HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-02-26, Page 5,�, ,, . V, ,9', " .. � , �� -,�'.,,,z,,'�",��,'�,,..'�'���"., 1, I �. . 11- lr4,41'� V. -j"., , I I , 1� � . . , 1� 44�.�,�,.�,., `,`i� I � , , 1, , � " . ,. .. , �.... 11'1.'�, .41�111 0 , , , , � I " .1;, I .V . I" . , . -,,�,�,,,;�.,�,�! ,,� �',�, .,; -,. .. 1� .11 : , , _1 - ,,_ � , , e , .1 . ,,,, , ., , , . " � � , I. , �1, , : , , ''I � , , , �, � , �, '. ,,, 4 � , , .1 1� ,. 1 , , -,., I � I . �� "if " , .1 � ... �1� , I . I � .1 I 11 � I I r. "; , -, .", 11­111­111­1­1­..� . MITAIV114- . , I � 1. 44111'.t4,�_ .. I � ­� I 14, - . ,�, � 9.X , wn*� -­�- '. ­'­ I- � - ", " 1 44 " �. e .1, , " , - 4 - "' , it' ­_­ ,; , '' ,M, � * ""7-v'* " "#""'if Of f�iwg_11_4­1* . . .... ... ­` "I" "' ", "" ,4iirp .... . of the'. moefto, -9.5w Ads th9u'gh I i Was A R'PArt R .- rogn � '4 "foll bA,.*W4;,d -. , ., " . . mbe c6uatryl iia'A , nit,blew 41".�- i '9441'.. I I ftoxref . orip Ad. . - the the roughest tl � � _m, ' * ,d .,rOr."' ru . 6,u #4 0039 h. I . , read the 0 _NW, q - ! Th ' - , " . '61.19 . � t �46 ,e g , 1 000 �Vdjlng, ,monster �Qplp was, loven. fln't, Uso. 90 or _rlca, the -men w(Wip §AeO 4.4 awed kra4. _C' � - , I - ' . 11 WheA t1hey plokgd .. _ , , ,. XIW,- nfelAt, A du L ,* . :KQ5 rwlf, il� ,�� tho 04y. �. , , I _yo, bY, V'00.0$ T -TV, I I I . I , 4UV their a and The men wo . I ' Vw-and Ipabel-Gmy 0as, =.uch len- 4,aw.s again. U,werq, tbinking-the A Y*ole AcIe4c* of Pqtjfe, e4- . , 1. . . I . tyr � , ed, yh� j,u4,, ` " U same Wing�.bpoditig 6vir the ebana- g-Ineering" lias, spr , d"' 4 ?0 � , 449,up." I'M, , ed � . . .. 1.1ml- -1116. g4* were I 1, - I -_ I . , son, , so i imloo .and 'Mr. LV'�Atf es men who, iwiado the'f0rests must to :041 ad th , I . * . g_ 1�_ , _n 1 14 f . , 0 lZberikk, With al a t ( I �. ,#a- -taWe, wondering mrhQ. would,be next. faw," ,he- lu , t - Clolquhoun, ''Pir , Th - C'Noislon was- TmPerAck7needs ... , I I f6ijo*s; Victor i 'i!p Wri - ,And even a_ g It, and 4 we - , now that the 800 -foot Ar, all. the alligo ho, v 11 et � , , p . ! I- � _ ,, p.i .i% A j Din . nin, Sy1-v.1A,TuM#, f�tuel.-lismoibr. The 14 feet thr.ongh, WAD. do.wpj� it was ,cautionary moasures, will help to keep _' , � I spqa4wrs , all'did exe,optionillk well. lyftiot 61i a grade, and if- one .04 --the him ,"In the clearlo he is for them. . . . � , , i100 - - from it hap�, - . I L"t. .. 4 t logs cut , I . , The Womelle-g, In0itu.te met , 9xi -_ 0 or OD I" 11 .; 11 W.Wnesday a0Wriloon in thp., hall. 1.�ened to. roll—welI, that "next" man . . - 7 l� 4* .. '4 � t o . I J%e Toll call w" answered by "What might find his -turn had come. Inci- * 'EXETER I" I Omitry I wish .to'see- and why." 4eti�plly, such a'lay can be, -,danger - i . . . . . . I'll, � _n%ore was a splendid w0abit of art-' aus in other wayts, for instance, if ' , L I . I . I 1; there's 'a -grudge -to pay oft ,Not 'Wednesday morlidgg Exeter lost am h 1 -les, sdmethiulg now made from -hing nowadiya, �� , I . something. old. Lunch was served. much of that sort of 1, one of the oldest residents in the I .� . 4 W,j `-and Mrs. G. G. WHson' and however; the men are paid by "the �J . - ad are too busy,, 0#=Aing it," person of Mrs' ames WIllis, who, a' ­ Mr.' and Mft�- a J. Stewart,of Exe- Piece a: ter an 111fiess of three weeks, pa�pe4 I I * � I 4�lr attended the wedding of Mis's Lumbering had never been, ex9ftly I I I I MR - Rowe in Guelph on Satur- child's play. anywhere, l)ut many lum away at the residence of -her grand , I 1�' ' - nephew, VAllis J. ,Powell; in her 95th da ` berjacks to -day wouldthink of those , ' n -T ,eased, whose former . Mrs. M. Greenwood, of Munro, pld-tinie camps in the East as ope year. . he dec _ - . I name was Eliza ,Robertson, was'born f, A Spent Tuesday with her pa�ri�ilts, Mr. pariks'compared t9,what they are up near Brockville, and at an early age zand Mrs. John I,mry. 1, against now—the most dangerous job . . .. - 1. . went.with.her parents to-Goderich, � / . I . . . they have ever tackled, and probably wh6re in IS72 she married James �, . 1, . i I the ';most hazardous occupation, hi the I Wil . lis. For ,three years. they resided . United States. For this is the Doug- Ile ' SO-CALLED INSANITY CURES - lag' fW country,, from the Summits of - London, Where her -husband was in I 9G -.the Cascade Mountains westward to thelumber business-a0d in 1875, be- . . ARE USUALLY MISLEADII the sea. Long ago most of the tim- fore Exeter was imboroGi-ated and . I I .. I '. � A I lihort time ago newspaper head- ber easy to rea,ch,.close tG.strea;m or before the railway was built, they . lines announced a 6die- f6r insanity. 'tidewater, was cut out. Operations came to this village, Here Mr. Wil - 1 . 