HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-02-26, Page 8T,!,,,�,�,, , �!�,,,�I, ',�� ,"��,'�.'�:�l�I'�,'���,���Ni,,'.�l,,,�,,�, � 'W, 1 1. ", ."I !�,;,�.�' I'�;. I �,, 1, � ! ,, " � . ,�� , 0 . , . �', , � I , , ". , , , � , 14, - , . , �:' ", %�' 41! ;J� I"' �, , , "' ­ I .. ..... . ., -, . - ", I I .. 'j, ,� ," - ,,,,, 117 1- � � - , I I 11�1 , d,-, I " , ...", ,�� I., ',­Y�1� , 111`.111,1�,,�',J ;"W,�A'��, -, , , , : I , I ,�i , , ,,, �;-; 11. . . R, ;,­,�:,! ", , , , " " , . , � - � , , � ... 1 -1, r � 1�1. , , I I I _1 , . 44� � � , , 'I, , I , ; ",.,�, 0'. , " ,;*`N1V,4!'WV�, ", i i I � ) , , 9�4,"�� _,�� 1'!;,!,;i�l,'�, � " , , , ., , � � , � � . , t , I I'! .., . � , , ,,, . ., � NIPC­ I . I- 11 . 11. . '', `­.,� .' �� i � e �� I ,� �,4,�.§ -� -��,'P', . � - ,$' I I '. , ', %.! , �� , i" ; , �, 1P , -v',�)­M'?�,� '. ;"-!":'.,�;�(� ... - � I ; � Ir., 11" �, . , ,4,�,!,', :�`,.',P; ',,�,, �,;�� , � v ..1,!11, "!".: , -1 . . ... .... I . I 111� I .1 , � , ..,.�4, I . I . 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I , , I , 11 �114 11; �, 41 ,.,,, ,, 41�1�1"`IIL "N '. - I . -1 il'­,_�;, . I � " M IV A.0)41% W"A 01 VsRi ' lvni Al T i , 'im �;bfdt' . . ! , . . , U , . � , and 11 *1 I I F Becksteod, I I 0. A. 4, lRe .stead, wo , I if , , 0j" E, M, ... d;J told, the elogn ' � I �, . , 0 ri , 11 � . I I erlA . , e d w us 4 , -- anr a , A ' e -. ,was b*i d .L -, his N 9 rvived, 1. . I #A I." , I I . 1. _ , I � L '. . I ' I I I I . I I : - N 'o''. F !�,�.,W­k,'�,-­f �,' , ,, ,-L' I - .. , , . .id . � �_ , the An ", n W. A,, L .. .... I .. I�W.. .. i 14n, wi " SS .1 I ( W .,,. eatu'"ri 9'. I , I � ­�,.,R, I h_ � ,1,.,�,�," 9'11'_4�',! ­� !"`�Ilk'-A,�;-""! *"091V v r j "I Su the 11 4 cho4l" , , y dies' Aid a W. M. .9., Mr. P� HOTO SWING FRAMES . 11 yXemile d ,Stratford, to wh he was worried I'' - !-.. t�, I �, - I I �, - . , '... �, , ,�11'1, , . - L ,", N,i��1410 __ a. _. , , ,", 1!1'� 0, � I., , "", �` " ""16,PKIP 00best 10, C I v 4pure � , . , �� , and _Pd s,_. B1. C. 'WilliAms; W.- and J.. M. W-&Leaxi, the WenAus aud, ' 6)',',;V1 71fxW,# ,and ,sizes 0 81exjo", in gold... � in 1913. The fun , , � a �lace'from . I his 4te resideuc� r 'ay 1� ,L i I C I . . . ;I',-- I � 11 . I - I ' . � , , - V � ".. . " .* ��Ijlfg_ "'Pir P I , - 10io ." 111M. 713 , 4110a 'her for k,,�," . ,,!'I, p ,, 0 . my . nQ , wUt 14'.4,, ,'�q ","j, . A ,wonderfW in halant, for re- Mrs Darby . f4ra1U",.,�Assbldboia- Wq W - -­ - powdered - nd at a silver finish. Priced ernoon After which the r as were laid to ,eniai lie � - L eading Serviceable" Silk _ ... ....­_:,_­­ , . ;p,4 - � r I Y It q ,,, pop, tr . �. *; iigi O ""' *�',' lieving Head Colds, Nasal Robson, 1. H.'. �A` Mrs.-­U��, , iMrs- � I -.11. .. . .. rest in Avl6hdale Cemetery, Strat- . .� I., I ,'�' . � I I , ,q ,,��j�%, , , , , . , , '_,�,h !#' � ,.4-� -J#,", IVA', a4-.... appetizer end' ,;"�, _ � L " , ' .' . W4 '�,',`,� ."rhe price, 20 cents , L . . .�j , ,* � ;better th I Catarrl� and Bronchitis. . TRIS WEEK, son, Hartney,'Man., and the family," I ,, .1 I - . � . . :'. 08 - CENTk EACH . % ford. - � . . I ­­,­ ,;? . I -am, .. . ­ I � � "j �'. . I I 1. - .. - 1', 0 1 1-1- Riginbow, Hosierp , if 4"q 001:,,"0_1111,041. ,s. really , , 'll".0,4 bulk as -SPECIALS - - I hompson's - I ' ' , � P", 031- 0 QP1 -molasses , , .. ,4 4' UW'1)1'0 ,440s­�,,," "'"' d sound, useful goo 50c Lavender Menthol Shfa:ing , COMING EVENTS LOCAL BR19FS , I I . ' I , 4T, , - , '' i0r. w,h , the ma, 1.11 1. T'i j,ch nufacturers I iw.& to. pw W $41(L .�* - I Cream., and package new Gil- lette Blades at ....... �� ... 69r the , I (rtems under ,this ,iiepd will be charged at ja�e of �5 cents each insertion). . � I.- Book Store, Seaforth ' I 1. Mr. an'dMrs. Merton Reid spent the , A - EWEST SH EIGHTS LL THE N , ADES and W, . I.- ; �:�:��,-' . . , � l,G!S, JF,�,t.y POW,I)MRS 03�$, , ,_ I . iFq�Em_Tin of stork Baby PoWder with 16 oz. , 'Bottle � I L . The Farmers' Clpb,wtU mest,on Mareh 2nd, R. J. Mc- wepape SubscriptioAs taken for, ne rs and magazines ' -at publisher's prices. - I a. week end in Sarni 'Mr. and ,Mrs. P. C. Calder, of St. ,_1 �' . AT THE THREE BEST SELLINIQ PRICES - L " .. �� I V * * ............ .25c , i�6'­- ........ Puietest Cod LiverOil- at $1,0Q L1932, In the Towul.R44. Seaforth. . 1. 5850-1 I ;,. ­�­ - __ Catharines, were week end guests at I I �.. I . I 1. ��, I .