HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-07-29, Page 6�,,=.V,."��, "'J�",,,'I'v I", 1-1� ..... .......... � ...... . ..... T""""'," ""I,3",�,,�:�,-�.-P,"�l,�'PP."�,11--��!
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old empty houses in the country are
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ill of Dr. Dunlop Strange
being re -occupied. At least ten mar.
. .
ried e to Ar.
couples must have eom
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thur village alone durin .. t�t
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tvmlve months and they.ail seem t o
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get something to do, even althou, h
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their income i,s a very m46agre one.
il,, .-
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sufferers From Indigestion
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Watch Weeds in Almike.
- I -
fear��he wpuld destroy, the mystery
of 'his personglity. He has 'to dye
� �
"I ;,U0 i�. "
, , ,
....... .......
,115"", I
. (The London Free Press) . .
A statement juvit issued calls at-
'114.: " ,,, , 1 , 1. .
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, , ik .
, ,
Ninety ye�rs ago William Dunlop,
I leave my books to imy brother An-
�ention to the importance -of watch-
, 2, 'k -
�� !.... I .
, ,?j��,',
,��'.,.,,g ,'
,of Gairibraid, Huron0ounty, executed
drew, ,because he has ,been so long a
ing Weeds in to3e stands of alsike
liy, , �� "'44, ,
,,!! � ,,
� 1his, will. The'document itself does not
jungley wall�ah (wallah is the Hindu.
clgv,er intended for seed purposs. In
.. . ,,
,4 %, ,
�%�P��' "
bear that it is holograph, but though
starni for I'man"-presumably Andrew
particular, Bladder , and
., ..".
P :�,r�. ",
I A, t ,
in perfect legal form� the Tnode of
had .spent a considerable portion of
Catch fly,should be rogued from the
�,,�,, -
expression suggests that it wa,,s
his life out East, paxt of it perhaps
crop, as seeds from these -weeds are
� , - �L."`
0,_ �.
drawn up and written by the testat&
rn the jungle), that he may learn to
very difficult to separate from alsike.
, ,
himself. Certain it is, that when he
read with them,
Black M,edick is ar�b,tilier commbn en-
- VR,�
made his will, he had the satisfac-
' J gime my Ailver cup with a so,r,e,,-
emy and one which is possible to
�, R", -
I .:'
tion of telling 'his %,others, sisters
eign in, it to my sister, Janet Gr,-
rogue out of the crap..
-.� ,
" 'i 1, , ,
and relatives exactly what he thought
TiAni Dunlop, because she is an old
It is pointed out, .that in recent
the for Canadian
.. ,i " I
11� ,� .
of them and relegating each member
maid and pious, and therefore will
years market al-
bred,'including 1,000 pure bred bulls,
(to his respective place;
necessarily take to borning (i.e.
Isike seed has decidedly fallen off.
.11 ".
The Laird iof Gairbraid belonged to,
drinking) and also ,my Grann� s
While this is in large measure due
�, .,
a large fanyily--4five sisters and five
snuff mull, as it looks decent to see
to the tariff barrier applied 'by, the
� IL
brothers are mentioned in the will,
an old woman taking snuff.
United States, an equally important
1. X� �
including a brother who had pTede-
I do here -by constitute and appoint
reason is that much of our alsike
.. ��
ceased him, and whose grave on the
John Dunlop, Esquire. of Gaix-braid,
seed has come to be inferiQr in qual-
.. , 1.
estate or farm of Gairbraid is re-
Alexander Dunlo�p, Esicluire, Advocate,
ity Owing to infestation w1th weed
I 1,
served. .
Edinburgh; Alan C. .Dunlop, Esquire,
seeds. Only seed of high purity and
)), ,
U: -
Willialm s a bachelor, and judg-
and William Chalk, of Tucke,rsmith;
generally fine quality.may be expect -
1, '.
"Ing by the terms- of the, will, held no
Wil iara Stewayd' and William Good-
I 1
ed to c0mmAnd a ready market.
very- high opinion of women, nor for
ing, Esquires, Goderich, tobe the ex-
��. ,
that matter, of his brothers. Two of
ecutors'of this my last will and test-
� I
�� .1,
his visfers he somewhat contemptu-
ament. .
Current Crop Report.
�', .
ously refers to as old maids. The
In witness whereof I have set my
. . .
; '.
family was well represented on the
I .
hand and seal the thirty-first day of
In Huron coun.ty, fall wheat
. .
.. .
.religious side, his, sisters, Helen and
August in the year of Our Lord, one
promis an excellent yield, al�
M,aggy, ,being married to ministers.
tho��sand eight hundred and forty-
though --there is some lodging and
We ,do not have� the informatlon
damage by Hessian Fly. Alfalfaand
when he died, or when the will was
(Signed) W. -Dunlop. (large seal).
mixed hay will be good,crops in that
probattied, but here is the context
,The -above instrument of one sheet
county.' Ninerty pew cent. of the
i. �
� :
of it: .
was at the date thereof declared to*
wheat crop in North Simcoe, is first-
, �, I
: �,,
'In -the N-an�e of God, Anien.
us by the testator, William Dunlop,
class.- Ten- thousand acres of buck.
1, .. �9
Know ,all imen, by these presents
Esquire, to be his last will and testa-
wheat were so*n in Wellington Co.
�� �
; I
that - .
ment, and he then. acknowledged to
the last two weeks in June and the
i .
. I 'Williatm Dunlop of 'Gair-
each,of us'that he had subscribed the
first week in Judy. Cutting of fall
� . I
bTaik in the Township Colborne,
!same, and we at his i-equest signed
wheat. has ,been general' in E&sex.
