HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-02-05, Page 6� ,. I 11 Iq,,,� 11-`,',,',1V., ­y1 1 1;,p f',�,-1 , . , , �111� -1 . .114��, , , , ,�)_ �:.11,1 T111: � 'I ., , " � , i�_ I'll, , " I" ,,;,, I 1� I � I I I ,, I . � '. - �Vj'�,I', � %,J:,�;I'�� 'N',�,,�li4i",::i���;,I,t,,;�;I .; " $,�-,, � . ''!,i", .,,�, �;,� �,'�,�)'�,Jli�j��' ,�, ",j , , tl,l' �:' 11.,,il", " �;, I 11-� �6 " � !�, 4 , "WIFZ, "I'l, , , I 1`61- , ; li�,,,�,i, � I , � .� " �y � ,, � , , � � - ., , . ,. � " . I I � . .0 I " , �11 ,"j-, ',� 1'601�, , " " , �� -4, �, , I.- 1`1� I I I ,I I'. 'i,o 1. .1 ) 1;7.�',,':�,�;N�; ���l!'Y,��l',�,,i"��',���,";'.I��,�'�i,:"��,"�',-,��"?:, t �;I�, '-,IM,T�j,Tt'�� � � I , 0', :4 � 1".. 11,� ",",�. �� - WM�":. ;" . I ', �,,,.,,,, i�, ­­,�; ,.,.I "r ,,�­ ,,,,,� "'.� ., ,� , ,, I I . . 1� .", '' , �.' , � �, I I �: I,v!.�, . , , __ _111,11 - 11 , I � L ��111 - '' 'V�,�,',C �:v , . I'll . , ". 11, 1, I 11; ,',.�.,�,4,,`i��4, I 11 11. ,. 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I I � . . . . . . . . _.:__�.� , I , " �11, ..� , � 71., -� -T 1�r�l - I , , -1�,,�­ _11;�� I , 11 I .11 � ,� - I -111-" � �. 11 I , �p ", ­ :I I . I � , X , V ''IF, I 1 _'* 1 , . . � ,W9RRffP__#_ ,If�'ll�l".;:��,�',t,,,'i�����,,Il��".� "F� I E I _,: ! `., .1. ,�1;111111 � .,,� ,__.,,,0,W ­9',X1,1 ", , i, .­ �. , , - �-_ �1­ I- . I , ­­` ­ X X�� ., � I .".?!, - , .�', ­ Il,��,'��­­14 1 "I'M ­ - . � ,�,�:�,­�, : ,'�� -'):1 v.111,,:� �� 1.1'� '.. ,— �­ : ,!!%, , � ,":.1'1&1�,�.,:�i�s��!, !%, .... . . ... I, "I'll "t.", � 1.111i.11.1,111,1117 I."-- _ �,r I - 1 I , � — , - - - ___ 1111~_11'.I--m� �,�,.,,,,,�.,-,�t,�,-,,,,,---,�,�,�,,..,..,�,.�,�l",..�- _rlrl��, . ,,,, eil 1, , I , I I I . � ,'� I ��: . I :''. _____ I 111.11,11.,�� ,"�,.":1:. . , , ''. �,�!;r'­,,, I " . � it'.. � , 11.1.`� , , , . . '�. I . . 0 I 1. I L 77' I'll ��T . .. . — . I I l� . . .: . � . " I . I " , , . � _ ____ ,.--1.1 I . --91,1 i "I'."', 7�1 i, "", -1 ­ ��, .�",' ,� I � 1.1 1A ., '�` , 1, , , , �,.;' �, ,;, , I —­ -, W,',k,.'� ,�,,,,: .1 -1 == : r 1340P.0 ;i .................. ;­ . , 'Y"'A" ";,;J,-- -i � -,f 1"; n, V_"';,7`1�' , , k ""It' 0 �4,� : 11 �51, N� I' ­i, I _. -q ". , : :i 1, '11� ,� I _7 �� xn .. I I , 1: M. , - AM - .1 -0 �'T .. . . �­­ 7" .1 I . I . * , _-717iR,711, I , - . I ,�, 5 -1 �. I . - ......... , . . .,^-11 ; � f , � 0,11,V4 I ,. I" , "; � I , 11 , §.%. 04 ',NW 14g,q , � qw 8,A RK. I I��'�: :��.`.$��;�,'i�!* 11-1,� 1. , , � IWA�,40A, . C k �Tl I ..... I � I I 1�;,$ �-;­ i �� tarting .--- r. , �_T.f ., 11, , .�� . "" IQ" " V111 PIZZi W.#, . " , , : - .1, !� � , I Ivierx ..A I I 1. I I .............. 10�m- . I I 11 - I . . `,�, �T A , , , ': 61"', I ! r i, , 11 .11 _20,00,11 � . 1. , � ..,., - '7 00. ; I .V . . I m;�� , : - %`Y"'�'� I 0 ." : , sp S, r . .......... �i�,�`�i��!'I� �� , � " ,�� �.�' ,_ , ,,,'��,,F,111,,'��, q I __., �, , 0 %� � P" - ­'. ..... - . I � , 11 Z�i'1;1��'0, �2:, � "M '' 11 I Tr vsu".V. ", ... 6 . i - - : 1.".. - de 1A � I I -,I�;;i;,�-�,�,�!,, ." . J , , , ,' - � . . .. .1;11 - 'Jvk o f Peace_ ' .. 100 ' ­ 0 1 lorl '7�­­ IMTS 11- 'i �, I!. 1, I �,�J�,­i , ,,;t�.,, . ..� 1�__ I I f ei ,�,,�,,;�,�,�,�J�i�lr i, , k, I ., � � I . _,��,4�,,,,, , "" I . , before 0 1 . CI .... I ...... . � IV I Guard ces ............. , "I " ( � '' I . N9 bei0f . ,Eu 'neer ................. 45148-81- '�, ,),i,�,., , �'�';Jan�ed fM*'PA&e QAO Xr. �ilna, ap" 2190 ; i. - I "" i�',,.ii;��,�'�',�'���'�'�!�i!��,i�,",�,,�l,�l,,�,,�,,� i tli a I is TW �;U-RE y , _ kawme'a - , ,, - public liability insurance..' , .. , '' � I ...... :,.,: .... -6 � , P, , �, _­ -1_ � i . � I " ','-'!'��'r�,'.�'��;�',',"t,�'i�!�","��"'i,���,I�, , FridAl. t"Q� aoept *t utApulatiiiIv I exists todAy ..'..., . ", kIooklot 004- $Q1,66944 " i .1 '�`I�� `4 a � 22 Nr�%,­­ I . . , lingues -, , -I , , ... . .. _W 119, I �X 4,,�,�,,����,�,�.f,�,.:I,��li��l,��,,�,;���i�,�,�14 , � to :­ � , ��P .his WA -a I C'Orrecti", . OUA4 AW tT , ' 4 - , , . , I, I P" provided I � r rk . ...... ..... � ., ,, . qj �",,��.',, - ,� - I ",­rj '. - W, - I � 'L � 11 I � . G041 ' - ......... .. 110 �,Fw -1 9 - '. : �, q 'faulous 4c-- � . .. - . , - I 16 . i x�, ,,.�,',,�""..,,I,�����'"'t", the 4wvy P.4 Ph _r X I ' , I : ,�,i""e,�,�,i�i.�,,,,���'41"f '�,I,, 'head of enWr1vs* Mr, , iouut Ltj:r%*mrq Cohnnuittee re- for, . - 850 taining tbt. OW-11101ts � " �", I . L', ,.�q,',,,.� , , I - . I - . X,,�`,Vr,,�","�gg,�l 10,04 spoke of the power of ,e \�,�",Ojx it), I , X1014 � - subject " - : . W rho C , Tur _1 ............ ,y Account , r t4e . ,akey _... on, the n W, I �_p I , ., .j �k,gg , - , aw chair� , * 720 t"s , ,�y Be � Machiner I - At", aaq \VM MAP " 4OMPU . ; ` - .." . _.... W, , k, , 2 .. fi� � �, � P"At'd - - � oured?" 'has . Manager, House . 9 Refugffi_ �'��'J'�,4�`,"��q'.�( , Met with great iRPeXV#r_- - , , , .; - ,� I 'Packard truck ......... $ 82 ,, , � � , W50 , , e,m"�Z , That - - W'. rw, ancfACID STOMACH Matrpo ..... ........ - - 700 throughout . . , �,��t,,J,'Ipl��Oy' ',� '. rders. thi 0" , � I ,�,, d" F'. 1� 'W vas , V wit b y the Pq II'v-, - .; I -:::: 360 B .country. , Dr. trilre, oat , . , 1) , 1 Z,fi , __ , the 25 ,'."R'1�11­ A �, - *M* - pointed out that it N .NlklaxdA, *�%, r .'be 0A.. .SO14 everywhere in . I , ,jii;i,i�Ii;i. ..,, 2q6 finer of New I -oil distributor .......... . ;_ 1"', q�l,, � "t . _j3j.;d.4pest, Hungary, Dr. IV 1. � _ . ". r, ,7'1 V'of the chairM V"tjh the G0V*rAXU%1eI*tt 8rWIt __­_.._�, . . Y, , )rk and Dr.,Bolwers Of LO 1 25.06.- ' ", '-fl, ., an to sign VAT cottkxtv, X . 2,5 c a04 ?�c Ted P119',% , Ins I ra­., louse s Angeles I broom drag .... o ....... ., ,,�,,',,.