HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-09-02, Page 1I � Ir N �� gw�,tg;i,��"J,f,;-, "'.V;g.g,in, W�gpg�14111� V ,� jiN.1 , .. , , `�#, "_Z, . " . - I �15� I ",� `R-.;P,sf ,,,, ,,,, TV. ,A ,., i3 " , mmw' , 05, i "n"".. 0,�,m.,Z ."F'I"." , IN � .". I , �1.i , - 1":�� . � . 1. 11 I � . '.1 , ',-,t, I I . � � . I - 3- I , t.` . " , - . �� I --W, I . . . . � 11 = . 1 4 - .1 I I I . . 0 \� � 0, I � 1 .91 �, � . , ­ I " — Soventy-second, Year 0 "Wholo Numbw-=7 0 1 , �, , ". � 1 ." � J . . , :. 11 I , — -.1 . " I 1,11-1 I 11 .1. ... . I ,;.',,;�! . ..... I vn: .11X "."'111-4, I - � . *. 1. I 1, I.. �� �,`V":�, I � ­­ , , ."'.. . I IT f 'f, � 1 �,,,�,,,�','�!, .�.4,;��;���',F.�;��,��,,�l,,��,q,�l,'�����'!�)�"'i�,'Igr��J U&I * . I " ,' , - �ji,­. '% ,.." ... � - "� , , 1, .. I , _. ­ I I . �: 01 , ., . , : , "111 � 1:;',;.� ..; I ,"s I I , � f,!.,:, .. , , ,J , " '! I � , : . I , - . I . I . � % : �' . ! -, , ''.I., 1. I � 1. . , " ; - .. . .. I'' II I . . . . .,. , .!, A I. '' . . �. -1. - 14 .. , I I ., ! :"I 1, 1. ), � .. I , I I I I � 0 � .. - , 11 � �, , 1, , � . � . . . I I I . .11. ...... I ____;___ - .;.";;,;�".-��,���;p���-�"",-;.V:-,,- . - 1; �.,;;;;�'i ==7= . � .1 1, "'. � � 1V -,TW- I,, I __M, . , 1;�141.r .. �, . I . �, Sfi.`� '' ,�, ". I � . il�, S I 11 � , ,0;-*,� , . I I .L. . "A'""i I I _& W, - ,40'1_1"� I' . 7' -i k . �� .. - o'SEAF( 9 . I - . . . " STAGE LADY BOWLE110 . � � - 1 - ­ . . 9 . ' Parliament Will Meet $oon . . I . . LEAP YEAR TOURNEY - . to Ratify Trade Ag'reements.,* I . . . Events of Interest, in Ottawa Men Wait Until They Are I ,' . (I . � . . � I . . � Asked at Bowling Green 9 --* I I I I . , I I Wednesday. ' 0 40 0 , 0 0. 0 Manufacturers Complain Regent Theatre and with the I I . — . I . All Over. While Wheat,Xarmers'are 11� The I-adlies, of the Sesforth Lawri Pages two and three will, the I'9 Indifferent Toward Coin- Boiwling Club arranged a vevy suc- cessful leap year ii.tney tourney or Merchants and stores in Sea- forth will resume theinaccustom- . cessions Gained for Them. Wednesday evening, August 31st. ed -habits next week .and Main � The weatheir conidd,tionp. were ideal and Street will retura"to normal in . . _ �`,h-e greens good. 'Three ten -end were and the follow- as far as Wednesday afternoons are concerned. , Half holidays are WEIGHS NEW games played ing -players won the prizest Ladles' first 0 W,rs. D. Slianshan, 3' wln6 plus oii�er for this year, Wedne,;day of this week being the last, . I TRADE AGREEMENTS 15; sii;�tond, Mrs. R. k�oice, 3 -wins ' , . . plus 14; third, Wrs. L. T. D&L%icey, 0 0 40 0 * * __..L.. 2 -wins Plus lo; -inen's, first, M.r. C,� MOND ILLE BEATS In the wake of -the 1 . Imperial Con- . Cortrie, 3 wins ,plus 16; second, Lorne Terence coliles a perfel.&t Surge of Diale, 2 wins Plus 16;, third, H. Jef- Sf. DOF COLUMBAN AN ' A.A.U. OF CANADA speculative tbackuwash fea,turin� thi! frely, 2'wills plus, 14. - - CRIPPLED, CHILDREN"S Judge J. A. Jackson, a well known value of the acconilplishfilent. Tho . . Those playing welre. 1�'Trs. James Seaforth old Ibo,y, now oULethbAd1ge,- . Alberta, �vrote'�ecerrhly in the. Leth bridge Herald his impressions of ihe result was as fDreca-st. rather repeat- Deveireaux, Mrs. D.' Shanahan, Mrs. edly. It was not a triumph for any - j. j. Huggara Mrs. John. Btattle. A. Reid, Mrs. H. No -Ace. Miss CLINIC IS A SUCCESS bnp. It w,gs just a - conipromise. 4 Wirs. M. ll, Reid, IMis-s .L. FaulkneT, Vrs. L. � Game on Wednesday Night Comment. the press is divkled be- tween an element which. goes into . T. Dt4l.acev, (Mrs. Hodgins, Mrs. Cor- peants of ecstasy-'ithe Toronto morr.- orie, Mrs.'G6bagoit, (Mrs. Rieman, Miss ing pape�trs leading in this utter ex- ,Gretta'Ross, Mrs. E. H. Close. I Clinic Was Sponsored By agge,ationi--and the more stable . ;Me6sirs. J., Beattie, T. Jothns.to*, J. A . body of editorial opinion, which re - J. Utiggard, M. A. Reid, R. Dev- Lions Clubg o -f Seaforth gards the achieveiment as substantial ' ereaux, Lorne.Dale,., Q GGrrie, J. J. Saturday. Promising and satisfactory but giv - . Cauff, Thomas S�cott,� Harry -Jeff rey, . an,, Goderich.. inig the salutary warning'that, at Jim ISitwitt, G�Mld Stewart, J. G. . best, it may be'a year before, the ef" Doherty, M. MIcKellar, E. 1H. Close . fects -ar6 felt and that, meanwhile, ,P_ Peterson and Jas. Devereaux. . they are. very problematical. , On Wedmiesday, August 23rd, a Twenty -Ave, ,cases were examine(! 'Confeience No Love Feast ladies' bowling tiDurnanient was held on Wednesday- at- the Crippled Chi]- The end ,of the coniference definite- �wben the -prizes were Idongted b -y Miss 'dren�s 'Clinic at Alexandia `Marine ly discloised a few things not known D(yrsey and bli-�. 'E. H. C1015`0 and -and General illospital and twenty- before.. 