HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-08-12, Page 5• • l 2, 193.2, Farm, Notes Lambs Die Needlessly. "Many young lambs die needless- ly," declares Dr. Lionel Stevensont provincial zoologist, in an appeal to farmers to ,shop the tragic loss of se =many lambs (before they are ten dais old. In a little booklet issued by the Provincial Live Stock Branch, he 'states 'three main causes of death : Joint 111 of Laniibs, White Scour of Lambs, and Necrobacillosis of Lambs, Dr. Stevenson outlines the, .cause, the symptoms and the proper treatment of these three diseases. In conclus- ion be declares: "It spays to maintain a high degree of sanitation, when the Toss of one lamb represents a sum of 'mtoney) espial to the additional la- bor required to maintain hygienic Conditi'one. Dead 'Iambs have no val- ue. Keep them alive that they may grow into money. Clean up to-dalyh' ...Marketing Immature Fruit Causes Lower Consumption. While certain growers persist in -placing immature fruit on the mar - "&tet, we cannot expect home consump- tion of Ontario grown fruit to reach Itis full development. This is the con- tention of, C. E. Broughton, Ontario iMarketing 'Board. "The anxiety of these growers td be the first on the market with their -products," said 'Mr. Broughton, "is, • mo doubt, prompted by a desire to sobtain top prices. It should be re- membered however, that 'immaturity means low quality, and low quality is detrimental to the progress of all .classes oof growers, including those -irho have nevem been guilty of --at- tenipting to market i•nlmnture fruit. "By marketing fruit which has slot reached the proper stage of...ma- iturity; the grower is creating dis satisfied , cutstomers, and these ow- -Comers will become prejudiced against borne -grown products, thus causing a -restricted 'market." 'Ontario Rutabaga Shippers Request Federal Inspection. At a recent meeting of the Ontario Rutabaga Shippers' Association 'held sett the Agricultural 'College, Guelph, •ra resolution was adapted asking the '.Federal •Department of Agriculture -rill make effective the inspection of -ail turnips for domestic and export •$'hipment, according to G. R. Pater - ,son, Ontario 'Marketing Board. It -was felt by the shippers that this -was one method of establishing uni- formity •of pack, and quality. • 'Ontario has an extensive m'ar- `Iket for rutabagas in the. United States, bat this valuable outlet has been partially (blocked, due to the :Tact that the Maritime growers "have adopted the practice of inspec- tion through warehouses. In addition to this movement to- -wards inspection,, the shippers' as- sociation is giving Horne thought to central grading and packjng. Community Beautification. At •a—recent meeting of societies ao'f District No. 2 of the Ontario. Hort- icultural Association at the Central Experi1011ta1 Farm, Ottawa, reports -received showed ih o, fine way the 'high degree of efficiency which has been attained in carrying out the principal object and purpose of the Association in respect to community beautification. The report of the dis- trict Director, J. B. Spencer, B.S.A., Shows that elfecti}'le work has been =lone in this respect by the follow- ing societies in the district; ' Arnprior, North Gower, Billings Bridge, •Pennbro'ke, ''Gananoque, Kars, Almonte, Brockville, Fitzroy Town- ship, Spencer'ville and Huntley Town- ship. The work accomplished by these societies emphasizes in a fine Way the value of -individual units giving =effective support to the MMore Beau- tiful Canada canlpaign 'sponsored by the Canadian Horticultural Council. BIRTHS McNaughton.- In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on August 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton, of Cromarty, a daugh- ter. iLane.