HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-06-17, Page 3� "e"'.", , "r �,, , , 'y 4 �W�'�,',,,�If 4��;�,,qj��, �10i ... �1,11 T" ,J, "j,�,'­ , , , I-- -­ ". ,� -11,111. �, ­_ . ,� _-A I'll, 1.1T­qrr_­., -V . - ��,'.',l I' " , I ­ i .", � M, - , , ", - 't . k � ". �, , ", " � ,,, ­ "T. , ,P "",R117111 I :.. Ill, .. 11110� --,----- - M�P,�� I_- .- . ... ...... . ;,­,".,,.,,,,, !1 yl­�J­ . ..... ,-, -w- , , ,g,A T., 17 7V"7!�", lg,� 1� �,, :'���!,��,,�,'�',�.������,�,11'��l;� TV) V��.f� �,,�,,�,�'4,'��L�"i�.�"I'�j4��i'T",�,��,"'��-�l%'���,",I�,,7���f��!�'��,�liltl)l',�'jj�l,"f��,�"I $, - , , "� t *,- I ,�:. -��i,-.��,T,;,,,�,�,� 7'� � � , , 1�` E? . il T� � "T, , �`T! W , 1, I. (.�, ' I V, 1!,,�:, � - .""; , , " � ��!;�J;',4,R ,,,, V,..,m , ,.­1111',T� I,": ip., . " - M , ,, � 1�*T;I�i'��� 'r I . . ,� t", i ,7, ., ;� .11�11. " ", ,,r, C'!��-?,�,`.�k'.�'�'.�� , T�"0.11��Djv,�;, 'tl"T�Jfl��,Tp. "� -� "" 7,T", _�� � " . " 1�11­1 I'll I 1'11�1111'A 1� "I , , 41 '17.-P : �� T" i.,". , ­", , ,,,unq jp'T�� �7N��,,��!��' .�14 "7;4 1 , "... -'6,;Z1,1 ­,j1 I VeSQ"ti�,-, xk",t,� ,�, . '. I , ", I I I ,1,', I , . � "i�i`,,!' "" . I .; , ,,, '' "Q,"I , v" U11.11 � I I 1. �� ,1 X 1. 11�, j�,� 1".. � I:f.,. Mill�,�- , " , , "Ni" �,�,"�`�,z V,!",Iii�11�', ,� , _ �, ,� 11 , I � , I .��,,­V- ,,,:,�,­ : � - , ,-'��i 1.1". ,, , " �. , . �, t, I ��" 7i,771,,,74 � 11 , , . , . � - ,�!�,,�,��!;",�'ll��ll,�I'll'�,l��;�,�;,§ " 1, `�'�'; I R : . � 1'11R;Ii��RITI gj,iy`�','F`(i , �e . � � ,� i,!, j.'�'�,',�,,,'jlf,,�,',,,��,�'�,,�j - � " ., . I 1. . , 3 I i� I ,�, �i ti, �,,J�,, �,­,, r " . 'T , . , , - ,� lill",�.,.Il.-,1.4��,"!,"�,,I J�,I,ii, ,"��#,, , - 1, , - � - . I . I. - ,1�1 '.� ... ... gl-,44?"?"if,,�" , �'Y­ P1�111';� �, ��, X"i", . , . " . M,��ji)�,,,Q .1 , � , 41,�Ygii� 7, 7 � . I . I ". ,"I"I", , ­ I ,151 q � , R %1J,n,"1 , Q,04'��'�V�,114t' i I i,,�,,�i,'.,,���,,�l!��,�,,,'A�� �!!,�,,,,W'U�_, , 7 � 041"� W .", "I 1, � 1'� . 1- . .­�' . . I . . . eRv .., , ,Iii, 1. '11,�,.',, ­,�', ,I' is J%':..`f, , 1, . I I I � , -,? ," ,�.f ��, .t,,� " ,,,�,��, I �i5, 11 g "I��kil�li!�*-Pl�',,,� 1, ,�j,�J ,,,�V, �",41,";.�;�F5'�,�1--��")";��l,""��,q i ". ,Ug�� . � " " �,,Jd,,, ,i5i.,4ut fii��':%4�")Ilt,11A , . .,.,. � ,,Ap t�,,�,J ; , .. I I . I � I . 11 �, 111p T, "..", I , "'... ,Z I %.,�Z,,, ijjr, 11�.­ ...".t!", , , "I" � 1, ��- lfl,,?ki�,ii,,!,�,��, �1�i�,�,�4�', , .�l ,�ll,�,�l-I'��-���l'�,,�-l�",.,.,�: I � I t" ,""', ,;I%;,�,',��',",,�,,�,�"i;!,"-,� x1v , "" " " I I" ,. � ,�*,'J,. 111 , ",-X . ,,� " I I fll� "'i ,'k,#_""�1'-,��.� � � - ,,� i..k,.��.,-,,,, T' � " 1� ,.�."r",,!� I' ��.,,`, ��,,�"71,1,t, � , � �,,,,�,,! , . i ,F I I I , I . K�' ,,� 1� li" OP.; I I . �' ,u,�,,�;,,�gi 1�1 ,�,,,,','��'�,�,,�Zg' .�4,��Z,� I I " 1. I" 11 � I UTI"R . , . � - � 'Ii;,i�,� 1 " . ,i,�,�i" ... ... �, . , , I . . i � . ­ .1 --.-.1. .1. , ""t. �, r,rp, (��P'W�,:� ,�; -, -, 14,.,l 1 . , - I p., . ..., , � 'I . I I . �� 1� ,�� .. , ,,�, ", I , I - .-111111 lf�111111 -_-_,.._K--1;101-11 ;1 " j�,;-,` � , , IN71J; W;, f%;�. , ill�!�Ilf .� ---It '.1'.1,11111 , 11UNIA, � :11902", 'T I'* .. .Wt"N �.,�, .0 -1 ... 11 ... �", �`,­­ """T"""n"�,."t,.""�n,,,,- ­_� .... �-,. " ".11PIN , . - �! ,�; I . .. .. - --,�,,.�n,�--M"-.2t,--,.—"tl,-�t,....- ­_­ I— I..",---...... .�,�­�-, ", ,,,, � 1_"V�11f��`��1111�1�Z '11'. �,"." � -.1 --111- y 1,�;;?,� V "i�"."."�,!'��,��i�,,��,�,,�������l�l�,"�,l��;, "". 11-1 "I"m L , . =0100000"Nsm-- ,Fn F, t .. 1. �. I I � 111111 I -----__1 ­­__ "" , "',i,.,"�i,�-­' .... .. �­ 3Nk", 1 ­ 1-; 77 F;4 � , . " 1� A -, vw." , i�'1111 1� , 4� 1 � . I � I � . I", ,, 1# ; h; I � � 11, �­ �; - , , I �_­"""F"! I ,,,,,,, , .; I ...... 11 eli, ; I— 1 �.114 � .11, � . , . , I I., I 1. 11 "I'll, "WALP � � "I, " , , ,�*,. ', " I . 1-11 I - : I - ""."'z M.N. _. - , T, ."'11,11c'p, R.O� 0 "r ,,, , � .."'... ­T"'111.1111;.,�'­ 'f'p, _, � 11 .11- I 11" . , I- ­ 11�� 111, ­ ­­_ .n 1, 'T", 1'.T ` 1. I ... ­ J ZZZ, � - . I I � " � . . ,k , . 11 ­ jlf� I , , -l"'I , ,ij� gme,,,,,� � , . b � � ,111 , . .� f 5�1,1i, I I , , I . oiffi, , , , , � - 'Y'IT", , ktl � '. ­ I I T 1 -, ""'. . . �, . . � I ; ISAY 4w" 1"nAk"', W , -1 'tx - p ��491'q,Vrll I , �;, , , i ,V �; - , 0, "i , " "I"'I '. . 11 1-11- .� ."..., -11 1� ,, . . A "" � "!",�� � ,, - �;, ;� :., 111�,­ ,"�,­I.��`74'7- � - . ­ I I . 26�4,f,l e'"IlAQW1091171,199TATMme *4.9 ! �,n��,,,*,4­,.. ,"A'10,1 � e4 " �11@01,4,- � " , "".";. ',,­ .­­­ ".91M Ili,,,, - ! � ­ . — , !�: " i , , � ��, 11 . �, , ".."A , I . "". 141 ­ ""W" , I ap—Vol"Wo V0 I! , �,,', ,,�,,*',I.,I�,�Aa*ra4.v,pA-mlo.,- Tgk J# , - �, 1 #1 �0,1 , - 1, ,,� .,,� I . � . I , ,��!, , � , 1, � 4# Vlard"i J?J ." T " � ,A,�, �,,7p , , ,� . 7 , , ,� �F;A,�,'fflkf %. '' .,� 5 � - , v4sorsi ; , I , tl , '' . jwj: LWAAW1W 444111-111 .1 .J�#� - , 0�4 I I I - -�w I X . "'. r .. "MT,", YON �". - �/.`=r n "'', 1. ' ' �t R pol� " I 11., 1 ili,l ,,� � -i,1 ­Ir;� N 14,10E.V4 PIR, g �� . , , ". . .A� 16WW'1WWg1 , V �, " "I � �Tp ,� Vr11171CtN : � . rM , , �, . RA�.",.t, V�", _� .�.� . , 4p� I I 0 'AR r Wf"M ,'�. . ,I Wf �� . I � _,#�­q stw, in th� ."T ��Y, 0 � I I 1. . . . � '�, � '�'� I - �,�,,� 111i�%.'d�,,,`�":;,�, ; .0 I � W1111 ��v,,�,,, � rt ve ,�, I — , "", ?�V,,�, I � . '... ."�',"­� -, , - �� , _W- !1�4,;, ",.'� "I I,— 'formant.11 The infokmant, of course, . , 1.11 i . I __% '' T -0 X� An , n R 7z ... i,� . . � Le 4V4 IC6 16" . �;v FWPWW,#,� , ." 4Qharge TrAwferred. . 4 repo Pack,�t of . I &%nvgrapher�s a ' Wraq,u�# p " _� ,� . - , ." , ��' ,V�,,1111 , I I was,'the Town of Goderlc�. An om- PJ *gillna erv,Ac I .9 I ��., ,� , ,Ay.X 1SP -90 'Was a*lut. , V � , ;WMVp-uAMNMWj5. I "" 'j, ;. I hui of Gode4eh, was inous hush had fallen owr the police condition wbikh . 94ea we* M�' ,,Ott,- the -Wo-yden And. Clerk I ! �,.'i ;@r ". ,Q0,0tabJ0TV.VN 10-14 , , 0�,��', pg� ��&, ��o "? �. , , ,, ftl%X4.4tXM=. %t b si, ed '��' '��9" ,� William MeArb . C f -"ea` ,,, ' re ; ,_ � . I , _qp tiw w�re I W I L SON tS 'vllv " il - .1 ,;;, ,�i lived $100 and icoatO, amounting to court en�virone- 'Sheriff %iddlot n Whole sYstem - named to repo#, at Deember , or. P .41"A , �; I ,�. ,I - � , � g", ,gadary ,of VAQPQI�, X. i .11 *6.50, on Monday inx strain Is, placmd Wien the IL ,,�'�. ­ - � , �i�g&-"? I orning, When con- was not to be seen, altligugh his car A needless meeting of cound " I � ., '4#1 "", &1� '' g-�.qi � . victed,i6f having livor in,pther than, was bandy. heart, the fu The buoness of th. I., �� JMAY 4,44, A 911411�b I vl�l rep""Mcp �1'1 �; R� I �,,Lll,,� I y ..", - gA,"T, - 11, I FLY PADS �`; P114A Tj,�19; VO4VA*��Q %�: ", _e, , . I Likwise �Qrown Attorneyk , nepon of body,Qr is 041une mpetin) ,,,, ,18.)