HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-02-26, Page 6__ -11.1 ig� � , , "I'll I . . . . . . . I , I- ''I _ 0_;.;;Mr�;��T , �, ,��T,'!', , ': � �tl":,��;�,��,' ,�' �, , 1=1.�FMMI WNRWARW ...,,"r -f '�'.."��7",.".15.""�.�"..N I � 1, ��� I I.. . ;i��Jl �i ­�� ­1111,,-­�­, ,� ­ ­­ � , U! -, E-",).�'j,­_,�,- "G", ­ Aj�,V�,. I � " � . -:11, "I.�ll;���,�,)�""�.'�'�,""', , , � ilr-,�'7,',-,��-J "� V"."J" j, 1 1 "�', � , ,�, ji� , , , I I , , " 4, � V " -, � - , .r, ,�' ,1�p�ll 1, 1 � [". " , �i%,, ". "..- � , iN ��. 1, `i��,,T,4"'A � , � , - �,,; n,,�,�-,,�:;4,� ,. ,,`.",�� 1, ,� 1, ,'� -,��; :,,�- �'1`11711;J,�I'M:,i!T 7 � ",3 �y I'll 7 r�;;�,,0:,�,',,5'� ,� 7 "i�, �":,����,, I , ; �"i!"'�r,, �r"..��;�����'��',C,',"��i�',,'-�,li��,',-,:���o,,',�'�:�",�,�,��,:�(��'�',",.����,', I �,���"1.1i;,��i��'I'���'I'���l,�,�,�,-,��,�r,,�, ,­,��F"?�,'��.��' ,,�,,, _7 , , ,_ .I'P'Ij�o',"'�T�il,t" ;17""Mr.'" � 'I ,,�r 4,, ,�7 - 111, , ; ��Ir 7, ,, ,� �,,,,,T , �,', ";1 't �,�W�, , 7 -,�,4ii�, � � %, P 111.�Iif­ --jo.1 J� `,,� I " "P i. �.­,l �It�R%`, , 1'�, , - � ­_­�',"3',',&�.J, 1.1�'�,� � ��N,,'i,,t,`�,�l i, � �` , , , , -,. . ,,�J,J,'� I i, , �%� � "q Oi ,�,� x� ­, i;0�,,,, �;,Z,, 1�ir'l ., -, I ,i � , - I , 1�111 , ," I .; ,! � I' � ;11 - � i % , �,��,�.�',,��,,i4��l��,',��,�l�,','O,P�"F";.;"!,�,�i��,l�,�,,,���, , I , , e7 :1� 11 I'll I 11 0, i I ,, 1, �.,,I�,,,, � . . 11 , , , ,,,�,.,.,�l!�,,�',,,,,��'f',,�T���,�,,,�!����,�,�i��i�,'�,,'�,�:�""I�l��t��,,�l�, r'llil��Wl",,�..�,;�;�)II",!"., �' 'U"Ll" . A"' 'I" "�,' , - " "' -� ,� � � - , �i," '." ... , , ;. , . ,� . - . . , ""'!� ,V,Kv I E : � 1 11?111�01.i , It , `75, 1117 .1 "� �,��,:,�� �! , `,,� !`�Ile 11V , ,:��'�,,ijj,,;� ,�."Ip""'J, I '�'�C �, %" I I V- IVI�!��,Zt,,�,Z% 5.1", �i, ;,;! ­'�, - 11 , , V�,,�4,,�,,­��, !, "� -11. ", ` �-_ . . ! i , � , . 4i,`*,.i��,;�, � , IN11 ;��.'ey * . , . , . I , ", - . . , . � . , , : - � , � " . i� .... . ... .... ,. , ��,7'11`11 , � . �, ,:�T, ,. .�, , . , � I . � 1 4--i,, � " - � "': , , � ... . .. � :" . �::J 1. ., . I � I ,�, �`,.��, ��' r`�� - 1";;1 � � �� I' - , , ;.f,, ,�_ ,,,, �r � - ,l 1!: I", . - P, .. ,,, I ,V.11117N­Jg '"'T �,.;, - 1� I I _ � � ,:'. . ;�i�14 -1 � -v j .1­,_.�.,-`,. ,�� -I.,"' � I , . . � I '�, 4, ' �. .1 ,:,:, - . , i� " , 11 �! C. . . I . ,,,�_k,4, I ._ � , . , . ,; il*,;:�,��'� ­i�5�y � "'. . ., 1. - 1_1i'�­,'_'.. _4.t._.�.,,� I � I , N . I I . I . . ,1, I .1 . - . "., " , ,v,,, '."i:-',0,,,!.; , ,: ,, 1�,_" - I . . � � ­­­­ '. � , : I ,. .� 11, ; I - -1, 'i . . , I I � . 11 ; ,. - , - �' - � I - .1ly-11 , . 771;� .%-, ";,�­,� I �'. ,. ,�`,?� , 1, ­ � I 41�- I � I . . 1v '�? � , �' � I .1 � I .1 . , r- - .1.1 . I �, ­ �� ,,, �� , � , ,;�,�., I . � .. � ­ � . I . 11 , ,�,r,,,,, 4, ' , . I - I "I � I 1� .. 11 1, � I i .Ir ... 11.111 ,;�,- `* _.". I � . . _�,�' ,��.,"�,".,4"! , � , � , % I 1. . � I., ­_ - . I . ., ': . 1. . .,., . � I .� '. ,., �, � ,� , � I I I - ­­_; I 1 " - - - , lk I . I � , .' ,� " r, , , . "r " P �-R , I, " 1942. I , 1i , , , 4, , � � " , , � I - I � . I "' I ljci�,, .'" � I ,v i ,__ 11 .46 .. . i ,�iqmg�o : �, , . ­ . , � ., , ­ 1� '­" 1 ', , .. I " .. ',',,�,.�,'�,, _, ,,, I . 4110�4'1,T, 4j-.�,,�,;�,',� ', ", ��:!"�� 2 ,,,� , I I R ;�;�, -��! . � I 11- , � I -1. 11 ­­­ I I I I r _, � 03-AXT Wail, 1i , . _f, , .."'. ., � "��, V41 I.. , .. ".... . _­­ I I '11 ,!�, -i,, � I ; I `-,- I ,. V I ;, I , - _ , 4111 I 1 4�." P 1, , i ."e . � �4 ",",,""I'l, I.. ",,,"', ....... "I ,4 I �1: ;._, I ­ .... , I ­. �, I . . -I ;; ,;��,�...,�,­,v,­ �,,:,­i 1, ........... =­,__­�­�_-- ,-771 -1. - ,� '17." �i � ... � -1_111 � . . �, , �� ... . .. '. 7'.7.., 10 �i _r �� . . . . . , __ ; � - _____ -_ 11 -1 . � 1� �1;�' -, � � , I � �� 1. - _­­ . - I , I . 1. .,� 7 � , I � " I My* ­­­ "r ,;, - —1 ... r'! i :_;=—__ P, I �Z.P­, -1- ­!, �ii, .,., ,I , 1 ",.,-r_- , I- "-- - I � . � �J �' ,4- ,,,, "� "' -7 , I : . "; 10.1 2 ..... � ',,�11,.�, , .� i, 11 �__ �, 11.13111.-�W -1-11 � I _­ I"— I . . I , ... i . I I - � 1� 11111 1��A, , 1711�1­_­ - . . , . : , Thd A I , 11 I I . � I "lo " li lines bi# . I . q- 0�4 '��,'M)" 1;,),;,!",�'�',�� I I lot th# -,6,0, w, e6ei. 1� la , the fa�t that $hs was ',plot. . mount �alskod wap ,QUO 1. - ,,"gr, , i!i:, I q1-11,'4 11 . I . , , 11�;.� 11;'� i: 1111i, `,�� I 1, a, baWd potatoes, accomipanied ,by her cow lulled their a dollars q1ear, fqr ,she had x%-� I I . . ­ i ''. , ", '.. ,'!�,� I - o I � 1, M . . .. . I 0 IF ' . I.. I , . ,,',J�0 , - , % " � . 'ty Ov rcomD, o ' ke stuffed -, AL 0 �,J . I t 4P, V �,.,q I ,. , "T � , .. � �1', 4,��,��.,,�",;.;� �11 1'11�1'�`�,,"`,'�, ,�Yii, � I T mulio 11FRIERITIRI � FFOR �_',,;,R,�, , T I ", I Add!' gi, intereitt In, the , t � . ,_�,,Qll I -to 11111SIE _ � , -7- 1 ba f, length- suspicions, And lihe, reached British tAlned -a Percenilo., ' 21�0 � 1�,11,g?,N,,., . I - �. �,,,,, � y moth .�,�,i�;J�;,�!jllll "I'll ��� "I "', I � . he ' , - a in time, �X -e , ,,�"' ': , , , - acquainted with L%ura ' ampany ­ � f,,(i�; �,,� ... � , I . , W4,i0i0i,N.4--A-osults From *ise if, thg,y-. Oe large, or 9-0 a slice r was film v U , EN ��:.. j mt ;� ... ,, V, I - I __ cut , ked potatoes in hal Sec, --claim,04 that ' th1.AV-thPr­',0 , 11 $C" - 1.1111, lla`!��" � . AL7" :Lrom the top, if they are srqall. a.iape, ,ord was erstiou - of 4ear olxf -"'Abtq;&�n A,, KR . 55.", . I W, . 10 -5, �,!�,��,,, ", , Fam,ow Vqgatable Pills it thoroughly. nade a, pic,iur with 6 "sir I if �yoq have I ,".� e .0lur . , -5, � !�,,T;� had r . never tried X I ., I " ,�,`,,'2,, I I .. a out the pulp., and mash in. ;. r y, and, she -made light of : , "',;�Pq�,:, I ' ortant as the Sala ' , . . - ��"j,k","��"'��,4 � MIP . e melted butter and her exploit isaying! IdWy only regret story just ahead of the. presea�a�a I 1. We have A 5 . , -our expense �'fi�4;�",� . I I..... . . Instead .of having awn id stomach and Add to this a littl try it'now at , , . . . ,��,�'Ij'� . . I J '' -� � . L . I being constipated, Mr. Frank C'. is hot jniM. [WMp with a fork until is that 11 have,-bui One life. to give for of our. f rieud in celluloid :krm The distributed a great 4nanY I �.11 - �, I 1. e4t, lil,ri, �,;;�, I , ' "GIANT'....'