HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-08-12, Page 7-
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BY, OTTWELL IPINNS I , . * things, and.1 know it. But dv.n!t epirt- had si � V i -, � ,-,: �; , � �;`,`�,, , " I 11 '� .- � .;� �,'A
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. I happen to have to, Anderton. He has . ,-J� 1�.44W I �
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I set up that preei Two dayslater, wh i ; . , 1. . "T. � � 4 - '=��',
(CoA#nued from last week) jumping to his feet. "You. are charg- .1 fetish, worships it, as y1oto heard. blow en the, ii .1.14-4 1 I I I - ' -
. I were, not api they are." in itself ont, all of them took the � j
I I 11. .11111AIIIE
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� Ing me with a crime of ,Which a judge "Let .us try to) forget," said H01e?l Think of tDandy Anderton of phe old trail bo Fort Mialsuxr,, and at the CARBOii LEAF , �§'k'Z�� 'I", 4$
As -the tpoliW,Amn replied, Helen nd jury found Stane. guilty. days ,,, hi,: �,eA411114%
knees at the sibrine �end ' '. , I
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insufferseble. You ca�t expect any "T611 me,what happented when you ;then con &vie a little laugm,, and that was .unknown �4'1'5;��4;1,, "',
who was watching Ainley's face, a It is with i quick glance towards the fire- d1uty!'F He g of of the first day reached a small
to stane. ' CARBON BACK ,� " li�'1#1',l
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tinued: "But -1 dotn't want. to ,; �11,;;'X` �2-,,�'�
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a subtle chunge, come over it. For man to sit still." went Out of the -cabin last night.- i "Where does thds go to?" he ai ' 1'��, 14 Q P. _ ,� �.�:.� , , ,
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one moment it lost.its assurance and I 1:NR,,��, �r, ,,,
be Off ered, on h -is altar, an,4, I " �,,t Xl
won't over the. camp fire at rllght,, pointing : wssi ' ".' ' 'r ' ' 11,; ��, �
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p by her side, I S! E,, FF 0 � R: F,. IJ - � 5,
"Where did you find that paper, "i 'I, anowered her lover, falling bei. You can bank,pn that!" He broke to the f,,,,, water I 11.1 1. ,- ,;.. I ; ,_�
a flicker of doubt came in the eyer- Stane?", interrupted the policeman k" Ste,' 'when I , way. - � I �, , "' ��.�""`,�,`,i',� I'll 1
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The girl,divinW that -he had, suddenly brusquely. went off and looked' towards'Hii h(>v6r- "It make& a big bend and fang in- ' t" ,,�a.'i�;�" V';ti; 'T
' out, I thought I was certainly going ing on the edge *P, the *hadows. "If ! :: 11 - . ,. .v".,.�J �, 11
I `Own pnoertain of his, grou'rid, arid, "'In a copy of Jewett's Plato which to my death." . tothe river above Port Ma-laun," said - , , AVS FO: 11 ,.,.� 1�! ,�.`,'�,P3�,���,' I
I �1. )'�.1�141.1
noticeable that after Ainley 'had Jvrrowad 'from me, and "'Ali, 1 knew that was in your mind . . I . . 11 ,�.; , I �4
g heir it was you've am�y sense, 18tane, You'll &O Anderton. I I )
Aridezto,Ws ,roply Aii4ees g#bness, and Persuade Helen to lie down and . :,"'. ,
' ': , 't", ; I " I -
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which he returned' to my scout after , , , But how did you escape?" rest; she must be worii out J�y now!, "And the other way? Where does Look, , ++ , . ,"%, ,,�',,.�+,�.-,',,.,,,,',,:�4'.11 I
tilt Was I `:I. M I
left hfin, and, that he spoke hesitat � bw .. I � W..,
- I was arrested." a 'narrow thing. An Indian Stane nodded and turned away, and it,come from'?,' for ,\ 5i m- �!,.� .., .��'_�,X I §1�
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ingly, haltingly, with frequent paus- . "It's a barefaced lie! A. plotly-P grappled me, and another man was, after a little more walking to and 'Don't know!" answered Anderton, I I . _Ai�, 4
hurrying towards me with an axe. I fro, Helen sought the tent, whil.st "never travielled it!" � � ,q
es, like -a man uncertain of -his words. cried. Ainloy; "I'm surprised' at you - The � ' . ,7P " ��,,4,,,,'
,.A 0 1 P - -, I *�C'�.f�;.� ,.
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son appeared suddent . I , , , � I
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*tb a knife. furs, though with littl St � , , ,
"Then, by all accouints, you have Ander-ton---,a representative of the could ,not get away, and, a third per- Stane rolled hirrioelf in his sle�ping "But I haf," said' Jean Benard. "I I fe uAt ,��!
Imet wN regular rogue. Andertonl law too—lending yourself to such a ' I thought th- -vn e hope Of sleep, haf been up eet "tee miles. Two days , I I I
e knife was meant for me I . .. ,;�'
But to resume, -the , Indian, told us absurd �charge. You ought to kn�,', He lay awake some time and fre- trail from here dere ee's an Engleesh rVyX I Meepa' . ,_11 � 806 1111,��,
but it was not, It was meant for my I 7 . .. 1�10 o
that Chigmi 'had carried Off Miss better." qtl,ent]Y cipened hii to see Ain- .Mission, Where a I - 1, � "'T
Yardiely. antagonist, and he weint down, and .1 married priest. -L AM, HURON EXPOWOR . 111'.,
Under pressure he told a3- III "know more than you think, Ain- just alt . ley still bent over ,his pocket-bo,k, preach zee Gospel to, zee Indians. ,. " J
, er—my-4my—saviour 'was Seaforth, Onta"irio. - ' � .�,��, ,
so the , Place for whiell the half-breed ley. You remember Jar . lock who WaS killedby the seeond.ln4jan, but Presently drowsiness came over He ees vaire good, man 4.", . ,
Will �) , a desolate district, lit- in our set—?" WILP als,J him. The last time his eyeL . I who laugh I I I "... "
I I s alighted like an axigel!" Phone 41 ,:�� � i
pi On Ainley the latter had, ceased to, A musling look came on State,s �,,,,,,
Nlne',t�the Lakei of the Little ,"Jartook!" The name broke from ;'Who was the person with t1he �
tlevave istruck me, knocking me senseless."
