The Huron Expositor, 1932-03-25, Page 5it ;Y. 1414tTie)sl aril, cl%ai at lig speriti''l� Y�ir ek Otxti�, iris- • iithwg. fri'$nfls ie o1'cotto;, • A cl+on vires shot Tai* Rtutledge, o. ,.•:..fix*iae',' .1a#baa.a t , On 1i With til@; wgrd,.'I'lf*, Bit)1og- e .. ua111'vey,-W404011104 19, C: No. 2�ti0 4. J,4selc the tag to the -.ad- • d*es'S $ d ,,,lv aveititing an IMMV.V,Pi m alf3F-011. died at 'Kingsville -131Ondat horning; 'Slhe. formerly liv. .04:911111f4.14113% now occupied by• Mil - i r PinOtbr. ' ,'• • ,OnTuesday' a' dock of w11d geese 'were seed, passing over ii . ,, am to 'the, north:.; a boreind*clition of ',Whig.'Wild ducks were' n flying -.around the Maitland rider in Wing - ;barn and seemed quite" at home. BRUSSELS Death of George Kerr, --There pass - 'ed away on Tuesday at his home on the 5th concession of Morris, Qeorge Kerr in hind 74th year. IMr. Kerr was one of •tiheearly'--pioneers, halving' been born' and raisedr°on the farm • on which he died.. Ile had been in fail- ing health for some ticmeand was not alble to 'throw off the flu.. He leaves to .nulourn his -loss his wife, one daughter Ella, and two sons, Wesley on the homestead and James on the Sth concession of 'Morris• awl one grandson, ,Stewart. The rurerai took place from his home Thursday: after- noon, interment in Brussels a;inetery. Philip Ament,:attended ;he "funeral of his son-in-law, Arthrr aawscshaw, at Lucan, on 'W'ednesday. Mrs. Geo. Dawson, Tiverton, sister of Mrs. H'awkshaw, also attended, The Young People of Melville. : Pres6yterian Church- held their week- ly meeting on Tuesday evening, the president, Miss Margaret'�MoDougal '1n,the chair and Miss Margaret Gar- 3n'lss . presiding at the piano, After. '1 ,singing ,a hymn, Rev. Wm. Moore led in prayer and Jessie Little • read the first Scripture lesson. Grace Stew - ....wt toc4 the chair and was in charge of the,, devotional part. -Freda Mus- tard read the.aecond lesson." A duet was given by Reta and Donna Smith; ' Miss Marie 'Heather had the . topic. "Jesus Our Ideal in Temptation," which was splendidly given. A hymn was.' sungi and the meeting closed • with the Mizpah 'benediction.,This is the last meeting until next fall. Visitors here: Miss Donna Smith, Bluevale,, visiting her sister, 1'I•;ss ',Beta; 'Mrs. (Rein.) Barker, Windsor, -calling on old friends. 9zlnlpti fl -.In I<idptb liffAiorfal lint, Si 4 lfor,th Sande', March 30$ , u rkt't ici* 01. #fa dais Denotnme. 111may Towneklp, on rag. 13111; tto Ur. and Mrs. Ted Denomunp a dauah. i'pping,--In Zurich, on• March 11th, to Mr, and Mats. John K4Pp111g, a 0011. Stoblbe•..-In Exetar north 'on Bridal', 74azcll 114/1,41/0 11r. *ad ,.,1Mrs. Peter IStobbe, a som »Faerass• tion.—>n Seaforth,._bm Friday, Marchi 18th, James Mann, in his $6th year: Turnbull.—in Exeter, on March 12th, Mary Jane. Recrett, 'beloved wife of Witham A. IrurnJbull, in her 60th 'year. Ada/mi.-Jo McI2111oip, on Saturday, Moab 18th, Noble T. Adams, aged 81 years and e days. Brown.—In Mullett, on Match 10th, Marry Ann Lee, widow of John Brown, aged 71 'years, and 6 months, CARD ,OF THAI KS e. .Mr. Henry Purdy and . family, of , near Chiselhurst, wish to express their Very sin- cere thanks n andfat' lappree ton of thei many acts of a kindness shown ho n them during' the ill- ness and after The death Of their wife and Mother, by theta ay neighbors and friends and for floral tr> tes and cars sulpplied:'7 33541 • , NOTICE I will not be responsible for any debts con- tracted by my wife after Mlarch 19th, 1932. ALVIN McGILL, . Seaforth, Ont. 3354x1 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS " COUNTY Oli+! , PERTH Under and by virtue Of a Writ, of 'Execu• tion• is ;ied''oet of the Supreme Court of On- tario, to me •directed and delijYered. against the lands and tenem h?ts of"'•WILLIAM AR- THUR WRIGHT wherein ISABELLA