HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-09-02, Page 1I �
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Parliament Will Meet $oon .
. I .
- .
to Ratify Trade Ag'reements.,*
I .
Events of Interest, in Ottawa
Men Wait Until They Are
,' .
(I . � . . �
I .
Asked at Bowling Green
9 --* I I I I
. , I I
Wednesday. '
0 40 0 , 0 0. 0
Manufacturers Complain
Regent Theatre and with the
I I .
— . I
All Over.
While Wheat,Xarmers'are
The I-adlies, of the Sesforth Lawri
Pages two and three will, the
Indifferent Toward Coin-
Boiwling Club arranged a vevy suc-
cessful leap year ii.tney tourney or
Merchants and stores in Sea-
forth will resume theinaccustom-
cessions Gained for Them.
Wednesday evening, August 31st.
ed -habits next week .and Main
The weatheir conidd,tionp. were ideal and
Street will retura"to normal in
. _
�`,h-e greens good. 'Three ten -end
were and the follow-
as far as Wednesday afternoons
are concerned. , Half holidays are
games played
ing -players won the prizest Ladles'
first 0 W,rs. D. Slianshan, 3' wln6 plus
oii�er for this year, Wedne,;day
of this week being the last, .
15; sii;�tond, Mrs. R. k�oice, 3 -wins
' ,
. .
plus 14; third, Wrs. L. T. D&L%icey,
0 0 40 0 * *
2 -wins Plus lo; -inen's, first, M.r. C,�
In the wake of -the 1 . Imperial Con-
. Cortrie, 3 wins ,plus 16; second, Lorne
Terence coliles a perfel.&t Surge of
Diale, 2 wins Plus 16;, third, H. Jef-
speculative tbackuwash fea,turin� thi!
frely, 2'wills plus, 14. - -
Judge J. A. Jackson, a well known
value of the acconilplishfilent. Tho
. .
Those playing welre. 1�'Trs. James
Seaforth old Ibo,y, now oULethbAd1ge,-
Alberta, �vrote'�ecerrhly in the. Leth
bridge Herald his impressions of ihe
result was as fDreca-st. rather repeat-
Deveireaux, Mrs. D.' Shanahan, Mrs.
edly. It was not a triumph for any -
j. j. Huggara Mrs. John. Btattle.
A. Reid, Mrs. H. No -Ace. Miss
bnp. It w,gs just a - conipromise.
Wirs. M.
ll, Reid, IMis-s .L. FaulkneT, Vrs. L.
Game on Wednesday Night
Comment. the press is divkled be-
tween an element which. goes into
. T. Dt4l.acev, (Mrs. Hodgins, Mrs. Cor-
peants of ecstasy-'ithe Toronto morr.-
orie, Mrs.'G6bagoit, (Mrs. Rieman, Miss
ing pape�trs leading in this utter ex-
,Gretta'Ross, Mrs. E. H. Close. I
Clinic Was Sponsored By
agge,ationi--and the more stable
. ;Me6sirs. J., Beattie, T. Jothns.to*, J.
body of editorial opinion, which re -
J. Utiggard, M. A. Reid, R. Dev-
Lions Clubg o -f Seaforth
gards the achieveiment as substantial '
ereaux, Lorne.Dale,., Q GGrrie, J. J.
Promising and satisfactory but giv -
. Cauff, Thomas S�cott,� Harry -Jeff rey,
an,, Goderich..
inig the salutary warning'that, at
Jim ISitwitt, G�Mld Stewart, J. G.
best, it may be'a year before, the ef"
Doherty, M. MIcKellar, E. 1H. Close
fects -ar6 felt and that, meanwhile,
,P_ Peterson and Jas. Devereaux.
they are. very problematical.
, On Wedmiesday, August 23rd, a
Twenty -Ave, ,cases were examine(!
'Confeience No Love Feast
ladies' bowling tiDurnanient was held
on Wednesday- at- the Crippled Chi]-
The end ,of the coniference definite-
�wben the -prizes were Idongted b -y Miss
'dren�s 'Clinic at Alexandia `Marine
ly discloised a few things not known
D(yrsey and bli-�. 'E. H. C1015`0 and
-and General illospital and twenty-
before.. 'While it was a family af-
were won by ,Mrs. C. 0or-rie and MTS'.
five in, others or guardians went away
fair of the British Empire, it wa.s, -no,.
Gibson. ,
feeling that saine ray oif hope, ev-
a love feast. Albund antly delinorstrat-
The ladies heild anotheir tatirnament,
eilltual improvement or penaaner
cure, woul-d, result from ne, consul-
ed was the fact that, in 'the iniperi4l
as well as in the ordinary doinesiti. -
on Tuesdiay, the prizes being donated,
tation. Through the foresight and
fairrily, a first class row is. possibl&
?by Mm. J. J. Huggard and were won
" t. H. Close
generosity of the Lioms ,Clubs of
to b,o staged and not' without s4ime
4by Miss H. Reid, ,Mrs.
Goderich and Seaforth, the clinic wa's
,degree of advantage resulting froni
I and Mrs. H. Noice.
Made possible.
clearer tindlerstanding, It appears
. .�. -
The -clinic at the hospital was
that Premier Bennett did some "tell-
. . �e__ , I
'conducted by Dr. George A.. Rain-
ing off'? of t1t,he British and? that they,
This is Called a "Nyer For
,say, siPecialist in orthopitedie sur-
in turn. reciprocated. Ther.e were
- .
ino,fid'ville ,pla* yer. St. Columb -an had
gery'in the,,Children's War Memorial
occasions w"hen relationi;, wer �.,
Relief -
ll,osvital, London, assisted by Miss
Cardon Me."ense and 'Miss Mallock
very strained but fhe-weather became
cooler and the bot hoads cooled otf,
mond-ville goalke eiper successfully
secretary of the zairr.e hospital staff '
as well. Finally, came agreement.
