HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-02-05, Page 5", "I :.,� ,, �,,, , . ", 1 4b I � ,�".ii"��,7,�,,,.,;,�,-�,�,,�., I ,Zi�� �,:�Ij�!.�.',"T (f), �. �01,�,,I'jl 0'f�.��,;, .. " � �� ;�1"V,i�'-t,,!!.!,`,�i� ., . . � , i',�,K,11-6,��' I ' � ill�i�,,§Io��t�.1;1�t�'.,�t�.�,'�ll.;I �!�I'cl­�,�,j­'..'� ,�,",4,",�,"? - ". '. k 11 ITI�11�ht,"'X�t� � 1'.� , W ') _" , �,� 1,�,�( I I , * 1� !,i,������i,jlj���",�,�l��'"!i!",� � M,',�;, 6 I 1111.fj!""�, , *,l';,; �il,! , �,��", I ""' I 'I, ) 11 ,�,,��jq-iY,'(? a�i��j'!,��',, �!,�,�il, .,A",�.'y , 'r , " . , I . .�';',�,k,j , �14', `��'J,11�1' J���,'.7� �� 'W�, .114 I 11� , � �a.�, , , ", ", �,, �1� , 1�71 r.,�i, 'r 11 * . � I . , It" �., ., �: - .11 ­ , :",M75, , _%,11�_­! " ,��:,i ,'J�,'� , ',�,!,l , - I'll . I , "" 1111,J­-'­p,;",.,� ,��,Xj,4'Zjz,',,,�,� &,%it,_1 ,�l 1. I I li� I . , . 11 .. ,V01 IV ""'.­ �,� , , " .1 'I, ­­-, .i,.",�'llti�!,�!�'17,il'i�.",.;"��."�, I �, . i i, !i .;,v : � , . 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"M"j-pso, . . , j �,, jo , , � I, 11�, � 1� Ill, �r'q I " _., , I T, , , ,g �, , , ,_�Iiv�&" -A - ,4 ,,� yj"V'­­,�J­T�, gl,l, - 'r r ,r -1 -8 .. .1 I , 44,10 � A i. ;�., , r_4 `�_Ipr r -4 �1% #30�111 "W I , ­­ 41',�i 144-Z li� _ . - if ,0 . . ." ,, _0_4, , , -i, � toitou � 'y ,, .�,� , , = Of 4#94,"A�i 4 -, , , - , . I ,,, " I U0%­W1AQ . 441 ,404 T FA , r1- I K � ­. . U , 1-- ­­­' ­­*, " ", � , �Pl� - 10�.�� - V001AVA4, from. P -Age 0 ov�04 "R _­­ .111,11, ­X'7',�M­ �iA I �� V1. t 1- 11 71, M, .. V�11;!". I 1, 410,,� , , A t X I : W111p, Pit, I - '74 A., a r� nox �Xe I V$ J� .__ ­....,,".. ­­-6� . __ � . " - lc�. " "" ­-, , - % I gil 11 .1 , ,�.� ­ - I ­ I , - -.,.-, , , 1111'" I I" "', ,,t-�',Vlr�� "�"' ��'11'��711' 11 -1 I' -6 "" I � " � ­11� . I I PQW-14e , ', �Wl I , . I .- � I . i. , , , ff"I"TT '$". MR; , " � " , � . I r . ...... .. - il '. , . � in 1.881494nd It .0 oulp nxao W,', w t.wo weolm _:Nmtir� � , An.g. �M.#, "OW414 j . ; % � "� "', . ,.-. 4,W70f , Mul", an,414kqpo 0oa & _6 1- TSO �.w sebb�lhl ,,,,,.P,V.,P,'.'.AA.,VIK�e,.�", , � ,4 �.� ... ... t-"-,Y� j� , I I - � ,.,.,,..-,­ :!t�-azdjfts " oone_ , ,, �.. �t�,,,,� 1. 11.1 , rw. i, , ,, �11 ,.,,�. v . , 1 ft '9� -A&w-4 P , I '."", , 4 , - _' 0-, 4ft a��Ot�2_�__Zqpdow_ .. 441111 1r,of r fatt I �� 0,00 - ��� 11 � ... 1, I I , I " 11 ."1'1111� � .... 0#40 to the trees, whilei� Ewe , htertaige e - .,d T I �('i�,'%' .. �� 11, �, ,I! . I &. I e , . 4, �, I � - , , ­ �, I .. . - - . I I vanNsw - ­W­A,S­tX0--� -wit, . I -44"" Td4y_ _P#'n" - - 11 .... � . , � �, 11 Sur- , 1. - , . ,,we 40 .. 1W , , ,v:?, �6,.4 , , FrlikM741,414. 10to-7--w4frk " * , , ,, WM;14 . V40H0.4tioxi. '. . " "I . " . ,Wonald , '* ­ -1 11 ­� � I - D-1 Van - 0 UR W� - . I,,, . '.. I �;',`� �� - , "; i!, ��.":� ,'�. t'.... �,�.2 I I 11,r . d_00,_4400 " ', . �,��"4i4,N�. �,',,, I M10p, 00p, ng;_ , - � ­ , !"�t�,,��,F`,',,�,, ,i�� �; 4" 11 - I I I ­ I . -11. I ", � ,�;,,""r"'i�'�,i�,,?,,,,,,',',i:; -, '�11.;"?;',,��Oh'!'N �, I ,;o��,�,�,�'� tv ",p" J_ , lf�.i­`41;,��,t �0�, , F . .rk v,M,a dorW ---4ys,-fV0lrl mb to fAmily, . 1, . 444 urgil pit . . ___,�� _ .- � , I ... .. .. , �,'� . 'ag I to , ... ''W& "!V,,LAAA,, 11_-_A�0�1'�V In 411bottqr 44 I - ­-, 1� 1- �'. . � ", �., �..�t voyi, , - In � lsft 0io., V,V -A Ames 140-d(I and MC ,4 ; ­­�_ , 'I , .':_'­;� , :. -, ,tr, 4 - _el�_ , I ... ­,­­ i06 . ,_ I , I �1'1- I '. O�A- .--M,r- �_ "V,,,'.-1'!,, �,� " . . . I ... 1, . I ­. , d Van Egniond took-'h'I'S.- v4p-4,11-the J'aly IS t. It' turned 4*t that only those gn � . , M � 1 � �! I I I 1 * � 1 1 I f itxms MW I , . - . . . . � 11 I V, I ., �!:.,�;, . , ,;.','�,�'.',,-,','��,,,�,�,;,.,�� ,� ,f 00 .a r !" ." �, _t& I kpts . _1 T '-W - v __ !� ,dUrq.", I rgeCaptlpr aAd Wqfer� . 0ore V%cloat %ARUA0k 4nd� at i� , ,�4'.�­__ f, Olip#e of lafid'.,�pq solooto . r" -T_ -X.- -, - ", . . , ., I , � , 11 ­­,�_4'c­ ­' - . � . , L A d along who could A�Qte Who ligd-ft,eohold ti-tia gusba. - . 4,L,,,4,,,y ,,,, � �- "; 71", �'Q ... ,,, , 'I, ,new road. Ile, t - r r . ,­�.,,�i,,�i � ' ed, in larger qu#; ;"� '4,ci�,la;., � `,�4 . . . ­... I ,, 4,.,,�", , en rAoNred li to their -land aud .4 I ,�*�,.,. '�,',.,ci�"'7�r� J tities, � " ,4 , thaft 4 ":.4�i'l*�l,'.�i�,.R,;",�""".II �1'4' the - I is fam . 'freehold title MTs; Leo Stephenson and, son, Don- 'It seemO strao '1X4,i1'-!.1;11�1';i_ . ' ntinued', . . . , I - �gqj?l he �o , � 1, . , , 4 '­, Vs, at Christmas *imie in 1820 to. a to ii­i�� few' aa'mda�'otAhe early Ald, sp"t a fewg. -day* with III.. Went$ 101tha.t aw, ,,Ontario TV04110W fb0a' Of p, , . I �� ��j!��.�"%, _ - Pr ! Tn":', , "r -�Illi poinit thre�,r4il", f rom- SeafoAh and settlers were paying f , ,,;�� " ,,�i­ for their, land n Dlyi,vh-thls wSe1c. I I � o, "3 W", - I I such high nut�jatjve value, and 9 - r , " . ,_'��,� �11� . ` "� � " " -_1 , .. _"' .,,�, 11 �. ; �_, * , � � , �, 1, mile '�oderleh, There is not over a period,of years. I Mr. and Ara� Goorge Leitah enter- Jow c�st,,phquld � be ajinost , �,, I.. I � � 18 s fi`0TIi' . . If mch, . I � r, � 6 . even,-%- traeo �to,dW of.the, combined ignored by .. "I'll", *** ��� . I . r � 1; '. 1-01U." � "I .11, � The.,,Result Wao Sure. tained a (few of their Iriends on Wed- �our sho, , so far, As pgpWaT.47 . � . ".. .1 I ... .. "! . �., - p � I 11-1r- I . ,; �: � �i I hoise and tavern he ,built t�ere, but I I 'y , . I ,11 . -1 , I I I ' t - In that. elec4qn � nesday of this,'week. concerned. I feel that if this, I ' ,..: , 4 'T _. �'. -4- , , 11,.,� I � 6. i. , . . -with W he ., campaign souLe . PrOU e , . . , .1 I �'.. . . 