HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-07-01, Page 4; . - 11. .7 ,,, , M ., ", I , "'." I , , "
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,0 I.. X "I'll, 0 orth, Ontat , ,,, - d 235 applicationa' for the po ition. - I . , 4P V !` . . i- I 11, -1 I . . .,. , - -.-- .
," 1 ".%; 1 ,,, T 4, noon by McLe 7 1. .1 . ... - I I
, , . ,7 ., , :Nl-iss Pfaff, of Hensall, was e ed .4 -. . . i i__ . I '. I - . I 1. I I . . . I . . .
I" ---1 I . .
. r at $590. , _ . I . I
1 , . ' ' — - ew 'Elgie 8M (85-1), Doris abed, for a lew" days at the home oC ada in 1846. He then called uporA music, games and social intercourse. Rhodes,, as Interim Moderator, to
I ''. L ' .$Oscription rate, $1.50 a year in The other day Mr. A. L. Sreenan, It ' , .. I Rev. K V. 'wdali" of c*1 - to the different narrate the circumstances
'7 1-1. o; forvign, $ who operates a number of pond nets 'Mackay 61.3 ,(65), 11elen Houston 55 trr. aild, Mrs., W.'Horney, of Ray. eman-, Mich., Picnic Parties that led
L. (70,1) Pro at -- Mr. and Mrs. William- PaTsons, 6E. for an,uddriess, And the foll al- points along the ]a-ke . shore and, up to thetall. Rev. Mr. Dougan pf
; , . . 11 111111 .2.00 a year. Single in Lake Huron off St. Joseph, had -the - . motted ,Christmas, ,
: .,e 4 cepts each. I Promoted to Jr. II-Bi we Hodgert. .
11".. 44s . I ONS! camping are now the order of the Clinton, was called upon -to
. .1 , .1 .1 peculiar experiezwe of soeiing Wo Cromarty, visited on Sundak last at so garft short 4dAtesses: F. . 4 . address .
1: .., . Advertising rate,ii on application. deer swimming in the lake about a Promoted to Clan I-._&ran.k Ryan, the home -of Mr. and Mrs. Herberc (Markland, of Flint, ,Mich.; Mrs. John) day. the minister, .4hteh-he did very
i ,,. . I mile from shore. MT. $reenan was Jack Powtoll. Primer Class - Jane-. Jones, of Sttanley. Johnston, Hen-sall, and T&. John Mr. and Mrs. C. A. XODOU6111 re- teasantly and, ably, After which Itev.
; '- . boat going to one of his Hoolgort. Mghe-A, Imarks obtained . MT. Walliam, Horney had a very Flach, oi Shakesl oare. The Stelck turned from Torftto the'firsit of this r. 'Kad'
,il 1. Mem-bers, of. the Canadian Weekly on the fish . no, of Seaforth, was called up-
": nets when he met the deer. He were: Robert MeLsehl ,n, 100 in "successful, barn raising on Wednes- orchestra supplied emcellent music for week, after a pleasant few ddig' v*- on to address the congregation which
.,.i:. , Newspaper AssWdtien and the Iliaxon headed them towards, shore which Arithmetic- Jack 'Xackiy 150 i(out day of last week, around the number I the diy.' Supper was served bi the it with relatives and friends in th ,he did in a very capable and im-
I .. County, Press Association.
. '' I .. : they reached safely and- the deer of '50) in 9pelling; Francela Elgie, 97 of 1,15 men being present. ladies at 0.30, after which - they all city. " I -in-
.. .. pressilve manner and the newly
1, I,: . .. - ____ , ., - . . - !;&sidents in Literature; L &,emmit Lov_%' N. in. . L. Fred . Parsons, of I , accompanied ducted n-ArAstw was warmly greeted
, 11 . 111. . ___ - were seen by many of the , 3ir I Lon -don, , joined hands, forming, a large circle ,Miss Emma Johnston.
. ', . . . It is pmsum- History. Willie Hodgvrt S ministe a embe of
j,;, I feeding in the fields. pas Raad pent Sunday with his parents, 'Mr. 1 and sang, 11,kuld Lung Syne,". and by her sister, Mrs. Shortt, and MT8- by the rs * ', nd 'in re
1 I ,SEAFO*M,, Flriday, July 1, 19P32- ed that dogs chased them and they pexfect attendance for three years. and XrA. R. Parsons, of Stanley. I 1%od. Be 'With You Till .We Meet Bmthrou and Miss Uattle Suthev Presb7tery, present. His father, a
I r. . I ___ took to the water. Number on roll, 15; average attend- ' Mrs. (-Dr.) 'Stewart and daughters) - Again." Pielatives were present, land, 'spent Tuesday last im-florest; ,minister -at Ailts Craig, was callk on
D., . . I I The w-reckage of a large wooden anee, 14.75.—Margaret E. Gy Ve, ,Misses Jean. and Isabelle, and soa, from the following places in Michi- wi fri ,n 3
L. . . * 'Pontiac, Flint, Detroit, Cble- th e d , golpig by motor. for a few remiwks which he gave in
... . One -,f the Reason -9 Whp.' sCOW has been cast on the shore at Teacher. . 'Chacrles, of Battle Creek, Michigt1n, igani Mr. Joblesl tsparks, of L00464 a very. pleasing manner, while is
. t1 the lake a mile north of St. Joseph. Twere the guests Of MT. and Mrs. man, Dearborn and Marlette, and spent the,wtek end here with his younger brother of the newly -induct- I
.. ,
"'." The sc oiw was part of the equipment ' -George'E. Thomson a -ad, family re- from the following plae4s in Ontario: mother -and sister, Mrs.' George E: ed pastor, MAlcolin C. Young.