—•In Clinton Puhlic Hospital, on July 29th, to Mr. and Mn. William, Lane, a son --Louis Jrtaeph Wpi.11iam. Stephenson.- In Clinton Publin Hospital, on July 30th, to Mr. and Mils. Leo Stephen- son, of Constance, a son. thicharme.- In Tay Township, on .Taly 21st. to Mr. and Mrs. Sovereign Ducharme, a daughter. d)esch.--In Stanley Township, on July 24th, to Mr, and MN. David Oesoh, a son. DEATHS aelgaty.—Ta Bayfield. on August 2nd, Robert William Delgaty. in his 75th year. Bane.—In Wi:ng'hnm, on August 1st, Alberta M. 'Jacks'on, wife of Arnold J. Baize, of Wingham, and only daughter of ';Mir. and I]4lrs.. George Jackson, of Clinton, in her 33rd year. CARD OF THANKS Mr..and Mrs. P. A. Manson and daughter wish to thank their friends for the beautiful flowers 'and many kindnesses shown' 'fit their recent bereavement, 3874-1 CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Ridhard Robins and family, of Bruce - 'field, desire to express their appreciation of the manly kindnesses and sympathy extended to 'them duriing the Illness and death of Mr. Robins, als° for the floral tributes and the ,(loan of cars. 3374x1 IMPORTANT NOTICES rt OR SALE.—IN TOWNSHIP OP MoKIL- lop, the south ball of Lot 20, °n 12th ,Cot:cession of McKillop; comprising 50 acres. ,Good sugar bush and a never -failing wader . suiPplY. ,App'ly to MRS. ALEX. H. MOSS, 'Walton R. R. 2. 8872-3 PASTURE FARM TO RI13NT IN TUCKEi't- ,__. smith, Lot 8, Concession 5, H.R.S., to rent for pasture for this season, or cattle pastured by the month. Good grass and . water. Terms easy. JOHN SPROAT, Sea- . 'forth, 836041 T1ABY. CHICKS FOR SALE.—S. e. W. Leg - horns and O. A. C. Bred -to -lay Barred Rooks. Leghorns exceptionally heavy laying .strain. Average daily production of 1,500 hens for the last' three months was 1,021 eggs. Bred for health, vigor and high pro- duction. April prices: Leghorns, 11 cents Barred Rocks, 12 cents. May prices, 1 cent Tess. No Rock eggs, set after April 22nd un. less specially ordered. We Save used pedi- greed cockerels for five years. W. IIUME, CL LITTON, J3. Rr'5, Godsrith. Phone 1418, Cao dOW. 1135/-41 i!;Ijlq*+t phi MORTGAGE SALE " OP PARK PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the powers dqu Mined in a ,certain mortgage wliioh wilt be Px(oduced at the, sale, the wndettigned have been instructed to sell by public auction at, the D;OMI'NIO IIPU,SE'i, ZURtICg, on SATURDAY,- AUGUST 27th. at 2 pum the dlc$lpw^tng valuable'r farm property. name- ly: ALL AN3D SINGULAR that certain par- cel Or tra;t o8 land aid premises situate, p- ing and being .in the TorwnshiP of Stanley, in the .,,County of Huron, and Province of Ontario, and being composed of the Westl half of Lot Number Six in the Eighth Oen- cession, of the said Township oS Stanley, containing fifty acres more or less, and the. south half of the west ,half of Lot Number Seven, also On the eighth Concession of the said Township of Stanley, except a parcel in roar (form of a rectangle two nods square etc the south-east angyp of the west half of said Lot conveyed by the Canada. Company to Robert Stephenson by Deed dated the ninth day of November, 1911, said part off Lot number Seven chlitaia,ing twenty-four acres and one hundred and fifty perches, more or less. Thisis excellent pasture land and it cen- trally located in a splendid farming district 1..'ER:MS OF SALE: Ten per cent. of the purchase money on the day of stale, and the 'balance w:ibhln 20 days thereafter. Subject to a reserved bid. Further terms and conditions widll be made known on, the day of the sale, GLAD,MAN t& STANBURY, Exeter and Henault, Solicitors for Mortgagee. Oscar Kloro, Auctioneer,, 3374-3 MORTGAGE SALE OP VILLAGE PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the Powers con- tained In a certain mortgage which will be produced