HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-04-29, Page 4,1_F'r­1'7­1­_.1r1111 � 0,11;41 �111�j�� . I .. ,"I , , ,,, � � z,,,N.N,,N��,�, � 'Pr "� yem' 'i.,,�� ­' 5, 1 �. j4rl �tt"?,J�j;"e, ,,"��j ���"'I�:;"��,71�,';',—r,'i�f�'�'K','(�Z,",��",,'�7-,,',.�2 `j�',�j',)',',i�, - ",I . ,,I I ," " "'.,, �i(�, , , I-,- ­ �p, , , iq,.. i, ,iip 'r, - " ,,,.,-,, — `��,161i,��1�11; ,'�';�� ­ _�7'N ,� . V ,,,�r�4��,��;,i!,���li,;k,!�v���,,�.,.i���'; rry �­T..­­, ',(,�""' -,P, il"%, 'Vi, "I "-'�T, -*'�I:,-,.,P� iTgr -, 7 ler __ 'y , 4�"JZ7,r vrr;;Jt.,�j, �", f, ,1V1;,1' ­.1t . ..... �,�­Vj�'�',-,ij"t ,�,,­", , .1 , " " �,� " ,�, ?­­ ."V 1, , 1- '41- 1.� . ,,j "��� " � .... ,t ; ! �� , ,,, � ; ,1 �. I I I � � . ., , , 'I' � ''. .", - , ", �, . " , i "­ it, I , "M , , , 'I , ��,i , - " i'�T,� �7,,,.,','�'r,�,�",',��',A.'�,f,.,."g �. � "' "!O' � - "" �v,,,��,J�,I,,7;.,�, g�r �,."L"�,i;i:�"d"t"��,'.I�,i,ikl,'.. t � I ��T� .r,,�!,�,'i��,�� - 1. , ". , I I. lz,� . � 3,��! 4S,4,ii! �i� "'1717 �., I . ­, ,-I ,,� i 1� " , ,771�1 `,g'�,�i P, ,� .. � .... I M', ", .. " ,, ." 'I .1 I � 111. I : �'�71;,!""Iz:� " � � , - .. 1 , � , 'Irl. 1 I P , ( ,. '. , � -,", -i i, " i;'� p��,,��,� `� : 1�1� ,j R �­i , , , , ',,�­Itl�, 'T, 0. 11 l�,��i�'����-""",�l�,�,�l�,�,�� ` , , ".�� , , . � ,��tt i�' 11!;�' ,,��I',!�� ,5 , I... , . ­'�. � , 1'.V! , , , .� . " �,� V 'j,1�1;'110'; L., 1 � '� -,.,;1 . i�� ,,a ��,,`I,i,,6' , �;,,,,,,,$'i�,I� � , , , � � , , �, .1,�,','�',*'�'$;:"�j,'�����""�j:')�,",'��i��."�� *0' R � , ..,,;,,��,�;i�;,,,�'.�;,'�""Ii�,�""� , `,"' "', , ,,:r_eT, � �,. �,`114 X��'84*4'A'�& �i-,,�%,�`i, ;,"'. j, IC 112 ,�, � I',, ". -24X&.-�,,S, , 8i,:11�,,,T.11�,,,: , � "il � 11 � ,0 ". , � . I I ,. I I I - I I " � � ,�, � ­ - . 1 ­;tO,,ve?"',"".�, ;; ", � , F." � " . ,� P ... !�, ��,'w,�,� m I .,.1, ,� , I ,� i �:� ,�' � ,'� � * P �,,t , , :, , , I �t ; �- (", �t " ", 'i, . � ,� i,��",'�� 1� ., 7j�i�,.,,,,,;,�,�,,,. :.�,-"., m, ,;i� - I— � "I � I, t " ��,,� �� � �0;i� e, " � . � il. 1, , � , , 1� . i, ,�I'i;�,X,,��i ,,,��1'0;10'�,`�, . RTW , I 'j, ,�i�, , , 4�� ,., :�, .,,� I : ; . , :!.'e'r "N" _ , � i , ,: ;�_ `_�t,,� �%, . I` , I � I, I !%.'i � 1 - !"11 1,t��,O,',_ !, i, " 7� . . . . �, � I ''. ­ ­.�,� T:` , . �_ '". . � ,� " . , ; . � I , I -1 � .� �,��!.,�,����"",!r�,�iT�";'i���3��� ',��,`,"� , � � 'i I I � . I , '7 4!",�'; � ,� � Z��"A ; � -, . I , i I ,,, ; I � I ��, ',�,,, 6,� .", :­�: t , 1� �, " ! ,,,, !" 14 111:0., '1._'.r_ ,�,,,,,`i. - . � I ­. . ", I . .. I le : � . . .. � I I I I 1. � . . . , , . I I �� I � ; I . ":, I �,., �­' J� ,�, �'6� 1,�11,1t­ � � 1- � , , I . , , I i 91��;, ,,, I., 3p i� ,, � _:;'_:;,,��_:�, � . . I �. w -1, . I ,­­ ��?"�,,,�_ � ''I . . . , . � �, � .,,,'!,;..' -�4 , I I � ­ . 1. I . . I , I I . ;,�­ u� , I . , ­�, -1. �111� � �;�,,,,�, ,�,?',.,��:I,p,,Z' I I . . , . � .. . - . _ , I 11 �11 -11111.,.) "I'll, ,� . ­.- , 4f74 ,J I `i.�, I �. I � ... 11 I r - , I I � I ­1-1X11­1'T­, , .1, : " L, , .. I ! I _ I . ­ . I I . . �. 1. �� I I- I , ". - I �,�,, % .11�� ­ �6 ,.�.*iw,l',�*.,P, -, Z, , I I $1 - I IM ,6F ! , . � . ,-,,_. .� . " 1. -� 1. I I I ., � . . 11 .. "� � �­!­ I 1, .111,11,.N,�, ,, , " ". � ;.��'�,,`,�',`� -;;;o�;��;".,;?,����',,��i��i�',"I� I �� 0 I , , I ,.:­,iQ�!A, o�,�,P,N,*"�j�'T -1 .�V I . '. .1 , I � ­ .� ........ I "� "I'll, -i � I ��.� — '..". , . � . !­ ..: ��, -A � _____ , � 11P,��,,',�'Id 11 `?',,1"_1A','�',1V�. � ______ ____ I . __� I �­ , �� —w 1 ­�4 , ". lu'i,­ , "'I"it ", _11�: . V- li,;Q� " "I . '', . � llf'� I , , as "! .., ...... .. ,�, ,'._ QVI , .. ,� It . ,,�,,O,� I - ­ I 1,1. 11� It I I I . . . _ . � "' ". 1�is . ',�, 'i'T""""'I". ,,,� I 1,tll� � ,�'4,11�fl�'Iii',�! , __ �,Ii,iel,",', __ ,� , ',)I , ­ 11,11.11-11 . , . I 1-11 ­ � ­ � __ _'_ � - 11 .11 "I 4-1:;_- 1. 11 11.1, 1. .11�� .1 "q ',) _­ � 1. - .I 1. ­1_.i1f1.­ 1'11�11. I- 1-;'__. -1.1 .1 ­­ 1. �. .1 � I I r " "." " ,, 71M, 1. ,.. p ­ -­ , , .. .. .. ". , ... .0,� , i . I '� � '77" � � I , �. 14.o ­,, ; 1"��';�­,� , 1',� , )i I I ,,,,,,,1? ­,,,_,4'W1 I I—, .1-11 -111-11__ __'T",_ 1. - I ­" . . " "', ", - , �,`, ,;I,,"'!�,!!��0,,, ,,�! �,­­ L�� --- go , � _". ,:� ,,�-"� I �11 . :�, 11 11. � �; n T .. .... I *11i""'11 ,�,, , , 1�1.1`,M I 9 - 11 . a� �: . ­ �: ­. ", - wsi', 0111, I � ,� . � , , 1 $ I I., -1 I I , 1. i 1. I . .. I . ;�, ; , � . " � . I I . I I . ­­ . I I I 1. lw��- � -, "I I I OR 01 mi`11'11�. -11 -I. -I 11 I 1� , . : ''), 'al injur - 'ONOT" .11�1­ .__,�_4 :- � I . . . � ;; ,_ spread S" .y? Is it his m4hd , �� . , . � � . .. ; . ­ ", t _v 01.11TOR , le . , I � � . . I WINEW"M 11 V� to that eaA One; should ,go ahead as- ONE 1. ..;. � A ', � ! . P 11 � , .. , , � ee�ly A v du�l ,"on ­ , 4 ,.F 1 mi Op 4 I .., . I .- ! -4 -4 . ' T%-0 . . . , , gr,"�,,�`,, 'k serting anid practisink -his Ind!' I, - W ., , I , i ' I . �. uten� :. I . " 1i 86 1 .4, . It ", I , 'So Cot - - _i� - "" 1,'�"""-�'Mq T. !: I X . I . . i " ,1,1,,�tli,l ,,,Jt� ,� ,,.�. , - _ � , 1, 1 , � ", -in re , 4 . , , ,j ,�i. .", , � � " i � 1j,,t%ty ,gard to drink, co ,4 S , '' ,W teva, v.,,, in . H,e' JAIr " -w i � ­ IRO ­� , ,e 11 W�t , a I - � . . I . &,,",�,;;.�tii�1'2_;_ ro lla'o ­*­ I, I I ,, I �� 'M I . .� ,� _ d', s � I " %WIA . lAN I T ' - I . I .-!-�­ I I ,-A- I �, 111 � , 4" mild pre-00st agai Jm,� . .", I .� , vin 4 ­ 1. . 1111m, .. _�, * __ wv%xk i _ . PAKI Irl""M . ,tic ii , . . . 11, I , , 1,,.I�,_g, i. t ean; Editor. , . wo. much of a * i., e*r nst ".* , , ;'ool V 1 V146, , ­ � I . I I - I , � g % , .c,' ,� , p ,or naive, u . . . ,� IIPI�61A,:-4 ", " ­2&',,r��­ I pa nw�www 11, . , , ,,� - '. , a �tive ��t�� " I __ ___1 - - �!.�,�],�4_4�, - fa . I -0:�.1"")..."', ,�.'i � ... I _piug the fskcL4 1`1�. � . . I.. � .. � . . . `,;, ", , , Irly - ,,� , -, 'I. -,; -4, "­ ... I ,�,,'� -,4_;,:,5,',62,. � 1*yer fil 'k-11 1 1 f, drU,, a �0� , . _ ' ' ' " "' ' �_, ­�-"" "s4afortil, ,,Q - 00, ev, of loss 0 'M ' r I ,))izb Mr. and Wr�,-. Arthie, SParks, of � I IT , of depletiot,'Of , ' 0 ine 10� % )" ata , , -an I 21st. . . , - ,w, ,,, A . e "iency, dwqllip , W '04 0 " "A It � redtion , I . 1. 0 e I . sse i 4, W,ork.�1las,1"-started on the &u The meeting, was � in charge of _ 4 i I � , . - e .1 I ."k., 14"..' ternoo weath ' of sO Ackage ? �� . , in in 4 IlAr. J. Haberer's new home. I go range ' ' d a st *Aiid 1I)e - , _ fF IV, , n ,,� , 41 - . . e �,. , ,4 by MeLealt md � 'cial w trOit, am vifiltors at the hom1e of , , ''. 