JANE WRIGHT is the plaintiff, I have seized and t -ken in excaution and ,will• offer for sale by et-fl'ic auction at. .my- office in the• Court House. in the City of Stratford, in the Coun- ty of Perth, on Tuerday, the 19th day of April, 1932, at the hours of 2 o'clock p.m.., all the right, title, and equity of redemption of the strict WILLIAM ARTHUR WRIGHT, in and out of the following? land's and tene menta, being composed of Lot Number 29; Concession 10, in the 'Fownsthip of Hibbert, in the County of Perth.. ' On the premises are Ste:nosed to bea'brick house, bank, barn; dram shed, etc. M, •F: IEVINE, • Sheriff -County of Perth. Sheriff Office, Stratford, Ont., January 19th, 1932. • 335'1.4 Use Seaforth 41' Highest Qtialiy 18 Years ClreamLry Butter Always Confidence in business is obtained by years of dependable service. We Want Cream. "MORE CREAM" --"GOOD CREAM" Deliver'your cream direct or send by truck or express and receive our highest market price; consistent with accurate weights and tests. Deliver your cream and receive your money. SEAFORTH CREAMERY C. A. BARBER, Proprietor. oday if ou want these Bonds New Issue Canadian Pacific Railway Company Convertible 6% Collateral Trust Bonds (non -callable) Due 'March 115, 1942 PRICE: 100 and Interest (Plus Transfer Tax) s Convertible September 15, 1932, to September 15, 1937, inclusive, into Com- mon Stock in ratio of 40 shares for. each $1,000 Bond. New IIssue CITY OF TORONTO 5i Per Cent. SERIAL DEBENTURES Price at the market to yield '5.70%. .The De- bentures of $100' denomi- nation will be limf ed in amount, and are aviailable in maturities from 1933- 1.942 only. Telephone or Telegraph at Our Expense .E. A. SIEGRiST. Sc CO., L'IMITE 1 - LONDON, ONTARIO Long Distance Phone, Metcalf 3370 Beat Hard Times Buyl. .. MQQRE'S Quality Chicks. , T]iis.yeariget your,Chicks ,from. Sunnyvale Poultry Farm. A real trapnest_ pedl ree breeding' p1 alit, an Ontario Breeding Station, where all 'birds aro.('rovernment approved and bloodtested. We 'trapnest under R. G. P. every day of every year,and devote all our time to poultry and improving our strains. Our matings this year are the finest we have ev er had. Big strong hens Mated to male (birds Whose dams have 1 aid over 200 eggs. OUR PRICES ARE VERY REASONABLE In keeping with the times we have put our prices down to rock .bottom. This is your opportunity to secure highest quality Chicks at very low cost. March and April Barred Rocks, $14 per 100' •,White Legherns, $12; started "chicks and four-week old cockerels at bargain ;ernes. Order now an 41 avoid' disappointment. Andrew A.Moore Seaforth, -Ont. 'Phone 131'r 3 Ir P i; Phone, as it M. R ss.. .-4 q1j4 841.40,41: 1* p'; ,p 4llit:,,,,0110Pal'',e Yark ihtre Piga,. ; wed s 4i4Alpo a ns n tits of see , 0004 lgaa ,well paved Prcea. right, Flinn ' 2i .i fa$,. $padogtll.' Mi10.14NOLAVT.. uz zatxl .., • 88844 CIEOXCE i8Vf44.0 .agaDa yo t SALN,, MRei9'ard ,garing wheat; OAC;. N. 191 Held Vega; O,A;C; No, 2t 'barley; "Velvet" barley; 4'Grainery••Flller" seed oats ait,4 .Red Cleaver. Prices and''detalls quoted upon re- quest, .,Avply to Owen Geiger 844 Son,.. Hen. dull, Ont. Phone ]:41o. ^'59. 8853.8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS 'H,EREB GIVEN that ail creditors and others having claims against the estate of .MARION SMITH, late of the Town- ship of Stanley. in the County ,f Huron. Spinster, 'who died on the Tenth day of November, A. D. 1931, are 'required to for- ward their claims duly proven to, ,the under- signed onor before the Twenty-eighth. day of March, A. D. 1932. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after the said date the Executor will- proceed to distribute ;the estate. having regard only to the claims of .which he then shall have notice. . DATED at Exeter, Ont., this 7th day of 1MIas'eh, A. D. 1932. GLAD.MAN & STANBUaY, ' Exeter, and Herman. Executor's Solicitors. 