4 the - I and its mavy attrib 45-01, 40 "Waine . 0, , , , ..fac vigor - Van utes were brought qu p I,_., I Valle the energy ip'ed' ladi . , Inch -worlwd can . ' ous assaults were made on I -11. - , . 1,1 "' a ,, seen by et thatwin one year - ; . - I � ... �, . ­ , ,,,,, �r­- � ",.,:� 1. . � i 4e,'cleored 70 acres of his land gudl' ftmond concerning, his peculiar way I ti)"­fhe attention of shoppers in this . � . I ... ;, I �.' , . ­­' I � I - � I , , I : i - . in 1, of trying to prpnounce. the- -English province', a, difTerent sto)ry� could be lost -,of -this hus'y`, , 71 � . , 4i the Huron tract. Van 'Mgm,qud p1se language, his -Dutch accent; telling MCKILLOP., told regarding M li,Z , seasoo', I � ,� 'r , Ji I - -7 . the saleof Ontario dry 1. � I , , 1 � , I � ' bean* At eresent we are working . 4h I I . -1 . I . ) : � � , brought in. other settlef� ' '. Aravdng against him in miihy ­qua#qrs, The Mrs. H. Lawrence ,entertained the to that end. . I Have you ,ec r alli ' .11 � ,, them with his teams all the wayfrom neckler was aIways present at a,cam- ladies of Duff's W. M. S. on Thursday, I or act, C ag f* . . 11 _ � I - . Cxuelph,;'1kebp1ng as, many as eight paign; and on one occasion when Van January 28th. There were 12 ladies' . . 0, I . I . I I . el �� �, � ... , . I � .1 MIM. E'g'mowi:d told his bearers to elect some � I 1.1, 11 0, � -a I . � - 11 11 i.. , team.� busy in this. work at oILZ t" one Ose if they wanted certain things present. The afternoon was spent in or yourself , "" T2 1 Then Came,a Change, done', a voieff replied, I'Dou% alarm gewing for the bale. Mrs. John- E. The Dominion Bank I ad 'your -1 I I I As near as we.can find Van F5g- yourself, old boy, we won't elect you. Daley'sang, I I I - My Lord and V' accora- � 1. I I I ... ­.. 11111011d, who had been acting as, an ag- Th� panied by Mrs. H. Lawrence, which . husband .7 .,. . Or. dQ , u`.feel..','1,1 16 Strong P69iti . Arn . - result of the contest was that was, .much enjoyed. ' Se' on � :11, i ,.��Iqy..�.w . ent, for the Canada 'Co., fell out with I)Ulliop got 59 votes, Van Egniond were give veral readings . , ' . . . I I � . the officers in 1832, and from, then on none at all. Dunlbp',won again in 1832 n and the fids-tess. served a The 61st annual statement of The ,�. I - , dainty lunch. The ladies inoved kL Dorii�pion Bank which was re ted I en. you b i . I Ing -Bondhead � Sen. I ring ]he fought them tooth and nail, chargr by acclamation. Sir Francis. ash-amed wh' I that the com,pany was negligent �i&,d done An.upwise vote of thanks -to Mrs. Lawrene_p,_for to the shareholders at the annual . 1p .� I . thing to leave her kind liog� itality. , � meeting in Tor6nto on Wedndgday,- $ . of the ' welfare of the settlers, that, 1,1.z; ,official post and assail one of the � School Rej�brt.-The following is January 27'th, is -particularly gratify" forth your cards and compare, they charged too high prices for their political -parties. It was then that ­ -, .. ... I .. I Aarid, and were t.olicerned about only Will;= Lyon Mackenzie was actively- th6 re�ort of IS. S. No. 13, WaKillop: ifig a . n A encouraging, sho,wink net � I ., .1 I . . I � 1: I -one thing, the filling of their own Lng-aged in going in and out among Sr. IV---4BlizAbeth Howes 65%. Jr. IV profits -almlast equal to those of the them with th s 'art ofies.­of ' I : e m I .1; . pockets. 'It has always been a secret the farmers and organizing and drill- -Francis Colenilaw 73%. Sr. II -h-_ previous year, deposits maintained at I . . . I .. I why Van Rginblad became �so hostile ing. the;n-. for',,active ,revolt against Walter MtpMdllan 60%. Sr. Il-*Gla4ys a high level, and a very strong liquid ' ' ." , :1 ... tp th_e Canada,Co..He organized a pro- the compact party. When asked who Broome 69olo'. Class I -Mildred Ait- position. �. ,, �,-­ � other women. We. want to', ­, I Uzt deputhtion to go to Toronto 'In rif, was going to get for a leader Ire- cheson 931/c, ""Spencer Bro*me .810/v, Tdtal.deposits are $105,449,096, or., . I I . ­ . f, p ,,,, 183% but 0al.t met them, and when rvl�jied, "I have a m-4 with the best Ro , -kl "'.1 lie heard what they wanted he simply i.iffitary experldpee - I, samund Appleby 78%. PrimerL--' $1,833,311 less than in 1930--a reducr ­ help yo i d -' iii Canada." He George Haft 8:6'/,,, Marian Appleby #o' of only LA, per cent. Dep sit . I . ' ' ,n � . .., o s u - - - .an will be, "' lad - - told them to get out. It was, iii" 1834 referred to Anthony Van Egmond who 77%, Gordon McGill 70c, Keith Hapri- 'be i t -sif'':9-tand, at $85,275,916 -Of 1, I I . 9 . , . aring in ere . �' ., , I -that Van Egmtond found wha,t he con- had 'been working hand in glo-ve- with son 74r/o. Those w�o misseld, And' deposits not bearing interest at . I I �, ' ' ' O' .. , Woutfit you in any up-to,-idate ­ T"t , sidered a chance to get the Canada Mackenzie in Tuckersmitli. At last more examinafions, are markeodrwit� 00,173,278. - . . _...- Oompany. IThe ha�lbor .-at Goderich Van Egmbnd was called to Toronto an asterisk. IF. Richmond, Teachdr. As has beon said, the bank's 11qgi;J ' . . I � .1 " . . ilted up under a northwest wind, as I)Ilt wlwy he was not sent for before School Report. -The followin'g is position is particularly strong. Kin- � I I .161 . . I 11 I it does do, butt there *as no dredge the, attack on Toronto was ­inade is the repott of S. S. No. 9, M!cK!Ilo,p, mediately available as -sets at $61,911,- . , style thcit you may choos�� . 