- . I I , _e powders are Alivored %'. ie JeLl�y We Tirn Dental Plate Fix with , PIL ate Brush at 59C Millan. -1-1-1-1 butch Tea. -The Torch,b&axers of pie Go. the home of Wr. and Xrs.-Adam Hays. � �'v I I . . $1.00,$1.50,$1.95 1 . , _1_ pj;Jre ,gruit juices ,instead of *J'# , L . 11� I ,,, � . . 4, �*, r, � Act$ and kre superior quality. '.. , . " ......... . . I . TIREE--One, jar Jasmine Van- forth Church, ,�rb.yje Wssion Band. Of First P i. , r'nu will hold a 150 Dutch Tea day. the . -0f Dekwoness in charge - the Scotf Institute in Toronto, telling of their - � lis - %�§,` T. G. -Shillinglaw is siting . . .� . . . � I . - ,0.'W,.S ,RUTTEM P,UFFS from kd � 04� *.treland. � 2& ishing Cold or Cleansing Cream . with Box Jasmine Face Pow- February ,1�verybody 2&bh, x,rom four o',clock to 6 p.m. welcome. 836oxI work. Mrs. 0. AberhaTt then took- chair devotional her daughters, in Tormte. � ,14r. Robert lVasthiga,. of, Torim-tio, I I L � - I , . ' - . A , - R, ckage .... i ... L ........ , der, at ................ $1.00 I. I db- the for the period. was -here recently visiting Mi sister, HOSIERY SPECIALS ON SALE NOW: . . I I I *�N A_ _ �, I , V%$HBOARPS at 40c and 50c AND RNA15ML WASH' I - 75c V a � . matin s- Pharmacy 9' ptoom . Car Leaving for Estevan, Bask., Match 2�th. for two vassenge rs, Particularh P. 0. Mrs. -Charles .-Brodie gave the Bible -, reading and Mrs. Aberhart led in prayer. IMrs. 'George Hill's read Mrs. j. S. Brow.n. L . . A ir e of rie s . n m1b, , f nd called into of- fer to -Mr. Mr�. I . . 1, I I . Silk and Wool Hose,'In the new popular shades -80AIRDS .......... ­ ... ' Bo. No- 13, Ki�men, Ont- 133604 greetings from some of the ladies congratulations and Peter C-leary on Friday it being , perfect good,s. Sizes 81/_9 to 10 ........ 59c pair' dMLESS RMI 1SIXS per pound .................... 15C - - The Rexau Drus Store Phone 28 : , Seafoith, Out. torium, S. C. 1. Alumni Meeting. Collegiate Audi- Tueida3r, March Ist. at 8.15 p.m. 'out who were not ,Able to be present. Miss R. Young arid'Mrs. G.Hills answered -last, the twentieth anniversary of 'their wedding day. . . I Silk,Hbsiery, in the most f�Lshionable Shades. I ., S 0 AT PEAS --Large, tender "' "' Tj * and 9 5c Listen,,in to the Rexall Broad. All ex -students Accounts Past Due -we must have a,l past We the -sked. A 'piaiiq the ,queAions a ., solo . by Mvs. Q A. Ba�llan wa - s then The snow fall on Tuesday night . Sizes $I/L> to 10. . Upusud value ....... 39c pair - I .1 . I �. � Per .can ................... ..I ' favorably,with 20C cast over NBC, 7,15 p.m. Sun. day Evenings. due accowvls settled t�t Once- reQuire funft. Calf"this week or the first of next. Seaforth. given tyneand was much enjoyed. Mrs.'A. has made excellent sleighing on. the highway, lbut there was not quite � . . I. -_ 4 I These compare � Gre,n t Peas. George A. Sills & Son$, Hardware, 8350-2 Alberhart gave a ver . y - instructive 'hynm -enough for good sleighing o*_ ­the' I 1. . � I � . . Nu -Back Corsets , .Gn* I D , 7, 'GREEN 110MET vAff- 2 5 r, LEY PEAB�-3 cans ........ Paper Ranging and Painting. -Mr. W. 0. will 0 excellent, papgr hanging and Srnith . ,Phone 41' with orders 3348.4 paper on OStewardship." A s sung and the meleting C16sed by *,peati,g the Lord's Prayer. ' other country roa&. - , 'Mr. and 'Mrs. F. D. Hutchlsor� at. 'Mrs. .. . .1 � , � � . I - ... I e maxi- - . , Bring th ' 7 - � __ ___ ZED, SAUMON TROUT -Best 15c V, ­ . . painting. N.tice.-Upho'.9terinir done qn, short notice. - gap- - tended -the funeral'of the late 'Sunday. ' quality-, .pound ............. . iRESH WATER HERRINGS . I Correction. -In a let -ter reegived by also can bamdle celluloid curtains. Shop IO- " over Wright's Garage. D. Fe ii, Sea- A Well Attended Meeting. - Tho the Barbara A. J. -Babb at IMitchell on (Mr: W. J. Faulkner,- of the Domin- mum comfort to . . v�earers. H9ve MacTavish" s�* i 35C: dozen Rev. ,C. A. Malcolm :from Vanguard, . forth, Ont.� � 83.49 _tf February meeting of ion Bank staff, 'Brantford, spent the . .... - � ................. . . -Sask., MA -IN WHITE CUPS - I Superior and published last week, it . mentioned the United Church, Brucb- . I 8 I Kirkman Auxiliary was held Tuesday � evening in the school room of First week end in -town. ­ Mrs. E. X.-Diinnen aj�d sisier, Mrs. them shown, to you. . . . . . . I _. - I - �'-4ilality for price 5e each GREAT STAR. FLOUR -The, most flour have had. fiel . d. This nvas incorrect, as I it should have read the U. F. W. O., of Brued- . . ' Sermons Next Sunday.