0 � , tp be'olne, of the . a"'.., to express to YOU an , YOU .rray G i. r. Mr. Gale r,;& ) I '. '. �,.',r, , , * ... �. .,� T 'ptio I..... . - .X . I �� _,, rw� "Juirid pie- . . i,eceived here on Sun- I eho of "'The VO,nguard.ly Gladys arlirtatz . � . ' I � _ . . w . incere and iliea el a"& , I ;&rd' "'' .. ptter I ;., I �, I Mr Field mils ag our s I Walls � district with all mo&ra Mt. Alex. Sparks. ,11,� ,�' �",' �, ... stomach rea Ik on musical apPreciA- and up-to-date o6nVenietwes. mr.'and Mrs. E. Sheffer- have re- . 4;,�I�'t'g ,�,_;`,� t1ires of an alcoholic dy t - ' ' he pa,thy on ai, of the sad d th of. day of Ow death of ,Mr. L, - N. Tag- 1, GaIq gave a ta - ",',, ' ' , . , .., .. �!Af '- ion rate, $1.50 a year in to.'.bqrsit into finues." Where has .count w; - at his home in' tion, giving the Origin and PIS509 Fraternal, lodge and church dnd- turned home from a very pleasant I . . "I'll" , ,, p� ... .., I ­1�7"��L . ript -in-law, Mr, Alexander ga,ri% hIch occurred . � -�) - , , , , , , , , , ���, , , " . �# ,$... z, . ;. ,. ,,,,� I ' .,., been" for the last 20 years ? I do not your. brother . � with'relatives and friends,' I i. I'll i , it,, ­ ­ , �*-'o Ind., on that day. De- the Minuet Waltz 6$� Chopin "N,al4e so�-Aqdty m.**ings and ,�,,�" "j; , ;., , ,AA ,; foreign," $2.00 a year. Single entertainment's visit spleml I 11 � I I "''l � # . lq�11�',T�� A I -1 __y, _qq Roos, who, in company with his wife, South Wnd' .i .1 , R,� 'J" ,�, , ,�, gents each.' recall the use of such pivitures in re- have been the order of the day, or 'Xj�a. Sheffer with reladves -in Alpena, , i - i)�)' �,'�,�q;, , , " �-,: , P$ , . with such a sudden and, unti%eAy ceased '�44. spent two months in Chrdn*dij%e`1 Godaid and t,4�- over- . � "'X- ,` ... "I i��-,'�,r�,­., ,� - _ cent presentaitions. They have passed met a,nd -1 *turned to his home ture, "Williani f-ell'4"by RosSine. The'more strictly veaMng, of the even- )XIbbigun, and, Mr., Sheffer with his I ,�, "'N'.04 � I ,� '�14'1�i�4m­,��;, L I death in an- automobile wreck near Florida lif;�I, 11-P.,- I ,L . out of general use, -not be -cause they . pad i S. daughter 'and son,­itx-law, Dr. ,slid . '41, 46,e#lsing rates on applica the little tow e- last weelo. He was known'to many �neeiing closed with community ings during the past wee 11#11�0` � tion. , a of Elginfield, he b � I . I . . . . . 1'.Q .�. . , .. r ,0'. 4., I I were, false but because they repres- * . ickson.— OWS. 0. W. Reld. of 'Port' Rowan. . 1. . 1��t, t , Z I having songs. Death of Mr,s. Thomas D I sple4did. time . 1 �..',it,,,�, "', " . .., jug killed instantly and, his wife 5ev- ,in d' Grand Bend, I � '', I � "A t Mr. . On Thursday, April U- Urr ", 11 L.., . 'pe S - They report a TR§t N , , _X � . gnte4' excepitional eond�tions. They . I a . , I � .;',i$ '� , " , , 'M "TO I nadian Weekly - Hence the commItAee, , summers, here., 21,st,' the fu The death Oct ed on ;Sunday after v ,I " erely injured g F T ,)!ZiMz..� , Member§ of the Ca multitude ot' . .. froom his late home late residence in Ifc,n- spent. . . I ity", 1 ha,;W'been succeeded, by a $Ohalf of the Lodge would,extend and airs. , . Klopp, Mr. and Mrs eral took I " ' noon, at her ,� . I ccuftte %el saft, of Mrs. Thomas Ditks,on, w1i6e lWs. Carl Schefer, 'of Palmerston, 5'��, " ,- , ,- , and the Huron . a . ' ,.;,:. Newspaper Association , scientific facts that cannot On PBZ5 , id's ,oldest and best ��, 141� �:� ,tw, ­ to you and all other sorrowingfriends G. Hess and Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hess of one of I I i �,,�N . .14. Co�wty Press Asspei4lion. � ent con- � � I know . n re * A. Elliott, knaiden name was,E(maline Horton, a is visiting with her grandmother, M �_'­ be gainsaid and that repres, Bend on sidieuts,. - Robert I'll, . 3. , _0 . of the deceased, our sincere sympathy and2 sons left for iSouth �11 :_. ", , _— ditions imuch n-wre wide--stpread. ' the funeral. who pas Mr. 'and Mrs.. Mrs. Iscott, and aunts,. Mrs; Ballau- � �-�. 1'�, �. - . and express our great sorrow at the - Tuesdq.y, to attend sed awak on Tuesday, April daughter of the late I . gi.,: " late of the Township One and Miss Katte SWU. ' g,�,,., Nh-_ Field surely know* that the old -�r The -Ladies' Aid of the Lutheran 19th. Deceased was ,born at. Park- Samuel Kjorton, U ,11,�_� �1� � . airgumients. regarding alcohol a a loss of a friend and neighbor and oi The Masons are looking forward' to 0411W 1 1 ", . "Ill ,,, SEAF,ORTil, Friday, April 29, 1932. ) s earnest prajer is for the speedy re- 0hurch entertainc�d the -new memberb hill in, 1850 and had1been a resident of Uisborne. The death was not un- - . , . stiai'lant are,not now tenable. Ile � ... � p an interesting. pro - here for the past 26 years. He was. expected as Mrs. Dickson sufferpd a Friday,, evening this - wt-ek it being I g ,. covery of your sister, Mrs. Ross.— to a mvpper and - ' ;.... """, __ ought to know that what is callrdl a . )ffilarried on septemiber 23, 1890, to stroke about two years ago, and since the offIcial visit of the Rt. Woi. D. D. _ I �� ­ I .M.; Sam Peth- grain on Tuesday evening-,. . 'i. .f, ef - Signed, P. G. Little, N I . , . , mo,& -rate dose of -liquor reduce . � I . -b" n in failing G. M., L. R. Coles. A number of * v I ,11.,�, . ick, R.S.; Wm. J. Kinney, PjC;W." ,Miss Rebecca Hofley, who with the which time, she halir ee are expected to be � ­.. . �V - — 'N"', ;. 1, I... I Judges Not Overpaid ficiency both mentally and, physically; I ­ - - following members of the family su'r.