HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-09-16, Page 2- , IN I" 01 �,7,71 ��;7,��r""IN,�N,�7,,�,i��-�',,,',,.'.�"7 " 7 1,* 7�j ,� I,',� - I , , 117 ;: I, M -T -T. -P-1 1I.M."'F �il'.ii� ., , . 71 -DT"', , .. ;�,�,,,tg' ,7 ,,-;�,,�,:7g,�;g�.� '-V�T',�'igp, 7­,',�,,gy -,,-,,,�r 'F--,'�R, ,1q',��7,,,,", z,�- g- ��t.,,IIN�, ��,'�"",,;T ,��.,7,,-��7".""-"��l",'i�if', 7�77`17 - =,,",7T"rr,7f4T`1 ,!7?',�,,, , , , p " ') , - , i�,r��'ll,"�,�I'll"""7�""175"��',�"Iii��",,7,4,����',"�,,�,,-,�,,�,!,,,,7',',��,�':,i,����.�,"�;�� � I `R,,[�, _,,�,',' "� '� - " " � ,'I � ,�7;,,�7�'!"k"�,,�",��.,�7r.M�,,��",',� !,"� � , 11�'!11�1�ilil�`�"".', -, �7� ,,'?,' .,,�e,�,';�,',,�!""�,,'����l���,,�",.�""".�,�,.',',,,',,'�,',i',,�',',�,,','j��'��.',.i�i��,�"""��,',',�,,,',,,,','.:"'�';,', ��,�,,.,.,�""";",,.��,�l",!,;"",.,�,,�,'�,�,,�,,�:,'��i��,'�,,�:"i�.'�,,,,�� - u�qg.­ ,? 3�,.��,��.,�7��, II��`4,7,�'.,�',', i ., , ��,,1�,,�, 1�; !el I, l!'i". � .1 I I .." 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"'64 ;�� ,0;, , . , I � , - , 0 I )i "I" , , � f -'�,�!, ,� "'� il��tf�K�.ij��,S,;�)�� ',',�� """.. , I le I � . . - � I 1. , �4� ,,�,K:��� ;, � . � I I ,�,, 132, .�, ,,� "O� . i -.1 1.11 -, ., _OR" , , 40!I � 0 " � RUJt,()N EXP 0, I ; 11 I � '.1 - - : ,�,,�.,,��;,,�!'��,�����,��,,,�,����,��i,',�,,,, , "" . �, to, ,4, 1� . I I N_i t I I ':­ :., I �!: � I 11:1 _17- 1. -1 ..­t1li...''.. .,��N�'��ll""",",�,ik'�,'A'�,��i,.�I , ,'' I . I I . . - � 1. 11-1 ­ III ')'� ,11 W i - _. ,­. I. . ..1. :'. �� I � I .. I " .1�, X* i : 1:11-11-1-1 � I -111 -- � 11A, ?I , ::�', " 61LIIIT��,�Tlllp ,71 "'T "' ,,,,, , ip� , _LL.- � ; � -:,,::: 'I , : I � ..1-1---.1 - ".. ,_ - I I . I . LI ;�,,�, )4 I 111...'�4` " " ... ... "' i" , I I 1. - . � I . I . I � I I � . .1 . I I I .��t ., . , Il� I, �, ,�� "� '�"""-""""-",;,,;""","� `�".�_;mr­ 11 I IQN S ,thlay didn" 10t;end. to be ci . � lvay.e� the consumof'S�Atisfied I . . . I 010-V r i, , 1�,;I. 1;.� ...... ,.,,�,,�, IL � ; . I I WORLD MISS 1. - ��.,,)�i � 1i . � . .1 ��m ��!,�,��,�"i'�,�,,!,"�i',,�4,I��,,,,'�,,��l')�"""�,,���:'��'I '�,� , .that orriluous'W11 Mess. , . , " , , out food in � - e', �,,7'�;,,��,ji;��,',),t,fil,",��'l�'i � � ; iA��44� "'i' ', T.","i'ii��",� �1, . ,',�, , "A , Madras Vhristian College- As far as we know, they got to L*" Gaskthe%ma -h ananowislied- I I . i'.�.:,,��"",;���,,���;���.,,�"".,��, 1?1'i�,� "'f,l�li��l7�!",�,�,,,,'�,�'-�"""i"� ....... - 1%mcbe,m; , , " .�t".�,,'��,(,;3;�i,,�.,""�.,� I "�'�.1,1, , , t wih, with I i Liw�)�� i�` ,Ri(t!i 9I1`1 -011f$,_'..'!'.9 I I a I ,X,aearpni Salad .. I IF""�,,�.i�""I"ql�'��"".'�,'�'��� I Angele-s"withlout losirig a iman from ' "I �, " I �, - I " -Br4n,Mu#.1w .. , , A�,,�';R,,�P,1401V,11 , All I "I" . - .� ; "� ',�, . , ic man The influevoe of taie Christian co - Butter ' - ,,,O,�,W,P,,�&I�f be ov- � "a, Swnom al -, atarvation. ��;,,,'� p""If leg,e. in. the orient can hardly Is Daugerous Blaoltberries I I jUl,��"jr�"'�,W` I 11 I ��,,t�,�V,�,r , 1� � ,� ... I .N;, ��G"',A,N,,'� I � . - . esti,matted. often they are the Only ,ft,planati*rL___4() 'Iced Teo with Leawn. I er ne, of our friends . . 1aV,"1,5V,ZXF,�4'j . Rmommends Daily Use of Bisumied 'i , , " , lj,��,W,`,' ;1 !'� ��� I L. 11 A�-�­-,�.'L" seats of higher . the 0 to Overcome Trouble L I - 't U11, tbl I learning in populous who lives on .ontinent keeps . - Ma osia -ni(on Salad 1. ;�,,f$4',0 " . centres, and from them come young ,some of his nloney in a savings barxk gn I �i,�"��,�'1'1111vl� Caused by Acid Indi&stion Sal ­­"'­,'�', � �'!, ' L ' "I " �1� -ead,Sticks . . 1C-%;'$,.--', L_.�. "*;iN, ' costs less than ,men and woin�en who are found later in Nantucket, because he gets a high, . Corn Br - ��A i , . , ;�.,,,��-,�i���!',%��I , 1. I I ��:, '15 4 J, . in ]high places in state and, in pro- Caframel Custfird ,. I- . " . �,� 1 2% ' er rate of interest there.' ('He goes Gas in the stomach accompanied by a I �,,"��,�',,,,, 3�:,,, ,,, C. fessional work all over the land. At full, bloated feeling after eating are al- . iCaffaine-free Coffee. .. ... , il �IW,X, 'gS "", ''" -to Nantucket' in summer, fQr !it" va- , I , 41, � . ­. ts � the 11to nd Table Conference, in. Lon- IIT I �L �Jj,-,t,�,�,'q'j_�� �,,,� %..m most certain evidence of the presence of .­',�,,�., 11:1 � � u cation; 1hat's how 'he becam,o a de- excessive hydrochloric acid in the atom- ::: � " ,,,I!�,, 11 11: I vie of the Indians presen't were One day ." . Pineapple and tCheese Salad . . . . . . . . I " '­­ 111TU I 11 , ,,�'f�,�� : 'I, ,� I , I a cent a don, ,fb povAtor in the first place.) ach, creating so-calle(I "aCLU 1X1(119U4ti0n . I � � I I �� 441% frained at Madras Christkn College. of the bank Acid stomachs are dangerous because Nut Dread, Sandwich .. ; � .� I V,K,�:�, 1. ; he asked the president I 1, ..,. . I , , , , , , , , � , R,',,I��.:, �, ,;, Al . I uch acid irritates the delicate lin- � , ... ..... . . . . . . . I : I I Is . Mr, A, J. Boyd, in, Life arid Work, 'how he happeried to, The able, to Pay t�ogotrlouf the stomach,� often leading to ,Cocoanut Cake .......... ':.:' . , 1 L. .,. � AXfM, ... . .. . , . points out that ,within. the -past five "Waal " , 8 it. 1:I, *- Tea or 'Milk. . . V, i IV 0 i:,!