HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-07-01, Page 8;7r r�I 1-14 is ionic i� Party i LOUSE SAND'W'ICH SPREAD cons ting of Vegetables, Eggs, Vinegar, Salta and Spices, .iegul'ar 4&e. Special 2 5„ t° CHERRIES—If you want the large ,sweet ones, get them this coming week. They are in now and their seasi�on is short. DSII, 1931—,Fine .au$ mellow and not too nippy. 20c Per pound COFFEE—Our own blend at 50e, we think is better than any canned Coffee at present on the Canadiaru market. We deliver it fresh ground. Try it for comparison. HIGHE;Ti'GRADE SOAP FLAKES cost as much as 10c lb, (the highly ad'vemtised Ipalckages)•. We lhave one guaranteed equal to the best, at 15c lb; 2 lbs. for' 25c, and an- other one at 3.for 25c. CAPOSOL mends leaks in iron, tin, copper or aluminum; is easily used and cost only 25c per bottle J SARDINES—Genuine Brisling 10C fish special KIRK'S 'HLARD WATER C'ASTILL oAIP--,A new one and a good one. To, introduce it, 2 cakes free with a 25e package Oxydol for 23c (ALAY SOAP SPECIAL—,Regular '3 for 25c. In addition for a short time we give 2 cakes P & G Soap. and 1 package Ivory Soap Flakes worth 10c. NEW. SEEDLESS RAISINS 25C Special, 2 pounds :! SGS bought for cash. ©REAM bought for Seaforth Cream- ery at same price as at factory., F. D. Hutchison Phone Phor Phood-166 Mr. Motoris Can you meet a judgment in event of accident? Is your family covered by a Family Automobile Policy to compensate you against Medical and surgical aid? We are prepared to give you full protection at a re- markably low cost. Information gladly given; -call us at once. Watson & Reid Phone 214 J , Specialists in All Lines of Insurance 0000000000 O S. T. Holmes & Son O FUNERAL SERVICE O Main Street, Seaforth 0 4 S. T. Holmes' residence, O Goderich Street, West; phone 4 No. 119. W. Charles Holmes' O residence, Goderich Street, O East;, phone No. 308. 0 Limousine , Ambulance Service O Night calls, phone 308. 0 Day calls, phone 119J. O Charges moderate. O . 0 0 0,/.0 0 0 0 O O O 0 O O O O 0 O O O O O 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E O 0 H. C. BOX O Funeral Director and O Licensed Embalmer 0 Best Motor and Horse-drawn O equipment. O Charges moderate. 0 Flowers furnished on short O notice. 0 Nights Calls Day Cads 0 Phone 175 Phoae 43 O 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 t 0 O O O O G O 0 O O O 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' O O 0 W. ,T. CLEARY <' 0 Licensed Embalmer and 0 O Funeral Director 0 0 Up-to-date Horse and Motor 0 O Equipment. 0 0 Night and Day Service. 0 O Phone 19-22, Dublin. O O c, 0000000-0000 .THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. • Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. BEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFIICERS: .. John Bennewies, Brodhagen - Pres. Jamey Connolly, Goderich - Vice -Pres. D. F'', McGregor, Seaforth - See.-Treas. AIGENTS: W. >l. I inehley, Seaforth; John Murray, R. R. 3, Seaforth; LE R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhagen; James Watt, Blytih, DIRECTORS: Wiillarnt J nox, Londesboro ; John iiennewies, Brodiiagen; James Con - 21011y, 'Godtrieh; Alex. Bnoadfaot, No. 8 , Worth; Robert Ferris, Blyth; Gree) e 'McCartney, No. 3, Seaforth; gpper, Bruoatield; Jalnes Shol.. C is ' Walter); Thos. Moylatt, No. 5, a r Warm Weather and Sore Feet One is Pleasant — The Other Certainly is Not! REXALL FOOT BALM AND FOOT POWDER Two items of proven merit in restoring that comfortable feeling in tired, burning feet. —Also— D-r. Seholes—A full renge of these Pads, remedies, etc, AT Keating's Pharmacy The Reiall Drug Store Phone 28 Seaforth, Ont. Cut Flowers, Wreaths and Floral Pieces supplied for all Took.11igh Mark at School of Com• merceo.a.