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The Huron Expositor, 1932-09-30, Page 3
Ax ■ ' 1) ,2 ,�., � #Ir.j �y'�ftylla;;��"n`IrCi;!tw�111 t{r,r,i;,,y yt`f`,IPi,'jiI'I I',_,?I6r'r,�r.'jliJ4'ay+�x,�, yT1',ir S� e�0''ll r�o'uk i+iaf},�11tt'' .lt ,�""',1I 4 , its C ird,i J }t r a jaPr 1 f, ll6 ,1 ,:5,, ,iJ:a', o .;:; '..:!:� .:SCI r,t s.ir v. ::.?+.' rf li"f. n.�:.4 i7 r.. d ! h M4#5 r': rl h !.. , fV !I it, +'tie+i .i;.;',p -p„ f :1::"r ,, `'1.:',aL 4 a .1 ✓c•i�h• r' .:7 7..- �,cu"1•,. .. s ,. ' !! , . t 1 l .V J 1e ".' 1 ,np>y,.. .. a ..:$. ,i';,i! { e `,. i, „r,,: , EJ ,.6 , r v 9' TM S e ! •.w, ., a ,,, .n. 1 y .n, elt�_. .,m'. .,..,. u.r.a. ! s-:'.- ,r, -I,. r, .,1J �,6..., 1. 'J- 1 •+�, ,t ) r-- t �� 5. .. t r ,., .,,..tt. , ,.a+. I,a.. �!, -1 :'fir. c 1.. ....1,r n,,.,. n I„ , t n..V ...:P,S ,I -;Y c Jcs ht. t u,.„,, rl L w P 13 v. hJ';.,tl l art Y Y U .,:.:� -. n n:, .F( ...at,1:,. , , , x '.: •' .:� 1, <, , '..,:1 r 5'f, , 'tv�l , o .,. a r 4 .4. d L, , �,t;[ a ,ill... . cF..:, 1 r -.,,r '�', ';�: 1 ,. - I 1 P.Ir.,.J•,.. J ..yly;i: j,. i. •I.. ,.)” e' rI°t+. ' r, :R:r, 4 ,�,:{i 1 }}(-in..l,i,8 t f, dR n.11 �"..,iA lk( ,,+f. f k,6 It .til }•:;. '�,'�fl 1,,, 7�«. ,'niF ..,.:: .:`5 '' •:.., -'.., -'`'✓. .,-h`. I,i f Il if r ±•i r E .au., ,. r ✓orf; '•P s x �rt,tt ., , •,.v 1t rx, :d. ,r�r f •.1+ ,e It s:i Oi a° +{� v.y. 7 ), r.pr.• $clef rF^ A 1 r I rl.: �",�,. �" , -°. , , . , ,. f ,)� F6,, t;, h; , h 4 J,i,J+, err f ;;F (r ir!(k�., I I ^:::, '�" 'ik ff P is,," 1 �i �.. d +A YS Leri fr JI�Pi,,:�, 31r I I,.? x4, I r I {,"�',I Q v.,.l: it I L Its,:^�' r .,�R. .. I - a a ;i Y '� ,�nls :'ia r�,n •I'}'i',��•r,•: h , ,u,'ls% tta,il: q, 1 ,fliyl r', , ,.,�Ih}, V,r}D.,'i 3 e a i.. o,,tj;. '• "� ,,r x. I ,�,, (u. Inst ', h :i t ( iy...; CCN , Ir+;! lip tt,f,. ,rr i V J 14e,, �''t�'(T�i '�1jy /� y(�f�f� ,•.hl',4': n. 'ta.:,. ^t' rr,, 'r'", ''r+ i' 1';+sit,'(a9i.1144�'�lib�'�y�If41�::1_�,,r 541 kll{+xiM�V rs..,;: r17.. k'7J•'J�F NBER Nl 1 ,32. i� A 1`(� 1 08,.� � ` ar c,t:, 11 ,I; ,r r a.�'Y �,� ;!' V� �I�stSr I¢'�kAr'� 1., t , tI!Ihrh-^; +,, 1441 as f,,. .. , , mqI, , C "a� y1. 4;qP r �' till.,� 5R r: „ 1 _.,,. .,. Alit , •. „ ' q.. ',,;• v.:. ,1>. }_p f rl s w r lilg q,,, �I S{•;iy3 halag�t we rna�^ respect o graaad-ar N+ttllear M fief c1 1T t, i, ,,: ii,,, "; l . 1. ♦ .v ' f el Cottle; O.. F' ".' ! r„ Ya 11 16`i`y, fete r1 yl kr! I pa'rentbs, " realize th'a't the NRere. er , iMal a �•• Y Seed n � ,der, lYl , ' ,4n riot always wase ire tehenr care of tab n'inl co'lea� o ""; Seen in the Coun Pa rs as i; 1 r n or,wilp in e�Pljq reit• In tthia. da: rr-ran e' it ;, b {,las,1 7,, il, P v!1 tl .{`1�lYqI i, h di'e't Orlando Battler,. �tadr; eta. set- par ,F!pn h r.,. r rI ; n ai,°` Ii 'lied lmeea'u,ste heir is f , ! s 4 Ids' 9iy.,J ', �s�i1 pat�enV WerexgIlOr- 52'lagel eRlh1 b"i?4(2ii anti, era, P..M'ile r gat 4;' a,', ;, w."„ " k.<;GIY,Vrant of faets whi'c'h o-' 7 r an a w 4t day axe soot- 1ngtRnl, W!. EsseTy" ],urge aR, a:?,a P, e' IZI left, 3q a aJh Ji,, -4y( 5,+;yellow g,r itzromZe. Al4- -d ? k , a� j',, ,,, „I p uip;tlTnusual, Ailment. rash reddhsat rlaat.knrswaedge to 'int,eilli ent °rents« Dis' rd5 4 .'7 s r `n' l a"'Ohihem vaJrle r' g P j n4.`--J.aS. �'.+attl,ti%•'� sTY14R11 �r��i5�i a s a¢"il: ::�.sl J,f .;;. a 't:'l, fa,K :S;ry "Gal" variety, a p nm's;on, 'Vas not 'In `t, li f 1 , - , 1 "�'� r'�?tlI 1.. ::,r,, ,:w J .�`y, :l''"h 1"gl ,'P;,.. )"A, '. Mr, ,Gal 'Smi'th is carr int a 'veer h'e' loft o trying conditions H. Ditsjardina J xxte6 (ome. �► Y g Y mnah behind the Jane Oawl, acrd a ' a 1, kat ;a , x','yrgr:'i;1 we 'Nave Ibeforre us' a challenge to D.A,IRY 1'MDDUiCTS I'll +t , � a° t tt P e sore pair of arms, due b0 a most w(1_ mauve 'a11YaAt tate'. s'alm:0 h�i ht. KJex- q ,''l e i , C i , Y � t i3iU 4t J I lr Pr kvir 1 4y. happening. Whip vn4'aad3n a , g' continue and increaxe our, efforts bo Dual g banrt4y tlhe dahlias have dlone wondler- Five pounds ,butteeic, J. 0: 1,ovie, .. ` `cuff + F y1 y1 a r 1t,tivyrsat���k'14, car of cemlent an a ver warm, day re- Rave Iballtaes. IWe have gone far, but r+ , q sfN p} u meanbl'y flue , erslpired freely, The _ fully this year Mlr. Initileyy, ,Ma•. W ,we ,� ,go nawh farther. Babies -still Melvin Smith; 10 pounds ,butter, J. 0. - jrl. i 7;rtii T'"° Ia S. R. Hloarrue,s, Mn. Rorlee andt athercs Louie, ! ,a 1' die whose lives could be saved and H Neeb; 'pound rolls or prints, "fir t ;c, y a; a : sial dust settled, ,and also "goer" in have -hadl rom;%arkable sl ecaimens'.