HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-08-12, Page 8+i. ip �r7 ll Tr tri xtracts X914+ ca you buy extracts at Hutchi- eIligp'fs, you get the 15c quality for 1.9.e." not fora week end special, but AL THE TIME. 8 oz. and 16 oz.. sizes at proportionate prices. WI,ll )1 S R TWILIGHT PAPER Extra siize and quality 25c 381Q # 1SSFJS (Baking)—Best quality; 6 cents pound in bulk. RAILSINS—New Australian Seedless, 2 'pounds STEEL WOOL—Coarse, • dun ca. E'ri'e; 3 for ee ,1„;'rs.-Sarl�}Y''i5'e, Comfort, Somme, or. P & G. ("beim at 6 • for 2'5c mei, 25c Sunlight, 25c in PlitINCESS S'OttP F'LAKE'S -One of the very best and easy on 15c hands for EGGS 'bought for Dash or 1 cent per dozen more in trade. CREAM bought for Seaforth Cream- "ery at creamery prices. FIRST CLASS DAIRY BUTTER thought at any time. F. D. Hutchison Phone Phor Phood--166 M1t Mr, Motorist Bisnria Rex AN ANTACID POWDER Quickly relieves Sour Stomach, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Nausea, Etc. BOYS' AND GIRLS We are giving a 10 -inch Play Ball Free, with a 50c double size Tube of Mi 31 Tooth Paste, - SPECIAL 120 per eent. discount on all Golf Clubs and Golf • Bags. --.AT— Keating's Pharmacy The Rexall Drag Store Phone 28 Seaforth, Ont. Cut Flowers, Wreaths and Floral Pieces supplied for all occasions. I'4Y<,tF r 'IRE,R'C, ON E 'Oal" M R f,V ,1. ;isle: 'tt Axrdusir instantly 'killed in a headeon auto- mobile accident on the hiahway about twelve miles from their home, Rid- ing ;with her at the time of the acci- dent were her mother„ her sister, W innitred, and John Horning, all of wheat. were more or less injured. They were on their way to San Jose where the girls and Mr. Horning were taking a summer course at the State Teachers' College. The 'car that crashed into them was a stolen one, a large 8 -cylinder, driven by a man, about 20 years of age, who had. lost control of it, He was a former convict. During the excitement of the accident he abandoned the car and disappeared, but has since been arrested. When found he was in pos- session of another stolen car. Acting As Manager.—Mr., Arthur F. Edmonds, of the local branch of the Dominion Bank, has acted as. manager of the branch during the illness and since the death of Mr. R. M. Jones, the manager. As yet no new manager has been appointed. Can you meet a judgment in event of accident? Is your. family covered by a Family Automobile Policy. to compensate you against medical and surgical aid? We are prepared to give you full protection at a re- markably low cost. Information gladly given; call us at once. Watson & Reid Phone 214 J Specialists in All. Lines of Insurance O O O O o 0 0 o 0 0 0 O , S.T.Hoh1es'&Son ° 0 FUNERAL SERVICE O O Main Street, Seaforth 0 Found. --A spare tire for truck. Apply at The Expositor Office. 33744 Notice.—The Public Library wi41 be closed from August 22nd to September 6th. Greta Thompson, Librarian. 3374-2 Prof. Loadstone, world travelled seer, will be here Wednesday morning to Thursday niot+t only, August 17-18. You get long re•,d- ing if you call daytime. .D•on't miss. Com- mercial Hotel, Seaforth. 3374x1 For sale.—Essex Six Sedan, 1927 (e coed class I. A 1 condition. Small mileage. Good .tires. Licence. A real buy. Apply to R. -I. Sproat. Seaforth. 3373-3 Notice --Upholstering done on short notice, also can handle celluloid curtains. Auto tops redover D2F'Shop located over Wright's Gar- age. ell. Seaforth. 3349-tf Marble Souvenirs On Sale.—Mr. Chapman. monument dealer, has just received direct from Italy, a Consignment of beautiful colored' marble souvenirs, that will serve as favors, dressing table conveniences, bridge prizes, ash trays, etc., etc, eaoh one surmounted with a carving in white marble, representing a deg, bear, camel, elephant, etc. The price is very reasonable. 