HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-04-15, Page 5I!. yyl made .:u alit eelexlt ppP live° stoelc to T"urento -i►1* Saturday,' iNe are, pleased to.ileal' eUe school' jaell again and that 'J S,cook •is able to .ntiai+ her .dudes,°' . and Made; 4dajnn,_ 'of •] etrpit, -Were !ale guests c1'f Mr; and Mrs, F. 'Weekes 'over tbe • week end., s. Mrs, .'1! ulton, ' of Sarnia, spent Sun- '.da',with her sister, 'Mei te-Beatty. IAS,,, N3 'Muter has been busy decor - eating 'Mr. F. 'Coleman's house in Seaforth. 'Mr: George 'Cole'm'an made a ship- enent of live stook, from Brucefield to ''Toronto on e'atr:ilyday, . Misses Jean and 'Frances Mossop 'spent +Setlirday in London. • There is still a few cases of flu in our countryside. Mrs, Charles Rathwell has return- ed from the. coast .to join her hus- band on the Babylon Line. W INTHROP A successful euchre and dance was held in the hall last -Friday night. The lore part of the evening was spent in progressive euchre. 1 Those carry= .._ling off the prizes were: Ladieifirst prize, Miss Annie Pryce; ladies' lone hand prize, Mrs. 'George Eaton; men's -first prize, Mr. William Boyd; men's lone haled prize, Mr. .Bob Smith. Af- ter lunch a few hours. were spent in dancing. Miss Gladys Smalldon spent the -week end with her aunt, Mrs. Georga Eaton. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dalton are moving to the farm eicently occupied' 'by - Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Campbell motor- ed to Toronto' on 'Saturday. Mrs. Sutherland is visiting her .dau'ghtere in Toronto. 'Mr. George Wheatley and a friend from Dublin spent the week, end in Detroit. The regular monthly meeting of Calven'W..M. 'S. and 'Ladies' Aid was held Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Irvin Tre'wartha. About twenty members were present. The Easter thankoffering was presented following an appropriate dialogue by Misses Irene Bolton and Reta Camp - ,tell. 'Mrs. A. Patrick, president two, was in the, chair and Mrs: D. 'Mac- Farlane gave, thetopic. Circle 3, -under the leadership of Mrs. F. Bul- lard,: -took charge of the remaining part of the ' meeting. 'Mrs. Joseph Little played an .enjoyable piano solo ur lgav tile. ' •at'tigrostP . Tea , . er O by the ladles in Charge. C. Delin>rges ' , Blansharst, P . Tit, T..Eat'ran and ViHnliard went ;do see the hodkey inatch, 'London ye, W'ind'sor, in London, Thursday even. i Andrew 'Counts.' entertained his Friends"in the A.D.I .W. hall on Wed nesday evening. Clean the Henhouse. With the taming of spring the chicken -house should be cleaned thor- oughly. Doubtless there are breed- ing places ....for .., lice and mites that should be routed out and desttroyed. before the warm weather conlesy to increase the pests by thousand% 'Firstly, remove all perches, nests, feeding hoppers, water containers and other movable equipment. Clean out all the litter and sweep the floor and walls to remove dust, cobwebs and other dirt. After the first job has been completed, the interior of the chicken house should be washed. with hot, soapy water. A bloom is a good tool for doing this task ,well and quickly. Spray the walls and floor 'with some good disinfectant. The house should be thoroughly✓ dried,. and ventilated after, the spraying_,be- fore the chickens are allowed to en- ter. BIRTHS Fell. -In Scott Memerial Hospital, Seaforth, on April 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fell, of Staffa, a son, IMPORTANT NOTICES BABY CHICKS FOR SALE.—S. C. W. Leg - horns and O. A. C. Bred -to -lay Darrel Rocks,. Leghorn exceptionally heavy -laying strain. Averate daily production of 1,500 hen. for the last three months was . 1,021 eggs. Bred for health, vigor andhigh Pro- duction.. April prices: Leghorn, 11 cents; Barred Rocks, 12 cents. May prices, 1 cent less. No Rock eggs set after April 23rd un- less specially ordered. We have used pedi- greed cockerels for five years; W. HUIVIE cLurioN, R. R. 5, Goderich. Phone 1413, Carlow.'.