'While it was a family af- were won by ,Mrs. C. 0or-rie and MTS'. five in, others or guardians went away fair of the British Empire, it wa.s, -no,. Gibson. , _F feeling that saine ray oif hope, ev- a love feast. Albund antly delinorstrat- I The ladies heild anotheir tatirnament, eilltual improvement or penaaner it cure, woul-d, result from ne, consul- ed was the fact that, in 'the iniperi4l as well as in the ordinary doinesiti. - on Tuesdiay, the prizes being donated, tation. Through the foresight and fairrily, a first class row is. possibl& ?by Mm. J. J. Huggard and were won . " t. H. Close generosity of the Lioms ,Clubs of to b,o staged and not' without s4ime - 4by Miss H. Reid, ,Mrs. Goderich and Seaforth, the clinic wa's ,degree of advantage resulting froni I and Mrs. H. Noice. . Made possible. clearer tindlerstanding, It appears . .�. - I The -clinic at the hospital was ' that Premier Bennett did some "tell- . . �e__ , I 'conducted by Dr. George A.. Rain- ing off'? of t1t,he British and? that they, 19 This is Called a "Nyer For ,say, siPecialist in orthopitedie sur- in turn. reciprocated. Ther.e were - . the, ino,fid'ville ,pla* yer. St. Columb -an had gery'in the,,Children's War Memorial occasions w"hen relationi;, wer �., ' Relief - ll,osvital, London, assisted by Miss . Cardon Me."ense and 'Miss Mallock very strained but fhe-weather became cooler and the bot hoads cooled otf, mond-ville goalke eiper successfully secretary of the zairr.e hospital staff ' ' as well. Finally, came agreement. .., W.T. William .Me - Kay, a form,er Dr. H. 14. Taylor'was in chai,ge oi , There is no reason for either side to boast. Both , took, but al��o gavo. Principal of the"HenT.-mll Con,linuatlion the x-ray. . Reciprocal conc-essions %vere balance'! School, but now of,Windsor, 'hi DT. A - H. Macklin, of Goderich., against ea,c)l other. warded the following Ietterr Which ap- - and Dr. Ross. of Seafqrth, spnei.-,I_ .. . - A 'in HQg Raisers May Benefit. peared re,cently i�n the Border Cities . I Star. The letter says;. ,ists eye, ear, noq,e an -O., throa+, conducted another clinic inj 'hc- for- L' Ontatio is a -good hoi, . . , rais,ing coun- 1�0 Xighty BetrinvILt, who are in Ot- .mer's office on West Street, Al',�O I'll- tr y. The gu,�alltve of two and a h,Lf million hundrcA weight of haenn tawa -when not 'A�hinig on the St. d11,r , ,the aw.-piens of the Lioni Club.i. ten -with an iisuLlred mArket for it- Lawron,c,c. T'hy will. and the will of *ehildren "'h"e ea,-oii Nverie texamin,d;­tl'e,irr,ean,, , in -lather coining from Wingha,ni, "' a lot.,nut ontly to this :Jut t) thy eampaig-n contril,butors, be done in . the rest of the country as it is. in Cl .Ion, Scaforth, Bayfield anti G,Aeriell- I pro -vim -es. Thp prel'everive on lurnibe-r-10 per cent -is not ,�u 1,11. . . Ottlailva. Dv,,'ec-ts in eyesight, ear. cases anti , . EXCI-I,irge is mraim,t, Canada, Th ­ .1 . `Give us thts Aay our daily ,brea,a other oTdinary disease of children in "Lli disa6ilitie.s, were t1xitmin,A lumtoi,ni-e-n wa�itc-fl 20 per evi.t. hu-. nd 'bCAVI Of fl`C�e S01111),--fOr 01117 and adviFt�d u-pon. -it was -found :171 ivere disappointe.l. The' Bri";Al ull- Idertaking. however, to ro�zulatI:, (ILA c q. tturnip groong and, potato e,-,*, are a]- '­ ne. Forg-ire,us 6u,r dl,ebts, anti Tnoet ,0 mosot instanzes that if thes- - deN fc,t, are attended to in the fir" t f %%, �llg by ,,�Ovi(%t RLI.,.,fla, s,hould 11,,akl� - I if you cit'n't forgive them., for t'hp " c years that a'.I'),'tWnl1an(1nt Correction i: I , ,a.�,.Ie this prefcn;llec. i�y 1,,i­vert- 11 it's effe-L,; from lichix . neutraliz-I loove ,of, Mike help un tto get d job so we can pay them. Thou kno,we,st, ,q ec u i - ed. . I 'that �( . The preferell'.0 of six cent?; I . 14 . O.mighty Bennett, that thy subj�cct4 The clinic h -as proven somi, have been A el on wh-at-con"idel,11,1 W /IN- �,,'t are dumb, so dumb that we beliewd cw�vs nvve.r attended ,G I , oecaus-e parents. are financially un -1 ange it really work- oLlt five con-b—may h; -,1,,v more (if a -en-,i- your ceirripalgin , lvromi%as, If wo , hadn't b,e*n dumb wouldn't able to do so. 'If treatment k man -1 niqenlal than oi-w-tical value. Nelther so you be Premier. And since you kno-x aged in the early years, inany caseg', the grain trafle no'). the wileat poills how d,uimfb we are, have -miercy on, us, NvOuld. have responded with much lesi are very (Anthusiaqt;c. Neither press_ ' for ouir pockets are empty, also onr disability than at present, Dr. Ram- ed for it. Their argrunient. is th'at -s-bamatelLs. ,Some of us voted 'for yo:i .say declared. In nearly all cases, wheat is a world market eo-inn-bo4ity in the belietf that you would continu,p ,ho,pe was ,given of improveiment froio in -which word prices 'pre4ominate. our grealt. proisperity and behold, our Itreatmenit, advised. Little children Britain may tNke'morc of Cw;adian . great prospel-Jity bas ,gone to the fav- suffering from infantile para,lysis. de- wheat. But it won't pay oliQ cerit oTed. 