. ­i)ackages which -alre et�,,'t,'� ,,, . . , _ . _ I Well, Ill can cat wyth , sinpe trying fluffy, then fil) th� potato sb�ells.' my country�." I i � tiefenco successfuly maintained that Claim for' � ��4 4�t,-,,,�,,: Carter's Little Liver AM,' i Spriyxkle with grated cheese, and re- lVv% ' commend the Above,--to--our. the plot was not an origin0 one,114t, easy . Ii. I P ' he. says. , , Jor you to prove our , i I , . , wo- I d . . They I I the t6� , . I . . � ur dru � ist for -the 1 11, P ftp,ssirig to a . �ssert for dinner or supper Because they are PURELY VEGE- turn to -the oyen to br6wn or.. xftre- friend, Prof. Wallace, whose'th4ories bad b0n, seen by millions in -yourself. Ask' yv 99 - i, I " �. : . ,rta4� 20 ,, ue the vuriositY Of YOU_�' � TABLE, a gentle, effective tonic . ly sprinkle _ to , be of . "Krausemey,er " . 11 111- � I- 1'11� -111- � to the salad, anc' I the W 1, I to both ,is Alley, in, Beef new "GIANT," 75o�. Package, .17'%Z1,'?, I �, .!* - - -"-,- .111 I - ptq� -hV their liver and bowels, Dr. Carter's Little . wl�il paprika and parsley. about Laura Secord seem This consists!of.our-regu 7, c. battle toPtIlOr � � 2. .4. 11�,�1�11 ,,_ts as, -well aa delig ing , Ose of ITrust Billy -W,atson!s burlesque show Vl� , - , "I �P,i,6j ,O . �410 Uh " - . somewhat at iva�iarwe With th ufficlentlor.9004t t ,;�OCXB Ye � -. J Liver Pills are without e "r cor . -.41P.— I with weepar.ate trial bbtti . I . - _ , , , � �,,,,:Zll ,�,,,� , . 1. � I , I PW�11 ,2i` erent mes palates. They arq called " almor d _qttal fo - r forinany and many a year. . one week. . OPen the trialboule tirst, put, t to - le'N"11- I , ,'U4�� the -"' --' Our correspondent. . . Old Time � 'i, " . I I I I I I here is bow 'they are . 111t� ff"I ... �L s W " the test, and then, if riot entiT n t .. � I DhY -,I , 6, ,�4 1, " affairs call for ap- crescents, and rectingC"stipa'tion, Biliousness, � I WT I And now it is time to confess that Kruschen does everything we, I it do I .,� -, �, " A - , - . . 'd V 4;,'�Z, ,­,,� Tu � ,fiV I -IV . I � __ "The polished, not to sak euphem- in spite of,everythi - " 4 �11111` re, it . id 90 f, , w made: Readaches, Poor Complexion and In-' Ladies and Gentlemen 'tes: - th' regular bottle is still as soo a n it I ��, . alf pound of shelled almonds, digestion. 25c. & 75c. red p S., every- . ".. 1. s�e in1ts entire- back. Your drumi# is 4utporiBed to return . ., MT- - [One -h Use, says Mr. istic, language of Mr..-aet'us hQpe see "4bie's Irish Ro � "' 'and without Que6ticim , "i . tile present I in light, choppeq fine. I where. Ask for Carter's by AME. No *ords of your 75c. immediately J 11 �iill§ time saladi-Ove I �Tl in common' V,111�,­ i,y& -i, .I. 11 I Rt, �0 , _,,.,A,. e :As entrees at dinner, I . iourts, -for the sake of Billingsgate it is Mr.) tY. 'But ,this came in the 'course 'Votl have tried Kruschen fr" at our i L"41 k Frederick P�Lylor in "Law C " � I ,Nil I-, __ MarnifictureR r, V: '' 1.111"R� 4�V.;'1Z:"_` -1 I . d -butter in What could be faixer? " �;,� "'I"; I in the 1 poun ' ____ assigned to stagpi it 11 I 1,V,1AVi.-, , 11. '. .­ W� f"', 111'r for bxifte�. party fare, I � . # 0i of course V4 ,cup fruit sugar (flavored with �L Lawyers and Liltigants,"- give rise to Beder's criticism, of our theatres re- duty when ., �� ru'DOU or oVening, and `Tiing inci- -minds one of the story of. ,the bargee ,Cleveland, Ohio. And doggone it, let Griffiths 7 Hu !htwep Ltd'.., tor.tz ,,or- , I I A. . , but as the vanilla bean) I . 1. a wider range of en,terta� usiness (E.tab. 1 66) orters Broje.. 11 - �,�,�, ". , , ds for desserts, . complex every time "Smiling" Ed � -cue said the bishop. The 11�rge---�l calls it be honestly admitted that b Ltd., Torguto. - i .. 9_.i"'. t Sala I ��, " - . ,,,Smil den,tEg in our courts Of law tnau . I . .1, �� �', ,,, �� dvs appear'. and, hot 4 cups flour -tudios _ - fie Bishop -In- that week was most gratftlying. Thus TAN �':�I�,�._ , .. .1 . .IM'n,'�!!.."; 4 , sprM9. . � I mo . re � . Cream the bu.tter and.add the sugar McConnell enters the s ' expressions "gentleman" and "lady." .a spade a sp4de.' T . . 0 � ��,�,.i., ­ of so necessary, ing" Ed. ttps-'the scales at a nijeasly "He is a gentleman," once remark- deed. I should have, thought you'd were pleasure and pain combined. � ' -_ , �� r,,� �� ,,,,, xiches are, n. the I � . t" �ft'�'��:��L I I to cream feet four. - ca . ­.., ,o�i, -f:, , �a ,,, served, for the .grzdw,%lly, continuing ds six 11 it a bloody shavel.' Was -not his I And now , . , . ,please, would everyone mind, � ... wl_., 1 I ,ounds an,d,,,.A ad one�'witness of another in an off . , , ,�I,� . .1 .aptiAl salads are _t4n . . � 'T'� '7,, ,, � ". , be the Abie's Irish Rose . I a � ilc�,,, " ,­ � , I -day meat as a main course. mixture. 6r6 ... in the, nutsi then add 285 p * 1� 1- ,S'..�_ , " . ps,ycho,analytico, Freudian complexil . .* �� sifted flour which must be worked hand manner. ,et 9 's en which 11 t 1 ' �� � t, , C �, �,�Ii-,- ::::: - alad A "Home to�ry to end all Abie's Irish Rose year than in the t L ��"'L'4�' ' ­ s is not to give � YOU 8 'The Kate Smith version i 4 . .1 I "I . 41, . . . . . . . �,%, �, � redipes, but ideas on the right sort of thoroughly into the ,butter and sugar. ak,.es Good" was one of 4How do you define a gentleman?" aptlr described a couple of hundred -finite. Thank you, . in- the last -Walter Lippman. L I, - I � -­'��,". �� I .. floured board Town Girl X years ago by Hamlet in Act 2, Scene preceded it, . . ,,, �, ,. with your ,salads Roll out on v4ry lightly ' e'ried counsel. istories for -all . . . � , 1, , V.',�i� :' "' dressings t? ,p�,5e in crescent the most demonstrative yet When qu' carn'- 2, Line 522? He might look it up.1deed, . I : i I.i , I "Well," - was the rf�ply, "he I I r in the ori - . I �"Vll,*':',1�1, - _ ; , not and cut � or mould A ne Nichols, who created "Ahl-e " If we have to go to wa . I I.L I -pes you may . Kate went home to NVashi ton ra� � ','.,,:%.'' -Kad a few go6d red here and'took a big house and w4�nt Geoffrey J. Malcolm writes: It 11 11 , Empire 1 " "We are . apes. .1�4 vau . fbi .subsequent two, but ent, whom can we tell: 4�� I _ ' sh, ,kd for 25 or 30 minutes 4 '. 