HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-06-10, Page 8j$ �M! ji I.; r• c•tl ( ,i! 11y flwders. ¥Ialte excellent' dessert jellies, which are an aid to digestion, and easily made and ,-wonderfully. cheap. YOUNG'S or SHIRR:IFrF'S•"" 25c LUSCIOUS -3 for ildcLAREN' S or PURE GOLD 25 c 4 for q DELUXE, 25c 6 for ' (At Hutchison's only). -TOILET SOAPS .-•20 kinds from which to choose.,Some wonderful values including" - number of 10c soape for 5c -and all displayed un- • der glass. 'CANNED GOODS may not be so .• cheap again in our time. Tomatoes l3aege cans), Corn, Peas, Pork and Banns, Tomato Juice, Soups (eight different kinds), Clark's Spaghetti or Salmon. 25c 3 cans LAYER FIGS --.For table use 25c or cooking; 2 pounds BISCUITS ('McCormick's), 25e 2 pounds BISCUITS (McCormick's) 25c broken; 3 pounds GRAPE NUT FLAKES—The ne.v popular cereal; 25c 2 for 'GILLETT'S LYE 25c 2 cans BLUE 'BOISE RICE, LARGE WHITE TAPIOCA or SAGO 25 S pounds SARIDINEIS—Genuine Brisling n V fish ••special. BAKING POWtDER+--IHutichison's is made for us 'by one of the oldest and best spice houses in Canada, is full 16 -ounce •and is still our best seller in competition with the nationally advertised lines at 25.: 'There is a - Reason. • SEED . POTATOES --Per bag...50c.• This is just the price wholesalers are asking. JANE CHEESE—(1930) 2y special, per pound JOHNSON'S G'LO-COAT—The new bright wax finish for floors, oil= cloths, linoleums, etc. 75c Requires no rubbing or polishing. eee Warm Weather cud Sore Feet F. D. Hutchison Phone Phor Phood-166 One is Pleasant — The Other Certainly is Not: RECALL FOOT BALM AND FOOT POWDER Two items of 'pro.ven-nierit in restoring that comfortable feeling in tired, burning feet. —Also—• Dr. Scholes—A full range of these Pads, remedies, etc. AT Keating's Pharmacy The Retail Drug Store Phone 28 Seaforth, Ont. Cut Flowers, Wreaths and Floral Pieces supplied for all oecasions. both games whidh ' ere hell as us- ual at Abe Inecreation Gro :1ds The players were: Grand lend—W Des- jard'ine, Strartton, Rau11e, Bremner, I. 'Desjardi te, M. Desjaxdine, Ren- shaw, Meissen and Mason. -Seafortlh. —11VteGaully, (Muir, G. Rennie, Wright, Burgess Harts R. .Rennie, 'McGre- gor, and Cu:dm'ore. Bayfield — R. Davison, M. Davison, Patchell, Stair; W. Sturgeon, -Weston, N. Sturgeon, G- Sturgeon and Geminhard. Sea- forth--tMeCaully, Muir, G. Rennie, Wright, Surges's, Hart, E, Rennie, 'McGregor and Barber. Hydro Men Repair Lines. A gong of provincial Hydro linesmen was i awe Wednesday and Thurs- day rebuilding the secondary and primary lines on East William Street from the North 'Road to the sub -sta- tion. Hydro was off on both days for long intervals. Working At Lions Park.—eWork- men have been -busy this week build= ing a cement dam at the eastern end of the Lions pond. It is hoped that it will prevent sediment from enter- ing the large pond during the spring flood season. When the dam is com- pleted the water will be diverted and the pond cleaned out. Flower Beds . Are Filled.—Plants• have been placed this week in the fine flower beds maintained on the post office lawns. The work, was done by Thomas Beattie. Mr, Motorist Notice.—Upholstering done an short notice, also can handle celluloid curtains. Auto tops redovered. Shop located over Wright's Gar- age. D. Feld. Seaforth. $349-tf Paper Hanging and Painting. --Mr. W. O. Smith will do excellent paper -hanging and painting. 'Phone 9 with orders. 3353-tf Property For Sale.—Seven room frame house with hard and soft . water and lights, barn and hen house and three acres of land. Ap- pli' at The k,.'xposttor Office. • 3365x1 Measles in Town.—A large number of cases, of measles have been re• ported in. Seaforth during the past week. The kindergarten room of the Seaforth Public School has been clos- ed this week because of stI ee epidemic. Back Stop Erected. n ennis .en- thusiastics of the Northside United Church have recently had erected a fine back stop at the south end of the courts. Over one •-.hundred feet of 2 -inch piping was used in building the framework. . Reeves Are At Goderich.