3352-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS, NOTICE is hereby" given that all creditors and Others havingelaima against the estate or •Agnes lddGeoch, late of the Village of Eemondvi.11e it ' the County of Huron, who died on the 12th day of 'February. •1932, are requested to forward their claims, verified by affidavit, to the undersigned, solicitor for the Executors, on or before _the 4th day of April, 193:: AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that aaer the said last mentioned date, the cxeeu- tora. will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased„ haying regards only to the claims of which they then shall have had notice. RATED at Seaforth, Ontario, this 16th day of March, 1932, • JOHN J. HUGGARD, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitor .for . the Executors. .3353-3 .MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY "finder and by v"rtue of the Powers of Sate. contained Inas ce tale Mortgage which will be produced at tele time of the sale, there will be offered for gale by public auction, subject to a' -reserved bid and ether' condi- tions .ef sale, dn,. • • SATURDAY, 'MABGH 26, 1932 at the. hour of 2"o'clock in the afternoon at. THE DOMINION I1OU,SE, ZURICrf. ONT. the follow�ing. property, -.namely: Part of Lot in N. 13, n the 12th Concession of the Town- ship of 'Hay, in the Gounty of Huron, con- taining sevehta act more or, less. ' On the premises is a good bank barn with cement foundation, comfortable frame Muse and a drive shed. There are two wells, ons in-•thebarna-arnd--ane- .ar,- thy -house,- . 6hc-. property is well drained -and fenced- Thera are seven acres sown to all wheat, and all the fall ploughing is dome. This property is only three miles from the flourishing village -of Zurich, and handy to market, church and school. • TERMS OF SALE. Ten per rent..of the 'purchase money to be paid at the time of sale, and the balance in thirty days. For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to the undersigned solicitors. DATED at Exeter, Onft' the 7th day of March, A. D. 1932.. • GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter and Hensel), Solicitors for Mortgagee. 3352-3 .Oscar Klopp, Auctioned". BLOOD TESTED CHICKS Hatchery and ' flocks are both in- spected .under the Dominion Depart- ment 9f Agric'ulture's Hatchery Ap- proval, Policy, The testing of the blood 'samples was 'done by Capital Laboratories,'; Ottawa.' The "bred -to -lay qualities of our birds are kept up-to-date by the pur- chase of male birds from high record R. O: P. hens, owned iby some of the most successful 'breeders in the coun- try. ' We expert to hatch about 1,500 Barred Rocks, 250 White Rocks and 500 Leghorns per week. Please order about one month before you want your chicks, if you can. Don't think too much about the price. We will use you right. Come and see us, or phone ' 97 r 4, Bewail. We will be glad to talk things' over with you. Feed, Stoves and other suupplies kept on hand. J. Elgin McKinley ZURICHI 3350-10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o H. C. BOK c 0 Funeral Director and O O Licensed Embalmer O 0' Best Motor and Horse -draws 0 O equipment. O 0 Charges moderate. O• O Eleven furnished on short O 0 notice. 0 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 4 ' Phone 176 Phone 49 O O 0 0000000000040 0000OOO'O O ooa0 • W. J. CLEARY- ' O 0 Licensed Embalmer and 0 O Funeral Director O 0 Up-to-date Horse ant Motor O O Equipment. 0 O Night and Day Servide. 0 0 .,:Phone 19-22, Dublin. O O • O 0.0 0 0 0 0 c04 0 0 0 0 0 / THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan SEAVORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 Ifo Underthe A sill pa oil, *he S.eaforth' 4tari la "'?rte $.Poiety. i 1 P At 1:80 pm., a'Graa4 Parade of all Atihnela entered for competition,, headed by the Sea.. Beath". Alijahlviders Band. , 2 o'clock.