3573-4 Present Play Here.—The Brussels Dramatic Society presented here ' on' Friday last, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of Northside United Church, the ,play, "The Old Home Place." It was seen by a crowded hall and proved very amusing. • The proceeds amounted to some $4°00. O O S. T. Holmes' residence, 0 O Goderich Street, West; phone O 0 No. 119 W. • Charles Holmes' 0 O residence, Goderich Street, 00 0 East; -phone No. 308. 0 Limousine Ambulance Service 0 0 Night calls,, phone 308. O O "Daycalls, phone 119J. O O ' Charges moderate. • 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o H. C. BOX 0 Funeral Director and 0 Licensed Embalmer 0 Best 'Motor and Horse-drawn O equipment. 0 Charges moderate. 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 notice. 0 Nights Calls Day Calls O Phone 175 Phone 43 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sermon Subjects Next Sunday.— Northside United Church and Eg- mondville United Church — Morning service at Northside and evening ser- vice at Egmon'dville. 'Rev. W. F. Smith, of McKillc,p, will preach. First Presbyterian Church,—Rev. A. R.' Gibson, of Mitchell, will cxxcupv the pulpit at both morning and even- ing services. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a W. J. CLEARY Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Up-to-date Horse and Motor Equipment. Night and Day Service. Phone 19-22, Dublin. O O C0 O O O New Manager .Appointed.—.1r. E. C. Boswell. Manager, of the' Baden hranch of the Dominion Bank. has been appointed Manager 'of the. Sea - forth branch of the bank, a position made vacant by the death of Mr. R. M. Jones. 'Mr. Bostvell, arrived thi ; week and has -already assumed his new duties. As soon as he has se- cured a residence, he. will move Mrs. Boswell and two children here. Bowlers Win in Mitchell --'At the: mixed twilight tournament, held in Mitchell on the 9th, Seaforth won second place with a score of 3 wins :plus 10. First 'prize we -1t to .Strat- 'f+-rd with a score of 3,wlns phi.; 13. The .Seaforth players were Mrs..'as. Devereaux, Mrs, E. H. Close i\lr E. H. Close and Mr. Rufus Winter, skip. The ladies' prizes were luncheon sets, and .the men reeeived kitchen cloc'k's. O O c, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. BEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Books of Fiction A good assortment of cloth bound Books in reprint edi- .tions. There is a big range of authors and the books are well bound and clear type. e PRICED AT 50 CENTS and 85 CENTS EACH Thompson1s Seaforth Golfers Go To Bayfield.— The men of the Seaforth Golf Club Were in Bayfield on Saturday last playing an inter-is.lub. ma,tsph with that club. The afternoon was thoroughly enjoyed despite the fact that the local players lost.. ,On Thursday afternoon of this week the lady players will gu to Bayfield. A Close Game.—One of the closest games of horseshoes seen on the lo- cal grounds this year was -that play- ed Monday night for ,the Tip -Top Trophy between John Pullman and R. Frost, who finally won, and Henry Swan and Norm Nicholls. At the end of the 'game both pairs were tiea with a score of 120, and in breaking the tie, Frost and Pullman secured 21 points and the others .29. - Local horseshee experts say it is the first time a tie has occurred during a com- petition here. On August 17th it is planned to hold a big tournament, the special features of which will be an- nounced later. OFFICERS: John Bennewies, Brodhagen - Pres. James Connolly, Goderich - !Vice -Pres. >n, F. McGregor, Seaforth - See. -Treat. AGENTS: W. E. Hinehley, Seaforth; John Murray, R. R. 3, Seaforth; E