , led the p0pit, in ,the Lutheran jon. will be aslwi�-ted-by the. Northern. Our businew men report trade as
11. h P I Lig' three, years and cost in
ill . church on Sunday ervening. bt Quartette. . the neighbor- prettygood for this time of the year a do�&,xWs care, but at dble of writ-
, . farm ducts, ,have bee,n ,pounding. ard it came from Charlie FriL e .0, but on account of a
I I . pro I � z, th 'Milss Anna Hess left for ,r London Miss Philippa Penfold apera. the hood of $15,00 and Are hopeful of a good reindining ing, we believe. she is slightly, ira- 1\
�r . . home for the past, two yearg. 1�cst Grit in 18outh Huron. We don't z crash in wheat prices from $1.80 to . proved. 'Her `o h ,,*
1. I I rerrember of ever havifi heard hospital on Manday Sor tireatitlent of wek-1, end at -he- home in El-)ra. . fall trade and winter one as well. has
. . . The enthusissn� of the Lirbe'rals and � . . Th.o_-rany fr'iends ol Mrs. Edw&Td $1-10 the mill -was sold to M�arshall, )MM 'Callin, of Vancouver, w1hose [be -on -the harvest� is I
. . out West io.r
. I - , � "4 -1k. ' Charlie on -a. public platfo�� befor.-, heT eyer- Of Stratford, for $4,500, Aft,ex pa -y- maiden name was Jessie EldeT, ' a 11wirla agaim . . I
. perfecet orgainiza.-Hon also played their T:,)joT,, (nee ,Helen Dinsdale) met at .
I ( _ . . 'but we ,will hear him again all rigK. Owing to the teachei-e convention, inig theili debts they had about $1,100, 'daugbter of the late William Elder, The Wisisiion Band . of the - -United , I
� ' being held in Goderich this week, tho holmie of her parents, M.. 'a 1 'd . r . . I
I . I . parts. . The meetings addrssed by the Af,ber.the speeches' and "O Canada" i ',y each. -C urch ,held, rbhqi.r weekly meeling oq�
X . the Band, the cro-Nvd gave. three no school -was held on thursday And �), rs Robert Dinsdale, on !-4atarj - Me put his money in a bank hnd ,of MTs. Elder, still living, and )h .
, . 14beral lea4er, Hi�m. 1'%7. L. .Macken- , I a f, b. -noon last and.presenite.-I her wiTh there, tho manager of whidh Advised who for mia'ny years were regident,; Thursday c\fterni oon, the ,program be- .
11 -
i I . . ILity che-ers fOl MT. Golding; the FT,May. him to ,buy some salt well stock. He of .
� I �. I zie King, and three of his ex -minis- rh poditi I meetings he 11 .1, laneous shoWer. An w1joly- our village after moving in from ring in charge of 'M6Iss- Mary Goodwin-
�; . Lilberal Leader, W. L. �iackenzie ca here 3 n�,-(01 -bought $501) worth and, gave his ,the neighboring coulry, is here vis- Several pleasing, readlings were given
torS, Hon. J. C� Elliott, Hen. Ermst !A E� - . . I father And moother $400, cash. Slalt iting relatives and fri ciffition to theb*, a piano sel-
.; . . ' King, and anyone else,'that was sug- .��,d SaIturday e* 'Mings, .a�ilw. timle was spent, and hinch was
� .
, I
, . , . .
. Lxpointe And Eon. W. D. Euler, had gevted. we 'well attended, also 416 meeting. zerVed-
; I , . . ie King" at Drysdale on Sa. . M)sF- Mzrglier'le Macr,u),111d. of wells were ,,built in Goderich by Mr. lage and distfi,et, but is at prese-vt in ection Ties gkV,en'by','M'r3. W. 0. Good,
I : I .1. .. a ivery direct be'aring on the result, Then followed."God Save t! turday aftern6wi. Cirrieron and salt business there wais Seafqrth visiting Xr. and Mr3 Bell, win and guditax seldc.tion, -by �Mlisz
.. d the celebration was ovdr--ofi- !t is not ivery often that our village Su,!T.,ley, viiaftdi recently with friends I attraotdive. John Scobie moved to a that town. It is quite a nu�nber Kathryn Dirysidiale were all enjoyed.
