HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-04-29, Page 5• •O • • • no, • to. g• Y.n ID 2.n- ttl nt of e. as x - all ri- t- n t. t - W. J. nt, 111- 11; ,R. s.• d; n- ry er- 13 ns de - m sh- V • 4 ° N.tertist• •T. LEOLig 4 (p.inombed t• S!igr914, ' Ct.aprIrkw* zspif*,1 s.Dames ha Rogers.; ibasket, "Post" staff IMP/Kiss Jesaie- IDoisglas;,,roses, Kar afar, Stmt. • lord; spray, • pAblic, ad0.01 ' • pupils; .10140Y, Mi. and Oallninghani and L'velyn; ,sos, .sOraY, 'alTS. %Edwards and Mrs. Churchill; Wreath, gisiies Ferguson, .Seaforth- pillow, ' Qrace Ferguson and •fairly; wreath; Mr. and Ws. I. W. • Alttore; heart,. Itas: and Lyl Brawr4 wreath, Atutt Nessie and -Aunt Jes- e.i. P•Pra4r, Miss McDonaid;' wreatht ..Biunnivg. Men's Association; spray, Misses Eva and, Lilllenand Harry Kay; • 'Dmidat ; spray, Clinton News-Recordt -baskel,t, Fred and Isabel Gilpin, St. Louis; spray, Men and .girls of Reg- • Zonal Office, St. •Louisl.Masonic Etna- • ,blem, A.F. & AM. No. 84, Clinton; -wreath, Lake Erie and St. Clair Pub „lishing Association; spray, 8. S. and • Min. Allin and Mr. and Mrs. F. Turn- er; wreath, D. M.. and Mrs. Scott. '• Relalives and friends from a dist- , ance: .Miss Nessie W. Kay, Winni- . .peg,- Man.; 'Dir. 'A. W.' L. and 'Mrs. Gilpin, St. Louis; -'Mrs. • O'Rourke, Hamilton; Mr. W. IL •Matthews, Miss ' Irene Cavanagh, Owen Sound; Chas. .,. .0. end Mrs: Kerr, Oakville; Misses Lillie and Eva Kay-, Dundas; Chas, Metcalf, Mrs. Nletqalf and do:tighter, Guelph; Miss....Lyi Brown, Mrs. Ralph - and Russell Brogivn, Toronto; Geo,. E. -.. and Mrs. Ferguson, Miss Jean and -Russell 'Boyd, Toronto; Dr. Harold Renner and father, J. H. Kenner, ..kitratford; Rev, S. James and Mrs. Arlin, Toronto; F. W. and Mrs. Wigg and -Miss -Marjorie', .Seaforth; Mrs. Marshill, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Roht. Dane, Miss Perkins, M. and Mr. JHohnes, Cxorriei.,Mr.. and Mrs. Filiott, Harristan; Heaber and Mis. Wiarton; Miss Ervelyn 'gun • ningham • R.N., „.Brantford; Mr. Gil- braith and-son;:Donald, Dundas;M. , nnd 1VIrs. Lloyd, • Winglism; Mrs. S. .Gallaher, Bluevale; Mrs. Finlay, . •N., Kincardine; Miss Collins, R.N., _Rincardine; D. M. and Mrs. Scott. London; Malcarre and Mrs. McBeth, • Milverton; Miss Nina Rogers, Mount Forest; Herb. and Mrs. Cunninghapn, 'Palmerston; Miss Annie McDonald, R.N., of Teeswater ; M. -It:- Nitechan, •of Wingham; San' and Mrs. Carter, Jame and...Mta. Henderson, of forth. Telegrams of sytrnpathy were re- •Ceived from: Miss Jessie M. Grant, ..,,..".'Winnipeg; Dr. A. W. L. Gilpin. St. :Louis; G. N. Edwards, Alexandria; Mrs. R. W. Moole, Saskatoon, Sask.:, Miss Irene Cavanagh and W. H. Mat- . thews,' Owen Sound; Rev. S. J. and Mrs. Anna, Toronto. The following letters have also been received by the sorrowing ones: • • "'"" • • .st •. April 22, 1932. Dear Mrs. Kerr: The officers and members of Clinton Lodge, A. F. A. f., extend to you -and" to. Miss Mary Helen, their .sincere sympatTIV in the loss of a beloved son am: father. While his passing des not touch us as closely, yet we too mourn the:loss of a brother. May the Great Architect of th; Universe sustain and comfort you in this your hour of sorrow. • Sincerely yours, • Ir. E. Rorke, Secretary. Hamilton, April 23, 1932. Mrs, W. H. Kerr, Brussels, Ontario. • Dear 1Mr.