HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-09-16, Page 54 ,:i 1h 7cap: 3$k 16, 1932, ►.egep Tiatre saivoRTH THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 15, 16, 17 Lily Danita Thelma Todd Charles Ruggles in "This Is The Night" Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday SEPTEMBER 19, 20, 21 Clive Brook Claudette Colbert in "The Man from Yesterday" COMEDY—ARABIAN SHEIKS NEWS REEL Two Shows Each Night -7.30 and 9.15 Knox Church, Bayfield Continued from page 1)- -to size up a situation quickly; to say what she thinks', and to s'ay it with force. 'She Ibrou'ght •greetin!gs. from the Ottawa Presbyterial, greetings from the Provincial Society, and greetings from 'herself as Provincial 'Treasurer. As Provincial Treasurer she ,brought her most genuine greet- ings to 'Huron, ibecause, she said, Mins. 'T. Swan Smith was the 33e's't Presby- terial treasurer she had in. Ontario. IIn• extending c'on'gratulations to .Knox Church, she said: "Do not, fo'r- ;get you built this church to the glory 'of God, rather than- to .ourselves." The subject of .her address was "Pres- ' )'yterianisnv' and if nothing else was" remembered, she wanted this thought . carried away: "To • be a Presbyterian and a slack follower of Jesus Christ should (be at contradic- tion." She told of a scheme that i; being launched 'by• the board. to raise, in two years, $25000 above the regu- .ar giving. The Gospel of ,Jesus 'Christ is the same yesterday, to -day :and forever:' and through the chan- nel of the church will peace come, .Keep the channel free, not choked -with debt,; We are the 'custodians of -the evangelization of the world to - ,day, she said. Mrs. Thorburn close,' her address with an ap•t. story• of a painter trying to put on canvas some- thing synl,bolic of what the church, where his picture was to hang, stood for. His subject was Jesus with lit- tle children at His feet. When com- pleted, hie colors were all gone --"It week all (lr.iy colors to make God's fain ily complete." A .quartette 'by• Mesdames Reveill, Dunlop, Lane and Saunders,.c>if Gorle- 'rirh, was much enjoyed.Mr:l. Kaine gave a comiprehen.eive report of sum- mer school and CC.G.i,T, C a.mn at Kin- I tail. A cession of prayer was given bedMrs. Cummings; .Mrs. Edwards and IVIrs. Redditt. After the offering and dedicatory prayer by .;Miss Jeckell, Mrs. Thor-' burn conducted the Question Box, -which was instructive and entertain- ing. 'Mil's Millard, ..of Brantford, gave a delightful vocal solo. Resolutions of sympathy were ex- tended to the family ,of the late Miss • ,Orr, of Stratford, and to the Provin- scial Board on which she served as -Financial 'Secretary. The closing prayer was .given by Mrs, Lane, -Gode- rich. MILL r e Death of •Robert '' Garrowe-eMr. Robert !Gamow, or -'s of the oldest as well as ,one of the best lanowni, and highly res'peated residents of the Sea - berth district, died in t 'Scott Mem- orial Hospital on Fa'iid'ay evening September 9, fallowing a short ill- ness from pneumonia. Mr. Garrow was the youngest ',lent of the late Ed- ward Garrow and Rebekah Key, ani was born on the ,Garrow ho'mes'tead, near Roxboro, on April 23. 18.67, where the greater part of his life way' spent, He was a Most .successful fanner and stook feeder and bis two hundred ,acre farm with large bens and cillos !was one of the outstanding farming properties in this county. Feurteten 'years ago he .disposed of his farimis and purchased a property of 37 scree ad'joini'ng. On tlhis pro- perty he ren'tgdelled the house, mak- ing it One of the finest farm) homes a'nd also erected a large barn, and continued his farming operations in a sanall'er way up to the end. Al- ways a ,man of quiet manner, • Ma-. Garrow • neverthe]ess possessed a geniality, wit and honesty, that miade and retained for him countless friends during his Tong residence here. and his rather sudden death was a cause of surprise as well as of deep regret to the whole community. He was the last surviving member of a .family of five, those who predeceased him being Judge J. T. 