'rhis:is not the first such cur I e that are being earried1farther arid' far lis continued, hfs­��siness,. He prede- I .. . re ceased her in i�b& Wi�i'.� .... Willis was nced in re�eni times. ther back, , .Here a' hundreds oi a member of, Main Street United ' , I I 1� C , . And it 1will probably not be ,the last. nkiles of forested mountainsides; Church'. 'There- sumives Quebrother, - . I -Nevl�rtheless, there is -little likOlih-god 'dense timbered areas where the light, W!illiam Robertson, of Port' Elgin, \ that any mental hoqpitWfW.Will -be of day. is eVer dimmed, many places I 4 i 4 I .. I a where the foot -6f the White man has and two oons, George N, Willis, of I . eldsea for lack" of patients. , As 1. London; Frank H. Willis, Springside, .41 . mia,tter of - fact, they are quite as, ov. never trod. There are almost 85',- Sask. A private funeral was held kv erckowded as ever. I I ". 000,0wacreg"of timber in Oregon. and g ow 11 .. I . I I Until recently,it was believed that Washington; some 272,000, men are from the residence of J. Willi P e ­��dition of the majority of those emp U'S ry n on Friday at 1.90 -p.m., with the Rev. the. ,loyed by the luniber ind t . I 0. 'J, Moorliguse officiating clergy- , , .1'.. . ,, ` 'Iti'4-aental hospitals. -was nvpre '�psy- s . , � Aleal" than "Physical," more "fuhe- - As a, rule, the4"iiien do not fear man. Interment was made 1. i . n the I . . It is, a . Exeter cemetery. . . I .. ii�fiia'� than "organic," and that it the tree they -�*rd, -falling., e J ., . . -was not due, to any det6ri,oration.or part of their timft to "throw', it in -1 I .. I 0. — , � ­ ,s�bange in the brain. But a scientisc a certain ditlection. However, danger �,­ .� - �t -.1-11 � . , " ­ At 10ornell University has be�n'con- is ever pres6lnt.from other trees and �BRVSSELS . � 10 .. . -id&ti-ng some res . ea,��heg Which seem Jimitts which the 'falling .,tree may I . � JI ,_ I . . , ..... to suggest that there is .a difference bring down iwith it. 'In this dense ,,,.0arniy.d'l: --- 4Tfie flrsf'cwniVal.Qf the ' I I !And ,the a76rage'normal p, Here is e� '� was'lield in the now arena on - � between' the briins of anental patients� Soreist growth, "side-winderall ! kill , f erson., Aq- more men than felled trees. Ttdtay evening. .The ice was in ' ,,,:� "� , .., . 11 i 'P � . I _� - 4dording to his view, meiital disease an exam le of the hazards involved: splendid condition owing to a fe,�r I lis. duei in scientific terms, to -either A falling crew was working -,in...a cold days. The results of the cos - i 4'an increased aggregation or disper- thick,mixed stand of huge, overripe tame judging were: Best. national . I I isio . n of'the colloidal sitlbstalic6s. of the timber, the niost &ngerous kind. The costumel, �, 11 - Vi6la , , ladieslt Elizabeth l3aeker, ,� . 'brain," or, in other words, the brain cry of "Timber" 71negar out, and every Wilson; comic- � ladies', -Mrs. :ls'eith�r "puckered", or I'mushy.." man was in'the . �The big one Herb. Sullivian and �XTs. ljoime Turn- � . Generally those that are believed to started down''falling true. One anan 'ey dTessed"as the Gold Dust Twins; .. . . . . . � i I 1ull into the, puckered group are was eonsiderl�ly behind it, supposed-,. national costume, me�i, Fred Ahrens, . 'But . he MU.rr, - . .. who are up t6 -day and down to�mor­ ly in the safest ispot of all. t jy­Sdrj�ng6oUr,"4Blyth;, comic, . 4 . - 11 ­ lalown -as manic'-depressives-piersons falling tree struck another with ter- -M&n, Gordon -Sanderson, Murray Ed. raw -and certain types 'of epileptics; x1ft force, felling it at a sharp an- garr. Iddies', 4 . . I . - second" tre - I speed race, Dori's Me- . .­­_ while stuperous types 'of dei�ientia gle; 'and this e broke'Off Donald, Evelyh lChapoian; girls' race, - ,T*a#cox� known as catatonies, are. in-. andther, whichi do*ii 16 ' years, I Wilmla� Lowo, X. Logan; ; . - - eluded in the mushy group. � on the man who w . as farthest back girls' race, 10 years, Mary Baeker, ... The anatter is explained in this way. from' the "cut. , A. Spftale; Tne-rils . race, Fred Ahrens '�fiiefi"Ank person is Out under an After all, s place where ' trees from Fred Burcliell; ,boye ifaze, Arch�ie' . . .such - fl . ,� - :a4aesthetic, ., as ether or,chlqro ve to 16^ feet through and as hig*q Holline,, Billy �King. The costumes . � . . 1, 1orm, protein Oarticles in the brain' as a 25 -story. building topple, ' Where were many and'varied,, and many de- - .. I � � -*Qag,ulate ' or' �piicker, a condition monstrous logs may swerve crazily served mentioning. There were re- � 1 � � I . ' h no 11 - corrects itself when ,and knock a'.