HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-04-08, Page 5a 2 1.50 LE for Me - by Com• the and !lass - best shorn c in tntle- iver ; Medd, $5: Styes Gook Imo., 1.005 Bite.. Ober, ?ass- erts) ase- sr M. 6c. • P• 4 s. syr V I .1 44. M 4 ri ouin ce the*ape nng of the.; American ervice. rerun and Garage We respectfully,solicit your patronage at our Service Station and Garage, which is now open for business. Moderate charges, . and prompt service at all times will be our motto. Gas, Oils, Coal Oil. Fender Repairs and Welding. a Specialty. GODERICH STREET EAST, SEAFORTH. PHONE.. 27 DUBLIN .Mrs. W. 'Ht.• Evans, Galt, spent a -few— days with her sister, Mrs., P. • Matthews. Mr. Gerald Holland, of 'Windsor, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G, R. 'Holland. llliss Rose 'McConnell, of . Toronto, spent Easter 'holiday's with her par- -ents, Mr. and'Mrs.. D. MeConneH. Mrs. O'Reilly and children, Gode- rich; visited at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Molynea'ux. 'Lilly Robinson, Dunnville, is visit- 'in'g Mr. and ''Mrs. Frank' Smith. Mrs.' IMnlrray and Mildred spent 'Sunday with friends in .Bredhagen. Mr. John 'MoGratli shipped a car• load of :horses to Quebec City cn Sat - ,i rday. ' Mr. Lenard 'Siinith, of 'Kennilworth, • spent the. week end with 'Mrs. E. I 'Roach. .Many Fine .Features On New Ford The . new Ford V-8 represents • a notable advance in motor engineer- fing. The new car is large, long, roomy, last, �p,powerful, 'an'd 'alert. • Its eight - cylinder V -type engine develops 65 r.orsepower. The car is capable of 75 -miles an hour. Some of. the imtechanic'atl' features are rubber mounting for engine ; .downdraft carburetor.; , automatic spark 'Control; fuel pump;, reap fuel -tank; soft, .flexible ..springs; large mechanical four-wheel brakes; Antall, strong, .electrically welded steel -spoke -wheels and large tires. The frame is cushioned from the running gear by rubber insulators in the spring ,shackles and shock albsorlber lin'ks.,, The 14 body types may be obtain - ,ed also with- an improved -50 horse - 'power, 4 -cylinder engine at ltrw.er '•—cost. Body Interiors Roomy. The betties 'are fresh and modern --from theacefll rounded V -rad - S1' uY iator to bumper., rear Bodyinteriors .are roomy and richly finiShed. Seats are of 'new style, designed for utmost oconvfort.' Driver's seats in all cio"sect -oars are adjustable. A large ven'ti- -Wor is provided in the cowl. This wonderful car will be on dis- 'play ' in ',Daly's Garage on Monday aid Tuesday of next week. Mr. Daly, the local ,Ford agent; invites every- -ISM to comae in and- inspect the car. IMPORTANT NOTICES 1••1RLASS ,FARM OR SALE. -300 ACRES, Towmhhp Tuckersmith ; good well, windmill and cement water trough. If not :seed will rent. A. D. SUTHERLAND, In- surance, Real Estate, Conveyancing, Etc. Phone 152. 3355-1 WOR SALE.—TEN DURHAM AND HERE- dond calves will be at Commercial Hotel Barns, Hensen, on the afternoon of Spring Show Day, April 12th, from 1 to 5 p.m. WILLIAM COLLINS, 'Mitchell, Ont 3855x1 FARM TO RENT.—LOT 7, CONCESSION 7, Me(Ki lop, 100 acres; no cattle on it bast; year. 'Apply to D. SHANNAHAN, Sea- i'torth. 3855-4 CHOICE SELECTED SEEDS FOR 4AS,Nl.— "Reward" spring wheat; O.A.C. 'No. 181 field peas; O.A.C. No. 21 barley: "Velvet" barley; "Grainerl' Filler" seed oats and Red 'Clover.. Prices and details quoted upon re- scluest Apply to Owen Geiger e Son,. Hen - sail, Ont.. Phone No. 53. • 8353-3 AUCTION- SALE", AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK; IM- PLEMENTS'AND HOUSEHOLD FURNI- ture.