— Mrs. 0. Cu�taringharru" frhost ,neatl ar- • rt1�� "i t q R t + lel + p. whose lives would .be saved If their f Y f ,(t a rG +y,a ^1 A hire open spores of his exposed skin, •Cainton N %' ~ xG�a� Iii '� '• parentis were better informed regard, ran ed late of butter• for table use g P k E i ra I a 4i {r�t §n!Eectioaii"resuitin He is under the ill i' doctors the wrists to above tn!Progr ss its gratify'i'ng.,'but it should creamery&'bbuu�tter1St! 1 s' W s. Vea � {''I a'y 0 �Y�,%, care and both arms are Celebrates 95th Birthday. infant Mrs• p ll ty 1„ b'�Va 'bandaged ,fmoml a nit satisfy us r Judge --J. A. Francx4. .the dbow,- Gloderieh Star.. Ina. The.-. diatter, the ol'dlestt res°- as a s r to dr"i rather as on' adlea f- VEGETABLEIS _.' t ,,,� ,�, 1R deavb of EXeber, celebrated ,his 95th Altxerilean Wonder lrptartoes, Milne u,`,)W4t- t " g forts toward the x Clever Young Student. birthday on Tuesday and less many preservation of .,, rjs I friends will Y Y more and more lives. !Slavin babies Rader', H 'Desj'ardina; Beauty of lie, P. �'"'i join with the. Times- 6' : ,Bernard, IC: Taylor, Igrandslon of Mr: Adltlocaate. in extending ca is ;the result of the ,iction of many bron potatoes; W. H.' ,Dearting; Red'r'11 � ' f :ward (Mrs. J. Ta for, of Toronto, form- g ngratula forces, rbnut five moist aben't force }s Elephant patapioes, J., Brattier; Car- ich 4-,l t,&n Y , ' tions. In Ip&be of his a'dh anced years P men No. ] 'Milne Rader: Rural New (� t m aerly of tawny a student at Jarvis }y�r• Hatter its ercujatyirtg fadr'ly good the care 'given the child by a well. Athletes "V the Go'der'' (,?, sStrree,t 'Clollegiate Toronto, was a- he'aa'tih and is atble • to gibe around. unformed anlather, Yorkers, E. J. Willard, (Milne Rader; , ;, P g HenryAikens , Irislh ,Cobblers, •H. D'esiardine, M. , (warded the Mlose!s He suffered, a' 'severe illness. las£' , y .Scholarship for enerael oficiemic Rader; 'Green Mountain, M. Rader, i,'' Pa" Y winter when he was laid up for ', I z,;. . : avd also ratvkedl for the W.IE,A, 'Meas• alblaut three ,months and he made Joseph 'Sutton; Early Rase, William • li11 r v - sey sl.nalaash+ie in olassiics. IIIc wrote Itearin any Other variety of , k first class rem!arkalble recovery !best he says HER FAT VAS 'A Pota- Collegiate.Institute, the Clin- am gurus subjects, ttakinlg ,fiat he hasn't been as 'strong since. to t a 'Mrs. (`ttnnlinghalm, Milne Mader; �;onors in all.. $er'nar'd enters Vic• However, ,this three varieties, naimled,: H. Desjardine; . . . .11 year he has beer_ able blood 'beets, F, Trrebner, E. .1. Wil- t a ' :'oris 'this fall. His aug'htl ha be-al�la to s,}iend ,same time in lois garden BURDEN • to hold his town with the ,best. he'll p Y 2nd; Globebeets, 0. Rattler, Clifford 3� in whish he has always taken an meet ureic.—Olineton News -Records. Heywood; ,,sugar (beets. F. Brock and • • .Clore e art, Mr. Hatter has had a sulgar beat Heywood; W. San- . ton Collegiate Institute, the �N1 Some 'fall Dahlias. �, colorful ,career. He was born' in NOW She is Quite Slertdelr ,leis, 'Clifford He ° V'°t� England at Henley-Ion-Tham'e- As Yrovoad• ion man- .1 Here is anofher case where the Ig'o]d , W. H. Dearing. W. Sander, �. The past season Inas been..° great a young man he 'entered she army ' 11 _ and far 21 a trim, ,slim figure of youth has dis- 'g'1obe mlanrgolds, !G. Hevwaod, R',11 -one, for growth, garden stuff e,- years hes 'served; with the placed the coarse, fat outline of 'till- 'Sand'ers Intermediates, C. Heywood, 15th infantry. He ewa�s in 'Berrduda `� upecial9y showing wroMder£u1 develop- die -age, It is a hauselteeper writing. James'Cot�hte; Early Horn carrots' V4`. • • ; menet. An example of this unusual for two and a half years and for S� - growlt!h are some dlahlias in 'Mr. Leo- Sate says: oders, William 'Sta'rrlalke; Nanfies, six years was stationed' ',t