- health. Tlid'" deceased caime here rydsiting ,brethren � I thatwhat is called the moderate Use __ . vive: ,Mrs. Williamson,, Goderich Tp.; from ,Seaforth about '17 years ago, .present and, at the conclusion'of the , � ,. . ­ '.. hes from Ottawo KIPPEN " eting, e held in their fine � , I . . . Recent despate of liquor lessens resistance to disease � Thomas Nelson Elliott and William and was a -very via rt, capable woo- lodge me , to b . �� 11 . �� %� state that there is"a determined agi- and consequently affects health. He The f uneral ,�i STAFFA Mr. George Stewart and Dr. Bak,&r R. Elliott, of'BaYfield. map',, excellent housekeeper and good ball ,in the Davis block, .will repair I . I. riendly to the town hall, where an interest- I U." �, n. gaining force 'in the House of ,should ble awaM, that specific diseases I .1 ek at se"I've was,conducted by Rev. F. H'. mianAger, and was of a -very f . �, I., tati'D are aggravated by indulgence in liq- Oct Springfield, visited last we I will 'be given, followed I .. Coq*nons, which ,has'for its object Mr.. and 'Mrs. Lorne Speare and the home of the former's sister, Mrs. I Paull and at tho-grave -side 'by MOM- and kindly disposition, wb* I made ing ,program -d to by the ladie3 Wow ; I 11. . uor, ;�;-..J that all these effects are rder, to whom for her a rhos,t of reilatil�eiF- and by a ,banquet caten I 5. of Harriston� isiptent the James Wright. . a 11, I the forcing of the Government to re- daughiter, an Ciiurch. This , ­ I.. possible quite apart from unken- h Mr. Joseph Mr. Gordon Wright, of Guelph O. Mrs. Elliott and family extend most friends. ishe Is survived by �er hus- of Carmel PresibYteri ..., I week end wit Speare. ­ � . 1� - duce the'salaries of the judges of ries, 4 1 1 sincere thaiiks, The pallbearers were band, Thomas Dickso . � � s. n, and it�.vq .occasion IS just for the Masons only, I �- Mrs. J. Jackson and twin daughters A. C., sipent the week end with his . I 1, ,.�� to be at least as He was speaking of wine. Is he I E. ,A. Featherston,' W. J. McLeod,,.L. daughters, Miss Emma,' at home, and not -their wives. -A,_ I 111 I I CDanada, the cut �d by aware that France, the great wine of ?etroit, are spending a couple of parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wright. H. McUod,, Harold., Stinson, Henry Mau# Mrs. -George Glenn, a couplo The Young People of the United ", �11 �: -.- much as that recently sustaine . weeks at the home Q4- ,Mr. and Mr.,. The Wang People of St. Andrew's . e ,se 1 a F . . " ".1-1., . pxcfdiu-cetr, is by a'Iong way the larg- David Bruce. I .g their an DarroNy and, William McDool. of miles north of'our village, and out Church, Munroe, ar pre nt ng ­ . ig last -1 id' play in the United Church, . -"�,, I . the Civil, Service. est consumer of absolute alcohol in Mr. Howard Leary, London, and United Church are holdin The dance ou Friday evienin .splend , "", n the Government the world, and, that France has a ser- niversary on Sunday, -May 15th. Rev. 61 a faimily Of eleven she is survive, I The pressirre o Mrs. ,M. Greenwood', of Munro, spent for the benefit df the newly -organized by one sister, Mrs. James Broadfoof,,_ Chiselhurst, ,on Thursday evening of I "'A", ' T F J. Mathers, M.A., of Grand Bend, I week. This play comes- highly � comes from Weetern me1mber-z and 16 -us problem of alcoholism, being re- softball team., was quite a success of the Boundary. and one bi�olther, this - . . , ,3 . Sunday' at the home of iheir parents, i�;* to ,be the special speaker S'er - � __ - -st tp-day . - recommended and we trust a large ,. �,_ cogni,%.d and battled again and those present had an enjoyable �.,:. from a good many mernbers of rural Mr.,and, Mrs. J.'Leary. . Hienry Horton oi� our village. The o , " -ademy of Medic�ne? Dr. viees at 11 aim. and 7.30 pa.a. '" - ' - rt this play front � .11, .1 ,constituencies in some o�_tl by the At ,Mr. and.Mrs. CecilStewart of Ex- time. ,We,hope to see several inter funeral, which was a private on,--, was number will. suppo 1, ­ Louradour, in charge of one of the ,Quite a number from here atfe'.A- - . . � . � ' M�i­'­ " I provi e Sunday with the'latter's ei the Presbyterial' and Prasbytery esting ball'galmes this season, as ,the held on Tuesday, af,teTno,on from her Hensall and -surrounding district. I -1 � . nees, and is not confined to any 82 hospitals te e t boys plan bein. . with a lite residence and was conducted by Mi.. G. J. 1sutherlalid received.word I t,111 I p G. G. Wilson. .g connected . pa and ,Mrs. mc-eting, both o�, which were held in � 'tL, France, sitated that in: 1,122 half the �T. . . who on 'Monday evening that his sant, .1 - � :1 . particii2lar party, both Conservatives ,� S'and -Mrs. Lawrence Ha ' disitrict league. I her pastor., Rev, A. Sinclair, , �. . � . � . " demand adw�ssions to his hospital were' for "no" W;ngliam on Tuesdiiy last - 1, -1 and Liberals sharing in the and family, of Zion, spent Sunaay made a very fitting reference to the Mrs. A. H. CaTroll, of Woodstock-,...... 1.11 alcoholics,, or, What 1' - �0 the men, and boys in -,I,.;,, viein-' - ' I ----. , ill for, the past . I.. s more sugges , . � 4. I ". for a judiciary salary cut. .1 with Mr, and ,Mrs. Williaimi Sadler, py z.re quite excited over su1'.b.,(..:*S. life of the deteasedi.. The pallbearers who has been, very ­.: 'ks, passed away ak her home,, , �_ 11 I ,re were the sons of alcoholics. Is leceased, three wee .1 . ' I .�11 . ne salaries' paid.'k, our,county .Mr,'Fiield awa,,6 that in 1924'bf the Mrs. Sadler having received a .bad T'-.iq�n-on the suckers, this. , RENSALL. were' six nephews of the ( . .%­ I . fall during the week. � 1% I e are sorry to reporz tl ia t . ,%Ir., . ­_� Messrs. Gordon Bolton, Jas. 13road- on. Mioniday. The fundral was held on "11. dges at the **esent time, is, we more than thirty tho,u,qand males i ' t foot, 'Calvin I Horton, Jarv! learriX .. : ��� ..'­ I . JU in Miss Emily Frayne spent the week if(vty Ivison has not been in ii�s us- Subscriptions . taken at the Hensall Fos is Horton, Wednesday. ,Mrs. was well :, ; . I � , � believe,'in the neighborhood of five siucli hospitals one man in every sev- o.flice.for all daily and weekly newspapers. tter- -known in Hensall, as she with her . ::::���� " ". . . en:d­iWith friends in Exeter. ual good'health, but his mary fri�ncis t for post office lock boxes in the Hensall Venry Horton., Jr., and R. J. Pa er, Mrs. 0. F. Seott visited at I If ,,, - . � I en in the lunatic asylums of wine- Ren, The remains we're interred in Sist I I t.,�,, � thousand: dollaxs a year. . The Women.'s- Institute met in the wish him a speedy recovery t office',bkome due and payable the last gon- - f -Mt. and Misz,'Suther- 4, -1 . There are a great many men . growing ,France was there �brough � week in this month..'pf December, or the first MeTaggart's cetnie-tery. "Peace, Per� the home - o: . y. 1, � . in eld hall on'Wednesday afternoon. There The imany friends and neighoors of pos ymn, wai land quite Irequend " I Z .. '" drink?, It why be news to iMr. Fi r were quite a mx-nber of ladies pres. the late I Mrs. Robert '19vMordi(- - of week of January. G: J. Sutherland, PoSt�- feCt Peace," a request h N441,10, �� : i. . ' ��� � rural constituencies who are of the that Le,onardi Bian,chi, late professo I ' rs The hotse shoe throweirs of town are, I ti` 4 . . - ent. london, were sorry to hear of bcr "ter. . . sung by -Mrs. A. Sinclair and M ., . ng a meeting the coming Satur- 1, � , ' Very,�mtuch sympathy is . " .11, � � I- . firm.belief that no man is really cap- of nervous dispases Nt the Univer..;ity de�th on Saturday at her home I IT For Quick Sale.