Mooiie. Know it?" I I ,1P.
Ainley in a tone of consternation.". knife? ,Some one with jean write, and was sitting staring into fatee, and i for some time in ' I , ; .. 14, , "
Benard?" thefire with . surribre'eyes. Then sleep thought, then when the opportunity ONS' . ',�,� .
"Yes, I was tkere this m,orn-ing; '�Yes, Jarlock! A good fellow, "'No," answered ,Stane slowly, ,,it Overtook him complete,ly. POPULAR STALLI , ��� ... ....".
Stane and I have just come from Javlock. A friend who could forgive was the Indian girl, Xiskodeed." came he walked witji Helen on tile LETANNA� S. - �IiiTil�'L, A
), He awi in the grey dawn with edge of t�e wood, oonver" . .... 11�11
there.7p a friend his faults, who,,ind4ed could "Miskodeed! cried Helen in u ng earnest- Tmfting race record 2.06%; half in 1.01%. I P " � . I6 .1
i I
I ndertonIs voice in his eam, `ht�eir reached Sired by Unko 2,11%. Dam Letha, S. 2.09%. �, .
. Again the flicker of doubt came in on occasion overlook'a crime when. .surprise. . tteir A arid IY-4A burst of light laug .1 .�:
the� with a powdery snowdriving into his the men by t cai "I
Ainley's eyes, and inr the glow of thA 'he thought it was the crime of 4 "Yes! I, did not kno�r it at ,' he; mp, fire, and Jean will stand foir season of l9s2 at his b"
eyes. . I own I 1.1
I Benard looked round, a . .,,I, "q�
'What—+—" mare in foal. � 4
. firelight Helen saw A look o6 appre- hard-tpressed man." .. , time, but -we found, her afterwards, ' I barn, Brussels. Oi at $20 to insure I i ,
- Letanna S. is a smatotbi thick hi wift I . !� I
. I
-e. I left one of the try�man, P%ce, n? 'You your coun �111
hension come on his face, � It was ",What in thunder are you'gassing Jean Benard arid 1. It was a dread7, '41 Ainley's gon . "What ees ze saying of 1-�m
there for but a Pionient, then it was about?" cried Aintley blusteringly. ful discovery. Jean, had corne back ma a beautiful head and neck, the beb�, of feet � 1� � �
. I th ect veel ., ��.;,!, I
served!' It veel snatch eets nd dogs and the, best dispiositiou possible ... I 'U " ,
happi- in a staUion- He otatads 1,53/2, hsmslis_� is 4sj�k I � 1��. I .1
tainprom- to his cabin, hoping to ri m.rry her and there was any very real need,but ness frorn zee jaws of d6atiI I %�.
gone; -but in, that moment the girl "About Jarlock and a ceT Indians to wabeh—not that I thought' be
had seen deeply -into Airiley's heart, issory note which he paid, a rlot�, ,.she had died for me!" the beggar slept, and Ainley evident- eetself." brown in col.n a -ad weighs About 1'150 pounds, I_ 1, I
Pind knew that fear was rapidly which bore,your name and his. Your "Oh," ,sobbed Helen in a sudden, ly took th "Yes! And these two deserve the and without a ,doubt is one of the best stan- I..
mounting there. . signature �was quite genuine. Jar- acce.ssion of grief. "I would ha e opportunity, to bolt," happiness they will get!,, . daTd bred trotting stallions standing in On- -1 ... � .... � I ,,, ,.
"Ali! You also followed Qhi�mok�s ve "Has he taken dogs?" asked Sta , "I P
.. "I..
lock's—well, Jarlock denied it, and. d ,e as much! " Ile - When Stane and ' -tario at the present time. ,,,, I
OM Helen ' . ,;
. quickly, ._,V,
trail, ,I guppose. But I '441 returned ,to Any further information gladly forwwde& . ,"
1 I
the fire, the Tormer whilst - Ariderton � �`=
. . `
was there you owned that you—" know,�' answered Stane qqietly.— "No, noT anything else'i-that I can E. G. 'PLUM. 11 .z,i �; �
.,. !
first. I followed a P shorter route, and "He told?" said AifileTk. "The cur "And, last night when you were in, s';ee--.He,has even left hi's Pockot-book was busy else,where", spent some ,time ,,o.,- j3russels, Ont. 11 I :'d 11
� -
I was at his camp waiting for him told?" I .. I ,the wood together and I ',heard your ve� _
. . behind with some pages bent over In con rsatiOn with Jean Benard e Pure Bred Canadian Clydesdale Stallion . "I I � .
when he showed up. I saw Miss ;'Yes, he told !me in confidence af "Olces , r was jealou's Of that girl; last and addressed to,you., Hiere it is! Out who, after a few moments, cried en- Th . ;tt'i" �
* - night end at, other times." thusia . . MONCRIEFFE PRINCE I .. �,
Yard-ely on ,the sledge, and as for ter he ,had heard of Stan�e's den,ia'l of � of the wood it must be snowing like- stically: -
I � -`113 gar! Dat ,ees a great plan, ", 1243681 - I ..