.,L nouncement comes from, Toronto 1
11 :, 1, . An . belonging to the ill-fated gov%-n- BRUCEFIELD cently. Henvall, H rde Park, Zurich, London, McIntyre, , who k,noW laboring as a yd'uug stud-
, 6 It ,
, e ,that. t)i Henry Gover' " " ' is ser- ment -edge which foundered in the -.i Dr. I. Smillie, sang sollos in the ent minister -in Sarnia, was intro-
.. ;,. tl ie* & - - . Mr. and Mrs. James Moody,, of Bi ght, Monkton Stratford, Bviissels,
I Aously considering urohase of lake a few miles out -from Bayfield A good congregation was present Brucefield, visited recently With .'Mr. and Shakespeare. During the After- United Cliurch -at Wing,ham, on Sun- du.ced to the meeting. After fine an-
.. 11 . ..L. the Ontario Power Service Corpora. last Thursday. It was loaded with, last Sunday in the, Unite4 and Mrs. George E. Thomson anti noon Mr. Sold -an received .telegrams day last, which were . much njbyeol, theme by the church choir and a
I oai for use of the d ge a , " Mrs,. Sainuel,Thomson, -ST. fTzom relatives in the West who re- the doctor aoepmpanying . Mr. and pleasdrig duet rendered by Mr. W. A.
4 , tion, at Abitibi Can -,,on, which is a To nd the Church arid imi. with much in- ,
,I, - - subsidiary of the Abitibi Powei and' cargo is at the bottom of Lake Hur- terest to the services conducted bv 'Mr. and,Mrs..Arthur Anderson and gretted being absent.. If was decid- Mrs. T. C. Jo ynt, who viijited with MIcLAren, leader of ,the choir and
L on., Messrs. N. A. Cantin and A, L. ' I s have returned to their ed to hold, the next annual picnic a4 relatives there.
.ill I " Rev. Mr. Malcolm, of Egmondtville. Miss FTance his wife, entitled, "Love Divine," the
. . Paper Company. The price consid- Si eierian' went out in the rough water- home in 'Sitanley after a pleasant Loran McAllister,lp, at Peck, Mich., Mr. and Mrs.. Neil Sparlks , and meeting was dismissed by the Mod-
. Mr. John Armstrong, of the Goshen . .
I I_- eration is said to'be $2%000,0N- in the fish boat during the s.tQrm and visit with friends in Marlettei, Mich. in June., 1933. . ,members -of their family are spend- era,tjar, following an invitafioT% tkt
1 ' . Line, Stanley, taught the Bible Glass '
'I, . -d power succeeded in anchoring a large steel A number from (this community Scotchmer -Albrecht. — A very ing holidays here with Mr. Alexan- assemble in the school room, where
This -is a privately owne in Sunday school most acceptably. I . I I `
. , . project, which has for its object the scow -which otherwise would have Nurse Mary McDonald returned to attended, the ProgTessi e picnic, charming wedding'took place at the ,der §9arks_ Neil's father. all desiring would be introduced to
. i plying of electric power to North- been wrecked on the rocks. her home last week. She has ,been, ., -which Was held in Jowe, t' CTTOve, 1 Lutheran church, Zurich, on SatuT- The farmiers in this section are the -new -minister and his wife, anct
. sup Aniong those who ottended the . for the past seveyi Bayfield, on Wednesday af&rnoon day. morning at 8,a.m., when
' I Iev% busily eng(a:kedl in haying,. the - yield following which refr shment would
I. ern Ontario mining companies an,; funeral of the late Nettie Well were, aw last. . Mv Turkheim united in marriage being very good, be served from the many tables so
. . plying hydr10 service ir .. that north- the following: Mr. and Mrs. E. Wag- week& gh
1' sup .. Mrs.. Tinney and son and his friend, . .The crops are looking -v6 ' ry prom- 1 Luiu Ann Elizabeth Albrecht, dau - The annual strawb rry festival well laden with the good things of ,
I ner iind Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Well, ising but everythingAs in 'need of ter of Mr. and Mxs. Albrecht, Of Zur- -held on the cliaTch grounds, on Fri- this life, and filled with the members
- ern, country. Qf Detroit, returned to their home .
11* , of W'ashington-1 'Mi;,,,:;sues Tillie and Idn 11 ich, formerly of Hensall, to Cbarfe'3 day ,evening last under the auspices of the chutbh and friends of other
