HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-07-15, Page 8is
•• Oar 'years we have specialized in
Vinegar and our 'y"inegar sales hay e
.,increased every year without er-
ception. We sell nothing under xxx
quality and made by Canada Vine-
gar Co., and every gallon guarali-
.. teed. Our price this year, �1E9c
per gallon �i
BRiOOM'.S--'Our eheapost broom is $l.
our dearest brooms 2•Uc, Our high
priced brooms are our best values.
Special 39c
BORDEAUX \VaLNUTS said to be
lowest ever. Best quality. 45
j Potmd v'
lish make; 20c value. 15c
ER—Both .good ones; 25t
3 for
BAKER'S OOC'OA in 1-potynd print-
ed 'bags, -2 pounds 35c
TABLE F1GS--2 pounds 25c
COOKING FIGS -3 pounds 25c
CORN STARCH --In bulk, 3 tbs., 25c
CLA'RK'S SOUPS --Any of 25c
seven kinds; 3 for C
WICH RELISIHI--2.4 oz. Sac
Note the size is three to four times
as large as the ordinary sandevic.t
spread. High class makers, and
an extra special-
19 oz, crackle jars 25e
13 -oz. fancy jar • 25c
PRUNES—Medium size.25c
3 pounds J
2 pounds
BLSC'U1TS-3 pounds
EGGS °bought for .cash or lc peer o .-
en more for trade.
CREAM bought for Seaforth Crea
ery at 'Creamery price.
A ;,&c Jar of Gardenia Vanish-
ing Cream, cold or cleansing
C'rean,, FREE with every $1.00
Bux of Gardenia lace Powder.
• You will like this exception-
ally fine powder with the per-
fume that is different.
A 25c package of Gauze or
Absorbent'Cotton Free with a
,50c bottle of Gypsy Cream ---
the ideal lotion far sunburn,
poison ivy, heat -ash, etc:
Keating's Pharmacy
The Rexall Drug Store
Phone 28 Seaforth, Out.
Cut Flowers, Wreaths and
Floral Pieces supplied for all
splendid and full report of t e >iie'v-
enth annual meeting of the Domin-
ion Beard, held in the United Church
Training School, Toronto, July •lst to
8th. This report was fell of interest
and inspiration. The Board realizes
that these are grave days for' the
1ilissionnr•y epteree se and state that
courage, faith and prayer will be
needed to face the future. A hearty
vote of thanks was extended to Mrs.
Lane, also to Mrs. George Black and
Mr. and Mrs. William Black for their
very gracious hospitality. The offer-
ing amounted to $18. The meeting
clgsed with singing, "Blest 'Be" the
Tie That Binds." A delirious lunch
was served by Mrs. J. Finlayson,
captain of Circle 4 and her group.
The nest social meeting will be held
in September. The Society desires
to thank all those who in any way
contributed to the supces•s of the
meeting, especially those who loaned
their cars,
Sign Being Rejuvenated. — 'The
large sign in front of the Canadian
Bank of Commerce is 'being painted
and gilded this week. The work is
being done by Mr. David Fell.
Falls From Wagon. — Mr. T. J.
Webster, of Tuckersmnth, had the
misfortune to fall from a. load of
hay- at his farm on Saturday last
He received internal injuries and was
badly shaken up, but is now resting
Breaks Hip in Fall --Robert Boyce.
of Tuckersinith, had the misfortune
to fall from a tree in his orchard 'on
Monday and fracture his hip. He
-as brought to the Scott Memoria,
hospital. Two years ago Mr. Boyce
met with a similiar accident, when he
fractured the same hip and was laid
'F. D. Hutchison 1 up in the hospital for some months
Phone Phor Phood-166
Mr. Motorist
Can you meet 'a judgment
in event of accident?
Is your family covered by
a Family Automobile Policy
to compensate youagainst
nledica`1 and surgical aid?
We are prepared to give
you full protection at a re-
markably low cost.