--ler. George Elliott, auctioneer, has re- ceived 1natrdetions froth the undersigned to ,e11 by public auction at Lot. 20, Gg;t'cespion 1, McKillop, 1',t miles east of Seaforth,..0n he Highway, on Thursday, April .14th, at 1 r'clock :draw+p, the following: Horses -Three ;trod working horses, 1 driver, Cows—Three oow5, 2 thoroughbred, all in calf ; 2 heifers 2 years old, 2 steers 1 year old, 1 calf three months old.. Pigs—Two sows supposed to he in pig,"11 chunks about 100,, pounds each. Hens -30 White, Leghorn, last year's chicke;. 30 Barred Rocks, last year's chicks. Machin- ery -1 McCormick 7 -foot binder, sheaf car- rier and truck; 1 Massey -Harris mower 6400t cut; 2 Coleman steel roller, 1 combined Mas- sey harrow seed drill, 12 holes; 1 cultivator, both 'wide and narrow teeth: 1 manure spreader, one-half interest turnip sower, erre- half rrehalf interest. in wire stretcher, 1 Elmira side hay rake, 1 steel rake 10 -foot; 1 Chatham .I fann'i'ng mill„ with bagger and set of sieves, 1 three-quarter wagon, wagon box with stock ruck at'tc• shed. 1 hay rack. 1 gravel box, 1 • rah with bunks and flat rack, grinding„ • '.ns 1 curter, 1 buggy, 1 good robe, 1 plush rag, 1 DeLaval -cream separator No. 12; 1 • ^•:! pulper, 1 14 -feat l'adt1ea-, 1r; sets of dou- bts harm's, '1 set single 'harness, 1 spade, .chains and a number of other articles; a s it^n'rty r` , rod 'cloves; and' timothy seed. i$You'e:rc.iel Furniture—Two oak bed 'room sets, ttrcrses' and pillows, 1 couch, 1 walnut! ^-' 1 Morris leathere "chair, 3 mahogany rakers, 1 oak rocker, 1 oak hall rack, 1 oalc 'took case, 1 oak dining room table and 6. chairs-, 3 oak -parlor tables, 2 Rattan chaff -s, 1 S-d•y ncek, 2 Wilton rugs, 1 Axminster carpet; 1 Bru3sels'eanpet, 1 linoleum rug and '•urner3, and a number of small rugs, three hangdmg•-'Ia.mps, .1, Coleman gas lamp, a' few bracket lamps, 1 gasoline 3=burner stove, 1 Moffatt • eteti ranee,. 1 churn, a sets of bed- room; dbhes, 1 dinner set ane)••.! number ,of .•:aces of china, and glassware and .Pictures. No reserve ao farm is sold. Terms. -- All emus of , $10 and ender, cash; clover and timothy seed.. poultry. cash: over that amount ^ix months' credit will' be given on approved joint notes. Six per cent. per annum off for cash, on credit amounts. •, r, WILLIAM TWIVEREAUX; Proprietor; George H. Elliott. Auctioneer. , 3355x1 I. AUCTION SALE OF DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT AND CONTENTS OF SAME•IN THE VILLAGE OF EGMONDVILLE The Adroinistratrix of the Estate of Mar- garet A. Charlesworth, late of the Village of Egmondville,. Widow, deceased, has in- structed George H. Elliott, Auctioneer, to • by public auction 011 -Saturday, April 16th, 1932, at 2 'sharp, on the premises, the following desirable >ett Y ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying, and• being in the Village of Egmondville, in the County of Huron and Province of.Ontario and being composed of Lot number Four (4) on the North side of East Front Street in the said Vvl.lage sof Egmondvilles 031 said lot :s erected a one story asphalt shingled covered house with firoi3 class roofing. containing air. rooms and there es also a small shed,on the premises. At the sa!pe time and place, the fo1'lgwing chattels will be sold by ,public auction: One Victpoia; 1 couch, 1' cooking stove, 1 gaso- line. stove and oven, d table, 1 ladder, 1 clothes rack. 1 clock, bedding, wood, fruit and other*artiaies.,.too numerous to mention. Terms on Property.—.Ten per cent. of pur- rhave price on day of sale, balance within thirty days, 'terms on Chattels. --Cash. For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to JOHN .3. HUGGARD, 'Seaforth, Ont, Solicitor for the Administratrix. Dated March 31st, 1982. 3351-3 FARMS FOR SALE 1GIARM FOR SALE.