'followers of Guthrie and Man- feigts frotm ,birth, and a certain num- more foq, it than it can 1buy it fur � iam ,':4oqne ,of us votod for you ,be- Ili-er of cases whe,re disability had els,ewhere. And, so the Pools dut it ,cause the preachers told us we would :lAen caused from some injury, were the third of the crop which is mar-' T .IN to hell if we voted'for ,Mackenzie tienderly,,e,Xa-mined by Dr. Ramsay. keted in England w. -ay afTect 010 sue- TGng- So we �,iotq for you, and the Tl�e vis ing ,specialist paid tribut,* �cessful marketing -of the riema.-Ining .:d oatimtry has been'111`4 ,niess ever . to the Lions Club to whom he sairl two-thirds in foreign markets. Thie . . the crippled dhildren's organization farmers have no illusion about this. . vdilice., . . -We thank bbete, 0 'Mighty 'Ben- was deepl� (indelbrted, firstly for the Copper which was ,.�hut out of the neft ,. for the relief thou has plven discovery of the patients, and see- -ori-dly, for interesting the public in Unite,d States market by its arbi- trary dutty will, undoubtedly, find a the farmers, for bhou haA--TTljev,�d the clinics. The -general professional new outlet in the preferential duly ft1lem of all 6ey had e,-,eept their interest wag evidenced in the large of fo,ui- cents a pound. This is a 4debts =4 a few old clothes. We numi6er of ,doctors of the county in real advar-Atage. Other base, metal.% thank thee for the relief Mou ha"It attendance. The facilities -at the hos- like 7,�nc and le�ad, also bonefit. The etvIeq the laborin1g,man for thou hast I pital .were perfect under the -,upe,r- preference on fruit and dairy pro- I relieAv-A him of the redessity of ris- . vi.-iion of Miss. McCorkindale, the dutets, now existing, are to be con - ing early'to get to his i -ch. We t. han-k - �!uperintten,dtent, and the nursing stafT, tinued, when the expiration (late Ili thee that thou hast relieved us of tthe of faletor,V wbi�stles' The Godei-ich Lions Clulb enter- I rna,ched in Noveni�wr. The British anmoyance and noise of turniing'ivheels, for Tie tained the visiting do torrs and Lion,; c undertaking to re-n-mvIL, the restric- tions on the import of Canarlian w.Mgt1eis a,re thlowing snd no wheels to dinner at� the Mait'land Golf Club Dr.' W, W. Martin introduced -Dr. cattle Nvill, if irri,plemented, be a cer- are tatming (,exceipt the Wheels in the . .heads. those wh'o voted, f o�r thee) - '. RamAity, who spotlee on the work o. tain Rtinlulus to cattlo, raisin -g. T1liS of - Q' �,ervice Clubs and of the Crippled is arnorth6l- Gawlian iridustr.y Qnnr- "T�ou aninointest odr head,; with (,hijdren's Associatdon. Lion., C. K. Tnoeu.,41y aff�cted by -the adverse toil-ftow the government oil lands-- Saundei-A, Goderich, ah.d Dr. Betchel�', United States tariff. and h it off of Seaforth, tendered a vote of thm,k:; ,Manufacturers Complain. because 6f the holy tariff. to the Ro,spita! Board, the Vomen's, Balancing what is, received nprainst I 111jead us not' inito telTipititf,lon o" 11ospital Auxili�ary, the doctors and what is given, we find Bri'tain a., filigh living lest we be takenlo the nurses in charge of the clinic, NvAs fortecaqt,,to have widened acres-, �hiosipital to be ,cured- of gout like Mme of thly tfamous supportets. Yea, The f6flowing . gentlemen wpre to Canada Ili iron, steel, tableware. coal, cutlery, textile.,; and -ichemica-ls. tbough we ,walk thpough the valley present at the dinner at the Golf Club: Dr. W. C. Sproat, Dr. F J The manufacturers do i;i.ot like this . of hard tinveo and the shadow of stamy"ten, we will fear no evil, foc �echely, Seaforth; l5r. J. S. McGre. ,gor, Dr, ff. 11. Taylor, mi,d are sayin�,r so. But what are they going to do about it? That is tbou art wi,th us; and bath appointed -Misses Card. on and Mallock, Dr. George A. Raim- the unanswered quetstion. It is not aniany com"tisisionens to watch ovet . - say, inr. A. Fi. Macklin, Golerich; po,"ible to diseaver rmu�­h sympathy for them, if, really, they are alarmed: US. ,"IHImr us, 0 Mighty '13,ennett and Dr. H. H. Ross, Seafortb; Dr. Per- cival Ifearn, Olintm; Dr. T. A. S. They have had the 'rn-axim-um pl-o- t,,tiohl. Many did not albuse it. but , somilrer us. And ,-may the. squirrels T" ,e ii,re ewr f 061 t in our bitts if w V ,,,,, A�kie llne, Duniga%non; Dr. A. Moir, Dr Blyth; Dr. W. W. M artin and some ,are clairned simply,to have ~ugh .to follow another Jack , 'W. Webster, Goderich; James A. stuck it on bq the Iprice. These are the 1people who most i*-4ent that out- 0%anterh laboll-ed:'Benn-ett ProRwr- Cii,mipbell, W. .Frank Saunders, 03has. - Mi& competition which the new agree - lity.1 Thaniking the stars that Ben- K. ga,unde,rs, T. ,H. lVibehell, Charle� mlent is suppose,(.