HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-09-30, Page 6:-,X M��'I�ZJPTII 'r, 1'11'�10­1­1'1 �, , "I, �, , � Y 11 - ", "I , � - 7� , �i ­ - pN­,J-, I ,111 " , I f,��l�,p�,­�%,r -. ,�1.1,�'.1n.11".�',�,,�",I-"-Ir.w,�,.,T, ,11 . "T11 X1111-1111.1 ­1t, . ,�­,­ , - ,,­ �" , C � . I �fil'i I - 7 5 , ,4'� , � -,� 1"�1�11�111 "I F �Ri,,p IT,thw�q­ li,,1­11�10 , M,T I ,,�� mq","��­� bllf,j�­`§F.� _ T"T ;�-,�,,,,-�,11�,�7,�',4�,!�;""f�"!��,�..-�,'�,,����I."Z"Il�,�T,i.�li!�,T-�� � ,;?,,rftg-;, ,,'X.7 . .. .... t",'J""T, 1 I ,�.�, . , -!I,,"! TIW,RT,,�,!� '. , , 1'.',,� :�, � . , �, , ,4 ., , t, , ""i., ,,�nzi� " , ,�"!�,11.',`!' 4 72 , ,;.� ,� ��4i&,tl,',;�,,?,I��,�!"ii,"�l�,;!;,7!f,t,,',� �6 - � . _, '�N:111'1�'��' ­Aiqp� 'I"",.".�J�'I,J, _,,,:.v ­'111U14_. 11�1�1 4, ":!�,,�',!',,!!;��,,��.�,(Z�'ll�,.�,��40,��4i�,,,,i�;lm 441, "I .... .. I"�"tIF4,;��.'Olj;t,4�,*"k;i�,,'.,,if��k� .. ... . K%',`;`,'�Ij�;,�,;M �"'��,���!lf,�,�iig"�'.Ili,,�,, iikA!1,$._ , ,, - � 'i P . . I �:� " �, , -,'j�1:0,,'� ,,, :; . � ,,I,,- ,q, _N1111111.fIt". 1, ,)Jj�'W�,il � ,�,,', F , ,11j,�,)'��'%"�,I, � 47; ,,,,,� , �X­,,,I�jpyq,.- � , , ",q,�,r�"T'fd,'�.,q.-�-17�r.,--I -"4,.-,�'P".--�'-"--�,�"'�i'F�,�""'-r,p.�,���l,���,�%�,�,�"-".;F i,&,�jl,� ,��j'�,�il,,,,,,7.77'77'q'�.','i�,!I� -r.�'1,' ��'t'�, " �li'7��lli�'.."",",":��.-,�ll"!�;,�lI �;�fllii'1111;­ . ` �,,� 10 ,��,f "'j3,1, . , , 1,j��,;t ,, "; T , 1!0­19111T',!",�", . - ,,I ,� �,��,�" "" 4i::v�.1:. ­, � ,Y,.; ,1� I , , I I ��qj,5403' 1 .�,% � .�,�'P. , I , , _ �,, .,�� , , �'% � ", � � I - � I , �1� 11�1 �4,j. . I � _111�,b I '. ,�, " �,,,�,,, o, �, % '17y, 111`�T_V� � , . ,, ,,, I P ". I " , ,,gq7,,,,(o - - ", - " , . "' " . . ,� , 'T. - � `�, � .." I, �� I i , .T , r .1 0"i I� ; I � . ._,1K­7_J­,­;�, "' po,­� , . I ; , ,�,��, . -, 6 . _ , . '. , �;d " V ,� 1, � 1: , �;�;, -I' .-"Pl�,.�il.Irli.,�IA,'.'$.�),%����,ff,il�� �� T�P .1 1�;. " . 11 I Ili VIP ": 1. .1 I,,,�, 4,,.j. �, , ` I - 1. " ,�,� �. -111, z,�� , . �l . . I` - , " ,,--.,�', X 111. ., .1 "I'VY, 1.;�, 1i 1, I I , ,I . I . . � 1. . . I I " " � , . . , , 1, W�;'! ,,�;,`,"i �`K"�',,�P, I, IV, , .� ­� I., I ; I, . . , I .1 . 1, IN ";, , 'J I I . , I 0 I . .. . I � . : I", 11,� , �, "S�51.1_ ".. " I 1. , 1i � , i`�1'1 ,!" 1, . ­ I I "11� I �; I 'r. � I , . 1. - . 11 ! , I . I �, I .: : �,� ` � r�r ,. , ,i', � , . � . I .. I I K, ��O' � I .'' I � I �- " I I , . I .. , , .. . . I " � � . � . I I , It �, , . . I � .,I.- . 1,;� . . F . , �' I , , : , " � "'o , :1, . XT'OI 7j:�4,�TI77, . S,Iql�,ri' , ".II, �1� , q , ",������,�,,,��"i���,��'*,����k,� . : ,�, , ,� � ,,,�t" �, � , � :"I , � I I , ' . I . . I . � I �, � I I I I I , . I . . . . . ­ . I .. � I I I I . . � " : � . ,. --, I'll i . ,, . � : : . � . . � . . . . . . I ,� . . . I � . � I I I . I I I I 0 ; .. . . , __ I � . . � � � � . I � , I � E six I 11 - I .1. I I'll 1. I., . t __ - . 11 - i I . I I . I I . . * THE HURON EXPO. , I O_ 1P I — . ­ 1� . ­ I '111 ­ I . I I 11 .41 I �­ 11 ­ .11 � I ­ 11 - � I , � — I I I I . I � , �.,,� , SEPMAMBIR $0, 1032. ' I � . .1 . 11 I. I 41�'� � I I .1. ..... . ` li,�,,`,,V�,��i'i,,��,' �� �.!,',�, lf�� '_,,�., ,i,. i �10 ", A '% 1 P,'� ,,�,� I 1. � " ,�,,,," ��'_FORTR FALL FAIR i'�; 1,,�! "I �,�' 11; i , , ­­'. . .� C t. nued from page 1) 10ta!"d ,�, ��� ` "' ", -,;�' , ,� , , % ,� ., " , , : .�;', SHEZ,P 'i, �V. , 4 . 1.�II I ��1111115 llw­­_ I pshiredowns-Ram, 2 years o I I "S �,,� I , , 1,� ,. III" ,, !�,'� �-- � v,,er, R, D. Hunter & Sons, Job � ,(',�,, u�� ,Q 1 year o -1, �, 0,q,i�"fl`, � ; ... t Thomson and 3r4; ram, � , , � ��e, & So ri, 1, It , r, - Alid. under 2, R. D. Hunter , ��i,�, '. . ,I� "I IIIN �:, X., Thomson and 3rd; ram Iamb, und , " 1, , , , , 3.� I il � ,,� -: I - year, 11 D. Hunter & ,Son- and 2n 4 I, IN ., 0a i " �'k, 1.1, i " ��;,k" I 1. . -:.". J. R.-ThoeLson; ewe having lamhed . A''. �­ , , 198,?, J. K. Thomson, R. D. 'Hunter I 11 �� . �� , !"..", ,, ew , ,�:,V: ��. ,,�,,, . 8ori, J. K. Thomson; shearling, I . J. K. Thomson and 2nd', R, D. Hunt � P�',�� I ". .,�,,�,, 12"''I'. � & Son; e�06 lardb, J. K. Thorkison, _p-- . I f,�,� �,, 11"l �V;.11 D. Hunter, Orva-1. McGowan; weth � I ji­ty ,*, Son ,� ,,�;.: .... Jam J. � _b,'_J�.� D. Hunter & I , egr(� "'.". Thomson. �,§Z:,�, ,�.-,, , SoiAlidowns-Ram, 2 years old %",�;, . 1. 1, 1, . I I over, John B. Kennedy and 2nd, W . "'. I . -er t-% ,,, �, I ,- ,11111 Nott-, ram, 1 year old and und So" E.. f-,", �� RII, 1 J. B. Kennedy and 2nd, J. K. Tho. -nder I year, J. ""t" ,� son; ram1ani,b, u " , I � � , � W-- .1 Kennedy. and .2nd, J.. 4. Thorfts( E't �', , .ewe la(mbed in 1932, J. B. Kenn i�. � and 2nd, J. K. Thonison; shearli I ,f* ewe, J. B. Kennedy and 2nd, J. �'.' 71lomson; ewe lamb, J. B. Xenne ,. I :. .and 2nd, J. K. Thomson; wether lai J. B, Kennedy, W. M. Henry, Ephri �,�,. Suell. , I;. I Lincolnso­-Ram, 2 Years old or o :1 I� Wrn. Goddard, Thos. M. Snowde,n a I � I 1 3rod; ram, 1 year old and under t . !, . y 'Wim. Goddard, 'Geo. Penhale, T. � %. .Snowden; ram lania, un,der I Ye p� I � Win. Goddard, Geo. Penhale, T. -Snowden; ewe having larabed in RD Win. Goddard, T. -M. Snowden, G 11 �' Denhale; shearling ewe, Win. G i dard, Goeo. Penhale, T. NL Snowd a i" ewe lamb.. W(m. Goddard and 2nd, I , M. Snowden; weth�er lamb, Willi 11 � Goddard, T. St. Snowden, Win. G I ­ dard. . I . 1. Leicesterrs Ram, 2 yea-rs or o . Ephriam Snell, Roy Popper & S I—- ­ . Tani, I year and under 2, E. Sn . R,op Pepper & Son; ram- lal ' irb, un .1 I year, E. Snell and 2nd, Roy Pep � I & Son; -ewe having lamlb�d in I I . I F. Sneill and 2nd, Roy Pepper & . ' ' I . sihearling ewe, �E. Snell and 2nd, � . . I Popper & Scon; ewe larrib, E. S I 11 Roy Popper & Son:, E. Snell; we I ,., Inmb, Roy Peppelt ' � & S�on; E -ph. Sy � I Domet Florne-d-Ram, 2 years , . -over, P. E.