The Huron Expositor, 1932-03-25, Page 6{
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Rlsr ii , noted that a rugger•
itrsrh •"Coluilntlrlal lent
'ie neck birchen In a game,
est seen' oppo$une • tf
a tenenerenication on our
°• folie ing couple of nnen-
`"It is; by no means a game
A, ling AL vigorous constitu-
1 if 7D1 net essary. But it does not
Te many, risks and : few are hurt
,„. a season.” The author is
tRo%rert E. 'Messy, a young Eng -
lie ielesn who is greatly interested in
rtlg!1xy football, called, for what reason.
lee do not know, rugger; and he has
asked us to say something albolut it.
., lie calls attention to the fact' that
eluite• recently a dean of Canadian
players has ret xned from Japan,
where it has 1 e1 i tleto cement inter-
national friendships by walking all
over ithe.Japanese teams and grinding
their faces in the dust, the Japanese
being greatly flattered, 'we presume,
•try these hearty attentions. This was
probably the 'first time that Canada
ever sent abroad;- or at least
so far abroad, a team of athletes,
with the exception, of course, of the.
Olympic hockey team of a few years
ago. The Canadians were also the
first foreign team ever to !visit Ja-
pan. They were unfortunate as to
the date of the tour, so many Jap-
anese being absent in Shanghai rat
the time.
However, what Mr. 'Merry wants us
to let you know is than rugger is a
perfectly jolly game, in many respects
superior to all other games, and in
his opinion vastly superior to the
kind of rugby we play in the East.
Rugby is essentially a school game
and Mr. Merry says that it was only
the desire of the old boys to continue
to splay. the game which they had
learned at school which made pos-
sible the great growth of rugby in
England some 60 years, or so ago. It
is interesting to learn that from then
until now there has been practically
no change in the rules, ,which is no
mean tribute to their original sanity
aid fairness. Rugby also shares
with rowing the reputation of being
the most amateur sport in the world.
But while we have heard of oarsmen
breaking their backs, we have' Mr.
.,M,erry's word "fee ''''it that practically
no backs are broken in rugger, and
when they are, everybody is very po-
lite"and sympathetic about it.
'We are surprised to learn that
rugger is, and has always been.
extensively played in the Maritime
provinces and in every school and
college in British Columbia. It is
-from British Columbia, if we are not
mistaken, that most, of, the players
If you shave never tried Kruschen
try it now at our expense. We have
distributed .,, a great many tip ..tai
'"GIANT"" packages which make it
easy ffor you to prove our claim for
, yourself. Ask your druggist for the
new "GIANT" 75c. Package.
This consists of our regular 75c. bottle together
ith a separate trial bottle--aufiiclent for about
one week. Open the trial bottle first, put it to
the test, and then, if not entirely convinced that
Kruschen does everything we claim it to do, the
regular bottle is still as good as new. Take it
back. Your -druggist is authorised 10 retgrn
your 79c. immediately and without question.
You have triedrcruschen free at oily
What could be fairer? Manufactured -
Griffiths Hughes, Ltd.. Manchester, Eng.
(Estab. 1756). importers: McGillivray Bros..
Ltd., Toronto.
were recruited who recently visited
Japan. The game , also invaded the
Pacific coast states, bid .. we do not
know whether it still maintains a
hold there or has been ousted by
the much better advertised game of
American football. We are rather
puzzled by a couple of sentences in
the memorandum which Mr. Merry
very kindly drew up for us. He says.
for instance, "It requires players who
canthink quickly and act oceordingiy
and above all it develops individual-
ity . . . It is one of the few
games we have in which it is the
team that counts and not the indi-
vidual." . How come? It seems
to us a little 'puzzling that a game
should develop individuality only to
sink it the next moment in the inter-
est of the team. Our own view is
that it is, perhaps, like all games, in
that a high-grade team is built up of
high individuals who have been train-
ed in team play and yet are capable
to seize the instant when the success
or failure depends o_11 the individual
reseuroefulness and ability of the
player who has. the ball. A game in
which literally the team counts and
not the individual might as well be
played by a gang of robots. Who,
in any event would have any- fun
playing it?"
