The Huron Expositor, 1932-05-13, Page 5CARD OF THANKS ,Mas. Vera. Campbell, of Windsor; Mrs. .1. M. Burton, of Matheson, and Miss Pearl Ross, of Englehart, desire to express their aprpreoia- titin ora the kindness and sympathy extended to them by friends in their recent and sud- den ibereavement. They desire especially to thank Rev. Mr. Lane, pastor of the Seaforth United Church, and Rev. Mr. Smith, pastor of the United Church, Winthrop; also the choirs of both Sea -forth and Winthrop United Churches for the beautiful music rendere3 during the service. They also desire to thank all those who have been so solicitous and kind during the critical ,illness of their mpther in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. • NOTICE Auction Sale of Horses and Cattle. adver- tised for lVlay 1.2th, will be postponed until .further notice, 8861x1 COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH The Township Councill will meet as a Court of :Revision on the Assessment Roll in the council chamber, Seaforth, on Wakes - day, June Qat, at 2 p.m. Appeals against the assessment roll must be an the hands of the Clerk on or before May 25, 1932. D. F. MCGREGOR, Clerk. 8261+2 MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Huron County Oonsmi+1 will meet in the County Council Chamber, er, Court House. Goderich, on Tuesday, June 7th, 1932, in the elfterneon, at 3 o'clock. All accounts, peti- tions, netigee of delegaitaona and ether mat- ters for the consideration of ithe Cdunty Council should be in the hands of the Clerk on the Saturday prava1ous, ;Gbdendch May 13, 1982.. • GEO. W. HOLMA,N, County. Olerk. 8861-2 HORSE RACES AT • NEW HAM- BURG, MAY 24th, AND STRAT- FORD, JUNE let Big sport days. Aeroplane stunts. Drop from the skies in parachute. Twelve fast• exciting heats of Horse Raees. Don't miss these real thrill$. Admission 60c; Grand Stand 2.5c. 'kr r. 4, d►, tjll4 i!!• r ,'.., :',$dig. �•'" AG QQr arab -Paint6. t'0',heatrasa. hay 11'o1r escte'rior floors, atm, etc sPI wearing, with aa. hard high sdoflq .3i 25 ger avast. 4 i,avot- W ailizaperY•mow.• • �' The W iM. S. of Duff's .CJhureh, will Mold their anima/tiiiinkoffering on /Tuesday, May 17th, at 8 p.n1. Oliss Z. R. lOgg Lice, , Secretary -Treasurer .of •>~oreigli .Missions in Japan, will. be the spealAer. Sehool Report. --The following is the report of S. S. No. 4, McKillop, 'or March and April: Sr. IV—Archie .Smith 64%.. Jr; lV-.-- iarvey Larnont- 44, Scott Kerr 57. Sr. III -- Arthur .Henderson 68, George McClure 56, Ross Gordon 51. Jr. II'I Alma Lawrence 82; Hector Lamont 39. ll 'lass--iLois Smith 80, I ois Hendee• zon 65.; First . Boolo4Maxaine" Lawr, .once, ,Geed.,_ Sr. Primer. O.aytorl Iiuiser. Jr. Primer—John 1 ender- " son, Margaret Laxliont, Dorothy' Htiis- er. Number onroll, .1.5i.i verage at- •tenaance, 13.--•M. Wheatley, Teacher. v v 1.10 r 1 •- • lb DUBLIN. Geo. Groves, of the 'Bank of Com- n erre, is holidaying at his home.. in Goderich. Hugh Benninger, of "Hessen, spent the week end with his parents, Mr: and Mrs. M. J. Benninger. -Leo Holland, of -Windsor, spent a dew days with .his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. G. K. HolIand.. Miss Minnie 'Maloney, of Buffalo, is visiting her -mother, Mrs. T. Ma- loney. Carpenter, Walker- -ton, pent the week end With her par- :ents, Mr. and :UVlri' Joseph. Carpenter, Mrs. Carbert, Seaforth, spent Sun - Of .1Te It � Onsi 1u and as '. cul lWoxd wga reCeiVetrof the death P 'l'. Judge, Detroit, fornnerly of 41D4tb.1 li. Mx, Judge 'died at his home on Saturday evening, and the funeral was 11eig4 ,in Pettett on Tuesday mor ui , i Appreciates Western Relief :Rev. I. B. 'Kaine - has received the following letter of thanks front A. S. ,Grant, Secretary of the ' General Board of (Missions of 'the Presibyater- call 'Church; F'The. appeal! made through all our ministers ,,and missionaries of the Presbyterian • Church in Canada for Western Relief met with so, hearty a response, that we were able to su'piply all food requests, clothing amid money including the payment of salaries of all missionaries in • these desolated areas until next harvest. The liber- ality of our .people throughout -the' Dominion made possible. this adequate response to -these pressing claims. We rare indebted greatly tc.the voluntary labors of the women of our church, led by IMrs. 