—I'/, sthrey frame house in 3f. Hedden. , havi . I . , � I " ., . . I . able of earning such a salary. It - is oif Naples, in a book recently publish- . .,___..__. . . tr�'sale with a kitielien and woo,l- felt f!or the husb�6d and family who day night at Webber's Radio Shop,`to I ,�'. . ed expresses the view �hat,tihe disap- Iiond,ou.' Mrs. MdMordie lived for Atensall io ' . ­ ".., 1, � . I their fixed opinion that a man who pearance of the great families in It- ' MANLEY � quite a number of years in this vicm- ,shed atta,elled, st-gne cellar in good repair; gave her every iz-are and attention. organize for', the summer mor0ths, . ' I , all shingled . ; Hydro lights, hard and soft The floral tributes were many anq and all� interested in :the horse shoe . � �rf . . . has 'a thou'Gand dollars a year to .a}y has beell'-due in no synall part to I ity. ' The remains were brought 1-t.; wate, in kitchen: good stable. There is 'ail . I slow alcoho.lic into i tion I through riends of Mr.' W. Siemoa Hensall Union Cbmetdry. abundance -of small fruit trees including plutn beaubful. game should attend, as a very -fine - rink will be prepared On front, street -­­ .� I � �pend on hknself�'and, ,his family is X ca The many f . pertly, which. consists of "Nobody 'But Nancy," a whirlwind _ � end apple on the Pro , , � , � . . well off. To him, the other. faur the centuries, I are sorry to learn he is not impirov- I ­ - _ __ � I two good I ,lots. ,Apply to Mrs. B. Gordon. farce -,comedy in three acts, by Eugene and membership fees will be kept as - J.�� _ sb, al- . . I I 3358-2 _ low'as possible. A lot of the best . It is surely desirsible ,that in' d -is.:' ing as rapidly as they wi I Kippen. . G, Ha -fie, will be presented -by St. 9- -' _' thousand of a jiAdge's salary is just . borie- s"oe throwers in ,Ontario are ig.4_ . I -1 ­­ - -1 cussing. the liquor ,question -,men thoug-h he is getting the best of care Mr. a ai,, t li'� BAYFIELD - nd Mrs. Arch ,Sparks, of De- Paul's A. Y. P. A. in the' f6vhi H �; .P. so much, velvet, something the judge ahould deal. with present facts and by Miss Mayor, from Kitchener.' l . around Miensall, as has been 'proven � . ."�'� , ' . - ' . sa Mr. Hensall, on May 4th. Following is , R, _ . F can put' in the ,bank each year or in- present Pot.vibilities. I Many of the farmers are finishing ,Mr. Fred BakqX, returned last weeK troit, are vi' ting their. father, ste of characters: Nailty King, in the past. -, . I" ­ _. Does Mr. Field wish to' suggest see , "''th Mr. John Deltz and Min ' , James Sparks I the ca Some of the Odd,fellows of Hensall �" - din wi fr&rn Clinton hospital,, whe,A- he had " s Louise Drummand; Sarah An- ��,­ vest in some other way. . I . .. I I Miss Nellie Carmichael, of Exeter, Mis ' . 11 that wl are b6 tea,clih the youth of Peter Eckart on the lead. an operation for appendicitis. We ue An- Lodge were in Goderich a few even- . �, � . The rural constituent forgets, that aged spent Wednesday with friqn,ds, here. drewg,' Miss Helen,,,STnith- S . 11� , Canada that it is safe and wise and Mr. Frank Dempsey has eng' dTews, M�ss Margaret B - ings ago attending installation of of - .- , il�,'��, ' because he can l compatible with the highest citizen- Mr. John Dei.tz to put in his crop as are ,pleased to state he is recovering Mr.Claude, Bl,owes and, his parents, rummond, ficers at the Goderich Lodge, nnd re- . I � - ,,�:., ' MI cely. of Mitchell, spent the week end -,with Adeline Perkins, Mrs. S. L. Peppler; ' , i!,.,. . I out an expenditure of actual cash, it ship to indulge in liquor, Or does he he ,was not-- able - to rent his fairm Thonidt and Robert McCurdy and i friends in Port Elgin. . Luella Crdwford, Miss Grace Stone, port a �arge attendance and a mosi; I -1 R'.. . u. As a not? 1. . � . this year. . � I .. -interesting time. . , i. -all -mie sister, Miss Annie McCurdy, StTat- &I,. . is not that way with ' Rev. James NeEllroy is- attending Fanny,Miss BeTyl Drummond; Larry §!­,- --.—.- . , Those -who .took in, the speech de- ford, arrived here on Tuesday, April Our gardeners took good 6.dvanf­ ,i,-�, : . . niatte,r of fact if the average judge \ the Synod of the I4ebby'te,ri4n cliurch' Wilson, Mr. Toln Rutledge; Ted Per- of the recent fine weatber and . ,, I livered by Thomas -McMillan,- M.P., 19th, to occupy their summer home I ter, Mr. Albert Shirray; Adam King, age I " CEFIELD think h- for the season. 'slier and daughter, IM I �;­-' kept ag good,a table as the average BRU *in the� House of Con=,ons being ,held in Brantford, r. Kenneth 'Rutledge; Jimmy Mc- good state Of soil to get -in quite a � , " . ' ' .1 .11' I 11 . well-to-do farmer, clay after day, year . Mrs,. C� H.' Mim.h I as retuTned af- hit'the nail on the head, irrespective Work was commenced last week on tMrs. Peter FL. I ntity of early varieties such as , ' ­� . . I Miss Eleanore are visiting friends in Cabe, Mr. John Druim�niond. .qua . I es, I . L e ding this - . . I 4t -early varieties a �11� . in and year out, -he wouldn't have ter vpenidin.g a weelk with her bro- Of Party' Pol'iti ,.' nst summer cottage buil. I eth," & bom, onion lettuce, and 414. a. ;vic�lnity. As a Woman Think 51 - .. , I . .1 ... I I 1 X�-` , � isand,dol- �hpr, Dr. W. D. Swan, of Hamilton ''Mr. C. EL-kArt was a ,visitor in our ,g built for , M,i , . Brueefield an . otatoes. . I anything left out ,of a thou � . seas,on.. It, is bein .. ings have a nuniber of 13dy draina in three acts, ' as, pyes- P - : � ��.:,. . .. -onto friends. . I burg this week. Rolfe, of London, by Percy Weston, The onion ki w i We were pleased to tsee Mr. Wal- .11. 