HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-03-11, Page 5w e- .N4 • x. • ' , 4 • 4.4 V V 41,'' •4. '4 • .. • , 4,1 I 1 itairipfty t. 1 ' ',, ; 9DpRIPH • BIRTHS McDonald. -In Scott Memorial Hespital, On March 6th, to Mr. and Mos. Alex. McDon- idd, of Seaforth, a daughter. .11totip • ' ,[47. NeW Playing, "F4tet of ,Bornexpo . • ,, -I„ . , Monday, Tuestlak and Wednesday .,...... .....„ . GEORGE BANCROFT Vigorous.,:„ two-fisted favorite, in the most Smashing characteriza- tion of his eareer. "RICH MAN'S FOLLY" ., .. Assisted by Frances Dee . • ' Thursday and Friday Lawrence Tibbett, Lupe Velez . and Ernest 'Torrance in the picture you have waited ., for. . "THE CUBAN LOVE SONG" ... . _ . The 1Goderich Lions Club p.ize drawing will be held on Thursday ; night 'at 9.15. The proceeds an Thursday night will be levoLed to .; the Lions 'General Benefit Fund. r Saturday Only • "THE BARGAIN." ,.! . featuring Lewis Stone, Doris Ken, ' Ton, 'Charles Butterworth -One ,rf. i those unsung pictures that chrro.1. 1 (Tat.,Nli-ith their excellence. 'IVIatirieeer-Mednesday & Saturday COMING': -Captain Plunkett and His Durnbellsi,Marelt 21st. , • .•014. it+4 gr., 40 1J -et,* and *S.-J.0W ,D y New and r. f err, 'of -aadanliii Vere at Icitekeneg , , t 'day. vi #,.. Ant Mrs. Doer's 11W-ttet,' v. aeo ge albfleisch, of Bra rier, Who is c 11- valeseing there ate his atecent deli,' •cate operation. " • , ,Mr. and Mrs, Algx. ISioskePI and 'children and Mrs. Wes. Fischer, of Fuliarton, spent Friday at the home of Mr. and 1VD"siCharles 'Rlegele, We are pleased tp note, that:Mrs., floegy, Sr., is somewhat recovered from her recent illness. Mrs. Fred Koehler and Mrs, Jerry Doerr entertained the ladies to a quilting -bee on Thursday last week. In the eviening.the young folks were entertained - at ' progressive euchre. Several cars of young people from Stratford were present, it being Miss, Irene Koehler's birthday. A pleas- ant time was 'spen't, .,,,,,, . , Mr. Henry 'Koehler is at present visiting With ;Messrs. George and Henry .Hoegy_? in Grey. .. ' Miss Marie Koehler and • her mother, Mrs. Fred Koehler, accora-, parried Dr. McGregor to Seaforth Hospital , on Tnesday, where Miss Koehler underwent an operation for appendicitis. We wish her a sp-eedy recovery. Mrs. Wm. Koehler, who has been ill, is now improving and will soon be able to be out. School Report. -.The. following is the report of S. S. No. 10, McKillop, for the months 'of' January and Feb- ruary. Those marked with an' aster- isk were absent for one or more ex- aminations: • Sr. IV. -- Olive Pryce -67.4, Oliver Pryce. 63.3, Allan Camp' • nemesesselor Weetinciratiid,•and Offer' ' • . . ,. . . PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN 20 YEAR, 6 PER CENT SINK • • • ' ! ING FUND • DEBENTURES., NO -CALLABLE ." D,ated. M9.rch. 15, 1932. •• ' . • • ,,.. : , ,,,,,. • Due( MarEli'..15, 1952. ' ,, ' • . • , • Price: 94.15 and 'accrued' interest to yielcl 6,5 per cent: .,,„, ..-• '. , - ,, E. 'A. SIEGRIST & CO • 4 . Investment Bankers, Ltd. - New Bank of Torento, Bldg., London, Ont. Met. 3370 • Phone .or telegraph at our expense. Use Seaforth Creamery Butter 18 Years Highest Quality Always Confidence in business is obtained by years of dependable service. We Want Cream. "MORE CREAM"—"GOOD CREAM" 'Deliver your cream direct or send by truck or express and receive our highest market price, consistent with accurate weights and tests. Deliver your cream and receive your money., SEAFORTH CREAMERY C. A. BARBER, Proprietor. ..;u,.*ior.00; fm4' ,41fotol..olioucbq 74,,iff4pireo 'aga 446' At*00,14ro' 41, 141f,b; ?OW- -4...,.130.t1403141141Va v.; gamiabent 4%1, -F,ttiner—Uorbin. , 10417. chaf41, YonY.44904,.. Perigert. jahintn71---( .!').410101044 iperfeet ipalling for Pethlekl' paled -4004 two • roont110}10,en Damage, Ruth .Pethick, Betty Bul- lard",'" Gdtdon . Blanchard. "TiUie - •Storey; Teacher._ • .. • -.School Report.. -The. 'following is the report for IL S. -$. N. 12, Grey and r4010110, for the oaths. of Janu- ary and February. Those marked with an. asterisk missed•examinations. Sr. JVi--,Isabelle Coutts 71%. Jr. IV ---?k•GelZirge ,midcanuan am Sr; Thelma Forbes. 