HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-09-02, Page 4„rcr t;.4y hyo al 2,rpy'++aj,&iNN%CfH >, 1 ,. n„,. ,1 iw:. , . sf{ r �1ir+� 1: , ;r' 04-141"O”#IS 1.Aait%1?fg Weekly" . I a71' '• ' ��j eta l>r�l�d' 1860 - Ill I�,Aw,. > kFhTa McLean, Editor. . ''ublslipd at ,S,eaforth, Ontario, ev- �r Tk�urday afternoon by McLean lav Wo - 11-0ibseripti-en rate, $1.50 a year in. I �, adt.gace;' foreign, $2:00 a year. Single rs ` . „ Car,*es, 4 cents each. ' a `� • tr•: I :': , d'd0rUshig rates on application. I 11-k Win of the Canadian Weekly 11 I ' fins ' Xewspaper Association and the Huron �, County Press Association. . .• n �" . - _- - a.' SEAFIORIM, Friday, September 2nd :I I. �-._._-...._...—.t—.-- `` I. The Eclipse , aT: " <, The eclipse of the sun on tie"ednes ' 1. day (behaved very well in•cieed, I came as per �chedude and depar•tec ,' , . the same way, and weather condition '„ I -"ere perfect for ubservinIg it. i`: Vie -Wed from this district, thr eclipse of the .sun wrould appear ti r-' baste covered ninety per cent, of it 3�,; surface, What reniainetl of rhe ,ui i',. ' loo -ked to be a very re --d nem• nloolr (but' a very .,mall one withall. There was no marked period n clarknC::i4, not• even of tw•:li;•ht Rath:?r was it like the al.>l:t;araiie of darkness preceding a severe thun der storm, only then: was no wine '';", no thunder, and''no black clouds. rI From bright sunlight there was •rather quick change to a"slight din'. ness and in some interiors light were required. v 1, ".1.q. 4,' S;, Y'J} 1 �N,, ,. I.'J,A .i4* .r.. 1. a ...... .r. .. naY .. Y a.. t�d. .. ,.. ., ... . '.1. • a - y .,_ , Nr+ ,P A P.3 d,�^'0. f 6 .,} , :,, i� .x A fr, -. ,, 4 I f ,:.,. .8 _, ..:1 d. .J:' lt.:. , . .. 4. ,: :. N r , t :•. f. �. ',., ., .",1 : , ,... .r r.. 1 }. .. d...v �. o- 1 T,I r... ,. , a a-,' I G �. 1 l 1 .., i ,.. C'yi .. r , 51 .,.. cr% .r-, :. .., .... C. , ,.:: �'li, r; ,,:fr^ .� ,.. I'1 31..! ., i`::. a r :. 1 '� 1.. r1,V, n,rl I A ., . . . rrl 4 , ... ... >.. 1 , .l ..,Y.,u r ... X '-.. ,. ti .,,b li :�.,.? ��.,,, P t,ll 1t., ..:{ t' 1 l�.. �. ,A 1 1 N" fti S z ).:. ,, . }":. fi 'M. �" ,, .1 :� 1 -n'. ,'•,h } ,• +, .. %? • I, 1 4' 1 ,� -,., OM1, . r�,• J .4'�,,`>`- t „ {}, Y nni. i." . `f :,. }�, . i.1J:a t A. °alj£r r v'• 't prve er ,in a eag•ue games. Mir, George 1•J'oynit,, Of Luc'k.*W, ,• , ., .: ., ,,.. ,., I . T. Y .,n, .. ,,, ,1. trtw tt , n.. ,,: a C ,I I ted• cars flenv un and (lawn. p ;r .I ( (l,d,}�l f I hry ra n:a.yecl at AilTa Craig la.,r„ Fr,idav• 11:`. John (1eed1, elf the Go.=he Line i•egre ttc J the unavoidable absence of ibis week visited his relatives, Mrs. l ,.: glees. Mary Br•oacifoat, of ;Mian:•!, I , IR -16 ON IN ITS i. ® cng:, �r1eM:�ler� of the family, a very 'r... I$ : ance company and large ° corporation , ' . is run, They could The run under no other, creel, 4f it has proved a clivi- lend producing ghtit prodJs a di buses- coinue ere anThere,i*nHensalland.. busi- ness, might it notproduce a dividend, in.the way of reduced taxes,, id adopt- Hap ed by municipalities? _-'� It is a very rare oQcurence indeed fox the lforiesty or good' intentions very glad to have anyone outside the ciety. The success of this undertak- pitcher, and who went on a trip West • tbwo runners over the p'lartber and knot with Islpetial music by ,the choir, - of a town or villalge ,councdl to be society brinug in flowers for exhibl- ing was largely due to ,the inrative ablaut two weeks ago, in- writing to th'izWe 'tip all over again. Wa4yuna Our baseball team, who have been tien pit poses only, Of Betty 'Gairdner, aged twelve, who his frienc), IMr. Paul Boa, .Sr., of neer appeared to be well on ,t'hel way to to Iso Wary matches, motored to Exr questioned. At the (same 'Gime al- 'Brumfield lost one of its pioneer directed thio play. Faun of the girlsrrt layer }p , mien- viccb or!y when ,they scored an uniport- eter ,on Wednesday af,terruaoml to tacks most every 'town and village has had residents in the death of MM, liam H. played idoidible parts and, did rgmar•k- ,,Hensall another axtp,e tioned in his letter the first of ,this, Ian't looking run to open the tenth palm in a 'contest between Exeter-, some costly experience in ,the work-- Rattilnbury, wtlhich occurred at his ably well,' Those !n the, caste were: week, that he had, had, a contest with fmairwe, but it acitually .only set the Lucan and Hensall, andnm. a number of ing- out of these 'same good' inten- fate residence on Sunday, August 28, Isolbed 'Cameron, dauiihi•er• Of James the champion pla'ye'r of ISlaskatche- stage, justt right for the home eldb to other (ball teams. were present. [ions. Mr. Rattenbtury was the only som of 'Catmieron, of Toronto,; Doris Feather- wan and came off 'best, winning by send•the crowd