That there is a lot of fun to be
had playing rugger, we do not doubt
With the exception of golf, and per-
haps soccer, it is -Perhaps the most
international of games. South Africa
recently sent'a team to the Old Coun-
try which was too strong Jrsseven
the international teams of England,
Ireland, Scotland and WaleQs. Aus-
tralia and New Zealand have also
sent crack teams home. In Japan
the game is played in every school
arid college and is said to be more
popular even than :baseball. Recently
the game was introduced to Spain,
already accustonned to "soccer. It is
recorded that when 1' i, Melt mate
of eleven calve nese, the 'field, the
Spaniards raised their eyelbri ws sev-
eral inches. When, jnst&ad of the
regular spherical 'ball they beheld an
oval, there were mtutteriegs in a
foreign tongue; and when a moment
or two later most of the players pil-
ed on tap of the 'ball which burst en-
der the pressure, 'a movement was
hurriedly` got udder way to hold ` a
lynching instead of a rugger Match.
Wiry the game should take such a
hold in some countries and be
ignored in others, as, for instance,
in the United States, or why it should
be so popular in Eastern and Western
Canada and make no headway in
Ontario, is something we do not quite
understand. That it is a good game,
having many points of superiority to
our • own football, as, for instance,
the openness of the play, is not to
be denied. One critic says thatthere
are too many platers on the field;
and that they +rind to impede each
other's movements. We do not admit
the validity of this argument, our
own idea being that the more people
whp take part in a game the better
the game is. Lacrosse was played
originally not by on'e' team of In-
dians against ;mother team but by
one tribe against another. Our own
far -from -expert opinion is that what
rugger wants a is more rather than
fewer players, and that the ideal
game would be contested by the
spectators on the west side of the
field playing against the spectators
on the east side, with one ball pro-
vided for every thirty participants.
Sprays and
There -'are three essential factors
which enter into the successful use
of sprays in the control of croppydis-
• In the first place, one' must know
the disease to be controlled. Some
plant diseases,, for • instance, crown
gall and wilts, cannot .be prevented
by spraying practices, • and time,
money and energy may be wasted if
this is not realized. In certain dis-
eases one application of spray ma-
terial gives satisfactory control, as
in peach leaf.. curl, while in others
repeated applications at intervals in
the season are necessary, i.e., apple
scab. Different diseasesrequire dif-
ferent control measures and it is
'only by knowing them that proper
treatments can be , applied.
The second factor is a. knowledge
-of the materials and strengths- to be
used. Serious injury Xriay, be -caused
if improper materials' are 'applied or
if care is not taken to make up pro-
per strengths. There are numerous
spray materials, under various .trade
Are You Amotig Those
who say---" I never read.
0 SAY "I never read advertisements" would be much like saying,
"•I never use soap," or "I never read newspapers," or "No one can teach me
anything," or "I know everything." s;
Many good—but not very wise persons seem to think that all adver-
tisements are just the vainglori0us''braggings of those who publish them
—designed td part fools and their money. The truth is that most adver-
tisements are incitements to their readers to do or be or buy or use some-
thing for their immediate or prospective advantage. Advertisers, to he
successful and to live long, have ,to -Offer something of value or of desire—
something really wanted or needed by the public. Advertisers, to live long,
must not cheat the expectations or confidence of those who buy what they
offer or propose.
Here are some questions to be answered by those who say "I never real
advertisements" --
1. What alarm clock would you buy if you needed one?
2. What camera would you buy, for your own use, or to give to
a son or daughter?
3. What motor car possesses your favor?
4. What face cream or shaving soap or cream, or tooth paste
did you use. to -day?