Information gladly given;
call us at once.
Watson & Reid
Phone 214 J
Specialists its All Lines of
O S. T. Holmes & Son
O Main Street, Seaforth
0 S. T. Holmes' residence,
Goderich Street, West; phone
M+0 No. 119 W. Charles Holmes'
O residence, Goderich Street,
0 East; phone No. 308.
O Limousine Ambulance Service
O Night calls, phone 308.
O Day calls, phone 119J.
O Charges moderate.
0 ,'
O 0<50<> 0000000
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
'0 0
H. C. BOX 0
Funeral Director and
Licensed Embalmer
Best Motor and Horse-drawn
Charges moderate.
Flowers furnished on short
Nights Calls • Day Calls
Phone 175 Phone 43
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 W. J. CLEARY <'
0 Licensed Embalmer and 0
O Funeral Director' 0
0 Up-to-date Horse and Motor 0
0 • Equipment. 0
0 Night and Day Service. O
0 Phone 19-22, Dublin, . 0
0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Train Engine on Fire.—As the noor
train came into Seaforth station of
Saturday last, the oil electric engine
which was drawing it; burst into
flames. A bucket brigade was quick-
ly formed and the fire extinguished
befpre much damage was done. It is
thought that the cause was a shori.
circuit. 'Plie train pulled out about
12 o'clock, some 30 minutes late.
Golfers .Win At Bayfield.—J. E
Keating, R. E. 'McKenzie, J. H. flinch -
ley, W. E. Southgate and K. I. Mc-
Lean, of the Seaforth ;Golf and Coun-
try Club, were in Bayfield on Wed
nesday afternoon playing in a tourna-
ment being held there. Prizes were
won by Messrs. Keating and McLean
for low gross in first and second
Will Speak Over Radio.—Dr. W. A.
Crich, .son- of Mr. and Mrs, W. A.
Crich, of town, and a member of the
Lockwood Clinic, Toronto, will speak
.over CFCA on Friday evening at 7.15
p.m. D.S.T.,• taking for his subject
"Dental 'Health." • It will be remem-
bered that Dr. Crich gave an excep-
tionally well receivedaddress before
the Seaforth Lions Club some months
Bowlers Hold Jitney Tourney ---
Local bowlers held a mixed jitney
tournament on Tuesday evening last
for which there were twenty-four en-
tries. Three ten -end games were
played resulting in wins as follows:
Ladies' first prize, Mises Gretta Ross,
3 wins plus 2.1_ ladies' second prize,
Miss Minnie Dorsey, 3 -wins plus 21;
men's first prize, John Broderick, 3
wins plus 21; men's second prize, Jim
Scott, 3' wins plus 12.
John Bennewies, Brodhagen - Pres.
Janes Conr.olly, Goderieli - Vice -Pres.
1). F. McGregor, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas.
W. E. Hinehley, Seaforth' John
!Murray', R. R. 3, Seaforth; 'N; R. G.
Jarrnouth, Brodhagen; James Watt,
Blyth.'• '
William I{nox, Lo'ndeshoro ; 'Jobe
Bennewise, Brodhagen; Jame Con-
,. nobly, Goderich; Alex, Broadfoot, o.
$; Seated t;- Th Bert Ferris, Myth;
George .McCartney, No. 3, Sezeforth,;.
Job. t Pepper. 13rueefield; Jaime. At0l,
snide, Walton; Acta. Meylart, •No. 5,.
Falls Off Handcar. — Mr. Fred
Huisser, a section man on the C.N'.R.,
fell off a handcar while coming down
the tracks in the neighborhood of
the Bell Engine & Thresher Co.on
Saturday last. He suffered serious
concussion but fortunately no bones
were broken. Mr. Huisser, who was
unconscious until evening, was re-
moved to Scott Memorial Hospital,
but was able to go to his home Mon-
day. Mx. Jack Currie is filling his
place in the section gang.