:11 I
oount� and -district of Huron, West-
out names. hereunto as attesting wit-
Heavy rain and 'Wind" hurt the fall
i . 1� . ;
e,rn C�anada, E�q.uire, being in sound
wheat fields in Haldimand. ,--The new
I I I Ae. .1
health of body, and my mind just as
(iSigmed) James ,ClovOthing (large
egg-grading.reguiations are reported
� I -
usual (which my friends who flatter
I seal).
to be working well in that county,
I I ,
I .
me s4y is no gpeat shakes at the
. ('Signed- Patrick MeNaughton '
Rains over most of Ontario in the
-best of times), ,do imake this� my last
I . (large seal).
early ,part of Jul� bfoug,iht ne,�-ded
, , 1.
" �
will and testament as follows, revo�k-
(Signed� Elizabeth. Stewart (liwge
moisture and spring crops are com-
1.1� �
ing, of course, all former wills:
� seal).
ing along rapidly. In Renfrew Coun-
� -, ..
% .
(I leave the property of Gairbraid
Interesting Features
ty alfalfa, clover and hay crops .
.. I
and all other landed property I may
As readers will observe, the will
yielding only half of last year. Re -
, � , I
die possessed of, to my sisters, Helen
contains many interesting features,
ports !from Nortihern On;4ario are�
Boyle Story, and Elizabeth *Boyle
as for instance the reference to
optimistic. ....
, I
Dunlop, the former because she is
,"Western Canada" -being the West-
married to a numist-ex whoni (God
ern district of Upper -Canada.
1� ; . .
help him) she hienpecks; the latter
Apparently Sister Helen (the Rev
Cult Nudism
because: she is a -married to nobody,
Story's, wife), had the same strengt�
;. .
nor is she likely to be, for she is an
of mind as her brother William, and
Invades New York
old maid and not market -rife, and al-
SistL-r Jenny must have been inclined
i , , I
�so I leave to them and their heir's
to be a imartinet, as William did not
On a 4010-acra farra, nine miles
� �
� , I .
my. shaire of the stock, and iraple
think much of her, .practical, but per-
west of H,gbland, New 'Zork, is a
. ments on �rs
. .the farm. Provideil alwa �5
haps purit�Lrrical, Christianity. It musi;
11:1111'st camp composed rd`xorne 40
� I . .
that the enclosure around my bro.
be a very 1png� time since his great-
pen!uns, men, women- nnd childrdii.
1�1 .
ther?s grave -be reserVed-and if
greatgrandmother , Bethia Hamilton,
i-ontrary to what one m; �,li� suppose,
, I
4eitheT should die without issue, then
of Wood Hall (an estate- in Scot-
t1j, colony does, not ,.,ac,1-- ,,oclu.iion
, , -
__ -
I the other to in herit the whole. - .
-) , iajon
land -, went to join the great n
or, -at least, any more Se,:USi0?.1 th,-
I .. .. .
11 leave to my sister-in-law, Louisa
ity. I
thc laws, of the land in poic upon it.
� -
Duniop, all my share of the house-
"Old J6bn" was a "dry"'crark and
Publicity is de-siied, for we noted that
:, ..
,hold furniture and -such traps, with
his -brother William entirely dis-
1) 1 f,
P -wood Broun,, the ,�e.-,. rate( c I-
the exceptions hereinafte.r mention-'
agre-ed w -ith his tee-tqtal prejudices.
umpist, was invited to visit the la
p ce
. �, .
William must have be,�n a true-blue,
and declined in a thousand words,
�. .
A Silver Tankard.
dyed-in-the-wool Tory, and the ad-
which he published in the New,-i*ork
vanced opinions of Brother Sandy,
Wbrld-Telegram. We do not know
, � I
!, ,. .
I leave my silver tankard to the
who had leanings toward red Liber-
whether there is ,any religious si�rni-
eldest son of old John, as the repre-
alism, did not meet w6ith his approv-
ficance in nudism. In fact, we know
I ;
sentative of the -family. I would have
al. I
very little about the cult. 0-ar own
� .
� �
left it to old John himself, but he.
. We presume. that Broth -Lir Sandy is
idea'� is that it is a revival (if' ,sun
; � .
would melt it down to make temper-
the same as "Alexander D�unlop, Es-
worship. That the sun's rays on the
soutli ,to William McKenzie's, for night.
ance medals, and that would be sac-
quire, Advocate, Edinburgh," named
human *in have a beneficial effect
. I �
rilege. However, I leave my big horn
as one of the six executors under the
mg mees o
in certain cireu i ta i, well
I I .
snuff box'to himi; be can only make
will. We do not know whether Alex-
known. ,In, Toronto there are thou-
� . . . .
temperance horn spoons of that.
�.dnder, who was a 'ba"ister-at-law, or
sands of persons who expose their
, _
I �
I leave my sister, Jenny, my Bible,
1plaader befor,le the Supreme Courts of
'bodies to the sunwhenever they har ve
, "I,
the property formerly of my great-
Scotland (the C-ourt of Session), ae-
the oppartunity. One sees them on
I .
greatgrandmother,' Bethia Hamilton
�cepted office -as executor, but. if so,
the bathing ,beaches. . One can see
, ,
� ;
,of Wood Hall, and when she "knows
there (must have been consiaerable
s6ores of them -on the roof of the
� I
1� . ,
. as 'much of the s1pirit of it as she
delay in winding up the estate, as at
Central Y.MC.A. and perbaps else-
; , . ,
- does of the letter, she will be another
that time it must have taken. much
*'here. We ilave seen score� of stal-
I �. . ,
. gurise Christian than she is.
longer than 22 days -to. receive a re-
wart young men in' ,the -showers, ev-
ir. .
%, r
J also lew,le my late brother's
ply in "Western Canada" 'to a letter
erSr incIr of whose skin was as tan -
r ..
. 11
watich.to my ,brother, Sandy, exhort-
from Scotland. I .
ned as the 'arms of an Italian labor-
. I
i . I
� .� 1 I
ing him, at'the same time to give tip
The bequests of four snuff boxes
er in August. But, probably - they
� I
. 11 I
Whiggery, Radicalism and all other
fo rms an interesting co-nirmentary on
would resent -being called nudists.
