HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-04-08, Page 2ifs W 0 TKORO%JG1'I IN ...•nom+ EIR WORK rc. tOd Ms F°FIC (ANT AND PROMPT TO ACT ' jN/AY AFTERNOON From a book entitled "Bible Bonar D'1). the following thoughts Thoughts and Themes" by Horatius resile! Hamilton, GoderichY Ont.) • are gathered and sent on their way way to the readers of this page. What a poem, what a picture was the first chapter! Unrivalled in mag- •ifi�eence. The ,'work done, and 'the words which describe it, are both of God. In the second chapter some details of the creation are given. We read of God planting a garden for man, in a region which he names Eden, mean- ing delight. He stores it wide all As •Thou, 0 Lord, didst teach Thy that is beautiful and, fruitful; a tree disciples to pray, give to us a desire of life he puts there; a tree of knowl- to learn to pray so that we may edge also. Down from the heights of come to know the true meaning of'. Eden there conies a river, which wa- • "Watch and pray_`' Amen. i ters the garden, and then parts into S. S. LESSON FOR APRIL 10. 1932 four streams; in four directions, each Lesson Topic -How Sin Begins. flowing through some goodly land. Lesson Passage -Genesis 2:15-17: ! Thus he (verseaen is6) and the river.tIt 3:1-8. ' is a dwelling fit for man and. worthy Golden Text -Matthew 26:41. 1eistianl seek not yet repose, ,el099t thy dreams of ease away: 'Thou art in the midst of foes: • Watch and pray. Gird thy heavenly armour' on; Wear it ever, night and day; .Ambushed lies the evil one: Watch and Charlotte Elliott. PRAYER of God., Verses,,,,,15''18: God gives. man a right to every tree but one --that of knowledge of good and evil. ` Even in this pleasant garden God's author- ity must be acknowledged. Thou' shalt, and thou shalt not; thou may - est and thou mayest not, is the form- ula in which God presents his auth- ority, and lays down a test of obe- dient love. Then follows another love. thought. Man cannot do alone. 1: is not his nature; it cannot consist with his happiness. He will net need much to remove the gloom of soli- tude; one companion will do. Goal forms the one for him -a help -meet; taken, not out of the dust but out of himself. These two, the •first of all mankind, were the objects of God's love and care; yet they rejected hie sovereignty. A test came and they fell. 3:1-8. In these verses we have de- picted the first downward steps of man. , We see the first, instance of being possessed by a demon. Later on in the New Testament.. we read that the devils entered -the herd of swine; that Satan entered Judas, that he filled the heart', of Ananias. In speaking to man Satan must use some fleshly form. By means of thi serpent he' communicates with Erve and • tries to separate her and Adam from God by. producing an evil heart of unbelief: To this end he suggests doubts • on three points: (1) As to �• c � with bread. and as a general table syrlt'p . A nourishing and delicious food that builds healthy bodies. Particularly re- commended for growing children by expert dietitians. An economy food that the whole family will enjoy. Send 10c for "Canada's Prize Recipes" 200 practical, home -tested recipes. The CANADA' STARCH CO., Limited, MONTREAL Bir kt; very day conspires fo destroy yourfence Sun, rain or snow . . they are ail the same "OJIBWAY" ''Farm Fence . . because things ... "OJIBWAY" Wire and "OJIBWAY'" Construction. to of two Made of Copper Bearing I Steel Wire ° . . Copper and Steel blended into a rust -resisting wire that wears far longer than ordinary steel wire. Pure Zinc is bonded to every "OJiBWAY" wire by our Special Zinc Insulating process . . a further insurance against rust. • -5 . _4 .. t. ;.. . .•, „• • • • •• - •• - t. I i both Stiff Stay and Hinge Joint "OJIBWAY" Fence the horizontal and upright wires are so join- ed that moisture cannot be held .. thus preventing • rusting of wires at intersecting points. • All wires FULL GAUGE. Every' roll full length. The l�audaird sign is your assurance of 100% satisfaction. Ask for our Guarantee of Service. It is worth as much as your fence. Only the - BEST fencing can carry so complete a guarantee. "OJfRINA1e' Ntngb Jot t SIMI Mal „�inc,�nsu/aced Fences .