`� such a high rabe of interest. ' is accompanied by serious stomach � � RAI'J�,��;1,,';, '' . %, years two successive chief ministers the b,&nker, ',you see, I riever ours. creating I IV , I I ,�,,.r, LZU ...... bowlful! replied ulcer$. Food ferments and a ' I-- , "%KW,, me the en- distends the Tuna Salad served on Rolls - I . A . %4, % 1. I did take to. readin, the financial the distressing gas which .1!,i",q"":. , - of Madras --and at one ti . , , '�,�§ ,�a_ . i-�,',"' ) - . tine minista-y!-vvere former students 11 . stomach and hampers the normal func- Bi�rries and Cream . I ,# 4 g.,,R,,'��, ........ ­ . . I and at the present timie there are 'Page. , -1 . I I . tions of the vital internal organs, often Beverage. I Miss Jessie Marie De Botk. P�K,,�'&'�,, I . , . ;1 . the cabiniet affecting the heart. � � ,.. ; � . Ave I*ian mpnibers of it is the worst of folly to neglect soch . _ , a Be . C�$ I $ 1, . � Salmon Salad. mak 'her delicious i li�"4?,�, who were trained at the ,same col- �rlous condition or to treat with . I ;1', ��,,,`:� ��. No, � I lege. Whale Cap�ure ordinarry digesti, � a W CONTAINS .(e aids which have no S", I ,,- I e.." SUN VITArdIN "D'p it . There * ­ neutralizing effect on flake�d -salmon. ,1 . � I , -; .. I P I 4. N 1 2376 has always been ,something the stomach acids. 2 cups cooked or � The -first glimmer of dawn shines Instead I cup diced cucumbers , . - -picture con, i I ; 1� 1�er sura - /Z . " y attractive albourt the teget from any druggist a little I on the horizon, Like a silver sickle B Magnesia and take a �ea ,,,-, cup stuffed olives, sliced. . up of the 'Wbmert's College spoonful in water right after eating. - I ..If . " Jured � the the moori, bangs in the clear sky, The I bloat 2 cups diced celery, A ple I P1, � ,­ 11'Z . I ... there. Especially we remember' moun,tains of'South� This will drive the gas, wind an( 4 hard cooked eggs, dice.d. P I I I. I 6 . beautiful little chapel, a dream of lofty, ic"Overed o,f ri,gh, out of the body, sweeten the I 01, , 11 a -Georgia rive ajho�e a hea,vy bank stomach, neutralize the excess arid and Mix all ingredients together -with ,", � " it malible, with doors open day . ,9,W � 9 white --gray foe. I I prevent its formation and there is no -8 . __ � I s,of t silvea . - any desired dressing. Serves 6 - 11)1'.�I� .. 1. a and night. In the di,m interior a At .E�kbouf. six o'clock a shout from sourness, gas or pain. Bisurated Mag D ' fin * 1 I4. I I ...... t falls upon the mAnble floor, and nesia (in powder form -never in liquid I UMP 9S , 14 1� /, . nest and the -bell in the - Tuna Salad. . . , R I . - - upon the girlish worshipper below, the crow"s or milk) is harmless to the stomach, in . ' I 11 � �' 1. _ __=�_._ .- �_._ ___ _._7__.____I_-.-__ ��_. . __ I s , stud- captain's cabin vaimuncee the sight- expensive to take and the beat form of $ - for at any tinie one -may see from ing of a whale. 'Me engine accelerr- magnesia for stomach purpos6. It is . . ' ' '­ -aid eat. who has crept for a little 2 cups shredded cabbage � ; .. ' N was about to enter the land. He s 6 -to Speed and, the ship slowly used by thousands of people who enjoy I I with Magic I . SUNDAY AFTERNOO I �'. to them� 'fThou art to pass over Jor- her studies to hold caminuniom with ate " pot on the their meals with no more fear of in- 1 cup diced celery I approaches a little 'bright q . . I,*' (By Isabel Hamilton, Goderich. On+,.) dan,.bhis day, to go in to possess na- C�o& I . I. -horizon, while we aTe summoned to digestion. . 3 hard cooked eggs, diced � . � �; tions &eatL-r and mightier than thy- GDvernnierrt colleges- are increasing breakfast . I I 1 8 long slender rolls. Baking Powder " God is Ta,y strong salvation, sel�, cities great and fenced up, to in India; so are those owned by Flin- From far (beyond the boat comes a _ I __.____ ___ Mix tuna, cabbage, celery and eggs It,- nd tall, the dus and -Jesuits. But the ProteiE�tA I I .nt lig�fly together with Russian Mayon � � "What foe have I. to fear? heaven,; a people great a dmwn_eIut, metallic .sound and at the and the propeller slowly goes into . '' � �'� I - Id: darkness and temptation, children of the Anakin?' (Deut. 9: communities cry for intelligent na- rre time two huge fount�ains of Wa- reverse, the shin continuing forward naise. Place -mixture in rolls which - - * .1 �. - 1�2). Caleb doe-. not deny the facts tive -Christian leadership, and where `�a - Th,e have .been split on top the long way . . . 1' iMy light, my help; is ,near but he valiant in faith, tries to rouse shall that be found, if not in the ter shop -t twelve feet into the air. It iat thei isame rate, of ,speed. . "WHENayoung . P'. I is th- mighty whale expelling the air movements of ,#w Whale. begin to and the centers 'cut out. Serves 8. 1 ... I �,� gilbier,? It -is to this ' ' housewife ,,,` ­ ��% His miglit thy heart shall strengthen, thern to a realization of their ov-rn Okristian unilver . frarn its lungs. In .about a minu�e and look -a little more lively. . � .: position as childTen -of a God' stron- task,we are evinimitted in our grants ,Macaroni Salad. asks me what bak- ..;. . P - . Wis loove thy joy increase; I heir %ehalf ' ' a half the fountain ceases and -the Agaln.ihe control lever -is pushed ing powder she ,,, ,, - `; ::, I . � ", . as,%een to such colleges as the one in Madras. whale is -beginning to inhale. . one rwtch ,backwaa,C. A glance at 2 cups ,Cooked -macaroni (rinsed and :., . �� W,ezVy thy days shall l4ngtherk; and mighty 6� t . . 