—Reeves Robert Smith, of : Seaforth; John Campbell, of McKillop; William Arch- ibald, of Tuckersinith,- and James Leiper, of Hullett, are in Goderich this :week attending the June meeting n[ the Huron County Council. The council opened on Tuesday. Can you meet a --judgment in event- of accident? Is your..family covered by a Family Automobile Policy to compensate you against medical and surgical aid? We are prepared to . give you full protection -at a re- markably low cost. Information gladly given; call us at once. Watson & Reid Phone 214 J Specialists in All Lines of _ insurance 0 0 0 'O O O O S. T. Holmes & Son O FUNERAL SERVICE 0 Main Street, Seaforth O o 0 S. T. Holmes' residence, Goderich Street, West; phone 0 0 No. 119 W. Charles Holmes' 0 O residence, Goderich Street, 0 O • East; phone No. 308. 0 Limousine .Ambulance Service O 0 Night calls, phone 308. O 0 Day calls, 'phone 119J. 0 O Charges moderate., O 4 00oo0000000 0 0 0 O O 0 O O �nti1i ens We have just received a new line of Fountain Pens in the new shapes and colors. These are all gold mounted and self -filling types. A real, good. Fountain Pen at a reasonable price. $1,50 EACH INCLUDING BOTTLE,,;OF INK EPgroondvi'Ue, • Miss Il'ughe, of Ingersoll, was; a week end guest at the i e- of Me-: and Mrs. J. A. Stewart, - • M. E. K. Lennon, son of Mx. T. E. Lennon, of Montreal,• graduated from Loyola College, Montreal, edur- ingthe past week, obtaining his B.A. degree. • His parents were former well known residents. of •Seaforth •and Edward has spent many of his sum- mers here with lois aunt, Mrs. James Devereaux. • Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Earl Smith and son amid (Miss Gettrude !Crich, of To- -ronto; 'Miss Greta Merner, of De- Itroiti, and, Mr. FredCrich, of Goca rich, visited at the home of Mr. and IMrs. W. A. Citi .h on Sunday. • The :following called at the home of Mrs. Margaret Cleary .dur- ing the week: Rev. Father Phelan„ Chatham.; iMrs. W. Phelan and Mrs. James Phelan, of Blyth, and Mr. and Mrs. William Lane, of Clinton,_ on their return from attending the graduation exercises in St. Jerome's College, Kit,eJhener, of which Mr. Lewis Phelan was 'a graduate. • IMr. 'and Mrs. W. J. Jacques and family and Mrs. R. 'Mills, of Clifford; visited Mr. and Mrs. John Pethick Th�mps�n' s, Fine Concert on Sunday Evening. ;--(Phe Seaforth Highlanders Band, under the direction of Mr. William Freeman, opened their' summer ser- ies of band concerts in Victoria Park with a fine program on Sunday a .'en- ing last. There was an 'exceptionally large attendance- and the numbers were very well rendered 'and loudly applauded. Trebles Tourney at Bowling Green. —Local bowlers opened the ;•eason with a trebles tourney on Wednesday afternoon, for which there was a goad turnout. R. 3. Sproat's rink and T. Johnston's rink were winners, both having two wins plus 12. On the Sproat rink were F. Barlow, R. J. Winter and R. J. Sproat, while on Johnston'•s rink were Jack Gardno, Clarence Corrie and T. J. Johnston. Ritchie-Knight.—+A quiet but pret- ty wedding took place on Saturday evening last in First, Presbyterian Church Manse, when Florence, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Knight, was united in marriage to James. Fletcher Ritchie, son of Mrs. Ritchie and the late Robert Ritchie. The ceremony _was performed by Rev. I.- B. Keine in the absence of Rev. W. P. Lane, their pastor The bride, who looked particularly charm- ing, was attended by Miss Violet Piper, while the groom was attended; by Russell Piper. The young couple will reside in ISeaforth. Book Store, Seaforth Subscriptions taken for newspapers and magazines at publisher's prices. Elected - Director -Mr. R. N. Bis- sonnette, ' of. Stratford, was recently elected a director of the Stratford Lions Ch b at the annual election of the club in that city. Mr. Bisson- nette, who was on the staff of the Seaforth 'Collegiate Institute for-.