-Egniond, ' . I 'The Morning, Presbyterian .Churel� with a splendid attendance of,66 members. The Gra- Afidiew -Patrick of McKilboop, were visiting with fri;TZ in Stratford this . and their special' I -p- ­ features explained.. popular we 3 2.50 I field.- 11 ville United Church: P) ham -group was in charge of the week. I . I I . Per cwt. ..... I ....... t.. " .0 . . Unseen Spirit Working Silently ' ev- 1fiSinai,"­4R,ev. C. A. 'Malcolm . ti nd Mrs. F. W. �Wigg p - ' 'g a .- hymn was , iMrs, J. B. Tyerman is spending, a I . . I I'll. I j I . I . F.D. HuJSOn Maggie and Jiggs in Town . -,The A,Ji, ,M�,,k, Comipany ,presented, a ening, ..; . ,, . Minister. , I .1 ... . sided. - The opening 'IF-aith of -0tur, Fathers," and was few weeks visiting her a -ant and uii�le lLeamington. ­ . . . - ,. HYGEIA. , PRETTY ' " � . L - - Maggie and Jiggs comedy in Cardno's i Nortliside United' Church.-MOT11- follow,ed.,by Prayer by Mrs. w. M. at , i Imss M. W. 1M,aekayi Mrs,. A. D. SANITARY PADS , PAINT A PRONS --1111 . ' �!Rhone Phor Phood-166 Hall on Wednesday evening of this ing 069aking the WIorld'Ours"; e0dn- "The Way of a IMAn with a Ste.warL The Scripture lesson waa the Sutherland, tMrs. -K. 1M.,Xelkan and I 12 pads of tested . Good roomy size . 1 I week before it limited audience. The ingf, L Maid land a -Maid With a Man," sev- read by"Xiiss Jean Elcoat and 'Miss Belle �Cam�bell, took Miss Wilson motored to Toroift on quality to 'ackage. ' and tub fast colors. , ' p ­ . ------k,, program was enjoyed, if one can by the laughter heard ouiside. . enth in senes on'thel life and times president, the business 'part of the meeting. r . L, Y� Monday, retu ning on Wednes,d',A ''Mr. George Hays has returned I I 29ie 29c and 39c ­ . I - I . . Hilp, Canada Prosper.-' ,judge . . 5 - ' Bec omes Life Member. -A recent edition of the bulletin of the Alumni of Jaodb.---­lRev. 1W. P. Lane, Minister., First Presbyterian Ghurch.-MO]711- . ing: "The Slpdrit of Gad and tn3 Mrs J. A. Mann delighted the audi- enee' with a ,solo, accompanied by Mrs,M. R. Rennie, and the Glad Tid- from a visit in- -Detroit. . I Mr. and,,'Mrs. Frank Smith and L Mrs. Hermiston, Porr � I . . . I I I .. . BATH TOWELS -4 for $1.00. , Soft, absorbent, Chaos"- evening, ,,A Wo- by Mss Norma family and of �, I . I—- . . I - ." . � Slim Pay Cmd.k.lusurme Association -of the Unrivvrsity of Western Ontario Medical School, con- ' tains the, name Of Dr. W. C. Sproat, Present '; man�s Wbn�, if�l Work."--ARev. I. 13. . Kaine, Minister.- . ings Prayer was read Jeffreyt ,The topic was taken by' I . . Xiss& I. McLean -and Was from -the Colborne, were cweek' end guests at the ho*ie of ,Mr. and .Mrs, W. R. Smitfh. I I spongy and -liberal size. . .1 . -1 . . I . I . � . of Seaflomth, as one of a number of graduates who have -become life me -m- .40- � - The No Masquerade This Year. I econd chapter in the ,study book on ,s Home [Missi6ns. Dhs,s McLean is a iMr. H. B. Edge and daughter, Miss Josephine, are in Tororl�to this week � .1 I I ' 11 I I . BEDDING 1'.. . Your money helps Canad- ' bers of the Association. There are now M life merr1bers in the Assiocia- Canadian Legion has had many re- quests td repeat the annual masquer- . gifted speaker and has -the Ability to interest .any audience,­wh4her they ,end, going dawn to attend the mar- Of Xr,'Edge's E. W. I � I . �.... im .Industry and gives em- . tion. ade dance on 17th of March, but have - are young or old. A �piano solo was ,i.Se son,.Mr. - Edoe. I . . . ' ,,, FEATURING THE 0. V. BRAND . ployment to many Canadian . - I . - decided, be!oau&e of existing'condi- ' given b.y 311rs.. J. E. Keating, which . I (Mr. Th,mas MeAdaw Of Mount . I I I I . � . ' . . . x2en and *oTen. Brother Dies in Clevela�d. - Mr. George A. Sills received a wire on tions not to hold this function this year.' A euchre and dance will, how- was very much appreciated. The Wartch Tower was read 'by Miss Msud , Forest, is visiting friends in town.. , _ 100 per cent- pure wool, possessing warmth.. . In Canadian Companies Tuesday announcing the death of his ever, bebeld- in the -G. W. V. A. Hall Laidhi*. The meeting closed by sing- . - "' .W .1, . I . I beauty;"8ervice. Plain tones, reversible shades,, � . � . a company whose brother, Mr. Albert Sills, which sad event curre'd at his home in Cleve. oc on that ev6hing, to vAiieh the public generally i -s cordially irMted 'to at- . ing