*hol6 crew into ablivion presented a butterfly, Peter Rabbit, ' . . ; I 5e ' 'a y . .. I . t 0��eilflue=ce of the unaesthetic, has where men climb hundreds. Of feet Dutch girls, Chinese a � Iwo off. 'But certain mental pati�ntg 'to' the top -of . "spar - trees . ," taking Indians'ana clowns, Gold Dust Twina I ......., ; seeM' for some -reason or other, -to their lives'Ift their hands aell time, soldje�r§ Scot, I . e , hme,, Irishmen;i An ' . - 0 . ]have .brain cells which are perman- or where a forest fire ,may endanger imitation elephant when it made its . . . 1 4 I -ently puckered, so to 4peak- With the whole ciimp-swh a place is not alype4ranoe on the ice brought fortli I f the use; however,-- , of certain drugs the safest'in: the world. a scream of applause from the young- , I I this puckeving is relieTredf, the brain , The high -climber gets' the ibigg - est er se.�, The ,=#Mil twa, topened - V ." then befcomes more ,mushy and the pay in the woods, and it is none tOO with a speech from the Ree\�e. A I patient returns, for a,time at least, much. Vvery lumberjack agree& large crowd of spectators was pres- ,. . I -to normal. -On the other hand, how- that he,knows his stuff. He climbs, ent and ,the. -band went to make the . � � . - � ever, if there is. too great a mus)il- trims, tops, and "rigs up" the trees first carnival a huge success. " . h gs are needed to bring and no high elimbir knows which tree Death of ]Daniel MeDimald.-There . . . � . . . I mb6ut the puckering of the brain sub- mak be . his last. His very, life belt sed away at the home 4 Newton . . stance. These experiments, are ,not may be his worst hazard. If he cuts MCaulley where he had -been ma -k- 14 A I ........ �Y�iCfully tested out, and while the re- it'by mistoke, back and down he ing his home for over a year,, Daniel . . 1. , I ' . sults so'Tar obtained are far from plunges. ' He won't show up for the McDonald in his 54th year. His wize . I �'- . . constituting a new i'lusanity-cure, as next meal, and, searchers will find preder-eased him 12 years ago. ,He ,� , sme newSpaper articles claim, some- him at the foot of his tree. -Or if the leaves to mourn his loss iwo sisters, f, thing.may yet come from the light tree splits and ,spreads as the Ibig Mrs. Sunderegth on the'Hullett boun- I " . I % . . they thyow upon brain structure, and top falls, his life belt may squeeze dary and Mrs. W. Service in Alberta, they are not quite so foolish as they his life louit!,qkainst the trunk. also four brothers, Duncan, of Brus- . Tnay sound. But in the final analysis Quick thiaing sometimes saves sels; Colin on 8th line, Moi-ris; Robert I I . . -inental health, depends more upon pre- him. A high -climber in Oregon dem- and -Peter on the Hullett bomi.,dary. __,,vention than cure, and this requires onstrated that not loil,g ago. He was Interment 'will be in Brussels cem� , . . .............. . . . 4 � �� . . T, knowledge of the princioles of liv- up an, unusually tall tree, with an tery� . I ,,, . . d a right attitude t6ward the extra heawy top. The tree' s lit as 11, � p _ ,1� ang an . the t6p star ­' AN - I '_ I � .problems of ll� 6d dow'n. . PrafftcaTl y he - I . go.. . , � I-— . . , I I 0 1 cut the belt from around him and, in I BIRTHS . I - -W . I � the act af falling backward, sank his 1. . . I . ax in the tree's trunk. Then, though Fitzpatrick. --In Scott Memorial Erd,�151tal, on .. . �i I "TIMBER!" the tree jerked -violently, he managed February 20th, to Mr. -and Mrs. Peter I - " . to hold on, with only ax and spurs. Fitzpatriok� of Dublin, ;t son. . . IStaTtling, "different from. any other . McDougalfl.-In Scott Memorial 'Hospital, on �. 1, February i7th, -to Mr. and Mrs. Alhin Me - sound of the forest, a sharp cra-a-ck! That's fast work. And there is Dougall, of Cromurty, 'a daughter ,(still . split through the still air. "She's, go- fast work, too, in the annual "rolleo' ber"). I ing. TIMBFJRI" And a fearful, al- contests 4or rivalry is keen. Speed . l I- lunnurt I I � �14' � . -ways terrible Cras . . . is the essence of ok sport, as the �... . lvsounded far and near as the giant climbers go up the great spar trees, , . I � Douglas fir,mijbtiest tree of the big . to,p them, and race down again -in -woods, thundered to the ground. deat�/defyirg leaps. On' July fo,urth� . � "Look out—that� side -winder! Ali! of this year Mike Palanuk won. the � , God, it 'got him." ebanalpionship; it took him Seven mifi- I . .i.. I I . . iWrecking everytbing in its, pat�i, utes and 25 seconds to scamper up . .; 7 AW"61*g tree ,had snapped off another his tree, top it, and slither -back to I t / I — earth. Try -that Sometime on a 150- I � foot 11r. . . 