� Dearing, Charles D I� ook . G-owar? ; rafrn, 1 Y � br , Orvial W $ . I 'and under 2, P. E. Dearing and .1 . Charles Danbrook; rani lamb undIi 11 I d 2nd, Cha I o � Dan -brook; ewe having- . lambed , I nbr I . I . JW2, P. E. Dearing, Chas. Da� .1 . � 1� and 3rd; shearling ewe, P. E. D I in- and 2nd, Orval NicGowan; , . . 1�injli, Chas. Danbrook. P. E. Dexr i:. I Oroal -McGowan: wether lamb, C .p . - - , I . Danbroak, ist, 2nd and 3rd. f . Oxfotd,s-Ram,,.2 years old or o ,I I W. M., Henry and 2nd, S. J. Py I I . Sons; ram,'I year and under 2, W Henry and 2nd; ram lairrAb, under 11 I -year, W.M.Hoeniy, S. J. Pym. & I I W. 3T. Henry; ewe havirg lambe i I I , 1032, W. ,M. -Henry, S. .1. Pym & ( , 1A, 211. Henry; shearlin­� ewe, S ' I . r- �;-m & Son - W. M. Heiixy, S. J. . . I .6i .son,; ewe larnb, W. M. 'Henry . .1 I 2-nd7 S. J. PyTm & 'Son; ,A,ether' I I I . � S. J. Pym & Son and 2nd. � . �.. I PIGS � . � � . t ' ' I I 1. Yorkshire-��Boar, over I year, 1. . . ... . . fred H. Warner, Jas., Powan, W .� .. I I Ti i nraull; fboar littered 5ince S,in I . . I - �_,er, 11931, Wilbur TuTnb-411, JE �, Cumg,i­arld 3rd; sow, I year -)r " Willur Turn1bull. Jas. Cowan an,l - 1 suw littered since Septerthb�,r, . I 'ANI)bur Turnbull, jas, Cowar., .1 ,; 1�1 . st'n,mg. . � . B-n--rkshirf_--0oar', over I vve-zu, . I 1, W. Venoor and 2nd, T. X Snow 1, - I . II(ar litter�,d since Septerrher, . � . r. IV. Vernor and 2nd, T. M. S '.. d -n; sow, 1 year ol cover, E. "A'. Ve ; ,a-i,1,.!nd, T. M. Srowden; sowt litt I, - sirce Septeirr.ber, 19'3.1-, E. W. '�e I and 22nd, T. M_Sriowden. � TaTirworbh�Boar over I ,y it Douglas & Son .and 2nd, M -L - , Bites.; boar, littered since Sept.�i * ) I . ,, :f`:1, Douelas & Son, and 2nd. � son Bros.; sow, I year or over, f il. las & 'Son and 2r.d; sow littered Septekber, 1931, Douglas & -Son I 2nd, 3TA-mon Bros. . I Bacon, Hogs Pair bacon type I over I&O tbs., Douglas & Son, J I - . Stirling; pen of four shoats, 7 14DD lb -s.- each, 'WilbuT Turnbull, Ccowan. I p - Judge-4Mr. Bingeman. "I I ' L . I POULTRY I Brabams (c) Al. A. Fraser, . I Wils-on, (h) T. C. Wilson and . (c-rj IN1. A. Fraser, T. C. Wilson I ^ T. C. Wilson., M. A. Fraser; B 1, - Rock-, (c) Jacob .Battler,, (h) � . Wi.'L-46n and 2-nd, ,(cr� Arnold H � (p) Arnold Hkigill, Jonathan H I I WIiite Rocks (c) Lloyd O"Brien, Truenmer, (h) 'Eloyd O'Brien, L I erland & Bentle,.y, (er) Lloyd O' ound 2nd, (p) LlOyd O'Brien, Mr 1. Brunsdon; Buff Rocks (c an, . Lloyd O'Brien;, any other vo ,� Cwhins (c and ih) T. -C. Wilson I 2nd'�, 80vier Grey Dorkirigs (c) r " ,� � Kdchays, �M. A. Era—, (1h) , . , Kodhern and 1,)-nd. (cr) ;M_ A. F � � .John Koche7n, (,p) John Kochen I I . 2nd; Blazk Breas-ted Red' Game I �. . Laithwaite & Sons., (h) Roy Laithwaite & Sons, (p) Roy B . Douglas & Son; A. O. V. Ga,m - I I . Roy BultsonI, Laithwaite & ,Sons , -h, c , 1� Roy Butson; Langshan-P (c, .". p) M. A. Fraser; Spangled Ila . (c and cr) Lloyd O'Brien, Leath � , & Bentley, (h) A. A. Fraser;- , I I , ,WdQson, (p) Lld�d O'Brien and �, 'a "I, Hlofudam6 ,(c arid, h) `1VL A. F .�.,� - Laithownite & Sons, (Cr an, , 1, , �, " I Laithewaite & Sons, M. A. F 111 ­ Polimds (c and !a) M. A. Fraser ,2N, - . I I ,�� - I I ,I .r I ... I I I __ --- I . . f I I . .1 - . Freach Mr& Hymnieu, M. Li - I Leatherland And B#61,ey,; 11 A. Fr.- ' D-odft PMPAP., Lorne carter, Nor- , -- - .,knots, v - . I l I _!�_��;� P ingston; specimen tapestry peftite�, , TRAVELING MAN.' I "J� s - ga � 1-� I v er, (p) Lotherland & Bend y and 2nd; n. I Dodd rden beets, Clifford ! ' *-' , URELY *Rb M. LiAngston, - I oint or grosse Pol , Buff Qrpingtons (c) Douglas &, Sm. Ma pesia Bestfor mugill, Da;Ad Grieve; oniom, Jack ' VEGETABLE ' 'P , ..dpwimen IjLzy Daisy Jacob Battler, (h) Douglas & Sent, 11.40 0 . 1Drx,,eX, Muriol Dolmage; boost tonia- - -1 A I .. ___ - Mrs. 'Howrie 1JyLMmJ&n, 'W.i.dred Cud- 'L, , __ _Is Q, Th4y ifirnulafe John KoIchem, (cr arid p) M. A. Fras- dILT SlftolM. loes, ripe, Elmer Cameron, Allan . F-91 stitph, Mrs. . -BRAN Your In e Nichols -on; citrons, Gertrude Wa,lters, 1i .i - -nwre; �slpoeoimen Italian drawn stitch, ENDORSES'ALL Id er, Douglas & Son; A. 0. V. Orping- __17 ­ �� .1 your liver, get rid Mrs. Hynimen. tatbing, -IVL Living- I n ton's (c and, h) T. C� W41son and 2nd; 'Ruth Walters; cabbam. Jack Drov�er, I 0 of poisons and aton, ,?&-s. 1H. Aorke; bead, work, Mrs. . lci Black Spanish (h) T. C. Wilson, John Warns Against Doping Stomafh Carman WIhitmore; Potatoes,. Jack \ I Says It Brought Relief Fiom j. Kochern, (cr and p� John Kochem With Artificial Digestants Drover, Milldred' Aitcheson. * - improve SamPudmore. Constipation er and 2nd; Audialuslane (e and h) M. Flowers"-�Bowl -of Nasturtiums, El- .. 1P your 'Dining Room Furnishings-Ijurreh- 4 . Most people who suffer, either occa- mer Cameron, Ivan Taylor; PAnsies, I . eon set, embroidered, M. Livingston, d, A. Fraser, (cr and p): 1L A. Fra0er, sionally or chronically from gas, sou APPETITE Mrs. Hyaninen; tea cloth, en�broider- - , i 0 irnnueeads Jean MeFarlane, Helen Moffat; bou- - . . ,q want to take this unsolicited, in Jacolb Battler; Minotivas (c) Lloyd and indigestion, have n w discont ,. & O'Brien, Jacob Battler, (h) Doug][AS disa ble diets, patent foods and the quet of Aebers, Donald Scoott, Nor�nan W. Sold ewerywhere in ed, Mra� Howrio, Mrs. R�vm,men; tea means to tell YOU What AJU-BRAN '�i_harruf.l drugs, stomach tonics, Dodds; bouquat Swoet Peas, Mary � 25c and 75c re4 Ags. cleth, any other -hand work, Mrs - has done for me. --- e & Son, H. Triieniner, (er) H. Truem- use fic-W digestants. and Hugili, lona'.Hugill; best bouquet, any I I i Truem- : !nedicines and arti Illyn*n*34 M. 