R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhagen; James Watt, Blyth. DIRECTORS; William Knox, Londesboro ; John Bennewies, Brodhagen; James Con- nelly, Goderich; Alex. Broadfoot, NO. 8; Seaforth; Robert Ferris, Blytb; George McCartney, No. 3, Seaforth; John !Pepper, Bruceteld; Jame' Shot. ,dice, Walton; Thos. Moylan, No. 5, 4Seaforth. BoQk Store, Seaforth Subscriptions taken for newspapers and magazines at publisher's prices. Appoint New Secretary -Treasure:. —The S"aforth Collegiate Institute Board, meeting in the town hall Wed- nesday night, appointed Mr. Charles Stewart as secretary -treasurer of tlo •hoard to fill the unexpired portion of Mr. R. M. Jones' term. The appoint- n•mt of a permanent secretary -treas- urer will not be made until the end of the year. • .,,,e is viisiilthng her cousin, Mrs. Normals Sanderson,,' Hullett. 14rs.. Margaret 'Cunningham, widow of aArndlrew (Dan) Cunningham, of, Blyth, died' Wednesday at the home, of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Agnes Crawford, 44 Miles St., London. She had been in the city for a few weeks, coming here after visiting relatives in Detroit. 'Surviving are two sons, Charles and John Cunningham, of the City; two daughters, Mrs. E. L. Pullman, and .Mrs. Earl Slavick, of 'Detroit; One si's'ters, Mrs. Collison, of Blyth; •Ulla,. L. Denholm, of Blyth; Mrs. Elizabeth Nichols, of Seaforth; Mrs. George 'Cunningham, of St. Paul Minn,, and Mrs. Sarah Legg, of London, and two 'brothers, Jas. Barr, of Edmonton, and John Barr, Blyth. The remains will be forwarded from the George T. Logan funeral home by motor Thursday for 'burial ' in Blyth.' che'ster, N.Y., are guests at the home of Mss. B. Cleary. • Miss ..Wilson, Matron of Scott Memorial Hospital, has returned' from a motor trip to Ottawa and other points east. , • Miss S. I. McLean is visiting friends in Toronto. • 'Miss Mabel TurnrbGil and Miss Mildred Turnbull are spending their i•olidays in Huntsville, • Mr. Karl Am:e'nt, ' of Toronto, is spending his holiday's, at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs- William Ament. • Miss Agars McMichael, Miss Ber- tha Hass and Miss Mona Hass, of Fargo, North Dakota, are guests this -week at the home of .Mr. anrl•'Mrs. W. E. Hinchley. • Passed Successful Exam. Miss Alberta Snell, of Lon•d'eshoro, who, is training as a nurse in the Ontario Hospital, London, has sue esslllFlY .passed her first year examinations, taking not only the highest marl -t in her class, but the highest inarks that' have been obtained by a first year student in some .years. Miss Snell is a sister of Mr. Helmer Snell, and a niece of Mrs. John E. Hender- son, of 'Seaforth. Free Press. Trophy Comes to Town. —Messrs. J. E. Willis, R. J. Winter, W. J. Duncan and H. Jeffrey were in Stratford on' Wednesday afternoon playing in the •Scotch Doubles taurn- ament there. Messrs. Willis and Winter were .successful in winning the major event with 4 wins plus 14, thus gaining possession of the Free Press Trophy W. G. Willis and Dr. - Off To England.—Mr. Arnold R. Turnbull, son of Mrs. George Turn- bull, East William Street, has been appointed 'manager of the London, England, office of the Imperial Life Insurance Company. He leaves, early in September to assume his new duties. Mr. Turnbull, who received his' early education in the Seafortn Public School and Collegiate Insti- tute, entered the University of To- ronto in 192:; and graduated in 1927. Upon graduation he entered the To- ro'ntp office of the Imperial Life Co., where he made rapid progress, which culminated in his recent appointment to London. DR. E. J. R. FORSTER Bye, Ear, . Nose and Throat -Graduate in Medicine, University of rLorento. Lafe assistant New York Opthal- mei nod Aural Institute, 1VloorsfieJXl's ,, re And Golden Square Throats Me- al London, , Eng. At Coih nereiatl i +1 Stat rtlif, third Mondayin . n,, llVffll' indtlth, from 11 am., to 3� Wino 'Street, .,Saint, Stratford. la's V'. it 1}w! Bethley, T. Johnston and L. Dale, M. 