0 . to remedy this condition and there something that has nevier been known. for the months of December and Jan- 381 are �&Ver 54 per � cent. of public -i " ' _�y I. 11 ^, - v?as no money tobuy one, 90 the Can- Van Egmond arrived at 8 o'clock -'in uary: Sr. IV -Lorne McNichol 9141o. liabilities. . I on short'notice, . . � I,* and At , i . 'adA ,Co. decided to approach the 90V- the inurning of the fatal day for the Kenneth Thornton 82, Agnes, bund" The- Bank's total investments are I 1� . , ; ern revolution after the first i , .. .. J _. . gnent of the day asking for the i.ttack on 68. Jr. IV--4H'az,e,l MacPherson 91, $2,6,3t3,000 an increase of nearly $5,_ � , . . ! right, to �charge a fee for boats enter- Toronto had been repulsed, and it is Elsie Dennis St,, Ralph. McNichol 80, 000,000 �Weii the figures of the prev� reasonable cost. 1! I . , ing thel harbor, and with this moneY a fact that Mackenzie and Van E#- Irene Leonhardt.76, Mary Munn 72, iou's Year. .. I I I . I J0 . � 1 i , I . tbay -proposed-,to purchase a dredge; mond had a serious dispute right Mildred McNichol 68. -Sr. III-Flor- ,Because of lessened business activ- . . I., I . 1, I . "Lobbyink in Those Days. there. Van Eg-mond found an army ence Dennis 78. Jr. Ill - Madeline 'ity current loans showed a reduction . .. I . . . . � I I ­ The Com an - ared its -W- of 500, but only 200 1were''arnied. He Hulley 62. Jr. II�Wilma MIcNichol of $34500,00,0 -or 5.4 per cent I . . � � I ­ . ", , V%V,4%X�1� � M " ",,,'I � 1% _ , , )V�,:�,", �, ��,1$1, ,; � ,_�V_,�_, �W,.,; �0, �,,, , I !1�il_ 'I �A .� , I pi��§, ­- .1,% ,ilg� , '� ,­� ­7`�.-',­­l.%. ­'-Ift 1, - " ,n.,,�.Xr. , �: .7. I , V,� N, � -1 '� " �:" ;.�­, �111i� ­`�`,�, ­":n,1�'�'4'�,i - 1. . I ,.,�,�Zl I �,-,;. i,. �,;� �Q.A , , � . , . , , � "All , ", I , , * ,:, ':�, , 'm��,� 11 ,, . : ­1�11 � � " _.� I . " ",I , . . ... I ­,:, C, � . I . .� . I t, " , , � '�' "! .. , ; I �, I A"". �, "' - t .,I-,,, , I "" I I " ,.�� ,: . � K , ,� " , ", 11Q. "'. . . . �., � "I , �,�, w * . ;4 . I ,. ? , � :::::: �, . - 4". �', ::,��g I ,�i ,., ,,, . r, I% . I ",.",I, " , " 11 11 11 ­ � ",:";,. " .� �,,§BL ,�!'V� , t", ,; 1, � -I I I' �1, "I", .N. I . : �­­,V­­_ 1. , ,. �F I �,,,,1,.:,T,,h,.1­,1,,, ,#**'.� ., I I I i "', , �11 1i; " I I 1A, , 1 7""') 1 . ;l,41i . � I . . � �, "... . . I ., , _,Z� 14. 1 1 .1. �: I �� � " .. , � j� , ,:40, .?"� .." � IZI, I ,���! .: , , �­- i I I . - -- .", , , 1 11 " I , �% IN., , . U "I .. I . , 70 ... 0_,"K,��"", ,'�t,�,:� , ,�� " ,, Oro, ''143440 , , i, . _. ,. � I %�,.­ 4.-Q,,.��,'�,,,,, "I" ... 1010 I I . (014. 1441iab'�, 11 J, 11, �, � ;..,.,� � -;�v ,�­ " I ": �. 1. , , , i��,,,,� I . 1, , 11 I , ­ . , ��008 .� , 1­1� . ,... ­ - _; � ,��,�, - , I `�­ 1� " . ''I �11� �,,, - , , , " ";, kl"�.�, I ,.. !� I , . . .+, 1�_ , 4�: � �k�-�;�N.., I'� . 51 11 I- . :!��� ,'-,71 , , '. ." , , . . ��.,��,, , � � Mrs. J-OAM. � 11 �, 1. . I , �r 1,� , . " I � ... .. ....'t'., ''""', . I . . �. , 't,N (B-d-n�, ItOo ., , , " . i 1: ,,,,,, " . �, ­,V��,;,14 . .". I. � %, � , ��� � W. 1, 1 I _� I " . . lqd I I . �,�,O . �. 'r 31114 I . . ,.t�!',' 11. % . 11-_,3,1, ' '. I "If'.W. W-1 MRS, J64N'JOHNSVDN`-��]" ­,.�,11'40- lp "I "W ' " ,.;,�,;,,,,,, , I ., � , , I , . V 1, . - . , I I , ' � . -11,11 . (G.Ithfo) , ,,, � .... I . " , . � �-.,,, .. ..."., � -1 .� I :, ­­­ I , �_.J , . . I ,;" � '. " .��. . � X", � . � ,_.(.��.1110 " I 1. .. , , k;,'� I �, lk-� . �".,. - 7,11 _ . Mrs. John j4tston - � "�' , �',', .,i;,�� "'; , .�4_1, . � �, . ), . , ­ ',;,* .i,q, (Sana_sea I . "q,,,; I � , ". ", _ ., �'. , I . �:�.1�1_ . I -11.1, ' ,,, �, . ?"_ I I I . . " Y" 11% � I ,X, 11 ' ,11111�j� ". ,," Mrs. John Joftftozi " � ' ,,:.,�,::�-� I - , , I ��,'.,,l . ; , 111�1�11. , "I ,�$ - ('cheltenhomy , ... :,.`� , -, � I ,J,.. . . . ,� '' I . . 1 7., ��,A. I I � , — 1z"... . � .. , � �' :,i,!�.`A ,� . 11�v� I�i 4 1 J,�.)", , ck out your.. � -.1 Style,, phfkxw ., ',`,��`,.� . ,�g, .., - �.�� us at 41., and we.,willde tW,', " ,�,.`l �. � . - I . I � , , � ". ..: 11�,.;!,�, I I ; MOO . , a .i.,") . I I I � I - ` "I I , , I. . .... . L I . � ­ . -1 I r :.. � _21 . . ,, . I . . I " ,. ". 1,�;! . 11 I � . I I . , . r .1 11 k, 11 I I E I . I ',,,��,,, " I J- al,,,,tv" � ana a�rranged for a lobbyist to see it had no ,chance and the government 47, Glen, McNichol 42. Il. - George In all particulars the statemenf is . 11 , "k, . ;­�,))­ j through. Van Egniond at once opened forces; under James. Fitzgibbon were McNichol .91', Kathleen Smith 90,Y2, a -most'favorable ,one. The bank's I . ' . "' ;. ' " - -2 ,,!�Q?, . �'� L," I /, , "I ,.11-� . �11�,- " i after them'That was'near Yor� Mills ,Grace Dennis 90, Lois Hackwell 86, capital re ins. THE HURO'N.E ' 11'�.,M a counter attack and got the ear of ma . at $7,000,000, while . � . . ��,,, . XPOSITOR. 111-. I and Van Egmond had to line his men 'Edith Hackwell 83, Evelyn Dundas 81, the reserve fu"n'd and undivided p - , _,� 1.�." :a good many of the Reformers and rofits I I. I ' . 111�1. I I in hiding along the road &s best he Robert Hulley 58. -Primer -'Helen total. $9,465,209. 1 . � -11, .. � Was so successful that the Goderich . . . .1 � ...�,'., . could. As soon as a few shots were Dennis. 83. Those who had perfect , -, I �.. 1�. . ;,;, � I 1arbor bill was 'defeated. His next . I 11 . ., ,, . . .,��,'��. � "': I -40- 11. McLean'Bros., Publi ' . 1�, , rnove was to ,organize the farmers in fired they -turned and fleil, 'Mackenzie spebing for January �re: Elsie Den- . shers I I :�7,�Ii' . I . ....� I � ,4 1 . 0�, . Tuekersmitb, -Mic'Killop And Hull,ett got away, and VanEgMond hid in a '11'�, Hazel NoPherson, George Me- I . 