` 3i357.tf PRIVATE SALE. -THE FOLLOWING ARE offeredfor private -sale at Lot 10, Con - cess -lion 13, Mc} floe. 1114 miles_,eas•t ,f Lead- bury: Twenty-five pounds of bee foundation, 1 bee smoker, 1 honey knife, 2 slats extrac- tor, 1 ton honey tank, 150''emnty bee boxes, 50 to 60 hives of bees, sbee screens, 7 two- year-old steers, weight 5571-900 pounds ; 1 heifer, 800 lbs.; 1 6 -year-old cow in call': 1, fre.h cow and calf; 750 pounds -Yellow Blos- som sweet clover. GORDON HOLMES. 3357-3 found Investment.- C�m' s,ei. 1. 'Safety of Principal 2: Good Interest Return 3. Ready Marketability These three basic requirements of sound invest- ment are available to -day on a more attractive income basis than in the past decade. . Analysis of present holdings may reveal.. • unknow. weakness or unknown oppor- tunity. Our advisory service will gladly submit both an- alysis and ' recommendations, if desirable, upon request. E. A. SIEG•RIST. &..CO., LIMITED New Bank of Toronto Bldg., LONDON, ONTARIO. PHONE METCALFE 3370 Order May Chicks Now BARRED ROCKS AND WHITE ROCKS AT 12 CENTS WHITE LEGHORNS AT '10 CENTS Four Extra Chicks per Hundred.' We will supply eggs from our blood -tested flocks and batch them for fi'v'e cents each. - We Will Guarantee a 50 per cent. Hatch for 5%Z Cents Ea2h. One-half the people who 'bought 'Chicks fromus' in March have not lost the four extra Chicks. A cheek up reveals that over 95 pt'r Cent. of all Chicks sold are still going strong (ages 2 to 6 weeks). 'Government approved and bloodtested by Capital Labora- tories, Ottawa. - Three flocks had no reac'ters. Three inore had only one each. All flock -'.with many reactors Were dropped from our list and no e'ggs;,pu' chased from them. *11 'bt'hicks are hatched in a separate' sanitra r, hatcher at a temperature of about ,97 degrees. ' J. E. -McKinley, Zurich PHONE'NOW•TO 97'r 4, HENSALL 3357-6 Use Seaforth . Highest Quality C cam ry Butter 18 YearsAlways Confidence in b1usineas is obtained by years of depelidable service. We Want Cream.. "1':QRE .REAM"—"GOOD CREAM" .,.. ��t" ;tin t � �:, c ' Deliver your' d dial' tl#rec't or send'! y track or express and receive our highest market prl'ce,.eonsist'enti with accurate weights and tests. Deliver your cream and receive your money. SEAFORTH CREAMERY C. A, BARBER, Proprietor. " AO tl�a Iicl tefi.- ll aS # <{, - e' � lk. i 9 t 4 .✓iron 7k ,atia, 1`diias I1SSG near 'geth'w'a Padreen yeengesil.4alrsh r of the late Rev,' 3amke 'Duncan, 'storm .rly' et Wayrlrwortih Northii*erlandf nngland,' end CARD OFF THANKS Mr,, and MM. John Snidery and family de; sire to thank. their Many' friepds and neigh- bors for ,their” expressions of sympathy durinx their recent -bereavement,' and also for the floral tributes and 'leap of cars, 3857x1 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, AT Lot 27, Concession; 8, S.R.S., T3rcker- smith Township, on Wedneslay, April 20th, at 1.30 pan. Draft horse 10 years old; aged horse; Durham cow 5 years old, freshened 3 weeks; Durham cow 7 years old, freshened 4 weeks ; Durham cow due'to freshen in May; Durham cow 7 years old, due to freshen time of sale; Durham cow freshened 1 mantis; Ayrshire cow 6' years old, freshened 1 month; Ayrshire cow 4 years old, freshened in Janu- ary; Ayrshire heifer, S years old, due to freshen in May; Jersey cow 4 years.old, due to freshen in August; 7 young cattle in good condition; •v young calves; Portland cutter in good shape, light wagon, hay tedder, feed box, ' fattening crate. Terms —Cash. V. 'TERRYBERRY, Proprietor; ° George I3, El- liott, Auctioneer. 