The Huron Expositor, 1932-09-09, Page 1IM
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. fieventy-second Year •
1y Whole 1N(uniber 337'8 ' ,',. 0 SEAFORTH, FRIAAI:•Y,. n�^t°,'EPt1'.EAMER. 9 - .1932 O
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Just Fifty -Three Years Ago . BOWLER NAVE BIG -SEAQ. RTI( CREAM R
Ong 90 'a s
Since Seaforth Collegiate WEEK - 4F> • TOURNA- ' y • s ' ENTERED AND T
Until Xmas•- D ON
' Institute First Opened Doors MENTS AT f R�•E E N S• � . _ OF - BUTTER " STOLEN.
Shoppers are reminded that
' - e " �^'" only 90 shopping days remain '
Many Learned Students 0 I♦ 0 ' S �Willis'until Christmas. "This being
Willis and Sills Rinks Cap- the case, it would seem wise Back Truck Up to Window,
" ='•Have Passed Through ture Prizes on Labor to get•' a lot of buying done at '
g 449 Go To School Seaforth's Big Community Load Boxes and Make
School Since That Time. Day. sale on Friday and Saturday Good 'Their FEslcape.
f of this week, Which is being
„-k� Attendance at Seaforth schools held in conjunction. wvith ,the
figures. The Seaforth _ Y -
as last according to, latent reg- M opening of the iaew Regent wi be'about the same this year
' OPENED IN 1879 MANY NEW-- .PLAYERS Theatre. The Hero °' Espusi- NO TRACES ARE FOUND
istllegia fi tor printed this • ¢v 'k some
� WITH 50 STUDENTS Collegiate Institute has 209 pup- 5,th sides with b000 full sheet bil•1's; sled on
its, a decrease of 11; the Seaforth With perfect weather ,and es wtaz'ga which
� a lar Public School has 19t1, which is �' boEntering ,through a window in the
a alight increase; and the Sea- entry list' the annual Trish Trejbles are being offered every early hours of Tuesday morning,
Fifty-four years ago on January forth Separate School opened tournament of the Seaforth, Lawn merchant in town use have thieves stole some 1,890 pounds' of
14 7th, the doors of Seaforth-Collegiate Bowling Club en ,Labor Day, was, a been distributed far. nd wide butter from , so Seaforth Creamery.
Institute 'opened to admit pujiils .far Fath fifty-four. ;splendid swocem The .games through. ' in order that no one will have As t no definite trace of the thieves
l tine first time. Attendance conipare,l cut were c rad were toait hed by an excuse. for •missing this has been found, although police are
t to the presen=t was very small and ,_ 0 0 0 0 q0 a largg speetia ey-saving' event.- invsesti tin . .
only two teachers .attended to the The first event went to a Seaforth g
Backing what as 'believed ' to .have
w'aifts and needs of the students. rink which included A. D. Sutherland, • ' - 1 an old truck of popular Imake
The Opening exercises 'held or Jan- Regent 'O ens J. J. Cluff and 1W. G. Willis. F. up 'been
a window on the soluih'side of
1 uary 7, 1879, marked a step forward Penn6baker''s, -Clinton rink, took the • the creamery, ,the ralabers quickly
I. Vfor the now town of Seaforth, and second event, while Frank ISilis, Sea._ New Partner In transferred .the -,butter from the large
was the culmination of mrwch work on Thursday forth rink, won the third event. Play. refrigerator, the lock on which had
and planning by the board of trus- ingwith Mr. .Sills were Gordon Dick - t* been
11 tees, which had, ;been prevsiou ly ap- and, Larne Dale Law' Firm 'Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hudson. who
, pointed. The scores were:
live' across from the creamery, heard
The th tom t January 10, 1879, Last Minute Preparations FIRST EVENT the 'truck being loaded but thought
Chronicles"Ththe gathering: First Round. nothing of it since shutter is often
new High School was form- Leave Theatre X tehelli. Seaforth. H, G. Meir Of 'shippe'd at night from the 'building.
Y pend on''Tuesday last, There , Windsor, Dhe truck evidently was driven
was !a barge attendance of ladies and Read . L. E. kHai+cis--1;6 Frank .Sills -7 through Egrmson:dville,, around the mile
gentlemen of the town. After' ali 3 Clinton. Seaforth. Joins Col. R. S';Hays and a quarter 1blaek, .back to No. a
1 &ad.Ithorotrg'hly •inspetrted the intelrior F. Pennesbaker-l2 R, J. Sproat --7 � ���y
of rohe sbuildirng, they assembled its New Hamburg. Seaforth, in Partn'ersh3p, The Ibutteri, which weighed somie
one off the class rooms. The chair With last wrintite, Preparations ,'Mr• in 1C. P. Sills -,14
1,890 pounds, was in 'bulk and in
Wats taken by Mr. 'S. 'G. '1VIcCaur;hey, ,!Ibaut finished, the new Regent Tlie- Second Round. pound Prints. The rubbery was dug-
. 1)hairman =Of the Board, who deliver- atre is ready to -open on Thursday L• E. Hawes--�16 F. Pemmebaker 13 covered early the next morning when
ed a exhort (but neat and appropriate afternoon. C. P Sills, --+6 Jahn Beattie „2U he ,m��ment is'msde oy 'Mr, �jylpy;Oes entered' the creamery to
address. Short -and pointed address- 'Sound engineers, .projection men, Stratford. Sieeorth. R. S. Hays, barrister, at'Seaforth, of secure fifteen boxes for shipment,on.
es were also delivered' by Rev, Mr, 'Painters, electricians, men putting in M. Millson-114 W. G. Wlillis�-145 the formation of a ,legal fii¢at to the 7.2� train, only to fiord that the
'Campbell, Mr. A. 'Dlewar, public ,seats la . Seaforth. ,Seaforth. take over the practice conducted by bu,tber brad been stolen.
yi . g carpets• -'all have been
Saliool Ins worlknng Clay and ,night to get the J.. Ja T3roderick-9 T. JahnlSton- 10 Mr. Has for' the The case is (being intvesstigated by
peetoT Dr.'Colemran. Mlay- theatre ins NewHambuig. Seaforth. y past forty years,
"i or Dr. Vencor, a memlber of the High haps for the opening ott The new firm is 'Hays & Heir, in provincial Constable McCoy, Chief
School 'Hoard; ;Mr. M. Y. McLean, Mr. Septemlber 8cth. They have succeed- F' mus_8 Rc H, 'C -lose -12 whieh'.iXT. ,Hays has been joined by Ryan and Constalble Snell.