W.T. William .Me - Kay, a form,er
Dr. H. 14. Taylor'was in chai,ge oi
There is no reason for either side to
boast. Both , took, but al��o gavo.
Principal of the"HenT.-mll Con,linuatlion
the x-ray.
Reciprocal conc-essions %vere balance'!
School, but now of,Windsor, 'hi
DT. A - H. Macklin, of Goderich.,
against ea,c)l other.
warded the following Ietterr Which ap-
and Dr. Ross. of Seafqrth, spnei.-,I_
.. . - A
HQg Raisers May Benefit.
peared re,cently i�n the Border Cities
. I
Star. The letter says;.
,ists eye, ear, noq,e an -O., throa+,
conducted another clinic inj 'hc- for-
Ontatio is a -good hoi, . .
, rais,ing coun-
1�0 Xighty BetrinvILt, who are in Ot-
.mer's office on West Street, Al',�O I'll-
tr y. The gu,�alltve of two and a
h,Lf million hundrcA weight of haenn
tawa -when not 'A�hinig on the St.
d11,r , ,the aw.-piens of the Lioni Club.i.
-with an iisuLlred mArket for it-
Lawron,c,c. T'hy will. and the will of
"'h"e ea,-oii Nverie texamin,d;tl'e,irr,ean,,
, in -lather
coining from Wingha,ni,
a lot.,nut ontly to this :Jut t)
thy eampaig-n contril,butors, be done in
the rest of the country as it is. in
.Ion, Scaforth, Bayfield anti G,Aeriell- I
pro -vim -es. Thp prel'everive on
lurnibe-r-10 per cent -is not ,�u 1,11.
. .
Dv,,'ec-ts in eyesight, ear. cases anti ,
EXCI-I,irge is mraim,t, Canada, Th
.1 .
`Give us thts Aay our daily ,brea,a
other oTdinary disease of children in
"Lli disa6ilitie.s, were t1xitmin,A
lumtoi,ni-e-n wa�itc-fl 20 per evi.t. hu-.
nd 'bCAVI Of fl`C�e S01111),--fOr 01117
adviFt�d u-pon. -it was -found :171
ivere disappointe.l. The' Bri";Al ull-
Idertaking. however, to ro�zulatI:, (ILA c q.
tturnip groong and, potato e,-,*, are a]-
' ne. Forg-ire,us 6u,r dl,ebts, anti
Tnoet ,0
mosot instanzes that if thes-
- deN
fc,t, are attended to in the fir" t f %%,
�llg by ,,�Ovi(%t RLI.,.,fla, s,hould 11,,akl�
I if you cit'n't forgive them., for t'hp
" c
years that a'.I'),'tWnl1an(1nt Correction i:
, ,a.�,.Ie this prefcn;llec. i�y 1,,ivert-
11 it's effe-L,; from lichix . neutraliz-I
loove ,of, Mike help un tto get d job
so we can pay them. Thou kno,we,st,
,q ec u i - ed. . I
�( . The preferell'.0 of six cent?; I
. 14
. O.mighty Bennett, that thy subj�cct4
The clinic h -as proven somi,
have been
A el on wh-at-con"idel,11,1 W /IN-
are dumb, so dumb that we beliewd
cw�vs nvve.r attended ,G
I , oecaus-e parents. are financially un -1
ange it really work- oLlt five
con-b—may h; -,1,,v more (if a -en-,i-
your ceirripalgin , lvromi%as, If wo
hadn't b,e*n dumb wouldn't
able to do so. 'If treatment k man -1
niqenlal than oi-w-tical value. Nelther
so you
be Premier. And since you kno-x
aged in the early years, inany caseg',
the grain trafle no'). the wileat poills
how d,uimfb we are, have -miercy on, us,
NvOuld. have responded with much lesi
are very (Anthusiaqt;c. Neither press_
for ouir pockets are empty, also onr
disability than at present, Dr. Ram-
ed for it. Their argrunient. is th'at
-s-bamatelLs. ,Some of us voted 'for yo:i
.say declared. In nearly all cases,
wheat is a world market eo-inn-bo4ity
in the belietf that you would continu,p
,ho,pe was ,given of improveiment froio
in -which word prices 'pre4ominate.
our grealt. proisperity and behold, our
Itreatmenit, advised. Little children
Britain may tNke'morc of Cw;adian
. great prospel-Jity bas ,gone to the fav-
suffering from infantile para,lysis. de-
wheat. But it won't pay oliQ cerit
oTed. 'followers of Guthrie and Man-
feigts frotm ,birth, and a certain num-
more foq, it than it can 1buy it fur
iam ,':4oqne ,of us votod for you ,be-
Ili-er of cases whe,re disability had
els,ewhere. And, so the Pools dut it
,cause the preachers told us we would
:lAen caused from some injury, were
the third of the crop which is mar-'
.IN to hell if we voted'for ,Mackenzie
tienderly,,e,Xa-mined by Dr. Ramsay.
keted in England w. -ay afTect 010 sue-
TGng- So we �,iotq for you, and the
Tl�e vis ing ,specialist paid tribut,*
�cessful marketing -of the riema.-Ining
oatimtry has been'111`4 ,niess ever
. to the Lions Club to whom he sairl
two-thirds in foreign markets. Thie
. .
the crippled dhildren's organization
farmers have no illusion about this.
. vdilice., . .