New ' J C. Heywood, W. Sanders; L•an MitchellColle.late Institute, Brunssrrvi'ryk at the time of the fed- � I cannot say what weight I was, S"a"0o g Or- marc sax 's garden, 'which have a orlon of ,the Dominion, of Canada but I was very fat -tea (bu'rde'n to my- ange or red carroltis, W. Sandors; t rR n reatch'ed a great it,eligitt, one, a Jane r self. I have taken three bottles of w'h'i!te,gr• yellow field carrots, E. J. Wil- A)olwl one of !those distributed the wt Wormed. In 18'79 while :statdon� lard F- Triabner sweep c � _ Horticultural Society, meeasur•Ie., nine 'n in Ireland Mr. I -Latter received Krusechen Salts and now I am quite + am white, � feet six irnchets, aril is' 'still grown his 'd'irycharge aril :ani ,caro later he slender. I 'am b6 turned and' people �'�wt°n Caark; Indian corn; J, Bat- tier, C. He the 'Exeter . High School and I'M. ng'• take file for 40. You can take' it , Heywood; Bantam corn, C. J. 1 -This Ibu'sh hofs 'hard a great many returen'er. to Canada, •'and for several Willard Jas. Van C 1tloam's and is still 'tee'in'g; although proud of myself. You can take it + . &rrNP, PirTn•pkins, ,r;;' year's he was 'a resident of Clinitton. C. lie ocl W, (Sanders s g Forty-two, years a 1 from me that every word of 'this is Y' & , quash, ,C. #the flowers are nlot quite slo large, go last July the -true. I took a teaspoonful in hot Btrn'e'y+ W Sanders; muskmelons, F. �; ias ,the first ones were. They are a family novel 'to ,Exeter w'her'e they water ever m'bxnin tilt I used three Ellerivgton; Swede turnim, N. Clarke, , : ,, have since r vein d. cc son, Wan., b'otttes Now I only bake half °tea- James Cattle; cauli#lawexs, E. J. Wil- the H e n s a 11 Continuation `�.cundtucc4 a veer, successful' dairy spoo'nfu'l each morning. I cannot re- lard;. white or yellow onions, Chas. 71 nu'sin,e.: in EIxe'ter and a. visit to, BirnaJy, W. Sanders.;, 'Sipanish on9lons, Fri comanen'd the Kruschen Salts enough the latter's stables which are whvte far they are worth their weight in Charles Birney, W. Sanders; tame - washed throughout, with lots of Itoes�, 'W. ,Sanders, R. ,Collingwood i light � and running . water for the, g'ol'd."—+(Mils.) A. 'H. wi"'iX IFor �generatians, wealthy over- celery, 'C. Birney; citrons, round, F. J, I ::;L.': �a�'`:`:';::;4 ca,tfle is ,well' worth w•hi.1e.—Exeter E'llerrn :"`'"!"``"'St{<:':" g people have been visiting those Parsnips, J. *'',;, t:h k;;';,''a Ti.mn_u-Adv+ocaebe, we'i h't g gt'orn, J. Babbler; (� .:. Van Carrs School wh s•'�'i , �,.' � '>;' ,ii:; :'< !:.;i<!' Euro p, N. Clark; Hwbrtrard o c0 - ,;:;:::, .; ;:;a,. �,.;ti pean ,Spas wh'otse waters are re- o se the I urmer Local Man cognized far their reducing effect, .It sy'uash, C. Birney, F. Ellertrrgton; Severely Inured. g .'s ] , t able u aslt W . , Sanders i J. s called $attic'• t sq akin t , icer w . e N t iii;>': g o v the ,, .t fall :calbib'a e E, J. Willard W. rr'%' :Elvin V. Rhchardss London, a for- #orm'wl'a of Ktusche•n r g > San- ,.r, ! ii�tst fit<;< ii •.'•,;'.•' r rep esents' the Fe m,er l' , ders • wint • s;::c.>ratssaiii'i`< coal oleo 'k ea caNbal e 'W..'S mown 1'Ixeally as ingredient salts of the mineral wa- g , enders' ; , ::: �::}:<;'r,;};{'>,;:. " fir �,, k�. ;;,, ,�, , ;.,,.;,.�; R'e'd' Rtchards, em,ployede at a Sulp- tern from those far-famed Spas. be.,t collection of vegetables, W. San- Huron ,�.,: ertest gas station in that city, who These Salts camlbat the cause of fat ,ders. Amateur Athletic Ju'dl e 1R. (�oetes. �11 `•'' fell in,to'otve of the greasing pits last b'y assisting the internal organs to g MANUFACTURES & I ___ Wednesday 'afternoon, is reported as 'perfo'rm their. functions properly—to 1V)�]'Lk�M'ENTS resting as comfoi:tably as, could be Ithroew off each' day those waste pro- Pair 'blankets, all wool, 'Saut'heot*.. • r exilcete'd yesterday. X-ray picturels ducts and poisons which, if allowed Bros.; woollen yarn, II—Neeb, 'Milne As Y sociatior ; :::j;:;�.:. .::`5i;3�:! taken S,hortl' p, re- ' , Rader; tal'IOr CUS,tdm, s'Udt'„ W. �•�. 