wild' with 4oy by ,Our ;Uow'lers e'xrpecb soon to be 4aQc- �,the late Jahn Ratterabury and was .stare, Eleanor Scotehmer, Kathleen a Targe score. This is just anolther (scaring the tying and winning runs ing part in a-tiourwamenrt and are "Mouey has been opent in town's born on the Landon Road, Tucker- Slc;otcahnuer, Betty Gairdn'ex and Douise erv,idenice orf the good' alccount that .in the d'ast of tlhel inning. Bach 'tearerdoing considerable praotisi"g. when no return whatever has been smith Township, in 1849, and spent McLeod. Gramophone selections were Huion boys give in different ways of used two U*tahers. Welsh and Kers- The,Herisal'1 Union ICemetery id be - received by the taxpayers for the ex- his vvhobe life in the •vicinity. lie given between acts. ,themselves. Ilse also played in what dalke did 'Hen ,Pa flinging, while ing kept in, very goad trim, thept•nditure. Money has ibeen spent is yunlived by his widow, who before A very' en�jloyabik (bridge tea was is termed the double champion con- Choweln and Tice occwpied the mound gnosis t4iroughout ,being nicely cut and, her marriage ,was Charlotte Marks,, !held at the pretty summer home of tom, beating the,to of them by a. for Waulbuno. The. summrary of hit's many -fine flower beds are in :ces, evidem vt hen the rt'turn has not nreasurect up also of Brutefield, one son, John W., .Mr, and Mrs, L. M. Day, of Detroit, score sof '50-+11. 'Those acquainite.d and errors showed the bearns ,da be Mr. and Mors. •E. J. 'CJarble, of De- , :iny vvay to the amount ercpen•d'ed, Burlington, and two daughters, ° Mni. on Friday Aftc-rnoon. Mrs, Day and ! with 'Mr. HaYburn will readily under. well Imatich,ed',' 'H'entsall having one troilt, Michigan, himvle recently been tr.d money has been witheld when its F•.• T. Dunlop, Fenelon Falls, and Mrs. ,her sisrter, (Miss McAdam, received ! ,stand whbt a most splendid :plaver he more (hit, -but also one ,�mlore euro. the guests of Mr. ICar1l a's sris'Ger's; xprn,lltur•e would have been a pay- Ross Scott, Brucefiedd; also a sister, the guests. The tables were set on is and !n his recent contest out West. Itharr the losers, who wow ),acus up as Mrs. Le4per ,and Mrs,. Annan M+dI}au- l1rs. Nevin, of 'HGumilton. The fun- the lawn and porch overlooking the" he pitched 4'2 'ringers ou't of 48 shoes, very foft "loble ,apposition when the ald, vhw Have just returned £rotor a r.;� incestnl�ent for the town, and have eral,.w°hich tool: place, from his late lake, (but later had to be moved into which speaks for itself. return game is (played, The scores:--- motor trip Ito the, West, tdded greatly to the convenience, residence on Tuesday, was largely the large llvpng room as a "squall tMrs. 'Mabel (Miller, of Detroit, nee R.'Z E. . ('To'o late for lash week.) cnr enjoyl;rr ret of its <�itizens. mttenle-d, service being conducted by came up ever the lake and it .circ Waw7>uwo 200 000 0102 1--5 8 4 Rev. W. Bremner, Interment was heavily far SOM-e tingle. The affair Roo Malted `W'al'ker, is ,Mrs, Mrs, v o Mr, l+ a, r McQueen and t London. "Town business, on the average, is Y Rnlhert Bonthnron and Mrs. T. C. Hensall ...... OOrO 0�0 0 0 2 -6 9 5 Miss Elva, recently visited at Lvndon- conducted under rules an•d bwsirgre mlac!'e 1 Ilaird's Cemetery, the pall- was under the au,ypices, of the Bay- Jaunt and 'has ']rad a cottage at Bay- Clh,ow�en, Tice -and Lester; Welsh, Mrs. T. C. Joynt has returned from bearers" Tieing Messrs. James Ge,M- field Golf and Country Club. Mrs. field. ggee^t'hotdts that no .'private individual nrell, Hugh 11•cGregar, Jahn tIcKen- Craig, of Strat.fold,. wan the prize Kersla9cre aired Jaynit. The summary: a pleasant visit with relatives in l?e- ur firm could follow ' and survive zie, }2abert"Pearson, John Snider ano for contract, unci Miss Lucy •Woods VSJiss Dlorobhy 'McQueen has re. Three-batse hitt- GatsTdhn. Two ase ricer. lamas Swan. the prize for auction. Mxs. Day`as- turned from a pleasant visit at th,i hit ,• C. Lester, McLaughlin, Joynt. Mr. 'Andrew (Moir, of near Hen'sall, i hankrwptry for any lengtH of time. Bench of Pines, near Grand Bend, Douibde 'plays%--1McLaughlin, to Les- recently. received word of the death siste,d ;b TMiss Jean Da Miss M,c- 1' has always been that way. That Y y' lWe are pleased to, report that Mr. ter, Brinttnell to McCauley to Caret- of his (brother, Gavin R., of Quebec, Adam, Miss J , see Metcalf and ' ea. James Hamgaratlh is improving Y ^ frequently past years made is why taxes are ::o 'high. W. L. 13tierheajf, served a dainty tea. Pro'v'en nrcelY cion. 