[- to, foster. neft Pr6opwity is gone, and that we. ,C.. Lee, G. L. Parsons, Ff.. Griff, R. C. . May Mean Heavy Loss. MIaT be on the, road to lbetter dlayg." . 'Whatele.7, Walter Naffel, S. D. Croft, Tlie question arise as to the A WORKINGMAN. 11-1. Ediwa;Tds.-. .. . I I ,will effects upon the United, States of the . cord-bl-mking thn,o, with Phil. E I I " agredment. Sonle of the experts fig- . 0 1 ure that it will mean the diversion I— -------- I pn-v. . to Great Britain ,of' $20,000,000 of - MCKILLOP Warble flies conattitutte, 6 scri,ous irniports, now brought in from the . every suf1scriber whose pest of cattlUe wherever they are States. Perhaps .qo blit, silso, perbaqys � ww� corninvotti. It is, es-timfated by fedoral -not. The contigutitv of the Stateq to ' 1. entoThologists that fully 50 per rent. Cl�iiada piv,slents fill, e'normious ad - Services will be withdirawn from of the .hd,die% rbaiken, off cati:,Ie in 1930 vantage, in its,elf. There is a great Oavan and,Bethol ,M,ureb,eis' n,n Sun- were davag,ed by this, pest and tbo differei`iee bet7ween delivetries in 24 day, September 4th, and ajoint ,qeT- loss in valm tie hidft� Mom amo,unt- ,w 48 b<)i;r.-; and the. Awo or More v,jo will be heild in ,DuO's. 10hurch at nual los.q throughout ,Canada from, thiis, pest is weeks nem.%stary to bring otuff from - Great Britain. ,Moreover, an increwl- 240 piln'. Rev. (,'1har1*s Xalfcolm-, of �estimated at from, $7,000,00%000 to 'tariff can be "d-uh,,ked." Tht@4 is TAOMondvalle, Will pretich- .-, , I $14,W,W0. I I (Continu�d on page 5) I %­ . 11 I ') I . � I I . , . , ,-,� - �1. � �..,�,e"2"�,,.,.�l,,,��.,��,?,,,����;,,�,�.Ai�,�',*,*�.0'3�@,A"I,..�,t,�i�,igv.m,.�.,.Id"t,�,��,,,�i,�I�.,,.,J,,�",e.�i,.'&O'��?&�Aj�.k�,�ir,,,i,Lvw.,x).6�,i�.'. . .. I , , � �,�i�,aL�7,.�,4y.l�a����.",.k,�,,mv,&.�4�!.."44,�&ik."U�oTAix&�'.�.14L,6"k��,.�'k ,_111 ��,I,;hl ­­­ 11, '.1 , . 1 I - r i,� I .I ` 11., , , , � �,,�'.4P�f� ��,gt�,',,,iffl 'T, , " ,M,�,�'I"12;'� 1� I 1. .� . , . , , ­ 'I. � . I �t � - . A. !, � ,3� � ,4_x % , , ., � t '. . 05, _ , I : , ,_ , !, � . ; I ��, .!� , , S"P N".."A" ;�,,,, ,,,"2 '' ;;�3;1;;;,;1_.;1 i19�,M;1Q_"­ . I . . , ,­­­ ;� �; ,P� � . , 6 - 1191.;. 1!1� .... ;-1-1_-!!V41 .. -11.117 I F qp�.","": 71­�"1:13.?. , .. '. .�,-�,q,,.,�, 1`::�, ", (I . � . . � I . �., � .'' � q ,.,�,,,, , _,�', , . I � . .- . , . . . I " . , . . I , 4. . ..", '1� t� ::,... , "� , ,.� - 111 , . I.- , I A��:._ . I , .� �I 1. ,, , ,,.,� -, �gx",.,1111 ,-� ,� ") " � , " I )RTH, FRIDAI(v SEPTEMBER 2, 1932. 0 , r. � I . . . � �. I . I . I . . . . I I, ... � . ,.� 1 1. . I ­ . I ,,,, � � I . — I . . I - Seaforth Old. Boy Writes Hi About the Regent I . , Im'ressions of the- Rece I 1p . I With this issue The Huron Expositor publishes special I I 11 Olympic Games, Los An 'e pages dealing with the ncw I . 9 Regent Theatre and with the 0___ . � coining community sale days. Judge, J. A. Jackson, Well 0 0 0 0 Pages two and three will, the _9 publishers are sure, prove ex- 1 Known Seaforth Old Boy') For Better Lig ceptionally interesting to read- , . I . . ers. Attc,aded Great Int�yj�a- I . .The Business Men's Assoc! . I . . � I tional Contest. . have had, during the past I a petition circulating on . Street asking the town co MOND ILLE BEATS — to provide better lighting Main Street 'It is ,sugg FORMER PRESIDENT that large lights be installe Sf. DOF COLUMBAN AN ' A.A.U. OF CANADA each intersection on Main St " 'The petition was largely si . — NTERS Off. FINALS Judge J. A. Jackson, a well known Seaforth old Ibo,y, now oULethbAd1ge,- . Alberta, �vrote'�ecerrhly in the. Leth bridge Herald his impressions of ihe ECLIPSE ILY OF SUA I Olympic games. Judge Jack -son, whu Game on Wednesday Night is� a fo,rme,r prisident of the Amateur' . Athletic Union of Caniada,.accompan- 86 PER CENT. VIS' Ends 2-1; Was Replete ied the Cang-dian team to Lo's An- . . .. ...... geles. The Herald s,t,ory fo-Il,ows:— I I With Thrills. Hello, when did you get ho4rhe? . . Saturday. . . Did you have a good time? Swetacle Started Abou . . I Yes. I WILL PLAY , WALTON ITOW were the games? . vknd Continued Fo . 'Wonderful. - I I.:, Were they I& success? Two Hours. Egmondville football teliai, D-e-cidedily. 