11I :. :;; ;;a, y after fife mis!ha to a ulmwlate will be converted b11 e:k�ia:*:;>, ve,aled Chat a small bone in' tris spine 'the Ibodys chetruastry into fatt tis- Tamara, Southcott Bras. caileCtion 'of h:3 ;}, e r s <1 sen cru h. q ate al ds. Sot c sed, Mr Ri sue. u h obt ros. cal- chiard, g ' t was , }n n ---�- 1 e Hospital 1 lection t il0 ale on a ecru '� c:o a furnishings, �.»>:•>::>:•<::::;:;�> t ,to Vi its and ataria 'Ho_I itaI and r g i`?.;<". Iiiai iS.;ic o!i Y('::;$. >ei;,:;,s:<t>:;•. ; ., placed ,in a cast. IHe was W. 'W. Taman Soubhcott Bros. col- , ., ••w�;:<z::;:;;,::;.;:..+;.; later re- , 1' '<}•.`•, :>;;>.. .. >:: y, ; ':,. 'ti'me'd ,to his hom,s w lelcti'on of groceries, Sou+theott Bros ,,., here he is un- EXETER FALL FAIR :::``"•�::.. ,der ,the care of Dr. R. L. Annett. Mr. , South- "'r"'*;.^ collection of boots and. shoes g :.• ~. Richards was working at the Super- NContinued from. last week.) Cott Bros.• assortmnenpt of tweeds any I fer,,t station at H,orbon and Welling- snake, W.' Wl j`aman•; ladies' ". boots, 1 '.Miss Ethel Chapman '..oia ;;tre�ets,, when he missed his foot- ''HORTICULTURA'L PRODUCTS South,eotit Bros.;. gent's boots, Soutth- ..,c 'r.g and �1S into the pit. •I't was fir,;t ' Cott 'Boos. makes this novel &-ered that Mr. Richards had suffer- Apples—Six vhrietios winker , ap- PI'NIE AtRITS A'ND ,CfRJAFTS ' pies, Frank Tri,ebner; any variety fall Oil .Paintings --- A'rfinnals,, Miss (A a broken back, but this fear was apples, E: J, Willard, F. Triebner; • / � ,; dispelled when the x-ray pl'etnrras Lucille Grant, fruit, Gell, ant, )hili, Read the Result in .LuxOR. CAKE* Rhode Island Greeniri' s, H. Cudmore were level de " ve etable� or fruit Mis�Gr+amt Miss F• Trielbner Northern Spies, Frank orpe •—Wirugha'm Advance- g• g , Mists i Tim,els,.11 , p T. White marine, (Miss Grant • f . . ' Trielbner H.' Cudrrgore; R'nxfb'oro White; scene, Miss White, ,Miss Fol- : . with Magic Car Collides on North Gravel Read. Russets. H. Cudm,ore, H. Disjard ne> }leak; ffawers. Miss ata t, Vlds�s% X. t Golden Russets, J, Battler, E. J White; (shill life study, &Mss Granit. Baking " About seven -thirty on Tuesday ev- Willard; Spitzburgs, E. J. %Villar• Water 'Colors — Seascape, Miss- HURON, EXPOSI..TOR' -. I I ening, Seprh;snrbelr 13, about half way H. Cudmore; Baldwsin's, H, Cudmore, Grant, 'Miss 'Follick; flowers or frui�t, het%veen Bru's'sels and Walton, 'Miller F. Trielbner; Westfield • Seek -No- Miss 'G'a'it, .Mi'ss Flallick; single work, .. THE . Powder McCarber, of the 51th of Morris, had Further, Fred EIlerington; Snows, Miss Grant, Miss Follick; ora'gi'n'al11 a. mi�phap when .Mr. W. Love', of Eth- H, Cudmore,. J. Battler, 'C'alverts, H. study, 'Mrs. Churchill, Miss Follick. el, and he sideswiped. None of the Cudm,ore, Hilton Truem'ner; ,King of Miscellaneeus—Pastel marine view, . cccuphri&s were injured but cars were Tompkins, F. Trierbner, F. Fillering, Miss White, Mrs. Churchill; pastel, Etablisheed.1860 McLEAN BROS., PU 9l�S�2eZS'_ �`My advice to all.housewives, both Con,sid'erably daJm!aged, all tire:s 'blew t'on; Alexanders, Mrs, Clayton Sims, l'andiscape,, Miss White; charcoal t out cm Mc�Careber`s car and, the front W. H. Smith; Wa:gnevz, H. Cudmore;. 11 °skilled and inexperienced, is: Use Ben 'D'avis, IH, Cudmore, H. Dis Inns Foaick, Miss Grant; "Magic. Bakin l?„=Aer.'Then there vrh'e'e1 oat' fife left was Ib'rokzm, Thi jar- Ge.pia, laneds,carpe, Mrs'. Geo.. Ch'ur,hill • � ;s Baking whole side of Love.'s'e'ar 'was Mawr- dine; Ontario, J. L'attler, H. Cudmiore; Miss F'o'l'lick; pencil dravvin!g, scene, -- — `—� -- • is no uncertainty about your bak- . ed. Traffic Off'i'cer 'Le'ver, of Clinton., Blenheim Pnppiius, F.' Trieibner; Tal.= hiss 'White, 'Miss Grai:t• single ,piece � T ' ing." says Miss Ethel Chapman, was called to inves'tiga'te the accident man Sweets, J. $antler, F. Ellering- rrt work., Miss Follick. �M�ists \'White; Heywood, L.1 Reynolds; Zinnias•, socks, 'Mrs. Lawson, 'H,' Desiardine; i pot, J. Battler; Balsams, 'Mrs. (ern- Editor of the Home Section to the but no chaff"ges have been, laid as yet, t'an; St. Lawrence, „H. l udm'm e, F. neiw Crain, ' (Miss White, 'Mrs, Hynd- 'crested or curled, Mrs. 'Heywood; knitted mitis, 1lris. Lawson,, Jack ni'righam, L. Reynolds; Dahlias, Clif ADntabio Farmer. , Th'e accident ha.p'pend wihen. 