'Struck auib--iB C'h�awe.. 9, by who fi•e uentl -in ZURICH i frern his. late illness. Tice 1 - .by Welsh 4, by Kerslake, him short visits. )Mr. Moir was well `:c>vv talc: hive reached the limit. (Too later for last week.) The 'Youth's .Welfare Societv, of Unvpiretsl-°-;Forgue and Bank, of Lon- , ad vaned in years and had held :s ' - ,h , trend i, clown, hot up. Business Reunion Heid. -•A very happy fam- Oarmel Presbyterian Church enjoy- dun. ver responsible ' The •pg^i:;c lis. for Zurich Fall ('air y po Bible (Position with Messrs. .n�.thu,ds, just a.s niu•ch as ecenoniy, ily picnic were held on Tuesday on ed a picnic to Grand Bend on Wed- iHtenlsall eilimlinatesl Srtrathro on Ross & Co., of that cit for man have 'be'en diMxibuted during bile pnst . ! y Y, Y ;i:e:s't, hereafter, be follo�v'ed lg towns .,v.eek. The Fair. dates t'h'is ,;L,%r arc the spacious ounds of the home of tie day a'ft•erruaorr last. Friday afternoon at Ailsa Craig in years, buying and shipping ,- their iue'. as private �ru eness has. been �'epte,nrber 26th and 27th, ant the Mr'. and Mrs, W. J. Tough, ,of Bay- Mr. Fkbgar Stewart, of Toronto, 0. S, A. A. Playdowrns. The largest lumber. Ho was an unmarried morn field, when ahtsut forty relatives met spent the week end with Mr. and crowd yet witnektsed the defeat of and ver hi hl r :c�rce<l to adopt them. ,director;;. are endeavoring to, hake y g' y espected:.-- to honor -Miss Jessie •Totigh on Idle Mrs. D. W. Foss. Sttrarthro There m::_�t' b -e changes, and a town this ,•ear's fair a great success. S.pe- y, brought about by an ac- We are proud of our Herrsall ba,se- R + ' occasion of herr seventy-fifth birth,' [Me. Rowe ,Welsh had the "niisfor- cumvulation of errors which were ver. 'ball a ers in their el;tl attractions have been pray icic'tl Y pIl y going -to iStrabh- mnager mil -lit be a Iri•ofitable one, day anniversary. A beautiful bikth-' tune in the baseball game at Exeter costly. The fact that three.rupr,. we�rg. ro'y on Wednesday last and winning . for and the Dashwood Band has been ! ` is worth thinkinnr about; it miglit engaged for the occasion. .\"r. t:, F, day cake, made Iby ,Mrs, W. J. Tough, t,o'geti his ankle •badly sprained while iscore'd in the fourth frame, with no by a score o1` 5'to 2. • •ven be worth trying. Klopp is secretary,treasurer, and MT. ,was 'an attractive feature of the din- riinninlg one of the bases, an•d the hits regdsltered; speaks for ` itself. 'Mr, Norman J,arrott, accompanied 1. P. Rau, president.ner table. Atter a short ,program of Hensalll teach. will miss him greatlY Lefty Borchert, who hurled the em-• • by iM'rs. Jahn ,Cochrane and Mrs. E. 1 , £ t; n x l n d " A number from town, a`•t„nctcd ;r.e "peerhes, srr.hmg, etc., and rads and of fa ircnh as he th al ace le t an tire game far Sbratlaroy, pitched one Sheffer, motored to Toronto on Wed - 1. That was all. Business was nor. IPwP T ECMONDVILLE Hens-allbasei>ajl grime, g'an:es for the children, an rnteres.• ing' ball ga.nvc vvas played. While all v'• 't prve er ,in a eag•ue games. Mir, George 1•J'oynit,, Of Luc'k.*W, of the best ,games seem in these .parts this season, allowing only eight slcat- nesday afternoon last to spend. a few ` days with relatives. I ted• cars flenv un and (lawn. p • ra n:a.yecl at AilTa Craig la.,r„ Fr,idav• 11:`. John (1eed1, elf the Go.=he Line i•egre ttc J the unavoidable absence of ibis week visited his relatives, Mrs. t,ered hits with 10 Arikeouts and :Mrs. Sadie Robinson of Detroit - ' glees. Mary Br•oacifoat, of ;Mian:•!, Pea le had' been told an ecli ,.se wa People 1' North, 11adl the mislfortume the other cng:, �r1eM:�ler� of the family, a very ,']lice Joy-nt anti sons. should have won his game easily h:+ti .1lxs. Thomas Le•sdie, of Port Hlur,crn, coming and when, how long, it would IF l:srida, was a guest 'of• Mts. George 1'ru• [o fall on the hay rack while• as- c°n,loyahle, day was spent by those Miss Marjorie Stewart, of •Kirk,ton, -i- he got reasiouliaiblIe support. H.enaall and Berry, c,? Brucefiedd, visited .Mr. last and when it would disappear. ..I„!� last t1•ee'k, ' �i:;ting in hauling in grain tv;t,r the a,•e:;cnt,, which included :Miss Jessie Totigh, Mr. Mrs. W. J. Tough MI Flo'r•a Cossy,.of London, and ,Mr . it*tl;c,Q7� I�+✓vit a]'"o of London, we” th played r,tea�d'y ,bald -through,ouk, taloin;; full arr.l Mrs'. Ed. Sheffer the first part of ,lost people took it as a matter o. c airs. Harr Stewart .and Mis:, Y nary are spending a two weeks v'a- result 'that a nanlber of rius v.tre requiring th'e services of a .:red and Marg•aw,t, Rev. C. H. Tough and all guests recently at the home of advantage of every bad play of their Opponents. Kerslake on the this week. Mr. Fred (Him, popular S�coutmas- `r`; (course. Others fo•rg•ot all a;nouf it, eation in Toronto, ,r-acke•d lrhysician• Mrs. Tough. ,h, 11r. and Mrs. Daviel i g Mr. and, =Mrs. 