5. What laundry soap (or flakes) is in your kitchen right now?
6. Does the breakfast bacon which you like best have a brand
7. • Thew watch an your, Wrist—what name does it hear?
8. Your shoes—who made them?
9. Your, life insurance policy—what company issued it?
10. The ginger ale which you serve to guests -what brand is it?.
11. ''l'he tea which you buy' regularly—what brand is it?
12. The soap and baked bean and the tomato catsup now on your
pantry shelves—what brands are they? • ,
You see, whether or not you consciously or habitually read advertise-
ments, you buys by preference, what advertilaments have recommended to
your confidence and what experience has proven to be satisfactory.
The things which we`°don't buy, and 'which have a sickish life, are those
which are -hot advertised, and which try to ride into pufblic favor on the
backs of well -advertised products.
It is to one's discredit to say. "I never read
This Advt. is sponsored,by the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association, bf
which The Huron Expositor is a Member.
names, but before using them; farri-
ers should now whether they have
been tried ,out by the experimental
stations, .and if so, are they recem-
mended. Eptperimenting with- new
materials is sometimes very expen-
sive for individual growers and cau-
tibn in this regard is 'advisable.
The, third factor) is that of timeli-
ness and thoroughness of application.
Sprays are effective by preventing in-
fection and they can only do this by
being applied before possible periods
of infection. The applications must
be thorough as the spores or seeds
of disease fungi are extremely min-
ute and are capable of -!becoming es-
tablished on very small areas of sus-
ceptible host parts. Failure to cov-
es` all pares of the host plant there-
fore may result in disease developing
in spite of spray practices.
In order to . aid the growers, the
Domineer'tDepertment of Agriculture
through their various plant disease
laboratories, • carry on experimental
work with plant diseases and as a
result of these researches are enabled
to recommend spray materials, the
proper strengths to use and times of
application. This information is
readily available in pamphlets and'
bulletins and may be obtained
through the Division of Botany, Cen-
tral 'Experimental Farm, Ottawa,
elt Lard � Ch a 41(417 illl
pentre, or the ens'terd can Ire, ee-
tuxned,tie the oven ;fust long enough
leo brown the' marshmallows Tina
makes six servings.
Sluggish Liver ....�
And Rheumatism,
Both Corrected By
Famous Vegetable Pills
"I received immediate relief from
Carter'sLittleLiver Pills," declares Mr.
Arthur P. "I recommend them tosuffer-
ers from Rheumatism and Indigestion:'
Because they are PURELY VEGE-
TABLE, a gentle, effective tonic to both
liver and bowels, De. Carter's Little
Liver Pills are without equal for cor-
recting Constipation, Acidity, .Bilious-
ness, Headaches and Poor Complexion.
2.5c. & 75c. red pkgs. Sold everywhere
Maple Cream.
'4 eggs -
1 cup hat )Maple syrup
• 2 cups ' thick cream.
Beat eggs slightly' and pour slow-
ly. into the hot Maple syrup. Cook in
double boiler until mixture thiel ens.
Cool and fold in the whipped erkam.
Mloisten mould with cold water and
allw to stand in ice box three or
four hours. This makes six serv-
Frozen Maple Pudding. ._
2 eggs,
1 cup milk
1 cup maple syrup -
ee pint cream whipped stiff
1 !teaspoon manilla.
,Mafke custard with eggs and milk.
When cold, add maple syrup, cream
whipped stiff and vanilla. Freeze by
packing in ice and salt, using four
parts ice to one of salt, or pack in
mechanical refrigerator for 3 til 4
hours. This will serve five or six.
Maple Mousse. .
fatigues off' rvozf tank, tralillj'ngl and
the eneetiling effeete of eating and
eleepiklg WAS d#treeee „ Wage every
night. iCerterenly it le not any urgeYnt
need for. money that has tilciven him
tor this teens ale ip a wealthy Man.
and has in a trust fund n11 the money
he will ever need or -all- his children
will need,; should he marry again and
raise a faini1 r.: b$o when .he Say:
that he can come back heerevidently
believes it.