�, was , ini; �bem sulor I vl�.�' . 4,, lafo_"rs 9� ;,3 a of Councliav k , i 1. ,,V . Pri irate residence, In dexamt of Holmes whose 411tornobile also was interleved, , with,, Ineatio, actlivaty -PW , -concluded, the I ' , Ru., AN ,,,�,O lose I bd, both without the pro� lia;4"—shortness�, of breath 0, %Ivancij rose - gang, AMU gave the "., ,�'�N',',�,g%R,�mw,_ � , , , I bt. 4 the fine ibe was sent to IL . drad, , MLL MLL MOPE FLIV�; -r�,"_' 47 and 41,04 , . , , 00 ,� 'ai,N � T b I man. 1 I . I � , ­ I ,­�.,� ,,­­,,,11�_ �� 1: Saynie ,tv; , King" and on, motlbA Onade and, see-;- I . I 1. I %�,,! ­ I ., . ar tion, backsche, and rheurnati wlay.,�' V ., �4 - ,e ,mn am , , . 1, -W " . � I Home of , , . -,* W11Q4T4NQ",1� �ail for three rugliths. The dharge' But "the, great question Ert & few of the ailments which am ended, adjou to -ineet the .J I AROP�g 'Ne � t ", , _V gro ._ I 10 0 4, "Was origjmil� lireferred against his 1h or, not -Sheriff first .We,have nVA' IF4"Zwet ies , ,Vxft�'* �, ,�,�,­ ­ -,- Al ., ,, ,w Pit � ,wife, - ailotte. Mc�Arthur, blit, was else, could or could not w -1 - I I 00 " _1�1.11 � , j' �7Z , , sfei-rtd at -the request of her 1� in the Court -House certain way to � , I , . I . � ..... � � , e', , "I'll, 11'�`, - h 1 le n:,,' ""110clietQ11 -apt to. &rise in overweight mu =A Tuesday in December at 2 o'clock in �� "' � ' ,�r :a!yO .qmep. 1. -the afternoon. - - er by-law, w, ,, �, - The proper, safe and ,�_ �,� � � � ef% tran i , 9f R ge., � I "", . *W,. ., " W, " i� . � 0, TA, ­_ � -4- -(ioderich- Signal. are Park had not been answered, - banish fat is to do a"y with the cause � , _JXare and Jiking, we .4U4 - i 11 �', J 111,1�, . husband, Siu , ,W!� I I I � : all of OU ;0T ,�� , " I . ..., . , 1-0 I VE 5 . 0 , k 14, , ,, kmerps the several accou'at's due a4g., ordere�, . n i 91 C, , _.R,Iqg�,�, It was left in the airr-fiqviging on. -1-4his a halfitea�pooriful of Rn 10C , W R 4K"T , ­ - _ � gm Good lime eon,, aje# 4, gave, InelltO Of" the 64TA,'%� 41 , in ,. g - , , �� Dentists Have a' . amplim . �Y. M , � . . . . . . . . #,!�, , 15,_, . I the end of a limb. Nor was it stated 05%ts in a glass of hot water every � x pay, I I 1�,N PW,� , I . . �xouqt4mg .rm 1� .0� �. . - e 1001 ?M ,,, 'pp.. I ­.. .,. 02�i , " TT b, �, V;, ­ �, .� .. I 1. W, Isumof VA29.80, . g.4.;_ -%T4' 1� IT lowed his MOM111g,1301bre breakfast will do. . I .1. Dr"91 . I 0 111�' i �, W-,"� .. , agility. Spectators were -Plainly -dis-' . on sci . entific prinj Good Road Commission�' I General ted,the,,Col4ay 1,PDvie 1� 11 I ii4.110 -, t- c� _. n 'ORM" " , "-a", ,;,a,j , -out a dozen members of the Hur- - I V: on Dentid on met' in God 'PAY store., . Z -I I . i "�,,Yt�,J ,)- '7'1 who if anyone, had swal REPORTS Op COMMITTEES,. WHY 1911 to the _ 011MMIT, ! � At di Kruochen,is based gist, Gr c ; We visi 'ati CiPle-it's an ideal blend'of 6 sepam" , to .�.. tr, .. I .. .1 - ',I) P. 1� 11 '. , I ,, , �, saind spent tho' uVer- -Star. . ,ry AT ..ordered, a *ire'f14 11 w �� ! T , , ,�,,, . , , N , rich last wt aPpQinted-­4Goderieh I � ,W ,,�, , �'4�,,il vla,ced round it w 11� � , � �� ­. " _ I , ), p- "*�!IRIRN he� -grounds. lovolled , ,roon a 0 �,��,�,�i-,�. ,,, I We, your County Ifoad Commission, CO" seeded do �' a 'Pipe ITees ,�� 'i I - _. I 1-11 -, . I minerals y1hich help glands, nerva; MORE, THEW11SON FLY PAD ., -1 �� the Maitlan4,'golf links. Of '. � _ I. ______�� . DlOOa and body orga" to function' beg to, report as'foll�ws,. , HAMILTON, ONT. and ' I 1�.�il ,� a , ;Vffl,14`�,, Eli . - , , ,R, ,- 3 ,. VO - .- �.. ed in the carriers SUA Slide ) i A 11 #___ - � ... U, ""A�.";0"gi�,R1, .1, ' urse they found some cavitian-in I I properly and' maintain & splep&d Since the January. meeting, the _- - - ,, M " , .. ,.., " . YfAct, a seties of eighteen, holes- ?? a a 1 � '-,--,-j`7`7!�T�:, ,­,"_ , "v'�r,,,,,,,Y.'�n "i"'IF . ,­�', :: �q `7,77' � v.,. -AP , . 4, j�J�RPM 1. i ­ . 'Al"', �R �F,71. i ��­',j,j - I "TIP 1 rl� I'll, `1� -�4�- Qegfee or health -it builds up ener." Commission has held. a num�&;r oi , 7=== done under the supervis, e.. i� I with which they enjoyed themselvas HURON CO 'COUNCIL . I . , I � . �, �P— - I—, r �,,, I UNTY �ud strength all the while yoJre train- Inspector :.d Mignager. I 4 .111,11.11 V1 77,,' ,n�i�',,'­. ��, I ., meetings, and have .t AI - 4 ';;� I , . . I � ___ , , , V Ti Ini-mensmy. Afterward9 a filling--ndt I . . found that, w,hil,- and the authorit4cs r , ,�7 f, 11 ing yourself down to a point of n aTe I , , IV I � , I I'll .... ..... �-­ I - Nnual aixiously The% "Co mittee, was well pleast, 1- I .. ,It ;;."...��l;":I;,�,''",Fi,5�il-,-�49 I I I -was ad- 40bilurtinued from Page One weight. You *1 years younger -you � seeki � ; �, I . ­.­ � I I P 1­,,�,., .. �1, � , , gold, but just as satisfying the roads during the winter were at ng some measures to be adopt- with the,�cenota;ph'ereeted, which is ale'Ainftt to go over the wo*,, ;��, - �11�,11. I t1mes very bad, and, that these coMi._- ed to check the growing evil. credit tol the county. , _ �, "­ I rnjniste�ed at the' supper table by look iL - You can hasten the reducing I com AW011 '' ­ o � ", " . Mr. u. L pleted his'work ,and". , eirr, 111, ,o�i­,­­ ,!� I * to 15�;,_ ,Q I ." , , "M., I we the Chib'� capable ca�terers, and fhe . �Parsons also spoke in' action of, Kxuschen by cutting put fatty tions, have inAde agreat deal of gray. Incapacitation also seenis to be in, We inspected all the buildifigs and the VAVrk on Friday, the Z,411,w _11 0,011".- 15 and " '' , Z i� I - ""' , ., . i� .e.ental sur!reons called it an excOleolt support of the work and asked the' meats and pastries and going light on elling imperative, generally the roacls creasing and in spite of the Act re. property of the CouVr Home , council to g te . �,!!, . ., :� _'7-k'1'1'11-11;1 1 0 1 , , AT -1 ''t" -I Tilay­k;Werfi�h Signal. ' ive it their serious coll-' Dul r, cream anit.potatoes. Gd . , V I iw_ ), ,f.,w - 4 . , ' I . ;111 sideiTation. There was a gr,qwing __ . be totally and permianently iAcapaci- We found the in , , 3)" ,�.i �� I I ... I PUBOL, 1�. g_ - are now ,'quite smooth for summer quiring the applicant's, husband shall found all in go . � T1.1. . - traffic. li oryd 11 11. -111--l" __ ow"T well looked, , ,gl 100 ., 441 ,g �0 " I �,�,F,,U ,. ", . ptr T�,�,VN@ tendency to use this road, he said, We,have purchased for the use of tated'from doing any remunerative after,, And all apparoill , 01 I r r e 11 I I - I I I.. 11,���,* � , . , one voW, thbrolft I . 