1 To the present the private company Well Of ` last week after spending a few days radn.
Detroit; Mr. Hamor Well, of I M Mr. 'Henry hvison and Miss Jean I Henry Scotchmer, -son of Mr. and- of the United C"hurch, proved'verY churches, bo, whom the, invitation, was
, . with the lady's mother, Mrs.,R. c-
,.. - is said to have expended some $16,- mon leal, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Ische, . 4d. The - le being e e
. Kenzie. . I visited on igunday last with Mr. and M rs. ScotchTner, of Bayfie 1Aeasant and successful, the prroceed. giveM ispe6ial tab si r s rved
L. . . I ,000,006 -in ,construction- work, but ow- of Ml chell, his sister, Mrs. William Tvison. i bride, charmingly gowned in mauve being between' $115, and $120. Th. for the ministers and their wives and -
MT. Lon-' net, pink eatin slippers, pink,bat and
, .. M.rs. William Greb, of .. Roy Walker and Mr. Thomas Macdonald, of evehing *as, most favorable, nOt be- for members of Presbytery and
ing to its inability to borrow an addi- Mr. and Mrs. Brown, a4d, Mir. John McQueen
. tional sum of $5,000,000, to comPlIote Stratford, visited at the home of Mr. visAed friends in, Mitchell this week. don, also .Mrs. Jessie Fraser, of Lon- carrying a bouquet Of Ophelia roses ing -either too cool nor wairm and church managers, and long tables for
' and Mrs. J. Brenner over the weeK don, have been spending the past interspersed with maiden hair fern, large numbers began coming in at the members, adherents and friend-.4-
the work. the whole project is i i 'end. an early hour and continuing until fRev. Mr. Rhodes, of Exeter, presideJ
I . n im- ' week with their brother, Arthur An. entered the church to the 'straints of
1: mediate danger of collapsing. Mr. and Mrs. James Laidlaw, of . derson, also with friends in Kippen. I Lahengrin's wedding march played well on in the evening. The tables very pleasantly And ably and called,
I . Hence the appeal to' the Ontario Crossvvell, Miclit, visited iplatives, , BLYTH ,Mr. P. F. Nig, Mr. and Mrs. Har- on the church organ by Miss Katb- were nicely -set and presided over by upon mapy present for -a few re-
rnment to come t their assis I- here last week. ".11.111 . ryn Drysdale, of Henstall, who was I
. I Gove f M d Mrs. Peter Haberer .and ' The annual'inemorial -se old Doig and little son, of Fordwich, the men of the congregation,.. wh-) marks. A short and congratwatory*
; r. an, rvice was spent a doy this week visiting with daintily dressed in a pink 'net- lace gave -most excellent service as wait- address was given 6y Rev. Mr. Sin -r,
r. . e, take over the whole works Louis Schilbe have re- held in MemorialHaill on Sunday ev- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McGregor. ress with white net hat. The brides- ers -and looking after the interests of clair, of the United Church, Hensall,
_ aiie and Ml^.. and Mrs. I d
, . reiriburse them for the am6unt tbeY turned from a pleasant visit to ening when a massed 'choir drawn Mr.. and-UTs. William McDonald maid was .Miss Margaret McKinleY,, all attending. The Stratford Boys' whb was invited to be pre ent. Rev.
1#"I I have already expended, and perhap.5 Guelph, Kitchener and Niagara FARE. from the churches of town provided and daughter and Mrs. Meoullie, of of Bayfield, who was attractively at- Band, numbering ov& fifty, supplied Nw. Parker of St., Paul's Anglican
. . Messrs. ff. G. Hess and A. F. Hess the music with Miss Pauline Robin- Seaforth, and,. Mr. and Mrs. C_ H , I tired -in a gown of green crepe with the musical prograw for thi Occa- Church, was unable to be present but
a little -besides. I * . attended the convention of the West- son as pianist and A. E. Cook as lead- K,dyes and. ,Mr. and 'Mrs. J. ,E. Me- sand -hat and, carried a b,ouquet of sion, rendering for hours under theie
A The Abitibi project, if purchased, ,sent a letter of greeting. Mr. Peter
. . . ern Counties Telephone Association er. Rev. George Weir presided dur- Lellan, of Varna, were Sunday visd- Butterfly roses. The groom Was splendidjeader, Mr. Watts, fine selec- Moir sooke brieffy and pleasantly4or
and when completed, of course, would held at London on Tuesday. ing the evening. Prayer was offered tors at the home' of Mr. and 'Mrs. supported by his ,brother, John tions that could -not well be'surpass- the congregation, which brought the
* added to the Ontario Hydro Sys- .MTs- Sol. Zimmerman is recovering by Rev. E. L. Anderson and the Hugh MacGregor. I 1*cotchmer, of Bayfleld'. Thp..groOm's ed L for a,bo s' band. This Band, it reception to -a. very enjoyable close.'
,I I ,
tern. The buy might, in time, prove from an attack of illness. zeripture lesson, was read by Rev. Miss Helen D laney, our teacher 1 gift to the bridesmaid, was a mesh wKI be -remembered, did themselves' Rev. Mr. Young enters upon his
. V A nuffiber from town and vicinity L. V.'Pocock. The choir sang after presided .at the SeafoTth Collegiate!. bag, to the groomsman gold cuff links honor at the Toronto Exhibition last iiiinistry under very favorable condi-
I., - -to be'a go5>d investment on the patL 1,
I . attended the decoration services held which Rev. .,Kenneth MiclLean, Wing- as an -examiner this week, while th.2 and to the organist a necklace, Fola. fall, being prize winners, and for tbe tions and will, no doubt, give very
t I of the Goverlirnent, and again, 'it at Exeter cemetery on Sunday after- bam, wh6 was the -special speaker, .pupils of the surrounding olbt rict' lowing the cerernony the Vedding coming I suii mer A 6riths they 'have able and efficiteit, service and will bC-.
ance exams in h0me Of very many engagements alread r, Mit- gin his ministry on the coming ,Sun -
might not. noon. - I gave a: splendid address. His re- tried their Ertr I our breakfast was served at the
1. . O Carpenters are making rapid head- marks -were in`fvvo ilivisions, first, 'stchool .this week ,Mr. and,, Mrs. M. G. Drysdale, of chell, we believe, bellig the next o- ,d. y July 3 .