1'1�1` . lars at. the end of a year. .. _aT1 d- Toi . i men in -the fields stewing seed. - ented by the Young 'People"s Depart, . I : . � I . . . We are ex- Church, Bayfield.,. I , LV1iss Mary E. Swan spent the week - .___..____ ..� I who tias the contract. d a � let- ineyit Of the United ter Fee able to ibe .out agalnA,�rqg OlIr . " ­ ,knd the table is only one item, and end in 111,1milton. I __ . it several others built as i Youi correspondent receive -ner under the auspices of the Young Peo� streets the ,first part '61 this week. I .�­­ - p6ftlin.g o see � ter advising of the death of a folt r. Fee is a remarkably -smart an�l 1. ­ - . , I . ,�,T,11­., - uhnberof lots were sold last season - - -pot the largest in a, judge's budget, - Mi. and Mrs. George Connell, of GODERICH­TP. a n well known, cit n' I ize Mr. Win. .S�ne- , the, Un� ited Church. I M i:. , I - ple's League of , active imian for considerably over tho , , . There is the question of taxe�- if he Varna, hmvebought tii'e 100-acr'� farm and,�tbe purchasers planned to build .' y .114, man, who. with his -wife and family Hensall, in the Town Hall, on Mon- foui score mark. I I from Mr. Charles Reid, of Brucefie__ . , " � . � 'Of family, there is the itern �-% 1) .. and Mrs. Alvin Proctor, Miss this year. ev 'n e. ot� ", .1 I is a nian n the 7th ,concession of Tuckersmith. Mnp,­iand Mrs. Knuckey, of Toronto, were residents for a nuinilber ot y"rs. day e ing, to a fairly larg cy vd., Miss. Hattie D. -Su*erla-nd was in , � ,'I * I Scharllen and Mr. David Swartzen- .. Mr Stoneman. was a paperhanger The -play was very much enjoyed- and ' ­ I �of education f I or his children.. He is 'O ... ch, spent Sunday wil!) were at.their home on theSa - nd was well given,'and coulyl,ed, with a lot of WOOdStOCk On Wedrk, da - last pit- " F.. . It is well underdrained and has up, trulber, of Zuri � uble Line '� - � Y I . * � I I expected to live in a manner befit, to -date buildings. � over ' . I and was a splendid musician, a .1 .- tendin the funeral of � her aunt, the r I. ... ', George Proctor, Cut Line., - ��ay-- one Of the quartette, in the Methodist good twhoaeiso�pe buT.1or .portraying 19 W "ll. I ting the dignity of his office The many friends of Miss Emma I , Miurray-. Bros., opened their garage ' , i late Mrs, Aifred H. -Carroll, who of- . Mr. Mason Stirling, of the'7th con- church before going Wiest. He siffter. tkpi ._-, bettef sidia ,-of , lif Lk "' There were I i , ' - r', I It is true there a77e certain priv , - McIntosh will be glad, to hear, that cession, Godierich Towliship, while-, for ilywiness for this season on Mon- ed a partial stroke, confinting him to some 16 'memters, in the caste wbo � .-'ten in past years was here visiting �­ . .- �`11 I . I I I er late sister, Mrs. James S,utber- .:�'. I she is now in a fair way to recovery working in the field on Monday, drop- day, They; have a good, location at his -bed fo-i seven weeks, 'He lived,-ir) took ,their parts exceptionally well. h . I . �, I ileges in connection ,with the office of after being Over a week in the doc- ped dead., He leaves to mourn his .tbe Sauble Line. corner and should - I land, and famil ... I I . es ra; Y. I �� , � 1. . V?LncouveT .and was in -his 77rbh year. Between acts, the 'Hensall Orch t' . V a judge, not enjoyed by other men,. tor's care. ,, passing, big wife, two daughters, MUT- ha-ve goo -d b,usiness. , He is survived by five sons and two -contributed several nuinb&S and at. The Oddfellows a�e looking for- **% . ' ' -but a gipat many.,of ,tbeqn -are very Mrs. John''Smider visited friends,,i'" iel and Dorothy, and one son. Wil Congra,tiil-gtibfis *to Mr; and M�rs. play, lunch was ward to thetir ampal anniversary. �i, I , . ­ I .1. dau ters, and, was attended, by Dr. the e6iTclusion of the P -.,. similar to the privilege'a judge has Lon -don last week'. Mrs. Carrie Jervis., of Clinton, is a John Pollock, who passed the f orby- - 91h rinerly of Bruce served. � I church service which Will be held. on f. I - Mr. H!ugh Mic:Gregor, of Detroit, niveirsury of their wedding Alex. Murdock, fo - . ' the ,coming Sunday, May Ist, in the . sulbscri, sister. Two other sisters, Aggie al!,rl ninth, an Y" Rev, J. S. Hender, G-male-Sundercock.—A quiet wed- . . � ,c& heading' every ption list visited at hig'bome in the village last 'Sophia, and one' brother, Ize, ara on T:;,esday, the 26th. , Both have field, and also b evening, when. Rev.. Mr.. Young, of � . . th;tt is organized for the' relief of , . 1, I . . Son, a former , preacher in, Carmel ,ding-tbiok ph�ce at the United Church I . week. . in the West. � been in poor health lately, but are . Manse, Clinton, on Saturday ,evening Ottawa District- will preach to them- . I � .. man7s wants, if not for the relief of .M . r. David Tough spent the past No. I Group of th� Ladies' Aid of improving . . Presbyterian, Chu�rbh. I . The Oddfellows alternate yearly in I . _. . . . - slowly. Resident of Londion is Buried -in Heu- at 8 o1clock, when Rev. Mr. Farrel, .. - I . . two weeks renewing old acquaintane ert Quite a nljmfb�r sipeni the :week end, , their services with the local churches. � .1 , hie necessities. And, be it said t6 es with his former neighbors in Stan - -- Grace ,Church are having a' cone eall.­41,4ast rites were performed Men- ullitedin marriage, Vi�Ta Helena,.eld- i , Mr. Williarm T. lReyn,qIds, of Tilson-' " - ' � -�-i,­ -4 ' � thier�redit of .the Judiciary, they have and prog�am -on Thursday eveniMT at their cottages. Among them were day for 'Mrs. Jane :S. MeMordie, who' est -daughter of Afrs� Annie Sunder - i . ,�,',��, � . . , ley. .in the:basement of the church., Mis' 'Mr. and ,Mrs. T, Mustaid, Toronto; Aied at her bcome, 785 Hellmuth Ave. cock,.,of Hensall, and the late, Nath- burg, spent the w�ek end here witri I I ill. 1. .never betin backward in availing The many friends of Mr. T. H. Sybil Courtice, a missionary of Ja8, � last Friday, in her 91A year. Dr. uniel'Sunde C6ckr, t� William' George his -sisters. , I I R, � themselves of'this privilegie. Wheeler are pleased to se� hiem able Mrs, D. Flock and family, who ac. r s � Mrs. R. Cudmore who has spent ;f? ... pan, -will be present. Lunch W-1 be. cormpanied�"by Mis. Jones and'family, tMcKay offlefated. at the services held ,'Sniale, eldest on of M!r. and 1Mrs. ?, ' �, All these things ,cost money, much to-. be out again, after his recent ill- served. . . d tSl)�s. Fintoul and at her late resideme at 1 15. . Inter- 'George Swale. of Hensall.. ne .bride the winter, months �vhh members a . �r, , neiSs. ., . � 'i. - . her family.living in Toronto, is ex- '* � '_ 1,1_- 11 m-rore money- bba-m -the average IV- . . - I family, Flini�- Mr. and Mrs. E. R. merit; was in Hensall Union Cemetery. was becoeningly gowned. in blue crep(j Pected home in about a week's- time. . , " ki, I,, I I ' IF— I Wealth To Be Given Away al I Willis, Lowd,on; Mr. and Mrs. T. Orr iP, Thompgon,� R. Tretherway, W. K. with trimmings of silver -an -d carrie,cl Mrs. Robeft- Booffiron ,who has . ­'. j man has any con-ception.of. So much Brumfield.