1- I I . I � ... � -0 i . N - - � 1. - I I 1, , � I �, . 'I i . , , , I .! � .... I I". , 2 I � , I i ; ,,, . * . I . � , I 0 11 1. . . . . � . L t 4 ,-- . .. I " -­ I ..;, I I . . Wheit ­j'&u want an animal removed, 'Phone us. If hide . , I , , -, . I i I . I "I I .1 ......... 1.11 I I .. I I 11 I I 1 I ," I . I .. I I . . ,1 . ., %�� I . . . .. I 4 4 1 � I ". i. 4 e­ed'Sho I . . If not .old wiulsl be rented. For particulaw appLV to J. M_ GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sd*- 0 L, . I . collecting. I I I 1 I 1 ��, � � , . 1, .1, -- CAPITAL THEATD11. RL GODERICH <> PHONE 47 - i Now Playiiftg, Marilyn Miller in "HER MAJESTY LOVE' , � Monday 41id Tuesday KAY FRANCIS, CLIVE BROOK. MIRIAM HOPKINS, E. REGIS . TOOMEY �� It a lifetime of emation in -two f6rns of the cl,ocfk , I I "Twepty-foar Hours" — _. Wednesday ��Okursd�ay , , NORUX TALMADGE �.. ' -Conrid Nagel and Wm. Farnum inthe great Sami Taylor production . i 9, wbii . pLaioll pdaftt I - !�AP*06d_ VgVp , A Id ery ;iJF,.1b.oW ,.*%:d$pr f or 0 ' ,,, , a eoij: Q. h r ev I ,, . _ , � Friday ... and, Saturday - ' ... i 1. JAMES CAGNEY and . LOREIVA. YOUNG . I 1. I offer a cheerful tale of a curbstone cavaltor� -, . I 1 "I q axi go 1� . 1.1.1-111. I ... I I . I . , , "Id, I 9 -op in and tarke a mexry A e. . I I " I Matinees Monod'ay, WedneSdAy' 4114 ,Saturday, 3 p.m. I I . . COm1NG_­"TItF, qmr , . .. - -NOUN But lives are worth more than re- cords in the 19yack of beyond,,*, and a man must be eternally on guard. Ac- cidents have a way of happenings at tifmes when there's alpt to'be a phys- .cal let-dovin. The very last load in, or the last log bur -ked, or- loaded, sometimes takes its toll of" Juinber- jutks off guard. Here is an instance: A group of the crew mounted a ,wind -fall to watch the last turn come in. Not, far away a hemlock ha,J been left intact., Aff' the load drew near, somethirij-, ca t, -the haulba6k i line, the I sfili�ply toward the beralc ltper!h crushed . a- gainst i�,, The men on the windfall . Ileaped 'Yor their lives; but the tr�e caffne down upon them, and all the men, w4re killed,! No other load In the Show ilad t6ched that hemlock.. A lumberjack's vision of the acci- dent would go something like this: "We git the line,and put the necktie on. The ipunk giU the signal, and the donkey"punle ' her's right. They're ahead on the guinea and all in the clear. Then the, ho -ho snags, but who. seen that, dawn hemlock, any,7 wayv? Never ft -me near it,fbeflare,' All good rner�, too. Won't be none ,but bull cooks and whistle punks. and camo,robb&& pdrty soon. " . _ Accidents form a large part of op� erating costs, and one of the big fac�- tors. in accident costs is loss of time. A single logging, operation of only atftrage size may represent an inm vestmeut of a million dollars, and sd�,_h equipment can't probably stand Ale- very long. -In some camps lum- imply quit I wo,kk aftr 'a fatal -mishap, and lay .off for a day -or More. . o1cloc C o 1. ighortly �'after eight I ffl6vhing,.a man lost his life. 4en; tvre dragging log d6wn a fba,nk to, I a 'Vold deck," or a ,ale, to amrait load- ing I - One vian was on the slope. Sud- I I , CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. S. McGeoch desire to express ,their sincere appreciation of the many expressions of sympathy and kindness shown them in their recent sudden bereavement; also. to thank those who sent flowers and loaned theirl cars. 335OXI . I I I - . CARD OF THANKS -, Mr. and . Mrs. William Venue wish to thank"Mrs. John Smith and Mrs. McKenzie for their kindness the night of the loss of their home by fire by taking them in and giving,them beds. mes�ls and clothing, and they also thabk the many, Peopl;a of Seaforth for -the kindness of giving them clothing, bedding, dishes and fuTndture- to help, them start housekeeping again. MR. AND MR& WM. VENUS AND FAMILY d 8350xl . . . . CARD OF THANKS I . . I : The. fanilly of the late Michael Whitmore the desire to express their appreciation. of , . many'alets of kin4nesel shown to them by the rei�rhbors and friends during their 'recent bereavement, and for the use of cars. I . ' IMPORTANT NOTICES � WR. SAL& -THREE HUNDRED ACRES, choice tiny 1loam. Must be sold to settle . estate. MRS. ROBERT CLARICL Phone I an 1245, , . 8'947-tt I IVOR SALE. -A 'NU3M-ER OF CHOICE , Yorkshire pigs.'six weeks old. Phone 2A on IS& THOMAS G. SHILLINGLAW. I - 8850-1 CHICKS FOR SALE. -ONE WEEK OLD. J. C. McNAY, IL IL No. %­ Seaforth. Phone 296-25. 8860.2 . I . - ­ . I . TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP I — I . TAX NOTICE I . ' All larrears of taxes in the,Township of MbRillov not paid on or Wfore the ,Tth of Maroh, will be handed to the Bailiff for eollbbtion, All ratepayers in arrema of falea :�'90�ee ,govern thexmelvesi a,aeordingly. BY 0�j, er. I... MeRgE, Collector. 