% ?Kerr: Please. accept our sincere sympathy in yohr renent loss of your son, Mr. John L. Kerr. It has been a pleasure to dp busi- ness with him, and with his father previously, for a long time. It tends to make the loss more keen that he Survived) his father su,ch a compara- tvely short time. Yours truy, Buntin Gillies & Co., Ltd. ..; tert• .nn HOW Tio TAB reitiliZerfi•.,, 1;;tjte4tOet S14475%414.4 tor.tiNt., 0110-,9* tog' v,i4t40001 iiiarlielarIY as 400. reahltS I Sante:fertli,er• drpled gate , 1, • 4;474rOatiiircV ErfllOsS mluatte dOteranAnedtor 0 crOPS and for ead). moral type • ertimir arinecl the 00.1 for grains .4titer reputo tha, an equal 'quantity...Of the sante telt- ilizer,tioackast and worked into the sell.Fograin, thelube application, as aosompliaho y jhe ordiiar gruIj dri'llgeTtilizer equipment, gives, sa - ildtbeborY aPplication up to 400 punds, an 'acre. 'Per pobattoes fertilizer should (be sown -on either side of the seed pieees iblut net in contact with them, and on a level With the seed pieces, neither above nor below them. For turnips and Mangels 'grown on the drill, -broadcast...the _fertilizer on the land Sus* before drilling it up. For beans an4 peas, specal care should be taken to prevent seed ernd fertilizer coming together. Two 'vry important points in fertilizing -al crops are: 1. : Get the fertilizer down into the damp soil. 2. Don't let much of it come in contact 'with the seed or seed piece. •tt,•'•• • BIRTHS Si112.--In Scott 114einturial Hospitht, Seaferth, on Aritr27vh, fo Mx. and Mrs. C. I'. Sils, a son. Buck,—In IVicKiPap, on Monday, April 24th, to Mr. and Mn. Rueben Buck, a son. Evan.—In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaorth, on April 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans, of Dubln, a son. Kraukopf.—In Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea- ferth, en April 24th, to Mr. and Mrs N. Krauskopf, of McKillorp, a daughter, • DEATES Biadfot.—In Seaforth, on Monday, April 21, Katherine Broadfoot, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John H. Broadfoot. Laidlaw—In II/leson, Quebec, on Friday, April 22.nd, Arthur Laidlaw, son a 1\1r. and M David Laidla, of Caper, Sask., in his 23rd year. 11141erdie.—At the family reeiderce 785 Hellmuth Avenue, London, • on trSat. urday, April 23r1, Jane S. Smillie, widow of the late Robert McMordie, in her ''91st ycar, formerly of Kippen, Ont. CARD OF rl'IRAN11.9. Mr. Thomas Jhrma-n and family wish to thank thrire many friends and neighbors far their kind deeds and sympathy shown them during their,,recent sad bereavement. 3359x1 CARD OF TlFIANKS Mr. Thomas Dickson and family,' a Hen - desire to express their sincere amnesia - Lon of the kindness and sympathy exiterided. to them during their recent bereavement, also te• thank those who loaned ears and sent floral tributes, and to Rev. A. Sinclair and those who Sang, AUCTION SALF% • A UGTI-ON-SALE OF' HORSES AND CAT- TLE.—Mr. 'Thomas Brown has been in- steucted to sell by public auction on Thurs- day, May 12t5, at 2 p.m.. at the Queen's Hotel Barns, Seaforth, the following: Hores, cattle and pigs, also imPlements af all kinds, husehold furniture; secondhad- cas; -harness, single and double, top buggy, diamond hat: - sows, disc harrow. Terms of sale arranged on date of sale. t.'hemas Brown, Auctioneer. Quantity Irish Cob- bles and Carmen Seed Potatoes ALL KINDS OF 6RASS SED W. E. Butt KIPPEN Phone 11 on 91, Hensall. •BUY BONDS NOW . . .