�� but iIL*-de from the.;ie, the Liberal an' . . 1,cudion. I
.., . ficially. is SO fortunate in having 'so many 111, Godeii-ch aild was in the salt busi- of years since 'g,b-e lived here and Mrs. Sle-rvicc-, were held in Carmel Ptre�
....: party in South Huron owes a vely . ,. prominent ri-jen in political life Asit . 1-cial thanksgiving.. servtees will , nlem� The wri�er rec-Alls driving- 24 C& I
. . . greg . t deal indeed to & work of Mr. I I � .,as as Were here on, Saturday and be held � in St. AT)dTe,V-'5 1)nitt-3 llin -motes many changes, both 'in byterian Church o'n Sunday !set at -
. � , . .1 . . ' . ' M�onday. Orn. Saturdiay till, Hop. E.' C11"l-ch On Sunday. . miles , from the Old home 'farm of t,he village and as ibo the many who tho Usual hours ;and Wall thought out & A I
'.. Fred G. Sandersap M.P., of South BAYFIELD I - ,.I T 1�c W'. -,M. IS. of St. Andrc-w S Unit- J10in !McAllister on the Parr - Line to 'have passed aws:y. isermoins wetre delivered in- the morn
. . ,Perth; Hon. Nelson Parliam,c,nt, awl .. . . Lapoiute� Hon. J, C. Ell'i'lott, Mr. Dun- I Goderkh, via Dayfield, to, visit his In reading the prediptions for the Ing by tRev. Mr..'Rho,des, of' Caven
. ' - � Ting, od'Ohurch niet at the ho, -Tie of �,Tr.
i I. MT. R. J. DeAchman, �f ,Ottawa, wbo can 'Marshall and Mr. W. It. Golc -nd Mrs. I1(ugh Md�, "n-cles family there ,and saw salt be- coming winter, our citizew are at a PreEobyterian t0hurch, Exeter, and at .
. ,L r Boug, of now M, P., were here and on M,,,d,ay a durtrie nVil Wed- .
71 . were pres, .Mr. and M -Ts. Walte ' ' niee crowd 1 ing manufactured for the first - tinx, o pr,epare for it, As the evening se&vice by the pwAxw, I
I rned home Saturday . � ... � at his uncle's well in Go&rich. Here the weather prophats are pretty ev- Rev. Mr. Y-6wig. In. the morning I
: ent throughout bh� whole Winckor, retu P,veriling those present at the ,�lebra- resday afternoon last. A loss jr.isIt how t
. campaign, and ell ,of whom "bowed a having spent a week At tbLir surn- tion Of the LAberal victory were Hbr, was pre . sent, and luncheon wai serv- ' ag ' .
I � J. C. Elliott, MT_ M. Hepburn, leader ed. . ,ain misfortune ,seemed to trail af- enly_divided as -to a severe or mild Rev. Mir. Young addressed & mass
F . tact on the eo�icessions and a convinc- niter home. ", Ti-ochexgl 10onvenifion is bellix beld nt was burned, winter. I meeting of ithe SwUbath schoal at
I ing brilliancy on -the -,�latforms 'Mr. and Mrs. James Ferguson, of of the Liberal party in Ontar;o; Mr. in Go-diefrich som Thursday and Priday resulting in his failure in this par- 'With the fairs. and election olver -Caven Presbyterian Church, Exeter, , 4 I
. . Loodon, Were v,ith the former's F. Sanderson, M.P., South Perth;. Mr. ticular business. ,From Goderich he
I . . ,:� . throughout the Hding that Liberals N. Parliament, Lfiberal orz of thIs weel- and Ithe time for visiting the lake Rev. Xr. Rhodes exchanging for the :
. I mother over the ,week end. anizer; Miss Dorothy Thormeon left on went again to Toronto them to Tees- pesior.ts, our churches, Sunday schools Tdorning �servlice and preach;ag at
. � should not soon forget. I A n-urynber wem at thedr 7-urnmer, Dr. Shaw, of Clinton; Dr. R. R. Ross, Tuesday last for London where she I water.. Iffe also resia�d in London, and fraternal lodges Are looking for- LEImusall. I
,, of Seafbrth; Mayor Daly, cf Sea- it fo� I,Ont-, Where the writer again visited " t�o
. . Persorality, tK)o, always plays a cottages over the week ,end. Among forth, and -the victorious candidate, will attend, Western Undv'ea-, y r v ard . incretised Attendance and it At St. Pand's Anglican 01,urch the
