HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-02-05, Page 7"'I"", - �'! ... . . . ;�V , ,�, I , 'I, .."', '. __ . . .1 il."", ­­.. ", ,i� 1�4�"�N, �',���' - J� "", ,­­,� 1i , " 4 r, -,�� .,I,,,,,, �V"%, q�"r-AI; . ... .. �A 111, ,,,,A� W11,10 1� - " ­�& ,._' "',,a 4 I A `Uti",� , , *" , .� ,� � �, � ,,�M; W:,�'� '�T!',Irl­ �. � 1-l" ,:,�":�%:. ; ',�,,, ;, "'.., , , ""; � ,� . , ... 1, � " Qv'l - _ _.,,t�'p,'�J�11, �',� � ", W.,"'J �i , 4 ��'. "Ni'r;; �'�i, ,;,�,�',',,.�., �0,1�1 1�i)"R;"* � , , ", I'll I 11,111'1'�,J, 11,1;1� "I", 1� 1.�, . M11;%T)f'11;, "'. �11-1 WV�9-,� .1--�,r�l-ill��i7�lillr,-,�l;"i�,�l���l".., 1, �,�, "I , '0�1'� , � , , , I , . , �, , A'. '!� - . U , , , � , � �_ "' ,. , � .. .. .. I I .. 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I 4, " , ,:::: " , � "IMA , �­­m .... -4 ".., ," "'11�71=,Z . , I . I : �1�4 I 11 �, "'., , , , ", �", , ,�Ivil&,,��,P,,,�,, ��"`,"11� �%941Z__ � . ­_ ­ ,�. .1 oj­�­­ ­­'. '­­ � ,.­ ­­ , . i ..". , ­­", ­ , "'; ,­­ �,� i., � I., 1.11 11 � .. 1.� � 11-1 I i. ­ 1� 1.11 ..... .... "I., ­, ,�: U 1111- I --%--i..-- I.I.."k, � ­.�%,­ ��"­,'7,­"f, I , ,4 14594 , , rR, �". ___.t) . ..... '�"Fap $iMALOT I -il ,�",� I . `­­` 11: A,V 4, 4.7,1000. POP '40. �44-i �,­�,� '' ..0 1 " 7"" "'' ' , M I= �. I � -1 11 , " 1 V RM., .1 I. I . �. I � ,V".96 ., '"Am, got- AA lip, I I'll, ,"". , . I .. . . 11 'MW111 I Rupture, Varipeele, VarieptAo.Areips, � I - I - I � _., I I . . I )PIO ­ , �. 'i �� I'll '104094, , � '104094, , . 40i il 7` _e4 � . 17, �1� "1Wt1_ V W i iif- I . i� I I . . . . I . � Im W, .7F � , ,� . ;�' , �'. F,Aj Mli ,',,I " . I I ­. � � " 11,]ANW,," ��11 , , 1.10. I _W . . , AA, IF" T � I � I $',';`�,,E, Weakness, A . . I , , !_ -, , '64 r"I"Pi g"N", .� � 1#1110, �� V Spinal Deform- ­­... 11141,L`11V, ­ , . AbdominAl. - . , , , I ,,, 11 & , onde.ringly, � : 1, I M1 .­.O�� It, - ­ . � lq',; Consultatio I ! V .� . I I - blm,w . _ . 4 � �,,,,t .� . 1-111.11 � �!�, ­ " .A #,ps, Call `6r . .. ,,�' � '.. - 11 , I , ", �� �, 11 ' i I . - 'J. G. -1 I I � . I . � . I 1 %#� rl-qziul� with - birp, �g I "; %,',,`!f�` , . . 'k , '�.X....,_ 4 � i , W . I I w-rit.e. - SMITH; Iritish, Appli.- . . _1� I 19A.91111lb-1 , I I - 1111"WIT J W " I I MkAly AAN?% I I , 'ill'' 4 410 , ill'","" - 410;,;���;I,i,),�',�, "i W11, X � I I 10 00"fWA , I ­­ �, , , � , � , ". 1, bliag - bi kl.­ 0, " r -g - g 110"" �, . RN 1� ; � ; 1 - Specialists, 15"Dowi.nie St.,,' Strgt� , �,�, 1 � I - , , . -26 . . . , Mau &� s . ge,d 14 .'�� "M ... ,,,,, ,A"eo,",..i.��,O,P,��"w���,,,I ,,,��z �'S,� � t "IJ '.1`1 . , � � . , .1 ­ I � �, ""s 3202 .. � .1 - � , ri ,fj shop, � rl�* -;, �r . tord, Ont., , I , - "I � . : _ . . �Ri',";,� I , ­ � ��%e,.bi , b.i. . mi,X0 .1 IT � x _ I I I ,, . As T�Qf =01''t ''d alm glmnm,�g"�AiW14M, V T1.1y I � LA!�t� "47 ..: . � I , ­�'T . � 40 � ... ­ ... I : � " " .V,�, --- i t O " 11 . ,,v, i", " -_.- , � j,, jj�.�11 jV,.'� 1;�� fk�,�, .11, I . . Z I � 1� I T, ��,, 15;1,,,�,, � I ,,, . I I . I . I . 'A lo .1 unplegoAqf peolpi A �,l 441"101 ".. "_Xup ,. , � I - . . . I I ;­ L . . . 11. - 'In - . . , , . . ` if i "I ..... � . . 14, . Mm"'i, I . I ,i 1, ­ ,­­ � . . � . I . e , I . , ,.­ -.1 ­ 14 not, baive in this 6 �Oh'd' , �1W1ri#0.#,)W:X4. Al i -,4.�t,;he�:�,Aq .1 , f�i­ ...��­ ­ . - " , 1 , R4. RA; I N. 0 lq;;, , I .,� . 1. - " � go �,,�, , � L W � � P , 1A."', I i"'. I �,." �,�J � . . . . . ... 11 � I . I . I �� - "'..... � . �, ,��((' ir, �, I I :, 1.1, � , o' - I . I I .". .. ­ , - � LEGAL , I I . � , =Ialy w�uld not allow to 9, � cf� �4y,.914 T4,i,l,o�!W*y�'.0,�"t,*�:,#�=114r.�: T 10MIX .i� �� , li,;. 11, j�., iip,,� I I . . . " k". 11 .1 4� --111 � I . . If I 11 . I . 4 X 5 ffl,M. #,i '5 IN . I #!P",:T-A p '111� " , "i, . & � I d — ... , , "I - ., . 41, more, V; ,: ,.%%!�, -110 1�qlll` 1, I I *4T-'VPWff,' 4V,',��J�?,`� ,. I I I - , 0 -I..' i ., �. � My, , i � ,. --1 I �. . ",I d I , �, I "" 01,� I ' 01 . . I . .� .. - ' ,der, Vary. Ow -.014 _A -.0. Ili i : , I'M � a � 7- -'f, --�,­i, I � i I - ., ­ 0,10440'fi,p ,"i � � tbeo fotget; �-": , I , M � 4te with you", - , . �'. � I . I "' EDGA WALLACE * lbs.'arifi was 4011 About her sh�oul� t4f- wbrdst 10 �V 'L� ,1� , ''A VA I . . . ,;, . -and she nicived slightly torpleAse . ,ppol betM ', " 0'111;.J'ej;��: �, I � I , Phone 140, 91. - , F 1_ . 'f I 1, I W" R`5'11�"'A'. I.. , 11 . I , He PUTied '�is - li;ps. as 'th i ,,,� I—- lZe,ze ­Ul, �, . . I I � � .1 herself from this parental embra ", 'ou ': , , , I .. 1. � .1 , ce ,�,,;�e��r,� _AQUN J. RUGGARD I . I I . I � ,,, . ., I . I" "i`�.il'. 1, -,p 'V �. - - _____ . W 41 sv�o ' . , I "v"I" ,, I . BarrWer, Solicitor,- I . �. I . . I . I.. I I -1 . - She wao.not,-M&�inied, only a litt,lie were 61150ure­', w li, ,: ;. I , � ., � L I ,, (U15.1114rll., I I . 40D, , -1 �"Nl&,,,,�,,�".�, . I.. 1@�, 91,�, uncomfortable and .uneasy, I - "Humil?"he, said .-At. IV, , 111,1W ' I c, Etc. I I I ' . ,at,, "; �­ -11� ,*!1001 iii P'� � ....... ­ Notary Publi (Continued froni last week) til I read'about it in the.,newsp'apers There had been no'mi6taking--the 1,wed his .arm to dmp, P ')though his 'rule Out the P0941,101#y,t' " ,, 4 - - Seaforth, Out. . yf� � . -4 I I . I 111. 4at tbU�� ��� ; Ir �i 4 I . p"" Blo, 991 - — "" . manner in voic osture ,hgd,be ­ itten, by- I ­Iig, , � . 44-,� ��, �� ? ,t 1� , , 1� I givery . amusing," he said and , . Lonloy's , e. Meiater � on t,o, . . "I 11 I I , i .,� � � evenly. . , n 41 a momen� ter W gei�;te - as wi , � .)� w. ' 11 �, ,1771 r �, I , .. I .. .. . - "By. 3WsrWr'?,L,l '%aj i "'I' ; , ­­­ ­ I ­ ­.­ ­ I 11 1111-- ..... 1-- --.11-1-- I 11 � I- 4 , .-,r— with An ain- , "Oh, JAnny," Mary 'gasped the had been threatieliiiii before and now, iaid mood Of protection, alld, appar . We ,,, , ­ It � I ".. 'r ..� I.:.., � .1 ­ 11_1­�, ­ 'P1111 ! 11� � ......... u- "' � . '. ,11 "i ­ ­ -,,,, ��, I ��)� 11,10,1 N - "...i.'