HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-09-30, Page 5s, of .% week 'Mrs. tight fairs ght 71. A 441 •!1.M. • .. SEPTIPBER 30, 1(932. • TRAJITAt ;AMU. ' ‘,` • r•••• TE FOR RADER ANP CONFIDENCE IN THE EIVIPIRE. In one of my last appeals to the electors of SoUth Huron before poling day, Monday, October 3, I urge that you cast your votes for me, because I uphold the Government Of Rt. Hon, R. B. Ben- nett, that negotiated the Imperial Conferenceagreements, of such material 'benefit to South Huron and the rest of Canada. This is the first test of public opinion ii the Empire Since .the Conference concluded. For that reason, if the Government can- didate is defeated, it will be stated in Great Britain that Canada has turned down the Imperial trade agreements; that she is op- posed to. the Conference. If, on'the other hand, you elect me as: your representative, the forces working in Great- Britain and throughout the Empire for increased trade and prosperity will be cheered .and heartened.' Conferenc&. results have already increased prices for apples and other farm products. If you want the good work to continue, vote for the Government, whose splendid work has made it possible. I have had twelve years' service in municipal affairs in South Huron. ThisST'ear I' am Warden of Huron County.. If elected, I will devote myself to the interests of every person, regardless of political affiliations, as I have in the past. Yours respectfully, LOUIS H. RADER Mark Your Ballot has.' ..... •RADER, LOUIS. H., Farmer X Inserted by the South Huron Conservative Association. Am" ZURICH ..emaaran 4ftanlISISSIONIr4 'Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Bruer mourn the death of their. infant son, Frederick,•who passed away on Wed- nesday of last: week, aged 11 months, from an attack of' acute bronchitis. The funeral was held .i)-11 Friday, in- tormt mt. taking. place in I he R. C. tee:iv-eery. Zurich. Mr, Gilbert Jeffrey has purchased ^-•. -•., '1,0.e,101.••••• 1 the house and 11/2 acres of land, one mile •south of St. Joseph, from the Papinea`u estate, and gets possession on NoveMber 1. The property has been Occupied by Mr. F. Simon for so MO years. Mrs. Peter Koehler has returned from a visit • with friends and Pe!a.- ti‘ es.- in Detroit. The political campaign is rapidly drawing to a close. Two meetings will held here this week on Fri- day evening in the,. interests of Mr. L. H. Rader, Conservative candidate, at which Hon. R. Weir and Mr, G. Spotton, M.P., will be the speakers, and on Saturday 'evening in the in- terests of Mr. W. H. Golding, Liber- al candidate, when 'Hon., W. )). Euler and Hon.. Duncan IVI‘arshall The. candicibtes will also address the mc etings. Crushed 'stonefrom the to*nship rock crusher is now being spread, on the road /between Zurich and Hen - Sall ,, .... CARDNO'S HALL SEAFO 0 11 ert • SATURDAY October lst At 8 o'clock g,m. 4 4, • MINISTER OE AGRICULTURE 4ND Charles W. Bell, M.P. ()t' HAMILTON Mr. Weir is a native of Huron County, a practical farm- er, with Canadian -wide experience, an able- inadministra- tor and excellent speaker, who speaks support of Louis H. ader Government candidate for the House of Commons in South Huron Mark your ballot thus: RADER, LOUIS H., Farmer - - - X and staid behind the Imperial Conference agreements