'Mark Dxys,dale and •m'oun'd, received good svtptport from ter, actoanpanied by, three of Mr. and still ethers again were disap-' (digs Isabel Ai-chibald, of Toronto, Zurl•ich school re -opened on Phirrs- ToughI, tiIxs. Walter Stch- family. his teamima�tes- and pitched steady Passrmpre's sons; Harvey, Hudson and poin-led. Wha,t•did -they expect front v:;siting with her parents,. Mr•. and •!ay with the sam-e s't'aff of tt:achcrs clis,iand'lleoug ens, .Mrs. J. h- _Nor R. ,h"is;% Jessie MIal4arra of Chicago, >r, g ball throughout the game, allowing Kenneth Manns Beit on Saturday an eclipse anyway? r -t,rs. W. Archibald. as. we.r"e e,wiplo}^ed' dutring the last d ,)I s mere illi. rtn i tllrs. Noimgan^ Piette, Piet "'"n'''aaried by R,ns. A. Curtis, of., with eight h.itq with four s,ti^ikeau'ts. Um- night for Pike's Bay, where they will . I Mr. Ranald Reinke has returned terms.. Mr. P. 12,o,ve is mina 1 of Mr• and iMr... Peter Hay and '.Mar g- thi't city, moltored here last week to hires- Gil Forgue and Tom Bonk of cam• for a.week or two. The were p Y e But, ,urp,>asln'g this had been an o Tomlito after a two week,,' vacs- p pa the C'ontinuartion classes; '1'Iias F. aret, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cleland' and visit Miss'MeMarra.n's many relatives Landon,. well loaded with the'good things of earlier time, a tiilue before scientist,, on spent at hi. home here. is principal of the public Douglas, Mr, and Mrs, William 'Els- a ar--d frilends in H•„nlsall and vicinity Stz•abhrby ...... 110 000 102-15.8 6 this life in the way of eatables, and -were al'ale to define an eclipse and ittis =chaol, and Nisi. O. O'Brien aril hI -4. ""hool,an le '14r. and llrs. John McEwan, Mar- y' - and intend s'pend;nb,a couple or to 'HewsIalI ... '000, 310 002--•6 8 2 in their trailer they had a motor cause, area to estimate with stich un- G. Koehler are .the assistarnt teat•h- galTt, Thinca;n and Walter, 3hr. and Mrs, Leslie To;'gh, (Helen, Marjory, weeks. Mr•s. Ed. Sheffer returned from To- Perhaps the most exciting as well a•s the,•mcost interercbing league ganre boat. , Quite a large number from our NU- err•ing accuracy when it would son- ` CONSI'ANCE ers• T6 directors of the Hay Township Grace, Dorval,i and Gordon, If-- and r'on•to t:hag first of this week where $Ile of ba,se'brall was that played on our lage and vicinity on Wednesday af- r_ w r 1' ar, how icor:, is ii nal l last, vvbe. Fire Insurance Co. held• their leis. Milan teepe, Kenneth an ! spent ."me days with friends and p' rl^amond oin Tuesday a8ter•noon last ternoon last attended the Oddfello,Ws •. 11 it would be total and where only a Constance United 04LIr--orh intend ,r,nnth-lso i y meeting at Grand Eestci on Satur- Gordon,' Mrs A. ,'Murray. , visited her son, Willie. Mrs. C. A. M.c'Dlon,e'll a, 'between 'Wlaulbuno and our h:ame picnic at Bayfield, where a most en- , pait3al eclipse, an.l to vi hat leerec '-'Il,iir.g their a rti al anni,•er•sart: and 'Jy. returned dayso day fram Grand Bend, te,amH rPro,nyluly at four o'clock. the ~.joyaiNe time was spent in games, the sun would• be d>scured. t:vt•1_ mope- on 0 (gator 23rd anti 25th. 11. s. ) h >l Gawley, of lli ley, Rev, awl .Mrs. :Vlnsig anal eb;ldren r or as;o where she had been -visiting her players were on the ground with a crowd of spectators from, far aryl boating, bathing, etc. At the close of the supper, to which over 300 at and before there were .newspaper>~.I P'� archer of the Gcnstan,ce school, com- r, f' Nevv l.rlrlrhug'Ig, va:•itrd at fire home of Rev. 1'lrs.. Turkilrim caught,.,lrs, George Laughton, in near that more th.a'n filled the spec- flown, short addresses were given by to frill,art all the, Y;ien ific informs_ 1 p rcreed r'::.ities eptennf'.,,er 1st. I ,and on Thurs;,dav, For Sate or hent— A one and two xturr: her cattage,an the Parkhill side. iotas ranldrtard seats, many haven, P, g the Grand '.Master, who came from +I titin that • is new lcnavcil 20 the far- ! he 1Cc,r, n' Association anal ii'. 11r. and 11rs. H. K;etstvell, Grard email dwellinv., rc•ry eonveniently s,irtuated. Quit•e,' a mim'ber frons ✓sur village 'fo- . to stand at 'the west end ahem they London to be and' also by present, �thest corner of cttr cau`r rr I ',. S. heir) their• monthly nraeting• on I rsi;?id�;, 1Girh,igtanl. shentl she' weep with. tw;> rmud 1,l . will by ,.,I,t or fente,i :u cne .0 cite.. i'w,e{cion 'can t,.` acenatt s anti vicinity are atten•din the g Y had good view minus. of course, a severalothei distinguished officers li ould we have taken this wonder- : h•ar." s:y last at the home of Ill% r 1 1 :s: t'has. Dexter. The rresi- end at the home of the,1F ,te •'s pay- �r once, Ar -ply ::: G, J. suthe•rtand. nt the N.uu�au r,,,r Eir,,•e. 3s7�-x mr.o .Eah.o:.tion, while nga>ay mare sr., p.lar.:rning to go. seat ,but. !the' game was so closely contested, •parti'cudarly so'!n the clos- who were r present from a distance. Mr. Lloyd Hudson, as District Dep-, fill phenomenon as caauail as vv.e p' y 1 e;:t of the W. A., .1rs. Roy Lawson, :;n;s, Mr. and ti1t�.,C. Schilbe. lir. ar.,d 11'r's. Elton Cehntll. of tie- ,, l;,i.