the. mom3nt we were three against the charge far which he was impris- I' But," said the nian, a note of won- the very .devil, and be canipt o, far. , - y )Approved 1 '�51
bree, II felt that it was not an oc- oned. ey wi, 9 I . P "�
t You seer, he believed in Stane, d In his voice, "there was no need, I'm going after him th Jean Ben- .iIi Zee dogs an' ze,e stores I Monday—Will leave the Cornmerciag Stables. � I:,
casion when charlees should be taken as I did myself—,, . Helen. You must know ,that?" ard, and, I want. you to 166k adte r would giv' dem you eef I vos So poor Hemall atj�d go west to Parr Line and 'north I . . + , '74,4
so we fired from the bushes " Oh, yes, I know it now, But she toi John Forrest's. for moon: then to C. Stev- . I �_
' Chigmok- and these Indians of Ain- a man! But you can buy dem � I _1
.on the "And you would make me th- was very beautiful, and Gerald Ai!I_ . — wid enson's, for rdght� Tuesda:y,—West by Mds.
three kidnappers and shot theirn down. .scapegoat for Stane's crime ", Ainle - h ley'g," Pleasure!" road . oshen Line to Orval McClinchey's, I I ,� "A
Then as there was another sledge laughed harshly. III will see to ; then east to Elmer Webster's, for vx�e.
Y ley had suggested that you—t at You I "All right, Anderton! But �ou woret Very well! But not a word to An- '�r nG ? I
comin, on behind, I r You —'And I am sure that she loved Catch Ain'ley, 0 " night1lo"Wed,ne:�day.—North on 4th Concession t��,
9 emoved Miss hung first,"i he cried. ,'I—" y u know." devtbn till ,morning." 11, /1 1
1 to McFarlane's corner, then' east to Ed. ,
you. But not more than 1, though she "Why not?'F I A
Yardely to my own sledge and to es- *He broke off abruptly as a sound died for you!" e "Right, nIi I under'stand, You Glenn's, on side concession, for noon; and . I 11
cape further trouble we Pushed the of �elping dogs sounded from the "I am v�ery sure of that," answ(li "B cause," was the reply given mi,�tb . an' you -r mees you gi,vp. p'licemans south to ,)V . ,� I �sj
,ij,liam Mexeri for night. . 1.�'
Thursday.—South . to Robert Muori Ray 1,
_ quiet significance, "I am afr�id that one beeg surpriseT not dat sci Township, for n&n; and east to Loondon, Road I . ; ill,,
dogs hard till we got here . . . wood, and .stared into the darkness. Stane earnestly, ,putting his arm a Ainley has gone very far indeed." "That it is," laughed -Stane, to Her,Tall for night. Friday.—By 1,
And thatis "'about all, I think.` Anderton rose fTom his seat, E,,, I
. bout her and trying, to, 61-nfort her. A light. of comprehensio London : """ 1,
Hie . .,
, I
-fell silent for a moment, and sat "I expect that will be Jean Ben- Helen solbbed'co -n came in- 'And Anderton's surprise was com-� Road ,to-. 2TL4 Concession, to George Arm- . � . ...
there watching.'the ,two white men ard," he, said quietly.. I always be gra rivulsively, ,11 shall to the poli�(e,man's eyes, and he w,his- plete.,W.hilst it was yet dark and t shrong's, for n;5on; then to HeiL5all. . for I .1 1. I ,
e teful to her ' though I tled thoughtfully. he night. . .. - I N
and the whit. girl who had heard the "Jean Benard? INho is Jean'Ben- wa,s jealous of ber. She, � ,stars were twinkling frostily,, -the Terms—slo.0o to insure. ., ,, i ,�. �, ;
"You think—" -he, began, and three dog-te-an-us were 'harnessed on . " �,.
conclusion of his narrative. They re- ard?" cried Ainley. for (rre—and she was only_ -,an Indian stopped. . I � . I 1�� �
mained quite still, and not one & the "He is the man whom Stane and I girl." . . 11 the river.trail. Proprietor. . , , "�,
three'stpoke. ,Aifiley evidently found left to bring Chigni along." hrt of gold,11 'st I am quite sure that Ainley has Then the Policeman made the dis- William, Luker, Manager. .. )1�
the silence too much for his nerve . .... . said arted on 'the longest trail of. all. . ov r -at Jean Bena am was . ��� �
-s, �'Ghigmonk!" Stanet, "She cai to warn me and Why didn't' -he ,take dogs? How,] c e.Y t� rd's te The Premium Clydesdale Stallion I T'
for after a little time had -passed in Ong headed upstream, FAVOURITR- AGAIN . I . 11�
' , . `�
"'yes, you -see, Ainley, Chig,mGk then stayed. -to do what she �id!" ' can he last in thi wildernegs with- "Hallo Jean," he cried, t1are y0j, go. . .. I _
profound silence, be flashed out ir- was not dead as- you meant him to , Both were silent for . P
� . a long time, out?, And as yous say, outside the - Einralment No. 1961 Form A I . . , 4,
ritably: . 1 (24337) , �:
ing to, leave us?" I
be. 'He was only winged, and he was the girl thinking of Miskodeed in her *ood it mnst be snowing' -heavily— , -
I Monday Afternoon—Will leave his ovrn ,
"Well, what do you think of my able to tell his story which flashing beauty, the other 'of J "Not 1, TWsieu'Andeft-i said the a . . P. .1 ",
. was ,a earlil which w,ay,hag,,h,e gone?" table, Braoefield, and go south to M �
story?", � much more interesting �tory than bent over the cold face of his trapper ' ippen by I �, .
ad "His tracks ar' ith a grin. "I go wid yo London Road to Al, Harvey'a, for night.