'Garrow, of Gode- rich, and, later of Toronto; Dr. John. Garrow, of New Westminster; Ed- ward Garrow, ,of ,G'balt, and Miss Janet Garrow, who during her life time made her home with the 'ci+e-. ceased. he n'ev'er having ,been married. The funeral was held from his late home on 'Monday afternooni;and was very largely attended, the services being conducted by• his pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane, of • Noi'theide ,Unlited Church, •Seaforth. Interment was macre%in !Maitlanclibanik cemetery; the pallbearer's 'being ilfess'rs. M. 11cKe1- lar, J. R. Scott, Joseph Scott, 4. Wankel, 3arne.s Ai'.tcheso'n and •Ada'rn Dodds. OINNIOVOIMIMM, 40* EGMONDVILLE Meets: The regular -w et- ing of the Egmondville WJM.S. was held in the vestry. on Friday after- noon With the president, 1Mrs. Mal- clonl, in the chair. The opening lima) was followed by prayer by Mrs. James Brown. 'Mrs. Shillinglaw read the Scripture lesson and Mrs, Isaac Moore read the devotional leaf- let. During the business period it was decided that the October meeting would be the autumn t'hankoffering and all are looking forward to hav- ing ;Vers. Lana as the guest speaker, Mee. Routledge and Mrs. J. .George Coleman' were asked to he tea host- esses for 1Plle meeting. Mrs. Harvey Moore, Miss Mabel Cameron and the President were appointed le delegates fra the --fall snc'tional meeting. The Nene Brook was the centre of the seedy for the'mcetin'g and )_)'Piss Toms, Mrs. W. F. :McMillan, 'Mrs. Thomas Richardson and tMrs. L. Reinke mad: this very interesting. A'few minutes were spent in discussion of the Dominion Board resolutions, One of i he:;e which requests the Goseernment put alcohol on the list of narcotic dregs is worthy of note. The meet- ing closed with a' hymn and prayer by the president. . At the close of the meeting, Mrs. McMillan, on be- half of the Aaxiliar•y, presented 'Miss Evalena Nott with a life membership certificate, a wenl'ding gift, to express the appreciation of Miss Nott'5 work as 'Mission• Bandl leader. Mr. and Mr's. Harry Stewart and! Misses .Mina and• Laura were 'Sunday vislbore With Nfpav ., amburg t'iie'rlt ' , ' 'M1ar, t,T an irnd 'par. Earle, 'W 1, er of e'I4al z',sPe'n4, the wee (00 here 'sad atteri:ded the Webete'r N1ott wedding. Rev. Peemmer ' of Brueefield, took the services in St. Alndrevr''s United Church on Sunday last. The rheic sang a pleasing n' -r. Iter; "'Came Grac- ious Spirit," Mr. J. B. McLean taking the tame- obligate solo, . • !Mr. Gilbert Jarrott, of London, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mee. Isaac J.arrott. Quito a nunilber front Here are taking in a day at London Fall Fair this week and report the . usual worthy exhibits. 'The many friends of Mr. Joseph Fulton -were sorry to hear of his, death which occurred on Sunday, September 4th, at his home in .Streets`ville. Mr. Fulton was well known in the village as he used to stay for some time with his daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) R. A. Lundy,. when Rev. R. A. Lundy was the pastor of St. Andrew's United Church hero. The anniversary services of Hills - green United Ohurch will be held on Sunday at 11 aerie and 7.30 p.m. and will 'be taken by Rev. Herbert, of Hnlmesville. Kippen choir will sup- ply special music. ,Miss 'Isabel Alexander left on Tuesday- last for London, where she will attend Normal school, CONSTANCE' 1Mr. and Mrs. William Clark re- ceived word from Mr. G. F. Costes, of Rutherford, New Jersey, of the dea't'h of his seriy 'Mr. R. P. Coates, on Friday last. 