11 , .. 11 i--.. , Mrs. "H. E. Steels.-' — , I anp . ily behaving no . , " i), M Often, especially in ,the county two draglines for gravel work, the Public generally are re. thernsei'ves and cau�ivg no inWn- 'in ei . . and it was E e A., 111"V" the in tho rrdnutes.---4CA;rrI�A ' . . " I etion, As 1�. r1e �,,�,� ' , �,, � '' ! 0'�� The, death occurred on"Friday oven- spring and fall, in verybad conditi ,pits, and one iised'truck for the tar '40ested-to take more intere ,viengences to the in= is � 11 1 ,$ tl�41� o �._,�",... . on. �, st; in , agement. th ins tfon 1-1­11� . Qo . e plaeea:.ou,,.­:b *, :,1 - .,� 1,i,. . _ .0 I iig last of Angelina Elaine Jardine. The Warden assured these deputa, . I p in many The government is" returning �,, t Os . 1. D1. _1- .. 30�1 . ' . .. . , The G d Roads Commission"6- distributor. rV,venting these, i ill-� the i e hZe aAMM: .. .- .. I 1, �.� � IT, RE'! ., UWM3 nau . ,.�!�i � ing ill - h I ".. � . ,� ,if . - - � � I 'be',oved wife of Mr. Harvey .Edward Port left'unfinished on Thursday wag Wehave examined tM situation at ,d�,'�­r'vi'ng cases,. by discouragi niates of the Ontario Hospitals, coil, may e , d , eir , d .�, 1911�Yll," ery ,Way any impositiolig-. Hospitals Vime , , . .. . ... 11,;i n , ti,ons that their representations would again takeir up with Mr. W-Nabb in Centralia where 'the new pav of the Ontario , , �t, ", �... ­ N'te0s, Ang,elsea Street, After an iii- be seriously considered. the chair. I � . ehient e,VL mates , , th I . - 11 �"."- , t. ....--.1 e ,'month,,. Mrs. Mr. George Spo�tton, 1M..P. for lNo,rth his diverted the I 1 1 , I , t - I I .. ..� � . . � 11 1­11��., " w I'd d t to 'be entrq�sted ad u,stme I vstoou du , . "I""'.."lip, I traffic, -and we Te- -Owing to such things as that men..;, p�si ere ., i me - ., ;'V�� ness of more than fiv . � _1 "., , � Steels was born in G,oderieh in 1907, The report Was discussed very comme . t t .. '. k,.17'. " . , 11 11 , . I 11":,"At. �� I .. * the ; in es a -the House ly to; t � . , I I � ,�'1_111"�elf Huron, waspresent and was asked to ,thoroughly by 'iev�- nd that this short section Of tioned in the previous paragmph, will 4-s �at �tttt I'll, in e .. �', . .1 I -the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. speak to the county counoil. .,ral members, of troad connecting the qillage with the m1ore-Tigid inspection is, now being o� "'Refuge�'Jand we are of the be Paid the 11 . '4 . ". , -.011 . I 4 , , . I 'i". - , the council. two governments. _4� �� � �`�,�,',' ,I Jardine, and with the*exception of The repoit of the chairman of the highway be assumed I -by the coun-tyj � resorted to and a much nuire str" t O'PiniOv, that - t1besie, - atients the' co ' i - ., . I ... �,� � I I 'The report was adopted. ' lie P 11 , And, to the i -As eVoral :,�,,-;.,�,�,,-�!� . ,11.:­:� � sevien years spent in Olympia, Wash., Ohildren's Aid .Committee was Pies a 3 requested by res lution at the medical supervision',, and, to -ensure olloWd lie followeq, with provincial system. being changed,, and. � M, I � , 0 lived all ,her'life in this town. - The report of the Rouse of Refuge J' . . I 9 lat- I M She ented with Mr. Switzer in the chair. anuary meeting this the medical staff has-been in- grair6s to our 06unty Romes for ter will, 'no doubt, result in,W . ,;.;,,�',�J.il . - was read and adopted. � , ". cange '.-.',�,,;�V­ -wa married in the autumn of 1930' The,repor� was adopted,. While inspecting th,� road, w the maintenance of our House Of in th I nd duties of the lokul. .1 11 "4.,",� 1 1 - 1 � e find crdoged at the eentral e owers a � ,:� ,:��Q, - . I .",il,�VT " to stmr. Harvey Steels. Besides the The Education reporit was taken a ongderable* mileage in need, of more attention office to' give Refuge as the return Of th e ill- coMmi "Ce, who' will no doubt, be ,rqs�, ' : , '­ 1'��?,�, I ' tOsUch matters , ;,�� 1� , �� �_ I . "Oli,e care eved of much or all of the in�vestig&_ . .1 - Under the' head of enquiries, Mr. ul� with 'Mr.. Gamble in the chair. , draciving and grading, and two it;: mates calls for very muell'Zo 1i ... , Thusband and her parents, three sis McNabb agked with reference to a - ,C]au 3 w. in, d has been. estimatiad, by �ompe- . . . :�:� ,. .. .: �, ..... t . . 'ters, Irene (Mrs. Leitch),, of Kin- lady committed from se a's a q to read $500 bridges and some small culverfs And. tenV Authority that the Mother's Al, and attention of -our staff 4 . ­� 4v�v, 1,5 "I � - .Brussels to the and $300, instead of $600, and' $400 Ho ,t the tion 'work. owl�,g facts regarding the , � 1'��', X ,cardine, Retta (Mrs. -McLennan), of Ontario ftspital. as repair jobs should be undertaken. 16wance Act is no doubt the .best -of ', me, besides keeping of ' not ' Thp., foll ­...4.1'1.`�,, 1 'Loehalsh, and Beulah 'of ii�bar Brant- ,Mr. Bowman, explained the ,committee. The re- The estimated, cost,of thd w6rk fqr .all t4he �cirms, of a . `al and financia' included in, the Old Age P t�f"ses. I I �'. ��,N� . , . adopted by the ' - I Orel I en ,on worMffig of the 0. A. Pension Wye- 11;'A"I -'f9rd, and two brothers, Howard, method Port was then adopted 'as read. '1932 is as follows: , 47 . . tem "lay be of interest. The fsoillow— ". ," It,! � I , � 1Z � �Xl` the )health growth, education and en-' I nees , Ave adopter th 'I'll � ed. e sys- I '11 1�, Tbp . . I ._ � � o`,, -Port Huron and' Harold at home, the proper,course t6 be follow a1ertter was read from the Crown'At- Weed ,$ 406"i.i . .... '. of a iiTlif.f in effect, as its workings.affect ' followed1n the c ge and said it Under the head ,of communications ,Maintenanece- . . Education' Conimitte�- I was , ; �, I ing provi h" - � I .1 1. " I .......... and brings these The Education Cbmmittec -reportled tein, ,vdz: Alberta,, British � Columb* I I I ... ��L) ,." � I .... ��,�,, . , . .rn�ey, Mx. D. E. Holmes, with ref- DraiZs o." .... i ......... 