HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-03-11, Page 4, ,. ,�'!, ��V,,Y,1. I -, -. il ., . V'll j , '. ", ", . , . _'_ '. . , " , � .... .. " , _ . 'I l �! I �! � � I � I ' T1 �,,�,-�,, I �,` ,�',� ",;- .� � ,,, . .. ......... �'. ,� , o l. , I � 1, -'Il—, ­ ,-, ,,,,�, ,. " , , , `�,;", �; :�.. .: 1�,.� : ; - , ll� , , ,,q , ­ "' "" l,. ,,-, ' .41, *f" , � ... ... ��, , " , , , ­­', � � �, " , . , INffl ii IiT. , ,. 111l� 'l, ., 11 " 11 �: T, ,,,U I I , �$ . 'l . , " , 4!! i�,,�2""lll',;�i�� jli(� , ., I ', .1 I 11, t .—I", , � , l�7 , M� , . I I J.� ,�L�, , ,' ' " �. � , �� ,, ),�J-�'.' :,.�,I,;. ,� 0`1� llb, ,� �� � I I IR �, . . , , " * " , ,�,l.6f!'Ilil#','�,�� ;�, , k, ,,,,,,, ,� J �� , .� W;Ni��Q­­�, I , ". ,,,, 1,"MV0. Phlbi,l 'i i " , 4" "i ',,�.V'�6�' *�. ,'� -,,�­,Vq�" ` All, ,l��,.,,"�`�4, � ;� ­� I :11 * . 1, � I I .�. . . I I 11 .� , , . ?�i � "I ,�,r , , 'I, . 1-,4 �— 11,1:­.,:­,� . �!' � �, �, , !" , .. ;,' , . I . . � —I � ,,, , I �,:. 4 � .I . .. . . 1; � ,V,�, � � o -, "I.... 1 1b-1-1 � I.: �,�"._ , I V111 , ,. , I , , N, � "kl�.i�� .. "l . 11�' 11,; � � ,,�, -, ,., , I . � , I ., � ). ­"., I �! , , ", I ­ t, ,� 11 .. � I . ��, � '. , - , '. li__ I 11-1-1, - I g . �' 'I I , � , .. 1. :.,. ,.,,,,,, 1,1, -1V;.,. I., "� ­C'..i.`O�, ��i% �,. ',I� ,ti.,- �­ "'.., ,,i .. .... . 11�. ,� . � .., , `R9100SITO I . , �(. 4014,111"9k- '' I ,�, , '*, � " - . . . ,, %, I , I I ."r ,� " -1 _11 -1 I � I ,� - . . I., f . Q ,10,�� , "R , I . . ,. -1 I �,P"'? I I�A,�­,­ � , ,�"r"'�j"",7)i��,,�;F,;"�,!��,T�.,,��,�".,�,,,,� ,, , ,, " .., ,, I ,,,�,' '", �' 4,,' , w �,��, 1­� . �r ",�4 � l ,,,,i,65_V'4, I . ­­' — ,_� ,,%.,��`..�. . ;,4;&% '!�,Nfi�kr,.,i".J�� "'"o, ,�, �, I ;1, . I ''lr,' '"��i.-,",",��,��,����,.,,��,i�:��,,,���.i�,,�,�� 1-1111,".""', 1V­,1­kN",­1l"l­� � ­,­rl , . ,��rt,3,,���,�,',4�"�,,��'���,�'% , , � 7�__ -,!�,�.' � �;.,.�.,� ""', I :,,p�p�� ARR ",I�'t�' �,,4,�, 1:n �_ 'i , " � : a ._7�ow . ,­4�,�Xvl ­,-�" , , j,6 -, " .­ " 0­1111`:,�,,%, �111 I;". . e, .�� 1. 4"4,���,,�,,�li-'�',,�,'t.�,',�,",,'�,�;",�;���"4��""",,��,�����, ����'-����f.,P,(;,k"�",�.El����,l�";��i, I M, I I � I I " � 11 . �, "', I .19.hv111­ """ b"" "I""' I �. ,5,�_� __,Wt,- --t_-, 01 �:, . . q � I i ,,,, � -L:­;�,: 1 7 , 11 1 11 " li( M I �, IT , ; - , , '4 'R I '. iIil , I , . , ", . . .',.k1,, , Tj�:,) � t',Al: ,�,:, , , '. �', -, 0-1 �11 , , I . ,J.,'�,A Py N4` �Iv �1 , qAqs',-,i,Jt! ,,;,):��qf:I, - -, � M! "N �. 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T�" �Voll 1,10 I 111, �' 1 '1111P�7` ­ I 110 4 - � _0 . I . 11 sq�ls - 1. 1 ,15. �i ,­ ­.. 11 IN"" "_,� �! �,!! mm I . , .,, , lli�t 11 �, . I i . ll li�l ll I � 11 ��. , I ", ,� . I , INf" 4�� 1� I. I 1. .1 I 11, 11� . . 4�1, TJF, "TH, nNn" AA*-w4r�h` � .1 wog,daxt 10, "lw 11-1 "p—li" -11 11l--1 , , I., :f7 , -: -- .. ­ W. 1, I �. , . 1A � .1 : I "" A, W .."I'll In''Nof ,lk � . "Pl�l-,Llll"��'ll–��iTf�,�ll,�,��liI . 1. " i I ... . �i l�, ? �, 11 ll �.J , ", � I . I "'. I ­­ � I 0 f I , I " �A, ." 11" �' ". M,!T;.,,_', " ". , . I .1,11 . .Vl­1`..­ , IV b* � I lliq �Ji%� �I ;4� , " around vmd point at 44A14 gam' li�Z, � .. ., �� . .1 . , I �� . * e, , I � , , � 1, tqA � � I , , " � �,' q , , . ; 7" , . � I , ,,`�'�`,�4,)� ,7 , : I . 'I: � ". I.: - ,F,1,4, `,t," I -, gy-1, � tw 5 ling and what not as the !, . _� " . ­., ,Illy ''I'll", I I . , il'i I I I ''' , , q4' . � - I , I . � 0% S *1 I , I , ,; - ,q t " !* "U'' 0 � iis,� WV "ee* 1W 1, "I , i nd D''t �;� 0 I ,!;I,i�Vr,tj�,'�,�Xp , , - 44i,mi'vileciFing tho. xum , '. , � i I . '. , I I ,,* 's _#pii , ­ .- ",*';,,�,,;,R,�, '' _h 440,0% .. Alwod Interestirig, -New's him' I om Hen all, '1!i"'f'R'1 . , - 3 --, . S _ a I�J,J­ ''''. , - I . �, . 1, " . �� . , 4A X ' ' 00 "%7, "i . , 1 � I . I . , . ,. , c, ZT, _ I olil�,­ ll . - - _ r4 , ,�,� ". , I �kl '11W4 I . V -1 ` Vi . r. ,g . , " . - I � �, �t'O,Y AA !k 1, I . , : ,),a , �.. , V", . If , � � . '. . I _. op"No-owan . ,,,�? " 1,� '"', T,',_l­. I , , 9 ` 1 , "'I'ji, " ­, - �, 1 -4 0 I And, 41111 e"_ UWA ti -M, ;1% , , am I ow� 1� . I .1. I I � I '!��! , 4 ". , .r ,� , " ",`, , , - 'i!.- - I , 11�",, __p I I - � ,a, i Fm ... ( , I � 1 ,lp :1 ,� R --t! I �� �'. R. �i, . . , ­.� ,,,,, ­�'!­­,,,!�,, , Rv%%','t4 . it is I. � -, ­ . . ___ I I I I ­ � I c I.- ga I , use i. -o* a same, and __ ­". . � I I 'Drysdale'e I. I , , , , �� . pen th' I Howard, Lqfve,' ao - !!,�� I I � &;d� At'.9k4forthi, �u ev- , - , - .- - - ,� . .. I 11 11. : . I -0,4Y. I the, la-ok oexhapacter that it strong_ Spa ort! and Hensall of-Ahe road superintendent Account,,-Zurlic�.b Hydrp, lights, tow4, se heni.­,------:- ­ ­- ' - ,1,1,1,� W I 11 � ,, , - W44Q, b, 'Clinton a" 3" c Sk � has been the o . 'Master _xi, of Wir t , 11 � "I I ,. .4 01"Tro, plan . , the . f the ,al - 'hall, $3.61. Municipal WOild, supplies, atVi rder of the .1� � �- A . . bIX, Im I �eniough to st�nd up against' tempta- pairs be given each a grant of $25. an hour and that a copy of I ,:, K I . vivu.s. Milton Love, WbO 444erwe*.4 'I.,, ,, ",, ,,,,��.i . I le .Deputy Minister $12.32. -we council adjourned to day with 'Our .young -people on the anc L.Ious ope]� t, - . ­ . , . .N_ - , J it . -g"""', ... ;;'Ow, �, -, ,,, . � I Johns-,Clai*: That, the following aG- be forwarded to tl th I -ing the a sei a oh, - fov" ap"u4m, is "". � 'J�, — . . tiQn. 11 In , !t -ear ouT village dui � __ P k. ,l iq � , ,� § - - hways.--�Gai*W Shier­West- meet gai , 4ondan April , �C ponds n I #goo I , I �,`=t EdWin Che,�ney, aud of 'Hig . . oil T I 5 '.1,1", ;,%,g A -rate, $1.50 a year in - count - --A. F� Hess frosty weather making in 1� i fl�i;,,,�,"'p,.: " s be paid: i)j , lelk, Clinton, Hospital a few ��i*.O " ' , ,,, . &�' , ,Joe ,M "". L � 4 "40141ption"', $2.QQ a yea . Old Book isfilled with illustra itor, telepj .50; Hugh MM1 - cott: That the collector be instruct- , 1.30' p.m. .. �, past week, the s brought home on Upsday �aiwd J, & ,'11�1�, �', I , I .1 .1 -it. pretty good at this la Wa W.. 114W�j�, . . ,�4 1 , I . , .,te, sb , ,fi,q , " ' I Vring very nicely,. , I �� � iii e.;39rei, r Single`-- The. ....._ pone, $22 ason of Ili , 4" tionsof men who were able to stand $22.50. ed to inter.vie* personally all LDUTtieS --- ____ . 0 d _ILI be I the Wear and f Ilowin[g such very is recoN . g ; ac - I Ian -auditor, TelePftOn-e, � f,�� , - W4 4 centlMNO . in 'inafillier of temptation 'nia No. 3, d 'Mrs., Otto Stephan aU4 , 1, 11W. 1, , ,'0�1.1 , tip. un&r Bro'm-n�JMCKay, rt By-law 1� in arrea2r.s of tax" ,and that he llq.�111.X�-", I - .. 1. I . - � nd I t I . mild and open weather. Mr. an MAN, "', 6, , , 4 ap 'cation. and persecution. They were God- 1932 to borrow ,�'w ro n Zowe,d ly 'moved into the house t � ... iL - cens I HENSALL - ,,��, � v p " ��, . �pli $� 00.00 f I the cents an hour a R ,, �,'��.Lj�', .�'�,,;'� 11 hA ent , L . #15ilig I .. �. t4 0 . - ,Our onion kings are still busily en- family Me i , �11111 i� , , I of Commerce be pass,- a mile for doing s,o.--4Carrie,d �Xrs. J. Vinc6�4t, " i� RQO;;�O'� 1: � nk � 11 '! &Y , ,�&",,""�', 4 gaged �vith good help in cleaning and vacated by My. and - ,� � '.., -, ,.,. " '.1"I.M.' For Sale.—A lo, 1. ,Wj,�,;, Iftyl " - , � � V , I ­ I an Weekly fearing. individuals and they were not Canadian'Ba , "gor, _W priced dwelling for sale et, aild I _$4 1J �1 � Canadt ed. BrownJMoKay: D. F.McGre urere's report.. Taxes transf , ;? �.-,. �, NV, ?-I N, " m1per.51 Of , 0 I comforbsIbilla . * i? I. i� �1'1 ... I s I, A nv�d of being known and recog- . - township adcount, $125,; penalties,'t or rent; is&* a�"er 11*411- shipping onions for which Hensall at the north end og- Brock St're , , , tion and Gregor, in ' - . Sl,iobinson. the Huron asha 00; D. F. Me . Possession given for either at once. d. j. Dal I , , paper_Ass' . Insurance, $a. , owned 'by Mi - ,,,,,, '1� . � . . . ,,, �61g� '_­%, v" $16.,95.;!Moii,Fassmore�- That the fol- I J: has long been a great centr.e. o . The temptations of Sutherland, Hensaa. I Mrs. T, D. Wren are -get- ­ - to .... .. nl,s�, �i;!n,� `44!! " I .1. �, � 11, 1 On., s ' I ,� " " , .�,5� ,,,, " ... - � , . -an 0- T. G. Shillinglaw, sal- I -pleas- Mr. aw 41 I liki, ,,,, ", . I 1 ,7 � '? i".. , � � .. .. - V,.' s . Xq , . .�; d� lv3f -� lowin bills be paid: L. H. Batten, I I The (C. G. 1'. T. Club held i . �'Il �, � ". - , IV,., . , 0, I . �l I ,1! I 1:.,� - I , , __ � . , , ary in 9 I '0 $ bscilptious taken at the Mensall. Most SUT SUCMI I evening at the home of ting nicely, settlec' . � , __ _ I 11 I , D. Sutherland, trucking, $2.50. Win, ut daily, and weekly newspapers. , . —tW -4 ,,, ,1, � ,-t - �. ­ , 13.50- A., . ffice for ail - W. Or . W. n,��,�,, , .----,. I . �:" 7, _ I March 11, 1932. . Miss 'Margaret J41hnstoli ,�,�jjj, � ", I - . te than th,pse which fac- on Friday rent d from Mr. J , §q;0�'. : �,,,,�-� , - , Friday,, - , :V:,es,,,1- 230; ,01iL-les Johns, dragging, lRent for post office lock boxe� in the Hensall I g. I -�. � , ,, �','ii�"" �;, � ,� , ... I I � a n M � ". .Vut they are , $100.00; Charlotte 11101P, � 11'.111 , � for4 ' I in the house tjiey . I .0' - ein 'o7 - " 44 ; . Elford, drag , 11 u , Iffill, OIRTR ao�m.mreyave I i -son, 3.00,- 'W. MeBeath., sal-- ging, $ i , -t. . e K, _ i.s.r. opexied Richmond ,Street north. 11 , I 1%, ,�� " �, '. ow, , ., - ed the men in Biblical days. Chris, nigterial, $4.80; R cha d Johns, dragging, $2; post office become due and payable the last evening las The meeting I g, �� � . � I ary, $1W.,50; W.' McBeath, r . Mr. and,Mrs. J. Hudson - -v - Q64 �� g'.� li . � in this month of December, or the first -1, minutes 'and' �� ,z , mov , : , 11 , , , 1. � as the answer years rebate taxes, Joshu4 Johns, dragging, eek of January. .G. J. Sutherland, Post- . which, I hey va- 'LL, k", , , I . I-.- I . I t $2- Milton week � I with prayer, roll cal ed m � � , __.V1_ III - ian character w $192-, Hugh, Walker, de', $1.2,5 ; w Scripture lesson, by Olive Lemon, af- I 11,65'.. ' L, Lt?" � � ­ .. -E USE OF THE ago, and it is the only solution in ,$10,9�. ,Clinton News -Record, print- :-McCurdy, tongue f6r gra r inasiter. cated in Mr. Petty's block. If ' -11; now "I . I Mrs. Wim. Brock, 188%'yards gravel ter which a pleasing solo was given ., '1110q," � ONE HAS this advanced age­-41Dxchange. ing, $�.00,. J. B. Mustard, postage -H. Th �, . .. , I tMiss S. 1. McLean and Wiss M.' by IMiss .01,iye .Brock, Jwith Miss e many friends of Mrs. Agnes �.,,ji .... 11 1 �41 � , ni,EPA' I rd, $207.08; Dr.,bM. C. I -rn that shi is ,� 1�114�`, ; I . 11 $10- The knj�oiitor, printing, $2,0.00; at 11c per ya vices to Teddy Young, of Seaforth, spent the w6ek Grace at the piano; piano duet, Miss- Ross -will regret to lea � I - . . �_�_ ned to her bed through ill- . ", .. 1:....- I : -Deli Telephone Co., L. D. messages, Fletcher, medical ser - I �,�,�:�,i, � 1. GRQ" - I. Ian, auditing, Johns, $4; hospital expenses,'$12.00. end here, guests at the home of Mr. es Gladys Passmore and Grace still confi iust; that she I, � ��'M, old , Wb,scriber, , Mr. William THE $101.60,; Hugh MCIM11 , �16; Henry Ford, superin I a ,,,,,,, i , I � ,'�%� , ,... An "SEPARATE " ARE ; Ed -win Chesney, Total, ' tend- and Mrs. H. Arnold. Brock; reading, "Little Bareese," ness but we hope and t I I , township, $22.50, -d,'soii Misr, ;Olive Lemon- following this, icely as times goes .by, 11 I Moril�on, �brought into this office a M I .., P, $22.50; R,- E. Man- ence, $6.60, Council adjourned to The many friends of Howat ' re I 1% I I �, ":�' ci auditing, towlishi -ieet at E11mville on Ap of lMr. (Milton Love, will be pleased games and contests -we indulged in, I ahalththat s,h,.e will be restored ' to . �" " ... short time ago a:topy,of The Huron � PUBLIC ning, D. C. fees, $6.9,3.-D. F. -Me- n Al .2nd at covery after his ser- ;h he again . . h I p.m.-411enry Strang, Clerk. to learn ,of -his re which a db.inty lunch was serv- I .1�, � . ') I I . . , -E. Herbert Johns Dies at Guelph- I KX_- o Expositor, dated Friday, June 30th, (The Toronto $tai Gregor, Clprk. . I .. I . ious illness. ed by Miss Johnston. , A ,�,�_ . .. . ii! , �, I -so , , 11 I The names "public" and I'sepdrate" _,_ ... ........... . jr...-_-_-_� __ - .. . - � .. .- � Dr, Smillie has returned from To- ' .The Wohelo Class of the United -The following death notice refers I � I 3., . . I . .0 W 1, t,j'., , . - are distinguishing tads which have � I .. , ronto, where he, visited 'his parent&. Sunday School are holding a concert t the ,sad death *of I . Her',bert !, I., ticed an advd! 11 known to many Hensall � , , ,,�," I In ,that issue we no affixed to the two types of � . HILLSGREEN . KIPPEN v e' basement of -the Johns, we " 1, bacome . A'nubiber of our citizens hai e mov- and 5ocial in th . 11 �� -. t.ins-erted by Mr.C. W. Paps', in reality past week, namely, T. church on Friday ewning, March -residents,, as be, together with hig, V ., �_�� I . tisemen - school, but -both types are The Young Pe.ople are putting on ' 'We beli4ve a splendid program I t- wife, formerly Miss Lavina Cook,' , . �;. who was then the local .agent for the public. They are the two rails whien On Sunday last in St. Ardrew's, ed during the a e ,,.'III I . I a St. 'Patrick's social in the church . J, WIren, J. Hudson and W. Stephen. 18th. � 117 . ompany of Canada. carry the education6�1 traffic"of the United Church a special men's choir I ne of the late Mr. and I , 6 ��. . I tell Telephone ,C . . on 1-monday evening, March 14th. A led the service of prai . . - -, Mrs.C. Cook entertained a number' is being prepared and lu � h will also only daughter - 11, . a b se, two fine ds on 046nday evenifig. be served. ., late of the village � 1'.� . This advertisement gave a com- state. In a judgment on the Ottaw, p�ograinme and lantern slides will D� of her frien Mrs. 'Henry !Cool� "", �,� school case some years ago, the Hon. r�_ I anthems [being rendered, "The Light , , of Hen8all, often paid visiU to !our I — . plete list ,of the telephone users in s t given, also a dainty lunch. Eve i Everyone is eagerly awaiting the Tlie,W.,M. S,of the United Church �� "'. . . I R. iulf,� .Ale'redith defined sep4ra e welcome. I of the World," and "Will Your An- arrival of Chautauqua the end of ave eban'jed the date of the birth- village: "Resident of Guelph for 4a "I'll, Seaforth. at that date, the list con'- � r , 'ke charac- 0 Re - -he. h H I I')" I March. --.17th to Tuesday, years, and prominent in business eir- ; .. � sch , being of the Ii. The W.M.S. ,vill be held at t 111. c ' r C: G. 1 .T. will meet �ay part� from the - . Of .this' nuniber I 00 & S','n�p U4. , century, E. �� 3 . 1: prising 40 names. ter and maintained in the like manner Charles Stephen,,on or, 'Mr. C. McDonnell is able to be 0 - the 15t4, so kindly bear i1a mind that cles for the past, quarter � I., . . . ' chools." He home of Mrs. 'I in their class' room on Saturday af- hns, we'll known local to- � I .,I' I , . nine were house phones. , th general public si Wednesdav afternoon. 1, after'an attack of bronchitis. the yearly annual birthday party oi Her�b,ert Ja St. J . � � M.7 . I , . -noon at the usual hour. alec oseph's 'Hos- - "'N .ypars ago. To- I ardd de � � omas Consitt, of Hensall, I tei Gauld 'Mission Band -will al4o''meet �. A number from town helped the jhe society ,will be..beld in tYe lbase- b onist, died in I - 11 ',,,,� I � . � . That was just 339 . - use "T�eo,t,odevn fashion of applying Mr. Tb' - church on ._Tues,day, pital Sunday' afternoon, after an ill- I I , � day there are iT'i Seaforth r- S h G 3chools' spent a few days recently with his I I n '�ongre- ,es I '. sister charge put on a concert re- 'me' t ,,of the , �� , ;. � . � th . I , �i name 'public to ' -rc;h 15th, to which all th6 n s of less than a week.' A native � I'll, � I �, ,;" son _�Jr. R. Consitt. � The Young People are holding Ian- cen,tly in the Chiselhuist Church. All Nfa )nt. M�r. Johns was ��� I phones alone. 1,1he general ,Public schools and the ,Miss Ruth Richardson has return- , report � a good time. . gation are cordially invited. of St. ,Marys, 9 , � .. I ,b separate schools' to the I -ns in the Darkness," - which Miss -acLaren, who Ifas been for -any years connected with the . ,as not a telephone ,_ ort n."J, ' -ie after spending a few tein slides, I'Drui m l,,; � . . In i89$.there w I , ed to her bon I , I The bridge club� of Miss RiAby �M . . , I . �, .; . - . in . the township of ,MC.Killop, nor one. particular public' schools sep.4rated da�� with friends in Varna. on Friday evening at 8 p.m. .. Minnie Reid is a member, met at her a very efficient and,popular clerk fo.- Bell Piano & organ Company, but " . I , t me 9 - the drug ,qirote 19o,g had conducted ,a tobacco , ", -ersmith. froin th'e -general ones is no excuse The Mau friends of Mr. Rdber ho' "tore,"has resigned her position and bu " ­ ��n th ' one night recently, 'surprisin %r. A.� W. E, Hemphill in , _ 1 , e tDwiiship of Tuck -misunderstanding theit true ,�everal farmers have tapped for '.. � e siness on Quebec Street, Guelph. . ., �. I for syrup, and say the run was go,xil. This Pa ns will be pleased to hear th4t b r by'all coming in masquerade. An R I : , . To -day the MeKillop, Telephone character ' all alike being public � he is improving. . advance guard, composed of a num- her place is ,being -taken by Miss As one of the best known la-iAm, bowl- ... . . I * ' i . I I'll ,, 11 .� 1. ­­.­ System has a list of 429 subscribersl schools, rriaintained in the ptfbIic',i-n- I . � I' iMiss-Gladys Harvey, of London, is n rs and curlers in the province, he , . . I. " ­ ll'. I blic welfare." hope. . .. I visiting at fhe home of Mr. aind Mrs. ber of boys, preceded the men*ers Jea Stone, who will, no doubt, give e I .. .'and the Tuckersmilth System one Of I terest and for the pu , now the oyder of and welcomed them. We are told spleadid',satisf action. represented Guelph .in many of . the . I storm will help it .to run better, we ." I , . I ... .... Quilting bees are I Thomas Work-i-nan, of Tuckersmitb. ' n, the United nts and bons�piels .11 I � I , The Ottawa school case was ap- big tourname 1, 11, C�. , - 911N. . the �Iay in this vicinity. Quite a number from this vicinit%T the .,cbstumes represented- popular The evening service i 4 � I pealed, and Chief Jusiice Sir William ,�fr. and 'Mrs. N. Reid, of VaPna,l iscuit and candy firms, a Church was largely attended despite throughout Western Ontario, and in I -, �'k, - I ...... In 1893 the total number of tele -1 he course , . - soup' lb - � , n. kP 1, li,lpli,, '_,11,ei,,,ed!�h made, in t ind I attended the reception at My. Slavi ; youth and flapper. hobo tho,; inclement weather. A well rer- 1918, was a member of thg Guelph 11 � . I . �. spent -Sunday -at the horne of Mr. , Emadway ' -X, phones in tl-�'.� district was 40. In -onouncertien, I . 011 � -d many others, but tbe'keynote was dered vocal duet, "In the 'Gardop,". Roy the , O,n- 11 , I �� I ,f h . "Ignient, a pi. Frida� .evening last. ' al City rink which won � . I . 51 r s. H. Turner. an ,:', - I I e Was also greatly 4 � ,� 1932 the' nuniber of -pbones in, Sea- I soniewhat -simrilar to that which bad The many friehds�bf Mrs. Robert when .Chief Hjgh Comniis- was sung by the WsIses Heli2n, ]�..Pyle t�Lrio tankard. -H , . . 1. . - . sounded- f.6tJ4"J_n other lines of sport, and ., I 11 7 ­forth and the -two, adjorining town- I already come fr46m. the. pefi of' thel, -...- , I Dinsdale -tal be pleased to hear that. sioner, The. � Honorable. Howard Fer- and Greta Lammie,_ and a, -pleasing interes I i, ,;�.',71 , . ' . r , , ,,',� , I I I I I I s exclusive of the 'business and Ho R. M. :Meredith. He said- ' I she is much. improved. je as - in his younger days was official sco - , p., guson arrived and lent wit and spice solo, "The Good Shepkrd," w- ren , . � - ' � I " hips, I , I L will -be seen from this., sum- . BRUCEFIELD Mrs. Crerar and son, Allan, have to keep the liarty convulsed 'with dered by Mr. Samuel Rennie in his. er for the Guelph Maple Leafs during, - . � .,; office Phones in the former, 'tc � mary of the main features of the act friends of Miss M .1 ,retuined after a pleasant week's va- laughter till a late hour. Needless usually pleasing manner. � the years they made baseball history �1 , _1� �: 1,5453. ' " that" the Roman ,Catholic separate The many ary cation spent with friends, in Toronto:. to sa).--cards were forgotten and other The 'Misses Helen and Pearl Eldcr in the Royal City. Surviving is one , . .1 r. � . , -non I�T,cCully, of our village, will regret to - N ­ . .,, ' I .three' schools the comi �, - Our spring ,weather has taken a, . ." 11 . If tile population of these _ I were part of ,jormt Of amusement indulged in as of London, were week end visitors at brother, Harry, of, Syracuse, N. Y � ,"� I sehoo, system of the province, and hear that she had the misfortune to chill' but hope 'it will soon recover.", everyone tu' the even- the- parental home. Council Meeting. - The regular 11, . ' I rned in to make 1. 11 .1 Municip4lities had increased in like a her leg . I., ,� racture -ved in on�thl'y niee�ting of the village coun- I I , muc� mmon schools as those fall and f bone in - s ll I . . . . . 11 % , " ing a successful one,,.long to be re Mis' ionary nitg'ht was obsei M � a ,� .... ' -_ - , - le I'll , I proportion during the'past 39 years, schools, which bore that name. The last week. She is now in Seaforth I . 6 'I ening at S - �il� ,l hearing terms 'common school, and 'Roman M.ginorial Hospital, where she will gez . .,membered by every niember of the the United Church Monday,'evening Monday ev �..'- 3l � - .. . we won,der if we would be I .ZURICH ,,'club. , - I by the,,Y.P,L. of the Un-ifod Church. p.m.,, in the council chambers, all � ' "I 1�,� I . as much about hard times as we are Catholic separate school' or � 'separ- t�e lbest of care.. . l 'Lenten serVices, are being contin- A splendid Program consisi'fng of members being - present, The min- - .- � .1 .. q adopted . , � Reid� 'of To-riont3, . I , Y 't'1_,'__"._ . ...... � .... 4.Just now. , ate,lschooll wer _.;as a can- , IMr, , Lawrence Ai a special meeting of the boar ' ii -ed in St. Paul's Anglican Church. readings, solos and duetsi in charge uj�es of the last two, meeting were I �, I . . the village last M I l venient -mode of distinguishing be, ,.visitedat his home in ­­' I of directors of Zurich Agricultural The ,'very cold weather .,of - this of the 'Misses Irene �Douglas and read. Petty and Robison: 'that the, I I I ­ I . I_!, I I 11 .11- . .. I 11 . � clasges of common' Week. ' 1. .1 ;� - I � �,- -tween the two Society, held on Saturday evening, week is affording thoee-who store-�pl;i Flo�sie Foss, was given. The mis- minutes as read be adopted.­­Car- � ', MARCH RUNNING TRUE ' state This letter of al .. mmunications were .read , .... 7� 1 schob1s; and they were , all ipreciation was sent .. -1 ner, thanking the Mr. J. P.. Rau was elected. president: ice an opportunity ol getting a sup- sionary address was -in charge' of G. ried. Co . .N.4 1. _,. I TO FORM . saools." to Mrs. (Rev.' Brem, � I ..... � I erland,',and � 7as. Very- much from the following: David Robison, A I— 1. . � for the '.Ar'. William Decher, 2.nd vice-presi- �Iy. - J. ,Suth, . I 111. The .tWo Meredith ,could not be United Church congregatio eld. Dr. � � "I ,� - ... 41 . n dent, and Mr. Alf. Reichert, director Quite a number of our residents enjoyed by� all. The program for re his. resignatioix---4W1thh . I �.­__ ­ ­ I . , The,wintex manths-of -1931-32 have descri ed is men who were partial clothing which was sent to the dri6d �.i. . I I . During .b, I ' 1932. � . aTe suffering� from., very severe colds, Monday,�the 14th, will be, in charge A. M-oir, re his iesignation-Acted ' I P � created' art all -time record. "'A)arate schbols, but they recog- out area in the Wesj'a few weeks for;th& year wn hall and' 'have ,been 6ojifihed to their of-Xessrs. ();1arence Sqn�illie and Jack on by',rnotibn.. Department-of`�-Pub- I "I _1' :1l . to ,9( - "Dear Mrs. Bremizer- Thanks The debate held in ..the to some rbett. I . 1, . . � I li� , these months we have been having nized the inescapable fact that these ago. . - rooms for a week or so. Co lie Health. -Filed.- Munici ... pal World. '. , .. . - ing on ,Monday evening under the aus . . ' I � - � 1. I ,: ear d late' fall are public or common schools, ad- very ninch for the par -eel of CIQ,tk* -the local branch of the Wo- Mr. T. ,C. Joynt made a business The W. M: S. of thd United churph -Filed. Auditors' report to Bikreau � I., , � P I 4 . . I and minii-tered, alike�. by the state, and I received from your church. Very, pices of . � . on Thui I sday af ternoop, of Municipal Aff ai- '. "I l weather; early spring weather men's Institutp, was well attended. trip to Toronto -the first part of �his met together rs -Filed. 1�iekle �., . _ . 111. �. ,. ­­ I f and parcel of our- public educa- few days pass that some one does . . he week and has. made fine im I. h ir monthly a I nd Petty: That w9 accept Dr� A.. I , , ­ pring -weather. They were -not win- par Musical selections were given by t prove- of last week and h e Id t a , that needs help and it has, nty ': , .. - : s we k'ow winbd,r. We tional s�ystem. It has been argued -not, come h -to us to. Ot these Stelck orchestra. Misses 0. O'Brien ments in the interior of his block ol meeting with ' twe _� members Moir's r,esignatioxi.-Carried. "Bills ' 11 , " -ter nionthr,, as n I - i !l� . �_­ .,..--- ---_:;W- _6iil -,A:t all. . I " .dgments, in which these meant so mue . ' Ma-�riih, .who spoke in favor stores, present. The meeting -was, presided and accounts were read as follows. . , . I z, I T. int, -.--.--...-- , that, the, ju we, can help and L . I .� " ,,,,,,-,,,,,, P. ,1%,,�.�� I' I i, "", , 4 ft .. 4 " 11:"�,90 1 �;4":'. 1 bave,ha no . I ­ - la-��s -Wdre set forth were later re- ;*zjff&yJ;dly-a:7els &a that . lof ... the League of Nations, were ad- A number of tender's applications over ,by the president. The visiting Hensall Spring Show, grant, $25.00; 11 - , "I 1�1;. I -So i�iuch so has that been the case, versed by the ,pyivy council. The an- out those people who are in great judged.-�vW6rs;i Messrs., t. Kirtman for Rural Route No. 2, running 6ut committee reported having called on ,T, Fassmore, Hydra, January, $10.2.5; 1 . -1. I . , I I .,� that the reversal bad nbthin,, need. J can assure you it has been- . J. Passmore, Hydra, Febriiary,, *$io.h; I , ��'. I., utledge, were the other from Rensall'post offtee, are report- twenty-four - shut-ins. The study , that we were beginning to believe swer is � , I I I.- I to do with thes.q facts at all, and did much appreciated by� the pe p I � I � G. X Case, coal, Fire Hall, ,f,16.2,5; I ... 11 i. . ­ that spring was nearly over and early , Will wonderfully bless debaters. . ed as being sent in. leaflet was in charge of M�i. A�hes ­ mt � ­;­.-_­­­- - . , notchallenge ttem in,any way. 'The pray that -God ' ow I "' � I,,�`P, . � * I . fo the *onderful spirit Next Sunday the Confirmation Sn' drifts on our highway, al- 'MdDonald and was given in four G. M. Case, coal, Town Hall, $30-10; ;� �.. Summer was at ­band.' We Mot ,Meredith judgments were, in fact, you -people for by the following: Mrs. Drys- Schoo 000; . " , 11 -1 . OWTI. you class� will be examined by the pastor, though generally in short stretches, parts , PBoard, current expense,'*1 I . ht it, too, had adverse to the Roman Catholic on you have , sh , Thanking M,Xrs. W. Carlislo, J. Passmore, labor and supplies' shed, ,A '­ I 2,1bout,.March, or thoug Rev'. E. Tderkheim�, in the Lutheran are interfering considerably. with dale, Mrs. Hemphi I I i 4;�., � _ . I I the issue which, wa,s� being the(], again, 1 remain. Yours sincerely B. �,��. t4rned over a new leaf. ' i ow fences are Over- Miss Foss. The meeting closed with $4G.40-,,, .T. Fisher, labor on streets, , .1 + - --F iBretGn United Church. The confirmation services traffie, but .�Ike sn, I T .� V. - ,, I l, ,. �_IL4 . ,I 14 . -11". Now March has always been a . ,�� .: b namely, the right. of me province to , suspend the Orttawa kepa,rate school -Richar s, im ,i, Church." . will be held on Sunday, March 20th. coming long and bad stretches that IMrs. W, R. of Detroit, is in past years caused such, a. bloc�- the' benedietion. I Mrs. OeOrgp, Glenn w as called'to. ipz.ov 1A 'r -air -M, CaTe ng, , tre I I I Hall, $10; F. W. Hess', p'rinting, $25; 4 I i '.1., I I m ,that:'�ontained at least a day . ), . .. . - . . board and substitute a commission. ­10�� . .Bender, . I � visiting relatives here at present. ,. ade. . , . , . Detroit the latter part of last week, I Wuniciipal .Wtorld, suppIlies, �10.4&� . i " I ,5-l"'. � or ,tw4 that -would have been, season- -­' "I'. The p,rivy, council decision was fav- ' I VARNA . �. trees for Y�l ,On Saturday afternoon ,a public 6 Those who tApped ple ,, to attend the ,funeral of a friend. Judge, T. M. Coste]16, re Geiger ap- I I � `. - I I . I I -e al- , . , able for any time of year. W orable to the Roman Catholics and ' . ill b� held of the real estate, sugar,, ,last, w sale wi eek report the ru,14 as " The� Mfftes Bernice � Murch and peal, $10�20; Tiitali. *1,156.89.'Spen-. , I ­;. . ' ,,�� . Ways got a little spring, a littlesum.- If. .. I I declared the, action of the province It is no way reflected At the, time of' writing we are to report M rs; Clark is -much r etc., owned .by the late being very poor, but following 4he . fu n5tur(t, I . Florepfe.,Bell, q t Eliniville, were week , I I ��Ih I misi Grace 'Ith cer and Petty: That accounts, as read, I be ed. Petty and Mickle. I I'll . ,�' _ ,, ... . mer, a little fall and most times a . 1: - I I . � - 'of ultra vires. upon the statement in the. Canadian. pleased improved. frorn. her recent illness. Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Elmer lOesch I I I . . present frosty snap the flow � �vill, ' .1. ' , , , oting.-T. doilbt be t1u Hay Council X4, he regu- .with sunny days, no ch , , , ' ' end guests w e eg' arid Olive Brock. . ; - .' , ; . paid.-Carii I . � I That we appoint Dr. Gerald R. Col- . 'Medical ..n�',_ gcbd deal � always �, . winter, and w( .­ .j . lea'st it. judgments that separate schools are' .. � - � I I I I on Wednesday night Harold ,Do,wslon were to the , , I . : I lar monthly meetihg. of the council imprpved ; I "icoft . - Mr. James - Saagster was the lucky holder fol1q,wipg the fligfil Iyer Officer for the Village . Hensall.-Clarried. Spencer I and - ll ' 1.11 expected ,:. N gotit *hen we ",Well public schog 8 . There 'ar� in 4w,v -in-vited hall by their many friends and were 11144s"i1i some , fin 'Imi of the - Township -of flay was held in Mrs, i, ad . 'made',tp ,number of of That Bylaw No. � -. and, No. Co - ",". , -March is running true to .. " " public schools, be Lendered shower. We. the Town ;Hall, Zurich, on, Monday;— "provements the izitertifl o .. the ,,roplane ,which passed through _Pett�y: 5 . readiw, ! � : . . 1, ; "I" � lojih. . Last fweek the dust was 'flying; . I I and in fact, and they should on a _ , ar wi -blie schools in their right a miscellaneous . bon voyage wish the young couple March 17th, with all the members dwelling roOmS.`.ii;i ,the first floor in . � _,I , I- &f_o'L " ,* .. .here as an adffertishrg, medium for Mr q---- be given, first and second .,q Carried Mickl� a�d RA ison: Thab I " I I "!,:. � k I ­ I . present. Ine imnutes ol me -PreV- the, ep one ' . � . I . I . 1�,,, ?,� th4i country roads were, drying Out; to a' propOrtionate share of company through life- - . ". . : the , . . tiing were. adopted as read., Rev. j. McIlr�j voildupted'iqitees ster's number was 2960 and he 're- Bylaws 5 and 6 be -given third and , .11, . , I - I—— . "" d lity tw;Atiom In , ue . Johne* E�eatty entek-� � "Ous-mee - , ., -', on .oeiveS ', " J suR%t�d6t*� �,a4h final reading -Carried. A. V. E. i, ,bi4eltbl the,robins, the..wreiig" ';'al n pdblic uti .... ;_Q -, . Mr, and Mrs. a. very � i . I I 4'theft- friends one eve- A number of communications were in,.Carmel Pr��e rian Church,, . ,, ' . ' Z .1 and the, song sparrows wer4 here. liee the taxes are divided on .a basis, tained a few c , ;1 . ordered ftle�d. . The following .resolu - Sunday' last'i ddlReii�g fdric4f I ;*e,r- . atftrd.�. I .I . I '.� ." "I � I I H,praphill, collector. reported $�jO66.02 . ,�,, rage - Atte'ndance,. In the two, iiing, last wee, . . 0 " . re on the land and so Of'a,'rd I" ' '' k '' . . 6 'T ' - , d.� od. ' Waster Billy Coles, wl�i . The golfers we tions were passe : bat'B�Xlaw No. mons, while #4 ch*i'r,r,eiid6eu 0 rec�ntly .arr"re of taxes 'Or 1931 ap out - .71 this vicinity attended . . . I 'Mickiii That ___... �', . western provinces which have separ- ,Several from 4, 1932, authorizing the treasurer -and music. , I I I I undeiwent an operation for appen- standing. Spencer and . .. �1;1 -were some of,thg farmers. ate schools the t4ixes are. divided on the badminton dance in Bayfield on ,,, I r. dicitis in Scott, -Wernor4al - Hospital, five per cent. be added to uncollected ­ the collector to accept part payment' Ruth Coles, only dauthter of, M � .. I . � - !!! , , I i" .fflhis week -well .this week is dif- a [basis of comparative assessment.. Friday night. of taxes at any ti'me, be read three and Mrs., L. k Coles, hiid_11 the:. mi4for- . S�eaforth, returntd .to his home lon takes an'd collector's roll be extended. � . _, 11 ..-",.I :ferent. -We � haven't any of those Ontari alone folls to make just Don't forget the St. Patrick cele- times and fi-nally passed; th�t Bylaw Aune recently to sprain ber ant]? so Sunday. . , until ne t regular meeting. -Carried. gl` thinp. wilih us this. week., The. 11rat � p,rdr.sion,_giy,es the separate schools bration in'the hall on the 17th in aid No. 5, 1932, providing for the esti- severely that she has for the . tir4e to 'Mr. and 'Mrs. .M. G. Drysdale mot- Petty aZd Spencer: That we adjoum .;�, ­ - ' will be 11,1,� - o' hare at -all of.the revenue from of the Vat-na Library. There cruto6hesj pred-to, i!IOchigan. this week to at;. to 4he call of the Reeve-iCariied.- t1V sxro*w -n s . .. m 1, , . 4ay of the week,�Was cold wi ., a beating of mated ,expenditure on township roads get around with the aid of, I I I I 1. . . publicly -owned public utilities, and a sbom-ing of diamonds, � �� 7, - . I . 111.111 I the second was -worse, and thd thre'e'� �� gives them,ciinipany taxes, only in hearts, tosising of clu[iis .and'a shuf- for the year 1932 be read three times . but will likely soon be oible to dis I tend the funeral of an . aunt of - . Mr. James. A. Paterson, Clerk., , . and finally passed; that the.following / I .1 I I I . I . I , �'!... , _- :f,114pwing t�e worst of all... ', .1 the few cases where directorates take flli ' d fiddles to encour- . . I ." ,, . �, . . ng of spades an ' be appointed Road 0ammissioners- for � I � d , ilvtdtor, traffic ?, is . running under the initiative. age the boys'and th4i girls. Sb come . I .... I " —_ __ --.-- --.-- _.­ - _____ ____� — , �' i� . .the variou$ township Toa(r. divisions - - � . = . ;, . . ­ . �, . � . I . . . " . M IN ' I along and enjoy the refreshmenth . I 11 �� . I 'heavy wraps; everything is frozen &i'the year 1932 an4 that' a"OvIaw I ­ �. , �� " l �ir ' ITUCKERSM , served 'by the Library Board. Bring . .. 1,�, ffH, . ,,, . . . " 1,l ,&rj, solid and the snow is Viled up into I I 'Mirandy; the gentleman at the door be p)repared forlpassifig at the. next _. I ,. / Z . . . �..., ,,, c :1.. . I ' � . . 1 4 � ,., ...-Adeep drifts,. and it all gjDt that way Mr. and Mrs - J. D. G ' ell are will kindly let you both in for half a council meeting confirming samie:- . � I . I �, I I . � I ,+; (b) J. j ,; " I I 11- ­� Mrs G I.Tm.-dle. Road No I lal K M. Russell I I . . - , 0 �, `-­,( 1 and ,da,wn. Isn't, v I - . I . . dollar. Ever -body welcome on ese . . I . 1W I I I - hetween darkne I I h tj 0 ". ...; �,:. - 'l . 1: in London. .l cofiditions. We mentioned before 2 'Parks, (c) S. carthur; Road 2----ikap I . � t" � "? " I, A", %� . Mrs. Jobn Love, 3�g,Tqnd- .5 C. Aldworth, (b). 1G. Ar-mitrong, .(c) . ,0 that like March. . * �,gr! 11,-, , Mr. and I cents admits one; but think of it 50 11 � I . 11 .. . ' W G illell, (d) S. Ro�p,,,No- 3 (a) I * I ' . T � .)4 -1 � - Yes, March is running true In ville, celebrated the 50th anniversary ' 4 . , ':,,�,�, Y-411 1 to for art at b�erns to show, one's clothes . , �.Ii 11.110 sB-,right. . . of their marriage on Tuesday. ,cents admits two, Games, st . C. 'Aid;ortb, (b) A. 0 sseau, (c) _ I . lilt . .. ��� '11�'i*: I thi-, 8 o'clock sharp. 0. Koehler; Road 4 (c) A, Reichert; .1 I are usually ouched up" in a, competent I , Some ploughing was done in Miss Welsh, of Ripley, spent a f . I . 1 � ew 1. .. I., week. days last week with her 8ister, Road 5 (a) ff. ff. Pfaff, (b) G. Py- I I il, I . I I I i, P THERE IS ONE I neighborbood 'last Mrs. I � I A number in this vicinity are suf - G. H. Beatty, w�ho is much improved bus, (c) J. M. Richardson; Road 6 . . I , I ; - t. I so - . I . , �; 1, ','' , . LUTION fering from severe colds. w& aiT glad to report. (a) S. .Martin, (b) J. Rennie; Ro � � lf, . , � , ad 7' 1 p" ��j��,­ I It has remained - for Judge Me- ,Mir. and "Mrs. Fletcher Townsend . . (c,) Fred Haberer; Road 8 (a) S. � 'lli, , � I . ;t� and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fear motored t Hoffman, (b) Lawrence D�enomlrne, �1.l�i . I Cardle to tell,.people why crime is on YV '. ' .�1;1�111. to, London on Tue,xday and visited rel- (c) John Oesch: Road 9 (a) R. Mil- ,." the increase in Britain. His honor USBORN CLEANING AND PRESSING PLANT' 2. ler, (b) Gordan Surerus, (c .4, I - I I I t ) Ed. 1. � 11�`_ atives there. ' ...... I I `,tl� ". - I was opening -the assize )courts at . ��','.,, � - 1� Erb; Road 10- (a) J. M. Ziler, (b) I I I . ,Mr. and. -Mrs. ClaTence Ball, a D,i- Council Minutes. - he Munici - I I .. " � Lee;ds ,where ,there were 10,0 cases,, troit, are visiting relAti-'�-es here. Council of the Tqw-nship of Usborl Robt. Adams, (c) F. E. Denbitime; - ., . I f �11�1 . _ . ,i$ I When one knows that in addition to quality work, PRICES , '4- . . red Pepper visited relati,vieq met at tile Township Hall, Elimvillo, Road I 1 - - ; Road 12 (a) -, '.7 listed for heatinit� , M r.q. F ��,V. (a) W. Fischer I'' " .11� .. rnbull; Road 13 (a) P. � I' � `V ­ A Lg re- in London and Exeter last week. on Saturday, 'March 5th, pursuant to Max Tu HAVE BEV,N REDUCED, one'llesitates rio longer but get' alt 1 f, . 11 . Judge.5 cCardle in his openin I S I i!l�, - The. March meeting of the Tucker- adjournment. All the members of Schade; Road 14 (a) M. Tinney, (b) , I Cleaning and Preissin ' done oblefol:6'the Easter rush. I ILI, . marks stated: . � ni . th Ladies' Club was held at the the council wei-e present with Reeve U. A. Pfile,- (c) I,. Hendrick; Road' 9 "I "'. 1� I tha� ' ' , I . . �� " : "I come to ,the conclusion home of Mrs. V. Terryberry. There Ballantyne in,the chair. The min- .1.5 (a) J. .Sararas, E,oad 16 (a) Wm. . . I � I ,,�, , , . 1�, ,�,, . . L�"". I 1 ,�,4. 1 ,d has very little to do with qer- were twenty member-, and five visi- utes, of the prigvious meeting bf Feb. Duchartne; Road 17 (a) M. Corriveau, A. 11 . . ", !�� �1,; i�us ctime to -day. :L�think also ... that tors piesent. The roll call was an- ruary 6th were' -read- and approved Road 18 (a) T. Dinsmore, (b) A. MEN'S W916K � - �. I LADIES' WORK I �, l %�!,f 1 4 1 V . � ,N:?"� " . swered by an -Irish joke and many on motian of ,Sbier'�Ilassmore. Cor- L. Sreenq " I "', ��, -, poverty has little to do with it. The . p; Zurich Police Village,, E. p * , Datars; Di-shwood 'Police Village, E. 11 ,i;� L" am�smg one,-, were'given. After the respondence: lRece,j from Sick I Dr Press Dry Clean Press _P];_ I -main al and transacted, ll, , cause is' flandament' P1. - �o ""'i'�.?". . . I I business of the day was dhildren"A Hospital; acknowledging Gaiser. Accounts covering payments � Cl ., , I %. , i , �4':l , � , I I I ., spmngs from defects in buman nature a short program was given, c6nsist grant-, receipt froni Queen Alexandra on township roads, telephone and & PrIes �,�,�,, Only , ' . & Press - Only , oii,i, � � i ,.;'.0, :--Veed, lust, Vanity� An and the ing of community singing and a veVr Hospital acknowledging' grant- re general accounts, were passed as per .. , . , 48- . .. .' : $1.25'� � .50 SilitS ........... � $1.25 ','�j��l­ , �k. . .50 ,,, - � ,Piece Suits �. ' , .", . I. I to 9�i humorous Irish reading bS� Mrs, -I�a ceipt from ,Muskoka Vkeo H.0'spital, vouchers: Township Roads - Ji M. ' '. " . 44 if,li, I I&A ._­_.­­­'! �,0��, -�ielce Sints ... - - 1.00 ' "".50 .Overcoats, Spring 1.00 .50" - _ .- W .t, � ..: '' i�,V*"—'�' ­ ' , that ijew is �66i-ri�t. Crime in- � .� .;"�'k- . . Johns, also rea4ings by MTs. ' G. ackno ]edging grant; receipt from Richardson, pay list, Road 5, $9.25; 11 �-. - I 0,11� ., Gricb and Xts. F. Walters. The H r or boundary s't- C'. Aldworth- pay-li-st, -Roads 2, 3, 13, - Overcoats, Spring 4,00 ui,;,, I I e 2 � ,50 Overcoats, Winter 1.25, .50 �� � !��,?,,',��i,� " , . .1 � - I. 0; S PVT y list, Road 8, Overdpiats, Wintef 'Dt ' .5(f Felt Hat's ........ .50 . " ;�!Jg s is human resisfance to te man, pa A �,­ -, - . \. ZreA,96 . � .. I m`13' ladies spent some' tfini'4*uilting be- tlement- notice from Carling & Mor- f. 7 . H , .. � a1tat1'on,_d6&dal%e6, 'Strong characters fore the so The April ley $2.20; J. Rennics. pay list, Road 3, ' 2 ,,��j��P� . I.. - j, � Pcial tea hour. , gAcitorg, �d " township council, . 'A", 1� ,�,,� 5o,rql�!,, - . I -��P�AY;,�,:.: 14; M. X Russeil, pay list, Road 1, Hats ............... .71 Dresses .......... 1.00 to 1.15 . � ,_l, b'tilt,'gdcause th ­�,S),!,�'. ey, havo to fight meeting ,will he held at the home of re price of gravel p'urebased from M. $ 'I ��.��, - Are 5. .. r�," ,, .1 ­­ � Mrs. 0. McGregor, the roll call to be - Routley Estate, Lot 1Q,'CDn. 10. West- , F. E. Denomme, pay list, Road I I i�� ��gradlng forces, and Wh Al " paylist, Zur- I . ,�*­,`_ .__.,_� .. age . en " 7, r ., I . rny pet proverfl3'." cott-�Passmore: That 'settlement 10, $10.; E, Datars, gr ­ Sweaters, 50 cents. . ,4, � , . be . ­­ , 1, I ft6fig aiiraeters are not beink pro- 0 . I I &. 1, I . ts Council ,Mnutea,-The council met made with Mrs. W�n. -Bro ck, fA Police Village, $7.15; W. J. Jar- . � I . 7 ­, mortg- I ", � Jid,upt 'to look around and on Saturday, February 27tb, with 6,11 agee of this property on 1, rott, expenses 'to convention, .$9.95. ", �� ,:, '' ,d condition. It has been our pflivilego, each Spring for many years to "cheer 1 , , �, " .V "I Ac , '11-1 ilything #�-,dept the people members present. Minutes of last that she release the Township of Telephone counts-Zurith Hydro, ", ��l � � ..�, hinow ev4r I 1� J I ' " ��, t � ., ;�'," �, � . �,-'ffi "' gg" ,,' ITher6,lias always been meeting were read and adopted. Mc- Usborne from all claims of the M. lights for offt,&, $4.57;;E. R. Guenther, UP much. &thing 'for many people. May!,,W.e attend to yours? ,_ I ; ". dft, , It, I I Kay-,Browu- That W. J. Finnigan be Routley Estate, - Carried. ' INfils. cartage, $8,73- Municipal Wdrid, sup- .1 I I I . . 1, 1� I I ".. .- 11 . . I I . I . "'. 1. I . -4 11. I DZI, ig the world and there plies, $2.Z; Vlobbs Hardware Co.,' 11- I . '. ....... � ,�. "'. . I . llv�vm4%K I , ay: y , JvV , .1 1 0 .; ; 1� ,­ �, i1pplies That the ' ' 'Xi Ii,,,�,.,�:i P 'have there ployead. price, of the gravel was paid to her. �.,"�_ q - I ­ crensote- oil, $2,�4; .Bell Telephone Co., I I .1 4 I _ 11�� �"� , ,;'% -� 1� . _ 1 4;, . , -botit has been to auditors' repoAq of the To-vashio. of Bylaw� No. 2, 1982, re, estimates for tolls, Dec. to Jan., $91.58,, Workmen's JLJ JL . P, . . I ,1� Sell , PeOP §6 I , ' D N , ' DUNGEY y . , - Z-?-- - it, . ,, '66, - Aj�� paid $45.0 ,for 's' for unem- Brock signed the agreement and the - I I ,­�F,,I�j I S 11�',,@, - .. . � � Ol . ". .11 , I - , , - Tuc6 Compensation Board, wasessment, , '11�("'O"i'W'ie". , . , ,-,6A.46 gge,nj,; for, ,detours.' itli extpenditure on township .roads for DI" o ,Vk#i�,,I,��', , .; l, - � bF 'l , ­��,;,., , i , .� . `gd�� thdtfv ftbl . - ,&%%,a# EL - . � I I('. ",­; " , I re th1h to 7616phone,WAtew, bo adopted and 20LO 1932, was read and passed oil "otion ; Northe)�n Electric Co., ma, . COMME l IAL HOTI " ,�,,��,"�,,,'-,"I��c:��!���,!:��,���,��.����,�. I ''. I .: - I 1 E. : I 11 I , tIl � !,,�. . .I . printo-d. Clark,Johng- ,That the eol ,of ,We .49hier. -W�agt- h- ..'. ,� .. �� " ���� 1'. $17,98; Zurich , - I .11 F� , .11, _ 111A.1i, n" V"­� - �,� . . st4ott Passmoro te I ti, Centrat, switc , ,� L, "' , � _!j� '' , � I g, ro IU M&*h- ­­`V­'i_I`l­1 �� 11 � - in th .. � . '_ �illl-14 . ­,, , I -n exteniloo of time eott, J�haf gylaw No. .3, 1627, he ing 5 WL-eks, $0; Stromberg,Carlson ..I ft, - � - 11, "''. .1.1 I l'jt­&_-'i I �,�.11� I . , l ". . I �,��,� Il". .,Wr 1; �', t I - --- leefov be given a Seaforih , Phones 22 ,�'t)'�Vi&%, 71� I ' i 1'1- ,,,,, . I ! 7 or, 21 0. l. N"NI'21.1", -'L.- ' - �*' , L Mfg. Co., materiall, $99.46; H. G. � ,,LR I notil the March meeting for the R- an,"lled and that Bylaw No. 31 1991 Te ,� �.N,Rl, ,�,,�� ". � . . o 1)� ;-Ifi �� � I I ,, %� ,,,,,,, , ".": .... I . . . . . . . . . I �� � "Ill, . I . . , i4 I'll 1 � . b A � , Y­�i* V. 1 ��; ,,��fj ,,'�efi­ We gee the9b turii of the roll. - MeXa 6 , � '. ".�� , 4%tf. , , "' i I - I ' H�essi, labor, etc, $94,54. General , ,� ,�A�,�,, l'�;, 1�04, 1.401ark, + R , "XI`1�1'1 � �1_ �,V li ,-j ,�`;!, ��,', � 1"M� I I , il, , . . wage . . ­ � - .. % , �� "'?"r, ;k , ,y Thatlibe passed as i ad ifixitig the f I �i ,14,�,,, , , 11 ,�, -"'�%if, jk��;_',A,00 � ; -_ - - '��""�,�",��,*' J� � ,,','%*,.,�f�"":,: ,lllv, .11 1- ", I I � - 11 I . . iL "':' " cl�m��.,,, ,,.:1 I I . 1. ", - � , , � I . � I ,,��i"" 1�1 ,, I: , l �, .11 L, I . . 1. , . I I . � . �l �, .1 ,i!, I . I � . I . � . 4.1 "' � I hp 1, I . I . � I I, � , I .I. � �.A,, I - , �'. . I I I . I . . N . I I � I -11 I 1. , "."',; . I I I . . I ­ ;� , I . I '. . ­ I � . �. I . I � . I I I I �, _� i'l I i I � .. ., � , � 1. I I ­ �... 1. I I 11_1 I'll ­ I � 1� I k , , . I . . I I I , I . I I I 4 �, ,,�� ,, ..." , , , � I . . 4 , � I . I 1. I ::: i�� , , ,,, ", I �.... " � ".. " � _ I . f, " " I I , ... . I'll I . I I " ,���0�� ,',,,�� �1�,,�i ��_�i,', , rp� " ­ ""I" , ,.I, � , , . I , ­ 11 �' " �, 1 ­ _. � . ���',�,"',�jlu�,�\'��J�i,� ,?K,6,�,,,�­ , , .. , , , ., '' , � . . , I , , I . I , L , '', ". _ ", , ""'.1.1.1l . I . i., 1 ­ �, , ,. ��, r, . , i ; ., 1, . _ 11­� , �i ,. , , 4,, I �,,,;�,� " 1�i,';� 1;i�% I ""; j, , , "t, �, Q , ��:� � " , , " , , I � I � . . I I .I.- . ... ...... ,�.. W, �, ,.* I. "Y"7 �11 ,� : � , . I .1l 'N I l 1 I " ", ,,, el"ll �Q, fllllll,��& " .if ��,,,,��,pi,;�,A;!._4 . , )" -,,' � , " .. ..... - �i.ilir, lt'01�111' i 1I.A111 ," 't , , , k, . ,,, ,,l.',1,.-"1,;, ��; , � ;"�'��;,, ,­:,�,�, , '. , �. . - . I . � -11",'�,�'[1,11'';��,�ill�lifl""I�,�Iii'llilli 11 ,,_,,,,,,)'��,�';. "I'VIP01g,Iq .1 , , 1. 11�_ i I . ­� 1-1. I r �,,i­-)t.�f�, � ��?'t'111'1 "p,11 .. ... . 4,"V,,�l,', " ,.,(-',i,,!,, """""', -1 .... _,i, " - 4. flw ; ,i� tl,7,1,1,1,�J",:�, . �,�.�4�'�5��,l��,��,("",�":""�i,�,�4-r 'A' 0�,4`��,11,1v',�11�0. f, , , , . ;, t , , � , `;` I ­ �, ., , "-1 L � " '. "I "'i":` ''�' :' �;':"� ,L,;�l,.�i,,����',.i,�4,����"l�, "P I ," �1"11;, �;��,t��,�,�,�,,��i,,i�,��,,�.����.� 14 6-41 �q�,q _ 14 �.S,l�i��"4i,���,,�f��,���,4�,, ";1"N"�1J�"I,1 I �� �it,�fil,�'Al,��(�i���,;�'I'��,,,,I.����,"�'i,.,��:� 11 ,��6 �1,101' ,��:%I,k,.�l� �,, , ..... , I I'll" 11P I 10 'i"K q *.X 15'11� "?���,,,;�,,,��l���ll"�l',�,i;i��',,',-",k�,:��,,,,�,,,fl-�'k,','.,',�,�i�,,�'O� ., "I'll �� I.. . __,_____1l1f12" , &I�l L i;6�,,, ". !,,�,Rw,'-�,, �11 ; I llm I i A ��,. " "� I "'I"'ll"","',�� - __ ___ - 1�64 S"Ied I I Nlkl,"':� l"X"I"'K. ."i ...... ­,, �.,.�.. ,, A_ "."ON"A . . 4 4 9 IF 11 'A