T McFaul,. Principal ;off the Public 'ed. Everything is finished'. •The doors 'Seat-th• �Seafort'h, , Mr. H, G. Meir, of Windlsior, I .
- School, and Messrs. Clarkson and are ready to open. & J. Winters- 10 ' J. E. Willis -11 Mr. ,Heir is a lamlyer & wide ex
Field, the (Maskers of the Hugh School. A matinee JLensall. Seaforth. peT'ieitce having been con.rnectea with
performance will be STA1�'FA
a The several adres�ses were iisiened to 'held in the afternoon but the open- A. McDonell-.10 R a- Sproat --4
rr ing cerelmonies proper will aiot take Clinton.'Seaforth.,
the Can'a,rinan Manufacturers' Aseoci-
attentively and •seemled bo ,be- well alp- etion, Toratnto, fora number of 'years, -
o preciated by the audience, .Previous place until Thursday evenin ,. It Rev. M,&Geauzu-_17 JL Jeffreyr-7
y >r siilbselqusenbiy practising at George -
g' tto the breaking oro of the leasaru`, has ib€eiR arranged -that the • Council Third Round. town Ont and far the . fist four k
g P L. E. Hawes, . , , 9 John Beattie. ,10 P Mrs. ,C,hessel and daughter, Doro-
n-. meeting the chairman announced will attend in a (body and, it is ex- years at Windsor. tYs''' a me -Ili- of thY, of Mitchell, 'spent the holiday
w4t � ,pecte3 ghat representatives of the W. G.'�Vhllis.:1..1'6 T. Johnston ..13
r- I? that the school world .be" open for � with' rohe former's daughter, . 'Mrs.
Messrs. Furlong, Furlong; Awrey, St.
Im,pnis on the following day, The Busuiess M•en s Association and the E. ,H�'Cloee.... ,10 J. E. Willis , ,1•I Austro & IMeir, Mr. iNleir 'has been.
od, Lions Club will ,be .Present. A .McDonell...20 Raw. !MrGeoun 15 Lloyd' Elliott.
bun�ding, as we have 'before stated, city. solicitor far the city. of East iv1s. and.'Mrs. Wtill[am Bowles am
nie is •pleap•art'.ly and conveniently lo- Vouihh Rpgpd• Wirudisor, deviating 'pit ulna atten-
John Beattie.. , 6 IVP: G. Wallis , , S amity, of Niagara Falls, spent the
le`k catedw It. is a n4at two srbory brick Eion to corporation an, municnpal holiday with'Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinale,
he • a I. E. Willis. - Ftnals. A. McDonell ,717 taw: klt a rcemt meetitrg"of the City H1a•ilay visitors with Mr. and' Mrs.
edifieP cr.,3 rpreents a very attractive. Fear That 1311 field
n appearance externally, •while t'he in- Council at'East. Windsor; the follow- .F
in W, G. Willis..,,,.13 A. X,cDonell , 11 r. Elliott were: Mr. and Mrs. D.
e,lt terior is w,eil arran-e•ed, comfortable ing resolutiop, was unaMmousl. Pass-- •:Elliott and, (Mr. aired ,Mrs. Howard
and co^•tmtodiora�. 'There 13•Te four Cottagers Drowned SECOND EVENT ed: Fletcher, of Dlebmit,
large class rooms, two on the first First Round. "R6 olved,. that the Cfitty ,CIerk be Arnold Jeffrey, of Detroit, spent
en_ and twn on t'h•e s.e,ond flat. These F. Sills, ..... , . 6' IMr. Nahrgansg 8 instructed to write a letter to Mr. the holiday with 'his parents, 'Mr
vc" Tsar r rive fine hi, h ��ilin 9 No Trace of Trio .Who. Left Meir a reosimg the appreciation o;
ter;., g ceilingg, perfect Pennelbaker,•...10' C. P.. Sills ..9 and M`rs. •Wm, Jeffrey.
ventilaton gni an abundiance of Labe Resort ill Sail the raowncil for. the very capable ancT
rad;- MilIson........11 Broderick 0 Mr: and Mrs. G. Wilson sttended a
light. The Ibusldinrg throughout is a Debus.........10 (Winters , •, .13 e,Gpedlbi'ows manner i2i which 14[r• family picnic in Stratford on Mori-
er -- credit to all who were in any wa Meir has handled the ,legal. linsines's day.
I d- Y Baat Friday. nR. H Sproat..: 7 Jeffrey ...... 1 of the city of East Windsor, since his (Mars McVey, rds., ccnm,ec,tPd with its construlction and 3eeond Round: connection with Messrs. Furlong & Y, o£ Mitchell, is visiting
earnpletion. The school opened' . on Nater kiei sister, Mrs.- William Jeffrey.
fir- gang...... 9 Pennesbaker , .13 Com'pan'y; to expre,s,s regret at his agiss iMac
N.- Tuesday with fifitt~r pinptils, a consider- Anxiety suns expressed in Bayfield :VIillson........ 6 `Winter „ .. 7 guerite Sill�iy nurse-in-
•alble nurmlb,er of whom are from the Monday fo,r the safety of three Lon- Jeffrey ......... 13 'Hawes , .... , ,•14 ;,eavirng the firm and the Border Cir- ',raining, Buffalo, is;� her par-
., country acid of these,,• several are doners, all connected with the C. B. T. Jahnson-,bye, !es, and to wish him, good heal�:h and slits, Mm, and'Mrs. R. Sillery.
teachers who are preparing for ex- Chap.mran firm, who left Bayfield at 'C1ose.......... 11 Rev. 'MeGeaun 13 every 'success m his new venture." The regular monthly meeting of
amination for second. class certifl- four o'clock Friday afternooh, with Third Round. Mr. Meir moved from Wlimdsor to the Ladies' Aid was held m the homy:
t •Cates. The -school opens under the the, intention of witnessing the Fennelbaker-,bye. Seaforth an September lst and is tF ,�• G. 1G. Wilson on Thur�:lry
most favorable circumstances and we Harmsworth boat ra e ort Detroit. Winter...... , ...13 Hawes : lU' gnaw in Mrs, L. T. DeL.acey's V-11;, a large attendance.