1, . . .., 1, ,� ­ I I .� 7,� , ' I I I ,�4" , ,.: . .� 11",e, � ... . . � ".. I I in a sort of union 'to secure protec2 farm house for two days., Ibut was Nichol. Number on the roll, 21; av-, Clear all 1931 Ford Products �11 . . . . �.. - __ . . erage attendance, 20.6. -Nettie M. � ' Est'ablisheA18604, . � 'I � �.�,,� I tion against the Canada, Co�j and then digeovered and ukade prisoner. I I 111. I Seaforth, Ont*. ' '. I., . ,when the officers were named Van He died of ,pneumonia or rheumatism, Homuth, Te�cher. . New- Ford automobiles are now be- I I � I"," � � , , I I .. 1*1 1 , I 17.gmond was the' preside�nt and his and in that ,way cheated the .6gallows. M�. Hehry,Stimore, of Walton, ac- ing sold at the lowest price in their I I .. I . � .,.; I I I ,� two ,,on -s held the, other executive pos- � No Resentment Now-. companied by Mr. W. R. Jones, of history. This is an announcement - - _ . '. - � I 11 '. . � -_ � —_ ," 1 " "A �' "". That was early in 1839, and it Raymond, Alta., were visiting on our made I - .1 4 � �,'� 1. A itions. It was son�,ething like a fam-ily by J. F Daly, who was able to I . I ., � . ��,, , '.. I I . -�,,,,,,,,*** il . � : ... ',",,,, . 1.1111, compact. .,n,ere is no, record .,of any e .obtain a I , marked th ,ending of a career that line on Wednesday andcalled- on Mrs. nu;&r of the 1931 models, t I �, I -CARD OF THANKS N' , , �..., . "I tof tlicir meetings in existenc�. At that had gained distinction. !-.-m-',th 'Napol- John Eggert., . which are being cleared to make way , OTICE TO CREDIT011S I , HORSES - cows ...... � .... ��11 I , .� . . YA r", "! � I — . � �� " ' , . , I'' �� I liMe the parliament had a �bmmit:tee eon. It was a tragi6 and a futile ef- Friends in this Acinity will be sorry for the,new'produets of this company. 'We wish to acknowledge with , �,� '' I grateful ap- IN THE ESTATE. OF JACOB WEBER, DE- � - " , ",-'i I i . oil .grievances, and the chairman was fort. To-daythere is no dishonor at-' to hear that Mr. lCharles Regele is at The greater majority of the cars pr�T.Jation your kind expressions of sympathy CEASED.," - . I 1, ... � ", , - 11 .. � " . I I I present indisposed. We hope helwil ,and, kindn a eyiten4ed to us during the illness . I ,� "J . 1, . tached to the name of Van Egmond. ,I which are being featured � in the clear- ' L��_ . I I . . . . . ���;� , . V;'Iliani Lyon Mackenzie, and he was . and deatb'of Mr. James Evans, and also to NOTICZ is hereby given that all creditors ... I ... ...�� I * ry disappointed if he could not There is no resentment against the 500 If. you want an a,imal re;. - , , - �� �, .1. matura' n be a:ble to be out ag'Efin., 1. ance have never been driven, some than,, t . � ", . �v . �f I , - hose who so kindly loaned their cars. and others having claims ag,voinst the estate lot � ,� memory of this historic figure who The storm onSaturday and Sunday liave not -'as yet left.the Ford plant. MRS. JAM!ES EVANS AND FAMILY. Jacob Weber, late of the Town of Sea. moved and can . 1A, ,find..p. 'grievance to investigate. That ? of n phone', .1 . . W I .... 1_ is bow it came that VanEgmond wa; played such an impoitant part in P10'ved"to us that we are having win- At all evenfis the clearance represents . . 4 forih, in 'the County of Huron, Gentleman, I �11 . I . ­­ . . .. �. . _­ I "I ;�� . I summoned 'to ",Toronto . to state the the opening up .and development of U'r In spite of the warm weather gen- .one of the greatest 'savings to pros- . � ;4,ho died on the 8th'day of November, i9al, d ard ' ...... .. 11�' . I . - . .. ,;I" I .1 the Huron tiact. Wle are gathered era] ly enjoyed.., . ar- required to send a the undersigned solio,'- ,��,�, . .. ­� � . . case against -the ,Canada Co. and Dr. . � pe,c tive� purchasers of this type of car, for the, Executors,, full Particulars and pronfptly. No ch ,1' tor .1 � I arge made' . , Dunlop, (the Tiger) apped�red to de- here t8 -'night to render honor to his Mr. Alex. Stoskopf, of Fullarton, ever 'offered. CARD OF THANKS, veriflei by affidavit, of their elaims on or be . I . I � ... I I ' I - ­­ - i__ __.i , . I .., � � 16nd tl 35. name and his, miemory.11 'Vent Wednesd,ay with'Mr. and, Mrs. 'Because of the fact tbat.only a fore the Q,thiil,�y of February, 19�2. if'hides are on. IZIPIN . I � .. 1;,�!.i I Dr. Dunlop,claiiiied that the company ' nk their friends and neighbors for kind- after the said last ,mentioned date the execr'. William Stone Sons, Limited 1, V , 0 — Mr.''Jerry Doerr, and Mr. William able, production having ness and sympathy sbown during their recent -,�,,,�.&�� 'had notbeen negligent, had not ma e .��. ' . "! _ I , �i he company. That was in 19 I __ Mrs, Henry .Dougv))1 and. family wish to -AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that I I . I . d' . . C. Regele., I - �. . limited number of models are avail- the 11 I ., been stopped, ' to'ri will Proceed to distribute the assets of __ � ­ . I , . I Koehler spent Tuesday in Stratford. selected dealers in Nvarious territories, -,3nd bereavement, to those who assisted with the said ciEceased, having.regurd only to the , �, 1, . Imoney and was doing its best for the ' BLYTH ,-',-.-,- . . .---X4s-­ Annie Kis­tTker is at present Were ,presented'with the opportunity the singing. and the ones who sent floral tri- claiins of which they then - Ingersoll, Ontario. . . . . . :1 .- -Etle . , , shall 4ave, had . I . . 1, , I se ,rs. VanEgmlond,at that time, a- , . T...11- 1. . .t. . butes, also those who loaned ears. 3347xl notice.- , ... ... 