'Livingston; ceni�repiecoe, "I am on the road all the time, . , 1W eIr nen, Douglas & Son, (p) H. . instead take a teaspoonful of Bisurated TbV I'S lace edge. Mrs. T. 0. Flynn, Mrs. R. n -i: and 2nd; White Wyand*ttes (c, variety, Jim ,Cluff, Ivan Ta0ior, Mary . imo - - -_ - and this has a tendency to consti- � Magnesia in a little water after meals , . loth, M Wngston, er cr and. p) iDouglas & 'Son., (h) Doug- with the result that their stomach- 110. , DUnCan, Wldll-Od AiteheSOR, Miner . . — Hynimen; tray cl. - L . pate me, or any one who travels an , K. las & 'Sion, Letherland & 'Bentley ; troubles them. they are able to Cameron. I ___ Mildred , I more; centrepieee em- the time.' I used to suffer a great .9 , , 1%. � � Silver Laced Wyandottee (c, li� cr = they please and they enjoy much ,Cooking—Tea, biscuits, let, No en- .t . - 1- — broidered in cotton, white, M. Living- � deal from co iistipation, untfl some � better health. Those who use Bi.ratea X84red -Cudnore- centreplece I � . try ticket, Fern Dunlop; layer evike, I ls�WA I one told me about Kellogg'.s ALL- .. or and p) �TVL A- Fraser; Buff Wyan- Magnesia never dread the 'approach of P�-,tunias, single., Mrs. J.,B. Tyerman, eirnbroidefed in cotton colored, Mrs. . since I have been eating this .. Hugill; ime because they know this Elizabeth McFarlane, Helen Phillips; , BRAN . . es. dottes (er and ,p) �Arnold meal t F, Barker; il�etunials, double, F. Bark- Hywomen- bridge set, 5 pieces, Mrs. cereal, I have been cured of eon- vo; any other variety Wyaudottts (c) T. ,�woriderful anti -acid and food corrective. apple pie, Edith IWW1-v,e, Elizabeth er; Pansies, 9 or more varieties, F. Hymmen:'Mrs, T. a Flynn,; buffet set, stipation. I heartily endorse it to . In- C. Wilson, (h) T. -0. Wilson and 2nd.- which can be obtained from any good McFarlane; rol,led cookiee- Betty Farkvr, A. 4 Porteous; roses, three m., Livingston,,:Mrs. Hyinmen; ring as L I did.0'— A! 1 . drug store, will instantly neutralize the i A- . K T. C. Wilson, Laithwaite, 11 Berry, Stuart Wigg; drop cookies, E colored, any one suffe ' ,.i ; . (er and p) stomath acidity, sweeten the stomacl .� - -best var- blooms or 3 colors, Jim Cluff, No buffet set, white, Mrs. Hommen, MT-%- Mr. B. F. Pollard. (Address on re- n; & So.ns; Anconas (c and b) Douglas. prevent food fermentation and mak� ith Wallace, Rose Appleby� Name; roses, display, Jim Cluff, God- B. Brunsdon; luncheon 'set-, crochet, quesL) dy & iSon,, M, A. 'Fraser, (cr) Lloyd digestion easy. Try this plan yourse�f, iety baking, -,Mildred Aftcheison. eri,ch entry ticket; Annual Phlox, besit Tq,,. Hymmen, -M. Li'�lngston- Constipation is caused by lack of .. n- O'Brien, Duglas &,Son, (p) Roy But- but be certain to get Bisurated Magnesia Art----JPrimai-y, pelar, Jack Fraiser, ddsp[lay,"Mrs. Porteous, Mrs. R. -Al- Bedroom Furnis,hings—Pillow sups, 1. two things in the diet: "Bulk" to � especially prepared for stomach use. AnTds Dunlop; Ist clas,9, carrot, Lois , ,,I K. �son and 2nd; Rhode Island Red,ls (c) Ian; Snapdragon.. best display, MTS, white� eirr,broddered, 'Mrs. HYMnllen, exercise the intestines. vitamin B dy Douglas & ,Sion, John Kochem, (h) .. Wright, Scott Kerr; 2nd C11ass, lilt- . to tone the intestinal tract. Labora- ,,I 1� . —_ __1 oleum. design, Lois MeGavin, � Jean. GII 'Addline Tyewman; stock, best Mabel Pethic!k; yAllow slips, colored. ;If I nib, Douglas & Son and,12nd, (er and p) � . I , . six spi,kes, ?&%. J. B. Tyerftian, F- embroidered, Addie Tyermarn, Mrs. 1. 'tory tests show Am�BPAN provides I am Douglas & Son,, ,M. A. Fraser; Cam- pumpkin, H_ Truemner, J. A. Murray, McFarlane; 3rd Caass, Grace Gilles- Barlaor; ,Scabiosa, best dilspaa7, A- L. Trew,Ttha; pillow slips, any Other both. At the same time, it Supplies I . pines (c, h cr and,p) Lloyd O'Ik-ien , pie, Oban 'MacTavish;­4th Class, de- Porteous, F. �Raxkeir; Sweet Peas, best band work, ,Mrs. Hlymmen, Addis Ty- iron for'the bIoQd. . .1 ' w. and 2nd; White Letj�,horns (,, h and collection of garden prod'aicts, N. Car- ,,*gn for greeting card, Charles Lane, displa�, Junior Institute, Mrs. R. Al- el -man; towels, enibroidewed, M. Uv- The "bulk" in Au -BRAN is sind- nd cr� Roy Buitson, Douglas & Son, ter, F. Barker. Margaroe� 11obkirk. � I 0) jUdge__4F. r Kerslake. Writing — Primary Harry Scott, Ian; Zinmdas, display, -A. L. Por`teo,us� ingston,, IiM�rs. , H, Perry; towels, lar to that of lettuce. Within the No, s a ; Brown Leg- � I B. Brunsdkm , n Annuals, 5 or crochet , ,&L jivingston, Mildred Cud- body, it forms a soft mass, which Mary Stapleton- lis -t 'Class, Kenneth . ; colkotio N1. h,Drn8, (c) Douglas & Son, Laithe-. HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS tvordetl�, MTis, R. Allan, F. gently clears the intostines of . � I Reid, Mildred S�van; 2nd ��Ia_",, Lois m"o more; towels other hand work, M1. .. "I di., waite & Sons., (h) Douglas & Son Barker; collectka PL-Tennials, J. 'B.* Ljvings�on, iii-dred Cudmore; guest wasfes. Being amatural corrective . f M. and Znd, (cr) T. ,C. Wilson, (p) T- Apples—Co iection of 12 varieties, MeGavin, Florerlce,�Wvert; 3rd Class, Tyerman, Ethel Beattie.; basket table, more; ,bath towea, any trim, Mrs. ,r. ALi-BRAN is not habit-forming. 