�"",��,�,,�,,,,,�,',,",,�t,lo�f,.�R,�rN. I 411­�­11­ , to VAY�, 01 '* tki,, . 4UVZUU -_ sweeper ................ I I" , , 1,.,'�,'A"fi"6jts and ve�ntynendatlons , $k & !stgary vmulkl Oe . SIC!"'4 ,, Se of fU ... 360 interest- I ' 75.00, , i , ,,�!§,,'��,5' �,'E�4"'N�,, _' f, �, 1, . 45. I -,ave all"contributed to this I �'!,,�U'J"`�P­��.� while on duty. I . tank ........... 217.90 . �, I 1. 1-11-1 -.�, ,, , I "Not, Te order had 3Ad travouttv WIRIS'es � � o. , each .............. ing,discussion, which eont�ins a great I storage . �.­' . " '3 , I ' - �,'�" , ,, ,,��;,'�'��,�,' _"�4 � "Il,' ,��', , 1 1 ,:,�,W �� ! 'd by the e� I Is , to be signed by thQ ,X I " . � IMP en before Treas- QW I . 452.90 . I I ., pal _'Curikki, I ,Criminal Justice ditors, per ormation and idvice on the J3�,,,tl�c� e7 ....... i ....... :;, '. �,,�,, ,- I . L, Q,j�w,e.T�&'Vtar" Ttat this touncil - _� ". _ . deal of inf I , '. 1, ,. F. - � , 1, g ,q,.�,%�,Jg, ,,g�. -, . n4le one - r ..... I ........ U-06 i I ,R � , " , 11,11Mr. I . day and 10e per sub�ject. .Any j�ader wTiiiug to Ed�u . 1345.00 �;:;"'�,'i,.'-.::� � . . �$, - coulmattee revort- .1 traposed L60 _fJ�;i�,',.Ilili,�, ,& , - .�,�,.P'11,,4�,,�T,­ e-, .,The Legislativl X*fund mte-UH Of Me t1lu — �___' ..-Way only ............... .. .4. . aal Divisiq% 5og Fifth Avenw,11.,coneretemixer ............. , f!;:�,,,I�i�l!i. I ,,,,,�,,,,zR11S I, 1. , takerli up In ­ 200 cativi . 115.49 1 , . . I Des, ' ,.x_ . - "".1 ,. and the r,eP*k Was On Oliver ,swNwt. kd Howick -Town- ,,loust of Refugv - - I Y' 'k C, 119, Will I is - " * " " .... , .-II-1.11. .. .... 11.�011,W,�,'�,�,,I� �11%41 ,k,pt�zs left over. -1- I I , Chaplain,A New ork'City, , I 0 ­ :::111 $ � - I MMI, _,� . 900 4 ....... I., ..... 5-61.20 . . 11 ;:i � . I'll �', h Mr. Goldthorpe 1A `P ,�b4I� 'Thiz, mat"r rf-Ilylac- Caretakew, QAur�t -Ouse , ,Tb'is booklet' I dt,gli,� .:: * , . 180 pi Of . ,,;�,,'%,P'.. POIrmittee wit �.qd�ng be If ...... � � .. -_ ,3 . . I Juftre!s office, a I eceive a �f,Tee copy k , I " � � . � - . . .. I ,per day. - ." 4,50 1 1 l9adometer ..... � ........ 6.43-56 I � I ��.hgir. . eading -bo,' J�,dgeos room county Councillors, hile they last. . � , I .���,%"­­ , � ed orn'stair I ., i�:ii:: "I .3N.M. - -9 I I , I " I -,'L'�,­. ,. . .. Mr, V- two County councillors, milage, 10c %y --.4— .11 �i!il`�'-.� N 1W -:,,., i "I " � ,loved by Mr. Xtgi.hbon slid - . : : � ... : ­:� ".-II: - �t 0M." , , J'� red We UmMend Alit" " I . ::11 ;: .... .. :;,..-,.1.-, .1 , . N4,`)1'i;` . �' an that the . m4tter be refer ()F co �m NJ n'ru. RS "d and are. per mile, one way Only; all ' $3,21A.'ek I ! .: -, " N", 11.111M, ... � QW= micipal mat- RE140M . ghairs, which are borrO . I . �'. L, i . E . -esatis�actory, coyiimittee,8, per da .50 Repairs ............ ...... 8,300.47 . . 01, i!��'�, to the committee on mt - y ...... 4 . I I ,��.. . . in the Judge's TOOna. ai .. I I . , Madame -Lacroix's dellcioul� ­_ I �,�:� , � ter . appointments at the recent De�' LegioAative� tha.t they b�e purchased.' . and 10c per mile one way ers. Requests are freqtiently made to , , , I 1�,,?,O 11,576,11 .­­ I y,�j,�,� ......... . .... . . . ...peufber meeting and that the _coln- ,nd some sirAll repairs only. have a certa* , ppointed to a 11. . 1 $ 1 _. . I , " la 'I ,0- - ­" - h,,� Li�.gj,4a.tjNme Colnntittv9,.1vported .'We recomme a, �iv,�,jT,is%rr.ngied, regard- " I cHocoLilrc LAYER cAKF - . . ,� , � �*,,,�',;'11� called to meet before the� .r , J. J. I position, and L ,1�1�J,1� nittees .be , Chairman. M.Q§er, Chairman. F L � .... lal House meet -Carried. � I . . . less ,of the faot that there were too Superintendence. . I "I . "jution o,f the Counties ' Of Rxecu*ive , Road Commission. . , . 1. . ��% �s. _ il cup butter , �­ I Provine I as f� 110 N� I th pay roll previous - q; I, .1 . Re Clause 2: It was movedbv Mr. R Z_,ze�k,, n, -,.ith regard . . . ' many nantes oe e ' t to Salary county road superm- I cup sugar . . A!�;4', - I 3M�Kjbbou and Mr Wright that the �Lewxox ,�.n Add�n,gtio . . ly, and with Nttle concern . ­ I 111q , 1�;, I _ - 3,ti d - d of the Executive Cam- The Road commission reported as ess of the man, to, fil�t�e job tendent ......... ..... �­$ 3,420.00 )2 eggs � . J J, R", -',',. - 'n' "' I . . I.OQ I %q4gpq9p.van - , ".1 A to.�� " , matter be referred to the Legislative e ecommen The report I I the Atn �- U _ illa extract I I I'll, . 'to ted in full.—C; 1111 . , I I'll., . ��, . coninuittee to prepare a -motion as they ,Camd,p arried. *ttee was as follows. follows: Demands am =d - t<) . � Uyvry _­� ........ I. -T I—- -­ - I - I _e_ . -, h%y@ q�rtajp 4 50 I 1 cup milk, r, - 4. � ,�� 14111 d Craig- ,- he iommuni&tlon upon the On- opt in a com- Railway fares ...... !..--. - - - � I , Gbvernment direct � 110-3ect to leg- *Reimicition of� M,cKibbon an public works -carried ' 2�j cIp pastry flour (or 2 cups and �`_�;,, ,coming to the " - 1-iomnlittee is op - I -ant of $700 tario ,Good Roads Association, re- - Hotel 'bills .......... 72.40 1 i- � ,,,, -.- , I oul . I P ", , � ied. islation =,t would restrict the powers that � r @-,11 ,� he.county,c6u' il,�C= - d munity, and it is d ne without consid utomobile expen' s - - - .00 3 tablespoons 1�1� ,1 �' � , adop"'a"" lof the municipalities and gl:v` .... -z�de to the hospitals. ... ". pay A se 340 ,,��, 6, , , rile te as : ": ­ of bread flour) I � y", . we recomm'711 a 111p � from t the le' , � (-,U,c-+1llg,tlle usual fee of, $15.04, we . s may never , IQ'I ort was the7i be in eribg that the weir .Powder � 10".. . The rep trol ,of their finances. re- rpcO_.