that mean more money in the Pockets of South Huron farmers, merchants and workers. Ladies Especially Invited. Everybody Welcome. God Save the King. COL. H. B. COMBE, President. » mat HIGGINS, Secretary (This advertisement is inserted by the South Huron Conkivative Association.) • ag.,,,.,_A;',12.1i;t9A;Milkit4;146t..4.4114LigtigilteNtk/WINAlfiiiltiltgokatItotweAll1Wi 70,1140 al4 and Tuesday, loasWeeroff very succesatully' aAtaiertsgh ra10.1.04 on Tues.day tey../t, spolled-Or5Ille of -ow' 11r/Vrt).M. The entri»eil in the indoor departinenits w.PIV all Well filled And the Ohow home was etrowided with exhibit. The poultry •aloo was 1.4t•atiful exhibitors having iti:Pd113 here from Sarnia and many othe.r outside 'points. The horse classes were not va well filled» this year, although the cattle, siheep and hog classes were up to former year. Zurich Brass Band furnished music for -the afternoon. The` concert ands dance ii the eivening were well pat- ienized. .11i1.111M04•13•141111.212a TUCKERSMITH 'Miss Winnie Stewart is visiting her aunt, »Miss Isafbelle ,Meir," in Hensall this week. •Mrs. Nellie McCully, •of Seaforth, spent a Very pleasant •viisit with Mr. and Mrs. J. D.. Stewart on Sunday. 4r. W. M. Do* will halve a cleal-• ing sale of pure bred and grade stock crt his 'farm near Kippen, on Monday, October 24.. This stock consists of. horses. cattle, slheep• and swine and, are all good animals and in first elass shape, and will furnisiVa fine oppor- tunity to intending etu.chasers to get good stock. 1Mr. Deig has his farm all seeded to grass and is quitting farming. Mr. W. M. Doig has been notified that he has been elected a Director of the HiuronsPlowman's Associatipn. Mr. Doig, in his boyhood d'ays, was a match plowman and still knows how to »draw a straight furrow. MANLEY The Liberal meeting held in our school 'was well attended. Mr. Gold- ing, the Liberal ;candidate, and Mr. Sanderson, »M.P., for South Perth, and Deachma.n gave splendid address. es on the issue of the by-election. They stressed the only ,issue was by the Conservative par/ y was to vote •to ratify !what ,great good hat been done by tie Imperial Conference, but no one has ever heard what. the agreemerft is. 'How, therefore, eau the electors sanction anything they ha%.e no knowledge of, so if we are the jury we want evidenceon tne case before we can return a verdict. ..TheConservative meeting on Tues- day last was well ,attended. 4.nd Mr. Rader, the candidate, and •Mr.l' Spot - ton, M.P.; for North Ifuron,, spoke in the interest of Mr. Rader, while Mr. .R. •McMillan speke in the interest of the country, and all were listened to attentively. ',While the present 'goi- ernment still ,insists on the electors to render a verdict on the Imperial Conference without getting any in- formation as to what is coatained in 1.41e agreement, so that is the only issue of this. campaign, which is a flimsy one. 1:111r. Spotton /became a free trader since the last time we heard Mr. Fred &kart made a business trip to Toronto this week. The late rain his hampered the harvesting. of the buckwheat crotp. • A large .number from here went to Seaforth to hear the Hon. Mackenzie King un the topics of the day. BIRTHS • Kramers.