11-*�v did the Americans conditict . ed to �St, Colunitban on Wednesday th-emse I vies, ? , 11 ' evening and earned the rigbt'to'en- I As true sportemem 'Seaforth -citizens turned sky ter the finals against Walton. in the . �uron . I -Tow were our bo5l';? on Wedn-esday'tot witness a Football League f the, Steph- 'PT 11 We were proud of them all. itstwononuicall display, as tfie ensalL, c4p. Are you glad- you weat? of the mfoon plurrged��parrt off Playing [before a large crowd of . ' Yes --:-and: then, some. and the New England States paitishn spectators,, both tealiris wev) Our bolys, didn't do slo, well--:,thi i semi-d&rkness. - Seaforth was, out to do their best. Play was clo.'"O , in thp form of an assertion and needs ate in -seeing albouft 86 Per ci and interesting thraufliot# and drew , ' . no answer,,,o.r alternately— the eclipste. The darknes-s an many cheers- f roin the ,crowd. . Our lbo.v-s di d well' - didift they? which ,prevailed in the path of St. Columilian's goal. N�as scored, 'an `F'g- , Ye -s, ,they did 1reimarkalbly *01. ity was not -experienced herre. - ' stran-e as it may seem, by Yo,u have to be there to 5ee, the The eclipse, as far as Seafor ino,fid'ville ,pla* yer. St. Columb -an had world's best contehtding *ith othzrs concerned, started Is,h.ortly aft, , a -place ki ' ck. which Lialico, the Eg- A� a un�erstinld the wonderful sho,w- o c1bick and continued until abo,i mond-ville goalke eiper successfully ing of the: Canadians. Colored gaggles and.9moked . turn6d. An, Egintondville playev, coim­ INVIiat happened to,ouT Percy? were in de,mand- ,by sky -gaze irg in from the field slip))ed as he - iPercy's answer is that he didn't persons vie,wing the spectacle wa.,� sii,lyout to ki,ck.,and the ball sl* ip- f ,bt en6u,gh. Ile (lid the best he run a 0 ut protoctdon for .their eyes v _ pt,d 1, -tween his Wit po!z,-4, scoring could. We who know him are in- dahgertf injurin,Z tbeir sight. ' for the opposition. � clin,_,d to �eck all eXPlall'ati011. not icjen�k`_s the world over Nve The 4>-1 vvin gave Renion-dville the . an excu,se... remenirber how citt�d by the tirospect of an ,�.I' I �lllvlil sirre(2� the ,Saturday varne play- .You I)t,,.rc_ - ' - - ni, fin_died Lhe rac e at JIai '" turilty to view the spectael forth was a 1-1 tie. (-d in Sca, ., in the Fir,�,' to,r t,,vo �1110 11,011onle".s d_-larr,d tliat. an r­rn,-)m7v;lIe ,.N -ill now came up a- .' - ' yew*i a.-_,.) -a- c, 4 - T -1 ten, —wi'h a lullT, Jon ? That al)le ecUpse of th- sun, undl�i 'rai ', ii.�t Wal�un in tho finals inaf-much 'VValton I .. I &f 114:1, Iveak, and Nrllile he Nvw� 4:1. 0011(1� jtion.q, is ­Lhe chance liPetillie." as defcated- F*Lasels in a -.ovlos of rollic- and hor.e I ." I., �.: r. I" W�fdl up to a day or two befor.; g F ,-,covc � Of �L;�:'Lron NN -ill Study +110 ltlf','.S Q('11,01,1a i galll?K. The E.pnnnndvi�le p)a.,.-ers v,% A I"': . !!C' P " . ,-..L t0l' Lti7t An-l-eile4, h,,, had an 11 . I . ;O.re Of E,ft­�1�11­ 'o"l-Ets w�i 'i I I ) ­illico, R. .�iQ('1','LWh,,-A, Nichvi,;bn, a",-(*,. , -! i -., -wh it h %vat4 mory SHIOV� " ' .,Tl Nv'" flwught. Ni,�k 1;aw!" fidl I in�-�.(,..I�IQ it 11in'.4 kll.wxl�i:�.,­,- () 1,'olg. L. lIj,,kn..Il. J. I)Djg, 1). S' -.' , it I; , , , !"" PkITY"4 1��:(!,' NVEIA Il`))'t(21l01I I)v I ,,un. . G. ��zrnith, 1). 1),14'. W� V"right, J Mor- -1 is, J. Flanm,i y -and J. McMill..'ol. I I a -l),( -'J1 ,:,< in"hos. Figure t!�;I- ou,t fsil.- 1 _...h. "I �,a� .-;X f,.,.' �e;x in,"'s to 1�I -( l',1-( I .-. - - .1". . � - __ - - , , I. , 1'� i ,:, !,.-. a n d .-;(.,., how w, "Th h(I 13RQT�l - "" -'HAGEN RE,PORT OF H06F I IvOl-I'l ];)- .� ill lwT im "xi. �;, a 11'. ,,I, ro ,)),,_ in�r a:Ioilf, 139.3iN in,+,;,.4. I Nvo�,;d !ifr- t � . � . . � ,,!Vu � to ',(� alwmt 21i h- -L. Perc.%', h,:111- T':e '. 1�no:-iil ,I;' Will�-,un Mill SIHIPIIE:�,'TS ; 71_:r,(,,I','-!­ n,) v\�,�;4c­ e;'1- (­�:tlana..�iorl,_ . !iIJII on S,mida.v. inorrin:n 'A . , lk. 1". �k hk ;1,�..:­.,1p- ;ike a III. -n. W, : I I' , .. ..;vv a! thv llo!.I,�(', a I:,-,- �1101.11d bP I'V01.111 ('!I' ll�.11l. "' � ."IC -1: : :1-4 hild ill st". 1,0(jr,!4 I . - . ,:� I , - The rollo,­irg i�z �' - rcip.nrf ct' li�) , . " I)i(l (";11-�1-:,J %I, -ill U21,',-1,IlillL1? . I 1 clan �,hl:rcll, I. 1"Alv�(-d bv R . .-hill for .i.lun,h ending July. ,ni.en,',�s " .1 Jim,]) Nv;th .Nlv�N,,i­'-1- YL�-, the lliv! � - , " . �,.,, kirlm.n., ,, i �40-a,trvp(,!. I'll 1032:— 1 i'tan ill, an exciting tzort-.­ Nvilh"iil'., ;11 , 101 . 'I'! I W LTL' tll,'L' fi;J" �WOZII,(' Brucefield—Total h,,,,,s,. 19; ,,elect' ;. c1loolillat- rro'll California. It NvaF I '"t," :,:'0'1 , -I! !--7n-1a%%­ A, ihe (It, bacon, 4; liacon, 12; 1�:teher�:, .N. I a gr( -al, Nic,.ory for Cana�lu. Gwynn I Fvrd:m, wl Millor. *of Logan; flen,sall—Tot.al hm,­. 300; seI(I(,.,1_J.I)!' I Cnilw1a also won in hoxin"'. � 1), .,,,I�Eloll: ,lohn, of Pol., bacon, 85, bacon, I75; butchers, 37: Tho ,wiji..; ar LA only part. of thc, �\Ll'_�NIrIt. Of' 141"10it- Frod Ki t , . 1. ,xtra hz�avies, 1. , - �;:ory. 'C".171-mki ,va-4 ,�vell up in "'vory- ! I Stra.tfurd, and Fro'd Ilollatz" lValton 'Total hov�. 148; q0fR;:ba. thing,, anti to sev tll,,,m �-oniin- dvk%n gan, MT. KillL, r who was 'e'v con, .58; bacon, 83; butchers, 5, the iio.n,,,,� -,tr(,,,,,h iiatc.