-We thank bbete, 0 'Mighty 'Ben-
was deepl� (indelbrted, firstly for the
Copper which was ,.�hut out of the
neft ,. for the relief thou has plven
discovery of the patients, and see-
-ori-dly, for interesting the public in
Unite,d States market by its arbi-
trary dutty will, undoubtedly, find a
the farmers, for bhou haA--TTljev,�d
the clinics. The -general professional
new outlet in the preferential duly
ft1lem of all 6ey had e,-,eept their
interest wag evidenced in the large
of fo,ui- cents a pound. This is a
4debts =4 a few old clothes. We
numi6er of ,doctors of the county in
real advar-Atage. Other base, metal.%
thank thee for the relief Mou ha"It
attendance. The facilities -at the hos-
like 7,�nc and le�ad, also bonefit. The
etvIeq the laborin1g,man for thou hast
pital .were perfect under the -,upe,r-
preference on fruit and dairy pro-
I relieAv-A him of the redessity of ris-
vi.-iion of Miss. McCorkindale, the
dutets, now existing, are to be con -
ing early'to get to his i -ch. We t. han-k
- �!uperintten,dtent, and the nursing stafT,
tinued, when the expiration (late Ili
thee that thou hast relieved us of
tthe of faletor,V wbi�stles'
The Godei-ich Lions Clulb enter-
rna,ched in Noveni�wr. The British
and noise of turniing'ivheels, for Tie
tained the visiting do torrs and Lion,;
undertaking to re-n-mvIL, the restric-
tions on the import of Canarlian
w.Mgt1eis a,re thlowing snd no wheels
to dinner at� the Mait'land Golf Club
Dr.' W, W. Martin introduced -Dr.
cattle Nvill, if irri,plemented, be a cer-
are tatming (,exceipt the Wheels in the .
.heads. those wh'o voted, f o�r thee)
- '.
RamAity, who spotlee on the work o.
tain Rtinlulus to cattlo, raisin -g. T1liS
of -
�,ervice Clubs and of the Crippled
is arnorth6l- Gawlian iridustr.y Qnnr-
"T�ou aninointest odr head,; with
(,hijdren's Associatdon. Lion., C. K.
Tnoeu.,41y aff�cted by -the adverse
toil-ftow the government oil lands--
Saundei-A, Goderich, ah.d Dr. Betchel�',
United States tariff.
and h it off
of Seaforth, tendered a vote of thm,k:;
,Manufacturers Complain.
because 6f the holy tariff.
to the Ro,spita! Board, the Vomen's,
Balancing what is, received nprainst
I 111jead us not' inito telTipititf,lon o"
11ospital Auxili�ary, the doctors and
what is given, we find Bri'tain a.,
filigh living lest we be takenlo the
nurses in charge of the clinic,
NvAs fortecaqt,,to have widened acres-,
�hiosipital to be ,cured- of gout like
Mme of thly tfamous supportets. Yea,
The f6flowing . gentlemen wpre
to Canada Ili iron, steel, tableware.
coal, cutlery, textile.,; and -ichemica-ls.
tbough we ,walk thpough the valley
present at the dinner at the Golf
Club: Dr. W. C. Sproat, Dr. F J
The manufacturers do i;i.ot like this
. of hard tinveo and the shadow of
stamy"ten, we will fear no evil, foc
�echely, Seaforth; l5r. J. S. McGre.
,gor, Dr, ff. 11. Taylor,
mi,d are sayin�,r so. But what are
they going to do about it? That is
tbou art wi,th us; and bath appointed
-Misses Card.
on and Mallock, Dr. George A. Raim-
the unanswered quetstion. It is not
aniany com"tisisionens to watch ovet
say, inr. A. Fi. Macklin, Golerich;
po,"ible to diseaver rmu�h sympathy
for them, if, really, they are alarmed:
,"IHImr us, 0 Mighty '13,ennett and
Dr. H. H. Ross, Seafortb; Dr. Per-
cival Ifearn, Olintm; Dr. T. A. S.
They have had the 'rn-axim-um pl-o-
t,,tiohl. Many did not albuse it. but
, somilrer us. And ,-may the. squirrels
T" ,e ii,re ewr f 061
t in our bitts if w
V ,,,,,
llne, Duniga%non; Dr. A. Moir, Dr
Blyth; Dr. W. W. M artin and
some ,are clairned simply,to have
~ugh .to follow another Jack
'W. Webster, Goderich; James A.
stuck it on bq the Iprice. These are
the 1people who most i*-4ent that out-
0%anterh laboll-ed:'Benn-ett ProRwr-
Cii,mipbell, W. .Frank Saunders, 03has.
Mi& competition which the new agree -
lity.1 Thaniking the stars that Ben-
K. ga,unde,rs, T. ,H. lVibehell, Charle�
mlent is suppose,(.[- to, foster.
neft Pr6opwity is gone, and that we.
,C.. Lee, G. L. Parsons, Ff.. Griff, R. C.
May Mean Heavy Loss.
MIaT be on the, road to lbetter dlayg."
'Whatele.7, Walter Naffel, S. D. Croft,
Tlie question arise as to the
11-1. Ediwa;Tds.-. .. . I I
effects upon the United, States of the
cord-bl-mking thn,o, with Phil. E I I
agredment. Sonle of the experts fig-
. 0 1
ure that it will mean the diversion
I— -------- I
pn-v. .
to Great Britain ,of' $20,000,000 of
Warble flies conattitutte, 6 scri,ous
irniports, now brought in from the
every suf1scriber whose
pest of cattlUe wherever they are
States. Perhaps .qo blit, silso, perbaqys
� ww�
corninvotti. It is, es-timfated by fedoral
-not. The contigutitv of the Stateq to
' 1.
entoThologists that fully 50 per rent.
Cl�iiada piv,slents fill, e'normious ad -
Services will be withdirawn from
of the .hd,die% rbaiken, off cati:,Ie in 1930
vantage, in its,elf. There is a great
Oavan and,Bethol ,M,ureb,eis' n,n Sun-
were davag,ed by this, pest and tbo
differei`iee bet7ween delivetries in 24
day, September 4th, and ajoint ,qeT-
loss in valm tie hidft� Mom amo,unt-
,w 48 b<)i;r.-; and the. Awo or More
v,jo will be heild in ,DuO's. 10hurch at
nual los.q
throughout ,Canada from, thiis, pest is
weeks nem.%stary to bring otuff from -
Great Britain. ,Moreover, an increwl-
240 piln'. Rev. (,'1har1*s Xalfcolm-, of
�estimated at from, $7,000,00%000 to
'tariff can be "d-uh,,ked." Tht@4 is
TAOMondvalle, Will pretich- .-, ,
$14,W,W0. I
(Continu�d on page 5)
11 I
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I . .