77%, Archie McCallum 47%. Jr. A--Winnifred McCal- lum Jr. ITT B -Evelyn Wil- liamson 64%, Donald Coutts Ross Coutts "59%, Willie 'Coats 51%, MCantosh 3'4%. Jr, II -Ken- neth Forbes. I--Bus.sel,, *Callum. Sr. IPrimer--Florence Williamson. Jr. Prireer-Niola MOCallum. - M. C. Roibertso.n, Teacher. • 4„. BAYFIELD . •and Mrs. -Harding'had,,a,s. their guests Sunday and Monday, Mr. and Mrs'. Louis Jacobs and .twe, children Of Benmiller. . I. • Mr. Gordon •Vanstone , and lll'iss Greta !Steele, of Goderich; are ViSit- ing ,Mr, and Mrs. Harding. Jean.H.Woods, of. Toron-to Gen- , eral . Hospital, was home. or part of .Saturday and Sunday. • ,Mrs. 'Prentice, of Toronto, spent .the week . end with 'her -parents,.Nr. And Mrs..Wm.' ,Stin•son.. • .. • James fRonatt„ who has, been' in LOnclen.for.the past month,',`retiarried home last. week. ,.„ • .,$!iss 'Anne Dewar is T.oron.to, .• • . . ...Mr., Arthur E. !CantelOn, of War Road; 'Minnesota, was recently . vis- itor with :Mr. and Mrs. john JO4Vett. Mr. .Cantelpfi-nii' Grand High:Priest -of the Grand 'Chapter -Royal Arch - Masons of ;War Road .and attended the meetin.g. of , the :Chapter at ,Hain- ilton at which were High, Priests from New .:York,.„,1Michigan, Iowa and:, other, States. ! From here Mr. Cantelon'proceeded to Varicou- , ' The euchre and dance put on by the Badminton 'Club on Friday •evening last, IMarch--4th', was quite a success, several being present from .Gode- rieh,.' Varna and. -other places. The winners at euchre were IMrs. Meak- ins, Mrs. Johns, Cecil Connell, Mel- vin -Davison. .iVItisic for dancing was supplied by Dr. A. Newton -Brady, Milton Pollock, -James Lindsay; vio- lins; George Little,'.drum and traps.; Miss Gene 'Conner,' of Goderich, piano. Government Bonds Opportunities to purchase Government Bonds to yield close tip 6 per cent. or better come only once in a great many years. This oppor- tunity should not be missed: - PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 5%% BONDS DUE FEB. 1st. 1947, At MARKET, TO YIELD ABOUT 51/2% • PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA BONTt? DUE FEB. 15111.13V4.67,30.tT MARKET, TO YIELD A • PROVINCE OF ALBERTA • • 6% "BONDS DUE MARCH 1st, 1947, AT MARKET, 'TO YIELD ABOUT 6.40% • E. A. SIEGEIST & CO. LIMITED INVESTMEN'T BANKERS NEW BANK OF TORONTO BLDG., LONDON, ONTARIO Phone or Telegraph our expense Phone Metcalf 3370 E. A. SIEGRPS'T & CO. LuArrtn • New Bank of Toronto Bldg., London, 'Ont. Gentlemen - Please send me more information'tegarding Please place My order for — Name Address FARM NOTES Crop Rotation Benefits The chief advantages of crop rota- tion consist in maintaining the pro- ductivity of the land at a higher lev- el, in distributing the farm labour more uniformly throughout the sea son, and in controlling more effect- ively weeds, insects., and fungous dis- eases. Crop rotation is the growing of different crops upon the same land in a definite order and recurring suc- cession. Controlling Black Root Root -rot or black -root a fairly common disease of strawberry plants. Apparently plants of any age may be attacked but they are niost sus- ceptible, a two periods, shortly after being set out and at fruiting time. In some' -patches little or to evidence of the disease .can fe found; 'while in • others 50 per -,Cent. or even .10, per cent. of of the plants are destrOyed. Th e principal control measure which have been'found' useful are: . 1. Practise a fairly long' crop ro- tation.Strawberries should not fol- low a similar ,crop in less than fiv years, if 'posSible. 2. Avoid introducing the dis ,eage, 'When setting out a patch se cure plants' from a field Which wa free from' root -rot the previous year. Then .discard from these' any plants whielrhave blackened rots. 3. Protect the plants during the winter by means of a Suitable mulch. As soon as the ground becomes froz- en hard, cover the rows with two or three inches' of clean straw. •,•"' e ..! . l•ii ' .".i.")‘•!,-'4, I '' 9iitr;40,:i .F.. , , • . ,,, •,..,...,„ . .,,, ,,,- „ . pp- .. a 'UP^ ItrIA0r/k .. t brPQ•41049.1V4S4, •:,OPP•04,101*./0 ,t ' Vetnenit,),00k likentler•.4nnaea ,441* be, paid to. 044 On -, , ' !1,1r44111• Of • kervice reee00 tbe,anloant,•44eing :PO ' n the ease a ef'Vrt;,%. Advaneed Reg. Agra BOar..,beilo wed, and all, . &There a XX ApProved Boar is .11;s- Kl. Complete information as to how ;o secure the 1301141 of the new- pel. cy ean be obtained by application .to . your local agricnitnral representa- Ave, ta. the nearest federal swine -in- ypector for your district, or to the Department at Ottawa. , . ! • BIRTHS McDonald. -In Scott Memorial Hespital, On March 6th, to Mr. and Mos. Alex. McDon- idd, of Seaforth, a daughter. DEATHS Wilion.