'MCCar- Tridbner; Wealthy, Mrs, C, Sims, W. pian; sealing wax display,'Mi3ss Grant, Zinnias, dahlia flowered, Mrs. Hey- Barttler; knitted sweater, 'Mrs. Sims, if ord Heywood, Mrs. C'wnningham; r H. Smith. wood Johnin , -1 ter was. returning from tln•e' football Mrs. C'hurchil'l • artificial waxed' , Hern; Zinnias, display, H. Neeb; knitted scarf, 'Mrs. William 101a,d+ioJii, -L. Reynolds, C, Heywood; „' This unqualified statement is par- Pears--IDu;ches's a An' I collection of woods, named, from Huss- ;.I game in Walton, and as he and Love ]oudirte, 'H. flowers W. H. Smith, Mins. C. Sims Mrs. Heywood, Mrs. T. Dinney; col- Hey, Mrs. Lawson. -ticularly-impressive because thrifty were passing on a culvert the two Cudmore, W. Sanders; 'Clapp's Favor- basketry, Miss J. Jaques, lection of annxals, L. Reynolds; ' Ladies' and Obildren's Wear --,AP- on County, I. Reynolds; collection of Caradianhome makers have learned earns sideswiped. When NcCarter's tie, M'i'ss. -M. Young, Mrs, Fred Hog- Hand Painted Chine-1Gonrven'tional colleetion of Perennials, Mrs. Hey- ronl, -dainty new style, Mrs. Fennel), leaves, named and mounted, Jade that Miss Chapman's advice is in- mach -1— came to a swp it was fae- arta; Fall Lucrative', F. Brook; Shel- painting, :M+iss Lu1ci'1le Grant, Mrs. 'wand; 'brid'e's bouquelt, Mrs. George W. I- Snubb; apron, serviceable $a7ttlem; (best writinr y pupil tett ,sass ,� variably practical. in acreosts the road; but Love's car don, F. Brock; East Beurre, I'°, Brock; Churchill; realistic, Miss Grant, 14its5 • 1rurch'ill, Wim, (Dearing; 'basket of work, Mrs. J. Jaques, W. H', Smith; and under, June Bartow, Kathlem g ...... , . remvaine'd stmirght.—Bru•stsels Post. Bureau An''ou,. J. Battler; Berlett, H. White; hrstre work :firs. (Churchill, curt flowers, -Mrs. IHteywood, Mrs. G. house dress, Mis, J. Jaques, Mists M. • Iiestle'; drawing of Province of fHa- Oris' well-known food experts and tntdmare!, !Cliffar4 Heyrxood• !1rs. IS. FenrmEl• Ibrid e Churchill; hand itrowqu'et Mrs. Gee., Young; bau'dair jacket 'and ca!p, Mrs'. tario, aver 10 years, Marion Gladman, cookery teachers in the Dominion share — - Plums--iAny variety, F. Triebner. g set, Mrs. IVliss Cha man's high opinion of Magic. Churc'h.il}, Churchill, L. Reynolds; novelty in Cut Darling, Mrs. Ch'u'rchill; night 'cite, Elaine t5taribury; drawing of Huron P g P g ,Graepes--Niagara, 'Mr's. J. Jacques, Pihotogra'pho--Tinted snaps, Miss flowers, H. Desjardine, L, Reynolds; W. H. ,Smith, Mrs. Hey; underwear, County by pupil 10 years and under, In fact,., the majority of them—and Paints on Hog Feeding. Clifford lleywe'ud; 'Concord W. San- Tvr. Follick (Miss' T• Wbi•te roses, Mrs. G. Heywood. ladies, Mrs. Darling; fans work h i'housewives, too—use Magic exclusively. The bdlg thing for the hog feeder deers• , 'photo- g; Y bag, I,xl•e•lle Sim, toR. Swrrbtuy. he, amateur, MiGs M'. Follick, Ju e�D. Rowcliffe, 'Mrs. ,CJhurChi.l'l; knit indoor sura or 'i to lees in rtruin•d', according 'to the �ralPs � P Grain=--�W`inrter wheat, 'H. Desjar- No wonder Magic outsells all other baler P g Peaches --'Early 'Crawford, Miss T. Miss T. Wlltu hoto 5r a h LADIES' WORK s'haw'l, Mrs. E. .Lawson, Mss: Fen- dine, F. Triebner; oats, F. Triebuer, D'ominio'n Animal Husbandman, , is tnd P b ' 'P' o Joseph ing powders combined! ,.� f d Al bh fit• 11,14th �Z�tate; any variety, Fred Ford, W. Senior and 2nd collection of photo- Living Room Acoessorics—Centre- na ll; •balby's dress, short, Muss J. Ii Desjard'ine' barley H Desja~dfine11 e ee ex Hes' a eros e fi poples' waists the firnilsh"m and the Sanders, graphic view's, Joseph Senior, Miss M. Piece, W H- SRnith, H. Neeb; table Jaquets, Mrs. E. Rpm; 'baby's jacket + , MIrs. Cunningham ' ideal type which 'e as the "select", Judges--lan' MacLeod, H. L. At- Follick, k�ason. scarf, Mfrs. Clayton Sims, 'Mrs. Wm. and bannet, 'Mry, 'Marriott, Mrs. F. Domestic Science- Best home arcade ho must have both. Growg FLOWERS DO;12Es'TIC SCIE,rtC'E " Begonia, tuberous, Mrg. O.