1 3346-8 .... :,�," * I , ­ ". - ..."I", I I ,�i, '] , rnong offier things char visi ing in Kftche�ner. I of disposing..of these cars., B4cauGe I -_ . . DATED at Seaforth, Ontario, this 20th day . I � ", 1. . ged that the Telephone Meeting. - The annual Miss Hazel Rapien had her-' t6nsils tb new Ford products will be a I I of January, 1932. 1 . — . . I .Z I .. ,con�pan - n- , - . — P I I L� y was losing 9'ettlers to Michi- meeting of 'Blyth Municipal Telephone removed at Kitchener on Friday last nounced within a shork time, -it was 'JOHN J. HUGGARD. I . 1:: ": � 0. I �. I . ii", . gan. 'the, agents were ty-rants and Sy,te ' ..... ­ ., ' " " , , ' " - ­ " - in was held in Menitorial Hall, week. I decided to make, the ,clearance as ANNUAL MEETING Seaforth, Ontario, , , - , I THE MCKIELLOP MUTUAL", - _I,P.��­ I . Solicitor for the Executors. - ,� . . _.�,e� � . I :, ,, .1 , � -there was no other law in,the district Blyth onyriday, with the largest at- Mr. Louis Hoegy and Mr. Andrew speedy as possible and to do so by.es­ . — . , L,:: . I ,� I L 14 , , except that of the compli . Four.' tenda' . 1. 1::1 �, . I ... . ,;;! I " illop, of Seaforth, visited at the ne w" ..... Id"W-1>rJee level. Notice is hereby given that the Annual I �:!, '11" nce,present for some yiars. The Du I......32454 " L � .4 teen families, he charged, had ,been audito,,'­ tablishing a _ I . FIRE INSURANCE ICO'Y. I ,�I. 1­01%.,�'�,, .� repvrt was given by Leslie home of Mr. C. Eggert oife day Iasi -While delivery,, may 13e made at . General Meeting of The Robert Bell EnK.ftle:& I I � I . . . . . . . . . . �� ,�, � 1. , �, _kf , lice ' I'll ,-�, . � , 0 Th,esbe, Co., Ltd., will he held at the I'll I � -11. W."'. arrested -and then deported to Detroit. Hilborn. A copy of the financial state- week. . ..i....., I .. on some models' Com- . ffEAD OFFICE�-SEAFORM 01qT. .. I le , � � . 0" The coTnmission heard all the evidence ...1. ­ � , on others within the Pan,y's office, at Sea,f,rth, Ont., on Wednesday, I -,; . . . . . . . . . � I LL ,., .1 and did mo.thing. I I . ment of the system had been rriailed :. , Mr. Leslie Weitersen, of Detroit, course of a week or so, people who the 17th 4ay ,of February, 934 at 2 o'clo-ek 11 �' 11.j� . to each sub,mriber which showed a spent a tou-ple of days last week at give this announcement any thought in the afternoon. I I .. . . .,.11114' .� "I I Wanted''To , By rder of the Board. . . �,., � . . . 1, , . . � I A Changed Policy. surplus on hand of $16,866.21. The the home of his' -parents, Mr. and should decide quickly. A day's delay 0 . I � . OFFICERS: - . I I , . ", 11 f , I VanUgmond did get- some help in com,missioners were �re-elected, viz., Mrs, 'Henry Weitersen. . may mean the loss Vf­NE-Vilusually John Benqfwies, Brodhagen - ­­..". I . . I b �­ I : 1833 *hen there was a cha,nge in the G- M. Chambers, John Firigland and . . JOHN FINLAYSON, Pree. I 114 . attractive proposition.. A few demon- SLcretary. 1: . - . . I James Connolly, Goderich - Vice,Pres. . " �,�� .. � policy -'of the company. It became ne- James Tierney. The qile§tion of re- . 2347-2 1 Borrow �,, stration cars are also, obtainable 'at .. �,,,� �� :: � . I cessary.be-cause at the end of five location 'of 'the central exchange was . A F. McGregor. Seaforth -,See.-Treas. ,:�= .. I � . ­- . Important Conventions. interesting ,prices and'these may be' __ . . - . I I lkr� , ?a years there was just one or the or- voted on which resulted: For 82,. a- seen by anyone wlio care to visit __ AGENTS: M", . I iginal families left in the settlement. gain,st 1,67. Leslie Hilborn and A.,H. � I $20100 1 1 . . "', � . Feb. 9, 10, 11 -Ontario Fruit Groj� Daly's Garage. 1!��'.. I � ,�, . The Canada Company then sought E�rskine were appo'Inted aIbditors "" _ AUCTIO 7 W. E. Hinclilpy, ! . I for . ..'� I I . ers' Asso'ciation at )�oyal Cbhnai.ight .1 - — � . . I. Seaf,dith,. 1ohn, � �11 � I . to attract a better class of settlers 1932. ConMdevable expense was ineur- Hotel, #amilton. ' ' I . I % I A 1. .. Murray, R. R. 3, Seaforth; E. R. G. I "..'P . ;,� . James Wat% , :, �Is� I .... � 111 I ' I I ure_1hey., distrfbute� red owing to the recent ice storm, b�l � Febrory 10 -Ontario Vegetable I BIRTHS ' - . I I I Blyth. I . I and the literat , Best of Security. Jarmouth, Brodhagen; I in -the old land was nbt accurate the systein in general is in splendid . IMPLEMENTs.-GeoMie H. Elliott has � ". , ,Growers' A,ssoclatjon, Toronto.- . ' bfs�n instructed 'to sell by Public auotion on : � . �. " , `ip - DIRECTORS: -� ­:� . I �."!, . �� . either; the promises were too great condition. I ,/ Feb. ­Tf�12-0ntario Horticultural Armstrong. -At the Port Arthur General Hos- Thurstiny, :February 11th, at I P.m., at the I 4',�., . '? � and the ,picture too bright. However . ..-; Association, ToTon,to. 'pita'i, on Sunday, January-,24th','to Mr. and premises-, Lot 26. Concession 13, McKillop, Highest ,Tate,of. 'in- ?,,� . it 'brought some English and Scottish I ' IN`lri. X J, Armstrong. '27 Balsam Street, a . William Knox, I . 4, I 'Feb. � 16-17---4Canadian Produce As- 1� . .. the following: Hurst ­l aged horse. I horse n . �, � -V . Qn-7 12 yenrs old, 1 h�r�e 6 years old, I m,qre 11 terest., 'Y"i , .. '. folk who had nveans and who were n n._ ' Apply -',Box B6nnewies, BT0dh&gen--James Evans, 1 , livell- educated. In Colborne there came GODERICH TP. - sociationi O.A.C., Guelph. PIsn iga In Scott Memorial Hospital, � I ___ , -11, ea- , I �, '--, . lo) th, on January 2fth, to Mr, and Mrs. yomr, old I q,riv;ng horsei, wo k or drive, . R. R. 5, Seaforth; James Connolly, . � t", . ' old. C1 tle ,:",� - r nrs a number of men from Scotland who . atton Flannigan, of Ilami-Iton, a daugh- r� i6 7 yeai,- o'e' 10 A., Th Hur n E I. � 6 Gr' yon , olti: I 00id"nv rising 2 �r t e 0 X_ Goderich; Alei. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea- .4 . I School 'Rep�ort.—The following is ter. ,-One, cow ri.,in ld to calve in -,A, . , � had ViVea 16bse together at bome. , . McClymont.-A� Varna, on January . I",th, to �Iay, 2 vow� rj�ing Gk.9r, 04I to calve about forth; Robert Ferris, Blyth; George �1 'They became known as the Colborne G . I .. I rogram. . ­,,;�,Mr. -and Mrs. Fred McClYmpnt, a son. �_Ith 01"February, 2 c vs 5 yelrz old to csnlv itor, Seaforth. Necartney, No. ., 3, Seaforth; John , I ""111 f the January -report -of, S. S. No. 8, A Farm P' 0 posi � clique. They found that conditioils �ad oderich: Sr. IV—Harold Johnston . 'Vincent. -4n Stephen Township, on Janu,Rry a lxmt Ist week in May. 1 Polled Angwq bull 'Pepper, Br6cefleld , . James Sholdice,, . . 71, I-1,arry Lowden 69, Elizabeth Thiel A farm program for 1932 wa ' 20th, 3 years old. 3 heifers rising 2 years. 4 spring _ I I � I been misrepresented and when they s pres- 2 to Mr. and Mrq. Wilil-arn Vincent, a ,,.1 Ives, I Holstein heifer 5 weeks old. Pigs- ---- — Walton. �11, , 68, Lillian Picot 58. Sr., IN—Sylvia ented -in a recent address by W R son. .— . ...... _ . .11 , ! undertook to' Inake a protest the )Dougl&s.-In Logan on January 23rd, to M 11 chunlu about"10 w(.�ekq old, 3 chunks about .1 ­�, J, y Lowden' 72, Jean Johnston 71. Jr. III Reek, superintendent of the Ont*ario and Mrs. James bouglas, a sdh. . T. i13 weeks old, 2 thoroughbred Liowssin.pig. .8 . . I . .4, I knew quite well how to do it. They —h-ene Leitch 66, Grant Stirling 61, Experimental Farm at Ridgetown. In and 5.�weeks. ImT)Iemen.ts-- I Nlas ey Harris Free Instruction for Curing __ I ­ ��) , " . ,,, wrote to all the then known papers Betty Stirling 60, Elmer John§0n 613, it he favored the fearing rather than -0 hin,dete(i-foot cut and knives, I Tvlass&y-Harris 0 . �. - � . I - 6 foot cu with knjvc�, 1 wag n and I � 4_ ! and stated their case,'and in that wa ,,, mowei I 0 1 1- 0 0 4. ,, y Gladys Clark 53, Thelli-in Johnston 45. the purchase -of feeder cattle, a type �ay mck with sl iding rack, I set sleighs. I Constipation r 11 8 they 4ctu:611Y became the leader i Sr. I—Elsie Leitch 70, Douglas .Sti-r- of cow that will make a cream cheque . DEATHS - rubber tired bu=y nearly new, I cutter ! ' 0 H. C BOX . 10 1�� s In I 0 I I � I the Huron tract. VanEgmond 'and the nea'iqy new, I root pplpor, I Dain h-ai'loader, Without Laxatives, -Drugs, <> Funeral Director ' ,.4� ., ' . . I " I 4C61,borne clique did not, hit it off well ling 67, Jr. I �Mildred Westlake 63, possible as well as a steer, a consist- Flannfgan.-In Seaforth, on February l,t, in. I manure spreader, Xisgey-Harris tu,'Gvator, . and <> , Z � ." , tolgether. The testing' time capie * Kenneth Stirling -48. Primer--JHardld ent hog breeding policy to avoid' the fant daughter of Mr. and -Mrb. Gratton I seed drill, 2 plows, 1 set harrows, 2 scu-f- I or , Enemas . C, Licensed Embalmer <> * . I . a FI n gan flem, ,2 geese,, I gander. about 275 bushels 0 Best Motor and Rorse-drawit * .1� �, in Warner - Keith �tirljng. Lillian Picot disastrous re.sMts ,of dumping in nd a ni . . I I ", � . 1�35, when the writs were issued for P Smale.-In Mitchell, on Jinuary 24th, George of heavy ohop, about 5 tons of tibiothy bay, Get rid of the laxative or enema 0 -equipment. . � . I I the, election, ,and the men.from. Col� had least mistakes in spelling during out, a welVeatled-for stock of poultry, 8imale, in his S3rd year. ind a lot of other articles that are used I - F. . . , h roll, 18; av- a .cAsh crop suitable for the soil and . I about a farm. As proprietor is in poor habit for good. Correcrt constipation 0 Charges moderate. . 9 . .I;d ; i I -, I __ erage attendance, '17.2.—M. Douglas, locality, �lean seed—and thrift. The � 11 __ - health everything wild be sold. Property- in the natural way, Our free instruc- C, Flowers furnished on short 0 I � .;, " I . I � . . . .;�� ,j ". g ill 1. . I 11 �11 I Teacher. practice 9f thrift was Applied* to all Farm, to be ,,,old or ren.t�d, contain., 118 acres. tions tell you how I to permanently 0 notice, ,,, ­ - 0 ,14 7. "I '! `X ! 111 I '11 � 1. . ATRE1� GODERICH 0 PHONE 47 —_ Now Playing, "Waterloo Bridge" . . "Ladies of the Big'Ho'use" Picked by Photoplay as among the six best releases of last month! SYLVIA SIDNEY and GEN9 RAYMO-Rb will mal;e you live the thrills of this truly grand,pit- ture. . . � Wednesday, Thursday and Friday . JANET GAYNOR And . I CHARLES FARRELL I . . in the great story requested by,so many of our patrons. "MERBLY MARY ANN" One of' the rare attractions that seems to please everyone. � . Saturday Only . . I .11 Assisted by James Hall and I Frances Dhde. Or6ed for wealth turns a woman into a ,fighting fury, see "MO . THER'S MILLIONS" I oming,411,onely wives" and.-'Tar- d6n Xs�" two .feature attructioug on the saine night. " Matinees Mon., Wed. and Sa,t. , I . I L - . ,Mr. hnd: Mrs; Lewis Tebibutt, of �,� farm operations and to theproduction .IMPOR ANT NOTI ES tonced anti draineo. anil in -ou state 11, cidlivation; 371-C, ncres in i>nstwe, 2.i acres cure yourl-�elf of this unpleasant and 0 Night Calls . I Day, Oalls 0 , ­-��`, n(-ar ,Seafortb, spent Thursday last in,garden and otherwise of many in hay and the' rest pl6wed for spring map; I (angerous condition. Send tbree'cent . 