Having talked about .Dempsey for
awhile 'Mr, Brown was willing to talk
about !fighters, managers and ,ntatc1-
makers generally. We learned, for
instance, that' the manager is en-
titled to no more than one-third of
any purse which his fighter may win.
This is an Internationel regulation.,
sometimes), perhaps, 'violated by
private agreements. 'Most manager%
are no good. They are toe' greedy.
Most fighters are like most managers
--too stupid to be ' managers. The
iargest stable of fighters ever con-
trolled by one manager was 51, un-
der the direction of the late Leo Flynn
who, on one night, had no eve: -
than, 2$ of his fighters in action. His
efforts. to appear in 28 corners scat-
tered in half a dozen cities 'weakened
Mr. Flynn's mind. As a. rule the
manager of a champion has but one
fighter. It was so with Kearns when
he bad Dempsey—Mr. Brown -is al-
ways getting back to Dempsey, some-
how or other' -and with Billy Gibson
when he had "Leu'nard and later,
Tunney. Some of Dempsey's friends
used to insist that in the old cham-
pionship days Kearns ought to heve
been the .fighter and Dempsey the
manager, the heavyweight being that
The chief worry of a matchmaker,
a topic on which 'Mr. Brown -is elo-
quent, is the difficulty of getting two
high-grade men in the ring in a city
of Toronto's size, or rather Toronto's
ability to pay money for prize fights.
It is easy to get one. For instance
when efforts were being made to get
Sharkey there to meet Larry Gains,
Sharkey laughed at the $7,000 of-
fered, saying he could get $27,000
eny time he wanted to meet Gains in
Boston, and, he skewed no anxiety
€o meet Gains=• in Boston, for Gains
had won three good bouts there.
Another trouble in:.• -the capacity of
fighters and their managers, a rapac-
ity that distinctly annoys Mr. Brown
when ever he thinks about it,' We
had almost forgotten to say that
Dempsey did ,make one condition
when he consented to fight in To-
ronto. It was that he should not
meet what he called a cutie. He
explained that a cutie was a wise
old veteran who had plenty of ring
craft, could cover up and hang on,
and thus make Dempsey or any other
ambitious puncher look very' bad. Le,
us conclude by saying that Playfair
Brown thinks, this Toronto boy Tom-
my Bland, who fights Levi"Duquet for
the lightweight championship of Can-
ada as' a• semi-final to • the Dempsey-
oetor--contest-is-,thebest, praspeet
in Canada. ! "We now close for -fear"
Mr. Brown might like, to say,esome-
thing more about Dempsey.
Heat one cup ot" maple syrup M a
dquble boiler. Beat the yolks of four
eggs very light," add graduallyto
syrup ;and cook until thiek. Add one
tablespoon of gelatin to one-half cup
of cold water. Stir into egg mix.-
ture, let cool until quite thick, then
fold in the beaten whites of four.
eggs. Last, add one-half pint of
cream, whipped, and pinch otf '•salt.
Place in refrigerator • over night.
Serve with austtard . sauce. This
makes six servings.
We. Act As Press Agent
For Dempsey and Doctor
Some weeks,• ago Playfair Brown
was arguing with .Leonard Sacks,
Jack Dempsey's' manager, over terms
tis" sect*e Dempsey's appearance in a
Toronto ring. Sacks spoke •of the
exchange rate, of the .fact that Demise
`sea could fill whatever halls he
!'ought in on the other side, and did
not n?ed to travel into Canada. It
all. looked very tr,�. nd blue from
Mr Brewn''' point'' o a view. .tehen
Dempsey •spbi't''e-up; `uS'ay, Bro , i e
said. "Didn't I pro.miee' you : t'Wo or
three years ago I'd come up, to To-
ronto and referee a fight for you?"
Mr. Brown said that the promise had
been made but for unavoidable rea-
sons could not be kept. "All right
then," said Dempsey to • Sacks.