the*hymn, "Blest Be the Tie That � Bindsp and repeating the Lord's'"" ..... GODERICH T.P. . plaids, -whipped and satin bound. .. . . -1 . I . I I assets are all, Canadian. . land on Tuesday, February 23rd, in tend, The ,proceeds of this enter. Trayer in uwson. , . � ! Prices $4.75 to $8,50 �, , We are specializing in his 73rd year. The la,te � Mr. Sills was 'tainment will be used for relief �pur- . - ' (miss ,McDougall and Miss Stewart "with 1. I � I . � 'Fancy " Canadian companies anda,re born in Brucefield, but'for the past poses anr�ongst veterans and their de- . I - 'ath . DO of Mr. W. W. Cowan�An were recent visitors - Mr. and MTS-.VkfO'r Elliott, Flannelette Blankets ......... $1.00 each �, . 60 years had been a resident of , pendents. . . -.1. - . old and highly ,respected resident of I . ' agents for Seventeen com- -writing Fire, Auto- Cleveland- �, . . - - I Death of Mrs. Emma'Couch Babb. 'Mrs, Sealorth, in the person of W. W. Cov�- an�_died at his late residence, Market nR%'V1;6 visited his frl d, Mr. Fra len Mr. James 'Mairs, on Sunday. I White Flannelette Blankets, I largest size. j � A . pedes � . Chickens . -, At Bawling Alley- _--�The death of Albert J. Babb, Autchi- 8treet, at noon' -on Tuesday, in his Mrs.'Perdue, Sr., is a guest at the I . I . 1 $2.89 pair. . . . . mobile, Accident, Sickness Chickens were w". at the bowling sister-in-law of Mrs. F. D. Etoth year, after an illness of over home of Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Powell. . I � � .. . j _� , . . � and -Lffe. 1 alley On Monday evening by Roy Pinkney 311, Wilson Wright 256 and _ -on, Seaforth, occuried at the borne of her s�on-in-law,, Mr. Fred Thomas, th ree ,years. .He .was born of Irish and Scotch parentli,ge � in 'Huntingdon, lMr. 'Peter ,McDougall is expected to ,be able to ,come bo.m4�:froni Gode- 0 I � . I . I I " - - - I .. I � I Make'this an' all Canadian , ' Dr.. V., J. Bechely 251. Five ,m*7E� b secured the illusive 167 dui - I K ,' ' r t Bridge, Ont., on Thursday, Feb. N �. The remains were conveyed to Quebec, in 1843. His father died -%hen he wasi�ut twelve.years of ag(: rich Hospital this week, wh9re he has bee.r;fo� treatment for his eyes. . I . I . , � . - - � - . . I . j I �._. .11 X_!_ �, Year. , - I I in, week and -are now in line for vg,s the play off on Monday' next. They Mitchell. The funeral was held on Sunday, February 21st, from River- 'deceased end three years later deceased -made, I 1, his way west settlifig in Stratford, . I - 1. I - . - , . . . ­. I I I I, . . (Flu seems to The prevalent here just week will' be held on Monday even - 'now. 'Mrs. W. Finnigan, Miss -will be in the of a Specialists in all Lines 0 f I . aTe: A. Nicholson, R. Thompson, J. dale, her husband's ' family home,- to Greenwood Cemetery. The where some �,,�s later he, became � . , MANLEY -J. ing, and nature Marg&ret and MT. Alistei, Broadfoot social evening. . . ­ .. Insurance . , ,cElroy. Arnold, Ed. Smith and J. M .Q. . . service was conducted by Rev. Mv. United Church, . founder of tl��'Stratford; Bridge and Iron Wbrks. ' which ,�dsiness he 4 The late snowfall has again been .. and Mi" Ethel -Shinen Are among'tho Mrs. R W-. Whitmore and famity, I . - victims, . Newtonbrook,- are spending a few 1 Watson & Reid Chautauq' Organize. ua, Guarantors -Local gua-M.tors of the Canadian ,Doan, fgstor of, the Mitchell.' A quartette sang sweetly worked until he, retired to Seaforth Yeiii ajO. Many of welcome to let thei farmers do slomc' o,f � Miss Rose Patrick spent the week days with her�brother, Sa7nuel Whit 'ac . � i in Seaforti, Chautauqua, showing 'March fam6rite� hymns. Her husband passed 23 ago, leaving five young about seventeen . the steel brid-os in this ,Part Of the of ,their ,beavy work with sleighs. The -marry firends of Mr. Charles end with, herr* parents. more, hq,*ng been called home ou - , Mr..George Jackson was a Toronto count of the death of her mother. . Phones: 33and'214 30-A4pril 2, held an organiza- in Town away years children,who survive. One daughter, country are the product, of --his. $kill 'was R,g-ele are pleased to 'learn -he is im- -� 0 t 1k end. I ..Mrs. James Love and Anna are laid isitor ver he w ec 1. tion meeting the Hall. on , Moncla� evening last. Rev. W. 'P. Liane� was elected chairman, and Mr. 4 Mrs.. Fred Thomas (Plive) and four sons, Wilbur, Clarence and Gordon ' and not only this confined to 'Ontario alone but extended into Western Canaaa, Quebec. and sorno of i I p�7,ng from his late illness. '. Robertson, member for North ... I I I - . up with an attack of flu. . -_ � - . 