Seaforth Old. Boy Writes Hi
About the Regent
Im'ressions of the- Rece
I 1p . I
With this issue The Huron
Expositor publishes special
Olympic Games, Los An 'e
pages dealing with the ncw
I . 9
Regent Theatre and with the
0___ . �
coining community sale days.
Judge, J. A. Jackson, Well
0 0 0 0
Pages two and three will, the
publishers are sure, prove ex-
Known Seaforth Old Boy')
For Better Lig
ceptionally interesting to read-
. I . .
Attc,aded Great Int�yj�a-
.The Business Men's Assoc!
I . . �
tional Contest. .
have had, during the past
a petition circulating on
Street asking the town co
to provide better lighting
Main Street 'It is ,sugg
that large lights be installe
each intersection on Main St
" 'The petition was largely si
Judge J. A. Jackson, a well known
Seaforth old Ibo,y, now oULethbAd1ge,-
Alberta, �vrote'�ecerrhly in the. Leth
bridge Herald his impressions of ihe
Olympic games. Judge Jack -son, whu
Game on Wednesday Night
is� a fo,rme,r prisident of the Amateur'
Athletic Union of Caniada,.accompan-
Ends 2-1; Was Replete
ied the Cang-dian team to Lo's An-
. . .. ......
geles. The Herald s,t,ory fo-Il,ows:—
I With Thrills.
Hello, when did you get ho4rhe?
. .
Did you have a good time?
Swetacle Started Abou
. .
Yes. I
ITOW were the games?
. vknd Continued Fo
'Wonderful. -
I I.:,
Were they I& success?
Two Hours.
Egmondville football teliai,
11-*�v did the Americans conditict
ed to �St, Colunitban on Wednesday
th-emse I vies, ? , 11
evening and earned the rigbt'to'en-
As true sportemem
'Seaforth -citizens turned sky
ter the finals against Walton. in the
I -Tow were our bo5l';?
on Wedn-esday'tot witness a
Football League f the, Steph-
We were proud of them all.
itstwononuicall display, as tfie
ensalL, c4p.
Are you glad- you weat?
of the mfoon plurrged��parrt off
Playing [before a large crowd of
' Yes --:-and: then, some.
and the New England States
paitishn spectators,, both tealiris wev)
Our bolys, didn't do slo, well--:,thi i
semi-d&rkness. - Seaforth was,
out to do their best. Play was clo.'"O
in thp form of an assertion and needs
ate in -seeing albouft 86 Per ci
and interesting thraufliot# and drew
' .
no answer,,,o.r alternately—
the eclipste. The darknes-s an
many cheers- f roin the ,crowd.
. Our lbo.v-s di d well' - didift they?
which ,prevailed in the path of
St. Columilian's goal. N�as scored,
'an `F'g-
Ye -s, ,they did 1reimarkalbly *01.
ity was not -experienced herre.
- '
stran-e as it may seem, by
Yo,u have to be there to 5ee, the
The eclipse, as far as Seafor
ino,fid'ville ,pla* yer. St. Columb -an had
world's best contehtding *ith othzrs
concerned, started Is,h.ortly aft,
a -place ki '
ck. which Lialico, the Eg-
A� a un�erstinld the wonderful sho,w-
o c1bick and continued until abo,i
mond-ville goalke eiper successfully
ing of the: Canadians.
Colored gaggles and.9moked
turn6d. An, Egintondville playev, coim
INVIiat happened to,ouT Percy?
were in de,mand- ,by sky -gaze
irg in from the field slip))ed as he
iPercy's answer is that he didn't
persons vie,wing the spectacle
wa.,� sii,lyout to ki,ck.,and the ball sl*
f ,bt en6u,gh. Ile (lid the best he
run a
0 ut protoctdon for .their eyes v
pt,d 1, -tween his Wit po!z,-4, scoring
could. We who know him are in-
dahgertf injurin,Z tbeir sight.
for the opposition. �
clin,_,d to �eck all eXPlall'ati011. not
icjen�k`_s the world over Nve
The 4>-1 vvin gave Renion-dville the
an excu,se... remenirber how
citt�d by the tirospect of an
I �lllvlil sirre(2� the ,Saturday varne play-
I)t,,.rc_ - ' - - ni,
fin_died Lhe rac e at JIai '"
turilty to view the spectael
forth was a 1-1 tie.
(-d in Sca,
in the Fir,�,'
to,r t,,vo �1110
11,011onle".s d_-larr,d tliat. an
rrn,-)m7v;lIe ,.N -ill now came up a-
- '
yew*i a.-_,.)
-a- c, 4 - T -1 ten,
—wi'h a lullT, Jon ? That
al)le ecUpse of th- sun, undl�i
', ii.�t Wal�un in tho finals inaf-much
I ..
I &f 114:1, Iveak, and Nrllile he Nvw�
4:1. 0011(1�
jtion.q, is Lhe chance
as defcated- F*Lasels in a
-.ovlos of rollic- and hor.e
I ."
I., �.: r. I" W�fdl up to a day or two befor.;
g F
,-,covc � Of �L;�:'Lron
NN -ill Study +110 ltlf','.S Q('11,01,1a i
The E.pnnnndvi�le p)a.,.-ers v,% A
I"': .
!!C' P " .
,-..L t0l' Lti7t An-l-eile4, h,,, had an
11 .
I .
