HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-07-08, Page 8.h` !I! llr't r rs . qt 9r0YAr pf sbi6ie tir ,1. •M: tl • ,ATE SPECIAL. 5 bars for l0c CLUBHOUSE SANDWICH SPREAD eemeisting of Vegetables, Eggs, Vinegar, Salt and Spices. 25! Ifegular 40c. Special CHERRIES -If . you want the large • sweet ones, get them this conning week. They are in now and their season is short. CHEESE, 1931 -+Fine and mellow and sot too nippy. 20C Per pound COFFEE -Our own blend at 50c, we think is better than any canned Coffee at present on the Canadian market. We deliver it fresh ground. TrYA for comparison. MIG.H T GRADE SOAP F LAKES oast as'tn sch as 40c lb. (the highly advertised back -ages). We :have one 'gu'aranteed equal to the best at 15e lb; 2 lbs. for 25e, and an• other one at 3 for 95c. CAPOSOL mends leaks in iron, tin, copper or aluminum; is easily used' and cost only per 'bottle' SARDINES --Genuine Brisling 1 0 v fish special i7 KIRK'S 'HARD WATER CASTILE SOAP -A new one and a good one. To. introduce it, 2 cakes free with a 25c packarre Oxydol for 23e OALAY 'SOAP SpE'CAL-,Ree lar for 25C -1w addit on for a short time we give 2 cakes P & G Soap and 1 package Ivory Soap Flakes worth 10c. NEW SEEDLESS RAISINS 25� Special, 2 pounds L:! !IGGS bought for cash. CREAM bought for Seaforth Cream - ems at same price as at .factory. 25c F. D. Hutchison Phone Phor Phood-166 Mr. Motorist Can you meet a judgment in event of accident? Is your family covered by a Family Automobile' Policy to compensate you against medical and surgical aid? We are prepared to give you full protection at a re- markably low cost. Information, gladly given; call us at once. Watson & Reid Phone 214 J Specialists in All Lines of Insurance 000000.0.000 O S. T. Holmes & Son 0 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 Main Street, Seaforth 0 O S. T. Holmes' residence, 0 Goderich Street, West; phone 0 No. 119 W. Charles Holmes' 0 residence, Goderich Street, 0 East; phone No. 308. 0 Limousine Ambulance Service 0 Night calls, phone 308. 0 Day calls, phone 119 J. 0 Charges .moderate. 0'0000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H. C. BOX O Funeral Director and O Licensed Embalmer 0 Best 'Motor and Horse-dravrn O equipment. O Charges moderate. O Flowers furnished on short O notice. 0 Nights Calls Day Calls 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000 000 Warm Weather and Sore Feet One is Pleasant - The Other Certainly is Not! REXA-LL FOOT BALM AND FOOT POWDER Two items of prpven merit in restoring that conefontable feeling in tired, burning feet. -Also- Dr. Scholes -A full range of these Pads, remedies, etc. AT Keating's Pharmacy . The Rexall Drug Store Phone 28 Seaforth, Ont. Cut Flowers, Wreaths and Floral Pieces supplied for all occasions. S THE HURON EXPOSITOR • away a short time a`f'ter. She was the eldest daughter of the late Alex- ander Davidson, and- was born in Mitchell, coming to Seaforth at the age of five years, with her parents, her father being one of the earliest and most widely known business Hien of this district. In 1876 she was united in marriage to Mr. James Stewart and following her marriage resided in Listowel for live years be- fore returning to Seaforth, where she has 'since been a continuous resi- dent. Mr, Stewart passed away in 1900, but she is survived by two sons, Messrs. Charles and Harry Stewart, of the well known business firm of Stewart Bros., in Seaforth. She is also survived by five sisters•, Mrs. E. F. Davis, Tillsonburg; Mrs. Black• well and Mrs. H. E. Cherry, of San Francisco; Mrs, Alex. Broadfoot, of Moose Jaw, and Miss Edith David- son, of SeatiOrth, who is at present visiting at the coast. A private fun- eral was held from her late home on West Street on Thursday afternoon, following which interment was made in Maitlandbank Cemetery. At. Hensall Meeting. -Messrs. Al- vin Sillery and Cyril Snowden and Dr. Harburn were in Hensall on Tuesday evening attending a meet- ing of the South Huren-Conservative executive. They were representa- tives of the Seaforth Association. Passes R. N. Exams.--iIn the list (:f nurses tvho have successfully pass- ed the nurse registration exara!na- *ions, the nams of Miss Monica N. Sills•appears. Miss Sills is a daugn- ter of .Mr and Mrs. F. Sills, of town, and trained at St. Joseph's Hospital, T,or•lon. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 W. J. CLEARY ‹'' O O O O O 0 O 0 Licensed Embalmer and O Funeral Director 0 Up-to-date Horse. and Motor O Equipment. 0 Night and Day Service. O Phone 19-22, Dublin. 