1. e Lord will give thee peace. on former desperate occasions. They During thq student years� contact, I .I. ,.::,. .:: 1.__ � - � Th As the. east grows, bri.-lifter, ou-,, the dW shows, us that the. 4efigine il, drained). � should use," pays . I � . , I, I James Montgomery. forgot that He who brought plagues ,A,ith missionary teachers is infvalu- ;hi,p slowly laboTs her way th-rough running at balf s0eed reverse. Cra.d- 1 cuip fil-iely, diced, chees,e' -Miss De Both, di- ::: ... ::, I : '... � .:. . I 1.1- on the Egyptians and 4-ried up the able. Th . e . Bible !a an outstandin)g 2 h sea- Ahead of us quietly and ually the propeller retaT& the ship.. % cup, sliced stuffed olives I rector of the fa- .: i � PRAYER Red ,Sea would find no o,bstacle such text-lbook, and Christian,, Mosdem all(i a ro,g ullted all th� iced celery % �� 1 . � cities and inhabitants of Hindu alike wait for the messaoe peacefully s-wims, the whale. . T�e control lever is p Y, cup & mous, De Both I � A' ; . Help,all who are easily discou'rag- as walled 'The ,paptain in- the bow is prepar- way back. The stern sinks into the 'i -small onion., chopped fine . ,.I great stature in the way of his mak- from its, pages. , Home Makers' Cooking Scho'olsv'. t new situations, to ing to shoot the harpoon gun. His wa4er and the ship comes to a halt. 2 bard cooked eggs, �uartered "this is my advice: Use the best- . -1 1� - - "I ed when facing 'ing his promise to come true. He I .*. lvkii� is blac], with age and so cav- The whale 'also stops, a moment, am- 1 2 to-matoets, quaTterod. - draw from Thy unfailing source. of ive them possession of Cana- - ' .' oi ' that is pure, tiniform and invari- \ , I e Would 9 e,d withpatches ,that the SpraY"Call azed and angered because the pain one .r supply; and to Thee 'will be sill th an was the strong point in Caleb's, W ably dependable. You can't use S0000 il,. giory. Aimen. . -"We are well able- to. ov- - be .heard splashing againot it R-� in the rear is getting more uybbear- R.fix" the macaToril (tiny rings are . , I., I I assertion4 Tired and eak against a iveritable coat of -mail. able. It staye quiet in the water for effective) with the cheese, olives, second-rate baking powder and ex- . . '', & S. LESSON'FOR SEPTj3MBER,18 ercome it." I I The whale does'not seem, to be a- ,a inoment. Buttithe engine finally ov- celery, and the onion. Moisten with per.t first-rate results. .I _: - I (When the ten spoke of the, giants I . . -of I on lettuce, . ­ -4 1 . ' .. ware dangeT. It is apparently ETPCI-NeTS the monster and the ship mIRY,onnaise and serve' '�' L�sgqn Topic-Th.e Reports of the it W'ere as though they cried out, � b;rvakfasibing .on a ration of -nsh en- starts going baIckwards. garnished with the quarters of hard "My experience with Magic has .� Spies. ' I "Gh -bbese tremendous giants! When - . 0 The wha-le then ,charges forward, cooked eggs and tomatoes. I been particularly happy. I find that . . ,, . AI was run-down ough to msk,6 a good Tneal"fo,r tw � � ', Lesson Passagf---N umbers 13:1-3; .we 1were near them we were ,in our ple. It is hard te im- rolling hi-gili over the vrater. Its . it never varies -that it is consist- I . � ght, -as grasshoppem., and so Now Does and in bed for a ,thousand peo , , . , - .a. 'liable. And I know it is pure, I I l,, own si . I ack, curyed hy the terrible, I 11 entl . . � 1 25-33. 1 nd n7ly agine what huge amounts of food such po,werful b . y re 4 ". Im 27:1. we were in their sigbt" They forgo� I -month a - -, ike, . ,-,- . m harmful ingredients." . I Golden Text-Psa. I a seventy -five-foot monster can 4wal mysterious padn rises I a hug &n,l that the, hosfts'o�;­Israel were viery Her OWB friends, t6ld me low. . bridge 6viar the water. All the pain Family Meal For 51 Cents. and free fro t - I ! I .. Statements by other well-known *I # �; (Wiheri God said to Moses, " Six hum&�d thousand ef- was looking as if � may search the num`erou'�. Slowly the sihipgaim on the whale, ,that a living creature can suffer is T<w the more than reasonable I I .. I that they .� I fective men, well niarshalled and soi- Housework I had lost my last cookery authorities give whole- �. . . which I give unto . l the fish swimming abead, followed expresse,d- in this extraordinary, slo%v menu for the family dinner this ., 11� . U,nd of Canaan, nited in pfurpose,. constituted as I _1 friend. I was, ter- hearted. support to Miss De Both's � � the childrdn of Israel," he meant that idly u - .'