. - - . -11 never credited you bofore, wordg," ... `yon .told me when- you came so fir from movj.ng�hiiirx from his iently did not d , 'At , 46 , � : � �. � r ,� ,,, , ,,,�, ";,f k ,91 � ... 1.1.1:11111111 notice the movement by OecurTe to , an . . I . : , � i4 . � ". , , I I � .... ... �, 1, ,�',1�0­_A��,', . 'R. Aginatton.11 He w the -pearls to home there bad been. &-4--?' . half4cirmed purpo eded nly wbi . . V . '. r. , " , ,� , I` I'll T � S.'HAYS ..... . 30rd im, it Ae 0 dh she had'freed herself., ;wh,y? He's, a good i � I 0 . .; Lo�"�."'�`�I.��.V� 41 . this I r . , . r� %1,: ,&;.1, . L ­ 11 r.. I I the light and exaWned thedn, beflore Her brother stared her into silence. the youthful and tinbalanced- rviolence ",Can't you do soiiiething for him? ny'& SuPPose he. were i i ,*. : Algain 140,­� -a W-19 R , ,.­� �. . I .1. I . .. . r .. 3!, 18�. ,,ff,p ' y� after, -you remem- of Johnny Lenley to stimulate . -_ , d 'no . I A"i'P: 'qjp.; I Barrister, Scilicitbr,, Conveyancer hdreplaced the oardb9ord lid. "It was two da v, do, You imagine he would -.,!'�IFO ., I I J11 H� W�Ul � tr ..� e - an., . A listen to You," She gat . rmr ., * !_1._;11'10A.f wr , ,j�* - him luv 1. � '. lea, .... . � 0 , ,- �.. -, flp, . - I ­`­`�r `��O`­" ) ofinny 4D n .17 "You have seen Mary?" he asked her .� " , Vf _� I �, :11� '' " OR; ii , 'L, - � ., , " g 1, � . ­ I.. ,�­6 " ­ ,­ ,cMA ��L­f � ��,,,, . ��'.!S ' Jj% #Qil_,"� " �, bo.uted �, Dgmitdon, . , , , W , " and. Notary Public., Solicitor foi the ) my dear," he said slowly and de- the other direction. He had seen too fgu.�,&`�was, I not thinking..Of 0 Lenley'with the pearls'and,6aw b0l _d0 Y_*q.`er-_..'1 XrOV, "'M 4, , I .. , - ,,�i� I Bank., Office in rear of the in a conimr.qational tone. lib�rately.' "I -brought the newspaper' much of Johnny lat*ly. Oince, th i -6 iiiwi 'y nodded..' .9M All his thoughts and eves were f6i attention- to the fact that a friend of Alm " _,, , ", , _�� � , ' " .� _­ Ir'! ,'� , r "" . f. . � ,# � . �", � Donfluion Bank, �Seaforth. Money to Johnn in to you and told you there had been was a time when the young man was the girlorShe was 'holding his Arms his was a thiefl" Wl&* Anger. � ,41 �_ - I, . . , ,. - ��.� �, 10,.fp,� I 1"n. . ._. "It is beastly to see her working, ,, obbery. I could not have spoken amu'sing-Ahen 'he had ,been useful. now looking up into his face, and- he' ` Tile, ,-O-Octor "Vas still fro n g " ­ - � APM .. '­�"',"A , . � .. 4 .�'n 'AW . . , . w in P�ql .L .,T.,q � . �� t , ._.�q _11''w'-.1.0 @"�F , .. _ 'P, 'R .. , ", _ ,. . - wer I _$_.� I , , !!! ,, , I , " �, I � I L but I suippqse I it io all right. Maur- " " bee . _ �'­ I"r A'1-1, I i . . 11 , ­. - to you that night ause I did ,not 'Now he was becoming not only a bore felt his.pulses beating A little faster.,fdown at the paper,, .1 .%­ :L IL .. "I . I I . . ' ' j jj'bj,W',� �­' " � L .. V" _-A_- ,4,,`;�; ,�, _ ­ -1 . ­ � . 'r - - __ ,�. I a . ad�p_)11�4W:_ X , _�,;;, ­., Jog_c, _ .j _4��;;, 4_11 ... . ...-Hee- _11._.. _ _. S�e'7"04L_ . ­­ .. ­ ".. - I— . - but meddlesome borft, He opened Suppos-e Johnny,16ok - th�- '&&A-aJive#ai':­ ""Is- -thew - any reason why- - Meister I �X_, . 4 ­ ­ � ..... . . I " ­ - , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 BEST & BEST The lav�F'tu�wA -his head. I . Did "U T _. , , ,�, ." , ��� 11 , ..... , ......... I I -1- , 10 W, I ­ I . . , ,For a miament Alan wondered what the door gently and peeped through ,advice' and went, off to the i0ointinent should want John Lenley out of the , steo , tx 4 Olt � . J. 11 �, � ___ 11 ";.��, , h - �,'� , � . _ I 4. "VI .. -�, ,§ ,T%. I I "Well?" , . I p Vo I ,� 11 ,,, ,; I 1. I.— ­- -­L"�,�',N­ ' the, girl was going to say, but with a the crack. IMary was sitting at 11W .with. the pe ' ?" he asked, �, "Wils .. .. 11, I , . ,�'. �L��;�,,, , _ .... . . .... . , Barristers, Solicitor$, Conve ,i I -A _­',��.I" , '1'�� � , -1 arl"nd'A][Aryt Herwould Way - AD­.;W,14,!�,P._� ,-Z, "" X I I T;,� YOU- "I've bison. thinking things over. tr6meiidbus, effort of will she con, ty�pewriter. intent upon her work. fin&- no. difficuly in di§posing'-df­ the , &.U, shook his head. ' The tableoloW Wao , � r�. I � � . !"�,.;,R�,I-g,' 1. - r2 .0ers and Notaries. Public, Etc. Office you had a girl in your service named .", 7 � �. 1 " , L her'facp .He ps , ro-bT dlq d-, # ., �,517f.T,��',p . .r Ii , we , . -00 , p# , � . trolled herself., Her face was, oblbur� The. morning Am flooded the l#tle M, I in the Edge Building, opposite The Gwmda ,,M. lton?py 66cklace ind would seture a man suf. 41 "" "t imagine any," be said, and , , , - 111� � n ___-a. � �,�:�.,. �, - . .1 . i. . bess, and there was such,pain in'beT room, and made a�'iiimbus about her. ficie; This the ,4� , laugh.- "You're -taking made, orie'eff,cirt to me AR0.04 ia* .�� ��'i I Expositor - Office. - , - � I . .0 ,fter',... ,eprq .p I � . � _,*�#-,. ­� 0��,',,!Xt I nt to keeP'�hini,for years. �� - . ... .. � ; � , ,,i�,., 10§g ,� - '1110g! ... fai)W. - � 1,1'11w. ".1 . . I . �1 , .� pi ., i I "Well?" said Maurice again. eyes that' he dured not look at hen I hair. lOncee is tu gain and d � �j. �.,. � -I; ii.�' j� - � '�She drowi . h -rued,her face jiLlis was the �thought that ran through rather -a melod"matic­:!y�pW, doctor. C6J_,X he be � ? �,, " ,.:,-.. . " v �, 1; - 41 . veci herself, didn't sh"? "Of course, Johnny, I remember direction without realizing that &he Meister's mind as be patted the girl's P,robably this not4'wis written by ­ , gan-' , I - I 11 ;.!,;i;,1�JP (.(Q . . I Haye,you any idea. why?' 'I remember," she'suid dully. was being watched I Then canie A knock at-th, :,��"`,,,, 11 . . . It wa difficult cheek softly. . " u0W. - � ,-A, I V� . VETERINARY . a ,�l willL some erielm(y of Unley's—he makes . � 11"K, . . I . I Maurice 'Me . L.cling him ;,H�w stupid of me!'� '. . I to find Brother and sii ' '..'.1,1?,1,3,? I �. � I � a fault in the perfect contour s46 what can be clone about enemies quicker than, any....