--Jadghig COmmences-2 o'clock . HOR$Es CLYDESDALE Stallion, any age $8 ts6 54 3rd prize, J. k'• Daly, goods. Stallibn, under three .years 7 ., 5 2nd p$'ize, N. Cluff •& goods. Sweepatake Badge ` P>9 R,CHERON-• T LL S A ION Stallion, any age 7. -4 ROADSWIta STALLION Standard Bred, 1kotadrai or Pas- ing Stallion,,iar Earns''"` 5 4 • 3 3rd prize by J. J:' Cleary. ROADSTERS Roadster horse in $arri€ess,' 15-3 or under 6 4 8 I 3rd prize donated by 3. J. Cleary. Carriage horse in harness, over I6-3 x. 6 4 2 3rd pt13e, W. R. SSnith ' u GRIC4URA (!.;,, Brood mare dealLT8 6 4 Filly dr Gelding. 3 yeais. or. Over :"';1st prize donated • .by . Provilt of Ontario Bank„ 3rd prize don- Iated by C. M. Smiths' Filly or Gelding foaled in 1930' 5 3' 2 $rd prize donated .by M. Beaton Filly or Gelding 'foaled ,in 19315 3 2 1st Prize donated b3' The lluron Expositor; 3rd priale donated by G. D. Ferguson." 5 3 2 Exhibitors . Please . Bear, in Mind.—Parade at 1.30 sharp. Judging commences 2 o'clock Classes will be called iso the order as they appear in this ad. Tears in harness $15.. $8 56 54 s 1st prize donated by..3'. Sastauge•. Sweepstake Badge HEAVY DRAFT _ Brood Mare in foal, 8 6 4 Filly or Gelding, 3. years , or over 5 3 2 3rd prize donated by E%. II. Close Fitly or Gelding foaled in 1930., „5 3 2:00 3rd prize donated by J. M.. 'Cardno. Filly or' Gelding foaled ip 1931' 5 3 2 Srd prize donated by T. Dickson Team; in .Harness 15 8 6 4 1st prize donated by Stewart Bros. Sweepstake Badge GENERAL PURPOSE Team ',in •Harness' 7 5 3. 2.50 2.nd prize, .1. A. We.tcott, Srtt prize, J. 'Dick, cash ; 4th prize,. J. A. •Stewart. TOWNSHIP 'SPECIAli Beat Three ; Horses from. one Township, 2 or more entries to all this Clash 9 6 3 Prizei'ailona'ted by the Seaforth Agricultural.' Society_ • _ , BOYS'. JUDGING' GOIt1PETITION- - - Open to boys, 21 years of ' age and under ..',- 65 $4 33 52 $1 1st prize, $5 geld piece,•, donated by C. P. Sills, Postmaster ; 2nd • prize, J. Pullman ; 3rd orize, J. E. 'Keating; "5th, Oylmspioa Restaur- ant. The C^mpetition Will be under the direction ,f Mr- M•oLeod, Countyli;rkulutral Repres- en.ta$livel Score cards will bagiven each boy; 50 points will 'beven for placing by ;more card- and 50 . Poinal for reasons to be given orally. Class to be.' judged will be Heavy Horses. No 'entrance .fee will be re- quired. but boys must have 'their entry' in be- fore 1.30, o'clock. .Previous winners of First Prize in this comlpc•tition are barred. t' • RUI.F.S AND REGULATIONS 1. --Entrance Fee,__ $1.00; each additional entry, 50 cents. 2. A.11 entries must he made with the Secretary before 1.80 p.m. • 3. --Brood mares must show visibly in foal. 4.—.Ages of horse.; to date from Jan. lst. 5.—The judges will be particular to regard merit in all "+took 'tompotition and withhold any premium if they ooneider the animal un- deserving, and a first or second prize will. not' be given to a third class animal, or in a sweepstake if they consider the competition not sufficient. G.—Every exhibitor must Produce his entry ticket in every class, otherwise the animal' will not be' judged. 7:--tBruod mares in foal, both heavy draft and egricul:turai, are barred -from competing in the class Tor mare, filly of gelding, any age. 8.—All animals must be the bona fide pro- perty of the exhibitor. 9.- All anima;is enteral for Idampdtitdon must appear in parade at 1.30 p.m. 10.