1Mrs. Thomas Hodgert and, Russel . . - . . I - . . I 0 0',0 0 0 0, '5> 0 <> 'O 0 0 1 Merton Reid, secretary. The public- of Vancouver, B. iC. and Fred, Win- j Mi . Babb ;was a devoted 'He, � as the old the Eastern ,States. w HuroA; hit -the nail On the head last - week when -he 'told the Government :. have returned -home from, visiting the WALTON former's sister, Mig. Cooper. 4(> 0 <> S. T. Holmes & Son * , ity committee is composed of. Mr. G. A. Ballantyn,e, Dr. R J. Bechely and. I IS. nipeg- S. Christian mother. "Her childrien rise up, and call her blessed." . .. 11 I %*hitt a mistake theymade by issuing a six (per ten.t loan and at the same � ' Does He Remember? -The follow- 4 fMs. Robert J. Naylor, of Roches- ing !a taken from the files' of The I �0 FUNERAL SERVICE ' <> ,4>,. ---Main Street, Seafoith * 4 0 -Afiss, I -Wood. I I . -W ' I .0. I Locke -Brown. -The. following wed- . . � . Play Off ! time preach,emnomy, which looks as if they -are not simaere in xdvocat. ter, N.Y., who spent a webk here Expositor, dated February 23, 1900� with her sisters, ;Mrs. J. Buchanan The author of the address is noFw ,�a T4rs- P. B. Gardiner, to 0 ,4* ':,,,,, S. T. HoI nes' residence,, 0 � To Hold Interesting' Meeting. -Th, Seaforth Colbegiat� Institute Alumni ding reported , in' the'- London Free Press of Friday last, will be of in- ing economy, when they are squan- dei-ing,millions of dollArs Of the tax- and returned well known resident of, the� Afill Rog& her home on. Sunday,'witb her hus- "A Boy's Address. -The opeilinig ad- , -6 ' Goderich Street, West; phone <> No. 119W. , Charles H01m6s� 0 '�o meeting in the auditorium of the ,Collegiate on terest to many in 'Seaforth, and. vicin- ity as, -�h6 bride was for several year3 Charles Barber, John Cardw, Jr., Henry Swan, Rex McGregor, wjlso� payers money in paying a high rate .of interest land putting the man who �. baifid, R. J. Naylor and Miss Lois E. dress ,at the recent Farmer's Insti- Naylor, who nvotared over � to spend tute meeting at Muridie's school hous( rqpidence, Goderich Street, 0 <> East; -phone No. 308. * Tuesday evening, March Ist, at 8.i5 'IF p An ,excellent program has been ., I a p'op,Aar einployee in the millinery department Of IStewart Bros.' store,� W.,ight, K. I. A* I _Lean, Charles Glew, Fwan R,imie, Scott Hablilr1r, Istewart could do some business out of luck by depriving hini'of getting a. loan the week end I . inthe township of- M<�Killopj was de- Mrz Wesley -C. Hackwell is at pres- livered by Master A�exander-.Wrigbt fhis Mrs. Naylor, <> Umousine Ambulance Service 0 . 0 p 6red and inyportapt business will "A pretty wedding took place in His 'the 'Mohawks, Plant, Arth ur, Powell, I . Gordon I -Me- for a ,moderate rate of i* . nterest. The ent vialting sister, , son of Mr. Charled'Wright. This Jac of'Rochester, N.Y., and his brother, 40 Night calls, Phone 3N- 0' 'Day calls, phone, 119 J. 0 . be brought up. It is hoped th,At all ex-stadentg of the Collegiate and '.Ma3esty's 'Chapel of Rev. IH. W. Snell officiAting, when Kellar, Ian IMacTavish, Harry Shef- 9'Dvernm,en ts will have to change their ways if they are sincere in. buildbig is� but':(ouAe�� years of age.�and hi, Dr. D.,M.,Haclv*ell, of Holland, N.Y. address would do credit to mu�h oldei --- 'O 0 Charges mod6rate- 0 members of the Associo,tion vili be . Frances Beatrice; eldest daughter of fer, Walter A. ,,Scott, John Best, John Rankin, A. -Nicholson, R. Thompson, tY, or will they wait until 7AP (prospeli . .1 Miss Helen Steiss - of Seafor�h , heads. It will� repay ii careful -per, spent the week end "with her 40 0 0 .. � . . . present. - - . Mn and 'Mrs. Lorne Brown, 107 Grand Street, Brantford, became the J. Arnold, E. ,Smith and J. McElray play off for prlies.,.o n Monday, Feb- the voters will have their say at the I next election? . I parents usaj by all our boy re�aders. ... Hi here. . e , , ; , �1, said"'' "Peeling the responsibility plac. Mr. and Mrs. Moniag H. Hac " * &we" . I � . � Dieg in Hamilt6n.