3357-1 AUCTION SALE OF BRICK HOUSE 'AND LAND IN THE VILLAGE OF EGMONDVILLE, AND - -HOUSEHOLD , FURNITURE The Executor of the Estate of Alexander Charlesworth, deceased, will offer for sale by public auction, on SATURDAY, the Beth APRIL, 1932, al 1.30 p.m.., on the preinices, the following rands situate in' the Village of Egmondville, being composed of Village Lot 4, on the South side of, East Bayfield Street, as laid down on a map of said village made ,for C. L. , VanEgmond and registered; also a part of Lot 10, in the Second Huron Road Concession of the Township of Tuckersmith. in said County .. of Huron, which may be particularly described as follows,: Commenc- ing at a point at the North East _corner of said Lot 4, thence Easterly along '"BE`yfleld Street 1 chain, 25 links; thence Southeely in a line 'parallel.with the Eastern Boundary of said Lot 4, 'wo, chains.. Thence 'Westerly in a line parallel with Bayfield Stet, 1 chain, 25 links. Thence along the I'iaaterly boundary of ,said Lot .4 to the place of be- ginning containing one-quarter of an acre of land more or fess, on which land is erected a comfortable brick dwelling . house. TERMS OF SALE ON •' LAND. ; Ten per cent cash at the time of sale; balance within 30 days thereafter. ff ,At the same -time and place the following chattels will be sold by public auction: - 3 small tables, 1 piano, 1 parlour carpet, 1 bedroom suite, 1 bedroom linoleum.....1 'bed- room smite. Ioak),-,1 mirror, 1 rocker, 1 lawn mower, 1 hall rack, 1 writing desk and book- case, a number of books, 4 parlor chairs, one wardrobe, I' ;dresser, 1 washstand, 1 music rack, 1 ,sewing machine, 2 hat maks, two vases, 2 rocking chairs, '2 easy chairs (horse hair), 1 hair lounge, 1 parlour table, 1 bed- room 'matting, 1., sideboard, 1 dining room table, 4 chairs, 1., arm chair, 1 clock, 1 kit- chen range, 1 kitchen rocker, 1 hedge shears, 1 washstand, 2 kitchen cupboards:' 1 'kitchen table, 1 step ladder, 1 'hand washing 'ma-• chine, 1 flour bin, 1 liox stove and stand; 1 hanging lamp, 1 horsehide robe, quantity of dishes 'and other articles. - IJuSMS OF SALE ON CHATTELS -Cash. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known at the time of sate and may be had in the meantime from the undersigned. -. R. S. HAYS, Executor's Solicitor, Seaforth, Ont. 3357-3 AUCTION SALE OF DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT AND CONTENTS OF SAME IN THE VILLAGE OF EGMONDVILLE The Adm'inistratrix of the Estate of Mar- garet A. Charlesworth, late of • the Village of Bgmmondvtl'le, Widow, deceased, has in- structed George H. Elliott. Auctioneer, to sell by public auction on Saturday, April 16th, 1932, at 2 p.m., sharp, on the premises, the following desirable property: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate; lying and being in the Village of Egm'ondville, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being composed of Lot number Four (4) on the North side of East Front Street in the 'said Village of Egmondvillle.. On said lot 's erected a one story asphalt shingled" covered house, with first class roofing containing six rooms anal;.,.there is also a small shed on the premises. - .,.. At the sante time and ' place, the following chattels will be sold by public auction: One Victrola, 1 couch, 1 cooking stove, 1 gaso- line stove and oven, I table, 1 ladder, 1 clothes rack. 4 clock, bedding, wood, fruit and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms on Property. -Ten per centof pur- chase price on day of sale, balance within thirty days. Terms on Chattels. -Cash. For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to JOHN J. HUGGARD, Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for the Administratrix. Dated March 31st, 1932. 3355-3 SHERIFF'S SALE OF° LANDS ' COUNTY OF PERTH Under and by virtue of a -Writ of Execu- tion issued out of the Supreme Court of On- tario, to me directed and delivered against the lands 'end tenements of WILLIAM AR- THUR WRIGHT wherein ISABELLA JANE wrete T is the plaintiff, I have seized and taken in execution and will offer for sale by. peblic auction at my office in the Court House, in the City of Stratford, in the Coun- ty of Perth, on Tdehday, the 19th day of April, 1932, at the hour of 2 o'clock p.m., all the right, title, and equity of redemption of the' said WILLIAM Arrili17R WRIGHT, in to and out of the following lands and tene- ments, , being composed of Lot Number 29, Concession I0, in the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth. On the' premises are supposed to be a brick house, bank barn, drive shed, etc. M. F. IRVINE, Sheriff. County of Perth. Sheriff Office, Stratford, Ont., . January 19th, 1932. 