=:, h.clen Swan ro. ii n•ed last i.n innings, t. g, g:, that the crowd hardy, uty 'Grand Master for South Horan, tail: it .to day? I :: vs in char e. After singing g- g ng 11 troit, spent a few days this we^k In the (bast^111 tournament at Fx- week from 'Go,derieh, tvh2re <he hat. realized the intenlse heat, and tha presided eery nicely over the pro- The history of every country, in- o," Il. Brayer was offered by Mri-. ,,;!`h relatives here. . I. .•ter on We.inesd•ay afternoon Hen- slpent selvieral weeks vee enio -ably Y y matter• of h2,ving to •stand, $otrg ceedinga and took a great interest clu;:n:g our ovvn. record'.. days when • , ' •` cit F'.cf�'er-son. The minutes oi' ,hemlar•t ineetir.:g• were read ani (bus!- r 1;-. anal :Virs. J. Snider and daug_�- 'tier, all won from Exeter .by a score of 1",;- Crediton and Lucan then p • With friends. Miss Helen Glenn and leer brother, teams made very fine playing with, of coin -se, e, store errors on bglbh sides. '"throu,;hout the afternoon -and endeaw- ore, to have everyone feel home „ vv the sun was suddenly a'Is.cuae'd, hen ,cess •chis, ased of'. Mrs. W. B+'itton 1>' of Brucetf et•d, visit,, at the horn: of 'Mr. and Mrs. L. Schiloe an Sun- ;'-O,. �I with a ..core of 3-0 in favor of 1 Bt ly, spent a very pleasant week or but at the elasin�g• inndnigs. it *as what at and have a good time. • ? , a”' kr:ess,461 upon the land,. and it -ead the devotional leaflet and Mr•,i. day: , I.u,,an, Then Hensall and. Lucan oat T?et"roit with friend., wltti�liad is termed "any'bod,y's game" as the Mrs, T. Murdock returned during ... records tco, the, tear and attic of p t2o'>ert Rogerson gave a �nlen:lid Rev. an'd �L. Ka fbo-isch and followed! in tine ca.r.Ipetitlan, which been visit41 , at the hani�e their score 6 to 5 in favor of HensitIl the past week from Toronto, where- the of that day. Perhaps "ply'on Wby Trouible is Sent to ,:Mxs. ,hildren, of F.lmlra, who seen; the proved a tie'; 6-6. 'I1ensall is to play rof parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Glenn, shows. , The following was the- line- she spent several weeks with her son - people )"n those sudden times of cla.rkness,were . hc�. Christian.' The meetin• closed '•vith Prayer past moig•th, with relatrive�s here, re- 'to at WauMuno Thursday when We 110pC that oo 1 success play continue. g very recerntl y, and had a very pleas- art visit. up of players: I3ensa1l�--Gascho, IMc• Caule F aster, Joynt,, Cantedon, Ren- in-law and ciao=hter, Dr. B. Campbell 6 ' nothing but an eclipse of . the sun as the Lord's in unison. Lunch. was served. turned their home Last Saturday. lir, Ezra Dunlart, Kitchener, The J ate Mrs. Thomas Hemphill. Rev. M. B. Parker has fitted up Y, ,hie, Brintnell, :7e1sh, 'Muir, Howe, and wife returning 'wifh her niece, Bliss Edith Foster, from Tonawanda we know it .to -day. lir, Lloyd Jewitt,'of Lambton Go; l.011 C of was a Ivp,?itcr in •tavvn on Tue da y --The fun cal a private ono, of the ' late Mrs. Thamas Hemphill, late studyroo:ns'in 1VIr. G. C. Peitty's brick block, immediately west of th-� E, Kerslake and, C. ,Kerslake. The Fbr•gue who called at Toronto on her wag to But because we knew, we had no int a fe•w days with his •t, p- 'homre Quite a number of y^oung people of the city of .Detroit for the 15 post. office• umpires -were and Bonk. A vier d . Hens'all to spend a fetty ' p 6mott visit. V fear. Lucky we, a Will, at the of ,Mir. and Mrs. Nilliam Britton before leaving for from the t•i11a e are attending the g g High School past ear Y and for many years a former The heavy p y rains of the first art Y combination ngarked the Play'tihrouq 'lout. We might bo priv- 'Mr. Will Simpson and mother and sisters spent pe the week end here worth ;i ' � h.ls parent's home `in Kinkaid', $ask a't,Exetter, which opened on Thursday. resident of our v'illalger, was )held fram of tfhi's week tied up harvest and threshing operations ver largely. ileged to mgention that Harald Fos- ti{eir relatives. •• . lir, Lloyd and Will Jewitt. spent rl the residences Other stepson, . r. ., p Y g tier, pe¢•Ihfi the, youngest and small- Mrs. Voir, of Toronto,•has been en- Ml ht be Worth Tr in.. he we -1e- end with relatives in Blue- A. 