'McKellar and F. Sills, and M. Reid and J. Beattie were playing in Clin- ton on Wednesday. Mr. Willis and Dr. Bechley secured third place in the tournament there. Picnic ..in Stratford.—The annual picnic of the Orange Lily Lodge, 712, of Seaforth, was held -in' Quteerfs 'Park. Stratford, on Wednesday after - neon with about sixty members of the lodge and their families present. The sports events farmed the centre of attraction of the day's program with everyone taking part in the races, ball games -and other novelty events. The sports committee consist- ed of Mrs. F. Bullard, 'Mrs. W. Nichol, Mrs. M. • Clarke, Mrs. W. Kerr. Al- though a number of the members of the lodge were late in arriving at the park the afternoon was enjoyed to its fullest extent. The program was followed by the serving of a supper by the refreshment commit- tee under the convenorship of Mrs. J. Pullman. • Miss Emma Smith, of Milverrbo'n, spent her holidays !with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith. -• Miss Margaret Rutherford, of \,''c,cdham, and _Miss Dorothea Broad - foot, of Bruenfield, were the week end guests of Miss Jean 'Smi't'h. • Mr. anid Mrs. J. J. Eu.ggard and Mien and Frank Ranli,in are visiting relatives in Fort Ere and Buffalo. • Mrs. John Maloney has gone to Theroit to visit her sons, Harold, and Louis. • 'Mrs. A. \V, Hough -and Miss Ag - nos Ifough, of .Flint, Michigan, and Mrs. E. Liverance, Miss Helen and Alan Liverance, of Williamston, Mich- igan, are the guests of Mr.' and Mrs. W. E. Kerslake and other friends. • :miss Elia Nichols, of Toronto, and Miss Walsh, of London, aro guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. II arry Stewart. • Air. W. C. Landsbs'rough, of Port Credit, is visiting with friends in Spafo'rth and vicinity. • Mrs. G. T. Scott and family, of Detroit, are visiting at the home ' f Mrs. Scott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Forsyth, in Tuckersmith. • Mr. and Mrs: Hugh McGuire and sons, Joe and Bernard; of Toronto, spent a few days this week with Mrs. Joseph Maloney'. • Mr. Oliver Bannerman, of Monk - ton, and Miss Gladys Way, of Sea - forth, visited with. Mr. and Mss. er- ald Lawrence on -Sunday. CROMARTY The harvest in this vicinity is well on the way and a few have already threshed wheat, and by reports is making an excellent yield. Mrs. S. A. Miller spent eh •begin- ning of last week in' Stratford visit- ing her son, also attending the Old Boyer Reunion. Miss Agnes Park, of Niagara„ is at present visiting friends in the vil- lage., ° • A few of the village residents mot- ored to Bayfield last Sunday and spent a few hours by the waters' of Lake Huron. r Mr, and Mrs. Calvin Hillen, and Mr. Ed. and Mies Davidson, of Win- throp, were visitors last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Mil- ler. ; The open air dance at the Ghon._ arty pavillion was well attended "',last Friday night and a good time was en- joyed by. all. LOCAL BRIEFS H. E. P. C. Annual Report Issued. —'Phe twenty-fourth annual report of the Hydro Electric Power Commission has just been issued. A book of 11101 Pages. it gives a complete review of the hydro situation in Ontario in ad (Rion to a balance sheet, showing ;,he financial standing of the various municipalities participating. In the case of the local system the figures are the same as those'that anpeared in the auditors' report of the town for 1931. The percentage of net deht to total assets in 'Seaforth is 16.7. Th' percentage in Mitchell is 1.9; in 'Clinton, 22.9; in Dublin, 36.6; in Exeter, 15.6, and in Hensel!, 31.4. ea Goderich Ladieslay Golf Here.