-In the honor list of SUCCOSG- ful students at Clinton School of Commerce, Miss Madeline Hothara, of Seaforth, stands in fifth place, ob- taining' 85 per cent. Golfers Will Hold Competition on Dominion Day.—The Seaforth Golf and Country Club will held a tW3 ball foursome competition on Fri- day, the holiday.. Play will commence at 2.30 and all members and visitors are invited. .Suitable prizes will be House is Entered.—While attending church On Sunday, Mr. end Mrs. Geo. Walker, of Hensall, had their house entered and a quantity ,of clothing taken. Mr. and Mrs. Walker lare former well known citizens of 'Sea - forth, 'having farmed for a number of years 'the property on Goderich Street East, now evened by Mr. Geo. Lowery. Ladies' Day at Golf Club. — On Thursday last, ladies' day, at the Golf Club, a two _sealed hole competition was held, 'the winners ke ing Mrs. Wallace Parke and Miss Hazel Elcoat. After the -garne tea was s•erved at the cleb house. Oe Thursday of this week the laches held an approach and putting con - Bowlers Hold Local Mixed, JitneY. —A very successful local. mixed, jit- ney tournament was h•eld en, the club greens on Menday evening, when 24 players participated.„ 'The men car- ried off all the paizes, 1st geing to gard, 3 wine plus V5., and 3rd to Jack McKenzie, three wins plus 11. C. W. L. Hold SuccesSful Straw- berry Supper.—The sfrawberry sup- per held last Thureday in St. James' 'Hall, ender the auspices of the Cath- olic Wproenh,League, was very sue- cessfur. The hall was •beautifully ,de,corated with June flowers, while ing. The proceeds Amounted to something over $50.09. Entrance Examinations. — Sixty- four pupils wrote the Entrance Ex- aminaticins at Seaforth centre this week. The examination papers are 'said to have been very fair with the possible exoeption of grammar, which was rather on the hard side. The presiding examinere were. Principal Fines and Mr. R. Allan, of Clinton, an•d Mr. G. A. Ballantyne, Principal of the Seaforth Collegiate. Greig-Dunn.—A quiet wedding was solemnized at the fern -lily residence, 74 Steele Street, Port Colborne, when Margaret Emily, clau-gliter of the late Edgar' F. Dunn. and ,Mrs. Dunn. be- came the bride of Dr: Willia,m Greige performed by Rev. Dr. N. D. Donald, minister of the First Pree- byterian church. Dr. and Mrs. Greig will take up residence at Timmins, Forty Years Married.—Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Smith, of Egmondville, celebrated the fortieth anniversary of their weddieg day on Wednesday, June 29th. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were united in marriage at the MoGregor ,hom•estead, the home of the bride, on Jene 29, 1882, the cere,mony being perform,ed by Rev. P, Musgrove, and the greater part of their life has been spent in MicKillop township. 'Fhiee years ago they retired fra,m the farni and are now li•ving in Eg- mondville. A host of friende in town and ,coantry will join The) Expoeitor in extending congratulations and in the wish that Mr. and MTS. Smith will be spared to at least calebrate their golden wedding. Institute held their meeting or. June 23rd at the home of Mise Gertic Webster, The meeting was opened by _the Insti-tute Ocre, followed by the Lord's Prayer in. unison, after which they joined in commuhity sing - well rendered violin selection. Mrs. Hays, of Geargetown, the summer speaker, gave a very interesting talk on Institute work which Should be ri real help to all. Mies Josephine Edge ,sang a much enjoyed solo and Miss mental. After the closing of