;O.re Of E,ft�1�11 'o"l-Ets w�i
I I )
illico, R. .�iQ('1','LWh,,-A, Nichvi,;bn,
a",-(*,. , -! i -., -wh it h %vat4 mory SHIOV�
" ' .,Tl Nv'" flwught. Ni,�k 1;aw!" fidl
in�-�.(,..I�IQ it 11in'.4 kll.wxl�i:�.,,- ()
1,'olg. L. lIj,,kn..Il. J. I)Djg, 1). S' -.'
, it I;
, , ,
!"" PkITY"4 1��:(!,' NVEIA Il`))'t(21l01I I)v I
,,un. .
G. ��zrnith, 1). 1),14'. W� V"right, J Mor-
-1 is, J. Flanm,i y -and J. McMill..'ol.
I I a -l),( -'J1 ,:,< in"hos. Figure t!�;I- ou,t fsil.- 1
"I �,a� .-;X f,.,.' �e;x in,"'s to
1�I -( l',1-( I .-. - - .1".
� - __
- -
, , I. , 1'� i ,:, !,.-. a n d .-;(.,., how w, "Th h(I
- "" -'HAGEN
IvOl-I'l ];)- .� ill lwT im "xi. �;, a 11'. ,,I, ro ,)),,_
in�r a:Ioilf, 139.3iN in,+,;,.4. I Nvo�,;d !ifr- t
. �
,,!Vu � to ',(� alwmt 21i h- -L. Perc.%', h,:111-
T':e '. 1�no:-iil ,I;' Will�-,un Mill
; 71_:r,(,,I','-! n,) v\�,�;4c e;'1- (�:tlana..�iorl,_
!iIJII on S,mida.v. inorrin:n 'A
, lk. 1". �k hk ;1,�..:.,1p- ;ike a III. -n. W,
: I
I' , .. ..;vv a! thv llo!.I,�(', a
�1101.11d bP I'V01.111 ('!I' ll�.11l. "'
."IC -1: : :1-4 hild ill st". 1,0(jr,!4
. - . ,:� I , -
The rollo,irg i�z �' - rcip.nrf ct' li�) ,
. "
I)i(l (";11-�1-:,J %I, -ill U21,',-1,IlillL1?
. I
clan �,hl:rcll, I. 1"Alv�(-d bv R
.-hill for .i.lun,h ending July.
,ni.en,',�s "
.1 Jim,]) Nv;th .Nlv�N,,i'-1-
YL�-, the lliv!
- , " .
�,.,, kirlm.n., ,, i �40-a,trvp(,!. I'll
1032:— 1
i'tan ill, an exciting tzort-. Nvilh"iil'.,
;11 , 101 . 'I'! I W LTL' tll,'L' fi;J" �WOZII,('
Brucefield—Total h,,,,,s,. 19; ,,elect'
;. c1loolillat- rro'll California. It NvaF I
'"t," :,:'0'1 ,
-I! !--7n-1a%% A, ihe (It,
bacon, 4; liacon, 12; 1�:teher�:, .N.
a gr( -al, Nic,.ory for Cana�lu. Gwynn
Fvrd:m, wl Millor. *of Logan;
flen,sall—Tot.al hm,. 300; seI(I(,.,1_J.I)!'
I Cnilw1a also won in hoxin"'. �
1), .,,,I�Eloll: ,lohn, of Pol.,
bacon, 85, bacon, I75; butchers, 37:
Tho ,wiji..; ar LA only part. of thc,
�\Ll'_�NIrIt. Of' 141"10it- Frod Ki t
, . 1.
,xtra hz�avies, 1. ,
�;:ory. 'C".171-mki ,va-4 ,�vell up in "'vory-
I Stra.tfurd, and Fro'd Ilollatz"
lValton 'Total hov�. 148; q0fR;:ba.
thing,, anti to sev tll,,,m �-oniin- dvk%n
gan, MT. KillL, r who was 'e'v
con, .58; bacon, 83; butchers, 5,
the iio.n,,,,� -,tr(,,,,,h iiatc.�inr [1.1tL:v witil
ial and of a kindly di4po��iti(
lihts an,d feed-ers, 2.
the world's IK�zt, losing ondy .ifter a
ite gl-eatl,y mis-sed. in the collY:
Co. Locals — Total hoR,,
gruelling contest, brought you to your
(Sl),L'i,-JI.V tn the SunLla�' school
2,472; 5relIC.et bacon, .-)f;l; bracon, 1,6,58;
1*t.-vt, your helirt in your throat, and
hv has 4�,vn a teacher for
heavies, 5; light�s and feeders. 24.
tk�ar.,; of joy and pride in your coun-
ypars. Ilk 'S*unday sCho-ol cla
Huron Count�—Total bogs, 5,989;
orvd lihn I)y f'ollowing his ca
select il-mcon, 1,627; bacon, 3.646;
Any g`ileat dkeppointmenbs?
the gri-ave aml placing flow
butchteIrs, i3g; heavir-, 14; extrit
Yes, on., In part icular—where our
the hier. Th,vc fivm a distan
Ileavies, 3; lights an�l feed,era, 67.
girls in tbe relay lost to oui- cou-Nin-1,
attended Ow funcral %vere:
Ow Amivricans, when there, �;vvmokl
I Mrs.. Joe Derry, Hamilton; _�
to 1-,e Ft mix -u -p in passing the hst -
Mr.�. Juhn Millor and famil�
toll. ",(I hil, felt -we should h^I Nvon.
I Flgin: August Alillur, Detro�
Ifiloa S-trike..wal� tho' la�'. to'run for
I ,�J,J:f Mrs. J(Ain Fi.-,her, Fred.
Canada-4,ut sonwthing happended.
. -s. Will. Ki.-tner, '-t
. and Mi.