'W'. F. Heim,phill, on Wednesday Messrs. J. P'as'stnrore and sons have been est player on the team, did some ex- joying some weeks' visit with tier BAYFIE'LD ;• + vale and Brussels, Mr. and Mrs, John Ferguson afternoon last, with interment in IH•mazill Union Cemetery. The ser- re. ainti•r., t p g he front of their auto wareroonns and (hook and .fancy cellent batting and fielding, as did also tithe" memJbers of the club, Brut mother, (Mrs. Robert BonthroTx and with relatives friends. The Lis.owel Banner has made the t' at- tended the Wiggin -Ferguson picnic vice at-the'hame was conducted by .Gods department ad'oinin J g. after all it is good combination •pllay-1i and 'Mr. William Beavers, of Kitchener, Mr.' chid James Rouatt -suggestion to the- people of . that in Goderich, last week. Fvel:i, A. Sinclair, pastor of the Unit- Mrs. It. Bonrthron• has, beeh visited during 'past ing that counts in nearly every garne. I recently of our village, spent the past thriving town, that now a Ratepay- _Mr. anti` Mrs. Walter Mansfield. -Mrs, Of d Church, Who spoke very feeling- the week by her grand- Harvest home services will be held week here on a visit. ers' Association has been farmed, it Grace and Norman, of Lambtan, IAn'don, were guests of 1Mrs. Rouatt, a few dans last week. Mr. Rousts ly of the deceased and how in con- s;on and granddaughters, accomJpan- ietl 'by a lady friend. in Carmel Presbyterian Church on 'Mr. and Mrs. Herman.Da$man, ac - ani hit be a wise move on the part of g -pent Mlonday at the 'hom,e of Mr. Mrs. Bruller. •in•d 'Miss Phyllis Bacon' were married versation he had found how devoted she was to the 'church to which she Tfe baseball game that was to S=dlay, rSetpteniber 11•th, bo'trh morn- ing and evening. Rev, W, A. Youn+� companied by their niece, Miss Mona Miller that body, to give some consddera_ g tn•d Mr. Ross McGregor had his ton- just recently and now reside on Byron was a memlber, and hour she rememl- r have been played' between the iVau- r, the pastor, will conduct the servicr and Miss Gladys Lukes rr¢ re - Gently visited at Benmilley:`' rtion to the appointment of a town ails removed on Friday last in Scott '4Ve�' cared and spoke of church life in her 'buno team and our locals on Mo>iday , ag greater anon er with the idea of � 6i4s orial Hospital. William Pa.rk'er -spent Sunda with P Y friends at rlMitehell, early ,years, The deceased whose maiden n.a•nte was Leah Van Dirstein afternoon last, had to The postpoow- on a'c'count of rain until the follaw- - �,, kY; economy in em,u-nici 4l government, Miss Elva Churchill, of Toronto, Mr, Charles Parker, E. A. Feather- of the 'Township of Hay, first ing Tuesday afternoon. a The idea is a com arativel . new p y in Ontario., but is and Mrs. V. Churchill, of Clinton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fer�usan e .ton and Mrs. Smith and son left for the West this was married to,Ma. James H. Moore, who Wednesday last, the 31st, was our 7 . ' fI� r- - ' one one which has an Thursday last. Y week, making the trip predeceased her a number of years last half -holiday Tor the summg'er sea- I!'I if �1 c -� II l gained much popularity amore our i Pop g iIiss Phyllis yledd spent last week by auto. Mrs, Miller, of Saskatlehe- ago and was afterwards married to son- i!I `p I+!�I , ( aueiklibiors to the south, as it is said' xft;i Exeter friends. wan, w•ho has s:pen,t the summer here,, Mr. Thomas Hemphill, living in De- g Our three focal churches on Gun- , �IL there are ovei four hundred tarns in 11r. and Mrs. John Laytcir, 'and ocean ponied' them.. Ninian Heard has been, enl,`, gaged to trait, and tubo was sole to attend the funeral, although ^,in lois advanced day last ,were fairly well attended and good �rraetital sexm'ons deliver- 1� // I 1'^ IC' the United States that have adopted Mrs. •John y;edd, Sr., •visited at the, home of Mr. and Mrs. Join .'ergo- help Mors. Featherston Burd Mr. years, !•n 'very ,poor health and very ed by the pastors. At the United l I I +I l this form of municipal government. Featherston s absence fru the Werst. imfirm. Those attending the funeral Church finely y rendered duets ',were I rt. And having adapted i�t, have profited • thereby. oMr, and 'Mn. E. Adams, Donelda and Kelso, spent last Sunday at 'the Mrs. H. Paull and Mlis:s Margaret g lift on Sugrday with Mr. H. Paull, 'the from a distance were Mr. and :Vers. William Van'Dirstein and Mrs. F'r'ank given at both the morning and even- ing serv^icets by MT's. Mark Drysdale ,'�.- _�_ -I� II rs I '' I. ,much Mr. Mrs. John S1cDon- who was here for week end, for Garden, all of DRtroit• Mr. and 'Mrs, and Mrs. 'George Hess. i'�`I' 1i ", ,,' Certain] there are a good man • Y y • name of and old, Staffs. their home in Toronto after a fort- Wlesle Moore and family, of To- y y At Carmel Presb Presbyterian Church a L I � .a \ -- , towgvs and villages in Ontario where night visit at the Rectory. ronto; Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hemphill; fine quartette was rendered by Mrs. .