-- In Dublin, on September 23rd. tf; Mir. and :VIrs.h. A11 ori Krarners, a son. wummemmonssoum Regent Theatre Alortlior „SOUND Electric SYSTEM SEAFORTH -Thursday, Friday, Saturday The. French .Ambassador of joy Maurice Chevalier with that marvelous songbird Jeannette MacDonald in a lilting, Parisian comedy romance ti;;A will send you home with n smile! "ONE HOUR WITH YOU" Monday, Tuosday, Wednesday , Marlene Dietrich .The • scrolio's outstanding sensation and suave •• 'Clive Brook offer an ! ng of outstanding entertainin••ii/ with an unirstial, 'Oriental my • fiery yarn. "Shanghai Express" A Superbly Portrayed Hit! Evening Performances at 7.3() and 9.15. Asommeasimassema, ratitZat,11.1i1==1.11,,,m,Y11414=1111;yFileUr.e...,,,I,?(.1F.,= • f• You,h-adHat. In Canada to choose from, YOU would likely select one of the new Fall Suits that have just .been 1 placed in stock in this store. BECAUSE' when we Selected our. new Fall Suits, we determined to find the best values in the most at- tractive suits to be found anywhere. WE believe.we have succeeded. We know our new Fall Suits are finer than anything we have offered be- fore: Finer as to fabrics; Finer as to.smartness of cut and style; Finer as to tailoring. • And finer as to sheer values for what you, are asked to pay. BUT you—not we—are the judge. Come in andilet us Show you luxur- ious Suit after Suit in the new Fall patterns and shades. YOU WILL LIKE THEM 15t f ...1 ... $2'.5O MORTGAGE SALE OF CHOICE FARM iN THE TOWN- "S'IlIP OF McliI1.1,01) Tinder and by .tue of , he prover.°o(' so I. contained in an 11..1enture of Morttra 1, whleh 1,4,111 he produced on the ,121). Of HAW, there wirs1 he of Oro 1 r,,•• ,n1 public Atteti ,n, by George Elliott, AoctIoner, on the Premises. 00 Tuo,rlay, the 1 ; th day of M....otter, 19.12. at 2 o'elr.ck in 11, afternoon, Ire fall land, and Try' ANI) Si N,111IJAR 'hot reetnin pnrerd, dr tract of land nuti premises lvi.ng And be- ing in the Town, hip of 11,1cKillop, in the County Ifur•.0. in the Progint, • of Ontario» being composed of East half of Let N,,1 -'r Twelve (121 in the Tenth Coneessien erf Ithe said Tnw04hi T Mo-Killop, and containing by 13,4mKe4tteement Fifty lere., more or le4s, There are erected cm the said lands .0 one storey cornfot ob° log dwol'ing bot r nil a `frame bank hat•n arid.% stone foundation in gond rerrnie. lando Aro well drnin .1 vrd fairly well fonnotl and there is an excellent hardwood lut,h .'tn on P;Ort The farm is convenient to church and school being one ntfle fro -r. sqitonl. mETtms 0T' 5A1,E,.• • Ten. per cent» in rv1.1 en the day ,,f nOR»And the hotline., withow. ,ittterest in thirty days theren.fter. The pur- dhaser will be rr mired to Sign An o2reenv.nt, te comple-te the Anis,. rther eon ri t ions of Attie will be mnde known mi the clay of the 'sr& 9nri may he hhd Int the meantime from the undersigned. DATED this 22nd d,145 of September, JOHN .1. HITGOARD, Sonfortb. Ontario, Vendor's Solicitor. George i1iMt, Auctioneer, Cite -ton, Ortsrin, 3880-8 , . r ' • • 1,;,'",..;;;;;'.'41i.X ' T"").)..‘ „ , • . • • , r • r ' AUCTION SALE FARMS FOR SALE , FARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE FART LOT AuvrioN SALE c_ic• EARM.• 'M.,. Brown ha, been inottle•,•(1 1 bv pu1,1ir ;me - ! at the C,,mmerein.).