at the sale, the undersigned have been instructed to sell by pwblie auction on the premises, on SATURDAY, AUGUST" 27th, 1932 at 11 a.m. the following valuable property, namely: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain paroei ,or tract of land and premises, situate, lying' and be- ing in the Village Of Exeter, aim the County of Huron; and Province of Ontario, ]crown and diatingti:isbed as Lot Number Forty-six (46) on the North side of Victoria Street, west of William Street, containing by ad- measurement one-quarter of an acre be the same more or less, on the map or plan of the subdivision of part of Lot Number Twenty-tlhrse (23) • • in the First Concession of the Township of Stephen, prepared by N. Carew Boulton, ,Provincial Land Surveyor, dated 1878, and registered in the Registry Office of the County of Huron aforesaid and known as Ieaac Carling's Survey. Together with the. nights reserved in and subject, to the charges contained .in a certain deed dated the 12th of January A.D. 1923 froth Victoria A. Hind, to one William Greenlee and regis- tered in the Registry Office for the County of Huron in Hook XIII for the Village of Exeter, on the 6th day of March, A,D:, 1923, as Number 540L On the premises is a comfortable two storey residence built of cement blocks and well finished inside. It is located on one r,f the best residential streets -in Exeter, cen- trally Ilocated for school and church. There is also a ceemnodious garage. TERMS OF SALE, Ten -per cent:" -0f• -.the Purchase money on t:he day of sale, and the balance within 30 days thereafter. Subject to a ,reserved bid" • Further terns; and conditions will be made known on, the day of the sale, GLADMAN & STANB.URY, Hensall and Exeter, Solicitors for the Mortgagee. Frank Taylor, Auctioneer. 3374-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF CHRISTINA MtEWEN, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Spinster, 'Deceased. NOTA 1E IS HEREBY GIVEN that all - creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said CHRISTINA McEWEN, who died on or about the 6th day of April, 1932, are required on -or before the 26th day of August, 1932, to send in to the under- signed, Solicitors . for Hugh Grant Rose, the Administrator of the estate of the said de- ceased, full particulars of their claim, veri- fied by affidavit. After such last mentioned date the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he may then have notice. 'and he will not be liable for the said, assets; or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose cla.hn notice shall not have been received by him at' the' time of such distribution_ DATEDthe 25th day of July,, 1932. BITZER & SMYTH, ' 23 Queen St., South, Kitchener, Ont. 3372-3 ShipAnywhere Sample Package, y Ten labs. good leaf tobacco, mild or strong, with free real Briar pipe, $2.50, Twenty L s.' for $3.50; 50 lbs. for $5.00. Quesnel, two lbs. for $2.00. Agents wanted. Ad- dress, G. Dubois, 1s Henderson, Ot- tawa, Ont. WE ARE PAYING 42 cents FOR NEW WHEAT Trucking arranged for and bags supplied. WOLVERTON Flour Mills Co., Ltd PHONE 51 : SEAFORTH FARMS FOR SALE Fj ARM FOR SALE.—POR SALE PART LOT 28 and 29, Concession 3, Ma/Llllop, con- taining 192 acres and known as the T. E. Hays' farm. Mist be sold to close the estate. If not sold will be rented. .For particulars apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Ser - forth. 