"It is a very interesting story," � yours, and, as I h g leave to think, love and then, Helen, §Po, de e on. the backward wl u . 1�
e ke again. trafl—" I I to Fort Malsun to help: you look after TuesdAy.—To Second Concession', of Tucker -
said Anderton at last. much more truthful one." I a ,, ��t tell me! The atfack on. the To Qhigmok an' ze o4ders. But I zee smith. south IY4 miles. then east to loth con- I I - . . . . I I �
. ,�
' cabin, was that man who captured it .the Open -country—and in a team e cession to Angus McXi,nnon's, for noon; then � I I
A quick look Of relief came into ' Ainley ,did not reply. He stood'. ' blizzard. Andertorl, old man let him sold to 'N'sieu Stane, an' he east to Ken. MeKoHaT's. for night Wedines- -1
I 0
Ainley's face. "You,thinlc,l was just- staring into the darkness with wild rni man- Chig0—wa,%1he the' go. You 'must guess what ii, is a-' goes to zee Engleesih Mission.11 . day. --East to Town Line, th9A north 1% . 'I
ifted in inspirer of that?" :% �- � A
shooting down those three eyes.' The glow of the fire tevealed, I P P d "To the English Mission!" Then a miles to ltloyd's Colquilsoun's for -noon; then by . - '17t�
"Maybe I doP answered A I � , I
Indnappers then?" I "I am afr�id ni Staffa, to Willidin Patriek's,* for night. I
I a terrible look ton his face—the look nd,Iition� light brokelon .the policeman and he ,Thumsday.—North IY4 miles to 7th Concession : �6A
"On, the face of thing&—yes! If of a man who in a -single moment "Then it was (tterald Airdey who, quietly. . turned to where Stalle and I'll ''I'll
1P .. . .... I ..
has was to pay the price fo, e that the "And you"ll only be wasting your stood togeither, with laughter in their Doig's, for night. Friday.—West �o Gem. I , . !
Mr story is ,the correct one the�e is seen ibis life go ,suddenly to 'pieces. r Tn t - Helen to Coyne Bries., for, noon; then west, to Rbbi, . .�
not the slightest doubt that You fol. He stood there dumb, hi mell's corner, then norbh to Will Road bo, :
. �
half-breed told me of, and that is why strength for wthing." . eyes. "I could shake you—slitake you George McCartney's. for noon: -then east bo .
I Is face work- he collapsed so utterly when Chig-mok "I hope to God you're right!" bro,k both," be said. ,,It.is a pretty .ess, north to
lowled the right course." ing painfulLy, and then, as the dog- came along just how?" e game McAdam's side cone ion, and 11
"You don't doubt its �orrectness?ll team broke into the circle of the fire- Out the policeman vehemently. "But th cheat Tne out of the jorb of ,best Csrno�chan Bros., for night Saturdayi �;-. . '.
way of Broadfoot's bridge to Mill Road to , I
I �
Rashed Ain-loy. "Yes," answered Stane simply. all the same I've got to follow him— -man. But, Great Cbristophe,c! it's the ow, tawe, �
, . I light, he fell ,back into his seat �y the "But why did he shoot down Cbig- Duty's duty�btrt you don't suppose tip-top thing to dio, to marry before T"mas—Terms to insure, i1s.00. , �f
"I have not said so,"' answered the fire in utter collapse, his face hidden mok's party?" . I
policemain gravely, "'but so far, as ' in his hands. . I I I � In keen on .taking an old pal to be you go out of the wilderness." R. D, MURDOCK, .
you will see, "Well, I think it was to get rid of hanged at Regina. I'm gW, Ainley "That missionary," laughed - Stane., . Proprietor & Manager. � . .
— I . ,
For it." .1 -have only you,t- word . . I witnesses who Imight rise UP against -had the sense and grit to take the "it is a godsend. It would be folly not __� . . I .
I . him. You must remember that he long trail on h s ,own, But I'm bound to u1se the opportunity he repre- . . 17
"The t�vo men who are with.me i The Pure Bred Imported and Premium" 7�
mri corroborate," replied Ainley. CHAPTER XXIVP I would be under ,the impression that to try and stop him; though I thank 'seni . Percheron Stallion . i�,
P I was dead�killed in'the attack, and heaven that he has -an hour's, start. . - RAVEN .i
. �
ere in (128041 - " lo
eep your eye Ij .,I
"That will be helpful, of course," THE TRAIL TO PARADISE that was a crime that might some day Now I +must go. K "So I should think if I w
mid Anderton. "But I airn not, try- have colme to light if tbose-ri on your spboes," la ghed Anderton, join- Fom A I ;,.
th When Ainle'y lifted- a, ell had Chiginok; ,he stands for -my honor and ing in th,e laughter. . Commencing Monday, May 30th. will travd �; :,t
,�hg 4ei case; "Ainley, I am only -Trmk- White, tor- lived. The ,-pretended rescue was a credit much more than ,kinley, be- practically the same route as last season. It
ing �he ,necessary inquiries that I tu'red face, it was to finA the man sufficient excuse for getting rid Of cause of his original ,crime. So lor�g!,, "And Jean says he laughs like an JOHN LIVINGSTON, , I �
may make my report at the Post. And whom be -had used as a: -tool, and the men, who knew the instigator, par , angel," cried Helen, gaily. ,,I want to . �.�
- He turned away and 4fisappeared Proprietor and Manager. ,�
I had -better warn you that you ,lay whom, haiving used, he bad tried to timlarly of the half-breed." into the forest bn the backward trail , yer.seen - .. I
. see himi, natirrally. I have net - �
iave a little trouble about this mat- kill', seated by the fire, staring 'it "Yes," saidHele''n thoughtfully. ,'"A. -i an angel laugh!" The Pure Bred Imported and Premium '� i
�er. . Things e North here are ;him with his evil eyes full of with Jean Benard,.and half an hour "But I have! And so has Stane," - �,4 .