2,8o6.".0,0 bl"sings to thousands I Manitoba Ontario, Saskatchewam . . �, .g � lourvive. e funeral was held frarn The report of the Old Age Pen- to ,'p o ,jo,Y*Fnt �f .�life, , ' . . . of children as follows: V the -home, Angelesea Street. on Tues- sions was read by -the Clerk and erence to astatem�nt made by one of GiradiTkg ...... ,�f , , 0-01a Oth, i e deprived of a mother's care Nunilbe� of: pensiOners, in Iqu:, At- . I .., .: �11 . iday afternoon, Rev. D. J. Lane hav- adopted. ....... 1,00 r S Re the resolution of St. Catherines bp L f' � ",1, �� 11 .... the� county colincillors with 'reference Dragging ............ , rta, 3,912; British JC*Iumbla, r 6,00.1; ' �'!.. I -k1'' . I .�, "I ,�, . ,� 11,000.0,) and ! 'Mat this Act has been- the di- Lincoln Co,untk. Council, with refer- Mhhitob4, 66,0 -!�T''.4�111 . .. , . ing ,eb&rg6 of -the services. Burial McKibbonLCardiff. That we re- to, the McNeil trial. 'Culverts ......... , 1,000.0(i rect cause of k;' P" I O.. Ontarid,73,995.; s- , , ... llp,�, , �11 , , I ,� � 11 -'4 4 ,,Goderidh e ing together thou- ence to school agq being raised from katchewan �,812. � .1 IT I ­ '.. ,,,, , ".�� 4 I , ' � . Twas made in Maitland cemetery.- - quest the Provincial Goviernment to ,Mr. Goldthorp replied to the above Bridges .............. 800.00� sands of home A 1 5 to 6 years and the adolet ­ I : �r; ... . , r�111 . I I - . h ��, I with th� ,000.0or . " � 'years, we , -Percentage over 70 Years to pop : , .1 � * Signal. help our unemployment' -situation in sf,%ti,g that be had' no apolokies to ,Gravelling ....... � .... 14 . ,� f be changed from . I V, , rCOMMittee. 16 to, 14 ulat' ' �, .. I the county, by proceeding make- and was not responsible for Tarring .............. 19,000.00 Legislati�t e endorse -this resolution. . ion: Alberta, I-17'-, British' Co- �,". . . � I Gipsy � Encampment. w i dening, grading ,and gravelling od what 'appeared in the I � "I lunibia, 1.84; Nu,nitoba, 1.68; Ontario . .i ,Our first band of transients hon Highway No. 4 from Clinton to Wing- but- public press, .Snow roads ......... 2,000.00 Your Committee ,beg to report Re, the rnot�on -of Campbell and 3.48: Saskatchewan, 1,1 .111.1�� � "I A I - that if he is in the wrong he is Galcium chloride as' Goldthorpe to reduce t.he gralif froni I., , . . ham, 'to bring the same up to pro- Willi ... 800..)o follows: � . 7. , �?, t"'I , ,ored Brussels -with their presence on ng to apologize anytime, and that ,Percentage e years .. 1 . , .... 400.0() Re the motion of Scott and Gold- $GOO to $500 a�nd .from $400 to $300, . . .111 Monday. They are camped� on thi-_ vincial standards, the contractor tO .he bad made no remarks reflecting In "hin. we recommendthat the grant remain getting pension: Alberta, 60.67; D. ., � ' , proc surance ........... thorpe, re aboli :., I bank of the 'river on W. A! Lowry's -or and At least 75 per on ,COUnty 714,00 - the grand jury, as at . Ontario, ,.. ure all lob Crown Attorney Holme$ , . C., 54-84: Manitoba, 58,25; � .. . .. , �ent. of all men. from residents of — we recommend this be adopted. ,pre4ent, as we would be takin,,r .1 rr I.. - .1 , our county. ' . 34-56; Manitoba, 66-32. , . 11 , .1. �.property.-grbssels Post. It was decided to leave the matter away neeAed,1i61p,,fro7rl- small school . Percentage charged, to in ­ �� � ;, ��. 11 , , � 4 , . $77,514,00 Re -the resolution of Wentworth unicipal- "�i, � � �, - in the hands, of the committee- an- !Machinery- sections �y reducing these grants. ity: Alberta, IQ;, British Columbia,, I �� we', as a Council regarding telephone rates, � �P� .1 I I I A Former Resident Deceased. Cardiff-Sweitzer: That pointed at a previous session, to r'e- .11 �. . 'Re th-e resolutibn of'4chibald and' 11 . , , � : . �, � county, place on record that We, are Port ... . Xew� ................. 5 4,500.00 we approve of this resolution. one; Manitoba, 50; Ontario, ,20; I'll . � ' I Repairs ............. 8,3oo,o-j Re resolution of the County of Bee, boards t Saskatchewan, . . I �"; :., � , , L qs en eavor to .Eligibility: ' (a) British suipject . 1, report- I re the unfair advantage taken of the 'make their expeadit4res'.1m �, I I..., 11, n ed with Mr. Wright in, the chair. The $13 3M.00 Hospital's Act ,by I -a former resident. of Brussels, whn, ceived in regard to the �investigatio '6 �md tee d - 'The ,Legislative om, t o use tbe�r b, t "none. The following obituary refers to not satisfied with the report we re ,in December Smith,'re requestihg secondary school n " . -.1 -although absent from here over 40 carried out in this county, re exceA- repor'4 was adopted. ' indigents, we keeping with the prdse tljeconiomi� a widow, was a Bridib, sub- .1� , years, will still. be. reml�mbered by sive cost of criminal justice, and Superintendence : ........ :$ 4:601D.00 heartily concur in this re,solution. conditions, we recom ` io-r��blllfgore marriage. . . .. 1�1 that 'The 'Finance ,Committee reported Bridge Construction- ' Re' � '-,his i�eso b) 70 year,§ of age. I I ;;"l . . I the re�solution, Of the ClountY lution be adopted and f rVarded as' ' .1 many older residents. He was the we feet w . e are I entitled to a complete with :Mr. Elliott in -the chair. Th6 ]McMichael's bridge ..$ 1,600.00, .Council of Kent, re reduction in sal- requested. �c) Residence in Canada. 2o years. . 1. , -"�., 1. .. . ,, .. . . , '' ' I d) Residblice in Province for s � , . 1� . . . . 1$ec9nd. son, of Duncan and Mrs. Me- report when as,ked for. . report was adOpted. ' " d 1,600.of) aries, etc., we recommend this be That the various req sts for lev- -, . . ­� . ..... -Intosh, who at one time owned -and, This matter was referred- to a com- . Belirriller ,bridge .... — concurred in by this council. � ies of the diff 't h ( ately preceding th-e time, .1 �. . " . 0 V - %Zn * h nd continua- .. lir. of appRication. I ; 1". ,� , "t M . I . "If Maryland ,St., proprietor of the Me- Geiger. Th li�IW or , I . ,. . . ncillors Gold- ,North Huron, was present and, was $3,200,00 Re the letter of the Minister. of tion, schools pai'd, -en verified §, operated thp woollen mills in town. 'mittee. composed of cou 'Mr. C. A. Robertson, M.,P.P., for years immedi � � ,taken, to , . bVI%e �p I " . � James Donald M&ntosh, 68, of 183 thorpe, Cardiff, Sweitzer, Wright and asked to a4dress the Council. I Gravel' Pit�s .............. 