> Your ''Nearest Dealer -or Write Us Direct God's goodness, in prohibiting the tree (2) 'His faithfulness -in fulfill - ung His threats. (3) His truthfulness -in deceiving them as to the real na- ture of the tree. Having got Eve to listen, he leads her on, and then flatly contradicts God. "Ye shall not surely die." This was a negative statement but he also made use of a positive one, "Ye shall 'be as gods, knovrtl:t good and evil." The first was to remove the dread of danger, the second to lead her on to• decision. Knowledge! Intellectual ambition! This is man's first snare.. The open- ing of'the eye to see,^ afar off, whe- ther into space or time is an irresist- ible bait. To know evil man will do and dare as. much as to know good. We see the tempter triumphing. Woman' yields; she falls, and in fall- ing drags her husband down. Three things win her over.. (1) The tree is good for food. Why then .not eat of it as of all the rest? Yet for this she had only 'Satan's word. (2) It is pleasant to the eyes; it looked good- ly and the lust of the eye prevailed (3) It makes wise; it is the tree of knowledge.. She wants . to be wise, and she will not wait God's time, nor take it in God's way; but in her own or rather the devil's. Wisdom, apart from God; is the devil's bait.' Having listened and .yielded, the virus of the forbidden tree has Shot through ,them, and the sense of dis- obedience clouds their conscience and they are ashamed and fear to meet God. They dread His anger.- 0 folly! To )aide from God! Yet man still does that very thing; his doing deeds in darkness or when alone, which he would not -do in the light or before others, is the same feeling as .that which made our first . parents look away from•each other and shrink from the eye of God. 20 YEARS OF ILL HEALTH Then Mrs. Duke Discovered Kellogg's ALL -BRAN special • list• Mss 'Gladys Gale, rendered iii the 1Testlog-three varieties of outs, music. In the morning, "Low ' Grave He Ie Lay," and "Who are These. Testing two v�artetier� In the .evening, "M;ary at the S.av- iour's. Tom." 14 -Trinity Church, "The Victories .Pull toofor his subject, of Christ," and gave a 'most! impres- sive discourse: The choir sang the anthem, "Why Seek Ye the Living?" 'Watch the papers tiext week for announcement of the dates for the plays to be presented shortly, "As e W'om'an Thinketh" by, Young People of St. Andrew's United Church, and' "Sound Your Horn," by the Young People of Trinity Church. There has been so little going.on here this season, except dances, that .the pub- lic will welcome a change, and be prepared to enjoy a good play and turn out in good numbers.,, Alfred 'Erwin received the sad news 'Saturday morning of the death of his brother, Robert J. Erwin, which took place) at his home, 1430 -Broad- way, Toledo, Ohio, Friday morning. Deceased was horn in Bayfield Sept. 8, 1859, and has been away_.from here some forty years. For about thirty years he had resided_ in Toledo and had been engaged with the Steel Con- struction Co. About two years ago he had an accident from which he had not fully recovered. He is sur- vived Iby,.his wife, Zora, and four brothers: Alfred E., of Bayifreld; George, of Prince Albert; Thomas H., of Akron Ohio, and Samuel, of Man- celona, Mich. Bob had many friends in Bayfield,' who will regret to hear of ht passing.... bf :,bier'- own accoed, Mrs. Duke sat down and wrote us a glowing tribute to Kellogg's ALL -BRAN : "1 have been constipated all my life, which has been about 20 years, up until last year when I started eating your ALL -BRAN. Since I have been eating it, people tell me I am looking better, and I am sure that I feel a great deal better."