'He !was in his 2:9th• year and had been- operated' on for app'e}-ndicitis, He was ill only four days. He worked on the Finance Chronicle with his 'father and had visited here last summer for two weeks. • !Mrs, Ed. Britton, of Walton, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs, William Britton. Mi. and 'Mfrs, P. Gardiner, of Lon- don, and Rev: Gardiner and. Mrs. G:'rdiner, of Londesboro, were guests to. dinner. on Sunday at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Stephenson, and Mr, 'and 'Mrs. P..Gardiner w'era at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Gardiner;, of Londesib.or•o, for tea. Miss Mildred -,Britton and Dr. El- lecott, of , London, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs, 'Wm. Bri!tton. Mr. and .Mrs. William Clark, Mrs. R -Clark, Mrs, Howard Armstrong and two daughters, Stella and Blanche visited Mr, and Wire. Clar- ence Clerk. .of Listowel, on S`ednes• day of this week. . Mee. Charles McGregor and Mise Margaret Hove are spe'nd'ing • two weeks at Bruce Beach. Miss 'So•nee'rville, of Winthrop. ..is visiting her sister, 'Miss Grace S'orn- erviile, i'he W. M. S, held their meed iia' at the home of Mrs. Rey Lawson on Thursday-. WALTON Stirnore-Hoinuth.-=-A very- pretty weclding was solemnized at St. An- drew's Presbyterian' (Manse:, Wing - ham, on. Wednesday; Se•ptcinher 7th, at 12• o'clock noon, when Nettie May, eldest daughter of ,Mr. and Mrs. Jno. E. Helmuth, became the 'bride of Nor- val Valentine Stinore, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stimore, of Wal- ton. Rev. Kenneth McLean officiat- ed. The bride looked charming in a gown of royal blue silk lace With hat and veil to match, and carried a ALL ROADS LEAD TO CSaerdrnfosrHth Tnesday,Sept.2Oth, .l. BE THERE TO HEAR Hon. H. H. Stevens,M.P. Minister of Trade and Commerce in Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett's Govern- ment,: and Mrs, Howard Dallis, of Peterboro. Mr. Stevens is one of the ablest speakers and most capable men in Canadian Public Life. He will speak in support -of LOUIS H. RADER t Candidate for the House of Commons in South uth Hugon • i VOTE FOR RADER and stand behind Im- perial Conference Agreements that mean money in the pockets of farmers, merch- ants and workers of Huron County. Ladies Especially Invited. Everybody Welcome. COL. II. B. COMBE, President. ROI3T. HIGGINS, Secretary (This advertisement is inserted by the South Huton Conservative Association.) lei sem r 6.1:E0„: oftpss a'ad 1ddn aax 5 l r wits at 1e4 5*e e 911'x, Re zu4ltlt. who wore a 6"s of wine calorsd , rteprNcl!,t • .. lace With.114'144oldie to rzlateli ;' k'he bridegroom was attended by h brother, ?O. A1v%'Ian Sitinrro , of wo,, ti* Imene.dia'ely afr, ter the earepue.p4 a wedding dinner was served' ti mo !bride's honn'e 'to about twentijreftr4-” guests. Mr. and Mrs. Sltiuuore let.on a motor trip t� Toronto, the belde travelling in a navy blue suit. S.%n their. return they will reside cru the briclegrpom's farm. near Walton, ' Mr. Harold Sinialldon.. of Walton, spent Sunday'wi'tlh .Mr. Jahn Bullard. (Mr. and 51rs..;, William Hart and (son and 1V2`r. Harold Hart,' of Brus- 's'els, spent Sunday with !Mr. and Mrs. Lon. Sperling.' Miss Evelyn ISiparling has returned home after .spending the .past two weeks with relative's in Grey Town, ship, MANLEY Some fleabag was s 'busy enough to set fire to Mr. Tl'omasll McKay's straw stack the evening he had finished threslhing of 50 acres of oats and bar- ley. So far no trace of the bug has, been traced, The loss is considerable as ,the straw was of good.. feeding quality. Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckart and their daughter, iMMrs. M.. )Desborough, were visitors in our bung this week. We are .sorry to learn that Mrs. Jerry 'Q'IHlara is, under the weather and her many friends hope for her speedy recovery. • . The sad news of the death of Mr. Leo Flannigan was flashed over .our burg last Tuesday evening. He was in his 29th year, and the only son of Mfr. and Mas. Jamr,es Flannigan and a brother of Mrs. John A. Eckert, of OUT iburg, who have the sympathy of the whole community. ELIMVILLE Mr. and ,Mrs. Louis Rader and children, of Dash'Wood, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Bell on Sunday last. Mr. •and ''Mrs. 'Charles Stephen and two 'children, Mr. 'and Mrs, Edward Johns and Hazel sperlt,Sunday.at the home of Mr. and !Mrs. Mirt. O'Reilly near Shelbourne. Mise Ruby Johns, of Lu:can, spent the week end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Pym and chil- dren spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pym. Mr. and Mrs. George Elliott, of London, visited relatives in this vicil,- ity last. Sunday. 'BIRTHS , Hangll'norne,-- At Alexandra Ustspithal, Goderich, en Seroternher 5th. to Mr. and Mrs, Walter Hawthorne, a son. Pinkney.- At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on September 6th, to Mr. and Mr;, Carl Pinkney, a, daurg4tter.,. Jeffery. --In Udbo'rne, on September 2nd, to Mr. and Mrd,. William Jt4Tory, a daugh- ter (Mary Eilene). Murphey, --In Scott Memorial 1-9o;pitall, on ,septa nhor 11th, .to Mr. and Mrs. John F. ,Murphy. a son, Storhenson: In Scs tt 3& i, nrial Hospital, on September 15th, to Mr. and 'ons, S. Steph- " eneon, a daughter. DEATHS . Garrow.---In Seaforth, on Friday, Scpternber, 9th, Robert Gurrooa/, iu his 75th year. Cassidy,—In Detroit, on W.edne,day, Septem- ber 14, Evelyn Carling, wife of Daniel P •Ca9sidy, formerly of :it. Columhsn. Burial from her home, 4888 Spokane Ave., on Sat- urday morning to 5t Theresa's Church. NOTICE Ratepayer of the 'iovvnchip of Tucker - smith, Who wish to t—awn gravel from Alex- ander's pit, communicate. with SOHN EARLE. Phone Number 143 r n. 3379-1 LOST Snare tire and rim, size 34x4, on No. 8 •Highway, between Goderich and Dublin. on Wednesday evening, September 14, between 7.30 and 9 o'clock. Fender please notify T.. G. MUTTON, R. R. No. 3, Mitchell. Re- ward- 3379.1 IMPORTANT NOTICES r)ABY CHICKS FOR SALE.—S. C. W. Leg - horns and O. A. C. Bred -to -lay Barred Rocks. Leghorn, exceptionally heavy laying strain- Average daily "production of 1,504I hens for. the last three months was 1,021 eggs. Bred for health, vigor and high pro- duction. April prices: Leghorn,, 11 cents: Barred Rocks, 12 cents. May prices, 1 cent less. No Rock eggs set after, April 23rd un- less specially ordered. We have used pedi- greed cockerels for five years. W. HUME CLUTTON, R. R. 5, Goderich. Phone 1413, Carlow. 3307-tf AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF 'FAR,M STOCK. •-Fred W. Ahrens, auctioneer, has received ins'tructiznfrrm the undersigned proprietor to sell by public auction at Lot 47. Concession •4, Tnwnshin of Hibbert, 21. miles south of Dublin. on, Sstunday. September 17. 1932, the following: Horses—Two Percheron coltm "riving 2 years 'Ned. Catt'o. .Two errs'_ stein cows 5 year; 01,1, supposed Ile be with calf: 3 Durham cow: 4 years old, simpered to be with calf ; 1 Dot -barn cow 4 years old with 2 gond calve` by her side; h steers and heifers rising 2 year, old; 6 sprint calves, Pigs. --12 Yorkshire snrvs, all due about time of sale: 1 Yorkshire !,.ar 2 years old. Her,, —About 100 hens. Sole to commence at ttvn o'clock, sharp. Terms of Sale.