__,,n�nd that the ,Council decide 'if these conditions Clerical -assistance ........ . 870-00 3'teaspoons Magic Baking " (ge tender for bread for for themselves, 199.67 Y, teaspoon salt , I �,'­` 1 I . IGO t I � � - �il, ,,�, - I - read . ""'en "on gaol�vweand I " - - Good Roads, commission re- '" ' C11 .1 ­­­ . - � �il��' � '. I The PetWer IV. &ott, Chairman. cornmend thd te,;ider of E. on this matter. existed in only -one community little Stationery ......... - - �� ­ Craigie in the chair. ,, . -at 10 -cents be ,�Je motion of ,Messrs. Sweitzer and harm would 'be ciused, but when it is Telephone and telegraph - 3.33.20 . . 1. ­­ a add sugar, a littli , . I t � � I iinance. for three,pound "loaf . I �, �" _,�- ported with 'Mr. 11 I � � � - B 4,yne, requesting an addition to a natior,-wide situation, it. be,comes, Ex # �: gN..0,ell, 'th ccinfer6hce . - ..3QA0 Cream butter; I— . ' , " if". . The report was adopted ,,dxcept � reported as accepted. ra,ol we the ,County Road System� we recom- serious, 'and I . . , beating uritill4ilit; add . ;�." " , I se 1 wh!41i-v�7­g left over. Th,p Finance ComInlitteq . Re tenders for meat for g , and waste, inefficiency . . I I I at a time, ks and avoring; add I V.I I -1 I. calu, rted follows: ' mend that. a report on this be made 'high taxes are the -result- - , (..$5,072.16 bi6iifiF , yol �� "t,;, -q� The E;De�utijye Committee repo all accounts reconunend the �ender of C. Allison 'business must in conelmion. I 'wish ,to thank the ' flour, sifted with silt and baking - , �I, . the repori taken up �in commit- We recoritmend that for good boiling m. eat -at- It cents per at the June session, after, the Com- To lower taxes,pqb�lic ... � t �, K_�,­ . and I , Lnty should mission tiL examined -the situation er big busi� ritembeis, ok tj�;'councif,an,d the.Road pawder, alternaielywithnift. Fold . "!�k,� . . . with Air. Ilaacke in tile chair. preferred against the cox pound 'be accepte s _ as ValY a I - 9 1:: tee L ,of the 0. for gaol, Nve be carried on'_ .. th - in stiffly beaten egg whites. Bale . only on the order �L,Re, tenders for Milk lRe mot' of Messrs. Ballantyne n,e§s tha� commission for the assistance given ,ii"MI . Clause 12 was an -tended to�pake the be paid ion LQf L , .t is succpsSful. Capable -of h in 9 .greased layer 11� tlLtl.� � - cake, pans in 1. I " I , , _ , Wirden in writing except those pro ' ' - - _..Pp foiz fi, -must be kept ill charge of the in carrying,out; t e work of the year. __y 4. r recommend that it be left for gaoler and Archibald, that rate ., _ial.s - ID : I . . grant $100. 1 . statute and even those . � . 1932 be 40 cents per .hour :for i�am worki and given authority to get it -T. ill. Patterson, County Engineer. . moderate oven at 37P F, about 20 . 1, I McKjbb,on�Haaekp�: That the Ad.: v'ided for by - to -buy. , ,Y,,% ,-, li!�.'11 ­tt6 � ,,nt� I.. i -nts for men we recommend - P09- I .. . .... ­..­ . . tted to hin Re tenAgrs for groceries for 91101, and 20 ,ce done' at the lowest possible cost -0. Minutes. Recipe for Chocolate N,'� * cry Legislative ComMI q appo should be su, , . � `�, vis ,e recommend a's before that the ,we recommend the tender.. of Calvin that.,this be adopted: as we believ;6 ular opinion among ratepayers, es- . 11 , Icing and Filling isin the,Mp& I ,, !�, �, .. ed in December, be discontinued forth- W . . . , , unts should morx rates J Cook Book. '. . - " ��e. ' " � -1 Magnstrate's acco - ' that these will ,be the cdmi mers, is that reasonable . � , . with --Carried. I Police Cuti, be accepted. . ; pecially far . � _.". for coun .y An Ing, we this year. laries are high salaries and cannot I � . .. I,,,. . _(;aw,ible-Taylor: That owing to the be audited by the county auditors as Re tenders ' t t, Sa Seaforth Industries of the " � a - 2 " whole ..Circumstances in " connection the'Crimin4l Justice Auditors and re- -recomnlend the teinder 4 *Lealn R,6* motion ,of Messrs. Geiger and, ,be earned., consequently they are not . ,� � � -� -­ - ... . council.' � .. " i " I I . , ��r , nted to this , Broq�, Seafo�th, be accepted. MeNab that the, expenditures be kept id. The result is that good men I .,,� ith a., certain fine imposed upon a ports are Prese nk of mills and pal ving the public ser- Sevenfies � Why Magic .,' . . W ' Re grant to institute for Blind, we within one and one-half I , 1. e m!,n in Howick, amounting - to 1Re the resolution -,! the Ba I . are constantly lea I I - � � I youn 'th reference to the Pro,- that no, new- construction work be un- , nerative worl� the ­ . . I . � % . . -etfully ask the Police Commerce wd recommend a ,grant of $100- - vdce for.more reuM � . . used . I-— I I W .1 � $143, we respe I . I .1. W? *_re- dertaken, ' Continued from Page Three Baking Powder -is . � 1. J��­,­U­to ie'Ai�lse clemency 'In I h County Treasurer, Re Sick Children's `HosvRi�L' . except where necessary, we poor men iind the misfits never ldlive, . I I 1. (I, ... , 11T4_ nt, or a, n&th sameb,�'signed by the evain-tend no grant. recommend that this he done. -7- J. and are seldom discharged. I 'Te 'carse'j�nd have,the amount, or a, recomme e I ,'! �� I. � , I t fine­.Temitted, as the Warden and Clerk.-. J. Goldthorpe, 'R- motion, ,re school fairs, we re- McKenzie, ,Chairman. Regarding the administration of of. the Royal �Canadlan and the city exclusively at this I I I part of this , , � . . e . . , ... 1, " 14 .. n very stra Chairman. ' .' . ", , Can , ---"' ­­,-, I I � I I young man is i ightened commend a grant of . $20 to each Report of ,Huorn County Engineer. county r6,ad matters in this county, I Bank of MoIntreal occurtdd under the . I I : The year 193 cis�m to make, a 1.", ,, 3ent ir. 1 has been a very try- have no criti s F have title, of the Consolidated Bank 6f wing to the pre County Property. school fa, ­ I i - . h ' - am of branch was in- I� circumstances 0 wursie this Montreal'SC 001 1. '' . 