— The ladies of the Seaforth Golf and Country Club entertained the .ladies of the Goderich Club on Thursday last. The weather was excellent and the visitors fully enjoyed the match. A delicious tea was served by the ladies of the club at the conclusion of the games. The players were: (Seaforth. Goderich. Mirs. W. Parke...1 Mrs. Bruce ....0 Mrs. T. S. ;Smith .1 Dr. Tom Miss E. McLe'an.0 Mrs, Taylor , n1 Mrs. J.'C. Qrre'ig..0 'Mrs. Dom'ald'son 1 Mrs.F.J.l3urrows 0 Mrs. S. Millis 1 Mrs.R.McKen'zie 1 Mrs. Sasunders 0 Mrs. 0. Neil I 0 'Miss Williams 1' ,Miss N.Jefery..1 Miss' Lee 0 Mi':ss.J. Elcoat...i3 Miss Grassick1 Mrs..J. A.. Munn , .1 Mia, Eastman 0 .5 . - Killed, in Motor Accident. — The massy fr eiids, of Mr. Andrew Wiillace of Sac o, California, Will sym- pathize wan . him and his family in the. ttt'agre' ;'Death of hiss' ydunger OtuiShtet idlith, ag el 15, Who *as `7i iIrM11wA.. x.Y • Dr. J. H. McFaul and Mrs, Mc- Fatal, of Toronto, are the guests of Mr, and Mrs, J. G. Mullen. • Miss Bernice Dorr.aruce, of the Ontario Hes vital, Whitby, is spend- ing her holidays at her home here. • Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Plant and family ..are .spending their holidays with friends in Acton and Toronto. • Mrs. !R. Hawthorne is visiting in Goderich. • Mrs. F. S. Brugger, of Montreal, is visiting at the home of her mother; Mrs. George Pethick. MANLEY . The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKay and her son, Clem- ent are pleased to see tine aroand again. MI. Alex. !Witchell is bc..s r =bine; his rounds harvest threshires and re- 1-ortn the .wheat crop and sample ore goad. , . We are pleased to learn that Mr. .1 e Thornton is able' to be around again after the serious accident which at first was 'thought fatal. Mr. C. Eckart spent cis few days with friends . in our burg this week, BAYFIELD • Miss Luella Koine and '.Miss Gladys Way attended the ,Stratford N'onmal School reunion in Stratford on Wednesday of last week. - ' • Mr. and Mrs,. Alex. 'Murray, of Fredericton, N.B., Mrs. !C. 'Murray, Ottawa, and Mies Mary Murray, of Hamilton, were guests this 'week at the home of Mr. and Mirs. J. J: Cluff. • Mr. W. Brine isvisiting with friends in Windsor this week. • Mr. Frank Darroch, of Toronto, is visiting 'Mur. J. Scott Cluff. • Mrs. Arch. Scott, of Ottawa, is visiting with relatives in ,town and vicinity. Mrs. Scott has just return- ed from Edmonton, where she was visiting her !son, 'Mr. Melville Scott, • Miss ,Catherine Harrigan, of Stratford, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Shanahan, • °Mrs. C. P. Sills and little son, Ronald, have returned from Detroit. • Mrs. •Leo Holland and Mr. Ger- ald Holland, ef Windsor, and Mrs. J. Ryan, of Stratford, were 'visitors' in town this week. • Mrs. C. Eckert is visiting with her daughters in Detroit. • 'Miss Helper, of Toronto, and formerly of 'the Seaforth Collegiate staff, is the guest of Miss Ruth Thompson. • Mr. William. 'Brock, of Elimville, is a gues at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Willianr Oke. , • Mr. Larne Dale was in Wing - ham last week attending the funeral of Mrs. Arnold Baine. ' • Mrs. Lorne Dale and family were guests last week with 'Mrs. F. Sarge- ant, Church Street, Stratford. • Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Reynolds and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Sill's this week. • Mr. and Mrs- Harry Pearce, of Saginaw, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. 