-- All sums of 610.00 and under, rash: over that. amount 6 months' credit, will he given on furnishing .approved joint notes with bona fide property owners an security, or a discount of 6 per cent per annum ng' for cash on credit amounts, No reserve as everything is going to he sold as the proprietor h.as no feed ow- ing to his barn io,ng burnt. Auctioneer's decision final in ease of"all disbutes. .JOS. JORDAN, Proprietor; Fred W, Ahrens, Auc- tioneer. 5370-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE DS 'HEREBY GiVEN thata!1 creel• itm', and others hap ing claims aerain"t the (-tate raf A.RCHIBAT,D DAWSON, .late of the Township of 1',horne, in the County of Huron, Former, who died on the Second day^ of August A5 D. 19'.12, are required to for- ward their claims du!v proven to the under- signed nt or before the Thisxl day of October. A. n, 1932. ANT) NOTICE. TS FtTRTT-TF.R GIVEN that after the said date 'he Exren't'm• will prn- coed to distrihute the estate, having regard only 1, the claims of which he then M111a11 have, notice. DA 11'111 at F.xetrr. Ont, this 12th lay of Srtptember, ,'t D„ 1972. GLAD'M,AN & STANBTJRY, Exeter and Hntbaalll, 160inttor'a t3oLic7tn,r1'r. G279-11 ee thes They arse a striking group of mar- velous New Designs that will lend distinction to any figure, and above all they are such marvelous values. Generously and gorgeously furred with WOLF, LYNX, FOX, THIBETEEN AND FRENCH BEAVER. The Colors: Black, Browns, Greens, Wine and Blues. The Designs: New Sleeves New - Trines New Lines New Lengths These are inspection days. You are .y welcome to come in and look whether you are buying or not tewart Bros. Seafort NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all credi- tors anti others having claims against the estate of MARGARET ANN QOM/LORE, late of. the Village of Hensali, Widow, who died on the Twenty-sixth day of July, A. D,; 1032, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned. on or before the Twenty-sixth day of September, A. D , 1032, AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after the said date the Administrator will' proceed to distribute the estate having re- gard only to the cl•ainls of which :fie then shall have notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont, this 6th day of September, A. D., 1932. GLADMAN & STANBTJRY, Exeter and Heusall, Administrator's Solicitors. 3378-3 NOTICE TO -CREDITORS ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all cred- itora and orihrr, having claims against the evtate of MARGARET' DAWSON, late of the Township of IJsburne, in the County of Huron. Snin.+ter, wh , died on the Nineteenth day of August, A. D. 1932, are required W forward their claims duly proven to the un- dersigned on or before the Third day of October. A. D. 1932. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN than after the slid date the Executor will .pro- ,, (teed to di tribute the eFtlate having regard Only to the claims of which he then shall have notice.• DATFJD at Exeter, Ont., this 12th day of September, A. D. 1932. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter and Hensel. Executor's Solicitors. 3379-1 Goderich Fair Next Week. Big di.etrict fair at. G•otlerich Sep- teneher 20 and 21. ,.Afternoon pro - grain on Wellnesday includes four track events: _2.28 trot or .pace, 2.17 trot or pace, running race, and relay running race. Softball tournament, Seaforth, Clinton, Grand Bernd and Goderich teams. Other attractions, Special exhibits. Admission 25c. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE 10 HEREBY GIVEN that all credi- tors and others having claims against the estate of ROBERT WTT.T,IA.II DE9,0'TY. late of the Village of Bavfielrl. Retired farm- er, wha died nn the \Second day of A ug1,1. A. Tl., 1032, are required to forward them" elaima euly proven to the unr]r,•signwl on or before the Twern ty-oict:h day of-Sts7tetmfir,, A.