- Mrs. L. W. Duke (address upon re- quest). , Constipation is usually caused by • lack of two things in the diet: "Bulk" to exercise' he e intesti es. Vitamin B to help g Kellogg's Am,-BeeN necessities, as bes oth of these dietary ell as iron for the blood. Within the body, the e eeplk" in ALL-F_.AN forms a soft mass, which gently clears the intestines of :wastes. How much more natural it is to enjoy this delicious cereal than to gs to risk taking pills often harmful.• LIMITED • ea4 Office jifrway, Essex Co., Ont, Al GAJ Just eat two tablespoonfuls daily - serious cases with every meal -- for most types of constipation. ALL - BRAN is not habit-forming. If your intestinal trouble is not relieved this way, see your doctor. Sold in'"'the red -and -green pack- age. Made by Kellogg in London, . Ontario. 2. •• of six- rolwed arb y, including one with smooth awns. 3. Testing two varieties of hullers barley. 4. Testing three varieties o f spring wheat. 5. Testing two varieties .of buck- wheat, 6, Testing two varieties of field peas. 7. Testing two varieties , spring. rye, 8. Testing three varieties of soy beans. 9. Testing seven varieties of flint and dent husking corn. 10. Testing three varieties of mangels. 11. . Testing two varieties of su- gar mangels. 12. Testing . three 'varieties of Swede turnips. 13. Testing two varieties of fall turnips. 14. Testing two varieties of field carrots. 15. Testing field corn and soy beans 'grown separately and in com- bination. 16. 'Testing. Sudan grass and two varieties of 'millet. 17. Testing sunflower, sorghum and corn for fodder. rent her a certified life membership and also a gold pin bearing the in- signia of the order for her faithful service. Deceased was also a mem- ber of the Ladies' Benevolent and Temperance Society. Born in Clinton sixty-one years ago, she was the eldest daughter of the late William and Sarah Paisley. In June of this ar:Mr. and Mrs. Duesmore would aveR celebrated their fortieth wed- ding anniversary. Surviving are her husband, two sons, Lionel, of Halifax, and Clinton P., ,of London; four sis- ters; • Mrs. Donald Bowers, of Wash- ington, 'Ohio; Mrs. Paul Bowen, of Tecumseh; Mich.; Mrs. Whn. Buck, San•'.YMarino, Cal.,. and Miss Isabel Paisley, who has made her home with Mrs. t unsmore for a number of years. One .. brother and two half- brothers also survive. They are 0. L. Paisley, of Clinton; Clarence Pais- ley', of Montreal, and Stewart 'Pais- ley, of Toronto. The funeral • was held from her late residence• _,9 rEigin Street, St. Thomas, tO- Boirtb Park, Cemetery, with Rev. , J. N. Laird, of Knox Presbyterian Church officiating. Deceased was a imeinber of that church. Mir. R. J. Dunsm'ore, who is a Tuckersmith old boy, was formerly associated with The Huron Expositor. WORLD MISSIONS .0 The Road Leading pward in (Corea. (Continued) $- In our mission at Hoiryung a Pule ELIMVILLE (Intended for last week) A kitchen shower was held for Miss 'Dora Brooks at • the home of Mrs. James Kirkland last Monday night Mr. and Mrs. George -.Squires, Vel- ma and Harry, of Whalen, visited at Mr. John Herdman's on Good Friday. We very much regret that -Mr. Sherwood Hunter' is very ill at his home. His many friends will hope for a decided improvement in. his condition. Mr. and M,rs. Harry Murch and two nieces, of London, were visitors at Mr. Phil. Murch's ori' Sunday. Wedding bells are the order of the day. - 18. Testing grass peat; vetches and soybean's. 19. Te:.ting rape, kale and fiell cabbage. 20. Testing three types. of• bien- nial sweet clover. 