0 00000000000 THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate . Money to Loan SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL, FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTN, ONT. OFFICERS:0, John Bennewies, Brodhagen - Pres. James Connolly, Goderich - Vice -Pres. D. F. Me'Gre.gor, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas. AGENTS: W. E. Hlnchley, Seaforth; John N.VLurray, R. R. 3, Seaforth; E R. 44. Jartnouth, Brodhagen; James Watt, Blyth: DIRECTORS: ' William' Knox., Londesboro ; John. Benne-ivies, Brodhagen; James Con- anally, Gaderiola; Alex. Broadfoot, No. $ ' Seafor'f i • Rolbert Ferris, Dl�lsi; George 1CI'cChixtnsy, No. 8, Seaforth; John P'ep'per, Br'uca1eld; Tania• ,ohol- tlide, -Walton; ¶ ho4,'<:,9vtoylan, No. 5, lSeaforth. Choir Hold Picnic. -The choir of Northside Un'teu Church held their annual picnic to Bayfield on Wednes- dey ,afternoon A large number of members and friends were sresete; and (..noyed the program of spoils and sumptuous supper. At Cemp in London. -Mr. Thomas Beattje is in London this week in camp with the Huron !Regiment. Capt. W. S, Archibald, formerly of Seaforth, is an officer in th-e regi- ment, as is Lieut. F. A. Crich, of Go -d- erich. Mr. Grant Fraiser is looking after Mr. Beattie's duties at the post office during his absence. , Away With the Dandeljens. John -Broderick, ce :taker . at the Seaforth Lawn Bowling Clab, had a number cf boys down on their hands and knees pulling weeds from the greens this week. - On Moaday some of the mem- bers themselves stooped over and chased weeds for an evening as a re- sult of which the greens are now in much better condition. Building Catchbasins, - Workmen during the past week have been build- ing a number of eatchbasins on 'the streets of the town. To dateone has been installed in front of the Pres- byterian Church on Goderich Street, and one on John Street, a short dist- ance west of Main. The work is be• ing looked after by the street com- mittee, of which Isaac Hudson is chairman. Only a False Alarm —Citizens who were awakened by the fire alarm on Sunday night and who failed to get up to see what it was all about, were it turned out, wise, as the alarm proved to be false. A Hydro line in Egmondville became loose and be • gan shooting sparks. Youths pass- ing turned in an alarm at the Avon Chests factory and awakened the fire- men, who in turn awakened the Hy- dro superintendent. Seaforth Wins Two Games. - T'h Seaforth Softball Club met with splendid success in their scheduled games the past week. On Monday evening they defeated Clinton 12-9, playing in Clinton, and on Wednes- day defeated Brussels 23-19 at the Recreation grounds here. Seaforth's next home game will be on Monday next, when Goderich willbe the visi- :crs. On Wednesday an exhibition game has been arranged w'th a Stritford team. Sermon Subjects Next Su_iday.- First Presbyterian Church --Morning, "Call to Action"; evening, "Porches Aloft." -Rev. I. B. Kaine, Pastor. Northside United Church --Morn- ing, "Treasures of Darkness"; even- ing, "A Shelter in the Time of Storm." -+Rev, W. P. Lane, Pastor. Egmondville United Church -Morn- ing, The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, "The Call to Live"; evening, The Seven Cardinal virtues in Christ, No. 6, "Hope." -.Rev. C. A. Malcolm, Pastor. At the foif Links. -An interesting mixed two hall foursome was held at the Seaforth Golf and Country Club on Friday afternoon last. A large number of members and vlsi- tr,rs were present and enjoyed the w mpetition. The winners were: 1st, Mrs. J. C. Greig and R. M. Jones, 2nd, Mrs. T. S. Smith and A. R. G. Ament. On Thursday afternoon last the - ladies of the club held a num- her of events which attracted a large number of the lady members. Mrs J. C. Greig end Mee. R. E. McKen- - e tied for low score in the putting and approa.'.iing, and in the play-off M s. Mckenzie won. Mrs. J. A. Munn and Mrs. .J•. 1-1. Best tied 'for beet aveeege score in the same coirr- 1,stition. The ladies will hold an- other interesting competition this Thnrs'lay et the conclusion of which tea, be served. Death of Mrs. .lames Stewart. - Death carne 'very suddenly on Tues- day evening to one of Seaforth's old- est, anust widely knower, and esteemed residents, in the person of Elizabeth Davidson, widow of the late James Stewart. Mrs. Stewart had, heen in the enjoyment of wonderfully good health, and had been donVn town late 'Tuesday afi=/ern6urt. Shortly after eight o'clock, however, she suffered a heart 'attack and •passed peacefully ti For Sale.—Fight-roomed cottage ,>•n High Street, recently decorated ; all moil-rn con- veniences. Apply to Mrs. Jame' Gil!^;Pie. North Math Street, Seaforth, 3363x1 Notice.—Upholstering done on short notice, also can handle celluloid curtains. Auto tops recovered. Shop located over Wright's Gar- age. D. Fell, Seaforth. 8849-t1 LOCAL BRIEFS Not Paper. A Gopd . Quality of Linen Finished Note Paper in Box- es of one quire of.paper and one package. of envelopes. Also in Gold Edge Corre- spondence Cards. PRICE: 50 CENTS PER BOX Thompson's Book Store, Seaforth , Subscriptions taken for newspapers and magazines at publisher's prices. guests at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. John Sproat. • Mrs. W, W. Rubinson and Miss 'Dorothy, of Londou, and Dr. Harvey Bristow, of Detroit, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Seip. • Mr. W. H. Pollard, of Woodville, is spending the holidays' with, his par- ents, Mr. and 'Mrs. J. Pollard. • Mx. and Mrs. R. T. 'McIntosh and Florence, , of Ingersoll; Miss Ev=