• a number of years, was prominently identified with the local Lions -Clue while here. • An .. Unfortunate Spill. -AAs a Sil- ver Creek Dairy milk wagon was coming- flown the hill on Goderic'a Street, East, on Saturday morning last, the 'harness broke, 'frightening, the,horse which ran away. The wagn 'turned over and was consid- erably smashed as were a quantity of full milk bottles. The driver, Mr. Dale Nixon, escaped with minor cuts. Lady Bowlers Open Season. — The opening of the bowling season for the ladies took place on Tuesday af- ternoon, when the local club enter- tained a number of the Mitchell ladies to a friendly game. A dainty 1-unch" was served on the ,club- house verandah by the social committee. The weather was ideal and a most en- joyable afternoon was spent on the green. • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 O o H. C. BOX 0 O . Funeral Director and 0 0 Licensed Embalmer 0 0 Best Motor and Horse-drawn 00 0 equipment 0 Charges moderate. 0 0 Flowers furnished on short 00 •0 notice. 0 Nights Calls Day Calls O 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. and Mrs. J. G. IlVlullen spent the week end with friends in Toronto. • 'M -r.:; and Mrs. Dave Mole, Russel and Maxwell, of -Rochester, were week end guests at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Et Mole., • IMrs. A, F. Cluff and Miss Ruth spent the week end in Woodstock. • Mrs. T. Phillips and Miss Bessie are visiting with friends in New York. • Miss . Gladys Thompson, o f Niagal+a Falls, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. 3. B. Thonep-. ,son. - ' • IM'r.. and Mrs. Harr Weiland' and family, of Toronto, pent the week end at 'Mr. Weiland's' home in 1F-^ • - It w l U:dd.m t� your enjoyment to welcome friends into your home if you greet them in. orie of o u' r Pretty Dresses. over the week end a Miss !Rena M.nKenzie, of Strat- ford, visited her mother, Mrs. Donald McKenzie over the week end'. • IM's. James Gillespie and son- and onand Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kerr, of Toronto, spent the week .end with friends in town. • IMr.'Clayton 0., Martin, of Engle- hart, spent a:few days last week vis- iting his uncle and aunt, .Mr: Martin and Miss iiMartin, in Tuckers'mith. • Miss A: C. Lawrence, R.N., et - tended the ,graduation exercises at the Woodstock General IBlospital on Wednesday, where Miss Helen Fran- cis, a niece of .'Mrs. Herald Lawrence, received her diploma. • Mr. and :Mrs. William Finlayson and two children, of Toronto, were holiday visitors at -the hotne of Mr. and 'Mrs. H. Weiland in Egmondville. • Mr. and Mrs. R. T. McIntosh, of Ingersoll, .spent the week end with friends in town. • Mise Annie Brodie, of . Arkona, spent the week end with her parents' !Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brodie. • Miss Edith Govenldck of Toronto spent the week end with' her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Govenlock: • Miss Ethel Fountaine, 'Miss Eva. Bedford and Miss Florence Laidlaw were week end guests. at •the. home of Mrs. J. C. Laidlaw. • Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Reid spent the week end with friends in Mel- bourne, Mr. William Somerville, of Woodstock,' spent the week end with friends in town.. • Mr. and Mrs. Aldimer Troyee. and Mrs. Troyer, of Toronto, spent the week end with relatives here. • Miss, Nora . Stewart, of Durham, spent the week end. at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs:' Harry Stewart. • Miss Jeanette Wilson, of Lon- don, was a guest this week at the, home of her father, Mr. J. A. Wil- lson. • • Mr. Jack Hinc'hley, of 'Coning - wood, spent the week end with his mother, 'Mrs. J. 