Former Resident Dies in Calgary.
—Many friends in &aforth and vicin-
ity will sincerely regret to learn of
the• death of Mrs. William Pickard,
which occur're'd at her home in Cal-
gary on June 23rd. :Mrs. Pickard
was for many years a prominent resi-
dent of Seaforth, where her husband
was one of the town's most promin-
ent business men. She had resided
in the West for some twenty-five
Women's ittstitut.e.•—The •women's
Institute will hold their regular
monthly meeting on Tuesday, July
19,th, at 2.30 p.m. at the home of
Mrs. S. G. Houston. The roll call
will•' be answered by a "Health Hint."
A demonstration on bandaging 'by
Miss Lawrence and a talk on '"Food
For Beauty" 'by Miss Dorothy Broad -
foot will be very interesting features
of this meeting.
An Old Boy Comes Home.—Mr. G.
A. Sills had a welcome and interest-
ing visitor this week in the person -f
VIr. Etheridge Currie, of Detroit. Mr.
Currie is a, Seaforth old boy, one of
the oldest in fact, as he attended the
first school here, when his father was
running a lumber yard in the first
days of the town, and lived at that
time in the brick cottage below th.o
Lions swimming pool. Mr. Sills ano
his visitor had a grand pow -wow ov-
er the old days and the old ways, and
it is needless to say, both thoroughly
enjoyed the meeting. Mr. Currie is
now a wealthy real estate man in De-
Lost.—An engine drive belt on July' 4th, b.-
tween Isaac Moore's and Mrs. Henry For-
syth's, Finder please have at The Exposi?or
Office. 3370-1
Notice.—Upho:stering done on short notice,
also can handle celluloid curtains. Auto tops
redovered. Shop located over Wright's Gar-
age, D. Pell, Seaforth. 3349 -ti
W: M. S. Hold Social Meeting.—
About ninety members, and associate
helpers and friends of the W. M. S.
of Northside United Church, met at
the lltome of Mrs. George and Mrs.
William Black on Thursday last for
the -July social meetings also' the
Behy Band with Miss Annie Lawrence
their 1•earler. Miss Lawrence is very
enthusiastic over her •new band and
it is felt that worthwhile results will
fofow. Mies A. Lawrence presided
and opened the meeting with prayer
and the children's hymn, "Jesus. Loves'
Atte." This was .followed by the
Scripture lesson and a short talk on.
"Fishers of Man" by Mrs. F. D.
Hutchison. Miss' Margaret Crich
sarigee, very pleasing solo. The re-
mainder of the time was given over
to Mrs. 'W. I', lane, *rlro gave a
Local Orangemen in Goderic;h.—A
large number from the local Orange
Lodge y'ere in Goderich on Tuesday
to celebrate the Glorious Twelfth.
They were accompanied by• their pipe
A Good Quality of Lit est:
Finished Note Paper in Box-
es of one quire paper and
one 'package of envelopes..
Also th Gold Edge Corre-
spondence' Cards.
and a diamond] pin, the gift of the
'groom. 'Her veil was of white. tulle
• and her bo•uque�t Talisman roses. The
only attendant was the flower girl,
IvRiss Mary Brett, the !bride',= cousin,
in a yellow . frock of French voile
with -hat to match. Following a re-
ception at .the home of the bride's
parents, Dr. and Mrs. Kerr left for
an 'extended trip to Europe, the bride
travelling in a rose French C•'hantung
costume with white felt hat.
Normal School Results Out,—Re-
sults of Norman school examinations
were announced Thursday. Miss Hel-
en Am.ent and Miss Ann McNaugh-
ton, 'writing at London, secured their
Interim First Class Certificate. At
Stratford Miss 'babel Jeanette Finni-
gan and Messrs. Clarence Trott and
Lorne Pinkney secured Interim First
Class and .Miss Beatrice Aberhart, In-
terim Second Class.
Book Store,' Seaforth
Subscriptions taken for newspapers
and magazines at publisher's prices.