- t , a town manager, of almost any cali- i Mrs, Nelson, who corndiiiieted the of Wroxeter. Mrs. Hemphill had a Young, Wrs..Jam,ets A. Paterson, Mrs. I r I ' r KIPPEN . 4rre, could not make a greater mess hooth at the 'beach returned' to Gade- very kind and at al] times helpful W. A. 'M,oLaren and Miss Margaret _ _� I I kred muddle of municipal e'xpenciitures rich this week after a sr'rcce'ssful sea- son here. disposition and had many friends who regretted her death in her 68th McLaren.. At St Paul's Anglican Church the - t II " y I I Mrs. McLean and 'Gladys motored A.. - and government than have the past k 'Willism and .James 'Robinson re- year. ,She had been ailing for some time choir rendered fine arathemts in addi- . a�s4 ' and present councils ghat have beeii chosen by the citizens to perform 'o Ripley on Thursday of last week and spent the day with 04,r. and '.Mrs. turned to their home at London an 'Monday after a vsvrccessful friut and past bgut dairin'g the past two months was very critincally ill, Her remains tion to the hymms and other parts of the service, I 1.11 LA CLEANER tr these duties, no matter 'how honestly •J. M'irnn, also 'Mr. anrcl Mrs, i'�. J. vegetable tl:usine". here this summer, were (brought frorm Detroit by her two 'Harvest thanksgiving services will KITCHEN Crawford and daughter, Vera, who Rev. and :Mrs. R. M. Gale and Miw stepsons, Mr. T. G. He,m,phlll and Mr. be held in .St. Paul's Anglican Church t ,and earnestly these men havle txied. r a The success or failure of such f have just returtaved from an extended a trip to Europe•. While in Englan'd 11 •t • V f trw th ,Gladys Gale left ' Y• to enjoy a v'ac+atdon at Inverhuron and other• places. I 'Mr. E. H. Johns and three so q � A. W. F. Hennrphill, on Wednesday nr,orring. The funeral trilbutes from 1 t' f ' d • 'd herre on Sunday e tember 11th. , aS P . The preacber at the morning service will be Revl R C •Co f M�r,e 1. � 9� YG ® D{ �YGI CO�qll:p w- A MIM !� U 4ti w tl arm of m 1.4 I., al governmerut, of �J•ib era arras• one o o rti a Lawrence, 'Carson and Franlcis, were De`ra t were mlanya -and $e uutifulG The ,cord gait the evening wervice the anadian party who had the ddstinc- ch'ell - J course, wana lie largely with the ion of being admitted to BueMng- at Wharton attending the sixtieth deceased leaviqs besides' her husband, rector, Rev, M. B. Parker, will have WiliJ "SILENT GLOW kind of manager chosen. Earn Palace, and were gralcimisly re-'v't'e'dd'in'g amniversrary of Mir. Johns, to mourtl ber death, .two brothers and charge of the service. i` :Hee would have to 'be a practical ceived by the King and Queen. parents, and returned home Tuesday. three sisters foe whorml much s• Our local dhurch choirs have not t, business, man, and one Brand Brothers, of Kitchener, who t ympre been a Take a good look at these two free from smoke soot and odor, pa sensing a %Ir. and Mrs. E. J. Carlisle, of by is felt. The pallbearers were P to theft fold strength fo; iictures-the stove is the same It ivesaStead Detroit, aecomlrpanied by Mrs. A. Mr were managing the Lag Carbon ]ur,ch Messrs. John Zuefler, Jahn Coiter, C,. scRveral Sundays, as many of the $� y, everal�eatwhich consi,dera!ble knowledge of m�tnieipal r, `ngli this summler, returned, home on A. WdDonell, Fred ':Manns, G. C, members are enjoying holidays, rti both, but what a difference you Can adjust or regulate by affairs. ,He would need to be err anal, and, Mrs. 1T. Leeper, o•f Hen- , pl . y --a.11, spent a. pleasant visit with Mr. MfondaY• Petty and Thomas 'W. Pcarl.mer, 'Mr. A. W. E•, Hemphill and Mn. in cleanliness and convenience! the turn of a valve. No labour, well case hardened too, and there and Mm. .1. B. MP -Lean: Miunra Pfeifer, of Waterloo, was a One of the very first business men C. Cook receive,'. a rrue�age of the Which is the happpier woman? no watching and absolutely would, no doubt, be tim'ecs• when it gaest of This aunt. WIrs. F. A. Ed- of Hensal] on Thursday last, August death of their ,st-gpmother, Mrs. A Silent Glow'Oil Burner in, safe. Burnscheapfuel oil:Eads would be an advantage to him if he wards, on rSundhy. 25th, buietly celebrated his eighty- Thomvas Hremrphill, of Detroit, the stalled in our present xange, burner is guaranteed in writing I' IMr. and ttiI'rw. Dyer and family, fourth Mith,day at the lromie of his first of this week. The remrains were heater or furnace saves labour for five ears. See the Silent were deaf and dugn+b. BRUCEFIELD who in tibe spring motored here front Bron -in -haw and daughter, Mr, anal ,brought to Henrsall for -intermeil't in years. rend is positively clean silent Giowbefore oubu .," I He waudd have to be free of poi- Caxlkatcherivan, left for their homge Mrs;. Charles L. Jinks, of our village. the I%enlsal9 Umiogr Certietery on p Y a Y y itr'cs and absolutely free of municipal. • Rev, W. A. Bremner has returned this week. IDvr,ing their staa';V •here Br. IBlat'chford fifty years a•go, en- Wednesday of this week. IT LIGHTS QUICKER -GIVES MORE HEAT --BURNS LESS •rom his holidays atild will conduct ;Mrs. Dyer carried on a successful gaged in blacksmithinrg in company Flax pulling or raibh,er flax cutting, OIL influence. But above all be. would AND MORE AIR PER UNIT OF 14EAT GENERATED.