'D. Hinchley. • Mrs. Rhia HiIls,; . of Toronto, was a week end ' guest at the home We DoOurBest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 W. J. CLEARY 0' 0 Licensed Embalmer and O 0 Funeral' Director 0 0 Up-to-date 'Horse and Motor 0 0 Equipment. • 0 0 Night and Day Service. 0 0 Phone 19-22, Dublin. 0 0 O 00000000000 THE ;JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan SEArORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 A. BARGAIN • Decoration Day to be Postponed.- Because of the annual district rally of the Holy Name Society, which will this year be held in Dublin on Sun- day, 12th inst.,- it has been consider- ed advisable to postpone until Sun- day, 19 inst., observance of Dec- oration Day by the Seaforth branch of the Canadian Legion. Further particulars will be announced by the Legion next week. so Injured BY Car In Detroit: Mrs. Fred Robinson, a former well known resident of Egmondville, who now lives with her daughter, Mrs. Guy Richards,. in 'Betroit, was struck by a car on May 26th. Her son-in-law '.as backing the car out of the -gar- age when the bumper struck Mrs.' 'Robinson, breaking her leg. She was taken to the hospital, where the leg was put -in- a cast. Mrs. Robin,- son obin-son and .her granddaughter, Miss Dorothy Robinson, were just start- ing on a motor trip to the Thousand Islands: -when -the accident happened. sin Catholic Women's League ' Hold Meeting.—The regular monthly meet- ing of theCatholic Women's League was held Monday last with a very good attendance. A short program by Misses Vera Nolan, Jane and Nel- lie Verbean, members of the Arts Club, was presented. At the busi- ness part of the meeting, the sum of $50 was voted to Rev. Father Goetz towards the- insurance fund,and plans were made for a strawberry supper to, .be held shortly. It was decided to discontinue the meetings until September. • Sermon Subjects Next Sunday.— Northside United Church—The pastor will speak both morning and evening upon "Reassurances and Warnings for the Present Day," based upon notes frorn the Conference.—sRev. W. P. Lane, Minister. First Presbyterian Church—Morn- ing, Communion service. Rev. John A. Pritchard, Monkton, will preach at preparatory service Friday even- ing;• evening --"A True Method of -So- cial D.cild National Reform." --,Rev. I. B. Keine, +1Vlir stet. Egniendville United Church—Morn- ing„. The Dynamics Needed in »the Church"; evening, "Courage,". the second of seven, cardinal virtues es found in Ohrisit Rev, -C. A. Malcolm, Minister. -to •please our many cus- tomers. , We cut every head, we shave every face with that thought in mind. 1111111111111111111 Beauti.: These area days when t worts! who is intent on beautifying her home will appreciate the oppor tunity offered in our Spcia." Showing of pretty things for alt about the house. New .Curtains We Drapes Chintz • Art Sateen Cretonne Repp, Velour Tapestry in delightful array of new patterns at new low prices. JOHN PULLMAN THEFjBETTEIt BARBER Successful An4niversitied.-ellliss Mary Stewart was successful in se- curing her final year examination in Arts at the University of Toronto, taking grade B. Miss Evelyn Mc- Faul, niece of Mr. and !Mrs. James Mullen, also passed her final year •i.1 Household Science at the same uni- versity. They both will graduate on Friday next. Mr. Alvin W. Sillery has passed successfully his first year examinations in Arts at Queen's University. Seaforth Golf and Country Club Will Hold Competition.—A two -ball foursome competition for ladies and gentlemen will be held on Wednesday next and all members and guests are invited to take .part. A number of prizes will be awarded' to the winders and tea twill be served after the con: test. Mrs. F. Sills and Mrs. R. E. Mc- Kenzie will have charge of all the arrangements. Players are requested to be at club hopse at 2.30, pvrn• Thursdays will be ladies' days as . in 1931, the first being on June 23rd. 'FOR SALE.