in th . hate. idea of that sort had occurred to me afterwards Helen emerged from her � I ed the Policeman. "How soon, do . Percheran Stallion � I
I ley,s rep i RAVEN I !
riot like they were a few years back, The others also sat watching him, all from somethinj,'' that Chigmok had, t6nt to find him bent over Ain (128041
When any wandering white man felt except Helen, who bad withdrawn to, said. .'But how d!lreadful it is to thmr-, poicket-book with a troubled, look in ou take the trail bo, Partadise? W.e1lI Enrolment No. 2200 :
� ;
limself justified in pottin the shadow,, of the wood, and was that a (man can so conspire to—to—', Y Approved Form A I . 1.
9 his eyes. I wait and see you start!" Monday—WiTI leave his own s,fable. Staffa.
any In- walking restlessly to,and fro, unablo ,She broke, off "We're ready now," said Starie and, go south 2% miles to the i3th Conces-
Eaft whose presence he considered without'completing "What is it?" she asked, looking .
to witness further the downfall of'a her words and Stane nodded. atom and east, 21/2 iniles to Hugh Dalrymple, ��
Inimical. The administration of the round. 41W,here is Mr. Ainley and "'I'lig,ri, it's time You weTe off!", for 'noon; then north 21/. and west 2% mile* I I
rerritories man whom she had known so well. "There war, always a' 'crooked Hands were .sh P .;
is very te where are—" taken, good-byes said, �o Swra to his own stable for nigh Tu - .
rider tOw"i For a moment there was silence, then strain in Ainley. But it will' f. f- es -,
.,he natives under its charge, and go, hard Ainley went away in the night then Stan -e stepped ajhea,d of the clo,g�s� day.—West to the 8th Comeersion f - ive miled" I .
matchful of their interests,. Andertoll spoke. with him now, for the half-breed will Tbe4 others have go,n,e after him. Tb'� whilst Helen took her place at tile and north to Montgomery Patrittis'a, for noon' � 11
then north by way of Sproat's Brick Y.7,4 , I
is the an, Ander� will not catch hiT*--at least, I pray gee -Pole. to Ivy Henderson's, McKiRop, for might. �
Stince it expects the story, Ainley?" ton was after when he came to the not," "MOOS'li! Moosb!" cried Jean to the Wednesday.—East IV, miles and north 2V2 I .�
>ol�nd to be. It is "Woul,dyou like to hear Chiginoh's be merciless. -He In
,ed man to: accept its laws, it can do , "There is no need that I should,," cabin, and- his life is forfeit on an - "You think he will get a '? PP dogs. Little's, for moon; then by .
s h e "He has ta here they Then amid cries of weil_wi9,he,, w -Y of Leadbury and then east to Isa" I �
. ., .
,hem." les lauA. "I can guess it fairly man who bribed him to fresh crime, , MeGavin's, for night. Thursday.�East and �
io less tilian,compel whites to honof answered,.Ainley with a bitter, hope- other count. He will not spare t ken a trail
. "O,h, I know all that," said Ainley, well.11 are not likely to follow." -they ,started off on their trail to south to .
I trifle conten-v tuously. "But you and then dealt treac-heroualk With the Frank Johnston's, for noon, thenp
P The mounted polic�man was,silent him." "Oh!" cried Helen with a sob. "You English Mission, and overhead the east 11/4 milets and north 11/4 miles and onair �
mean that he—that hL& Vo lights of the Aurora, flaming sii&den- to the Losram Town Line and south to Ed.. .11
mn't clahn, that the circumstances for a little time, then he remarked: He paused in his walk a9d looked ll.se's, for night. Friday.—Se,uth i�j mil,% �
s affair are anything but extra- "Ile implications of his story are back towards . and west 11/4* mi -les and south to John Walsh's ,
Yf thi "Yes!" He hinted his intention to ly, lit'the trail with splendo-ur. .
)rdinary." " the fire where Ainley me last night---:" I �
. for nIx)n: then south 344/ miles and east 2y* 1
. I I rather serious for you, Aiii sat ,writing, -with- Chig-mak glowering "And .�`ou did not try to stop him?" THE END miles to Gray Bros., 4th Concession of Hib� 4
"No," agreed the policeman, ""I " Oh, I know it, don't I?" at him across the fire, whilst Ander- she cried almost reproachfully. bert, for night. Saturday --South 1% rn�lesi I
;hin,k .they are very extraordinary." "Then you adTni-t—" ton .sat staring abstractedly into the "No! Why should I? If YOb will 41W � . and west 21,', miles and south to Staffa by ;
I way of Centre Rand. to his own stable, where 1;
Something significant in his-tones "I acirnit nothing! I reserv4 my glowing logs. Then a stealthy move- think. Helen, you will find, many rea- Gene Tunne ;
mused Aintley to look at him question- -defe n cie—th at's the proper legal ment of the half-breed's arrested his y, former heavyweight .he will rerri untU the followimg Monday �
. pioct, m,ay'be a candidato for the mormni I
ngly. The polirema,n� whose la,ce thing to do, isn I ,;,on, why this vas the onl�'thing for chain .
t it?" attention. The man had -thrust his Ainley. He ha's left a long note in 17� S. senate. He should do s,vcll Terms—$13.00 to insure, Payable Febrdarr I
vas like a mask, was. staring in -to "It is the wise thing, inyway," hand into his furs, and as it was, hit,, pocket book and a such a. ,ob ginve he is used to hand- LIVINGSTONP & TFMPLEM,AN. Praprietwors. �
, said- Andertonp. I confession s in ist. lq,1,3. I
,he fire, and did 'not catch the look. withdrawn Stane -caught sight of which clears me of that aftair at Ox-
kinley made as if to speak, then J"The wise thing!" again the bitter, something that glewred in the fire- ford. There is a note al,,;?o for you liC." th!rg�s with gloves.—Cfiat�:J.,,i John Livin"oone, Manager. .