the meethag, .social half hour was 9pent when lunch was served, A vote of thanks was extended to MTS. Web. %ter and Mies Webster for their hos- monthly meeting of the Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary was held on Tuesday' evening. in the !school room of First Presbyterian Chfrech, 'with a good attendance. The Graham Circle had charge of the irteeting with Mrs. Robert Strnith preedding. su ' • TR The opening' hymn was 236. The Soripere leeson was read 'by Mrs. took the Glad Tidings prayer and Mrs. J. E. Keating favored with a piano solo. The businees part of the meeting was conducted by the preei- dent, Mies Belle. Camph&l. The minutes were read by Mae. E. Bell and approved. The president gave a very good* report of the executive meeting a the Pre-sbytevial held in Clinton. Mies' Alva Graves read the Gleaning's, which was followed with MeKellar took the topic on "Diamond Jubilee in Formosa.” The meeting clos•ed with a hymn and re• peating the. Lord's Prayer in unison. Notice.—tlpholatering done on short notice, all() can handle celluloid curtains. Auto tops reelovered. Shop located over Wright's Gar- age, D. Seaforth. 33454 Changes in C. N. 11'. Time Table —The new time Cable went into ef feet on fhe local C.N.R. line on Men day,' and, travellers are advised t note the following changes: The -morning train, eaet, will arrive i Seaforth 'at 7.22 and the afternoo trein east at 3.18. Going west th morning train will arrive at 11.5 and the evening train at 9.25. Th 11 50 a.m. train-, which comes fron Sarnia, is now run byhanaoil-electri engine, placed in. the -middle of th train!, which ie ribt turned at Gode rich, but reversed; to reach here a 3.18 p.m. Sermon Subjects Next Sunday, First Presbyterian Church — Morn ing service, "The Effect of Har Times on Religion"; evening, "Th Unchanging Need of Man."—Reo. I B. Keine, Minister. , Northside United Church: 1VIone ing, "A Safe Bond"; evening, Rev W, J. Paton, of Benmiller, will con duct the service and preach.--aey W. P. Lane, Minister. •Egmon,dville United Church: Morn ening, "Faith," the seventh car'dina virtue in Christ.—Rev. C. A. Mal cairn, Minister. Work Comrherices At New Theatre —Mr. McKenzie, who will -do the con ,struction work on the new theatre arrived on Monday afterneon an, irrane.diately commenced the work o 'tearing out the inside of the Strdn Block, where the theatre will be lo cated.. Mr. McKenzie is using hi own ,forenian and has hived a con siderable staff of local workmen. Al ready the front and inside a th stores oecupied by -the Newe. an Macklamh restaurant have been tor dewn from. basement to roof, and th work of filling in the basements ha commenced. The work will be unde the supereisima of Mr. 1VIcKenzie,-Jr. Left For the Old Country. Charles Mackay and his eister, Mis M. W. Mackay, left on Wecoesda for •ilfrontreal. to sail on the S. S Duche.ss of Athol!, the 'end of th week for the Old Country, whe Dr. Mackay will attend the rneetin he held in Londen, England, in Jilly and after Whieh they intend tourin the 'British Isles., Mr. George A. Jackson, of Egmondville, left o Thursday and will join the party a Montreal, and sail en the same boat Miss Mackay to Montreal, stoppin over at Ottawa, and after seeing th party away, will spend two week motoring in the east. ,Dr. Ross wa acCompartied by his daughter, Mis Margaret, and his niece, Miss Hele Former Resident Dies in Cali fornia.