—FOR 28 and 29, Concession raining 192 acres and :cn Flays farm, Must be so if not sold will be r apply to J. M. GOVENLO Perth, Si11.E PART LOl 8, McKWap, a n• e. nos T. E lose the estate For particulars I£..'Exectitor, Sea. $201.tf BIRTHS H'dueton.-ln Scott •Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, on April 4th., to Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. Houston, a daughter. Regele.—In'MdKillop, on March 81st, to Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Regele, Concession 14, a son. .wr HIGH GRAD BO&DS Opportunity Knocks. $5,000 WILL BUY TODAY $6,000 PAR VALUE OF HIGH GRADE PUBLIC UTILITY BONDS, OF COM- PANIES THAT HAVE COME THROUGH THE TWO YEARS OF DEPRESSION •WITH EARNINGS WELL MAINTAINED, AND IN SOME ?StSES, INCREASED. THESE SIX BONDS WILL GIVE YOU AN INCOME OF OVER' $300 ANNUALLY, WHICH 'IS AMPLY PROTECTED BY EARNINGS. 'FOR INFORMATION REGARDING THESE RECOM- MENDATIONS; TELEPHONE OR WRITE TO E. A. SIE R I"T & CO., LIMITED New Bark of Toronto Bldg., LONDON, ONTARIO. ' PHONE METCATTE 3370 • r A$e who ! dell, OP Scafox', p per z •'ski+ux�r I,1 t a 4e 'a s4 ire ,004r Ate., Aad t taw o Iwra'e$ woe icood,"Oa' dta.4n!lt ell a , if the Otak ..bafae ihre9cim have!. ami o ezt' foli ` er pride ulf. aaaiilrg 'Or'ate cli5sa horses,; Everybody it's haw gel IA " .nadir;. Eos' the .spring=eh, which -40=a to be near at hand, with the diaappaarr ance of the later winter. IN MEMORIAM Note. Items under this head will be charg- ed 60 cents per single verse, and 25 cents for each additional verse.. TROYER.s-,.I n loving remeanbrancm of E. J. Troyer, who pearled away six years ago to- day, the second of April, Love lights the .bloom of sorrow, Faith sees the dawn to be; Hope watts the glad .tomorrow That brings me .meaner to thee. 3355x1 •--HIS WIFE FARM FOR RENT Lot No- 2'7, W% of S% Lot 26, and (Sy2 of N% Lot 26, Cbn- cession 7, '1lfeKillop Township, 224 acres, fall plowing completed; • rental very reasonable. Apply to The British Mortgage and Trust Corporation of On- tario, Stratford, Ont. 3356-1 TENDERS , .WANTED Tenders for all or separate will be received by the undersigned tee, to and including April 12th, at 2 o'clodk p.m., for the rebuilding of the Community Hall, Londesboro. Plans 'and specifications may be seen at the office of the Secretary of Board, or at the office of James S. Russell, Architect, S4iratfoa•d. A charge, of 5 per cent. of tender to accompany same. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN FINGLAND, Secretary 'of Board. 8355-2 TENDERS WANTED Tender, will be' receiver- by the under.igne.i or any member of t.he...Counci'l, of the Town- ship of Mullett, until Thursday, the 23th day d Anril. 1932, -at 3 o'clock p.m., for. the furnishing of -the power necessary to operate the .tore or gravel -crusher for the Town,•hip es! Hullett; the furnishing of all n5,e 1(y ;ahs' to keep the machine runnir>; to, (steam t••, and placing the crushed materiel in the bin ready for delivery ; said cr-ash•id material to he made fine' enough to ga through a one- in^ft'screen, - All- crushed , teat as' '1 going into the bask bin not to be paid for unicss re- quired by the Council. 'TenelSet to inclu-ie the roving of the crusher from one pi: to an- other if, required,. Council to fur,rsh' the oil for the machine but not for the traitor. Con- tractor to clean off all refuse material from the to of the pit a•nd to keep same in a Proper pe'pelit!on.. Also a separate tender for the delivery of the crushed material ,at. so much rim yard by 11/., yard truck per mile haul. Contractor in either case to . comply with -the provisions of the Compensation Act Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed.- Said tenders will the opened at a meeting of the Municipal Council- to bet held In the Forester's Hall, Londesbero, on Thursday, April 28, 1932. at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. JOHN FINGLAND, Clerk of Hallett: 3356-2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE• is hereby given that all creditors and others,i lav ng claims against the estate of William Wilson, the younger,..late of the Town of Seafort'h, gentleman, who died• on the 9th day o8 March, 1932, are required to send to the undersigned, solicitor for the Executors, full particulars and verified by affidavit of their da'inm cin or before the,, 25th day of April, 1932. ^ AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after the said -last mentioned date, the Execu- tors will proceed iso distribute the assets of the said deceased,' having regard only to claims of which they then `Shall, have had notice. DATED at Seaforth, Ont.,' this 5th day of April, 1932. - R. S. 'HAYS, ' Solioitor. for Executors. 3355-,3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE- is hereby given that all eredi- tors and others having claims against the estate of Robert Betts, late of the Township of McKillop, farmer, who died on the 5th of March, 1932, are required to send to the undersigned solicitor for the executors, full particulars and verified ' by afRdavit of their claims 'on or :before the' 25th of April, 1932. AND NOTICE IS FURI Jir,R GIVEN that after the said Last mentioned date, the Execu- tors will proceed 'to distribute the assets of the said deceased, having;, regard only to claims of which they then shall have had notice DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 5th day of April, 1932. R. S. HAYS, Solicitor for Executosi , 3855-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby' given that all creditors and others having claims agai)ist' the estate of Agnes MdGeoch, late of the Village of Egmondvllies in the County of Huron, who died on the 12th day of February, 1932, are requested to forward their claims, verified by affidavit, to the undersigned, solicitor for the Executers, on o$ before the 4th day of April. 1982. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that alter the said.l'ast mentioned date, the execu- tors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased, having regards c:-rly to the elaims of which they then shall have had notice. PAVED at Seaforth, Ontario, this 18th day of March, 1932. JOHN J, HUGGARD, Seaforth, Ontario. Salicitor for the Executors. 38:3-3 NOTICE TO . CREDITORS In the Estate of Margaret A. Charlesworth, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all crelltors and others haring claims against the estate of Margaret A. Charlesworth, late of the Village of Egmondville, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on the 12th day of February, 1932, are required to send to the undersigned, solicitor for Stet Administratrix, fuel partu,iulaaa and verified by affidavit of their claims on/ or before the 18th day of April, 1982, AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after the said" hist mentioned irate, the Ad- mdnisita'attrix will ,proceed to distribute the aci5'b% of the Staid deceased, having regards only+ to the claims. of which site thea shall have had notice. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario, this 21st day of M•areh, 1992. ,1O1IN J. HUGGA'RD. Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Admimisteettrlx. ' •8855-8 1 Big ernons' at. our store in charge of .Mrs. B. regi t�'i ?'a Special Wabasso Demonstrator Monday, Tuesday,` Wednesday, Aprii11-124 a - Every woman attend- ing (the 'Lecture Tues- day, 3:30 p.m., will re- ceive a numbered ticket. For every 25 tickets is- sued ONE WABASSO BEDDING SETT will , be given FREE , to the holder of the 0, lucky ticket. You may win one of these beautiful setts. Special Lecture on Tuesday, at 3.30 p.m. Mrs. Meredith will deliver A SPECIAL FREE LECTURE ON Wabasso Products, Cotton Sheets, Pillow Slips, Sheetings, Pillow Cottons, Prints, Wacosilke, Rayons,, Broadcloth:, Longcloths, Etc. COME IN any day during the Demonstration, but be sure and attend the Lec- ture--yoii may win the free Bedding Sett and in any event you will get expert ad- - ' vice on color harmony and room decoration. - - There is no obligation or urge to buy, although Wabasso-Products will all carry Special Demonstration Prices. Wabasso Cotton Co. is a Canadian firm employ- ing 2600 Canadians. Stewart 1 ros. Seaforth Wabasso Products are - always a season ahead in style and color com- binations and, are not high priced. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS COUNTY OF PERTH Under and by virtue of a 'Writ of Execu- tion issued out of the Supreme Court of On- tario, to me directed and delivered against the Iambi and tenements of WILLIAM AR- THUR WRIGHT wherein ISABELLA JANE WRIGHT is the plaintiff, I have seized and taken in execution and will offer for sale by Public auction at my office in the Court House, in the City of Stratford, in the Coun- ty of Perth, on Tu't'sday, the 19th day of April, 1932, at the hour of 2 o'clock p.m., all the right, title. and equity of redethption of the said WILLIAM ARTHUR WRIGHT, in to and out of the following lands and tene- ments, being composed of Lot Number 29, Coecesaton 10, in the Tosepaltup of Hibbert, in the County of Perth • - On the premises are su'Qposed to be a brick• Mouse, bank barn, drive shed, etc. M. F. IRVINE, Sheriff County of Perth. Sheriff Office, Stratford, Out, • January 19th, 1932. - 8364-4 THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Fonds, Real Estate Money to Loan SEAFORTH,' ONTARIO Phone '91, BLOOD TESTED CHICKS Hatchery 'and flocks are both in- spected under the Dominion Depart- ment of Agriculture's Hatchery Ap- proval Policy. The testing of the blood samples was done,by Capital Laboratories, Ottawa. The- bred -'to -lay qualities of our birds are kept up-to-date by the pur- chase of male birds from high record R. 0. P. hens, owned 'by some of the most successful breeders in the coun- try. We expect to hatch about 1,500 Barred Rocks, 250 White Rocks and 500 Leghorns per week. Please order about one month 'before you want your chicks, if you can. Don't think too much abort the price. We will use you right. Colne and see us, or phone 97 r 4, Hens'all. We will be glad to talk things over with you, Feed, Stoves and other suupplies kept on hand. J. Elgin McKinley ZURICH 1J.v5. au!NP41; 8350-10 Ale Use Seaforth' 18 Years Highest Quality Creamery Butter • ._..__�__ Always ConOdence in -business is obtained by years of dependable service:" We Want Cream. "MORE CREAM"—"GOOD CREAM" Deliver your cream direct or send by truck or express and receive ' our highest market •price, consistent with accurate weights and tests. Deliver your cream and receive your money. SEAFORTH CREAMERY C. A. BARBER, Proprietor. e. 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. J. CLEARY O Licensed Embalrer and O Funeral Director O Up-to-date Hoi'se and Motor O Equipment. O Night and Day Service. O Phone 19-22, Dublin. 0 O 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a, O 0 O O O O O 0 0 O O 0 0 • H. C. BOX Funeral Director. and Licensed Embalmer Best Motor and Horse-drawa equipment. Charges moderate. Flowers furnisher] on short notice. Night Galls Day Calls Phone. 175 'Ph'on'e 4S 0 0 0 0 0 O 600000000000 ,.r.. 9•;-� tc t. !. �.iwi ti. ..: J4'fn ''i tA. �t�, ,u"`.