I 1.
isins that do most easily beset him.
the life of the times, and reveal as a
Gerrilany ts fh)o headquarters of the
11 leave my 'brother Allan my big
sidelight the prevalence of snuffing
cult, and there, apparently, it is not
eilver'snuff box, as I am informed he
then obtaining.
against the law for both sexes, to
is rather -a decent ,Christian with a
In these days of Axn4rican slang we
mingle together naked. We have roAd
swag belly and a jolly face. .
still find the -old -Scotchman's quaint,
that the nudists, most of whom ap-
I .
'I leave PaTson Chevasse (Maggy's
of,d-fashioned, picturesque and pithy
pear to be ,middle-aged and given to
.1 .
husband) the snuff box I got from
language expressive, and very much
corpulence, are quite unconscious of
- the Sarnia Militia, as a small token
to the �oi;it_ He is nothing if not-sar-
anything informal in, their relation-
of my gratitude for the services he
bastic, and if his "will is- to he taken
ship. The !Germans being addicted
done the family in taking a sis-
as any criterion, shows himself to
0 I the m. ta
to h me ife, it is pe ps a ral
�.11; .
,ter that no mAn of taste would. have
havej been a strong-minded 'thra,wri"
that they should like to havo. their
; '.
and "stunkard" Scot. Even in leav-
pleasures irnI co,mmon, and that when
I leave John ,Caddle a silver teapot
ing to his brother-in-law Par�on Cbe-
the head of the house desires to go
I ,
t� the end that he may drink tea
v,asse, the snuff box he ,got from the
nude for an afternoon, h6 should be
therefrom to,comfort- him under th,q
Sarnia Militia be cannot but give
accompanied by his wife and chil-
. - I
Affliction of a slatternly wife.
him a gentle"s-la,m
dren. On the other bandl there may
I .
.1 . .
. I
be some politicil significance in it,
�. .
- -
I - -_ -_ -
a -revolt against things as they are,
which would fl- - I
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. �
In, I-
I , ,,, .111.1 ... '_ 4-11; 1.11,111''...,
..... .
I-— 1..111..�.1'.11. ,, .",
� 'r `
�. __ . ,".." 0;,__1;;,�,
. I 11 "O.",
- . w, 9? ''
. � ..
I -111. . I � I I
I __ ;� �,
_ , ;,
All to set in rdAgerator over
inight, 14y The served I 1,J
, garni:,j-heo
-.41 -1.111111111 -11-111
, ,�",.,,7�111411 1 -1.1 -1 1. I .
- ' .- .
. of a CA ,
7tgrns to Play the fole
in a pleture, but when he brings his
111-1.11- 11 ..- 11 ... 1.111A, Wl::1111:1p�
1.11.1 7�11,�,___�T 11 � -1
, , I: :g:,: :11': .
. . . I .�� 11 - ,. - . I I
. 1111v�. ,�'�".�'',�%',,,".",�'ll""I�-11-11 . ..... ".."., I ..
11 , .
, , ,
"' ,
" �T'_j, , I :. 11 0, "- � I,-,
" ,
.11 � .
,I I : I 'k,
� , �
. .911.1--.11 I .1 ,,, ". i%.1111 171, . . . . . � . . . . . . I'll I, 1. F_
with fresh berries.
up vwducers Just Jigitle. one, ar
writers &how� that select memberr,
D-4,� Pglfi SSIONS .
Yield: 8 laxge servings. .his
i I .
wives ,got a settlement. $62fi,
000, bult when a radio company � of-
, ,
fered. him *650,000, for .
r 'd
becoM6 cIDDvelfts. The organizer of
, , .
, . q . . I
sufferers From Indigestion
Flake Maca oop Mousse,
,ow 1 r
, .,nees hip h 0 4ril n 0
pe,Ara . t_
. ,, qd i
� .
A survey of conditions in Ortaria
� .. , EPRIM .
,f) - k1d
. 1% pints cream
fear��he wpuld destroy, the mystery
of 'his personglity. He has 'to dye
the German -American farm*r who
.. '
'. I .
� I
"Stomach trouble. dyspepsia, indiges-
1/41 cup powdered sugar
bis hair; anyway he does dye.it. Re-
United Kingdom this yea,r.
tion, sourness, gas, heartburn. food fer-
14 cup honey
cently be proposed that the world
clover did not winter well, while a
L � !
mentation, etc., are caused nine times
3/8 teaspoon salt
cure the -&Oriiilon- b� ej lishing
'TIMES -FROM 1410 TO 1999-,I�
in ten by chronic ,�cid stomach," says.,
a well known authority.
1% cups crushed corn flake maca-
�he international eu . rreney�, based, on
ject of having a good time,
_ They
� .
stands of alsike and red clover this
91 %.
Burning hydrochloric acid develops in
the-stoxnach at an alarming rate. The
Beat cream until stiff, Add pow-
gold; ,but noither the 19orgo,ns nor
the Rothschilds have given his pro.
I � ,
acid irritates and inflames the delicate
dew ed sugar gradually, then the honey
posal a tumble. And, Of late fewer
, . demand. I
Me dayUme filey .& i the
,$�t" .
stomach lining and often leads to gas-
tritis-or stomach ulcers. Don't dose an
and sa'It. Fold in crushed or rolled
idry macaroons- and mixture in
,and fevver.people tickle his feet -by
bred,'including 1,000 pure bred bulls,
i , I
acid stomach with pepain or artificial,
temporary re-
the refrigeiator pan and le .
ave IT'
telling him he isi the spitting image
of Napoleon.
dining haU which summons, then� to
vrw of I
uorrxey Coleman's, for niallit. Tu&ddy,
k ,
I �
digestarrLs that only give
lief from pain by driving the sour, fer-
.chilling ,unit four hours. Can be
- . "I
Welliogton C,ounty now hu 51 ac--
. . I I ��
�J,;,� �
. Division, Do,mdnion Seed,, Branch, has'
menting food out of the stomach into
the intestin�es.
packed in 3 parts ice to I part salt
for four hours.