11 11 .64,)��",)%__ VaWe tried ,before. cently for' a weekis de�vllle en- ay without paying his creditors." "In the Mail and ly wrokea play or ) " Rl�i,�%rl'. ,-With the light dinner salad which'I low oven. Roll in fruit sugar World -Herald. � I ... 11,� I Q L,e;, " . ' a s ,agenient the Union Station was aw - .en questioned Thursday there is a paragraph'with they, did not last for more th . � 11, I "� rein., in& from'the oven. One 9 ( A woman w k - - 11 �4,,�%:, usually, consists' of a lettuce leai after with a:dmireirs. Station itno;6 wh mrd to the elimination of the brief" appearance. For the past three . q � . 2 'cups .of pa I has been rir6ly mien- Wouldn't it be a ,good idea to .� " ,,%' : and one or two I vanilla bean will flavor 1 y cked - t h ther the defendant was a reg . I st the homecoming ' 0 e" contestants in aStratford,spell- years ber name r . -, - to stand 2 AIL broadcaing, �Iadyliwke person" answered: . final ocean ? L . I , I with a. slice of tomato WIM name of the Pacific - rr . ,',! I ed with thin I sugar, lj.u.stt allow the sugat I i! . , uniber gainish - and the proceed were e�hlivened Z,,s,,she's -a ladylike person ing bee by the word sacrilegious. tioned in theatrical, circles. A sequel change the . I 9 of CUC - -Ann Arbor News. . I -A �4',. , �_ of radish, or soj�6fhing equally ' ederal 'h' I'Able'A - Children," has 'been h 1, I I' I ,for a , 24 hours with the van�' I "O i .. slices 0. appetizing but dainty, the Usual ac� illa bean and it will be ready for use. by fire American Legion and F righl ,e . But she insults ' me The pa-ragraphist 'remarks that, the ' entitled . ; ;1� I . - Training ,School, bands. ­rl':�,,y aq(l uses the most fearful spellers were probably victims ofthe threatened from tinle to time, but has It is,not surprising to be told that � ;�, . � .L.I. � I - - i t , . I ? I . . . ' k , - comp s French ftessingt ous Fruit,Salad. ., So intense was the ,crush that I'-- -��za. Che threatened to bash old' proverb originated by Alexand'er yet to make, 'its bow., SO at last Canada is using less anthracite. A . ��; I animent i ' Delici niL I f "A.bie" is .. ," ­ ­_ , 4 .�, T . � ....used -rather- sparingly. There are i I Rates mother, Mrs. Charlotte Smith, my_faeb� in!" .. . I Pope vbout a little learning, being q reems that the Odyssef'o survey will shqw, we think, that if is . I , , "... ��,,Vl, several variations of this simple Although this is not an articlo. got separated ghter. � d�ngeroue thing. He omitted i o complete. A ceritury 'hence it may be using less of everything except rect . �. I �1111 ,t�:. � , Kate's accompanist, � -.0— . ", , �1, ;, .,basic recipe is as is one fruit salad JELck Miller, . mention, however, and probably did rervived to show the .-populace, of that ink._-Ramilton Spectator. . i I . , dressing but the on salads, there I . ....... . ��: � I - - longgest-,unning play, buk let - — . � I ��i - -follows -. . . that I would like to give 'now, as it likewise, found himself on the out . I . I . ­ ; not know, . that they were., also prob 1 da ' " 'not. A man usually -enjoys ,a smoke more . . - I ,,,�,. i le for a fussy ,,, yhD,u1.1, . - is particularly suitab skirts of the throng welcoming the ably misled by .mispronunciation. I I . . does � . . . . . . I r dessert Smith, party and a half hour elapsed Stop - - ' , ��1111 I �P , , � , French Dressing. afternoon bridge party* o I am almost prepared to wager .that - i- I tn ,because he does � ll, ", I -Ill I. '...0 - P6r this .time of year. bef6re all the inemberg ... of the group . I I I . every'one poncerned in this contest 01' end.�Quebec Chron- . � � I . - I �,,, , I I -R' cup of olive or other salad oil. for 'dinner not have to ,pret '. 1� . . V2 I , 9 . "I'll',.j.. . Serve on "a very crisp green lettuce were assembled. . . I ' has alwa:Vg,pronounced the word as I icl-e-Telegraph. ­ : I cup vinegar I � I I— I . I "Ill - . V4 - . ell, , anrne, Bladder Weakness I I .1 I I leaf i -n a small senving of the'fol Getting sack -religious. If, howev 1, I . "The bride," says a Detroit society " , A S.. I teaspoon salt i'll, � lowing mixture: Tangerine, Peeled Lillian Knowles, contralto, heard . had beeA., accustomed to.pronouncing I � -1. I . . '. 1/2 teaspoon . . it correctly, ,which is sacrinlee-glo.us, %1; . y dainty piec Getting -UP -Nights item, "was attired in a suit of tan."' , ' 9 . 11 ot. paprika. veT lesi mal - frequently on radio programs, is the . . ' 0,", �� A sprinkling , 'a d eu in - wife of, Edwin"Kemp, tenor on 'a Chi- - � t On the third syllable, , . -.ing it would comzl- I . 4 ,,,, . ,in -a small a�a ggi�apes, peeled and halved, aP , up. with the ac6en I ! We've been �xpeici . ,�,. � Place ,all ingredients , fine and banana; mashed cago program. Theirs was a -whirl- L I the difficulty in spelling would auto:. . Quickly, ,.Relieved to that, -Border 6itie� Star. - � - " � 1, - ­4�" . I I I I ,,, � I put in the� ice box � ple,,jehoppe,4 , I I . , 6 1. I bowl or jar and . . . . ._�!­ I I until thoroughly chilled. Just beforelt a I These are folded into wind courtship. They met when she matically ,have disappear'ed. By the I ,,, I . - ' he ''. . ­­. . U 'p which has,been com- appeared for an audition while, way did you ,happen to notice, the - A British Admiral named Kelly is . ., 11V .", .. you . are ready to add the dressing lipp4d cream, Nights Pleasant flame Treatment Worksi I ", ... 411, 1 t salad, shake the jar ar bined with,: the last salad dressing was manager of old WHT in Chica- I word misrepresentated in the heading being ,sent to Shanghai, but not,!.we I , i . ly ,for two or made -for sweet salad. The propor- 'go. In telling the story, Kemp neg- Ask your I Druggist for KARAFIN, the of one of the leaders. on your page.A. � I Fine; Used by Doctor For hope, for the purpose of giving orders I . . ;;;,,,i�. I covered bowl vigorous . es�ription of A gifted I L it in ; Many Years. I otch 'Fusilliis there.'-Wood7 ." 