0 Phone 176 Phoni� 4� <> , ., . - . — FOR SALE. -THREE HUNDRED-ACR&S, week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Me- home necessities. The autoinobile . t-) never-failiniz wells and windmill; bank stamp. 11 0 �_ -0 . .,; 1i , Cartney, of the Cut Line. was not condemned as a ipiec6 of fa rill choice clay loam. Mii�t .be. sold to settle hurn rOf x 70f with stone roundanon and J. K. EMERSON, , 1� ­ I 1" 11jack Falconer had a viery success- equipmentt but M�. Reek declared estate. MRS. ROBERT CLARKE. Phnne 6 on 245, , 3341-tf ,tfihlina underneatfi� frame house wilth "I' lar. 11,'2 storey; aJso shM for ��upM,Y. c,, tfer 207 Bruce Bld - , ,g. Hamilton, Ont. . � �il 11' ful -barn raising on Thursday. It is great weather for that kind of work. , that pa'rents and yoii�g folk in the falydly should s7down and tall? the ------ --- ------ - - ­­�_---- WOOD WANTEE).--TEN CORDS',OF HA -RD fir rar. Hydro Tx�wer pa --eq the property. Tprm, of Salf-­RllY, chop and M-11 sums of , 3344x4 � � ­-�_ __�_____ ____ � !,��' , - I ?!.� 0 * 10 .1 I ___; ­­ ----'-------' ' ' Mrs. Fred Pickard had a number of situation over and settle on. a P wood, beech anti mnple, 16 inches long, to $10.00 and under. vash: nver that ambunt six h interes,t 6 0 0 0 0 <> * 0 0 0 I ,.�,� I I 1;` neighbois and friends in for a quilt - ing an Friday last. They all had policy or ,practise that would reduce the op- at Scho6l Seetilon be delivered No. 9, T=k- er�mith. Tenders to be in by- February Ist. BROADFOOT, Secretary. mont .q;,,,credit with at per cent. or a (t�11,colin� of ,6 per cent.. off on credit " , "ll - Joint and owners &q security, Dress Well and Succeed 1! 1110 0 * 1-* , , 1,; 0 <> , ;1�� W. J. CLEARY I a eirating expenses of the W. S. 334.5.2 Terms Farm-.T,,n down: bal- I. . .­ I .1, I " :1 ", : �,", �-�,­ , I 1. . -.4, 1. . . ,.." 1,�,; i � ..... 1."'I"41A real sociable time. reasonable Emits and lessen. the an-- - ____ — — OR SALX.--CiDAR POSTS, END -POSTS, F on per cent. ance in 30 day4 or may havv I -an at r,1,-'., per I , 0 Licensed EmbAniiii and 0 ,,� .. .. i ",-,", � 0 1 �� Funeral Director ,* � : . a- nual depreciation,. I one teleph and hydro Poles and also some , ,lited for term a (,nt., If not sold wil,l he r, . yc"8, 301 -IN BALFOUR, Proprietor; Geo, REGENT TAILORS I � � , , � �,,�, �� . . �", , 0 Up-to-date Horse and Atotoi -0 �1,,., " I I � . ' , I dry hard wood. Apply" to 13ROWN STEW- ART Bayfield. Phone 606 r 5, Clinton Cen- H. Elliott, Auctioneer. . 3146 ­___ - � -2 I Newest besighs - Latest Fashions .1 I �, ,r. �', , � 0'' Equipment. ' ,. .01 �,,��_,� 11 CONSTANCE . Weekly'Ceop Report. tral.' I 3344-5 in Men's Clothes " ­.�� 0 ­ Night and Day Service.- ^ 0 "i 11" �, I � . . ,. . . The social evening, under the aus- Exceptionally mild weather during January in all parts Ontario . NOW ON DISPLAY I 0 'Phone 19-29, Dubliti. 0 11 IN " .. � 4 ��`, 4�. 0 0 ."; —, - I .. . . I ____ pi,ces af the Ladies' Aid of Constance of aided the farmer in feediw his live stock EXECUTOR'S AUCTION �MORTGAGE SALE - Your Choice, Suit or Top Coat �, "'�; , , " ... �_ 0. <> <> 0 <> <> 0 <> <> <> -Q, �* ,. �.N'�,Ii I 11 ..", - United Church on Friday evening of last week, was a decided success. Ev- which is being -carried through the I I SALE Made to your measure, $24.00 .... I 4�,,N��,, 1,1�'�� 1 � I ' ',,g � er;y number on the program was of a high :�7,ell The winter o�-,Iess feed than usual and in better condition. A keen demand for or? CHOICE FARM IN THE TOWNS191P TY . R. E. Bright , I "...."'111111.1 ' �,,nrl' THE JOHN RANKIN "31 order and was received. dairy cattle that have been T. B. test- OF McKILLOP I 41 � - main feature of the evening wa's a de- . eld i's L -noted and several carloads have I " Cnder,and by virtue of the Powers of sale Two doors north of Queen's Hotel .1. ­­­.... r, '. A G E Nomr " - 1�, bate given by the Young People, "Re- solved that women have more influ- gone to the Vnited States. The mild 'keep Th. uxe,uto� df the ,estate of William Storey, iste of th' Township of McKillop, in e con tained in a certain mortgage whieb will be Produced at the time of sale, there will be ,� � �,,� - .111, ;`.�V Insurafice of kinds. I 1. �,If .all . .1PP I — . �, I . ' ence in the World than men." The af- Weather his made it dif5cult to roots, vegetables- and fruits in, stofr- the ]County of Huron, FArmer, deeeased, has illstrueted George X tlliot� ' tioneer, to offe red for sale .by public auction, subject to bid . . ,,�,, I �N !4�,-� .11, B.onds, Real Estate 4 i�' firmlative was taken by Win. Jewitt, Girvin An,derson . age. .frer ifor sale n Saturday, the 27th day of February, 1932, at. the hour a reserved and other conditions off sale, a n Monday, 15M" fty of February, - A. D., FARMS FOR SALE 1 . I �� 1, ,;'I, 'Money to Loan I __411 A ., and Howard John- ston, and the iDegative by Helen Brit- � of 2 o'clock P.m., at the COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Senforth, Ontario 1 932, at the hour of 1.30 o'clock in the af- ternoon at The Clintbn Inn (Graham House). 1 :_-]�­�� ,� " I I SEAFORTH ONTARIO ... I �� " , I FA�LM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE PARTL011 toh, Donelda Adarils find Ruth Hugill. � Marketing Ontario Heaus . the following partel of land: All and sin- clintah, OntaHo, the following property, n am ely, Lot 26, Concessi%on 1, H�iron Road . 128 and 29, Cone,ession 9, MeKill*jp, ewhw taining 192 atres and ;mown the T.,X 5 1 � �,,, i�i � ,0 . Phone 91, .. I ..