32 C,. Wilson and' _95nd; any other variety named, .Taite & tSons, J. IVL Stir- Donald McTavish, Thomas Kale; 4th . � I 1�1�,,` - � . mlixed blooms, A 'L. Potitecous, WhL 0. Flynn Mrs. Sam Cudlm(ore; s.in How much bitter th , .1p stewart. I ,gle an ris 2, &o' Le-hoirns (c and h) lyt A. Pra,ser� T. ling; six named vwieties winter ap- Class, Hazel Earle, Laura Hartry; table bouquet, Miss; R. Rorke, fancy towel, 'Mildt*d Oudimoore ' 'M *11s itnd drugs — so often harnif . - . od- C. Wilson,, (cr and p) M. A. Fraser, plos, G. Ladthwalte & Sons, J. M. Stir- spelcial_­�sit article kmade Ifrom A. L. Porteouis; winter bouquet niatur- Livingston; fancy -sheet and 'pillow we tablespoonfuls daily wiR over- 1 7 - Blaoi Javas ling; four noinied. varieties fall apple,,i, raffia, Donald MacTaivooh Harold - ' - -M. Livingstion, -Mrs. come'most types of 6ngtipation en;, Letherland & Bentle�, " al,,F. Barkew, Etbol Beattie; Delphin ,slips to 'match, -ii T. (c) T, C. Wilson, (h) T. Q Willson J. !M. Stirling, Arnold Hugill; Bald_ Free; collection Of insect... Rober t um or Lawkspur, ,bes-� dti�play, F_ H. 'Berry; vanity set, IMTs,, T. 0. serious ease�, with every meal. I I . I l; Blaak 'Giants (c and, h) Hil- wins, j. ,AL Stirling, Arnold Hugill; Carbert, Lorne Carter; collection- Off Wen- on have intestinal trouble not re.- " ' . am and 2nc , Carbett, Mrs. J.' B. Tyerman; Flynn, ,Mrs. B. Brumdon; dresser , Robert Carbert, Walter Me- dula or pot Marigold, beek display. runnea�, X. Li'vingston, Mabel Poth- � . ear��,Tubb Brost., .,(cx) Doug- King of Thalripkin% G. Laithwaite & leaves I Keved this way, see your doctor. I � . las & Soon, John Kochein, (P) Doug— Sops, J. M. Gtirldng; Northern Spies, Millan; collection of woods, Jack Car- F. Barker, IL Desjardine. ick; boudoir cushicor4, Mrs. ,H. Berry, �, Serve ALL -Bit" as a cereal with � � ,er, las & SoA� Turbib Bros.. Game Bant- J. m. Stdr;ling� Lloyd Skillings;' Falla- ,ter; display wild fruits, Jack Carter, Pot Plan_%—B090111aS, (best two Mhr,- T. 0. F11"n. d1k or crearn, or use in cooking. I , V A Kenneth Carter- bird houise, John Mie- At all grocers in the red -and -green .1 n; ams (c) M� A. Fraser, Laith6waite water, J. AL Stirling, H. Trueniner; ' flowering varieties, Mrs. R. Allan, F. Ladies' Wear --Night gown, hand 'oe 11. * ell, & ,Sons, (h) � RO,r p by Kellogg in Lom- , �,. rles Golden Russ,et, i.M, Stirling, Mrs. J. Nabb, Dan . � Barker; B�egondas Tuberous, 3 of spy trim, Mrs. If. Berry, Mrs. H. . I Douglas & Son, Glia , d Grieve,; book ends, Don- k,; aelcage. Made der Daribrook, (cr) K. A. Fraser, Doug- Barrs; -Westfield ISeek-no-Further, G, ald XcTavisb, Harold Calvert; poul- color, A. Porteo�6, Mrs. R. Allan; steop-ins,pr bloomersi ,.Mrs. H. Rym- � don, Ontario. . . . � .: I Per la�s & 'Son, (p) Douglas & Son, M. A. Laithwaite & Sons, J. ,M- Stirling; try food hopper, Aldie, FW= -t; -towel, Begonias Tuberous, 3 frilled, Mrs. R. men,- pyjam#s, hand trim, 1VL Living- _ I N , . I Fraser; Cochin Bantanis, (c) M. A. Weaftlhy, L. Skillings, G. Laithwaite boorristfitolied, Betty Berry, Jeaxi Dix- 4 9. H. Berry, Mrs. I Mlan; Begonias Box, T. Ferguson, ston' I . 932, 1 bed jacket, Mr - I I ,on* Fraser, Lloyd O'BriezI,, ,(h.and cr) & Sons; Pewuukee, J. tStdrling, L. on.; clothespin, apron, Elizabeth Me- J. X Govenlock; Fusebis in blOOr", T. 0- FlImn; slip, hand trimmed, M. showed increases, . and hay clever. . i -_ --- --- ---- --- - ? Lloyd O'Brien M. A. Fraser, (p) L. Skilling- Ontaricis, L. SWIing, j. Fa�lane, Helen Finkbeiner; darning, I . Ro y ' I . Dr. Ha-r(burn IF. Barker; Geramums, Livingston, Mrs.' Hymmen; beret, beans and poliatoes which show large lell, O'Brien and 2nd; any other .variety. Sterling;, Wagner, J. Stirling, G. woollen, Donna Mole, Elizabeth Me-, two ankictumes, Mrs. J. B. Tyerman*, Mrs. Won. Deem, Mws.H. Berry. . 1". Bantams (c) Chas. Daribrook, X A. Laithwaite, & Sons- Roxboro Russets-, Faxlane; example of 3 or niore Idnds reductions in acreage. The total pro- P�vn Swerit Mrs. G. A. Glenn, 2nd; r-il,4—'s Wear — Child's fancy I_ --A - +.+­ I I % 1.4 _e P ns - I L, - il­ M A' Fraser C Dan- t'- T- - ;+,. 91 Q�:ns Graven -stein of stitches, Helen Noffak, Bernice iduoiaK 4Y_t -LAV .. _% 11 1 _& . � 11A ,M- E 1"T- tx In, I- I '' ell. or — , . I . brook, (cr),Wilbur Turnbull, M. A- - I P y L' S. Skilling; Duches� of 01denburg, Boniface; handkerchief, Plain 'hem- Vol - � - _._1 I . "6 ___" 1�­ BrcoaAfoot, J,6hn Grieve; best nOve!tv dresti, rwitf.unede, . LrT.Y, . frona 11 will ,show considerable I ,. T. 0. Flynn;,chilodls dress and bloom- last for in addition reduc- an- Fraser, ( _ ser I p)�� M. A. Fra' , Wilbur j* . Stirling, jG. Laithwadte & Sons; med, Jean iDixon, Margaret Nigh; best dressed doll, hand miad% Eliza- i Darker, A. year, ,to . el,s, Mi�s., B, �Brunsodon, !Mrs. 0. Jer- tl,, in atTeft . ge, the per acre yields' �. ,,, Turdbull. Pekin Ducks (old drake, old dulck, Spitzenbu'rig' E. J. Willert; Famuese or Snow apple, L.,,Skilling, G. Laith- ' * heth bWaHane, Betty 'Berry- beet � Porteous; 10oleus, two inwities, Mrs. R� A -Ilan, F, Barker; Jerusalem Cher- vis; bohnet, Mra. T. 0. Flynn, P. E. ar less favorable . . e lower ovy$ng to . Deari.n wool jacket, Mrs. R. Berry, 2nd, r I young drake, young duck) Douglas & wailte & Sons;­Colvertl H. Trueniner, dressed fowl, Muriel Dolmage, Jack I ry, A. Porteous, N. Cawter; Aspidis- g; growi.ng conditions, I � . Mrs. 1. Trewawtha; bathrobe Or 'ki,m- The estimated average Yields of � le, Son.; 1�ouen ducks (young d-ake, I -L Degiardine; Mann, L. Skilling, Carter. . I . tra, ,MrSL J. B. TyeonmwL ona, Mrs. Hymmen; baby's set, knit- .Spring vVheat� � outs and. barley for Aw in Young duck) T. M. Snowden; MuscovY Mrs. J. T. 'Hulgill; Blenheim Orange, . I D03M I STI -C ,SCIENCE I Judges-_A� F. Cluff, W. J­Duiican. -bed bannet, jacket -and bootees: 'Mrs. Ontario this year ,show IM. e varia- ,,k ear- ,ducks (old drake, 011d d�,ck) Doukl- & Son, John Hart, (young dTaike, JasL Stirling, L. Skilling; Maiden, Blush, Mrs. J. T. Hugill, J. Stirling; Loaf whfte bread, Mrs. F. Storey,, � LADIES, WORK I H. Berry Juitlor Institute; carriage ,tion fr,an th�e figures for 1932. Oats .. I / cover and pillow, 'Mrs. Hynimen. barley rather disappointing ewe YO11"g ­duek) Douglas & Son; Indian ., rIWI, a,ppdes,, red, L. Sldlling, J. Stir- A.'L. Porteous, N. Carter; loaf brown I .. ­ ...". ,Domestic Needle Craft - Quilt, and gave I Living R,000rn Fulyd,shings-Table, y,jelds-in Southwestern Ontario and ng, s k) Laith- Runrier (old drake, old due waite & Sons; an y other variety ling; crab apples, yellow, Jonathan Hugill, j. Stirling; Rhode Island bread, N, Carte'r, 51i -s. F. Sto A " r;Y ,,, L. P,,te,u, . apploque, Mrs. 110wrie, Mrs. D.