• . for Income and Profit. Due to market conditions, many seasoned bonds of wk -known Companies have declined sharply, and are now selling at material discounts under $100.00, thus affording highly attractive current STilds, plus opportunity for substantial appreci- ation in value: May we submit a selected list of such bonds, which in our opinion present outstanding opportunities? -E. A. SIEGRIST & CO., LIMITED Investment Bankers • New Bank of Toronto Bldg., LONDON, ONTARIO. PHONE METCALFE 3370 Use Seaforth Highest Quality Creamery Butter 18 Years Always Confidence in (business is obtained by years of dependable service. We Want Cream. -"MORE CREAM"—"GOOD CREAM" Deliver your cream direct or send by track or express and receive our highest 'market price, consistent with accurate weights and tests. Deliver your creamand receive your money. SEAFORTH CREAMERY C, A. BARBR, Proprietor. . n . , ..• • , o , • : 14)3' KOOK:AO '',1000 1,140. leg • e,t ofii****WifitiOt The Exctor ref' the Estate of Aleaaknier Cherleeworth,4000004wat ofter for en;e, public ampti)0,&$..w--41.11VVRIP414: ,5th thAPtakEfIcall,049.42A. 4,4".94.4nte...irththeev*NiAmio,pot, Egniondel4, bellreomposed Of Vlll0,ge X44 4, on the gowth. eloair.,ast Bayteld Street aslaid doW7n On 0 -TOP of said village aunke for 0. L. VaEsm90 and regigtered; 448.0 a part of bob 44- 4n: the Seoond }futn, lload Concession df ..the 'fionauhip ef Tueltersmith, in said CeuntOf otz,-Iffuron, which mvp particularbi dealbed"all—folldiVrei'Clniimens- ing at a point all• the 'North East carper "of said Lot 4, hence litlasterly along Hayfield Street 1 chan, ..25 Wks: thence Southerly in a line parallel cuttli, tthe Eaatern Boundary of said Lot 4, tare chains. Thence .Westerly: line parallel With Baybeld Street, 1 chain, 25 links. Thence along the Easterly boundary of said •Lot 4 to the Place of be- ginning containing 00e7ouarter of an acre of' land anorelerio orhiest, on h wibioh -land : erected a comvab TERMS OF SALE ON LAND.—Ten per cent tash at the timeof sale; balance within 80 claw thereafter, At the same time and place the folloWing chattels will- be sold bo public auction:--, tunalli tables, 1 piano, 1 parlour carpet, 1 bedroom suite, 1 bedroom linleum; 1 bed- room 'suite (oak); 1rnirror. 1 rocker, 1 lawn. cmasonve,ear, BlublasilierMeofk.bolOwrh„i4tinvgaetesrkea4anidre!r000nke- wardrabe, 1 dresser, 4 wW3hstend, 1 music rack, 1 sewing- machine, 2 hat indica, two vases, 2 rocking chairs, 2 easy chairs (hrse hair),' 1 heir lounge,, 1 parlour table, 1 bed- room malting, 1 sideboard, 1 dining nem table, 4 chairs, 1 arm chair, 1 clock, 1 chen range, 1 'kitchen rocker, . 1 hedge shears, 11 washstand; 2 kitchen cupboards, 1 kitchen table, 1 stAt ladder, hand washing rna7 chine, 1 Roar bin, 1 box stove and stand, 1 hangings lamp, 1 horsehide robe, quantity of dishes and other exuds. 0,„ 13 • 4., of r.a.-:,;,4 • vt• TERMS OF SALE- ON CHAT'TELS--Casb. Further particulars, and conditions of sate will be made known at the time of safe and may be had in the raeantilaie from' the undersigned. n. s. HAYS, Executor's SOliektor, • Seaforth, Ont. • 3357-3 AUCTION SALE OF DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT AND. HOUSEHOLD 'FURNITURE IN THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH The Executors of the Estate of William Wilsim-the Younger, decreased, have instruct- edThomas Brown, auctioneer, to offer .for saie by public tanetion on Saturday, the 7th day of May, 1-932, at 2 o'clock in the after- noon, on the premises; the following desir- able property: Lot Slumber One Hundred and Twety-nine (129), Jarvis Survey, corner off,t Market and Jarvis Streets,- in the Towa of Seaforth, on which is erected a modern red brick residence centaiaing 8 TOMS, with bathroom, furnace and ' electric lights and a splendid cellar. There is also a good garage on taw premises. TERMS OF' SALE. ON PROPERTY—(Fen per cent cash at the Wile of sale, the -balance, without interest,within 30 days