32,, ,,�M�t M. . � , I f, . ", 3850-2 1 . . � . . . I I., I . I I . - -­ . - I I. - " . . - . I . . I . ... . ,. ­ . I I � -�­ . I ... . ...... . . I I- � ... - ; � I I � ­­­, � " ., 111. . I . . I . . I . 1� L �,, '�� , , I . . I . .�, ". � ., � " I I . I I" L' I I . ­_­ - . .... ..... _,., " —, I 1. � � . ,.� ;. . I .1 . I �. I � . . I . � ,. . I � � �' , . � . I � , I . j L'i ' �' 1 .., I , ' I I ' ,t4� J'� � ' . . I % " , I �, ,� , ,,'�,, L� , , � "�,�;� �, � �J � ,�,� � �il��., " ,� , , I , I , � � I , I I . I , i, , ; j, �, � '.1 1� - . , I , , I , 'I L' 1 .1, �,,,� M, � � I '-,; I �, . I , . I - � A.4. .1 , It . 1. �� .1 - ", , .1 I , �� I . i,i�, ! � . ,,, i �� , , ,,-.,. " - �,,� . ...... f, , , 1,,� V ",V� ,%�,�k�k�,,`i' "" - � - I � I � 1j,", I I � 1 7 � I 'I, �'. �, �� L "" , ' , , "t ' 'T,'�'� I ��", '., '4M", �1' I", , , , k �� I , ,, - . ­ �. ; , k � �V. :, V , -�, ,,% ,; � N I �.-,.,,� f�11� ,,, j, " ,,�' �) ', , �� ,1, �,4 �1 ,'fp,," ��'��;�2,",� , I � , � - , %f � , W ..... . 1, ? L�,,�, �, ,, �i � , , �, �, 5,.,;� 3 �,,,�q, �,,' , ,I P,�,1�1 �. �, ; ;'-'4�1, J�!L�:":P�� �j , 'o �, , �,0`,';,20`A,'11 � , 01, 0, , , ` tA� �#, &�Ji. ��- "' ,>­ �",�6�0,&�,t�`41� , jj��;�' ��O V,',4',k',j,t 1 1 v6,2� , , . 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'14 v�,' . , ,.. , ;, � " , ';N, 1 �, I %! , n re , , " , P P,It�"!,i,, illop lantu44 x rouge Com.painy, will I ,_k 4 . I I , , - . , . . 1, _ " "I be hol,13 4n the Town ITAUL Oeaforft, on-V,ou. day, Februa�,y 2%h, *t �2 P.M., for t1le pur- pose oedipg a Pftector in �be p1me loif P , the 11 James Evans. ,and transacting 4 othdribuoirieou thot.roy ,be of interest to Company. . � ' . joH P� B,ENNV.WJ*$ -' - Preside,pt U.. MCGREGOR . I- socretary, , � $3.50-1 , I I --------- == 11 . , , ___­ I . - ......... - ......... 1. — 'I 11 EXECUTORP$'A'l TION " _ I TC SALE .l.".."111, OF CHOIC� ViRM 'IN THE TOWNEIRIP OF MORILLOP - I .,; rrhe Executor of 'the .estate of �Wjliiarn stocrey, late of the Tbwnship of MzK81op, tip w6 county of gtit,rou, viCriner, de6eased... hii I iriptructed George H. Elliott, auctioneer, to offer tfor sale by pubale auction on Saturday. ' the 27th day of- Febr4iwry, 1932, 4t,the hour Of Z o'clock P.m.,*A4. I . I COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Senforth, Ontario the following parcel of land: All Zil sin- ' gular that -certain p r or ljr,� of-land,or 1:,Temises, situate. i and )eirg in ,the .- . nahip of MoKialop, � in the County "of Huron, and Province of Ontario, and. being � ... camvmed of the, West half of Lot Number Thirty in the Sixth Concession of the said 'rownship of Mexialop, � TERMS OF, SALE -Ten per tent. of the i purchase money on the date of sale and ,the balance w n thirty days. For furLti r particulars and conditions, od sale. apply to . -_ I . JOHN J,,..,NU4GGARD, ' . Seaf,or.t4,_,Qata*i*. � . Solicitor for the Executor. - Geo. IEL Elliott, Clinton, OnL, Auctioneer. . � . SS474 ___ I �, I � , I ., . ­­ � . AUCTION'SALP.; ' I . I � OF DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT - . k AND CONTENTFI, OF SAME IN THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH . I . � — The txecutors of the Esrte of Catherine M. Fortune, ,late Of _M6 7 w -n of Seaforth. Widow, deceased, have instructed George H. Elliott. auctioneer, to by, public suction a " U' 19,32, at 2 p.m. on Monday. Febru ry 2 I sharp, on the premises, the following desir- able property: Situate, lying and being in the Town of Seaforth, -in-the County of Hur- on, and being composed ,of part Firm Lot Number Twenty-five, having frontage on God- erich Street of ninety links'bya depth of tw hundred unA twenty -links and commencru; . at the south easte,rly e, p�.. L.%t,­Twent.y- �,ljV ,, -1 three -in George Spa' i , urvey, of pirt a . of the said Town of Seafal 4rid running Easterly. On said -lot -is eTbeted a one storey frame dwelling, 'containing four roo" and ... kitchen in fair shape of repal�, just reeentli' shingled, and a small sh6& At the same time and place, the, foll6wing ' chattels will be sold -by public auction: One , . walnut m ' ohair covered couch, 6 cane bottom I chairs, I rocking chair, 2 small I dresser. I large caxpet, I .Piece =. 2 , beds, 2 -new mattresses, 3_ feather ticks. one stmw tick, I act springs, I toilet set, I stand," I piece carpet, I Waritzer sewing machine, I "nk. I club big, I kitchen.stove, I piece . kitchen linoleura, I kitchen chair, 1 rackEng chair, new, I glass cuvbo,ard, I clock, I ex- . tension table, 4 boards, I iwashing machine, new;,1 wash tub and board, 2 bencheR, I cup- board, 2Y2 cords wood, 1%, tons coal, dishes. pictures' and other ,goods -too numerous to mention. .1. " I 1, Terms on Property -TP .