1, . c; ., . , depressed col.1jitions.-Carried- . - Re motiai� Of .M,cNajlyb and McKib- ing year from an ecoR pc point generally found the county council as ada, of . - - - * . 11 � 111��. ­. .. - The County Property Committee re Yric,ultural fairs, we recom- view. The commodities from which A body, and its me�rs individuallY, cludedi This consolidationlrepiresented . . - ... I bon re ag . , . The matter was referred to the Ex ported as fOl1PWs*- I '. dollars, and . , I ""'... I P � Office shdlmeL $100 to each. Agricultural S97- the county deri,ves -its reve,ffue were willing to --operate in getting the a capital of 'four million of Domestic � --- I.., ?,I. ecutive Committee to interview Mr. W4 visited the Registry ding ,Spring and Fall Fairs. ca;bnorirLally, low, in pri�ce, while ' the ' . � ,, � k, � n but recom- ciety 401 right work done in the right way, and it was officered. by some of the -'best � � 11 -1.. I Reid. f ound it in good conditib 1. nsall ,Seed Fair, we ,recom.- pr�,ce$ of articles that have to be pur- dtieI td this, I can say that we hitye men'in Canada. The President.Js Sir Science '. " , � I �. �S-weitzer-B�llantyne: That the nd that the fence at the back of . Re He 1. ell . ased were not lowered accordingly. the best adrilinistered coun- P.rancis ,. Hin-eks, K.C., M.G., Vice- ;.-.�- . I � &:� I . -ant of $25. 1 __ I , I �`p���h�e Provincial me I n ..... �,... I ;,;, 1. the office be repaired. mend a �g piled I - ..: , I �.;-. I I M%,e We recommkiend a gra i# � �,: � ... I...- "We t'each our - .1 � ""l- ­ COi-I&Y COlib'ci , nt of $50 to At the same tim, ti ,:do system in . I Go.vernment to - up during other days when payments factors considered. - while the Board of Directors I, e�,' allow municipalities to We visited the magistrate's office e, obligations the province, all President,R. J. Reekie, Esq., of Mon . . .It, revert to a system ything in good co _ .rth and South Huron Plow I treall .. I ­­ of statute labor and. found -ever ndi- ear -h of No be met from the Alt,hough. the anto I unt of f ris such well known names , I . ..�', that, a curta Associations. This grant was were easier, have to unds w comp es students only the ".. � � �.. n the principle of the old sys- tio,rl,,-but recommend ing , soTne progress as Ron. Alex. -Campbell, John Grant, _.Ils surest methods," I Y. 4 t be paid be placed on front windoy;. wmanded ... to read $100. deflated revenues of the pTesent. available was limited ', . ylk �., tem and that thesame gran . MeLebilan, Hugh McKay, . ., I., , � based o . `:- Re n -motion of Mo was,made during -the year on the, work Esq., Hugh � I - ,k as, We visited the goal and found t, ser and -Craigie for (Gold has,been used as theprincipal -0e; John,Rankin, D. Gal- says.Madame R, . . "Ill t 1 (by'the Government on such wor' I I 11, ,; are paid under the present arrange- prisoners and everything nice and gran� for: flowers around Cnurt standard of value for man centbries. of improving the county roads. As W. W. Ogil .� ...... I I "... Lacroix, Assist- � .; .. �1, ­ oil House, we. recommend a grant of $20. It was found by trial to. be the most much work, as!'could profitably b�e ar;.' braith and William Thomson. Inde- .... . . ! ". ...­., .Z1.".1,�." e - I � d. clean. We recommend that a-00al . *.".�IIiI... �. . lrnent�-Carri-z en es .", .....! ,ant Director of .,�., . ,III ,� " . That this or electric stove, not to exceed $35, (Re public libraries, we recommend suitable, and &�parently served the ranged was done with men and teams, p -dent ,of the capital, these nam I ...., I the Provincial ,.. C ,,,,,�.� C,vmpb6ll,�Goldthorpe: � . r'& long time. During and s ' to fn�pire confidence. - . 1. �ceed $19, be a grant � purpose well fo eivIenteen miles of road was wid- were sufficient . ".., I -incial Gov- also paint not to ex PUT 6 . _­ - . . , ,,'� . countil petition the Prov ,h . will be-apiplied withoui Re motion of McQuarrie and Wright the war, and since that time, the debts ened and drained. Two brildges,.were The Consolidated Bank has a number 1. Sch6ol of Do ' I '' ant from chased, whic . orn Borer Inspector's salary at of nations and other organizatiofi� ,,t,nded-and `�j . Montreal " - � I'� 40 tc, 5,0 ,per 'Cent. owing to the in- cost to the county. re C I -1 .. .... - I T a , LuT ts of -branches. They are located as fol . . .That's . . erament to increase ,Our gr _,pber,bf cii1ver - inestic Science, .. . � I " us offices of the 40 cents per hour, ,we recom3nend have increased tremenduous- y an no c,nistirticted, in addition tolmanY smal- 10-w's, at the- various trade centres. 11 ___ l . . d " ' " i v . crease in cost of auto licenses.-Car7 We visited the vano e too , -nish own transportation large sutply �4f go 8cOv- ler jdbs of a nt natifre; 1 , The head. bank at the titY Of Mon- why I alimays use and recdTfitntil 11 . . I'll, . � . Court House and found theim in fair same,h f In permalle . , , Magic Baking Powder. Its high �, ­ ried. I ivate� and travelling expenses. . ered. Hence, we have huge O'bliga- We have now in the county twent�- It I ith branches *at Chaboillet I I . I I .. .. s appeared before the ality ii always uniform. � -, L , Mi. W',hiteside repair, except the Judge's Pr nd a dinlinish- five miles of I rea';e7city Ayr, Berlin, Belleville. leavening qu - �, � � 1 .. 11, I council with' recommaend.be. re- . - Re salaxies, we recommend as fol- tions payable in gold, a surface -treated roads, squa . C nton, - .