thereafter: At the same time and place the following chattels will he offered for sale byttpublic auction: One hall rack, 1 settee, 2 Mont•is chairs, 1 rope chair, 4 small tables, 4 rockers, 1 dining room table, 6 chairs, 2 jardinere stands, 1 lounge, 1 buffet, 1 bedroom suite (oak), 1 bedroom suite (mahogany), 1 bed- room suite (walnut), 1 bed, 3 pairs feather pillows, 2 feather mattresses, 9 chairs, one mattress, 3 large rugs, 2 small rugs, 3 pairs weal blankets, quills, 4 pin cretonne cur- tains, pictures; 1 tort set-(4CritTeb-chT: 1 trunk, 1 wardrobe, 1 clothes •basket, 1 clock, 1 vio- lin, 1 sewing machine glassware, gen*, 1 dozen silver knives and forks, 1 dozen silver teaspoons, 3 linen' tablecloths, 1 cook stove (Monarh), 2 lawn mowers, 1 coal oil stove, washing machine, 1 *ringer, 1 cupboard, 1 clOthes horse, ladders,'Sfeapper %filer, shovels, tools,harse .blankert, F rope, 1 Pruning. knife, 1 Eshex ear, small quantity of lumber. TERMS' OF SALE ON CHAT'TELS—Gash. Further particulate and conditions cif sale will be 'made known at the time of sale and may be had in the meantime fron the un- dersigned. . R. S. HAYS, • Seaforth, Ont., So/Baiter for the Executors. Thos. Brown, Esq, Autioneer. 3358-3 FARMS POR SALE ARM Folic, SALE.—FOR BALE PART LO'! 28 and 29, Concession $, MelUlben, eon thing 192 acres and icnovris as the T. I fagg. Must he segt.-to the estate LlE not sold will be rented. For particular. apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK. Executor.Set • forth.•• 3358-tf LOOD TESTED CHICKS Hatchery and flocks are both in- spected under the Dominion Depart- ent of Agriculture's Hatchery Ap- proval Policy. The testing of the blood samples was done by Capital Laboratories, Ottawa. The bred -to -lay qualities of our bird s are kept up-to-date by tbe pur- hase of rimle birdS from high record R. 0. P. hens, owned by some of ,the most successful breeders in the coun- ry. We expect to hatch about 1,500 Barred Rocks, 250 White Rocks and 00 Leghorns per week. Please order bout one month ,before you want your chicks, if you can. Don't think o much about the price. We will use you right. 'Come and see us, or hone 97 r 4, liensall. We will be lad to talk things over with you. Feeql, Stoves and other suupplies pt di hand. J. Elgin McKinley • ZURICH 3350-10 0 0 0 0 O. 0 0 0 0 H. C. BOX Funeral Director, and 0 Licensed. Embalmer, Best Motor and Horse-drawn 0 equipMent. Charges moderate. Flowers furnished on short 0 notie, Nights Calls • Day Cals * Phone 175 Phone 43 0' 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate' Money to Loan SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, Phone 91 V.. "•••••oo,"I „., 1 l'• • • TT:•. , . • • ith prices• e 13righten up y p 4 110( for very little. We never had prettier Curtans, and the Qualities spell years of wear. i Your win- dows are the eyes of your hti'me -- seen • • by everybody. Read over t ese pricps, then come in and see the curtains. • t'" Frilled Curtains Plain Marquisette with self frill, Valence and tie backs; stitched with Blue, Rose or Green VERY SPECIAL, PAIR • 610 Frilled Curtains A big range of Frilled Curtains of a good sturdy Check Marquisette, both Colored stitched and, solid color frills and thenew cottage sets. All 214 yards long. Colors—Rose, Blue, Gold, Green. PRICED SPECIALLY AT, PAIR Swiss .Net •-• Curtains. • • • Two -good patterns in a fine quality Swiss net. One pattern laced edged and the other the new ta:lored, edge, ,Size 36 x 21/4 long. SPECIALLY PRICED, PAIR Marquisettes Checked Marquisettes in White, Ivory, and Ecru. Strong, sturdy