Two Travelled and Interesting Vis-
itors.—Two much travelled and in-
teresting visitors, Mi-. Tom Collie, of
Aberdeen, Washington, an old Eg-
mondville boy, and a graduate of The
Eixpositor, and his nephew, Mr. Joe
Collie, of Pata:gonia, Arizona, were
in tovn this week, the •guests of Mr.
and Mrs. John Beattie. The Messrs.
Collie are on a motor trip through
the limited States and Canada, and
the story of 'their travels would make
a beak, and a most highly interesting
and amusing one at that.
Sermon Subjects Next Sunday. --
Northside United Church—Morning,
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper; ev-
ening, "Human Reflectors". --Bev. W.
P. Lane, Minister.
First Presbyterian
ing, "E'scaping. Responsibility"; even-
ing, "Are We Victims of Heredity?"
—,Rev. I. B. Kaine, Minister.
Egmlondville United Church-•-Norn-
in'g, • "The House Upon the Rock";
evening, The seventh of the seven
Cardinal Virtuets, "Love."—Bev. C.
A. Malcolm, :Mliinister.
McLean was united in marriage to.
Miss May McDermody, of Kipling,
Sask., who survives' him, together
with a family of one son and one
daughter. Mr. McLe'an's mother,
Mrs. F. 'Holmstead, 'died in 1925. In-
terinent will be made in Swift Cur-
Seaforth Wins.—Seaforth Softball
team played in 'Goderich on Friday
night lastt 'winning 18-15. On Mon-
day, night in a scheduled Huron
County 'So'ftball. League ,game, Sea -
forth defeated Goderioh 21-11. The
features of the game were home runs
by E. Rennie, of 'Seaforth, and Ar-
cher,' of Goderidh, R. Stewart pitdhed
his first game for Seaforth ,yielding
-to Barber in the seventh. G`od'ericn
had 17 hits, '11 runs, 9 errors, while
•Seaforth had 21 hits, 21 runs and 4
errors. rSeaforth'--iMuir,' McCaulley,
G. Rennie, E. Rennie, Wright, Bur-
gess, Hart, Taman, Stewart and Bar -
her. Goderioh — McGuire, Phelan.
Mathewson, Robinson, Archer, Shear -
Veen, Douquette, Sanderson and Mc-
Donald. U'm•pires-IM,clnnes and Seth.
erland. The standing now is:—
GP - W. L. • Pts.
Seaforth 11 10 1• 22
Grand Bend 7 5 2 10
Clinton 7 5 2 10
Goderich , , 8 3 5 6
Bayfield . 8 0 8 0
Brussels 5, 4 • 5 0
Legion Picnic Next Week. — The
annual veterans' picnic, which has
proved so popular in the past, will
be held next Wednesday in J'ewett's
Grove, Bayfield. A full program of
sports has been arranged and an en-
joyable afternoon is guaranteed. All
veterans, whether members of the
Canadian Legion or not, their families
and relations, are cordially invited to
be present. It is particularly desir-
ed that families of deceased soldiers
attend. Any such family or relative
desiring transportation should notify
the Secretary of the local branch,
Mr. J. M. McMillan, before noon of
Monday next and it will be arranged.
Little-Clark.—A wedding of much
interest took place at Grace United
Church parsonage, St. Thomas, Ont.,
at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday, July 9th,
when Lillian Irene Clark, only daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clark,
Union, was ignited in marriage to Mr.
William H. Little, of Port Dover, son
of Mr. Andrew Little and the late
Mrs. Little, 'Seaforth, the pastor,
Rev. J. N. Gould, officiating. The
bride was attended by Miss Rhode
Hughes, of Union, and the groom [was
supported by Mr. Harold Clark, also
of Union, brother of the bride. Mr.
and Mrs. Little left on a short visit
to Aylmer and Port Dover prior to
taking a motor trip to Winnipeg and
Saskatchewan. Mr. and Mrs. Little
will reside in Port Dover where Mr.