- Mun- runner, colored, IMrs, T. 0. Flynn, ; Mrs.l. Trewartha; ocentre-pi eoe, color- slightly higher yields than last year . . I has. ducks (old d1rake, old duck, young Ch,eandrigs, -Mr& J. Barr, L. Skilling; nluffin� wl � lole wh a; bran, ,%m �. 11. H�lland, Mrs. Win. ro; bedspread, tafted umd canidll,wi,k, in other districU� Per acre yields of ed, !M. IhAngston, [Mrs. L Trewartha; (beam some decreasa vert., drake, young duck) Douglas & Son Ribston Pippins, Mrs,. J. Barr, 14 Skil- Carte,; ,ehil,drerl',s school lunch in, Jacob Battler; quilt, 'best quil#ng, . Ret "Campbell, Ad" Tyormgn; plec-� flax and show .", sofa' Pillow, handmade, Mrs. James over last kear� while the yield of peas �� n & ei and Znd; Brem, n geose (old' -drake, old duck) - Dou las & 'Son, Hilton ling- Blenheim Pippin, G. Laithwalte .& §;ns, Mrs. J., -Barr; Fall Pippin, J. ,be,;, Mrso. T. 0. Plynn, Mrs. Jamies Hfugill; biscuits, bakin %. ed cotton quilt, Mtx. James, Finlall- l I � Hugfll, Mrs. I. Trewartha; sofa Pil- is consid&-4bly higher. . r low, W. Lavingston, Mrs T. . . M. - ­ Timemner, - (young drake, young duck) Stirling; Crailfberry Pippin, Mrs. J. (be!a powder, _i_- Mrs We, Free ;F Carter* �I t, crazy, o%lMrs. Sain Cudmore; quil ' quilted, . — � : 11 on pl nn' lamn shade hand made � I 114 - 9-1 � So-,,, � Douglas & S�n; Toulouse geese,'(old �B� , J. ,Stirling; St. Lawre4loce, N. . . Storey, bims, yeast, fancY, Mrs. F. patched, 'Mrs. L Trewartha, irs. 0 A ' . i 9 � I I Mrs. J. B. Tyerman; card table cov6r. I . .1 �* , 9% d in gander, old goose) Douglas & Son, Carter, L. ISIcilling; McIntosh Red, G. Jeaw'Sm-tt- coo-kies, plain, Mrs. T' 0. Jervis; (.bedspread, White, ,Mx%. Hym- . men, 3L Livingston; ,bedspread, col- Mx& T. i. 0. Flynii� Florence Beattie; Five. Year Plan I Son, J. Mrs. F. Storey, (younggander, youn-, goose) Douglas 6, Son, J&natban"Hug_ . Laithwafte & Sons, L. Skilling; Tal- man Sweet, L. Skilling, John Srzot -t; Flynn, '-', r 3 fruit ��d 3 any other variety, N. Car- cored, Mabel Pethick, M. Livingston; -hand 'Afghan sarnpl6r'or Other 'Wall de—ation, anaode, Florence Beattie, Mrs. , ' I Against Religi on, . Pyrn ill; arry other variety geese, �old . ,Pears�our va�rioeties winter pea r%, ter, Mis. Wes, Free; dropped cookies, r chet or Unit in colored c 0 IM. Livingston, Mrs. T. O. Flynn; wool, divoore. - Sam Cu .� - ' A "ort from IMosco* say3 that. I an a amb gander , old' goose, young gander, Young goose) John 'Hart, Wes. Nott; Mrs, J. Barr., L. SkUling; 4 varieties a fall pears,, Mrs. J. Barr, J. Stir- N. Carter,M-rs:D. McFarlane; angel cake, notited, Jean Scott, Mrs. J. B. (;��Io, best 'idea, A. L. 'Pro", "r,i' I Mitcellaneous--,Sftigle piece fancy work not lrizteod� Mirs. T. 0. Flynn, ,the official organ of the ailti-religious , .11 % I I ' Bronze turke�ns (c and h) Hilton Warner, ling; -Flemish Beauty, J. Stirling and Tkyerman; ,Parker rolls, yeast, Jeian pmtemw, M. Livingston; men s I , 'Car- nuchina mado, Mrs. N. Mrs. B. Brunsdon; single Piece of section of the special commission for * inst religion ,has just ' the fight 89W , Truemner, Alf. - (6r and p) 2nd; Duchess of Agouline, L.­81kill- Smft, N. CAhrter; best decorated cake, pryjamas, house dbress. eedlework over 5 years old, Junior for the a . Alf. Warnerand 2nd; any other 'var- iety turikeys (c, h', �cr) Doug las & ing, J.Grieve; Buerre ClairgeaU, Mrs- Lad- Sons; Ars. aWdFarlanoe, Mrs. Jas. Carter; . I ter, LTVL Livingston; most praletical, IM. Livingston, Mrs. 1). Me- Institute, Mm) Sam Cudmore; best n I Published a fivlo­year plan Afbolrl,tion'of all TeNgions on the ter- V, 11 A!-- and Son � � . G. A. Glenii, G� thwaite & Clapps lUvorite, N. -Carter, Jacob �;p&nge cake, not ited, Jean Szottl Mrs.' -J. R. T6retmian,; dark fruit eake. Farlane; floor mat, bra&ded, rags, Mrs. article made from one' or more flour sacks, Mrs. F.,Storey, Mrs. H. Berry; rb6ry 'Of tb . e Union -of Soviet Re- 4� , 14-. ilbur Utility Perbs ---- 4PIymouth Rocks (.0 Battler; Belle Lutrative, I.4 Skilling, ii,olt,iced ,N"'r-1aiter, Mrs. Wiers. Free; W. J. Dic.kson� M. Livingston- floor rags, M. U * , ho6hed, vingston, best arUicla suitable -for pdblics. The plan takes as sta;rting . wholesalle liquidation of all the . �cnl-- mes Douglas & Son; Loghorns, hny varie- ty. (c) Douglas'& Son., Lloyd O'Evrien; , N. Carter; - She4d1ari, � N. Carter, Mrs. J Barr - Louis Bonne De Jersey, F. light ls�le,r clake, N. Carter,Mrs. Ja- ' Imimt, MM IIA Rorke; floor mat, hooked, not to Cost ever 75c, MITs. Win. e : point i,eligibus bolief�% colnim,unaltaes and ", , ds (c) J. Kochem; L. O'Brien; . Bar6i, '.N. ,Carter; Bartlett, J. Otir- .0arter; d1ark layer cakei iced; Jean, Soott, ,Mrs. a McFarlane; apple pie, yw-rk, F. IL Oarbert, Mors. Sam 'Cud'-' more; crochet mat, wool, Mrs. John Mrs. H. Berry; piece of needl or nrahe by woman 70 yews of a or sects. I The has been approved by the rd -, !q'11,. Anconas, any variety, (c) Jol�.n Kochem. li n,g, N. Carter; Seoked, F. Barker, J. Beure DlAnjou, F. Barker, Mm JasL HVg-111, Mts. F. Storey: . Grieve� Mrs.,Howrie; floor mat hoo-k- . oYer, Mrs, ,R Borunsdonl, Addie r- . plan Party authodUos and is therefore � imes _�&inorcais (c) Stirling; Jacob Battler. pulinVdii, pie, Mrs. J. IB. Ty erman' Mr& Wies. Free,; lemon Mrs. N. ed, illustrating a rural scoeave� I Des- MWL . i I . D"lngan- promulgated I as .a law. It specifies � � � . "'.Cbildren's Departinent. ..,Best Bar- ' �7 Peachz&-�AY CrawfOrdI, H. Tr,u- pie, C*eber, Mrs, F. Storey,; meat loaf, jardim I Judge---�Mrs. D. A. Fowl,6r, . . in ito 118 articles that during thi- , ( I % E. 11ten; red Rock cockerel, Claytoin Ritchie: inner.. 