` Cvn_ Hrery; cushion, emebroidered, Mrs. G. Churchill, W.'H. ,Smith-acushion, ether Hogarth; 'baby's carriaige cover and Pillow, W. H. Smith, Darling; bread, 'Mrs. Cunningham, J. 0. Lovie,-_ , best sphaol lunch, James Van Camip"� the frame first. Never feed) more than pilgs will cleim up; overfeeding, Harney extracted, Mrs. S. Fen- Min 'am, Wm. Dearing; Begonias, gh famcy sort, W'. H. ar Witkr, Charl, ,Mrs. °c'hil'd s play dress and 'bloornera, Mrs. best jar of plums, 'Mrs. Cunmgng+haau, particularly of ',heavy or unibalancet] wick, Mrs, Edgar 'D'arling; homey in obiter varieties, Mrs. .14. Fuss; ferns, 'Mrs. Bisr•rtey; card table poy�r, Mrs J4, , Si.m,s, 'Mrs. E. Pym; Child's wood L. ReyneoliPs; best jar of ra,splber't:ies,. rations, 'emses unthriftiness which in section's, Geo. 'Chu,rch•ill; maple i2iss M. Fbl'j6ok. gyres Milne Rader Ber, Williams; Jaques, 'Mrs. S. Fennell. Accessories sweater, 'Mrs. Churchill; child's knit 'ted Miss F. West, Mrs. L. Re. , Cunningham,b' yn,o,lds• best turn is the common cause of short, p' ' + 'Cut Flowers- An'tirrhitumr Snap- Diming •Room -Bruffet costume, Mrs, r . jar of strawberries, L. Reynolds, J_ thick pigs'. -For the first four months home made white bread,, Mrs. W. H, dragons, 6 spikes, Mrs. Qeo. Chureli- s'et, whiete, 'Mrs. E,. Lawson, -Mrs. Ed- Hogarth. O. Lovie; apple pie, Mrs. Cunning - the (pig should clean his tuotng'h: and Dearing, (Melvin Smith; home made ill, IM's. G. Heywood; AntiTeMn,uan, gar Darling; buff et sect, colored, Mrs. TvItis,cellaneous — 'Stpeckn-e'n, Italian ham„ J. 0. Lovie; (best drettsed dell, Hook for hrtbree. 'brown ,bread, Mrs. W. H. Dearing, Sn dragons, collection, .'Mrs. Gear e ai;r g' Darling, 'M•rs. Hey; centre ie", W hon• and drawn' work, Mrs, H ndman, Y P. Russell, Jutae Bartow; dolIa+ Mrs. 0. Cunningham; canned ;peaches., L. Reynolds; coffee' cake', Mrs. W. C'lturchill, Mr -s. G. Heywood- Asters, ,, white, Mrs. Darling, Mrs, G. Map- Mrs, Marriott; specie"etn Ane 'Cut clothes, P. Russell, Margaret Clarke; I 40 H. Dearing, L. Reynolds; angel cake, white, Mm, G. 'Ghurchd'll Asters, riott; centre plece, 'tatted trim, Miss work, Mrs. Hyndman, Mrs. Churchi'll;' pair hand worked towels, Miss' J. Saving' Babies' Mrs. O. 'Gunninghaln; light cake, H. pink, Mrs. Geo', Churchill, Jahn Hern; F. West, AAiss M. Youtvg; tray cloths, fancy croc'hert;, Mats. Lawson, 'Mrs. Jaques, Mrs. Lawsor►t fancy aipron„ arre (bearing fruit, It also indicates, Disjardine, Me'lrv,in ,,9mdth; d'a:rk cake, Asters, purple, Mm. (leo. 'Churchill; Mrs. E. Da,rling, (Mrs. E. Lawson; Fennell; eyelet work, Mrs'. 'Hey, Mrs. ;Vers. E. Lawson, :Mis'; Jaques; fancyt "Mltat is a ,baby's life worth? We W. II. 'Smith, J. 0. Lovie; apple pie, Asters 'Comet collection, Mrs. Church- luruch cloth, Mrs, S. Fennell, ,(lis's M Lawson; fancy knitting„ Mrs. 'Mar pin cu.Gthfo'n, Mts. Lawsoav; crocheC will fiat attelmpt to assess what is Mrs. Clayton Sims, Melvin Smith; iela, IW. 'Dearing; Alstersl, curved or Young; ..lbren4fa,s't serf;, .Mrs. Hynd• Hott, (Mrs. Lawson; taitting, Mrs. womlc,, 'Mils, Lawson, 'Miss Jaques; beyond our ability to value. Every- pwmtpkin ,pie, 'Mrs. 0. Cunningham, ostrichlump Mrs. Churchill; Asters man, Mrs. E. Darling; tea cosy. Mrs, Churchill, Miss ,M. Young; new cross plain hand -sewing, 4 pieces, IRWS ' or•e agrees that every child sha't:id be J, 0, Loevi'e; lemon pie, Mrs. J. Ja- white, Mrs, Churchill, Wm. Dearing; '�rutachi,ll, -Mrs. F... Darling; dories, stitch,, Mrs. Churchill, ,;Virg, Hynd- Jaques; 'button holes, Miss Jaques; f•;iven a fair chance. No one, que's- que,s, J. 0. Lovie; lunch for two, Asters, mauve, Mss.' 'Ckaarchill, B, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Marriott; table mean; assortment o,f ribbon. articles, leumdry 'bag, ''Mrs. Lawson,, Jack Ba't- t:ones the right of the ibaby to pro- Mrs. 0. 'Cunningham, J. 0. Lovie; Harness; Asters, purple, Wm. Dear- mats,, ?