'Ii. •R„"Horne and her as- sociates in RegilaC, and Mrs. W. H. Fletcher and her associates in To- ronto, as well as in other parts. The Canadian Pacific Railway) and Canad- ian National Railway provided free transportation of .goods_and the cart- age and warehouse people in the var- ious-centelas furnished accommoda- tion for the receiving and distribut- ing of supplies mostly free of charge. To all of these we tender our sincere thanks. On behalf of the General Board of M.Vsibns.--A. S. GRANT, Secretary." -, BABY" CHICKS S. C. White Leghorns - Bal red, Rocks ,* White Rocks, We are, now booking orders for Baby Chicks for the last of .May and June delivery. All our Chicks are produced from. Government Approved Stock, Elec- trically.Ha'tched, from eggs that weigh over 24 and average 251/, ounces -Izteridozen. For Large Eggs; Greater- Production, and Early Maturity Phone or write us for Hatching Dates; our prices will surprise you. The Huron Poultry Farms BRUSSELS, ONT. • PHONE 5 X or 65-16. wrings Government Bonds PROVINCE OF MANITOBA 6`k DEBENTURES, DUE APRIL 1, 1947 Combined with features of Security, and Market- ability present an unusually attractive yield at 61/2 per cent. We recommend these securities for investment. °rice -95.25 to yield 6.50 per cent. E. A: SIEGRIST & CO., LIMITED Investment Bankers New Bank of Toronto Bldg., LONDON, ONTARIO. PHONE METCALFE 3370 Use Seaforth Creamery Butter 18 Years HighestQuality Always Confidence in business is obtained by years of dependable service. We Want Cream. "MORE CREAM"—"GOOD CREAM" Deliver you;f cream direct or send by truck or express and receive our highest market price, consistent with accurate weights and tests. Deliver your cream and receive your money. SEAFORTH CREAMERY C. A. BARBER, Proprietor. Via 'MI iaValkt 1i1z1 tQy p a1^ w poufs r . Aiti;lIalttdr'eilfiligll; to Salves one's own. A. K. J, A4 iss An* I Jarrett, Who has ibeerz{{ s xios`i5+ >!I1 in 'St; epliss Hos, pital, Loi d'ofc, for the pas two weeks, has returned. haine eensi eralilyf 411 -- proved. Hop, WV' friends will join The Expositor in welshing her a speedy recovery. ' WALTON Death of John Shortreed.—It was with sincere -regret that citizens of the community learned of the death of John 'Shortreed which took, place at his late residence, concession 9, Morris, on Thursday night, May 5th. The deceased had been in his usual health until about a week ago when he took a (bilious attack which was followed by a stroke of paralysis. Several strokes followed until the end came. The late Mr. Shortreed was one of the outstanding men of the township, having served on the council- and was always ready to act in any capacity for the good of the cgmmunity. He is survived by his widow,. two daughters and one son: Mrs. Leslie Johnston, East Wawanosh, Mrs. Harvey Brown and Ellwood, of Morris. Besides his ilnmedia'te fam- ily, he is survived by three brothers, William and Robert, Morris, and Dr. George Shortreed, of the West, also two sisters. The funeral was held Monday afternoon from his late resi- dence to Brussels cemetery. In re- ligion Mr. Shortreed was a Presby- terian and in politics a staunch Lib- eral. _ BIRTHS Bemdar.--In Hay Township, on April 28th, M Mr. and Mrs. William Bender, a daugh- ter. IMPORTANT NOTICES FOR SALE.—A FEW BUSHELS STILL left of seed Soy beans, O.A.O., 211, a gold sample and priced according td the times. ,Apply to W. F. ALEXANDER,. Hen.• sell. , 3361-2 PASTURE FARM TO RENT IN TUCKER - smith, Lot 3,. -..Concession 5. H.R.S., to rent for pasture far this season, or cattle vas•tured .,try the m'orath. Good grass and water. Terms easy. JOHN SPROAT,.. Sea- farth, 3360-bf »ABY CHICKS FOR SALE.