'L. Skilling; Crawfoord� J. IStir- Mrs. J. & T��rhaT4, Mm N. Carter; . iSpeei-eu applique, 3L LivingSt=,. non. first ysar all confessiorial schOO49. I . I best Barred,Rock Pullet, Mary Hug- ling, 4 Skillilng; any other'VaIiietY, candy, 2 vnzieties, maple cream and Mr s, Hyrnmen; specimen, Roman.cut :Boys Feal CW14--Aflister Broadfoot, senfinaTier., --tiWological academie4 I 1. . ],,),q I . . , ill; best Leghorn pullet, ,Clifford Hug- I. Skilling, ff. Trueniner. fudge, 'Mrs. H. Rorke, Velma Haist,; work , Mr�. Hymmen, 11ITs. Sam, Cud,- Seaforth; Stuart 'McEwen.,., Clinton ; ,etc., Tnwt be closed. The ministers, � Y - n 4)w- ill; Bamtams4 George Hart. Judge R.' B. Hetherington, Clies- ,Plunu%�lden Drop, L. Skilling; me2t pie, A_ I. Porteous, Mrs. 0. more; specimen eyelet, Mrs. Hym-, IVL Livingston; satin Olifford,Smith, Kippen;,Thcomav Leip- Londesboro-'FrankDoyle, Dublin; teachem., etc,, wiE be b4ted i -n t1be . for wham- the - ­.... I rnor Washington, L. Skilliiig; 'Monarch, G--'_Je1rvis; salad, 3 ivorietios, individual men, specimen or, � P categary of GMZMS Lred ley,. Ont. I Laithwaite &, Sons, J. 6tirling; Im- servings On I 0abe, Mrs. Wles,.- Free stitch, M. Liviiiigston, Florence Beat- J. D. Black-, .Seaforth; Arnold Hugill, ,Sta-be does not care. 'BY MaY 1, IM, �, r . nor , JRO,OTS AND VEGETX�DLES perial Gage, L. Skilling; Duam'-Pur- I A. L. Porteous; macaroons, Mrs. 0. tie; specimen cress sfitch, X Living- ston, Mrs, T. 0. Flynn'; specimen I Seaforth- Claude Gedifnas, Zurich; Alex. 4�]6-ci�;I, ,81eafo'i-th. all such persoms muLgt have left the else they widl ,be deporte(L , , I ( ear, . . ple, L. Skill.ing; Lombards, G. Laith- Jervls� Mrs. R. Allen;,cup, eakes, iced, ­ � ... � . I � country, In ,the larger cities o&,the Union the W1 ,% Ralf busihel Irish Cobbl�rs, early, wafte, & Sons, J. Stirling; Bradshaw, Jean Scott, J. W. Beattie; light frtn't . . ,of sects and denominations' ' : I 1,,,..�11 N. Carter, Arnold Hugill; any other L. Skilling- Rene,Claude, L. Skilling, I cake, not.icecl., Mrs. Jw. Carter, 'Mrs. � . I I churoches must be'closed by May 1, 1934- Not. � I nbez, �Ia I n" variet early potatoes, Jonathan Hug- ill N. Y Carter; Green Moiintgin pota- J. Stirling; German Pruns, H. Truem- ner, Jean Stott; any other va�iotY, Wes. Free; colle-c-tion. of sandwiches, Mrs. Wes. Free, Mtm1LZL_Cart)er. SE4,FORTH BOY8'HOME GARDEN CLUB one church, chapel, symgogue or � , I , I ouge,_ . since I toes, late,,Arnold Hugill, J. A. Mux- ray; any other variety late -potatoes, Jacob Battler, L SIcilling. . Grapes-_Wloore's Early, G. Laith- DAIRY PRODUCTS ' Garden Ga.r6en Exhibit Stand- Prize . mosque may remain open on the ea- .uGisiau territory after May 2, tire R . - ? and T. Ferguson, Elton Gouffle;, 3 heads waite &,Sons, J. Stirling; Niagara, G. _ I Crock. butter, winter uise, Mrs. N. ' Score 60 Notes I Linines Krogrman .... 55 20.. 20 Total ing w n 0 17 19 91 2nd '$4.00 19,37. The Plan specified in detaill, the . I hogs of winter cabbage, 'Mrs. W. J. Diik- son, F. Barker; 3 beadis savoy cab- Lait'hwaite & Sons, I. Sldlling- Con- ecord, L. ,Skilling, G., L-Athwaite & I 0arter, Mrs. James Hugi4l; butter in Gordon Elliott .... i.. 56 18 12 86 Free 4 -day trip to Toethods by which these results are �? . - . I - I i anies bage, J. A. ,Murray, James Rivers; Sow; Deleware, 1� Skillink, G. Laith- 'I mund �rints, Mrs. Wmt. Thylor, Mrs. Frank MoYlan - .... ­ - 56 . Royal Winter Fair , to be obtaiii,ed. An intereoLing fea, 1 5 to 3 ,heads red' ca�bawget N. Carter,. F. waite & Sons,; Wilder, G. L,ithw,ite. N. Gartor-,Cbutter, in,dividual pau, 'Mrs. David Shannon ...... 54 15 . 16 85 3rd, $3.00 ture Of it is that it provides for the Jas- Barker; 3 h,ea,ds fall m1b1bage, N. Car- & Sons; Undleyp L, Skilling; Salelar, Mr -5. Win. Taylor. Jwa� Hugffl; boney in occomb, WAliam'Hartry; honey W,Jl,he PapPle - - : .... 51 Kelso Adams . ........ 52 15L is 84 4th $2.00 16 14 92 , 5th $1.00 production .of a hundred and fifty films for educational PUrPO8_ If ter, James River�;, any other named cafoba,ge, N. C,prter, F. Barker; cauli- L. Slcilling; Weldon, Arnold RkW-11, L. Skilling; any other variety, G. extracted� William Hartry; holley dis- William Haxtry; dozen Jack Nicholson ...... 51 FlOcher W[hitimyre 53 14 ' 15 80 6th 13 13 79 ,7tbh atheist es. . . . . b44 flowers, John Grieve, N. Garter; cel- Laiithvmite & Some, L, ,Skilling- best ' play, hen's �,-% C. H. Rolland eggs, white s,h--11,,M .. Jack QLrber ......... 53 14D le 75 8th .e. _:IIR � ery, white, N. Carter, Mrg. J� B. Tyer- N. Owrter, F. collection o4grapes, L. Skilling, J. A. Nfluirray. . . Mftv. Jus. Carter; dozen hen's eggs: Frank Ryan ......... . 43 17 14 74 Oth I I . " . I T. C. 2nd, man; table parsnips, Barker; table carrots,. stump rooted, Judge -J. M. Cardbo. . . brown sheil, Mrs. R. Allen, Mrs. 0. . . Stra4ge Weaponq,are Used , . " , 4 � . I —_ FA ' NOWS RM . � . — seed crop ever taken krom thi a area. , (p) J. A. .Murray, Jonathan Hugill; table carrots, long, N. 'Carter, T. Fergu- F11NE ART I Jervis; dressed, Ichioken, Mrs. JamW Carter; two 5-puund tolls 'butter,'- IL By, Thieves and Murderers � arred r. C. . son; table carrots.. any other variety, I La'Ads;cape, Wiss Grant, Mrs.- Fol- S. Hays' Specizl,Mrs. N. Chrter,,Mirg. .1 F. 'Storey. . I - The total Production in this area . A m4m wo,aring wliR6 canvas shoew Cne 11 � ugill , RetaCmmpbell, F.Barker; long blood N Jacob Battler; tur- liclk; miaxine view, ,Miss Grant, Miss', , Canned Fruits," -Vegetables, Etc.