� which 'we �l Galt, tw at To You get tb�. same .satisfactory re- � � , I ­ "I.., reference to the paying ropm, oilet room next the lows: " I I ing supply of gold, relatiVely, to, meet through villages hamlets, etc. Eight 10hathaInl, 0 11 . ..." I ft.vv . . I.- i , of 1 allowance.- I ' . * N * lilts - ;,.- - 0. office ' , decorated, also t . . it. Cana& ,properly boasts of its fill- �,nd­ a half ',mile; of this was treated ronto Hamilton, Norwich, " e mar'-, _6 every time you. use I . . . I ­ �. ­­­ . . � - ' I ' . ., I . . , . - . . . and integrity but our this year' for the first time. During ket, 'See6rth, St. Cif harines'', ' Sher- �nd Magic Baking Powder is the . . ­.;_ I -1 ­... - '.... I M I ancial soundness I . St. I 1 7' h . I .. ": - -_ -_ I I � . . are payable, in gold, had. built by Thom�as brooke, Woodstock, Wingliam, stioned choice. i � Ii . . . � . Victory Bonds !the year we . ' unque in t e major- iI, � , 1, 1 I ho has SaIndy, 'a distributor, which I alil, Hyacinthe, and New Hamburg- Of I �� I.. I '. ; , . .1 ".� . and I'have heard of no one w ools throughout ,;.� __ � to secure such pay- satis- all these, -the -Seaforth branc� takes , ity of gooking sch .� d.. . , recently been able pleased to repo# has been very 11 .. I � I - . nt for thent, and Canaia is the yet to see a better the .but a par'donable & Dominion. Cookery' -teachers- 11 I I I� . � � . 4 � I �, i I 1. .. ... . I . . . Mi? I = - I h ave i -prefer Magic ' .1, I , , 7 nd, the. cost was a small , .. I W_. I lead, and it is I ! . second larges� gold �Yroducer in the ributor, a fbit of pride that induces The Exposi- ' and housewives, too 11, . ' I . 'T 'T world. Ninety per cent. of all co'urt- fraction of what o-thers wo7AId have' tor torciake such a broad statement because of its' consistently better I I .1. 125, . , � ­ 1;P'.. 1. . 5--a ....... - that facts I I . .i � I .�11.d: . I _ � in the 01T and it cost. One hundre n result.s.-.- . . . � . '. I .% . T.k iLE DOMINION -BANK.- . tries are - same conditi d and ten thousand -a stateme It, however, .1. ", 11 U I I'll, I �1� . . -1 I I .. I would appear to be very clear evi- gallons, of material were, xgplied,'and abundantly justify. We are not at lib- ke y �, I' . I . 1. ,7. , I ­ ' ' "' - -When you ta - "I � � dence that the g6ld standard has fail- the cost Of pplic,&Ltiull was slightly eTty,,cif, course, to publish a recapitu� Free Cook Book , _$ [ I Sixty. -first Annual. Statement - � - ed to peept pace with the. rate at, less than oneu cent.,per gallon. This ration of the bank's business bere- . at home, the new' Magic Cook .. � ", � 1� - . wever; its losses have I... M L. � which wealth has been produced, and represents a saving of $220-00 on the we know this, ho you dozens of reciPes- I " �, ­­ I 1. I. g of The Doininion Bank was held at the Head Offl6e , If the world 16os� charge� ' - been almost less than naminal,,and it give I - ..: . . The, Sixty-first Annual General Mcetin 1. can be produced to -day. by the distributing com. I Bole= ,, El - 11 � I -ary 27th, 1932, at which the following statement of 'the 211airs Of I of Hs way, - for ous baked foods. Write tc- I 1, - I panle� rating our own -dis- pursues the ,even tenor � Z �­ - in Toronto, on Wedpesday', Janu I I will avoid financial chaos, it is prob ning the good opinions of all.'In I Standard Brands Ltd., FT,iser Ave- I ,' I . i9n, was submitted: ' 11 I trib, ' uch more satisfactory in win , . W . I i � the Baxik as on December 31st, . :, , able that inflation of values Will be rli',"Imope to, Ontario. , ". .� . I . I ,I, . I ib St., Toron . �.. I . I effected by,,artificial means, possibly many other respects. brief, it is thoroughly identified with I and Li �rty . ... "� ;i . '' ,., I . I I I . LIABILITIES. by adopting silver as a co -standard - From the year's experience, it be- the people, -and is. as essentially a :IIII�`;.� I . . 4 . 1 4 .. 11 .� 1� . , �!-j��'.71,-'�V`.ki�,­._ �! :1 $ 7,000,000 00 I . 11 _?f..'.y-,'-�',? I 1 Capital Stock paid in... -.-.-...4...-...-..-.-.."...-...--...... . .............. - esisted comes I I evident that the home interest as are ..... , Z-�_ , I I with gold. This step will be r increasing I ­­ ..'', Reserve Fund .......... ; ............ 4 ...... ..... ...................... .... 4 ............................ _. $ 91000,000 00, . I 5- be made terprises of which we here speak. -1,_ h, ­ ,.-*�.. .. . C_- - by influential holders of bonds and bituminous tro road can � I .. , � Balance of Profit and Loss Account carried forward ............................. 465,ZD9 22 . f ' � I I " . � I . . � . A .,., - . 1 �7, payable 2nd January, 1932.— ..... . .. . ..................... 210,000,00 mortgages, but it has been found ex -'to fillt the modern demand for a se - .1 I .1 . . . 11" I . Dividend No. 19 ........ I .... 945 Oa I . pedient to change the standard Of viceable road at a low cost. � -, . .... -_11 I � ,; I I I I . Former Dividends. unclaimed...--..-..-...-.--.---------------- — 9,676,154 22 value in the past, and ,to do so again 1 "Four graNlel pits Were purchased THE, PRODUCE "TRADE I � � �; �� . .� .'.1.--- ,,,, 11, .. I � I - . — , . - � . I ' . I I ...'....'.._'. �� 11I �. . - . � would be no new procedure. I during the year, and it ha ,been found _ go= '. - .. .. . . 1) ' *""I%^ . " : I,_ Z Total Liabilities to the S " I L V, $16,676,'54 22 1 There- has been much discussion advisable to purchase larger Pits , ARMITAGE, BiAME & Co. , � - , . ,. ., .. ". I . . "g, I barebolders ' 01 -NA -nee they soon be- , � b %WW'... y 1, ".. "T ,03.00 nnd com�laint of late'regarding higb -formerly, si ': , ,. "� W � _. 