1V � I . to blend the contents. ' tion is 1-s cup of dressing . to 1 cup lected to say .whether she got the job Non -secret Pr . " ,'et.,Df months ago,? had .. to the Se ' 4 ��! threeminutes ' . Canadian Chemist. I co" -arlier but'forgot I �. ­ ' I -Review, . I . Rli , '. . 'have not given but three weeks later he gave hef a md meq . A ,:";, who are experts on wl�ipped cream. 1 . �ion e stock Sentinel � 11, . . . The French, e s suf- I Nout it. This is on a par with a What a wonderful comfort it is to . — , I . � � ,.�, I I a few drops of exact amounts of fruit, as they ma)r permanent position as his wife. Are YOU. on of the countles . sleep all night and not get up once . 1�,.,,� � .. of . Kidney -Bladder Weak- large notice which I saw in a store Teeth may cause some pai 11 I . �i' salads' would add vary according to the number . ferers 1from ' , who has m- from Bladder Weakness and Irrita- ns, but I �-.� - onion flavoring or juice from grated , ' I window in letters a foot high, "Pre 'that usually., _is . ,i ";F . 4 . In summer persons to be served. " A few pecans Tom Neely, leader of The Spark- nerss, Rheumatism and'Gout , I . pain in the , neck ! ... ;�,_ onion to this dressing. . , S wi tion. ed by the tongue. -Vancouver , � 1� lil:,, � . . . ve the same flavor, may be used to garnish, the' fruit lets, a saxophone quartette, switched "tried everything" and come to the i es Il'be ,alterated to i&t terianit." caus : , I-, �; chopped chives gi The daily annoyance, restless . . � . I I . salad and one bright green or, bright t9 - the saxophone ,after. failing to point where you feel your case is Newspaper and public notices of this Sun. . . 11 � �.,�� in a milder'form. French dressing is . _ � I � 'deal toward breaking nights of misery, backaches and ner- ' I � 1, . . "� I FIN Tablets down accuracy of speech." I . I ly avoids the road to- , le salads red cherry placed on top and You learn the violin. hopeless ? kind do a great � 11 " � desired by many for (vegetab . have a sweet that every one will like , . * * Ia. Have hope!� KAtRA YOUS irritability that result from A mail usual to- I . . I � � 1 44 ,;; I in place of the richer mayonnaise or : I Bladder Ttoubles are success When b6 is travelling -for .11 �, C". -to look at� as well as eat. Scrappy Lam(bert and �Billy HillPot, must give you quick and sure relief . functional :, I � , . .. dressing. onnait, is po§-, � - - 6 *hc . . , , �1.. I boiled �May e I .'ith Brothers - wrecking the lives of thousan I pleasure. -Detroit News. ,.,: I 'the opu,ar f salad known aR. the musical,Sm from all the misery of Bladder Weak I . ; 1�� . . sibly most Boiled Dress'ing. I gether eVei'since the' . leg pains- might otherwise be in the best of . . — , ... I 1� . I I dressings for sweet or un eetened Ave worked to Y ness; relief from Backache; .";! , � . . . . give ' were in Rutgers UnlvlersitY's musical soreiand stiff joints- swollen'feet and Curtain Falls On Myth ,health. Just.,.bow do those cigarette ao- ' . ", I yo a I level..teaspoon of salt q. and rheuiiiAic twin'k6s' - or .. I ,y� 'To be at your -hest, you must have into the. I.. .. salads and I wil club. They have eb-operated k in. ankles nouncers keep from coughing ..i. I �� . � . L, .,,ta , .. � I which will be si able r use on 1 rounded teaspoon of mustard ' Of "Abie's Irish Rose peaceful, bealth,giving sleep and free- . * I � ,1 � � r dinner scores - of. shows and radio Programs. ill be refunded, Without n -that's why mi � ke ?-Brandon 'Sun. I I I M�,� - luncheon, bridge party o I teaspoon sugar . . doin from daily irritatio . I , . I ;,�,, . . question. An obscure news item., carried in I .. . -�.,�'. salads. . A few grains of, cayenne pepper The blues singer, Aunt Jemima,, is The ingredients of RARAFIN are the prress a few days ago rings down Dr. Southworth's URATABS give . . ihe reason I hold that anthologies - I I � - . , 'IL . 2 tajblespoons flour I 1. registered as Theresian Francesca plainly printed on the label. YOU the final curtain on ­Albie's Irish such wonderful satisfaction were is that , . ,,, 1, eatesi myth in modern the- ,Made , from L' lurvefited by the devil . �, . I Mayonnaise Dressing. little Ila. it you're taking- Rose " gr a special formula and, . -111 , I I . I 1 ,egg or 2 egg yolks beaten a Veronica Phelimina Garde This KNOW exactly whE ­ 1-1 . � they too often cause us to rest eqn- � .1, � � I . � tables-po6ns butter " identification list was shortened to and the cost is small. . atre history. It,was the outstanding used by the Doctor for many years- tent with their' own fortuitious con- I . ­ 2 1, "I %� i: .. � V2 teaspoon, mustard "-, *3/4 Cup, milk I Tes,,� ,Gardella. iSeveral weeks' ago I 1 __-_'_.-4 ... ... ­ I . succ�ss that never was a triumph. URATABS now obtainable from your gregition a scraps. -Frank Swinnef- ' , I . � . "A teaspoon sugar I 1/ p vine I gar. - � . . — - ' . I : . . 4.. - �4_ teaspoon salt .4 cu she decided to cut her name even . . I - Aided by jeers -and jibes aped -in druggist for inexpensive home Use, ton. - , I . .V. Mix the- dry ingredients well, add . amait '�y long bave brought, quick help and con-dort , — ' " �,q�>' . . g AP , ___ I shorter to Tess Gardell, so that thera New Y&k for an zin�g _. ­... - . - I � . ... . . � the egg, butt,or,'milk and vinegar "'Arnold, Secord— '�.­ i .- hal- to many th6usands.' - ' iioh is just' like anop- ' . .1 �,�; l egg yolk might be rooh� for it in the electric ,Coxey,,. I line, but never for one week ,e This depresE I I ��", I ,� I ­ � . . I'tablespobn vinega I r very slowly. Cook in a double boiler sign board at the Roxy theatrewhere I .. 1,,,g,d the various run leaders that No matter what your age may be Oration. The pht.ie�t suffers," but . . .- until the dressing begins, to thicken - were The� Identical? p.nbtch- or, how many medicines �ou have us- comes.out of the ordeal, healthier and I ."Vl' % cup salad '011' , - * he was making a personal appear - I -- .1. .came and went. . Witili the tol ,, . I . I.. � I Strain and cool, and if..ne�essarvp ' Abie" ed without success, if you wanf-,to stronger than ever before. - Stuadt - - lemon juice. ance. In the past week we have read ers taking� iiri-�25,000 a week., ' . . . I... 1 tablespoon This is *- * , * � ;,6 0()O, forget'you have a Bladder and enjoy Chase. . . 