. 4400
�! , ,
_. - . -
' OT a v V
It -is ,the signal for the nudists, to
,P� " o
Instead, neutralize or sweeten your
acid stumach after meals with a little
Yield: I % quarts.
Mechanical Genius
Wellington's iOO.000 acres at bay
Bisumte(i Magnesia and not only will
the pair, vanish but your me a will
digest naturally. There is nothing etter
. —
Muddled Home Affiirs,
, .- WRITE
I I �
I . ,. oapeof,s aT-
V611110 On account a th�b
than mwrated Magnesia, tosweete and
Corn Flake Waffle Cookies.
Napier is, a name known and re-
they we" supposed to be
I . .
o0enerally speaking red clover dI4
� I
settle an acid stomach. Your sto
spected wherever English mo-,
--- - , - i .
acts and feels fine ' in just a few minutes.
Bisurated Magnesia can be obtained from
2-3 cup shortening ' ,
cars aqd airplane engines are known..
. . .
acres of alfalfa that should h9mte, beent
c druggist. it is safe, reliable,
L> eggs (well beaten)
iMontague iStanILy Napier, was the
was'the more easily arrived ht since
to use, is not a laxative
% cup milk ....
imian ,%�ho developed these extraordin-
Fryer's interest in, the estatel.
and is nut at all expensive.
2 cups flour 1,
,ary machines and when he died his
was merely for her own lifetime, and
dia fyor nad-
ot!rotg doinestic Ir
.1. __
I teaspoon baking powder
fortune was estimated at a -million
in the natural course of events the
. .
% teaspoon salt
and a quarter pounds. For years
sum allowed ,,'Mrs. Napier cannot for
,, , .
, 1� �i�, , ,; I I
`�,L �
, �:�. 4 ��
1, :�,
iseemed ,to know who 'h
I cuP shredded cocoanut
his annual incorne was between, 930,-
long be a, serious drain upon it.
turned up in a motor car, ingratiated-,
2 cups.corn, flakes. I
000 and 950,,000. 'He was a -man, of
. . � .1
. '21
,himself' with the membem of the
cteam. shortening L
and add
great force of character which dis.
Colony, took� ,pictures of them all,
gradually. Add eggs and riiix well.
played itself uncomfortably in a quar.
secured their hames and the" de-.
Stir in, sifted dry 'ingredients alter-
rel with his, wife and children which
" seems to ha7e begun- about 1914
�parted ;,Yi a cloud, of dust. Before
went, he was knocked down by an-
nately with milk and add cocoa . nut
flakes. Drop
continued interraittentlA but with
.It '
other photographer who had himself
and,corn by spoonfuls
on hot waffle iron and bake until
no loss of vigor on his -part, as long
Trotting race record 2.0%3/*; bwa in 1.01%.
SiTed by U-nke 2.11%, Dam Letha & 2.00%.
1, -
abstained from taking pictu res. This
golden, -brown.
as he lived. When he died it was.
Willi stand for seaso,Q of 19,32 at his own
mysterious stranger would seem: to
Yield: 30 cookies, 2.% inches in di -
oiscovered that he had left his wife
born. Brussels. Ontario, at $20 to insure, &
in foal.
be in. possession of, documents which
s�,him up in a thriving little
, ametm I
not even the .proverbial shilling.
while his children had been given
Letanna S. is a. smooth, W4 horse vn'ft
a beautffu,l bead and neck, tbo best of feet
blaek,mail business, for m of the
'�l '
nudists who have resp le, posi-
� I .. . — ,- . ____
triflinig amounis. The estate went
to"Mrg. Norah IMary- F;ryer, the w id-
and 4egu and the best dis"i0m po"ible
in a sUllion. He stan& 16,1.& hands; is dark
I a
tions would na,tura.11y shRik from
The contrast in America to -day b,e-
ow of a, doctor. After her death, the
bro" in' color, a -ad we*yw about 11,50 pounds.
and without . do,ibt is one of the best at=-
4 e
thaving, their hobby revealed to the
tween the accumulation of gold and
estate was to be distributed to charit-
dard',bred trottirng stallions, standibe in On-
, I
outside world, probably in th4� -form
the bligh�ing of life and happiness
able institutions, Mrs. Fryer having
tario at the ,Present time.
4ny further turformation x1adly forwwde&
of semat * al news photographs,.
is ginIingst the ost une4pected and me bei.rs to ,whom she desired to leave
it, being forbidden to do At
MIThen camp started one of
astounding thingms in human experi-
or so.
, Brusselsr Vat. I
the rules was that visitors might
ence. We ventured, to say a few
the trial - recently concluded' before
wear clothes or 'mot just as the,�
owntlis ako that America was cutting
Lord We"ivale in England, she said
The Pure Bred Canadian Clydandale,Stanlaw
pleased. But, ,the nudists protested.
her .own throat with a ,golden razar.
%,er isole, interest in the estate was
� I I"
They insisted that pe-6ple who came
In the econon-de setise, this is not a
limited to her own lifetime, which
. L . [24m] .
. to see them should have no unfair
metaphor -but a fact. --4. L. G�ixvih,
w , as .considered to be a really hand-
. Approved I
advantage, The nudists insisted on
in tbe'London Observer.
some concession. .
Manday-Will -leave the Commercial Stablts,
s6eing the visitors A's the rvisitors saw
Naturally the disinherited, widb.w
HensWi and go west to Parr Line and nortb
John then to C. stev-
them. In other words the visitors
'" .
'Has it ever occurx,ed to an inveR-
and children -protested ,at what they
to Farrest's. for noon;
enson'l, for night Tuesday. -West by vide
must disrobe, for the nu,dists felt as
tor I to harness the energy wasted in
considered the unjust . distribution
road to Goshen Line to Orval XeClinchWs.
self conscious in the presence.. of
convention demonstrations? - Cin-
Made by the will which had been
executed in 1923', and took acti to
for noon; -then east to Elmer Webster's, for
night. W�drresdayNorth on 4th ConceBsios
clothed persons as persont,
felt in the, presence of the nudists.
einnati Times -Star. .
have it set aside, alleging among
to corner, then east to Ed.