�inr [1.1tL:v witil ial and of a kindly di4po��iti( li­hts an,d feed-ers, 2. '�uron the world's IK­�zt, losing ondy .ifter a ite gl-eatl,y mis-sed. in the collY: Co. Locals — Total hoR,, gruelling contest, brought you to your (Sl),L'i,-JI.V tn the SunLla�' school 2,472; 5relIC.et bacon, .-)f;l; bracon, 1,6,58; 1*t.-vt, your helirt in your throat, and hv has 4�,vn a teacher for heavies, 5; light�s and feeders. 24. tk�ar.,; of joy and pride in your coun- . ypars. Ilk 'S*unday sCho-ol cla Huron Count�—Total bogs, 5,989; try. orvd lihn I)y f'ollowing his ca select il-mcon, 1,627; bacon, 3.646; Any g`ileat dkeppointmenbs? the gri-ave aml placing flow butchteIrs, i3g; heavir-, 14; extrit Yes, on., In part icular—where our the hier. Th,vc fivm a distan Ileavies, 3; lights an�l feed,era, 67. girls in tbe relay lost to oui- cou-Nin-1, attended Ow funcral %vere: � Ow Amivricans, when there, �;vvmokl .1 I Mrs.. Joe Derry, Hamilton; _� to 1-,e Ft mix -u -p in passing the hst - Mr.�. Juhn Millor and famil� MANLEY toll. ",(I hil, felt -we should h^I Nvon. I Flgin: August Alillur, Detro� ' Ifiloa S-trike..wal� tho' la�'. to'run for ,11- I ,�J,J:f Mrs. J(Ain Fi.-,her, Fred. . Canada-4,ut sonwthing happended. . . -s. Will. Ki.-tner, '-t . and Mi. . Mr. and Mrs. St ' eplien, Eckart and It wa% just one of tho,se incidviit�tl that Just. sho-ul(l nnt have hH11,I)LITIV11,; A groat many fricil.d.; ,In( tr�-(�..; at+(�llth-d the funeral of family, of Tini,min,. aYe IlWndill�,' The Am!,'rivan girk won, and tlir,y .%It,,,,,, I1,I(,i,lljljn in Mitc1lill 0 their vacattion with dwir .parent,;, Mr. ljv�.crvcd tlit,ir %ictnr�% You shoulil ,Iji y The dvf,pv�zt S�'nlpatl)Y and Mr.%. Peter Evkarl. �a,,v sc!(-n Hilda Siviliv making Stc-l"ba! 1l,l',.,`1,,d to Mr, fle-OkLman in Mr, Svtaple.,, of Timmimc;, I"; a� Wal.,zh, the A-m.ei-i-canized Pole hrvab- reavellient. - present rem -wing lwquaintances in I ,' I worbl,q n"ro. 11fild'i 1va.4 ,'.1`IO 3� 'If,(, 11,.�v lllinj'�'-(,r. rc�v, N11, our burg. r(,vor(W.r(-akv-r, but it. Of cour,(, did ' (Wicson, and hi.-; wife. are e INIr. ard Mrs. 1xiii4 Brall, of D- 114)t col,pnt. I , � �o nrii�v hort, dv',�-, xeek, 1*1 . ,-nit, -Mr. and Mr- C. Eckart and I Ifarold Wrivil-t-and 13iisfor l3rown.! i�n-vation will Lender Nil) a re , - �11n�. C. P. Sills and NEaster "onald, , " of T�..(Iqn,ondon,, wero no"nivan SPHN-: oil Thm-Aday evening and on of' ,'4eaforth, were vi,i:oN in our ht"'g- vrs. at,iong the bvst in the -01-1d.1 afivi-roon commiencing at 2. last Sunday. � J�et_t'l`c�al'l-"oll of Ifftn1ii1ton is only'18.1 . will be inducted into his nmv The late rains -,vkh the warin wva. Ili, will he there in Mif) if-hv kevp;� by Rev. ,.Mr. Tuerkheim, of Z thei, hav(- causod tht� grain to grow goine the way he ha, startell. i I - in the 4,,�took:t. Wli i I e many a r (-, Plhil Fd -wards and Alex. Wil. s,a n I o through, there i -t vtill consioerable ivery called flie iron men a,ifl � I"it . I vOnsviou.Ay did Our lavro.�Q(, t harvet�,tirvg to be done. Canada on the marpt in tho nlididlo; in , ill , -tive in t;he last match. TI I (It F:.a n.,(,�;. It was'a grloiious feelln;� to sc-o (woat Britain first -and Ca,nadiii ix)[I'siran�ahil) (if tho :kilioi�L a, xv,hnlo. The splendid Nvork Thank You ,,(,00nil and third in the ROO instrol rac�e, the greart. Ilitinp-son beitting out pol;(.o. vdlo wvre ever courte,01. I in the most za-vine circumistan-v Alex. Wilson by inches only in re- I groilt anti orerflo,wing: city o . cord-bl-mking thn,o, with Phil. E I I " Angeles. All these things e wards a clo,sc third and .setting th, I sp(ikon to sit lelilzbh, The . The Huron Expositor would pn-v. . ates (if t'lle Bi�iti%h Empire, greatly appreciate a response from , The oarfmwn did well. Titke t h P. with the preserce of Mary P every suf1scriber whose TA,%flIder erpw of eight placing third, looked after us frolm ,q subscription to this paper is in with United States, the California *11R,ears" .tlodAl . point. But exce-lit foq- a l"inc arrears. The amount flint each delin- in their own waters; Italv 'be(hind, the Internation tal Athletic Fed �,�,em,nd a isplit ".mnd;� an (I , Conl-n—. on the first (1-ity, a quent subscriber owes may Great B-litain fourth and le,q�s than a k i ml . ly ntt�,ntion of p-pr-lorral I seem small and trifling but col- lenigth behind th o w I n no rs. I t ir,cluding L. A. McGillivray I, lectively it represents a very wm a racr that will go down, in, ed at I,eqbh,ri-(ige and worke'd helpful working capital. sporting history. I I xAt.i�-An rAirwys in the diistric Would you. Nve ask, within the pr",*Tit month, make it a So inailtv otb�vr things that eould Getorgo 4 Ragnall, treas-iii-er ­ point to clear tip this indebted- be tal­k�.d' of—tll(. la,vro,,c:,,qe. Zainw- . .4, , �I)Ni,l R 11 fil() Vo\ I,'ilrn Coi - tio . w nT Do it now a u with Johnks 1U)nkhis t7c,am bo-ating Onn-arlla'a be.st ,�Nvo ouit of fliret,; I)A to seti-,Pral hours in t.he Fb i('-%, We did h -of Ree