1'e I Sift the dry ii, I profitable 4 , �­ , agredients into a bowl thin with 'a little cold milk. two good detective stories. One of coasted along M a it the rest of ,pea�eful, unbt-oken sleep, J . I' mixing a mild aTessing,.And suitable for any a, p I ts . . �, I and add the yolk of the egg, � I . "Unless you go on a vegetable diet1thein, Tho"H�and Print Mystery, by or $7,000. In, 11 f i long- run S to -day. Your drug- The claim o . 11 a Sy�..A , ibenefitted ' try URATAB iftt, :. salad. / . I e eath," AeY ictLy speak-� -, only one. �erse�, 'who was . f the old evil maxi I I 11'z, I . thoroughly. Add vinegar stirring Sandwich Filling. . you will meet an, 1 arly d 1, ler', is not,, str news ,&ist will refund the stiall cost if you alf, . " h... f --" eace you must pre- . 1 . physi-ciaN told Frank Blaick, radio is bAli author and producer. i The � ,11 constantly, then 3 teaspoons of salad I a 'e _�ive .�I,ory, since there � � , .you wis or p shat- " . . few I I g Ti 'Illiv6ss and pare for war," has been for ever 11 . a time -(and that'really orchestra director and pianist, a 1�ittie dd,tteertion in it. Nevertheless; tem referred to reads: ' , i . ", oil a. drop at . As there ,are so, many spring teas I I . I I �. , "Ift I �, � eans, a drop at a time) beating- being given,, people, 'are , searchiw;- year -s ,ago. Frank accepted the, diet'. Ve do rbtbelong io the �Jd-fAshion-, financial worries caused William De- - — tered.-Th4k Archbishop of Canter- �,. l ) In, Increase the amount to . ed, conservative, or we might almost Lignemare, 42, One-time . fiance of .­- I . . I bury....' . .. � ,. I constantly. . about for different and new- kinds of and followed instructions rigorously, .I... orth two ", even though he hated it. One day eactionary, school of literary Anne Nichols, paywi� .1 ., .z . I teaspoon 'at a time until the mix- sandwiches to have. -1 know sfth a say I ght and author WITAND WISDOM. . � 'A fish in the band is w I ,�` , ture,thh1teris. When very thick add ', gU6_,� he observed a group of wrinkled In- i1r Irish Rose,' to kill himself I I in the story.---4Detroit News. i " delicious filling for tea party 0 . ,rit ism_*Ii1ch insists that if a story of 'Abie's - - ' - 11 I . . . ,� . I the lemon, juice and the remainink ns doing, a war dance in a musica' isn't , detective story it is not, strict- in his small 'Hollywood apartment to- I . � ­. per party sandwiches that you niight� dia . ' "; . The SUC4�eSS of this, like to use. t show. He learned that several Of ly speaking'; a story at all. We en- day." DeLigmemare -was , general If tbe treaty of Versailles had been You have one thing in common witla .� . I oil -rapidly. . Celery chopped very fine 11 ' ' y don't ..: . I.. I dressing depends, I think,* on the oil the red men were more than ninety joyed The Hand Print Mystery for manager of all the fvarious -road com- made by accounthts instead of poli- the world's best minds. The 1'� but not in a chopping machine, mix- -� - 1*1 1. __1 - ,� being added to the mixture the way small. years old and subsisted on a diet of ty with which it is panie,s that settled -down for lengthy ticians, the war debts problem would know what to do eithen-San Fran - I .1 ed wifh raisins, also cut very the spirit of - jolli . -.1...., I .. 1;�, . s demand... If_ the oil is beef ind coffee. Black immediately informed and shall be glad to meet stays inithe larger cities on this con- hav� been treated as the busirtess pro- cis,co Chronicle. . . ..".. . . � I the direction Add a little mayonnaise or boiled . 111. I - ,� ter, but . lic- threw his diet out of the window and the heroine again in a -future book tinent. - Only a few years ago hi 3 position that it was.-4,Sir Harold 1� chilled first, 'so much the,bet ng and place between thin � ad- Bow4en. 11-1.1 ... ­. I Those in .charge of'liat'ional affairs - ..". . dresrSl s 11 �2 � 1. . . I you should have no trouble with this threatened to do likewise with the ,which the pi6lishers have promised. name was prominent in full pag( . . - ce- V I , . I 1 . P i . . sim-plie dressing, which with the oil esi of brown or -white bread. physician. We hope the next one will not intro- vertisements in theatrical weeklies. 1. , ,should be compelled to read Shal . ..'�.. 4 1 nourishment and .0. speare's works every week. -Mr. John t� ., in en a d . duce twins,, for we dislike twins in And now financial worrieg cause a Woodrow Wilson clearly saw the. Drinkwater. - . .. ,,, . . ,bc di t d s _ ,D -licious versions ' Because of two i!t.iigedies in her stories almost as much as we dislike premature taking -off. ., . . troubles confronting our times. -Hen- A Bevoib farmer say's he has dis- I I 311 7d he a ­.�'. I I ' ife -Senorita Soledad pinal, vocal- left-handed Taurderers'. If we m6ight But it fits in with the whole his'- . Y . ,q� . 'Y a our salad You - 11 ng f�161e. And ry Morgt�thau. covered that one way to keep the boys of Y i 0 t si 's la� le tried to add a n se in to, Y . . 11 to Y Wh es I I 11 r of 'v, , ty , . 4 h ind du - Radio Folks Listen To list �n�'guitar player, I rly forswore also make a suggestion, , ich appli tory of that astoundi . . I .. �1� . Sardine or other fish salad is much "I ''I'll" her musical career. Fir's(t her mother not only to IMT. VowlerImt -to all the real low-down is simply that the �. .......- ­,­­ on the farm is for the old man to I.- . .. : the work. I � I '.I' . .11 1. improved with tomato sauce or puree ' died and Senorita D6pinal wa-9 fore- other English writers, it would be to 1 -salary list of, the Broadway � cast I, am not interested , in ,heing re- stay at home and do most of � 1�1 [Merle Thorpe 6nt - ered newspaper ed to,#Pandon music for the conven- refrain from trying to picture Ameri- t,otalled less than One would reasvn� garded as a benefactor I of mankind. -Galt Reporter. � I .1 added to the dressing ,.oi\�, chopped W, . -pay for a cast df -ac- I a - Mr. Jacob Epstein. I I. 1, . ork +n. California in 1903. He is' — , - . - tional three years of 'Spanish mourn- cans, particularly Americans who use ably) expect to in an artist- I ,,., I -green or red Pepper make ,,,, in heard eWTY Thursday evening in a I I I :,�, � I �_ -teresting - addition to the ....... plain series under the general title "Famm ing-* Two weeks after she came to slang. The achievement seems to be tors in a stock company in Me .. The reparatifts -problem has be- "".. ,-I ,, " I 11 .1� . . 