At present the Hydro System ' " a rd
way on t6e new h6rine, being built by 'LIWCat do We 4i ect our leaders to Mr. John,-,? Urra n Secte the list. The president, MT. Albert -Sirs. Alfred Taylor spent a few
Ontario is said -to be in no need of t. .A y *as, in Londo Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. , hmer
' 7eft by,inotor for Niagara Falls and Smith, accompanied by friends -from -days very pleasantly during the past -
. Mr. Jacob Haberer on Main -Stree do to avert war.". Following tb.s Rev. .this 'week Attending the Bell Tele -
I . purAasing or 4eveloping additional -1he striucture wUl -soon-be ready for G. Weir read the names of the sOL- ,'phone Co. con ention in the interests points east, the bride travelling in a Stratford, accompanied the boys arid
P .. . week with relgtives and friends in,
11 power to that which it alreaay pos- i lie roof. diers who made the supreme' sacri- ` bf the McKillop, Logan and, Hibbert drOss Ot green wool crepe With trim- felt ju§tly proud of them as they are Toronto, accompanying - . and Mrs.
I . . . L. . MT
pesses. Under these circumstances, Thirty pupils wrote on the , En- fice in the Great War from this dis- , 'Tel6phone CO,, I i MIngs of black fur, Aplack hat and a fine looking And most orderly or- C. ,A. Bfcl)'nell by motor.
. ,, trance examinations at Zurich school trict, after which -Rev. McLean of- ,;.,, . . . accessories to match. Mr. and Mrs. ganiza-&-ii, and their fine pla!tying 0
[ I I , , certainly th"e people of OntArio . have this week. M.r. C. Blowes, pfincipal. fer,6a prayer. Th6 choir sang and 1- I . . nammm--d . Dr. G. R, Collyer and Mrs; Collyer
i. , I .Scotchmer will reside on the groom's ind prepossessing manners. ,were were visited,"by relatives from Lon -
Y I I not$90,000,000, at the Present time to nf Hentsill scho .
. . ool, was the presiding the benediction was ,,pronounceA .... by.. ' ' . - i fine farm in Bayfield. ,., I freely.. commented utpon., The edm- don on Sunday last
a I spend on any such investment, no-. examiner. Rev. Mr. Pocack. . HENSALL A quiet wedidihg took place at,the mittee and all the men taking part
. MT. Charles L. Jinks i;riotoredl ta
-, to mention a gamble. I . Recital.—A inusical pirogram boy . I . United ChuT6 Manse, Hensall, .on are, .,deserving' of much credit for Atwood on Sunday last. Mrs. Jinks;
. e'l .- . if thepilbi cti is as good as the I . pupils of Miss Elizabeth Mills and There hws been quite a nuipber of June '23 -rd, when Rev. Arthur .Sin- I the fine success ,of the festival. . who had been visitin relAtive. there, .
De clair. united in meftiage, Mary I 9;
I pre . large -crowd in Queen Street United Amelia Wdnona Norris, to Hatve,y for Rev. W,.i'A, Young, of the ,Ottawa , . On
sent ,owners have said it is, and TUCKERSMITH . assistling artists, ,was enjoyed by a., w cases. a measles during, the The induction and recepilon service returned with. him. .
: . ..... I the' Govei nment apparently beheye ' Church recently. 'Rev. E. Anderion past week -6i so. Sunday forenoon last, during
I. , Miss Dbrih _ Farquhar is spending Carl. Jacobi, of Tuckersmith. distriiat, the new minister of Carmel the, absence of Mr. -and Mrs. George
. . it to be, why is ,it that the companv Mr. and Mrts. Harold Doig and lit- aNy' anted as ;chairman' and spoke;, In'the league base-ball,match play-
, Presbyterian -Church, was held on Walker and family, who were attend-
. is unable to borrow $5,000,000 to tle son, Edward, also Mr. Peter DO1`7 ot th76 value of -music, also told , a co* ple oi-weeks with I friends Ill ed, between Ailsa Craig and ou,r home Tuesday evening. I ing church in Hiensall, thieves broke
I . of Wroxeter, visited friendc her soinething of the lives ind works ^ .,Muskoka, ' . . . team on WO'nday evening last on our Miss Ann Gilchrist,,who, holds R in and took a good deal of clothing
complete the work, when it has ai- , 1 1 Mt., and Xrs. D. A. Cantelon, Mr i.
l " during the week. BbA, Handel, Mozart and presenot , I -diamond, Ailsa Craig won out by a splendid position in Windsor, motor- of all kinds and some money that .
tready expended more than I ti-iree . ' day'COTIIPOsers, etc., as the pupils 5cru,ton ar d' daughter Joyce, and, score of 7-4. There was a v ery fair ed to Hen-sall Saturday to spend the was in the housL We- understand
1. Misses Janet and. Jean 'M -array, o! Xrs. Rennie -recently visited at Cry- n y game eek end with relatives and. friends-.. i ide
times that amount on construction, Gorrie, visited, recently with Mr. and played pieces by the different com . ,attendance a, d-a good livel I , , w that Prdvineial, Constable Wh tes %
stal -Lake kninthe locality of St i, played throughout. . .
,I , . , and the work is so near completion? Mrs. Andrew Bell and other friends!.. POsers. Those playing, piano num- -' Mhry6o. . 4 Dn._A. Moir would' again iemiiid is investigating.
It A number of people attended the -bers were Clifton and Elaine Walsh, 'a rings Sani- 11 A large number of visitors from, any desiring to visit the Huron " Mr. Lome WhAsides-, of Goderich,:
It will be remembered that 'both . . The dgin`at -Huron Spi the United States, attende
' '
. .
. . t e Ontario and Federal Governmenta' anniversary servi,ces'at Thames Road Bernice Anderson, Freeman Tunney, " .. . d the fine Springs Sanitarium at the southern a former Hensall boy, was in the
, ariwn.m -nearing completition and the. H. C. So
. and report a big crowd follia and Katherine McDonald, Lau- . the Idan faMRY outskirts of our village, that they village thig week renewing acquaint-
I on Sunday I the, water is -rising nicely from the
. . r6cently issued loans bearing interest there. I . Pa, Ida and Gladys Leiper, Alma and ,spr will be ,made welcome any afternoon an,ces and his ffiends are pleased 'to
I OMIU=y last. .