- man , I ,ter .looked at,,`)on��,gig*':, `�;,"�,'P, . , � � ., �. .. I. 1.�', � 1� I squarely, now. Nbt so -much " .� otheT. � . 11, I 11 'f� ��,`11512 �"4 � _ , . . , I . . . . . . . . � ,� & . � t 11 1. 7 � flicker of an ev I . as I ' A painful silence followed. of her facie and the transparent love- Johnny," he said. "Don't worry your know." . � " " 1. �.,�, ,�i�,r, I � elidbetrayed"the rising vi . . " I'll � 4OHN GRIEVK V.S., ' . I- Alan was looking at the worn car- liness of her skin. Maurice fondled pretty head any more." "'Meister," murmu�e' "'Who is that asked,Jolip-4y. )in* !,,� I , d. - the doctor I ii� 1.1'..�'�. _11 ( . �"... 1� 11� I -1 . - .� ., . '' ruiry within"' him. I . , I ". '':, � ,- � ,'�I, 42 � I 1. � . " I .1 . pet; his hand was thrust into his his chffi thoughtfully. A new inter� In his private office Meister had a and held tb�t,,paper up to the light'"'to ily. I . 1 !-.'11 ,�, I 1. i "The jury said—" he . . , 1. I I I 1. 11�, -,P I Honor graduate of Ontario VebBrin- b9gan-.____ __ �i . She shook her head, I I . �.11 ,, ��acket pocket. ' eat had come into his lifet, a new small ,portable' typewriter. Thmugh- exainine the waUrmark. . ,,'�01� ary College. All diseases of domestic . "I know whait/the -jury paid,"' IlW 4 1 .:"... ,-��,i;3 . I "I &n4t'krww; I will see!' i .�E , � - .'All right," he said at last. "That, chase had begun. And then his mind out the afternoon she heard the click- '"Maybe one day you'll harve' an .� ,�,�,�� ,t t � Calls promptly at- t 0 - � �� , I . � V, -�,,,Z,4 I I �-,% ", I ..... ­,....... animals treated. arruipted Johnny roughly, "but I have I think, will satisfy Burton. I am came uneasily back to Johnny. click of -It as he laboriously wrote ptirtunity, in'SP4,WtOr, of' ,P - - Her limbs were like lead, As! she . .1 . � I i;', y �� . 11 telifiled. to and, charges mpderate. Vet- my own theory." � � "L. ­­ I . , getting a lit dragged- them, to the. door; she, , 9111t. I ., �., I j 1 '4 ' . sorry to have bothered, you.", There was a safe and effective way his message of betrayal. I tle of Mr. -Meister's tyl�ewritlnig pa- thou . . . Q. " l * na v Dentistry a specialty. Office .He walked slowly kto t1ie, lawyer ,He did not look at the "girl:. his of gettink rid' of Johnny,- with his That eyening, when Inspector Wern- per and a specibien Of lettering," she was voing to faint. Alan Welin- ;, ,, I - ,,_�. - . ' , ,4 d r. lidence on God6rich Street, one and touched him lightly on, the shoulw stern ,eyes were fixed upon Johnny pomposity, his threats and his stupid ib,urycame back to. Flanders Lane PD- " But why on earth'shiould he want''bury stood "n the'dG6r*aY,, And there . . = rel f .. ... I -1. "... . . I _ � ­ * .. '_ or at 0 r. word- . - which she W�` 1- ANA do ea D Mackay4 offipp, Sea- der as be emphasized every Lenley. ponficluence. was on his face a. 16ok . , . �. I ,;-, , lie4� ,Sta�tioni ,he found a letter wait- Johnny Lenley out of the way?" in. ;, 1 4511 . forth., 11 . "Mary Lenley is 'not. Gwen& Mil- "Why don't you take a trip a -broad, That .... last_quaj�ity was the gravest ing'for ItiTh. 'It was typewritten and 'sisted Alan. "There's no ' never'. seen before. . I ­� I. 1 ': ��'. . , I . . L. . reason why ' : -11 , . I . . '' .� ton," 'he said, "W ig not.the sister Lenley?" He ,a with difficulty. danger to Mau.ric�e. And when John- unsigned and hadbeen delivered by a he should. He's an ,old friend "Do you want mg, Alan?" she'ask- 1, �111 . I . - of the �.L,;, . 1, of a fugitive ivd�aeirer, and I am ex- "You ,are not looking quite as well py was out of the way many difficul- district messenger from a West Cen- damlilyl, and V10iough it% 1plossilb-le ed breathlessly., i - � . . .1 ... .­'� I � A. R. CAMPBELL, V.S. - pecting a little better treatpient for � . . , . . .. .. "..:,�� , .. z. . Vp ,.- "I want to see 16hnny." I :,;��,,, ­ ... I., .. .. ,� ,� I ' ' I her than ,Gwenda, M111ton received,at as you nvigh I I ties. would -be smoothed over. Mary tral,office. The message ran: that,Johnny bus ingultea him, thays Hi§ i�oioe was,.as I -'eri; and ' ,�111111 . .W� As h I.. o, Johnny shifted uneasily und�er his could not be any niore adaman.hie one of,'Johnny�s unpleasant little hub- .,7., Graduate of Ontario ,Veterinary . I � I 1� . . your hands,." , ., - scarcely,intelligilble. .- - - . . �. 1, ; College, University of Toronto. All gaze. . , than Gwenda had bee-nJ4,,th.p .... Q.irliest The Countess of Darnleigh's pearl its. Thiii's no excuse'for A civilized. . I . .. �,�., , "I don't understand you,"' said Dims- "England -is good enough for me," .stages of their. friendship. ' lace was stolen by John Lenley of ,man wanting to send anoth She opened the door. wider and be - � . �11 li� I., I neick . et to pen� I . _. _!4!�]'J�, I diseases of domestic animals treated ter. His voice was very low ,and "5- he said sulkily. "What are you, Wem- Inspector Weinbury' . walked past .her iAb the dining -room . -..111 37, jMalpas Mansions. It is at pres-, al serkitude-11 � , . .v/tl, -1 � *. the most. modern principles. tinct. . . . ' ' . ' I ' , " ;' , , -inding, where she CaW � � ' .1,1. � A .""", � . Charges . reasonable. Day or night ,,I think you. do." Johnny n bury, the family doctor?" Maurioe frowned at the tholought. ent in a cardboa,rd carton in a box "'He wishes Mr. John lienley out of Jolknny �vvas" at I IR odded left him, by�the IiWei round -table cov- I �. ItO . the way"—Lomohd nodded'emphatic- .,,,4,4� I �1'141 I I ' ­ I I , � 7, .. Main Street, Hensall, opposite Town . .