° shave every reason- to, hope ,that it The trio sailed from Ba residlesnce on John 'Street. Mr. and 'Mrs. Charle9 Treffry and
s mill ,became a mxistt -useful and',popu- foot (boat Bayfield u a 30- Jeattion......�12 Willis u. ...14
equipped with outboard Be'atiie........ 12 Willis ..... , mill . daughter, of 'London, visited with Mr.
lar educational institution," motor and sail-si and, were expeeted Fourth Round. . a.r'r•t 'Mrs. Treffry recently.
. I Agitation for a Ihgh S^pool in to return Sunday night. At a late Pexnnebaker.... 10 Winter ...... 8 WINGHAM IMr-,. 'Slterwar�t and Miss Stewart, of
•-v'm6m,th head coirnrmensced-•early in the hour Tuesday' night no word' had McGeonxn..... ,. 8 Beattie .... , . 9 Chatham, and 'Mrs. W. G. Wren and
` rpreviows year. but it was not until been received from them. Finals. son,, 'Bi'llie, of Mon,Lreal, have return-
' an, Pennebaket....12 ,Beattie .... , 13 od to their respective homes after
June of 1878 that,definite action' was The three are: Erie N. Chapman,
taken. At that time certain influ- aged 26 96 Elmwood A;vp-; Reginald THIRD EVENT Trousseau Tea and Shower For iGitirlg 1Rev. and 'Mrs. Stewart at
M ,er 6tal citizens wanted on the County A. Appleyard, 474 Colborne Street, Bride-•to-fbe-+A very pleasant trous- the Parsonage.
CouniZdl and obtained fur the. towii and Douglas A. Milne 15 Wyatt St.,
First Round, Beau tea was 'held on Wednesday, 'Mr, and Mrs. William, Drake, of
I •permission ,to eeit'ahlish a high school. all of London. The latter two are R. H� Sproat...10. Broderick . , , . 8 September 1st, at the home of Mr. Stratford, visited with the latter's
i The Count Council a R, J.'Sproet....12 Detbus ......11 and (Mrs. John E. Homuth, Patrick Y
Y p. Me.- travellers for the firm while );Tic F. Sills.......13 C. P. Sills ....11 Street Win harm, in honor of their Messrs. A. Armritage, S. G. a14c- is a son of the manager of the firm. '' ; g ltarenks, MT. and `MT s. ft. Barbour.
n • 'Ciao hev and Thtomras XMid as trus- Ho that, they Second Round. eleest daughter, Miss Nettie Homuth.
ik, 0 g ' pe ey would be found p p gue s were welcomed in tht
tees, while the town council appoint- alive dwindled late Wednesday after- R. H. S i+oat. , .10 R. J. Sproat , .11 The
F. 'Sills... - ... !0 Jeffrey --'.--/,.3 parIor,fien conducted, upstairs by DUBLIN 'i L ed Dr. Gouinilock, Dr. Vercoe and Mr, noon when a white sailboat with a :ar
D. Jahn'son. The ,school board pro- broken spar which had been driven Millson...... .:.14 Glose . , ..... , ld Margaret IHlormuth where Miss Ger-
Third Round. trude Kelly and Miss Eva Homuth
seeded to minks arrangements to , ashore was definitely i.dlentified as R, J: Sproa't..I..10 Close a showed the trousseau. t.'terward,s ,
,bring the question ,before they people, I the boat in which they had set out the ]adfies were served a dol The followings teachers left on
the by-law upon which the town' fir,- I for the Hrarmisworbli trophy races in I1. S•itls,-{bye. � my lunch- Monday for t}teir sriiaol's; 'Miss Ruth
all, vrrn+,e,ri a on mentioning Finals, can in the dnrring iro:om by Misses
y p g $6,000 as Detroit: The ,boat was found on the' ' ,fills. to Ottawa; Theresa Ca -,i -'-ter;
R. J. Spmoat...,10 F. ,Sills ... 12 V[ Rdtx Robertson, Leah Robertson, Lil-
the prolbratble outlay. Lake Horan shore just west of Hills- lion Peterrman and Olive Homut}, `n Fnrmv,sa; Dorothy ^Tnlvnc u:;, 20
11 The by-law was voted on on Mor,- boro; a village on the lake -west of NEW PLAYERS PLAY while Mrs. August '116rruth, grand- I!� -,d ale; 'GPrtrud'e Stapleto•1, To-
day, July 22, 1878, and was carried Forests~ Search of the shore Tor On Thursday night last and again mother of the ,bride -to he poured tea. 'rut; Jbelen Delaney, Nancy: F lor-
dly a majority of 78, the vote by polls sev.ral miles for the 'bodies of 1
on Wednesday night f this week, On Tuesday evening a surprise kit- -nr,: f•mith, public school, Duhlin:
i eing: R?three men was con4jtcted on foot and the local greens were thrown open .-hen shower was held at the home of Veronica Wc'Connleil, Guelph; llutrh
For A ain,st by plane, but unsucc ull A patrol. to V iMac IR'obertson. About, toren- Renninger, St. Jerome's College, Kit -
y � a, g Y• P prospective (players wlio turned :Miss y g
, FJaA Wiard ....... 37 7 of the lakes�hore is being -kept un con- out in large numbers. tyfive young ladies were present and choner; .Jade 'M1cGrath,, Clandetio•;,e.
South ,'Ward ... , . , `31 10 `in•ually 'by friends and farmers of At the Thursday n4ht tournament after the pres'eniation of several u. -,e- *. and Mrs. B. E. Downey and
North 'Ward 132 5 the district. � the prizes went to Frank Si'll's, Angus' ful kitchen- articles, a very delightful -hildren were week ,endvisltorg with
In eomn:mreniting on the by-law, the _ McRae, R. Devereaux ,and G. Dick. social evening was spent. • Both at friends in Wbihby.
editor of The Expositor at the time, 'On Wednesday night the prize.9 were the trouskdd-tea and sholwer the Miss Vera Feeney. of Toronto,
carubions the tmstem to look care- fail td secure the, success, even in a ,Non 1by O.' Sei'gris,t with 3 wins plus, Bride -elect was the recipient of many anent a few days with her moths:,
' fully before choosing a site. he goes pecundary point of view." 16, J. ,Scott with 3 wins plus 15, k beautiful and .useful gifts, which test- MrQ K. Fe^ney.
on to •say: "`In selecting .a site the 'The s,choul luras, opened on Janquary Edmunds with 3 wins plus 15, D. ified to the esteem; in which the IMr. and Mrs. 'Shadler and children.,
tias.ees s,havld eludeavour to secure 7, 1$78, with bQ pt>>pils, including: F. Ryman .with 3 wins :plus 13, C. P. }uurng lady is, held. if Buffalo are holidaying with Mr.