Glenn's, on side concession, for noon; and
In the dining rooml even the. nudists
�. 9 .
otherthings that Mr. Napier was
soutli ,to William McKenzie's, for night.
. .
are expectedto wear clothes, of some
. I
, '
not of sound testamentary Capacity
Thursday. --south to Robert Munn's, Hay
Township, for noon; and east to London Road
ki n d, probably as a protection
Hot Weather Precautions
and that be had ,been unduly in�
to Hensail for night, Friday. -By Loadoo
against being scalded by food or
fluenced ,by -Mrs. Fryer. In the
Road -to 2nd Ooncesevion, to Geame Arin,
collecting splinters from the chairs.
. The summer season is a healthful
course of the proceedings in which
strong's, for noon; then to Herrsa,l, for
A minor controversy is now proceed-
time- Summer offers many advant-
,several ,of the most distinguished and
Terms�$10.00 to insure.
ing as to what constitutes clothes.
ages in, the abundance of fresh fruits
,expensiveL lawyers in London took
Mere un4ergarments are for the time
and green leafy vegetables provided,
part, the domestic tragedy of the
being accepted. So far the weather
a' 'ell as the coim&ort securerl out
Napiers was revealed. It seems that
I William Luker, Manager.
has (been -kind to the nudists, and
of doors in the fresh air and sunshine.
the whole career Q4 the man was to
The Premium Clydesdale Stallion
-the number . at -the camp is slowly
Just because sumper -means hot we.a-
some extent iAfl-aenced or shadowed
I .
increasing, as more and more people
thek, and because hot weather means
by the memory of hi's father, who
. 11
learn' of the shindigs and desire to
not only fresh fr�uits and vegetables
t�jn,ed all his own ebildren out of
Enrolment No. 1961 , Form A 1 '
participate in'them. It might not
but such unpleasant things as flies
doors and left a considerable fortune
'Monday, Afternoon -Will leave his � own
stable. Drucefi&ld, and go south W Kippen by
'-fl "
be a bad move for the ,Canadian
and mosquitoes, attention should be
to his cousins or nephews or similar
Lonr, Road to Al. Harvey'si for night.
Government to put up for member-
given to certain precautions, which
upstarts. ' Perhaps, "the harshness
Tueslany.-To Second Con' cession, of Tucker-
ship the Doukhobors of Saskatche-
will make for a more comfortable
. I
with which Napier had been treated
smith, south IV, miles, thensearit to 10th eon-
wan. .. .
. . �
summer. . I
(It is no exaggeration to say that
drome him to, the concentration upon
cession -to Angus McKimnon for noon; then
cast to Xen. McKeldaT's f r'night. Wpdroee- ,
.1 -0 .
sunshine is a giver 4 he�,lth. ) An
Mechanical problems and business
succeSs. He L was held to be a me-
day.-awt to Town Lin'e,othen north 1%
miles to Lloyd's Colquhoun'e for noon; then by
staff" to William' Patrick's, for uisbt.
of sunshine will eadse-harm,
chanical genius an eniployer of
Tharsday.-North 11/4, to Concessrrou
The Survival Of .
however, just as will an overdose Of a
labor of great strength of character,
mHes -7th
ti) Coyne,130os., for noon; then west to RobL
.. The Sweetest
drug which, when taken in the pro-
though apparently he had some
Doig's, for nigbt. Friday. -West t* Gem-
per amount, does good. 'Get out in-
eccentricities such as creeping up
mell's cbrner, then north tQ Mill Road to
For., years we have been hearing
to the sunlight every day,,but be mod-
behind work people and suddenly
George McCartney's, for noon; then east be
MrAdam,s side concession, and north to
objections to sweets -pastries, Mkes,
erate, -and take time to acquire a coat-
revealing this presence ,much to their
oarmochan Bros., for Yoght. Saturetay-Dw
ples and candies; They have been
of tan.
way of Broadfoot's bridge.to Mill Road to
. .
called fattening, conducive to high
, Souring and e
ar" One
is 2, ' ith his
tship w -i wife, seems
own stable.. .
Terms�Terms to insure, $18.00.
blood pressuTe, -hard to digest and
to the ,action of certain , ,bacteria
to have been a haphazard affair. She
are known to bavL- other unfavorablt-
which multiply with incredible ra,pid-, mag employed as ,governess or com-
ity This is
I .
. . Proprietor & Manager. .
qualities for some people. But so
when wa-nm� the explana-
,panion, and they became frietdly.
far, io spite of these protests, there
tion of many of the cases of what is
iler ambition at that time was to be.
Ihe Pure Bred Imported and Premium
i .has been a very Imarked survival of
only called ptomaine i i
con"m P01SOnIng.
come a dentist and he advanced
Percheron Stallion "
the sweets. It may be, that some-
_�s a matter of fact ptomaine poison-
nioney to RgSigt4 her. Then one even-
time, through future processes. of ev-
ing does not occur. The condition is
Ing the young lady's mother called!
olution that men, will be born with-
-due to bacteria or germs found in
food which has been allowed to
,him into a room and said that he
Form. A I
'Commencing Wmday, May 30th, will traval
out those taste buds which are pleas
wag putting her daughter in a false
practically the same route as last season.
ed with only sensation of sweej:
ness. IBut -let iis hope that, thitt
'At all times, but particularly . I
position, am unheard of proceeding
with regard to a female dentist. She
Proprietor and Manager.
time is far, far away.
summer, sufficient care should- b� tt�k-
m engaged. He
, r
:We enjoy sweet foods so much that
en to make sure that food is Strict-
consented, ana leaving the house
The Pure Bred imported and Premiurn
it. has become a custom to leave them
'ly fresh. lFood that is tainted, soft
walked into the first store he saw,
Percher�n Stallion .