11%._ _ 1� .;�,262,,3 .. 1. . Ithan , , . il, .:. � 1.11, '* , 1� ,- -, Notes, of the Bank in Circulation ............. : ............. I—- ............ , Seafortb is rif , , Deposits not bearing. interest ........................ . ............. -, -5 - *�,� r . taxes and ratepayers have been seek- I come exhausted. ,These pits are from The produce trade of , Is , ' ...- $20,1 3, 54 .11 - . . . . . . . . "../ - . I 1� . I . , 11 ,� . ! Deposits bearing interest, including interest accrued . . . . I I g for the causes and the means of i two and a half to three acres in Size, , ar great/eIr importance then is usuallY I ,. in ­ . I! I �, . I I ­­** .. . .... �._.___­_...... 85,275,816 48 " relief. Takes are undoubt whereas those purcba.sed in the pia-st i c �, I to date . .. . ............... ::*� ... - �edly high,.- ' suppol+ed, and we,have collated some r! , i I log,449,0()5 07 not only municipal taxes, but,provin-� Om one-quarter aCre tij`t*o�i�,:'M;i Irelating thereto. Take the I.rm .. !'CONTAINS NO � ,W 1 963,835.12 , I ,varied fr I . I'a Arinitage, Pleattic, & Co., as an il- I. ALUM." Tl"state� di l B�lances due to other Banks in Canada.._- . .... . ........ . . . ........ � ......... cial and federal taxes which we PaYlacres. I - me"t on ever7 tin '3), our guarantee ;.&'� Balances due to Ba#s and Banking Correspondents elsewhere than . � placedil,h.Atration. Their annual expottations 1. . . 4 unconsciously. For the cause of this 7 .One dra-gline v,as bought and 31 -pool .. . that maalc Baking '. .. �!11� -(. . � in tanada ...... k ........... . ............................. . ...... ............... ................. ,J,534,617, 11 - ecrid7tion, we must go back to the I in operation and since the coNt cyf � -/ vih&at alone to London, Live, I;` ,.. Powder Is fre6 froM I I'll I ­ ... . 366,949 V 1 A .� I ! I Liabilities not,indud-ed in the foregoing ..... 1...__.___._.__..___�. Ulu or any ha""- ,� t4'. �; 114,576 -799 57 ratepayers themselves. Representa- I these Outfits have been' lowered r0ater- and 61w,gov reach, one million .(I()]- ' ful ingredient .. I , . I . I — I 4ives �Iectedby the people constantly; iallY,- 06nsiderable SaTi6g C�rl -be ef- � larR T�urins; tbe past t*elvc months , didd , ­. . I � 1,622,126 30 . . ­.,� I .!. .111e I , . I V, � t Outsta;iding.-.-...------....-.---..-.-.-..----.-,-..-.....- , I . Ithe; r�anirfactured and exportu6 to 1". ..11'1',� . ,. . .�', , I-, . "... I... ,. ;� Letters of Credi keep in mind that another election is � fected by their we. �a- . " -rpfyol and . , , . , The fo,llo4wing W�A,e:s -yw 5, (;1asgow 15,00o bagrg of I � 7 , -, ., $132,875,079 09 . coming, and their efforts are chiefly � shf tryme Of , Live Zdadc La Cauada 14 -;�, . .Y, ,� I � — directed towards satisfying their vot I our ,machinery co,Kta foT the .year: , 1(yatmeal, an(] it may not be uninter- . , � . I, ,� ,*Z, 11 0 1, I .1 I � e�,.ting to state that. the oats from " 11 � . 'ASSETS . . Value of Gont per which this meal was made were im- . . � g P I , � 1. , ....... . ... $ 1,018,693 911 cost Of I Depredia ...... I . I- .1 .. � , I ,� I'll, i Cola and -Silver Coin, current_........- _­­ .............................................. 9,367,640 9`0 airs ation Interest otherwork Net Cogt yr]. mi, ported from the Stakes. Last season grain trade, and I his partner,Mr., Beat- ,, I � � Dominion Government Notes ............................ � ... � ......................... I ..... " I Truck Operation Rep . I . the firm also packed about $15,000 . . I - (W tic, has long been, identified with tbO' :1- � Deposit in the Central Goid Reserves. ..... ........................ ......... � .......... 1, P= 00 I I I to these I 11 111�`,_ __ 686,390 00 ,05V-10 *500.00-- AS- MAO $Jp()0,00 $1,198,36 -1.1.9c worth of pork. In addition same interest. Mr. Beattie'�by the WaY 11 . I 3 I 'i 00,00 2,765.92 7.4c lines of trade, I , ..... Messrs, Armitage, , -r Banks ............ _-;-___----,-...._._._._.­ ... . ....... . ........... No. 2� Reo. $�,066.86 11 I . I Notes of othe urrencies ...................... _­ ................ . ,/ 86,40 jg the oldest ,resident of the town. HP 1. United States and other Foreign C ' 42,360 13 1 -No. 4 Reo 1,549.94 729.58 500-00 �Jf . . Cheques on other Banks ................ ........... ............. . ..... . .. ..................... 6,789,813 28 .. No. 5 Reo 1,628-00 709.97 90P.00 144,2�0 . 50X)9 3,332.07 6,4c Beattie & 'C:O. OV te the flax, mill built the firs� house in SenfOrth-­60 5 I . ` - � io . �i 605,01 6.5t here, and in that department of busi , ... -i. .. Balances due by Banks �nd B,inking correspondents elsewhere th . a] . � 2,122,778 44 Packard 515.50 '105,51. 1. 4.00, --20.00 ness employ, during the busy season log 'building which r -till. stands, near � � I _... J 77, I I in Canada .......... --.--.......7--...,-...---.-.-.t,-.-........ I Power . the corner of. Main and GodeTich 11 . ,Q.� . , — I Total Cost Per Mile fifty, or more persons. From.,these, - -1 11 7,', I Grader I I I . I - I � streets and be has been connected 0 111, . I I '' . No. 1 .... 1,721.62 ,626.96 900.00 30.00 2,6739:91. 42.15c brief statements it can readily be seen of the -1 I I �, . *1, ding � wit,h� �he ,aterial prosperity � I , , . 1,"W! I I Dominion and Provincial Governmetit Securities, not excee .1, . No. 2 .... 2,005.02 303.031 300-00 54.00 2,662,05 44.0 that the operations of the firm are town evef since that early day. Both I � , I . , 'i , r, . 19,222,378 99 . I upon a scale of not little magnitude, �11` , ��Ii�llb' I market value ...... � ..... . . . . . ....................................... . 