1,5,Do.00 Health, re ingigefits being by the Clerk in the u I mariner.- - M J Cal I , died '�S�veitzer- Bowman: That B Mr. Robeitson gave a very instruc- ,County bridges .......... 60,0.00 outside -hospitals, we T,pc " . I . - . % " - I ' . y "' , 1" ,, zv, "4 .� ... L __1 ,e . , � . � . . ; I ... � , i �: ... , , n' .,� , ,the ;4 Intosh library, Rargraive St., p4H, .. " . ;, . * yIaw No. ti _*n . i ". &' - Fr . � , iti, , ,Ve; "�., i . 4, A irT,an. , � � ­ . .1 . I iSunday, following a, brief illness. Mr. 7, 1932, Of tj - "T., �. -, '2- ; `T,�; '4 aj I ,,se' ' ekligjb� 'ifttt-ee - 1 ' . I ve and pleasing� Address, which was Traffic Officer ............ be , , _ , �L , A' 64 .1 -Al , �'. qj- 0 ,F .11 ,� ,,, , .. . ... "O , _.ft.", . ., _ -fore, tha ft 11,g, 1. I , 11 1, �12 . . . . . . 1, ieCount 1,800.00 -t the Reeve WaT 11 '. 4' � , ,'' -.1 I W: P, R V. a I ... . . !� � & i , , � i . .� I , ' 'd � � 'je - _ at it was up to� 'i i� - 1, � I I I" "' ;1-1 , ;�v I ­ " licil. Construction. entativ, � be',�eopsu ted in'tAreryv case. U 14 41 S, i V,bmrqio r 1, ��,; drbaie,ijit, ��, ) i( � __ ... , ii. associated with ed at the, January imieeting of this Wiright4McKibboll: ,..�, ; � t � � �� in ' _ ' r 1A y Of HurOrb, Pass uch appreciated by the cou __ ON, f ,; ;e� , , . McIntosh has bee We approve 4 Ditching and Grading. -,,� � e Jefter Of -Col. Denni '. , 11m 0 province And lit I , . g son, of ; "j"j.. . the library 'business in Winnipeg for council, -be amended, by adding after Mrs. -Cahemor, being 11 �4'1 The Old Age Pensions Committee- to 'ta:ke ca're,;,of their old peop e., � . �;. 'the past 20 years. The ,WInt�osh the words restored to the No. 2 Colborne, south from ' Wg*gal de-oartim-n't to I �Txt , " � on 'to this matter is now be1w I . Lr"', library was founded by his brother, fifth line the -following words: ,,And,' from ne to date Sheppardton ........... $ 4,000.60 and reference, to cost of stenograph- in January, ,March and April, . stre ­ .1'.. , ,County of Hiuron in the Mother's Allowance, the sar the Clerk met,three times up to date this year, attenti . , 'Thomas, t'hen in the October 1, 1931.­4CUrr , szed by, the authoritiepl4n ' i .,., . , vM9 I �, " Clarend,vil hotel that he be empowered t�) layA ied. , 28 Howick and Wallace-,. . &-, 1,500.00 -3, etc (which we ask to be print- In all. 62 new cases were dealt Pensions, that is it� is � ., be �, ntfor- 'Geiger-Mouklals: Thait 9 � 'ITAH 2 ,Hay ................... 5,0()O.O,) ed i I It ,,� 4 A 3i5 years ago. On the death Of bF., mation. under th4e ,Liquor Control Act rate Ne raised -for general i n, the iminutes), we submit a with at these meetings and, 21 re' taken into Account more thin� 5;vex�,. ,, , '� , �':­'�' ',brother, James McIntosh, he and an- provided b . .. . ��11 ��. ' Y county byl-law No. 5, for the y,,,. I .. Purposes 25 Grey and McKillop. .-... 2,000.00 statemen4l, based on the Past tell consideration as to increases, etc. and the financial position of chil4reli "'. I . 1,11, I , I .1 �obher brother, David- took over th,,, alon is 27 Ashfield and Wiest Waw- years regarding stenographer cost6. Owing to the number of pensioner,; is ,going to be looked �nto more,.'criti- ­ , t " , .g with traffic duties� That thl Bowman -Campbell: That the rate,...,, anosh ................. 3 ON.O() We recommend that a committee of now on the roll, the reconsidenations, callY than in the ast ' ' I . .�, I , . . e appointed to look into the correspondence and the numerouv The total pensioners in . �1;lj go, day of January, 1932­-4Carried. rdills; county highway, 11A mills; pro- 21 Turnberry and ,Morris 1,000.0f) whole matter of stenographer re- chlanges of residence, etc., the Work iOmtario on the 31st of October, 1931,. 1 . �4 . 0,ontrol of ,business /and continued to Appointment to date from the first be as follows: Geh6ral rate, 3.16, 4 Stephen ............... 2,000.00 three b ,_,. �r O� be associated until a few years a ) I n b .j when David moved to Cawston, Brit- �, Sweitzer-Beaver: , That W. B. vincial 'highways, 1 mill; making in 31 Turnberry ...... I ...... 1,000.0,0 mu-neration I �, 4 �,L- , ,. � � : �7 . ish Columbia, on a ­fruit AM cattle Oliver be appointed con& ble Rt all,,6 i, , aud make a 'report at of the committee is taken up largely was 4 ,400 1. "� tft ,in 119. C 0 - - 7--,, , Tanch. Mr. James kellitosh has been Grand'!Bend for the months, of July Mathe�san­Me 21 'Grey and Howick ..... 2,000.00 the De6ember meeting with their re- with these adjustments, while the Total paid to pensioners. of , On- . . , 1) . -'library since that and August At a salary of $180 and press gratitude to,gir. J -D * '_ h .1 - 1 $8,765,049.25; j . I -carrying on the Kenzie: That we ex- 9 ffay�-­Culvert ......... 350.00 commendations. - Peter W. Scott, number of applications is gradually tario . paid by"Ontar'lo, - ".� I I I time and it had, become well known that -the Clerk write again to La,mb. ggins for is' 2 Hay -Repairs to damg.. 1,400.00 Chairmail. I I decreasing. 1 $945,953.26; paid, by c&dnties, $1,511.- � . " . efficient investigation of county ac- . . the Act came,qnto f I paid by Dominion, $5,382,- ­ . I .11 � to the citizens of Winnipeg. Mr. Me- ton County Council, asking, their co- coun4a Chil Since oree in 370.74: 4 , . ­4)arried. I dren's Shelter. I ill __ - 1929 'we have received in all 931 524.63. 1 � '$23.,260.00 The report Of ihe Children's She] I 11 �,, Intosh 'is sulftj 'his widow, two operation in policing Grand Bend, as McNa,bb-'Leiper: T%at horsez be- ,Town and villages - applications, and deal�, with 920 of Under the new s te,m of 75, 15 12� i qved� by _fon,'R. ...... YS .. . brothers, David, of Ciiis -C., tvnd part of Lambtion. C-ounty is include -i used in -the -hauling Of gravel - oil 11, 5,00'0-00 ,ter committee was as follows: them, and of tlipsie 920 the central and 10 per cent., this would stapd.,in . fi Your co,nintittee -,have had ­ . . - ----,--- ­­­ .11 ,- 1. j� Dr, Geo. MaIntosh, of Winnipeg, and in the 'police village of that name— county roads where the townships in Total . . . . f, $i30,764.00 One authorities have dealt -with 8go aTid-this-way:- ' - , ,T1 ' , meeting this year in the Shelter. We the last pay sheet -showed 6a2 on I Continued, from Page - .... .. Mrs. 1)umphey, of Toronto. The fun- by Mr. Wallace, &'council Adjourn- a . I four sisters, Mrs., Thompson, Hisses Sent to Executive Committee. which roads are located demiand such. This progra*m' ... of" 'w',o'rk, together find the home is in good condition a.nd the."pay roll, making - Three Minnie and Lily, of Winnipeg, and On motion of M -i, Elliott, seconded --- iLost on a vote of 9 to 19 against. With interest, and other charges on decrease o ..... $8,765,049.25 �� � 1�,�� McNabb -Leiper: That th well kept. At Present there are 12 248 froin the 880 dealt with by the Paid'by Dominion .... 