-one that Will be convenietnut to all, Anderson, F. S. `Beattie, Neil Beth- Sills with 3 wins �pbus 11, 'and John arm"d 'Mrs. A. Darling.
and -at the game time be so situated une, Geo. W. Dent, Alfred E. Dent, Cardno with 3 wirlt9 plus 8. Miss-Anmia Delaney. of Windsor,
that the Ibu•ildin"rected thereon will Iafayet e Dun -top, Aroh. 'R. Dewar, The scores were: John Beattie, 3 ,nent th,e wieok end with her parents,
+be orrgpmernbal to `the town, ,and Geo. A. Dewar, Geo. Edwards, Robt. losses- C. -P, Sills,.3 wins plus 31; WINTHROP '.kjr, and Mmq. James Delaney.
would ,show eo pronuine-ndy as to at. Evans, Frank Ending, James Fisber, Ed., Bright, 1 win plus 5; T. John- 'Mr, and 'Mfrs. E. 'L. Jordan. of St.
tract at once the attention of strung- William Hunt, Duncan Joshnson, Jas. s,bane, 1 win plus 5; W. G. Willis, C�kemen9, and Mrs. Jt"d;ge, of Detroit,
,eras. Int is well to have surch institu- Johnson, R. 4 (Mamsales, Chas. MAC 2>, wins lulus 7; Jahn Broderick, 2 MT, Archie Cairlpbell, a£ Toronto, "�4e it the holi,d'ay with Mr: end 'Mrs.
11 bons ornaxitental as well as u eful." key, Wfiillam Mlackay, Jos,eOh Me- win ;plus -4; ;R, J. Winter, 2142 wins spent the week end with his mother, William Jordan.
, The trustees advertised' for tenders Naught, John H. M�eFaul, Luras Ross, plus 14; R. J. -Spraat, 1 win plus 1; Mrs. J. Campbell. Miuss M. WC,onvell, of Buffal'n, is
1 an August 2, over the narme of A, Thomas Simpson, C. A. Sperling, W. J. Duncan, 2 wins plus 8;E, H. !Mrs. Joseph Little spent the week holidaying with her sisters, Mrs.
-Awmitiage, as slecreta,ry, and the cora- John tWtatston, Edward Woods, M09- Close, 2 losses,; J. E. Willis, 1 win end with relative,-, in Be'lgrave. Brtuxer and ,Mfiss 'O'Connell.
tract Was, awarded to Mr. James gie Beattie, •Anmite Bolton, Mary J. plus 4,- 1112• McKellar, 2 wins plus 10; Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bennett and Mr. James Shea ,spent a' fe'w days
Walsh fon• the sarin of $2,732, the Cramrfoid, Martha. Davidson, Etta O, 'HlolmeS, '1, wtn plus 2; F. Sills, 2 Mona. Mr. John Bullard Mr. ffamld at Toronto Fair.
contractor agreeing to com(pllete the Duncan,,Ella Edwards, IMia:gggie ler- win's iphr,s 14;'G. Dick, 1 win plus 7; Small•don and family, 'of Walton, Mrs. IM, Corrigan, of W'innip'eg:
0,building, do all the work and furnish g'uson, AgnrQ (em'me11, Kate Givtilin, John 'Ca d -no, 3 wins plus 8; G. Cor- spent Sunday with ,MT. and 'Mrs, Geo. Mrs. Higigin,s, of 'Montreal, and Mrs.
,material. arch Joh, t", A:g' 'ie, Kidd, UzziP rise, 3 low; D. Riemtan, 3 wins plus Eaton. M, Bru•xer, of Lotndton, were week end
Rn November the Board of Trurstee3 Moore, Lizzi at)y1Ian, Anmie Patter• 13; .P• Pe�tetvon, 1% wins. plus 4; H. 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Fergus Bullard and visitors with MT. and 'Mrs. .lames
se�athe aetrvli'ces of Mr. C. Clark- son, Helen Pri'ingl•to Bertha Rogers, Nsoice, 1% wins plus ,2; J. Devereaux, Mr, John Armstrontg spent the week Redmilond,
Barth„�, ,osf,,Toronto, as headmaster . Maggie StbetwytiMb r�'ena Thompson, An 1 win plus 7; A. D. Sutherland's ! end with relatives i:n Larnclorcn. Mr. and fM,ns. Billie Byrne and chil-
.� fbr:.�4 i11, aw school at an annual sal- nie'Watson, 'NUa�e, Wilson, Martha win; T. G. 'Sleo'tt, L1% ,wins plus, 5; Mr. and Mrs. J,ols,eph Dolmlage 4'reti and ftsm (Margaret Jordan, of
11 as ,"HIO, anal as assistatrt teach- Burgess, Annie Ilie, Janett Gterm- A. iMrcRae, 2 llose-as, 3.•J. C,l,uff, 1 win treated' a iuurrnber a,f their fxiendis to Droit, spent a few deys with
I ” rxi dlrlar: G. Wl Fields, of Wind- m,ell Annie" Pringle, Harper H, plus 3, J• �S,oabt, 3 wins plus 15; Jo'hrn a coa4n, roast on Monday nag'ht. friends:
t � malary of $800. The ttru9- 'Crawfoiil% Dmlherby, 1 win lulus 7; W. E. ;South- ,Mr. and (Mrs', Elton Haist and -,'ram. Intended for last. week.
z, tee --a-letter to the public at that Each pnupirt enrolled had previous- gate, 2 wins plus 8; R. And'e,rson, 1 gill a Toronto 9
time'say: -The Trustees, of the Hsi h ly tried and aissed an examination ��, y, pent the week end Mr. and Mrs. John Moir and fan-
g p win plum 1; O, Seigrits,t, $wins plus, wi6h the formeTIs mother, 'Mrs. Haut.