Little is principal of the school.
Death of Mr. A. E. McLean.—The
Misses Brine, Goderich Street, re-
ceived a wire on W'edn'esday after-
noon announcing the death of their
nephew, Alexander Ellice McLean,
which sad event occurred at the Wey-
burn, Sask., hospital that day.„, Mr.
McLean was a son of the late Allan
McLean, at one time a member of
the firm of McLean Bros., of The
Huron Expositor, and was ,born in
Colorado forty-one years ag$. Fol-
lowing the death of his father when
he was little over a year old, be re-
turned to Seaforth with his mother
and resided here until )917. After
graduating from the Seaforth Col-
legiate, he learned the hardware bus-
iness with the ,firm. of Chesney &
amilhie, .and twenty one years ag)
went west, where he was engaged in
the same business until 4915, when
he went overseas with a Western
Battalion. The following year he was
very severely wounded in the head
and face, wounds which ultimatel•v
caused his death, and he was forced
to spend aver two years in British
hospitals, before his discharge in
1919. ' On: returning to, Canada he
again went West, where he was, en-
gaged as a cantinerciel t'iairelier for
the wholesale hardware firm of
A'shdowns, Witanrpeg, , making his
home in Swift Cfirrent. In 1922 Mr.
d1#,YLPI'�S. iS�
Football Scores Announced.—The
following are the 'scores of games
played to date in the Huron Football
May 25. -Winthrop 0 at Brussels 0.
(May 31—Egm'ondville 0 at Walton 0
June 3—Walton 4, Winthrop 2.
June 4—,St. Columban 1, Egmond-
ville 0' (Replayed).
June 7—Clinton 6, Exeter 0.
June 8—E'gmondville2, Brussels 1.
June 10—+Winthrop 1, St. Colum -
ban 1.
June 13 --Brussels 1, Clinton 0.
June 14--Egmon'dville2, Winthrop
June 16—Clinton 1, Walton 2 (pro-
tested; to be replayed July 22).
June 17—Exeter 0, St. Colum'ban 10
June 20—Egmondville at Exeter
(called off).
June 21—:St. Colunlban 1, Clinton 0
June 22 --Walton 1, Brussels 1.
June 23—+Exeter at Winthrop (Ex-
eter defaulted).
June 25 --Brussels 0, Walton 0.
Jun 27—Winthrop 1,, Clinton 0.
June 28—,Elgmondville 1, St. Col -
urethan. 1.
June 30, ---Winthrop 0, Walton 1.
July 6—Walton 0, St. Columban 0
July 7—Egmondville at Clinton
July 11—St. Columban 0, Brussels 1
Kerr-Brett.—Miss Sara Ada Mel -
!vine' Brett, B.A., ,daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Brett, of Rosemount,
was married to Wilfred, Brenton Kerr,
M.A. (Oxon) Ph.D., of Niagara Falls.
Ont., son of Mr. and Mrs. James
Kerr, cif Seaforth. The ceremony,
which took place in St. Luke's church,
Rosemount, on Wednesday, July 6th,
was perforined by the bride's uncle,
Rev. R. H. Brett, of Chippewa, as-
sisted by the bride's cousin, Rev. M.
Brett, of Greensville. The brid'e's
cousin, 'Ma`. John Brett, played the
wedding ,music. Mr. Keith Brett and
Mr. Maurice Brett, brothers of the
bride, were ushers. The bride, who
was given in marriage by her father,
wore a white gown of .,Peau d'An ge
Liberals. of
4 meeting to appoint delegates
to the Liberal Convention in Hen-
sall; will be held in the Carnegie
Library, Seaforth, on ,
at 8.. p.m.
Every Liberal Should Attend.
• Can you bring a lunch to
Bayfield as cheaply as you
can buy it at
Our Honey
Now Ready
Grade No. 1 ---Best IClovere
your container; pound
Grade No. 2—Clover,
your container; pound ..