21. Testing 'two varieties 6t a1; f ifa Mlles And A00s �lsolNC %r Orin 0414001 3a C091049 trs Op Walt IF* Cap. Ow % ouP * Uk 1 teaspoa emit less 3 fees 1. Maaiopro,p$U PaW4c1 ati0T t . Idis the bran with the iilftedAtto dill' lay oh° doge and poor pill i ithe Make end well -bested egg, With the r, owcit possible number or strokes, blend these ingredients iadstir • In the shortening. Half 011 Poet'tinU- fill Pans SO4 bake in a hot ovvcn, 400e•B:r 15 to 20 minute A rev/ chopped deem - lightly lightly coated Sri h aomo of the meas4f d• dour, may bo added. lic Health Centre is conducted under 'the direction of a Christian Korean doctor and a missionary nurse. The Bible woman tells of . finding about three miles,out of the town, a little group organized by a family which had benefited greatly through the work of the Health Centre. As a re- sult they decided to become Christ• fans' and are trying to lead their neighbors to Christ. This will mean better health for body, mind and soul. In connection with Hoiryung Health Centre, a well baby clinic, held twice a month, is attended by many non- Christian mothers. Opening the meet- ing with a hymn, a prayer, and a talk usually given by the pastor or Biblewoman about Christ's love for children and all who need His care, the doctor or nurse follows with a health talk and demonstration of what proper food and care will do in develo,pirfg healthy babies and in helping the mothers themselves. Af- ter the .health bath the mothers pre- pare the babies for examination and weighing. An undernourished mother brought her few months' old baby, also so'undernourished that there seemed little hope of its recovery. However, the mother followed the doctor's orders for the child -and her self, and in two months a very mark- ed improvement could be seen in both. Later, when the nurse visit•l the home, the mother was found pre- paring feedings for the baby while the neighbors were watching the pro- cess, much to their benefit. As the mothers become interested there is considerable competition in the ef- forts to secure improvement, and through education in Public Health Centres the road to better health a- mong the great masses of Koreans is being slowly constructed. -(To be continued). By F. C. Stephenson. RAYFIELD a . 22. Testing sweet corn for table use from different dates oil planting. 23. Testing *vie, varieties of field beans. • Each applicant must make a sec - miff choice indicating the number op- posite the experiment in case the first cannot be granted. . Applications for this co-operative material should be addressed to W. J. Squirrell; 0. A. C.oilege, Guelph, Ont. BladderWeakness Getting -Up -Tights Quickly Relieved! Pleasant Fine; Home Treatment Works Used by Doctor For Many Years. What a wonderful comfort it is to ..sleep all night and not get up once from Bladder Weakness and Irrita- tion. The daily annoyance, restless nights of misery, backaches and ner- vous irritability :that result from functional Bladder • Troubles a r e wrecking the lives of thousands who might otherwise be in the best of health. To be et your best. you must have peaceful, health giving sleep and freedom from daily irritation -that's why Dr. Southworth's , URATABS give such wonderful satisfaction. Made from a special formula and used by the Doctor for many years-- URA,TA;B'S, now obtainable from your druggist for inexpensive home use, have brought quick help and comfort to many thousands.' No matter what your age may be or how Many medicines you have us- ed without success, if you want to forget you have a Bladder and enjoy the rest of peaceful, unbroken sleep, try URATABS to -day. Your drug- gist will refund the small cost if ,you are not well pleased! (Intended for last week) Miss ;Grace Jowett, of McDonald Hall, Guelph, spent part of the Eas- ter holiday with her aunt, Mrs. W. Ferguson. iMr. and Mrs. J. Stewart and Mr. J. Stewart, 'Sr., of Hamilton, were here over the week end to visit Mr. and Mrs. John Pollock, who have been in poor health recently, but are feeling some better. 'Mr. J. Stewart, Sr., is staying for a short time. Elva and Weir Enwood, of Toronto, motored up frolrn Toronto to spend Easter with their mother, Mrs. ' J. Castle. Mr. E. Patchell, of the Bank of Commerce, spent Easter at his home in Chesley. Miss Jessie Metcalf, of Detroit, is spending the Easter vacation with her parents. Miss Alma McKay returned to To- ronto Tuesday after a week's visit at home. Mrs. Koehler, of Zurich, is spend- ing the week with her sister, Miss Ethel Fowlie, while 'Miss Frances Fowlie is in London. 