�:er cent. of pur- . chase price on day of, , balance within thirty days. . S. . Terms of Chattels­-Oaah. . I For further particulars,,,Rn4. conditions of sale apply to 1. . 11 JOHN J. HUGGARD, Sefforth, Ont., ' ' Solicitor for the'ExecutorB. � Dated February 10, 1932. , 3348-3 . . 7 � $ PiOTICE TO, CREDITORS I 'NOTICE is hereby given under the statutes in that behalf that all persons liaving iinl claims against David Henry Holmes, late of the Towmehip of McKillop, Retired Farinei, deep � Mgd,,7�ho died'on the 17th day of Janu- _ ary, 1932,,' are required to send tG the under- , for signed solicitor the Executor, full par- ticulars in writing and verified by affidavit of their claims and the nature 0 ' The secur- ities if any, held by them, on or befory the 7th day ,of March, - 1922. after which d te will proc a� the said 16-xecutors eed to distribu a the assets.of the said deceased having rigard only to the . claims of which he then shall . have had notice. . DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 49th day of February, 1932. , : R . S. HAYS, I c 3349-9 1 1 . . I . I � � I NO . TICE, TO CREDITORS. - IN THE ESTATE OF CATHERINE M. FOR- TUNE, DECEASED. NOTICE is ,hereby given thaft,all creditors -and pthers having claims against the estate of CatherineM. §;�iiiri�, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on the 30th day of January, 1932, are requiTed4o send to the undersigned; solic- itor for the Executors, full particulars and verified by affidavit of thpir claims on or be- fore the 27id day of March, 1932. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after the said last mentioned date, thb Ex- e,utors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased, having regards only '.,) thb elaivis of which they then shal) have had notice. I DATED at S"forth, Ontario, this 10th day of February, 1932. . . JOHN J. HUGGAR11, Seaforth, OntaTio, Solicitor for the Executors. 8848-3 1 � __ - . — . I BLOOD TESTED CHICKS — , Hatchery . and flocks ar4 both in- spected under the Dotuinion De'part- ment ,of Agriculture's Hatchery Ap- proval Policy. The testing of the blood samples .was d1one by, Capital Laboratories, Ottawa. , " The bred-A�p-lay qualities of our birds are kept"up-to-date by the pur- eblige of mAle birds from high rethrd R. 0. P.' hento owned b� S`0me of the most successful breeders in- the cout- try. " We q ;r t to btatch about 1,500 Bali70d:� cka, 250 White Rocks and 500 beghorna per week. Please ordee about one month before you want your chicks, ifyou cam Don't think too much about the ,price. We will use yo1q.1rig4t- Cor-iie and, see us, or " phftt 97 ­ r 4, Hens'all. - We will be glad to talk things over ' with you. . . Feed, Stoves and ,other suupplies kept on hafid. . - . . J.Eigin McKin'ley (. I , I ZURICH . 8850-10 . I I I , 11. ... I i, , � t I I I .� , . 11 .., �, � , . , , , I , �, � ,�.', i,:",- ,1!1� 0 _ , ­ � "' �i.��,�,"­,'L' o 1, �, �,; ­1� 11" � . ­ .. `� . . 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I � ' I * . ... 'r . " ,., - 4"., � , '. , Y, - t, I . �, 11 I ...... 11, "� , ,� The fitr seeing. merachint asks,- h" imself Ar", � W,7� -.. ­ �,,`,"',,ii , - .1 ,,�, �.,,.�, I . . ",�,;."'. . I I I , I, ,�': i . . . I ,.;"",". I .... ;;; ... . . 4 I . I . .. . 11 , 1. . -, A I i � . :. � , ,'� , . 4 - .. � ..... I . I , �', . ­ [ �� , ��-` . � ., these questions and'answers them truthfuila.� .- . � �,M , f � �. I . I I :1 '.I . I­ � I .. I", , � . �'.j`�t, ,,� , ­� .... �", _ �:7 ........ �� , '.. a�. .... I'll �,;. I ly. He knows thit in order to keep � monCay '­ -.1 "I Y,,�, , I I .!_,,.�_ I ��',� " �. � . � 1�\�, ' ' . . �... .. I �,,:X,�11 ,l I 6 . . , - I - 1: 11 111A4, " . ­ , ,` - I , ��Y , "I ,.�� , , , .._ in town it must I be spent in!'town . and , - '0 , I I , " . � , 11 . :: e,: ­ . _ _b . : " ': - ----- ­­­ . 1 1. - , _� x E.T­ 11 " � . .T�'. 11 "� .I � fv��,.g . %��11 i ; . 0 'hifthermore that' local ,the , :. _; � .',�,,,, �n­ wS 64! I . ,prinfing is' � �,,,i � � I ... � I - .... I. �. � I I . -1 I - I I i;�;' , .. I -­­ """.. . , _, � . %_, � � � ere � I �. �',,`:, � jj�a �,� .... . - " � ,..� , . equal in -quaility of any done' Ase wh � .. . . .'�! I , � . . . I , . �, I . , %_ 1. - \ I . ­, , - 1 2 . �12 . -:.11 . , I. ., .. .." I 1;0_11 I knows th, at the price is'j""enerally I 6kis' than ' _. ,. -_1 . . . � ". I . I ­ I I . I., I �i'11:� , . I 4 .. - _ I I'll �� - " , I . , . � . -,1 . I - " N, - I "I "I -1 11 I that asked by the"city traveller. �.: . I'll . . . . . . �: ��'11 ., " 1.1� I., . . T'' " �, �, �, '' I _ ,­ . "I 3- - ' I -A " I ... " " , X�. 