Grade No. 1—Ira 5 -Ib. pail
per pail
Grade • No. 1—In 10 -Ib pails
per pail
Grade No. 2—In 5-1b. pails
per pail
Grade No. 2—.In 10 -Ib. pails
per pail
William Hartry
ena Rivers
Township Hall, Staffa
Toes. evening, July 19th
Auspices of mould's Youlag
Pe'o le and gtaf1a Unites:
p _
Admission 25 cents
• Mrs. Price and Miss Annie Gray,
of Toronto, were calling on old
friends in town on Saturday andi
were guests at the Queen's.
• • Mrs. h B. Kaine is visiting at
her home in Englehart,
•, Miss Jean Brodie, of Arkona,
and 'Miss Annie Brodie. of Harlock,
are spending the, holidays with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brodie.
• Mrs. Langford Chapman, of
Goderich, is the guest of Mrs. E,
• Master Billie and Betty Scott, of
Chicago, are spending the holidays
with their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. T. G. Scott.
• Mr. Dawson Reid, . of Guelph,
spent the week end with his mother,
IMrs. J. F. Reid.
• Miss Evelyn Cudmore, of To-
ronto, is visiting at her home here.
,• Dr. W. C. Sproat, Mrs. Sproat
and Miss Barbara have returned
from a two weeks' holiday.
• .Mrs. J. G. MeDermid, of London,
is visiting friends here.
- • Mrs. C, R. Somerville and Miss
Jeanette Wilson, of London, and Mr.
Bob Wilson, of Toronto, were week
end guests at the home of Mr. sand
Mrs. J. A. Wilson.
• Miss May Broadfoot returned on
Wednesday from, Port Nelson.
• Mrs. G. D. Ferguson and Miss
Doris are visiting in Toronto.
• 'Miss Marion (Watson is visiting
her sister in Port Arthur.
• Miss S. L 'McLean is the guest
of . Mrs. H. Arnold, in Hensall.
• 'Miss Margaret Ross is visiting
in ,Bangor, Michigan.
• Ten lady members of the Golt
Club played a friendly game with
the Goderich Club on Thursday.
• IMr. James Morton, of Port
Credit, is the guest of kits aunt, Miss
• Mrs. E. C. McClelland, of Toron-
to, is a guest at the home of her par-
ents, Col. and 'Mrs. R. S. Hays.
• Miss Nora Hodgins, Miss Marg-
aret Smith and Mr. Jack Hodgins, of
Toronto, are the guests of Mrs. L
T. DeLacey.
• Miss Marion Watson, of New
York, is the, guest of her father, Mr.
Jambes Watson.
• iMrs. 'McNaughton; of Arnprior,
is a guest at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Robert Govenlock.
• IMr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays, of
Detroit, are spending the holidays
with friends here:
• Mr. and Mrs. C. Bumstead, who
were visiting their parents in Owen
Sound, called on friends here on their
returaf to their home in Detroit.
•'Rev. W. G. Coltman, Mrs. Coit -
man and family; Billy, Kenneth and
Newell Wanless, of Highland Park,
Michigan; Mr•. and M'rs. Wanless, of
Mi verton; Mrs.,Stapleton, of Guelph;
r.'R;,bert Wanless, Miss Rose Jam-
ieson, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. 'Hillis and
Donald, Miss -Mildred Turnbull and
Mr. Arnold Turnbull, of Toronto,
were guests this week at the home of
Mrs. G. T. Turnbull.
• Mr. Viers Bell is spending his
holidays in Hamilton.'
• (Mrs. Curtis and little son, of
Marmora, and Dr. Reid Edmonds, of
Rochester, Minnesota, are guests at
the home of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. G. Edmop'ds.
• !Mrs. 1Rohert Bell and Mrs. Earl
Bell were in H'a'milton this week.
• Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark, of
Aylmer, spent the week end wit
Mrs, R. L. Clark.