-.11 del, Seifert)), on Sniurdas„ Oct,b » 1s1 at 2 p.m.» the 'h'i-'° 123 acre cm -in, »n 1,;t1 1;1. C.,nceooinn 4, Tookeromith, 1. mih, south of Fonondt il'e, fird farm wet. known r, one of the be•tit. farrn.. in the townhip. Term, mage known on day t; ttle. RAF. (•»»\ It N ()ell *N» ' 'Proprietor Thome., Brown. Auctioneer. 3350.2 - • - • --__. -• • . 28 and 29, Concession 3, McKillop, con- taining 192 acres and known as the T. E Bays' farm. Must be sold to doge die estate If not sold will be rented. For particulars nOPly to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sea, forth. 3338-t1 tcyrrioN sm.);. mr, 1s1.1/ Tirmten hoo i•. vn't 1...• roadie suet, '0 on tho premise., North F. rt:ir of. Tr.,- rn ,r Church. ,,n Erid'e, ',tern!). 1' '.201,1 t, 2 p.m„ the .11 , . • ;;0 ; ram t'11140.. 6 I r le et -.nil r•,. V‘Vint, n ti,ch,•0 2.1turner con} 41 stove. ooal o1 h, der. InundrY i2 Iid• . 2 Ma!! »»,01. 1,, nod some other Tert., Cosh, •i .» ..•• ... 33:40-2 , • NOTICE TO CRE.DITORS NoTtcF, TTEREBY GIVEN thnt nil , toe, and other, having cinims agninot +he ,.tAtc of 11013F,RT W11.1,1AM lat,• of the Villttue Bayti.•11, Rortrod 1.‘nem- e•., died on thr Second dny of Anet...1.1 A. D., 1932. are required to .rwo 4 their -t 014 'thr.y nrovten to the untlerri 01) or 1 .'f» -»»w .,r,, the 'Tenty-six(h day of '40"M tebre,, ‘, 3), 1112»ANly isioricE• IS E1TRTITER (1131•N that ries the slid (Into the F.xe.mlor• w'n1 1 vet.; to ,Iktriltutr the einte, hating reer,r.!' 11»»ro the elaints of v. hirh tbef thon have millet.. ) D \TED nt Foca% Ont., this 1111,h day of m GLADM AN & ST'ANIIVRY, F', '0 r and Exectilors' 317,1.1 P- M . BRUNNF,rt l• • . 111,111..rti • • Auctioneer. A UCTION SALE 01»» num,: PRET) Di' AT, SHORTIBIRN, Itegi,tr•el. g,1 WPC.. R1»»»»I 11, . .n4 milk n on 1Vellneodny, October 12 nt 1 p.m_ , rt. .11,, 1,1 .11,01 3 ,,•• three roi,les wo,t, Inoirefield, on No. 4 Con- cr, FIT bw,,y. ^on.lsting ,tr, Roan 1,nnenoter Nn. 22901111, .ors.0.1 April 17th ; 1,rue. N s, et, 1 .11)0 -th • Viro;Oe Cernet. No. 13271» ,..n,.1 Aft: -1 21 r, dam Rein 1nneorte", 1.!YMT11/1.0 lAncn -nt' re• I tv,,i.to 1;;•;3••;» Calf 1,y a le. n11,1 one Pure Bred, si,„•,, 3,1 t»i»»l» in,'•iiree mt. »» ins/ ,.wet, rich in the he<1 imported hived. Anil many wilt show n hie) m.o. left 10,1 ht -r4 to my oh ity ram wi'h...1.. • rove Irnh,,, rnm And 1 f - yeir.ohl <how rnm of imported 1111113r hien; I. Yorkshire Sows Well bred, ,ei; V' boron 1 pn» . reguler hrendrro, lit'em of 13 nit.vo. 14 mott'ho old» 0 excellent condi! in : one 'ow. ; 1i‘e Eir.to And a Sn,'nloi nt 11‘e Pi In..t. fs11,. sired by 0.A C. Glory, No, 12$:12n al. -0 weonintz PC' Of exceptional totality. Ifot-res Ileavy draft grey Perchrenn tonin of. show 1 quolitv. more FIThi gelding. 41 Year., old. 0t1,1' A well-bred genet -Ill run -pest, team, splendid Ooposition and in T,Itying tuns end 1.r..,1-1 Whlte Wynn- inlin 11111101,4. pimp IMple111 1,4,11'111re Ppreit;r1f:r., side rat t, hay I ;Viet% ; .; mower. bean hot -triter. v-111,,ng PIOW ridrng entlivator. lioitohold Furniture of the Eointo of Mrt. A'n» M ,ffnit, ti, SZ11,(1 (Brion. no follow,: Mann good ns new, hall tn.), hall limier, solid wAlnut: prodnr onite, large lea'h; r rnekerr, fnnry not, ,exti1141.11 tnhle» void walnut eN- t ems inn tnble, dining mom chair., irtnut IllitiAi1"01 library trade, leaIher ,'In, Aver ri, white en1me4 and brass kerls, .pringn and fright r,"',', rireseera, waoh- F n hovel plate m irr yr,» curt n Ors nes Mv1 rurtain rods, rigs and 0/0,0rf4t3, dishes, picturev» tn'vet;, te. Grain, pure alfalfa hay, flet P.,111 lor"Mnfl strnw, mangelo and tornipo, Moana doors iird •'!t/.ed 14,1;1140w tab Oleanti brick. Sale tinder (terror itt ema.f. off rain. T,T A1Y1) A. MOFFA'TT, Proprietor ; (home H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 8381.2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE » her.01,y rin•?;•1. 