—T, a time like this; when and f4mily", L�tratkor�; Mr. and Mrs. &c roses I with' . e_ Darch,' N. Aikenhead, T. T. I kie a bouquet of butterfly �, - ?i I so is' this -the case, that if one would everyone is talking depreission this CROMARTY W. D. Stevenson., Toronto. Mr. Stev- been with members, of her familly lit � i . .. lk -, - I and John MeNaughton acted as pall- n,laiden hair fern. The bridesmaid lvlt�_ stop to think, one could riot help but is a ,startling announcement which ensoq wh6 is ail. enthusiastic golfer Detroit 'for same weeks, j& also ex - if, The fine weather of last week has ' bearers, Mrst. 'NeMordie was born in was Mists Isobelle 'Sundercock, sister pected home very shortly! ,T,, secu , Are you willing I successful recently in making a , I . � ��,� won -der how imien have been, re., you may not believe. � enabled the farmers to get on the was a,ttendedschool with the of the 'bride, who was dregsecl in a , I.Quebee and - ' 11 t(, be convinced of the truth of this hole in, 0'6z on the' Summit V.olf t I fr" to fill our Judgeships at the present , t,,-,n,e,t? land and some have m;ade consider- 1 late Srr Wilffid, Laurier. She came gown of green silk crepe, green,,tweed Ball Players Orkanize.—A baseball ' ?,,i, I saladies, men -who without one excep- 1 6 If so, come to church on 'Course, 'Toronto, the thio' time in I to LQndon 20 years, ago. As the re- coat with white fur and black hat. organization m , eeting was held Fri- 'k *R' I . Sunday, May ist. The Y. P. S. have , able headway during the past few the history of this course that this sult of a'stroke sbe.has been blind The gr6b�n Was supported by his. bro- day evening at 8 p.m. in the to,w a . 14 I I �4,�! tion, have ,been and are giving &II �`iecured for their anniversary ser- days. I . has been accomplished, ther, Roy Smale, Of 'Hensall. A ,buf- hall Hensall, with a very good at- � I . Mr. Henry Strang, of Exeter, occ-u- for about 13 years. Her husband $_,�` I their time and all their talents to up- *"'Ices, the Rev. Keith Love, of St, ,Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davison, of De- i had been aotiwe in the Uaniadian Club fat lunIch was served at tlie' bride"t ten, ' .�: I dance of players and fans, present. . Thomas. He is, a gifted speaker, pied the pulpit on Sabbath -last ow, troit, were the 941ests recently of - home in'Hensall. FO inng the cere- The following, ofters were appoint,- � '�r�' I hold and maintain the usullied rerputa- 'he inability of 'Mr. Rogers Mrs. Dawson ,and Mr. and Mrs. Mh,l- I and unemployed- bureau of London. llo , "' - g", . rich in experience and wants to share i ng to t She leaves four sons, Col. S. P. Me- m0nY 06- Young couple left by motor ed, Ist Honorary President, J. W. k, ` tion of * Canadian, justice. 'his wealth with you personally. If being able. to be there. . .. 14�11 � leett and 11�01)e, qf- London., spent the Mordiee, of Prince Rupert; R. A., �f for Pol-t -Stanley, Windsor --and De- Ort*ein; 2nd hon,6rary president, J. ` ' 'Pti . ilday, Mr, Andrew -McLellan who bad gonp we . to work for Mr. Jaimes Barbour, at n ide travelling in a sa,nd W� MicMillan; 3rdho-norary president, I 1* Np, Judges hre not overpaid. Tf you attend these services on, Su ek end with her. I Vancouver; Major �H. C., of VA ni- troit, the bn ;�-r � -nfbe idenL sts, of -Mr. I . � the average rural ,mei r of Par- May .1st, you wilfreceive your share. Mr.- and Mrs. W. J. Knox, of TO- peg, and W'. J,, of Toronto, and a dress ,with tweed coat with lapen fur, N;Vfm. O'Brien; president, T. E. Drfi,m- I . .1 Fk;'. ' We harve done our part to oust "Old Staffa, met with a -painful ace ro'nto, were' Week end guie daughter, ,Miss 'Mary, MaMlordke, at hat, shoes, purse, the gift of the rnon- vice-president, D. A. Ca-fitelon; 7.1 liament is worth.four thousand diol- Man 3 p I I .1 . I I e ression." Will you do ov�ing to the horses running ama.�'. and'Mrs. E.SturgeOn. Eva Sturgeon bom . 11 .. ,�,i�, �e,;�, � lars a year of the ppple's rrooney, and . He was somewhat bruised but is able e . I groom, to match. Mr. andMrs. Smale manager, E. L. Mickle; coaches, R. �i,", yours ? .1 returned with, them. Died in Michigam—The following will reside in Hens'all. Webber and E. Shaddock; secredar;- �� I to be ,around agaiti. : 1.11 ,,�, -he is, the judges. are certa�nily not be- Remember the play, "As a Woman Miss Alma McKay, iMss Helen Cur- -pt% i M., - Thinketh," to "be ne and M�,r. J. INcDonald, of Toronto, I " V.I., who'has bee i which we have clippedlyom, a Michi- Rev. Mr. Stewart,' of Staffa, preach- treasurer,. James, X Paterson; niaa- . . . ,� , I 11ars. Miss Mildred Quance, I gan paper will no'doubt prove of inA ed very tucceptalbly in th' Herbert (JeTTy) Drummbnd; �� �� 'he Young People of St. Andrew',$ very ill Of late, is improving nicely were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. 11 .�� Ing overpaid at five thousand do ,-presented here by � 11"T ­, I The Goverament, we believe, will I terest to many readers of The ExT Church on ,Sunday lag, the evening field captaiii to be 9,ppoil44 by the , i , �; �liited Church, BaYfield, on ,�d and is n,ow able to, take a walk Out. H. R. McKay. , . -May2 , positor, referring as it does to one service being in charge of the pastor, team "at first game; e�cecutivtes to con - ,C), hesitate long before making a cut in at 8 0,,lock. This is a grand chance Mr. Albert Neil,, of Kirkton, f0siled (MT. and Mrs. E. H.. Johns, and fam- ; n . � I f the early settlers-, first in the rural Rev. A. Sinclair. At the conclusion sist of above ofacials. The secretary - , 11'� the salary paid the. Judges, and if for the MimIlAb male to get, an unde-r- ,with friends in the,village last week. ily were at Wiartoli for the week dOistriet a few milest east of Our vil- of the sermon, Mrs. M. He,dden and .was insitructed to write ithe-O.E.A.A. I " .. . �� ��. , they refuse, we also believe their de- standing of the way a-wonign thinks. ___��_ end. . . . I ]age, and afterwards a resident of' Miss Xargaret 'Johnston siang very stating the club's intention of enter- � I " ", I 1. . �cislon will be backed, by every clear also for the other sex to improve I ,De. A. S. 