to the last of the meal where we can
or mushy should not be eaten, as
which ,happened by a stroke of goocL
. 112804]
linger over their goodness. Children
such food -hag evidently not been kept
fortune to be a jeweller's and bought
enrolment No. 2200 Approved Form A I .
are often persuaded to eat their en-
an engagement ring. Returning he
Monday-WHI leave his own stable, Staffa,
tire meal by the fact that there is a
. When vegetables are eaten raw it
gav4a it to 4he young lady. She hand-
ndl go south 2Y2 miles to the 18th Contrail—
"ion, and east 21A_ miles to Hugh DalryrinVZe.
good dessert in store f9r them, and
is mcess,ary that they be thoroughly
'9M,Sbod. This is true the
ed it back afid asked him to place it
noon; then north 2212 and west 21/2 miles
even adults look forward to this last
yea7T round',
on her. finger, which he did.
�o Staffs. to his own stable for night. Tues-
course with.-gurip and anxiety.
and is mentioned here only because
much loye or romance there," said,
day- -West to the Stb Concession five mues,
. ..
�FTozen srf,&�, are quite in vogue
more raw vegetables are used in
. Napier in a letter tv his lawyer. So
and north to Montgomery Patrick's, for noun.
then north by way o,f Sproat's Brick Yard
now. TheyJ are 9weet, cool and nour-
sum1mer. ,
it seems to have continued thro,ugh-
bo Ivy Henderson's, McKi1lop, (or night.
isbing. Th�y often bring up to stand-
Poison, ivy should be known, as
out their marriage though the d
Wednoesda�r.Uasrt 11/4 miles and north 2%
ard the calories in.,our othe rwis6 fru-
for obvious reasons it should be de-
.several children, all of whom, accord-
iles to Pem Little'o, for noon; then bv
gal ,summer .meals. It is unusual to
stroyed, or if that is not possible, it
in.g to the, father, should have been
why of Leadb ry and then east to ImaLawe
NeGavin, s, foru n�Frht. Thursday. -East and
... I
be talking about increasing calories,
should be arvoided. Poison ivy usual-
out earning their owm ilying.
south to Frank Johnston'% for noon; then
but th,g is,,that some of us do
ly -grows as a low busby plant, but
But the man, however cold or
east 11/4 inUes end north 13/i miles and ewt
,fact .
� — �� 4 .1 I ..
to the Logan Town Line and south to Ed.
I norma phenOlm- -not e enough during the summer- -.y v- as a ne ra ng on the curmudgeonly he may have been, Rose's, for night. Friday- -South 1% MR -A
enom in Germany to -day. Or, Of time. .Our apVetites, are lazy and ground or over other objects. It is was devoted to his mother and while and west 11/4 miles and South to John Walph's,
course, they may be simply nuts. we just let them have their own way. recognized by the arrangairielit Of 'tq she lived did �everything in his power for noon; then south 8% miles and east 2% 't . I
of the Ameri- ;Macroons are good summer cook- leaves in threes. Th poisoning re- to conceal from her the fact that ' miles to Gray Bros., 4th Coneession ad Hib-
ne' bert, for nigbt. Ssturdtay-South 1% miles .� 6
can nudists, such a� tbosq who are ies and with thtiit you can make sev- isults from a �antact between the was not happy. Then she died and and west 21/2 miles and south to staffs, by
assembled near H; 1,1-4 - st I --_p f% d .A A 4-L 1 � T.0
. .
� I
Napier himself had a serious bout of
illness culmu�nating in an operation
F. , . rong
rdotive woul,d be a desire to make
! I
Trade in Farm Pro4tcts.
;an g-rown red clovei seed, for -owing
therniselves conspicuous and shock
i 11
A *tate-ment just issued estimates
next spring .,
,, and those farmers wh,
are fortunate in having good stRnds
people. I
But we gather that the orilp Peo-
� I
edhe total of Canada's trade in farm
on fields Teasonalbly free froir. weeds
Ple they have had the -1 opportunity
I products for the fiscal year 1931-32
sbould.bave the second cu� fo.r seed
of shocking so fur are themselves or
", -
at $308,480,201; of this aTn<yunt $224,-
, 728,2,69 represients farm products ex-
-rather bnam use it for pasture.
each other. ,The -public is not ad-
ported while $90,151,932 represents
As for alsike, consensus of
opinion i,j that the total acreage in
initted, ,although the invitation t;o
IMr. 'Broun - and other newsPapell
ifarm, products impor ted. 11
� I I
Ontariq this year is about forty per
writers &how� that select memberr,
, ,�
� .
cent. 'ess than last year so that un-
from the outside world are welcome,
�_' ,
I 11
less the yield per acre -is, heavy there
pr6bably im the hope that they
short Crop of Seed Clovers. '
will likoly be ninch less alsike !hresb-
becoM6 cIDDvelfts. The organizer of
not -until they lose their shiny, ap-
ed than �,ven last year, wben the to-
the camp is Vincent Burke, *ho
� , I
A survey of conditions in Ortaria
tal vield was much below normal.
runs it on a co-operative basis with
�, .
I s1bows that crop prospects for both
Good quality alsike irs expected to
the German -American farm*r who
, ,�
red clover and alsike this year are
. .
I,e in fair demand, $or export to the
owns the I premises. No liquor is
. poor. Insufficient snow covering is
I '
United Kingdom this yea,r.
,admitted to the coniftninity, the
. -fibe reason. given forthe fact that red
1 pre� appear to have lived together. Mrs.
cautions will make your summer morp,' Napier more or less ac eseed in the
tm-ldists ,being almost unanimously
�,i, -
clover did not winter well, while a
pleasant and more headthfivi. .
strict drys. It is obvious to the
. �
decrease in acreage of around forty
Wellington County Report.
meanest intelligence that the n�udists
per cent. in alAke for seed is re-
do mot 'got that way with the Gb-
�,,,,, I
-ported. For .thoie who have good
The Wellington County Live Stock
ject of having a good time,
_ They
�,�j' �
stands of alsike and red clover this
Improvement Association aims to
axle intensely sieriolis a ut their
, ,
. year market prospects are good in
make Wellington County one of the
rites, and seem to be gi en �.