"We'll go up to Toronto for Brown.
Make whatever arrangements you
like." So Dempsey is coming and,
will receive 50 per cent: of tire gate
receipts and ivill be glad to. accept
Canadian money too. He will fight
four rounds with Joe Doctor, using.
raeeanda haif ounce gloves, l .. the size
he used an Chicago. 'Regulation fight
gloves weigh six ounces. The gloves
used in most of the fights Dempsey
has had since August, when he..set
out on his campaign, were from 12
to 16 ounces in weight.
Talking with Mr. Brown recently
we learned that Dempsey ,made, no
stipulation as 'to whom he would
meet. He was indifferent, because
he seems honestly to believe that now
that Tunney—it was in vain that we
tried to break Mr. Brown of the hab-
it, which he may have caught from
Dempsey, of calling him Tooney—
has retired, he can beat any of the
heavyweights. In many of the cit-
ies where he has appeared Dempsey
has met two opponents in .the same
night and Mr. Brown thought it
might be advisable to have a second
man in readiness in case the- first
should wear out .prematurely. That.
Maple Sugar Flavors. For
Cookies, Icings, Desserts
It's sugaring off time in Ontario,
and the maple woods have all been
tapped, and their sap boiled down
into rich 'maple .syrup and toothsome
brown crunchy maple sugar cakes.
It's when they are boiling down the
sap that the French-Canadians like'
to put eggs in the hot syrup and
poach them. The eggs, which. also
serve the purpose of clarifying- the
syrup, are •then removedfrom the
large kettle and eaten with Bruch
relish. -
Maple flavoring, is at its best when
the syrup and sugar are fresh from
the farm, and housewives . are glad'
when the season arrives, so that they
can shave-a,staok of hot griddle cakes
with syrup, waffles or hot inuffin,
-or any of the many desserts that gain
their predominant flavor from the
sweet of the maple trees.
We have to offer you a tested re-
cipe for maple frosting which is very
popular, One for . cookies and several
desserts, all of which call for the
use of fresh maple syrup from your
own .maple groves.
Maple Frosting. .
2 cups sugar
2-3 cup maple syrup
2 tablespoons corn syrup
eup water
21 egg whites.
Combine sugar, maple syrup, corn
syrup and water. Place over low
Hayne and stir until sugar 'is dis-
solved and mixture starts to boil.
Cook without stirring until syrup
forms a ball in cold water (240 to
242 degrees F. on a•.candy thermom-
eter). Remove from fire and pour
slowly Over the stiffly beaten whites
of eggs, continuing to beat until
frosting will bold its shape.
Maple Cookies.
1/4 cup shortening
14 cup brqwn sugar
1/2 cup maple syrup
1 egg
2 tablespoons sour milk
1/4 teaspoon soda
1a teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
11/2 cups pastry flour
1/4 cup broken butternut meats or
shredded cocoanut.
2 teaspoons flour for filling.
Cream shortening and sugar to-
gether, add one-quarter cup of the
maple syrup, the egg beaten and the
sour milk.Sift • together the flour,
soda, salt and spices and add to first
mixture. Roll out paper thin, cut
in strips about two inches by four
inches to form a square. Place fill-
ing between two strips. Bake in a
'moderate oven .(375 degrees F.) for
twenty minutes or until slightly
browned. This will make twenty
cookies. •
TQ., make filling, heat syrup, add
nuts and mix flour with a little water.
Add to syrup and let cook for about
three minutes, stirring all the time. cool.
a r
J ,
l 1
it 3 3
al t
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1t y'•,�
zIiF P li
tar.!"i a,
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The Evening Meal
"The supper hour—a magnet draw -
in home
The ones who have the need of food
' and rest!
All women know this hour of day is
best." -
—Grace Noll Crowell.