I , creek sources and will afford Mrs.' H. Reid and daughter, Miss - .
fttes from five and a half to -over six Miss Bella Moir, of Hensall, ,,-., Lena Munroe, Mary Laidlaw, Jean I or evening during the first week of see him looking so well. . .
I I . MCCRIJU_m, Bil y L , r .n.g sheet of water, and Of whiclL i Mdruiiej spent Monday and Tuesday July,
I ,yisiting her sister, Mrs, J. D. Stew- I Eckmier and XAth- , . I I I
. .per cent. . "" will, give iiii6re particulars in an- ' ' Mrs. J. A,. Fraser and her son, of,
. . .1 11 art. 1, I leen Logan, winner of the bronze ."th last -in London with Mrs. Reid's son, Daniel is-Spark.%. -A quiet but pret- Bellingham, ..Wash., are visitirig at '
. Well, that is ' one of the reasons School Picnic.—The annual school medal at the 1032 Stratforil Musical, , er issue. ' I John and family, and to see them ty wedding recently to&k place at St. the home of ibeir relatives, Mr. and
1". . and one of the big reasons too, why picnic of S. S. No."9, Tuckersniia, Festival. Those assisting *er;e Bar- " Those of oux villagers . having off the first of this week on their Matthew'si ,Chirrch, London, when Mrs. Daniel M-L-Naught0h, .
. ' . radios' ha vie been greatly interested trip to Europe, where they will spend Miss Belle Sparks, eldest daughter Mits Greta MeNaugIhton has re -
I private companies can not borrow TOwnship, the'Red School House, was rie,McEleoy. Edwin Bender, .Howard, , ,for the past week following up the'. a number of weeks. of Mrs. Jas. F. Sparks, of Hensall, turned from, Toronto, where she had I
. money at the present time. Why, held on Wednesday afternoon, Juna Lesplie and -Gordon Lyon, boys 4 Dr. . speeches in connection with the great 'The Sacrament of the Lord's SuP- became the bride ot,Mr. Wm. Daniels, -been several -months with her stister,
I should a man, a bank or pny_pthe, 29th, in the srehool house' Games Toll's Junior Band contributed a " ing United' .-States election fO! per will be .observed o%n the, comi ,g 0
. of various kinds provided a p eastant duet and quartetteg an their Mfd in. comi n f Bpanitford. $The ceremony
business corporation take any risk in President. I . . was Miss Mae, in the interests. of , her
past time for both young and old. struments.. M -r- Blae;kstooe, Owen ,, We . ,Sunday motning, July 3rd, at the performed by Rev, McKegney fornl- health and is feeling much improved.
,making an investment, when theY An interesting account of the history Sound, delighted the die are so-rry to have to report! United Church'and- preparatory ser- erly of Brantford. The -h-appy couple Rev. M. B. Parker -has been visit-
. . ab nce with -Lthat Elva MeQuee,n, the youngest I vice'will he held on Thursday even- left on.a ,two weeks' motot trip, af. ed by his father during the pask
I can obtain tl e same interest from the of the school which was establishea clarinet solos accompanied by Mds's ;,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Me.'
1 ing of this week. ter which they will reside in Brant- week or so.
Government without running any risk 77 years ago, was read. The first L. Herrington and Mr. L. Eckmier, ! Q,een, is ill suffering very much 1 Building operations are going on fard, where Mr., Daniels, is a post Miss MeEwen, of Ottawa, recently
' , Brussels, te'nor soloist, , ave * beau- irom the e ects, 'o -f" a' very severe case ' briskly in 'connection with the' fine office employee, and formerly took visited 'her sisters, the Misses Mc -
whatever? ,school was a log building, which was I 9
I I .situated on ,the farm now owned by tiful rendition of "Where'er You . . I
I of measles I dwelling to be of the ,Misses Me- an active part in service during the 'E -, li I west of our village, oa
I Mr. Albert Alexander. The section Walk" bY Handel, and "Thy Rebuke , - Wban a tt e
: - The pupils of our schools are re- -'Evven, at the western Outskirts of 'World, War. Their'many friends both the first farm west.
I then included a inuch larger area Hath Broken His Heart, Behold and ' J Oicing now int the summer holidays- ! our rvillage, and which promises to. in Hensall,and Brantford', wish theTii Mr. John M. Bell, a mile or so,
; than at present,, there beiri an ,at- See if There be Any Sorrow," from
; flard on Berrp Growers. MT. and M.rs.' Alex. Munn and son, , b,e'on,e of the finest in the commun-
I tendance ,of 100 pupils during the' Handel's "Messiah," and &13 s Dr. James Munn, od Seaforth, havo ity. many years ofAcontinued -happiness. west of our village, on the Zuriph
. 0 winter months. Among the oldest ond group 'ang With Most Induictibn and - Road, enjoyed during the past week
I The present season has produce , artist'* ! .returned from spending a few days I Reception—Tuesday
; irA %chool eff&rtl 1"Mienvories?" and "Dreamsi, 1, with relatives in the State of Mi '
pupils who attended the f . Rev. Mr. Young, the newly -induct- eviening last was what migbt - be or so a fine 5-00 mile auto trip in a
v. chl- I ed mindAer of 'Carmel Presbyterian termed a red letter night in Carmei number Of --places such asi Colling-
I one of the most prolific strawberry are M -r. " and Mrst. David McCloy, accompanied by Miss Mills. The pro- I .