-The Mitchell � Advocate of , this week mentions the ide Of Reginald 1. Locke, third son ,bri ' of Alexander and the late Mrs. Locke, � . ruary 28th. � .", . .1 - 9 ed upon me ,tq-night, it is with somi and children rvisited relatives in Mit- fear and trembling that I rise to act. ... - 1, . � � death in Hamilton of Mrs. C. E. Highgate, Ont. The ,bri . cle" was be- 4 - � I CONSTANCE chell on Sunday. dress you. It is also with pleasure IMTS1. ,Herbert 'Al3anning, who has AUTO INSURUCE Marks, as follows: "Mrs. Win. Dav- idwn received word 'on Monday of .' mingly attired in French choc-blate cr-epe and monta-loopa straw hat with Three prize§ given. Nearest score -.1 � I Mrs. Alex. Leitch is 'Visiting her It is always a pleasure to address ' been ill for some time, is improvi`9 such an intelligent,-Audkhrice as I se( her friends . the death of Mrs. C, E..Marks, 3f matching accessories. She was at - to 513 for three games wins. High � . -gets chicken. ' -daughter, Mrs. Johnson, in, ' William, nicely, many aTe pleased before me. ,And it iz also with pride to b -ear. - . . j . , Let us, proteo -you anywhere in HaThilton, which took place an Sun day after si.everal -weeks ill:ness..Mri. -tended by her sister, Mrs. Blanch, Williams,, while Gordon J. MeGee, score a " Clinton. , Mro. Ed. Britton the I feel proud that I have been, choser 'The boundary road ,between Me- to welcome delegates sent by oui IG1114 Morris, has been in Canada dr the United States with . Auto Policy. that 'Will take a, ,E& hs ! nee Margaret Broderick, was Toronto, acted as best-lban. After John'Pullman spent wee4c end visiting at the home of Mr. and -and which local government to be our instruc. a verry ba,d condition, is receiving' . an , load.off your mind and at , �orn in Mitchell, being the second daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. the ceremony best wishes were ten- dered'to 'Mr. and Mrs. Locke. They. I - iMrs. -Iry!Henderson, of'McXillop. tors and also the offi,cers of the E" coat of gravel,'which is biuch neededa . Huron Farmer's .Irtitute. I belieY4 . . .. . I . NEW I John Broderick, and since her mar- will reside at 32. -Howland Avenuej I Aetter Barbering and, Bowling. Xiss Viola.Morrison ,spent the week end at the home of �ir. and Mrs. . . . this is the first meeting of this kim] .*. I I I ri,age,ab6&-1'-thirty years ago, she has Toront&" ' ' . Ephriam Clark. . . that has ever been held in this lo. - I ... . ., I . . Non'Tariff" Rates resided in H�irklton. Besides her .0 I . Mrs. Peter Lindsay spent a few cality, but it willmot be the last. I TUCKERSMITH to know that the farmers . ­­ -111. ... husband she is suxTived ,by two . Y. P. L-4' Miss Fennell, convenor days in, ISeafarth visiting Mr. and am glad ol I . I , -_ � f4w any number of months you wish daughters� Mugeme and Margaret, at home., Also, a ,,brother and two sis- -of the Social Department of the Y. ,P. L., o�- North Side United Church, . a*q. John 'Xillabn and otfier friends. 'Mr. . Mr. John C. Doig, -I;L.B., of De- this country -are beginning to realize I and not only to realize, to assumi I ft's �worth..your while.to', see us before placing your insurance and oront6, Mrs. ters Ed. Broderick, of Ti Conway bad obarge of the meeting on Tues- . NOVELTY and Mrs. William Clark enter- tained a few of their friends on Sat. ,but ' troft, spent,the week end visiting his parents, Mr. and ;Mrs. W. McLaren the responsible position held by their . -At the new -low non -tariff rates ' Ra4ey, Toyonto, an& 114m, (Edith), Hamilton." 3ETe,. Xarks was , day evening, February 23rd. The meeting opened by community sing- . I . urd-ay evening. !Mss 4Grace Finch, of Clinton, spent ..Doig.- , in the destiny of this great Dominior @&. Peter Stew�rt.bas bad a new of ours. They own by far the grelatei I you cannot afford to,take chances. All claims promptly'and satisfac- a sister of the late Wi,dhael Broderick, 6f t,��, and an aunt of 'Mr. iTohn, . ing led (by Mrs. Close, after. which the Loi-d's Pra�e'r was repeated in u -n- ..0 , ANCE the week end with her friend, Miss . Phyllis radio installed.in his home. Amount of wealth; thej, 'are the greal -Mr. 'Dan, Bell. p�Toducers" they are the bone am' torily paid. Phone, write call -Night and Broderick. I , . .60-11 isQn. The Scripture 1psp:on was read ' , . Medd. . A Leap;Year sOcial iG being held of ,Boston, who has I I been fvj�iting Mends And relatives sinew of thj� country,." And in brair -or Day Service. Ll!,.. , � " . DicTiTin Saskatchewan -The, �ollow_ by Hughie �Oke. The 'minutes of the previous rrneetfng were read by the fil , .on Fridak evening, the 26th, in the 'basernent of the chuTeh, under the for the past motth, left on Monday power they stand seconj to, those, *I no other calling. I am not ashame� for.his home in ,Boston. I - PHQNE 1,25 A. D. SUTHERLAND ing fr . I om the Creel,man Gazette wil secretary, IMiss Dorene Hudson, and adopted. Aft,�t singing a hymn ' Cardno's-Ha 11 a4gpioes-at-the Women's Association. . )n, visited If Miss Etta Bell, of L�ond( the fakt that I have been rais& farm. I -not 01 I - . . , , .1 Genera . 