'Atkinson, Mrs, Atkinson He,,, t, �,!, . ,all: f"Robert HwbkiA, INteada acceptably, "They Crucified Hira," a ing team in Intermediat� Cliss 13 . I . their thinking. Let's all go toBrti-ce- TUCKERSMITH and! Cagey 'Aitkinson, and Mr. andl i�wnship pioineet, was buried in Col- request number. for P932, d1so asking for a#plica,tiont, . I � 11 thinking Canadian citizen. field on May Ist and 2nd. ... ,Mrs. J. A. Atkiii-gom and family, of . , 11 . F, % I . fax cemetery-Mblidgy afternoon after Dr." Ivan. Smillie sang iliat beauti. foe registration in samie. It was de- I . , I .1 '. ..., I � . 4_nl�� . Rose Bushes--mol-land rose bushes, 15 cents Detroit, were at their cottage for I funeral services were conducted at f,ul bymn, "My -Mother's Prayer," on cided to-bave a practise every Thurs- . . ___ e&cb at Beattie Bros. 8359-1 .. r 'r the week 6rid. . i I Sunday'�ve�lng Iasi at 'Main Streec clay nightl A least, with a full teim �,,�!�� , I the faAmily residence. Mr. Hafbkirk 9AC, � .1 United dnhuroh-,' kxeter,, " ,-' '---' in attendance, and all players wish- ��` Whither, Inspector Field? STANLEY ' , .Miss'Laura Taylor, Of Stratford, The A. Y. P. A. ,of St. .James', . was in his 84th Year and hao lived , I t I.- ��,,,' - - , . spent Wed in Meade 36 years . �n a 'ing to try q . ut, pleas4,-report at once. I IV,5f� - . nesdJay with her mother, Middleton,' iSt. Jolin'&, Varna, and, and raised his pleasing manner. "'T V, I I (The New Outlook) Trinity ,Church, Baoelil, met at the � I - Ed bad been- in poor- ,� I 11" N." Do not forget to come to the Blake Mrs. John Taylor. family there. . �% , U I rectory Friday evening for a � ;_ ., . .i , "' I - '. ' Church -on Friday evening and bear The many friends of Miss I�pgigv I , musical health for thTeef �Years atid unable to T!�!��____ . , " � - � --------7- — I , . . IN,., � Wbat has gone) wrong '--%r.1..th our the play, "The Village IALwyer," put Doig, Georgetown, will be sorry to ..eve7mn'g- A, very, intefesting talk on jo any' farm w,ork during! that time . , I I I ., � .. I I—. - - I .. - Ute.., I school inspecton I �?' Within ihe la,.t 1 , I I � 1111"", on by our young people. her serious illnevs. Soidud warif gl"n by the rector, Mr. but had been, about the hoillik and . I � " ", , . . 11 � �, ' ' r,,� � �. Mr. BGft 15u,nn. of Toronto, is ' Mr. and Mr , , Lordon, � n jxpired al 'X� � . month, two Of them, in public ad- S. M. *1-iOdgert, Paull. I'Deve4opi&nt of --String In- farm until Shturday wbe he _ ' . �1�k.�. I � . %eg referring to liquor, have in , strunients" was given bk Nina Heard. suddenly a few minutes, aftei goien . , dres spending a -few d�ys at the home of and Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, of Efim- . 9 6111 a very conspicuous wa-V put up men lVb-. W. J. Dowson. ville, were guests'of Mr. This was followed by a piano duet. by '41 -�, and Mrs. ' to bed in the afternloon, saying that Order May Chkks Now, 11. - '' N,�.. , 1.�� of straw apparently for the purpose Miss Mabel 'Calver has iefiiiiied, Thomas Hodgert on, SundaY. 1 Mds. Paull -dud Floy E<I*ards-- musi- he didn't feeil very well Deceased . I , . 1. I a I � I , 't", , , I I . . *f ,knocking theimi down. ,home from G&Seriob, where she had Mr. and �Mrs. G. D. tHandle and cal 'eOwPOser% an in-teresti;W paper .was� born' in H,awick, itexborough- . ;N � I Inspector Field, of Goideri-ch, ad- bia-,yn taking medical treatment. Janet, -of London, a --- � __ - Nalne on, the life of Franz Schubert, follow, ,shire, "Sioutland, November J, 1848. BARRED ROCKS AND WHITE ROCKS AT 12 CHNTSe 1 '4�' � �J , - '�,i, I dTessinig a sdotion of the Ontario Ei�- The Goshen WJMA. held their reg- and Nellie Velibeen, Seidorth, were ed by one of his compositions "Se,- When five years old,he caine with hig ; ;0.. . I lie -on Aesiociation. asks, with a ular �rronthly -meeting last Thursday guests of ',Mr. and !Mn. J. D. Gem- enade?'.9ung13y,Lu,cy Woodsi and much .WHITE LEGHORNS AT 10 IdENTS . � I ��, � .1 .!,�� aiti i parents to Iftensall, Ont. There,was. � I . 11 ­ V I "t .. I I . appred. ated, Tlxe lifp of Edward Grieg his ­hbiwe­ for tithe next 45 yeavd. .. I 1". ,� . manifest flourish, "How ,dan it be a aft the home of Mrs. Percy, Johnston. mell. . � . �, 11 j� '�,,i� � " was reltd and,Mrs... played one . I �, ,, sin to take a sip of winte?", Who Mi-. and Mrs. George Andersob and Wdss Elizabeth Taylor is a patient . Paull "Norwegian There also be wgrriedi- Mary Connor � Your Extra Chicks.�er Hundied. ,, I ­ ­ - I ' 1. I " - ' - . 1� T, r: i, 4 . 7. ,said it was?. Some individuals m1AY Leona spent Sun�ay at the home of in ,Scott Memorial Hospital) suffering of his *6mpogitions, and-thexe his, childrep, were born. In I . I I .1 . Bridal Procession." Two eantostsi in ,W� will Supply eggp from our blood -tested, flucks and bat'ch e �',',. �' f '%'64'—'O;�held, but I do not recall in Mrs. Robinson, &,. frolm. Pleurisy. 1897 thei family'eamer to Meade and them, for firvt cents each. . . . "", I I., . ing 'with charge of Murial Robwell a4d iRfuth ,� �x. r", " 41 iny' eiperiefice, any ease of ,such a MT. Edgar Smifth has returned to Mrs, George Bell is visit , settled on what is now their fina We Will Guarantee �,50 per �ent. Hatch for 5VZ Cents Each. - 1* * ,�,: " I ; stateblienit ItAlrni a teacher �eietbter in hi -4- home on the )Goshen, - Elliott gavemuch pleasure. Refresh. f,,m, although �art- the time it wa,3 One-half the people who bought Chicka from us in Mareh .i i �, 11 �ane after Mr. and Mrs. A. J. I%usfton. ' i. , �, I � . ,,the secular sO,hools, or in the Sunday ,,�pendirig some weeks, with his aunt, ­ ments were seTvad. m4re or lets of a-wil&emess. Be. have not lost the four extra Chicks. I I . .1. -_ ____­_--_ "I'. gehools.