��,., All deserve credit for their ,manner of I . lzu)ay- tbat,certain parcel or im,ct of land or premiseA, sftuate, lyinr and being in the Survey Towntihip of Tucicersmith. � I as Rays farm. Mlist be mold As 0ose the evtxto� - . 11, Irl", � ,�r, I'll 'V �� . gument put forth. T,he two The For the purpose of aa-rivitig at more Townix"P of,ZcXiflop in the County of The wtid property, is ideallv situated on the Provincial Highway and erected thereon If not sold/will be rente-d. For partlealsiv to J. M. GOVENMCK, __ 1 , ,. �1111 t"t"VI , " — :��,,, affirmative won1by paints. effi6ent methods 'of nia�ilEeting On- . Huron, and rovinee of Ontario, and -b"'ng fint class farM hinlidings. apply fteautor, Sde, forth. .�� .�. ,' . . .4 1, ,:4 judges Were Rev. Johnson, Mrs. Leo tario dry bl�ans, growers and dealers composed of the Wesit lwilf of Lot Number ,irp Terms- -Ten per cent, of the Dlarallaqe 3201-tt � . �,_jy� I 'Ai"l, . A BARGAIN '.,,tj'� ARM FOR SALE. -LOT 4. CQXCFSSI . 014 F Stephemson Rnd �Xr. Geo. W"heatley. held a meeting at Ridgetown re�cent- Thirty in the Sixth Concesqi0ft bf the said 0 of M.CK1111(m. T )iiw " money to be Paid down at the tfme of th L . ' . , "M ,,,,tii :�i,t!L" The tint keepi�r was Au. 1 stin Dexter. ly. "%w a Lurch served.' On'the invitation of these � two gTouips, the Ontario Marketing Bo,wd, S RRZ Or SALE.- Ten Per ce7it of the �urchOo movey on the drite of auie and the -Within th rty -ale and balance to be paid I dfly�s. I on 1, Ilay, 1 mile north of Exeter NO. 4 Higbway. containing 100 acres. Oil the prem. �,_ , LLL, .L�' �, "."", ' ... ,-,k�',,�,� I Pp." E.—F ive acre,q, one mile , �;i,.,4 FOR SAL 11,4�1-f, I"! ,�� I A Day of P . rayer will ,be held by as represented by W. B. Somkr4etl 11 balanc& within thirty days. . For further For further Particulars and, collditions of n sale ap_rA,y to the Widersia e,d Solicitor. Ise; are a two storay new brick bouse, on* lbank t)%rn_o,n,e frame barn, new hen 'h 0 . � from Seaforth; modern house with - ;W, ,,, 1�,,, , ::: ...... . 1: � ."'­', the W. M. S. on Friday, February chairman, and J. A. Carroll, , secre, szle, A pahVleulara and �dandjthm of apply to T)AT9J) At Clinton, 'this 25n'-duy of 3anu- three never-falil-ing wells; w,all fenced ,%14, W1 . furnace, bath and toilet; small b$jra; I 1,,A,�- _... _ I � ,, `4 lar intonthly meet- tax took part in th% conference. Y, I JbM .I. HUGOARD, I aty, A.D., 19112. wire and In ex,ceffvft 'i;hapa of culttvatl,ML , good orchard., Taxes, $15. 1 11 '�� ftlendid ,-;"`,1L, � T,, � . ing. All,the ladi6s of the congrega- Tentative 'plans, '9�6?� -agteed -upon Seaforth, OntaTio, . F. 17INGLAXT), 1. I Twentv minutes walk from Rigb School and . -eqvh�ped �� A , ebanee to 9ta'Tt chicken farm.; beem6 1, , �:� "', , I "'k, , �14,�-,�� I tion are invited to attend. and, when �he gathe.rifug dispersed, all Solicitor for the Execufor. Geo. TL Elliott, Clinton, Ont,, Auctioneer. . Clinb�m, Ontario, 1. -1-or, all with Hydreo, and W01 be sold With without emp. Apply on the Premises or - ,-, . I �J.��!!��,11 etc. Apply to . ��!t ;� V. I . , ',.�il',�-il ,Mrs. William Moore returned to To- membera expressed theintelveg as 30474 qolioitor fot 01'e mortgnpre:. -- � - - , - , A <1 ren -a JOHN CALDMLL, R. a. xo� s, '. I I , ,%olfi� , "WO, 'R. 9 RAY%­Seaforth, Ont. 4-1 " . .. 4 . I I . "..... . , . eor%,re H. Mot., e-oneer. I Fl. etef. . . at a." I ", , � I i 'J"", � . � � � , ,,, ', �, ��, "".".! , I � . 1� I 9959 -to i � � . . . -1 1 I I I . --.1-1 , I I � I .1 . I .1 _. .,;,�� �",4, " .. � . ..... � ", ��� 't 1, ,. . � V", I I ,; TA,p,',�' . " , ,,; �� ". -, � . I I . .11 � , I , �' I � �11�L I., I . . . . . . � I .. , . ..&� I �1'1_1!� I " ;1�� I 11 � . t',, , , . I .. �')_ . I , , . , � tu-,­ �i ­ I '�4 � "', 0 . � I -1y I I . .. � I - . . . ,__,_�.' � . I I � - I I I . I % I � � I . I . I . . ;�,,.,%­�,` "o . . � I 1.�� -t". ", � ."�', � 1.�; I , �.,`.' ,,, ,11 �`,,� �, I . �. I I I " I I . � 1�11 I 11 I I -1� . '.."111 I I .11. 1. ,­ . I., , I . I I. . .­ I .1, I " :1 ", : �,", �-�,­ , I 1. . -.4, 1. . . ,.." 1,�,; i � ..... �, I . . I "'I 1, , ; ,� � , , .',� � .. ­ 1, . . I I 1: � .1 . . I . " � . 1, � 0 %J1 ", , , "11, 11- - I 1, , �, � -� . '. � ,� �' � I ' ' ,, ', 'I - �'L 11 �, � - . , ,,, I �, �t .� , 'j, - :, �,,,��!,�7 '�',.,",� ,� I., I A , 1. I . , ­ ­ ',­­� t " I �.. ',.,�,��,t.4,,. 1� . % ­�4 . , , "I , I �111,;M'.,, � ", I , L, � '. , , , " V " Y1. . , " _. . . ": � , " ,. , '' ��'. , "', .... .. 11 ., . I � 'i , . .,�', �: �i. , , " �, 44, 1 . --,J, " ,,�,,-, , �,', i� I , � I 11 " , �', , ,14� ,5�j i'�' .. I I . . ,.. .. . I , �! I ,�. I , ,;t "':P&� ,�, ,,':�, , . I I ),.- �, __ " , , , ��, , , ,,, " . 'k : ,,, .L . I , q � , i "Ill: , '' , i . , r,'�'ll ,v,,,,�, �4,;%�Iw' . ­ * '� , "" �, 'j, � � Y`�,, I ", , , " P - , ", �'. , � ,,f�,,,Iil,.v".,",�,,.,,,,��,, - .. ,,,, .. � I , , ,:`I�i ?,l ,,��,4,�� t�,,;,���.,.��.,��,, " ,; ,, i�,� 'i I - �� �� 11 1;11�lr ,W1 A ", �.,��,� ,,�� � 1-11- � �,:�4k � � � I't , . 'j�je_ ,� � , "I ," !? - ,i,i:T,,; ,� , ') ,,� , , '. , IQI�171 il.�; N�,ir,r,n��vz=,,�i �.,,� 1� il , r, �Io . 6 �, , " ,;" � ... .. .. � "'M �1 I �,�Plfl, ".! , , � , , , � ,' i� di,� "I", .", 10= , , I ,U &.=&, ,,,,I N I CN � ,,��, 201�.M 2=L"1' U - � ��4, '. �.�,,i,,i"-�� �., '0 , . , , R _11-t"11"...."111", ;�,,i f" 'i R Mxll`,�'i � — . ", "Ill., � 11-1 .... 11111-1 ,. 11 111� I, 3il. .�.. , � , , ', '. , � '. �. 'i �����,,�,,��",�,,,,,,�,,,,,�,�,,,,, ,��,`,,,;�,k f��.:,; " il�,,,�;��",?;�,f�',fl'��:,.,��itq��,,"�,����,�, �� "11111 , . ,� , " P 10 �, 1�, ,4,01, Y"i 'W', I , "'t,21'i "N"i",�SW, 'RI." 0, .", .!;,,;i�4,,, "I.