1, Insurance, Real 'EstA . te '' ,be of interest to many friends in this di trict, as the deceased is a gister-in- Is Mr. Arthur Golding fafored us with ' � , I ... ­­ ... I I Come and enjoy yourself. . '. . .. . - with her parents, IMr. and, Mrs. A. B. on a am ashamed ol honest toil. It is true that we ma5 . Bell- over th� week end. . Conveyancing, Etc. ' law of,Mrs. J. L. 'Smith, of Seafor tb:' an excellent violin selection acconi'- on the night of I I .. _. � ow I . 'Miss Eula 'McGregor, of Se v pf oui a6rth mot have the dash a Id style ()Mee over Reating's Drug Store. SAAFORTH : I ONTARIO - "Mrs. Catherine Williams, one of.the ea,rly. settlers of the Creelman dis- ' panied on the- piano by Welen Lane. Mrs. Ross Savauge then gave a very 1�. friday,� February 26 ., E. mondvilld" 9 Collegiate, spent .the week end at city boys; we may Ab� wear as'n=5 . her home 'here. . rings on our flngie"� our clothes mA3 I . trict, passed away at her harne �,ere linteresting reading. Miss Fennell . . � I Mrs. J. 1). Stewalrt sp�rt a day'in not be cut in the latest style; we mai oti, IY&nday morning', February "Ist. She had been confine(i to bed for 15 - ,again delighted her audience with the eon"binued. story, "Good Companions," which shb so ably A 1, . ... I ,� . . kusic iby . The regularr weekly meeting Of the , Young PeopWs Socf6ty was 6ld on. Stratford recently. appear clumsy co - mpared with them Mr. RO Morris'dn, of Saskqoon, But (though not wishing 6 bre4tB4 r- I - 1 '_ - MeKILLOP MUTUAL months with pernicious anaemfFi and i portrayed. , I I I Monday evening with the presi dent Sa9k., ang , MT. Davis Morrison, of it word against our city boys), I -THE FIR119 INSURANCECO T otfier complimtions. The deceased I � was born in Cupar,;Scotland, in 1,867, beautifq,11y ,rpp,dpred piano solo wa:5 given 'by iWftS`S'­ Helen Lane, which F. Kiloh and his Melody Band. . I WELCOME in cbArge. The meeting was ,opened by shiging the hymn, I'Mbre'LoTe to Welland, Ont., were rocent, visitors stand on the platform. to -night, and I at the home of Mr. afid Mrs.. Cecil ,say it, without any fear of successful I I . and caine to Can ada when she was wa&greatly'enjoyed by all. Mr. Lane AILL , � I . � -tes Thee, 0 Christ!' The minu . were Murray. contradictionj that- all those talefit. JMAtl OVFICF__SEAF,oRTn, ONT. but a gir 1, settling first fi6ar-Winni-, oving to Hart pegy and later in �ney gave a very inspiring thstructioe'. ad- dress on I'Sodability," and also touch ? . - rea(*,afid aplyrbved, also the business discur,s-ed. ..During the worship per- , 10orrection.-In the report last week and traits of character re�qifired hi of . tile Je�th ofMts. ��M. Whitmore, it order to Make a great, good and ribbh - .1 . I ."',", .- '6'�VI=4q, , I Ma,nipoba. 'She was ii�arried to Jos ,Williti,nis in 1886.,,and homesteaded ed on the 41ffere'nt departments of the ,League. After an exciting spell . I iod, the hymn, "'Lord 18peak. to Me" W. __, 7 as sun d' P'raye T g And the Lor Z T e- . , was inadvertently stated , that he,- man, you will find in the ,boy ' I y hehib� funeral would take Place from Turn- the iflGugh. 'It is not necessary thal � . - 26bn tennewies, S`rOdhagOn - Pr". Vice -Pres. near Ir-artney. In', 1q04 th�y, mint! I ing match, which ended, in a tie"the , meeting was brought to 'a by - JUST -WHAT YOU'VE BE8N 11 pea �d in unisDn. ,Mae Wallace and eT's church on ,Saturday last. This all who are raised on a farm shouR Au41psf,Cojri611,y,'0bdericb - west to Creelman, where a bome was elose, & WAITTNG FOR :Mllft Stewart tookpart in the Scrip- 'Was was erroneous in that the funeral was stay on the. farm. Providence -has ffi�,'P'. McGregor, Seaforth - See.