. .. . I large part in election canipa,,",q, and thein were Mr. and Mrs, L. M. Day es another tem. I 1him. At IMooreibovnl atid Parkhill, as is *hcve,d that October and November I service -was ably taken by MT. Fjtsoii�
1. I when the Liberals of South Huron 'jean and Jim. Day, of Detrwt- Mv' 'Mr. W. H. Golding. Short address Corn cutting and silo filling is now at God�ch, he was connected with mfonths may be pleasant' and "Id -a divinity studen�t, wbo gave siowaa
I and �Nlrs. FitzgE�rald., Kitcheilier'; the were made by the above namied gen- dhe big ordejr, so we can expect salt manufacturing there, as manag- ones. ji,,1,e,rjy good discourses boffi morning
1. . chose Mr. W. H. Gol(#n.g, of C�Iea"' Mls.�*s Drouin, Detroit; 'Mr, and Mrs. tIpmen At a monsfte,T in"t-ing held, -bowery weatherr -till thd ' er. John Sebbie and flairdly moved to Xr. Robert McLafren, Sr., we be- ewnimig, the rect6r, Rev. ,M. B.
� for�h, as their stav&rd bear�r, they C. R -Will, Londron, on Main Streett . Mr. J. Woodcock s s is corm- I Detroit in I N9 a -rid for a ti . me he was lieve I. I IV
acted -as chairman, And the ZuTich pleted, as the weather man seems to, I won first prize in all our local , Parker, stUl being At his forindr home
�: l ersonality., Mr. Ferguson Carter, Who -was -en-gag- think'ra3n is needed -when silo filling engaged as' a tool repairer. A�ter his Fair$ -for driver in 'harness and bug- at -Dorchester, r,ecijperatdng from the
.1 I . . I Go-lding is a good platform speaker, ed at F. A. Edwards' store this sum- Band furnisbed lively music. is in progres . s. wife dked be lived alone for a ti=6 gy effects of hu recent operat;ion for
� ... mer, returned to his horine. at Clin-thn Mr. ,P. H. Jo,ry, audqtor for the I ii1ear his c,Mldreii, but recently, on iev. W. A. Young, wife and little appendicitis. I
�. . an untiring worker, and' a man whose s e � Ddpai�tiiient'of Highways, of Ontario, Account of failing health, had to live daughter, Rtsh, le(ft b,y mot;Or on I tMr. and IMTs. Mark Drysdale, ,Mirs,
I I � integrity isbelleived in, -by Lilweral and Hlsr;veq,t jilomer Th6rik-simi'ving ser- �wss here on Tuesday auditing the — - ___ - - With Golme members of his family. Satur&y gor. Westboro, where I .
. ' -- NLEY , they I W. A. %clAar,en and Harry Howard; 4 P
I . I Conservative alike, a fact which his vice will be held in, Trri'ftity ��hurch aceouff9ta ,of the Hay bowmvhip rodt 1, STA � I He was a staunch Liberal in his po-. intend 'to spend, a Week ar so. visiting I 'who left by Imot,yr the first of last
, � I home town dermordstrated an Monda,y ,)n S,unday moming at 11 a.m.. ar'd �Tst`em, . litical 1�esnings, a faithful husband with rel�ittives and friends. Mr. Young 1 week for Saskabeliewan to. visit re!-. I
. * .Nr. and Mirs. Garnet Lenover,
I . ';,- Sunday will be p,rent's Dc,shwood has the distinction Of of and ,father, and of a cheerf ul disposi-
�� ; -when they gave him the record rp.a- ,the foflowl W5aidsor,, aTe the gtie,sts of Rev. E, will conduct the s6irIvilicps on this co,m- atives and friends in ,the West, in
and child,re,ri's, day. having one of the oldest yoters in tion elven in face of 'grmt financial 'ing tgunday at Kn�j 1p.,e,b,yteTi t 9 to r re, o a �
; '-. I jolity �6f,3570. Bayfield's, Annual Fair -in point of South Huron in the person of Miss A. and Wirs. Poulter,'atthe parsonage losse,s. Whifle he was younger and 0huroh, at Ottawa. The , . an wri in Q4abvez he - rep rt
" Chins�tena Alllendo,rf and this lady .this week ,ervic,., 11 1, Oct T,ear
� . MT. L. H. Ra I d.eT, of D-a%bwood, and nurnilyer -of entries, Was a great stic- able And well, be was readly to do his .5 in t ly J,,rvOO niles c(,njpdete(f .