—S. C. W. Leg- horn and O. A. C. Bred -to -lay Barred Rocks.' Leghorns ,exceptionally heavy laying strain. Average daily production o£ 1,500 hen far the last three months was 1,021 eggs. Bred for health; vigor and high pro- duction. April prices: Leghorn, 11 cellos; Barred Rocks, 12 cents. May prices, 1 cent less, No Rock eggs set after April 23rd un- less specially.._prdered. We have used peal - greed cockerels for five years. W. HUME CLUTTON, R. R. 5, Goderich. Phone 1418, Carlow. 2357.4 IN MEMORIAM Note.—Items under this head will be charg- ed 50 cents per single verse, and 25 cents for each additional verse. In memory of Ellie Archibald Flse, who passed -.away in May, .1931: " And when the 'sunset gates unbar, Shall we not see thee waiting stand And white against the evening star' The welcome of thy beckoning hand. —.Husband, Father and Mother. 3661x1 NOTICE Notice is hereby given by.Alexander A. Cuthill and John Campbell, Execot•r.•s of Robert Betts Estate, and also by Eliza Betts, that they will not be responsible to any person far 'debts contracted .by George Netts. _yDATED at Seaforth, Ontario, this 10t i16th ll y, A. D. 1932. R. S. HAYS, Solicitor for the said Executors and Elru Betts. 8361.2 Canadian Order of Foresters A membership in . this Order entitles you to all the privileges and oyer rnal Society of 50,000 Canadians. 'This Society also provides its mlamlbership with protection at cosi, in any one of- the following policies: :STRAIGHT LIFE LIFE AT 65 20 ,PAY • LIFE 20 YEAR ENDOWMENT ENDOWMENT AT 65 YEARS FAMILY PRO'CECTION Our campaign for Huron County has Stinted. Already a splendid class of candidates is assured. There "will be a big night in Goderich in June. Brother !Barnes, our organizer, id working in your district and alias son ie real news for eviery mennber of your court. . W. M. COUPER, A. C. WILEY, High , Chief Ranger. Superintendent of Organization Int u lt.rwl1N 11,1 ..° Biu '•tL „n i}E,;�, , 8 ra ,,. ud.:, Tin a wE.01 1. n,:v:1 • o ung :Aa •�a ='J 1 ng a e eatl heatilh4cµ1- tuaae is a>?e. �y t?t+dcpeMderst INT93Y •{A, tb 6 omDO1 L1xalty earn- re WolfrrvR ly 1st ,'which you, Pa's ear4i.,aisPiendid nearA4a#. w2iei e- 5ver you PO*, Of4s.P Waite to -days do r pklet with dull partici. him about our OA rates for the spring term, ROBERTSON'S • Hairdkasan'a Academy Ltd, 187. AVENUE , EO -E - TORONTO 6 . Notice The Bruceleld Chopping Mill will run on Tuesday, Thurs- days and Saturdays only af- ter /May 14th, until further notice. - CORNISH 8z DALRYMPLE 3361x1 NOTICE PO CREDITORS NOTICE is herebyvele I en that all credi- tors and others having cleans against the estate of Robert Moffatt, Seaforth, gentle- man, who died ort the.9th of April, 1932, are the undersignedr lied to' semi tosolicitor u res for' the EXecutors, full pa'rticu'lars, and veri- fied by affidavit, of their claims on or before the 25th of ,Ma3,....282. AND NOTICE IS .FURTHER GIVEN that atfter"'the saM last mentioned date, the Execu- tors .will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased, having regard only to claims of which they then shall have had no- tice. DATED at Seaf¢th,' Ont„ this 5th day of -May, 1932. • R. S. HAYS, Solicitor fon' Executors, 8360-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE le hereby given under the ata'tirtes in that behalf that all persons having any claims against .Alexander Broadfoot, Farmer, df the Township of Tuckersmrth, who died on the 29th day of February, 1932, are re- quired to send to the undersigned solicitor for the Executors, full particulars in writ- ing and verified by affidavit of their claims and lhre nature of the securities, if any, -held, by them, on or before the 25th day of May, 1932, -after which date the said Executors will, rroceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased -having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have had notice. DATED at Sealforth, .Ont, this • 5th day of May, 1932. • R. S. HAV, Solicitor for' Executors. 