cloth. EXCEPTIONAL VALUE, YARD. •,• Nets Good quality Ivory Nets in a variety of patterns. A curtaining that will give excellent wear, 36 inches wde. YARD Fine- Marquisettes • Fine Marquisettes of various checks and dots, cus- ter dots, clipped dots, etc. Very delicate colors of • Rose, Gold, Mauve, etc. The very thing for dainty bedroom curtains; 39 inches wide. YARD' Drapery A range of cloths of a heavy weave, brocaded pat- terns on combination grounds of Gold and Black, Rose and Blue, etc. Fifty inches wide and abso- lutely guaranteed fast colors. Regular $150 and $2.75 per yard. SPECIAL PRICE, YARD 151 • • 9 • STEWART BROS., SEAFORT • te • • • . t-ev ts :t • • 3'433 '33 '3 • „ 3.• • ' , 31.3. • A rt• , , „ s. ,,t +.-.‘. -.1./..'sitistl.'",1:,'v,l'ao'Y ,, r 0 tt . : , , ,, • t,t,,, , . 4%.,•• m•••1•.••"41' • Net'AP*Itellitliexider thie heed will. be 0bers- ,,,410,4049,4°r .4 .,,. 'I 6 .. •., , -lii,-4.-Tr . '.1 - . . ,...„, .. • tn laying reereerw ofild,r;.. Min .Mete. •whit ,p.f.ceed sw,y one ye.,wr ago. .411a.v .2n4, • Dearect•racthe.,r. bow 'we Mies Mk Jaw our heartre titled with, pain; Oh f 'this world weaid be a heaven pould we bear your oice again. You arro gone but not foirgotten, Years eon 'nee r 'ease the pate in..the hearts of time who love you, Tial the dell' vte • meet Wain. —Sdly missed by husband and family. 8359n1 Notice of Dissolution of . Partnership ............-- . Norm is hereby given that the partner- ship heretofore subaisting between us, the undersigned, as Insurance Agents and Sew- ing Machine Dalers, ixii the Town of Sea - forth(' Ontamite.,. bas this day been dissolved he mutual consent. All delatet owing teethe said tpartnership are to be .i.d to Merton A. Reid at his office at SeafoAh aforesaid, and all claims against the said partnershin are to be presented to the said •Merton A. Reid, by whom the same will .besettled. DATED at Seakrbh, Ontario, this 16th; ,day Of Apri1.1932. Witnees:• JAMES WATSON .jhn H. Best. MERTON A. REID. 8359-8 IMPORTANT NOTICES WANTED.—A. NUMBER OF CATTLE FOR pasture./ Apply to JOHN PARK, Staffa. Lot' 21, Concession 1, Hibbert. Dublin Cen- tral. ' • 3359x2 GRASS TO RENT.—WILL RENT GRASS or take a number of cattle in to pasture. Phone 245-6, Setaforth. MRS. ROBERT OLARICE, R. R. 2, Seafortla, 3359-2 ("HICKS FOR SALE—BABY CHICKS FROM '-' high production Barred Rock hens. Hatch coming off May 9th, 10 cents. MRS. R01: LAWSON, Phone 31-241, Seaforth. 3359-1 WANT,ED.—A NUMBER Of' CATTLE, FOR pasture; prices right. Apply to the undersigned or Phone 91-133, Seafortb. T.' G. SHILLINGLAW, R. R. 4, •Seafontli. '3358-2 VIOR SALE.—A QUANTITY OF SEED '• peas, No. 1 nalit. Apply to it. T. ELGIE, R. R. No. 2,'Kippen, or Phone 32-134. Sea:forth. 3358-tf QEED WHEAT FOR SALE.—CHOICE SEED *---" wheat, Grde a, "Reward" variety; splendid yielder: a limited quantity at $1.00 per bushel -sacked f.o.b., Hensel!. Apply to OWEN GEIGER & SON, Hensall, Ont. 3319-1 nABy CHICKS FOR SALE.—S. C. W. LEG- "' horns and Bred-to-ly Barred Rocks. Leghorns exceptionally heavy laying strain; average daily production of 1100 hens for the last three months 1021 eggs. Bred for health, vieor and' high prochiction. All eggs set pro-, ducal on the farm. MAY price: Leghorn.s„/ 9 cents ; Barred Roks, 10 cents. We hev..Q used laediereeti dockerels for five years. W. HUME GLUTTON, It. R. 5, Goderich, Ont. Phone 1413, Carlow. -. 3358x3 RABY CHICKS FOR SALE.