- In Seaforth, on Wednesday, March 9th, William Wilson, in his Slat year. Betts. --In Seaforth, oo.:Saturday, Marcfn 5th, Robert Betts, aged 72 years. • . ,,,, geTayish.- In Clinton, on Wednerday, Myrch 9th, Chrintena, McTavish, eg'ed vrreeta;" IN MEMORIAM ' Note. --Items under this head will be ehati- ed 50 cents per single verse, and 25 cents for each additional verse. / .....---i TROYER-In loving ,remembrance of .Ges. E. Troyer, who passed away twelve year ago to,day. March 8th. SAshige, passes, shadows fall, Love's remembrance outlasts all; Andthough the years be Many or few; They are filled with remembrance dear of you. 3352x1 ,, MOTHER.. , IMPORTANT NOTICES , • • riktiE tUNDDRSIGNMD •,HAS 'FOR SA.LE ' • good quality , red clover ; timothy sesd, also oats. All' preed reasonably, Apply to R. P. WATSON.' Rhone 4 on 625. 33524 . , . . , • AUCTION. SALE AixTioN SkLE OF COWS. YOUNG CAT- ."' TLE, SHEEP, HOGS, POULTRY; 11AF, Etc.---Auetion sale of the following will be held Friday, March 1.1.th,, at 1 o'clock, pan., Lot 6, Concession 4, W. M. Spi•oat's Tile Yard: Cows -:-One Durham cois (choice) 7 yeara old with calf six weeks old at foot; 1 bleak" cow 9 years old, milking well and due in July; 1 roan cow due in sreest., 8 years old; 1 Durham cow 7 years old, due in April j 1 c,ow, Durham, 6 years old, clue in April; 2 cows, part Holstein, rising 3, second calf, due in April; 1 heifer •fresh about one month, 2 years' old calf at foot; 4 heifers springing, two years old; two' fat Durham hdifera rising • two, would either make good beef ring meat or good cows; , 6 heifers •risiog one year old.; 'two steers one ;year old and fat': 1 young brood sow slue Di 'April. Sheep -Seven blackface ewe; with lambs at ,foot Poultry -Fifty or sixty Rock hens one year old, and. about 25 Leghorns; a few tons of hay, and we will also offer a car load of agricultural lime in whatever quantities you wish. Also ane Maissey-Har- ris 13 disc fertilizer drill. Terms -Six months with interest at 7 per cent. per annum or the same rate off for cash, bankable approv- ed joint notes. WILLIAM M. SPROAT and HARRY CHESNEY, Proprietors; D. F. M.,- : Gregor and John Reinke, Clerks; George 11. Elliott, Auctioneer. 3351.2 NOTICE TO- d ItEDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ail creditors and others having claims against the estate of MARION'S-MTH: late of the Town- ship of Sbanley, in the • County of Huron, Spinster, Who died on the Tenth day ' ef November, A. D. 1931, are required to for, - ward their claims duly proven to the under- signed on or before the Twenty-eighth day of March, A. D. 1932. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER' GIVEN. that after the said date the Executor will proceed to distribute ,the estate, having regard only to the claims of 'which Ile then shall have notice. DATED ,at Exeter, Ont., this 7th day of March, A. D. 1932. . GLADMAN & STANBURY, • • ExAter and Henson, , • • Executer's Solicitors. • • 3352-7 ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS --;... • ..___. _ - NOTICE is hereby tziven that all eredi- 1 ..-- ......1 e‘rhee. having claims against the Bacon -Type Boar Policy The" announcement of the Bacon - type Boar •Policy introduced at Ot- tawa, is of special interest to farm- ers at this time when the popular trend in farm operation is toward in- creased production of livestock, par- ticularly hogs; Under this policy the "llOUCMT AND PAID FOR" - "Bought and Paid For" has good plot, is frill of incident, and has dialogoe of rare power. :actors. ,are genuinely human, and its touches of light comedy are altogeth infectious, --an all-star cast -will present this play on the opening night. ' • ' The char - ''i•••••••;'•4, 1 • A 494.