307.55. 4N.00 9(r#0 2,703,55 44.8c gentlemen give the business of the ­ 11 � � - d British, Foreign­­Y­�; Q-i ­­:_ I N 3 . . and its influence is correspondingly �. ).i, mu-ticipal Securities, an an io - . o. g, .. _ 1,905.40 �, Canadian I Truck I fi,rni their ,persional attention, and they I , I ,v�� _t � , I . public Securities other than Canadian., not exceeding market . - Grader . �g,cat. Mr. Amitage has re4ded here have certainly been and still are %I- "11, I . , 4,374j813 00 .%.I�� . 4 value ........... ................. . .. . . ...................... . ..................................... . � Lucan. 1. " ocks, not exceeding � No. 1 .... :1,528.32 215-00, 1100-00 � 19-00 1,8GI .32 1.8.9c, . since 1866, th�n'coming from . mor4 the'Tniost actiV w9r,kers in the �� , Ill, Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and St . 18.'00 , 2,372,93 21.Oc B manufacture � � � � I'� " , market value . ............ . ... .............. ...... . ........... � ............................ - 1 2,796,493 62 1 No. 2 ....- 1,929.75 325.18 100-00 of salt, be was connected./with the coTnTaunity. . , V I . . 18.0-0 1,281.35 31.Oc , _ � I I Call and Short (pot exceeding thirty days) Loans in Canada on . I No. 3 .... 903.53 259.82 100.400 . -.4p.— 1 1. 11,11-11'. . . . I In 'b" 'Kg. 11 * Stocks, Debentures and Bonds and other Securities . of a ' op . i I I __ Il`,%,�;, ifible value, to cover .. . .......................................... 13,011,679 7-0 ' The 1931 expenditures are made vp 2 North from Bayfield% . 2J81.34 I I . 11 . I D WISD . ,,, V sufficient mark . 11 , i, , "' I � 2 ':', , ; thirty days) Loans elsewhere than s follows- ., 25 Westerly from Walton 2i276.0 WIT AN 0M I � . , 11 11 Call and Short ,(not. exceeding . a ' i 1. IL - _ - I ures and Bonds and other_ . E i, constmetion ...... $ 47,833;0 4 I'/-,. miles southeast of 'il­ . in Canada on' Stocks, Debent Roo � I � I 1,183,400 51 Bad "-Attacks of Flu .If I were ruTming the world I .z �, � Securities of a sufficient marketable value To cover ............ � ...... Pridge construe ion . ; .... 1,113.5b Grand Ren�d ....... 245.58 4�,7­ .1'.. - t " , 11 oses of the Circu- , I " Id have it -rain only.-lyetween 2 -,�, . Q:, . Deposit with the i6nister of Finance for the purp Mainte,fiance and repairs.. 11,575.11 22 Culvert opposite Con., � wou Anyone who wa's out I " . -,��11: � ... I ............. 334,950 00, 14, Wawanosh ..... 31 4.01 and,.,_5 a -m ... . 1, lation Fund ................. . . . ....... ..... .. ........................ ­ Al 46 . I Purchase and developraent EA.Ward FludsWenderful Pick -Me -Up .111. I . thenouglirt to get wet. -William �JY`Orl , , d . --- $61,911 . 2,551,24 28 Culvert opposite Lot 40, , I" * . I , , I I of gravel pits r. W1111301 Pink P111S. . , 1, M. Canada (less rebate of interest) I In D Phelps. X and Discounts * ' . I ­. I Other Current Loans 1. 5,072.16 ,Con. C, Howi,ek-Wal- t% after making full provision for all bad and doubiliul debts ......... $61,i48,986 69 ­­** .. . � . ;�I . County -bridges ... I ..... '083.29 ; lace 'boundary ...... 394.60 1. — L and Discounts elsewhere than in Canada* (less I '�omi�n's . businw to ggt. mar - ,.1`R1'_,,,,. - Other Current Loans aking full provision. for all bad 'and — 28 ,, Culvert opposite ot US, Bduls I attacks of the 'flu' It is a V I �,',,'J,,'V1 . rebate of interest) after in I $130,388.44 Con. 0, Howick , . . . . 642.03 . frequently since ried as ,soon as possible, and a man's .��p,�( I ... . ................ 1,643,043 42 1 d as long- as he call- " �, I . ..... .............. Ded�ictable receipts .,. . ... 2,060.72 Town of Wingham, fin- - WOM181 19119, and sometimes to keel) urumarrie "r;,:�� - . doubtful debts ............ ---­-­-­.­­ �,� " ""', estimated loss .provided, for .. ....... :-­ ....... i--... 22Z,909 73 � I . . :�. at arintial grant .' - - 0,766.00 � I very -bad attacks, ­4George 13ernard Shaw. 11 I I]I­ Non -Current Loans, i - �-fl � , , . more tgAn cost, less amounts written o ....... - 6,031,160 59 . "I � �, 1 I I Bank premises, at not .. SO,035 32 " " . $128,327.72 - Village of Hensa.11, ii�al VWV. but Aways when oil . 1, .., 11 �, - . I . ­ Real Estate other than Bank Premises .............. . . -.-,------.--.----7 15,706,43 bould be $64,143-86 annual grant 3,,4055.00 . I - � the road to recovery We read that one of the Tmat pop- . A .4"L, , . I Mortgages ... oa-Real Edate sold .... . .. . ........ . .................... . . ............. 1� .... � .­.� Government granfAJ3 Improvemehts to ��"i� I take Dr. Williams' Phik Pills and I find ular song writers went to selmol Only � ���,�, ,' in the foMoifng .......... ......... I .. . .... : ......... I .... 126,829 1$ ck ' ,`, , - "I thoin 24 Wa&rf'tll pi -me-up. . 4.1 I . I .. . Other Assets not ir�duded . 69,341,571 33 , . Road ConAtfuction. "dges ........ �_ _ 58,3.29 it' I six v�W);, and we can easily befievO 1 " . I I .1 writes 9. M. Ward, SaAkatoon, it.__,Barrie Exam-&ner. � R� 11 . 11 ­.,; . . so.- ,',,, �,�� I � of Customets under Letters of Credit, as per contra. ......... , 1,622,126 30 , Signs ......... ....... 34250 .1 ........... . . � I Z L��,�.­ I . Liabilities Road No. � Sask, who furthbr statas,: "I would rt- . . "". .. . Sffow fences ....... 1. 1,73�5; � . �, " - � --.-- - i:,11 I . I coniM#md Dr. Willianis" Pink P I ,", �,",;�",; -i" , ,; I . $132,875,070 09 2 Prom Kintail northerly Ills to all ,The successful man is Often a Pit- s, , . . 1,�,T��A.� �', I I . ly ayo miles ........ $ 6,745.21 '..