—S, C. W. Leg " horns and 0. A. C. Bred -to -lay Barred Rocks. Leghorn* exceptionally heavy leying strain. i Average daily production of 1,500 hens for the lest three months was 1,021 eggs. Bred for health, vigor and high pro-. duct -ion: April prices • Leghorns, 11 cents; Barred Rocks, 12 cents. May price,, 1 cent less. No Rock eggs set after April 23rd un- less specially ordered. We haVe used pedi- greed cockerels for five years.' W. HUME CLUTTON, R. R. 5„Gederieh. ..Phone 1413, Carlow. t •• ....a.U74f pRIVATE SALE.—TEEt FOLLOWING ARE offerd for private sale at Let 19,, 'Con - caption 13, 1VielUlop, 114 miles east ,r Lead - bury: Twenty-five pounds of bee foundation, 1 bee smoker, 1 honey knife, 2 slats extrac- tor, 1 ton honey; tank, 150 empty bee boxes, 10 to 60 hives a bees, bee screens, 7 tWo-. year-old steer, weight 850-900 pOunds ; 1 heifer, 800 tb.; 1 6 -year-old cow in ealf; 1 fresh cow and calf: 750 pounds Yellow Blois- som sweet .cover. GORDON HOLMES. ° . 3357-3 • ' . MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE- 100 ACRE FARM IN THE TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT • .• . Under and by virtue of the Powers of Srle ontained.in a certain Indenture of Mortgaftee, which will be produced tat the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by' noblie ape - tion, by Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, at the COMMERCIAL HOTEL, in the Town of Se- Tortfi; on Tm81,', the Mli IVIAT,' 1932: tit '2 o'clock tin the afternoon, the following Iand.4, namely; Lot 'Nurmber Three (3), in the Ninth (9th) Concession of the TownshiP of Hullett, containing by admeasuretnertt 180 acres of land be the same more or less. There are erected on the premilses a frame house and kitchen, large barn with cement stabling underneath, drilled well antl water in ths barn, then house and garage. ' " The land is all cleared and in good state of culti- vation. TERMS OF SALE.—Ten (10) per cent. in cash on the day of sale and the balace. without interest, within 30 days thereafter. Further particulate and terms of sale will be made,,,known at the tirne of sale and may be had in 'the meantime from the undersign- ed. DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 21st jay of April, A. D. 1932. R. S. .HYS, Vendor's Solictor. 2858-2 - , - Thomaa Brown', Auctioneer. NOTICE TO nCREDITORS NOTICE • is hereby given that all crediters and others having claims against the estate of James Mann, late of the Village of Kin - burn, in the County of Huron, Retired ralITI.- er, who died on the 18th day of March, 1932, are required to forward their caims c duly proven to the undersigned Solicitor on or before the lOth day af May. 1932, after vvihioh date the Executers will proceed to diatribute the edtarte, having regard only to and being responsible only for the claims of which they shall then have lattice DATED at Seaforth, Ontario, the 21st day of April, 199. JOHN E. BEST, • Seaforth, Ontario, Executors' Solicitor. • 8858-3 . a ... , ,,, •• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. J. CLEARY G • • m mer and 0 • OLicensed igal o Funeral Director -0. ' --•• 0 Up-to-date Horse and 1VIotor 0, 0 Equipment. ,,C› 0 Night and Day Service. O. . 0 Phone 19-2, Dublin. 0. 0 000000000' 0 .0 ; . . , . A BARGAIN ''FOR4SALE.—Five -ares, one mile' front Seaforth; modern liatise with furnace, bath and toilet; small barn; good orchard. Taxes, $15. Splendid chance to start chicken farm, bees, etc. Apply to R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. 