The supper ,hour! It is the time
of a lull in the wheels of industry. in
the doings of by -way shops, in offices
where the •business of nations is
transacted, in the homely plowing of
rich soil by those who stay their work
anis make .their way across fields at
the sound of the supper bell. Every -
„one ,is ready for food and rest.
was agreeable to Dempsey, until he Faod 'always has and always will
mentioned that he had already sign-
ed Doctor. Then Dempsey drew the
line at a second man, believing Doc-
tor was enough for one evening. We
have no idea in the world hi5w good
Doctor is, and in our efforts to bally-
hoo this fight we wish this to be 'un-
derstood. Personally we, are going
to see Dempsey in action, and - we
doubt very much that we should pati
much attention to his opponent no
matter how good he might be. We
stand revealed as a sentimentalist in
this' respect.
Dempsey began this conditioning
campaign in August, since which
time more than half a million dollars
has been paid to see him fight. He
has appeared in 39 cities, meeting
114 opponents. 'Since he is new 36
years- old we do not believe it pos-
sible' that he should ever regain as
much as 80 per cent. of the form h'
displayed in his last fight with: Tun-
ney. His legs never could recapture
their old resiliency and vigor, and to
a fighter legs are quite as impnrtant
as arms. But Dempsey has his old -
"time confidence. He says that after
this tour, if convinced that • he has
not gone too far back, he will estab-
lish himself in a camp, avoiding the
Maple Custard.
cup )crown sugar
1/z cup maple syrup
3 eggs.
21/2 cups music
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla -
'16 marshmallows•
6 candied cherries.
!Boil sugar and syrup together
three minutes. 'Cool and mix with
'beaten eggs; milk, salt and vanilla.
Pour into c'uat'rd ceps, stand in a
pan .partly filled with hot water and
bake in a moderate hot oven: (350 de-
grees F'.) for twenty -'five minutes.
rWihe-rd )cold deetoratra •' as fo3lovvs, f,;
Take the marshmallows each on a
fork and dip for a momdiit•,ia...boi1-
ing water. Arrange four nu top of
6+,w ,.
Utterly Worn -Out
Mrs. fitzpatrttk Tells How Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills Made Her Well.
"I became run-
down and unable to
;do my work for, a
)Earns)- of i:even, "
writes Mrs. W. P.
Sask "I was told I
had anaemia, and I took treatment, but
with very little improvement. Finally
my sister, who had had the same disease,
advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, as they had done he so much good:
I have taken seven boxes. Today I'm
well; able to do my own work • no more
tired feeling ort k spelas. f can chin
upstairs wit out puffing. II sleep and eat
• well. My friends are astonished at illy
changed appearance and never fail to
ask whet I'm taking. 1Viye"rp1y is: 'Dr.
Williaifis'.Pink Pills',"
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills actually create
an abundance.of new red blood, which is
the reason why they have given new
vitality and strength to thousands of
such nervouSly exhausted and overtir d
wonien. Equally:• helpful for growjhg
girls.. Try theme At your druggist's ih-fl'ie
new glass container, 50c a package. 271
Can Now
mean work for someone. It is usual-
ly the housewife. .• If she does not
particularly enjoy culinary' duties, she
may feel that there is never a lull in
her work and especially during the
supper .hour. Perhaps the reason foe
a woman's work 'never being done is
lack of organization.
To insure a restful, quiet and thor-
oughly enjoyable supper hour, work
must be organized so that there will
be few difficulties in the food and in
the serving. A worried, nervous wife
who gives alibis for a wilted salad
and a scorched roast or who is always
nagging her children, is a poor con-
versationalist for the than who has
been in' business wrangles all during
the day. He needs good food and
conrfarting words. This means home
co-operation and necessarily entails
forethought on the part of the house-
When late afternoon hours are to
be spent away from home, there
should be some previous preparation
for the evening meal. Or meals
should be planned so that they can
Abe prepared quickly.
A Quickly Prepared Dinner.