—Mrs. Julia P. Keating die recently at her home' in Los Angeles according to word reeeived-here, De ceased had resided in Eureka for 3 years, until three years ago. wh she left, to make her heme in South California. She was the widow .o the late Pat Keating, Eureka con- tractor. She is suevived by a daugh- ter, Genevieve, of Les Angeles, two sisters, one living.in Detroit and the other in .0akla-nd, Cale one brother in Los Angeleg. The funeral will be held on Thursday at 9,45 a.m. from the Pierce. - Funeral Parlors and thence to St. Bernard's Catholic C'hurch, where requiem high mass will be song, beginniag at 10 o'clock a.m. Interment will be made in Beeksport cemetery. Mr. arid Mrs. Keating were former residents' of Seaforth, Mr. Keating being a bro- ther of Mr. Joseph Keating. Women's Missionary Society and Horne Helpers of First Presbyterian Church rnet on Tuesday afternoon Gerrmiell, when seventy ladies gath- ered to spend an hour in fellowshiO and enjoy the meeting. The presi- dent, Mrs. James Kerr, presided and opened the 'meeting with- a 'hymn and prayer. The roll call was anovvered by a verse of scriptre and the *min- utes of last meeting; were read and approved. In response to an invita- tion from Mrs. ,W. N. Knechtel, the July meeting will be held at he,7 home. Mri.. Patters'on took charge of the devotional period. A minute's silence was observed in memory of Miss Broadfoot. Greetings 'were read from absent members. Mrs. Lena Davis read the'sciipture less.on which was followed' 'hy a description of the work in overseas misieions in 1931 by gave a , very intetesting 'paper on missions, mentioning Miss Bertha, Robs•on, who is, at present on sicx leave in Canada. A hearty vote of thanks was extended to Mxs. Gera - was song and the meeting Closed with a prayer of thanksgiving by Mrs. delicious iunch was served by Mrs,. of London, and MTS. Sydney Gem - LOCAL BRIEFS a Mrs. John Beattie is spending this week 'in Tal'olltd. • MSS Jeanette Archibald, of Kit- V IAC o RAMON EXPQSITQ :. I�:x9 19a2,.,. It ricture • Framing Bring . your Pictures in now and have them fram- ed. We have a number of macle up frames and, also a good selection of mouldings to choose from. Thompson s Book Store, Seaforth Subscriptions taken for newspapers and magazines at publisher's prices. fri'ends here. • Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Willis and daughter, Peggy, of London, spent the week end at the tome of: their Slproat left this ..week on a m,otor • • _Billy Bruner, of Montreal, il spendiag bis 'holidays with his grand. • •s•pencling a few holidays with friends land •Collegiate staff, is spending tile • holidays at the home of his father • Mr. William Hartry. ! • Dr. Everett Rivers and Mrs : Rivera, ief Detroit, spent the weel , end at the home of the doctor's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. -James Rivers,. . bald, of London, were in town tin: gin, is spending the holidays at tla : home of her .parents, Mr. and Mrs • is spending the holidays with het sister, Miss Annie Covenlock. • The Misses Brine are visiting . relatives in Brussels this week. . • Miss L, Staples, of Stratford, h , a guest at the twine 9f her sister 9 Mrs. IL D. Clark and twe sons ; of Montreal, are spending the holi• her siiteri, Mrs. J. Devereaux ark ) • Miss Helen Louise McLean ie ! visiting in Embro. . the wedding of their adn, Dr. Wni Gi4ig to Miss Margaret Dunn. ; ener, is the ,guest of the Misse 7 Young. ) a guest the home of her parents ; Reich and Miss Belle Campbell were in Clintonven Friday last attending i the -executree of the Presbyterial oi 1 home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dale. other milestone this week, when tin-. family surPriled him by all gather- 'ing for a picnic- Lunch at his home in liarpurhey. — a. Mr. and. Mrs. G. Wilson Geddes and farrYily, of London, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Geddes Keep Up Your Exercise! BOWL,7BOWL, BOWL and Bowl some more, gentlemen. There is nothing like it— . Pleasant, Healthful, Inex- THE BETTER BARBER For Sale • 1927 HUDSON SEDAN IN GOOD CONDITION. Six good tires. See it at E. H. CLOSE'S Agent for• Frontenae Cars and Rugby Trucks. Fast urcuit Horse Races Stratford WEDNESDAY. JULY 6 Three horse events, 12 heate. Two Running Races„,, Bigger and Better than Ever. ADMISSION 55c—COME. A.180 at Seaf9rth Wed., July lath. • • son, Thomas, and Miss Margaret Jennings, of Saginaw, were week end guests at the home of Mrs. Mar- garet Cleary. • Miss' Beatrice Seip, of London, was a week end guest at 'her home on Market; Street. verton, were week end visitore with Street. • Miss Jean Smith was a week enil guest with Cramerty friends. • 'Miss Anderson, of St. Marys, is t'he guest of Mrs. William Sclater. Mr. and Mrs. George Ferguson, son and daughter, of Toronto, were week, end guests at tlie home of the. 'Misses Fergus'on. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bumstead, 'Mr. and 1VIrs'. Gordon Hays and Miss Wiley, of Detroit, were week end guests at the home •of Mr. and Mrs. • Misses Betty, Ruth and Ann Mc- -Clellan.d and Master Billy McClelland of Toronte, are spending the hone days at the home of their grandpar- ents,, Col. andi Mrs'. R. S. Hays. • The residence on Jarvis Street, which has recently been remodelled and greatly impeoved by the owner, Ma. E. L. Box, 'has been leased to Mrs. Ralph Elliott, who now occupies • Mr. Kenneth C. Beattie is Spend. ing two months' holidays at the h.ome Boston, Mase. • Mr. and Mrs. William Somer- ville, of 'Woodstock, spent the week end with friends here. • Mes. Sclater and friend. Miss Ada Gars•on, are visiting in, Auburn. the week end with friends in Bay City and Cairo, Michigan. • Mise Greta Ross, of 'Weston, is spending the holidays at her home here. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. P. Rawley attended the funeral of the formerh sister, Mrs. J. O'Keefe, of Toronto, on Mon- day. Mrs. J. Stapleton is visiting friend, in Toledo. Dr. Lewis Dill, of Balthnore,' is ,spending a few days with hii par- ents: Mirand Mrs. P. Dill. Miss Tully ,is Mende:, Mrs. Robieon, a Caledonia, is vis- iting at the' home of Mr. and Mre. Frank Smith. . 'Mr. and, MTS. N: Hennessey, of T,oronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Flanagan. 11Ers. Butcher, of St, Marys, is vis- iting. her sister, Mrs. Forrester. Kelly-Ryan—On" Thursday morn- ing,. June 29th, a pretty wedding was -solemnized at.St. Patrick's church by' Rev. Father Odrowski, when Estker Ryan, eldest daughter of Mr. AO of FeA;gus John -Kelly. The bride was -dresled in rose e.mbroidered chiffon, white bat and gleves to match, and earried white, carnations with fern. Her sister, Miss Annie Ryan, 'was 'dress With ,hat to match, and carried, pink e:arnatiens. Mr. James Kelly assisted the groom. The wedding -music was played by 414iss Mary Beale, organist. After the ceremony a soltiptuous dinner was held at the home of the bride's parents to their many friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly will reside on a farm in McKillop after a short honeymoon. The following -is the report—a. S. S. No. 6, 'McKillop. In making pro- motions the year's work, as well as the final eXaminatione, have been taken into consideration: From Jr. IV to Sr. IV—Vera Duffy 76'4,, Reis en Elliott 67, Glenn Pryce 66. Sr. III to Jr. IV—Gerald 01Ha.ra. 76, Leslie Pryce 74. Jr. III to Sr. III—Reta Ryan. 73, Marie Hoegy 72, Beatrice .Pryce •68, Rita Duffy 67.5, Everett Beurmann 64, Mary Preme 63, Hazel