'in gram closed with " God gan. 1 c ur.eh, is expected, to take the ser- Presbyterian Church, when Rev. W. wood, Tobermory, Pike BAT and -
. I crops - Many years. Mrs. ,Peter McKay and Mr, J. F. Save the Quite a number from our village vices morning and evening on Sun -
In some sections dry weather, to McKay, all IMng in the vicinity of King" and the benediction. A. Young, of the Ottawa district, anJ many other places of interest, who
and vicinity aitended the strawberry I -day, July 3rd, when there will, no recently called to the ministry of -was well acquainted in those parts,
. some extent, retarded the crop for.a the .school. The first teachte was festival held in the United Church at I doubt, -be large congregations Rree- ,Carm el Presbyterian Church, was ' d who did most of the driving for
". short time, but on the whole it Is Robert John Sloan, then James Fer. . Cbiselhurst on Wednesday evening ent. I
. guson, Peter McDonald, afterwardq inducted to his new charge. Rev. VZ(. -Bell. .
many years since -trawberries ha KIPPEN last. The council is having the side and Mr, Lane, of Goddrich, Moderator of ' D -t, J. W. Bell, of Harrisburg, Pa.,
v Dr. Peter McDonald, M.P., for North Mr. L. R. Poles and Mr. W. 0. back streets well gravelled, iT . mking
glutted tho market a,z hag been the Hurnfi,',whose (laughter, the late D,,. . the Presbytery of Huron, was in was -here ptart ,of last Week and this
1, Good -win on Sirriday last joined with them all that could be desired foL- charge of the services and in the
.14 case this year. Caroline McDonald had such a not- Quite a number from thi , s vicinity their M,,,ni, brethren ill divine ser- solidness and e , visitinig his *many - relatives and
On some ma,rkets, , able career in Japan; William M.c- attcMed the Progressive -picnic held , venness. presence of a large congregation that friends,
. th0Y haVle Deen Donald, Duncan lfcr,p ofl, Miss Leslie, in' Jowett's, G,rove, Bayfield, on Wed- vicesi at Lucan, and Exeter. Mr. Thomas Welsh is getting in a filled the church, openeil'with devo- Wednesday last was not observel
Soldan Reunion Picnid.—Abobt one ]arge'rrumber of saw logs for cu#ffig tional services after a few well-ebos- as a half holiday as EL pubiic holiday
- average Would he three for a Sanivel Hicks Harry Horton, Mi s the speaker,, very much, they being horne of 'Mr. and 'Mrs. H. C. Soldan- the village. I . .
".11ing at four cents, per. box, but a Richard Eacrett, Di% James Gray, ii-esday afternoon l"t, and enjoyed hundred guests assembled at th3 for his, will at the western lart o,' en remarks called upon Rev. Mr. came in -the same week
. fah
I quarter. Jarvis, Miss Sarah Gemmell, Rev. Non. R. -C. Nixon, M.L.A., of Brant, on Saturda- -June 9rth for the first I r'%,, -0, I 'A -_ -I- -
I All of which is pie for the con- Dan iel Johnson, Mr. T. G. Sliffling- Progres,sive leader bf Ontario; -Miss . P - an an a rs are look- .
. . annual Sol dan eunion. The fore- I ing forward with very much interest
. sumer and the consumer is making law's who taught for over So yeani, Agnes McPhail, M.P., for Soutbeas noon w1as s-ponit in renewing old ac- to the long mi&summer holidays, HENSALL C. S. 'LOWER SCH06L FINAL RESULTS, 1932
. ., .Mis., Ros.q, Alvin Dodds, Miss Fin- Grey. U.F.O. representative, and W, quaintances and making new onez. which start this week. 1. I
. the most of it. I I I ]ays-on and the lyresent teacher, 'Miss G.,Medd, M.L.A., F eter, representa- Dinner was served promptly by the Sinclair, of the United
11 I . Rev. A. I I FORM I TO FORM 11.
"I But what about !be man who growi Margaret Grieve. A number of the tive from, South Huron. ladies at 12 o'clock and immediately' Church, preached anniversary ser- '
I them ? When picking costs from one pupil% have-fil-led prominent position,; Mrs. W. McCullie, of SeafOTth, Sollowing the ginner - the foll mons At Fullarton on Sun -day last ro Golec, R. Geog. Br.Hist. Zool. Art Alg. Fr. Lat. Lit. Comp.