!' by ,the ,mawter. Up and down come movement, in this agony which irakes ,,eek we have achieved a happy com- I , � _� weak and s imal I ev ,re - . . . I 1: the land was to The ,given to Israel no formidable an army as any, thaft the , �, ribly the fountains made by the whale' the huge am oq'k en mo mKm -biniation of fi�uilt, vegetable, and eggs. judgment. . � 1� Ir what difficulties or delays Cana:an-ites could' muster and more didn't kx-6�%r what I 'Was going to do, breath. Its erwrinous black and, strous, Its lbroad taal comes down Ttle cost, ii.s. exceedingly reasonablc ,- I% fact, the majority of dietitians and I 1� Tmtter than that the latter were scatterect prescribed, medicines didn't do me . �L?, I �. . Airry bavk dT,erges from the dark like thunder on the water and the 51 . I ' Pl.: occur in the proce,ss. ' 'In to- . _ cents all told -and f&m a health cookery teachers throughout Canadc � , . -ight -sosmedwelt in the south, and, others any good. I was advised, to, try Dr. woter and disappears again. In the ,,Tivevly-five feet of its body shoot standpoint the menu ,couldn't be het-' use and recommend Magic tXCIUSiVely- 4;ay.s leseon we see that they forgot . I : I I ,the I only thing worth -rememberin- in the mo-untainsi and so their' inter- �Vill;ajr.V5, pink Pills --and they cer- bow, the captain raises his hand. A high into the altr ,and fall back into ter. .. ­ I .0 % , � _ , - ,,t, were clivided. As, for the giants, 'ainly did the tri6k," writes Mrs. b,ffl rings bedow in the engine room the slea. . And again the back rises in Be -et ring with creamed, eggs wil. I t �� the pledge and co-ve-nant of' God. . 11 then tli,e ' i - I � I. � Wosers did as directed and sen$ a their overgrown stature would but Tred Liedtke,, Wingle, Ont. I havo- and rche pistons -move more slowfy. a movement of agony and, be tho main cours�-. Beets arc avail- .I I 0 � make them the better mark, and th(,., nom a gm -d appetite, and [ am Sudidonly ,the ship resuund&:�to a whalo enntimies on it.% forward jour- � '� � man from every tribe, every one be- I .. able all year round, 'but if you can Apple Dumplings , , bulkiest men have nof, always the -,trorq ard bealthy.and hbe to do rl-iw noise, as the dou:ble fountains ney. The shin creaks in every joint 1. � in a man of note among his oreth- . -1 gei; young beets ,m much the better, I quart flour 134 cups milk . I L_ bes, .mettle. my hous,esv,ork." . I I P., -4 I'Li Ten. They set out on their journey - 'Sh''oot over the railings. The old cap- awd somie, cogs. in the ,capstan's whee b,,,a,-,, the, greens play a big -part 2 teaspoons Magic sugar . ,., I in. forty' days re�,, " Me pep,ple did not twke t7rn;e to Dr. Willia,yris' Pink Pills remove the I taiii letaps to one side as the gun bar- nrack and- break. in our ntenu. They form the "ring," - BakingPowder 1. Cinnamon � ", , ,of inspection and- ' which 'The old capitain- cuTses4 as hq.,once H teaspoon salt - ... � turn-edand made their report Lo Mo�- mason out the situation in ,ause of weakness and nervousness rel. suddenly recoils. The detonation and - are full of beneficial qualities'. Apples I � I.- , , )w h With 4 .. 2 tablespoons butter I . * , . ies arid Aaro,n and) the assembled con- they found thermselves, by these trwo -,y creating new red blood, lide, oIf the shooting deafend us and.' a moire matcher. the control lever. T.he E.-gs are always us, and they, I,,-, "� . . contradictory reports but, "All the mild!; ul� the e,xhal.i%ted nerves and . .. I I . I,,,� gregation. It was a gra,di-d� repoyt. white cluud',of powder blinds us for pistons in ,the engine cylinders rise neamer, are placed- inside the best Sift intG a bowl flour, baking powder .4, � ��11 I The first iyart was all to . - th6r'liking congregation- lifted up their voi�e and ,estores " vigour. Run-down. condi- a -moment. The carefully coiled.Tope and fall and finally stop. T'he §h'P cing. Fresh apple sa=e, is the des- and salt. Rub in the butter. Add cold .1. I 4- , b, :., cried; and the people twept that night tions are steadily beriefitted as the to which the harpoon is attached be- gives a few jefrks and then smoothly and this is how it all works out milk to make soft dough. Turn Dut on -_ '. - I .. . - ,,I.t, I I and wag conlirmed by the showing orf ('14:1).. -mriclied blo*d stream reaches and - . . ging from its platform. A m66vefs forward aga-in. The whale Ls ilt cost: . I I to a floured board and roll into a sheet.,' J ,I I , 'I' the splendrid fruits of the land. It gins. sprin Cut in squares. Peet and core the aP- � I The -PeoPWs EiIbla coninlents 011. revitalizes the entire system. Grow- x- beginning his flight from pain and ' Young- beets, 6c; eggs (6) 14c; 2 , pies. place an apple on each, square of . . hafve warmed the hearts of muffled roar is heard as lehfe shell e � 4 V .MX119t this lesson as follows: The men who rg girls are greatly helped by Dr. , - whale, death all over agaim dough. Fill the core with a small place . ,.� - cups whitel saulce, 9e; . Vtheir listeners and intade them: eag�-, , plodw in the lbody of the apples, (2 , I Deported afbout walled cities, and tall 'Xilliams' Pink Pills. Get ,a supply which is still oult -of stg1ht. The barb- 'The afternoon seems endless� Blood of blitter, sugar and a littl6 cinnarnon-. f,": . 'to pos;" a country so rich and beau- inhabitanits, and mountain, refu,L-e3, from your druggist. 50C J?ackage. ed s,beel h9o&m of the harpoon have now flows steadily frotiij the gap in quzrts), 8ic; % cup sfuiga,r, Pic, and I Fold the dough over. talcina care that - * * .1 I ' ' �. tiful. b,uIt the risking enthusiasm oC and fortresses by the sea, confined quart milk, 12c. Total, 51c. there are no openings, as the steam . . 'wa- Reel inside dumpling cooks the apple while I � the people was suddenly �coolcid by _8 I spread tbcmselv�&s out inside the an- the animal's back and stains the ipes: . ".. % themsel,ves to simply material con- I : , dumplisigs I .11.1. .