� i, ,� " I . sio . -understand "Yes," he said at last, "I think feieaL plane from Lenley. A m n f� ... . ally. "That is my eccentric view4i In- 11 " calls promptly, -attefideA 'to. Office on vvly.' , "I Want you .to Alan paused. Here was a trouble,maker on a ;,f. under his bed. 1 a a 1. ered with the remains of the supper,, I .. � , that ithg" will -be ,very serious, briou- that describes ,me;" and, with a curt tl-c world, shrewd, knowledgeable, not Alan Wem-bur " and tli� clang of the door as Mary �'.,. . ". � Hall., -Phone 116. , - I _ . y read, the we§'§Age, spector Wernbury, andif I am an ec- : ;:4 .11 ble if Mary is hurt,1 They say that sed it came to his ears, like'the . I 1. '­­. e wa's &pc.m 4101 , . :"-"',1,:. I � i _.__e, lightly to be Antagoidzed. Manrl,,e And 'his heart sank within,him, for centric, 11 am also -a fairly accurate . � 1:1, . "!_ . � , ' - knell of doom, . .11 you ive in everlasting feai of The Mary had gone -back to her type- �hrugged his shoulde'-�. It was all- Only one'courie was open to him, the man"" , . � ; I : 4 . I ' ." '4.1 . �, . . ., '. Ring;er­-you would have greater . . . . "What ,do you ivant, Wembury?` -4.1 _ MEDICAL writer but not to work. With a ges- �-,urd 6 consider the police'rhan, 14-i course of duty. After the doctbr left, Alan puzzled �fi I . . ... I . " - I I . I , 111 I . ..., .... . cause to fear me if any harm came ture Maurice lea the'young man back t�iought. After a Ot , .1 John Lenfey spoke 'with difficulty. His' ) , '.I .. I . — to Mary 1 " ., 1 -.4 1 .., I .. I !!,, Mary was n go . ..... I I I the matter over without getting near . �, � I , � I .. . , , � to his room. and closed the do -or quiet- much his friend as his patrones . ,�he, I . er -to the solution, -Ye,t'he � heart wag beating sQ � thunderously . . . I � . . . I S I . . had'alrea4y .__ Z � I V% - . . . -Only for a second did Maurice drop ,Y- - was wholly absorbed in her work . discovered that Dr. Lomond's con- that :be felt this mani must hear the �. _­.11..'� . ,, �g DR. I, J. R. FORSTER his eyes.' . I I ' CHAPTER XTI ' foar and thud of ft. . .:..:_ t',� .. I I . "I suppose you understand what when he.crossed the room and wen,� clusions were not lightly to be dis- . ­�., �i , 46 I 1. 11 ,,,, � .. --You re a little hysterical, Johnny," . . .. .­�'1,1, I ,�. �' Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Wembury m;eant?" he said. softly up the st�irs to the little suite Wernbury knew that hie would be missed. The old,manwas as shrewd '(Continued next week.) . . 1, LL' ", . �1 I � he said, "and you're certainly not in , f'Nbt being a thought reader, 1. above.' 1 4. 1 . -!.J 61 . . . ... . ...... Graduate in Medicine, University of well within his rights if he ignored as he was brilliant. - kl,an Bad read . �.,� . . j,,� . , . �, 11 P(�. . '' ' yo�r politest mood this morning. I didn't," replied Johnny. He was hov- As he opened the door be shivered. this.,,typewritten message, for apopy- —_ 'Q11, � I.. � . I Toronto. I a portion, of ,his book, and although ' I . ."14 1 1 . think I called you crude a week' ago, . rm-6— . . ,��, Ii. - : �'t Late assistant New York Opthal- . . ering between rage and amusement. The ,memory of Gwenda 'Milton and , us letters are a daily feature "of twenty years old, this treatise on the , �S��@-. I and I have no reason to revise that ... mb . . . I � ­ _-r 11 � . znei and Aural Institute, Moorefield's "He has got a cheek, that feilow! that foig'y coroner's court was an p I olice life. Yet he realized that it criminal .might have been ,written a , . -2 ,, �,�:�_ , I . 1, , . - ion ng to, harm VyFben You think that he was a gar- ugly one. A little decoration was was the practice that, if the infornia- few weeks' 'before. . , . I . I ".', . - ,e and Golden Square Throat Hos ..it , � Ey Mary? As for The Ringer and his &niir'sboy . . �1 . i � I . _," 1 ,� , - At Commercial . I �.. I ­­*," 11 pitals, London, Eng: sister, they are 'dead!" I ' needed to make this room again as ti,bn which cai�ne thus surreptitiously He was in a� state of indecision .1 -�:,,� I .... Hotel, Seaforth, third -Monday in - "I should Target alhihal," said Mr. -beautiful.as .it "had been. The. place to ,a police station 'coincided with news when the telephone bell in,his,room �,�4�. " .1 � . I ­ - � . . I . : . I , � ... I 1 'Plater . possession of the po- shrilled-. ,11 -re .took up -the instrument I I . I �'-Ii rincived,, the lid and ap- , HE -'t.­-in I'll. Hie picked up the pearls from the M - each month, from..11 a.m. to 3 P.m. table, again re I savagely ",Rem�ember only must be cleaned out, decorated and alr,�ady in. the, L� r , :A��. 6$ Waterloo Street, §outh, gihitfard. that you have given yourself away, made not only habitable but attrac- i1ce, or if it supported a definite � sus- a.rid heard the voice of �Golo�Q Waf- I .1 17 .:'Y' �. � ` 4.11, I., � . . .�! 1".- , paTently his eyes were abs,orbed.--in­- nd that the chances are from to -day tive. Would it attract MarY—suip'- picion, inquiries must be set afoot. , , --. , ,� I � � - . . I the contemplation of the pearls a-, a 4 ford. ,- " . �. ,�.., , , . . , i,,� . . _.- �­ . ill 4)4, tinder Police ob- posing Johnny. W.ere out -of the way? ��'He-welit to -his little,room to work "Is, that y , Wembury? Do you '.1 . - .. � -=:71:_ �:i . I .1.1 �,4__.'. W. ,C. �P40AT ' . . ­­­­ - __ I:_ ­ . _qnwgrd you ,vn ' ou TOR,onTo. : I ..." ­_ �-1. _.P� . 1. ­­ -111 I . I . gain. - - - --- . I - ­­& 1 That was to be 'discovered. His out the problem alone: It Id �e a think you can come up to the Yard? . I �. I., 1�,, . serv�atiou­wbidi-' esn't very much . �a�,�, . "As a jewel -thief—" " . matter, Johnny, b,ut I shall be under .first ..... task YOU WILL ENJOY OUR SERVICE .. .. � ��..., t I Graduate of Faculty. of Medicine, I was to ""lie with John simple matter to hand overouthe in- I have further information about the � . ..' I . . . �, -where quir to another pal -ice affteer, at ev- gentleman we discussed last week." ' IF YOU PREFER A QUIET WELL ' ­ �L� University of Western. Ontario, Lon- He got so far when there� came a observation too, and that is very u,n- Lenley and,send him.to a Place I I � " . Physic. gentle tap at the door. � , I Y . - CONDUCTED MEDIUM SIZED - I , .11) don. Member -of College d;_ pleasant. The only doubt I have is as his power for mischief was curtailed. ,en to refer it to - . . But that For -the moment Alan had forgot- . HOTEL TRY IT NEXT TIME YOU I � ", iians and S "Who's there?" fie asked quickly. to whether Wombury is ,going -to do . - ,.