6,573,786.95 1 . 1. eral was held at 3 p.m. Wednesday ed to meet on Thursday morning.. e. county which no subsidy is payable,. will be children in the (Shelter, two 6f 12 central authorities. Paid lyy Ontario ....... 1,314,7-57.39 . . I � I . ., from the Thomson -mortuary to St. . ,1 contribute ,�5-per month for upkeep covered by the one and one-half mill years; 2 of 10 years; 2 of nine years; Of these 632 on the roll, a small -Continued on Page Seven I I - to County Property Committee. �, John',§ cemetery. Rev. C. C. Car- . Thursday. of Mr. -Whiteside's office.-Referrea- -rate adopted 'at the January Ses- one of 8 years; 2 of five years, and -number have , come in from other sion. -� uthers officiated. -Brussels Post. , The 'Clerk read a conitmunication McKenzie­�Archibald:' two under I year. counties, but these are ofriset by . I I ", I 'That the -- The public liability insurance pol- , ." A Honest Yankee. �_ from the Chamber of Commerce, Clei�k prepare a by-law giving the icy is expiring, and if it d to We -have carefully examined the iabou . t the ,same number of 'Huron — - , 1. . ur pensioners g � .1, :e! ding the improvement Treasurer power to charge 5 per cent- renew it, the premium will.be $714.78. Matron 'keeps - the children in band !Off the total Pail las given in the I '1z , Wingham, regar is decide accounts and find' them correct. 0 ' ,,o+ng� out-. I LONDON AND WINGHAM I . When Traffic Officer Lever trusted asked for by the deputation on. the n ae t paid by De- Messrs. Gamble and -and deserves' cr.-edit for her work.� roll, 527 have received the full pen- South. , Russel T. Wilson, of Detroit, to the road from Clinton to Wingliam. cember 31st. Taylor that Howick ,Street in, Wrox- William Sweitzer, �Chairmam ision of $20 per month; .77 9&t $15 p.m. "I I I �extent of $7.75 on 'May 22nd, he wa% WcKibbon-Franeis: That we take . Scott-IMcNiobb: That the 'Clerk be eter a connecting link between coun- 1. Advisory Committee. . % and 28 received- $10 per month. 2.05 - . ,� I ; , ) . "kidded', by fellow-offi-4cers that he up the reports ,of committees at ,this instructed to 'have 200 copies of ty '�oads, ,be assumed by the county, Belgrave .................... 2.22 I t, I �' - could ,,whistle" for his money. The stage—Carried. standing rules printed for use of the we recommend that thi, be �Qna, a. -l- Recommendations from the Agri- The payments made have been as Bly�h ...................... 2 � �` - Yankee was short that amount in his The Advisory 'Committee reported members. � . - cultural Adviq6kSr QOfteil- ­ follows: � 1 .33, �', that a bylaw' be paqs(­1 incorporat- L6hdesbbfo ................ 2.40 i ­­ -.--.--;, . i tfine for specding4 Now the laugh is with ,'Mr.. Francis ifi,the chair. Elliott -Francis- That the County ing all such roads app-oved, and be 'In view of tke fa& that the as�ess- Ja-ruary ................. $ 2,358.72 Clinton .................... 3.08 .11, -on the Other side of the face, for Mr. The report was read and discu"ed Council regret the proposal. to abol- submitted to the De T, art-ment of ed value of �roperty iii cities and February ............... 2,251-10 Brucefield .................. 3.20 .� MA -1 -son b n I � , I . �seote_ one for Mr. Lever.-Goderien I - �� . - McKenzie, Chairman. - 1.7 to I for r�ral districts and con- Hensall ..................... 3.39 .�,� council. ' members of the various county coun i eri , . as se t alOmg the $7475. clause [by clause in committee and in is� ,county councils in Ontario as, the Highways for approval. - John A. separated towns is in the ratio of March ................... 1,151.47 K pp ........... : ........ 3.39 "; I 'Star. Mr. cils are more intimately in touch with �idering that citieq and separated Total for the 3 months ... $5,761.29 E,ete . .............. I ...... 3.53 1 1 , McLeod, agricultural repres� , I � . entative, was ,called and addressed ions of the Public Mother's Allowance Report towns pay for provincial and county And owing to the readjustments of I I I I ;11 �1 � ; Parking Battle Ends in Draw. the co *1 '' than. other governing bodies.--4Cax- highways in the ratio of I to 4.7 paid bhe proportions paid by the Dominion, North. - . . !) . . : Mr. unci * d went rather The total paid to mothers, in the by the Province and Co I 1.`�', . i 'MdLe . fully into ried. I rural <listncts, we respect- unty, we have a bal- Exeter ..................... 10-59' � A I . The police court trial of Sheriff G. all tb,,'b ... N 1% of the work under his Wiight-Ballantyne: That there be county for the iionth of April. was fully ask that the Provincial, Govern- ance to our credit at present Of Hensall ..................... 11.12 . 11 ��, ' , iC. Middleton, charged with a ,breach d,epa,tment, including spraying of dust layer put on"the roads at the $t,810.00, one-half, or,$905.00 being ment as,,ume the fall cost, or at least $4,629.37. Kippen ..................... 11.18 . I of a -municipal parking by-law, did Orchards and dealing with Parasite,, Wingham Junction. -Carried. paid by the County, the balance by 90 per cent. of the cost of provincial Of the 622 given -above as being Brucefield ............. -�" -not -materialize as scheduled last Sat- in animals. , . ...... 11.27 . He also answer6d many 1111aacke-Swed.tzer: That the county the Province of Ontario. an the pay sheet, 45 were in the Clinton ­ ................ "I mornifig. The summons was questions re spraying, etc., asked by pay Goderich Township for the gr . The total number reeviving the al- tax . House of Refuge, all of who I I i, l ,lurday roads as at the present tinne the rural ... 11.58 . av- s payer is contributing, an unius m get . . �� ", returnabIrt at 11 P -.in, and a goodly 0e county council. . I el taken from th r pit which has lowance in ApTil wa, ,59; the Lotal share of this expense. ' t the full pen -,ion of $20 per month, Londesboro .......... ; ..... 