� the next .part of the report. No . Imal which, slowly and steadily, ter dark red. The harpoom has pen- geet Ring With Creamed Eggs. dough is baking. Brush ! sideTations; they ovex,looked the fact with a little cream, and place in ' � I � Wash thoroughly beet§ and gre.ois !.1 I . doubt of the land being a deAiraibl�? that the true spirit is alone the guar- Marshmallow Cream .inks farther beneath the surfacd. etrated -so� deep that it has almost I greased pans. Bake in moderate oven . I . III one .bat it was impo,ssl'ble for thern. �. ' The last codl in the heavy harpoon line disappeared in ;the animal's body. and ,boil in boiling salted water for . at 4000 F. about 40 inutes. Serve � P! . ignty .of chaTwcter I/- pnurd- 1Tr,qrTh-rrA14o%,.; m - � to driKe out th,e people so they Sai4: aixtee ,of soveve ' Ealys froni its platform. With a Eight hours have, passed since the .1 bou,-� 3,0 minutes. -Sibrain and' chop with crearn or hard sauce. 11, , - . I I and con s of arms. We too often I and h - strong . quest 1-1 ro,,_,nd nut rmaits, almonds 1,ow'Tumible the ca,pstah ,down b,elow harpoon was sibiot. -All this time t e Pry fine. Put chappod beet; and, <r..`:.`.*�,��­.�:,.7_., . . . . " � ... Q­.-��,, , Xevee,heles,s the people be .;.;�..IXI1X,:.:.Z , overlook the fact'that if we are sen; -1-r-As . I to' move, releasing itwo hun- mortally wounded ani,mal has towed 'In�NW.4%:_�Z�-,. - . 'o' - - ,that d,well i,n the land, and tbe cities , )egine gi-cns into a rini-shaped mould and I .'-*,�-".e&=­��il�'. 11 .. . ­.,:..�n.­ _� . , I ,.?., '. I I 'great; ' Pro,.1idence, .and are inspired ,h� 1, Cup grapps-, set,ded us olver a heavy sea. This cTa2y paek in weill. Turn, out on a platter :. ... M. . are walled, and very and, 'y ired more yards of heavy rope. I . ��, V I . . of the I.Aviriz God' and, 'have, a tru,L I cup pinvopple (canned) or pre - The 'injured anii,.ral singes deep2r jourb-.y is, grotesque and tragic, but P,md in ceritte of ring put the eg,,-- .:::,, i['. moreover we sav� the children I" �. �-! U&$.t� � : .,!�� I I cause we must prevail.' We see in ­--r-d cherries. I and deeper into the sea,'while the ante, can d� nothing buit wait un which have ',beerr. hard,iboiiied. and I: .... 11 "t i ' .1 t , Ariwk there." The report was a clean Caleb what , it is that determines the I . - til I , ( I I Wh ite of I egg ha) by '1ig -ai�drrjal has exhausted all its Zmamed as follows: . I..; . and con,cise orie ou.t. seeing th<- dis- wi�or k��ps runrring out, yard .i� . I I , I . quality of We man. He was a man W-;hippVd cream. ck Arength. We take our 6offee and 2 cupa milk , I :,::, I 11 .�.. 11, nmy with Which it filled Ilid people., yard, and, the, capstan below the dea I :; io. IF.At � I . The- great bat- . I deck and notice that 4 trabletpoons flour , .. I .,. I %9 A�,, to:,:, .:.:.., , one of their intirlber spoke out in an of "an<kher spirit." con-tinueq to rurnble. ffien return on , ..,.,.:: I .. , � .1. . ties of life are not controversies of G-' rrnrshmall&*% into pi'ecess one . , . 1, I 0,11 I I lb . A I !.", attempt to c�oothe the mul'itude. - The sun has risen and bangs over the speed ,of the ship has slowed 4 tal',;,le�spoons fat :; .40.. . 0.000 1 . ,bot", against body, but as far as Goo ­artr- inch �nr-.Ara. put wit in ea 11, i the sea like a great ball of fire. Big down greatly. The whale is nearing '/� t1aspoon salt, : . ��", t,aich (Ivrith whom J<)shua qo7curred) � I iroil .1, . I � . .1 I is in them, they are a question of gh mr-at grinder.. iblend,,marsh- : celbergs float behind ua, glitteTing ..otal exiiaustion. The foubtains i t Dash pepper. I ­ .V'. f.4111 "I - said: 11I,et us go up at once and spirit against body, 4'Kno�vledgc i� ,.a]!-w,s and Tr7t Treat with white'of I n u34er the tur- spoutis are now deep red,, for blood I I � . po I ssess it, for we ar-- wall able to power." Righteousness exalteth - a 7- -b,paten stiff. Have ready shallow wbite and dark gree Melt Zal� ill top of do,dble boller. �, "CONTAINS NO, I I i I I vvercome." At ,once the other con- - : ' juoise-4blue sky. is pou-xing from its lungs. Add flour, salt and peplyer, itirring ... "LM.- Thlw� I ., nat;on;" and they who heat the whit,L U'� glass dish. Putt in a layer of The wQunded whale has dived, to Tb�Flatiip stops, and the capstan ,be- ofi,3tantly. Add milk -and stir iintil � I ". aratern'ent on + I "' " tradieted him and ,in true oriental - - i '.., I banner of a pure ca,use ultiriiatel.,, -en-:hrnallorw mdxture, then l I 11 every tin Is your � 'ex&Tgerated t�icir former re-, he I't-cittom, ,baqdm.g nearly two hun- law is onoe more beginning to roar ' hick. C-cl-oar and cook for 1.5 oi� 2,) . 1, ' ,. . - I �.. guarantee that, "4. ,ard the haw- I , port: ,,We be n,ot able to go up a- red fathwns -of hrile with it. Then, and rurnble. Yard by y I minultes), Naw cut up hard-boile(i, . . I . Magic Hakink i� I Caleb and Joshua were the only two -w -mixture and -finally a layer of . - I - �� I , . gainst the people, for they are -ra - - Car ahear of -w, it emerges again, -.Ie,r is pulled in, drawing the exhaust- eggs Trilbo, ffis ,sauce ,and leave over � I Powder Is free- , I , Ztyle tr:u,mp-h because God is with them. .pes. another layer of irtar,&,nal . I twelve inen sent to spy auL hl-e��Je,j pin,*oppLe or cherrites. Chill for- ed *&nhxial neaxer. It -puts -up a gig- ip,c w�-tteT uniftil the eggs are Inleated .. . from alum or any, . ....::... �, -,-,.,. - ` , .stran".r than we -The lan4, through Of 'th e :;pouting peacedully and moving ­.,_�,. :,:. i. . �, � the land, who lived thfough tl�� dies- -i ic-2 box. Serra with whipped .1 ,,,.!!