'Miss 'Elva Dewar and Mr. Devil Dewar, of Toronto, are. home for the holidays. Our teachers are home for the Eas- ter ^vacation, Miss Kirk, to Glan- worth; Miss Ferguson to Seaforth. Miss Marion Davison has returned from a week's visit in London. Mr. and Mrs. G .Knight and son, Ronald, Toronto, are guests of Mrs. Knight's parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. F. •Geminha rd t. Easter Sundi,y was a bright beau- tiful day, treat after the bleak win- try weather previous. There was a good attendance at the churches when special Easter messages were given at Knox Presbyterian Church Sun- day afternoon. Rev. Mr. Dougan, of Clinton, was the preacher and had with him his choir, "which gave the cantata, "The King Eternal." At St. Andrew's United • Church Easter day services were observed morning and evening. In the morn- ing the minister, Rev. R. M. Gale, preached from the subject, "Not a Dead King But a Living Lord." In the evening "Seven Words of Jesus After (lis Resurrection." The choir, under the direction of the organist, .Onion Production. • Onion growers in ISoulthwestern Ontario enjoyed a fairly successful year in 1931, but they fear that with the low prices in other lines of farm produce, there may be too many go- ing into onions. An effort -will be made 'byethe co-operative association to limit the acreage this year. It is pointed out' that last year the Erieau marshes were again cultivated and that considerable acreage 'was added for that reason. Weather counter- acted the expected increase, howeeler; and the co-operative was able to place such surplus as was at hand. A market glut is feared this year if the inexperienced grower should attempt onion production. Miss Anda Adam bakes her famous uff ins with Magic Baking Powder' 123 Red Clover Entries. What is reported to be a world's record entry of red clover seed, ever exhibited at any exhibition or fair, was the achievement of the Ottawa Valley Seed Growers' Association, according to George R. Paterson of the Ontario Marketing Board. At the annual seed fair held by this or- ganization 'in Hawkesbury, March 16 to 18, one,;, hundred and twenty-three individual lots of red clover were placed on display in two classes. There were 48 entries in the certified class, and 7•5 in the open class. That the quality of red clover pro- duced in theOttawa Valley is second to none, might be realized from the fact that, on official analysis, over forty of the total entries revealed ab- solute freedom from sreed,seeds, and over eighty percent. graded No. 1. Much of the success enjoyed by the growers in this district, in cer- eals as well as red clover, has been due to the establishment of well- managed seed cleaningg plants. Care of Baby Chicks. Proper care and management is essential to the successful,. raising of baby chicks. They should have 1 generous supply of pure water hi - ways available. Drinking vessels harbor germs and often' the water will' become 'contaminated and may spread disease through the entire flock: Then there is the danger of sortie infected chicks in every hatch, danger of diarrhoea in some form or other, loose ,bowel and intestinal tr-ouible. Don't permit a few chicks to infect your entire flock. CLINTON (Ii,)tended for last week) Death of Mrs. R. J. Dunsmore.- A.fter a long illness, the death oc- curred on March 23rd of 1VIrs: R. J. Dunsfmiore, wife of the local postmas- ter, and for many years proininent in the social and community life of St. Thomas. The deceased was- one of the most a"etive charitable work- ers of ',St. Thonlas, giving freely of her time in connection with the Chil dren's Aid Society, of which she was president for !many years. As Reg- ent of the RegimentalChapter of the I. 0. D. E., Mrs. Dunsmore was also native in this organization rendering valuable assistance to the community, while during the war period her pat- riotic services were also .prominent. She replenished her post as