*! largeons of Ontario. Office , Maurice -was a wise man. He .did would, be an act of nioml cowardice. ten the C'xistence.idf The Ringer. He ARE IN TORONTO. � . '� . in Aberbart's Drug ,S�tofd;­Main St., , "Divisional Inspector Weinbur I 'I I 11. -1 ,- .. . . .1 iiii,�. . . _­_ 11 ��:,;" � . _ � . . . .. Y'. ,.his,, du-ty_and communicate with Seot­ not approadli or speak to the girl af- There was -a small sliding wiridow saw now only an opportunity of talk- Cheeijul, comfortable roomx I , ��f , . � I I'll ..... Seaforth. Phone 90. . I ,..,. . . land Yaril.' If he does you 'will, be in ter the interview'with'l.k�r brother, in the door of his office whi�h gave, ing counsel with a.man,who had not Tas-ty food, Apstisfi "troundinz� ' ., I , ­ . � - . - - , I I . It . ,. I .. I - . serious trouble." 4 1 but allowed soline-timie'ti6'elapise be- him a view of the charge room,. and only prov�d a sympathetic superior, I _,._,_11,, , . DR. A. NEWTON -BRAD I I . � . . PLENTY of CURSP-ARIaNG SPACE, I �. ", i ­ -I . � -_ --�� ��,, � - . Y . OHAPTER,X I "So will -you," replied Johnny gruf-' fore he came to where She was work- as he pondered his problem, a bent ,but a v,6ry real friend. MINUTE WALK I � 1 1�1 11� !,,.,, . . . GARAGE ONE . � � . : .��,�.� � I I fly. "We stand ot fall together over in -g. The little lunch which had been figtire camie *into his tine of vislon Half an hour later he- knocked at . I . ��_ �, � . Graduate Dublin University, Ire- ily this matter, Maurice. If they find served to her wase uneaten. She and, acting on an impulse,. he ju . .­ i , ...."", .. �, , Maurice Meister had tirhe basti Single ST.50, to"S1,00 I � . , I . land. Late Extern Asgistant Master ' mped the door of 'Colonel -Walford's t6om 'Rates D..ble, S3.00 to $3.00 . 1,1`�11 to cover "the pearls, toss them back the pearls -where will they be? 14 stood by the window," staring down up from the tabie- and, opening, the and that moment,wa§ one'Gf tragic I . --11111z, I � _ -Rotunda. Hospital for , Women and .1 ' _ 11 , " " , , 1, " into the safe and lock it before he your safe! Has that occurred tQ into Manders Lane, and at the sound door beckoiied Dr. Lomond Why he significande for Mary Lenley. ' � .. .......... .... . 11,111, , � � I— . ,,- ,_ ,_ . � �;11, I , 11 . Children, Dublin. Office at residence � ­ . � HOTEL WAVERLEY . . . '� 11 lately' Occupied b� Mrs. Parsons. openedthe door. In spite.of hl� iron you?" � of his ,voice she started. should make a confidant of this old . I I - ' ' ' , � . . ; 14';� 11 . Hours: 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 p.m., nerve, the'sallow face of the lawyer Maurice Meister wa�s unruffied, 4'What is the matter, my dear?' man who was ignorant of police �rou- — . , . .;;,.:, W i . -26 was drawn and white, and even his I oould even sb-Ale. I Ise uneaten. She tine be could not for the life df h' . 1. Spadine�Avenue and College Sbeet - I., I ­.:.�V", , I . ­ , ,. -1; i Sundays, 1 to 2 p.m. 1 2866 rved . to her was im CHAPTER XIII . DeLuxe Taxi From I _,;�, I . . I . xaggerating the tender. It was his favou.rHite ­ ap- explain. But between theo twio men, Depot or Wherf-25c " I I . � I cornpaniorn showed 'signs of mental "I think w - VA re e . ,� .1 DR. F. J. BURROWS * . strain as Alan appeared. It was'dangerto you,' he, said lightly. "Per proach. ., . in the very shoft period of their ac- John Lenley, after a brief visit to E '01 :` _,� . . . re right and the real dan- .. I r I � � . Johnny whd* made the quicker recar- haps you a She. shook her head wearily. - quaintance there had grown a queer his house, where, 'behind -a looked door .. , , . �*� Office and residence Goderich Street, e,ry, ger hs to mie. They certainly have a "I don't know, Maurice. ,I'm wor- understanding. I 0 ,, . I he packed away carefully a small. , A 'I- _ . east of ,the United Church, Sea- "11�11o, W-embury!" he said with a down on me, and the'y'd go far to ried—about Johnny and the pearls." 9-oomiond looked round the little rOOM cardboard box, 'had gone to town to - I . I.... , I � . I . .14 forth. Phone , 46. Coroner for the forced laugh. "I don't seem to bid,bring--mer to my knees." He'looked "The ,pearls?" he, repeated, in af- from under his shaggy brows. see- a "friend of the family. . I .. �N, . I P . 1. �r, . 11 � ......".1 I County of Huron. able to ,get a -way, froni You r 1 the safe. "I wio those fected surprise,. "Do you mean Lady "� have a feeling that you're in Mary came home to an empty flat. ... 1, , . .1 across at )I . . I LONDON AND WINGHAM k 1!111. I I . . I DM C MACKAY . There wag evidencii of .panic, of beastly things w6re,a, thousa�ndnuleg' Darnleigh's pearls'?, trouble, Mx. Wenilbury," he s�aid, his Her head was aching.. ,but that was . . . 1� . ­ . , . deadly -fear, something of breathless away. I 'shouldn't be surprised if Mr. ,She nodded. I eyes twinkling. ' ' was as nothing to the little South. ­­­­ - I LA I nagging _?:.. - 41 I ',I, . I : od 'o e," pain at her heart. The littlo'supper '��I, , .* -C. Mackay, honor &.aduate of Trin- terroi in the attitude of th"e men. _'Wembury lreturned armed -with a "Why did Johnny lie ?" she asked. "J,f t4at's ,a guess it's a 90 n . , � . niii&list Of What secret did they hold in oommion? search ... walirant, and if that happened ,,It was ... ... the first. thing he told me said Alan. . I P.M� li� ity'University, And gold was a weariness to pirepare—allnost .. ,� . Trinity Medical College; membei of Alan was staggered by an a&i1liqde the fai" be in."the fire!" wh,afi" lie came home, that there had He closed the door behind the po- . Wingham ...... � ............ 