�11, *.::.' - ... harmful lngre�- t 1�1 � ��. which we have gone to search it, is I . ward as rf nothing had happened. ainti,c despairing -fight which makes through. Place in, ,beet 'ring I and �., . :: .. . . P ,eamk, the latter in a separate bowl'. I . dleat. " V�l a land that eateth up the inihabitant , -,, ert experiences and entered. Cartawq. rhe ship gli.&s ahead, and all of a .he ship creak all over, Once mme serve. , Made in Canada k I . I at wel "Chosen to be soldiers is pulled tight. he monster raises itm full length a- - N thereof; and all the Pq�pl,e th -.Cc;- ,uddon the hawser And, for dessert, cool refreshin. . � ­ saw in it are rnen of a ti�eat stature.'i In an alien land, rhe whale waits a morrvent, as if i� bove the water and lets its tail come apple sauce. � . FREE COOK DO OK -When you � . � % I � . ,,',f� And there we Raw the giants; and we! 'Chosen called, and faitlifui, The timid nedle-itrian in the, middle Tather riew sitrength. But the mys- down with �P, thundering crash. Thein flare and core 6 or 9 tart apples. bake at home, the new Magic Cook Book - ". I were in our own sight as g.rasshlop- FoT our Captain'� band. -)f the road, honked a -t -by speedem, - erious pain excites it and, it sub- �it c,o]l2Vps1vi3 inert and' lifeless, turning Slice into pan, Add about 2 cup:i will give you dozens of re6pes for 4eli- I 'It I pers, and. n we were in their sight."I in the service royal . :nows why there are two horns to inerges, leaving ,behind a carpet of over so that its snow-white stomach water and cook until apples are al- Cious baked foods. Write to Standar& : " Z I .1 " Their statement was correct as t Let us not grow cold; ,L dil,em1ma_-4Ar`kansas Gazette. �Q,,m 7leams above the -water. der. -half cup s - Brands, Ltd., Fraser Ave. & Liberty St.,, I 0� , 40 : . � . Again the hawser tightens. . . most ten Add one ug " I the bare facts. This, was confir � Let us 'be right loyal, as the ship ,diTs d&wn and sticks its A bbat is. put overhos:rd and the ar and cook �ntil apples are solft. Toronto, Ont. . � �7 -u,e and 'bold2' 1J - ale .vhale's tail is fastened to the boat C , and chill ,before serv- . by Moses maruy years after, when al Noble, tr CIse deep ivito the water. The wb - Pla , in , dish 4 , .1 . I- ,and more prom. ising generatlon 1 1 luffs and snorts as it pulls, us be- with a strong chaim. It is late at ing. . I I I., I 11 I new I I ­ I -, '�! .. Talk Of The Town And it ov,er ithe rough sea- night when,we fi�nally turn. back to ­ " I , , --- -_ ' I the whaiing station with our catch. I _ . - __ -, I � I ­ . , Hello, Central. -A story has been .A wild, fantastic chase is now be- I - ___ .h . ,_ 1,;�..:. . - ------- " /�.. -.,,;.:. an art 7,rurling undIer a bright heaven acro&-, 0 � �. � - - - I I . " . working its rway around about I I 1. 1, I 1-1 f. ..;:'. -:i!�,�.j:'.�.;�N . i rn%rv'el011dy lbriWant ,sea. The wind, I � .. .4 - 1. . I - . . . . . , � . .1 ;;.... ... I �� .;, - Jealer who went to WashMgton ti., 1� _ /_ .�,;. r . K,� ,st ur.c�, but the sh+u shoots for- ' :,,. IN - '. 11 XT&LYN ILNAPP ,! I�, -, ;,,, :�.:� '. alk to Andrew Mellon; just before s again I 1. ;.", .__ -, I Self -Sufficient Salads HOLLANDIA'S WORLD -FAMED J ') " ,:1.11, W ­r JR-.. f I Z :'; r �A ' ) gc ward, and the whale continues ofn its I . ;, "'' I ,. �r �, ie resigned from the Cabinet t( . . � . P1,mr.. vu� 1( ,1:`:::..;: ;�,.... .. :t 1 o Lon-dcm, albout the -,sale of a ptai nt'- ,,.r.%y without a ,69'6 of Weariness, (During the middle agesi, salads- � ' I ' '�': . '4 ' I �,;:".�;�`- � ; , �;,,I.;! . , . - 1, , . , ;:,�4:��::�;;: I" I 1: ;. ,' ;�! , :*:*,I �;�.:i: . ,pouting at regLylar intervals, as if were just bits of lettuce or chicory "'.. 1. . �.�`.��-��;x'�..�::i�' ,.:4 n�. He found IMr. Wellom at hom-e , FLOWER -BUT B S I I I ,:,..-, ,*�;:::.--.; - " ,�� Ili* V ., I. `�- , . _--.� �.' You ind interested, but firm on the point _­,offilnig were amiisf;. . dipped in salt and eaten on,ly by the . . A_,_" V"'t ,,, . .....,;,; ". s, , . I I .::;;..:,:,;;:::-;". : I ,A that 6e price was too ' k ,�, / high. The . 'Gradually -a nervous temsion Iin- poorer clames' of people. The rich . t , . . -1 . , �;:;�.�.­.-O�... ,:I. 44 �Z`. % . :�. -�: �.` ,; I .,.!�,,M, ;, �, .. � :� ,./ .11 Order Your Bulbs Direct From Holland's Best Bulb Farm ,� -, .. , I - . ,I, .." '.heh Secretary of the Treasury mado vades the ship. - "saladlw" because . , . '! .::::::: .. . For eveiVbody is a were disdainful of . 1 14 . �:v,. "?", � , 11 �. , ,,, , , P. 16. 1'� � ' . , . # I, i - , I . . ,,I �' I , ;,7.1:1: : . a �� offer for the picture and, excused ware that an unfair sitinxggle 'is be. greens were so lolwin cost and so E"ouraged by numemus orders ilately ret!eived frorn your country, we have decided to, I. , .11 '. , - : ing fought and that ahead of us, - a com,mion. ()nly limdrbs and greens expand ,ur bu,,jneqs od I `,xgi:: aire so � . � I � I . .. I�:` 1:::;,;;:`;, 0 nimself from the room, suggesting mai-ntslm a verrnan.rit'market for our world -famed calla --tions vC I . m- . � � � � I �'. 