Slehool, are determ,'ined to make a ser by the masters' and the. irnstpec- lg; A, Fore, 1 wjal plug 2; S. Car- ; ilh of I. Ryan, wpen:t Sunday at XT q.
Miss Margaret M,on:bgamery i9 Thomas Ryan's. '1. goad commencement an:d to have the tor. An annulat fee of $10',00 each ter, 2 wins •plu:, 9; J. Arnold, IY2 wins ,,vendiiiv a few drays with her aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Nern,ait Mr.
institution rank aq,aso'ng the first in was charged therm. plus 4; L. Jackson, 2 wins plus 7; C.
tU ,6ounilt froth the first ,start. H Thus was the he nein of the Mrs. ),-Ge of W ittle r Dorrii[s and Jame, Heenan, also ranisq -
,�S y Y � g Stewart, 1 � wins ptus 7; M, B'osLL (Mrs. "George Little reNuinled home es Nora and aiy Heenan,. of Gran-
• tthla ll n"iernt of liberal Aalaries they peace h 'Collegiate Institute, which well, 1 ' win ,plus 2; A. Edunrunds, 3 on Monday after spending a few -on, visited ,1Vt�'' . Thomas Ryan and
sectnred the setrvhces of« teaeheis 54 yeaTs M1uaa grade for itself wins plus 15; L. Hoggartlh, 2 losses; mlonths wpth ,h,e•r relatives in Ireland, family
+ni ih'ligh stamding in the profess'i'on, nfi 1 unviable and oldbotanding record J. McKenzie, 2 Iosses; S. Pullman, 1 Mr. anri 1Mrs. Adwn Dodds, of The London softball tealm, plaved
*10 ii`1 (be certain to secure for the i•n seholarsih.ip and in. the number bf win .plus 3; 1. Hudson, '3 losses'; W. Listowel, spent tore holiday with the Darblin team on, Sunday, the
$-nsti'ttrttion a reputation. -which cannot sUcc asful gxaduatds ,it has had, Better, 2 wins plus 11, friends. score being 20-2 in favor of London,
d ' i. ..
M. #
w s> t
h7f' t . i f' ' ! '
�t,s,..M, .iit4l`�•tl�,4�.dh}na.�.N.,,r .�L�I��Uh. Cl. fi „nn. TA'L .1:.1"111!11.111WkrS.,k�tsD 7t. Ao't ;il a•.,tl�)n.. ur tE4k<\kr..iiS i'#Iu, uit:�wVF.vi6ltit :��.�fa7H.lRut.,YwSa k,'�.J..,u4.Nd AdiilL,_W'�,Ms.n15MM,.,M,141Q•1�.1lSa9N��,4�'.t�.•.y�mQdl'Y,a4M,I,iASi.�t�lf�v,.,l�ifd a�� ^� ^VI 9u%�.�,'�.!u.,�w8 ,1?" ,•i t' "Av1.v nh4.1 l
'"a }mo b`�,! rir 1,.m ry� sir('. ,, r''"r ,rl 'SPY W." g�4 h'p,
FAM�`�,T 1.a'... '� ,(,,
//�� a' , 1;,�
st �, r
No �� 'Set v j ,vml',1�"L.,
.i:i , ' - �4.' va tls:�S IY�jdj�G .Y
SNR ` f { YfI ��t�
yM lq, rl
' �' -i f>~��'IfJ' n u
A. W. Dick, Seeretar of the /j r" .11, ., , � ° j t0
Huron Football League, an- ,'c nr
pounced Thursday that as yet uI
no dates had' been set for the - ,, w
Stephenson -Cup finals. A pro- uiti,
p Rt. Hon. Sir t Gilbert Palrk�r'
test has been lodged by Brus- ' " air.
sels re, the Brusseha' Walton Lived; As, a Youth, Far S, g
' , i "1
game and it will be dealt with Some Years ill Town. `.,
by the Executive on Friday. It '�, M1:
is this protest that is holding �,
up the ,finals. REMEMBERED H E R E ��sIjtg,,
�- ,,,
Sir 11
Gitlbert Parker, the Oanadri'an•' ' 1
born nsovalist, vvlio gained fame in ;��
the fields of literwture and states-'` I°
W. D. ,Black Is .mranship at the turn, of the. ce'ntua-y, ,
(hut of Dace al au r .. _ 'ed in his, -740th year ,to -&y after 1
s a, ,
. . Mae Seats of the ,Mighty- and 4`Ie ' , '
; Lane That lad No Turning," had, '` t
�� been in goad stealth, working stead:- .
Will Not 'Contest South ily in his London flart in 'Whit�haU" ll,
Court 'until 16iinday.. when it was `' ..
necessary for nu'rs'es bo attend hurl. .
Huron For Progressives ,ft Han, ,lHorat Gilbert I?aritor, �'
At By -Election. P'C•, 'was 'the funs arative Canalise r
to bwomle widely �Gnimm through -put "b,
' the English-stpeaking world as' . a
W. D. BLrcic, ho was nominated ,writer of fiction'
to contest South o•n in ;tlie in- literary
mflgrmtted at a roinne w9icm a
literary career -•Caul not be made: a ,,
terests of the Progressives, will not ,profession in C ua ; arid, at the '
run- In speaking to The Expositor time of his death, ,he was Canada's, a.'•.
on Thursdhy,lie said, ,he was.definite- m,� d[stinguirslhed• literary expatri-
ly out of the race. ate. Hie was 'honored wikli- .bliee
Mr. Black was, nominated 'at the doctor's degrees, a knighthood, a •.
recent Progressive nomination meet- baronetey'. and ,was elects ,both to .
ing held in Hensall and had signified .the Hiouse of 1 Commons of the
his intention of running. The execu- -United , Kingdom and to -the Privy
tive of 'his ,party held a meeting in Council. He .identiffied himself en- 4l
Clinton. Friday, ,but 'whether or not , -TWy ,wi16h upper -,class English so- •`.�"
it was as a result of this that be ,,
withdrew, Mr. Black did not say. i7npe :arid was am active' and ardent
(Dir. Blaeli_'s withdrawal will ' leave +Born in -Camden East, - Ontario,
two candidates in the field. Mr. W. Nom. 23, 1860, he was tlhe eldest s"'''
H. Golding, exrMayor of Seaforth, is ,child of an Iiish�born captain in the c
the Liberal nominee, and Mr. L. H. Canaan of itia, wlio :had' Ytetped to "
Racer is the Conservative candidate. ,pier the ReQiellioiu 1of 183 , Has `,
mtotier was' otF United' Empire Loy-
ap�li�s�t' deseent. He attended' the Ot-
��% 1�DwY1 Narmlal acbpol, and obtained' a
Mrs. �1r m. Fortune ,second class.' fiea�-hees certificate at
the age of 17. After an ,interval of11,
is in her 91st Year teddhirvg•, he attbemoed Trinity College .-,, ;
for INM yeawsy and, Hien Taught .at r,
. the' Osyii io itisriat,ute forr the deaf
and d'unidb at IWU* l -We. Lgter he was - nt
Has Been a Resident of Sea- i:'.ned 'a din, in -St., George's • L.