12.16 , crowd bad gathered in tbe hope of The Warden then prese � been ,owing since p,28. number rpcejving the allowance since' of which $18 goes to the County foi- blyth ..................... 12.23 11� 1; , 11 � . nrte That the Department a Education the keep and lbiirial of th,e T�ensioner. I .1 I . 'bearing the age-old principle of "eq- port of the .. ' . Belgrave .................... 12,33 11 ual rights for all And special prW_ Ontario Agr ral . Ballantyne-'Craigie- nat above the Act came into f0JTCJ'in 1923, i take immediate steps to have certain Wingliam .. � ............... 12.47 � ileges for no Council of Which ,he is a T ber foi resolution wag referred for action'to, Huron 159, ,the 100 have ceased to b�l subjects, now taught in the lower high Of. be total paid as given ii the . . , ,'I ve," debated by the legal the Western Ontario divi I the -December mbTeting of council. claimants. previous paragraph, it will be noticed � � . 1; Sim school, moved back into the curricu- , ��11 � 11 that we p.iid 20 ppr cent. in January C. N. R. . . Immilvaries, but they were doomed to The Warden gave a very full ac- Gamible-T�ylor: That the matter The causes of mothers and foster lum of the Public school, especially and February, and 10 -per cent. in. . �` i ," prevailed. Hard-headed fellows hall . , :�, I , 1. ,disappointment. - Wiser� counsel had count of thf, proceedings of the coun- of the authority of this council - re- mothers ceasing to be claimants, are civics, bookkeeping, simple science as the March payment, the Dominion Fast.' L I cil an,cV Also read a large number Of garding refunding',of ,fines'to Oliver various, the chief being death, re- applicable to farming now assuming '-J,'! Stewart be referred to county solici- marrying, remoVal from ,the county, all nithmetic and all Engli b, spell- e t . , got together and decided that "this the resolutions passed by that . , nature study, goviernment is 75 per a.m. P.m. . body 5 c 'n of the pension payinents, � . ..'� I ore ---�Carr� I ceasing to have two or more children , '61i e Goderich ........... 2.40 ,�, . A thing" bad gone :far enough. -Shortli i , 'Many of the councillors discussed b - ed. ing and gramim,ar. Province of Ontario 15 per cent., ,and '235 . , before 11" o'clock Town. 861,keitor several ,of the resolutions adloriytied by Gamble -Cardiff: That county con- the required -age, and in the case of This council beartil �sville . ...... 1 .50 2.56 1 1 ed I wh,E ' . .. " - Ork ............ 6.68 3.05 - I .1, Douglas R. Nairn arriv - wecomplished, by the I-furon Live formerly t ents, were R�, 30 Seafor ' " 7.12 8.21 ­�� � " at the Po- the council. The report wag, referred: stables and traffic ,officers be furni.,;h_ incapaeitation of busband;tliat handi M�iAnto. , I. y endorses the the County 110 per cent., i " meas C ., I nmi ed with poultry transportation lie- cap being removed by husband recov- , . , L . for , lice court chamber and immediately to the Advisory Oor ttee. p , , h ........... went into a huddle with Magistrate Roads report Stock Improvement Association, and and 111; 'al, J ' I 'The Good 1 ense forms and copies a by -law -9 so eTing, etc. respectfully request that their 'work I - ts � , 9k St. Columban .. � ... 7.18 3.97 . � - . ,the magistrate was ta4cen S_ in s I L � ,i made Dublin .............. 7.23 , 8.32 , � , �ov I Reid. ,Shortly after . 1. � J . up with Mr. McNabb in they may check up on infractions. The grants paid to claimants in be arranged so as to benefit all cdas ";0gs I the chair. , - I n v . . a, ;;; , ons. This . , - lv'��, emerged with a do,eument in his The report was taken upclause Carried. � Huron per niotith during the Past es of live stock. I I cilitate the action , 11.11 Land. It was. the inforrhation. �111 s by - - I ' ., 11 I I West. .. T,,� . clause .a,n,d asv the time fixed for ad- IMcQuarrie-Matheson. That we r,.. year have varied from $10 to $50, as This coun,cil reeonamlends that the of We ocal auth ity, but hasten. the Dublin ............... 11.24 9.12 � . - Worship handed' it to the Star re- jou,nment wag not completed,. scind Clause 13 of Good -Roads Com- - follows, April , being an . example: custdmary grant 'of $200 for junior granting of pension, as, very . " �,,$ Tdission report, re securing insurapice I mother receiln., $I'D per hikh. $ 10.0a . _ 9 . ... � � porter and: across it was written:- 'On motion of Messrs. ,Geiger and, often St. - Columban ...... 11.2 .11, . extension work carried on under the these' irregularities or 1�aek of fully � -Withdrawn by consent of the in- Douglas, the council adjourned to Fri� and that we do not take, out Insur- � V4 (i %� is 4, 4d 30.GO 1 I I Sea o, th 11.40 ' 0.25 . . .44 ,,, I mTpleted papers lea � ,. .1 , 39 : '/�� I 1, I day morning at 9 o'cloick, to, permit ance. �..._.""%?/ , �� I I ���'�. , . *i ro- the counicil to attend the funeral of tion was -declared lost. 44 44 . I tbis could be avoid( 3 , . e mo- '6 120.00 presentative, be paid this, yedr-ag in reconsiderations taind ; ,.� '7_�, . 12 1 " " . . .� � �,,� I ,!� . I . 0 44 1 "' " ... ..".1. Z� 'I 3: . .. A vote -being taken, th supervision of the Agricultural Re- co , I d � C,i# i�, "" ... ­ ­ �t(,, I 11, -h g ,�� 1. ::"1/. :: ' IN -011 other years.-Lil. J. Wright, Chairmian. P�lq � , . � I , . . I li .. .. i ), 420.60 cants secured the se vi eg - ' 1. of some 01 � , , �� �� I sv le ,;�i,v� 6 . - 14 I � . I Z ,li . 1� ��", the late Thomas MidMillan, imip. The motion.made at a former ses 'i E $I Coubty Property. V1 e, , � . I .1 o� 1* . and Cardiff, Is 95 " 490.00 competent person qualified to fill out , I I . 11� Sion b7VM6"M. MdNabb 14 I , . , I .: I . I 14 d4 . vi ,�, ). . I ') . r, 4 �. Friday. . Rh re workon Wingham, to'Clinton road, 5 40 " 41 200 * 00 W4�'�' sit4the regi�,,'try ofllce And properly ,the different 1orms and see , C. P. R. TIME TABLE � ,,, ; , I . , ;. 1�4 I ta�m urp and discussed very 2 44 " 45 (I 4g 9b found it it good condition, I that they were piopiatIv executed. � 11 !, , "s, 1, . was , 00 . East. � T, .1 �, 11 �� .1 . , . . Under the head of reports, (yf cou,ti- fully. Were de- 3 co .c �5() di 44 150 'We recb�nniend that the floor in It ia now un&rsitood that an ift- . 