—Five acres, One mile from »Se:ttforth; modern house with furnace, bath and toilet; eman `barn; good orchard. Takes, $15: Splendid thane to 'start tlikken farm, bete, +e'er:' Apply to ltr g. RAYS. Seaforth Ont As One is Recovered Another is Stolen.—A bicycle, stolen from the residence of Mr. McKellar, Goderich Street, a week ago Sunday night, was recovered last Sunday night hidden behind a wd-. pile on the farm of Norman Carter, Huron Road west. The thieves had evidently left the bicycle there after riding up the highway with it, At the sante time as the first bicycle was found John Nigh discovered that his wheel which .he had left in the Queen's Hotel stables had been taken. He reported the loss to Constable' Snell, who is investigating. BLOSSOM 'TEA In Northside United Church $chuelroom on t\. ro• D ' of .her.parents„,Mr. and Mrs. George FRID ''Y`° JUNE 10 of he in Egmondville. • • 'Miss Erie Stewart, of Toronto, F' • 5-7.30 p.m. is' spending her holidays at the home of her sister, Mrs.'W. R. Plant. ADMISSION;: 25'CENTS • Miss Blanche Crowell has been Under the auspices o€ the Ladies' suffering front an attack of appen- Seaforth Wins Two Games.—The Seaforth Softball Club redeemed theit defeat at theopening game by defeating Grand Bend an Friday last army Bayfield on Monday. The scores were: Seaforth 8, Grand Bend '7,and 'Seaforth 7, Bayfield 4. Cudmore pitched in the Grand Bend.game, while Barber pitched against Cllin� ton. Seaforth's game in the infield was much imprOved aver the first g+pme and the team World ttt�geiher ' 19153.0 to Food adv'a'ntage. 'Large crowds saw Aim, of the Charch. dicitis. • Rev. Waldron and Mrs. Waldron, of 'Bervie, were guests last week at the home ef- _Mrs and . -Mrs. _ Robert. Smith, Goderich Street, East. • Mrs. L. Weller, of Essex, spent the week end with Mr. andMrs. R. E. McKenzie. • Miss Selma. Weieker, of Tavi- stock, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Webster. • The Young People's Society of Victoria Street United Church, Gode- rich, will present the comedy drama, "Just a Step Child,” in Northside United Church on Friday, June 17th. 3362x4 This play has been given 'twice in Goderich; in Wingham and in other places and- ' es very highly recom- mended. , • Mr. and M'rs. Harry Stewart and Mr. Gerald Stewart are in Toronto. this week attending' the graduation of Miss 'Mary' Stewart, which takes place at the University of Toronto on Friday. Your Guests will admire your new . Rug if you buy from us. EUGENE __- PERMANENT WAVES (also low priced waves) INA GRAY, SEAFORTH Phone 125 We show Rugs suitable- for ev- ery room. -in your home. GREAT ACTIVITY - THESE DAYS CENTERS' ABOUT OUR DISPLAY OF NEW LINOLEUMS CONGOLEUM RUGS LINOLEUM RUGS GRASS MATS and other suitable things for ' floors. MacTavish's IMilventon by the Evangelical As- sociation on Sunday, June 6th, Visitors at the home of Mr. Chas. Regele on Sunday • were: Mr. and Mrs. Will Gross and eons., of Auburn: M;r. and ;Mrs. Wes. Fisher and dangle ters, and Mr. and Mrs. A1 c.-Stoa- kopf and children, of Fullerton. Mr. and Mrs. George. Heegy, Ci - ford and Nora, of Grey; Mir. and Mrs. Charles Regele and Mr. Sam Regele spent Tuesday at Bright. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deity spent an evening last week in Brussels. Friends on this line regret to hear that Mr. William 'Miller, of BBrod- hagen, suffered a stroke_last.week. Mr. and IM's. Leslie Bauerman spent last' Friday in Preston. Late Cyrus Colosky.--Another of the pioneers of this section passed away on Friday last at hid•..honte in the village in the person of Cyrus Colosky in his 775th year. He had been in ill health for some months and gradually became weaker. He was born in Hay Township and had lived here his life time. 