'Caithe,dma Kings}bn, and was'' for a 11
forth Dist vt ' For` ' A,6rt it A-_ virate a'i Trenton 'but
again resumed his teaching.Eighty-five Years. lGillbe'iit Parker, or Gilly, as he ;,^
was known locally at that time, lived- °.
with .xhis parentis on North 'Main St. ',
On Monday, Septiarrube- s*'h, Mrs. H,e was about twelve years of age �-,
William Fortune, East William St., when the family :moved here, arcs
Seaforth, :celebrated her nintieth Gilbert attemdied the local public
birthday, school for a number of years.
'Mrs. Fortune is still in ,the enjoy- 'M'any of •Nhe older residents of the
merit -of ---excellent health andcmirits 'town remember him as he was -some k
snd in the full 'possession •o£ all her sixty :or se'v'enty years ago, '
Oac'iltips. de,snite '.her grand, old age, 1
scud on Woib3ay last was the recipi-
ent of" many cong,ratulati•ow an,1 GODERICH TP. i
e•ood wishes extended' by a host of
old friends and nearghhors, as well as
-t'besuitiful (basket of flowers present- MT. and ]Miss T&Naibb, Miss, Wil -
A by the ,Catholic Women's League, son, of Hamilton, who have been vis-
-,f St. James' Church, of which she is iting' Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cox, have
a valued member. returned to -,their home.. '
Mn. Fortune, whose maiden name .iBCiss Helen Cox, who visited her
was 'Catharine Roath, was barn near parekis over the'week end, returner$
Ottawa, but came to this' district to L t ndom on Tuesday.
with her parents widen five years of Mrs- Richard Bornd and chiidren, of
age, the lfaarrily, settling at 'Irish- God'erich, are •visiting her sister, (Mrs.
town, now St. Columfban, when this Leslie Cox.
whole part of ,the cotinttry was a The Ladies? Aid of Grace Church
,olid forest. meets: off Thursday afternoon with
She knows all the , hardships of Mrs.. Fred .Pickard, in charge. There
pioneer days and pioneer living and will also be a quilt to quilt. •
can teal mra,ny interesting stories of The 'Men's Club was well pleased,'
in'cide'nts whi'c'h happened in those with ,the, success of their field day at
far-off days ,before Ithe little slog Porter's Hill on Monday. The day
"•ouf*:9 in the 'bush gave way to the was ideal; there was'a large -crowd,
heautiful, homes we see to -day, and and the ,parade and sports were goody
the forests themselves have all but and the greasy pig was scared stiff.
disappeared. , , biverybody seemied iwe•ll pleased with -
'Sixty-six ,years ago she was mar- the day's outing,
ried to Mr. William Fortune, anri Last week Mr. Robert McCartney
egntinu:ed to reside on their harm in artdl ,Mi'ss Altalind visited in Toronto
the same district as her odd home and and Oshawa and went on t•o visit 'Mr_
in Dublin until fifteen years ago, M,cCartney's ibrolbh'er in Ottawa; re- Ii
when Mr. Fortune died, and soon af- turning horrne Sw6tirday evening. � , '
ter •she ramex to SeafoTth, which has
since been her home: • i
I:Mrs. Fortune possemwes two unique CROMARTY
records. She has never been a week
away from 'her own home during her •
long life, and the greatest distance Mr. and 'Mors. JamesScott returned
-he has ever travelled ham's been to last ,week from Prince Ai'bert, when=.^
London. they,spent two monthn vfi-siting with
There are three daughters of Mrs. Mr. and Mars. Rev. !MlcKay. .
Fortune's family of six children liv- (Miss Olive'Speare spent a feat, days
ing, Sister Fideles, of St. Joseph's at `Taranto Elchibi tion.
Community, London; Si:9ter Fortune, 1Mr. and 'Mrs, Russell Scott spent
of the Sacred Heart order, Halifax, a few.dMay% last week at the Exhnbi-
and Mi,ws Mary Fortune, at home. tion.
A, host of friends will join The School has reopened and Mr. Me- •
Expositor in extending congratu4a- Kay, of Turdkiersmibh, has been en -
tions to Mrs, Fortune and in wish- gaged as teacher.
ing her many 'happy returns of Won-. 'The iSeptemib,er meeting. of the W.
day last, a wish which ,might easily M. S,. met art the home of 'Mr9. Edgar
'.-)e realized as this efteemed o[d lady Allen with MMs. S. A. Miller presid-
has always enjoyed exceliernt health, irv. The meeting ovened by, singing
and on of her urncla5, the late John a p,,alrn and prayer by the president.
Roach, lived to the remarkable age The roll call was: responded to ,by a I.,
of 106 years. verse from the ,Sermon on the Mount. , ' I
Xrs. Allen hradt t'he Scripturg 'reading
VARNA fat' the day, giving the 9th chapter,
of Matthew; fMlrs•. William Mc') area,
-the portion of study ,book, after which
Miss Mary 'Chanter has returned to Mrs. 'Hill led in ,prayer. A hymn 'oras
London after spending a week with sung and Mirs•, Roy 'McCulloch read
friends and relatives. a very interesttiog paper on EdUca-
Miss Joan Mossop has-, returned tion and Literary Work. Mrs. Scott:
home after spending two months in gave ,an interesting talk on her visit I
Windsor. • to are or ,lwoo• orf the school homes . s
Misses Gladys and Eanily Bealhty, while on her visit to, Prince Albert. i
of Londmi, spent the holiday at ti eir A few minutes were' spent doalio
home. I with the business, prrdlblenmo of the '$
Mr. R. Woods returned to his homie meeting. ITy'mns were sung and the,
in 'Listowel after spending some time meeting cloheiA with prayte i .hly ' the `16
with his aunt, Mrs. F. Weekes. ptpsidenrt eruct' the Lard's, i' aytY inG ti'
There will 'be no service in St, unison.. A very dlaimty Iuxt+ h 'w Y t',
John's Civutch for two Sundays ow- served at the close of the irlirg. lr,=
'09 to the fact tthat the (Rural Dean A narmber of visitors wert,, Ores�it1 M
c?aull is baving a holiday. - at the meeting.. aids,',
"r .1,•.i .» li } t5'fM1,Sr 1�1` .. �'», ! � Rit tI.''.."
b xr
e 7,.