+Lys. J. Jaques, M"•�-, Marriott; Mists J. Jaques, Mrs. Churchill; as- tler; knitted socks, Mast Lawson;' toctfbn from disease. Obviously it is cured hams, H .Disjardine; red cur- Mg, 1Mrg. Churchill; Asters, pink, Wm. dinner napkins, bars. E.:.awsor, Vers. sortntent of small articles, suitable painting, any object, Miss Jaques of advantage to the, 'infants an,d, flhe rant jelly, Mrs'. W. H. Dearing,. _11. Deering, (Mrs. Churchill; Asrter:G, as- S. Fennell• for gifts, Miss J. Jaques, :vers. Ilynd- Jack, Battler; pillow cases, Mos. Law- - nation that they bbA-er a proper start Y"'"' P P Disjardine; apple jelly, Mrs. W. H. tri'eltt 'plum,°, collectiari, (Mrs,. Church- Bedrroom Accessories—Pfllow cases nran; s eci.men of repairing,:Vers. p =on, ,Miss Jaques. in life, so that they nosy grow up in- Dearing, � g, 'Vers, Clayton Sims; 'berry iR, Mrs. Dearing; 'C.oxcamfbs, display, 'emlbroid'ered, Mr.;. F. Hogarth. 'Virg. ' Marriotb, Mrs. Fennell; Afghan, C. ,Miscellaneous•—Beat hatmmner ihmv- to strong 'healthy adults. jelly, ,blrs. W. H. Dearing, B. Wil- L. Reynolds, Wm. Dearing- Cox- W. Hey; pillow cases, other ,;ort, t17, Birney. dle, Mrs.- Lawson, 'Mrs, Cunningham; The past few years ,have seen great liam,s; sour pickles, Mrs. 0. Cun>- combs, feathered, William Dearing, ® H. Smith, Miss Florence West pil- Judge---;Vfrs. David McDonald, R. R. best g•a'te, Fran(k TrieblmT; be's-, 'bird.01 - made in the control of re progress p ningham, (Mrs. Ewart Pym; sweet Mrs. a! urchill; 'Cosm•mos, single and Inn uses and sheet, �thet st 1� olio, Y ••, 4, Ripley P hnuse_ Allan Perilhale; 'best school � yentable 'dise'as'es. A particularly not- pickles, Mrs. 0. 'Cunningham; cat- double, James Cattle, Mrs.. G. Hey- G. -Marriott, Mn. Ci iir-citill; gplest SCHOOL''CIHiILDRE,N'S PRIZE LIST play of vegetables grown by school able achievement has been the saving 'sup, H. Disjardine',' H. Neeb; can- wood; D'ah'lias, decorative', 2nd Mrs. tcv:el, r.Krs. Hey, 'Mr's. Fenn•hil• to - Ve'ge4ta'bles—,Greets Mountain Pota- ' children, open to any school, Jack i of infant' lives. There are in this' ned rhubarb, Mrs. 0. Cunningham, 0. Cunn9nghaml • Dahlias cactus ('1•;, Mrs. Fennell, 'Mrs, M'a-ri.ntt; hA 'toes, H. Desj'ardine, Mrs. Gq-nning- Battler. •,.i " ,. ''`"" country thousands of children alive Mrs. W. H. Dearing; canned, cher- variety, 'Mrs, Heywood, Mrs', Cult- 'towel, H. Neeb, 'Mrs', Gi'•llard; vanity ham; 1'rie'h Gdbebler potatoes, 'Jack _ r. I—— " ? :1 and well who would have died' as bab- ries, Mrs. W. H. Dearing, Ben Wil- t�i,n haiml sDahlias oro g P tpom variety, oet ','4lis,s Florence Wewt, Mrs. C11111- Battler. H. Desejardine• Eureka pata. nes•ardine• fir. w ,ies if conditions had not changed for g liamus; canned' raspberries, 'Mrs. W. '1� Mrs. 'C. Simsu, W. H. Smith; coliec- ill; dre."er scarf, 'Miss' F. Went, M, rs toes, If. ] , 4"alden Bantam s is . • the better. • H. Dealing, Willimint Decker; canned tion, IMrs. 'Cunminlgh'aIm'; Dianthus or Churchill; boudoir pillow, Mrs. Gil- corn, E. J. Willard, J. Van Camp; !,,t' ,,,!L{ 'The decrease in the, number of in- I Mrs, Wm. Decker, W. H. Dearing; Pinks,, collection L. Reynolds, Mrs. lard; Mrs. C. Sirius; bedspread, Mrs, 'blood ,boe'tsy' round, J. Battler, F. ', fant deabit:s which has ,been recorded canned 'plume, 'Mrs, W,. H. ,Dearing, 0. Cunningham,; Gladiolus., 1 named D'arlin•g, Mrs, Churrehill; bed'spr�ead, Triebner; 4rlood 'beets, long, J. Van, J Pgce v of late years, is sabisfacto,ry evid'en'ce Mrs. 0. Cunningham; canned ;peaches., variety, ,Mrs. G. He'ywood'; Gladio- other ,fancy sort, W. H, Smith, r4rs. Camp, F. Trietbner; Chautenay car- � � I, ' : ': E ^,.tr;<•:A . - •>'•. 'ss. t;hat'the efforts vsh,iph have rbeeiti made Mrs. De'arin' g., B. Williams• canned lots, titres spikes, Mrs. G. Heywood, Darling; curtains, hand trtmrrhed g; rots, J. Van Cant' Jaek Battler an p+ y '11 ' • . "" ',: arre (bearing fruit, It also indicates, sltrarvviberriesr 'Mrs. Dearing; canned 11VLrs. Churphi,ll; Gladiolus, 6 spikes., Mr's• Churekiill, Mrs,. Darling. other varioty of carrots, Jas, Cottle, ; t that the work done' ,has been along a•pple,%, ,Mrs. Dearing, John Cottle; all different, Mrs. G. Heywood, Kitchen Acces Tories—Tea towels, J. Van Cana'p; yellow oniony, H. • ;',�� the right lines. canned a es. M•r•s. Fitvart P 'at g'i p 1't , Mrs; 'Clhurc'bill; Gladiolus, best col _ 'Virg. Fennell VI's. He a,n'holders y, p D'es'ardin'e .Jack Battler to 1 n c omo s, is 1i M'o'thers of today know more about canned corn., IMT s. Cunningham, Mrs. lection, 'Mrs. Heywood; Gladiolus, h'an'dmade, 