3360-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given under'the statutes in that behalf that all persons having any -claims against James Evan, late of the Township of McKillop, Farmer, deceased, who died 'on the 27th day of January, 1932, are renuired to send to 'the{ undersigned solicitor (for the Executors, 'full particulars in writing and verified by affidavit of their elaimd and the nature of the seeprities, if any, held by them, en' or before the 25th day of May, 1982, after which date the s'aul Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said de- ceased, having regard. only to the claims of which they then shall have had notice. DATED at Seaforth,' Ont., this 5th day of May, 1932. R. S. HAYS, Solicitor for Executors. 3360-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given •undes,tJ�rr�e,atatutes in that behalf that all person 3k itlg • any claims against Archibald Ferguson, •it3entle- man, Seaforth, deceased, who died on the 11th day a April, 1932, sure required to send to the undersigned Solicitor for the Execu- tait, full particulars in writing and verified by affidavit of their claims and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, an or before -the 25th day of May, 1932, after which date the said Executors will proceed' to dis- tribute. the assets of the said deceased, having ,regard only to the cla',ns of which they then shall have had notice. DATED at Seaforth,,Ont., this 5th day of Maya 1982. R. S. HAYS, Solicitor for . 2 xecu,tore. 8360-3 Notice of Diss Partners lution of - .p NOTICE is hereby given ship heretofore subsisting undersigned, as Insurance A ing Machine Dealers, in th forth, Ontario, has this ds.• by mutual consent. Ail deb at the partner .•seen ns, the ents and Sew - Town of Sea - been dissolved owing to the said partnership are to be pa d to Merton A. Reid at his office at. Seafort ' aforesaid, and all claims against the said .artnershcp are to be presented to the said erton A. Reid, by whom the same wall be se ed, DATED at Seaforth, On rio, this 16th day of April. 1932. Witness: J John H. Beat, 71f1FR You are requested to account by June 1,.1932: $ W ATSON ON A. REID. settle your . A. RiEJD 8359-3 HORSES — COWS During the summer months we - will discontinue t h e handling of these animals. We hope to resume again in the fall. William Stone Sons, Limited Ingersoll; Ontario. 3361-2 FARMS FOIA.. SALE Mr! do 44 cis Ij ARM FOR SALE.—tOR.SALE PART LOT S$ and 29, Coneeesfon 3, McKillop, con- taining 192 acres aid known as the T. E. Haw farm. Must be sold to close the estate. 2 ,prat sold will be rented., For particulars apply to J. M. GOV8 3LOCK, Executor, San- ton+t h. 83584f A BARGAIN 'FOIR SALE: Five acres, one mile from Seaforth; modern house with furnace, heti-rand toilet; small barn; good orchard. Taxes, $15. Splendid chance to, start chicken farm, bees, etc. ' Apply to R. -S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. 29'53-t4 I 2 —tailored to. your1c' measure OF Tip -op MADE TO 'MEAS 1 „ s +T T. Friday and S turda a Tip Top Tailors are noted for their wide choice of fine fabrics their smart style and tailoring—and their exceptional] value at one standard price, ° $24, tailored to your measure. II There is positively no tailoring .value to compare with Tip- Top. These Suits more than -meet • competition. You, simply cannot afford to miss thisopportunity. ' All the newest cloths and latest styles will be on exhibition. And every Suit is sold under a guarantee of perfect fit. You are the judge. . More than a • million Tip -Top Suits and Coats have been sold to satisfied Canadians. Plan to order your New Spring Suit now. It will pay you. Newest Styles in Quality CURTAINS 98c pair. Just One Price. The best curtain values we have ever' shown are here. They are extra good qual- ity Marquisette with the new fancy colored edge stitching in Green, Rose, Blue, com- pete with tie back and valence -heading. Special 98c pair. One Just !;l Price New Blouses. New Styles New Values Ii li Wonderful Blouses Wonderful Values. Brand new, fresh frax l the r tissue wrappings, theselove�,, elanes lous- es' in the Clevere+t :steles you ever saw. White, Eggshell, Alabaster, Nile, Sky, Peach, Mauve; all sleeveless. Sizes, 32 to 40. Special, $1.00• STEWART BROS. ::151'talda• A,D. rcJ.aA SEAPORT: ,fwk44.;:aa'ri,r. +i`rRa•47,'j,lbx.A'.ar. n'h,w