•°c ,1
.s � Y$
),ia P
x Y
..^ a. , ,•. .Cup: -i ' L fi. ,,, .,.- (. o-. .t�.� ..
f i" .
1. Ys.
"I 111!t �k,ry .Y:i('^�'fC.: Ira �.k,U'9 "....e4.ln..-,�1P,�flah �.:4u1.r..Ian,.,ir*ikJ.5�1tiNul.l..�.ry....,WT,.r5x�K7;.>rr�h..�nix�l,rlli.+Y�.r.��,,dee,,.rtY.Mw,.,i1�.Y',�wuP, ,:lWwt..,.i..,x ���..
5 rtrS
+ ,, y5 <Y,
1 K,S�-�'f�N
'"a }mo b`�,! rir 1,.m ry� sir('. ,, r''"r ,rl 'SPY W." g�4 h'p,
FAM�`�,T 1.a'... '� ,(,,
//�� a' , 1;,�
st �, r
No �� 'Set v j ,vml',1�"L.,
.i:i , ' - �4.' va tls:�S IY�jdj�G .Y
SNR ` f { YfI ��t�
yM lq, rl
' �' -i f>~��'IfJ' n u
A. W. Dick, Seeretar of the /j r" .11, ., , � ° j t0
Huron Football League, an- ,'c nr
pounced Thursday that as yet uI
no dates had' been set for the - ,, w
Stephenson -Cup finals. A pro- uiti,
p Rt. Hon. Sir t Gilbert Palrk�r'
test has been lodged by Brus- ' " air.
sels re, the Brusseha' Walton Lived; As, a Youth, Far S, g
' , i "1
game and it will be dealt with Some Years ill Town. `.,
by the Executive on Friday. It '�, M1:
is this protest that is holding �,
up the ,finals. REMEMBERED H E R E ��sIjtg,,
�- ,,,
Sir 11
Gitlbert Parker, the Oanadri'an•' ' 1
born nsovalist, vvlio gained fame in ;��
the fields of literwture and states-'` I°
W. D. ,Black Is .mranship at the turn, of the. ce'ntua-y, ,
(hut of Dace al au r .. _ 'ed in his, -740th year ,to -&y after 1
s a, ,
. . Mae Seats of the ,Mighty- and 4`Ie ' , '
; Lane That lad No Turning," had, '` t
�� been in goad stealth, working stead:- .
Will Not 'Contest South ily in his London flart in 'Whit�haU" ll,
Court 'until 16iinday.. when it was `' ..
necessary for nu'rs'es bo attend hurl. .
Huron For Progressives ,ft Han, ,lHorat Gilbert I?aritor, �'
At By -Election. P'C•, 'was 'the funs arative Canalise r
to bwomle widely �Gnimm through -put "b,
' the English-stpeaking world as' . a
W. D. BLrcic, ho was nominated ,writer of fiction'
to contest South o•n in ;tlie in- literary
mflgrmtted at a roinne w9icm a
literary career -•Caul not be made: a ,,
terests of the Progressives, will not ,profession in C ua ; arid, at the '
run- In speaking to The Expositor time of his death, ,he was Canada's, a.'•.
on Thursdhy,lie said, ,he was.definite- m,� d[stinguirslhed• literary expatri-
ly out of the race. ate. Hie was 'honored wikli- .bliee
Mr. Black was, nominated 'at the doctor's degrees, a knighthood, a •.
recent Progressive nomination meet- baronetey'. and ,was elects ,both to .
ing held in Hensall and had signified .the Hiouse of 1 Commons of the
his intention of running. The execu- -United , Kingdom and to -the Privy
tive of 'his ,party held a meeting in Council. He .identiffied himself en- 4l
Clinton. Friday, ,but 'whether or not , -TWy ,wi16h upper -,class English so- •`.�"
it was as a result of this that be ,,
withdrew, Mr. Black did not say. i7npe :arid was am active' and ardent
(Dir. Blaeli_'s withdrawal will ' leave +Born in -Camden East, - Ontario,
two candidates in the field. Mr. W. Nom. 23, 1860, he was tlhe eldest s"'''
H. Golding, exrMayor of Seaforth, is ,child of an Iiish�born captain in the c
the Liberal nominee, and Mr. L. H. Canaan of itia, wlio :had' Ytetped to "
Racer is the Conservative candidate. ,pier the ReQiellioiu 1of 183 , Has `,
mtotier was' otF United' Empire Loy-
ap�li�s�t' deseent. He attended' the Ot-
��% 1�DwY1 Narmlal acbpol, and obtained' a
Mrs. �1r m. Fortune ,second class.' fiea�-hees certificate at
the age of 17. After an ,interval of11,
is in her 91st Year teddhirvg•, he attbemoed Trinity College .-,, ;
for INM yeawsy and, Hien Taught .at r,
. the' Osyii io itisriat,ute forr the deaf
and d'unidb at IWU* l -We. Lgter he was - nt
Has Been a Resident of Sea- i:'.ned 'a din, in -St., George's • L.
'Caithe,dma Kings}bn, and was'' for a 11
forth Dist vt ' For` ' A,6rt it A-_ virate a'i Trenton 'but
again resumed his teaching.Eighty-five Years. lGillbe'iit Parker, or Gilly, as he ;,^
was known locally at that time, lived- °.
with .xhis parentis on North 'Main St. ',
On Monday, Septiarrube- s*'h, Mrs. H,e was about twelve years of age �-,
William Fortune, East William St., when the family :moved here, arcs
Seaforth, :celebrated her nintieth Gilbert attemdied the local public
birthday, school for a number of years.