­ 1, $48,416.92 'uff mrs frorn that tutfdown, listless feel- iable obje& Who has igot his devire 'g. I - . "I' I .1 1� many "�, " � � 22 Along Con.. 5 and ,. 6, . ing. � have taken the Pills o �?�,��'11 �, ,;�',' . ' , �,��I,,,,�,, �r . .1 _( \_,� ___ I ' C. A. Bor.ERT, General Manager. I north of River Mait- I Bridge A&ount. occasions, and they si�6m to tone up my but has loreliniess sawn in his soul- 10 ­ , , " I A, W�Avsm, President. . I I.... . . -De:m Inge.__ .. - . . . . ,%,, ��i�,,��,­, I .. . . Ex�ension of bridgeri ' �How- blood wonderfully. I have been anaemic . . !�,Itlm" ", , ; I land ........ I ..... 541.66 1 �,il.iI, "', � . . . ick -Grey Boundary .. ... .$ 691-20 11 . '4;�Nii 1�� " . AUDITORS' REPORT TQ SHAREHOL13ERS - 1 25 Easterly from McKilldp, for years, and find thiIt, when 1 -get run- . It,�1:6'- , . Extension of brldge,' Hbw- � ,It's a good thing people get old �,,'I�gt�, . Wv . " �. on Logan -,Grey 1 422.30 down, after taking several bo%es of Dr. and die. it kee4ys things rather. -in- , ,L,:;:,"., �� .�_ , lt�pogT ,ro Ttm SnAizznowtvs or Tim Domimoi; IIA":— T,p, iek-AWallace 8ourdary .... Williams'Pink Pills the color8orries back ,'', _W,� ,,, . 193i, and coinpared it with the books and - , t,, � W I . . 14�'f'i, . I Thdt we bave exmined the above Balance Siveet as at December 31st, Town Line .......... 2,956,42 . ' des a new d"I . [ e'certified retu�ns from the Brailkhes. We bave obtained all the informatibn and � to my cheeks and I have wonderful `teyestAngl- It P'Povi V,�,Z `,� �,o " rs at .aead Office and with th I I ��,V,., � I 11 � � vcittche J, and in our opinion the transaction9A the Bank which hAve coTne under,our notice 8 Usborne Tp-, westerly every, fift?pen ra-miltee. - Theodore ­', k �,,�4L,�I! 11 , I I . � . . expignatioris thg1t we h1ve requirex ­___Zz� tay.. . 4,86SJ79- ­­�'­­ $1,.113,60 vitality,:if . I . 11� , � I" , "! _ ,. " h#e Mon witidn tie powers of the SUnk. I from. Ribbert , I ��� , I L' . . I .. ­ In our. opililon ike talance. Sbeet ditelmeS the tMP ­11,'ltiou of, the Bank and is as shown by the bwks of .1 ,McKillop.Logan Towri - I Maintenance.. , 1, ! Dr, Williams' Pink Pills tebuild 4iealth " EIrelsen , - � , I,:��,' . 14 " . .�, 11 " ' ew I -, I 11 � " I 11 I . I .byere4ting.n' blood afid Increasing tbe ;­ I . I . ... I ...... msd.63- .... ... . ,�_____._ ­ ­ � W 9UXIL I - . ., , , . . C "' , , " Live . . . - Iol� 111-l"'."�I'l : I �, I . . r. . I I A. rk_-,� r� A., , twd,6 Af do. Brushing and we;ed cutting $ 4,009A red blobd Q'Us which restore the wastbd The mei�qage thst historybrings us ,11�t,,,, �,­', �� � � I . � . I of Peat- qa;;k-k, M &5 , Goderieb, Tp., westerly ., I ,��I�vq�t�T', �', " � ., -1 , I I., I , I �5 DMI'lis ................. 2,738.69 tissues and Ttvitalize the exhausted sys- jo that nothing is petmwient. Sooner ,�,,'�,�,�;,..­ . , �v . I . . D"Mck., Ucatttitm, F.C.A., . C-- N, It. ....-... 4,369.1 P. I ­­­_--. ', 1 ,. r. 1, � 'Wat;N76if & Co. from ­ ......... - - '�11 "' or, later there,, comes to all humv in- - . � �,�`�,",El;.' . ­ 853.61 tem. They remove the -cause of rundown 'Ili I. 11 � , . �., . I , of Price, Grafting ' , 17�i � , � �'_, , � 11 I I r' "� � ' '., � 1. Hw-&00'en Ditty-, W'69't , , ­ ' K I I ToAo�JTO, jxmAltv 19THO 1932. . �. I 7 Or%gglng ................. fi,840.54 - Or nervous conditl6fii.' Try theta, At gti+,rM,on.,8 the ' the door. ( , �",�'?41;14" w ,� , I I r . .... , 1. � ­ firial rap on I A ,"�'�'��,"`­ r .* ' : . Lujm%�i�t�.. I'll, 1.1--- I � - . .1 I I I ,of Dgihwood ....... 5,52860 -, ' I � , ­... , t'�,.,,k",'I,�'r r I - � ,� . . J­.11'�,, � � I�, , . — - . I L I 1, ''. ­­...- ... I I - I I—— ,e :e�'��44­, . 19 Along�Opl� 0, Grey TP. �A,81:9 calvezu .,;..�.�...X* SV.84 $Out dru99606 40C 4 PrIM& 2ZI . -.4Ra .._4 ��.j% I ­ .... , yoond A. ftsdxl� � I . "e � e.p` .,� " 1 18 , . � A19.1M­­ I - _, . 'Ak*-"'"' �-,16 ' I , 0-T , , 0�� I I '­�, I I . �i,1­&,',1_,t,.: � ­­­ - - '. I � . , ­,,�"�.�, 'I , - I I - I I . . 1. I L . I ­ / I - I � . . - I � "' 101, ; Ag 9 " ' ' ' 4 C14w road 1 um ell tell � A I I � : ; I ; i . 1�1;,,16,��AR,,,� , , �'. � , . . � I I I .., I . I I .,�,�,�,�,,,,:­: ;,,�V, � . ­. . I ) �0.�_,�. �­, '"'.14,!" "., & �� . . . I . I , � ", _�, 41� . . .. . I . - . I . --1 1 0 ;, ­ - I � - I I - " . I. � I - I . � . I ", ­:, �, I . . - � �, I Ar". .. . . I . , 11 k�,��­ � . I I . . I . 11 .. . - r . I 1 4 1 �", . . i - I ,. . I ­�­__1111­1­­ . ---1. . . .- . I I . I � I , - #I . 1, , "., i I ;1L I , . I . .. .1 . . ­ 1. . ­­ .1. . 11 � ". . . . I I - 1 .1 � I .1 . I I . __T , .1 I .1 I 1 I: - �­, � ". �., I., I � , "i " , � I I .1 � L . - ­_­­ .. � I � &­­, I -1 I '� I 1� r I � ': � I � ,, ­ � ";. ,I � �;- �. __11-111 � 1. I—: , " , .. "r _ ,_­.­­­­ -�, ,,, -., --�-,", , " * I . . I , . I """ A., .1 . I.". _­ * I , �,,. "it'' �11'1� 11 �! ,� - , 11 " � , L . , I . I " � I � I I ,A,,�i,,11% � � I I . I I ­ ­ . � ­ I . . I I , , I 111, I I � 1. . " I . ", � J�",,.,'' "'I* �, " L , , ' " , ­. . � - I I I I , ,,��" �' , ,, 11 I . I ­�. ,(, , I 0,��,Ij#�,4'1' 1,;J1 ,, , 1. ��,;, .,�'.. L r - �.,,��,i� �,'.' I �� 't�. , . ,''., ,y, -,,';;,,�l""6�!,i,�i'�-,,�t4414 ',,-,,�,�,,Vf,:,� , ­,� :­';"�,,',,'� - e I �:., , ._, , " ,�, ,; ,��. ,",,:", �'; , -1 _�,__,,, , .. � , , r ., ,�, ,, " " ��L� � �, �#JIf� , � � � ; � �, ,� ,� , � , ��,��­ , - : � '. ., . . LJ � ;� �" '' L . ��­,, - � .��, & , , � ,,,, ; iel!'11� � 1�� :,�4�� io, �� �`_ ., ­­ ,� . ',_ i� � 11 �. , ,�, ,�k""", , , '1 L`�.'Tn`,`wl'1!11�� ]11�11 11.�� I ,!� 11 , �_ , .1 1. , .� � -IN ;,,,,r,,,,5v,KRM8 �,iiiliii",� ,�fi",�,,,,�,,,,,,,,.,�,,,,�""","", 1�',",'�'W I " � . � r ="f,,,%',r,,,,d, "I", I . 141 ;