head of the chapter a short time after El- gin's warp book was published, which contains the names of all Elgin Coun- ty soldiers who fell in the Great War. In the preparation of this hook- the deceased was keenllr1nterested. A week before her death the 25th Elgin ftegilotental Chapter of the LO.D.E. STANLEY (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Ruskin Keys, of East Windsor, and Mr. Stewart Keys, of Toronto, spent Easter at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keys, of Babylon Line. Miss Grace Robinson and Miss Hel- en Anderson, of Clinton Collegiate, are .spending the Easter holidays at their respective homes. 'Mr. Mervyn Keys, of London Uni- versity, and Allan Keys, of Seaforth Collegiate, are spending the holidays at their home on the Babylon Line. Tye Y.P.S. of 'Goshen and Blake will hold their regular +tweeting at the Blake Church on Friday night. A special feature of the tprogramma will be a debate. The subject will be, '"'Co-operation vs. Competition." (Too late for last week) 'School Report -The following is the report of 'S. S. No. 7, 'Stanley, for the month of March: Sr. IV-WWil- mer Turner, 74.8. Jr. IV - Allan Love 69.6, 'Billie Reid 62.5. 'Sr. III-- Julene 'Stephenson 77.5 John McClih- chey 61.5. Jr. III --(Margaret Reich- ert. 58.5. ISr. II -Margaret Love 89.6, -Ruth McAllister 76.4 Elmore .Mc- Clinehey 68.7, Emma McClinchey 60.1. Jr. II -(Clifford ,McClinchey 62.2. I - Ivan Stephenson 78, Gordon Johns- ton 75.4. Primer -glean Love, Bobbie Reid, Karl Reichert. Number on roll 16; average attendance, 13.3. -Victor Dinning Teacher. / ' "My baby's cheeks and hands were so hot," writes Mrs. Bernard Breen, En- terprise, Ont., "I was frightened. I gave him a Baby's-Own'Tablet at noon and by after sup- per he was all bet- ter." -Effective for colds, colic, teeth- ing. Absolutely safe. See certi- ficate in each 25c package. 236 t. �'�•_'..J Dr.'Wtllfarrte BAB'V'S OWN TABLETS "When selecting ingredients for my,recipes," says: Miss'Afin Adam, - cookery author- ity of the Cana- dian Home Jour- nal, "I consider - three points - economy, health: value, and successful performance. - "Magic Baking Powder "meets,' them all. I use and approve Magic,.. because I knowit is pure, and free: from harmful ingredients, and be- cause experience has taught me that I can count upon successful'. results with Magic every tirne." Magic Baking Powder is used. exclusively by the majority of cook. ery experts, dietitians, and house- wives throughout Canada. In fact,. 141agic outsells all other baking. powders combined! FREE COOK -BOOK -When yogf. bake at home, the new Magic Coote ,.Rook will give you dozens of recipes - for delicious baked' foods. Write to - Standard Brands Ltd., Fraser Ave. - and Liberty St., Toronto, Ont. FARM NOTES Co -Operative Experiments With Field Crops. -Magic Bating Pow der has been home-- testedandapproved by the Home Serv- ice Bureau of Cana- dian Home Journal, Toronto, rt.d.m Comes **CONTAINS NO ALUM.•' This ttate- otent on every tin le your guarantee' that Mayc Baking Powder is freaked' alum or any harmful fagrt. . air Good seed is one of the chief foun- dation oundation stones • in successful agricul- ture. Experiments conducted at 0. A. C. for more than half a century, in test- ing different varieties of field crops and seed selections of these crops have emphasized' the importance of sowing only the best seedof the best varieties and those adapted to the farmer's particular locality. The 'Agricultural and Experimental Union will once more distribute into every township and county of Ontario free of charge to farmers who nieke application, selected seed of the best varieties aecerding to the following When Traveling WHEN you are away front home with the children, remember Kellogg's Corin Flakes. You can always get Kellogg's at any hotel or restaurant. And what could be better than a bowl of healthful Kellogg's and milk? So easy to digest. So wholesome. Quality CuartmteetL • • 1.118 • .,