2.05 � ,1 . impossible to dispose of. .11 a and Sur- which shouted "guilt" with. A tongue "Wby not post them to Antwerp?" 'been a fobbery in Park Lane and ]ice surgeon and pushed forward A .. Belgrave ................... 2.2Z . I I �� ", 1 the College -of Physician I � She had eaten nothing ,�... of brassd , . -'I:iT' Darnleigh had lost her chair for hinL ' In a few words he re- Blyth ...................... ,'2.33 : . li� I geons; of Ontario. ) asked the other. .ihaf y . . . � fast, she remembered, ,and if she had .'Itl'-_� " . " .. . . � "I heitrd Leftley was here," he Meister smiled contei'aptuously. jewels." I viesiled the problem which was iexer� failed to recall tfie fact, the queer Londesboro ................. ' 2.40, �A - � � - I � ' - "If 'I am being watched, as is very. " ohnny was not quite normal," he cising big mind, and Lornond listen4A and, sicki� sensation -of faintness Clinton .................... 3.08 , �.'I,!� DR. H. HUGH ROSS Aid, "and as I wanted to see him-" J I ,I- "You wanted to see me?" said likely," be said, "you don't Suppose said soothingly. 11j shouldn't take too attentively. which had come Over her as. she was Brucefield ..... � ............. 3.20 I..,? �:",I� * " - Graduate of University of Toronto Johnny, his face twitching. "Why 'for one moment that they would fail much 'notice of what be said. His "It's verra awkward." - He abook Kippen ......... I ........... 3.33 ;'P,�; m.ouVng the stone bt0s of Malpas - ­�, . Faculty of Medicine, member of Col- 0, earth should you want to see to keep an eye on the post office? NO, memory see�mns­to have gene to pieces his bead. "Man, that's almost like a . Hensall .................... 3.39P 1 "I ,�'-` Mansions was an unpleasant reminder Exeter ..................... 3.59, "'! lege of Physicians and Surgeons of mle?r? I , Ontario; pass graduate courses in W . ."'the only, think to do with th�se lately�" drama! ,It seen -m to -me there's only of be, abstinence. I ... I , Iii . embury was well aware that wretched pearls is to plant them, some- "It isn't that." She was not con- oi*e thing for 'you to do, Mr. WeTn- � - She forced herself to eat, and was , .�l ". Chicago Clinical School of Chicago ; MeAster was wdtehing� -him intently. where fo,r a day or two." ' vinced. "He knew that he had told buTy—you'll have to treat John I.Ie'n- brewing her,sezond-cup of tea when' North. 11111L Royal Ophthalmie as ta, n on, .ice: there, was - " , 1 T UniveTsity os I al, Lon- No miDvnient, no gesture,no expres- Johnny was bitinl� his nails, a war- me, MauT no question ley as though be were John Smith or she beard a key turn in the lock and Exeter ...................... 10.59, , 'I, England,; � .Jj', 4-i 'i ri gpf his having forgotten?' She looked Thomas Brown. Forget he's the ,bro- Jobn L�nley came in. His face was Hensall . .................... 11.1T. J _� 'i don,, England. Offic , a Of - sion was lost on the shiewd lawyer. ed Ibok on his face. I ' ii3f Miss Lenley, and I think," he . ".4, Wbat were they afraid of? Alan "I'll take them back to the flat," up anidously into his face. "You ther lk" a' . � 'nion Bank, Seaforthw one o. 5. wondered, and his heart sank when, he said suddenly. "There are a doz- don't think—",She did not complete said shrewdly, 'that is what is worry- as . black as thunder., but she had Kippen .................... 11.1& �0 Night calls answered from residence, . ceased to wonder what clrovie Johnny BrucefieId ... ................ '11.27 � �;�,, , r Victoria � Street, tSeaforth. looking past them, he saw Mary at en places I c6uld hide. them." the sentence. ing you most rid deal with I this those all too frequent temoers Clinton . .: I � . . into ....... 11.59 .) Ek , her typewriter, all uncanisciouis of ev- If he had been looking at Maurice "That Johnny -knew anything about, case as though 4t, -were somebody you '' ... ­­­ '12.16 , , ' p . . pli - — I 'he would have seen a of his. Nor was there need to ask, Londesboro ................ ," 11 , a DR� S. R. COLLYER - il . sati6fied gleam the robbery? Rubbish my,dear!' The had.,never heard of." for'be volunteered the cause of his Blyth ..................... : �12.29 ',;� , , r "You know 'Lady D-arnleigh,, don't 1r, his eyes. I broyl is a little worried—and natural- Alan nodded slowly. 11 . .i� I 11 � � Graduate Faculty of'Medicipe, Uni- anger. Belgrave ................ I .... 12.33 I . 1 ." I i A2 I versity of Western Ontario. Member you?" he asked. "That is not a bad -idea," said the lyi It isn't a pleasant sensation to "That, I'm afraid, is th6-counsel I "I went out to the Ham-ptons' to Wingbarn ................... 12AT . , �.." I College of Physicians and Surgeons of John Lenley nodded clumbly. lawyer slowly. "Wemsbpry would. nev- find yourself thrown on to the world should give myself if I,.were entirely tea," fie said, as he 'qat down at the 1� . ��l .51 a . (Irtayio. Post graduate work at New "A few weeka-agotolie lost a vaIu- er'dream of searching your flat—he penniless as Johnny has. He has utiprejudiced in the matter." table with a dispayaging 'glance at its '1- . I ,rw� � I I I I � 1 1A 4 11� � York City Hospital and Victoria Hos- able string of pearls," Alan went on, likes Mary - too much." . neither your character nor your ciour- The old man took a silver tobacco meagre contents. "They treated me . .7 a . the He did not wait for his companion age, my dear." b,dx from his pocket and began. slow- C. N.. R. ., j�,.'1111 . pital, London. Phone: Hensall, 56. "and I was Put in charge of i , as though I were -.P. lerper—and those I . 