- Weekl'y Crop Report. hotyrever, will be'co,rnpoaratiwely small: Red cluver seed walked int6 an inn at one of AlneTircaln Seaside 'resorts and snatch- ... � X ,gill - I Wni, beets, jCburter, . nipb,lood beets, Jas. Ri,vers, T. Fergu- M. Livingston; animals, Miss Grant; . Canned rbubaalb, Mrs. W. J. Dickson� - - Braft corunrby ropor�,s that after- Production on the other' hand is much less than ed from the landlady a roll of bills �14 ,� . 'son; tomatoes, red, A. L. Porteous, M. Livings,bon; ,still life, Miss, Grant, Me. ill. Wlaiiver; canned red raspber- harvest cultivution is.being practised h,If a crop in Eastern Ontario while of the value of $2W. Wilierg 10 -he ,V .1 eath-, Brien Jacob Battler; tomatoes, pink, N. Oliver Jervis; landscape co, Mrs., Irie(61� Mrs-� Jae. Carter, tMris. J. B.- genemliy. Grey has had discourag- indication, in WesA,rn Ontario would tried to seize hifin he picked up wt "'i I B. Cartdn, collection tomatoes, Mrs. W. Follick, 1VL Urvingston; marine view. TyeTman; canned red cheirri-es, pitted, rryorman, ingly wet -weather, wi4h the result point to a fair'yiold of elover seed. inkpot and fluog the contents in heir .1 I 1, � , ,. d p) J. Dickson, N. Carter; sweet table nature, Miss Grant, M. Livingston; anitmals or figure work, Miss Grant, Mrs. J. B. Mrs. W. J. Dick- 'son; Dr, Hurburn, that many field!; were left in stook . in Ails-ike ,production, ..is, also belovp face, leaving her blinded and half- I I riety corn, Janath*an Hug -ill; E. J. Willert; ,.W,rs,. Follick ' - vegetables or Truits, canned pears, Mrs. N. Oarter; canned stra*berries, Mrp- and mmeh 7second-cut alfalfa still coils in. field& A farmer in Peel has normal. T,h,,,,rli,r throg I flel hed do dhoked. There ii not mtkh originarity � ; : and field corn., Jonathan Hugill, Hilt -on Trueni-ner; collection of corn, Jacob Miss Gm.nt,'ML Lilviagston; flowers N. 0a,eter, Mrs. R-. Al-lan; ' eanned 1'1/2 acres of Okra, whieh is, a plant yiel6-d from 2-6 busliels pier acre b -tit later reports �show some, fielldis going among criminal& Our gansiber uses I 11 - John Babbler- fodddr corn, Vern` Terry- from object, M�rs� Follkk, Miss Giant; Plums, IvIn. N. Carter, H. Desjardin"e"'; Similar to Ted poppers and, whose pod-, as lhdf,b as ,six bushels pe�r acre, It is an automatic,poisbDL the street rowdy � John . beri-y-' omions om seed-, F. Ba.rker inanimate object, Mrs. Folliok, Miss . Alf. H. Warner, Mrs. canned peaches;i , used for lohickerAng soup. The am likely there wi.11 I be, sufflocient alsike E� sand Vlaig, the negrot a razor. rt is I I . an I Uram; crayon drawing, X. ving- N Carter; c(Mection of 3 �ellies, Mrs. 'ciop, looks, proritijsiT�g. The alfalfa to me'et local ,doma,& only rarely one bears of new.depar- I I ,,, John 'Grieve; onions, from Dutch sets, ston, Mrs. H`ynioien; pastel, Miss ' 0 14 4 . � W. J. Dickscon, Mrs. N. Carter; soup ewm from Peel will l9e gTeatly re- A ;A_All . 4-r but some of 4- — inter - r J0 kem, It. VesJardine; Peck red G.rant, I . — e ricrease is expected V . , (c) -, ar 011iver Jervis; .sepia, Miss mixture, recipe d ,this Year, as the �seecorid crop in timothy seed. ThiL9 is to be e ' eisting. ,, onions, F. Barker; p,gck ,onions, white . . X_ I I ,tson grant, �M. Livingston; penicil dfawing, eouls; canned chicken, Mrs. J. B. Tyer- ,did not set seed as anticipated bming pected, frd7n tkoe high price of time- One quch novelty is the catapult. , . Ason: or yellow, F. Barker, Mrs. W ­J. Dick- local, iMiss Grant, M. Livi rggston; pen- man, Mrs. N.'Cattor; canned sausage, to continued rains ,druring blossoming tbY seedlaut year in comparison with There Was R caoe in Londan reeentl3r- . 11 . . e (h) e0n; onlons set, Mrs. W. J. Dickson, cil drawing, design, Miss Grant, Mrs. E. J. WiUerrt, Mrs. N. Carter; canned period. Harvesting of sugar beets in 14-gu-nie seeds anid, alm to the fact it A vian armed with a catapult sent a I , (,p) E. J. Willert; Pickling onions, Jahn H�ymffn,T; display poster, 'Mira. Hyrn- beef, Mrs. N. Carter; vinegar picklee, Kent is starting. With Over N,0'00 is necessary t oirt about 60, per lead bullet through a Jewellei's win- �, r and Grieve, Mrs. W1. J. Dickson; musk- men; single Piece art noot listed, Mrs. Mrs. Jas. 'Carter, U. Desjurdine; bot. acres of this crop to be harvested c(Int. of the 6 0 4�in'p dow and ibis accomplice used a piece eed used in Onftrio. burgs melons, H. Truieninoer, E. J. Willert; E. Broadfoot, Mrs. Follick; wood tle mustard pickles, Mrs. N. Carter; there, many unemoloyed will find Prices far all �eeds .4re likely to be of wire, to he* out a quantity of . I -rland watermelons, E. J. Willert, Jas. -Stir- carving, M. Livingston; wooden tray, tomato catsup, Mrs,. J. B. TyLrman, work. in Middlesex silo 'filling, is higher this year. The,price no doubt Jewelry. . 0 .T. C. ling; citrons, striped, Jacob. Battler, handmade, F. Barker, Mrs. J. B. Ty- Mrs,. Jais. Carter; variety cold meat now general, with the crop ,bulky ffn Munich, two thieves used a , a Nvill be governed, to, some extent bv 2nd; N. Carter; citronis, California, Mrs. renihn; vase or Ornament, Alles Grant, Polish, Mrs.'J. B. TyeTman4 X,. L. One, heavily loaded with well matur- the amount of seed, held over froin Python. The snake was lot loose in I raseT, W. J. Dicks -On; vegetable maTr(yw, N. M. Livingston; sala,A -bowl, ednven- Porteous; red poppor Jelly, Dr. Har- ed cobs. 0ornborter and stornits have the large 1931 crop. a botel and during the panic that d pY, Carter, Alf. Warner; Inammoth tional design, Wiss Grant, N. Living- burn, Mrs. J. B. Tyernian; collectiow ,broken the. crop. dbwTi bacilk in gome emsued they carried, off $25,000 woTth raser; s.quas(h, F. Bar�ker; table squash, three ston; cake -plate or sandwich tray, canned vegetables, Alf. 