'Some years ago he retired to the village from the farm and had lived here • since. He was highly respected by all wl+.o knew him. He is survived by his widow and one daughter, Mrs. J. Albireeht; of Zurich, and two brothers, Samson Colosky, of Dashwood, and John Colosky, of Goshen, Ind. The funeral was held on Sunday ,after- noon, inferment taking place in the Lutheran cemetery. Rev. E. Tnexk- heim officiated' at the service. A district convention of the Wo- men's (Institute was held in the town. hall here on Tuesday. The scholare of Zurich school will picnic at Grand Bend nett Wednes- day. Rev. F. Ilowald and wife, and Mrs. F. Hess, Sr., of Elmwood) attended the funeral of the late C. Colosky. Rev. Ziegler, of Goderich, spent the week -etis 'at the home ' of Rev. S. Tuerldisim. rp The II I AYE=S REFRIGERATOR This new -type electric refrigerator is equipped with an automatic safety device that positively guards against motor trouble. It preserves the flavor and freshness of foods by practically elim *�mating' dehydration. home in ant see the HAYES Canada's best buy in electric refriger- ation. :SOLD 'BY ' Barber r♦ Phonet8OJ Seaforth,-.A i DJ1', sti McKILLOP ' THE SELECT PLAY... "JUSTCHILD"' A STEP - v•.. 3 -ACT COMEDY DRAMA - Pr{esented by the Young People of Victoria • Street United Church, God— erich, on o .. Friday, June 17th at»8li.m-, in NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH.. SEAFORTH, under, the auspices : of the Philathea-(Bible-Class: •• ADULTS 25e. CHILDREN 15c,.. Garden Party The Ladies' Aid -of Cavan Church, Winthrop, will Mold a Garden Party on the Church Lawn, on Thurs. June 23 'school Report.—The following is the reptret of S. S. No. 9, McKillop, for the months of April and !May. Those marked with an asterisk miss- ed one or more examinations. 'Sr. IV—Lorne•McNichol.:33% Kenneth Thornton 82, Agnes Dundas 68. Jr: IV --Hazel MacPherson 90, Elsie Dent- nis 87, Irene Leonhardt e6, Ralp'n McNichol 65•, Mary 'Munn 60, 'Mil- dred McJNichol 52 Sr. ItlI—+Flor- ence Dennis - 74. Jr. III—*Madeline Hulley 61. Jr. FI—Wilma McNichol 56, Gleet McNichol .53. II --George McNichol 90, Lois Haekevell 88, Edith Hackwell . 85, Grace Dennis 84, •Ev.' elyn Dundas 67, *Kathleen Smith 6i;, 'Robert Hhrlley 42. • I- -Helen Den- nis 87. Primer—Marjorie Hackwell, E7xcellent. The following pupils hal perfect attendance for the month of, May: Agnes Dundas, Kenneth Therntou. Irene-. Leonhardt, Hazel MacPherson, Mary 1Vlunn; Florence Dennis, 'Grace Dennis, Edith Hack - well, George McNichol, 1Helen Den- nis, Marjorie Haekwell. Number on roll, 22; average attendance, 20.9. -- Nettie M. Homuth, Teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Regele spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Gross at Auburn. Mrs. Fred Koehler returned home frons »Hibbert• where she had been nursing' at the hoirte of Mr. and Mrs. Mahn.' Mr. and Mt s'. Charles Eggert, Del- la and Norman, spent Friday after- noon all Atwood , and near Liste el. .'Mr. and Mrs. Fink, of Shakespeare, recently visited on our line. - IMac, and Mrs. Joint IKnehma, Myrtle and Gordon, • of Rostock, were at Charles 'ivegele's Friday evening. (Mr. and Mrs. Chagrles Eggert and Dena and Norman, attended the an- nnal !Sunday school reunion 'held in The play entitled, "The 018 Time Ladies' Aid Business Meeting at Mohawk Cross Roads," will be given by members of the Ladies' Aid. The play will be inter- spersed with music and readings. ADlV1liSS'ION-35e and 150 - Corning . to ' Seaforth Kitchener -Salvation Arnim- Band rmesBand JUNE 18th and' 19th Saturday » evening on . Maim Street --Musical Festival Sunday Services conducted by the Bandsmen in Citadel: 11 ant. and 7 'pm: Sacred Program at. Park. 8.15 p.m. J;iOSIERY, For. • ' Dress • and Sportswear ' • •, TENNIS SOCKS.IN MESH for sportswear; large range of colors 49c, • LISLE HOSE in a New Mesh Weave. ' Extra strong wearing hose: All sizes aid colors,"69C-, • SILK MESH HOSE • Lisle tops and feet for greater wear. Special. 79c • ALL SILK MESH HOSE Fill fashioned, fine and sheer. Special r. • BATHING SUITS In latest colors and novelty styles,. for Men, Wo. men and Children. _ • • '` -�h� �so ns Men's War; �om o IN THE CRICII BLOCK Regular $1.65. $1.49- • A '