1�` 1, 0 . . ...4, : hat the art dealer think. it over fur gigaintic creature in wta.gi�nlg a life and were use,d in tb,wm. It v,ras not until lutela Flowvr BuI17� for home and garden. -ties. . ;I*i� :: . T Try .. .,;::, i: I . I .. . ::..I%:� . -eath etruggle in indeseriibable pain. the -close of the Selvienteentb C,-htu We are th,erefare making ,the followirm a*ra,ctive artr of a new selection of vari, �1. . -��;..'�%', %, .. �, .1 . :,:::;%4 1:.':N1 I ferw minubas. made with special regard to suitalfility to your. clinbatic' eondtions by profe3siona,l experbb- . . , ,'f: ....'.. "::!I. I 1 .�-11 �:.�,"..; :, ster were f. I .1 , ,$, It o6vurred to the deaillr,'after Mr. IBits of ice strike against our iron that fish, chibken and lob -I'he conection will be found ,to be unique for i-tL3 skilful combination of tidh colourinm with I W � t .P . indylly , Vielloff had gon'e, to telephone ass a floating im field- I . ; , , 11 .:� - his ,ddees, as we V used and "jot -until the Eighteenth lelightful 6�nts. I . " � I, �;,:I-:,: .:� �.It,'�i:��2.,:�,:��­ _E�;,:!! .. .... N I - � 1, I: -!..:1. r�'; e. .1;:*�1'%*1.0,1. ll., J,,,'; %.1. . I ,I.� h.... ,. - : , .1. __._ �/,�P* 'Gtad'u- �,`. 0'.-ang,�', rhe gallorr, are ready with hammers Century that fruit was� used. slip , - ­­-, .1 , , NWIF ,Y�l � ". .1.1 'y partner in New York and talk the I . 9" .. -.,-V ,I,. .4 By taking advantage of this sidpreme "HOLLANDIA _� � ;P:., ;,:; . N, It.0'.. 0r, I. .g�/", -9 ch-issalis, to cut the ,hawser in case -.�iilly, almost all kinds of rneatq, fish, ,­_­�., N "' ,*�%�*, -�, �i:�'.& price matter over with him, He look- ind I �1�1".,`R.* _1 . � , , ...... ,:,W1-1;---; 1, ,.- - " , .., . 9�,, I, . ;,*K, ,,,, W" I;f�','.?�'11:;�!; 1. ,.?, , :: -1 run into a large iodberg. 140w- fruits and vegetables have bex�n ad- mideti 14 . o, .� -;,. 11 I I . :, 1;:,::P�Iwa­�1121� -�d around for a telephone -but didn't ,V8 collection, you can make your home and g , , s- -,g�z­­­ ...., �. X , . �.1.1_ -1. k:1;, - .1 - ��/ - m- ., -ted ' .. �`__ , ,�. ,:-.-:%�, 1,�%­;:'. WaSIS ofie. Iffe saw, however, wires 3ver, the whale skirta the ice field * ,rii t to the ranks� of the salads. -A .� '. , ,.�ee �:. . ��.�An;��,,, '­­,",��,":z; ,5 . . . , V_A� a Flower -Paradise for $6.00. , f, : , :'11_9.�'.-.�",,"�� e Secro- =1 only a few detathed blocks strike To -day we evm use some of th oodg , , . 5.:, '� -,i-',1-.?;' �'­.i.�,:�(�,`, ii::�!i-,.-.i�,: . , leading from the floor into th *& of the dhip. And the,chlase e f " .� I �yv`�?; ,� "I , I '­.�. ,;�:,�;,:".,:j$:� .. 1, � I r .: " lai-y's &-9.1c and on a chance opened �he ss hiqh in starch, such as rice, macar- in viev of the large number af ardem which come io dsoliy. we kindly advise You to I.,..",- '­';�,.X; - I:.,;.;.:. _ , ,.,i�W:,.,O,m.,� ;��`!��:�!�*q 0 .:. , C .. ., -:�: ,; ,,,,,,� �,� . , .,!.. .,!i�i' -Z �'i`,- ..' -arly on every order. An .correspond- _' . ; ; , Z.,:- r.''.:-'. , i?.�i�iiii :%'�,,, order early. Please write your naTne and addre,48 cle '4 � � - �`.� ,; . x ., . -`i�i�::��t':,.. ... There, surel�- en- : Onit i T1111- - . , ;,.;-,X-,, __ I':.,:.;,.;..," ,.:.. �1� ,he top draiwer. oni and -,paghttti in combination with enae, orders, etc., must be stxicOly addfres4d t4o: . '41" . ...... ". .: II:.i.V,., e . , , . ..... .. .... :k: " I :. :�'..:!:! 2 -gh, was a telephone. IHe picked After lunch the captain returms to -momething crisp and tart. .Furth r- W. --v I ", :� I'..... .-U."I'"�:%... ", - X:il: � ., '�bridjgz and cbs�-rves th,e move- more, seUds kave changed their so- , ,�, - ". . c . . . . . . 'd .. . ". '. , Z�i�i�i:�;�!����, ou ny- I'�� � R. - ,!:" _ Nobody said a .." :!%-,:I,;I �',.�:�;k��i�r?. "N it up and waited. the HARRY BRUHL, Managing Director of the 0. .. 1-;:I: -:.;-:W- . . .. :� :' - ­0:i�.:�. �,.:;., I\ - cial positi n nd have bec e a re'l '1P .. 1, . I .... 11,11'.. -I, " .nents of t1he whWe fow,a long time. o a om . . 1, *: *1 . ­­ I t1lifig. Then he jiggled the book and I .1.1, � ... ., .t., ` . : .., �.:, I ., I'.." ;LL I . ,'.."". . ''. -� - . �.. pq:iz,hes the cofibrol lever quisite of the complete meal for the BULB -NURSERIES "HOLLANDIA" V. .... . he I :, .. : ... *::; , I . , .1%�;;.;,". ". IK . .t::.',:-;:!:-, . I I.J I said "Hello, hello." A vdice s4id Then . . - . , , _1 * ionaire, well - a or thos o .11" .. � i, I_1� "Yes " a male voice, to his surprise. baekvftixL The engiTte begi mill, as s f e f VOORHOUT by HILLEGOM - HOLLAND - EUROP& I . I . : !. ` I I"'. � ­ ", .. .� � d ,:,?". _ns to work I , � �... Is. .,-, : ,, � .1 . 1'' I .. I � 1� litit, ­­­ ___ ---------- . "'I Want to call Nekv� Y,brk" sald ­ ,, -11 -1. .1 I- I- inore meager means. ' ,,,, F) __ -, , '. the dealer. "Wickersham 2,098. " I . For luncheon, intelligent men and Our magnificemt collection consist of :_ .I, ften select a %alad, a bev- 6 dozens of Daa-r4u Tulips, in fi-Fine Colon I N " "", -WTh-If is it? What do yoti want?" ..� women o I 11�­ � -d oc� 2 :: :: Cottage Tulips, itn 4 Ffnd Colm. . � ! I �� .,"'L . said the st)m,� ,oD' L,� The­8ealer re- . ?rage, somse foro of bread, an * W Ile Li4i Flowering Tulips. I ,, ­ I... � � - . casionally a dessert. You can see I 11 1. Doulble,Tulips. Your Own, . 1�v!� .1 . pew", I "'I do net uh,de-Tstand," %aid I I It . ev 1. 1. I'. ice, radfar qa4rulouslY. "'Yoa idences of this choice in anv res.- I lbacinths For Pots, all colom Choice t , - ,�, _. the vo taurant oT cafeteria,, in the house or I 1. 