. � IMr. and Mrs.' ul John And son, Gannell Presbytezian Church *re wi R'is
� . - . lyreaking cast herr first ballot on. Monday for Ph paTt in mumicipal affairs, at One time be in charge of Mir. H. Strang, 11 on Fridai f,i� ........ it nilbst pleasant one
1. Warden of Huron Gorunty, who was cogs, , all records ard the
I I . miality in all lines WA, the Liberai candridate, Mr. W. H. Don-hM, of flilint. -are spending the of and -fthourt any'car trouble and very ,d %
1. Mr. Geolding's ,Gonsei-Vktive opponent, ". s excel1c,nit giv- Golding. . week with Mrs. 'John's sister, Mr being elected to GDderich town coun- Usbarne, in the morning, and by Rev, fize roads, on the Whole,
,. . !I g the ,judges some work to' select s' cil with a good, majority. He had a G. N, Young, q
. . ; v
11 madle a good figbIt against unbeatable !h The ZuTich road between Hein-sall ThomlRz 06binson, and other friends ,f Nairn, in �he even- Our ,motor garage men i-aport -a
'I'll e p,H7 Winners. The re,,.e'?;ts for . . marvellous memory and his passing ing.
. � 9 far
.1. . 49,dds. and when on electioin night in the day and Zurich is, receiivirg a coat of in this vick4ty. fallim off in the tourist tranic go I
�, Were a little less than last removes Another of the raplidly dimin- 'I'lle Youths" Welflare Club of Car- for
, Clinton, he made th& statesmant: ,,I yeaT. The weather being unrfavo,raj crushed stone delivered from the Hay IVIT. John A. Arnistrong and fam- the smiriver and fall mantbs, ow- .
, � ble . i-shing early pioneer% ,who have belp- meR Presbytimian 0hurch held an in-
.. town6hip crushing outfit. The' ma- ily spent Skindlay with Mr. and Mrs. i`ngI no dorubt, to the genwall depres-
�, I likely -prevented a good many from ed to wake Canada the country it is., ,um-esting, -and enjoyable ineednig'on ,sion existi,ag. . .:
- I
1,1 foiright'a ,good clean fi,A,t and I con- attending the Fair, and the concert terial is oif fine,qualilty f,,� ,,ad Bert McKay, of Bruoefield. o came Monday witb a I .
;. I gratuli,te Mr. olding," he proved , � . . buildiing and sliouild- withstand a lot The Y. P.'Society of Gosh,m and good aittendanee. The The coming Monday, October 10th,
.1, � at nitht. "Mis- v�a,s clakned- by miany
. ..
k,! I �, . Bi I from England, near the Londo,n p
bimseLf a�p ser and a good sport. to have been tbe be of hard traffi�. . Ake istidned on Sunday w1% much leasing fidature of the ,evening was 'being Thankseving 'Day, our places
�. .1. � ., ' . . st entertainment � . delight to an inspiring add . Bridge, was born February 29, 1849, lantern sdides on In-�ssifon work in -Of business, bank and -poet officivill I
: Mr. Rader has, this consolation fboo. vet plat on un,lIer the Agricu-It-oral So- . - - - I ress given �and came to Canodla at the age of I,n4,q- I be closed for that day. .
,. I . a by ,Miss Delient iMuteh, Of Goderich. . �
!, I -lad any other Gamservative in the ciety auFTkeel. The ,prograw.' was School Report -The following ,is ,one year. They met oheanother as Local riew's following the excitin.g.1 The 'heavy rains O& the past week
. PT' young'people, -and later on October 3, election
4,�;, r*ling, any Cabinet Xinisfter or even, ,Mdei by the Favorite FonT and BRUCEVIELi) the report of No. 14, Stanley, is very scarce tMs- weele, to. I thave made it ,very har,d f6r farmers
. . f(n 1870, were happily,married. She died Use a. slang phrase. �,,A!, scarce as I and others to geit Up their rOo+ CropS.