1:r" , , pr rr Office, King Street, -Hensall. case." to make up his mind, but, unlocking 'She sighed heavily and went bac.'k 1� to roll a cigarette. I swine have been entertained at Len- East. . -1 �." � I I - i I I . . � "You!" Maurice Meister's exclam- the safe, took out a box and handed to her desk, where there was­a&neat - "John Lenley, 6h?" he mused. "A ley Court tiine % I : I'll . a - - ation was, involuntary. it to -the other. The young rman look- little pile . of w ic ,. ", ! �orrespondence­­­h`b frillend of Xeisteir's!" She was shocked at tbe news, for . '- 'i, .. . I a.m. P.m.. . ,�@ I 4 I DR. J .A .MUNN Alan nodded. ed at the package clubio,usly and then 8he bad put aside. She turned the A ' Ian stared 'at him. The doctor she had always regarded the Haup- Goderich ........... 6.95 2.40P ,;_ �,, . "I thougfht. you , knevr that. MY slipped it into his inside ,pocket. Pages listlessly and suddenly with- laid significant eim-phasis on the.law- to,s/as the greatest friends of her Holmes-ville _X:�..... 6.50 2.56 . ­, �_ .", " ,_ ­ . Graduate of Northwestern Univers- naine appeared in the newspapers in "I'll put it into the boic 'under my drew a sheet, 11 . yer's name. - t�,,'i. father. Clinton ............. 6.58 3.05 ' '.. ;.-,,��, . . I I Ity, Chicago, 111. Licentiate Royal "Do you know hint?" gq I ­,,�,', , 11 , connection with the investigations, I 15ed," .he' said, "andlet you have it "Maurice, who is The Ringer?" she � But surely, Johnny, they didn't— Seaforth ........... 7.12 3.21 � . & �,� , I 1 .'­ , . 11 of Dental ,Surgeons, Toronto. have Mmded the tase over to Inspec- 'back at the end of the week. asked. � Lomond shook his head..! �. - 1, College � . they weren't ,horrible because of our St. Columbiin ...... -7.18 3.27 . �1� �.; , J4' . Office Over Sills' Hardware, Main St., tor Burton, and be wrote me this Hie did not stop, to speak t Frie ,glared -back at the word. "Through -my career," be said, "I ___jI m,ean be.cauge we have no mooney." Dublin 7.23 3.3?' : '."4 I I I � . o Mary � __�-!.,� - 0'�-- - I � ...... . il_; 41 ffeaforth. Phone 151.' morning ,asking me if I would clear as be made his way quickly through "The Ri 9's .1 have followed one practice when I 'He growled soiVething at this. � . .. ­ . � 1, , 0� I ,�i'.I,i I a . n,ger . , , "'. � I.."."," . �, � " . I up onelittle matte -11 that puz9led him. the outer room. There was a sense "ItIs a cablegraft 'Y611 .... ... Wgdh't unie to a strange land --A acquire . -.1 .... I West. . .. " b i I I . "That was at� the back of it," be �­:;� �!,­�! � ,�, � . 'Mary had 1 11.24 9.12 . t NR'! I I I . I . . � .. . . 6ft bey typewriter and of satisfaction in the very proximity opened it.' I foiind it arhongst a lot thp local legends. Meister is a leg- ,said At Ig'st. " "But I auspect another Dublih .............. , ,�� , DR. F. J. BECRELY had joined -the little group. of those ipearls, for which be had of your old ,correspondence." end. To me he is the -most intere�t- cause.11 St. ColuMban ...... 11.29 . ... . ,,,�.,.. ", ;i ":�W . . �',�",41 ' "One little ,matter that was Puz- risked so much, that gave him a 'He snatched the paper ftom her. ing,,m,an in Deptford, anA. I'm look- And then the reason flashed on bef Seaforth ........... 11.40. 9.25. 1 �,,�,,�, "I I Graduate Royal College of Dental zling bim,,?'? repeated John Lenley me- sense of posisessicni, removed so -me Of The mess -age was dated three months ing forward ta'meeting'him." and bey heart thurniped painfully. Clinton .-­­­;--...... 11.55 9,39, .,." � i�,t( 1-111", - Surgeons, 'Toronto. Office over W. R. chani,cally. "A,M what was that?" the irritable suspicion which had before, and was from Sydney. By "But why should Johnny Leilley's "It was not becaurye of the Darn- Bolmesville ......... 12.05 9.5a, 111��, ,.r, , - . , Is Smith's Grocery, Main Street, Sea- Wembury, hesitated to put the ques- grown up in ,his mind since Mleistdr the sigliature he saw it was from a friendship with Meister—" began leigh pearls, Johnny?" she faltered. Goderich ........... 12.20 10.05, .:, , ,, � : � , 1. .185 W; resi- tion 'r � ;: I � , forth. Phones: Offidr, . I in rhke presence of the girl. , had the handling of them. lawyer who acted as his agent in Alan, a , nd stopped. He knew full well He lookLsd round at her quickly. . " !'_,,�, . . . dence, 185 J. ­ 1. He wanted to know what induced As be passed through crowded 'Australia, amd.the messagewas brief: f,,be sinist'er importance of ihat friend- "Why do you ask tliat?—yes, it VMS . I 111 li" 1".. i . �� � I ­, . . - I .. — you to go up to Lady, Darnleigh's Flanders Lane a man turned out of 41Man taken from ,Sydney Harbor 'hip. � something about that old fool's jew- C. P. R. TIME TABLE � �1111 I - A . . M�vp I . 11 . '�q I I 0 a narrow alley and foow h ed not Ringer, who is !believed , ,Maurice Meister was something ellery. They didn't say so directly,. ql,�� ,�i4v� 'r,, "r� r , CONSULTING ENGINEER . r'O"And I -have already given what I Johnny Lenley w0ked up Tanners to have left Australia." more than a legend: he was a sinis- but they hinted as mueb.,". -1', - East. I , �0'�,,�,�i a 4, % S. W. Arebibald, BA -Sc., (Toronto), think is 'the natural explanation*" Hill, the man was' strolling behind Mary was staring at the lawyer. ter fact. . His acquaint"ce with the She felt her lower 110 trembling "�,,`,*4,� snapped -Johnny. him, and the police,maii on point duty han. .,,'K� . . O.L.S., Registered ,Professional En- His face had gone suddenly,hagg-ard criminal jaw was complete. The loop- and bit On it to gain control. .. "I"i "That You were tinder the hyipres- hardly noticed him, as be passed, nev- and gges- Goderich ................... 5.50� 1,2' gineer and Land Surveyor. Victor � drawn; what, vestige Of color holes which exist in the,best drawn "There is nothifig in that SU IN�� , - B il Sion you bad left your hat and coat er dreaming that within reach, Of his there had been in his cheeks had dis- 9 Menset ...................... 5 9 . VIk7- , -,.,. ,,'),� '' u 2 15undas Street, Lon- . statutes rw�re so familiar to him that t is there, JohnVy?" 1 4 1 "'. ­,-,yU,1 ,, ding, 2981/ i10 McGaw ....-.' ................ NO " : �, . don, Ontario. Telephone: Metcalf On th,�., first floor? His information gloved hand was the man for whdm appe�r�d,' not once, but -Ralf a dozen times, he IT did not s;6und like her voice --it � ., ��,, , . I L I . ."AN, 00 .1 . . ta.ai�� one of the footmen told You, the police of three ' Auburn ................... - 6.1-1 �,' I 2861W. I . . continents were ,,The Ainger!" lie mutteTed . . . had cleared his clients of serious was a sound that was coniiing from .. .e.,�,T, ;.. . - I , _j as you were going ups1titirs, that the searehinigL411,pury Arthur Milton, -Alive!" The hand that held ,the charges. there were. suspicious peo- far, away ----4a ,strange voice suggesting - Blyth . ......... � ... ....... 1.1 6.25, 11�,W�i��, � 14,1", � ebats and hats, were on the ground Walton ........... : ......... 6.40 '.-'1i10,' ,,�4 1, otherwise known as the R I inger. Paper was shaking, and, as though he pU ,Who wondered how the poor4 stranger things. p , __111, I I . McNaught .................. 6.5L . 1,M0 . I AUCTION floor." realized that so,me reason tar,his agi- thieves who employed him raised the "I don't know what You r6eanl" he , . I ; .. . , AE# I . . Toronto ...................... I 10.2r# I ." 11 .John LenW avoided his eyes. tation ro-tist be found, he wftt on mOA0 pay his fees. Thei7e were answered gfuffly, lypthe did not look I I I ,,.; - I , _V ,p I ,-�n; I ___­� 1, I. I . , . � 1. � � . I .,�� . �,;� ; -, ) I "I don't remember," he said. "I was CHAPTER XI. with a Idugh. . ill-natuted persons who suggested that at her. �* West I I . �, , . I "An old 0 ent of mine, a fellow I Meister paid bimiself out of the pro- The pw-h spun round ,before hey � � .:�, 11, . . 08 * CAR KLOPP raleher rattled that night. I came Long after Lenley bad taike-n his was rather k on --but a scoundrel, ceeds Of the robbery and utilized the e , and alhe had to -grasp tho table- - - .. I .. .... - . * ']&M. ' '�� I'� L �� '. -yes . �1� L:� , . I - . .., ­ ­­_ t . J; Honor Graduate 'Carey Jonesf Na. downstairs initmediAtely I reco iz d ' a -acoundrel."! opporiuntiesi be had as __ tor6ntcy, ,i ;,., . . " .............. .1.401, ­ ­­ � 7 1pi ..... , "i wl I � 0 �1 � ­ y miata&e. Iii it suggested -at I departure igauri�ae Mielster sk ode up andl more th a lawyer to for support. , ., tional School for Auctildneering; Chi- m ty and down his tiny sanctum, his hands As he spoke he tore the form into obtain from his clients the eiact lo- "MT Godl You don't think .1 aiii­li McNaught ....," . ..� � �� I . I I �..... 1. ­.. I ITAS � a "I ... . I , - anything about the robbery . ' � .. �� , tago. Special course taken iti Pure kno v 30ped the litte " f the property ,they had stol- thief, db y'on?ll she beZVO hjni� Say. �", � I _­­_­ "I qi4sped behind him . little pieces and drii T in-loation o Walton ...................... 1�-161 �( ..�' �v ... . J,g"J'�:' ,^,tff I., � , , 11 I q - His voice shook a little. -4 it his to the wastepaper bamiket. I Then un- i.e1j. Mary Letiley steaA,16d hel�idicl Bly�h ....... �._.* .......... . I ,11111t"J;!:�R�'1'112 . ! : . Bred Live 'Stock, 'ReRl Vatate, Mer �1101 epurse no such suggestion -is A thought was taking shape Many.. a j4*el, thief on the run . I .1 �.".. , _ � '. � 11`111,q6-0 thandise and Farm Sales. Rates in . � ` I ,, '?,'.�;%i,�!�,',�,��s�, ,,, ,;. i -1 .:- said Wembuiy with' a, n1ind—two th6ughts .....indeed, which expett4illy he iput his arn, 66out her lind paused in his flight to visit the 11'Laok at'iiie, lohrigyll* Theh-, eyeq- Auburn ............... I ..... 11929, I I .,,.,�ill ,0 I � ` . .., I . � '1,11�� ... S, , , " ,�� � ,6� "�,-, 1�',! !,,� �r, i I I — 6 1 1.4 011 � " , , . . , . . � , � I - I �, I , nverged, intermingled, s,4parated r . 'Roadw ...................... 104 I keeping with prevailing markets. ,Sftt- Put forward," �houlder. . [house in ,FI&nder&­Lan% 7&nd had met. , �,��41M,W, y­f4b -to get informs-' Cal .. � I :�, �": "',-, , IgNetion asadre'd4 Write or wire,'sniilb ut we be" h , , , , 119, 0 , ... V, I .. and' came together again — Johnny ' "Navy, I would not virornr tb6 muc gone on his way,. leaving'in'the law- "You know noothinp, about those Metsot, 4 ............... I .;. ') � ., U1.9-1.,1400 - 1:�, 4 � I OoeAr Klopp, Z,urich, Ont. Phone : tion wherever we can." Lenley and his sister. alyout. Johnny if I were You.. He is I year's b9iids the evicitneb which wobld, ipeaAs 1 ",, 13(0600_� .......... 1.1 . :_ I I_, I !, � '.i 1, �111 , . " I . 13-98. I , . 2806-52, 111knew nothing of the robbery un- .1 . . . I I . . I � . "I'll, ',1.1,_ -,tn , ���,, , I ­ I � . .. - - � , ., � '!;� 1 I . � 11 . . ­ . . ­ I..!, � .... � /--� I' �11�"".,�','. . 1� " �� 14, . I . . 1. ­ . .1 '"Ill. , I I .1.1 I . I I ,, 11, I . I I , . . .1 . 1. , �1 IAI.11�1 i ��. I ­­ ,,,, � � � I . I J . I --.1.1.1. . I " I I � . I ­ , " � " .1 . I ; . � 1, 1. I I I I , I. , , 1:,- I I I � ," � � �.,, ,%.,,i!,W­;"�;4�,�'., , m, I . I . -, .I....- .1 I ,� ),�..'111 I 4. ,r ,,,, . ..... . . ", � ­, � . . I � � .1 I . `i� I., ,�,� � �;, _?-, , " � I I � 1, �, , �,;� i��ii-,� ,,,, 'Ir"��'1'11."�,',��,�, �1.1'1 , ,; I I .1 . I 1 Q� ,�, I.:,�;" " 11 I �,,��'�:.",),��f�,,,���,,.,���,�,�� " : ',',',',��,, ;"",,�;��;',',. ,- I . I . , � ' IM, � , , , �'�11'1 -1 -1 I I .1 I . . ol, ,,� ., �x '. , , , �6., ji, ".,�, "��,,��,,;,�;"",J,- ;,� , ,�,;,e,,' , " -m , ," , ,, , , J.1"', IAI�11�:;,�,­ , � I � , N ,g�o.W,­ g t .,-"�, i�,� � 1�� � 1� 11 , :­ ,,. I �, :11 I . , , ,,�-,,p�p,i­:��.. "I �, �" ,� ,"&, ��; 1,h ',,W4,.i; "I ,1� ,,11_ , . . I ­ . - - �,%,��,,&�,,� , ;,�",;;,"j"; w,,,,�;,,,,��,�,��1,3, i "t"', ,�, ,0,� .��111 , , , ", �', , , '. , 111_�. , ,� 4 �. , ,,�,, I&I .... ,� 1, �� , , �� ,� ,� M 11 -11— �­_­ ilXl .,,,� t�,.C,��, i '! �, :, �"&, 11 . ', , � , ! �. ,1�1�i� �,.,.'�,,��,,�,t��'i',��ll','��,,��17 �;,��i ­-�'......(P.W'"!, 11, 1�,',�'R`Y'X� ... 1� - M , _1 ,, , � I " ., ., 1, "I I 1'. , 11, . , �,! , , , - �,�,; , .";,� � r�.,,�,,-, 1,1,%,�,.", -., , . . � �. 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