I mirthless laugh sounded. — Now�. . ..
,hanged his mind and r,elmlained sil- "When did lio,ht. In a flash he spaw what was TPI'llaPS vou wonld like to take the . VALIANT GUY .
- mt. After -a little time Ariderton I ever do the wise thing? I suppose about to, happen, and shouted a hur- h-ok an(] read the no to me as Editor of the Stratford 37501 Can. No. 4079 q
1polke. again. I ffri consider myself under arre6t.1' ried warning. . well." �
"Seems -a long time. sin "Detained on susipicion," admitted "Look out, Ainley!" 1'� Bea('011- AP,,,veIl Form 1 Interim
ce we three I He handed her the poc Herald when he got out an go-,, I, CerL
Tien foregs,thered at Oxf d." anv.-t, 'If think I must tTou- In the same second, the half-brend, watchod her ,is she r ket book and Centenary Fdiflpon this week no doubt Bruvcfleld. for a 'li"71,tie'dIn s own table. I � �
the policeim I ;Igc, will .tnild thi at hi ,
Or eturned to the number of mares and I.,
"Yes".' agireed Ainle pparently ble You for Your Pistol and hunting- standing swiftly upright, launched, lit,tle tpnt, t was hp.ard to remark: "The first Jum- until Ni-ther m,Dfice. , I
Y, a knife.!' ben began to busy himself Vallent Guy, trofter: brown colit: foaled I
�elieved at the change of'subject, "A himself across the fiiT at Ainley, with preparations fqr breakfa.st. Half dred years are certainly the w'()l,st,,, 31, 1924, standard and Registered. .
Once �more Airiley laughed -his bit- knife in hand. T'hie white man who an hour later ffeleii ern-eTged again, —'9 � , Cittharines Standard. Bred by W` sinut Hall ra-rm, Doneraill, U.S+A.. ..
? rood, bit oif-water has, gone down the, ter I - M,reh
sis since then." . augh and unbuckling his bel t bad looked up at Stane's sudden Her eYes were r'ed with weeii . 11 is a son of the great Guy Axworthy 2�OW4. I �,
"And all the eircumstallet threw it,to the poli,'ceman. "It isn't warning was howled over in the snow "I hav �n rn n The Toronto Star finds that thf� tal;- His sire is the greatest producer of trrAterd ' "
es; consid- , I e to) Y ote out," she -aid: living or dead. haviarm PiA four 2 minute . �'
�red, it is rather a coincidence that often You arrest an old chum," he Nvith the half�breed on the tOP Of "t�e -e it i-;." She held a crumpled et . , on linen table ,cloths has doublo,l trotters on the list. and has 282 to his credit . ��
mid . him, The- knife was lifted, b,,ut never hall of paper in her hand'. 411t is the since 1930. As if that wasn't enough in -the iist to -day. Darn, Lady Oralin, 2.16. . I .1
ve three should meeit like this in t1he I' Rol" ag-reed Anderton "thank sbi7ck, 'for in that second Anderton ell, the Mlmtford Mirror remarks that $20; g I � I
vilderness. I I . Terms-,Standnrd bred registered mares,
."It certainly is d1ramatic,"I admitted t -ripping the half' -e that be was respon,sibi He .rade mar�, $12.
heaven! But you understan�d Ainley, also had leaped,, And g sadd"t thing I ever read t
. - I've no option. if you were my own bi-Eed's wrist. he twistcd the e for my there is less food ,on theln, too, than WILLIAM BERRY, I 1. I
er it -would be-the.same. The from his grasp, and flinging it away, broke ii paddle in order that h' $,�
kinley. "Quite a Drury lane drii br6itbt I<nqfe going adrift, that be -deliberatel�- tbere was two Years ago.—Hanover Proprietor and ManageT�
na.11,� 11 - r . . e Post,
I oath of serAce is a veTY exacting one- eragged the attacker froni his rvic- inight find me and pose as a hero — The Imported and Premium Belgian Draft � I
ffection. �,
m tallion .
inswered Anderton quickly. :,Sta*ne of or toward any pierson. So help me, the -scene, Ainley was gatherilig up DE S HEMEL .�,
"More so than yo,u know, Ainley," —'without fear or favor or a tim. -By the -time ,Stane had reached because be wanted me to malty hi' ' When one sees a girl wh�6 is the ��
et Ain -ley have a look at that piece God!' A man c�rilt�" and knew that I wars -hipped heraism. picture of health he may susIPect that I
solryle scafte,Tf-d paperrs, apparentillYl He says that he has n Csimsdian No. 4369 American No. 19500, �.
Yf paper you Carry about with You." "Oh, You needn't apologize, Andler li what re- ,,'he Painted the ef a i
- none the worse for the encounter, paration was Picture hers I — F, , A I Enrolment No. 2666 ;Z
nis, I on will be able to clear 7 this season as follows: Monday—Will lea j,
A marffent later Stane had opened boTt, I recognize the sitruation well en- whilst Ariderton war adtino ppossible -to You and that Florence (Ala.) Herald. - Will Attsmd for the improvement of stock, ...