• Mr. and Mrs. George MacKay,
Miss Margaret MacKay and Mr. Wm.
Fraser, of Toronto, visited Mr. and
&Ire. W. A. Wright and other friends
on Sunday.
• Mrs. Glen and Lloyd Pinkney
have returned from Goderich where
they spent ten days with their bro-
• Mrs. A. Recht and son, Rodney,
of Denver, Colorado; Mr. and Mrs,
Allan Walker and (laughter,
of Hamilton, and Mr. and •Mesr'TIaa-
old Gle'w and family, of Hullety,
spent . Sunday with Mr. 'and Mrs.
John Jamieson.
• Mess. Tennant, of Lucan; Dr. and
Mrs. Gordon Gunn, Ottawa, and Mr.
.Jack Gunn and son, of Toronto, ate
the guests of Mrs. W. D. Bright this
• Miss Mae Anderson, of Silver-
ton, Man., is visiting relatives and
'friends in town and vicinity.
• M. and Mss. Glaldson Camrpbelt,
of Toronto, are visiting at the horrte
of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Habit, in Mc-
• Mr. and .Mrs, James Watt and
little son, of Hamilton, sailed this
Appreciate the Low
Prices that obtain here
High class Linen
Frocks that you
will want to
$1.59 EACH
New slip -ori style
in white, which
is nt;ost popular.
Both durable and
49c PAIR
Wide crush ;,pat-
ent Leather Belts
that add smart-
ness to summer
- 49c EACEI
- $1,25
Are Exceedingly
Smart and
They come in the
newest' shades
and ate wash-
Special $2.98
- Others tip to
Wonderful value
Dresses made
fresh from Eng-
lish Broac.cloth
fast dye.
$1.59 EACH
We believe Rain-
bow dollar hese ,
in chiffon, service
and semi -service
is wonderful val-
ue. n
$1.00 PAIR
Nothing smart-
er. in headwear
for sports wear.
See our special at
week for Edinlborough, Scotland,
where they . will make their future
home. Mrs. Watt was'forrnerlly Miss
Elsie Pollen, of Seaforth.
• Mr. W. L. Watson, of Toronto,
spent the week end• with his father,
• Mirs. G. Bunt,, of .Streetsi isle;
Miss F. Wedgwood and Miss Muriel
'Croaker, of Toronto, were visitor
with •Mi e...J. MldBride, Centre Street,
this week. •
•.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brunner
are visiting the latter's mother, who
is very ill.
• Misses Pat. Hart and Gertie Mat-
thews are camping 'at Bayfield.
• A pleasant outing was spent in
Bayfield on Sunday when Mrs. Edgar.
and Miss Bessie; 'Mr. and Mrs. Horace
Wilbee and family; Mr. and Mrs.'
Mex. Muir and family; Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Edgar and Mr. and Mts. Albeit
Baker and family held a family re-
union and picnic.
• Miss Hattie Dalton, of Toronto,
is the guest of Miss Violet Rankin.
• Mrs. Day, of Detroit, ,is 'visiting
friends in town.
• Miss Sadie Hart spent the week
end' in Bayfield:
• Mr. George Brunner, of Toron-
to, is ,visiting his mother here.
• Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Edge, of
Toronto, are spending the holidays
with Mr. Edge's father and sister.
Francis. Devereaux spent a
few days with friends in Goderich.
• Miss Vera Mole visited friends
in Brussels” last week.
• Miss Edna Davidson, of Brus-
sels, is visiting friends here.
Several from this district took in
the celebration in' Goderich on Tues-
day. The weather being everything
desired, a most pleasant outing' was
enjoyed' by a large crowd.
The many friends of Mrs. Lorne
Epps will be sorry to kiiow she is un-
der the doctor's care, but we hopo
for a speedy recovery.
The members of Varna L. 0. L.
assembled in St, John's Church Sun-
day evening when an interesting ad-
dres• was given by Rev. Rural Dear
Paull, of Bayfield.