V . to lee
I �?,�;,��
. respects W bath d0mestie afid export
best live stock breeding centree in
tures and the uplift genemlly. In
I 11�1� - �
, . demand. I
Clamada and already 95 per tent. of
Me dayUme filey .& i the
,$�t" .
.� -
all the sites, in Wellington are pure
preinises or bathe in the lake quite
bred,'including 1,000 pure bred bulls,
naked. There is a siren me" the
.��, , ,
. I
- Clover Seed Prospects,
2,000 pure bred rums, 300 purd bred
dining haU which summons, then� to
vrw of I
uorrxey Coleman's, for niallit. Tu&ddy,
boars, and 50 purre bred stallions.
the -meals which ,they eat together,
!G, S. Peart, Chief of the Marketa
Welliogton C,ounty now hu 51 ac--
and also sounds an alarm when any
�J,;,� �
. Division, Do,mdnion Seed,, Branch, has'
Cre&ted herds, including 24 Holsteins,
unauthorized vis,itors are detected.
just. returned from a trip thro,ugh
18 Sbortblorns, 4 Ayfthireis, I Jersey
It -is ,the signal for the nudists, to
��; ,L�j',� "'
I / , gome of the principal alsike and red
and 4 I
dort clothes and all of tbem have
,clover Orodwing districts in* Ontario
Wellington's iOO.000 acres at bay
shorts or beach p7jamas handy.*
, X,
� I
* tl ,ud' rep rts that seed., , production,
for these two drops
for Inext wbiter's roughage will ,be
worth about fee
a ton 1#-§g for ding
ILast week half a dozen persons
I . ,. oapeof,s aT-
V611110 On account a th�b
were expelled frorn the camp, tvv,o
��',',��,, �
I ptar poor. �
continV I
they we" supposed to be
o0enerally speaking red clover dI4
rains holding back the baying aiid
detoctivts, three because m
they see ed
v, ,,�,�,!,-
not ,�Ajkiter well owing to, insufficient-
all6wirrg the protein to tu-rn to fibTe
too durious, peeking indecorously at
snow cover and meadows, wath really
' ,
in the standing, cirop.- Hundreds of
,the less repu - Of the nudista and
.11 .1 I good stands are not nukrilaroug.
acres of alfalfa that should h9mte, beent
the other because be did' not seem '
,P�� � � , ,-�
. .
- ,,�; -, This pros ,9:f a short red c1btve-r
in the barn ,before the wet we-athrT
to be any too well grou'
, 11
i,,I�Iti�', , ,
. seed crop, taken in co-ftJumetion, vqiy�
started l#Tnained unctbt uWl the see-
iis called ,the philosophy of niudjsm
,4, �' -
. sI =.11 aTaoflint of th,�
the rel*Li'veIV I
01 id week in July.
There was -another (Asitor aboui ,
%, �
14K erop miTiried a
Madreds ol city ,people are flock-
,vvho,se activities the n.udistq were
dia fyor nad-
ot!rotg doinestic Ir
Ang to Wellingto�Oounty farmis and
, a%lry apprehensive. Nobody
�,�,T;" '.
,�,,!� 14,
1.11 , , , . ,
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�Ml` UN �52 ,-._.,_5_----1. � � , I ,,
, , . -
eral delighwul desserts.
k, . � .y - e pan. con-
tact has occurred, the part should be
Napier himself had a serious bout of
illness culmu�nating in an operation
way -of Centre Read, to. his own stmble, wheve I I
he will remaih until the followim Monday
. . I
scrubbed with laundry soap under
running water. .
which seems to have removed one of
Temns-413.00 to insure, ra,yable February
Corn, Flake Macaroons.
'The commion. house fly is not to be
his kidneys, but not his fear that the
otber would become tRWrcular. It
Ist, 19113.
2 egg whites
feared on account of size, but be is
was suggested at the trial, if not
' John Llvingsbohe, Manager.
V2 cup� chopped mitmeats.
a dangercku,ii, enemy of the human
'For, the
flatly stated, that Napier believed he
I I 1.
I cup brown sugar
.race. reason that the fly
feeds anywhere ,and everywhere
had contracted tuberculosis from an
37501 Can. No. 4070
1 cup cocoanut (shredded) .
2 cups'Corn flakes
manner of filth is carried on itiq hairy
improper intimacy with a Woman
who was at one timehis stenograph-
Approved Form I interim CerL .1
Will sftmd this season st-bis own stable.
Yz teaspoon vanilla.
back. The gernis 6f disease or those
which ca-�,se Putrefaction of food'aie
ex, and whom he had intended to en-
Brucefield, for a -limited number of mares and
�u ntil further nibitice .
B6t ,egg whites until they are
stiff enoagh tA6 hold their shape but
very apt to be spread- 'by flies. The."'Napier
rich. 1,ater be changed his mind.
made sev�earal wills, the first
Valient Guy, trot*er; -brown colt; fooded
MaTch 81, 1924. Standard and Registered I
not -until they lose their shiny, ap-
breeding places a flies rshould be de-
one bequeathing all his property to
Bred b, WW..t Ha Farm. Don.r.fl, tJS,,&: S �
pearance. Flold in, sugar carefully.
8troyed, homes Protected -by screent
and -all food should be -kept cold
his wife and ,children. lAter on a
is a son of the great Guy Axwlbrthy 2.0$#/4. ;
His.sire is the gmeatest produeer of trattIon
F,old in corn flakes, nutraeats and co-
coanut. A,d,d 'vanilla. Drop on it well
coverfd so that flies and other in-
deed of separation lbetween, 11nigelf
,atnd 'his wife was drawn up, and
living or dead, havirna put four 2 minuto
trotters an the list, and has 282 to his cr�a
-greased bjwking sheet. Bake In a
sects 'cannot contaminate it.