, 7 : !be well known crIme-dian, Wil,I)e Bell,
11 Mr. Bennett hfinself be,ev, the aend Septeirrber: 'Sr. W-Audirey Coch- I .
w , ; . . '- London. The fout ladies ara artists, Annive-mery services will be hield rane 79,'Haroid Jones 69, Aubrey in Detroit, Pdbruary 5, 1919, having - . - 46, 4
5'.1 date, there would have feeV nk) And gave exceilent selecti'Dn-. Piano.. in Bracefield United Cburch on Sun- Far"har 69. Sr. 111 --Mary Farqu- -proven ,to -be a faithful wife and the — __.. . __ — - ___ __
W , t ehainge, in the result. , �1,olin, cello ,and vocal deliXh -C y moth6r-of four sons and five daugh- . I
11, I . . . . led -11 day October Wth, -to be followed b 4ar 67, Kathleen Jones 63, Gkeorge ters,.tWO sons''Charleg'-and James r I .
� -, " I qent- In character songs, Willie a f "I supper. . Clifton' 5.7. Jr. ITI-34Mari,Ekm Kerslake .
� Pre I �
V, . 111� Bell 'hi -aught down'the h,ou;,e,, . howing predeceased the fatter. Those '' . . . . 0 :
�4,�. . . . Former Resident Di" in West- 61,',Eric Switzer 15il, "Sir. II -Ernie �. , 4� .1
q,: I living reside 171 or near Detroit, viz:
I �: .. r The Passing of a -Veteran (Intended for last, week.) The Woose .law Everdng Times of Talbot 617, Don Switzerr 56, Willie Fjm,ma (M I
i - . I �,Mrs. T, B. Mullen, of Detroit, who S<'Ptelrr'�C-T 28, makes the foilowing Witcombe, 44. Jr: 11-Lods Rathwell ��bklv), Wary Elizabeth, . I I 1.
I" , Newj6paper Mah. refprerilce to tifle death of Miss Jean 66, Jean Sp,dir 55, Kenneth McKen- Loubta (Knuckles), Annie (McLean), I �
'. e per wk(h Mrs, M. John, William. and Ethel (Girard).
"I I
t .,; '.., i Fergu,�on was calle,4 home Friday ow- Gilmour, formerly a .%tanley town- zle 42. 1 ----Mildred Jones. Prinler_ . I -
l :,:1 . �In the sudden. passing of,Mr., John ing to the suddan illness of her'jyu� ; !"On Friday, the 23rd inst., Domy Zdcl(enzie, Alvin Kerelake. 3r ; .
,. .1 �. , . I;� 1�11 , p: I I , .
".. � Eedy -.;vt his ho,me In St. Ma,ys, on band, Iliss Jean Gilmour, of Wolsely, Sask. Primer -Betty Switzer. Number on'
'1� I Tueaday, Sle#t,ember 27th, the Weekly Dr. and Mrsi. Ncwton-Bra,d�r return- pres,"d away. f.Hise CMInumir was in roll, 18; average Attendance, 16.96- HENSALL I
I N� I . I ,bome Sunday fmm a miot her 71st year,, Born in Stanley town- PhililJ,pa PeiRoOd, Teacher. - I . � I - - ' .
. . � newsTeper field of Ontario nas -lost " or tHp No other food'You can buy will give you
� . I to Torontr; And WiffiamFfnur'g, The ship, Arurm Cvdrnty, Orvt.,, she was Another 'Plionvei Paslses Away -in (Mrs. James Dick bas veen very . . ; rouch delicious nourishrrient for guch little
I .11 , � a veterall newsip&pe�! editor and a d,o,t,o, stueliel Dr. Lockws ni,6thod of I'lle of a family,of 14, of whom four his 89th year there passed away in poorly of late. but at date of writing �' cost an CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP .-the : �
, -
I riterr. treating arthri,ti 3. siqle" awl ei,ght brothers are now the Harper Roe-liftal, DeItroit, Mich., is considerably improved. f2tnOus econoray food. Every grocer gells lt. 5
`��';�,;. I versn:tile and.' able wri IRMO .1
."��,,,',, Wir. Eedy started life as a, public 01I Sur-l-RY aft"r"orn Mr, and living, heT eldesit brother, James�, of on Tuesday Septe"ber 20, John, Mr. and XiTs. George C;n-wm have Send'10c for "Canada -a Prize Recipes", - 1.