in busine,;s and professional c4rcleA spent -Sunday at the 'home of MT. Owin ......... 69 112 61 75 64 58 51 '69 63
' t gregations with .r uch Re- Drummond, D. _ ,.57 62 62 68 R ' 65 . 55 56 56
Aome gave their lives in the and Mrs. J. D. Stewart, of Tucker- I . I
, to two cents a box, and boxes Cost and spor is were put on by A. 'T. D11W large con
: about the same price each. ant? Great War. ' . srnith.' .9ris, of Hyde Park, who handled them ceptance. I Farquhar, J. ...... 56 F 51 60 68 F — 55 55
1 1 'r, a very able mamneT: 25 yard A number from our Allage and d1s. Folliek M . ....... '
. . when loaded and delivered oTily* bring School Repart.—The following is Mi.;,s Helem Dinsidale,, R.N., is vi - .,a, i $ ,as 72 70 72 62 ,. 72 03 67 -65
. ( sh, 6 years and under, LeRoA, trict Motored to Exeter on Sunday Forrest, E . ....... 74 75 69 58 -69 73 71 62 65
"I six to elkht cents, where does the the .school report of S. S. No, 6. iting for a few days with her par- Atli-ster, Peck, Mich; 50 Yar,d_01 afternoon last to attend the Oddtfel-
. . producer get off at? Tuckersn .tb, ,for the Huron Promo-', ents, Mr, and ,Mrs. Rob&rt Dinsdale, 10 years and iftuder, Betty Strachart, lo v's decoration service. Higgins, H . ....... F 50 F 63 F F — R 64
1, tion Exainiinations, including thC of Stan -ley. Huiser, A . ....... 62 , F 50 54 F 0
And that is only the box(-,, an,.) year,% 'es' race, Vel:- SeSvices in the United Church o
. . . Work: From Jr. IV Brijklit, Ont.; young la,(4 ' F 51 52
1 . "What about the gi:pwer', —Fbreme JWThitmore SIP eated her- h .......... ryo 53 50 58 51 557 63'.... .68 54
berriem 'I T<-ot s erS, J. .... 61 54 ,.- 60 73 77 68' 73 R 57
to Sr. IV Misis P. Penfold 'has tr MR McAllister, Peck, Mich.; young Sunday last were conductod. by Rev. Mc )111iT
A,'. T ft m self to a fine new Ford coupe which men's race, L. Baker, Brussels; three- Mr. No-rizies, of FuIlarton United .. (Tlro ,, R . ....... 64 1P F 61 F F
; time and wark, his land, his taxes Sr. ITI,to Jr. TV—Velma Ashton 70. -;be purchRs'ed"T,Fa-U7'C'-rf?tz legged race, Bertha 8oldon, Hemall; Church; who delivered most earnest,
, & Son, I -11
', and his overhead? From Jr. III to Sr. III—Garman Zurich. Just a sample of the effect!', AllanDo,uglas, Hyde 'Park; fat man's forceful and splendid discourses at , Exenzie, A. ..... 71 69 55 58 71 71 60 53 52
Whitmore 72, Iona Hugill 66, Marion pf spring and "when the far roAd'S race, John Hey, Zurich; fat ladies! Ot Sangster, M . ..... 68 60 61 6-5 R 70 6s
Takmg everything in -to considera- Hugill 63, Wesley Hu 'b 69 59
:, . . b services. ,At the evening ser- Sinclair, N . ...... 77 81 76
.. gill 60. From call." e race Emma Herlick, Stratfor&` vice Mrs. Maynard and MT. W, 0. 1 69 75 89 86 72 70
.1. ,tiM it is pretty hard to see how. the Jr. 11 A to Sr. 11 -Mildred Ashton. The Entrance ,examinations ar elZespin ra ge ,Mrs. Allen SoIdAn' Goodwin rendered a pleasing duet, (GeOg-, Br- Hiet., Zoology, and Art are Departmental subiects). _ ,
I ,
1 Xrower is going to get rich out of 68, Mina Terryberry 67, Kennet1i now over and the children are wait- vlenslill. s. - "The Church I
I.. . . . , and L. Baker, Brussel ' by the Side of the FORM 11 to FORM III ' . I,
or his croR this year. ' Terryberry 65. Jr. If—Cf4fforcA' Hug. ing anxiously for the results. walking a rope, Ws. A, Soldan, 94E i-' Road," Which was much elijoyed.
, %. . in fact the market ,gardener this ill 70 (Promoted at Eastef). From School is ,out till September r1ow', BRII; step0bg off 97 feet, Howard In Carmel Presbyterign Church,the
-_ , - Arith. Phys; Zool. Gram. Geo7m Fr. -lat. Ut. Camp.
. Jr. -1 to S71. I—Ruth Carnochah, 81, for the holidays. -Strachan, Bright, Oitt.; stepping off. service Was taken by Rev. Dr. Mae- Bell, M . .......... F - 67 ry6 P 54 F F R, 59
ill -uth on Dorothy Coleman 80, Edrra Ashtou Mlisis Jean McKenzie, oS Tucker- 0 feet, Miss Margarqt Johnston, Nair, of London, who gave very fine Carnie, .J . ........ F 53 . 56 - ". F,
.", i ycar Appears to be Pretty m
11, I &e same footing as the farmer, anJ 78. Jr. Primer—lds Terryberry 86 smith, is holidaying vnder the par- Hensall, throwigg: ball through hoop, discourte§ both morning and even Crpror, S . ........ 60 F — I% 51 3
.% je .§ how much the farm- -m1ber on roll, 117; average attend- ental roof in Stanley. . 67 62 r90 161 *F '*F., 66 51
,, 'Jery one, know Nu Mrs. Oord6n ,Al klister,'Feck, Mich.; ing, which vVers much enjoyed, - billing, C . ....... 09 68 69 61 79 64 R 78 0
M , -
I.. '.
li ,. . # is making, has been Making or is ance, 14.—Edna M. Jamieson, Teach- (Too late for last week.) 1' drivii'lig a nail,. Miz, -N. Cormick,. . The services in St 'Paul's, Anglican 'binnin, A . ........ 70 11 _
'F.,', er. 05 50 , 61 77 R R
I I The Sacrament of the Lord' Shakespeare; potato - Elder, H . ........ 8S . t7 54
,.: . 4W,to make as long as prices are
"'l, The school report lor S. S. No., per wm ofliserved. in, . ffi ce, Thelma. 'Church were taken by a student, as a R R 66'
, . 9, I St, A KdAllist-,er, Pe4,. Xle-lb.;.hanana race, the rketor, Rev. Mr. Parker, was suf- Pee, M . ..........