1210 g'1.1111...; in thnt all pero.or, ing any el :Jr+ fit.;; ;1-1 .1;1. n 11 Ileeder en, Retired Farmer, Sell,.,111,111,1`,1,10, ‘vh., died on the 21•I dot, .11toe. 11 »»» ».. 1.00;11.0,1 to s.; iv! ' ; ;he lint.; e eel; •»»»t»r for the I f ,11 0,irl;e11`.;•• ; r;»,;v» a 1,1 s•- 111;;I ity (11.19‘it ef th,,,r 1!,ir14 NMI '1,, n• •.,,,t of the .e0tit.10... if 01.1 hold hy them. en 0 - before the 7th ,' 113 (1 r whirh dn." the <nil Exoou' v 1 P: tO; 0,1 let di•t,•buto '1.4v .1.v. ,,1 de-onoed. • th.. ,imo ef ‚»vt'»h 1, DA'fED Senf,wth. Ont.. this 18th dew of I the,: th.n s 11 hon had 0 tree. reptember, 1932, FLAYS & 2113113. 3180.,1 S for Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is 1n:',11 -)..11v GIVEN that all creds ItT nral other. having 'laims OrMi nst the e,1 ate of ARCI-IIBALD D*WSON» late of the Township of • 174(torne, the County et Huron. Farmer» who.ctied on the Second day Auguot. A, D. 1931.., are required to for - .1 .thor rl,ro duly proton to the under - '0 or before the Third day 'of October, A. D. 11132. %NT) NOT 1I'11 )s GIVEN that eft,•.• the :aid th.' E:ientitot pro - .'1 to diotrittute !he est al„eh nv ip regai'd only to the ,clainr, of which he then shun 3314.') Oro.. tht.- 12th day of 11, 1112.. (11-A1711.1N & STANI1T'RY, F»,dor nod 11,-n- rill, ..14•11t;.I.'S 8379-a NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO'TIcE, 15 IMRE:1w GIvr.74 that all cred- ond hat.lngagainst the of (1 31111.1.itrr nAwsciN. 1 a t.0 04 the h .n 1,,»'county of , Huron, Spiv. rot 1'1,, diet on th,,. ?,Tineteen,th d iv of Aur.u., A D. 11,31. ern recotred to the,r ol. duly proven to the un - ,1„... •• • 1' the Third day of 0.t•.1,,,r, A. D. 19.1' ., El'itT1TER GIVEN that ,•...1 .1,0., the F.Noren,r w H1 pro.. ., 0.1 ;;..;;•tt. •• • ; ho • esh•A`e having regard of whirl, he then *batt lee, 0;0 ir0 I nt E.eter Ont.. this 12th day ef 14,10omber, A. D. 1932.. (11, 33,21 \N & STANTITTRY, Exeipr and liensall, EX11.1?t,T'S Soliritors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS --- - NOTICE IS TITTRETTY GIVEN thnt n11 rredi. tors and other. having claim+ ngninst the rstnte of MARGARET ANN CI'DMOR.F., inte of the Village of Hen.<all. Widow. who 50,1 en the Twenty-sixth day of July, A. D., 1932, are required to forward thew claims ,hily proven to the undersigned nn or before the Twen.ty-sixth day crf September, A. D. 1932. NOTTCF1 TS FURTHER GTVEN that after the P11111 ,late the Administrator will • proc'eed to ditstigihu te the et ta te having re- ran., only to the claims of which he then shall have nhtioe. T) ATEA) art Exeter, Ont., thin Gth cloy of Septernher, A. D.. 1932.. 01,A1)118AN & STAN13TTRY, Exeter and Nernsall, ,Administrator'a Sol Traitors. 3378-3 WE ARE PAYING 5 cents FO1 »NEW WHEAT Trucking arranged for and bags 'supplied. WOLVERTON Flour Mills CiLIL,t: PHONE 51 SEAPORT