'Mrs. Lawson, Mrs', Sime; J. Battler; quart Dutch se'tsi, H. Des- r i ,•CONTAINS No CONTAINS the proper care of intfants than evelr Dearing; canned peas, Mrs. Dearing, ,bas,ket or vase, Vers. Hle ,wood; Im- breakfast cloth, """���nlbroid'ered', Mn•q, y` ,jard'iire. r, J. Willard; Swede turnips, P 4 .,1 This atatemene on before, and so their 'b'abrie's receive B. Williearms�• �G,anne•d tomratoes, Me'1- :patients or B'alm,rns, L. Reynolds Lawson, :Vera. Dafling; cut,•tains, pair, H. Desj•ardin'e, E. .I. Wirllard; pars- . _2 every tfn,'is your More intelligent attention.. No meattter. vin Smith, lk,s. Dearing; vegetable 2nd; Marigolds, African, L. Rey- hand-trinvined, Mrs. Sims, Mrs. Dar- nips, .1. Van Camp, F. Triehne.r; tom - t ;.'y guarantee that Magic Baking haw un!uch we may admire mother marmalade, Inns, 'W. Dearing, W.� Es'sery. molder, William Dearing; Marigolds, ling. Dotn'estic Ce}as.c---Quilt, °toes, ,Tack rattler, H. Des,jardine; heady E. J. i'n i • a ' ' , ' .gip ' love and appreciate the willintgness our French, Msq. 0hurethill, ,Mn,. Hey- pieced cost- of c,albbage, Wi•idard, H. „ powder Is free mlotlh:ers t,o sacrifice themselves for Judge—,Mrs. William Consitt• tvaad'; Mastthiola or Stocks, L. Rey ton', ,Milne Rader, Mrs, Fennell; quilt, Das,jardrin'e; dozen pacts of table'heans, .. +' from alum or any • harmful in$re- their chiiclaeau, we should regio niye g ' GRAIN AND SE•EiD,S n'el VV1rru. Dearing Phlox Drum- ds1, g; best desi,gnJ other mater�ali, Mrs. ! H. Desjardige, Clifford. Heywood; 1 , l 11 -e(�' Made in Canada dient. the fa,et that aff'ec'tion and good in- Fall wheat, white, W, R, Dougall, mon,di., L. Re"olds,, Wtfit. Dearing; Fennell, 'Mrs. .J. Jaques; comforter, quart (Ri-y white beans, Jack Battler, j, ,temtions do not take the plo.e of Mrs. 'Cunningham; fall wheat, red, Phlox perennial, Wm. Dearing, Mrs,. Mim. Darling, Wm. Decker• floor mat J. 0. }.°vie; man' olds ,Clifford Hey- g , 10C Best of all ay ikililama., 'G�% FREE—Send for the Magic Cook knowledge. Milne' Rader, H. Fuss; any variety iLeytva'ad'; Petunia. single', Mrs, G. 'braid,ed`, Ll. Reyia,oddg, .Mrs. W. H, woad, H-. ,Desjat dine. Clean, quick, 4,te�t� • °G)"ill Book to use when you bake at hogne, 'The fact that lewer babies die, and spring wheat, Mrs. 'Gunninlgham; six- barley, Milne Rader, W. R. Heywood, Wm, Dearin�g ; Petunias, Dearing„ floor mat, hcioked, Mrs. ,Cut Flowers — A,ters, Miss J. WHY cheap. Ask your brog . GirocerorGtn+�l 1h'1 Address: Standard, Brands Ltd., that the death reit amameg pre school rowed .cl'ovfble" L. R.teiy.n!ale" 1 . Dearing"; Penrice, W. N. Sm'it'h; floor mit, Jaques, J. Vats Camlp; Phlox, U Rey- P1•'�Y gist, Store. `� I Ave. and Liberty Street,' chieldrt•en has been, defiia,itetly' louvered' Dousgall; 'w'hite, oasts, Jaime's Co•tt.le, 'seedy Pan,siels, three bloolmsl, Miss J. Ja- cra'cheted, Mrs. Fhurohill, Mr% Fen- naldst, 'Cldfford H,eyrwood; Nttsturtiaimts I yi r .-Frager Toronto, Ont. ' is the answer t© tihos'e who scoff at •J- 0. Lo,vie; timc}thy Myrs-. q.ues; Salvia, Mitis'. Heywood, I., Rey- nell; men's worst shirts, Mrs. Cum (Cliff. Heywood, F. Triebmer; I'anaieq, Mo� THIR �ttSCityf trtlt t'lltyls', ", what they call "new-fangled ideas," 'Cunaaiinlghamr, flax seed4 J, i�'i'ot'tsei noldls• Verbenas, Ikest dis la. lairs. f p Y, nin'ghamy Mrs. E. Pym; knitted men's Min J. Jaquels; (best genamiumn, Rite co., r3nxttLTtyN. tDi�tT� ,,1911 I'"i y-, -i..,t µ..1 'j 1 �. ' , :. C '.r. Y '. l.! tr I, ,,.., • .. ', 1, ` , J ,Cr J Tri. 0..x ,J .",r �. s a ].; ,.t let' ,...< ... ,.' ,. , r . I ,i4, v: , Z ,X ... ,. :, , 'w>.Y:•,tlfa�, vs,i1Y)�,vt",a .: ,.7 ,o : .. ,, ; , ,. , .. .. ., , . .n , u ., . .,a<. § . .: .. ,.., .. .. r .. >. V w :. Y , , , .,, ..,v ,,, n. . �. ... .: ., , 1 u a F. `4 , ., ... ,. , ,. .. r ,.,r _.. , v,.• ,.. kyr, 7�h;,•':.,,aC,.,,h'M,pc truwas a 'a,analbCrr, ,. :,: �. . ,.. .::" i3f. ,. I. ..,. .i' u>ono,r4�..u.,r,.i,:,uRl„mkn..r.,,,,,,,.J,�,r.x•I.°.,,.Wvt3.,s:lrb4:�;d,lt,tr.,'o.l.,�`A''�?'1tN2a,:�.3}Rtk,6+'r.�.-e:t�,u�:.,,�.,�.,i,.,.�,3,,a1�,,.�. 1-r ri Y ��t . u. ,, ," C°Ir ,F,irr bePlclpP,t"ik,!•rke etYV!„.,r.:.«r°9..;e.. {.... ,�) :,tr a„{,,. ,: i l.r.,.k.,..mi