—nudges' decisions to be fins] in all 'oas- es. DONATIONS—CASH T. .McMillan, M.P., $19; W. G. Medd, M.L.A. 510; W. A. Wright, $2: F. D. Hutchison, $1 ; Thomas Phillips,. $2; John Gallop, 51; Chas. Dungey 52: Seaforth Ncws, $5; Province of Ontario Bank, 55 ; Neil Gillespie, 51? Sam Shi,nan, 51; J. 11, Scott, 51; Alpe, Broadfoot, $1; A. Box, $1; Isaac Hudson, $2; Huron Ex- positor, $6 ; T. J. Stephens, $2; A. Dunlop, 31; . C. P. Sills, $5; S. Pullman, 51; Lorne Dale, $1.00. DONATIONS—GOODS N. Clufi & Sons, goods, 55; Joseph Dorsey, goods, $1.50; J. F. Daly, goods, $4; Thomas Dickson, goods, $2: J. M. Cardno. ' 100 tris. flour, 62.50: F. S. Sa, auge, gold •watch, 515; John Pullman, goods., 52.50• Olympia Reet- autrant, groats, 51: W. R. Smith, goods, 52 ; John Stewart, goals, 62.50; Dick House; geode, 51.60; 3. A. Westcott, goode. $5,00; Stewart Bras., goals, $15; J. E. Resting, goods, $2; J. J. Cleary, 100 lbs. Puriity flour, 100 lbs. Five Rosea final-, • 56; E. H. Close, goods; 52.50; C. 141. Smith, goods, 32 ; M. Beaton, goods, 32: G. D. Ferguson, goods, $2. PRIZE LISTS MAY RE OBTAINED PROM THE SECRETARY HUMPHREY SNELL - - President MRS. J. A. KERR , - - Sec.-Treas. Spring Show Circuit-Seadorth, April 5th ; Hensel!, April 12th; Clinton, April 7th. FARMS FOR SALE PAR* FO$ SALE. ^ FO,R SALE PARI L09 fa and 29, Lonceseion ; McEW.p, ern, talning 192 acres and known ea the T. R Hasa farm. Mart be geld t.r close the estate If not sold will be rented: Per particular', anal! to J. M. GOVENLOOB, Executor, S.a• forth. 1120141 A BARGAIN FOR SALE.—Five acres, One rail* from .Seaforthf modern house witi• furnace, bath and toilet;. small bar* good' orchard. Taxes, $15. , Splendid chance to start chicken farm, bees etc. Apply to ' R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. 2953-t1 LL fashion roacislead; t . for Easter A parel. " .In a ,. r. search for newest •approvfie we have chosen °_.,Storing Coa,ts, Go Frocks, Suits, and Millinery that are re- splendent with beauty and correctness. r C � ee in and enjoy seeing eeing h ese, n ev ,Ist ' leaders under _ ments >.'. -of a department newly decorat- ed and modernized. - 1 ✓. S r Coa.ts;., .•s The new. modes .are here; you may .. now inspect all that is correct, - all. ' that is hew 'and smart..: • Attractive novelty~ sleeves= and . col- lars, ol lars, wider lapels, abundanCe'of' but- tons, semi -fitting lines are a,rno g" the latest inovations. The ziew style fur collars and cleverly tailored,stitched collars for wear with fancy `scarfs:' are also wonderfully attractive. Chongo, ' Broadcloths, Crepe Cloths, Flake TWeeds and Polo Cloths in Green, 'Rust, Navy, Sand, Blue and Black. THREE OUTSTANDING VALUES $9.75, $15.00; $23.75 New Dresses You just cannot afford to miss see- ing this delightful display of ultra stylish Easter Frocks. The new fancy sleeves, symetrical flare bot- toms, the stunning jacket styles, lovely new colors and color combina- tions; in plain and printed fabrics in- cluding a .host of new crepe finished. and flat crepe cloths. THREE SPECIAL PRICES $6.75, A9.95,412.75 $12.75 MONEY SAVERS New Easter Hosiery KAY-RI$—The very latest Kayser product. A fine Silk Chiffon with a slightly visible rib in Gunmetal. Oasis, Habday and all regular shades • - $1',25 KAYSERS—New fit -all top, stretch- es either side or lengthwise and still retain their shape. A fine chiffon full fashioned hose. All the new Spring shades $1.25 KAYSER'S lovely Sansheen hose ; sheer and clear with cradle foot and picot edge. All you used to • expect in a $1.50 to $2 hose Si , 00 FULL FASHIONED --A very poP u - lar number. All the wanted shades in all sizes 75c New Easter Accessories NON -RUN, STEP-INS — Beautiful new designs with lace trimming and medalions of contrasting col- ors — Pink, Peach, Yellow and Nile. Think of the price ....39 NEW SLIP-ON KID GLOVES -- Black, White and Black, Biege Black and White, Eggs1iiell or White. Guaranteed quality. - fie $2.25 SILK GLOVES—Slip-on style, all dee new Easter shades. All sizes. $1.00 to $11.50 NEW NOVELTY GLOVES Fine Silk Nett for Spring wear; white or black 51,25 Stewart Bros. Seafort iy