'Mrs. Fortune is still in ,the enjoy- 'M'any of •Nhe older residents of the
merit -of ---excellent health andcmirits 'town remember him as he was -some k
snd in the full 'possession •o£ all her sixty :or se'v'enty years ago, '
Oac'iltips. de,snite '.her grand, old age, 1
scud on Woib3ay last was the recipi-
ent of" many cong,ratulati•ow an,1 GODERICH TP. i
e•ood wishes extended' by a host of
old friends and nearghhors, as well as
-t'besuitiful (basket of flowers present- MT. and ]Miss T&Naibb, Miss, Wil -
A by the ,Catholic Women's League, son, of Hamilton, who have been vis-
-,f St. James' Church, of which she is iting' Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cox, have
a valued member. returned to -,their home.. '
Mn. Fortune, whose maiden name .iBCiss Helen Cox, who visited her
was 'Catharine Roath, was barn near parekis over the'week end, returner$
Ottawa, but came to this' district to L t ndom on Tuesday.
with her parents widen five years of Mrs- Richard Bornd and chiidren, of
age, the lfaarrily, settling at 'Irish- God'erich, are •visiting her sister, (Mrs.
town, now St. Columfban, when this Leslie Cox.
whole part of ,the cotinttry was a The Ladies? Aid of Grace Church
,olid forest. meets: off Thursday afternoon with
She knows all the , hardships of Mrs.. Fred .Pickard, in charge. There
pioneer days and pioneer living and will also be a quilt to quilt. •
can teal mra,ny interesting stories of The 'Men's Club was well pleased,'
in'cide'nts whi'c'h happened in those with ,the, success of their field day at
far-off days ,before Ithe little slog Porter's Hill on Monday. The day
"•ouf*:9 in the 'bush gave way to the was ideal; there was'a large -crowd,
heautiful, homes we see to -day, and and the ,parade and sports were goody
the forests themselves have all but and the greasy pig was scared stiff.
disappeared. , , biverybody seemied iwe•ll pleased with -
'Sixty-six ,years ago she was mar- the day's outing,
ried to Mr. William Fortune, anri Last week Mr. Robert McCartney
egntinu:ed to reside on their harm in artdl ,Mi'ss Altalind visited in Toronto
the same district as her odd home and and Oshawa and went on t•o visit 'Mr_
in Dublin until fifteen years ago, M,cCartney's ibrolbh'er in Ottawa; re- Ii
when Mr. Fortune died, and soon af- turning horrne Sw6tirday evening. � , '
ter •she ramex to SeafoTth, which has
since been her home: • i
I:Mrs. Fortune possemwes two unique CROMARTY
records. She has never been a week
away from 'her own home during her •
long life, and the greatest distance Mr. and 'Mors. JamesScott returned
-he has ever travelled ham's been to last ,week from Prince Ai'bert, when=.^
London. they,spent two monthn vfi-siting with
There are three daughters of Mrs. Mr. and Mars. Rev. !MlcKay. .
Fortune's family of six children liv- (Miss Olive'Speare spent a feat, days
ing, Sister Fideles, of St. Joseph's at `Taranto Elchibi tion.
Community, London; Si:9ter Fortune, 1Mr. and 'Mrs, Russell Scott spent
of the Sacred Heart order, Halifax, a few.dMay% last week at the Exhnbi-
and Mi,ws Mary Fortune, at home. tion.
A, host of friends will join The School has reopened and Mr. Me- •
Expositor in extending congratu4a- Kay, of Turdkiersmibh, has been en -
tions to Mrs, Fortune and in wish- gaged as teacher.
ing her many 'happy returns of Won-. 'The iSeptemib,er meeting. of the W.
day last, a wish which ,might easily M. S,. met art the home of 'Mr9. Edgar
'.-)e realized as this efteemed o[d lady Allen with MMs. S. A. Miller presid-
has always enjoyed exceliernt health, irv. The meeting ovened by, singing
and on of her urncla5, the late John a p,,alrn and prayer by the president.
Roach, lived to the remarkable age The roll call was: responded to ,by a I.,
of 106 years. verse from the ,Sermon on the Mount. , ' I
Xrs. Allen hradt t'he Scripturg 'reading
VARNA fat' the day, giving the 9th chapter,
of Matthew; fMlrs•. William Mc') area,
-the portion of study ,book, after which
Miss Mary 'Chanter has returned to Mrs. 'Hill led in ,prayer. A hymn 'oras
London after spending a week with sung and Mirs•, Roy 'McCulloch read
friends and relatives. a very interesttiog paper on EdUca-
Miss Joan Mossop has-, returned tion and Literary Work. Mrs. Scott:
home after spending two months in gave ,an interesting talk on her visit I
Windsor. • to are or ,lwoo• orf the school homes . s
Misses Gladys and Eanily Bealhty, while on her visit to, Prince Albert. i
of Londmi, spent the holiday at ti eir A few minutes were' spent doalio
home. I with the business, prrdlblenmo of the '$
Mr. R. Woods returned to his homie meeting. ITy'mns were sung and the,
in 'Listowel after spending some time meeting cloheiA with prayte i .hly ' the `16
with his aunt, Mrs. F. Weekes. ptpsidenrt eruct' the Lard's, i' aytY inG ti'
There will 'be no service in St, unison.. A very dlaimty Iuxt+ h 'w Y t',
John's Civutch for two Sundays ow- served at the close of the irlirg. lr,=
'09 to the fact tthat the (Rural Dean A narmber of visitors wert,, Ores�it1 M
c?aull is baving a holiday. - at the meeting.. aids,',
"r .1,•.i .» li } t5'fM1,Sr 1�1` .. �'», ! � Rit tI.''.."
b xr
e 7,.
•°c ,1
.s � Y$
),ia P
x Y
..^ a. , ,•. .Cup: -i ' L fi. ,,, .,.- (. o-. .t�.� ..
f i" .
1. Ys.
"I 111!t �k,ry .Y:i('^�'fC.: Ira �.k,U'9 "....e4.ln..-,�1P,�flah �.:4u1.r..Ian,.,ir*ikJ.5�1tiNul.l..�.ry....,WT,.r5x�K7;.>rr�h..�nix�l,rlli.+Y�.r.��,,dee,,.rtY.Mw,.,i1�.Y',�wuP, ,:lWwt..,.i..,x ���..