- '.ivine so-rvice next Swndray morning horrnemade barking business. with Mr. George Brown, carrying on is now the 'order otf the day, as by r' 'gave to 'be a tpa•acJtical business man- at a quarter to ten; evening service Our well known vi,olivi. James btrsine.ss forst, quite a long tern of anew syciltem the flax els cut, not pull- �����j�����t��a�f��rt r����� 'It doers root necessarily fallow that ;it 7 p.m. Lindtmy, vvas 6110ccas,sf'wl in winning years, when he was attracted to ed, and by aMteher machine it is t r 1 lir{r ®R I- as town manager ,should have the Mrp. S. Rohin•aon; of Deitroit, and eemild prri7w. att the fiddlers' contest Dakota State, living there for quite caught 1rp and tied. (j 1$44 u:, authority to turn the town upside tilrrs. T. Leslie, of Port Huron., were •+t Grand Bend last Saturday even- a nurniber of years, after which he Henslall defeated Waubuno, West ��� il, he gue¢ts cif Mr, and M,rs. Britz ing. move, back to our village anhere he Larrnlrbon League char. irngis lar] b e z o �� ��� }down or rerplant it at his own sweet g p h I > �rbARKRE(d.1NCANGLOAk"D .s•r�Rr.o�. �{� "r' he last week. Wiith tomirrenclable enterprise, six has enjoyed life and is en,jorying it, first gagn•e of their-• inter••niediate o '�Eft ' will. Elected counbils• 'could still sit �Mwn Anmrie Foote, fon-merly of ;oung girls a Trinity Church pre- as a retired resident to, a •. with B, A, A. olay'dow,n series here We,i• � RNSR �` -to forme the town's policy, but once ,t,andey, trust nrcrw of Vancouver, vis- rented the play, "Two ChrT--tmai his wife'. lie is shill wondle �,01y nesda"y ,afternoon, (bat had to travel UP '�111that poYicy etas ,green farmed, the 'ted frienxda in the village and vicin- Boxes," an Friday eNenirig a,w] "again. smart for his ,rears , with his 4.1nd Phrough 10 innings betforre n•awin out M -ken '' ity lain week. , by requ'-t on, Monday evening. A and i nemvor• unim aired, and' ta}#•es a a 6 5 verddct The viGirtrrs la ed.a Pauer�u,nersf��Pt1gla Heaters farbomes, camps, etc., and Selena Gloss Ituantager iarziY! hand every right to g great interest in matters of (both srrtart, and stulbborn. 'brawl nifyball, rB 8 : Mtb..J" Addison hat] the misfortune iratin�e for children waw even Fri- g rge homes, apartments and other la a burldm .+b Y carry it Out wit'howt interferamce on to ;h.r, k a bo,l in, her a>ult,ie and will la, atft'ernoon. A room in the old church and state, and still has tin le and igot off to a two -run' lead in. the J I the paha of tine touncil, or the people he laid up for soire time. past ,office had ween fitted up as a to .take an interest in games and first inuring. Heat I Caine back to O ODLAD °l;,, -of, flue town,. - ,, The annual Rower shriw of the miniature th"tre. The girls range sports, with a sarong preference for .tile thinlgs tip in,the fifth, and took. �h";• 1?rucfrfi ltd Hlorticulltuml Society will n ages from twelve to erirhteenr By •ii•0V:w,:hoe IpibchiPg. the bead by g•ralbtbing two more ]rr, 1. it i5 trrickeir these .ledger that every Me h,cl<i Tuesday, Serptemrrber 6th., a,- their etPaits faurttaear dollar t wan Mr. Fred Hagburtn, of Crnnrartp, ,the eighth. iivt the Lamhrfan tour-`f©Y°I�l, ®111}81"(0, 'battik, itutrt trfa'ottuing emacern, insvr- ••emnroon and evening. We wo111d, bc• oracle for mission work in their so- well known as an expert horseshoe ty lads rallied im the ninth to put a-1 ,7. r k w 4v e . , .0, e f. .1 a t , ii. x+111, , ttj.. icy,. r.rF RIS .,, 4, 4` ''y'' (' v� ' .'WM ,d�y 5, L,"q� >•; yf'. tF i F.t:,. ,r ;i t: • 4a• "#Y' •,. .g� : , '` t r` ) +, ,+�. ' . 4q': a �' �q ,,. ..,r.. , ,.., d r Y , r '.9' •,u -.r. a a. , .,t 1 .. .,.r..u- jr H. x. m ; t F •71Y • h ,, ... ,yy.� ..1 1 .. d i S' .! r - , r 't ,L -;. r :, , - i „�, �, , nL,. is 1 1 ,.47.. ,a .:f. .t .. N',. .n P Iss.. 7,Rr :.... u w... Q ,J. a , �,. r% m. w'. .,k 1 1 r .0 ,9'.r. , ��, e, .& _. l:,. 1-_ .P xyf •Y „r E 4..; r.. , v. :Y.'k .i i r , m f �1 :k. },.. .„ 1 a ,.w.. w. , , . .s =,c,s, ; w is, ;: tw u .. .a, 3. , , �it .......,. .F R ? v, til .,r a rr h a, .tw .,, x 1 l` ,h "d . R , .'. r,... „ u ,,,- . . 1, ", .. r„ h 'r`l.t. A5' g .1,".1 M a, r` Cts, i C! , "'",.' ,.; mn ,t kp ,,., , t fir,• rt�a e' ,..; ,f, $'il! tit t ''' a'Y'WRlSzsrmt aiY`�di~c,.a :liu�ri PP•�:J.,.,?z9..., >,..,. .. .... w, I