'Warner, Mrs. fields. d vd, f r od 4. varieties, F. Barker, Jacob Battler; reaIistic". � .A keen einila, I o go of joewelry ',belonging to a wealthy . , (cr) Miss Grant, Mrs. Hyminenj N. Carter; jam ,K marmalade, A. L. breeding atoock,- is noted, i,nt Oxford, women who was, staying in the ho - 11 Hubbard squaish, John Grievej Alf. two cups ai�d, saucet% different de- Porteous, Mrs. J. B. Tyiermlan. . where incidentaNy tmicost of ,the cattle Field Crop Figures. . tel. I I . I . ___ Warner; pumpkins forpoies, F,. Bark- Isignis, tMiss, Grant,, 'M. Livingston,; Judge--lHelen. McKercher. are in excellent condirtion. A cheese In Riga, a gang of crinidnals armed er, Alf. Warner; winter ra.digh, N. candlestick M Livill— M- . f ___­"__ 11. 11 . Tb,e fifth departmental report of I Carter, Johnathary 11-Eii-gill; cucum 9 . . I . I FLORAL EXHIBIT I pa-ur,0118 as — O,Y,.-- the season on Field 'Crops gives somc themselves with - snort 1eWns ott bers', Hymmen; collection, 5,pieces� M, Liv- ized in., Peteiibooro County. Yields in vlor 'hose fastened,boy 'a loop to the . ripe, Joe. River,; ' N. IC)afrteT; CUCUM ingstori, Mi,qs -Gr=C; any article not lCut Bloornpi--Asters, pink,. MrT. It. barley andoosts.in -Prescott and, Rus- itteresting facts and figures.. 'More wri t. But here is where they show- bers, tabli?,, N. Carter, J. A. Murray; Late than the iirrdinary amount of stook ed their clevemess. Each of these liwbed, dMiss. Grant, M' Lj1v'n91stOW Allan, Reta, Campbeffl; Asters, white ,sell were obXeePW,00n18JHY 'high. threshing wasdone this year, butthe culcuni(bers, Pickling, J. A. Murray, E. mis,ceflaneouis, art nWeltiq% from crepe Mrs. W, J. Dickson, 'Mrs. K Allan! �ylighthas ,,hurt potates in Toomisimm- hoselengths wag soaked in raw oil, J. Wfllert; butter beans, Mrs. R. A]- paper, etc, Adeline Ty'reman; - i weather not too favomble �6r making it so slippery that the po- A len, Jacob Battler; whkilte -beans, Mrs. Mrs- Asters, mauve or Purple, Mrs. R. Al- ing District. Wet weatheT delayed Nis aft at labor-saving, Farm- lice could not Iget a bold on it. W. J. Diekson; tray, 1M. T.Avhigeto . �fiw,3� W. J. Dickson, Jacob Battler; sutar Velma 'Hair� n I Ian, Reta Campbell; Asters, red, Jon- 'the b'anv(estirg of grain in Port Ar - ,;t; standwitch basket, Vel- atban Hingil-1, Mira. W. J. Dichison; 'thur areg. eTi, are -planning to'slow their fall Tbe moot original ba&ttnan of niangoldsos Arnoli/Hugill, J. W. Beat- rna Haist, Mrs. J. B. TyreTngn; flower display of Asters, (Mrs. R. Allan, N. � wheat ,somewhat later than usual in recent years was the so-called "ail- 14 tie; long red mangolds, J, W- Beat- holderr, 'Mrs. J. B. Tyernian,, M Liv- Ga . iten.; 00.9mos display, Jonathan �, � ?rdem to redmoce i the likelihood of,, in- cn,t ,gunmanP v�ho, terrorized the city IV . 0 _� J of Albany. He made for bim6�if a tie,'(H. TruernneT; intei-mediate man- injg1F;.bo,. collection ,of three itholes, ury �rom Hesslan Ply. Buckwheat L g%,i&, J. W. Beattie, E. J. Willert; ,Mrs. I.. Trqnvartha, Velma Haist. Hugill, F. H. Chlilyett; Dablius, stand- Ontario Seed Prospect4. and hoed, crops have ,made good . ard, 'Mrs. R. Allan, Win. flartry; I . growth L _ narrow., lcong�barrelloed -pistol which Swede turnips, Wm. B,eathy, Mrs. F. Jvdgo-414'r, powler. du;Ting the month and,excel he carried inside Iiis, coat -sleeve, and. /d 81torey; amy ather v;riety tuYnipl, Deiblia:%. CaIctits, WIM.' Hartry-, DAh, Xceordling to A_ PH. Martin, Assist- lei�t y1olds securred froini: second cut- fired it with a pleve of wire attached _ I Chas. Dolinage, H. Truemner; white -CHILDREN'S DEPAORTA M,NT lias, display, Win. Iffartry, &6). R. ant lAredbor, Crop IBMUch, Ontario I,J,hfg of alfalffa. factory sugax beets, Elton Goudie; Allan- ninks. dieplay, F. Barker; Department qcd Agriculture, due to �� I to the trilggerf. The bullet,was tiny, . red or orange field carrots,, F. Bar- Veg,etables--48,wede, turnips,, Jap,k Giadi�li, be.*',9 opikes, diffemiit, Wmg cool sihowery wewtiher in the early Tke total ,acreage of fleild cropa bvi'behind it Was a charge (if ful- . , minate� mixed with quicksilver which kor - or pellow carrots, V. J. McLean, Walter MeMillan - Hartry, Mrs. 9. Allan; Gladioli col- , rt Of Jully, the alfalfa seed are# In slown in, Ontario in 1432 is practical- t�,, I garden I V11 . i1e. ; et,peplpew, John Grieve, carrots, Gordon. Dupte, Lion, Bannon - leiotioni� W�m. ltw-try, Mrs. ,R. ADM; Western Ontario is almost a failure. lY the: san* as last Year. Tho most 4rove it With three bines ithe force of �. , I r. ers, hot, Jet. Stirling, hyne red margoolds, Mildred, -A!tche_' Wsrigolds', display Mlrs� R. ,Allan, rao6n, Ontario, althaqgh nevier eon, linpwrtant charnged in, individual ordinary powder, Yet Without anr r � ­ , ill aareage,6 aectir,md, in ba,rle7, buok.- . _J � , e; largest squash, H. 4ion, Francis Colerman; yellow inter- Jonathan 16gil�l -0 kl��Vtfuims. best. ­4/ftred an alfalfa Iseed, centra, . N ftport. The only sound was a slight; T J. A. 'Murray; largoqt 'medlotes, 'Peamon Chem4y, Norman -1 r_1101'47, Wii. Ilartrr, Ethel Beattio; ,probahl,r. �,g,r.m,sfb ,the la*,wt alfalft *hlea�j f6ddsT corn and alfalfa w4jell . higs. 1, I . � ,,1#o . . , I . . . . ­, � V, . ., I I � . . . . � -1 . r I . I � t. I . . I ­ .11 I , 1. I I I I . � . I '!"�,, , . e � . . . I I . . .. I ; 1, . .1 ., . , 1. I I , 1. . I . ,�, I ". I %, � I I I , I I � '. I I . . I I )­ , �__­­i%,,, , ( - .� 1.-11 ,�.. " I I A . I . '. I. 1. . '.. ­ .. 11 ­��,,­ 11 li.�'. . , �if,.�, ,,�.,�?­', I'll 11 .�.. 11 ''.� 'j", 'I . 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