Sperling 60. Jr. III (Promoted laet Easter)--iWilbur Hoegr 78, Audrey Beurmann 75. Sr. II to Jr. III—Leo Ryan 75, Louis Hoegy 71, Bob Duffy 70. Sr. III—Billy Little 68, Gordon Beurnsann 65, Alvin Beuranenn 64. Jr. II—Irene Connolly 78. I — Jean Pryce, Melvin Beurman,n, Rita Sloan. Primer—Rita Connolly, Roy Elliott, Anona Dale, Teacher. Celebrate Golden Wedding .in Van- couver. --.The Vancouver Sun of June 20th, makes the following reference to the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. William' George Smith, of that city, wh'ich will be read with a great deal of interest by many old school boy and girl friends in McKillop and vicinity. The paper also carries a splendid photo of, Mr. and Mrs. Smith: "From County Huron school days in Seaforth, Ont., to the Can- adian prairies in the boom days of gumbo and real estate when the pop- ulation of Regina (Pile o' Bones) was only 1,800—on through the years,, till the population of Regina was 45,000 in 1920; thence to Vancouver —such is the journey upon which Mr. and 'Mrs. William George 'Smith, 5899 Battison Street, look back on this their golden wedding day. As builder and contractor Mr. Smith has played an upstan,ding part in the building !of the West. He married his 'schoolmate on June 20, 1882, and they lived Seaforth for 20 years, the family consisting of three daugh- ters and one son. In 1902 they mov- ed to Regina, Saskatchewan. There ell June 30, 1912, they suffered the loss of their eldest daughter, Laura, Mrs. William T. McDonald, who wal killed in the cyclone that swept Re - 'gine, arid. only eon, who died shortly aftererard from the effects of the cyclone which struck their home. Their s,eoond daughter, Georgina, died September 2, 1919, leaving a Their third- -daughter, Mrs, Anna Tacker, lires in Lod Angeles, Cali- fornia." In looking up the file of Thr/ Fog:minor, we found the notice of their anarriage•, which read as fol- lowe SmitheDuffus.,---,On the 20th at the residence ,of the bride's father, by Rev. P.• Musgrove, Mr. William George Smith, to Miss Mary Jane Miens, McKillOp. Shoppers Appreciate the Low Prices that obtain here !"--'f: on Everyday Needs Special TUB FROCK High class: Linen Frocks that you will 'want to have. $1.59 EACH Gloves GLOVES New slipecai style in white, which is Most popular-. Both durable andl 49c pX2Iit Belts Wide crush pat- ent Leather Belts that acki smart- ness to summer dresses. 49Q, EACH Now Featuring PREtTY VOILE DRESSES TWO SPECIALS and EACH ,THE NEW Celanese Dresses Are Exceedingly Smart and Lovely. They come in the newest shades and are wash- able. 'Special k Tavish Special JUST RECEIVED Wonderful value ,DTOSS43S made fresh from Eng - fast dye. $1.59 EACH Hosiery We 'believe Rain- bow dollar hose in chiffon, service and semi -service is wonderful val- ue. $1.00 PAIR Berets Nothing smart- er in headwear for sports wear. 7 See our 'special at 89c otiday Season ENJOY YOUR VACATION 44 OUR )54 NEW SPORT SHIRTS --:Zipper front, two poCkets, for men or ladies.. SPECIAL 3135 ABERLEY PURE WOOL BATHING SUITS — en's, ladies', children's, 51,00 to 3315 ME0 HOSIERY-4Or sports wear. 49c and sec MEN'S WHITE OR KHAKI DUCK HATS 95c ThOmson's Men's Wear IN THE CRICH BLOCK ti " a belie( Rerrici e ra to it Better because new in principle "Vita- min Conservation" is one of the exclu- sive Hayes Teatures.. . . All the goodness, flavor and freshness of foods is retained to an extent noUpossible until the advent . of this new -type refrigerator'. • Cotne in and 'ask ahout the other improve/a" ts that set Hayes apart in a refrigeration efficiency and value. For Sale By -W. C; BAitBER ' PHONE 80 J, SEAFORTH • •