1. Hyacinths For Beddimg, all colom' � of Colors . . L I" 13� ' I ,',.' . 4 THMK of all you save and get with do. . are soe&king to Herbert Hoover." � 1 If r'. 1. 11 Crocus in Va,r�ous F;n . e Colon. ' can Always! I V, I, . i. , �� - . I I n tl4e apartment. A sialad bag be- 11 .. Snowdrops, bhL, "Queen" of Spring Flowem Be Considered., � ,P��, ticiouw, Kellogg's Cloru Flakesl No I alinfost an institution, especial- a 1. 1. I A& - - , come ,2 Iris in Various Fine Colors. I 11�,,? I HunlgTy.-The Hungarian swim- , 4 "Ir, 11 � , - i I "I I ly with North American people. 2 1. 1. Museari (Grape Hyacinths) . A W - ,��rj,_, 0 , ming and penbliathlon teams, arrived The arcients hadviove leisure time .2 11 1. Seillm, Sweet Litt,le Flowom. I � ..... I " - I 'Piece Of 11 .. I . Irr, 1,�_r the package. Many servings costing CORN .AGZ- here with -one interesting 1. 2 Narcissue (Daffodils), all kinds. . ��­�z I 1 4�� . than we ,busy -bodies of to -day and . .1 '11'.I: enty a tew cents. Rme f6r breakfast, luggage: an immense wate-oproot I . 141 y ?. , 1, I I .1 AP they could wIell affordl to linger over 336 Flower -Bulbs . V, 5;' 4 , lonch, children's suppers, late fmacks. WEIS N box. A visitor in their holbeil room�s I a meal and to eat from rnishy dishes. 14 "1104,16ndia Nov6tY Bulbs" P"M 1 4 I I, N'P,,,;�, - - I noticed it and aslued about it. Proud- ­ � . - " I � - " It Extra good with. fruits or honey. Al- ­­ 0 1,y one of the foreign athlete% opened . We want food ic an ;easily actesOble - DOUBLE THIS COLLECTT07IT' ... �� - !� I I WaY15 oven -f , "I, � . it aM revealed thdt it was weff stock- . form,' we fwant, it appealing to the 860 rlower Bulbs for $10.00 1 � U, 1 1'' -, I - for $6.0. (700 FloweT-Bulbs) .1111, I resh. Qttq(ity guarant"d. I I_ :; I 11 �� . I - . 10 i 4 ,�� - . '_ I . roni ; I ey;L- and palate, nourishing and cap f,;; li, �_" , . ed jyifth every kind of ediblo f , I P I Prompt servide; dolh*mT never later tbaqn one vv,*ek before planting -time. D61rverr* I .1R ,�.,;o; , I -u' THIE able of being e6,ten quickly. Thus �MEE of charge at 4en'binatlan. A certificate of hmith it; ifumished with every order br .qatonti to PragersekinikeTh Me H n . . they we I self-mf5diert, ssuladsP or -whole-i*ieal t.he pbytopmtholoVkd Service ot llollnmd. All varlotiea are packed and Iabelled'separaWy- I ,k� P"'.", _re � , I_ , . . 0 11 41',.�� �� garians explained that no - I., � -1 � I 1. 7.'..�1`1?"` 1 .1. I/ 'a'alads itre very ppoular beca,u!se, if Illugtroted CuTturml Dire-ctimiq fn Bra,140, rrench, or Cerman nre sent free with oy�lemd A I 1� .'4 . . , 1, , 2 9 11,podes, fools; they had fkyawl out I . " ,%�� 1 - 0 of All ordam must be actowvgAied bT remittanee, for 4he full aniount and sbknrld Na nd&,Wse&Q , �-,' �,�� I correctly prepared., they have all .s s,bove. Special terms for whatiffele orders.. .. ,,­ " . that to get to the Olympic Gamies .1 ' I'll ,,_ ", " � I r,­� � " �,'77r, i��`F , "',... 'I, �; 1 4 �� ��,'� ,I �11't'� 'I k . �! , � �R ! � " , - . , I � ; �11 � , , "' I , " , , "' I * , I - I � -I14 "mr- � � I I r,�i""1,111" , ;�� . A", . these eharacteItffirttes. : I �� .4, , , a the'.� bad to erbse six or OW;1M miles . 11 - 011 I 11 . . - .. . g,__ 4 &&f4- - 4, ��� "I - of 'Aftnerican prairm, or desert, a9d . . IThe f*1101wing combinatiofts for THE LEADING FIRM IN THE BULB INDUSTRY.^ :1. . I I:, ,!,:,, . � 1-f I . . . . .11'::'�`,�"` 41� 1, - ., . . �­ , �'. , . 1 �,:,��qt�, 37"". 1 �111 I .I . ., ill ", ...... I "�""��. . , " , " , , . 4 . I . � . . � I I . � 11 . �11 ., , - I '.. , I . I 11 - ­ - . I . I . . I � . I � . I I I I . . I " . . I . 1 2 1 , . ,,,�, ,. , , . . �.�� I I , 1, , . I L .1 I . - I I I 1, 1. � ., � 1, I . � "; � ,� ", � , , � -ii7l I . 1, I � I:� 1. I I , � , , , , * � " , 4 I ,�; , , , , i I " , 1".. , , " , ., , . ,�". , P 11 .1 , I "I I . 'j, I , � .� , ? "' " , "� �� ��,, ��: , 1, W, 11 , ,V.I. . � I,,, e�, � ,.; �, i , , . . . I I ,�,,�, I. I I , , , , � 11, ,ii,�! - , , , . '. " i t y ` , �, ,. , , �', q i � ,;! , �11' I I 11 �i I" I , , " � , , . I , , � , I � � " � I I ,?, , ,, " �. I,, I � L , � ' � �, ', I , , " � . : . ".. � ,. , , / . I " I � - j ,� , I - , � , , I � � I I 6 � 16 �*11'1 , �, , 'I, 1i :11 li�, * . ',V , j � ,, , ,I " , " , , , , , I , ", � , I � . I . I I I �� I I 1 1, ,,, t� I . , �:� ,,,,, , ," `� ,�, ',"L' I., ;I I � , � � ,.h t $ � 'i 1" , 'o , , ,� � � i "; , . � , ;1"'L" OL, I I I I � , , 11 "I �Nl I I I I I I I I "I I , U, i� 1;", �,qyr, ,q..-,, , . , . . �; , 11 , � ,�, �� �1� "), " , ';'il ,�, , 8,�,� � -�i" '--�-,,i�", . . " " ,ti " !9 t .1 1�3�,�11 i� li� �q.�r �,)� 1,1`z T" JP0,� " I I IM, IN, , P, , , , I V 1. 11 1. . ,. � , - ,� i �ll,��!"(��,��il"��llil'i�ll""Ili'll-'i � i�,,, �`, V ;'� � " L���, 1.1it �,,6,, , 6i ig,,!,�,',', ., ,"'k I I `� ... I', " ,, i � , " , ��l I , , ,� , . ,� , � 1. , . . � , , 1� , , , . , I , ;I '.. ��, "4`�',",� " -, , � -1� .� , Ni , ,� . '� , � ; �`,:,Ii_ I I, 4�.I�k,, ., ,, "'N �, ,Ijj�j, I !,�,,, , , "k. 4 ,�'f 1'6'.� A 'I '!'� ,�� ",fj-,�, I ,,,,,, I 11, -q , I , i , , ; 'A'. , , I :11� , � -,,,,� ': " , , , ; ,,, .1 �, , �, , 'y , , , , , V" , - � 4, , �1, I I 11 . ,� ? A� � i '10, 5 , 'Li , " , ,,, Z' , , 11 '.��`-,'.,I . I ., I'll ,� I " , I ". J � . 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