1 , her brother died, and foil a flat impossibility for them. - The Kiessport, Pa. 'For a time "Abie" The moral ascendancy of man over come a matter of human feelings, of � ,,, mayonnaise. , Falacies of Business." Last year America 1, 11�', ,- . Seme people do not like a dressffig ous Bus- months she did not touch h .mend is possessed a leading lady in New York ' ssion, and, I � '' , er guitar. other book "which we' recom woman has never been a fact in civ- deep popular gusts of pa 11; as "How's . y, of every simple reac- � , . 11 . Teombe Farm,by the at the generous stipend of $50.00 a ilized communities, but always an il� consequentl - - I 11. with oil in it at all, but there are so iness" I I I — The Fire at Gre� i I... 9 ;­ � - * Ile became - professor of 1 -1. -1 reliable John Rhode. It is original, week while even 'shoe -string, man- tions and ,decisions. It is high thue � . many different sorts that the house in 1907 .� . I lusion, fostered assiduously both by ts" to leave.the room I." . T. Wife does not need to cut salads out jou-inalism at the niversity of . .111. ingenious and well-written. But'we agers were paying at least five or the women i&f the world, �who'know it for the "exper ontri'*,ted any- . I , ��,_ I I . . of ber -menus for thatreagon. Boiled � the characters "rub- six times that amount. As th-e to be one and b ythe men, wbo'sus- If they 11have ever c I , ��11 I Washington a 911 left to Can You Bake Potatoes.? note that one of -reminds author was presenting the show no ' thing, they "have nothing further to I, dressings are really more popular assume a similar post at the Uni- I bed his hands briskly," which to be one, and by the men, who sus- contrilitte.-J. M.'Keynes. I I . 4 - I . - Mary Borden. I ­ �;., I than any kind, and delightful cooked versity Of Y,a-nsa&. -Since 1927 he has b uis unpleasantly of a man carefully royalties had -to be paid, and a for 1. � � 3". A meal may be made or lost y selecting a cigarette or vigorously tqnately worded contract gave "Abie" . L . I . 1(2 I L'%T . ones may be made for the vegetable -been a contributing editor of .Col- the good or poor baked potato it blowing his nose to conceal his the lowest theatre rent to It Short selling is the'"§ale of stocks. � ' ".'' salad as well as the sweet. Here is lier's' Weekly. . I meet. Quebec habitants still spin yarris. . .. .. . provides. Like ma:ny things which ti . was lboused in the old 'Republic., !low . . you don't own. Most of us would - � . ,,'" a good basic boiled dress emo on. NiF . ing which He is editor of a business maga- are easy to prepare and to make at- was given Well, yar.n spinning is still a thriving I . ,! �11 ., by adding choppbd � V. Harris,,,247 iSt. Clair Avenue, a burlesque stand, and be delighted if we could sell the stocks .,i" .. . you may vary zine. tractive, baked potatoes are also eas- . I a other parts of the country. we do own. -Montreal Star. . .. I . iN ..parsley, chopped -hard cooked egg, . A ites: "I was interested to see in very low terms, asthe house wanted industry di -.11. I i, i, , ily spoiled. - A perfect (baked Potato -Woodstocli $entinel-illeview. � . I ttttt - I I chiWes, ' onion flavoring, cream Roger 'Gray, m,meftal comedy actor I eaty, good to. the last, 70ur column of the 6th insti. that a tenant. There was � stipulation . ­'. e 13 11 1� I .1��. is hoT and m, . 411�� cheese, pimento, chopped nuts, or a and bumorist,J and Ruth Fallows, re- Dr. H. E. James considers the Vet- ,that so long as a certain portion of The V�st art,has always been that I i 'T,� , - . . little whipped -cream. If you are dently associated witli Katharine bite even of th,e.potato skin. ran Stamp ,Collector must be Pric- advance rent -was paid tfie show Quebec, has always been strongly which was loved of the people. -Dr. I ,, . ,1 I I, � Your market will probably provid 0 of ,the development of the Max Reinbardt. I jt'�­ having a, plain salad, then I should Cornell in Broadway productions, a nu " tically unconscious by reason of his could remain. And there it stayed in favor � iar . & 21---r- -­.... , in the Tn'ber of varieties of potatoes, StIA-uting the defeat of the North- and stayed as years, rolled. by. In St. Lawrence River but only as - ,7 . ... � ",ij 4' advise a little addea interest made their debuts as network 'artists some of which are especially good f r ctions as Montreal. -St. Catharines 'Stand- � I I , I dressing and if your salad has - a 0 ern Army at Bull Run in tb�,..Amer- the meantime gorgeous produ I � ... ..... t 4.1. - tiumbbir of - ifigredi6nts, recently. 'GrayPso wit is,,as, widely baking. ,Find ou� w4ich these ,are, by ican Civil War to the rri�inations lived their span and ,departied at'ard. I I I � �. _ � . . a' Plain known throueh his writings as it is experience, for they, rvary ift different f Benedict Arnold. Dr. ;James places Ziegfeld's New Amsterdam Theatre, . . Divo'ree case at Camdeli, N. J., cen- .1 . � R -4ressing would be more `tt`b1F- through his stage work, localities. You 'may order uniform 0 � ,According to Professor Brigha-m, ,,,, I I tres around 41 rules written for the '. .. 'Try this boiled dressing, which is * * * hter in the Fenian directly across the street, But the - N I, I., ' �. ". I siz;e potatoes for baking, but you will huhliand by his wife ,at the time of I I I .1 . isinirply made. Baby Rose Marie, the seven-year- pay a little more for them than f or . Raid, which took place afteir the Civil electric iign renftined unchanged at of Princeton, the fifteen most fre- marriage. A husband who could ot .. I 41111 L. I - "t,public. I , I . War. I am afraid that if Veteran 5.6 R quently used ,words', are: "in, and, �111111,i ,� . old blues singer, began 'her profes. the unsorted variety, or you may Stamp-Coll6etor is unconscious Dr. In any,group of,invieterrate, theatre- that, a, the, to, with, be, of, as, all, would observe &7'4ules ought to have if ;� �1, � More Elaborate Dressing. sional career at three in Atlantic ' . a guardian.