-- The attack is on a social Mrs, Hiindes, of Tupperville. . The play, "As. a Woman Thinke,tb,,t sidefth,6,midow the remaining family . .. �, - , A cheek up reveals that over 95 per cent. of all Chicks sold I 11, � i 7, � �i, - i1vs,bjfjjf1on, h6cause 6f its reoults. Mr. and Mrs.. ,Chester ,Smith, of ZURICH 11 re an consists of seven, �children, four sons I ,, � . I .was well performed -befo, appree- ­ y . are still &ing strong (ages 2 to 6 weeks). . '. �, I I 1,1%mU that the Methollirst church, Zvricb, spent Sunday'afternoon with iative audie=4 in the Town H -all, and %bree Mukhters: ,George, of, De- ,Government approved and bloodtested by Capital ' a-' 4 1 '?�3"'i.1111 I to,which t0iia country Owes consider- Th"as Robinson and family� 'The annual conference of tb e Hensall, on' Mokay ,evenhvg, under ta-oit; Robert, of Alpena, John of tories, Ottawa. Labor 1".�,� ,i�, , ', , ��'.. 'I., � ,�, ". , 4.6le. Ugj�j to sev . ��I�� 1. I,, I . : "The liquor traffic __ — - the auspices of the. Young People'T Kalamazoo, Walter, at �omp. ' ThL . 6 r, '1�1�, UP,, i"""', 9 _. . . . Evangelical Church concluded it ses Three 'flocks had no reactois, Three more had only one .11, . ;11;41 I I. cauntat be licig,nse(j wilh-but sin." No . daughters are: Mrs. W. R. Day, Isa- ea)6h. , . ..., -thi s week. gs welre League, of Hersall United Church. % "I y sions The meetift All flocks with many reactorq 'were dropped from our list and'no, ." � �!, -honest indf careful thinke-r will con- WINTHROP beld in Kite'llener. Rev. - W. Y, This play is to be given in Bracefield. belle, oTSan Fra;ncisco; Ruth, of SaNi ��� , I., � I I " � I I . � � I I eggs purchased from thpm. ".. 11 " �, . twe those two. 11,81if I is a word much next week. , Franvisco, and gisff Margaret, at I . . :� Oranigemen - Express Syrtipathy_ Drier who has been. pastor of the . . All Chicks 'are hatched in a separate ,sanitary hatcher at a ",' I"! � - - . iffil .... ,lI J� to�day- lot us say "social � . un, �ei . . ,�. :.,i t�� At the ­,last meeting of the Ora,nge ,Zuri;J -church for the past five years, Rev. and Mrs. Galet, ;Mrs. McKen. home. MT. HnbkiTk wals one of temperatureof about 91 degrees. I 1, , -,.. , t0tq, 'Will Mr: ni'eld- s,ay that it is I i - and highly . I , 1­"�. � I ­ I , on *as has been trandeived to Wilverton. zie, Mrs. Robert Si Reid, and Mivs, L. Meade's, anasit gubs�antial . . ,v rpgsf�bl,� to opil 'liquor to the Public, Lodge, the f011-dwing"' �mlOti lided the' meeting I " � ,,:,,.'T: , ,p � � I E. Bu�ns� of th-at town, will take Brownett atte of respected citizens. He was greatly �� ", iq � .j.0, ',,Ji�ej.ij 1, � ., _ �g� . ­ I 2 - S ,�,,;��. . . I I resulting svocial Pas ed: Moved bey. Xf..John Bullard Rev. eab emed by all neighbors and ac , I . I , . � ��_ - I I R . � the plice of Rev. Drier hw�p. Nelt Pr(4bytery ond Nlesbyterial, of the I � � J. E. McKinley, Zurich i " I . and seconded -by 'Mr. Irwin Trewar-, . ntan�es." , 11 , pr,,�.qp,ii�i� ". - . 1 �L,�a ,,,, t�-,, e� , , , �. , I... t WIC r Tsi empatible, Ps conferettee will be held . __ i,P,,�,i 140*1142", I I 1 14, eill as an ed- tha and resolved that ;'Mw. James Year I In Ored.. W.-MiS, Of the United ChuTch at q-uai Misses Mcrivem,- daughters of . I , -. 4� 44 IF �­ .;Wii, 1,4! I , � , Wingbam oi% Tuesday. . I The � ­q,"N ,�I� I '1-1111111. PHONE NOW TO 97 r 4i HENSALL - �, §�.�'fd,�";A'4 I .1 is�v, 0* " t to , , Simpsbn be tendered the followitlig iton, ,""."'t, " , .1 . 11"t , "MT, 'Dan Hagan, of p&V61,11, visite,I The Young People's Departme�j of -the late Mt. and 'Mrs. John Metwen, , , . I 1. rt by p ies Si m '­,' ­,­ I . ,,q p letter: "To Mr. .Ttal I I I ... � 8857-6 �._ 0,i .. .... R1_ " 1111,1W 'P,t, ".., .d' d Ill . qj 1_1j, ,, in ie,l- Deaa- Prie�nd and Broth". at the home of hi,,4 broth ur Ited j0hurch 1held � 11P, qt�j% . . - ",I, 4' 1 " � � , , I �. ,� " , ", �', I '11"i" I i I— I . � I '11-902 4L . .- , � �1' I � I .11. 1. ", 9`Vo:1.,N"TiftMt'�; 11i"..., _ I 0,11 - 1, - 1, � 4 , , ,' 66 �010 T - ol . Chas, St., AmAihien0b UY-d at tJhe west,em oultt�,Uiitg of our ivil- . I .. '11';,4 itl­ - 6t , WeMl flagan, of te I % their regular mtetft Thursday, April lage, have given the,contract fair th;6 9-- ______ . -1 I , , , . . ­ - I .i " , ��, 10t i.W 1, , . de� officets and members OY the Winthrop , . ky. I -r- - M - 1-1 wi, �. 1. I ,?,',I-- ,.,.�,,, U,0jtiqJg&j*b1y,1b0ii %tten � 1. .11 41 11. . , . �'Ili­ � I I ".. I , I .1 . � � I I � ,,i�, 1. ", ; 1. . 11 � I fe I ­i)�, I .. I _ . 1. I � . , � ,,,,,, ; 1 ., . . , 121, I t� ,�, � �4 1 . I . . I . I . I I I � I . I . -1 . � . ! . , , I I L I 1 4 . � _ ... . . 1, .. ': I I . . - .; � , ;-yl, ,� `�,, � I .. , I: L , I � . ­­ ­ ", . I , ,; 1, "', I . . * I I � . :., , "�, , � , 4 , 1,��,, �i!::� �, , . , , I I I " , " ? o , I " � I �J,:Rtl... �� ... . . "; ,, .�, �r "i,, . , Ill I �.i��.,..:., , " . I " � � � � � � ; � ; � � ; - � ;;;;;; , n� �' 1.1"', 1, ­ -,�-;� , , ­ , . �_ .. , � .. � I . �, 11 '?� k%, g'� , , ­ "', � . I I ,..�, I � I � I . . . . , . . . I . . E. I &tl 11 ". -4 -,� ��j�, � - -, -A � - -, , , i V..", I , 1,., , , 01. . - I " , .. I " �,, ;, Lf ;: I . "" , . . � ... � .. I IL � I I I 4 1 ... - - , ,li ,­ # ", " , , I , - .. t'rl, t� ,�o�jj,11;ol �241� , � ,.�, I , I - " �Ij . � ­ 'e L"" . , , I " L � . i":"�, ',,�,,,��,,o, I , l�; , I ' _­ . � I ,&�,-, :i" " 1 ,j� " , ) , I I L ! . � , , L, "Alle �11k�, ,, �,�") " I ie ., I ` T'Z , 9� ... il"I 101,111I.N11611.111VII I'll , ,,, " �,� , -,� "�'I'�",� " , 'I 121(i , 4, ,� �� " , . , — "I '� ., - Q ,,�8 ,,l .'�-., i`,`,'I�, ';t�."14�,.J,, mikiiiaw _ . .... ��.. .. - '. ,� � && &­ ��,', y2i .,,aNA0,,1k,2ec`v,` "� 0, 1� '4 ,. ���������� , � r � - 0"I'A"I" - "'..".1, , �� , I �� * , , * , i j, �, ��, � � . � 1_111 �� i, 0, i , --,�, , "',: , " �� -1 I 11 .,� , , ,,�,,� 4 . �.�� 4� . , .i X,N,R,,,'� .t� . -),;.&�, WA , �,�"��,,,,�.,i,?;,*�l�'�"',',"�,��,�, -?",. 1,111i 5"Z M`���� t0z kL 11111Z.N, �k� �k� k �� A, ,A4 ..", ,�';!;�-4z!�A,'tg, L �, " � """d", �=i�� , 41, �v 139,"I.&, kid&A, , ""a ;!,i .", = ­1,11),11��,� .�,�k,�,��,.�..�,;�.111;,�,i��l",P�,�ii,�ill�i'�'.�"""I'l��l�'�*,"41�';�,!.,�, �,�,�,'�I'i�,,,,!,,i, �,�k'? �',D� DN!'k"., , i� ,,,�,,����f,�..",j:-��,��,t...,��,�;,��,�., " ",.,�L4L'a,.,�13 , �`,��Zffil�" -J" �