• ,Ta , Subscribers in Seaforth and vicinity buy The Huron Exposirif, every week. Five times this number read it every week. These subscribers and readers are composed of the representative Sub. stantial citizens of 'this conimum"ty. They are people whose pres- ent and future is bound up in S, eaforth and district. They buy The Huron Expositor because it stands Whole -hearted.' ly for Seaforth and its people at all times and under ail circum- stances, because it print 11 Lhe local tle70 because it is the only 'way they can keep informed on what moSt Vitally concerns them, their families, their friends and their huSiness interests. No- one living in Seaforth or its environs could,afford to. be with- . out The Expositor at almost any price, but its 'cost is amazingly small—less than three cents ' -a week, or only $1.50 a year. - If your name is not on our subscription list you are .• missing much that adds to the pleasure and ton. tentment of living in Seaforth. Let us send you ,a sample copy. THE HURON EXPOSIT McLean Bros., Publishers Established 1860. Seaforth, Ont. • MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the Powers' of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced ,at the time of the sale. there will by offered for sale by public auctioli. subject to a reserved bid and other condi:, tions of sale. on SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1932 at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon at THE DOMINION HOUSE, ZURICH, ONT. the following. property, namely: Part of Lot No. 12, in the 12th Concession of the Town- ship of Hay, in the County of Huron, con- taining seventy acres more or less. On the premises is a good bank barn with cement ,foundation, comfortable frame house • and a drive shed. There are two wale, one in the barn, and one at the house. The Property is well drained and fenced. There are sever acre,. sown to fall wheat, ,and all the fall ploughing is done. This property is only. three miles. from the flourishing village of Zurich, and handy to market, church and school. TERMS' OF SALE. estate of Melissa Whitmore, late of the Township of Tuolsersmith, widow, who died on the 17th( of February, 1932, are required to- send to 'the undersigned solicitor for the administrator, full particulars and verified bY affidavit of their claims on or before the .21at of March, 1932: AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after the said last mentioned date, the ad. ministrator isin proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased, having regard ereli.to claims of which he then shall have had notice.' DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 3rd day of March, 1932. R. S. HAYS, Solicitor for Administrator. 3351-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given under the statutes in. that behalf that all persons having any claims against James Penman Gillestie, harnessmaker, Seaforth, deceased, who died on the 12th day of February, 1972, are re- quired, bo send to the aunderaigned solicitor for the Administrator, full particulars in writing and verified by affidavit of thi.i • claims and the nature of the securities. if ar,y, held by them. on or before the 21st day af March, 1532, after which 1.a'c. the said Administrator will proceed to distriliiite the asserdi of the said deceased haising reganl only to the claims of which he then shall have had notice. DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 3rd day of March, 1932. R. S. HAYS, Solicitor for Administrator. Tn paid at the tiffie of sale, and the balance in thirtyendeary.c.ent. of the purchase money to he 4 For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to the undersigned solieitors. DA l'hus at Exeter, Ont.,•the 7th day of March, A. D. 1932. '1 3851-8 OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS AVIATION GLADMAN & STANBITRY, Exeter and Homan, Solicitors for Mortgagee. 3352-3 Oscar' Elope. Auctioneer. MORTGAGE SALE OF 50 ACRE FARM IN TUCKERSVIITH TOWNSHIP NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is -hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Joseph J. Stapleton, late of the Township of Hibbert, farmer, who died on the 13th day of February, 1932, are required to send to the undersigned, solicitor for the Executors, full particulars and verified by affidavit of their claims on or before the 21st day of March, 1932. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after the said Last mentioned date, the Ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of. the said deceased baying regards only to the claims' or which they then shall have had notice. DATED at Seaforth. Ontario, this'. 