Mr. and Mrs. St ' eplien, Eckart and
It wa% just one of tho,se incidviit�tl
that Just. sho-ul(l nnt have hH11,I)LITIV11,;
A groat many fricil.d.; ,In(
tr�-(�..; at+(�llth-d the funeral of
family, of Tini,min,. aYe IlWndill�,'
The Am!,'rivan girk won, and tlir,y
.%It,,,,,, I1,I(,i,lljljn in Mitc1lill 0
their vacattion with dwir .parent,;, Mr.
ljv�.crvcd tlit,ir %ictnr�% You shoulil
,Iji y The dvf,pv�zt S�'nlpatl)Y
and Mr.%. Peter Evkarl.
�a,,v sc!(-n Hilda Siviliv making Stc-l"ba!
1l,l',.,`1,,d to Mr, fle-OkLman in
Mr, Svtaple.,, of Timmimc;, I"; a�
Wal.,zh, the A-m.ei-i-canized Pole hrvab-
present rem -wing lwquaintances in
I worbl,q n"ro. 11fild'i 1va.4 ,'.1`IO 3�
'If,(, 11,.�v lllinj'�'-(,r. rc�v, N11,
our burg.
r(,vor(W.r(-akv-r, but it. Of cour,(, did
' (Wicson, and hi.-; wife. are e
INIr. ard Mrs. 1xiii4 Brall, of D-
114)t col,pnt.
I ,
� �o nrii�v hort, dv',�-, xeek, 1*1
,-nit, -Mr. and Mr- C. Eckart and
Ifarold Wrivil-t-and 13iisfor l3rown.!
i�n-vation will Lender Nil) a re
, -
�11n�. C. P. Sills and NEaster "onald,
, "
of T�..(Iqn,ondon,, wero no"nivan SPHN-:
oil Thm-Aday evening and on
of' ,'4eaforth, were vi,i:oN in our ht"'g-
vrs. at,iong the bvst in the -01-1d.1
afivi-roon commiencing at 2.
last Sunday. �
J�et_t'l`c�al'l-"oll of Ifftn1ii1ton is only'18.1
will be inducted into his nmv
The late rains -,vkh the warin wva.
Ili, will he there in Mif) if-hv kevp;�
by Rev. ,.Mr. Tuerkheim, of Z
thei, hav(- causod tht� grain to grow
goine the way he ha, startell.
i I -
in the 4,,�took:t. Wli i I e many a r (-,
Plhil Fd -wards and Alex. Wil. s,a n
through, there i -t vtill consioerable
ivery called flie iron men a,ifl �
. I
vOnsviou.Ay did Our lavro.�Q(, t
harvet�,tirvg to be done.
Canada on the marpt in tho nlididlo;
in , ill , -tive in t;he last match. TI
(It F:.a n.,(,�;. It was'a grloiious feelln;�
to sc-o (woat Britain first -and Ca,nadiii
ix)[I'siran�ahil) (if tho :kilioi�L
a, xv,hnlo. The splendid Nvork
Thank You
,,(,00nil and third in the ROO instrol
rac�e, the greart. Ilitinp-son beitting out
pol;(.o. vdlo wvre ever courte,01.
I in the most za-vine circumistan-v
Alex. Wilson by inches only in re-
I groilt anti orerflo,wing: city o
cord-bl-mking thn,o, with Phil. E I I
Angeles. All these things e
wards a clo,sc third and .setting th,
I sp(ikon to sit lelilzbh, The
. The Huron Expositor would
pn-v. .
ates (if t'lle Bi�iti%h Empire,
greatly appreciate a response
The oarfmwn did well. Titke t h P.
with the preserce of Mary P
every suf1scriber whose
TA,%flIder erpw of eight placing third,
looked after us frolm ,q
subscription to this paper is in
with United States, the California
point. But exce-lit foq- a l"inc
The amount flint each delin-
in their own waters; Italv
the Internation tal Athletic Fed
�,�,em,nd a isplit ".mnd;� an (I ,
Conl-n—. on the first (1-ity, a
quent subscriber owes may
Great B-litain fourth and le,q�s than a
k i ml . ly ntt�,ntion of p-pr-lorral
I seem small and trifling but col-
lenigth behind th o w I n no rs. I t
ir,cluding L. A. McGillivray I,
lectively it represents a very
wm a racr that will go down, in,
ed at I,eqbh,ri-(ige and worke'd
helpful working capital.
sporting history. I I
xAt.i�-An rAirwys in the diistric
Would you. Nve ask, within
the pr",*Tit month, make it a
So inailtv otb�vr things that eould
Getorgo 4 Ragnall, treas-iii-er
point to clear tip this indebted-
be talk�.d' of—tll(. la,vro,,c:,,qe. Zainw-
. .4,
, �I)Ni,l R 11 fil()
Vo\ I,'ilrn Coi - tio . w
nT Do it now a u
with Johnks 1U)nkhis t7c,am bo-ating
Onn-arlla'a be.st ,�Nvo ouit of fliret,;
I)A to seti-,Pral hours in t.he Fb
i('-%, We did h -of Ree anything
wi be certain that it will not,
he overlooked.
Cnnnda win-ninig the mitly fill1v cmn-
social funot,ion�s <�onnrctvd wri
. The date ]all<,] on the top Of
plete,d pvurlo; f.he Olyniipic village;
the, sipectAcle orf the Flarad of
gallies. Probably aur r(,-qi<f(
the Olvmlptic Village with j
the first page of your paper
will tell yon the whole story,
Natirm on the openhig ,da,y lith
I-Vteq was th,t- 'Tw011 for few
for thereon is printed the date
106,anf) rpx�ap,le p,ackwd in tho -Aadiuni;
to which your subscription is
th-C, prrrert tra,ck; tillo idral weather
Am -way, we, hild a won,derf
paid. This should read 1933.
coll"ditiorls; th+, corn,pl('Ite. orgayli-zatio
Wt, are glad we went, delight
+*- t0i�; orgunizing rnmmtitteli�.
what. we saw, did and heil
Thank yol6.
annolinvel', who k,ept thv, c,rowd at
irre overJo.ved to bo, back in
fever heat all the, time and who u,n-
Nlibin�ta aM our beloved Cana
. I
V I., I ,11-,:,' , , ,.4V ,
. - - X:,x7��,,'�YI`,'.'C'3 .;,'?,',A1
. � IT" X ,
I � " , �'; .. ... . �,;�_ ", ::, - � ..... .. �,4, ,- A, ,,�, . ,,,
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I -i 1�1, .