3354.4 zaedoo FARMS FOR SALE L,IMtM FOR BALE.—FOR SALE PART LOT 28 and 29, Concession I, McEntee),eon. taming 192' acres and known so the T. 111. Hays farm. Must be sold .to close the aststt If not sold will be rented. For particulars apply to J. ' M, OOVENLOCR, ' Executor, .'Set. forth. 220141 THE 'JOHN i'ANIIN AGENCY -' Insurance of 'all kin'da Bonds, • Real. Estate Money to Loan SEAFORTIrI, ONTARIO Phone 91' Riven that ill Fig 4d Wu' l rrt 4141405 -un i, , A .t r �rcii hi 82 +uf:'�.�. cele., elt Ile gr ed, :law. for : j5 WC,ecn'tp lT1l4 , and veeilietl:,.bj)r a obit of fhetx ei5'hns on or before' 'lee 25th 4s4 At APO 2e: 1W N,Q0104:#kiftudIkMit GIVEif thaVt aftpr„the 8,4(11pixf.evationed date, the Amiss -- tore will Pra'eeed abet.4lsuttibu he assets of the said depeaag4 hv•viag rd ynly to claims of sehieh 'Lica then shall, have hat! nedice. SATED ad ses,forth, Ont,, this 5th day of April, 1932, 'HAYS, Solicitor ,tor Executors. 3855.4 NOTICE., TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that all treat' tors ,and others 7uayiee claims against the estate of Robert Betts, lute of the Tewnship of McKillop, feigner, who dried on the Sib of March, 1932, are required to send to the undersigned& solicitor' for the . executors, full particulars✓fid verified by affidavitof their claims on or before the 25th of April, 1982. AND NOTICE. IS FURTHER ' GIVEN that. alter the said last Mentioned date, the Execu- tors will proceed to distribute the assets of the geld deceased, baring' regard only to claims of which they then shall have had notice, -DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 5th day of April, 1932, 1{. S( HAYS, Solicitor for Executors. 8815-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Margaret A. Charlesworth, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all cre•liSrst and ,theta' having claims against the estate of Margaret. A, -Charlesworth, late of the Village of Egmondville, in the County of Huron, Widow, -who died on the 12th day of February, 1932, are required to send to the undersigned, solicitor-- for the Administratriet, full particulars and verified by affidavit of their:,cla.lms on or before the 18th day. of. April, 1932. "AND. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that 'after the said last mentioned date. the. Ad- minis'tra'trix wiljl° proceed to distribute the assets of the saidt deceased, having • regards only to the claims Of which she thea shall have had notice. DATED" at' SeaforthOntario, , this list day of March, 1932. JOHN J. HUGGARD, Seaforthe rOntar to, Solicitor for ,the Administratrix. 3355-3 TENDERS WANTED Tenders wili, be reeeiterl by the underaigne..' or any. member of the Council, of the Town ship of liuliett, uptil Thursday, the 28th day of . April...1952, at 3 ,o'clocic p.m., for the furnishing of the power nc'essnry to operate the -stone or'.gravel'cnrsher fur the Township n•' Hallett; the furnishing of all re"os.;ary :ah,r to keep the machine rune rg•t, rapac- itc, and placing the crushed mat a iol in the bin . ready for delivery; said creeked material to be. made fine epough •to go through .a One - inch screen. .Ail -,crushed mat: -'-i raring into the back bin not to be paid far uniess re- quired by the. Councils Tender.; to include, the moving -of. the ..crusher from one. PiS to :nn-, other if required. Council to fel—cosh' she ell for the machine but not. for the tri to Con- tractor to clean off all 'rerfrse material' from the top of,•the -:pit and 'to"" keefl'-sam5- itc S' Proper condition, Also a separate tender for the delivery of the crushed material at so much per yard by 114' yard truck per mile haul. • Contras:ter ..in either case to comply