3rd day o Mardh, 1982. R. S. HAYS, Solicitor for Executors, 3351-3 FARMS FOR SALE PARR FOR SALE. -FOR SALE FART lAri ••• 28 and 29, Concession S. MeE11109. (*s- taining 192 acres and known ail the T. Han farm. Most be sold to close the estate If not" sold will be rented. Foe portleukin apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor. Sow forth. 2202-e BLOOD TESTED CHICKS Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in an Indenture .Mortgage, which will he produced at the time of sale. there will be offered for sale by public auction, by Thomnq Brown, Auctioneer, .t the commencssi, 'HOTEL, in the Town of Sea- arth, on SATI'RDAY. the Nineteenth (19th) day of March, A.D. 1932, at 2 o'clock. in the ternoon. the East! Half of Lot Number Four 14). in the, Third (3rd) Concersion, Huron Road Sur- vey, of, the Township af Tucicersmithin the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, containing by admeasurement Fifty (50) .acr, of land .More or Iws. This land is untaritt-on. It is first class farming land and is conveniently situated about two and a half (210 miles from 5>">' forth TERMS OF SALE: Ten (10) per cent. rash on the day of .ale and the balance, without ' interest, in Thirty 130) daya •,thereafter. The purchaser will be required, on the day of the sale, to sign an Agreement to cmnplete his purchase. Further particulars amt terms of sale will be made known at the time of the sale and may be had in the meantime Clam the un- dersign'ed: • •• DATED at Seaforth, Ontario, this Fourth kith) day of March, A. D. 1932. R. S. HAYS, Vendor's Solicitor. Thos. Brown, Anctioneer. Is now entering its third stage of development. Are gou pre- paring yourself for this? Write for our free booklet on the his- tory of aircraft progress. Full particulars sent without obli- gation. CENTURY AMWAYS LTD. Barker Field Fairbank Post Office, TORONTO .11111111101. t , , ,•-•••'.1; • 1.11;4)4''' " • • 3351-0 Hatchery and flocks are both in- spected under the Dominion Depart- ment of Agriculture's Hatchery Ap- proval Policy. The testing of the blood samples was done by Capital Laboratories, Ottawa. The bred -to -lay qualities of our - birds are kept up-to-date by the pur- chase of male)..,kirds from high record R. 0. P. hens, owned 'hy some of the most successful breeders in the coun- try. We expect to hatch about 1,50'0 Barred Rocks, 250 White Rocks and 500 Leghorns per week. Please order about one month before you want your chicks, if you can. Don't think too much about the price. We will use you right. Come and see .us, or phone 97 r 4, Hensall. We will be glad to talk things over with you. Feed, Stoves and other suupplies kept on hand. J. Elgin McKinley' A BARGAIN FOR SALE. -Five acres, one mile from Seaforth; modern house with furnace, bath and toilet; small barn, good orchard. Taxes, $15. Splendid chance to start chicken farm, bees etc. Apply to R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. ' 295841 .'• •VVs /l.:0 • , '%•11• •4'411, • •i • • , -• • • ZURICH _ *Baby Chicks and Custom Hatching We are offering six popular breeds in Blood -tested Quality' Baby Chicks, Barred and White Rocks, Black Minorcas, Jersey Black Giant. White Wyandottes and White Leghorns. We have" installed a new 30,000 egg capacity incubator for custom hatching only. Trays hold eleven dozen eggs each. Plant in charge of an experienced operator. Phone or,write your servation , earl. ' Depend la-sk, garth to give yoll'a.'SatinTic rY ,hateh. fr The Hogarth Baby Chick Hatchery Exeter, Ont. Phone 184W 8349-12 3350-10 lt4 o oi o H. C. BOX 0 0 Funeral Director and 0, 0 Licensed Embalmer 0 0 Best Motor and Horse-drawn 0 0 equipment. 0 0 Charges moderate. 0, 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 0 ,• notice. Co 0. Night Calls Day Calls 0 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 0 0 ' 0 HORSES - COWS When you want an animal removed, 'phone us. If hide is on, we make no charge for collecting. William Stone Sons, Limited PHONE 21 - INGERSOLL 'PHONE 21,5W, STRATFORD 8349-11 0 0 0 0 <> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '(> W. J. CLEARY ' ° 0 Licensed Embalrser and '0' Funeral Director Up-to,date Horse and Motor 0 °. Equipment. Night and Day Service. 0 Phone 19-22, Dublin. 0 THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY • • ' Insurance of all kinds. I Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. 1 Phone 91 • 6 •