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1. I i" ."
" ,:'
. BID' ., I
,it WON' BY'"GRAND, �
. i :1 —, l'oM
- 7.,-�,'.,
';�_ .1 . .�;',`",
. ". �
1. 1. —1...:.11
. �
.. �.
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.I , :
- " ..s .:A1 I
' �� ,_... , "I 11 P�r,
,I ,
les '' ' * ' ''' � "' �; """"
Big Tournament at - Clint"O' ""V
1. :,,
� I . ..�. �.
' .,-,
� N ", ,
' Many Iinterested , �`- , � ,
, �
Draws 1�1.
. � ,.
. %Ii4- I
0 ',`�""'
I ,,,,
I Spectators. ,,�'1'01", .
,. ,
" .; ;"'fl�, I
... :1.
. ,�'; I
�ts , .
. �.
� ' -1 - P
Playing before a large crowd .at . : Al
ation the Fair Grounds, ,Clinton, on Wed- � I
week, I nesday afternoon, the Seafarth.soft- :�i
. .,�._
Main ball ta,ij, went down to a -6-6 defeat ".1- ..
lincil at the hands of Godefieh.' , . . :,�,-, J
on , It was a good, game and, the boys . 1'1:2�i.
e.sted . . �1, .
-1 at p t the breaks seem- � .. ,,,
ed against them. Pop By afte-L pop 1.� .,"A'l
reet. fly to inner field was the undoing of . .
gned. the locads.i, . � . .:: i ,
Cudluore Vitched a good gaine,for ��,.
.. �
49 Saforth. and Evan 'Rennie a% ulual. : r,
I I -did good work behind the plate. Er- � I .. I
rw�s,,were few I on both -sides ang at, I "I'll,
I :'. "
no t,.Wrne was there a big differenep in. ''"
, �
. ... .. -
the *core. �aaforth_got 'one ru-4i 4a �. ".. I
NAS , .��
the 8-kond, 2 in the third, one in the, ,��
Y,Q.,urth and one in ,the ninth. God:6- , :'%�.
D rich got 2 in ille first, 3 in the see- -,'- --. �,
LIDLE, ond and I in the fifth.,. '... "
The players were: . . . I ..�
. . ,Se&fo.1-th--4TVuir,, 2P.1, ,XcCaulley, . . �
Is.s.; G. Rennie, 3b., E. Rennie, c.; � ;,;
� 1...�,
t 2.15 Wright, Vb.; ,Hart�- r.f.; 'Burgess, I.f.; . . . . I
. -
. 'McGregor, :c.f.; ,Cudmore, p. . I . .. .'.
r Go,diaiifah-111-olblinson, 2b.; , Sheir- I 5,
. down, s.s.; Watheson,, 31b.;, Stoddiart.. . . A
I.f.; Sheardow-n, c.; Chelan, c.f.; W�x- . .11 -
wick-, r.f.; Westbrook, 1b.; McDonald, . _.. � :
P, I . � , I
Seaforlth'.9 delfeat aultiamittically I , . �
. .
lnindle,i eliminiltes them from the 1�ccelsto ,;....�
grea4; Cup, -which was finallt, . .;.
. won by Grand- " .,.,
shadow Bend. 'In 'the other preliminary ' . I " , ,, ,�
Canada g`t,e, Clint -on lost to Grand, 'Bend, - . I
into T Grand -Bend and Goderio6h play- - �,
fortun- ed the finals. . I .. . Is I I I
nt. -of The Ecclestone Cup will be retained : , " - ;...,
., ,
d .chil! for the year bry the winning teani .. : .1
total- and 'Will be plaied- for at the. home - :, .
, ..�
h wa. grounds. of fthe -winniii-lig team each , .. �.
r two. year. I . 11 " - M
While Seaforth has -been 49nded , . ...
1 4.Ut. the Ecelestone Cup, they ,still -are 111.
glasses very niucb intbe rigining for the Sdlls , 11 ��
,,. for ,
Cup, play off s for ��,hiieh will sicirt im.- . I
-with- . ... , . ... I
wediatIe-ly. It is expected that .,the I I'll
I 1, ��:
ete in first of these games" will take place i
i next week, . I I I , ... �, I
Ile ex- I �.,
uppor- . 11$ . . . I .. -� . I
e, As . . ':
�,�-IF,_ - 11 Ah ".." I
I p"op-, .00d. Weeds 11
o f -, I 1, � .. ..-1 I... ..
�impi� F,'i�or, Thau Huron Explositbr. . 1.
11 ", � . I., 1� .
�11'!d ' .
,11 w4i Dear Sir: Tn' reg-ard to -A, "d cut� ... 11
10 . .I.
- - -
P t �;n g, I "o,"'.1d dl�aw the a�teln'tion 0 f . "
, h! :, t:01*_'tilk!� 1-�.- to the fat�t that ,,his is . N . . I .� .
!,.I. i;!,no *,�) �:-,lt 'liem. Grain field.i. , , .. 1.
� I ,
":�;Iil ,�'.,tvt, I)ovii.,cut Nvl,�h a .4-wath �:
� . . , , ., �
— :, .
lvft n1l, org the fen(-L-,�, w!ll prod-jea- .