Attentioii to such hot weather
thereafter 'Mr. Napier and Mrs. Fryer
in the list to -day. Dam, Lady Oralin, 2.1&
Terms--Gtandarrd bred registered mares.
moderate eyen (350 deg. F.) a -bout
15*to 20 minutes. Rentove pans, from,
1 pre� appear to have lived together. Mrs.
cautions will make your summer morp,' Napier more or less ac eseed in the
$20; grade mares, $12.
even, plue on damp towel and- re-
pleasant and more headthfivi. .
arrangement, although a letter was
, 0.
Proprietor and Managen
lawve macaroons immediately with a
spatula or, sharp knife. If mraca-
.1� I
pToduced in whiclipshe said she never
The Imported and PrevIlain Belgian Drarf$
could forgive him for his cruelty to
SU111911 -VAMI
Toons bewme.hardened to pan, they
Great Sc.re6n Co'mic
his children, even if ohe,could fgnor�
- ;_, 1,
DE I MIMIL - ;,:;4
may be put in the oven. a few -nun-
his infidelities. I
Canadlatt No. 049 11
Afterleari so, 15300
utes. to soft&n.
Yield: lih doien) macaroons.
rr -
Finds Life I agic
There was -painful corretporgdenee,
between the father and the children
Form A 1. PAWAMent 146. 2866
Will storA for the imm"w*ftent of dto&
- .
That stoieally sad ,countenance of
who urgo-d that ho -should miaik.e a
season an follow"..' -Monday -will Its" ,
his own aftible. I mile norr& ,of Henso, ",I '-
I . 0 ;
OlistrIes 18pewer 'Chaplin, , becomes ,proper Wovisimi for his ,wife in the
go, w4g&t 1% ndleo amd 114 miles so to I
Peach Macaroon Pudding.
more com0rehensible. -His taxes a'l-
.event of his death. At the time of
Zurich road, then wea to Warn ,
. f0i
"von, %,en mofth by Parx Line tv I
so make him look that wair. News is
the separation he had offe�ed her a
vrw of I
uorrxey Coleman's, for niallit. Tu&ddy,
eu M111k
I ta,Up
'�:n cornstarch
at band that he; is'Hollywoodos, rich-
est citizen and tbart means he is the
life income^ of ga,000, or ah allow-
ance of 0,091Y to bo paid as long as
North to Logan's ,6orner, ,v�estr 1% nives to; .
VM111on Htvter:s, for noon; tbonce n6rih to I
BsTfielld 'Albert
cup ougar .
3 eggs (s6parated)
assessbr'a target the year round.
Taxes, however, are only one of
he Nved. She chose ther latter. So for
when he Aied k was left nothing.
RoILd wid eq9t to ltpmoele,
nigbt. Wednesdauj.By w&7 of 11A700111 , I'
Road to aecond thence
I teaspoJon Vanilla extract
MA'nY factors which vefk well might
!The action tO UPset the will la,sted''mme"
eanxwofah", sotith 11A I
to Fred Ruth*eDA's, few noon' theme .;
1/4, teaspoon almond extract
keep him ,as doleful . Dfl"the screen, as
for two days, and Lord Merrimale sout%
and east to his,omm stable & night. r� ,
1 cup eanned sliced peaches
3 cups corn flake macaroon crumbs.
'Mix -cornstarch
On- In fortY-threo Years he has ,had
come a long way from tbbse1bndon
hinted more thAll- ofid,d 'at the noon;
tremendous cog of t& pmeee,dings. aim
ThUltaXY-RoStr to William Rrintnell'g, f0f 11
then north iY4 vAies to loth 6onces-
and went 111/4 miiles cis 10th, thence north
&ald the milk.
daks when he Slept next door to %4
On the tbir4 day the varldu,q eounsel 21/1,
miles to Louis Gorm3evs, for night Fri- �,
with stijear and imoisten with a,litt . le
cold water. 7A,dd the beaten egg
curbstone, and, (merely �ightened his
belt at'xneal time. But he has ti-ou-
came to an agrennent whereby Mrs.
Fr*er,[gave Wo. Napier ;gAyWo, g, south
fty.--Mast 1% miles, rorth lyk miles and ,
West to Alex. Watlace's, for noon. th6we
and to PA, aproars, for
volks and stir ih,�o milk, 0ook, stir-
bleWili barrels and bales.
for life arict a further sum d 920� 60o saturdw.-By
wesi night..
way of second Carroession to
ring cotntimitially, until cust,ard is
Ile has bad two wives 6ut basn,t
Oiit of the estate. In, return for @9
44m ot*ble far noon, wbere he will re- r
smooth and thi&. Remove, fr6tici fire,
add flavoTings. afid. peaches. Pold in
kept either; -and now one of the two
is 'to
all allegations were, withdrawn, ftid
until the followimg,-Monday mornium
Terms -414.00 to Insure,. payable Foruary '
beaten egg whites.. Place macaroon
going put his sons, aged six
and %evA, lhtO the mlo'669, 'T,alk-
undertakings were ma,de by itjl hands Urt,
that there siYould be -no further pro. AVM,
19M T1. Paid an or before the 19t of
$1.00 wi!U be refunded. .#-
crumbs in a ,bo*1 or pudding dish
, ,
and pour'' custard nbilture coMer them,
ink picZes are hero for keeps anct
be Ilkes,to make only silent ones. He
,,qe6d, to upset the will or the set-,
_�le,m im"g's
, ent agreed upon. The agreement
prowewrs. � �
I 1.
� I vin workivan, manoget. .
. -
� "�
1. �' -, . . 1, .
. .
I .
I . .
I � I
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11.1.1r., I I 1, , , I
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- , ..
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tl�llllk _:�", "' �,'� "��' ,'. ,!r�
,,� ,,�,z�pj, 0"h"'.6p ,�� IkA. .o, I
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