I &it thiNV1 are, ,'have been, or ate Tucker§mith, Promotions -are based 'Church in Sunday'- June at it' Marie. Baker, Brussels; pi, rize for old- fering' from a severe Glenn, JT . ........ 65 71 .70 57 64 6s
111 11%, 69- ,7,4 75
i'I ,, i A -01i to I* to ' the resul ' a.m. This was the' arty facrament I sore throst.,
, .
I", r so" time ts -of the June examina ye 3 e st p6tWb beifig Oes t, Mrs. H. which prevented -him ftom taki4g the Hemphill, M. .... P 92 68 56
. I . ttA 1, - . . to conic. On
.., . I WO .--. _1111 *1 tions and on the year's work, The when Hillisgreen United and Stt.'- " Stelck, age 83 years,' Zurich; prize services. The ,phoir, iinder th,Edr 61 60 58 65.. 63
- . . new 7 62 68 57 72 as 65 63 60
11 ;,,, " - " -1 . nuirlbers in brack,;,t indicate' the drew'g congregation held it together., for V16iingest (person present, Ear! vist, Miss Gretta Laminie, ren. Smale B . ........ . F ._ F r),3 Fr F, , 4,512 - *r)s 70 "
, VL L I I . orga '
j!!:L,i, . WRICH ,.,., " PuPil's percentage on the year's 'Preparatory services were held in St.' Soldan, age 6 mouths, Hensall; ,prize dered- fine- ninsic. . 1'hOyiy 011, `M! ..... 5y 1 -54 ' 61 0 77 73 71) 63 9@
1-1 ,
I W1, ., ' - , work. PaSs'601%, H6nours 7,5%. Pro- Andrew's United ,Church on Friday!' for person conOng Jongf*t distance, Strawberrieg being so plentifut Wright, -L . ...... to M , 59 F
, .
. &_",, dr , ; .. I I . I I Gale, of Rev. L. V. ,%Wan, Coleman, Mia,li.. have Almost f160ded' the market dur- (Arith,, Physiog., Zoology,, Gram. are Departmental ubjectsi).
Ml v F F *68 .55 57
; r." , Ili to ST TV --Robert 'WLaehlan evening, June 24th. Be :
.11. I-
.... ,"J . . I . 1. I I I — 77-6 (75). -Promoted to Jr. IV4Rob. Bayfield United .Church, was the who cime, ?10 fniles. Following the ing the past week and. are of a fine F indicates failure; R indicates recomitnendation; 5'
. f - d W , ` hi betroiti ' The ert Gelmmell U.6 (73.5), Stewart .speaker. . , r"et, i,toftball inid horseshoe pitch- quality. I I . *Asterlska denote,
, 1§ ; . . 1%
I I Por in I subjects.
... I li" tosi&qm " Wqand vidinity Were Lov,a 72 (liO, record of year"s work), Mr. and Mrs. DeRoy Siddill and: ing were'lliduTied in. At t ,The A.Y.Pik. of St. Pauys Angli- Latin (Form II),P,- Bell 57,, A"hur Dinnin. 58, N. pepper 56, M.
., : , , , . AW]i,Wd I , V - the - sun- he con- ,,, ,
, '. . t d death bf, G10h 146uSton 63.6 (68.5), Kate Dal. babe, of Ailsd Craig, visite& on dusion of 'the ,game.%, Mr. William caln 'Chuilch onjoyed On Monday ai. Spencer 54. 10 .
l , ,' " I# .idli to6k - plaft sur- 17m,ple (reeoyAmendedl) 55.1 (50). day at the home of *%,, , ddall'4, iPla'A, of -Sbakespestre, Rooting as nian- ternoon a picnic to Tumbuilts Grbve, French (Form 11).N. PO"er 53,H1. Sherritt (F), I,. Bell 5g
W Ifibry NAJA. ,
.1 :.. di '0 I - b4tr,oit I 'Promoted to Sr, 111-4,aek mother, Ui*s. .1, 11. Pe4y, w o hw i ,
k . _#_ of 11i fidn*Jft I
G l q . , ast Mackay . ager, read the histolky of the Soldd:n rienT GrAna Bend, When a vevy eni.' ,(Zo,di, 18, Ari,th. 53). r,,. Beii
.1 I I . 'I,
, 69k. be mAdgd Was 9 forrii6r woll 03 (Wo Billy POWell 60A (64). Jr. 'been ill, but is voirre ibetter. family, which emisist of fte gonera, Joyable,time was spent, 4
" I I the, evehin,t I
i 11 k, f.. , ,' P:#01ft4`1001 bf "Zinith 6Ad 1111-4WHIIV Hod9ftt 4L4 (54s).. Sr -?,Tist V6,P11a UTH411, Of lye -11114-1d, Vt-461 tf6ng, the fiTst of Wh'OW Came to Chn. pastsing Away ut k C: 'CANTELON, Principal. I .
.. I . . til well on, with
.... ..., I . - . k ,! I I . I C. I. 15OUGLA'S, A"ssistAnt,
I . .1 11 ... 1 .11'. I I I . ; .
, ,,, 11_ . 'I '.. , . *114 I I . .
.1 I ! . . 4 A . . -
, I 1 i., , . I . .
i ! i1o; " .%. .1 . I . I I
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I I " I I . 11 . i I , v ". , , ,,, .& .. 4 " mli, I A, , , " 'g, "I 1, . , . .1, .. . I . I . ,4
I R " " " 'k '), I I., . .
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. . _n '11.11i, `_V.'.,.. ..12. Im "im 7106 Al 'ii: r.'1111 , .,; ;'i,: ." : "', -1"', , -