Nvi.,ed .�[Itld.vnrjugb-tr) 1111,08t,"IlL favni, - - - I ." 11
'I'lic- ,xt-�!� inu -, 1,& looked af�ar, and I
. I � ��
I kin -hi, lft:-.� �'111.1 to f'live this youL- � ,
,.I- J�-,._ �:��:17('��a' w."n'tioll. I , 1 .1
fto, .1 I,L,.!(.':!`,lfly yours; . .Z11
I ��
, ' I - 'NEDY ' . I I �,
pu 0.;.- , L01-kNI) 1U,N .1 . .
4".lth- . �
( v, 0. Wt.� ! 1r.,4;-v,:1,w- .0V Tu2keismitli . :
I ______ ;
" pal!- � I ..
1,-; a �i I .
Elgin ; *
ner, 0:, lRev. I`athor 1W. .Michell, of the . .1
.. :
Of LA)� Patilist Oid-er, said .%mg at 8.3,I) a.m.. :
or jov- Isst Sun(lay. Father -.1fichell is en :
)n will 1'()Llt(- Lo tliLA niis-sion field in the * � .
. lVeA. .
r.unity, . .
where R(veW , -q visitQrs were: ITT. polii"A ;,'
Several C�'Vhn. Dotroit; rdward arod'arettn .
,4;.s bon. Casj--1(I*S-, .1'cts-eph Neville. at the, honle I
skett to Of .N11'. .Nli('ha('l DOWlIVY; MTS. RE-ibl, . .
e y.,4 o n Of 1,011doll. wi'll hor piz-ter, Mrs. Jos.
c e ,A,hO Ca rl i n. . . , .
Ir, aq;(I The following teitchQrs are'leaving --, " " %
I L% Bill f�)r tb��iy )-(I ctivo Schook" Lu.L�V, �
I �'�, ,,,
I , — -
, Port Buvkv, Lond ; Flo-rence Co� I )
It; Mr. Pre:4ton: M.itdruIl. Gortr,,Ae anti Afr'
�istricr, ne., McGrath, to Brantford; llvlen 1.
riit�iird. 1,'Ianli,cry, Jo iv.ph Bul'-ker Charles Ma- /
I rula- Inno. to Winkkm.. I � I
Mr�;. Th(, lad.;(s nf tho C.N�.L. arc, hold -
11 �-u 11 - ;lli�': a el"tti'llIng" euchre with 'AL Holy . . I
. 0
1�' "'_ Name ,ii( -ii on Friday ��%vnin- , Sept. ..
Ill, Ile- . � , . .9 .
-n,f foflo%ved �)y lum:h and a pro- ' I
, Fred- pr,tllln�c. . .;
XJ�V,AL'd __P6-%-- .
Id Con- .
(- ( p 1 io n BRI,T)SSELS I
Sunday � I
2 n he - �
qhill.m. .k per-Illiar thir-g haplvn.�d on Fri- ,�
pli(:h.'* (,lav RQvi-noon ' all, the sto,rm was," - J
�)T`Vaking when lightning Mru-ck sninle i
�,*ook� in Ginni-Ery I'lisbap's field set- i
NMI I'All ting them on fire. The fire �.pread- �!
w gool lal)idlY but a hvn��- down,pour of rain
Ian�; a, came st the rijzht time. putting the .
of the fire out. Had that not happened it I
i'-* ' own would be hard to say ju,,t what the .
;,,� T�.v '()'-tq wou,ld have been. I
r, LOA Gbon Garniss, Fssex, wal, the guest
olild To of .Nil-. and -Mrs. Charle-s Garniss; Mr. .
o X -pa tr i - "And I'lli- * BtornicT IsImStih, Stratford,
griced with iV latter', qisters, Misses Muir- I
ick -ford, iol anti Agyi� Fllioit-t; Niss Louiso
stan,d- flionison, Wing,ham, with Mi,ws Mlar- . I
l,(!(#, to gar(,t Garnis,q- Mr. and ,Mrs. Fred I �
eration Wilm,of �nd e"harles, Mislq Dunelds, .1
nd the McDonal-d and Jack Gottrill in Port, ..
rrien,(J, Flvin; Mr. ano Mrs. Frank Jeskee, ' .A"
ho liv- Detroit, guests of th,e latter's father, I
on irri- W-. Dark; Dunien 'McDon-alld on .
%,and a ihusinerl:�q trip to Provo�*t, Alta.; . .,
the Mrs. Mary Aikin. ,10trillia, Wbbie I,,
tre,ated Ai,kints, Detroit, and"Mr. and, Mr,z. ,, ..i
x stuti, Neil (Hla-ynes, O-rillia, "r,qto of 1��
of t,b e Mark Ruc�banjan an -Irl Mtkqs Flor- . - "
th the enre; Mrs. O. Sproule and, ,qonq., Bob- ; 1, �
ce at bic and Billie, in. Liqbowel, and Har- . ,
he ath- ri-% and Jilictic, wifAi their aunt, in �4
er invi- Stratford- Mr.-sind Mrs. Delorl-ne and 4.5
- ...
.,,on, Xcmit'h, Ntrodt, *h10 have been; . !" �-, �
, �
Ill tira,e. vistiting Miss Florence Buchanan halve I � 11
d wi th re3turned home,; ,Mr. atdi Un. FrM, ...... , .
rd,' wld Mee, Stratford, who hiavie-- belen visft- ;��, , .
. 1,
"I .
11 11
0 ing � I
,lunny , the latter's P1AMntV9,_tM1r, �Md W". . I ��
da. WaIt. Wilbeo, have, ret���di home, , � 1.
. . .�,� "I" .
I "O".
. I V_.,
I I�.'R
1.. , ,
. I . I I . . I 1. I I � �. 1..1�11 .
I . , .:. �';�,;, I.... , "
, , ..,OL , ,. I., " , ..
-11 � �,�.,, � T� 01 I
. 11 I., I � . , Ip . � - I..".",
,IL*,,A,t4,,�,�,a�,,���,,,A��-ii,�4,.eg : �