,he oilpsicin packet, and was unfold- ougll�' Don't mind if I lgjp,s,e in,to sil- half-breed. , a hing the , . our ,name.
, I . "�
He pravys for our happiness and --and his osv�n stable, I mile north of ve I
ng er. Ainley ence, do you? There are some letters Ii.ri and �
"You're a nice. 16t, Ghigrni WIn - An Iowan has entered college at Fro we�;t I% mile; and 11/4 miles south to . `
. about tf) Zurich road. then west to Warn Pybus' for 1�
vatehed him in smazeliment, and then I want to Write." ed Fig you are, I thought you wcre. (Ito becausc be. finishes ith the old than soine of thrr,e students who take noon; then n . orth by way of Parr Une to ,,
. 9 —he hints at what he was the age of 72, which is elvIen oldier
is Stane held the !paper towards him iffe tinbuttoned his furs, and taking 41uite safe. Now you force me to tie er .; i.
trid he bent over it, a look of con- .� of the gladiators w Harvey Colernan'A, fcvr nirht. Tuesday.— .
011� a pock,pt-book and, pencil] began to yOu up, Favvy?,, , fhail Caesar' football courses. — Dayton ,Daily North Loran's corner. west 11/4 miles +*.
bout to dit, salute theel' 1i
.. his face, and a write. Jean Renard, having fed hip, H, News. W4,114am Ha r's, for n on, thence north tO .1
teTriatilan came on I we who are a, to
I - . promptly prbIceeded td do so Oh! It i-, so %ad! . . No eves "I,
Juick ,i broke from his lips. "God, dogs, belgan to prepare a meal for whilst Ai I nley .seated himself anew I-gIt -nlin�e : — Bayflold Roydte And eastoto Albert Hormar'%. A
e � sthall ever read I t—and I,— Detroit. employe" will work for night Wedn&Ilay—By way of Bayfibi'l I I "
n heaven!" himself. Anderton sat bY' the 6f6, and )oo�e&ujp at Stane. "Thank you, shall n ver r
"You had better put that . ead it aKaili five Road to semrd concession, thence south 1% I �,
. . in ststring into the flairines, ,reflecting on , .- - lz
itatety again, Stane," -Lnn youl" Then he ]aue- ,the Crumpled ba t ii i n t*O 1'r�' looking for places to ,park. Aouth and ens. to his own stable for might. I ""
the irony of fate that bad selected deserved f, Fred Rathweirs, for e
paper Stare! The waTnilIg was more than I She moved her hand, slightly a days a week, and use the othe,r two miles to noon; thene .-.-. 'I'll
said the ,police- I I the —Indian- - -t
nan quickly. I'Ainl�ey recognized i P t hini, of all t6en in the Mounted Ser- ed bittpriy. "The poor devil isn't to blaze of the fire. 4911-0, watched apiolis News. Thur,sday—EaSt to Wii Bril"In011'13, f0f . �,
noon; then north 11/4 miles to loth conces.
- w Aion and west, 114 milliss on 10th, tbence, runth
ii glance." ' vice to be the, one to arrest his whil- be I:Iarw,� I have nierited what he flicke-ving flame leap np, arid (lie It'll" — .A`��
"It's a lie " cried Ainley. -IF M ' fellow -student. StAne had turned meant to do� and you know it might then she turn -ed to 'her lover dw'itn Making highway,; 40 o, ar jr t "'111",11"
-� won't effelet. much change except that .
lever seen tRe thing in my life be b feet wide 21/2 Iniles to Lonis G rmley's, f ni.h Fri-
ve awayand joined Relen, who still pac- have been the (better way-4br.me." '5I,trea,ming eyes. day-4EAst IY4 m4les, north ll/L miles wntf I ��.,t
. ore I " I ", ed to ,nd fro in the shadows. Hel- t to N14%. WaRilace's, for noon: thence 11 ,v,i�
face, as ,her looer saw, was, full a Stane looked at him not kro� I "You, we're right to let hi -m go rny the width of"trucks will be 35 feet. v ;�,-
"Your toriglue li,es betCer ,than your troulble. . .. Itz and west to Rd. SPIlaws, for'night. 1,��
. -� �
� - ".
, ,,�!�.
I , I
'ace, Affilety. Just now YOUT'faeeh told 4tobl�q She WhigVe _,, what to reply. There was someth ""',Z dear! 1-1 pra. God tbey will' ni 't —Selhenectady Gazette. Fmturday.—ty way of Secotid Condess'lon J'6 1 . �,
1*11 y 0 ,,,
,q, find �him.." I lifiq,O-Wrt AfAble ii noon. where hb witt re- . . , d�,-",
,be truth. red. ,,It is-unbear- albout Ainley that moved'him- to sud- . """P
, You have seen that ,paper a,ble ,to watch a man oils has known den p,'ty. He looked like a Tn.an who 'Talso!" 'said Stane. In Tokio oirleinas, a man is paid to -ain uni'14 the followiftsir Monday Inorrilba. 1�,;j
)dfore. YOU) saw it at Oxfsbrd when go all to pilecesIll had rea,ched ,the end of hope and life, . .� . TheT waited aii, li�om tell the ,story of the ftim Terms -414,00 to ii Parable V03ruarr' ' P, 11 . .0
. 1,4 A
0 as it 90ts 1,t, 191'.3, If paid on or before the Ist at , . �,.,�Q`
pou pre axied Yourself for the forge -, tw along. No . . VIV, �
T rY "It is, ceii veri-y sad," agreed, and his Word% *eTe th"e of,a man hours, spaying little, neither trying to ,doubt for a few cents Aprii, sim win be veruraed. �,:�,,�:� ,�
)i sent &arl� to, prison. Y"----11*[StAne, out of whose hi all hatted -irg tM he wouldn't.—Des Moines Reg- MORRT9 & MlILLTE. . ,� ,
, view -his own ,end' as a �mattnv of hi4n from the other the anxiety eac�h ?x �%;,�,,.,
I . ,
. .
te . Proorletom , 1, ; `
"I'll not stand itl" .elie; suddenly vanished. "I wit6oh that things no inot . "I'm � siorry, Akileyt" sa'd - felt, ,arid then through .s the nlitst of 15' 'r. . Alvin, Workman, Mavacar. . . . I . �:t� � 11 ,
I I � I . . . � I . ��!:111, 1.