8358-t! THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY c, • Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate . Money to Loan SEAFORTH, ONTARIO .j8hone 91 A BARGAIN Opening days of this sale were the greatest buying demonstration ever witnessed in Seaforth. All week actually hundreds continued to pour in ---a continuous procession of happy, satisfied customers, and now we predict for the . last days a repetition of last week's frantic buying, for the prices in. many cases have been re -marked downward and values are even greater than before. Extra -Special Women's Rayon Hose --Firsts Look like silk. Fine thread,' even knit; extra spliced feet, double heel and toes All this season's new. C shades. • Sizev- 81/2 to 10. Women's Celanese -Mayon Voile Smart Dresses to $930 Fine imported Voile, Handkerchief Lawns and Fancy Crepes. The best values we ever offered: New, slender lines, new lengths, new sleeve ef- fects. All sizes; 14 to 40. REGULARLY SOLD AT Martha Washington HOUSE DRESSES Highest standard in House Dress quality, made of guar anteed Prints and .Foulard, properly made and finished;. perfect fitting. HOUSE DRESSES Both regular style and Hoov- er style assorted. These are properly made, of, good qual- ity Prints' andLine'en, trim- med with belts, buckles and buttons. Think of it 79c Here is another wonder group that defies all competition. Every Dress is of the very newest 1932 styles. You could net bury nloore atbracti're dresses for twice. this; price. New floral patterns, new polka spots, new pastel shades. BEST CANADIAN CHAMBRAY Fun •32 inches wide, fast colors in ten popular shades. Regular" price 30 cents. 17c yard ,Every Suit in the entire stock has been given a great price -cut, but this` group represents amaz- ing values that will appeal to- the man who wants the utmlost in style and service at'the least pos- sible expenditure of money. Good all -wool Suits in styles for men and young men --Suits in med- item and dark shades and a_ big variety of colors and patterns: Most any mean will find several that will meet his requirements 25c LINEN TOWELLING Fulls 17 in. wide, beautiful borders in assorted i,, colors PURE LINEN TOWELLING Heavy weight, new pat- tern borders; 17 inches wide. Sold regularly at 19c. ➢J 25c . IMPORTED GINGHAMS Specially bought for quick ' selling. New patterns in checks and stripes. ,12 12 c yard 36 -INCH FAST COLOR PRINTS New patterns, new colors; fully guaranteed. Regular value 20 cents. Men's Shirt Special. Men's fine dress .shirts with attached a n d many with two detach- ed collars to match. Regular makes of For- syth and Arrow brands. Sizes 14 to 17. Regu- lar to, $2.50. e i1 6 SPECIAL , . ,Viii0 1 0.00 WOMEN'S SILK and RAYON HOSE Made with substantial garter top, French heel, cradle sole; extra splic- c ed heels and toes. Good assortment of shades. SPECIAL Extra: Specials ! MEN'S BALBRIGGAN 39c WORK SHIRTS DRESS SHIRTS BIO BARGAINS IN STAPLES 'V'ALUES All Cottons, Sheetirlgs, Shirtings, 20 ;mart ;tyles in Wash • Goods, Prints, Curtaining, Velvet, an -i Felts, Denims, Awnings, Flannelettes, etc. , All wanted col - Per Cent Off Half Price .4p 63c 79c WORK SOX . 15c SILK TIES 39c EXTRA SPECIALS IN DRESS GOODS Dress Goods, Silks, Crepes, Velvets, I inings, Laces, Trimmings. REGULARLY PRICED TO FOR SALE.—Five acres, once mile from Seaforth; modern house with furnace, bath and toilet; small barn; good orchard. Taxes, $16. Splendid chance to start chioken farm, bees,., etc. Apply to R. S. RAYS, Seaforth, Ont. 295841 4;0 $'30.00 Do not judge these Suits by the dale price: These are all new style, Suits, made by € anada's best mak- era. Beautiful patterns, Latest styles. A11 sizes. BALBRIGGAN COMBINATIONS .... 79c Boys' Suits are greatly reduced. In addition we are offering you an extra twenty per cent. discount on all new stale suits. You will miss a real opportunity if you do not buy now. Made with short or longe, one or two pants, in a de- lightful range of new Fall patterns. Sizes 22 to34. EXTRA SPECIALS Men's Heavy Overalls Snag Proof Brand, Black, Blue, and Blue „Striped. All sizes. Priced now ''tiliiii�r'. ON lb 41, �c t lath'; SS` r a i 1., i 1 F r �h• 441 ti