'Sills. • Mrs. D, H. Wilson and little son, of Toronto, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. di/A. Wilson. • Rev. C. A. '.Malcolm, Mrs. Mal- colm -and Miss Betty are %pending the holidays at their cottage at Bruce Beach. • Mise Bertha Grieve, of Toronto, is spending bee holiday's at the home ef her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. James Grieve. • Mr. William McKay, of Niagara Falls, was a week end guest at the home of Mir. and Ma•s. J. E. Willis. • Miss Edith Govendock, Miss Hel- en Dickson and M'i'ss Norma Jeffrey are the guests of (Mrs'. Reg. Redd in Stratford. • Mr. and Mrs. P. C. C'alder and 'sorry of St. Catharines, are spending their holidays at the home of Mrs. rCalder's parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Ad - emu Hues. • M'r. `Clen Colbert and son, Brad- ley, of Hamilton, were week end guests at the home of •Mira. F, Ander- son.. • Mns. Mosher and granddaughter and• 'Mins Mraa garet 'Cleary, of Ito. S(t rid Mrs. C. Plater and three children of Detroit, are with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. W. J. McLeod. - AMMONS WINTHROP Mrs. ,E. A. Sauder, Miss Betty and Master Bobby Saucier, of Kitchener, are with her aunt, Mrs. F. A. Ed- wards. • Miss 'Chris'tin'e Sitwell, of Toronto, is 'visiting with Mrs. J. Castle. ' Rev. James A. Gale, of West Monk - bon, is visiting his parents, Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Gale. Mrs. R. C. Pitts, 'Douglas and Al- bert Pitts, of Haysville, and Rev. C. Hallowell, of Brantford, are in camp on their property south of the vil- lage. Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Lewis and Miss Jean M. Woods, of Toronto, are s'tay- inig_with the latter's parents, Dr. and Mrs. N. W. Woods. 1Mrr." and Mrs. J. L. Dixon and 'daughter, Carrie, of London, ' are visiting their daughter, Mrs. F. H. Paull at the Rectory. Mrs. . Victor Burt and three chil- dren, of London, and Miss Agnes Kerr of Port Whitby, 'are with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker. Jack McLeod and E. Hoffman, of Wroxeter, are staying in the McLeod hcimle on Ann Street. This Friday .and Sat- urday Should Be Banner Thrifty Days For All • • Our Unequalled Value -Giving Mid -Summer Sale Offers the people of this town and vicinity an opportunity to save on Dry Goods and Ladies' Apparel that is unusual • • Don't delay, take advantage of the Big Price Reductions ---NOW--- MacTavish's 1 Son of Victim in Accident Charged With Negligence, Allen MacConnell Released on Bail of $2,000; In- quest at Belgrave. Mir. and Mrs. J. W. 'Schmidt, of Buffalo; are occupying one of the Eox's cottages. W. C. Stirling, of Hanna, Alta., is visiting with his sister„ Miss Jose- phine,Stirling, and other relatives in .the district. Miss Ethel Cameron, of Detroit, is with her aunt, Miss E. Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ross and son and Mrs. Ross, Sr., Miss Thelma iDes- and and Mr. Peters, of London and Miss Eva Hartleib, of Stratford, are guests at Miss Norah Ferguson's. Rev. and' Mrs. H. Langford, Mrs. Bricker and son, of Kitchener, Rev and Mrs. Pogson, of Essex, are oc- cupying their 'cottages which they have recently'..' had erected' on lots, purchased from T. H. Elliott. Mr. and .Mrs. J. J. Keyes, Miss Dorothy and Charles Keyes left for their home in Nashville, Tenn., after having 'spe'nt a two weeks' vacation in a cottage in Jewett's Grove. Mrs: H. Baker and little daughter returned to London on Saturday af- ter having visited with her husband's parents, .Mir. and Mrs. F. W. Barker. Miss Mildred Cameron, R.N., left -the end orf last week to take a case in D'e'troit. Mr. and Mrs. J. V Field and 'fam- ily, of Tavistock, are at their summer cottage this month. James Cameron., who recently com- ple'te'd a summer course -at 0. A. C., is with his brother, John R. Camer- on. Dr. and Mei. IRI 'Smith, of Detroit, visited with the latter's mother, Mrs. F. V. Martin, Boulder Lodge. • Bud Brown, of Detroit, was also v1'ith his mother. !Mrs. R. 