with the provisions of the Compensation Act Lowest or any ,tender' not necessarily accept- ed. Said tenders will he opened, at a meeting of . the Municipal Coupeil to be held in the Forester's Hall, Londesbero, • on Thursday,. April 28, 1932, at S o'dork in the' afternoon. JOHN FTIIGLAND, Clerk of Hallett - 3156 -2 BLOOD TESTED CHICKS Hatchery. and flocks are both in- spected under the Dominion Depart- ment of Agriculture's Hatchery Ap- proval Policy. The testing of the blood samplers was done by Capital" Laboratories; Ottawa. The erred -to -lay qualities of our birds are kept up-to-date by the pur- chase'of male birds from high record R. 0. P.- hens, owned by some of the most successful breeders in the coun- try. We expect to hatch about 1,500 Barred Rocks, 250 White' Rocks and 500 Leghorns per week. Please ordec about one month before you want your chicks, if you can. Don't think too much about the ,-price. We will use you right, , Come and see us, or phone 97 r 4, Hensel'. We will be glad to talk things over with you. Feed, Stoves and other suupplies kept on. hand. J. Elgin McKinley • ZURICH 3350-10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O p • W. J. CLEARY O O Licensed Embalmer and O O Funeral Director O O Up-to-date Horse and Motor O O Equipment. O O • Night and Day Service. O 0- Phone 19-22, Dublin. O O", O 0'O 0000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 II. C. BOR '0 0 Funeral Director and '0 O . Licensed Embalmer O 0 Best Motor and Horse.'drawn 0 0 equipment. O O Charges moderate. O 0 Flowers furnished on .short 0 0 notice. 0 O Night Calla Day Calla O O Phone 175 Phone 48 O 0 0 000000000000 a A BARGAIN FOR SALE.—Five acres, one mile from 'Seaforth; modern house' with furnace, bath and toilet p small ,bare, good orchard. Taxes, $15. Splendid chance to start chicken far'pi, bees, etc. Apply to R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. 1958 -ti ,lr )"T STEWART B is alwai sisted u'QUALITY always 'n �Won- anc persistently maintained at this store. - Qr highest grade merchandise is admitted -here. Whenyou buy at this store, even . at these greatly reduced prices, you can depend upon it you arevetting the same high . standard °of quality that this store has maintained .for ove. r y„-- °`-`" a quarter of a century. �'• -iutuw� 1 'WQMEN'S SP f TEINS CHILDREN'S - PrintDresses. e WOMEN'S DRESSES Non -run Art Silk Popular shades, trimmed. New attractive styles Sizes 2 to 6 years and with Panties to match. Fine 'guaranteed Celenesc New shades;" new styles' 3 9c-4 ,C. 4.95 WOMEN'S. OSE Silk Lisle Cotton . Ne''w Shades ' All Sizes Fine Thread All Sizes and Shades Child's -Black, Fawn, Good School Hose—All Sizes 59c 25c 19c Staples prints Towelihig Tea Towels Broadcloth Sheeting MEN'S Fast Colors, special quality Big assortment patterns and colors Irish Linen,, 174inches wide Assorted colored' borders. Pure Linen, size 19 x•30 Borders—Rose, Blue, Green, Gold 'W'abasso Quality, 36 inches wide Guaranteed colors—all new shades "Wabasso" even weaye Snow white, extra quality. Overalls a MEN'S Top Coats Men's Suits "Snag Proof Brand", strong, sturdy full size, triple stitched. Boys' same quality as men's 'Sizes 24 to 34 Here is All new a value you must see. Styles and Materials. Made. from famous Irish Twist in attractive colors, new styles. A 15c 15e 19c 190.: 5'Oc' 1.50 1.10 15.00 15,00 Men's Furnishings SHIRTS Pyjamas Work Shirts Sox,» Felt Hats CAPS TIES Underwear Work Sox Fine Dressy Shirts Collar attached. ' Yana Cloth, Kite Front Frog Fasteners. All sizes . Light or' Dark Blue Douible stitched, all sizes. Fine Dressy -Lisle and Art Silk New Patterns, New Shades. The New Shapes and Colors All nicely trimmed. Men's New Styles Latest Spring Colors. A Big range of New Dressy Shades and..Patterns. Men's Combination Balbriggan Short sleeve, knee length Pure Wool, Ribbed good wearers. 75c L25 65c 25c 2.50 1.00 50c 99c 20c STEWART BROS., SEAFORT ov;,+l1s�'�lu�,',(ra3l�Ii�;t ia'+Hayl�'t '°21 1: