HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-03-04, Page 5"�, , ", "", ..;_ - , ,,,,,, 4� -i ,�,,�.,� � ", - , ,�,��, ,i­�.,` !?, "', tl � _111.4, -, "I '- j I �,�4��iu,jl ,��,!!'i��!,'! ;� " ;,*.J,'� 11;,,�!i��,�,i I, '1'1P,,�i,'-,,!P,, ",I,. :,� 0, � ,, ,�'; ��,-` �",`,'42 ,�"I�. , r"'t, i, , 'i I "T �,.;.,! 1, '17im,t, *, , . ,�,J,:-�,,I;,­�, � 111k " �;, ,� !,�, " '11MIND I ­ 0 ,:I llf,;,11:� I, 191Q�.l ,Wl _,111, �;���-,,�,�" , 1,�,;r I � ` �� 11 , , ")��, '!�,, �"".,i�".17r,,Trl;l!'�1'r,�'�T��j�;�'�;�'l,"Z�T,,:�Ir',,�,1!4"�e'�',' ll�fi',V,`�' 711� 1. :"';��'�� ��'�'�'�'�l,'i';,,74,,'-,,]'-,7,7,.7,�',�',�,�'-�,,'�,�,;6'i��'.�� 171111 �11:f­,­V�, �. 1� Mlil;. �.w , ,',,�V`.;`f,N' , '�" �,,V�17�1,,,��,,'� , ��. �i ,,�-, �,," 7 : �_ �,­ , , � ". W,�;,`.LW, " ..... ... � ­_ " 77�, -11:11, `0',�% 11 1-�,'4�1 , � I ��`� ,,,,," .,,,',,q i,��: .. F";;, , W, ,;�,�I�".;:��,.,"q �i:! i 1:, :� �. ;',,�,,,�� , ." ., _ I 7�,T�-C,',�-F,I-:�"-i�-'4-1�,"�,�'i'�""�,��,�,;,. 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" 11'�15,� " �, t ,W, M .. ... .. ou, t, � ,V T , ., , " �� 11 - . '�, I L 1. III,,; 1"� ."'4, ".", 1 �: �, I ""'; j�,,,,'X'W"'�4��P,0 0)"�',��41�,'!, 41�' `;J�� .. . ' ' T r� , %�, �, � '� � OV"i #9m,P,,, ;�,;Apw#f)� , , `�'! 1V%.tM,1*AT1, AA Ir"'WA , 7 ., � ". - - � .. �� , goolo - �., , � 1. . - �,',7��i�,; �r� �k., ,� , %L_5',`� ,4;'J"�, .. ­,!..,,, af',"" 11 I , � * " t 'I 11 1.�: 1 4'1',`��,��;l,�"��, 4 094t 40 � I �idr tvk_ "'' I �, � -1 . 'A' V111. 1":%_1"`1�1 fl���I'l""I"i,�,'�'I'll�',�'.1�-".,!,""If�I'l� 2:,i�4e il�Wj .�"",��,� , ,�;J&L I, " . 1 �Iv 1� n,, _n1w -.40 I , �, � ".�,­,�­,� � �&,!�, 4'i",�,��,""j,.Q1"I", -, :h 'fal , �" , "I �4We,j,: _.. T �,13*',,44',,!��,:�­ , %, _ -04". ­­�i ��,,, � , , .. . . - - � rly �� In" f&nW, §V ib, ,0,01 . , _,,�404�, As, R,�-� 'i',tr, .."Fr � � : ""18'..1�11, , " r A "."'J", (w, ,'I, � � I I r.qAW,;ew.4& W. - As, . IA"r , I , _ '. I�V�,Wn, , , 4 QX mPF 'r,P)w .... �� I ­ , I I ­ � _` , 7"W T,�;V, ' 1'2.f�,,", ' L�,,�� ' ,��, �r­�A,.'!"'�'L ­11V111T. L , "'I" ­ I I. j ,; "r � � , I ." I " ., 1, "4, , : ,4 V bb �".J"',.�4""",..,`.�, ".., � '' ;�,�,,_ I �' 11 , ,.�_ " , �- 1""'4'. 11� � " ",,,�;, ? , ,�, �, , ,� , I "��, i, I �,,�i� �1101 - � ��� 11 k 11 ,6� !� '� , " ""' , . . , i ­ .. � . � , "" I , " 44. uppoly! K aln -n(,�, , t,44fJ.V-M,., qv" 119', 1 __ - I I �'Ili , , I , , I " 11 1WQ 31R�PUFVVI ­­­ 11. � , , 414_1 , t , 11 ..". L I 1. J e$go boo ,fall " . , 4 , , , . �, j, , � ;,��, 4,q�` _4� ��,�.�-,, J� J �!,�,�; 1 , L I . , , , j,." ,� ''01 , L �t , I , , , 1� .N. qW M_­,',�_ ­­­ . t ' r .tn 0 - , � "Un ' - 4 ". ' , - . � 'i I, . � �',�,'40 -,,f,Jg' " 111� � L . �� I , . 0 4, -------[.-�--���1,11,�-11.1�-�-,-T� �;­ .1 I., )? , f"', 'L � � _,'�, . - , . �, � . Rft A$ %'�Y eV""'OAV" . , � , , f Z, . I "I, ; P, 4 ,,, ties. � o0asIcier-9110040 00110"e I , ox, I , ��ir 7, , " :�i`�,I,,',I,j , �,igt" ,�".,�Q I ''. 3! , , * " � 1, , " . ... I.- I ., f is lowo theno 09ul 100 'A'AnQ _ Q-Xk I I - - , " ��"/ 1 . i,:; � I , :�,2 ... " � .F p) , I . �� , V . , , , . 9 , x4i,, "(1V ,,, �'I � .. � dano the su of ice t I 'en -�� I "I , _ W,M"__:. � , ��­: , . " , 'i J* - who, aufxg pre*"d rew . . � , !-�f ,, "A"; ,?.� . . . . . . . 1�1,j' 1,r I � . � . � ...". .. tb.op ,,� 4 _ &IM I it ,90,'Ov, T'HA I V. "I "1�1,14 �,i I , , - ,A) . I . ��:: , '. , W1.3 f ­ " '! �tu] . 0 to bw, 4,11ytblrig, . . I I . . If 70, - -9 -A .., - .0 . � �,� W 1; 'reapepT, "14 Wood, as viero 441s ric I .... 'n.""', ,�! A � I ?K�f',�),�'.�,,, I I - " . tested alf - � ,,, , � �;L ��, . � Tle� ,from. Ki4nev 91 .+I " and a 5.14 I PlOwan WOO(* -to or, ... �� �[X,��,�� ��i�l ,,,��,�Trl �'�L" ", , _ .tion, in Anct a4ent cold � - (s . mX0. �40AWN, I - �.,�!;�,,6,� �,�,�I�, I �5 �V4;!A,,�"""��i,, I __ ... Scanty KW 1paiAful bu�Rg 01,W44A 'ather 41-0 .. .-.r­"� npilighbo)m 40, �11 : I "!,�i� '�i �,' � .out of bed MAII '111906 1%3 '*1 rMa o1v GIVAS .14 40, also the I � r0 , I . I llk-r 90 -'lP 10s'-- ;a;, ply ice and Allow - folf t r.; %. Seed Corn Vnexeglle4 VOr .4 .,��j��,;!".��'�' !�,)�,Vll; yl'iiiTT1 ;; , " " f , % " -t I .0 aA4 groin, -V 1404 - . ad j3rA ?I 0 RX, - I , . � lh',,�,, �1, $ 1 , , '' ,;".� I 10 , 1; U1, A�"Xl. �,��."""�,,,j�jz)��- _4 L s4 , - 0 1 ";,", i� _?,"".,�L I ,;",;,�L . ___ _ base cif Qvx'o ,im %; 1:111, r 4- , 4; ­��,; "L' 1!;,�� �, `Yi710'�,,i�� � ___ , rl :1 - I '11'. ", . I "I'll K4,,,1,f,T L �1' ,of- c9rn for seed , , 1 , , I :11.1 11�,` _� - ­­ � ng ,sttac" 91 ,of ice and Wood, Down in Ten rrY, The 'quality , , j� us- dulinr`4. i)17100 a,#4 death , I "M 'M ' . M,r' W-. �W., Cowall- . . I . , �11 "JL .... 04,dliu*�4_u - V .a. , X�1, -ted that all r ads were ' .1. r 38,01, . . � .1 -1- -!q�,�,3 , A Of - '. oumjl� iour it was re,pol � . 1�111�1�11 g�n, __S -mw , __t,P.'w `i3O'�;1,11 I Qout,_� =,", . . �, J;OL ,geellid in the history of cvrn t;x - . : ; ". ­ 11(ft! ". . druggist .74i � AW4 Z sea 4 vacicage Qxv-^A�". f crt,X,s,­ a condition that had Q. . . . I .1 i"" .11,�.'�itl �� . . . "�,� i�,,�,� I _. _.- - , , I I I ,... � ���,k�,%�J -� upw offered .,. - �, -,;�, , , ., �'!tl`� ;, . .11 F� , ,, 4 gK.W c --d open , or ed in that section ing in this Provjpce� is . . . . " � V , 9A." 0"Irl, ­­­P,,�4 ­ owpa'Ption 99 QUJoWy never before Prevaill _ . . ',� , 1: I �, r ilAi ;Ir� � ',' n -N, - �ho neWI, . � �, .,. e �,,,Prj,_111111 " '' �. 1 $uu A* DpWly pre,VATea to Peel Coulity, ,states the ,Ontario f a M-er, states VX. H. put- I I I ',':!���'y ir,v�i � I _11 .... ...... . ;J,,,;,.,r,_jrr' 11 . gmist . sp , . . e � 91.t"i . ��, ' - .. - ropbles, Not,. a a -Let reme- of the country. . ,, . . I � lir - "iqf.t�'i I,V 4"�"t - "L.�y '' ., L - hatched erson, 9,f the Xarketipg. Board. " I ,.�,,. ". 1t; 0 .ov-gtp�ora -Itpeap V . IN MEMORIM . ,,, , , g I �`,�,,� , j 6 . a� Are peing L ­ ...... L . ­­ 1-1 . ... . . , �,, ? 1, � ��i� Asaula, is printed on every that baby chicks : 4��, , Alle. ALIcu . I j6 ��.. oyo The TMO " ed corn standards .Are *_ ,11 4 ! ", ",box. D, q5 know good Modle now f or,the - early. broiler market. and The ae I ., I . ­ * � you what tblp Pres-IWOU on a higher - I(Pvpl thi ,ot,s - � ..... ��. � 91P.? I Qhi:::: "' 4 r ,,_�"Pis uAder this bead will tpe &87* , - I " I ".. 'I �v , g t toll are expeicting, a Ing placed ? 1. ,� � = aipg10 verse, and 25 cents ft all, , -idea to Imow that hatcherymen- ; 0', 15k, = � """K,�51."I �TUM or �,�-`�:�'. _i ' I I r=ld 40 for ypo. n's. a good, y,,X, improved, selection iii jheL --field ed 60 cents %W . . I . � , I �3vo.�,, '�L�," -, I I : . :� ��, ajORY'A", �$'� . � I , ," ,�" I r, , "�-��`,, . . what wou not eve you 'swift . I ., , , ... L"�4,'' �:,41 . e, "." , .1 I I ", � , . .I ,�:�, ,., �, �; "I �, "O ' "'_ `g,_ ,;ght back to, Your hterlqo County Old furthq. a6ouranee to TINNEY.-Ill '19VIPT r0membTAUCO Pf 0 - .............. .......... ....... "I'll LL.111.1 1. ���� 1 .740 111,01 ., �",; �... � ". ,;-V ­W­�', �, _�", �� NIL,�,� 11'1� . . . 1 4'; 1,,,,,'$- "� "`,� ',`.�'�"!'4`%� . ,�,. :")"­�'L ,"",t";j��4�',� �� 1� . ' - .lisp and ' Seed Corn, eaT wirfe and mother, Margaret AIM Thiiley,' _­� . . .. �, . , �-!�;,�­: .!,. � "� . ,;,, ,!, __-- L M ..�,� , : L , , "�4k.,�'� illi, pack. normal demand for baWchi,cks thi's - - . $, 1 are itsum. And if the first each additionA "096 "' . L 1, V reportis and moiv. rigid governinlent Inspec 1, 11 I �Ii'�,*2, e tion will a ���� ... -L � ... �� Ut 4" ;,.-' inthe W , , ,., . , I ,nd certain relief �ur money. Bince there Is apr farm outlook seems mor . ..., ", N I ' that 1-f 4 - .e of Ontdrio d ._ _ , � . I'll, "", , '4"' i,'�,'� . . . I . , � L I . . . . . . . . . , , " n or some mo - `,�` ,­ "', I �4;111t�" I I ­ 11 I I - ""� 11111�" I.. li " I * who passed oway, $Qur VOa-, 090 to -day, ; "'... ,6,-',�,N,,,,%�,.`_1f - Rk,�V',%_? ...... din,vO-t -'a get y ut Yo r choir . , I I '41� -9 Imt get some optimistic tha Ai I . I . L � - , �. ,- . . no r1sk in MWIng your dealer to SUPP1Y 70U with . . � -14.1111,11-1111.11 let to -day? March 5th, 11928- . . 7 I . . . . . . . . . %L-1&*,, �v KARANN from your drugs that there is A iendincy. for pric" of ,n,;,.,V1 - V.1111nl� 1. �0, , Z' - 10! 11. -1 -I .- .111-i. " " F. "!,-�Tlwn gm.. ", 5", . .... . I" L lli��16 � .­' . I . , , , ... - . -11 " ­ "I .11 �,,M.... � "i 01. . i. -products to improve. Welling- Ontario Grown Seed. The Varieties!. I , I , ;;`�- ,! ;�-­­��­ �.Ini",A"­,,�oxwm L .- I , "! " ­�­' - fam . -ii . .. .... -11, I ­� 1. . - I - I 11 s inereas6d its, alfalfa of Dent and Flint are i�'�'iiiwially Suit. we do not forgot her. we loveher too dearly, ... I ­ I I 1. ; � , 1, � ,,� -1 � -q ­', �,,, V _�'T, - -- gjl�'. g,� . q , �.. Ise � I . � . . L ­ ; ­._ , *L'L ". ;�" P'A'A" 'W'�rMM 'R, ��,% I Lqf I � . ton 'CountY ha D your needs. An abundance of For her memory to Ude from our Fyve 11 - . F-111 "'. �, ­, "ll: "'I't - -7 �­­ , ­­ .i � L ... ,1 ­ , � I -­ - , _ ,­ .. I � I � � � , . __ - . ,,17�l""Il".��6"�""",J;�. V�O`M'�f`AIAI` I ... I � . , - , M �,,vg �F � I ; W I 11-1-111111 11 r`,Y.11�11111 "I,;* I . 0.1 --- . . o Acres ed t, I �_ a . ­ I 1. . L I .1 . acreage from 106000 to A the the 'better varieties of Sweet may be' 0 ' "Ii,'. _. speak, when our hear,ta . � . .1, � Ill I �. ,.'1--._1- -1 . .. SY041Z �fPgnv.i�. w I - , 4'yx ,� ,1744,kk,�, I . . . i ,Vq',.,,P­ ii, ,','��O.��I,.""­­ 'FARM NO in the last five years and with . 1 --7 L 011"" R ur..: . amp -m" 4:,'y T','Iffikt I . . TES cheap alfidft seed this year it is ex- obtained, also, from, reliable.selifyces. . X ,i, � . -_ 1, 6 " I I., �.vimeuts. ' ,During years in which the Europ- For grief often dwells, where it s�14ora is I I I �,�,; .­­ . V -111. 2_i:uf!�Nly �� .weed Killer Expe pected that more alfalfa than &er . . . . t", , " 1� � � " . .� i . 1- - .. '. . , J",j"J",­'_,V.", I I . . . . , . - WE . . . . � . I L " , . I . ,:�,'� � ,Coroperative trig be Wn � ean Corn Borer played 9, disastrous ou'r%ome she is fondly remembered, . - � . . . 1 . . v ��. , lrl;!,�11*1 Is, With chemical before will ' so - ing productioO of corn In . / ' 1, �*�, id", ��e.:1'14,j:,­C�r, N k A . . -i her name; * � '. ­ 1� %, , -, N�,i - '. gi"Ll. I .part in curtail "�,_N, . , , 'Wra killers were conducted, in 1930 I Sweet niemories cling to . 091,1 "L . 1. � ";. , �%�,,' , "PT ,% , L, " , I , ,, �%�,,,'�', . ario,' growers of silage and life sincerely � ., """, ", ,;-'.,� ,9� 'JL # 1931 by Prof. J, F,. ffbwitt of 0- in ""Out Those who loved her in ." ""'111 corn fodder in Ea'stern Canada be- stin love her in doth just the same. Subscribers in Seaforth and vicinity buy The Huron 10-1, � 1- Ill 1 I � L�. ., 1'��. r .. I . "' �� . I . I—. L �­i%�,�" I . I . . L . " "; I i A: d. assisted by,Mr- W. -�L Gautwn- Grow Alfalfa. , dependent on ---iEver &��"raa by Husband, Dexighter . . -� These . . ,,'�,, 1 1 "' less L ek I ­- I ., ��,,�;,' The achieved favorable 'results, 907 ' With alfalfa 'seed cheaper to -day caxne more or 8351.1 'read it,. P"ry We.,- _'�I,:.. ­­��­ � - I I 11 ,� 3r oyno cases than Ontario for their and Sons. . � every week. Five times this number i .1 ._�. lr�11'11A�, I ting a,comolete kill in s than in a Jong time, thi& is a splen- sources other � L .. .. I I'', . I I , �04 ­ . I I . ,'� .. ". . - . � .. `., . � .'(41. . . Much seed, as a . � ' .,­ :,,. ��, , I �, ",��.,L".., . .., . I -with one Aplylication, but lwith stub- did time to grow your own fertil'- seed requirements. . p ed of the representative. -sob; I . . . . . 1,�4��;,,,, �, ,.� � . 144 I d _4� I -4+.1 cousemience has �4een im,porW4 from . . I . subscribers and readers are cOm os, I L " ­­. .. �1 I I—— ,",r '... ,,, � L ,�� :,. i,',',�-`,�t� � I t, I I , �, ** born weeds, .-two applica on. - r I 11 isomeenies three applications were izer. Since retreneurne . I there� is no alternative for the farm�y P clug area:8. it , other seed, corn pro" * ' � known fact that, for Canad- I vequired. Ox-eye dalsyl, wild carrot, . . 'blue and burdock were killed but to raise -a large pT6P0rti0n'0f his his "ovirnland. He -will grow . Is well ian conditions� northern -grown seed weed . -with one application. Poison ivy And I vnt'l � . sometilnes killed A needs on more of his own vegetables, Tneats 'And fuel, and many will use alfalfa is superior to thatpToduced in south - i evia climates. Jt will not'(be neces- I chicory were. .6ne Application, though occasionally and sweet clover to put fresh energy to, ,import any seed, corn for L sary . N -new growth appeared. Twitch giass. into the, Soil. Alfalfa can be grown 19M ! � . � 1� :and field Zindweed requared th' e Ali- �=Ilca- over a, wide range of. territory, buT, ­ - � ' . as and at '1( I Heatiol V , - sweet clover should be restricted to - . -dauger- I Registering Growers - , - .1 --t . . . . � I . , 'found n4cessary tO­exter- -bons were _ eL is no those areas where'ther The Gro' erO Warkets Count, u W .. 11711inate pqrsn al sow thistlp,. A study of getting it mixed with the squall the present timle' is asking all fruit I -of res14____ : ects"',ghowed no marked I seed crops. ISeeding ftwn a field -of land,. Wegetabke groweTs to register 'cultivation . ­ -damage to crops the following yeari alfalfa is equal to a liberal ap- their acreage under and' I � , only tw,p applicaltibus - were . ,easily plieat , ion of manure. Also because I I the Amount of each crop they pro- t I .TVhen - - a I .7nide, but three or more proved quit of itsi long, thick roots,. alfalfa is a e - due . �orms are being sent out as 1� e -1 ""Injurious to crops in the year after splendid 'plant for opening up heavy widely as, ,possible ... and any grower Areatment was given. . clay and also for adding ni,oistur,lre- who does not receive a copy is asked � . taining humus to light soils. Once to Write in to the council for, one. A 11101 , Current Crop Repor , t. established'L it Will in a few years out .most weeds. TND derive concerted effort is tobe made to Pro- vide next year against any repetition .., ,Crop reports received from Rep- tives would indicate that the %mether most a&lantage fronr this cheap, -fer- of the Aisastrous marketing season ... 14, 1 .- -resenta . - #, pmjority of livestock Are in good con � tilizer, it should, be followed wit" feeding crops, such as corno experienced by growers, last.- fall. 4SO far as fruits and vegetables idition av e opportunity than for heavy cahbage, potatoeso or any market . are . - - - concerned, dependable informa- � 4of! more exercise this, winter . tion has been available from, piactic- . ., .� -_ . - I ..�� - Ally -ail producing districts -in­Ganada I I Oq1t71o­­ ­ with the exception of , I . Th' . ,,L ... �1.*� . � - - I I .1 I I � , Lro has resultM in 'O duction 'Z , . . I . I We Recommend and Offer ' I I . I I always being a moit distui�lbing'fac- tor on domestic and export markets 14, . OF ALBERTA , and the net returns to the growers highly 1 PROVINCE _, for their production unsatis- " 1 .. . I I 1. . I D DEBENTURES 6% SINKING FUN f actory.. With this information Available 11 �r_ I +U- - . . . I . . � CAPITAL - TH E ATRE GODERICH �- '<> PRONE 47 " I . __ - Now Playing, "TAXI " with James . Cagney and- Loretta -Young.' __ - . , I I Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ­ . I - TALLULAR BANKHEAD. The sensitional ijew Star'assisted by a particularly good cast head- ed by IRVING PICHEL I � ' in a great dramatic treat .1 I ,,THE CHRAT" . I . I � I. Thursday, Friday and Saturday . I . CHARLES BICKFORD and ROSE HOBART A white citptive fights for a �man's love in a jungle hades. . -',,EAST OF BORNEO" . - I 1� I . �i, ... 1. I I I I � " .. I 'ire people',Aose p.r ' . ,�. - I" ,.., � � �� I stantial citizens of this community. They ,. , 60 ;. '... ,,,, - , . _ �,;,, I I 1, , � A;'' , I . . "'..", - , _ _. I I ­­­.. . "' . - ":,!",� 5 I I � � - 1��,� I .. I ,. ... - , , , .,. In. Seiaforth and district. I ""." 11 �� � eat and future, is Wuld UPI , I I '1,4,�` . , �� - � "I'll . . - I _�) M - 1. I . . Q., . . � .. . 11 , �?��', f . . I I . .'111�1 , I . " ,:, I .. , . � " I . i whole -hearted.!, , ''I . , I They buy The Huron Expositor because .it stands . I . �. I � . , . , I � ­ ' es Wculu!!., ... I . �� . , 1� ...� 1 . orth and it at- all tim and under � All d I . �'I'', _,,� I I - . . ... . I. ly for. Seaf _....... _ A . - § V90ple­ . .. ... 1. .1.. -­ ­­­_ _­_­ -.--._-__1,_2,....1.- ­­ ;�,, . . �'.. - , . ; i7� , ,1,�- �,�I.. ;1. 1. - I � �,'j, � i �!; � A 4 ,,, �Wvi , 1 i it printsall' the local � s; because it 48 the OUIY,. . .-J � 1. becau new 1. . �,!:,��'t.,N, , _." . stances; se . , I �, _,_,��;Nak, ". � I:` `�"11,,§ . , I , yjconcerns them.- , ,,,��;� hat most vitall ­ ...... 1. . j ,�'1111 way"they cankeep informed on w I I .1 , I I ­ � . I 1. .... . I . i . . I I sinterests. ­ ­ I . . : . . ­�;111'�� ... their families, their friends and their buSines I . .11 . I .1,1� � I I 1; ,,,�� . I I I I q�1.11 "I., I �, � . . ,�.(A'_, . I , � . .. � I 11!1"?"� I 1,:1 . I ::,?�-111 ith- . I . i .I..,; ,., 1. ' 1 41" . , 11., � . , . No one living in Seaforth or its environs edidd afford t9 be wi � _,"'!"'M . 11�_....".�,,'.!. I ' �,',,�?­,­g � I ��­_ I "p-, "v". ' 41, .1 ­�, l, . � I I I ..''P111, , . but its cost is amazingly' , .� ".1 � � �- ­,!�ZA I any price,,,,. . . ,,:,�i to . out The Expositor� at almost, . � . 1. _;,,,,�� , . . lj V��i, I I I ' ... __:�,,��;11,1".,�,��,�, -1 I � I '... . I - - :��­1.50 I "' � �vZ � ,or only, $1.50 i yea'r'. . . .... , �L� , "M . .- , 8 all -le ek, �".,, �,.,�i;kv In , ss than three,cents a we -i , 1. I 4 I �� .,� . �f . I .. �� I � .. . I �, j� . . I ­ I . I I � .. . � �� -i � 1 ­­ . , � �'. "'N'. I .� " I . . . . . 1,�,­ � subscription list you are ... , . ­_�,,, I 1:�� �%,;;,�,!,, � I if your name is not7, on our I 11 I .1 11 .. I I �_,_,. , . _. �,� 1%,11 .1.. . . ,��,",,;' I � '111-71111 1�,, .. 1�� . . dds- to the Pleasure and con- I I ��:�`�;,,�* , .. .. I �'­, missing much- that a I :"t;., . � "' ,,,.;,- ,`,_'­�.�, I , I I nt of living in Seaforth.- Let -us send you, 4 . .1 I , !"'t . �;;; ; ... �.;�! .� ; �%',;, teritme I . �,, R I �1.1p� ), I I 11 I '% I , ­� .1 sample. copy. . .. . ,� . , ","'i" ��,,�,� . . ,�, ". . ". I . , I � . � ; . .� I:, �,,�,,�; ,i 11 . � . . . ". I I . . .. I " N . I . I ... .".", . . . . 11 11 -, _ .... . . . . I . ­ ig, 1�", - � , , �, '_ . . �.i, I � . _ - �.;" . WV� "I". . . � . . . .. ­��""1.11" ,1, . /.. ,'i.,�. . .1 �w.., . . . r n I � . _�,; I , . , for.,Ontario, as Pr0vIue- " ,� �'i; � I I . registration forms$ an accurate esti- I �. NG, "Cuban Love Song" I .. _ 1�,, �,. I : I ,(Non -callable . COMI . � - "�,; . .. �) .1 ... . I ...... :`1 '­ - �� P h Ist, 1947. 1 can be ­ EXPON1 10H ��,,.� 19S2. Due 3darc mate of Ontario lyroduction,_ . - __ . ". ­�, ,,i ��, - -_ � Dated ,March Ist, � I . I . THERURON. . I-, I., I I � �_ . . ­ I made and thus c oser Working fae-ili' - I . � I � . , -:.)'11% . I . . 0 11 �st (March Ist and ,September 1st) ties can be arranged -between all the ..� 1-- ­­ 1-:,_.1..-.- I— 1. .. �.­ -, 1, � . : ,Principal and balf-yearly interE ain Plunkett and" . I � . . � I,- . . . _-, ­�,",� ­ I I - " I . ,�',- � .. � I I )erial Bank of Canada, fruit and vegetable priducing prov- Mar 1. I ­ -:, -,�6, payable in lawful money of Canada at the- I -ml on the Capital .,-' " .1 � ... � I....... ,;"P�jll 4 1-1. ' Bros., P ers , �M, " ' his I'Dumbells" :11 V , r 'McLean, -1 I I— 11,�, ry o' Vancouver. intes in order that the greatest pos- ublish ' . T*routo, M�ontreal . Stage. .. "t" . I I ,. Edmonton, Winnipeg,. Calia ' . , . t ii:_1 . sible advantage,may, The taken of all . . ... I ... I I "I'll, I'll, ,. i, ,, I `�� I ... . 11 ...'' I .. � I . , � . . . 1. _,.�. ,� �.' " I may be' registered as markets. Regisration will serve I , ' �� .,,.,,., 11 ,� " � I .. 11.1�, I � - iDp 1,0-0 .­., '.­ niany other purposes such as, pest, nt. 1. nominatigns: $ 0 and $500. Debent'gres' - , - . . . .. " I . I 0 . I , ,18600 Seaforthq 0 . , 11 1-1�, - to principal. . and disease contioli­P170vide mailing I Established I � ... �_�,��11 . __ : , ­ �� I . : , `1 I - I � . ..... , I, � � - -9 and other infor I . . . . I'll, � 11, ,, ___ � lists for marketin . . , � These Debentures are a direct ,obligation qf the .province and are � .1; exempt from municipal taxation, in the .V,votvince' of'Alberta and motion, yet its .primary purpose is to . I I . I . . . . . .1 - ... . .,;;;;;. "' . I . . . . , ,- ._­_=­ �1 , from succession duty enable the Council to know who pr . � . . .. � I I . . . I . .1 �' , I—— _. ..... 11 7.. _�­ ­. 1, erta provincial taxes, and exempt o- .� I AUCTION SALE � . I . I .1 11 . I .� - I . .... ,., _� . from all Alb . duces the various varieties oil fruit-, __ , ... ,,... -, - . . I 1. N�� I .,O� I 11 ­ I I I .1111, - - . . .1," I imposed by. the Provincle� ,and keep growers informed of oppor- N SALE OF COWS YOUNG CkT- - . . I ,", - . . I .1 I I I . . - . I I I , I . . I AU,2T.'o HOGS. P , I I . . 6ULTRY, HAT. � . 1, � ET To YIELD ABOUT 6.40 � I tu,nities to sell -atbetter prices. Blank SHEEP, will be . . I �,., I f the folio -wing I I I . . . - _'I� . " . o PRICE AT THE MARK I . . forms can be obtained from the On- Et -Auction s&le-O ;t 1 O'cl( � I I . I ''Ill - . �, . I I , helA Friday�, 3�r.cb�­llth, a Tile . . I .. !-,�_". . I I - I . 10 .. �L�,,' I . I tario Growers' Markets ;Council for Lot C. _. 4, w. M. Sproat's , ' , I I . I .i, t; . I . . . . � , �.. . I ': I I I bla,d& cow 9 years old. milking well and - ker. � ,::, I . . I 01 7 KERSMITH. 'Shell Ma . ,- : E. A. SIEGRIST & coo ";'....", this purpose. .. Yard: Cows�(>ne Durham cow (choice) ' GAGE SALE . I I - . years old with 'calf six weelts old at foo M09T I FARMS Fo ' P. SALE I I OF,50 ACRE FARM IN TUC I . - - � � 1. .. Investment Bankers, Ltd. . BIRTHS July; I roan cow due iq Avzast, S. TOWNSHIP pARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE PART L407 ... ... � "", .. ­ .... ... due in + . , ­ �1" . I 'Id - I Durham co- 7 Years old. 4at' Xe - 11 I ^_ - . ....-II..., . .. .gsptqt1._&._M�KiI1oP -2 . SUB&T_LT_UT,E_FM,_OyST1=_.._.1 ... �','.l ­­ .- . . I I . ­ . .1 ' ' ' � - -- Majo-ney.-T, Scott -Mdrnorial Hnspit.l, Sea -i Y,e" -�',--i­l ,cow, DurNam. 6 years old,-, due -- �, . _... -, __ __28, and.. 29_0o) � . - . . - -W4'-'T,'- -g-, --A- a 5 taining igs acres and known 85 :�Y. - - Met. S3170 ' ,&,, .1 I ,of i�e :� New Bank of Toronto Bldg., London, Out . , forth, On 'FebruaK �29th, to, Mr. and Mrs. .1 _ part Holstein, rising 3, Under and by virtue of the Powel ' ' / , . . � Phone or Peteer Maloney, of MtKillop, a dau in Apri ; Z cows, , fresh ,,age, which Hays farm. must be sold to close the estata I ,. ,� . telegraph at our erpense. ghter. c n ; I heifer contained in an Indenture of Mprt, SHELL AND GRIT � " 71, . Memorial Hospital, on second alf, due i April uced at 'the'time of sale, tbhere If not dold. will be rented. For particals" � � � I Iver -in Stott about one; month 2 years' old call at XOOt-- will be Prod ic auction. by , sea- '!, .- . I " . Me . �1. . I � .. ar Mc- j�g, two Years old: two fat wiU be OtTc�ed foor e by publ apply to J. M. GOVM-TLOCK, rideeut*r . I ''� ..... I . - - February 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Pet 4 heifers spring sal,nLer, at the 11 2201�kl ..... -- �.V I . I - uld either Thomas Brown, AuotiO forth. . . - . ( oseph*.ne -a rising two, 'WO . I . I'll , 4 . .. ­ I . _. _� Iver, of Sesforth, a dauzhter, J Durhwn h6ifei . . cows : T - , .. M . � �',­, . - - � � "', , 4�i, , - ": '. - . ,Xoniqa). rn,iike good beef rinO Tn ea; ��tl eat or good , O:nth?f( S9th . . . 6 COMMERCIAL HOTEL in the Town of I sea I - � . Price per I cwt. 4I . . . .� . . . I ,rising one year 0 " ' o,clock, in the , 'I. . 0 ld; two steers One th ' SATURDAY, the Nineteen heifers � in do.r, .fe�.rch, A.D. 1932, at 2 -'," I . year ofd and fat: I Young brood sow dUE �_ . ..... 4 I 1', * . � I . Wit) ' Price per 5 cwt. 801t. - �, 7, , It, 11 .. . I �,�,� � I DEATHS , April. Sheep -Seven blackface ewe, on' er Four (4) in n 0I)TESTED C,u f'vc! , I . Poultry-FiftY or sixtv ROcl' � ."771 �ur- I . I lambs at foQt. � - the ,U Half of Lot Numbe , Allkaa I ssion Nurlon Raacl .. .. 1, 1. I � Roberts. -On February 23rd. at her late r - ,rd (3,rd) Conce BLO I . ­� 1�'Ia old, and about 25 Livhorns: the Thi . �uckersmitb., in the I I I . Use'Seaforffi I HighestQuality denee, 1199 Dufferih Street, Toronto, J �, . SAVES'YOU MONEY �:4 I '� . 'a " a few tons of hay, and we Will also ofT-r vey, of the Township Of I O,f O,ntario, . I .. . . � "71, b -. f Huron and Province I ' A. Shaw, beloved wife of Henry Ro eTts a car load ,of orrricultu;-al lime in whatever County 0 0 I I ,6!, I ........ I . . nf--nti�1,1 yo,j wi,-�,. '�Jso one Mac;sey-lfur- containing by admeasurement FiiftY 0 ) . . . See ,your Flour and. Feed Dealer I I. , � 1.8 �, Ye' at s' Always - .- I . : ;._11 . Creamery Butter - Is a di�c fertilizer (1,ill. 7,6rms,Six rnonth� acres of ,land more Or less. both in- in Seaforth, who handles Shell' , " or This land i5 unbuilt on. It is first fi*� Hatchery and flocks are ,.,� I . . ith interest at 7, liently ,it6ated Depart- Maker. I 1 _? . . I I . J - r� ' per cent. per annarn spected under . I . �servlce. - land and'i, convey the 'Doininion � 1, ' , I . of dependable sam iles from Ses- . � `� . d ;. .1 -rifidenc ,iness is obtained by years' . . . . I CES w e rate off for cas'h. bankable appro� Sarming I '. , , e in bus IMPORTANT NOTI the ' ment of Agriculture's Hatchery Ap- I Co I " ­_ � ed joint notes� WILLIAm,. M. SPROAT an3 nbOut two and a half (21/2) m . . I - __ 1J..AItRy_._tCH_ESNEY. Pr��prietors ; D. F. M- forth. TF ,: proval Policy. The testing of the U I I �11: I I I P � RREE GOBBLERS D'OR7 ,RMS OF SALE W.Chari,esworth ' :__4. ". I I - We - W60it -Cream. FOR SALE- ­T Gregor and John Reinke,�Clerks; GeOTge H- clay of Was done by Capital A Ao . I . A-Qpl,y to MRS. R. DICK, It. R. 2 3351-2 Ten 00� Per cent cash on the blood sarnpi,es I ,; .L.'' .. ' . 9 sale. � .. 3351.i Elliott, Auctioneer. Sale and the balanc c ' without iote,es�t, in tones' Ottawa. I CLINTON ' . - , I . .,,,�� Hensali, Ont. I . i�ty (30) Ilays The purchaser Labora .1 . . : ', "MORE CREAM"--j'GOOD CREAM' -_ . thereafter. The bred�to_lay qualities of OUT . I . . _.- Th 3350-2 '� 1 . � FOR SALE._2S CHUNKS, ABOUT 70 :.-- on the day of the a,ale. to .., . I wil.1 be required, `hi� i�-to-date by tbe P.- . ;''; ' plete 9 purchase. birds are kept 1 . I- am direct! or,send by truck or express and receive . pauxids. Apply to WILLIAM LIVING- ign an Agreement to corn ... I - will h record - : ���,�?, . . Deliver ,your cre stent with accurate weights and tests. 33.11'.X1 TICE TO �CREDITORS ' R and terms of an' chase of inale birds from -big - ( , ��'11 IS - NO Lee and 14 I STON. Phone 247-31, Searfarth. 17%irther particulff'r our highest market price, consi ­ - the un- R. 0. P. hens, owned by some of the � lie made imown at the time of the sal ,� . -1 11 -J - 'I �;",� 11 ". . I . . I HUN'iDRr.D ACRES, _;�en credi- may be had in the meanti . me. from, I ders in the coun- :;1. 1. and receive your money. FO,R SALE.-THEZE NOTICE is here;;r that all d,m,,Xn,,, most successful bree C, <> .�5 0 <> <> <> <> <> * 0 <> .. Deliver your cream choice Play lonm. Must be sold I settle ers having claims against the _ . . �.,. Phone 6 tor..j and oth at Senforth Ontario, this Fourth I . ," . estate. MRS. ROBERT CLARKE. itrrwre. late Of rhe DATED try. 4* a , ' . 1, ., .1. �� I , 8347 -t -f et"tate & Mel'tAsa Wh widow, who died 4th) (lay Of March, A. D. 1992. .We expert to batch about 1,5040 0 * I .." I on 245. . . ..Township of Tw3kersmith, I., . H CREAMERY r,K OLD. on the ary, 1932, are requircd 1. R. S. HAYS, . _ 250 White Rocks and' 0 H. C. BOX ' I _111 . SEAFORT . CHICKS FOR �ALF.­ONF, , I 17th, of Febru, Vendor'A Solicitor Barred Rock% De'r week. Please ordec 0, Fitneral Director and <> .... I C. A. BARBER, Proprietor. I j. C. -McNAY, R. R. No. 2, Senfortb. to send to the un(ler-igned solicitor for the 3351-S Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. 5010 Leghorns I <> � 1, , - " . I 1 8350-2 administrator full particu-lars and verified about one month before you want 0, Licensed Embalmer ,� . � Phone 236-25. . I I -aims ... on or before the __ � . , , �� � -_ - by affidavit of 6eif' e I �_ �� -_ your chicks, if YOU tail- Don't think 0 Best Motor and Horse-drawn, * . �. -I , I - March. 19,12, , m�� .. . 0 . ;;�, r. 1 I m0000 wWM==&0-­T_ � I . 1.� . - - - 21q.t of NOTICE IS FURTHER GTV'EV ti'at too much about the -Price. We will C. equipment. , J.", 11 . li . . - , - . AND last mentioned date, the Come and see us, or 0 1 �� � ;;� . . fter the said - NOTICE TO CREDITORS moderate, . 4> 'Ill' �. - ad I use you right. . , Charges ; I . I a il pr0"ed to distribute the I I r 4;� Hensall. We _will be C, Flowers furnished on short <> , �� � I . min-istrator w I . 1 . � . I I assets of il�e said deceased, having regard - . phone 97 over with y 0 notice. <)o ;,", .. . ., . ,T,ly to claijits of which he then shall have � , glad to talk things ou. Day Calls 0 �".') I I 0 ne9s ,clothes h,ad,. noti iereby given under the statutes Feed, Stoves and other suupplies ,�> Night Calls . , !;; lce� When Spring begins to show, o DATED ai`§eaforth, Ont., this ard day of NOTICE is I that all VerqOn� having any ke 0 Phone 175 Pholiie 46, 0 _� � 2 � e., * , . . : in that behalf late of .. "" .. ,, . I Tylareb, 1932. 1 ms against David Henry Holm . . I 0 , ,,, I- . nt , ........ . I R. S. HAYS, "' " clai� Retired Fame', 0 0 <> 0 , 1. ,11, 11, ! I are usually "touched U- " in A compete � Solicitor for Administrator. the Tow-nship of McKillop, - I . !, 0 P 3351-8 deceased. who di,d on the 17th day Of JQnu J. Elgin McKinley Z, <> * <> <> <> <> <> �1, I I I Ilry. 1932, are require�l to send to the under- I I �� 1.11 I - I . I , the Executor, full par- * . �:: 1 . Solicitor for L I . �. . - - - -_ Aigned ZURICH - - I , " I � ticulars in writing and verifled by affidavit -.,.--.-- ,41 . I � 0 V I of their el-im, and the nature of, Oe secur- , i '��'Lj . NOTICE TO CREDITORS itie, if any ,hel<i by them on or before the 0 * * 0 0 10 0 * <> 0 0 10 �,- ' __ . 0 . 11 , 11 day of' March. 1932, )after which dat� . - I ;11� T . 7th c - 1�j� . v,ng regar I CL�-E , ING AND P 131 G PL . eed bD distribute 0 , NOTICE, is hereby given under the' statutes the said lixecutots -ill prx 0 , _"i, IX Mons having any the assetk3 of the,said degessed ha i d co , W. J. CLEARY . ,,mm ­ . , in that behalf that all P, ,L the cTai&s mA which be then shall and 0 . . , �f!, ­­­ . claims ,against James Penman G-lIcsT le. on,ly to I , <> , Licensed Embalmer ,%� who died notice. 0 , I PRICES eaforth, deceased, have bad �,* . . I I i i additio n to, quality Work, barnessmaker, S DATED at Seaforth, 0 nt., this I8tb day Of I -11, 11.1 ­­­, 0 - Funetal Director " When one knows that n on the 32th day of February, 1932, are re- I I 1;b�- orse, and Motor .0 '1%1 � � ��' quirecL '00 send to the im,3eralirned solicitor 0 , tq. �, 4 full particulars in Equipment. , but gets all - , . Feb,ruary, 0 "'ato H . R. S. HAYS, I 0 1 , ., 10,11 .1 � � . HAVE BEEN- REDUCEA'one besitates no longer, . - for the Administrator, thei, j;olicitor for Executor. I Baby Cificks and _­ ­�, ' , I - Cleahing and Pressing done before the Easter rush. � writing ,and verified by affidavit of 0 Night and Day SerOei: 0 :,F,,1 I 1. claimis and the nature of the securities, if 3349-3 . I I I I . 00 Phone 19-22' DubUiL 0 , I �1' " I ".. on or before ,the 21st . F _1 . . �.% amr, held by .them. _�_ I � 4100 -, I � ae,e the � ,�,, i -I I . . daY of March, 1932. after which . . . �. _4 i. . . ed to distrilmtc Custom Hatching 00' <> <> <> * <> <> * * <> <* 0 ','),��jl . LADIES'WORK said Administrator will Pro&- 7 1 4 1 ,�, the as, `11� ­ . . ,ets of the said deceased having reganI I Orly to the claims of which he tbei Shall - 1. - . - � I . a a7 TO -1 - "' 171 �, I MEN'S WORK ,I. I "'.1 'WNSIUP OF MCKILLOP - ­ ... ..... ­ . . ,`�` 751 ., J i- . ., Press . . Dry Clean Press have had notice. forth-� Ont,, tlig' 3rd . dV of We -are offering six Popular . "I . , w"! -A ,DATED at Sea � . Dry Clegn . .. I : 'k, . & Press Only, March, 1982. 1 . ,TAX NOTICE I breeds in Blood -tested Quality THE JOHN RANEIN 11,� -- & PreSs Only 16 0 of Baby -Chicks, Barred and White I 1, I . .50 R. S. HAYS. All a&ears Of taxes du the Townshir ocks Black Minoreas, Jersey AGENCY i "'I'l .50 ,Suits '.... . ....... $1.25 on or b4ore th# Tth of 111" its ..... $1.25 . Solicitor for Administrator. Killn_� not paid R , ,". C� . 3-piecO Su 0 .50 Overcoats, Spring 1.00 - .50 1 ,n5l-s Me handed to the Bailiff for Blaek',Giant, White Wyandotte3 , Insurance of all kinds. I � , 41 2-plece�,Suits ..... 1.0 ­ - nreh. will be )f taxes and White LeghoTns. � I �� I . - collection. All rat,'PaYers in arreaTs ( I . ,4 I . . I'll . A 1.00 .50 Overcoats, Winter. I . 25 -50 - � .. plev.Fe govern themselves accordingly. Ffy We have installed a new Bonds, Real Estate . ,�� . I � I , . . 1. �1- � Overcoats, Spring om .50 Felt Hats ......... (9 .50 11, .. ".. . order CKEE, 30,000 egg capacity incubator Money to Loan . G.'� � Winter 1.21, . ITORS ` - -GEORGE m ing only. . . Overcoats, NOTICE -TO CRET). Collector. for custom batch TARIO " . ',,;�i, I 1 . 00 to 1.75 I ' - . � . � 8850-2 Trays hold eleven dozen eggs SEAFORTH, ON �,�� . I . . - .'.....,....... .75 Dresses ........... 11 ICE is hereby given the- all creditors Plant in charge of an � . ...... Tfione 91 , '.', Ha'tS NOT each. ( I *,:';' ", I * I � - av" .Xte -.- - - I - , . &-nd others h 'AV claims 'ag&inst th43 eSt .....�mr _­��­­ experienced operator. Phone . -,--. , I , 1�', - I I of a Of tile Township 1 4 1 111. 1 . Sweaters, 50 cents. . I r who a � on the 1301 day or write Your reservation - -1. , . I I . Joseph j. Stapleton. I =d HORSES - cows H-ogarth to � � '�,',�� 1. i .1� I I of "!'bber' fa _19'SP2.: -4,,. required to send to , early. Depend on I . . . ge each, Spring for many y1eftrS 40 �'cheer of February, 0 1�,,,,�,,'� , I en our privile by aflidavit of - � . I ,. I �� 4 It has be . liciOsr for the ExecdtOTS, I r give you a satisfact ry batch. � ,h�j* the undersigned, SO -A BARGAIN I . I � "', . people. May We attend to Yofts?" - full -6artieulflrs and Verifle6d I - - �'�!�:kj .. ,� I . . I up " much clothing for many I ,their claims on or before Ahfig- Mat `1a7 Of . �,:,%; , . 1�1, March, 1992. When you want an animal The Hogarth'Baby Chick ,,,,, ,ALE Five Acres, 6110 ft1ft- � _"'�,.,,,k11` I �, - . . GIVEN that If Lhid,e � , ,g � I .i I I q .1. AND NOTTCE IS PUR-IMI'M �house wl&,�.-�,�,,i,.-R;� ,,.,� . ,.,',, I , . � , . A- 14;� ,'t'�­A . I St maretioned date, - tho. Fx- removed, 'Phone hs- fmm� S.aforth- nloddl!n . , Q I ,-trter the said a ri�ftoilet; small bar , � I I ,.,'� �f,! . � . . I . ecutors wr Prot do "otrly to pod orehard. Taxes, $15. Splen M , ,,���x ) Ott the wk .a lece&qed having regar � � , 1:�,, �J,42; 1 . , I ,, ,�,, 1, 0 " -_1 - . . ; ,"�6V'Tha)r then aball have I li� chicken farm, be* I . , D -UN - - ,x ­ I eed to distribute the assets chance to start 1. 1 4" " . I -�7V'%T Ill is 'on, we make no charge for I * Hatchery furnaCe,,bath "' , collecting. . I d ­4,W`,.L . a6 olaimn I It-" i;1 t . . I d �4g . ..SYDNEY �hsidndtipa, ns Linlite Thoael8ff ; ,,S,!'� ��ATED at ,Searforth, Ontario, this Miftiam Stone So , Ont. ete. Apply to . . � I I 3rd day Exeter, ­ � � I gii;;, . . .46. �U,i,, �. � . I . R. S. AAYS, Seafof& QA' , ,;,�,,,� . 3-3,49-12' � _,_ ,,2j� � I ., . COMM RCIAL HOTEL - .-6f JMarA. l0.32... 21 . INGERSOLL O�. _­ - W, � I . I ,. � �,;, �r, �, __ , , , 11"I" � I :PHOINE I , . ",�L,i, . 4 �� ERC � I ATFORD I I .­ , 1A ' , I ,� . I PHONE ilt,-W, STR �, � .- ---. . . .. 1� �.:, "'P',, � I "LIPA -!U- I I ,. I . -11.11' . I . -R. %. -TrAYS, I " I �XIB I "L 41 ,,,?,! � ,'.� � a ones 927 or 21.0 1 3W I I . ,�, .V'1,�n��fjyl�l I . ft K_ n , Solicitor for rxeclitoys. I . L . ,)�V,,,,�';, ; , a ­ . � �', ,,, ,�,;k . ,,i, I , Sei aforth i 8051-9 . .. I � , - jol,'!�'J !� ,, �1�1 I V � ", I 11�-,�',:���11 11 �`�, . � , . - I 11, I . , `.�,��, 1, 1 I i�'l,sre�' ��111111111' . .- 1 ,�3� 1 1. . I I ­ . I � ­­ 11. � . � . I ,. - �� .. ,,,�,.'t'. '"'I . ,,, . � . . I I I . . " � ;��, A li.. I I � I . 1. I ;,�;tll . �; �� , 1-7! 1 , : . , .� ill . � � �. . I . . - . , I � 'I",. 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