- 1, I
� . 11112", . - * Mnzi. ncouveir hia4mg pTed-eceased, h-eit Scobie, one-time Tesidnit -of the town- YeWrne-d from L r 200 Practicat, horne-tested recipes. I
, Goorge Fisher, Of Waterloo, left foT Ve ., ansing, Wrv6.; where 1,
I ,,.�` schwl teacher, In 1$84 he joiner]
. 11 �, . � .. t,b&,r h,o.,-re after .-petcling a f by only a few -day%. Other -niernibers sihi� of Sf.banley, ,%orulth of Varna, in thery had -been visiting reilatiVes and, . I I .. : ...
�� 46ho OW of the 18L �%tomas Daily right wi,bb N 'EDWARMISRUIXG � .
I � " , f?. F ort- of .the famfly are Mrs. Duncan Flet- HU f nie'ndst.
I 4 Mrs.
'. � � I born .......
,,`F�� ,qher's aun,t, roll County. Deceased -w&9 .
!.�,', MmA and in 18,95 purdhasted the St. F. A. Edllrard,q. � . � cher And Miss fHafgaret Gilmour, of in the city of Guelph on December IM,rs. John `M,dD. Wilson ard her umm
,,-,!!- " . -W ' , N, -s. Win. Rosrs and 23, 1343, where hi0- parents Cliarles a -P of s
" _,W*,y,t�J)oUWMIal aInid in After yearg Rev. and I S. Paul] returned oin Van'Coliver, B.C., -h tsiqter_,M3rs. Mio.s,o � � �
fi� , j St. Mary.,
, '1.,��. I ! R RU CX0*W-BPJ"
* .� wwt=" with it the ef. Mary, SIP.-ttUT6Ry Aftpr a vaeation spell.t lfli�,s Mary Gill-rour, of 'BrUeOft1d. Sanbie sft& Mary Maekie, b7% gecorild spent a few 'days -here. recently but N Sy I . .
�R �i.;. . I I 1, .. . . at, I I
I " : I � , . lzvndiorn arnid Toront,x Ont.; 'Thormas, ot Kelwblodl, Man.; wife, setbled for a time after comdn,g' have now returned to bbeir home at I
'A , . .,
�".. �'. I I .Wlm , 'Mr. And -Am. Allen isye an,i) s,m,, John, oC, Tumford, Pinsk.; George, of to Canada early in IMay, 1842� They ,St. MOUTY8. * .
V, Pl . . 1% , I I .... ..
1 � :. ; � A ift-o". "UthaPry and -e,'Mt� 111; of Windnot, we spenidinig agh,ortt t.i.rnle Teftwa., 'B,C.; �Wfll,iiam, of North were -,ix We 4m "id three, days, o7n ' Xr. and Km. James .,Smith and -1' � I I I . I .
.11 �w,` �', . - & WuryIs J,6urnal-Argup 'With IMr. ard Mrs. C. Wj,eli �r,i , Battldord, Sem,lc.- Hugh and Rvbert� the ,neeaft in a sailing vessel an se. , I he . "1LQA - -4--,
, i, ;. Aib94 dib CO b( chilldren� of Kincardine, were re t . I
�W17 Hco.tj
� - k"; . Alft'64*4 ifilie Ibeg odltedl and Mra. F. WoKe,nzimtr and sist6r, M,ip, of.Brucedield, Oni.; Andrew, ol Key- count of storMis 'before landing at ispendling tfh,e Week efid with their - _. _ W�IRC NAMR I . .
;� . most - 14IMiA --"----------% I -
1, t, I ,
1.� � , , ;" , Helen !MeNT-Ilmn, of Toromto, Are this town, Sask.. and, Alexander, of Sas- Quejbe�,c. Charles Swbie, the father relatilres, Mr. and igxs. William Con- 4kad ru ftpif 611 "Chm,do's I . -_
��,,"� VM d1k Adfth Wd&ly neWspapers in Wee, 4
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