-Treas. I . established. The funeral service was, the Mizpah ,benediction. , .0" Clara Rothwell -Anderson's ta test ture reading. ,The ro..11_4,'�all an- lield fru�ri her late t4sidence, On Sat- given uls-talents suited for sorAe par, - ., . I 1. . I I .. Al"NTS: I . conducted In the (Creelman United Chu�eho on Wednesday, Feb I ruary 3rd. � I W. 9. S. of First Presbyterian . . Play I � SweTed by my'favotite amwqemert. . The inission study was taken by Ev- urday. The Expositor regrets this ticular, calling. it may he any of the error, and trusts that no inconveni- other callings'a life (and it is well 1'�­­W - F I Joht , " , ,Mft4�V,e% '� ,orth; 4 ., . . _eaf 44#t'ray, .J.t,,,P.. g .Skf - B. It. G, , , P 0 .. - 'it-,' 'Watt Rev. John Lyall officiated. During the, sevvilce Miss Isobel Bregg g "Xy- Tbak 11 - The hymns "The Church -The February meeting of the Women's Missiona�y goiciety was held on Tuesday wit d attend- 11 . . I 9 , $2 I - 'Let Ma.rylou Do it alona Nott and "�Welve a Story to Tell, to the Nations" was suing. Mr. John Wood in interest- en,ce was caused'the fa ily through He 'has done so - o it. ift I 4se I f&r some I ehe other callin ' gs would the poorly re. , " "; � "5 -, tr6&`jtggn, James J� RAIII-Ri1­11-111 1___':2 r - . I � _ t"'I"AbIF!"', � '' I , IR ,san were: ' _Slinds of ' Time," 'fPeacg, Perfe6t-, 'e, with, Mrs� n%129"PE, Me -- -James - ,err preiai& . , " I— 11. 1�, spoke a very ing manner on I'An,,English Boys' , The regular wedklY ineeting of the, preseq�ed)_ . Tfiek whatever calling young people�,,4 Society Turner's O'dr talents Ior, I . .:, ,,,, ., " 7�, �, - ,Dtnmogg. Peace," 'Vesus . Saviour Pilot Mi.,T Mg. `Ae meeting , Opened with ..a ,, Presented � by I - Refle- retion-s of Canada'and Canadian of stiit 1�§ that is v4fid i Church, was held On Tuesday e0en-iwe should foll�w.- &me of us wb,j ,ql�, ". 'L� ­ %� _11� li *4141', io'-' ',t'6&_­8b­oro- John �,�­,I­­Wwft , _ , .1 � ... W, ,, I , I i 1994,h - . ath , @? � , ," �, 'V' "1121 ,led, ti�aft, , " , - i � , I . 7W . �g 4�4jit,611y, � � ti M . AwN - .. I Tho ,pallbearers were Messrs. George Abbott, J. X MacLean W. A.. ttis- ' 50-11, A.' k. 246kstemo, W. C, Fergil- `9" ,Prayer by Mrs, Kerr., fol- yTrn, a I I Which was the .1 toR call and , . e I adiug Of` � the . Minutes by, the , The � The Yoaiig People of Cav'in Church . � in .1 � � Peo'ole." The meeting closed with "West Be thl�, Tie That Binds" aid the' ildizpah -Benediction. ing. Therte a go,9d attendanep. ap , ow on the farm may be calIed _p ...... p an � r1t d th Pr ' .waaq x1i charge. A!f� "6 be ministers, doctors., lawyer% oi ,� ber 'Mie w0i hip period, Mir. Newmian Merolinfits, but whatever mlling il ' ' �e .. &.a I " I ,, % , , � I I �1. - . � . I a j � I �:, . � '4"'. .. ;11 , h; 1, r90 'i" 1`*� I " Son, arid R,� Doun. She leaves to moutn 41 *T hn.Aiayid, �hree sons, Stew. 6' ry. 16US reports. from CO"Intnitte;ft lwer,6 id, lt,w"'de6d- ir NTRROP CKURC ,V, I - It,: on I Miss ,Matgaret PafriA spent the voeek en,ct with Miss (trina Erblad. G Ar' rett M' an interesting 'Address may be,�,I am sure,we will fill it non `RutifImPr1DV6Ment` , I 01 .1 I , . , , ""'I " --,�t �� , 1�� ; , i ;; 11 I .1 �� I , I � " 1�1 I iddM I IF" I',, 1go.0, �� � , M � �� !�,' � , ys,� ; : 6 6, I ". , " ; 1 . , 0 1 o- , 1_1 j, 11 � . =1Z. !��,� � , , 4 11 -I',,' I I , I � .1 j � . - , , "I . . " _ 'I, of As� Aft, oe MOIATt, h4lsk.;-BAst , giniboid, OhA., iiDd':Fjr,-d. at h 1, - '6m% And ,daii0tek, -,Ru�y,, at, home, Mtil ed to 'hold the 19asW'f thankoffering on the regmars,pxeeting, March 22td. ' , i le 1 Mri Neil , _ r6ad a letter from .1 I � FRIDAY, MARCA 4th,,4032 , I Admi � sigion. . - 25c and 15c. .. . foot. � I o , � Miss Lillian Richardson iq,yisltitig j. in Oodewich 'this week. ­�' ' � . OM followed by the less � ivorthilyi- because we werg is ' ,on a farm, � a ,spirifed -slid interesting oiscug�J�n. rai ed 4 thardc you fbi of taml proble%s, ill I the *k1nd attentibri'you haV�� gjveti'me� whidh a goodly -�-L ­+ PP nun"r-took pait. 7%e. ra-&m" (I now ibeg 1paryle to,4-", . I . , I , � . : . I I . . ". � f �� . I �4, I ,� ., . 11 � 11 I . I " t 1-1.1"...- I I " .1 . �13 ,'' . I � ,,0��A,,,4�, ­!,�,.:­11, I �'�'�_. . I I ­ � J . I - , , . 11 I, 1. I ., . . I I I , " ,., , , ,,, ��f�­ " ?, � �U "'I'.1 - 1. 11- 1, I I I I " ­ , , -11! , � .... . .. .... - :��;'.,�,' I . I ­ . . I., . � . %­­ , . . 11 1;�,;,,. ,)�,4W,�?P,�'V,M" ,� .. . . "N , ,211 `�', 'i_; , �!r,_,�.­,�,'­.,, 1, ,;:i, : '. 1116.� , , �, r�j� __1 I : � " "I'll, �_' ��,� I 1 , , ,� 4i , M-,--" � ... 11 � � ,,, .. I . � , 1, i . . � ", , ii ',,A .. �i I i . "r I , i �� I .1 . ­_ .1 ''I , I I- 1.� - , '� I—— ­ � .- -i I ,..: � t � I . I . . .111.1 � � � � ; . I I . 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