Tomato juice cocktail
Baked white fish (Spencer Method)
Stuffed baked potatoes
Mixed green salad
Whole wheat )bread Butter
Baked Apples filled with raisins
Caffeine -free 'Coffee Milk
The above meal is not- only easy
to prepare but it is easy to digest.
It will not disturb sleep during the
night. This ,,meal may also be eaten
by children;".with some restrictions
for espeei'a"li '`' ii'c thg children.
In preparing this meal the house-
wife should first devote her time to
the potatoes and apples, making them
ready for the oven. Next the fish can
be 'prepared. It must not be put in-
to tjie oven until fifteen to twenty
minutes 'before serving title however,
The table should them be set ' and
-servfitg dishes laid out;' some to be
warmed and some to ,be chilled.
If all the vegetables are crisp and
cold it will take no tithe at all to
make the salad. It is best mixed at
the last minut'e or even at the talble.
The cream ipitr.'her may be filled and'
placed in the refrigerator; the lernon
sliced'and the bottler cut.
The tipples will" be done :before the
potatoes. Reinove them "and place on
top of • the -oven or in the warming
ov13,n. 'Baked apples served)
:Ether 'v ry hot or rely, Cold, not like,
Miss Campbeire Recipe •
-for'' Cap Cakes
34 cup buttes 2 cups pastry flour
1 cup swore (or 1% cups
2 eggs . bread flour)
teaspoon vanilla 3 teaspoons Magic
extract Baking Powder'
,14 teaspoon salt 1 cup in311c
Cream nutter thoroughly; add suger a
little at a,time, beating well. Add yolks •
of eggs and vanilla; beat well. Sift flour
with baking powder and salt, and add,
alternately with milk, to -drat mixture.
Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake in
greased clip cake tins, or in paper baking
cups, in moderate oven at 3750 F. about
25 minutes. Serve vreo:A from the oven.
sprinkled with powdered sugar- Or coil
and frost the tipsy You will find inanity
delicious frosting recipes in the Magic
Cook Book.
up Cakes
are . delicious when
made with. Magic
Baking Powder,_"
says Miss Helen Crnphell,
Director o f'
The Chatelaine Institute
GOOD baking goes hand in
hand with good materials,"
Miss Campbell will tell you. ".
That's why Magic Baking
Powder is used and recommended
by The Chatelaine Institute.
Magic meets all the Institute's.
rigid requirements of fine quality
—repeated tests have proved it
absolutely pure, uniform and de-
The majority of dietitians and
teachers of cookery throughout
Canada plan their ,recipes for
Magic. They use it ,rxtlusively '
because they know it gives con-,
sily rresults.
sAnd3 out Of
c f 4 Canadian house-
wives say Magic is their favorite.
It outsells all other baking
powders' combined,
' -Remember—substitutes are
never asood. Do as the experts
do. Use Magic\Baking Powder.
Free Cook Book—When you bake
at home, the new Magic Cook Book '
will give you d.ozens,of recipes for deli-
cious baked foods. Write to Standard
Brands Limited, Fraser Avenue and
Liberty Street, Toronto, Ontario:
kiss. ['Cassa.
`! 7ontatos no alum."
This statement on
every tin is our guar-
antee that Magic
Baking Powder !afros
from alum or any
harmful Ingredient.
warm. As there is not sufficient time
to chill them --•.for this meal, they
should be kept hot. -
When the potatoes are almost done
beat some milk and butter for mash-
ing the potatoes. Remove potatoes
from oven, increase the heat and put
in the fish. This same temperature
oven may be used to brownthe pota-
toes after they have been stuffed.
While the fish' is cooking the last
minute touches can 'be put on the
Of course this is only one meal and
there are hundreds of occasions but
with forethought all women can know ,
the supper hour to be the best of the
Some Americans have decided that
Japan is not able to finance a war.
This promotes suspicion that the. Jap-
anese have been attending- a picnic in
Manchuria and Shanghai. — South
Bend" Tribune.
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