anything wi be certain that it will not, he overlooked. Cnnnda win-ninig the mitly fill1v cmn- social funot,ion�s <�onnrctvd wri . The date ]all<,] on the top Of plete,d pvurlo; f.he Olyniipic village; the, sipectAcle orf the Flarad of gallies. Probably aur r(,-qi<f( the Olvmlptic Village with j the first page of your paper will tell yon the whole story, P�rvnt Natirm on the openhig ,da,y lith I-Vteq was th,t- 'Tw011 for few for thereon is printed the date 106,anf) rpx�ap,le p,ackwd in tho -Aadiuni; , tations. to which your subscription is th-C, prrrert tra,ck; tillo idral weather Am -way, we, hild a won,derf paid. This should read 1933. coll"ditiorls; th+, corn,pl('Ite. orgayli-zatio ;;",. Wt, are glad we went, delight . +*- t0i�; orgunizing rnmmtitteli�. what. we saw, did and heil Thank yol6. annolinvel', who k,ept thv, c,rowd at irre overJo.ved to bo, back in ,1,,_,,__.,._,__,..,�,,,,__,t fever heat all the, time and who u,n- Nlibin�ta aM our beloved Cana . I I V I., I ,11-,:,' , , ,.4V , . - - X:,x7��,,'�YI`,'.'C'3 .;,'?,',A1 � . � IT" X , I � " , �'; .. ... . �,;�_ ", ::, - � ..... .. �,4, ,- A, ,,�, . ,,, I , �,.; � � I .. ­.: r g . s. I . . , , � 4 � 1, 1. I.., , � �_ - "i ;a J �.. . �u " , ,_ _ , " ­­ 1� I � * ,�, 1* ly, ": " " .. I ., ;. 4 ... 1"o * � �� - - i,r 74 - : ,�,, . .. I . . ,,.,�' , , '�t,�.k I . .. I I,; . , 1 , "', , � � I Z k, -1- I ... - I.. , �_; �i � , . � . 1�1 I . I � ,*-A�Q. .." , 1, I — ��� ",""I'll V , . __ I Al , , , , 111 11 � - 'PA -10.1 " ", , " " I � . , 111, �qi,�i', A .� T_ -,;P '�:' , : *�_A . , - . ��'1111 ", , .1 . - : . 1 : PIA, �� .�� 1, " I I � I L 1.11 � , - I .10 �.'M 1,11 - . 1. � - ­111'1.��,� 4,; i ; i ;1 -.1 %, ­­­­ i ;1. I ..", N . I " '� """ , � . . . . . . . �,�. " 1'. , 1,; , �- - ­. 1, , , '... - , .; ", 11 . , ,n, ,. � � ?f ,, � - ­ V, , . . . .1, 1,k!i lt.,� , ZZ , , ", IV., � , ,1,11 1NN '. , �, � , , '. " , % ,I 7; ­ , ,%,f,:,-�I�l 11 .Z. ; ,� , I "-%,f,:,'-"1�;,,, ; "ON., ,*"s� "I". I G . , .1 9W I _w " I., ., 11 � " ,, . 7�2.1..' , �,, . . . . . ,..--�Z` � ''I", �, .. I Q kkvl&�"`� � , " - , � , 7"" ..i I !T�": q,_ I " ", 1` I � 111, � i 1"'.-i" I I . � "� . . , . '11,�.R ,i I -i 1�1, . , k, _� 1. I i" ." " ,:' 'i . BID' ., I .� ,�:��", .:�? ,it WON' BY'"GRAND, � . i :1 —, l'oM - 7.,-�,'.­, ';�_ .1 . ­.�;',`", i . ". � ..�::,�: 1. 1. —1...:.11 . � .. �. . 1i . . .:. �.1,1 .I , : . . . .. - " ..s .:A1 I .. . �,,,,..., ­' �� ,_... , "I 11 P�r, ,I , les '' ' * ' ''' � "' �; """" Big Tournament at - Clint"O' ""V 1. :,, , , �,, � I . ..�. �. ' .,-, � N ", , , ' Many Iinterested , �`- , � , , � Draws 1�1. . � ,. . %Ii4- I 0 ',`�""' I ,,,, I Spectators. ,,�'1'01", . ,. , , " .; ;"'fl�, I ... :1. . ,�'; I �ts , . . �. ­ � ' -1 - P Playing before a large crowd .at . : Al , , , I - ation the Fair Grounds, ,Clinton, on Wed- � I i week, I nesday afternoon, the Seafarth.soft- :�i . .,�._ Main ball ta,ij, went down to a -6-6 defeat ".1- .. _�,.,; lincil at the hands of Godefieh.' , . . :,�,-, J , on , It was a good, game and, the boys . 1'1:2�i. e.sted . . �1, . -1 at p t the breaks seem- � .. ,,, ed against them. Pop By afte-L pop 1.� .,"A'l I reet. fly to inner field was the undoing of . . gned. the locads.i, . � . .:: i , �. Cudluore Vitched a good gaine,for ��,. � .. � 49 Saforth. and Evan 'Rennie a% ulual. : r, I I -did good work behind the plate. Er- � I .. I , I rw�s,,were few I on both -sides ang at, I "I'll, I :'. " no t,.Wrne was there a big differenep in. ''" , � . ... ­­.. - the *core. �aaforth_got 'one ru-4i 4a �. ".. I NAS , .�� .... the 8-kond, 2 in the third, one in the, ,�� . Y,Q.,urth and one in ,the ninth. God:6- , :'%�. I . D rich got 2 in ille first, 3 in the see- -,'- --. ­­ ­�, . . LIDLE, ond and I in the fifth.,. '... " . The players were: . . . I ..� , , . . ,Se&fo.1-th--4TVuir,, 2P.1, ,XcCaulley, . . � Is.s.; G. Rennie, 3b., E. Rennie, c.; � ;,; � 1...�, t 2.15 Wright, Vb.; ,Hart�- r.f.; 'Burgess, I.f.; . . . . I - . - . 'McGregor, :c.f.; ,Cudmore, p. . I . .. .'. , , r Go,diaiifah-111-olblinson, 2b.; , Sheir- I 5, . down, s.s.; Watheson,, 31b.;, Stoddiart.. . . A I.f.; Sheardow-n, c.; Chelan, c.f.; W�x- . .11 - ... ... wick-, r.f.; Westbrook, 1b.; McDonald, . _.. � : 11 P, I . � , I Seaforlth'.9 delfeat aultiamittically I , . � . . lnindle,i eliminiltes them from the 1�ccelsto ,;....� grea4; Cup, -which was finallt, . .;. . won by Grand- " .,., shadow Bend. 'In 'the other preliminary ' . I " , ,, ,� Canada g`t,e, Clint -on lost to Grand, 'Bend, - . I into T Grand -Bend and Goderio6h play- - �, fortun- ed the finals. . I .. . Is I I I nt. -of The Ecclestone Cup will be retained : , " - ;..., ., , d .chil! for the year bry the winning teani .. : .1 total- and 'Will be plaied- for at the. home - :, . . , ..� h wa. grounds. of fthe -winniii-lig team each , .. �. r two. year. I . 