253-tf • : 14)3' KOOK:AO '',1000 1,140. leg • e,t ofii****WifitiOt The Exctor ref' the Estate of Aleaaknier Cherleeworth,4000004wat ofter for en;e, public ampti)0,&$..w--41.11VVRIP414: ,5th thAPtakEfIcall,049.42A. 4,4".94.4nte...irththeev*NiAmio,pot, Egniondel4, bellreomposed Of Vlll0,ge X44 4, on the gowth. eloair.,ast Bayteld Street aslaid doW7n On 0 -TOP of said village aunke for 0. L. VaEsm90 and regigtered; 448.0 a part of bob 44- 4n: the Seoond }futn, lload Concession df ..the 'fionauhip ef Tueltersmith, in said CeuntOf otz,-Iffuron, which mvp particularbi dealbed"all—folldiVrei'Clniimens- ing at a point all• the 'North East carper "of said Lot 4, hence litlasterly along Hayfield Street 1 chan, ..25 Wks: thence Southerly in a line parallel cuttli, tthe Eaatern Boundary of said Lot 4, tare chains. Thence .Westerly: line parallel With Baybeld Street, 1 chain, 25 links. Thence along the Easterly boundary of said •Lot 4 to the Place of be- ginning containing 00e7ouarter of an acre of' land anorelerio orhiest, on h wibioh -land : erected a comvab TERMS OF SALE ON LAND.—Ten per cent tash at the timeof sale; balance within 80 claw thereafter, At the same time and place the folloWing chattels will- be sold bo public auction:--, tunalli tables, 1 piano, 1 parlour carpet, 1 bedroom suite, 1 bedroom linleum; 1 bed- room 'suite (oak); 1rnirror. 1 rocker, 1 lawn. cmasonve,ear, BlublasilierMeofk.bolOwrh„i4tinvgaetesrkea4anidre!r000nke- wardrabe, 1 dresser, 4 wW3hstend, 1 music rack, 1 sewing- machine, 2 hat indica, two vases, 2 rocking chairs, 2 easy chairs (hrse hair),' 1 heir lounge,, 1 parlour table, 1 bed- room malting, 1 sideboard, 1 dining nem table, 4 chairs, 1 arm chair, 1 clock, 1 chen range, 1 'kitchen rocker, . 1 hedge shears, 11 washstand; 2 kitchen cupboards, 1 kitchen table, 1 stAt ladder, hand washing rna7 chine, 1 Roar bin, 1 box stove and stand, 1 hangings lamp, 1 horsehide robe, quantity of dishes and other exuds. 0,„ 13 • 4., of r.a.-:,;,4 • vt• TERMS OF SALE- ON CHAT'TELS--Casb. Further particulars, and conditions of sate will be made known at the time of safe and may be had in the raeantilaie from' the undersigned. n. s. HAYS, Executor's SOliektor, • Seaforth, Ont. • 3357-3 AUCTION SALE OF DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT AND. HOUSEHOLD 'FURNITURE IN THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH The Executors of the Estate of William Wilsim-the Younger, decreased, have instruct- edThomas Brown, auctioneer, to offer .for saie by public tanetion on Saturday, the 7th day of May, 1-932, at 2 o'clock in the after- noon, on the premises; the following desir- able property: Lot Slumber One Hundred and Twety-nine (129), Jarvis Survey, corner off,t Market and Jarvis Streets,- in the Towa of Seaforth, on which is erected a modern red brick residence centaiaing 8 TOMS, with bathroom, furnace and ' electric lights and a splendid cellar. There is also a good garage on taw premises. TERMS OF' SALE. ON PROPERTY—(Fen per cent cash at the Wile of sale, the -balance, without interest,within 30 days thereafter: At the same time and place the following chattels will he offered for sale byttpublic auction: One hall rack, 1 settee, 2 Mont•is chairs, 1 rope chair, 4 small tables, 4 rockers, 1 dining room table, 6 chairs, 2 jardinere stands, 1 lounge, 1 buffet, 1 bedroom suite (oak), 1 bedroom suite (mahogany), 1 bed- room suite (walnut), 1 bed, 3 pairs feather pillows, 2 feather mattresses, 9 chairs, one mattress, 3 large rugs, 2 small rugs, 3 pairs weal blankets, quills, 4 pin cretonne cur- tains, pictures; 1 tort set-(4CritTeb-chT: 1 trunk, 1 wardrobe, 1 clothes •basket, 1 clock, 1 vio- lin, 1 sewing machine glassware, gen*, 1 dozen silver knives and forks, 1 dozen silver teaspoons, 3 linen' tablecloths, 1 cook stove (Monarh), 2 lawn mowers, 1 coal oil stove, washing machine, 1 *ringer, 1 cupboard, 1 clOthes horse, ladders,'Sfeapper %filer, shovels, tools,harse .blankert, F rope, 1 Pruning. knife, 1 Eshex ear, small quantity of lumber. TERMS' OF SALE ON CHAT'TELS—Gash. Further particulate and conditions cif sale will be 'made known at the time of sale and may be had in the meantime fron the un- dersigned. . R. S. HAYS, • Seaforth, Ont., So/Baiter for the Executors. Thos. Brown, Esq, Autioneer. 