` D , 1072. AND NOTICE TS T•'I'RTTTER GTVk±N that after the said date the Executors w•11 pro- ceed to distribute the a.tAte. having regard filly to the claims of which they them shall 'have notice. DAT'F:T) at Exeter, Ont, this 6th day of September, A. 0., 1932. MADMAN & STANBURY, 'Exeter and Executors' Srslicitnrd. 3178-3 'MORTGAGE SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the Powers of Sale contained in • a certain mortgage, which will be ,produced at the time of Bale, there wilt be offered for, scale by GEORGE ELLIOTT, Auctioneer, at Public Auction on Tuesday, the 29th day of September. 1932, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, at the farm of Joseph McFarlane, R. R. No. 1, Seafwrth.. Ontario, the fallowing property, namely: ALI, AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, and Province of On-. tario, being composed of Lot Number Twen- ty -Seven, in the Fifth Concession, of the said Township of McKillop, containing One Hun- dred Acres, more or leets. On the said farm there is said to be erect., ed a dwelling house with suitable farm build- ings. The lands will be cold subject to a re - 'serve bid. TERMS OF SALE,.—Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid dawn at t'he time of wale and the balance within thirty days. For further riartioulara and oondittions of sale, apply to BARRY W. PAGE, East Block. Parliament Bldgs-, Toronto, Ontario, • Solicitor for the Mortgagee. Dated at Toronto this Twenty-seventh day of August, 1932. 3377-3 MORTGAGE SALE 1'.NIIER AND BY VIRTUE of the Powers of Sale con ta.ined in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of• sale, there will he offered for sale by GEORGE ET.LIOTT, Auctioneer, at Public Auction on Monday, September 101h. 1032. at the hour of two o'clock, in the afternoon, at the farm of Petrr A. O'Sullivan. R. R. No. n, Sea - forth. Ontario, the follow -174z property, name- ly :-- ALT, AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, and Province of On- .t.arin, hying composed of Tot Number Four- teen and the West Half of Lot Number Thir- teen, ho* in the Third Concession of the said Township of McKillop, rind containing to t•rt,hrr by admmeasurement One Hundred and Fifty' Acres, he the same more or less. On the said farm there is said to be erect- er a dwelling house with suitable farm build Tho lands will he sold subject to n re- serve hid. TERMS OF SATE. - Ten pe'r cenf of the purchase money to he paint down at the time of said and the balance within thirty days. For further particulars and conditions of apply to HARRY W. PAGE, Feast ))lock, Parliament Aldga., Torvmto, On'ter&, .Solinitnr to the Mortgagee. Dated' wt Torsani» this Twenty -Ninth day of August, 1942. 33774 N FARMS FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE PART LOT 28 and 29, Concession 3, McKillop, COM. raining 192 acres and known as the T. E. Hays' farm. Must be sold to close "the estate: If not sold will be rented. For particulars apply to J: M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, See.. forth- 8358-tt ShipAn�+e wh :Sample Package, l Ten lbs. good leaf tobacco, mild or strong, with free real Briar pipe, $2.50.. Twenty lbs. for $3.50;' 50 Ibs. for $8.00- Quesnel,.two lbs. for $2.00. Agents wanted. Ad- dress, G. Dubois, 1>3 Henderson, Ot- tawa, Ont. WE ARE PAYINp 47 cents FOR NEW WHEAT Trucking arranged for and bags supplied. WOLVERTON Flour ---Mills Co., Ltd PHONE 51 : SEAFORTH A BARGAIN FOR SALE.—Fine acres, one mile from Seaforth; modern house with furnace, bath and toilet; small barn; good orchard- Taxes, $15. Splendid chance to start chicken farm, bees, etc. Apply to R. S. BAYS, Seaforth, Ont. 46,3 tt THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY , Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91' j cl tri