11 ,. ,,�,,,5 . The yeas and nays .00 I ,.N,�,, I . ty officers, ,D&. Young, county tr�as_ manded avid, ,thi motion , . A.Mi, . , ".", -q, , ,;,. carried on - — the magialfrate's office be polished. spector fr6m the c�pbtral authority Goderich ... .......... �, ... 5.50 .',��,� � ..... � uTer, reported on the fitancial condi- the f6llowinj mote: 59 Is 44 41 cc $1,810.00 We visited the gaol and four' -A six will investigate alq applications be- Melget ..................... 5.55- - ­ 1. ,,,,, �, , . , I .1 L. I I tions of the county at the present For---4rrhibald, Blowman, 03,mp- Average per mooilth, $80-,68. ptisoners and things in good' order. fore submitted to the authorities fix- McG[Aw I � . A- - dY#it, ,�, �­N_ � ,�, .. time. ­�, ,�, IM I . I ....... 1. 91 ..... I- I '' f I 'it 'it . I I 'it �` � bell, Cardiff, Uraigie, Elliott, Fran- The number of families in Ontario We visited different offices,in the ing the penadom. This Will be in ad- Auburn .............. � .... . �, .��, �,� �' , Mr. Higgints was Present me Per cis, eceiving the allowan 8 a)�Z '.estigatioli inade by B, ., . �, 11 �; ,� i Gamble, Haack4e, Leiper Mathe- r ce in, 1931 Court Hou,se .kjound.�them in fair idition to any fiv yth d T � , ,"", '., , . / I . wa ....... I ............. I �, i�,r#" " / r r 1930 of 375; ,shape, except Nifneer'q,,office, which the local coinnnit.�ee. Another change Walton ..... : 0 " , �. 1:-�,,;v,,�- �, I . nortice of council to discuss the imat- soil, WcKenzie, WcKibbon,' Moser, 5,"8, *�rl ine ease ove " , , 11 IL , I . 1, .4 1 _'.i_,� ", , . ,,OM,q� . I ., `:i j. * , I ter of his RWR'and went very fully Rader, Smith, Wallace, Wright -18. the w6mber of children in 19al was needs considerable repaiis, but undev in tN1 form c�. applicatio-n pwpers ATeNaught .'.'.*L.':..-.-.-.:*:,.,�. 0,52, . ,x- " ... 1. I . 14?��,,.',,,,, e , , " I . ?4-,; � I into the financial affairs of the eoun- - Against ---- ! Rallantyne, Beaver, 18,036, an imr6ase fdr the year of "'iditions at present wi� recomimend ��q been madw A blaillic form has Toronto . ,...*.. � ............. , � �?�,'-� Lj ., . I I ty and made some suiggestions whfich Douglas, ,Geiger, Goldthorpe, Mle- 1,129. 1. . it ,be left oveir till ne'xt �rear. 'he filled ati4 duly signed, by . � 1�1 � 1,04% ., �%T� ., . - � . � '#,`� , ��i I . -the- , I , , Lty I 5, 10 I l!" 1, .1.1" � . he considered would stimplify I rditures in Ontario We recommend the county , art givin,*�''fhe pensiomauthori- WOS't." , I i'-4,1'11'.,1;, . .. , ic !, ,I the Quarri-e, Scott, Stewart, Sweitzer, The total expe , . � �pl� X V , " I '' , ft ke4�pdiig Of the county Accounts. per lmronth rent for provin"cidi pofi- ti,ds access to all accountg for 6mm- , RM. Taylor -10.. r 1931 was $2,582,221, n in- I , , A� , ,'� " : "o , ""I - i. . . fo 41 a , � , %Afian either 11q, I a ,�,;4,1?! " , qtable's 'offilce. , ,or M I ", ,� . , ff"I , P, , � I'lle thought iftbe local municipall- Geiger4%uglas. con- crease -�f $188,183,41 ove 30. 1-ne Tit Re- Toronto ............. 4 , . k.11 . %40, .' 6. �, ,,I 11. 'IT , - �,� �' That no new r 19 We recommi4fid that the coiimty- do ,co,�-nts ' or otheleal &'q"`et1`s. I 1 �4� .� ;"V�i V,"' LT ,, rates any ii work be. McNaught . . ....,4,4 I 1 43, � ' , 'i:`�'�,�,"I, '�714"4�1'1�1, , � ties 'Would collect their st�uctio done on Good, total cost Of ad-ministrati. � 4 I ;Q, . on was 'hot 71hisand the Outside inspection will Walton ' ­ ­ �V , 1, 1 , T, � twice a year, and return their portion Roads this, year ,p,r�hasea Livingston stokeir thig ..... *.,.. -, �, V. , � , ! 11 �f -11 1; I. - unless absolutely $&6,797.01, or 3 1-3 Tyer cent. of totRl vear.---4W. Havelce, 0hairnian. �ok,,daubt tend� to improve Matters Blyth '... ....,.,.,.*;, � " . !�� 1.11 %'.f�,, � , ,,T,.,Jf!v, % 1 e i . ''if �;;Ijl � �.,�151 11 �111 I 1,'k,',,'K,�� 11 . I � - to the coutity, it Would do much th rilaces"ry.-JCarried. expend,iture. ­ . ... 1, 4 1411- . i � I I Z� � , % 1; .0,.,',,'fi " , � I . i" �� " " , �1, o Executive Committe �" leave leAg i00% for rumors AS to 4 .1! I ;� 11 �, 1. Mrlsr interest account. The matter of holding a Picnic was b .. ..... ,.: � .., , .. .4 4 . . '' ,7 13 reduce our YC ' th'i - luburn - ,,, . . I Geiger4Ballanity;ne: In carrying out (the Net throtgh- Your committee beg to i':�ort. ,right of ret4ving Pensions On MeGaw ........ ­.: ......... lZai 11�. I , �� "T, . .4 �.� I ,�� 1 o� , � 1, 4,r` ,I , I '� ,� 11 ; : That the a,adi. taken up and it was dM-ded to hold out the pi - it i q , found That Re r6que0 for a,"istance far,blind- the part ,of ,some. Menset .................... 1. , co �� 1� I W . I I tors' report be accepted and printed Ta Picnic at B-Arlield on Thursday, June desetti,on seefg, -L' $1,00 to this insti'tu- -, e inopoctor appointed by the gov- �God&ieh � 3f I � I I. .,, I ­ 6,�"'�JL�� 1­,;�, I I , . � , .,pease .U. we granted 47 1 _ .............. � ... � � I ,:­�t�'j,,�, - ) I I I _111 ,1�e on +h4,ino I 1 90, , ", , � I'll `&..1111�1i�!%,,� I � I . " , %-"L. "4�1�'V,, �, ,,, L I I . , 4' :. .� 1� I I �1� ""�', .", ", � �, -,1 L',.� 'I"'' L I... I 01� -� 1. . , .1'. . : "' �� i , � I I'll, I � . . . ,;; � � . I I - ". i,.i� , I ',��, ; ; I I . 11 , . 11 I- . 1� ... I ''I � I— .. � I , � . ;,,� ',;! �1:1, ", , ­­­, ,,,,, , 0, I J , . - . . . 4 1 " . , ! � . .., , ., lk�,� " � . I " �_- . . . . 11 I . I � . ., � 1. ,.! �A,, � I �,l " � f I I , (�� I I ,g"',", I I '' . � , . � I , . I . ". y q ' .';, .' . 4, , - ( I I I—— I , . , ­ ,w],"', "V442 �` 1,�I,� ,.� . "r , �,­,4�4ij-"I` � '�,R� , I , , 2 � ,,�� - . .tzl:, :- I I) A � ZAJ,�,j;,M, �'. ",� L 11''; 4, I *, , , I � rl I �,,4 kj��,�'figl,�J,, , , ,� �, f U , ­ ,; , &01"!�41 ����"e,Ali,��,,�,4�,,���,ie,,,,��Iy� �.hv"" ,","'V,Al. - Qy_ Ri,�RRVgE,lr .41,�, , , , , , �o �!,�; " ,`� , �;, i T'� � �, ", L "'� L6111 at".1 , 1111.&"41.� ,'.,��',, . 110,�, "', , - . . . ­� . k� , . � . , ,�', , !!,;i�,; ", t .L������L""I�,,�,i�all,�,,��2'.��l-I'l-i'�l- �1 J61 ,-s-, , ,�",L";�.1,4.A,e,,��,-,��.,��., ,�.,�,,�,i,�,.�,�.����,.i;,'.,,,��\�,�i,,�,,,,,�,��,,,,�,, ,,I;Wk� 6 . � , V r " � " ,,L�,�.",d".igl",�L�,CL'�-'V,�,,,�'ir,i�',"J,�'.',, ku_� ei,h�.14w� .. "", ;;, .. , I .., ; , ,jgi 1,�,,i�� 1,6e & &�a,,�','Li� � .,�,,,�� ii�l,,�,""���,,�,�=,,,�L,���i�i " " ,,, 'I , , "t ,, � , ... ­t�A�__ ",.4,�,,�i,,,t�,,,,X���,��.',���,lt;I V � ... 11 , - ... ii,*,61"; t li�"A..�.!I.m,,�"!;��,..,,,,,��i ,