--4Stratford Beacon. -Her - .1, 4� easily do your own sorting. Sel James himself must be quite mori- goers at that time it was the invari-, at, not, for and on." But,.if so, how I.N., ect I .. ,I", � dressing up and make City. She has been a contract ftaio ald. �".,�' . uniform and medium sized on"­Jol' bund. Arnold was -born in Conriecti- a:blo. experience -to find that not one about ,,if," "but," and 11sofV'.-Chriq. .1 I I ., ill, '.�%7 it important epough for tha most star for more than two years. baking and see that they are as cut in 1741, He betame a general in bad seen '�Albie," or (had even thought tian Science Xonitor. . . 11.10, . -. I IA .1-1 ,, * * * . - I ii I �1 I.. , , � "�'. . . elaborate dessert s i alad, just increase smooth as possible and free from the Revolutionary Ariny, ,but becom- of going. But people did a4kend ,and � .- . .— . I I I . . ", � of siXg r to Itablespoon D. Jordan Williams, former N.B.C. deep iiyes and ble'mishes. Scrub I :,I� . . the amount a .. . ing dissatisfied -witA ',his tTeatment, it appears that the out-of-t6wn visi- If Noah's flood was a "local CO71- Voice of the Dead, ' I / ;__ "i ,1�1,: instead of I teaspoon and fold in one- tenor who is now, living in North them, with vegetable brush and c lann,ed to deliver over West Point tors must be blamed. Or, maybe, it I t 1.1- 17"N T -1i - 'half cup of whipped cream,�'just ' � ",". be- . - 11C p dition" as ffbw -asserted, the old glen-, ., , " i". ._ Wales, recently wrote the National an:�pLy any decii��d portion. Rub the to the British. ,It was while return- W�as the. clean show that one's aunt ' � Spurs'Explorers 'On , � . , �,�', � I tlem press ag- I ,,� ,V�.', vine- Broadcasting Co. that be is still lis- skins with fat before baking if' skin ing from a settet 'conference with from Dubuque was taken to, or ent-Quebee Chronicle -Telegraph. ill �,. . . fore sbrvink. If you object to to N,BiC. pro i ams on his -s to be . Mr. H. G. Watkins, leader of the V 1� ',�e ��, , gar, lemon juice may'be substitutei, tening gr I eaten. 'Bake them in a hot Arnold that Major Andre, aditif-ant �f nieces and nephews. "Abie" wal, -GAreen- ; 9;;;,- , " '11, ,.: I , ave's,et. Btitishair route expedition -to 11 "I .111. I using, of course, the same ainount. short w I 11 oven (450 deg. F.) for about 45 min- the.British forces, was captured about leading source of copy for the &-am- No, Easy S laiftd (19,3041), will lead an erj�edi- 1 . ; treet has not, beerf-closed I - 1 , . ' - �. . utes, depending up -on the size. Po- . i " �... V:1'W'-,- I a fbile above 'Tarrytown, N.Y.,,where atic critic, and endless were the gags I I W?, � 1. Almond Crescents. Len Joy's. auto born I ceased fune- tat,,s s-hauld­ be servedeat ohc*, or off - but the roads leading, to., it baffle tion to the Antarctic, this year. , �', 1: i;&_, , . . a ,monwnent -now marks. 4,he spot. and -quips. It filled many an odd , :, , -11 . been made rougher by too -much wear. -At the annual reunion 'dinner of . 11! �. ? tioning recently when ,be was,,,on his they are likely to become'soggy. It Andre was executed as a spy but corner, and th I ds entered into,the - - Scie%nce' Monitor. . the Antarctic �.,� $-' - � , .� The piece de resistance of recipes, Way to- New York studio. Before they are done a few minutes -club in London, recent- (,�&, . before Christian . E�,��, " 'I._- I hive saved to the last. It ia . it. 569 large coni ' --- ) I k, 'J,.:,, 1. starting home afteT his program he Arnold made bis escape to the spirit ,of pendium I ly--ht which,MT. Wat1dus and 'Dr'. 1 j�,4' W for the most delectable small cakes ,b serx�ng the sogginess may be partly British lines. He served for the rest could be filled with the...Jokes about Al� Capone cordined to jail might be Hugh Robett �Mllf � were the, guests--- 4'' .11 1". &�, . hAve 6vet tasted. You could intrp- orrowed a cornet and toatled bars avoided by pricking them with a of the,war &.S a major -general in the our bero, but they t0l helped the 0 "ne ' ' "" f bi . .. I _� I 1) " ,,�,?.� I , c nsidered 0 of Chicago.s iggest, Comimander L. C. Bernacchl (South-, - I " i,g, from, byrans with one hana as he fork,, �y breaking them slightly open British army. HWdied in very poor box-office, till. 'Remember the-- Ford frozen assets­-4St. Catharines Stand- ern Cross, 1998, and Discovery, 1901- 1 , 'y M�, -ndis drove with the other. He said -the or making a crosswise cut in tbs' circumstances in London, Eng-, in Jokes years ago, and the legend th ' . I . , ,* ,�1.11 � duce them to your frie at . the 4. Ii. .. at ard. . '. I spring tea, or serve them, with frozen traffic'eleared nicely... "]M, . ­­­ 11 �... let ,part of the steam 1801,,, 1 I.. d it was hoped that, Mr. Wat- I � .. 1W, . I . 4) sai 1 1 , , n VN.)�,�..N.k . � I 11 1'anypublicit�r is good publicity." The I . . ;� 4,0j '' I . escape 'and will help to. keep them M�s. ed to make kins would do fine work during his. ',I 1. ,,,;, . �41,1,1 . � I .666.i.i66.6W6"61 I � I I i J, L. ,S.1 43 'Rose Avenue, young composers, Rodgers atia Hart, Young girls are advis new, expidditiGn. � - .,14',L, At one time during Singi miealy and dry. Slip a bit of butter 1. light o . of their birthdays. Later .� �, _I.. . . ..1. �. n' ' Sam's n the t�rought down -the house in their first the most Th'e "difiner followed the unveiling . . li� �TPZZ-�: - I � , "', � I .1 . 26 yeais of tronping h6'belon ed to into the broken potato before serv- throws some furtber "No doubt. show, "Garri,ek asieties," 'with a line on, you, know, they won't have any' f 1� '.11'1'1'�'. . , 9 .- . 'e. 5 �, IR"I" I , , . � subject. She writes: I . at the -Royal Geographical, Society 9 ,. 