1_11�.�, - ­�._ 1 . 11 " I � . 4 This: merchant knowt too that any kind . ..,,i�N ,,, � I . � . .. I. �11 �)� I . 4 � . 11 .. I 1 ' ' : , .t i ' , . . . . . . , I - . 4 " , I � � . " , . , , of pr'infing letteriheads, .4�nvel es, ledger .-, ­ . ­. ­ ' I I I OP , -1. - '. 1. - .._�,_A, . , I ­ '� I ­ I . ., � I ., .1 , - I I . . i ; . ': "'. . . " I I . 4'�.' , . ... . ,_- I- .. " . ... I t - �ounter che; k books,etc., . ' 41. �" .1 . . 1 7 . . __ . she'ets,s. atements, C . �� I., ': ". '14� 1 . . ' .1 .. . I - � ­'-� �­ ' , ' , � , *. ":i..11 miay be'procured, on shor't order, by. phoA_ " '-,11.11. - . , 4� �'. I � . I .1 -1 -1- ... I �­ I, .... �� I . . . ... �.., � 1�_ .1 . .. , - .( . . .1 11 I .11 � � ....... ,.!,.;..`1V , . ing 41). ' I ... .�'. �,11 I . . %, . ;��� I "O . I ... -4. ... , I , I �" .� 1 . . . . I �,� I I I IS,� ' '' '' . �!�:�,� . I I �� , ,�, I .... �, ­ . _V I . .11111.i:". THE. HUID%f%N EXPOSITOR. . .."'R . . . ...." . . I" ... " 11 I � I . ... . ,.".""', I . �. . ...... 4.1 , , / . .1 � _ � "n McLean'Br:os.,' Publishers - "44 1 . I : .... ,,�, � , . i . . �!,;. I ., , .- 1:�,::'' F I . "I ­ . � I lt"�,� - 11 . EstAblished 1860. 1 I Seaforth, Ont. -1111, I . . � '', . � I I . .."... . 1. � . 1,1_ . — __ . __. - .1.11" 1" . HORSES - COWS I .-. ' . - . RMS FOR SALE ' ,,.' " I . " ,;,�� I -� _,`� _.`,�-1 � I k I S I Hen all .. 1, A" FOR S�� SALE PART L011 F ... ��,�, ,� .., ,1 , - � I0, I "! . . Wheit ­j'&u want an animal removed, 'Phone us. If hide S . - � .;;POR 28 and 29 ne,ession 3_McKl1hw. esn- taining 192 acres and, ;rnown -as the T. IL Hwa farm. , M t be sold to bacae the estsift ," I . I .. I I . . ,1 . ., %�� I . . . .. I is on,,we make no charge for e­ed'Sho 0" If not .old wiulsl be rented. For particulaw appLV to J. M_ GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sd*- P'.1, . .1 'M I . I . collecting. I I . . ... 11111.1_ I— f*rth. I ----.I ­ ...._­___ . ..... __ IM49 _', , . ., � I 1 � , , . , . � - Wilham Stone Sons, Limited . I I 1� ' . . 'PARM FOR SALE.—LOT 4, CONCESSION - , 11 1� , . I . .�­ 'PHONE 21 - INGERSOLL , The South Huron Agricultural So- 1, Hay, I mile rwAh of ExC-ter on No. 4 Highway, containing 100 acres. On the premp; �: . j . : ... 1, 1 #PHONE 215W, STRATFORD ciety will hold their Annual Seed ises are a two storey new brick house. ane I'll, - % � � I � . 1, I bank barn, one frame buirn. new hen boussi, three never -failing wells; weU feneed with . . . . . � ..... I 11, I'll ' - ' .... - I �. TOWN HALL, HENSALL wire and in excellent shape of cultivation. Twenty minutes walk from High, School and _�,, L '. .. �, I'll .m . — I ' 11 all equipped with H,yd:ro, and will be-eald vfth . , , . " :: . - I n- or without crop. Apply on the prt"ea or ,Z �� .. I ­1�i ­ . � * FRIDAY, FEBRUARY address JOHN CALDWELL, R. X No. X. . on" I .1 " 1'1� . Baby Chicks, 26th . .1 . Exeter. . . . I I . - - I .�� . I'll _ I and � I � PRIZE LIST - .14 , - . �t� - — — I � . tustom Hatchi ng . The following prizes will be awarded on the best samplies of seed exhibited in E.Lccord- 0 0 0 <> * 0 0 0 *-0 <> <> - 0 C, . �, '1.4 7L r, I � . ance with the rules governing S& -d Fairs: I bushel Pall Wheat., $2.50 "00 $1 75 . . 10 <> IEL C., ]BOX .; li �. We ar� offering six popular , I bushed Spring_Wbeat� 0 Funeral Director and 0 , , 'I ., , � I breeds in Blood -tested. -)Quality any variety ....... 2.50 2.00 1.75 0. Licensed Embalmer 400 � �l , '. . " I'll, Baby Chicks, Barred ar�d White I I .bushel Early Oats .. 8.15,0 3,00 2 -GO 1.00, I bushed Late Oats S.0 8.00 2.50 2.00 0 Best Motor and Ilorse-drawn * .1 I I Rocks, Black Minorcas, Jersey . . I bus. Parley, 6 -rowed 3.150, 3,00 2�50 2.00 0 equipment 0 . .6 ,.� 1 . I �: Blaqk Giant, White Wyaiidotte3 I bW,bel of r,i.ldB= 2_50 i2'.*00 1.75 "2.00 0 Charges moderate. 1 and White Legborns. I bus� -Tyf- Field 2.50 1.75 , 0. Flowers furnished 'on short 0 ' I I I I We have installed 'a new _ - --- I bushel Yellow Eye ., " Reang- 2.5a 200 175 0 notice. 0 . I I) , �1 , i 30,000 egg capacity 11cUbat0l' ' ..'.-:'.*:-'77:-_ I bus. Timothy Seed.. 2.50 2'00 1:75 0 Night Calls , Day Calls 0 ,� . .. " 'for custom hatching only. C 0 2.00 1.75 Co- Phone 176 . Phone 48 * . � . . 1�1 Trays hold eleven dozen eggs 1 -bus. of Alfalfa Seed 2.50 2.00- 175 -2.60 o . '0 , , � I � . .. each. Plant in charge of an I bus. of Als,ike Seed 2.50 1:75 ' 1 bushel of Potatoesi � -.11- 0 0 * <> * 0 0 * 0 0 0 <> . � I . experienced operator. Phone . any early. varietT . . 2.50 2.00 1.75 i . I I 11 I-- �11 - or write youi reservation I bushel df Potatoes, ' " - I .� ..; . early. Depend on Hogarth to for general crop . . 2.50 2.00 1.75 I . I J` give you a satisfactory batch. I bushed of Buckwheat 2.60 ' 2.00 1.75 .1 , Most creditable showing . . � I. . 10 co I The' Hogadh Baby Chick of Grain and- Seeds.. , Sweepstake Badge. I 0 W. J. CLEARY'* <> ' � � .".. . , 11�., � ; Hatchery RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. AR seeds entered tot competition must 0 Licensed"Embalmer and 0 0 %,, Funeral Director 0 1 - : I .1, 'I I . I I I I have been grown by 'the exhibitor within one co I ulo,-t"ata Horse and mat" *- : t� , "I . R Exeter, Out. Phone 184W year o , All exhibits of seeds shall be hold to be representative of the total quantity of sirch seed offered for sale � ��. 0 Equiptnent. 0 Night and bay SeMe& ' 0 �, ,� ,. , I 1, 1�,_ 3UR-12 by the oklilbitor. The Secretarw of the So- diety may takO and Preserve I samples from 0 Phone 19-22, MUML , '01 .0 . I ,In , es,ch exhibit for, reforeric in case of dispute e arising from the sale of seed by exhibitor. � 401 .0 0 0 0 0 0 <> 0 * 0 * �O ".0, , .?�,S , I- 2­4Competitors must become members of ,- I I _. .1 . I I I the Society by Saying to the Treasurer there- I __L� .111, . I ' &%1. alr Z anell MAP& of, efter previons th or at the time of mak- ing entries. the sum of 41 each, which ,Will also entitle'such member to free entry'ln the stock show. I . THE JOHN R"KIN � 1� I , �, , a- -No premiurnA shall be awarded an ex- . AGENCY . P �`, 111, . hibib� that ,contain weed seed, which in the � T Vi�11­kihds. I I I .: '-i A SUBSTITUTE FOR OYSTER , opinion of the judge. are of a noxious hatum 4. --No exhibitor ahall wecei4q more than ' Ronds,� Real'Estate,,,. ' ,'�:'i'I , , SHELL AND GRIT , N , , 1 one prize in nur glass. ' .S.—All Pwmples' muld W correctly labelled w moulftt Of ith the riame of the variety, the A . 1. . I I i i Wone�'to Loan' i i*_ - bRTH, il "" . 1�i 1. 7 ,. ,�f,� ,,,,,`.�,�� Pri;e perl cwt. . $ 1 seed for sale and the selling price, Grain not loss than 25 bushels for sale except Spring 9 I , ONTARIO L, " � 4 ;.�,,,,'�, , . I Wheat. 10 bushels; Mefike, TOadthy and . 1, "T 9 Phone 91 - * ' . . . . Hce per 5 cwt. 80 0lUC , Clover, not less tbh%LTt* T-4bushela; Alfalfa, 3 bushels; Early Potatoes, not less than five I . . - ­_ , I " 1� o' . �. ! ,�f,� 1, .1 � !� — __ - bushels; Late Potatoes, not less than 25 bush- I'll', els; OrionFr, not less than I bushel. 6­4yi dispitte, declAra. I A BAROAIN "eA, 14L;_ �, `,�Iil� SAVES YOU MONEY I case of a aticttitory tion, that above have been I 1.1, . , I ��,;,,�, � Flour and Fe ed Dealer -the ,mleti compiled with, miiy be,reouirtd from each or any fm- I hibitor of seed. - 1� , FOR SALE. -Five, actes, bnel�i�iqft 11 , � , �,;i��, "".i 1� I'A�4111�11 � ___', I ,,,,�'Vl in Seoforth, who handles Shell Maker. 7.—All exhfbits for competitions tot prlies bp delivered the Town, Hall, Noma% from $eaforth; modeTn house � wt N %I ,')�,�1,14, ­,�N�11 - ­,­­ , . must sit filTnace, bath and toilet; smill bA " 'I ��`,�,d�,,4 1. I "! H.W.Charleswo)'rth not later than 12 o'clock, noon, and obull not v be re -0 ed until *e close of th"' ` r at A &I ' good orchard, Taxes, $15, Sple101j chance to start chicken fa,rm,, beet* ..,��4v�0115,��11, ., � ... F, � � � ,Z�, �-­­-1 I , I 1"qi,1,1 p.m. ADM1S%O?-T PRUE A etc. Apply. -to 11��,�: �11'�,Ll, , J I : 1 4�,;,,�� �,%-,,:",­ . CLINTON D& A. R. CAMPBELL - President I ` R. S. RAYS, Sptifq�#k, .0TJ1jL , , .�� � i':.-,,�,; f I . 83tO�2 1 k. ! M. McLVAN. - .. � Secretary . � , . '_ " �1� 10s.1w . ,� � 1. �1, I � 1, j'.;�j;. , , 4 I I I � . I . . . . . , , ,:;,�,f,;f:,'y,i�!11 .� I - I . ,�, I . -, 1.,',�,�5�" ?", . - . . I : r, :", I ­,�� � 11.,� `��­ , ; - 11 . I I .. . . , -, � I � . I 1, I � . I � , , � ­::: :: ,�; '! �,,' Al��,1,1� I �"V�­__ � a " , I I � L ��, �� ,,, ,,�i� , , , -,N,11, , " , 11 � " .. L L' ` ' ' .,., " - 'I I ­­,���,J"J'.j­4 e", � . ;, -1 I � : ._, � ';!�,,�,' 1,��'� t ,, I � , . . . , , .1 I I . , I :, � " _11,111.1"'I'll., .. ­ � , , , ?�44�",' ,�J .1 - _ �. I I !�,,!, . ", , �,, ., I . , �. 4 �,,�'. " � �, ,-, ,_'! " ,-� , -1 �,,� � , " ,� . , )-1 4 f - -,,�,t,�,:� -,�,;" ��' lf,,',�,.�,.;. 1�,�11',`�P , `�l 1"",��,.. , F, �i 1, -1 I 1,,`.,�-,-'�­, I . 11.1, � � �1.1� Ir i . I I , - ,I, , , , , ))�` f ,r, %, �i ,��,, , tl ;,��'I'l)�,,,��!0",�,,���,�,�,�,�.�,���"li",",�$,;",eil��;��,��,;,,,w6�.�7"�-,,�,',,',,,k,�.-,::,��"",W,40!.""",",,��,,�,i.'�'ifl,'��,.,���%V,�!- - , "I I, ,;, ­ i i7 1:11 ., 1: I � � "! . .,:: ": 1--, il ";, _1�i'11.1�1:!:` �yk 1, " ,,,�:,i,,"",r�,�,,�,,,i�,,�""i,,,�,,�,,,,,�v,,�,�,r"�,,A�f:�,lr,�4�,".rds,�'l�,,�,,,&�! .", .. ;;N?,,';�I­' " . . 11 �­ .:­ V�� . . ""', __