3358-3 FARMS POR SALE ARM Folic, SALE.—FOR BALE PART LO'! 28 and 29, Concession $, MelUlben, eon thing 192 acres and icnovris as the T. I fagg. Must he segt.-to the estate LlE not sold will be rented. For particular. apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK. Executor.Set • forth.•• 3358-tf LOOD TESTED CHICKS Hatchery and flocks are both in- spected under the Dominion Depart- ent of Agriculture's Hatchery Ap- proval Policy. The testing of the blood samples was done by Capital Laboratories, Ottawa. The bred -to -lay qualities of our bird s are kept up-to-date by tbe pur- hase of rimle birdS from high record R. 0. P. hens, owned by some of ,the most successful breeders in the coun- ry. We expect to hatch about 1,500 Barred Rocks, 250 White Rocks and 00 Leghorns per week. Please order bout one month ,before you want your chicks, if you can. Don't think o much about the price. We will use you right. 'Come and see us, or hone 97 r 4, liensall. We will be lad to talk things over with you. Feeql, Stoves and other suupplies pt di hand. J. Elgin McKinley • ZURICH 3350-10 0 0 0 0 O. 0 0 0 0 H. C. BOX Funeral Director, and 0 Licensed. Embalmer, Best Motor and Horse-drawn 0 equipMent. Charges moderate. Flowers furnished on short 0 notie, Nights Calls • Day Cals * Phone 175 Phone 43 0' 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate' Money to Loan SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, Phone 91 V.. "•••••oo,"I „., 1 l'• • • TT:•. , . • • ith prices• e 13righten up y p 4 110( for very little. We never had prettier Curtans, and the Qualities spell years of wear. i Your win- dows are the eyes of your hti'me -- seen • • by everybody. Read over t ese pricps, then come in and see the curtains. • t'" Frilled Curtains Plain Marquisette with self frill, Valence and tie backs; stitched with Blue, Rose or Green VERY SPECIAL, PAIR • 610 Frilled Curtains A big range of Frilled Curtains of a good sturdy Check Marquisette, both Colored stitched and, solid color frills and thenew cottage sets. All 214 yards long. Colors—Rose, Blue, Gold, Green. PRICED SPECIALLY AT, PAIR Swiss .Net •-• Curtains. • • • Two -good patterns in a fine quality Swiss net. One pattern laced edged and the other the new ta:lored, edge, ,Size 36 x 21/4 long. SPECIALLY PRICED, PAIR Marquisettes Checked Marquisettes in White, Ivory, and Ecru. Strong, sturdy cloth. EXCEPTIONAL VALUE, YARD. •,• Nets Good quality Ivory Nets in a variety of patterns. A curtaining that will give excellent wear, 36 inches wde. YARD Fine- Marquisettes • Fine Marquisettes of various checks and dots, cus- ter dots, clipped dots, etc. Very delicate colors of • Rose, Gold, Mauve, etc. The very thing for dainty bedroom curtains; 39 inches wide. YARD' Drapery A range of cloths of a heavy weave, brocaded pat- terns on combination grounds of Gold and Black, Rose and Blue, etc. Fifty inches wide and abso- lutely guaranteed fast colors. Regular $150 and $2.75 per yard. SPECIAL PRICE, YARD 151 • • 9 • STEWART BROS., SEAFORT • te • • • . t-ev ts :t • • 3'433 '33 '3 • „ 3.• • ' , 31.3. • A rt•