11 " - M While Seaforth has -been 49nded , . ... 11 . 1 4.Ut. the Ecelestone Cup, they ,still -are 111. glasses very niucb intbe rigining for the Sdlls , 11 �� , - ,,. for , 1� Cup, play off s for ��,hiieh will sicirt im.- . I -with- . ... , . ... I wediatIe-ly. It is expected that .,the I I'll I 1, ��: ete in first of these games" will take place i i next week, . I I I , ... �, I Ile ex- I �., uppor- . 11$ . . . I .. -� . I e, As . . ': �,�-IF,_­ - 11 Ah ".." I I p"op-, .00d. Weeds 11 I o f -, I 1, � .. ..-1 I... ­.. .­ �impi­� F,'i�or, Thau Huron Explositbr. . 1. 11 ", � . I., 1� . �11'!d ' . ,11 w4i Dear Sir: Tn' reg-ard to -A, "d cut� ... 11 10 . .I. I - - - P t �;n g, I "o,"'.1d dl�aw the a�teln'tion 0 f . " , h! :, t:01*_'­tilk!� 1-�.- to the fat�t that ,,his is . N . . I .� . !,.I. i;!,no *,�) �:-,lt 'liem. Grain field.i. , , .. 1. � I , ":�;Iil ,�'.,tvt, I)ovii.,cut Nvl,�h a .4-wath �: � . . , , ., � — :, . lvft n1l, org the fen(-L-,�, w!ll prod-jea- . Nvi.,ed .�[Itld.vnrjugb-tr) 1111,08t,"IlL favni, - - - I ." 11 .1 'I'lic- ,xt-�!� inu -, 1,& looked af�ar, and I . I � �� I I kin -hi, lft:-.� �'111.1 to f'live this youL- � , ,.I- J�-,._ �:��:17('��a'­ w."n'tioll. I , 1 .1 fto, .1 I,L,.!­(.':!`,lfly yours; . .Z11 I �� , ' I - 'NEDY ' . I I �, pu 0.;.- , L01-kNI) 1U,N .1 . . 4".lth- . � ( v, 0. Wt.� ! 1r.,4;-v,:1,w- .0V Tu2keismitli . : I ___­­___ ; " pal!- � I .. 1,-; a �i I . CNI�;kd. ST. COLUMBAN � Henry_ Elgin ; * ner, 0:, lRev. I`athor 1W. .Michell, of the . .1 .. : Of LA)� Patilist Oid-er, said .%mg at 8.3,I) a.m.. : or jov- Isst Sun(lay. Father -.1fichell is en : )n will 1'()Llt(- Lo tliLA niis-sion field in the * � . . lVeA. . r.unity, . . where R(veW , -q visitQrs were: ITT. polii"A ;,' Several C�'Vhn. Dotroit; rdward arod'arettn . ,4;.s bon. Casj--1(I*S-, .1'cts-eph Neville. at the, honle I skett to Of .N11'. .Nli('ha('l DOWlIVY; MTS. RE-ibl, . . e y.,4 o n Of 1,011doll. wi'll hor piz-ter, Mrs. Jos. c e ,A,hO Ca rl i n. . . , . Ir, aq;(I The following teitchQrs are'leaving --, " " % I L% Bill f�)r tb��iy )-(I ctivo Schook" Lu.L�V, � I �'�, ,,, I , — - , Port Buvkv, Lond ; Flo-rence Co� I ) It; Mr. Pre:4ton: M.itdruIl. Gortr,,Ae anti Afr' �istricr, ne., McGrath, to Brantford; llvlen 1. riit�iird. 1,'Ianli,cry, Jo iv.ph Bul'-ker Charles Ma- / �. - I rula- Inno. to Winkkm.. I � I . Mr�;. Th(, lad.;(s nf tho C.N�.L. arc, hold - I 11 �-u 11 - ;lli�': a el"tti'llIng" euchre with 'AL Holy . . I . 0 1�' "'_ Name ,ii( -ii on Friday ��%vnin- , Sept. .. Ill, Ile- . � , . .9 . -n,f foflo%ved �)y lum:h and a pro- ' I , Fred- pr,tllln�c. . .; XJ�V,AL'd __P6-%-- . Id Con- . (- ( p 1 io n BRI,T)SSELS I Sunday � I . 2 n he - � qhill.m. .k per-Illiar thir-g haplvn.�d on Fri- ,� pli(:h.'* (,lav RQvi-noon ' all, the sto,rm was," - J �)T`Vaking when lightning Mru-ck sninle i 11 �,*ook� in Ginni-Ery I'lisbap's field set- i NMI I'All ting them on fire. The fire �.pread- �! w gool lal)idlY but a hvn��- down,pour of rain Ian�; a, came st the rijzht time. putting the . of the fire out. Had that not happened it I i'-* ' own would be hard to say ju,,t what the . ;,,� T�.v '()'-tq wou,ld have been. I r, LOA Gbon Garniss, Fssex, wal, the guest olild To of .Nil-. and -Mrs. Charle-s Garniss; Mr. . o X -pa tr i - "And I'lli- * BtornicT IsImStih, Stratford, griced with iV latter', qisters, Misses Muir- I ick -ford, iol anti Agyi�­ Fllioit-t; Niss Louiso stan,d- flionison, Wing,ham, with Mi,ws Mlar- . I l,(!(#, to gar(,t Garnis,q- Mr. and ,Mrs. Fred I � eration Wilm,of �nd e"harles, Mislq Dunelds, .1 nd the McDonal-d and Jack Gottrill in Port, .. rrien,(J, Flvin; Mr. ano Mrs. Frank Jeskee, ' .A" ho liv- Detroit, guests of th,e latter's father, I on irri- W-. Dark; Dunien 'McDon-alld on . %,and a ihusinerl:�q trip to Provo�*t, Alta.; . ., the Mrs. Mary Aikin. ,10trillia, Wbbie I,, ,� tre,ated Ai,kints, Detroit, and"Mr. and, Mr,z. ,, ..i x stuti, Neil (Hla-ynes, O-rillia, "r,qto of 1�� of t,b e Mark Ruc�banjan an -Irl Mtkqs Flor- . - " th the enre; Mrs. O. Sproule and, ,qonq., Bob- ; 1, � � ce at bic and Billie, in. Liqbowel, and Har- . , 11 he ath- ri-% and Jilictic, wifAi their aunt, in �4 er invi- Stratford- Mr.-sind Mrs. Delorl-ne and 4.5 , - ... .,,on, Xcmit'h, Ntrodt, *h10 have been; . !" �-, � , � Ill tira,e. vistiting Miss Florence Buchanan halve I � 11 .. - I d wi th re3turned home,; ,Mr. atdi Un. FrM, ...... , . , rd,' wld Mee, Stratford, who hiavie-- belen visft- ;��, , . . 1, "I . 11 11 , 0 ing � I ,lunny , the latter's P1AMntV9,_tM1r, �Md W". . I �� da. WaIt. Wilbeo, have, ret���di home, , � 1. . . .�,� "I" . I "O". - . I V_., I I�.'R 0�1, 1.. , , . I . I I . . I 1. I I � �. 1..1�11 . .. I . , .:. �';�,;, I.... , " , , ..,OL , ,. I., " , .. -11 � �,�.,, � T� 01 I . 11 I., I � . , Ip . � - I..".", 11 ,IL*,,A,t4,,�,�,a�,,���,,,A��-ii,�4,.eg : �