'OR,,�,E� 1! ". I . Il 91, a quartet�, � each member of which ing .and add a sprinkle of Paprika' through ignorance, ov perhalig a SEP in ona;6 Of their songss�-�'Our future Border Cities Star. ,I -Won, , ' . ,, - � . . o , "I I " �, building, Kensington (Gore L'6i , jt�,,�-i4i,:'11 I U wei#hed at least 200 pounds. . The — 1i I - 7 11�, *11iik 11, 1� I � i. , '' combination of b�rmony and weight - . of the pen, Dr. A. E. James ascribes �babies, we'll take to Able's Irish Rose, inglish �auZ6r sold threq books of i�­!P,oat high bronze ota�ue of Sir . AJ N ,W I , , � , I , 11P�i,; � , _ , 1� An E , I , A . , IqRIXA , . . . I seemed to work well for they staked , to i3,enedict Arnold a share in the we hopp they live to see it close. I to the Rollyw6od movies for three Ernest 18hackl4ton, '*ho died �;. -ten" �'-Ii`W­ - . - . - � Venian Raid. which everybody, should I I .1. 1.1-1 . ',�!Nl,l - , -years and .. . , I - I -4Strat- years agG- i , '4('NIVA I , , , I in vaudeville for nin)e . I � Im4w rightfully belongs to Laura: As soon as "'Albie" clicked off the 'million dollars in real cash. %X.0�":I.�'Y, �. I 15,.r �. were billed as the "Big Four." " I I � ' I - Mien the gathering'of explorers I � ,��­' I inal heat'.of that marathon run it foid Beacon-Hefald. t: _�,%W _ , ; 1, I , � ais her warning to the f . 0 I were standing in silence as a tribute , ; NY � ��"_., i, ". I . I _ s made into one , � 6. ,R�.,',,,r,� i 11 British troops which enabled them wal I of the very first %,V .. J.f�,;,,�,�,�'..,,, In 1923 Buril Seidel, radio pianist i I OF 'Fsoulid", Opened witli. It 'being explained- that it was Chi� "To those Who bave voyaged to ex- �,`�,,,,.ki�p,�. 'neT . ;,,._7,._i'1., . 1. . V. , I to defeat the Flentans under 06 , RI pictures, and . .1 .4 , I and Frank Ventree, director of the %� . .1 re a nese irregulars who shot down a Jap- phyre the,,Polar re ' and have not I �Q,`;'��'��!'��,;- I (yNeill at Beliver Dams and there is eclat in a large legWinate. theat -ned, they lig"Ons 14 � ", �r'.V`­, ,, , - . Orchestra in thie game series of broad- wokm anese.plan,e the other day, there is an retui eard the voice of , I 1, 1�t��'�",:""%�, I I . I Laura Secord, bloiek or ao fro.Tfi its former IwMiio. The ; , "Y'." , . . . casts, were pe,tformers in tte. ",Scan- I I a monument to he'r. picture flotype�d With a ,thud that w" almost general belief now that what Shackleton ring through the roon� in - I I .,,X _'. - V� I dalq.11 When the show closed, each . founder of the chain of, sweet shops inn nedds most i's a larger,irregn- clear,toneg. I . :�",;",� �,,P;,,, " � T, 11 , 09A I heard for ,mileg. For some, reason it 0), . "(", � . � , v - went his way and they never met a- � .- . I which bears ber name, heard of the n U ge 0-1 lar army--4H&miIt9n -Spectat,0. 1 It was a gTa-mophone record which, .� fi r "I �-��`:, :,k i - . ASSWN - . penians plannitg Aied standing'up, in the, Ia g a - . . . explo ' � 111.1 I " I ,%, galfin until theip first rehearsal in a - ----.- . Indians and the the rer had nmd� aj&T the Xim- I I I �,,- �� I H � _. jga,ra�on4he_ the stage. In it, bowever, waA.a re& � . , . radio studio. Vim emotTle" ' their'cam-paign at Nil . � 'i, ". I " 1' ;�: 4 ........ 4—"L I I= r � bred Xew York Iiirl , rod expedition of 1907-M9, and the 11 '. . I - 6 6"My tmvi 001r. ' could headed -:4om and -Marriage is another form of con - I ,�,i� .� I �. � 1, ��; , Bit 1 I I * # * W*NC0t6VW**M6'AtM"" Lake, and 14:fte* that unless she was a dramatic one for tbree, - � k I ',,�, :'r. ��­. . ,� ,rL I I . 16 NWrome c nieat� with GM-1PUL-rgoyne, his from the- �Winter ,Garden ' chorus, tratt fhat is not sudeessful unless moment I ,',, �� ­,; '!",". ,`,��,, 1. I I . I t"a C"ILO to , (Ymimu ; � Whrray Hortm, jo,Oial 226 -pa=d "WWAL SIVALT14. . 1. little force would be surroutdecT So lonowu to niany now -as Nancy Car- both parties use the same system.-- survivors of that expeditiw� who were - ' . � - assign ilrefft. �`; lli� �',-�, - ,, ,,,r . . � e,hitahed up li.tow to One'Of the roll. It wM hier first _T Toronto :Saturday � Night. _. , Present. I ' , "'' - � t ...... ... .. i N `j i L �' 1� "' ", dance orchestra: tonducthr of tho W I fsib They board eg mentioned � ,iy,'-A M? their nam i . 11 :. .. .i I the re&r of. Shortly, after this AnAe Nichols the . ., �'; 1i . in lr,!V';� .... 1�,,",""', , . �, I 1 �, i ". , 1� . I di" who Afr6cits twieeAg . crude iconV,ey,gnceskep� i re bas been move .,* ht stud as 18hackleton; d"--Tibed the! work of . lr�,",',�',T­�?',,, �, 1-11., ,,, I 1;1 . ,� , � bw stu .7� ., Ily . 11thor of the g�y,,i.iija 'Ofte'viif ihe 71ie �1� T111 � iViv,ll *� ': � , J , 11� NZ`,4'�,�,i,�, I I � ` ii ' , �,,! . � . " ., I " �ii, I ,� I � � ITA, 1� , , __ M . 7t,", 6 7 I - V. '. - 11 I il � 111%� , , . � �. . I .-A." . 2 . . . . . . . I 16f6adCa8ts_, 6Ver the t,tJ_­11­. ..st, - sit forth. She ,at � . � �Nk,;;__, ", I. ,,, Olwallirs hi his, Colleagues. , I _a I .. ,"".1 , . , - eandv se I' 1�: ,��,i,�`, I ,; I , , " , . s, on, in i t1i, , shop and , I ,�,�,��;�!,T�,,:��I'�` t" ',4 �;'i I .1.1� ,,, �, - I A r t, he suembVU to aft 1&dri6ltity I kad actually to 00 through the Pen- large picture. &M, , I for stealing her more f6le izig about public a I . a J'W,:�iA�%j�,�� ��,'.' � . - . 41 �1�i­ . 11 I . , thu . .. . I ,';,..:�:�, ,11��, .1 " ,,� �, _� 1: . ­­ � � . . I L � . I .1 . .1 .. I I I I I `;,`� 11 � I , , . t�i!.'�1,11-1;11,��"!�,�,,�;',i�,,, ��,� ��, ,,',il� � �'� i�; 'L"I': ' , I '' 1 . I . I �s � . , ,_;�, � . I ., a- .I -1 I I I . I V '. 1 I "��':'n,""4:��4!"�'l.��lf',�i,� 'L" :,�[',�, '! � � "�'�.'� �. , "­­­ L ' i .1 I - I ; .. I . � 1. �7N����'�4�N'��;� , I ", � . '' "` �' . I � . . .. .! 4, Z' , , , , ",f..1�1 - � �, ­ -1 , ,_ , �,� ; ", 111�, 11 � �� ,,""�',i�i�,'.��'�,�`; ,1 - , , r . ". L ` . .... . E, ,,�, , _�, � w , " -11. I '. 111.1,ti, " ,� ', , 4 , �,:i�:g,�,�,-, �M,', ,,?�"i, . . !; � , , �,�, 'I- � ,�,�,1,0,11i;:­,' , I � ?I � 4;� � ,­, ! _ 4�, ,, I I' ' ­ - ,­�"" �� I , ,N, 1-1 I .11. - 11 , . ,"!,, I i��, ��Vv��';,P�',7.11�! .111"" I `,i,�.i,�, , . �i�! " , 11 1"�l L,L�,,,,,,,"""�i.;."",,���'L �i 11,11) , , , ,,i,,tA,.. I- L �)" , r i, ! �g . . IV ;; ,iv;,�,,, , :. �� " "I , Il", 1 66M 1 1