-1 1-11
.. I .
Rupture Varicoode, Varicose Veins
Ab4ominal Weakness,- Spinal Deform
I UY. '04onaultation free. Call o,
wdt-e. J. G. SMITH, British Appli
11101114cs Specialists, 15 Downie St,,,Strat
ford, Ont. . 8202-10.
. 0 I I I I �
.11 , ��,, LEQA1
h'. , - , , � -.4-
� ,, I . �' I
Phone No. 01 ,
I I �R=Tister, -
' Notary, "Publie. E -be.
Beattie Block '- - Beaforth, Ont.
I - . .
. �
. R. S. HAYS
I .... I
barrister, -Solicitor Convevancer
and Notary Public. 'ii�licito, for the
Voibilili Bank. Office in rear of the
I Damblilon Bank, Seaforth. Money to
. i I I — -_ I
I - _______�_
" I "
. Barristers, Soli6itors, Cionveyan-
ters and Notarie's Publiz, Etc. Office
in the Edge Building, opposite The
Expositor Office. .
. I I - - —
� I
I I .
� Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin.
ary College. All diseases of domestin
animals treated. Calls prompt! 'y at.
tended to and charges moderate.,Vet_
erinary Dentistry a specialty. office
and residence on Goderich ,Street, one'
40or east of Dr_'Mackay's' office, Sea-
farth. 11
� I . � - , 0 --------.L - - __
Graduate of Ontario Veterinary
College, University of LToronto. All
idiseases of domestic animals treated
by the most modern principles.
Charges reasonable. Day or night
calls promptly attended to. Office on
31ain Street, Hensatil, opposite Town
Hall. Phone 116.
- ��
. I
. A I
DR. E. J. it. FORSTER.
� Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat .,
. Graduate in Medicine, University f
Toronto. . . - . �.
Late a�ssistant New York Opthal-
inei and Aural- Institute, Moorefield's
Eye and Golden Square Throat Hos-
pitals, ,London, Eng. 'At'Con-imercial
Uoi Seiforth;`- third ,Monday in
iBi& month, from 11 a.mi. to 3 p.m.
W Waterloo Street, South, Stratford.
- .�
Dr. W. C.'SPROA*t
Graduate of Facru,lty of Medicine,
, .
University of Western Ontario, Lon-
don. Xember of ,-College of Physic-
iam and Surgeons of Ontario. Officd'
in A-berhart's Drug Store, ,Main St,
Seaforth. Phone 90, I .
� .
. ,
Graduate Dublin University, Ire-
bzKL Late Extern Assistant Master
Ftbtunda Hospital for 'Womi and
eUdren, Dublin. Office at residence
lately occupied' by 'Mrs. Parsons. ,
HOUrs: 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 p.m.'
Smdays, I to 2 P.m. 2866-26
i - — .
Offic6"and residence Goderich Street,
"st of the United -Church, 'Sea -
forth. Phone 40. Cor�ner for the
4pounty of Huron.
C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trin-
fty University, and gold medalist of
Trinity Medical College; member of
the !College of .Physicians and Stur- ,
geons of Ontario. �
I I -_
.Graduate of University of Toronto
F of Medicine, member of Gol-
Irol, Physicians and Sur�geons of
4)ntano; pass graduate courses in
-Chicago ,Clinical School of Chicago -,
Royal Ophthalnile Hospital, London,
Zugland; University Hospital, Lon-
don, England. Office -Back of Do-
ininion Ban,k,,Seafortb. Phone No. 5.
Night calls answered from residence,,
Nli ,Street, Seaforth,
I �
I —
Graduate Faculty,64 Medicine, Uni-
versity 6-f Western Ontario. Member ,
CQeg� of Physicians and Surgeons of
Onitirio. -Post graduate work at New
Yprk City Hospital and Victoria Hos-
pital, London. Phime: Hengall, '56.
Office, King Street, Hensall. '
I I- I 1
4 I : I -
. I
Graduate of Northwestern Univers-
ity, Chicago, 111. Licentiate Rvva*l
College of DeriW Surgeons, Toro�to.
c re, Main St,,-
.%afolii ,Phone 151. ,,
- .
. DR. F. J. B19CHELY I
Graduate Royal College of Dental :
fti-geons, -Toronto. Office over W. R. �
181nith's Grocery) Main ,Street, Sea- 1
fortb. ,Phone: Office, 18,5W; resi- t,
-delii 186 J. .
i�. I . I . .
Honor,, Graduate' Carey Jones, Xa- �
tional,School, for Auctioneering, Chi-
cago, Special course taken in Pure :
Dred Live Stook;' Real Estate, Mer- .
ebArdise and FitrIn gales. Rates ill ;
k0eping with pieVailing markets. Sat-
Jdaction assured. 'Write or *ire,
Osear , Klopp, Zurich, Ont. Phone ,
is -931 I . - g86642
6 I., :
1_�' . 11 , I . I ,
1, .1. "', ,, � . "I .. I 11. 1,-�,,' .
I k'�.,4'1,14 , �. " , ''4 � , � ,� �.
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