Mrs. Charlie Mount, of Toronto,
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Kinsman last week, Mr. Mount be-
ing engaged wilth Mr. Kin=sman for
the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. William Pybus, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Bragg and daugh-
ter, !Geraldine, attended the Miner's
reunion on Wednesday last at Mount
Rev. Mr. Conner, of Kippen, will
have charge of the church service
next Sunday ,at 9.45 a.m.
The Sunday services these last two
Sundays have not been as larg ow-
ing to mmeas1'es in the community.
Harvesting has commenced in the
vicinity, Mr. W. R. Kinsman having
cut a field --of bailey.
Dr. 'Hotham and daughter,. Italen,
1Vliss Ida• Hotham, -Mr. and Mrs. Will
Hotham and dau!hter, of Saskatche-
wan, etre 'Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Dirjan,in and Mr. an Mrs. Carl Stont:-
ms•IC, and renewiri* old acquaint/ancee
around' Staffa.
Mr. and Mrs. Sweitzer, of thee
West, were calling on old _friends
last week. - -
Mr. and Mrs. John Shoebottom, o1'
Detroit, and Mrs. Robertson, of
Duluth, called on Mr. and Mrs. G- '
G. Wilson recently.
'Mr. Howard Leary, of London, is;
spending the week with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. John. Leary.
• We are glad to report that Mises.
Treffry and Mrs. Luxton are feeling:
Intluch better.
A number of Waltonites spent
Tuesday at thel.Orange celebrations'
in Goderich :and Harriston.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Cunt ings, Mrs: E.
C. Millerland. Gertrude` Miller motor --
ed to London on Mc;'nday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rutledge and family -
left on Monday to spend their vaca—
tion at Bayfield; and Mr. and Mrs.,.
C. Bennett and family, at Point•.
' Mr, and Mrs. Johnston, of Blytha
and Ross Barker, Toronto, visitedl' at
the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Colin 'Fiirg;
Misses Muriel, June and Vera Dun -
des, of Detroit, are •'spending thein°'
summer vacation with their grand-
mother, Mrs. Archie Clark.
Johnston-Lawrence.—The Presby-
terian Manse, Seaforth, was the seene •
of a quiet wedding at 11.30 o'clock:
Saturday morning, July 9th, when .
IRev. I. B. Kaine, united in marriage.
May E. (Betty), only daughter of
Mr. and fMrs. George Lawrence, to
Lewis Evered Johnston, son 'of Mr.
and Mrs. John Johnson, both of Hul-
lett township. The bride looked
charming in a dressof monet blue
flat crepe with radium lace jacket
and wore white mohair hat.. The
bride.' was attended by Miss Beatrice
Brown, of Clinton, who wore a pret-
ty dress of blue and white voile, with
white panama hat. The bridegroom
was sup.- • ed by^ Herbert Fairser-
tvlice, also Hu•llettetownship. , Im-
mediate -]y after the ceremony they re- .
turned to the home of the brid'e's
parents, concession 8, •Hullett, where '
a sumptuous wedding dinner was
served by Mrs. James Brown, of Cline'•
ton, and Mrs. Arthur Stelle, of Strat-
ford, to immediate relatives and'.
friends only. The table was effective-
ly decorated in pink and white. From
the ceiling there was sus'peded wed-
ding bells from which streamers sof
•pinli tulle were festooned to the cora•-
ners• and knotted with roses. Center-
ing the table was the bride's cake -
decorated with similar colors. Late
in the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. John-
ston left on a short motor trip: On
their return they will reside at Ste -
merhill. The bridegroom's gift to
the 'bride was a blue and white neelc-
ltice, to the best man a silver cig-
arette case and to the waitress amber
cream andyu.gars- Ti -e 'fire was
the recipient of many user gifts.
Guests were psesent from Stratford,.
Brucefield, Clinton and Summerhill..