'Deilga'ty is with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Thos. E. Westlake, Stanley Township. Reay. and Mrs. H. G. Croslb& and three children, M Bolton Landow, N. Y., were the guests of Mrs, Crosby's mother, 'Mrs.. G. W. 'Woods, for a cones of days last week. Mies Peen Patterson and 'Weir- Er - wood kayo 'r• rne'd to Toronto at cer h'avth-tg visited with the latter's mother, Mrs J. Ca'n'tle. Mr. Archie Campbell has returned to Toronto after spending tilt past week with his Mother here. Mrr. and Mrs. Russel Bolton and son spent Sunday wilthlVlr. and Mrs'. Ad- am Dodds.,' of` Li!towel. Mrs. George; Eaton�I ha'i" been -ap- pointed Rural Regislr•ar for Palling Subdivision No. 2, to prepare the list of voters for the pending Dominion election. 'Mr. John 'Montgomery was in To- ronto on Monday receiving further treatment on his foot. BLYTU Miss Margaret Caldwell, daughter ' of Mr. and Mrs. jam Caldwell, was 'su'ce'stsfu'l in !passing her primary ex- am of London•, England, Conserva- tory. She 14 a pupil of Sarah E. fretlnatt, of Iiliollertl7. Miss Margaret, flrott, of , 00r 1r, it ,Allan MacConnell, of Woodstock, driver of the car which crashed just outside of Belgrave early Saturday morning causing the death of his father, John MacConnell, of Toron- to, will appear 'before Magistrate Reid at Goderich Thursday afternoon to face 'a charge of criminal negli- gence. He was arrested immediate- ly after the coroner's jury had re- 'turne'd their verdict on Friday. He was taken to Goderich and released r on ,bail of $2,000. At the in'ciuest the jury found that; the car was driven at too great as. rate of speed under the weather coif-- ditions which existed at the time or the fatality. It was disclosed that: John MacConnell died almost instant- tly as the result of one of his ribs puncturing his heart., . In a heavy fog it is said that the, driver failed to notice a detour bar-- rieade. Evidence given at the in- quest indicated that the car skidded"! some 100 feet and part of the skids mark was made after the car tamest on its side 'before leaving the road. - Sudden application' of the brakes' are blamed for turning the car over. The driver's four-year-old son is in the- Wingham Hospital with a frac- tured right leg received! in the same accident. Dr. Redmond, coroner at Winghaun„ presided -over the coroner's inquest - It is likely that a further adjourn- ment will 'be grade when the accuse appears in ,police court.. Yl; t"tle�Y r. a t . 1 P3�+1 cc +;r Enjoy a Lake Cruise on Str. " Manitoulin." GODERICH to ,.KINCARDINE. • AND RETURN This cruise will be run every Sunday during the month, of August, leaving Goderich 10 a.m., ar- riving at Kincardine 1 p.rn., leaving 2.30' p.m., and arriving back in Goderich at 5.30 p.m. RETURN FARE $1.50 MEALS EXTRA a in In the Year 1933......... Thousands of investors, within easy reach of all the facilities to be offered by an Investment Bank- ing House, will undoubtedly look back upon the present stage of. transition from gloom to hope, from depression to prosperity, and wistfully reflect' on the investment opportunities they might have taken advantage of . . . had they only known! 3 CENTS, expended now on a postage stamp, and the few minutes required to write a request for "OUTSTANDING BARGAINS IN BONDS" may be the most ,profitable investment the sender ever made. Write direct to: E. A. Siegrist & Co, Ltd. New Ba TInvestment Bankers oronto Bldg., LONDON, ONTARIO, Telephone Metcalf 13370=1 ,{ q z L rt alai ilii'.r a, fc 4i. r v u i .14